[541] | 1 | //kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 7/19/2007, also 8/09
[453] | 2 | unit fNotes;
| 3 | {$O-}
| 4 |
| 5 | interface
| 6 |
| 7 | uses
| 8 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
| 9 | fHSplit, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, Menus, ComCtrls, ORCtrls, ORFn, uConst, ORDtTm,
| 10 | uPCE, ORClasses, fDrawers, ImgList, rTIU, uTIU, uDocTree, fRptBox, fPrintList,
[541] | 11 | MSHTML,TMGHTML2,ActiveX, //kt added this line 8/09 for HTML editing
| 12 | fNoteST, ORNet, fNoteSTStop, OleCtrls, SHDocVw, DKLang, Buttons, ToolWin;
[453] | 13 |
| 14 | type
[541] | 15 | TEditModes = (emNone,emText,emHTML); //kt 8/09
| 16 | TViewModes = (vmEdit,vmView,vmText,vmHTML); //kt 8/09
| 17 | TViewModeSet = Set of TViewModes; //kt 8/09
| 18 | const
| 19 | vmHTML_MODE : array [false..true] of TViewModes = (vmText,vmHTML); //kt 8/09
| 20 | emHTML_MODE : array [false..true] of TEditModes = (emText,emHTML); //kt 8/09
| 21 |
| 22 | type
[453] | 23 | TfrmNotes = class(TfrmHSplit)
| 24 | mnuNotes: TMainMenu;
| 25 | mnuView: TMenuItem;
| 26 | mnuViewChart: TMenuItem;
| 27 | mnuChartReports: TMenuItem;
| 28 | mnuChartLabs: TMenuItem;
| 29 | mnuChartDCSumm: TMenuItem;
| 30 | mnuChartCslts: TMenuItem;
| 31 | mnuChartNotes: TMenuItem;
| 32 | mnuChartOrders: TMenuItem;
| 33 | mnuChartMeds: TMenuItem;
| 34 | mnuChartProbs: TMenuItem;
| 35 | mnuChartCover: TMenuItem;
| 36 | Z1: TMenuItem;
| 37 | mnuViewDetail: TMenuItem;
| 38 | mnuAct: TMenuItem;
| 39 | mnuActNew: TMenuItem;
| 40 | Z2: TMenuItem;
| 41 | mnuActSave: TMenuItem;
| 42 | mnuActDelete: TMenuItem;
| 43 | mnuActEdit: TMenuItem;
| 44 | mnuActSign: TMenuItem;
| 45 | mnuActAddend: TMenuItem;
| 46 | lblNotes: TOROffsetLabel;
| 47 | pnlRead: TPanel;
| 48 | lblTitle: TOROffsetLabel;
| 49 | memNote: TRichEdit;
| 50 | pnlWrite: TPanel;
| 51 | memNewNote: TRichEdit;
| 52 | WebBrowser1: TWebBrowser; //kt added (and WebBrowser1 object in form file)
| 53 | Z3: TMenuItem;
| 54 | mnuViewAll: TMenuItem;
| 55 | mnuViewByAuthor: TMenuItem;
| 56 | mnuViewByDate: TMenuItem;
| 57 | mnuViewUncosigned: TMenuItem;
| 58 | mnuViewUnsigned: TMenuItem;
| 59 | mnuActSignList: TMenuItem;
| 60 | cmdNewNote: TORAlignButton;
| 61 | cmdPCE: TORAlignButton;
| 62 | lblSpace1: TLabel;
| 63 | popNoteMemo: TPopupMenu;
| 64 | popNoteMemoCut: TMenuItem;
| 65 | popNoteMemoCopy: TMenuItem;
| 66 | popNoteMemoPaste: TMenuItem;
| 67 | Z10: TMenuItem;
| 68 | popNoteMemoSignList: TMenuItem;
| 69 | popNoteMemoDelete: TMenuItem;
| 70 | popNoteMemoEdit: TMenuItem;
| 71 | popNoteMemoSave: TMenuItem;
| 72 | popNoteMemoSign: TMenuItem;
| 73 | popNoteList: TPopupMenu;
| 74 | popNoteListAll: TMenuItem;
| 75 | popNoteListByAuthor: TMenuItem;
| 76 | popNoteListByDate: TMenuItem;
| 77 | popNoteListUncosigned: TMenuItem;
| 78 | popNoteListUnsigned: TMenuItem;
| 79 | sptVert: TSplitter;
| 80 | memPCEShow: TRichEdit;
| 81 | mnuActIdentifyAddlSigners: TMenuItem;
| 82 | popNoteMemoAddlSign: TMenuItem;
| 83 | Z11: TMenuItem;
| 84 | popNoteMemoSpell: TMenuItem;
| 85 | popNoteMemoGrammar: TMenuItem;
| 86 | mnuViewCustom: TMenuItem;
| 87 | N1: TMenuItem;
| 88 | mnuViewSaveAsDefault: TMenuItem;
| 89 | ReturntoDefault1: TMenuItem;
| 90 | pnlDrawers: TPanel;
| 91 | lstNotes: TORListBox;
| 92 | splDrawers: TSplitter;
| 93 | popNoteMemoTemplate: TMenuItem;
| 94 | Z12: TMenuItem;
| 95 | mnuOptions: TMenuItem;
| 96 | mnuEditTemplates: TMenuItem;
| 97 | mnuNewTemplate: TMenuItem;
| 98 | N2: TMenuItem;
| 99 | mnuEditSharedTemplates: TMenuItem;
| 100 | mnuNewSharedTemplate: TMenuItem;
| 101 | popNoteMemoAddend: TMenuItem;
| 102 | pnlFields: TPanel;
| 103 | lblNewTitle: TStaticText;
| 104 | lblRefDate: TStaticText;
| 105 | lblAuthor: TStaticText;
| 106 | lblVisit: TStaticText;
| 107 | lblCosigner: TStaticText;
| 108 | cmdChange: TButton;
| 109 | lblSubject: TStaticText;
| 110 | txtSubject: TCaptionEdit;
| 111 | timAutoSave: TTimer;
| 112 | popNoteMemoPaste2: TMenuItem;
| 113 | popNoteMemoReformat: TMenuItem;
| 114 | Z4: TMenuItem;
| 115 | mnuActChange: TMenuItem;
| 116 | mnuActLoadBoiler: TMenuItem;
| 117 | bvlNewTitle: TBevel;
| 118 | popNoteMemoSaveContinue: TMenuItem;
| 119 | N3: TMenuItem;
| 120 | mnuEditDialgFields: TMenuItem;
| 121 | tvNotes: TORTreeView;
| 122 | lvNotes: TCaptionListView;
| 123 | sptList: TSplitter;
| 124 | N4: TMenuItem;
| 125 | popNoteListExpandSelected: TMenuItem;
| 126 | popNoteListExpandAll: TMenuItem;
| 127 | popNoteListCollapseSelected: TMenuItem;
| 128 | popNoteListCollapseAll: TMenuItem;
| 129 | popNoteListCustom: TMenuItem;
| 130 | mnuActDetachFromIDParent: TMenuItem;
| 131 | N5: TMenuItem;
| 132 | popNoteListDetachFromIDParent: TMenuItem;
| 133 | popNoteListAddIDEntry: TMenuItem;
| 134 | mnuActAddIDEntry: TMenuItem;
| 135 | mnuIconLegend: TMenuItem;
| 136 | N6: TMenuItem;
| 137 | popNoteMemoFind: TMenuItem;
| 138 | dlgFindText: TFindDialog;
| 139 | dlgReplaceText: TReplaceDialog;
| 140 | popNoteMemoReplace: TMenuItem;
| 141 | N7: TMenuItem;
| 142 | mnuChartSurgery: TMenuItem;
| 143 | mnuActAttachtoIDParent: TMenuItem;
| 144 | popNoteListAttachtoIDParent: TMenuItem;
| 145 | N8: TMenuItem;
| 146 | popNoteMemoPreview: TMenuItem;
| 147 | popNoteMemoInsTemplate: TMenuItem;
| 148 | popNoteMemoEncounter: TMenuItem;
| 149 | mnuSearchForText: TMenuItem;
| 150 | popSearchForText: TMenuItem;
| 151 | mnuViewInformation: TMenuItem;
| 152 | mnuViewDemo: TMenuItem;
| 153 | mnuViewVisits: TMenuItem;
| 154 | mnuViewPrimaryCare: TMenuItem;
| 155 | mnuViewMyHealtheVet: TMenuItem;
| 156 | mnuInsurance: TMenuItem;
| 157 | mnuViewFlags: TMenuItem;
| 158 | mnuViewReminders: TMenuItem;
| 159 | mnuViewRemoteData: TMenuItem;
| 160 | mnuViewPostings: TMenuItem;
[541] | 161 | pnlHtmlViewer: TPanel; //kt 8/09
| 162 | pnlTextWrite: TPanel; //kt 8/09
| 163 | popNoteMemoHTMLFormat: TMenuItem; //kt 8/09
| 164 | pnlHTMLWrite: TPanel; //kt 8/09
| 165 | pnlHTMLEdit: TPanel; //kt 8/09
| 166 | ToolBar: TToolBar; //kt 8/09
| 167 | cbFontNames: TComboBox; //kt 8/09
| 168 | cbFontSize: TComboBox; //kt 8/09
| 169 | btnFonts: TSpeedButton; //kt 8/09
| 170 | btnItalic: TSpeedButton; //kt 8/09
| 171 | btnBold: TSpeedButton; //kt 8/09
| 172 | btnUnderline: TSpeedButton; //kt 8/09
| 173 | btnBullets: TSpeedButton; //kt 8/09
| 174 | btnNumbers: TSpeedButton; //kt 8/09
| 175 | btnLeftAlign: TSpeedButton; //kt 8/09
| 176 | btnCenterAlign: TSpeedButton; //kt 8/09
| 177 | btnRightAlign: TSpeedButton; //kt 8/09
| 178 | btnMoreIndent: TSpeedButton; //kt 8/09
| 179 | btnLessIndent: TSpeedButton; //kt 8/09
| 180 | btnTextColor: TSpeedButton; //kt 8/09
| 181 | btnBackColor: TSpeedButton; //kt 8/09
[453] | 182 | procedure mnuChartTabClick(Sender: TObject);
| 183 | procedure lstNotesClick(Sender: TObject);
| 184 | procedure pnlRightResize(Sender: TObject);
| 185 | procedure cmdNewNoteClick(Sender: TObject);
| 186 | procedure mnuActNewClick(Sender: TObject);
| 187 | procedure mnuActAddIDEntryClick(Sender: TObject);
| 188 | procedure mnuActSaveClick(Sender: TObject);
| 189 | procedure mnuViewClick(Sender: TObject);
| 190 | procedure mnuActAddendClick(Sender: TObject);
| 191 | procedure mnuActDetachFromIDParentClick(Sender: TObject);
| 192 | procedure mnuActSignListClick(Sender: TObject);
| 193 | procedure mnuActDeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
| 194 | procedure mnuActEditClick(Sender: TObject);
| 195 | procedure mnuActSignClick(Sender: TObject);
| 196 | procedure cmdPCEClick(Sender: TObject);
| 197 | procedure popNoteMemoCutClick(Sender: TObject);
| 198 | procedure popNoteMemoCopyClick(Sender: TObject);
| 199 | procedure popNoteMemoPasteClick(Sender: TObject);
| 200 | procedure popNoteMemoPopup(Sender: TObject);
| 201 | procedure pnlWriteResize(Sender: TObject);
| 202 | procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
| 203 | procedure mnuViewDetailClick(Sender: TObject);
| 204 | procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
| 205 | procedure mnuActIdentifyAddlSignersClick(Sender: TObject);
| 206 | procedure popNoteMemoAddlSignClick(Sender: TObject);
| 207 | procedure popNoteMemoSpellClick(Sender: TObject);
| 208 | procedure popNoteMemoGrammarClick(Sender: TObject);
| 209 | procedure mnuViewSaveAsDefaultClick(Sender: TObject);
| 210 | procedure mnuViewReturntoDefaultClick(Sender: TObject);
| 211 | procedure popNoteMemoTemplateClick(Sender: TObject);
| 212 | procedure mnuEditTemplatesClick(Sender: TObject);
| 213 | procedure mnuNewTemplateClick(Sender: TObject);
| 214 | procedure mnuEditSharedTemplatesClick(Sender: TObject);
| 215 | procedure mnuNewSharedTemplateClick(Sender: TObject);
| 216 | procedure mnuOptionsClick(Sender: TObject);
| 217 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
| 218 | procedure cmdChangeClick(Sender: TObject);
| 219 | procedure pnlFieldsResize(Sender: TObject);
| 220 | procedure timAutoSaveTimer(Sender: TObject);
| 221 | procedure memNewNoteChange(Sender: TObject);
| 222 | procedure popNoteMemoReformatClick(Sender: TObject);
| 223 | procedure mnuActChangeClick(Sender: TObject);
| 224 | procedure mnuActLoadBoilerClick(Sender: TObject);
| 225 | procedure popNoteMemoSaveContinueClick(Sender: TObject);
| 226 | procedure mnuEditDialgFieldsClick(Sender: TObject);
| 227 | procedure tvNotesChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
| 228 | procedure tvNotesClick(Sender: TObject);
| 229 | procedure tvNotesCollapsed(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
| 230 | procedure tvNotesExpanded(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
| 231 | procedure tvNotesStartDrag(Sender: TObject;
| 232 | var DragObject: TDragObject);
| 233 | procedure tvNotesDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
| 234 | procedure tvNotesDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer;
| 235 | State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
| 236 | procedure lvNotesColumnClick(Sender: TObject; Column: TListColumn);
| 237 | procedure lvNotesCompare(Sender: TObject; Item1, Item2: TListItem; Data: Integer; var Compare: Integer);
| 238 | procedure lvNotesSelectItem(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem; Selected: Boolean);
| 239 | procedure popNoteListExpandAllClick(Sender: TObject);
| 240 | procedure popNoteListCollapseAllClick(Sender: TObject);
| 241 | procedure popNoteListExpandSelectedClick(Sender: TObject);
| 242 | procedure popNoteListCollapseSelectedClick(Sender: TObject);
| 243 | procedure popNoteListPopup(Sender: TObject);
| 244 | procedure lvNotesResize(Sender: TObject);
| 245 | procedure mnuIconLegendClick(Sender: TObject);
| 246 | procedure popNoteMemoFindClick(Sender: TObject);
| 247 | procedure dlgFindTextFind(Sender: TObject);
| 248 | procedure popNoteMemoReplaceClick(Sender: TObject);
| 249 | procedure dlgReplaceTextReplace(Sender: TObject);
| 250 | procedure dlgReplaceTextFind(Sender: TObject);
| 251 | procedure mnuActAttachtoIDParentClick(Sender: TObject);
| 252 | procedure memNewNoteKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
| 253 | procedure sptHorzCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewSize: Integer; var Accept: Boolean);
[541] | 254 | //kt procedure WebBrowser1DocumentComplete(Sender: TObject; const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL: OleVariant); //kt added
