1 | unit fImages; //kt Entire unit and form added 8/19/05
2 | {$O-}
3 |
4 | interface
5 |
6 | uses
7 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
8 | fPage, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Menus, ComCtrls, ORCtrls, ORFn, uConst, ORDtTm,
9 | uPCE, ORClasses, fDrawers, ImgList, rTIU, uTIU, uDocTree, fRptBox, fPrintList,
10 | OleCtrls, SHDocVw,
11 | ORNet, TRPCB, fHSplit, Buttons, ExtDlgs, DKLang;
12 |
13 | type
14 | TImageInfo = class
15 | private
16 | public
17 | IEN : int64; //IEN in file# 2005
18 | ServerPathName : AnsiString;
19 | ServerFName : AnsiString;
20 | ServerThumbPathName: AnsiString;
21 | ServerThumbFName : AnsiString;
22 | //Note: if there is no thumbnail to download, CacheThumbFName will still
23 | // contain a file name and path, but a test for FileExists() will wail.
24 | CacheThumbFName : AnsiString; // local cache path and File name of thumbnail image
25 | CacheFName : AnsiString; // local cache path and File name of image
26 | ShortDesc : AnsiString;
27 | LongDesc : TStringList; //will be nil unless holds data.
28 | DateTime : AnsiString; //fileman format
29 | ImageType : Integer;
30 | ProcName : AnsiString;
31 | DisplayDate : AnsiString;
32 | ParentDataFileIEN: int64;
33 | AbsType : char; //'M' magnetic 'W' worm 'O' offline
34 | Accessibility : char; //'A' accessable or 'O' offline
35 | DicomSeriesNum : int64;
36 | DicomImageNum : int64;
37 | GroupCount : integer;
38 | TabIndex : integer;
39 | TabImageIndex : integer;
40 |
41 | published
42 | end;
43 |
44 | TImgTransferMethod = (itmDropbox,itmDirect,itmRPC);
45 |
46 | TfrmImages = class(TfrmPage)
47 | mnuNotes: TMainMenu;
48 | mnuView: TMenuItem;
49 | mnuViewChart: TMenuItem;
50 | mnuChartReports: TMenuItem;
51 | mnuChartLabs: TMenuItem;
52 | mnuChartDCSumm: TMenuItem;
53 | mnuChartCslts: TMenuItem;
54 | mnuChartNotes: TMenuItem;
55 | mnuChartOrders: TMenuItem;
56 | mnuChartMeds: TMenuItem;
57 | mnuChartProbs: TMenuItem;
58 | mnuChartCover: TMenuItem;
59 | mnuAct: TMenuItem;
60 | Z3: TMenuItem;
61 | mnuOptions: TMenuItem;
62 | timLoadImages: TTimer;
63 | N3: TMenuItem;
64 | mnuIconLegend: TMenuItem;
65 | mnuChartSurgery: TMenuItem;
66 | ThumbsImageList: TImageList;
67 | CurrentNoteMemo: TMemo;
68 | pnlTop: TPanel;
69 | HorizSplitter: TSplitter;
70 | Splitter2: TSplitter;
71 | UploadImagesButton: TBitBtn;
72 | OpenPictureDialog: TOpenPictureDialog;
73 | ButtonPanel: TPanel;
74 | CurrentImageMemo: TMemo;
75 | MemosPanel: TPanel;
76 | UploadImagesMnuAction: TMenuItem;
77 | pnlBottom: TPanel;
78 | TabControl: TTabControl;
79 | WebBrowser: TWebBrowser;
80 | AutoScanUpload: TMenuItem;
81 | PickScanFolder: TMenuItem;
82 | OpenDialog: TOpenDialog;
83 | procedure mnuChartTabClick(Sender: TObject);
84 | procedure mnuActNewClick(Sender: TObject);
85 | procedure timLoadImagesTimer(Sender: TObject);
86 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
87 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
88 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
89 | procedure mnuActClick(Sender: TObject);
90 | procedure UploadImagesButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
91 | procedure FormHide(Sender: TObject);
92 | procedure TabControlChange(Sender: TObject);
93 | procedure TabControlGetImageIndex(Sender: TObject; TabIndex: Integer;
94 | var ImageIndex: Integer);
95 | procedure TabControlResize(Sender: TObject);
96 | procedure EnableAutoScanUploadClick(Sender: TObject);
97 | procedure PickScanFolderClick(Sender: TObject);
98 | private
99 | ImageInfoList : TList;
100 | LastDisplayedTIUIEN : AnsiString;
101 | NumImagesAvailableOnServer : integer;
102 | ImageIndexLastDownloaded : integer;
103 | procedure EnsureImageListLoaded();
104 | procedure ClearImageList();
105 | procedure DownloadToCache(ImageIndex : integer);
106 | procedure EmptyCache();
107 | procedure ClearTabPages();
108 | procedure SetupTab(i : integer);
109 | procedure UpdateNoteInfoMemo();
110 | procedure UpdateImageInfoMemo(Rec: TImageInfo);
111 | function FileSize(fileName : wideString) : Int64;
112 | function GetImagesCount : integer;
113 | function GetImageInfo(Index : integer) : TImageInfo;
114 | procedure SetupTimer;
115 | public
116 | CacheDir : AnsiString;
117 | TransferMethod : TImgTransferMethod;
118 | DropBoxDir : string;
119 | NullImageName : AnsiString;
120 | DownloadImagesInBackground : boolean;
121 | function Decode(input: AnsiString) : AnsiString;
122 | function Encode(input: AnsiString) : AnsiString;
123 | function DownloadFileViaDropbox(FPath,FName,LocalSaveFNamePath: AnsiString;CurrentImage,TotalImages: Integer): boolean;
124 | function DownloadFile(FPath,FName,LocalSaveFNamePath: AnsiString;CurrentImage,TotalImages: Integer): boolean;
125 | function UploadFileViaDropBox(LocalFNamePath,FPath,FName: AnsiString;CurrentImage,TotalImages: Integer): boolean;
126 | function UploadFile(LocalFNamePath,FPath,FName: AnsiString;CurrentImage,TotalImages: Integer): boolean;
127 | procedure SplitLinuxFilePath(FullPathName : AnsiString;
128 | var Path : AnsiString;
129 | var FName : AnsiString);
130 | procedure GetImageList();
131 | procedure NewNoteSelected(EditIsActive : boolean);
132 | function CreateBarcode(MsgStr: AnsiString; ImageType: AnsiString): AnsiString;
133 | function DecodeBarcode(LocalFNamePath,ImageType: AnsiString): AnsiString;
134 | procedure EnsureImagesDownloaded(ImagesList : TStringList);
135 | procedure EnsureALLImagesDownloaded;
136 | property ImagesCount : integer read GetImagesCount;
137 | property ImageInfo[index : integer] : TImageInfo read GetImageInfo;
138 | procedure GetThumbnailBitmapForFName (FName : string; Bitmap : TBitmap);
139 | function ThumbnailIndexForFName (FName : string) : integer;
140 | published
141 | end;
142 |
143 | Const
144 | IMAGE_TRANSFER_METHODS : Array[itmDropbox..itmRPC] of string[32] = (
145 | 'Dropbox Transfer', 'Direct Access', 'Embedded in RPCs');
149 |
150 | //NOTE: If order is changed in ThumbsImageList, these numbers should be changed
156 |
157 | var
158 | frmImages: TfrmImages;
159 |
160 |
161 | implementation
162 |
163 | {$R *.DFM}
164 |
165 | uses fFrame, fVisit, fEncnt, rCore, uCore, fNoteBA, fNoteBD, fSignItem, fEncounterFrame,
166 | rPCE, Clipbrd, fNoteCslt, fNotePrt, rVitals, fAddlSigners, fNoteDR, fConsults, uSpell,
167 | fTIUView, fTemplateEditor, uReminders, fReminderDialog, uOrders, rConsults, fReminderTree,
168 | fNoteProps, fNotesBP, fTemplateFieldEditor, dShared, rTemplates,
169 | FIconLegend, fPCEEdit, fNoteIDParents, rSurgery, uSurgery, uTemplates,
170 | uAccessibleTreeView, uAccessibleTreeNode, fTemplateDialog, DateUtils,
171 | StrUtils {//KT added 1-1-05},
172 | mshtml, {//kt added 5-2-05}
173 | UploadImages, {//kt added 9/25/05}
174 | //ImageTransferForm, {//kt 10-1-05}
175 | uTMGOptions, //kt 3/10/10
176 | rHTMLTools, fNotes, frmImageTransferProgress; {//kt added 5-27-05 for IsHTMLDocument}
177 |
178 |
179 | procedure TfrmImages.timLoadImagesTimer(Sender: TObject);
180 | //This function's goal is to download images in the background,
181 | // with one image to be downloaded each time the timer fires
182 | begin
183 | inherited;
184 | timLoadImages.Enabled := false;
185 | EnsureImageListLoaded();
186 | if NumImagesAvailableOnServer = 0 then exit;
187 | if (ImageIndexLastDownloaded >= (ImageInfoList.Count-1)) then exit;
188 | ImageTransferForm.ProgressMsg.Caption := 'Downloading Images';
189 | DownloadToCache(ImageIndexLastDownloaded+1); //Only load 1 image per timer firing.
