[541] | 1 | //kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 8/25/2007, also 8/09
[453] | 2 | unit fNotePrt;
| 3 |
| 4 | interface
| 5 |
| 6 | uses
| 7 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
| 8 | fAutoSz, ORCtrls, StdCtrls, Mask, ORNet, ORFn, ComCtrls, DKLang;
| 9 |
| 10 | type
| 11 | TfrmNotePrint = class(TfrmAutoSz)
| 12 | grpChooseCopy: TGroupBox;
| 13 | radChartCopy: TRadioButton;
| 14 | radWorkCopy: TRadioButton;
| 15 | grpDevice: TGroupBox;
| 16 | lblMargin: TLabel;
| 17 | lblLength: TLabel;
| 18 | txtRightMargin: TMaskEdit;
| 19 | txtPageLength: TMaskEdit;
| 20 | cmdOK: TButton;
| 21 | cmdCancel: TButton;
| 22 | lblNoteTitle: TMemo;
| 23 | cboDevice: TORComboBox;
| 24 | lblPrintTo: TLabel;
| 25 | dlgWinPrinter: TPrintDialog;
| 26 | chkDefault: TCheckBox;
| 27 | procedure cboDeviceNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String;
| 28 | Direction, InsertAt: Integer);
| 29 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
| 30 | procedure cboDeviceChange(Sender: TObject);
| 31 | procedure radChartCopyClick(Sender: TObject);
| 32 | procedure radWorkCopyClick(Sender: TObject);
| 33 | procedure cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject);
| 34 | procedure cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
| 35 | private
| 36 | //kt Begin Mod (change Consts to Vars) 8/25/2007
| 37 | TX_NODEVICE : string; //kt
| 38 | TX_NODEVICE_CAP : string; //kt
| 39 | TX_ERR_CAP : string; //kt
| 40 | //kt End Mod -------------------
| 41 | { Private declarations }
| 42 | FNote: Integer;
| 43 | FReportText: TRichEdit;
| 44 | procedure DisplaySelectDevice;
| 45 | procedure SetupVars; //kt
| 46 | public
| 47 | { Public declarations }
| 48 | end;
| 49 |
| 50 | procedure PrintNote(ANote: Longint; const ANoteTitle: string; MultiNotes: boolean = False);
| 51 |
| 52 | implementation
| 53 |
| 54 | {$R *.DFM}
| 55 |
[541] | 56 | uses rCore, rTIU, rReports, uCore, Printers,
| 57 | rHTMLTools; //kt 8/09
[453] | 58 |
[541] | 59 |
[453] | 60 | const
| 61 | //TX_NODEVICE = 'A device must be selected to print, or press ''Cancel'' to not print.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/25/2007
| 62 | //TX_NODEVICE_CAP = 'Device Not Selected'; <-- original line. //kt 8/25/2007
| 63 | //TX_ERR_CAP = 'Print Error'; <-- original line. //kt 8/25/2007
| 64 | PAGE_BREAK = '**PAGE BREAK**';
| 65 |
| 66 |
| 67 |
| 68 | procedure TfrmNotePrint.SetupVars;
| 69 | //kt Added entire function to replace constant declarations 8/25/2007
| 70 | begin
| 71 | TX_NODEVICE := DKLangConstW('fNotePrt_A_device_must_be_selected_to_printx_or_press_xxCancelxx_to_not_printx');
| 72 | TX_NODEVICE_CAP := DKLangConstW('fNotePrt_Device_Not_Selected');
| 73 | TX_ERR_CAP := DKLangConstW('fNotePrt_Print_Error');
| 74 | end;
| 75 |
| 76 | procedure PrintNote(ANote: Longint; const ANoteTitle: string; MultiNotes: boolean = False);
| 77 | { displays a form that prompts for a device and then prints the progress note }
| 78 | var
| 79 | frmNotePrint: TfrmNotePrint;
| 80 | DefPrt: string;
| 81 | begin
| 82 | frmNotePrint := TfrmNotePrint.Create(Application);
| 83 | try
| 84 | ResizeFormToFont(TForm(frmNotePrint));
| 85 | with frmNotePrint do
| 86 | begin
| 87 | { check to see of Chart Print allowed outside of MAS }
| 88 | if AllowChartPrintForNote(ANote) then
| 89 | begin
| 90 | {This next code begs the question: Why are we even bothering to check
| 91 | radWorkCopy if we immediately check the other button?
| 92 | Short answer: it seems to wokr better
| 93 | Long answer: The checkboxes have to in some way register with the group
| 94 | they are in. If this doesn't happen, both will be initially included
| 95 | the tab order. This means that the first time tabbing through the
| 96 | controls, the work copy button would be tabbed to and selected after the
| 97 | chart copy. Tabbing through controls should not change the group
| 98 | selection.