[453] | 255 | procedure popNoteMemoInsTemplateClick(Sender: TObject);
| 256 | procedure popNoteMemoPreviewClick(Sender: TObject);
| 257 | procedure tvNotesAddition(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
| 258 | procedure tvNotesDeletion(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
| 259 | procedure tvNotesExit(Sender: TObject);
| 260 | procedure pnlReadExit(Sender: TObject);
| 261 | procedure cmdNewNoteExit(Sender: TObject);
| 262 | procedure FormHide(Sender: TObject);
| 263 | procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject);
| 264 | procedure FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
| 265 | Y: Integer);
| 266 | procedure memNewNoteKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
| 267 | procedure memNewNoteKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
| 268 | Shift: TShiftState);
| 269 | procedure memPCEShowExit(Sender: TObject);
| 270 | procedure cmdChangeExit(Sender: TObject);
| 271 | procedure cmdPCEExit(Sender: TObject);
| 272 | procedure ViewInfo(Sender: TObject);
| 273 | procedure mnuViewInformationClick(Sender: TObject);
[541] | 274 | procedure btnBackColorClick(Sender: TObject); //kt 8/09
| 275 | procedure btnBoldClick(Sender: TObject); //kt 8/09
| 276 | procedure btnBulletsClick(Sender: TObject); //kt 8/09
| 277 | procedure btnCenterAlignClick(Sender: TObject); //kt 8/09
| 278 | procedure btnFontsClick(Sender: TObject); //kt 8/09
| 279 | procedure btnItalicClick(Sender: TObject); //kt 8/09
| 280 | procedure btnLeftAlignClick(Sender: TObject); //kt 8/09
| 281 | procedure btnLessIndentClick(Sender: TObject); //kt 8/09
| 282 | procedure btnMoreIndentClick(Sender: TObject); //kt 8/09
| 283 | procedure btnNumbersClick(Sender: TObject); //kt 8/09
| 284 | procedure btnRightAlignClick(Sender: TObject); //kt 8/09
| 285 | procedure btnTextColorClick(Sender: TObject); //kt 8/09
| 286 | procedure btnUnderlineClick(Sender: TObject); //kt 8/09
| 287 | procedure cbFontNamesChange(Sender: TObject); //kt 8/09
| 288 | procedure cbFontSizeChange(Sender: TObject); //kt 8/09
| 289 | procedure popNoteMemoHTMLFormatClick(Sender: TObject); //kt 8/09
[453] | 290 | private
| 291 | FNavigatingTab : Boolean; //Currently Using tab to navigate
| 292 | FEditingIndex: Integer; // index of note being currently edited
| 293 | FChanged: Boolean; // true if any text has changed in the note
| 294 | FEditCtrl: TCustomEdit;
| 295 | FSilent: Boolean;
| 296 | FCurrentContext: TTIUContext;
| 297 | FDefaultContext: TTIUContext;
| 298 | FOrderID: string;
| 299 | FImageFlag: TBitmap;
| 300 | FEditNote: TEditNoteRec;
[541] | 301 | FViewNote : TStringList; //kt 8/09
| 302 | FWarmedUp : boolean; //kt 8/09
[453] | 303 | FVerifyNoteTitle: Integer;
| 304 | FDocList: TStringList;
| 305 | FConfirmed: boolean;
| 306 | FLastNoteID: string;
| 307 | FNewIDChild: boolean;
| 308 | FEditingNotePCEObj: boolean;
| 309 | FDeleted: boolean;
| 310 | FOldFramePnlPatientExit: TNotifyEvent;
| 311 | FOldDrawerPnlTemplatesButtonExit: TNotifyEvent;
| 312 | FOldDrawerPnlEncounterButtonExit: TNotifyEvent;
| 313 | FOldDrawerEdtSearchExit: TNotifyEvent;
| 314 | FMousing: TDateTime;
| 315 | FStarting: boolean;
| 316 | LastAuthor: Int64; //kt 6-1-05
| 317 | LastAuthorName: string; //kt 6-1-05
[541] | 318 | FHTMLEditMode : TEditModes; //kt 7/09 This is the mode of the note being edited (even if not actively displayed)
| 319 | FViewMode : TViewModeSet; //kt 7/09 This is the status of the display
[453] | 320 | procedure frmFramePnlPatientExit(Sender: TObject);
| 321 | procedure frmDrawerPnlTemplatesButtonExit(Sender: TObject);
| 322 | procedure frmDrawerPnlEncounterButtonExit(Sender: TObject);
| 323 | procedure frmDrawerEdtSearchExit(Sender: TObject);
| 324 | procedure ClearEditControls;
| 325 | procedure DoAutoSave(Suppress: integer = 1);
| 326 | function GetTitleText(AnIndex: Integer): string;
| 327 | procedure InsertAddendum;
| 328 | procedure InsertNewNote(IsIDChild: boolean; AnIDParent: integer);
| 329 | function LacksRequiredForCreate: Boolean;
| 330 | procedure LoadForEdit;
| 331 | function LockConsultRequest(AConsult: Integer): Boolean;
| 332 | function LockConsultRequestAndNote(AnIEN: Int64): Boolean;
| 333 | procedure RemovePCEFromChanges(IEN: Int64; AVisitStr: string = '');
| 334 | procedure SaveEditedNote(var Saved: Boolean);
| 335 | procedure SaveCurrentNote(var Saved: Boolean);
| 336 | procedure SetEditingIndex(const Value: Integer);
| 337 | procedure SetSubjectVisible(ShouldShow: Boolean);
| 338 | procedure ShowPCEControls(ShouldShow: Boolean);
| 339 | function StartNewEdit(NewNoteType: integer): Boolean;
| 340 | procedure UnlockConsultRequest(ANote: Int64; AConsult: Integer = 0);
| 341 | procedure ProcessNotifications;
| 342 | procedure SetViewContext(AContext: TTIUContext);
| 343 | property EditingIndex: Integer read FEditingIndex write SetEditingIndex;
| 344 | function GetDrawers: TFrmDrawers;
| 345 | function CanFinishReminder: boolean;
| 346 | procedure DisplayPCE;
| 347 | function VerifyNoteTitle: Boolean;
| 348 | // added for treeview
| 349 | procedure LoadNotes;
| 350 | procedure UpdateTreeView(DocList: TStringList; Tree: TORTreeView);
| 351 | procedure EnableDisableIDNotes;
| 352 | procedure ShowPCEButtons(Editing: boolean);
| 353 | procedure DoAttachIDChild(AChild, AParent: TORTreeNode);
| 354 | function SetNoteTreeLabel(AContext: TTIUContext): string;
| 355 | procedure UpdateNoteAuthor(DocInfo: string);
[541] | 356 | procedure SetHTMLEditMode(HTMLEditMode : boolean; Quiet : Boolean=false); //kt
| 357 | procedure ToggleHTMLEditMode; //kt
| 358 | procedure BroadcastImages(Note: TStrings); //kt
| 359 | procedure ProperRepaint(Editing : Boolean); //kt
| 360 | procedure SetEditorFocus; //kt
| 361 | function EditorHasText : boolean; //kt
[453] | 362 | public
[541] | 363 | HtmlEditor : THtmlObj; //kt 8/09
| 364 | HtmlViewer : THtmlObj; //kt 8/09
| 365 | procedure SetDisplayToHTMLvsText(Mode :TViewModeSet; Lines : TStrings; ActivateOnly : boolean=False); //kt 8/09
[453] | 366 | function ActiveEditOf(AnIEN: Int64; ARequest: integer): Boolean;
| 367 | function AllowContextChange(var WhyNot: string): Boolean; override;
| 368 | procedure ClearPtData; override;
| 369 | procedure DisplayPage; override;
| 370 | procedure RequestPrint; override;
| 371 | procedure RequestMultiplePrint(AForm: TfrmPrintList);
| 372 | procedure SetFontSize(NewFontSize: Integer); override;
| 373 | procedure SaveSignItem(const ItemID, ESCode: string);
| 374 | procedure AssignRemForm;
| 375 | property OrderID: string read FOrderID;
[541] | 376 | property ViewMode :TViewModeSet read FViewMode; //kt 8/09
[453] | 377 | procedure LstNotesToPrint;
[541] | 378 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; //kt 8/09
| 379 | destructor Destroy; override; //kt 8/09
[453] | 380 | published
| 381 | property Drawers: TFrmDrawers read GetDrawers; // Keep Drawers published
| 382 | end;
| 383 |
| 384 | var
| 385 | frmNotes: TfrmNotes;
| 386 | SearchTextStopFlag: Boolean; // Text Search CQ: HDS00002856
| 387 |
| 388 | implementation
| 389 |
| 390 | {$R *.DFM}
| 391 |
| 392 | uses fFrame, fVisit, fEncnt, rCore, uCore, fNoteBA, fNoteBD, fSignItem, fEncounterFrame,
| 393 | rPCE, Clipbrd, fNoteCslt, fNotePrt, rVitals, fAddlSigners, fNoteDR, fConsults, uSpell,
| 394 | fTIUView, fTemplateEditor, uReminders, fReminderDialog, uOrders, rConsults, fReminderTree,
| 395 | fNoteProps, fNotesBP, fTemplateFieldEditor, dShared, rTemplates,
| 396 | FIconLegend, fPCEEdit, fNoteIDParents, rSurgery, uSurgery, uTemplates,
| 397 | uAccessibleTreeView, uAccessibleTreeNode, fTemplateDialog, DateUtils,
| 398 | StrUtils {//KT added 1-1-05},
[541] | 399 | //fImages, {//kt added 9-20-05}
| 400 | fOptionsNotes, //kt 8/09
[729] | 401 | rHTMLTools, fImages; {//kt added 5-27-05 for IsHTMLDocument}
[453] | 402 |
| 403 | const
| 404 |
| 405 | NT_NEW_NOTE = -10; // Holder IEN for a new note
| 406 | NT_ADDENDUM = -20; // Holder IEN for a new addendum
| 407 |
| 408 | NT_ACT_NEW_NOTE = 2;
| 409 | NT_ACT_ADDENDUM = 3;
| 410 | NT_ACT_EDIT_NOTE = 4;
| 411 | NT_ACT_ID_ENTRY = 5;
| 412 |
[541] | 413 | VIEW_ACTIVATE_ONLY = true; //kt 8/09
| 414 |
[453] | 415 | //TX_NEED_VISIT = 'A visit is required before creating a new progress note.'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 416 | //TX_CREATE_ERR = 'Error Creating Note'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 417 | //TX_UPDATE_ERR = 'Error Updating Note'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 418 | //TX_NO_NOTE = 'No progress note is currently being edited'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 419 | //TX_SAVE_NOTE = 'Save Progress Note'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 420 | //TX_ADDEND_NO = 'Cannot make an addendum to a note that is being edited'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 421 | //TX_DEL_OK = CRLF + CRLF + 'Delete this progress note?'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 422 | //TX_DEL_ERR = 'Unable to Delete Note'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 423 | //TX_SIGN = 'Sign Note'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 424 | //TX_COSIGN = 'Cosign Note'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 425 | //TX_SIGN_ERR = 'Unable to Sign Note'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 426 | // TX_SCREQD = 'This progress note title requires the service connected questions to be '+
| 427 | // 'answered. The Encounter form will now be opened. Please answer all '+
| 428 | // 'service connected questions.';
| 429 | // TX_SCREQD_T = 'Response required for SC questions.';
| 430 | //TX_NONOTE = 'No progress note is currently selected.'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 431 | //TX_NONOTE_CAP = 'No Note Selected'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 432 | //TX_NOPRT_NEW = 'This progress note may not be printed until it is saved'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 433 | //TX_NOPRT_NEW_CAP = 'Save Progress Note'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 434 | //TX_NO_ALERT = 'There is insufficient information to process this alert.' + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 435 | // 'Either the alert has already been deleted, or it contained invalid data.' + CRLF + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 436 | // 'Click the NEXT button if you wish to continue processing more alerts.'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 437 | //TX_CAP_NO_ALERT = 'Unable to Process Alert'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 438 | //TX_ORDER_LOCKED = 'This record is locked by an action underway on the Consults tab'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 439 | //TC_ORDER_LOCKED = 'Unable to access record'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 440 | //TX_NO_ORD_CHG = 'The note is still associated with the previously selected request.' + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 441 | // 'Finish the pending action on the consults tab, then try again.'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 442 | //TC_NO_ORD_CHG = 'Locked Consult Request'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 443 | //TX_NEW_SAVE1 = 'You are currently editing:' + CRLF + CRLF; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 444 | //TX_NEW_SAVE2 = CRLF + CRLF + 'Do you wish to save this note and begin a new one?'