190 | SetupTab(ImageIndexLastDownloaded+1);
191 | Inc(ImageIndexLastDownloaded);
192 | if TabControl.TabIndex < 0 then TabControl.TabIndex := 0;
193 | TabControlChange(self);
194 | SetupTimer;
195 | end;
196 |
197 | procedure TfrmImages.SetupTimer;
198 | begin
199 | if DownloadImagesInBackground then begin
200 | timLoadImages.Interval := IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_DELAY_BACKGROUND;
201 | end else begin
202 | timLoadImages.Interval := IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_DELAY_FOREGROUND;
203 | end;
204 | timLoadImages.Enabled := true;
205 | end;
206 |
207 | procedure TfrmImages.EnsureImagesDownloaded(ImagesList : TStringList);
208 | //This function's goal is to download images in the FOREground,
209 | // But only images matching those passed in ImagesList will be downloaded;
210 | // The intent is to only download images that have links to them in HTML source
211 | //Thus, if note has a large amount of images attached to it, but not referenced
212 | // in HTML code, then they will not be downloaded here. (But will be downloaded
213 | // later via timLoadImagesTimer
214 | var i : integer;
215 | Rec : TImageInfo;
216 |
217 | begin
218 | if ImagesList.Count = 0 then exit;
219 | GetImageList();
220 | if ImageInfoList.Count = 0 then exit;
221 | if ImageInfoList.Count > 1 then begin
222 | ImageTransferForm.ProgressMsg.Caption := 'Downloading Images';
223 | ImageTransferForm.ProgressBar.Min := 0;
224 | ImageTransferForm.ProgressBar.Position := 0;
225 | ImageTransferForm.ProgressBar.Max := ImageInfoList.Count-1;
226 | ImageTransferForm.Show;
227 | end;
228 | for i := 0 to ImageInfoList.Count-1 do begin
229 | ImageTransferForm.ProgressBar.Position := i;
230 | Rec := TImageInfo(ImageInfoList[i]);
231 | if ImagesList.IndexOf(Rec.ServerFName)>-1 then begin
232 | DownloadToCache(i);
233 | end;
234 | end;
235 | ImageTransferForm.Hide;
236 | end;
237 |
238 | procedure TfrmImages.EnsureALLImagesDownloaded;
239 | //This function's goal is to download ALL images in the FOREground.
240 | begin
241 | EnsureImageListLoaded();
242 | if NumImagesAvailableOnServer = 0 then exit;
243 | ImageTransferForm.ProgressMsg.Caption := 'Downloading Images';
244 | while (ImageIndexLastDownloaded < (ImageInfoList.Count-1)) do begin
245 | DownloadToCache(ImageIndexLastDownloaded+1); //Only load 1 image per timer firing.
246 | SetupTab(ImageIndexLastDownloaded+1);
247 | Inc(ImageIndexLastDownloaded);
248 | if TabControl.TabIndex < 0 then TabControl.TabIndex := 0;
249 | TabControlChange(self);
250 | end;
251 | end;
252 |
253 | { TPage common methods --------------------------------------------------------------------- }
254 | procedure TfrmImages.mnuChartTabClick(Sender: TObject);
255 | { reroute to Chart Tab menu of the parent form: frmFrame }
256 | begin
257 | inherited;
258 | frmFrame.mnuChartTabClick(Sender);
259 | end;
260 |
261 |
262 | procedure TfrmImages.mnuActNewClick(Sender: TObject);
263 | const
264 | IS_ID_CHILD = False;
265 | { switches to current new note or creates a new note if none is being edited already }
266 | begin
267 | inherited;
268 | end;
269 |
270 | procedure TfrmImages.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
271 | //var i : integer;
272 | begin
273 | inherited;
274 | LastDisplayedTIUIEN := '0';
275 | ImageInfoList := TList.Create;
276 | ClearImageList(); //sets up other needed variables.
277 | DownloadImagesInBackground := true;
278 | CacheDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+ 'Cache';
279 | //NullImageName := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'images\blank.htm';
280 | NullImageName := 'about:blank';
281 | if not DirectoryExists(CacheDir) then ForceDirectories(CacheDir);
282 |
283 | TransferMethod := TImgTransferMethod(uTMGOptions.ReadInteger('ImageTransferMethod',2));
284 | {if uTMGOptions.ReadInteger('ImageTransferMethod',0) = 0 then begin
285 | UseDropBox := True;
286 | end else begin
287 | UseDropBox := False;
288 | end;}
289 | DropBoxDir := uTMGOptions.ReadString('Dropbox directory','??');
290 | if DropBoxDir='??' then begin //just on first run.