| 99 | }
| 100 | radWorkCopy.Checked := True;
| 101 | radChartCopy.Checked := True;
| 102 | end
| 103 | else
| 104 | begin
| 105 | radChartCopy.Enabled := False;
| 106 | radWorkCopy.Checked := True;
| 107 | end;
| 108 |
| 109 | lblNoteTitle.Text := ANoteTitle;
| 110 | // frmNotePrint.Caption := 'Print ' + Piece(Piece(ANoteTitle, #9, 2), ',', 1); <-- original line. //kt 8/25/2007
| 111 | frmNotePrint.Caption := DKLangConstW('fNotePrt_Print') + Piece(Piece(ANoteTitle, #9, 2), ',', 1); //kt added 8/25/2007
| 112 | FNote := ANote;
| 113 | DefPrt := GetDefaultPrinter(User.Duz, Encounter.Location);
| 114 |
| 115 | if User.CurrentPrinter = '' then User.CurrentPrinter := DefPrt;
| 116 |
| 117 | with cboDevice do
| 118 | begin
| 119 | if Printer.Printers.Count > 0 then
| 120 | begin
| 121 | // Items.Add('WIN;Windows Printer^Windows Printer'); <-- original line. //kt 8/25/2007
| 122 | Items.Add('WIN;'+DKLangConstW('fNotePrt_Windows_Printer')+'^'+DKLangConstW('fNotePrt_Windows_Printer')); //kt added 8/25/2007
| 123 | // Items.Add('^--------------------VistA Printers----------------------'); <-- original line. //kt 8/25/2007
| 124 | Items.Add('^'+DKLangConstW('fNotePrt_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxVistA_Printersxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx')); //kt added 8/25/2007
| 125 | end;
| 126 | if User.CurrentPrinter <> '' then
| 127 | begin
| 128 | InitLongList(Piece(User.CurrentPrinter, ';', 2));
| 129 | SelectByID(User.CurrentPrinter);
| 130 | end
| 131 | else
| 132 | InitLongList('');
| 133 | end;
| 134 |
| 135 | if ((DefPrt = 'WIN;Windows Printer') and (User.CurrentPrinter = DefPrt)) then
| 136 | cmdOKClick(frmNotePrint) //CQ6660
| 137 | //Commented out for CQ6660
| 138 | //or
| 139 | //((User.CurrentPrinter <> '') and
| 140 | //(MultiNotes = True)) then
| 141 | //frmNotePrint.cmdOKClick(frmNotePrint)
| 142 | //end CQ6660
| 143 | else
| 144 | frmNotePrint.ShowModal;
| 145 | end;
| 146 | finally
| 147 | frmNotePrint.Release;
| 148 | end;
| 149 | end;
| 150 |
| 151 | procedure TfrmNotePrint.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
| 152 | begin
| 153 | inherited;
| 154 | FReportText := TRichEdit.Create(Self);
| 155 | with FReportText do
| 156 | begin
| 157 | Parent := Self;
| 158 | Visible := False;
| 159 | Width := 600;
| 160 | end;
| 161 | end;
| 162 |
| 163 | procedure TfrmNotePrint.DisplaySelectDevice;
| 164 | begin
| 165 | with cboDevice, lblPrintTo do
| 166 | begin
| 167 | // if radChartCopy.Checked then Caption := 'Print Chart Copy on: ' + Piece(ItemID, ';', 2); <-- original line. //kt 8/25/2007
| 168 | if radChartCopy.Checked then Caption := DKLangConstW('fNotePrt_Print_Chart_Copy_onx') + Piece(ItemID, ';', 2); //kt added 8/25/2007
| 169 | // if radWorkCopy.Checked then Caption := 'Print Work Copy on: ' + Piece(ItemID, ';', 2); <-- original line. //kt 8/25/2007
| 170 | if radWorkCopy.Checked then Caption := DKLangConstW('fNotePrt_Print_Work_Copy_onx') + Piece(ItemID, ';', 2); //kt added 8/25/2007
| 171 | end;
| 172 | end;
| 173 |
| 174 | procedure TfrmNotePrint.cboDeviceNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string;
| 175 | Direction, InsertAt: Integer);
| 176 | begin
| 177 | inherited;
| 178 | cboDevice.ForDataUse(SubsetOfDevices(StartFrom, Direction));
| 179 | end;
| 180 |
| 181 | procedure TfrmNotePrint.cboDeviceChange(Sender: TObject);
| 182 | begin
| 183 | inherited;