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 445 | //TX_NEW_SAVE3 = CRLF + CRLF + 'Do you wish to save this note and begin a new addendum?'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 446 | //TX_NEW_SAVE4 = CRLF + CRLF + 'Do you wish to save this note and edit the one selected?'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 447 | //TX_NEW_SAVE5 = CRLF + CRLF + 'Do you wish to save this note and begin a new Interdisciplinary entry?'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 448 | //TC_NEW_SAVE2 = 'Create New Note'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 449 | //TC_NEW_SAVE3 = 'Create New Addendum'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 450 | //TC_NEW_SAVE4 = 'Edit Different Note'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 451 | //TC_NEW_SAVE5 = 'Create New Interdisciplinary Entry'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 452 | //TX_EMPTY_NOTE = CRLF + CRLF + 'This note contains no text and will not be saved.' + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 453 | // 'Do you wish to delete this note?'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 454 | //TC_EMPTY_NOTE = 'Empty Note'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 455 | //TX_EMPTY_NOTE1 = 'This note contains no text and can not be signed.'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 456 | //TC_NO_LOCK = 'Unable to Lock Note'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 457 | //TX_ABSAVE = 'It appears the session terminated abnormally when this' + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 458 | // 'note was last edited. Some text may not have been saved.' + CRLF + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 459 | // 'Do you wish to continue and sign the note?'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 460 | //TC_ABSAVE = 'Possible Missing Text'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 461 | //TX_NO_BOIL = 'There is no boilerplate text associated with this title.'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 462 | //TC_NO_BOIL = 'Load Boilerplate Text'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 463 | //TX_BLR_CLEAR = 'Do you want to clear the previously loaded boilerplate text?'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 464 | //TC_BLR_CLEAR = 'Clear Previous Boilerplate Text'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 465 | //TX_DETACH_CNF = 'Confirm Detachment'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 466 | //TX_DETACH_FAILURE = 'Detach failed'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 467 | //TX_RETRACT_CAP = 'Retraction Notice'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 468 | //TX_RETRACT = 'This document will now be RETRACTED. As Such, it has been removed' +CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 469 | // ' from public view, and from typical Releases of Information,' +CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 470 | // ' but will remain indefinitely discoverable to HIMS.' +CRLF +CRLF; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 471 | //TX_AUTH_SIGNED = 'Author has not signed, are you SURE you want to sign.' +CRLF; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 472 | {
| 473 | type
| 474 | //CQ8300
| 475 | ClipboardData = record
| 476 | Text: array[0..255] of char;
| 477 | end;
| 478 | }
| 479 |
| 480 |
| 481 | var
| 482 | TX_NEED_VISIT : string; //kt
| 483 | TX_CREATE_ERR : string; //kt
| 484 | TX_UPDATE_ERR : string; //kt
| 485 | TX_NO_NOTE : string; //kt
| 486 | TX_SAVE_NOTE : string; //kt
| 487 | TX_ADDEND_NO : string; //kt
| 488 | TX_DEL_OK : string; //kt
| 489 | TX_DEL_ERR : string; //kt
| 490 | TX_SIGN : string; //kt
| 491 | TX_COSIGN : string; //kt
| 492 | TX_SIGN_ERR : string; //kt
| 493 | TX_NONOTE : string; //kt
| 494 | TX_NONOTE_CAP : string; //kt
| 495 | TX_NOPRT_NEW : string; //kt
| 496 | TX_NOPRT_NEW_CAP : string; //kt
| 497 | TX_NO_ALERT : string; //kt
| 498 | TX_CAP_NO_ALERT : string; //kt
| 499 | TX_ORDER_LOCKED : string; //kt
| 500 | TC_ORDER_LOCKED : string; //kt
| 501 | TX_NO_ORD_CHG : string; //kt
| 502 | TC_NO_ORD_CHG : string; //kt
| 503 | TX_NEW_SAVE1 : string; //kt
| 504 | TX_NEW_SAVE2 : string; //kt
| 505 | TX_NEW_SAVE3 : string; //kt
| 506 | TX_NEW_SAVE4 : string; //kt
| 507 | TX_NEW_SAVE5 : string; //kt
| 508 | TC_NEW_SAVE2 : string; //kt
| 509 | TC_NEW_SAVE3 : string; //kt
| 510 | TC_NEW_SAVE4 : string; //kt
| 511 | TC_NEW_SAVE5 : string; //kt
| 512 | TX_EMPTY_NOTE : string; //kt
| 513 | TC_EMPTY_NOTE : string; //kt
| 514 | TX_EMPTY_NOTE1 : string; //kt
| 515 | TC_NO_LOCK : string; //kt
| 516 | TX_ABSAVE : string; //kt
| 517 | TC_ABSAVE : string; //kt
| 518 | TX_NO_BOIL : string; //kt
| 519 | TC_NO_BOIL : string; //kt
| 520 | TX_BLR_CLEAR : string; //kt
| 521 | TC_BLR_CLEAR : string; //kt
| 522 | TX_DETACH_CNF : string; //kt
| 523 | TX_DETACH_FAILURE : string; //kt
| 524 | TX_RETRACT_CAP : string; //kt
| 525 | TX_RETRACT : string; //kt
| 526 | TX_AUTH_SIGNED : string; //kt
| 527 |
| 528 | procedure SetupVars;
| 529 | //kt Added entire function to replace constant declarations 7/19/2007
| 530 | begin
| 531 | TX_NEED_VISIT := DKLangConstW('fNotes_A_visit_is_required_before_creating_a_new_progress_notex');
| 532 | TX_CREATE_ERR := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Error_Creating_Note');
| 533 | TX_UPDATE_ERR := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Error_Updating_Note');
| 534 | TX_NO_NOTE := DKLangConstW('fNotes_No_progress_note_is_currently_being_edited');
| 535 | TX_SAVE_NOTE := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Save_Progress_Note');
| 536 | TX_ADDEND_NO := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Cannot_make_an_addendum_to_a_note_that_is_being_edited');
| 537 | TX_DEL_OK := CRLF + CRLF + DKLangConstW('fNotes_Delete_this_progress_notex');
| 538 | TX_DEL_ERR := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Unable_to_Delete_Note');
| 539 | TX_SIGN := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Sign_Note');
| 540 | TX_COSIGN := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Cosign_Note');
| 541 | TX_SIGN_ERR := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Unable_to_Sign_Note');
| 542 | TX_NONOTE := DKLangConstW('fNotes_No_progress_note_is_currently_selectedx');
| 543 | TX_NONOTE_CAP := DKLangConstW('fNotes_No_Note_Selected');
| 544 | TX_NOPRT_NEW := DKLangConstW('fNotes_This_progress_note_may_not_be_printed_until_it_is_saved');
| 545 | TX_NOPRT_NEW_CAP := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Save_Progress_Note');
| 546 | TX_NO_ALERT := DKLangConstW('fNotes_There_is_insufficient_information_to_process_this_alertx') + CRLF +
| 547 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_Either_the_alert_has_already_been_deletedx_or_it_contained_invalid_datax') + CRLF + CRLF +
| 548 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_Click_the_NEXT_button_if_you_wish_to_continue_processing_more_alertsx');
| 549 | TX_CAP_NO_ALERT := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Unable_to_Process_Alert');
| 550 | TX_ORDER_LOCKED := DKLangConstW('fNotes_This_record_is_locked_by_an_action_underway_on_the_Consults_tab');
| 551 | TC_ORDER_LOCKED := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Unable_to_access_record');
| 552 | TX_NO_ORD_CHG := DKLangConstW('fNotes_The_note_is_still_associated_with_the_previously_selected_requestx') + CRLF +
| 553 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_Finish_the_pending_action_on_the_consults_tabx_then_try_againx');
| 554 | TC_NO_ORD_CHG := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Locked_Consult_Request');
| 555 | TX_NEW_SAVE1 := DKLangConstW('fNotes_You_are_currently_editingx') + CRLF + CRLF;
| 556 | TX_NEW_SAVE2 := CRLF + CRLF + DKLangConstW('fNotes_Do_you_wish_to_save_this_note_and_begin_a_new_onex');
| 557 | TX_NEW_SAVE3 := CRLF + CRLF + DKLangConstW('fNotes_Do_you_wish_to_save_this_note_and_begin_a_new_addendumx');
| 558 | TX_NEW_SAVE4 := CRLF + CRLF + DKLangConstW('fNotes_Do_you_wish_to_save_this_note_and_edit_the_one_selectedx');
| 559 | TX_NEW_SAVE5 := CRLF + CRLF + DKLangConstW('fNotes_Do_you_wish_to_save_this_note_and_begin_a_new_Interdisciplinary_entryx');
| 560 | TC_NEW_SAVE2 := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Create_New_Note');
| 561 | TC_NEW_SAVE3 := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Create_New_Addendum');
| 562 | TC_NEW_SAVE4 := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Edit_Different_Note');
| 563 | TC_NEW_SAVE5 := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Create_New_Interdisciplinary_Entry');
| 564 | TX_EMPTY_NOTE := CRLF + CRLF + DKLangConstW('fNotes_This_note_contains_no_text_and_will_not_be_savedx') + CRLF +
| 565 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_Do_you_wish_to_delete_this_notex');
| 566 | TC_EMPTY_NOTE := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Empty_Note');
| 567 | TX_EMPTY_NOTE1 := DKLangConstW('fNotes_This_note_contains_no_text_and_can_not_be_signedx');
| 568 | TC_NO_LOCK := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Unable_to_Lock_Note');
| 569 | TX_ABSAVE := DKLangConstW('fNotes_It_appears_the_session_terminated_abnormally_when_this') + CRLF +
| 570 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_note_was_last_editedx_Some_text_may_not_have_been_savedx') + CRLF + CRLF +
| 571 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_Do_you_wish_to_continue_and_sign_the_notex');
| 572 | TC_ABSAVE := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Possible_Missing_Text');
| 573 | TX_NO_BOIL := DKLangConstW('fNotes_There_is_no_boilerplate_text_associated_with_this_titlex');
| 574 | TC_NO_BOIL := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Load_Boilerplate_Text');
| 575 | TX_BLR_CLEAR := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Do_you_want_to_clear_the_previously_loaded_boilerplate_textx');
| 576 | TC_BLR_CLEAR := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Clear_Previous_Boilerplate_Text');
| 577 | TX_DETACH_CNF := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Confirm_Detachment');
| 578 | TX_DETACH_FAILURE := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Detach_failed');
| 579 | TX_RETRACT_CAP := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Retraction_Notice');
| 580 | TX_RETRACT := DKLangConstW('fNotes_This_document_will_now_be_RETRACTEDx__As_Suchx_it_has_been_removed') +CRLF +
| 581 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_from_public_viewx_and_from_typical_Releases_of_Informationx') +CRLF +
| 582 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_but_will_remain_indefinitely_discoverable_to_HIMSx') +CRLF +CRLF;
| 583 | TX_AUTH_SIGNED := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Author_has_not_signedx_are_you_SURE_you_want_to_signx') +CRLF;
| 584 | end;
| 585 |
| 586 | var
| 587 | uPCEShow, uPCEEdit: TPCEData;
| 588 | ViewContext: Integer;
| 589 | frmDrawers: TfrmDrawers;
| 590 | uTIUContext: TTIUContext;
| 591 | ColumnToSort: Integer;
| 592 | ColumnSortForward: Boolean;
| 593 | uChanging: Boolean;
| 594 | uIDNotesActive: Boolean;