291 | uTMGOptions.WriteBool('Use dropbox directory for transfers',false);
292 | uTMGOptions.WriteString('Dropbox directory','');
293 | end;
294 | AutoScanUpload.Checked := uTMGOptions.ReadBool('Scan Enabled',false);
295 | end;
296 |
297 | procedure TfrmImages.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
298 | begin
299 | inherited;
300 | ClearImageList;
301 | ImageInfoList.Free;
302 | EmptyCache;
303 | end;
304 |
305 | procedure TfrmImages.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
306 | var TIUIEN : AnsiString;
307 | begin
308 | inherited;
309 | TIUIEN := IntToStr(frmNotes.lstNotes.ItemID);
310 | DownloadImagesInBackground := false;
311 | SetupTimer;
312 | if LastDisplayedTIUIEN <> TIUIEN then begin
313 | UpdateNoteInfoMemo();
314 | LastDisplayedTIUIEN := TIUIEN;
315 | end;
316 | end;
317 |
318 | procedure TfrmImages.mnuActClick(Sender: TObject);
319 | begin
320 | inherited;
321 |
322 | end;
323 |
324 | { General procedures ----------------------------------------------------------------------- }
325 |
326 | procedure TfrmImages.UpdateImageInfoMemo(Rec : TImageInfo);
327 | var s : AnsiString;
328 | i : integer;
329 | begin
330 | CurrentImageMemo.Lines.Clear;
331 | if Rec=nil then exit;
332 | s := Trim(Rec.ShortDesc);
333 | if s <> '' then CurrentImageMemo.Lines.Add('Description: ' + s);
334 | s := Rec.ProcName;
335 | if s <> '' then CurrentImageMemo.Lines.Add('Procedure: ' + s);
336 | s := Rec.DisplayDate;
337 | if s <> '' then CurrentImageMemo.Lines.Add('Upload Date: ' + s);
338 | //s := Rec.DateTime;
339 | //if s <> '' then CurrentImageMemo.Lines.Add('Date/Time: ' + s);
340 | if Rec.LongDesc <> nil then begin
341 | CurrentImageMemo.Lines.Add('Long Description:');
342 | for i := 0 to Rec.LongDesc.Count-1 do begin
343 | CurrentImageMemo.Lines.Add(' ' + Rec.LongDesc.Strings[i]);
344 | end;
345 | end;
346 | end;
347 |
348 |
349 | procedure TfrmImages.UpdateNoteInfoMemo();
350 | var
351 | NoteInfo,s : AnsiString;
352 | //dateS : AnsiString;
353 | const
354 | U='^';
355 | begin
356 | CurrentNoteMemo.Lines.Clear;
357 | with frmNotes.lstNotes do begin
358 | if ItemIndex > -1 then begin
359 | NoteInfo := Items[ItemIndex]
360 | (* example NoteInfo:
361 | piece# 1: 14321^ //TIU IEN
362 | piece# 2: PRESCRIPTION CALL IN^ //Document Title
363 | piece# 3: 3050713.0947^ //Date/Time
364 | piece# 4: TEST, KILLME D (T0101)^ //Patient
365 | piece# 5: 133;JANE A DOE;DOE,JANE A^ //Author
366 | piece# 6: Main_Office^ //Location of Visit
367 | piece# 7: completed^ //Status of Document
368 | piece# 8: Visit: 07/13/05;3050713.094721^ //Date/Time
369 | piece# 9...: ;^^1^^^1^' //?
370 | *)
371 | end else NoteInfo := '';
372 | end;
373 | if NoteInfo <>'' then begin
374 | s := Piece(NoteInfo, U, 2) + ' -- ';
375 | s := s + Piece(Piece(NoteInfo, U, 8), ';', 1);
376 | CurrentNoteMemo.Lines.Add(s);
377 | s := 'Location: ' + Piece(NoteInfo, U, 6) + ' -- ';
378 | s := s + 'Note Author: ' + Piece(Piece(NoteInfo, U, 5), ';', 2);
379 | CurrentNoteMemo.Lines.Add(s);
380 | end;
381 | end;
382 |
383 | procedure TfrmImages.SetupTab(i : integer);
384 | //i is index in ImageInfoList (array of TImageInfo's)
385 | var
386 | Rec : TImageInfo; //this will be a copy of record, not pointer (I think)
387 | Bitmap : TBitmap;
388 | index : integer;
389 | Ext : AnsiString;
390 |
391 | (*Notice: A TabControl doesn't directly support specifying which
392 | images in an ImageList to show for a given tab. To get
393 | around this, the help documentation recommends setting up
394 | a TabControlGetImageIndex event handler.
395 | I am doing this. When the event is called, then RecInfo.TabImageIndex
396 | is returned.
397 | *)
398 |
399 | begin
400 | if i < ImageInfoList.Count then begin
401 | Rec := TImageInfo(ImageInfoList[i]);
402 | if (Rec.TabImageIndex < 1) then begin
403 | if FileExists(Rec.CacheThumbFName) then begin
404 | Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
405 | Bitmap.Width := 1024; //something big enough to hold any thumbnail.
406 | Bitmap.Height := 768;
407 | Bitmap.LoadFromFile(Rec.CacheThumbFName);
408 | Bitmap.Width := ThumbsImageList.Width; //shrinkage crops image
409 | Bitmap.Height := ThumbsImageList.Height;
410 | index := ThumbsImageList.Add(Bitmap,nil);
411 | //TImageInfo(ImageInfoList[i]).TabImageIndex := index;
412 | Rec.TabImageIndex := index;
413 | Bitmap.Free;
414 | end else begin
415 | Rec.TabImageIndex := ThumbnailIndexForFName(Rec.CacheFName);
416 | end;
417 | end;
418 | TabControl.Tabs.Add(' '); //add the tab. Thumbnail should exist before this
419 | end;
420 | end;
421 |
422 | function TfrmImages.ThumbnailIndexForFName (FName : string) : integer;
423 | var
424 | index : integer;
425 | Ext : AnsiString;
426 | begin
427 | Result := 4; //default
428 | Ext := LowerCase(ExtractFileExt(FName));
429 | Ext := MidStr(Ext,2,99);
430 | if (Ext='jpg')
431 | or (Ext='jpeg')
432 | or (Ext='png')
433 | or (Ext='tif')
434 | or (Ext='tiff')
435 | or (Ext='gif')
436 | or (Ext='bmp') then begin
437 | Result := IMAGE_INDEX_IMAGE; //camera image
438 | end else
439 | if (Ext='pdf') then begin
440 | Result := IMAGE_INDEX_ADOBE; //adobe icon
441 | end else
442 | if (Ext='avi')
443 | or (Ext='qt')
444 | or (Ext='mpg')
445 | or (Ext='mpeg') then begin
446 | Result := IMAGE_INDEX_VIDEO; //video icon
447 | end else
448 | if (Ext='mp3')
449 | or (Ext='wma')
450 | or (Ext='au')
451 | or (Ext='wav') then begin
452 | Result := IMAGE_INDEX_SOUND; //sound icon
453 | end else
454 | begin
455 | Result := IMAGE_INDEX_MISC; // misc icon
456 | end;
457 | end;
458 |
459 |
460 | procedure TfrmImages.GetThumbnailBitmapForFName (FName : string; Bitmap : TBitmap);
461 | var index: integer;
462 | begin
463 | index := ThumbnailIndexForFName(FName);
464 | ThumbsImageList.GetBitmap(index,Bitmap);
465 | end;
466 |
467 |
468 | procedure TfrmImages.ClearTabPages();
469 | begin
470 | TabControl.Tabs.Clear;
471 | ClearImageList();
472 | end;
473 |
474 |
475 | procedure TfrmImages.ClearImageList();
476 | //Note: !! This should also clear any visible images/thumbnails etc.
477 | var i : integer;
478 | begin
479 | for i := ImageInfoList.Count-1 downto 0 do begin
480 | if TImageInfo(ImageInfoList[i]).LongDesc <> nil then begin
481 | TImageInfo(ImageInfoList[i]).LongDesc.Free;
482 | end;
483 | TImageInfo(ImageInfoList[i]).Free;
484 | ImageInfoList.Delete(i);
485 | end;
486 | NumImagesAvailableOnServer := NOT_YET_CHECKED_SERVER;
487 | ImageIndexLastDownloaded := -1;
488 | end;
489 |
490 |
491 | procedure TfrmImages.EnsureImageListLoaded();
492 | begin
493 | if NumImagesAvailableOnServer = NOT_YET_CHECKED_SERVER then begin
494 | GetImageList();
495 | end;
496 | end;
497 |
498 | procedure TfrmImages.GetImageList();
499 | //Sets up ImageInfoList
500 | var
501 | i,j : integer;
502 | s,s2 : AnsiString;
503 | Rec : TImageInfo;
504 | ImageIEN : integer;
505 | TIUIEN : AnsiString;
506 | ServerFName : AnsiString;
507 | ServerPathName : AnsiString;
508 | ImageFPathName : AnsiString; //path on server of image -- original data provided by server
509 | ThumbnailFPathName : AnsiString; //path on server of thumbnail -- original data provided by server
510 |
511 | begin
512 | inherited;
513 | ClearImageList;
514 | try
515 | TIUIEN := IntToStr(frmNotes.lstNotes.ItemID);
516 |
517 | except
518 | //Error occurs after note is signed, and frmNotes.lstNotes.ItemID is "inaccessible"
519 | on E: Exception do exit;
520 | end;
521 | StatusText('Retrieving images information...');
522 | CallV('MAG3 CPRS TIU NOTE', [TIUIEN]);
523 | for i:=0 to (RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1) do begin
524 | s :=RPCBrokerV.Results[i];
525 | if i=0 then begin
526 | if piece(s,'^',1)='0' then break //i.e. abort due to error signal
527 | else continue; //ignore rest of header (record #0)
528 | end;
529 | if Pos('-1~',s)>0 then continue; //abort if error signal.
