source: cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/CPRS-Chart/fMeds.dfm@ 1008

Last change on this file since 1008 was 793, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 14 years ago


File size: 18.7 KB
[453]1inherited frmMeds: TfrmMeds
[793]2 Left = 244
3 Top = 46
[453]4 Width = 709
5 Height = 686
6 HelpContext = 3000
7 VertScrollBar.Visible = False
8 Caption = 'Medications Page'
9 HelpFile = 'qnoback'
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18 inherited shpPageBottom: TShape
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23 end
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38 end
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49 object splitBottom: TSplitter
50 Left = 1
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53 Height = 4
54 Cursor = crVSplit
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56 AutoSnap = False
57 Color = clBtnFace
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60 MinSize = 100
61 ParentColor = False
62 OnMoved = splitBottomMoved
63 end
64 object pnlMedIn: TPanel
65 Left = 1
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67 Width = 699
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71 TabOrder = 0
72 object lstMedsIn: TCaptionListBox
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92 OnMeasureItem = lstMedsMeasureItem
93 Caption = 'Inpatient Medications'
94 end
95 object hdrMedsIn: THeaderControl
96 Left = 1
97 Top = 1
98 Width = 697
99 Height = 16
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102 Sections = <
103 item
104 ImageIndex = -1
105 MinWidth = 42
106 Text = 'Action'
107 Width = 42
108 end
109 item
110 ImageIndex = -1
111 MinWidth = 20
112 Text = 'Inpatient Medications'
113 Width = 100
114 end
115 item
116 ImageIndex = -1
117 MinWidth = 16
118 Text = 'Stop Date'
119 Width = 62
120 end
121 item
122 ImageIndex = -1
123 MinWidth = 16
124 Text = 'Status'
125 Width = 62
126 end
127 item
128 ImageIndex = -1
129 MinWidth = 16
130 Text = 'Location'
131 Width = 20
132 end>
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139 end
140 end
141 object pnlNonVA: TPanel
142 Left = 1
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161 ItemHeight = 13
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163 ParentCtl3D = False
164 PopupMenu = popMed
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169 OnExit = lstMedsExit
170 OnMeasureItem = lstMedsMeasureItem
171 Caption = 'Inpatient Medications'
172 end
173 object hdrMedsNonVA: THeaderControl
174 Left = 1
175 Top = 1
176 Width = 697
177 Height = 16
178 BiDiMode = bdLeftToRight
179 Constraints.MinHeight = 16
180 Sections = <
181 item
182 ImageIndex = -1
183 MinWidth = 42
184 Text = 'Action'
185 Width = 42
186 end
187 item
188 ImageIndex = -1
189 MinWidth = 20
[793]190 Text = 'Outside Medications'
[453]191 Width = 100
192 end
193 item
194 ImageIndex = -1
195 MinWidth = 16
196 Text = 'Start Date'
197 Width = 62
198 end
199 item
200 ImageIndex = -1
201 MinWidth = 16
202 Text = 'Status'
203 Width = 62
204 end>
205 OnSectionClick = hdrMedsNonVASectionClick
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211 end
212 end
213 end
214 object pnlTop: TORAutoPanel [3]
215 Left = 0
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220 Ctl3D = True
221 ParentCtl3D = False
222 TabOrder = 1
223 object lstMedsOut: TCaptionListBox
224 Tag = 1
225 Left = 1
226 Top = 17
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228 Height = 403
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230 Align = alClient
231 Color = clCream