| 595 |
[541] | 596 | constructor TfrmNotes.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
| 597 | //kt Added function 8/09
| 598 | begin
| 599 | inherited Create(AOwner);
| 600 | FViewNote := TStringList.Create;
| 601 | end;
[453] | 602 |
[541] | 603 | destructor TfrmNotes.Destroy;
| 604 | //kt Added function 8/09
| 605 | begin
| 606 | FViewNote.Free;
| 607 | FEditNote.Lines.Free; //kt
| 608 | inherited Destroy;
| 609 | end;
| 610 |
| 611 |
[453] | 612 | { TPage common methods --------------------------------------------------------------------- }
| 613 | function TfrmNotes.AllowContextChange(var WhyNot: string): Boolean;
| 614 | begin
| 615 | dlgFindText.CloseDialog;
| 616 | Result := inherited AllowContextChange(WhyNot); // sets result = true
| 617 | if Assigned(frmTemplateDialog) then
| 618 | if Screen.ActiveForm = frmTemplateDialog then
| 619 | //if (fsModal in frmTemplateDialog.FormState) then
| 620 | case BOOLCHAR[frmFrame.CCOWContextChanging] of
| 621 | '1': begin
| 622 | // WhyNot := 'A template in progress will be aborted. '; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 623 | WhyNot := DKLangConstW('fNotes_A_template_in_progress_will_be_abortedx'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 624 | Result := False;
| 625 | end;
| 626 | '0': begin
| 627 | // if WhyNot = 'COMMIT' then <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 628 | if WhyNot = DKLangConstW('fNotes_COMMIT') then //kt added 7/19/2007
| 629 | begin
| 630 | FSilent := True;
| 631 | frmTemplateDialog.Silent := True;
| 632 | frmTemplateDialog.ModalResult := mrCancel;
| 633 | end;
| 634 | end;
| 635 | end;
| 636 | if Assigned(frmRemDlg) then
| 637 | case BOOLCHAR[frmFrame.CCOWContextChanging] of
| 638 | '1': begin
| 639 | // WhyNot := 'All current reminder processing information will be discarded. '; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 640 | WhyNot := DKLangConstW('fNotes_All_current_reminder_processing_information_will_be_discardedx'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 641 | Result := False;
| 642 | end;
| 643 | '0': begin
| 644 | if WhyNot = 'COMMIT' then
| 645 | begin
| 646 | FSilent := True;
| 647 | frmRemDlg.Silent := True;
| 648 | frmRemDlg.btnCancelClick(Self);
| 649 | end;
| 650 | end;
| 651 | end;
| 652 | if EditingIndex <> -1 then
| 653 | case BOOLCHAR[frmFrame.CCOWContextChanging] of
| 654 | '1': begin
[541] | 655 | if ((vmHTML in FViewMode) and (HTMLEditor.Text <> '')) //kt 8/09
| 656 | or ((not (vmHTML in FViewMode)) and (memNewNote.GetTextLen > 0 )) then begin //kt
[453] | 657 | // WhyNot := WhyNot + 'A note in progress will be saved as unsigned. ' <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 658 | WhyNot := WhyNot + DKLangConstW('fNotes_A_note_in_progress_will_be_saved_as_unsignedx') //kt added 7/19/2007
[541] | 659 | end else begin //kt
[453] | 660 | // WhyNot := WhyNot + 'An empty note in progress will be deleted. '; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 661 | WhyNot := WhyNot + DKLangConstW('fNotes_An_empty_note_in_progress_will_be_deletedx'); //kt added 7/19/2007
[541] | 662 | end; //kt
[453] | 663 | Result := False;
| 664 | end;
| 665 | '0': begin
| 666 | // if WhyNot = 'COMMIT' then FSilent := True; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 667 | if WhyNot = DKLangConstW('fNotes_COMMIT') then FSilent := True; //kt added 7/19/2007
| 668 | SaveCurrentNote(Result)
| 669 | end;
| 670 | end;
| 671 | if Assigned(frmEncounterFrame) then
| 672 | if Screen.ActiveForm = frmEncounterFrame then
| 673 | //if (fsModal in frmEncounterFrame.FormState) then
| 674 | case BOOLCHAR[frmFrame.CCOWContextChanging] of
| 675 | '1': begin
| 676 | // WhyNot := WhyNot + 'Encounter information being edited will not be saved'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 677 | WhyNot := WhyNot + DKLangConstW('fNotes_Encounter_information_being_edited_will_not_be_saved'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 678 | Result := False;
| 679 | end;
| 680 | '0': begin
| 681 | if WhyNot = 'COMMIT' then
| 682 | begin
| 683 | FSilent := True;
| 684 | frmEncounterFrame.Abort := False;
| 685 | frmEncounterFrame.Cancel := True;
| 686 | end;
| 687 | end;
| 688 | end;
| 689 | end;
| 690 |
| 691 | procedure TfrmNotes.LstNotesToPrint;
| 692 | var
| 693 | AParentID: string;
| 694 | SavedDocID: string;
| 695 | Saved: boolean;
| 696 | begin
| 697 | inherited;
| 698 | if not uIDNotesActive then exit;
| 699 | if lstNotes.ItemIEN = 0 then exit;
| 700 | SavedDocID := lstNotes.ItemID;
| 701 | if EditingIndex <> -1 then
| 702 | begin
| 703 | SaveCurrentNote(Saved);
| 704 | if not Saved then Exit;
| 705 | LoadNotes;
| 706 | with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(SavedDocID, U, Items.GetFirstNode);
| 707 | end;
| 708 | if tvNotes.Selected = nil then exit;
| 709 | AParentID := frmPrintList.SelectParentFromList(tvNotes,CT_NOTES);
| 710 | if AParentID = '' then exit;
| 711 | with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(AParentID, 1, U, Items.GetFirstNode);
| 712 | end;
| 713 |
| 714 | procedure TfrmNotes.ClearPtData;
| 715 | { clear all controls that contain patient specific information }
| 716 | begin
| 717 | inherited ClearPtData;
| 718 | ClearEditControls;
| 719 | uChanging := True;
| 720 | tvNotes.Items.BeginUpdate;
| 721 | KilldocTreeObjects(tvNotes);
| 722 | tvNotes.Items.Clear;
| 723 | tvNotes.Items.EndUpdate;
| 724 | lvNotes.Items.Clear;
| 725 | uChanging := False;
| 726 | lstNotes.Clear;
| 727 | memNote.Clear;
[541] | 728 | HTMLViewer.Clear; //kt
| 729 | HTMLEditor.Clear; //kt
| 730 | FWarmedUp := false; //kt
| 731 | SetDisplayToHTMLvsText([vmText,vmView],nil,VIEW_ACTIVATE_ONLY); //kt
[453] | 732 | memPCEShow.Clear;
| 733 | uPCEShow.Clear;
| 734 | uPCEEdit.Clear;
| 735 | frmDrawers.ResetTemplates;
| 736 | end;
| 737 |
| 738 | procedure TfrmNotes.DisplayPage;
| 739 | { causes page to be visible and conditionally executes initialization code }
| 740 | begin
| 741 | inherited DisplayPage;
| 742 | frmFrame.ShowHideChartTabMenus(mnuViewChart);
| 743 | frmFrame.mnuFilePrint.Tag := CT_NOTES;
| 744 | frmFrame.mnuFilePrint.Enabled := True;
| 745 | frmFrame.mnuFilePrintSetup.Enabled := True;
| 746 | frmFrame.mnuFilePrintSelectedItems.Enabled := True;
| 747 | if InitPage then
| 748 | begin
| 749 | EnableDisableIDNotes;
| 750 | FDefaultContext := GetCurrentTIUContext;
| 751 | FCurrentContext := FDefaultContext;
| 752 | popNoteMemoSpell.Visible := SpellCheckAvailable;
| 753 | popNoteMemoGrammar.Visible := popNoteMemoSpell.Visible;
| 754 | Z11.Visible := popNoteMemoSpell.Visible;
| 755 | timAutoSave.Interval := User.AutoSave * 1000; // convert seconds to milliseconds
| 756 | SetEqualTabStops(memNewNote);
| 757 | end;
| 758 | // to indent the right margin need to set Paragraph.RightIndent for each paragraph?
| 759 | if InitPatient and not (CallingContext = CC_NOTIFICATION) then
| 760 | begin
| 761 | SetViewContext(FDefaultContext);
| 762 | end;
| 763 | case CallingContext of
| 764 | CC_INIT_PATIENT: if not InitPatient then
| 765 | begin
| 766 | SetViewContext(FDefaultContext);
| 767 | end;
| 768 | CC_NOTIFICATION: ProcessNotifications;
| 769 | end;
| 770 | end;
| 771 |
| 772 | procedure TfrmNotes.RequestPrint;
| 773 | var
| 774 | Saved: Boolean;
| 775 | begin
| 776 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 777 | with lstNotes do
| 778 | begin
| 779 | if ItemIndex = EditingIndex then
| 780 | //if ItemIEN < 0 then
| 781 | begin
| 782 | SaveCurrentNote(Saved);
| 783 | if not Saved then Exit;
| 784 | end;
| 785 | if ItemIEN > 0 then PrintNote(ItemIEN, MakeNoteDisplayText(Items[ItemIndex])) else
| 786 | begin
| 787 | if ItemIEN = 0 then InfoBox(TX_NONOTE, TX_NONOTE_CAP, MB_OK);
| 788 | if ItemIEN < 0 then InfoBox(TX_NOPRT_NEW, TX_NOPRT_NEW_CAP, MB_OK);
| 789 | end;
| 790 | end;
| 791 | end;
| 792 |
| 793 | {for printing multiple notes}
| 794 | procedure TfrmNotes.RequestMultiplePrint(AForm: TfrmPrintList);
| 795 | var
| 796 | NoteIEN: int64;
| 797 | i: integer;
| 798 | begin
| 799 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 800 | with AForm.lbIDParents do
| 801 | begin
| 802 | for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do
| 803 | begin
| 804 | if Selected[i] then
| 805 | begin
| 806 | NoteIEN := StrToInt64def(Piece(TStringList(Items.Objects[i])[0],U,1),0);
| 807 | if NoteIEN > 0 then PrintNote(NoteIEN, Items[i], TRUE) else
| 808 | begin
| 809 | if NoteIEN = 0 then InfoBox(TX_NONOTE, TX_NONOTE_CAP, MB_OK);
| 810 | if NoteIEN < 0 then InfoBox(TX_NOPRT_NEW, TX_NOPRT_NEW_CAP, MB_OK);
| 811 | end;
| 812 | end; {if selected}
| 813 | end; {for}
| 814 | end; {with}
| 815 | end;
| 816 |
| 817 | procedure TfrmNotes.SetFontSize(NewFontSize: Integer);
| 818 | { adjusts the font size of any controls that don't have ParentFont = True }
| 819 | begin
| 820 | inherited SetFontSize(NewFontSize);
| 821 | frmDrawers.Font.Size := NewFontSize;
| 822 | SetEqualTabStops(memNewNote);
| 823 | end;
| 824 |
| 825 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuChartTabClick(Sender: TObject);
| 826 | { reroute to Chart Tab menu of the parent form: frmFrame }
| 827 | begin
| 828 | inherited;
| 829 | frmFrame.mnuChartTabClick(Sender);
| 830 | end;
| 831 |
| 832 | { General procedures ----------------------------------------------------------------------- }
| 833 |
| 834 | procedure TfrmNotes.ClearEditControls;
| 835 | { resets controls used for entering a new progress note }
| 836 | begin
| 837 | // clear FEditNote (should FEditNote be an object with a clear method?)
| 838 | with FEditNote do
| 839 | begin
| 840 | DocType := 0;
| 841 | Title := 0;
| 842 | TitleName := '';
| 843 | DateTime := 0;
| 844 | Author := 0;
| 845 | AuthorName := '';
| 846 | Cosigner := 0;
| 847 | CosignerName := '';
| 848 | Subject := '';
| 849 | Location := 0;
| 850 | LocationName := '';
| 851 | PkgIEN := 0;
| 852 | PkgPtr := '';
| 853 | PkgRef := '';
| 854 | NeedCPT := False;
| 855 | Addend := 0;
| 856 | {LastCosigner & LastCosignerName aren't cleared because they're used as default for next note.}
[541] | 857 | //kt 8/09 Lines := nil;
| 858 | if Assigned (Lines) then Lines.Clear; //kt 8/09
[453] | 859 | PRF_IEN := 0;
| 860 | ActionIEN := '';
| 861 | end;
| 862 | // clear the editing controls (also clear the new labels?)
| 863 | txtSubject.Text := '';
| 864 | if memNewNote <> nil then memNewNote.Clear; //CQ7012 Added test for nil
[541] | 865 | HTMLEditor.Clear; //kt 8/09
| 866 | HTMLViewer.Clear; //kt 8/09
| 867 | FHTMLEditMode := emNone; //kt 8/09
[453] | 868 | timAutoSave.Enabled := False;
| 869 | // clear the PCE object for editing
| 870 | uPCEEdit.Clear;
| 871 | // set the tracking variables to initial state
| 872 | EditingIndex := -1;
| 873 | FChanged := False;
| 874 | end;
| 875 |
| 876 | procedure TfrmNotes.ShowPCEControls(ShouldShow: Boolean);
| 877 | begin
| 878 | sptVert.Visible := ShouldShow;
| 879 | memPCEShow.Visible := ShouldShow;
| 880 | if(ShouldShow) then
| 881 | sptVert.Top := memPCEShow.Top - sptVert.Height;
[541] | 882 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin //kt 8/09
| 883 | HTMLViewer.Invalidate; //kt 8/09
| 884 | end else begin //kt 8/09
| 885 | memNote.Invalidate;
| 886 | end; //kt 8/09
[453] | 887 | end;
| 888 |
| 889 | procedure TfrmNotes.DisplayPCE;