530 | Rec := TImageInfo.Create; // ImageInfoList will own this.
531 | Rec.LongDesc := nil;
532 | Rec.TabIndex := -1;
533 | Rec.TabImageIndex := 0;
534 | s2 := piece(s,'^',2); if s2='' then s2 := '0'; //IEN
535 | Rec.IEN := StrToInt(s2);
536 | ImageFPathName := piece(s,'^',3); //Image FullPath and name
537 | ThumbnailFPathName := piece(s,'^',4); //Abstract FullPath and Name
538 | Rec.ShortDesc := piece(s,'^',5); //SHORT DESCRIPTION field
539 | s2 := piece(s,'^',6); if s2='' then s2 := '0'; //PROCEDURE/ EXAM DATE/TIME field
540 | Rec.DateTime := s2;
541 | s2 := piece(s,'^',7); if s2='' then s2 := '0'; //OBJECT TYPE
542 | Rec.ImageType := StrToInt(s2);
543 | Rec.ProcName := piece(s,'^',8); //PROCEDURE field
544 | Rec.DisplayDate := piece(s,'^',9); //Procedure Date in Display format
545 | s2 := piece(s,'^',10); if s2='' then s2 := '0'; //PARENT DATA FILE image pointer
546 | Rec.ParentDataFileIEN := StrToInt(s2);
547 | Rec.AbsType := piece(s,'^',11)[1]; //the ABSTYPE : 'M' magnetic 'W' worm 'O' offline
548 | s2 := piece(s,'^',12); if s2='' then s2 :='O';
549 | Rec.Accessibility := s2[1]; //Image accessibility 'A' accessable or 'O' offline
550 | s2 := piece(s,'^',13); if s2='' then s2 := '0'; //Dicom Series number
551 | Rec.DicomSeriesNum := StrToInt(s2);
552 | s2 := piece(s,'^',14); if s2='' then s2 := '0'; //Dicom Image Number
553 | Rec.DicomImageNum := StrToInt(s2);
554 | s2 := piece(s,'^',15); if s2='' then s2 := '0'; //Count of images in the group, or 1 if a single image
555 | Rec.GroupCount := StrToInt(s2);
556 |
557 | SplitLinuxFilePath(ImageFPathName,ServerPathName,ServerFName);
558 | Rec.ServerPathName := ServerPathName;
559 | Rec.ServerFName := ServerFName;
560 | Rec.CacheFName := CacheDir + '\' + ServerFName;
561 | SplitLinuxFilePath(ThumbnailFPathName,ServerPathName,ServerFName);
562 | Rec.ServerThumbPathName := ServerPathName;
563 | Rec.ServerThumbFName := ServerFName;
564 | Rec.CacheThumbFName := CacheDir + '\' + ServerFName;
565 | ImageInfoList.Add(Rec); // ImageInfoList will own Rec.
566 | end;
567 | for i:= 0 to ImageInfoList.Count-1 do begin
568 | Rec := TImageInfo(ImageInfoList.Items[i]);
569 | ImageIEN := Rec.IEN;
571 | for j:=0 to (RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1) do begin
572 | if (j>0) then begin
573 | if Rec.LongDesc = nil then Rec.LongDesc := TStringList.Create;
574 | Rec.LongDesc.Add(RPCBrokerV.Results.Strings[j]);
575 | end else begin
576 | if RPCBrokerV.Results[j]='' then break;
577 | end;
578 | end;
579 | end;
580 | StatusText('');
581 | NumImagesAvailableOnServer := ImageInfoList.Count;
582 | end;
583 |
584 |
585 | procedure TfrmImages.DownloadToCache(ImageIndex : integer);
586 | //Loads image specified in ImageInfoList to Cache (unless already present)
587 | var
588 | Rec : TImageInfo;
589 | ServerFName : AnsiString;
590 | ServerPathName : AnsiString;
591 |
592 | begin
593 | Rec := TImageInfo(ImageInfoList[ImageIndex]);
594 | ServerFName := Rec.ServerFName;
595 | ServerPathName := Rec.ServerPathName;
596 | if not FileExists(Rec.CacheFName) then begin
597 | DownloadFile(ServerPathName,ServerFName,Rec.CacheFName,(ImageIndex*2)-1,ImageInfoList.Count*2);
598 | end;
599 | ServerFName := Rec.ServerThumbFName;
600 | ServerPathName := Rec.ServerThumbPathName;
601 | if not FileExists(Rec.CacheThumbFName) then begin
602 | DownloadFile(ServerPathName,ServerFName,Rec.CacheThumbFName,ImageIndex*2,ImageInfoList.Count*2);
603 | end;
604 | Application.ProcessMessages;
605 | end;
606 |
607 | procedure TfrmImages.SplitLinuxFilePath(FullPathName : AnsiString;
608 | var Path : AnsiString;
609 | var FName : AnsiString);
610 | var p : integer;
611 | begin
612 | Path := ''; FName := '';
613 | repeat
614 | p := Pos('/',FullPathName);
615 | if p > 0 then begin
616 | Path := Path + MidStr(FullPathName,1,p);
617 | FullPathName := MidStr(FullPathName,p+1,1000);
618 | end else begin
619 | FName := FullPathName;
620 | FullPathName := '';
621 | end;
622 | until (FullPathName = '');
623 | end;
624 |
625 |
626 | function TfrmImages.UploadFileViaDropBox(LocalFNamePath,FPath,FName: AnsiString;CurrentImage,TotalImages: Integer): boolean;
627 | var
628 | DropboxFile : AnsiString;
629 | begin
630 | //First copy LocalFileNamePath --> DropBox\FileName
631 | DropboxFile := ExcludeTrailingBackslash(DropboxDir) + '\' + FName;
632 | if CopyFile(pchar(LocalFNamePath),pchar(DropboxFile),false)=false then begin
633 | MessageDlg('Dropbox file transfer failed. Code='+InttoStr(GetLastError),
634 | mtError,[mbOK],0);
635 | result := false;
636 | exit;
637 | end;
638 |
639 | // CallV('TMG UPLOAD FILE DROPBOX', ...);
640 | RPCBrokerV.ClearParameters := true;
641 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG UPLOAD FILE DROPBOX';
642 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].PType := literal;
643 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].Value := FPath;
644 | RPCBrokerV.Param[1].PType := literal;
645 | RPCBrokerV.Param[1].Value := FName;
646 | RPCBrokerV.Param[2].PType := literal;
647 | RPCBrokerV.Param[2].Value := '1'; //see comments in UploadFile re '1' hardcoding
648 |
649 | //RPCBrokerV.Call; //Move file into dropbox.