232 Constraints.MinHeight = 40
233 Ctl3D = False
234 ItemHeight = 13
235 MultiSelect = True
236 ParentCtl3D = False
237 PopupMenu = popMed
238 TabOrder = 0
239 OnClick = lstMedsOutClick
240 OnDblClick = lstMedsDblClick
241 OnDrawItem = lstMedsDrawItem
242 OnExit = lstMedsExit
243 OnMeasureItem = lstMedsMeasureItem
244 Caption = 'Outpatient Medications'
245 end
246 object hdrMedsOut: THeaderControl
247 Left = 1
248 Top = 1
249 Width = 699
250 Height = 16
251 BiDiMode = bdLeftToRight
252 Constraints.MinHeight = 16
253 Sections = <
254 item
255 ImageIndex = -1
256 MinWidth = 42
257 Text = 'Action'
258 Width = 42
259 end
260 item
261 ImageIndex = -1
262 MinWidth = 20
263 Text = 'Outpatient Medications'
264 Width = 100
265 end
266 item
267 ImageIndex = -1
268 MinWidth = 16
269 Text = 'Expires'
270 Width = 62
271 end
272 item
273 ImageIndex = -1
274 MinWidth = 16
275 Text = 'Status'
276 Width = 62
277 end
278 item
279 ImageIndex = -1
280 MinWidth = 16
281 Text = 'Last Filled'
282 Width = 62
283 end
284 item
285 ImageIndex = -1
286 MinWidth = 16
287 Text = 'Refills Remaining'
288 Width = 78
289 end>
290 OnSectionClick = hdrMedsOutSectionClick
291 OnSectionResize = hdrMedsOutSectionResize
292 ParentBiDiMode = False
293 OnMouseDown = hdrMedsOutMouseDown
294 OnMouseUp = hdrMedsOutMouseUp
295 OnResize = hdrMedsOutResize
296 end
297 end
298 inherited DKLanguageController1: TDKLanguageController
299 LangData = {
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306 74696F6E735B315D2E5465787406000000100053656374696F6E735B325D2E54
307 65787407000000100053656374696F6E735B335D2E5465787408000000100053
308 656374696F6E735B345D2E54657874000800706E6C4E6F6E5641010100000009
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310 0A000000070043617074696F6E000C006864724D6564734E6F6E564101040000
311 000B000000100053656374696F6E735B305D2E546578740C0000001000536563
312 74696F6E735B315D2E546578740D000000100053656374696F6E735B325D2E54
313 6578740E000000100053656374696F6E735B335D2E54657874000600706E6C54
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315 6F6E000A006864724D6564734F7574010600000010000000100053656374696F
316 6E735B305D2E5465787411000000100053656374696F6E735B315D2E54657874
317 12000000100053656374696F6E735B325D2E5465787413000000100053656374
318 696F6E735B335D2E5465787414000000100053656374696F6E735B345D2E5465
319 787415000000100053656374696F6E735B355D2E546578740007006D6E754D65
320 6473000007006D6E7556696577010100000016000000070043617074696F6E00
321 0C006D6E75566965774368617274010100000017000000070043617074696F6E
322 000D006D6E754368617274436F76657201010000001800000007004361707469
323 6F6E000D006D6E75436861727450726F62730101000000190000000700436170
324 74696F6E000C006D6E7543686172744D65647301010000001A00000007004361
325 7074696F6E000E006D6E7543686172744F726465727301010000001B00000007
326 0043617074696F6E000D006D6E7543686172744E6F74657301010000001C0000
327 00070043617074696F6E000D006D6E75436861727443736C747301010000001D
328 000000070043617074696F6E000F006D6E754368617274537572676572790101
329 0000001E000000070043617074696F6E000E006D6E754368617274444353756D
330 6D01010000001F000000070043617074696F6E000C006D6E7543686172744C61
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332 65706F727473010100000021000000070043617074696F6E0012006D6E755669
333 6577496E666F726D6174696F6E010100000022000000070043617074696F6E00
334 0B006D6E755669657744656D6F010100000023000000070043617074696F6E00
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336 6E0012006D6E75566965775072696D6172794361726501010000002500000007