| 890 | { displays PCE information if appropriate & enables/disabled editing of PCE data }
| 891 | var
| 892 | EnableList, ShowList: TDrawers;
| 893 | VitalStr: TStringlist;
| 894 | NoPCE: boolean;
| 895 | ActionSts: TActionRec;
| 896 | AnIEN: integer;
| 897 | begin
| 898 | memPCEShow.Clear;
| 899 | with lstNotes do if ItemIndex = EditingIndex then
| 900 | begin
| 901 | with uPCEEdit do
| 902 | begin
| 903 | AddStrData(memPCEShow.Lines);
| 904 | NoPCE := (memPCEShow.Lines.Count = 0);
| 905 | VitalStr := TStringList.create;
| 906 | try
| 907 | GetVitalsFromDate(VitalStr, uPCEEdit);
| 908 | AddVitalData(VitalStr, memPCEShow.Lines);
| 909 | finally
| 910 | VitalStr.free;
| 911 | end;
| 912 | ShowPCEButtons(TRUE);
| 913 | ShowPCEControls(cmdPCE.Enabled or (memPCEShow.Lines.Count > 0));
| 914 | if(NoPCE and memPCEShow.Visible) then
| 915 | memPCEShow.Lines.Insert(0, TX_NOPCE);
| 916 | memPCEShow.SelStart := 0;
| 917 |
| 918 | if(InteractiveRemindersActive) then
| 919 | begin
| 920 | if(GetReminderStatus = rsNone) then
| 921 | EnableList := [odTemplates]
| 922 | else
| 923 | EnableList := [odTemplates, odReminders];
| 924 | ShowList := [odTemplates, odReminders];
| 925 | end
| 926 | else
| 927 | begin
| 928 | EnableList := [odTemplates];
| 929 | ShowList := [odTemplates];
| 930 | end;
| 931 | frmDrawers.DisplayDrawers(TRUE, EnableList, ShowList);
| 932 | end;
| 933 | end else
| 934 | begin
| 935 | ShowPCEButtons(FALSE);
| 936 | frmDrawers.DisplayDrawers(TRUE, [odTemplates], [odTemplates]);
| 937 | AnIEN := lstNotes.ItemIEN;
| 938 | ActOnDocument(ActionSts, AnIEN, 'VIEW');
| 939 | if ActionSts.Success then
| 940 | begin
| 941 | // StatusText('Retrieving encounter information...'); <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 942 | StatusText(DKLangConstW('fNotes_Retrieving_encounter_informationxxx')); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 943 | with uPCEShow do
| 944 | begin
| 945 | NoteDateTime := MakeFMDateTime(Piece(lstNotes.Items[lstNotes.ItemIndex], U, 3));
| 946 | PCEForNote(AnIEN, uPCEEdit);
| 947 | AddStrData(memPCEShow.Lines);
| 948 | NoPCE := (memPCEShow.Lines.Count = 0);
| 949 | VitalStr := TStringList.create;
| 950 | try
| 951 | GetVitalsFromNote(VitalStr, uPCEShow, AnIEN);
| 952 | AddVitalData(VitalStr, memPCEShow.Lines);
| 953 | finally
| 954 | VitalStr.free;
| 955 | end;
| 956 | ShowPCEControls(memPCEShow.Lines.Count > 0);
| 957 | if(NoPCE and memPCEShow.Visible) then
| 958 | memPCEShow.Lines.Insert(0, TX_NOPCE);
| 959 | memPCEShow.SelStart := 0;
| 960 | end;
| 961 | StatusText('');
| 962 | end
| 963 | else
| 964 | ShowPCEControls(FALSE);
| 965 | end; {if ItemIndex}
| 966 | end;
| 967 |
| 968 | { supporting calls for writing notes }
| 969 |
| 970 | function TfrmNotes.GetTitleText(AnIndex: Integer): string;
| 971 | { returns non-tabbed text for the title of a note given the ItemIndex in lstNotes }
| 972 | begin
| 973 | with lstNotes do
| 974 | Result := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', MakeFMDateTime(Piece(Items[AnIndex], U, 3))) +
| 975 | ' ' + Piece(Items[AnIndex], U, 2) + ', ' + Piece(Items[AnIndex], U, 6) + ', ' +
| 976 | Piece(Piece(Items[AnIndex], U, 5), ';', 2)
| 977 | end;
| 978 |
| 979 | function TfrmNotes.LacksRequiredForCreate: Boolean;
| 980 | { determines if the fields required to create the note are present }
| 981 | var
| 982 | CurTitle: Integer;
| 983 | begin
| 984 | Result := False;
| 985 | with FEditNote do
| 986 | begin
| 987 | if Title <= 0 then Result := True;
| 988 | if Author <= 0 then Result := True;
| 989 | if DateTime <= 0 then Result := True;
| 990 | if IsConsultTitle(Title) and (PkgIEN = 0) then Result := True;
| 991 | if IsSurgeryTitle(Title) and (PkgIEN = 0) then Result := True;
| 992 | if IsPRFTitle(Title) and (PRF_IEN = 0) and (not DocType = TYP_ADDENDUM) then Result := True;
| 993 | if (DocType = TYP_ADDENDUM) then
| 994 | begin
| 995 | if AskCosignerForDocument(Addend, Author) and (Cosigner <= 0) then Result := True;
| 996 | end else
| 997 | begin
| 998 | if Title > 0 then CurTitle := Title else CurTitle := DocType;
| 999 | if AskCosignerForTitle(CurTitle, Author, DateTime) and (Cosigner <= 0) then Result := True;
| 1000 | end;
| 1001 | end;
| 1002 | end;
| 1003 |
| 1004 | function TfrmNotes.VerifyNoteTitle: Boolean;
| 1005 | const
| 1006 | VNT_UNKNOWN = 0;
| 1007 | VNT_NO = 1;
| 1008 | VNT_YES = 2;
| 1009 | var
| 1010 | AParam: string;
| 1011 | begin
| 1012 | if FVerifyNoteTitle = VNT_UNKNOWN then
| 1013 | begin
| 1014 | AParam := GetUserParam('ORWOR VERIFY NOTE TITLE');
| 1015 | if AParam = '1' then FVerifyNoteTitle := VNT_YES else FVerifyNoteTitle := VNT_NO;
| 1016 | end;
| 1017 | Result := FVerifyNoteTitle = VNT_YES;
| 1018 | end;
| 1019 |
| 1020 | procedure TfrmNotes.SetSubjectVisible(ShouldShow: Boolean);
| 1021 | { hide/show subject & resize panel accordingly - leave 6 pixel margin above memNewNote }
| 1022 | begin
| 1023 | if ShouldShow then
| 1024 | begin
| 1025 | lblSubject.Visible := True;
| 1026 | txtSubject.Visible := True;
| 1027 | pnlFields.Height := txtSubject.Top + txtSubject.Height + 6;
| 1028 | end else
| 1029 | begin
| 1030 | lblSubject.Visible := False;
| 1031 | txtSubject.Visible := False;
| 1032 | pnlFields.Height := lblVisit.Top + lblVisit.Height + 6;
| 1033 | end;
| 1034 | end;
| 1035 |
| 1036 | { consult request and note locking }
| 1037 |
| 1038 | function TfrmNotes.LockConsultRequest(AConsult: Integer): Boolean;
| 1039 | { returns true if consult successfully locked }
| 1040 | begin
| 1041 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 1042 | // *** I'm not sure about the FOrderID field - if the user is editing one note and
| 1043 | // deletes another, FOrderID will be for editing note, then delete note, then null
| 1044 | Result := True;
| 1045 | FOrderID := GetConsultOrderIEN(AConsult);
| 1046 | if (FOrderID <> '') and (FOrderID = frmConsults.OrderID) then
| 1047 | begin
| 1049 | Result := False;
| 1050 | Exit;
| 1051 | end;
| 1052 | if (FOrderId <> '') then
| 1053 | if not OrderCanBeLocked(FOrderID) then Result := False;
| 1054 | if not Result then FOrderID := '';
| 1055 | end;
| 1056 |
| 1057 | function TfrmNotes.LockConsultRequestAndNote(AnIEN: Int64): Boolean;
| 1058 | { returns true if note and associated request successfully locked }
| 1059 | var
| 1060 | AConsult: Integer;
| 1061 | LockMsg, x: string;
| 1062 | begin
| 1063 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 1064 | Result := True;
| 1065 | AConsult := 0;
| 1066 | if frmConsults.ActiveEditOf(AnIEN) then
| 1067 | begin
| 1069 | Result := False;
| 1070 | Exit;
| 1071 | end;
| 1072 | if Changes.Exist(CH_DOC, IntToStr(AnIEN)) then Exit; // already locked
| 1073 | // try to lock the consult request first, if there is one
| 1074 | if IsConsultTitle(TitleForNote(AnIEN)) then
| 1075 | begin
| 1076 | x := GetPackageRefForNote(lstNotes.ItemIEN);
| 1077 | AConsult := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, ';', 1), 0);
| 1078 | Result := LockConsultRequest(AConsult);
| 1079 | end;
| 1080 | // now try to lock the note
| 1081 | if Result then
| 1082 | begin
| 1083 | LockDocument(AnIEN, LockMsg);
| 1084 | if LockMsg <> '' then
| 1085 | begin
| 1086 | Result := False;
| 1087 | // if can't lock the note, unlock the consult request that was just locked
| 1088 | if AConsult > 0 then
| 1089 | begin
| 1090 | UnlockOrderIfAble(FOrderID);
| 1091 | FOrderID := '';
| 1092 | end;
| 1093 | InfoBox(LockMsg, TC_NO_LOCK, MB_OK);
| 1094 | end;
| 1095 | end;
| 1096 | end;
| 1097 |
| 1098 | procedure TfrmNotes.UnlockConsultRequest(ANote: Int64; AConsult: Integer = 0);
| 1099 | (*var
| 1100 | x: string;*)
| 1101 | begin
| 1102 | (* if (AConsult = 0) and IsConsultTitle(TitleForNote(ANote)) then
| 1103 | begin
| 1104 | x := GetPackageRefForNote(ANote);
| 1105 | AConsult := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, ';', 1), 0);
| 1106 | end;
| 1107 | if AConsult = 0 then Exit;*)
| 1108 | if AConsult = 0 then AConsult := GetConsultIENForNote(ANote);
| 1109 | if AConsult <= 0 then exit;
| 1110 | FOrderID := GetConsultOrderIEN(AConsult);
| 1111 | UnlockOrderIfAble(FOrderID);
| 1112 | FOrderID := '';
| 1113 | end;
| 1114 |
| 1115 | function TfrmNotes.ActiveEditOf(AnIEN: Int64; ARequest: integer): Boolean;
| 1116 | begin
| 1117 | Result := False;
| 1118 | if EditingIndex < 0 then Exit;
| 1119 | if lstNotes.GetIEN(EditingIndex) = AnIEN then
| 1120 | begin
| 1121 | Result := True;
| 1122 | Exit;
| 1123 | end;
| 1124 | with FEditNote do if (PkgIEN = ARequest) and (PkgPtr = PKG_CONSULTS) then Result := True;
| 1125 | end;
| 1126 |
| 1127 | { create, edit & save notes }
| 1128 |
| 1129 | procedure TfrmNotes.InsertNewNote(IsIDChild: boolean; AnIDParent: integer);
| 1130 | { creates the editing context for a new progress note & inserts stub into top of view list }
| 1131 | var
| 1132 | EnableAutosave, HaveRequired: Boolean;
| 1133 | CreatedNote: TCreatedDoc;
| 1134 | TmpBoilerPlate: TStringList;
| 1135 | tmpNode: TTreeNode;
| 1136 | x, WhyNot, DocInfo: string;
| 1137 | tempPos : integer; //kt 6-1-05
[541] | 1138 | Mode : TViewModeSet; //kt 8/09
| 1139 | BoilerplateIsHTML : boolean;//kt 8/09
[453] | 1140 |
| 1141 | begin
| 1142 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 1143 | if frmFrame.Timedout then Exit;
| 1144 |
| 1145 | FNewIDChild := IsIDChild;
| 1146 | EnableAutosave := FALSE;
| 1147 | TmpBoilerPlate := nil;
| 1148 | try
| 1149 | ClearEditControls;
[541] | 1150 | FEditNote.Lines.Free; //(done d/t full wipe-out on line below} //kt 8/09
[453] | 1151 | FillChar(FEditNote, SizeOf(FEditNote), 0); //v15.7
[541] | 1152 | FEditNote.Lines := TStringList.Create; //Freed in Destructor //kt 8/09
[453] | 1153 | with FEditNote do
| 1154 | begin
| 1155 | DocType := TYP_PROGRESS_NOTE;
| 1156 | IsNewNote := True;
| 1157 | Title := DfltNoteTitle;
| 1158 | TitleName := DfltNoteTitleName;
| 1159 | if IsIDChild and (not CanTitleBeIDChild(Title, WhyNot)) then
| 1160 | begin
| 1161 | Title := 0;
| 1162 | TitleName := '';
| 1163 | end;
| 1164 | if IsSurgeryTitle(Title) then // Don't want surgery title sneaking in unchallenged
| 1165 | begin
| 1166 | Title := 0;
| 1167 | TitleName := '';
| 1168 | end;
[541] | 1169 | //DateTime := FMNow; //kt 6-1-05
| 1170 | DateTime := Encounter.DateTime; //kt 6-1-05
[453] | 1171 | //kt begin changes -------------- 6-1-05
| 1172 | if LastAuthor<>0 then begin
| 1173 | Author := LastAuthor;
| 1174 | AuthorName := LastAuthorName;
| 1175 | end else begin
| 1176 | Author := User.DUZ;
| 1177 | AuthorName := User.Name;
| 1178 | end;
| 1179 | //kt 6-1-05 Author := User.DUZ;
| 1180 | //kt 6-1-05 AuthorName := User.Name;
| 1181 | //kt end changes -------------- 6-1-05
| 1182 | Location := Encounter.Location;
| 1183 | LocationName := Encounter.LocationName;
| 1184 | VisitDate := Encounter.DateTime;
| 1185 | if IsIDChild then
| 1186 | IDParent := AnIDParent
| 1187 | else
| 1188 | IDParent := 0;
| 1189 | // Cosigner & PkgRef, if needed, will be set by fNoteProps
| 1190 | end;
| 1191 | // check to see if interaction necessary to get required fields
| 1192 | GetUnresolvedConsultsInfo;
| 1193 | if LacksRequiredForCreate or VerifyNoteTitle or uUnresolvedConsults.UnresolvedConsultsExist
| 1194 | then HaveRequired := ExecuteNoteProperties(FEditNote, CT_NOTES, IsIDChild, FNewIDChild, '', 0)