650 | CallBroker;
651 | if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count>0 then begin
652 | Result := (Piece(RPCBrokerV.Results[0],'^',1)='1'); //1=success, 0=failure
653 | end else Result := false;
654 | end;
655 |
656 |
657 | function TfrmImages.UploadFile(LocalFNamePath,FPath,FName: AnsiString;CurrentImage,TotalImages: Integer): boolean;
658 | const
659 | RefreshInterval = 500;
660 | BlockSize = 512;
661 |
662 | var
663 | ReadCount : Word;
664 | totalReadCount : Integer;
665 | ParamIndex : LongWord;
666 | j : word;
667 | InFile : TFileStream;
668 | LocalOutFile : TFileStream;
669 | Buffer : array[0..1024] of byte;
670 | RefreshCountdown : integer;
671 | OneLine : AnsiString;
672 | RPCResult : AnsiString;
673 | SavedCursor : TCursor;
674 |
675 | begin
676 | result := false; //default of failure
677 | if not FileExists(LocalFNamePath) then exit;
678 | //if UseDropBox then begin
679 | if TransferMethod = itmDropbox then begin
680 | Result := UploadFileViaDropBox(LocalFNamePath,FPath,FName,CurrentImage,TotalImages);
681 | exit;
682 | end;
683 | //LATER add support for itmDirect mode
684 | try
685 | InFile := TFileStream.Create(LocalFNamePath,fmOpenRead or fmShareCompat);
686 | LocalOutFile := TFileStream.Create(CacheDir+'\'+FName,fmCreate or fmOpenWrite); //for local copy
687 | //Note: I may well cut this out. Most of the delay occurs during
688 | // the RPC call, and I can't make a progress bar change during that...
689 | // (or I could, but I'm not going to change the RPC broker...)
690 | ImageTransferForm.setMax(InFile.Size);
691 | ImageTransferForm.ProgressMsg.Caption := 'Preparing to upload...';
692 | ImageTransferForm.Show;
693 | totalReadCount := 0;
694 | except
695 | // catch failure here... on eError...
696 | exit;
697 | end;
698 |
699 | StatusText('Uploading full image...');
700 | Application.ProcessMessages;
701 |
702 | RPCBrokerV.ClearParameters := true;
703 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].PType := literal;
704 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Value := FPath;
705 | RPCBrokerV.Param[1].PType := literal;
706 | RPCBrokerV.Param[1].Value := FName;
707 | RPCBrokerV.Param[2].PType := literal;
708 | RPCBrokerV.Param[2].Value := '1';
709 | //Note: the '1' in the line above is hard-coding in to use
710 | //IEN=1 in file 2005.2 (NETWORK LOCATION). This file will
711 | //instruct the server which relative path to store the file into
712 | //If I want to have more than one NETWORK LOCATION, then I would
713 | //need to create another RPC call that would determine which IEN
714 | //to use.
715 | //(This would be the same as the IEN stored in fields# 2, 2.1, 2.2
716 | // of file 2005 (IMAGE). This in turn is originally obtained from
718 |
719 | RPCBrokerV.Param[3].PType := list;
720 |
721 | ParamIndex := 0;
722 | RefreshCountdown := RefreshInterval;
723 | repeat
724 | ReadCount := InFile.Read(Buffer,BlockSize);
725 | LocalOutFile.Write(Buffer,ReadCount); //for local copy
726 | totalReadCount := totalReadCount + ReadCount;
727 | ImageTransferForm.updateProgress(totalReadCount);
728 | OneLine := '';
729 | if ReadCount > 0 then begin
730 | SetLength(OneLine,ReadCount);
731 | for j := 1 to ReadCount do OneLine[j] := char(Buffer[j-1]);
732 | RPCBrokerV.Param[3].Mult[IntToStr(ParamIndex)] := Encode(OneLine);
733 | Inc(ParamIndex);
734 |
735 | Dec(RefreshCountdown);
736 | if RefreshCountdown < 1 then begin
737 | Application.ProcessMessages;
738 | RefreshCountdown := RefreshInterval;
739 | end;
740 |
741 | end;
742 | until (ReadCount < BlockSize);
743 |
744 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG UPLOAD FILE';
745 |
746 | SavedCursor := Screen.Cursor;
747 | Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
748 | ImageTransferForm.ProgressMsg.Caption := 'Uploading file to server...';
749 | Application.ProcessMessages;
750 |
751 | CallBroker;
752 | Screen.Cursor := SavedCursor;
753 | if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0 then begin
754 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0];
755 | end else RPCResult := '';
756 | result := (Piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='1');
757 | ImageTransferForm.Hide;
758 | if result=false then begin
759 | Application.MessageBox('Error uploading file','Error');
760 | end;
761 |
762 | InFile.Free;
763 | LocalOutFile.Free;
764 | StatusText('');
765 | end;
766 |
767 |
768 | function TfrmImages.DownloadFileViaDropbox(FPath,FName,LocalSaveFNamePath: AnsiString;CurrentImage,TotalImages: Integer): boolean;
769 | var
770 | DropboxFile : AnsiString;
771 | CurrentFileSize : Integer;
772 | ErrMsg : string;
773 | begin
774 | // CallV('TMG DOWNLOAD FILE DROPBOX', ...);
775 | RPCBrokerV.ClearParameters := true;
776 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG DOWNLOAD FILE DROPBOX';
777 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].PType := literal;
778 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].Value := FPath;
779 | RPCBrokerV.Param[1].PType := literal;
780 | RPCBrokerV.Param[1].Value := FName;
781 | RPCBrokerV.Param[2].PType := literal;
782 | RPCBrokerV.Param[2].Value := '1'; //see comments in UploadFile re '1' hardcoding
783 |
784 | //RPCBrokerV.Call; //Move file into dropbox.
785 | CallBroker;
786 | if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0 then begin
787 | Result := (Piece(RPCBrokerV.Results[0],'^',1)='1'); //1=success, 0=failure
788 | if Result = false then ErrMsg := Piece(RPCBrokerV.Results[0],'^',2);
789 | end else begin
790 | Result := false;
791 | ErrMsg := 'Error communicating with server to retrieve image.';
792 | end;
793 |
794 | if Result=true then begin
795 | if DirectoryExists(DropboxDir) = False then begin //elh added to ensure a dropbox directory is valid
796 | MessageDlg('Invalid Dropbox Directory. Please check your settings and try again.',mtError,[mbOK],0);
797 | ImageTransferForm.hide;
798 | exit;
799 | end;
800 | CurrentFileSize := strtoint(Piece(RPCBrokerV.Results[0],'^',3)); //Piece 3 = file size
801 | DropboxFile := ExcludeTrailingBackslash(DropboxDir) + '\' + FName;
802 | if ImageTransferForm.visible = False then ImageTransferForm.show;
803 | while FileSize(DropboxFile) <> CurrentFileSize do sleep(1000); //elh
804 | ImageTransferForm.ProgressBar.Max := TotalImages; //elh
805 | ImageTransferForm.ProgressBar.Position := CurrentImage+2; //elh
806 | if TotalImages = (CurrentImage+2) then begin
807 | Sleep(1000);
808 | ImageTransferForm.hide;
809 | end;
810 | //Now move DropBox\FileName --> LocalFileNamePath
811 | if MoveFile(pchar(DropboxFile),pchar(LocalSaveFNamePath))=false then begin
812 | MessageDlg('Dropbox file transfer failed. Code='+InttoStr(GetLastError),
813 | mtError,[mbOK],0);
814 | end;
815 | end else begin
816 | MessageDlg('ERROR: '+ErrMsg,mtError,[mbOK],0);
817 | end;
818 | end;
819 |
820 |
821 | function TfrmImages.DownloadFile(FPath,FName,LocalSaveFNamePath: AnsiString;CurrentImage,TotalImages: Integer): boolean;
822 | var
823 | i,count : integer;
824 | j : word;
825 | OutFile : TFileStream;
826 | s : AnsiString;
827 | Buffer : array[0..1024] of byte;
828 | RefreshCountdown : integer;
829 |
830 | const
831 | RefreshInterval = 500;
832 |
833 | begin
834 | if FileExists(LocalSaveFNamePath) then begin
835 | DeleteFile(LocalSaveFNamePath);
836 | end;
837 | //if UseDropBox then begin
838 | if TransferMethod = itmDropbox then begin
839 | Result := DownloadFileViaDropBox(FPath,FName,LocalSaveFNamePath,CurrentImage,TotalImages);
840 | exit;
841 | end;
842 | //LATER add support for itmDirect mode
843 | Result := true; //default to success;
844 | StatusText('Retrieving full image...');
845 | //Note: the '1' in the line below is hard-coding in to use
846 | //IEN=1 in file 2005.2 (NETWORK LOCATION). This file will
847 | //instruct the server which relative path to store the file into
848 | //If I want to have more than one NETWORK LOCATION, then I would
849 | //need to create another RPC call that would determine which IEN
850 | //to use.
