source: cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/CPRS-Chart/fLabCollTimes.dfm@ 908

Last change on this file since 908 was 453, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 16 years ago

Initial upload of TMG-CPRS

File size: 2.5 KB
[453]1object frmLabCollectTimes: TfrmLabCollectTimes
2 Left = 332
3 Top = 310
4 Width = 447
5 Height = 197
6 BorderIcons = []
7 Caption = 'Future Lab Collect Times'
8 Color = clBtnFace
9 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
10 Font.Color = clWindowText
11 Font.Height = -11
12 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
13 Font.Style = []
14 OldCreateOrder = False
15 Position = poScreenCenter
16 OnCreate = FormCreate
17 PixelsPerInch = 96
18 TextHeight = 13
19 object lblFutureTimes: TMemo
20 Left = 211
21 Top = 113
22 Width = 129
23 Height = 46
24 TabStop = False
25 BorderStyle = bsNone
26 Color = clBtnFace
27 Lines.Strings = (
28 'Select a date and a routine '
29 'lab collect time for that '
30 'date.')
31 ReadOnly = True
32 TabOrder = 5
33 end
34 object calLabCollect: TORDateBox
35 Left = 241
36 Top = 22
37 Width = 158
38 Height = 21
39 TabOrder = 0
40 Visible = False
41 OnChange = calLabCollectChange
42 DateOnly = True
43 RequireTime = False
44 end
45 object lstLabCollTimes: TORListBox
46 Left = 210
47 Top = 6
48 Width = 218
49 Height = 98
50 ItemHeight = 13
51 ParentShowHint = False
52 ShowHint = True
53 TabOrder = 1
54 ItemTipColor = clWindow
55 LongList = False
56 Pieces = '2'
57 end
58 object cmdOK: TButton
59 Left = 353
60 Top = 112
61 Width = 75
62 Height = 21
63 Caption = 'OK'
64 TabOrder = 2
65 OnClick = cmdOKClick
66 end
67 object cmdCancel: TButton
68 Left = 353
69 Top = 139
70 Width = 75
71 Height = 21
72 Cancel = True
73 Caption = 'Cancel'
74 TabOrder = 3
75 OnClick = cmdCancelClick
76 end
77 object calMonth: TMonthCalendar
78 Left = 8
79 Top = 5
80 Width = 190
81 Height = 153
82 CalColors.TitleBackColor = clBtnFace
83 CalColors.TitleTextColor = clBtnText
84 CalColors.MonthBackColor = clWindow
85 CalColors.TrailingTextColor = clGrayText
86 Date = 36507.678874432870000000
87 ShowTodayCircle = False
88 TabOrder = 4
89 TabStop = True
90 OnClick = calMonthClick
91 OnKeyDown = calMonthKeyDown
92 end
93 object DKLanguageController1: TDKLanguageController
94 Left = 208
95 Top = 128
96 LangData = {
97 120066726D4C6162436F6C6C65637454696D6573010100000001000000070043
98 617074696F6E01060000000E006C626C46757475726554696D65730101000000
99 0200000005004C696E6573000D0063616C4C6162436F6C6C65637400000F006C
100 73744C6162436F6C6C54696D657300000500636D644F4B010100000003000000
101 070043617074696F6E000900636D6443616E63656C0101000000040000000700
102 43617074696F6E00080063616C4D6F6E74680000}
103 end
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