337 0043617074696F6E0013006D6E75566965774D794865616C7468655665740101
338 00000026000000070043617074696F6E000C006D6E75496E737572616E636501
339 0100000027000000070043617074696F6E000C006D6E7556696577466C616773
340 010100000028000000070043617074696F6E0011006D6E755669657752656D6F
341 746544617461010100000029000000070043617074696F6E0010006D6E755669
342 657752656D696E6465727301010000002A000000070043617074696F6E000F00
343 6D6E7556696577506F7374696E677301010000002B000000070043617074696F
344 6E0002005A3200000D006D6E755669657741637469766501010000002C000000
345 070043617074696F6E000F006D6E75566965774578706972696E670101000000
346 2D000000070043617074696F6E0002005A33000010006D6E7556696577536F72
347 74436C61737301010000002E000000070043617074696F6E000F006D6E755669
348 6577536F72744E616D6501010000002F000000070043617074696F6E0002005A
349 3400000D006D6E755669657744657461696C0101000000300000000700436170
350 74696F6E000E006D6E7556696577486973746F72790101000000310000000700
351 43617074696F6E0006006D6E7541637401010000003200000007004361707469
352 6F6E0009006D6E754163744E6577010100000033000000070043617074696F6E
353 0002005A3100000C006D6E754163744368616E67650101000000340000000700
354 43617074696F6E0008006D6E7541637444430101000000350000000700436170
355 74696F6E000A006D6E75416374486F6C64010100000036000000070043617074
356 696F6E000B006D6E7541637452656E6577010100000037000000070043617074
357 696F6E000A006D6E75416374436F707901010000003800000007004361707469
358 6F6E000E006D6E754163745472616E7366657201010000003900000007004361
359 7074696F6E000C006D6E75416374526566696C6C01010000003A000000070043
360 617074696F6E000600706F704D656400000D00706F704D656444657461696C73
361 01010000003B000000070043617074696F6E000D00706F704D6564486973746F
362 727901010000003C000000070043617074696F6E0002004E3100000C00706F70
363 4D65644368616E676501010000003D000000070043617074696F6E000800706F
364 704D6564444301010000003E000000070043617074696F6E000C00706F704D65
365 64526566696C6C01010000003F000000070043617074696F6E000B00706F704D
366 656452656E6577010100000040000000070043617074696F6E0002004E320000
367 0900706F704D65644E6577010100000041000000070043617074696F6E001100
368 6D6E754F7074696D697A654669656C6473010100000042000000070043617074
369 696F6E00}
370 end
371 object mnuMeds: TMainMenu
372 Left = 56
373 Top = 154
374 object mnuView: TMenuItem
375 Caption = '&View'
376 GroupIndex = 3
377 OnClick = mnuViewClick
378 object mnuViewChart: TMenuItem
379 Caption = 'Chart &Tab'
380 object mnuChartCover: TMenuItem
381 Tag = 1
382 Caption = 'Cover &Sheet'
383 ShortCut = 16467
384 OnClick = mnuChartTabClick
385 end
386 object mnuChartProbs: TMenuItem
387 Tag = 2
388 Caption = '&Problem List'
389 ShortCut = 16464
390 OnClick = mnuChartTabClick
391 end
392 object mnuChartMeds: TMenuItem
393 Tag = 3
394 Caption = '&Medications'
395 ShortCut = 16461
396 OnClick = mnuChartTabClick
397 end
398 object mnuChartOrders: TMenuItem
399 Tag = 4
400 Caption = '&Orders'
401 ShortCut = 16463
402 OnClick = mnuChartTabClick
403 end
404 object mnuChartNotes: TMenuItem
405 Tag = 6
406 Caption = 'Progress &Notes'
407 ShortCut = 16462
408 OnClick = mnuChartTabClick
409 end
410 object mnuChartCslts: TMenuItem
411 Tag = 7
412 Caption = 'Consul&ts'
413 ShortCut = 16468
414 OnClick = mnuChartTabClick
415 end
416 object mnuChartSurgery: TMenuItem
417 Tag = 11
418 Caption = 'S&urgery'
419 ShortCut = 16469
420 OnClick = mnuChartTabClick
421 end
422 object mnuChartDCSumm: TMenuItem
423 Tag = 8
424 Caption = '&Discharge Summaries'
425 ShortCut = 16452
426 OnClick = mnuChartTabClick
427 end
428 object mnuChartLabs: TMenuItem
429 Tag = 9
430 Caption = '&Laboratory'
431 ShortCut = 16460
432 OnClick = mnuChartTabClick
433 end
434 object mnuChartReports: TMenuItem
435 Tag = 10
436 Caption = '&Reports'
437 ShortCut = 16466
438 OnClick = mnuChartTabClick
439 end
440 end
441 object mnuViewInformation: TMenuItem
442 Caption = 'Information'
443 OnClick = mnuViewInformationClick
444 object mnuViewDemo: TMenuItem