851 | //(This would be the same as the IEN stored in fields# 2, 2.1, 2.2
852 | // of file 2005 (IMAGE). This in turn is originally obtained from
854 | CallV('TMG DOWNLOAD FILE', [FPath,FName,'1']);
855 | Application.ProcessMessages;
856 | RefreshCountdown := RefreshInterval;
857 | //Note:RPCBrokerV.Results[0]=1 if successful load, =0 if failure
858 | if (RPCBrokerV.Results.Count>0) and (RPCBrokerV.Results[0]='1') then begin
859 | OutFile := TFileStream.Create(LocalSaveFNamePath,fmCreate);
860 | for i:=1 to (RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1) do begin
861 | s :=Decode(RPCBrokerV.Results[i]);
862 | count := Length(s);
863 | if count>1024 then begin
864 | Result := false; //failure of load.
865 | break;
866 | end;
867 | for j := 1 to count do Buffer[j-1] := ord(s[j]);
868 | OutFile.Write(Buffer,count);
869 | Dec(RefreshCountdown);
870 | if RefreshCountdown < 1 then begin
871 | Application.ProcessMessages;
872 | RefreshCountdown := RefreshInterval;
873 | end;
874 | end;
875 | OutFile.Free;
876 | end else begin
877 | result := false;
878 | end;
879 | StatusText('');
880 | end;
881 |
882 |
883 | function TfrmImages.Encode(Input: AnsiString) : AnsiString;
884 | //This function is based on ENCODE^RGUTUU, which is match for
885 | //DECODE^RGUTUU that is used to decode (ascii armouring) on the
886 | //server side. This is a base64 encoder.
887 | const
888 | //FYI character set is 64 characters (starting as 'A')
889 | // (65 characters if intro '=' is counted)
890 | CharSet = '=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
891 | var
892 | //Result : AnsiString; // RGZ1 //'Result' is implicitly declared by Pascal
893 |
894 | i : integer; //RGZ2
895 | j : integer; //RGZ4
896 | PlainTrio : longword; //RGZ3 //unsigned 32-bit
897 | EncodedByte : Byte;
898 | PlainByte : byte; //RGZ5
899 | EncodedQuad : string[4];//RGZ6
900 |
901 | begin
902 | //e.g. input (10 bytes):
903 | // 174 231 193 16 29 251 93 138 4 57
904 | // AE E7 C1 10 1D FB 5D 8A 04 39
905 | Result := '';
906 | i := 1;
907 | while i<= Length(Input) do begin //cycle in groups of 3
908 | PlainTrio := 0;
909 | EncodedQuad := '';
910 | //Get 3 bytes, to be converted into 4 characters eventually.
911 | //Fill with 0's if needed to make an even 3-byte group.
912 | For j:=0 to 2 do begin
913 | //e.g. '174'->PlainByte=174
914 | if (i+j) <= Length(Input) then PlainByte := ord(Input[i+j])
915 | else PlainByte := 0;
916 | PlainTrio := (PlainTrio shl 8) or PlainByte;
917 | end;
918 | //e.g. first 3 bytes--> PlainTrio= $AEE7C1 (10101110 11100111 11000001)
919 | //e.g. last 3 bytes--> PlainTrio= $390000 (00111001 00000000 00000000) (note padded 0's)
920 |
921 | //Take each 6 bits and convert into a character.
922 | //e.g. first 3 bytes--> (101011 101110 011111 000001)
923 | // 43 46 31 1
924 |
925 | //e.g. last 3 bytes-->(001110 010000 000000 000000) (after redivision)
926 | // 14 16 0 0 <-- last 2 bytes are padded 0
927 | // ^ last 4 bits of '16' are padded 0's
928 | For j := 1 to 4 do begin
929 | //e.g. $AEE7C1 --> (43+2)=45 (46+2)=48 (31+2)=33 (1+2)=3
930 | // r u f b
931 |
932 | //e.g. $39AF00 --> (14+2)=16 (16+2)=18 (0+2)=2 (0+2)=2
933 | // O Q A A <-- 2 padded bytes
934 | EncodedByte := (PlainTrio and 63)+2; //63=$3F=b0111111; 0->A 1->B etc
935 | EncodedQuad := CharSet[EncodedByte]+ EncodedQuad; //string Concat, not math add
936 | PlainTrio := PlainTrio shr 6
937 | end;
938 |
939 | //Append result with latest quad
940 | Result := Result + EncodedQuad;
941 | Inc(i,3);
942 | end;
943 |
944 | // e.g. result: rufb .... .... OQAA <-- 2 padded bytes (and part of Q is padded also)
945 | i := 3-(Length(Input) mod 3); //returns 1,2,or 3 (3 needs to be set to 0)
946 | if (i=3) then i:=0; //e.g. input=10 -> i=2
947 | j := Length(Result);
948 | //i is the number of padded characters that need to be replaced with '='
949 | if i>=1 then Result[j] := '='; //replace 1st paddeded char
950 | if i>=2 then Result[Length(Result)-1] := '=';//replace 2nd paddeded char
951 | // e.g. result: rufb .... .... OQ==
952 |
953 | //results passed out in Result
954 | end;
955 |
956 |
957 | function TfrmImages.Decode(Input: AnsiString) : AnsiString;
958 | //This function is based on DECODE^RGUTUU, which is match for
959 | //ENCODE^RGUTUU that is used to encode (ascii armouring) on the
960 | //server side. This is a Base64 decoder
961 | const
962 | //FYI character set is 64 characters (starting as 'A')
963 | // (65 characters if intro '=' is counted)
964 | CharSet = '=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/';
965 |
966 | var
967 | //Result : AnsiString; // RGZ1 //'Result' is implicitly declared by Pascal
968 | i : integer; //RGZ2
969 | PlainTrio : longword; //RGZ3 //unsigned 32-bit
970 | j : integer; //RGZ4
971 | EncodedChar : char;
972 | PlainInt : integer;
973 | PlainByte : byte; //RGZ5
974 | DecodedTrio : string[3];//RGZ6
975 |
976 | begin
977 | Result:='';
978 | i := 1;
979 | //e.g. input: rufb .... .... OQ==
980 |
981 | while i <= Length(Input) Do begin //cycle in groups of 4
982 | PlainTrio :=0;
983 | DecodedTrio :='';
984 | //Get 4 characters, to be converted into 3 bytes.
985 | For j :=0 to 3 do begin
986 | //e.g. last 4 chars --> 0A==
987 | if (i+j) <= Length(Input) then begin
988 | EncodedChar := Input[i+j];
989 | PlainInt := Pos(EncodedChar,CharSet)-2; //A=0, B=1 etc.
990 | if (PlainInt>=0) then PlainByte := (PlainInt and $FF) else PlainByte := 0;
991 | end else PlainByte := 0;
992 | //e.g. with last 4 characters:
993 | //e.g. '0'->14=(b001110) 'Q'->16=(b010000) '='-> -1 -> 0=(b000000) '=' -> 0=(b000000)
994 | //e.g.-- So last PlainTrio = 001110 010000 000000 000000 = 00111001 00000000 00000000
995 | //Each encoded character contributes 6 bytes to final 3 bytes.