| 1195 | else HaveRequired := True;
| 1196 | //kt begin addition 6-1-05 -----------------
| 1197 | LastAuthor := FEditNote.Author;
| 1198 | LastAuthorName := FEditNote.AuthorName;
| 1199 | tempPos := Pos(' - ',LastAuthorName);
| 1200 | if tempPos>0 then begin //trim off title, e.g. "Jones,John - Physician
| 1201 | LastAuthorName:=UpperCase(Trim(MidStr(LastAuthorName,1,tempPos)));
| 1202 | end;
| 1203 | //kt end addition 6-1-05 -----------------
| 1204 | // lock the consult request if there is a consult
| 1205 | with FEditNote do if (PkgIEN > 0) and (PkgPtr = PKG_CONSULTS) then HaveRequired := LockConsultRequest(PkgIEN);
| 1206 | if HaveRequired then
| 1207 | begin
| 1208 | // set up uPCEEdit for entry of new note
| 1209 | uPCEEdit.UseEncounter := True;
| 1210 | uPCEEdit.NoteDateTime := FEditNote.DateTime;
| 1212 | FEditNote.NeedCPT := uPCEEdit.CPTRequired;
| 1213 | // create the note
| 1214 | PutNewNote(CreatedNote, FEditNote);
| 1215 | uPCEEdit.NoteIEN := CreatedNote.IEN;
| 1216 | if CreatedNote.IEN > 0 then LockDocument(CreatedNote.IEN, CreatedNote.ErrorText);
| 1217 | if CreatedNote.ErrorText = '' then
| 1218 | begin
| 1219 | //x := $$RESOLVE^TIUSRVLO formatted string
| 1220 | //7348^Note Title^3000913^NERD, YOURA (N0165)^1329;Rich Vertigan;VERTIGAN,RICH^8E REHAB MED^complete^Adm: 11/05/98;2981105.095547^ ;^^0^^^2
| 1221 | with FEditNote do
| 1222 | begin
| 1223 | x := IntToStr(CreatedNote.IEN) + U + TitleName + U + FloatToStr(FEditNote.DateTime) + U +
| 1224 | Patient.Name + U + IntToStr(Author) + ';' + AuthorName + U + LocationName + U + 'new' + U +
| 1225 | U + U + U + U + U + U + U;
| 1226 | //Link Note to PRF Action
| 1227 | if PRF_IEN <> 0 then
| 1228 | if sCallV('TIU LINK TO FLAG', [CreatedNote.IEN,PRF_IEN,ActionIEN,Patient.DFN]) = '0' then
| 1229 | ShowMessage('TIU LINK TO FLAG: FAILED');
| 1230 | end;
| 1231 |
| 1232 | lstNotes.Items.Insert(0, x);
| 1233 | uChanging := True;
| 1234 | tvNotes.Items.BeginUpdate;
| 1235 | if IsIDChild then
| 1236 | begin
| 1237 | tmpNode := tvNotes.FindPieceNode(IntToStr(AnIDParent), 1, U, tvNotes.Items.GetFirstNode);
| 1238 | tmpNode.ImageIndex := IMG_IDNOTE_OPEN;
| 1239 | tmpNode.SelectedIndex := IMG_IDNOTE_OPEN;
| 1240 | tmpNode := tvNotes.Items.AddChildObjectFirst(tmpNode, MakeNoteDisplayText(x), MakeNoteTreeObject(x));
| 1241 | tmpNode.ImageIndex := IMG_ID_CHILD;
| 1242 | tmpNode.SelectedIndex := IMG_ID_CHILD;
| 1243 | end
| 1244 | else
| 1245 | begin
| 1246 | // tmpNode := tvNotes.Items.AddObjectFirst(tvNotes.Items.GetFirstNode, 'New Note in Progress', <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 1247 | tmpNode := tvNotes.Items.AddObjectFirst(tvNotes.Items.GetFirstNode, DKLangConstW('fNotes_New_Note_in_Progress'), //kt added 7/19/2007
| 1248 | MakeNoteTreeObject('NEW^New Note in Progress^^^^^^^^^^^%^0'));
| 1249 | TORTreeNode(tmpNode).StringData := 'NEW^New Note in Progress^^^^^^^^^^^%^0';
| 1250 | tmpNode.ImageIndex := IMG_TOP_LEVEL;
| 1251 | tmpNode := tvNotes.Items.AddChildObjectFirst(tmpNode, MakeNoteDisplayText(x), MakeNoteTreeObject(x));
| 1252 | tmpNode.ImageIndex := IMG_SINGLE;
| 1253 | tmpNode.SelectedIndex := IMG_SINGLE;
| 1254 | end;
| 1255 | tmpNode.StateIndex := IMG_NO_IMAGES;
| 1256 | TORTreeNode(tmpNode).StringData := x;
| 1257 | tvNotes.Selected := tmpNode;
| 1258 | tvNotes.Items.EndUpdate;
| 1259 | uChanging := False;
| 1260 | Changes.Add(CH_DOC, IntToStr(CreatedNote.IEN), GetTitleText(0), '', CH_SIGN_YES);
| 1261 | lstNotes.ItemIndex := 0;
| 1262 | EditingIndex := 0;
| 1263 | SetSubjectVisible(AskSubjectForNotes);
| 1264 | if not assigned(TmpBoilerPlate) then
| 1265 | TmpBoilerPlate := TStringList.Create;
| 1266 | LoadBoilerPlate(TmpBoilerPlate, FEditNote.Title);
| 1267 | FChanged := False;
| 1268 | cmdChangeClick(Self); // will set captions, sign state for Changes
[541] | 1269 | Mode := [vmEdit] + [vmHTML_MODE[fOptionsNotes.DefaultEditHTMLMode]]; //kt 8/09
| 1270 | SetDisplayToHTMLvsText(Mode, nil, VIEW_ACTIVATE_ONLY); // kt 8/09
[453] | 1271 | lstNotesClick(Self); // will make pnlWrite visible
| 1272 | if timAutoSave.Interval <> 0 then EnableAutosave := TRUE;
[541] | 1273 | //kt 6/3/09 original --> if txtSubject.Visible then txtSubject.SetFocus else memNewNote.SetFocus;
| 1274 | if txtSubject.Visible then begin //kt 8/09
| 1275 | txtSubject.SetFocus; //kt 8/09
| 1276 | end else begin //kt 8/09
| 1277 | SetEditorFocus; //kt memNewNote.SetFocus; //kt 8/09
| 1278 | end; //kt 8/09
[453] | 1279 | end else
| 1280 | begin
| 1281 | // if note creation failed or failed to get note lock (both unlikely), unlock consult
| 1282 | with FEditNote do if (PkgIEN > 0) and (PkgPtr = PKG_CONSULTS) then UnlockConsultRequest(0, PkgIEN);
| 1283 | InfoBox(CreatedNote.ErrorText, TX_CREATE_ERR, MB_OK);
| 1284 | HaveRequired := False;
| 1285 | end; {if CreatedNote.IEN}
| 1286 | end; {if HaveRequired}
| 1287 | if not HaveRequired then
| 1288 | begin
| 1289 | ClearEditControls;
| 1290 | ShowPCEButtons(False);
| 1291 | end;
| 1292 | finally
| 1293 | if assigned(TmpBoilerPlate) then
| 1294 | begin
| 1295 | DocInfo := MakeXMLParamTIU(IntToStr(CreatedNote.IEN), FEditNote);
| 1296 | ExecuteTemplateOrBoilerPlate(TmpBoilerPlate, FEditNote.Title, ltTitle, Self, 'Title: ' + FEditNote.TitleName, DocInfo);
[541] | 1297 | //kt original --> memNewNote.Lines.Assign(TmpBoilerPlate);
| 1298 | BoilerplateIsHTML := rHTMLTools.IsHTML(TmpBoilerPlate.Text); //kt 8/09
| 1299 | FEditNote.Lines.Assign(TmpBoilerPlate); //kt 8/09
| 1300 | if not ((vmHTML in FViewMode)) and BoilerplateIsHTML then begin //kt 8/09
| 1301 | FViewMode := FViewMode - [vmText] + [vmHTML]; //kt 8/09
| 1302 | end; //kt 8/09
| 1303 | SetDisplayToHTMLvsText(FViewMode,FEditNote.Lines); //kt 8/09
| 1304 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin //kt 8/09
| 1305 | HtmlEditor.MoveCaretToEnd; //kt 8/09
| 1306 | Application.ProcessMessages; //kt 8/09
| 1307 | end; //kt 8/09
[453] | 1308 | UpdateNoteAuthor(DocInfo);
| 1309 | TmpBoilerPlate.Free;
| 1310 | end;
| 1311 | if EnableAutosave then // Don't enable autosave until after dialog fields have been resolved
| 1312 | timAutoSave.Enabled := True;
| 1313 | end;
| 1314 | frmNotes.pnlWriteResize(Self);
| 1315 | end;
| 1316 |
[541] | 1317 |
| 1318 | procedure TfrmNotes.SetEditorFocus;
| 1319 | //kt added function 8/09
| 1320 | begin
| 1321 | try
| 1322 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin //kt 8/09
| 1323 | HtmlEditor.SetFocus; //kt 8/09
| 1324 | end else begin //kt 8/09
| 1325 | memNewNote.SetFocus;
| 1326 | end; //kt 8/09
| 1327 | except
| 1328 | on E: Exception do begin
| 1329 | // ignore error. Info in E
| 1330 | end;
| 1331 | end;
| 1332 | end;
| 1333 |
| 1334 |
[453] | 1335 | procedure TfrmNotes.InsertAddendum;
| 1336 | { sets up fields of pnlWrite to write an addendum for the selected note }
| 1337 | const
| 1338 | AS_ADDENDUM = True;
| 1339 | IS_ID_CHILD = False;
| 1340 | var
| 1341 | HaveRequired: Boolean;
| 1342 | CreatedNote: TCreatedDoc;
| 1343 | tmpNode: TTreeNode;
| 1344 | x: string;
| 1345 | begin
| 1346 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 1347 | ClearEditControls;
| 1348 | with FEditNote do
| 1349 | begin
| 1350 | DocType := TYP_ADDENDUM;
| 1351 | IsNewNote := False;
| 1352 | Title := TitleForNote(lstNotes.ItemIEN);
| 1353 | TitleName := Piece(lstNotes.Items[lstNotes.ItemIndex], U, 2);
| 1354 | if Copy(TitleName,1,1) = '+' then TitleName := Copy(TitleName, 3, 199);
| 1355 | DateTime := FMNow;
| 1356 | Author := User.DUZ;
| 1357 | AuthorName := User.Name;
| 1358 | x := GetPackageRefForNote(lstNotes.ItemIEN);
| 1359 | if Piece(x, U, 1) <> '-1' then
| 1360 | begin
| 1361 | PkgRef := GetPackageRefForNote(lstNotes.ItemIEN);
| 1362 | PkgIEN := StrToIntDef(Piece(PkgRef, ';', 1), 0);
| 1363 | PkgPtr := Piece(PkgRef, ';', 2);
| 1364 | end;
| 1365 | Addend := lstNotes.ItemIEN;
| 1366 | //Lines := memNewNote.Lines;
| 1367 | // Cosigner, if needed, will be set by fNoteProps
| 1368 | // Location info will be set after the encounter is loaded
| 1369 | end;
| 1370 | // check to see if interaction necessary to get required fields
| 1371 | if LacksRequiredForCreate
| 1372 | then HaveRequired := ExecuteNoteProperties(FEditNote, CT_NOTES, IS_ID_CHILD, False, '', 0)
| 1373 | else HaveRequired := True;
| 1374 | // lock the consult request if there is a consult
| 1375 | if HaveRequired then
| 1376 | with FEditNote do
| 1377 | if (PkgIEN > 0) and (PkgPtr = PKG_CONSULTS) then HaveRequired := LockConsultRequest(PkgIEN);
| 1378 | if HaveRequired then
| 1379 | begin
| 1380 | uPCEEdit.NoteDateTime := FEditNote.DateTime;
| 1381 | uPCEEdit.PCEForNote(FEditNote.Addend, uPCEShow);
| 1382 | FEditNote.Location := uPCEEdit.Location;
| 1383 | FEditNote.LocationName := ExternalName(uPCEEdit.Location, 44);
| 1384 | FEditNote.VisitDate := uPCEEdit.DateTime;
| 1385 | PutAddendum(CreatedNote, FEditNote, FEditNote.Addend);
| 1386 | uPCEEdit.NoteIEN := CreatedNote.IEN;
| 1387 | if CreatedNote.IEN > 0 then LockDocument(CreatedNote.IEN, CreatedNote.ErrorText);
| 1388 | if CreatedNote.ErrorText = '' then
| 1389 | begin
| 1390 | with FEditNote do
| 1391 | begin
| 1392 | x := IntToStr(CreatedNote.IEN) + U + 'Addendum to ' + TitleName + U + FloatToStr(DateTime) + U +
| 1393 | Patient.Name + U + IntToStr(Author) + ';' + AuthorName + U + LocationName + U + 'new' + U +
| 1394 | U + U + U + U + U + U + U;
| 1395 | end;
| 1396 |
| 1397 | lstNotes.Items.Insert(0, x);
| 1398 | uChanging := True;
| 1399 | tvNotes.Items.BeginUpdate;
| 1400 | // tmpNode := tvNotes.Items.AddObjectFirst(tvNotes.Items.GetFirstNode, 'New Addendum in Progress', <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 1401 | tmpNode := tvNotes.Items.AddObjectFirst(tvNotes.Items.GetFirstNode, DKLangConstW('fNotes_New_Addendum_in_Progress'), //kt added 7/19/2007
| 1402 | MakeNoteTreeObject('ADDENDUM^New Addendum in Progress^^^^^^^^^^^%^0'));
| 1403 | TORTreeNode(tmpNode).StringData := 'ADDENDUM^New Addendum in Progress^^^^^^^^^^^%^0';
| 1404 | tmpNode.ImageIndex := IMG_TOP_LEVEL;
| 1405 | tmpNode := tvNotes.Items.AddChildObjectFirst(tmpNode, MakeNoteDisplayText(x), MakeNoteTreeObject(x));
| 1406 | TORTreeNode(tmpNode).StringData := x;
| 1407 |
| 1408 | tmpNode.ImageIndex := IMG_ADDENDUM;
| 1409 | tmpNode.SelectedIndex := IMG_ADDENDUM;
| 1410 | tvNotes.Selected := tmpNode;
| 1411 | tvNotes.Items.EndUpdate;
| 1412 | uChanging := False;
| 1413 | Changes.Add(CH_DOC, IntToStr(CreatedNote.IEN), GetTitleText(0), '', CH_SIGN_YES);
| 1414 | lstNotes.ItemIndex := 0;
| 1415 | EditingIndex := 0;
| 1416 | SetSubjectVisible(AskSubjectForNotes);
| 1417 | cmdChangeClick(Self); // will set captions, sign state for Changes
| 1418 | lstNotesClick(Self); // will make pnlWrite visible
| 1419 | if timAutoSave.Interval <> 0 then timAutoSave.Enabled := True;
[541] | 1420 | SetEditorFocus; //kt memNewNote.SetFocus; //kt 8/09
[453] | 1421 | end else
| 1422 | begin
| 1423 | // if note creation failed or failed to get note lock (both unlikely), unlock consult
| 1424 | with FEditNote do if (PkgIEN > 0) and (PkgPtr = PKG_CONSULTS) then UnlockConsultRequest(0, PkgIEN);
| 1425 | InfoBox(CreatedNote.ErrorText, TX_CREATE_ERR, MB_OK);
| 1426 | HaveRequired := False;
| 1427 | end; {if CreatedNote.IEN}
| 1428 | end; {if HaveRequired}