| 184 | with cboDevice do if ItemIndex > -1 then
| 185 | begin
| 186 | txtRightMargin.Text := Piece(Items[ItemIndex], '^', 4);
| 187 | txtPageLength.Text := Piece(Items[ItemIndex], '^', 5);
| 188 | DisplaySelectDevice;
| 189 | end;
| 190 | end;
| 191 |
| 192 | procedure TfrmNotePrint.radChartCopyClick(Sender: TObject);
| 193 | begin
| 194 | inherited;
| 195 | DisplaySelectDevice;
| 196 | end;
| 197 |
| 198 | procedure TfrmNotePrint.radWorkCopyClick(Sender: TObject);
| 199 | begin
| 200 | inherited;
| 201 | DisplaySelectDevice;
| 202 | end;
| 203 |
| 204 | procedure TfrmNotePrint.cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject);
| 205 | var
| 206 | ADevice, ErrMsg: string;
| 207 | ChartCopy: Boolean;
| 208 | RemoteSiteID: string; //for Remote site printing
| 209 | RemoteQuery: string; //for Remote site printing
[541] | 210 | TempLines: TStringList; //kt added 5-31-05
[453] | 211 | begin
| 212 | SetupVars; //kt added 8/25/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 213 | inherited;
| 214 | RemoteSiteID := '';
| 215 | RemoteQuery := '';
| 216 |
| 217 | if cboDevice.ItemID = '' then
| 218 | begin
| 220 | Exit;
| 221 | end;
| 222 |
| 223 | if radChartCopy.Checked then
| 224 | ChartCopy := True
| 225 | else ChartCopy := False;
| 226 |
| 227 |
[541] | 228 | if Piece(cboDevice.ItemID, ';', 1) = 'WIN' then begin
| 229 | if dlgWinPrinter.Execute then begin
| 230 | //kt ----- Begin original code ------------- 8/09
| 231 | //kt FReportText.Lines.Assign(GetFormattedNote(FNote, ChartCopy));
| 232 | //kt PrintWindowsReport(FReportText, PAGE_BREAK, Self.Caption, ErrMsg);
| 233 | //kt if Length(ErrMsg) > 0 then InfoBox(ErrMsg, TX_ERR_CAP, MB_OK);
| 234 | //kt ----- End original code -------------
| 235 | TempLines := TStringList.Create; //kt 8/09
| 236 | TempLines.Assign(GetFormattedNote(FNote, ChartCopy)); //kt 8/09
| 237 | if not rHTMLTools.IsHTML(TempLines) then begin //kt 8/09
| 238 | //NOTE: If HTML, then bypass this printer dialog, because it will be //kt 8/09
| 239 | // replaced by a printer dialog that internet explorer uses. //kt 8/09
| 240 | if dlgWinPrinter.Execute then begin //kt 8/09
| 241 | FReportText.Lines.Assign(TempLines); //kt 8/09
| 242 | PrintWindowsReport(FReportText, PAGE_BREAK, Self.Caption, ErrMsg,Application); //kt 8/09
| 243 | end; //kt 8/09
| 244 | end else begin //kt 8/09
| 245 | LoadDocumentText(TempLines, FNote); //Get document without headers/footers //kt 8/09
| 246 | PrintHTMLReport(TempLines, ErrMsg, Patient.Name, //kt 8/09
| 247 | FormatFMDateTime('mm/dd/yyyy', Patient.DOB), //kt 8/09
| 248 | Patient.WardService, Application); //kt 8/09
| 249 | end; //kt 8/09
| 250 | TempLines.Free; //kt 8/09
| 251 | if Length(ErrMsg) > 0 then InfoBox(ErrMsg, TX_ERR_CAP, MB_OK); //kt 8/09
| 252 | end; //kt 8/09
| 253 | end else begin
[453] | 254 | ADevice := Piece(cboDevice.ItemID, ';', 2);
| 255 | PrintNoteToDevice(FNote, ADevice, ChartCopy, ErrMsg);
| 256 |
| 257 | if Length(ErrMsg) > 0 then
| 258 | InfoBox(ErrMsg, TX_ERR_CAP, MB_OK);
| 259 | end;
| 260 |
| 261 | if chkDefault.Checked then
| 262 | SaveDefaultPrinter(Piece(cboDevice.ItemID, ';', 1));
[541] | 263 |
[453] | 264 | User.CurrentPrinter := cboDevice.ItemID;
| 265 | Close;
| 266 | end;
| 267 |
| 268 | procedure TfrmNotePrint.cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject);
| 269 | begin
| 270 | inherited;
| 271 | Close;
| 272 | end;
| 273 |
| 274 | end.