996 | //4 chars * 6 bits/char=24 bits --> 24 bits / 8 bits/byte = 3 bytes
997 | PlainTrio := (PlainTrio shl 6) or PlainByte; //PlainTrio := PlainTrio*64 + PlainByte;
998 | end;
999 | //Now take 3 bytes, and add to cumulative output (in same order)
1000 | For j :=0 to 2 do begin
1001 | DecodedTrio := Chr(PlainTrio and $FF) + DecodedTrio; //string concat (not math addition)
1002 | PlainTrio := PlainTrio shr 8; // PlainTrio := PlainTrio div 256
1003 | end;
1004 | //e.g. final DecodedTrio = 'chr($39) + chr(0) + chr(0)'
1005 | Result := Result + DecodedTrio;
1006 | Inc(i,4);
1007 | end;
1008 |
1009 | //Now remove 1 byte from the output for each '=' in input string
1010 | //(each '=' represents 1 padded 0 added to allow for even groups of 3)
1011 | for j :=0 to 1 do begin
1012 | if (Input[Length(Input)-j] = '=') then begin
1013 | Result := MidStr(Result,1,Length(Result)-1);
1014 | end;
1015 | end;
1016 | end;
1017 |
1018 | procedure TfrmImages.NewNoteSelected(EditIsActive : boolean);
1019 | //Will be called by fNotes when a new note has been selected.
1020 | //var
1021 | begin
1022 | ClearTabPages();
1023 | DownloadImagesInBackground := true;
1024 | SetupTimer;
1025 | //This will start downloading images after few second delay (so that if
1026 | //user is just browsing past note, this won't waste effort.
1027 | //If user selects images tab, then load will occur without delay.
1028 | //Note: OnTimer calls timLoadImagesTimer()
1029 | UploadImagesButton.Enabled := EditIsActive;
1030 | UploadImagesMnuAction.Enabled := EditIsActive;
1031 | WebBrowser.Navigate(NullImageName);
1032 | end;
1033 |
1034 |
1035 | procedure TfrmImages.EmptyCache();
1036 | //This will delete ALL files in the Cache directory
1037 | //Note: This will include the html_note file created by
1038 | // the notes tab.
1039 | var
1040 | //CacheDir : AnsiString;
1041 | FoundFile : boolean;
1042 | FSearch : TSearchRec;
1043 | Files : TStringList;
1044 | i : integer;
1045 | FName : AnsiString;
1046 |
1047 | begin
1048 | Files := TStringList.Create;
1049 | // CacheDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+ 'Cache';
1050 | FoundFile := (FindFirst(CacheDir+'\*.*',faAnyFile,FSearch)=0);
1051 | while FoundFile do Begin
1052 | FName := FSearch.Name;
1053 | if (FName <> '.') and (FName <> '..') then begin
1054 | FName := CacheDir + '\' + FName;
1055 | Files.Add(FName);
1056 | end;
1057 | FoundFile := (FindNext(FSearch)=0);
1058 | end;
1059 |
1060 | for i := 0 to Files.Count-1 do begin
1061 | FName := Files.Strings[i];
1062 | if DeleteFile(FName) = false then begin
1063 | //kt raise Exception.Create('Unable to delete file: '+FSearch.Name+#13+'Will try again later...');
1064 | end;
1065 | end;
1066 | Files.Free;
1067 | end;
1068 |
1069 |
1070 |
1071 | procedure TfrmImages.UploadImagesButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
1072 | var
1073 | Node: TORTreeNode;
1074 | AddResult : TModalResult;
1075 | begin
1076 | inherited;
1077 | AddResult := UploadForm.ShowModal;
1078 | if not IsAbortResult(AddResult) then begin
1079 | NewNoteSelected(true); //force a reload to show recently added image.
1080 | timLoadImages.Interval := IMAGE_DOWNLOAD_DELAY_FOREGROUND;
1081 | Node := TORTreeNode(frmNotes.tvNotes.Selected);
1082 | case Node.StateIndex of
1083 | IMG_NO_IMAGES : Node.StateIndex := IMG_1_IMAGE;
1084 | IMG_1_IMAGE : Node.StateIndex := IMG_2_IMAGES;
1085 | IMG_2_IMAGES : Node.StateIndex := IMG_MANY_IMAGES;
1086 | IMG_MANY_IMAGES : Node.StateIndex := IMG_MANY_IMAGES;
1087 | end;
1088 | end;
1089 | end;
1090 |
1091 | procedure TfrmImages.FormHide(Sender: TObject);
1092 | begin
1093 | inherited;
1094 | DownloadImagesInBackground := true;
1095 |
1096 | // Application.MessageBox('Here I can hide images.','title');
1097 | end;
1098 |
1099 | procedure TfrmImages.TabControlChange(Sender: TObject);
1100 | var
1101 | FileName : AnsiString;
1102 | Rec : TImageInfo;
1103 | Selected : integer;
1104 | begin
1105 | inherited;
1106 | //here tab has been changed.
1107 | Selected := TabControl.TabIndex;
1108 | if Selected > -1 then begin
1109 | Rec := TImageInfo(ImageInfoList[Selected]);
1110 | FileName := Rec.CacheFName;
1111 | UpdateImageInfoMemo(Rec);
1112 | end else begin
1113 | FileName := NullImageName;
1114 | UpdateImageInfoMemo(nil);
1115 | end;
1116 | WebBrowser.Navigate(FileName);
1117 | end;
1118 |
1119 | procedure TfrmImages.TabControlGetImageIndex(Sender: TObject;
1120 | TabIndex: Integer;
1121 | var ImageIndex: Integer);
1122 | //specify which image to display, from ThumbsImageList
1123 | begin
1124 | inherited;
1125 | if (ImageInfoList <> nil) and (TabIndex < ImageInfoList.Count) then begin
1126 | ImageIndex := TImageInfo(ImageInfoList[TabIndex]).TabImageIndex;
1127 | end else ImageIndex := 0;
1128 | end;
1129 |
1130 | procedure TfrmImages.TabControlResize(Sender: TObject);
1131 | begin
1132 | inherited;
1133 | if TabControl.Width < 80 then begin
1134 | TabControl.Width := 80;
1135 | end;
1136 | end;
1137 |
1138 | function TfrmImages.CreateBarcode(MsgStr: AnsiString; ImageType: AnsiString): AnsiString;
1139 | //Create a local barcode file, in .png format, from MsgStr
1140 | //ImageType is optional, default ='png'. It should NOT contain '.'
1141 | //Returns file path on local client of new barcode image.
1142 | //Note: this function is not related to uploading or downloading images
1143 | // to the server for attaching to progress notes. It is included
1144 | // in this unit because the functionality used is nearly identical to
1145 | // the other code.
1146 | function UniqueFName : AnsiString;
1147 | var FName,tempFName : AnsiString;
1148 | count : integer;
1149 | begin
1150 | FName := 'Barcode-Image';
1151 | count := 0;
1152 | repeat
1153 | tempFName := CacheDir + '\' + FName + '.' + ImageType;
1154 | FName := FName + '1';
1155 | count := count+1;
1156 | until (fileExists(tempFName)=false) or (count> 32);
1157 | result := tempFName;
1158 | end;
1159 |
1160 | var
1161 | i,count : integer;
1162 | j : word;
1163 | OutFile : TFileStream;
1164 | s : AnsiString;
1165 | Buffer : array[0..1024] of byte;
1166 | LocalSaveFNamePath : AnsiString;
1167 |
1168 | begin
1169 | StatusText('Getting Barcode...');
1170 | LocalSaveFNamePath := UniqueFName;
1171 | Result := LocalSaveFNamePath; //default to success;
1172 |
1173 | // CallV('TMG BARCODE ENCODE', [MsgStr]);
1174 | RPCBrokerV.ClearParameters := true;
1175 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG BARCODE ENCODE';
1176 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].Value := MsgStr;
1177 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].PType := literal;
1178 | RPCBrokerV.Param[1].Value := '.X'; //<-- is this needed or used?