| 1429 | if not HaveRequired then ClearEditControls;
| 1430 | end;
| 1431 |
| 1432 | procedure TfrmNotes.LoadForEdit;
| 1433 | { retrieves an existing note and places the data in the fields of pnlWrite }
| 1434 | var
| 1435 | tmpNode: TTreeNode;
| 1436 | x: string;
[541] | 1437 | Mode : TViewModeSet; //kt
| 1438 |
[453] | 1439 | begin
| 1440 | ClearEditControls;
| 1441 | if not LockConsultRequestAndNote(lstNotes.ItemIEN) then Exit;
| 1442 | EditingIndex := lstNotes.ItemIndex;
| 1443 | Changes.Add(CH_DOC, lstNotes.ItemID, GetTitleText(EditingIndex), '', CH_SIGN_YES);
| 1444 | GetNoteForEdit(FEditNote, lstNotes.ItemIEN);
[541] | 1445 | Mode := [vmEdit] + [vmHTML_MODE[IsHTML(FEditNote.Lines) or (vmHTML in FViewMode)]]; //kt 8/09
| 1446 | SetDisplayToHTMLvsText(Mode,FEditNote.Lines); //kt 8/09
| 1447 | //kt memNewNote.Lines.Assign(FEditNote.Lines); //kt 8/09
[453] | 1448 | FChanged := False;
| 1449 | if FEditNote.Title = TYP_ADDENDUM then
| 1450 | begin
| 1451 | FEditNote.DocType := TYP_ADDENDUM;
| 1452 | FEditNote.TitleName := Piece(lstNotes.Items[lstNotes.ItemIndex], U, 2);
| 1453 | if Copy(FEditNote.TitleName,1,1) = '+' then FEditNote.TitleName := Copy(FEditNote.TitleName, 3, 199);
| 1454 | // if CompareText(Copy(FEditNote.TitleName, 1, 8), 'Addendum') <> 0 <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 1455 | if CompareText(Copy(FEditNote.TitleName, 1, 8), DKLangConstW('fNotes_Addendum')) <> 0 //kt added 7/19/2007
| 1456 | // then FEditNote.TitleName := FEditNote.TitleName + 'Addendum to '; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 1457 | then FEditNote.TitleName := FEditNote.TitleName + DKLangConstW('fNotes_Addendum_to'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 1458 | end;
| 1459 |
| 1460 | uChanging := True;
| 1461 | tvNotes.Items.BeginUpdate;
| 1462 |
| 1463 | tmpNode := tvNotes.FindPieceNode('EDIT', 1, U, nil);
| 1464 | if tmpNode = nil then
| 1465 | begin
| 1466 | // tmpNode := tvNotes.Items.AddObjectFirst(tvNotes.Items.GetFirstNode, 'Note being edited', <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 1467 | tmpNode := tvNotes.Items.AddObjectFirst(tvNotes.Items.GetFirstNode, DKLangConstW('fNotes_Note_being_edited'), //kt added 7/19/2007
| 1468 | MakeNoteTreeObject('EDIT^Note being edited^^^^^^^^^^^%^0'));
| 1469 | TORTreeNode(tmpNode).StringData := 'EDIT^Note being edited^^^^^^^^^^^%^0';
| 1470 | end
| 1471 | else
| 1472 | tmpNode.DeleteChildren;
| 1473 | x := lstNotes.Items[lstNotes.ItemIndex];
| 1474 | tmpNode.ImageIndex := IMG_TOP_LEVEL;
| 1475 | tmpNode := tvNotes.Items.AddChildObjectFirst(tmpNode, MakeNoteDisplayText(x), MakeNoteTreeObject(x));
| 1476 | TORTreeNode(tmpNode).StringData := x;
| 1477 | //if CompareText(Copy(FEditNote.TitleName, 1, 8), 'Addendum') <> 0 then <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 1478 | if CompareText(Copy(FEditNote.TitleName, 1, 8), DKLangConstW('fNotes_Addendum')) <> 0 then //kt added 7/19/2007
| 1479 | tmpNode.ImageIndex := IMG_SINGLE
| 1480 | else
| 1481 | tmpNode.ImageIndex := IMG_ADDENDUM;
| 1482 | tmpNode.SelectedIndex := tmpNode.ImageIndex;
| 1483 | tvNotes.Selected := tmpNode;
| 1484 | tvNotes.Items.EndUpdate;
| 1485 | uChanging := False;
| 1486 |
| 1487 | uPCEEdit.NoteDateTime := MakeFMDateTime(Piece(lstNotes.Items[lstNotes.ItemIndex], U, 3));
| 1488 | uPCEEdit.PCEForNote(lstNotes.ItemIEN, uPCEShow);
| 1489 | FEditNote.NeedCPT := uPCEEdit.CPTRequired;
| 1490 | txtSubject.Text := FEditNote.Subject;
| 1491 | SetSubjectVisible(AskSubjectForNotes);
| 1492 | cmdChangeClick(Self); // will set captions, sign state for Changes
| 1493 | lstNotesClick(Self); // will make pnlWrite visible
| 1494 | if timAutoSave.Interval <> 0 then timAutoSave.Enabled := True;
[541] | 1495 | SetEditorFocus; //kt memNewNote.SetFocus; //kt 8/09
[453] | 1496 | end;
| 1497 |
| 1498 | procedure TfrmNotes.SaveEditedNote(var Saved: Boolean);
| 1499 | { validates fields and sends the updated note to the server }
| 1500 | var
| 1501 | UpdatedNote: TCreatedDoc;
| 1502 | x: string;
[541] | 1503 | EmptyNote : boolean; //kt
| 1504 |
[453] | 1505 | begin
| 1506 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 1507 | Saved := False;
[541] | 1508 | if not (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin //kt 8/09
| 1509 | EmptyNote := (memNewNote.GetTextLen = 0) //kt 8/09
| 1510 | or (not ContainsVisibleChar(memNewNote.Text)); //kt 8/09
| 1511 | end else begin //kt 8/09
| 1512 | EmptyNote := (HtmlEditor.GetTextLen = 0) //kt 8/09
| 1513 | or (not ContainsVisibleChar(HtmlEditor.Text)); //kt 8/09
| 1514 | end; //kt 8/09
| 1515 | //kt 8/09 if (memNewNote.GetTextLen = 0) or (not ContainsVisibleChar(memNewNote.Text)) then
| 1516 | //kt 8/09 begin
| 1517 | if EmptyNote then begin
[453] | 1518 | lstNotes.ItemIndex := EditingIndex;
| 1519 | x := lstNotes.ItemID;
| 1520 | uChanging := True;
| 1521 | tvNotes.Selected := tvNotes.FindPieceNode(x, 1, U, tvNotes.Items.GetFirstNode);
| 1522 | uChanging := False;
| 1523 | tvNotesChange(Self, tvNotes.Selected);
| 1524 | if FSilent or
| 1525 | ((not FSilent) and
| 1526 | (InfoBox(GetTitleText(EditingIndex) + TX_EMPTY_NOTE, TC_EMPTY_NOTE, MB_YESNO) = IDYES))
| 1527 | then
| 1528 | begin
| 1529 | FConfirmed := True;
| 1530 | mnuActDeleteClick(Self);
| 1531 | Saved := True;
| 1532 | FDeleted := True;
| 1533 | end
| 1534 | else
| 1535 | FConfirmed := False;
| 1536 | Exit;
| 1537 | end;
| 1538 | //ExpandTabsFilter(memNewNote.Lines, TAB_STOP_CHARS);
[541] | 1539 | if FEditNote.Lines = nil then FEditNote.Lines := TStringList.Create; //kt
| 1540 | //kt 8/09 FEditNote.Lines := memNewNote.Lines;
| 1541 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin //kt 8/09
| 1542 | SplitToArray(WrapHTML(HtmlEditor.HTMLText), FEditNote.Lines); //kt 8/09
| 1543 | end else begin //kt 8/09
| 1544 | FEditNote.Lines.Assign(memNewNote.Lines); //kt 8/09
| 1545 | end; //kt 8/09
[453] | 1546 | //FEditNote.Lines:= SetLinesTo74ForSave(memNewNote.Lines, Self);
| 1547 | FEditNote.Subject := txtSubject.Text;
| 1548 | FEditNote.NeedCPT := uPCEEdit.CPTRequired;
| 1549 | timAutoSave.Enabled := False;
| 1550 | try
| 1551 | PutEditedNote(UpdatedNote, FEditNote, lstNotes.GetIEN(EditingIndex));
| 1552 | finally
| 1553 | timAutoSave.Enabled := True;
| 1554 | end;
| 1555 | // there's no unlocking here since the note is still in Changes after a save
| 1556 | if UpdatedNote.IEN > 0 then
| 1557 | begin
| 1558 | if lstNotes.ItemIndex = EditingIndex then
| 1559 | begin
| 1560 | EditingIndex := -1;
| 1561 | lstNotesClick(Self);
| 1562 | end;
| 1563 | EditingIndex := -1; // make sure EditingIndex reset even if not viewing edited note
| 1564 | Saved := True;
| 1565 | FNewIDChild := False;
| 1566 | FChanged := False;
[541] | 1567 | HTMLEditor.KeyStruck := false; //kt
[453] | 1568 | end else
| 1569 | begin
| 1570 | if not FSilent then
| 1571 | InfoBox(TX_SAVE_ERROR1 + UpdatedNote.ErrorText + TX_SAVE_ERROR2, TC_SAVE_ERROR, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING);
| 1572 | end;
| 1573 | end;
| 1574 |
| 1575 | procedure TfrmNotes.SaveCurrentNote(var Saved: Boolean);
| 1576 | { called whenever a note should be saved - uses IEN to call appropriate save logic }
| 1577 | begin
| 1578 | if EditingIndex < 0 then Exit;
| 1579 | SaveEditedNote(Saved);
| 1580 | end;
| 1581 |
| 1582 | { Form events ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ }
| 1583 |
| 1584 | procedure TfrmNotes.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
| 1585 | var
| 1586 | CacheDir : AnsiString; //kt 9-05
| 1587 | begin
| 1588 | inherited;
[541] | 1589 | //kt --- Begin Modification 9-2005, 8/09 -------------
[686] | 1590 | fOptionsNotes.Loaded; //ported from version .15 1-27-10
[453] | 1591 | CacheDir := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))+ 'Cache'; //kt 9-05
[541] | 1592 | if not DirectoryExists(CacheDir) then CreateDir(CacheDir);
| 1593 | //kt HTMLfilename := CacheDir + '\html_note.html'; //kt 5-05
[453] | 1594 | LastAuthor :=0; //kt 5-05
| 1595 | LastAuthorName:=''; //kt 5-05
[541] | 1596 | DesiredHTMLFontSize := 2; //Used later to downsize during printing.
| 1597 | SetRegHTMLFontSize(DesiredHTMLFontSize); //0=SMALLEST ... 4=LARGEST
| 1598 | //kt Note: On creation, THtmlObj will remember Application.OnMessage. But if
| 1599 | // another object (say a prior THtmlObj) has become active and already
| 1600 | // changed the handler, then there will be a problem. So probably best
| 1601 | // to create them all at one. //kt
| 1602 | HtmlViewer := THtmlObj.Create(pnlHTMLViewer,Application);
| 1603 | HtmlEditor := THtmlObj.Create(pnlHTMLEdit,Application);
| 1604 | TWinControl(HtmlViewer).Parent:=pnlHTMLViewer;
| 1605 | TWinControl(HtmlViewer).Align:=alClient;
| 1606 | HtmlEditor.PrevControl := cmdPCE;
| 1607 | HtmlEditor.NextControl := cmdChange;
| 1608 | //Note: A 'loaded' function will initialize the THtmlObj's, but it can't be
| 1609 | // done until after this constructor is done, and this TfrmNotes has been
| 1610 | // assigned a parent. So done elsewhere.
| 1611 | HtmlViewer.PopupMenu := popNoteMemo;
| 1612 | TWinControl(HtmlEditor).Parent:=pnlHTMLEdit;
| 1613 | TWinControl(HtmlEditor).Align:=alClient;
| 1614 | HtmlEditor.PopupMenu := popNoteMemo;
| 1615 | cbFontNames.Items.Assign(Screen.Fonts);
| 1616 | FViewMode := [vmView,vmText];
| 1617 | FHTMLEditMode := emNone;
| 1618 | HTMLViewer.BackgroundColor := ReadOnlyColor;
| 1619 | //kt --- End Modification 9-2005, 8/09 ------
[453] | 1620 | PageID := CT_NOTES;
| 1621 | memNote.Color := ReadOnlyColor;
| 1622 | memPCEShow.Color := ReadOnlyColor;
| 1623 | lblNewTitle.Color := ReadOnlyColor;
| 1624 | EditingIndex := -1;
| 1625 | FEditNote.LastCosigner := 0;
| 1626 | FEditNote.LastCosignerName := '';
| 1627 | FLastNoteID := '';
| 1628 | frmDrawers := TfrmDrawers.CreateDrawers(Self, pnlDrawers, [],[]);
| 1629 | frmDrawers.Align := alBottom;
| 1630 | frmDrawers.RichEditControl := memNewNote;
[541] | 1631 | frmDrawers.HTMLEditControl := HtmlEditor; //kt 8/09
| 1632 | frmDrawers.HTMLModeSwitcher := SetHTMLEditMode; //kt 8/09
[453] | 1633 | frmDrawers.NewNoteButton := cmdNewNote;
| 1634 | frmDrawers.Splitter := splDrawers;
| 1635 | frmDrawers.DefTempPiece := 1;
| 1636 | tvNotes.Images := dmodShared.imgNotes;
| 1637 | tvNotes.StateImages := dmodShared.imgImages;
| 1638 | lvNotes.StateImages := dmodShared.imgImages;
| 1639 | lvNotes.SmallImages := dmodShared.imgNotes;
| 1640 | FImageFlag := TBitmap.Create;
| 1641 | FDocList := TStringList.Create;
| 1642 | TAccessibleTreeView.WrapControl(tvNotes);
[541] | 1643 | RestoreRegHTMLFontSize; //kt, elh 8/09
[453] | 1644 | end;
| 1645 |
| 1646 | procedure TfrmNotes.pnlRightResize(Sender: TObject);
| 1647 | { memNote (TRichEdit) doesn't repaint appropriately unless it's parent panel is refreshed }
| 1648 | begin
| 1649 | inherited;
| 1650 | pnlRight.Refresh;
[541] | 1651 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin //kt 8/09
| 1652 | HTMLViewer.Repaint; //kt 8/09
| 1653 | end else begin //kt 8/09
| 1654 | memNote.Repaint
| 1655 | end; //kt 8/09
[453] | 1656 | end;
| 1657 |
| 1658 | procedure TfrmNotes.pnlWriteResize(Sender: TObject);
| 1659 | const
| 1660 | LEFT_MARGIN = 4;
| 1661 | begin
| 1662 | inherited;
[541] | 1663 | //kt NOTE: I don't know how to do the equivalent for HTML. Actually, I don't think it applies.