445 Tag = 1
446 Caption = 'De&mographics...'
447 OnClick = ViewInfo
448 end
449 object mnuViewVisits: TMenuItem
450 Tag = 2
451 Caption = 'Visits/Pr&ovider...'
452 OnClick = ViewInfo
453 end
454 object mnuViewPrimaryCare: TMenuItem
455 Tag = 3
456 Caption = 'Primary &Care...'
457 OnClick = ViewInfo
458 end
459 object mnuViewMyHealtheVet: TMenuItem
460 Tag = 4
461 Caption = 'MyHealthe&Vet...'
462 OnClick = ViewInfo
463 end
464 object mnuInsurance: TMenuItem
465 Tag = 5
466 Caption = '&Insurance...'
467 OnClick = ViewInfo
468 end
469 object mnuViewFlags: TMenuItem
470 Tag = 6
471 Caption = '&Flags...'
472 OnClick = ViewInfo
473 end
474 object mnuViewRemoteData: TMenuItem
475 Tag = 7
476 Caption = 'Remote &Data...'
477 OnClick = ViewInfo
478 end
479 object mnuViewReminders: TMenuItem
480 Tag = 8
481 Caption = '&Reminders...'
482 Enabled = False
483 OnClick = ViewInfo
484 end
485 object mnuViewPostings: TMenuItem
486 Tag = 9
487 Caption = '&Postings...'
488 OnClick = ViewInfo
489 end
490 end
491 object Z2: TMenuItem
492 Caption = '-'
493 end
494 object mnuViewActive: TMenuItem
495 Caption = '&Active Medications'
496 Visible = False
497 end
498 object mnuViewExpiring: TMenuItem
499 Caption = '&Expiring Medications'
500 Visible = False
501 end
502 object Z3: TMenuItem
503 Caption = '-'
504 Visible = False
505 end
506 object mnuViewSortClass: TMenuItem
507 Caption = 'Sort by &VA Drug Class'
508 Visible = False
509 end
510 object mnuViewSortName: TMenuItem
511 Caption = 'Sort by Drug &Name'
512 Visible = False
513 end
514 object Z4: TMenuItem
515 Caption = '-'
516 Visible = False
517 end
518 object mnuViewDetail: TMenuItem
519 Caption = '&Details...'
520 OnClick = mnuViewDetailClick
521 end
522 object mnuViewHistory: TMenuItem
523 Caption = 'Administration &History...'
524 OnClick = mnuViewHistoryClick
525 end
526 end
527 object mnuAct: TMenuItem
528 Caption = '&Action'
529 GroupIndex = 4
530 OnClick = mnuActClick
531 object mnuActNew: TMenuItem
532 Caption = '&New Medication...'
533 OnClick = mnuActNewClick
534 end
535 object Z1: TMenuItem
536 Caption = '-'
537 end
538 object mnuActChange: TMenuItem
539 Caption = '&Change...'
540 OnClick = mnuActChangeClick
541 end
542 object mnuActDC: TMenuItem
543 Caption = '&Discontinue / Cancel...'
544 OnClick = mnuActDCClick
545 end
546 object mnuActHold: TMenuItem
547 Caption = '&Hold...'
548 OnClick = mnuActHoldClick
549 end
550 object mnuActRenew: TMenuItem
551 Caption = 'Rene&w...'
552 OnClick = mnuActRenewClick
553 end
554 object mnuActCopy: TMenuItem
555 Caption = 'Co&py to New Order...'
556 OnClick = mnuActCopyClick
557 end
558 object mnuActTransfer: TMenuItem
559 Caption = '&Transfer to...'
560 OnClick = mnuActCopyClick
561 end
562 object mnuActRefill: TMenuItem
563 Caption = 'R&efill...'
564 OnClick = mnuActRefillClick
565 end
566 end
567 end
568 object popMed: TPopupMenu
569 OnPopup = popMedPopup
570 Left = 116
571 Top = 155
572 object popMedDetails: TMenuItem
573 Caption = 'Detai&ls...'
574 OnClick = mnuViewDetailClick
575 end
576 object popMedHistory: TMenuItem
577 Caption = 'Administration &History...'
578 OnClick = mnuViewHistoryClick
579 end
580 object N1: TMenuItem
581 Caption = '-'
582 end
583 object popMedChange: TMenuItem
584 Caption = '&Change...'
585 OnClick = mnuActChangeClick
586 end
587 object popMedDC: TMenuItem
588 Caption = '&Discontinue...'
589 OnClick = mnuActDCClick
590 end
591 object popMedRefill: TMenuItem
592 Caption = 'R&efill...'
593 OnClick = mnuActRefillClick
594 end
595 object popMedRenew: TMenuItem
596 Caption = 'Rene&w...'
597 OnClick = mnuActRenewClick
598 end
599 object N2: TMenuItem
600 Caption = '-'
601 end
602 object popMedNew: TMenuItem
603 Caption = '&New Medication...'
604 OnClick = mnuActNewClick
605 end
606 object mnuOptimizeFields: TMenuItem
607 Caption = 'Adjust Field Size'
608 Visible = False
609 OnClick = mnuOptimizeFieldsClick
610 end
611 end
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.