1179 | RPCBrokerV.Param[1].PType := list;
1180 | RPCBrokerV.Param[1].Mult['"IMAGE TYPE"'] := ImageType;
1181 | //RPCBrokerV.Call;
1182 | CallBroker;
1183 |
1184 | Application.ProcessMessages;
1185 | //Note:RPCBrokerV.Results[0]=1 if successful load, =0 if failure
1186 | if (RPCBrokerV.Results.Count>0) and (RPCBrokerV.Results[0]='1') then begin
1187 | OutFile := TFileStream.Create(LocalSaveFNamePath,fmCreate);
1188 | for i:=1 to (RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1) do begin
1189 | s :=Decode(RPCBrokerV.Results[i]);
1190 | count := Length(s);
1191 | if count>1024 then begin
1192 | Result := ''; //failure of load.
1193 | break;
1194 | end;
1195 | for j := 1 to count do Buffer[j-1] := ord(s[j]);
1196 | OutFile.Write(Buffer,count);
1197 | end;
1198 | OutFile.Free;
1199 | end else begin
1200 | result := '';
1201 | end;
1202 | StatusText('');
1203 | end;
1204 |
1205 |
1206 | function TfrmImages.DecodeBarcode(LocalFNamePath,ImageType: AnsiString): AnsiString;
1207 | //Decode data from barcode on image, or return '' if none
1208 | //Note: if I could find a cost-effective way of decoding this on client side,
1209 | // then that code be done here in the function, instead of uploading image
1210 | // to the server for decoding.
1211 | const
1212 | RefreshInterval = 500;
1213 | BlockSize = 512;
1214 |
1215 | var
1216 | ReadCount : Word;
1217 | ParamIndex : LongWord;
1218 | j : word;
1219 | InFile : TFileStream;
1220 | Buffer : array[0..1024] of byte;
1221 | RefreshCountdown : integer;
1222 | OneLine : AnsiString;
1223 | RPCResult : AnsiString;
1224 | SavedCursor : TCursor;
1225 | totalReadCount : integer;
1226 | begin
1227 | result := ''; //default of failure
1228 | if not FileExists(LocalFNamePath) then exit;
1229 | try
1230 | InFile := TFileStream.Create(LocalFNamePath,fmOpenRead or fmShareCompat);
1231 | //Note: I may well cut this out. Most of the delay occurs during
1232 | // the RPC call, and I can't make a progress bar change during that...
1233 | // (or I could, but I'm not going to change the RPC broker...)
1234 | ImageTransferForm.setMax(InFile.Size);
1235 | //ImageTransferForm.ResetStartTime;
1236 | ImageTransferForm.ProgressMsg.Caption := 'Preparing to upload...';
1237 | ImageTransferForm.Show;
1238 | totalReadCount := 0;
1239 | except
1240 | // catch failure here... on eError...
1241 | exit;
1242 | end;
1243 |
1244 | StatusText('Checking image for barcodes...');
1245 | Application.ProcessMessages;
1246 |
1247 | RPCBrokerV.ClearParameters := true;
1248 | RPCBrokerV.Param.Clear;
1249 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].PType := list;
1250 | ParamIndex := 0;
1251 | RefreshCountdown := RefreshInterval;
1252 | //Put image data into parameter 0 (ARRAY parameter of RPC on server side)
1253 | repeat
1254 | ReadCount := InFile.Read(Buffer,BlockSize);
1255 | OneLine := '';
1256 | totalReadCount := totalReadCount + ReadCount;
1257 | ImageTransferForm.updateProgress(totalReadCount);
1258 | if ReadCount > 0 then begin
1259 | SetLength(OneLine,ReadCount);
1260 | for j := 1 to ReadCount do OneLine[j] := char(Buffer[j-1]);
1261 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult[IntToStr(ParamIndex)] := Encode(OneLine);
1262 | Inc(ParamIndex);
1263 | Dec(RefreshCountdown);
1264 | if RefreshCountdown < 1 then begin
1265 | Application.ProcessMessages;
1266 | RefreshCountdown := RefreshInterval;
1267 | end;
1268 | end;
1269 | until (ReadCount < BlockSize);
1270 | RPCBrokerV.Param[1].PType := literal;
1271 | RPCBrokerV.Param[1].Value := ImageType;
1272 |
1273 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG BARCODE DECODE';
1274 |
1275 | SavedCursor := Screen.Cursor;
1276 | Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass;
1277 | ImageTransferForm.ProgressMsg.Caption := 'Uploading file to server...';
1278 | Application.ProcessMessages;
1279 |
1280 | CallBroker; //this is the slow step, pass to server and get response.
1281 |
1282 | Screen.Cursor := SavedCursor;
1283 | ImageTransferForm.Hide;
1284 | //Get result: 1^DecodedMessage, or 0^Error Message
1285 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0];
1286 | if Piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='0' then begin
1287 | MessageDlg(Piece(RPCResult,'^',2),mtError,[mbOK],0);
1288 | end else begin
1289 | result := Piece(RPCResult,'^',2);
1290 | end;
1291 |
1292 | InFile.Free;
1293 | StatusText('');
1294 | end;
1295 |
1296 |
1297 | procedure TfrmImages.EnableAutoScanUploadClick(Sender: TObject);
1298 | begin
1299 | inherited;
1300 | AutoScanUpload.Checked := not AutoScanUpload.Checked;
1301 | uTMGOptions.WriteBool('Scan Enabled',AutoScanUpload.Checked);
1302 | end;
1303 |
1304 |
1305 | procedure TfrmImages.PickScanFolderClick(Sender: TObject);
1306 | var
1307 | CurScanDir : string;
1308 | begin
1309 | inherited;
1310 | CurScanDir := UploadForm.ScanDir;
1311 | OpenDialog.InitialDir := CurScanDir;
1312 | MessageDlg('Please pick ANY file in the desired directory.',mtInformation,[mbOK],0);
1313 | if OpenDialog.Execute then begin
1314 | UploadForm.SetScanDir(ExtractFilePath(OpenDialog.FileName));
1315 | end;
1316 | AutoScanUpload.Checked := true;
1317 | end;
1318 |
1319 | function TfrmImages.FileSize(fileName : wideString) : Int64;
1320 | var
1321 | sr : TSearchRec;
1322 | begin
1323 | if FindFirst(fileName, faAnyFile, sr ) = 0 then
1324 | result := Int64(sr.FindData.nFileSizeHigh) shl Int64(32) + Int64(sr.FindData.nFileSizeLow)
1325 | else
1326 | result := -1;
1327 |
1328 | FindClose(sr) ;
1329 | end;
1330 |
1331 | function TfrmImages.GetImagesCount : integer;
1332 | //Returns number of images possible, not just those already downloaded.
1333 | begin
1334 | EnsureImageListLoaded();
1335 | Result := NumImagesAvailableOnServer;
1336 | end;
1337 |
1338 | function TfrmImages.GetImageInfo(Index : integer) : TImageInfo;
1339 | begin
1340 | if (Index > -1) and (Index < ImageInfoList.Count) then begin
1341 | Result := TImageInfo(ImageInfoList[Index]);
1342 | end else begin
1343 | Result := nil;
1344 | end;
1345 | end;
1346 |
1347 |
1348 |
1349 | initialization
1350 | //put init code here
1351 |
1352 | finalization
1353 | //put finalization code here
1354 |
1355 | end.
1356 |