[453] | 1664 | LimitEditWidth(memNewNote, MAX_PROGRESSNOTE_WIDTH - 1);
| 1665 |
| 1666 | //CQ7012 Added test for nil
| 1667 | if memNewNote <> nil then
| 1668 | memNewNote.Constraints.MinWidth := TextWidthByFont(memNewNote.Font.Handle, StringOfChar('X', MAX_PROGRESSNOTE_WIDTH)) + (LEFT_MARGIN * 2) + ScrollBarWidth;
| 1669 | //CQ7012 Added test for nil
| 1670 | if (Self <> nil) and (pnlLeft <> nil) and (pnlWrite <> nil) and (sptHorz <> nil) then
| 1671 | pnlLeft.Width := self.ClientWidth - pnlWrite.Width - sptHorz.Width;
| 1672 | end;
| 1673 |
| 1674 | { Left panel (selector) events ------------------------------------------------------------- }
| 1675 |
| 1676 | procedure TfrmNotes.lstNotesClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1677 | { loads the text for the selected note or displays the editing panel for the selected note }
| 1678 | var
[541] | 1679 | Note : TStrings; //kt 6/09. Will be pointer to FViewNote, or FEditNote.Lines
| 1680 | Editing : boolean; //kt 8/09
| 1681 | Mode : TViewModeSet; //kt 8/09
| 1682 | IsHTML : boolean; //kt 8/09
| 1683 |
[453] | 1684 | begin
| 1685 | inherited;
[541] | 1686 | //kt 8/09 with lstNotes do if ItemIndex = -1 then Exit
| 1687 | //kt 8/09 else if ItemIndex = EditingIndex then
[453] | 1688 |
[541] | 1689 | with lstNotes do begin //kt 8/09
| 1690 | if ItemIndex = -1 then Exit; //kt 8/09
| 1691 | Editing := (ItemIndex = EditingIndex); //kt 8/09
| 1692 | if Editing then begin //kt 8/09
| 1693 | if FEditNote.Lines = nil then FEditNote.Lines := TStringList.Create; //kt 8/09
| 1694 | Note := FEditNote.Lines; //kt 8/09
| 1695 | {pnlWrite.Visible := True; //kt 8/09
| 1696 | pnlRead.Visible := False; } //kt done in SetHTMLorTextEditor //kt 8/09
| 1697 | mnuViewDetail.Enabled := False;
| 1698 | if (FEditNote.IDParent <> 0) and (not FNewIDChild) then
| 1699 | mnuActChange.Enabled := False
| 1700 | else
| 1701 | mnuActChange.Enabled := True;
| 1702 | mnuActLoadBoiler.Enabled := True;
| 1703 | UpdateReminderFinish;
| 1704 | Mode := [vmEdit] + [vmHTML_MODE[(FHTMLEditMode=emHTML)]]; //kt 8/09
| 1705 | SetDisplayToHTMLvsText(Mode,FEditNote.Lines,VIEW_ACTIVATE_ONLY); //kt 8/09
| 1706 | FWarmedUp := true; //kt 8/09
| 1707 | end else begin
| 1708 | // StatusText('Retrieving selected progress note...'); <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 1709 | StatusText(DKLangConstW('fNotes_Retrieving_selected_progress_notexxx')); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 1710 | Screen.Cursor := crAppStart; //kt changed from crHourGlass; 1/1/05
| 1711 | //kt 8/09 pnlRead.Visible := True;
| 1712 | //kt 8/09 pnlWrite.Visible := False;
| 1713 | UpdateReminderFinish;
| 1714 | lblTitle.Caption := Piece(Piece(Items[ItemIndex], U, 8), ';', 1) + #9 + Piece(Items[ItemIndex], U, 2) + ', ' +
| 1715 | Piece(Items[ItemIndex], U, 6) + ', ' + Piece(Piece(Items[ItemIndex], U, 5), ';', 2) +
| 1716 | ' (' + FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy@hh:nn', MakeFMDateTime(Piece(Items[ItemIndex], U, 3)))
| 1717 | + ')';
| 1718 | lvNotes.Caption := lblTitle.Caption;
| 1719 | //kt 8/09 LoadDocumentText(memNote.Lines, ItemIEN);
| 1720 | LoadDocumentText(FViewNote, ItemIEN); //kt 8/09
| 1721 | Note := FViewNote; //kt 8/09
| 1722 | memNote.SelStart := 0;
| 1723 | mnuViewDetail.Enabled := True;
| 1724 | mnuViewDetail.Checked := False;
| 1725 | mnuActChange.Enabled := False;
| 1726 | mnuActLoadBoiler.Enabled := False;
| 1727 | Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
| 1728 | StatusText('');
| 1729 | IsHTML := rHTMLTools.IsHTML(FViewNote); //kt 8/09
| 1730 | Mode := [vmView] + [vmHTML_MODE[IsHTML]]; //kt 8/09
| 1731 | SetDisplayToHTMLvsText(Mode,FViewNote); //kt 8/09
| 1732 | if not FWarmedUp and IsHTML then begin //kt 8/09
| 1733 | FWarmedUp := true; //kt 8/09
| 1734 | //First HTML page won't display without this... //kt 8/09
| 1735 | SetDisplayToHTMLvsText(Mode,FViewNote); //kt 8/09
| 1736 | end; //kt 8/09
| 1737 | end;
| 1738 | end; //kt 8/09
[453] | 1739 |
[541] | 1740 | if(assigned(frmReminderTree)) then frmReminderTree.EnableActions;
[453] | 1741 | //DisplayPCE; //kt 5-31-05 (moved down below)
| 1742 | pnlRight.Refresh;
[541] | 1743 | ProperRepaint(Editing); //kt 8/09
| 1744 | //kt 8/09 memNewNote.Repaint;
| 1745 | //kt 8/09 memNote.Repaint;
[453] | 1746 | NotifyOtherApps(NAE_REPORT, 'TIU^' + lstNotes.ItemID);
[729] | 1747 | frmImages.NewNoteSelected(Editing); //kt 9/05
[541] | 1748 | DisplayPCE; //kt 5-31-05 (move down from above)
| 1749 | BroadcastImages(Note); //kt 8/09
[453] | 1750 |
| 1751 | //-----------------------------
[541] | 1752 | //kt RESTORE LATER... frmImages.NewNoteSelected(lstNotes.ItemIndex=EditingIndex); //kt added 9-20-05
| 1753 | end;
| 1754 |
| 1755 | procedure TfrmNotes.ProperRepaint(Editing : Boolean);
| 1756 | //kt Added function 8/09
| 1757 | begin
| 1758 | if Editing then begin
| 1759 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin
| 1760 | HtmlEditor.Repaint;
| 1761 | end else begin
| 1762 | memNewNote.Repaint;
| 1763 | end;
| 1764 | end else begin
| 1765 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin
| 1766 | HtmlViewer.Repaint;
| 1767 | end else begin
| 1768 | memNote.Repaint;
| 1769 | end;
| 1770 | end;
| 1771 | Application.ProcessMessages;
| 1772 | end;
| 1773 |
| 1774 | procedure TfrmNotes.BroadcastImages(Note: TStrings);
| 1775 | //kt added function 8/09
| 1776 | var
| 1777 | ImageList : TStringList;
| 1778 | i : integer;
| 1779 | begin
[453] | 1780 | ImageList := TStringList.Create;
[541] | 1781 | if rHTMLTools.CheckForImageLink(Note, ImageList) then begin
[453] | 1782 | for i:= 0 to ImageList.Count-1 do begin
| 1783 | NotifyOtherApps(NAE_REPORT, 'IMAGE^' + ImageList.Strings[i]);
| 1784 | end;
| 1785 | end;
| 1786 | ImageList.Free;
| 1787 | end;
| 1788 |
[541] | 1789 | function TfrmNotes.EditorHasText : boolean;
| 1790 | //kt added function 8/09
| 1791 | begin
| 1792 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin
| 1793 | Result := (HTMLViewer.Text <> '');
| 1794 | end else begin
| 1795 | Result := (memNote.Lines.Count > 0);
| 1796 | end;
| 1797 | end;
| 1798 |
[453] | 1799 | procedure TfrmNotes.cmdNewNoteClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1800 | //{ maps 'New Note' button to the New Progress Note menu item } <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 1801 | { maps DKLangConstW('fNotes_New_Note') button to the New Progress Note menu item } //kt added 7/19/2007
| 1802 | begin
| 1803 | inherited;
| 1804 | mnuActNewClick(Self);
| 1805 | end;
| 1806 |
| 1807 | procedure TfrmNotes.cmdPCEClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1808 | var
| 1809 | Refresh: boolean;
| 1810 | ActionSts: TActionRec;
| 1811 | AnIEN: integer;
| 1812 | PCEObj, tmpPCEEdit: TPCEData;
| 1813 |
| 1814 | procedure UpdateEncounterInfo;
| 1815 | begin
| 1816 | if not FEditingNotePCEObj then
| 1817 | begin
| 1818 | PCEObj := nil;
| 1819 | AnIEN := lstNotes.ItemIEN;
[541] | 1820 | //kt 8/09 if (AnIEN <> 0) and (memNote.Lines.Count > 0) then
| 1821 | if (AnIEN <> 0) and EditorHasText then //kt 8/09
[453] | 1822 | begin
| 1823 | ActOnDocument(ActionSts, AnIEN, 'VIEW');
| 1824 | if ActionSts.Success then
| 1825 | begin
| 1826 | uPCEShow.CopyPCEData(uPCEEdit);
| 1827 | PCEObj := uPCEEdit;
| 1828 | end;
| 1829 | end;
| 1830 | Refresh := EditPCEData(PCEObj);
| 1831 | end
| 1832 | else
| 1833 | begin
| 1834 | UpdatePCE(uPCEEdit);
| 1835 | Refresh := TRUE;
| 1836 | end;
| 1837 | if Refresh and (not frmFrame.Closing) then
| 1838 | DisplayPCE;
| 1839 | end;
| 1840 |
| 1841 | begin
| 1842 | inherited;
| 1843 | cmdPCE.Enabled := FALSE;
| 1844 | if lstNotes.ItemIndex <> EditingIndex then
| 1845 | // save uPCEEdit for note being edited, before updating current note's encounter, then restore (RV - TAM-0801-31056)
| 1846 | begin
| 1847 | tmpPCEEdit := TPCEData.Create;
| 1848 | try
| 1849 | uPCEEdit.CopyPCEData(tmpPCEEdit);
| 1850 | UpdateEncounterInfo;
| 1851 | tmpPCEEdit.CopyPCEData(uPCEEdit);
| 1852 | finally
| 1853 | tmpPCEEdit.Free;
| 1854 | end;
| 1855 | end
| 1856 | else
| 1857 | // no other note being edited, so just proceed as before.
| 1858 | UpdateEncounterInfo;
| 1859 | if cmdPCE <> nil then
| 1860 | cmdPCE.Enabled := TRUE
| 1861 | end;
| 1862 |
| 1863 | { Right panel (editor) events -------------------------------------------------------------- }
| 1864 |
| 1865 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuActChangeClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1866 | begin
| 1867 | inherited;
| 1868 | if (FEditingIndex < 0) or (lstNotes.ItemIndex <> FEditingIndex) then Exit;
| 1869 | cmdChangeClick(Sender);
| 1870 | end;
| 1871 |
| 1872 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuActLoadBoilerClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1873 | var
| 1874 | NoteEmpty: Boolean;
| 1875 | BoilerText: TStringList;
| 1876 | DocInfo: string;
| 1877 |
| 1878 | procedure AssignBoilerText;
| 1879 | begin
| 1880 | ExecuteTemplateOrBoilerPlate(BoilerText, FEditNote.Title, ltTitle, Self, 'Title: ' + FEditNote.TitleName, DocInfo);
[541] | 1881 | SetDisplayToHTMLvsText([vmHTML,vmEdit],BoilerText); //kt 8/09
| 1882 | //kt 8/09 memNewNote.Lines.Assign(BoilerText);
[453] | 1883 | UpdateNoteAuthor(DocInfo);
| 1884 | FChanged := False;
| 1885 | end;
| 1886 |
| 1887 | begin
| 1888 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 1889 | inherited;
| 1890 | if (FEditingIndex < 0) or (lstNotes.ItemIndex <> FEditingIndex) then Exit;
| 1891 | BoilerText := TStringList.Create;
| 1892 | try
[541] | 1893 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin //kt 8/09
| 1894 | NoteEmpty := (HTMLEditor.Text = ''); //kt 8/09
| 1895 | end else begin //kt 8/09
| 1896 | NoteEmpty := memNewNote.Text = '';
| 1897 | end; //kt 8/09
[453] | 1898 | LoadBoilerPlate(BoilerText, FEditNote.Title);
| 1899 | if (BoilerText.Text <> '') or
| 1900 | assigned(GetLinkedTemplate(IntToStr(FEditNote.Title), ltTitle)) then
| 1901 | begin
| 1902 | DocInfo := MakeXMLParamTIU(IntToStr(lstNotes.ItemIEN), FEditNote);
| 1903 | if NoteEmpty then AssignBoilerText else
| 1904 | begin
| 1905 | case QueryBoilerPlate(BoilerText) of
| 1906 | 0: { do nothing } ; // ignore
| 1907 | 1: begin
| 1908 | ExecuteTemplateOrBoilerPlate(BoilerText, FEditNote.Title, ltTitle, Self, 'Title: ' + FEditNote.TitleName, DocInfo);
[541] | 1909 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin //kt 8/09
| 1910 | HTMLEditor.Text := HTMLEditor.Text + Text2HTML(BoilerText); //kt 8/09
| 1911 | end else begin //kt 8/09
| 1912 | memNewNote.Lines.AddStrings(BoilerText); // append
| 1913 | end; //kt 8/09
[453] | 1914 | UpdateNoteAuthor(DocInfo);
| 1915 | end;
| 1916 | 2: AssignBoilerText; // replace
| 1917 | end;
| 1918 | end;
| 1919 | end else
| 1920 | begin
| 1921 | if Sender = mnuActLoadBoiler
| 1922 | then InfoBox(TX_NO_BOIL, TC_NO_BOIL, MB_OK)
| 1923 | else
| 1924 | begin
| 1925 | if not NoteEmpty then
| 1926 | // if not FChanged and (InfoBox(TX_BLR_CLEAR, TC_BLR_CLEAR, MB_YESNO) = ID_YES)
[541] | 1927 | if (InfoBox(TX_BLR_CLEAR, TC_BLR_CLEAR, MB_YESNO) = ID_YES) then begin
| 1928 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin //kt 8/09
| 1929 | HTMLEditor.Clear; //kt 8/09
| 1930 | end else begin //kt 8/09
| 1931 | memNewNote.Lines.Clear;
| 1932 | end; //kt 8/09
| 1933 | end;
[453] | 1934 | end;
| 1935 | end; {if BoilerText.Text <> ''}
| 1936 | finally
| 1937 | BoilerText.Free;
| 1938 | end;
| 1939 | end;
| 1940 |
| 1941 | procedure TfrmNotes.cmdChangeClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1942 | var
| 1943 | LastTitle, LastConsult: Integer;
| 1944 | OKPressed, IsIDChild: Boolean;
| 1945 | x: string;
| 1946 | DisAssoText : String;
| 1947 | begin
| 1948 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 1949 | inherited;
| 1950 | IsIDChild := uIDNotesActive and (FEditNote.IDParent > 0);
| 1951 | LastTitle := FEditNote.Title;
| 1952 | FEditNote.IsNewNote := False;
| 1953 | DisAssoText := '';
| 1954 | if (FEditNote.PkgPtr = PKG_CONSULTS) then
| 1955 | // DisAssoText := 'Consults'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 1956 | DisAssoText := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Consults'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 1957 | if (FEditNote.PkgPtr = PKG_PRF) then
| 1958 | // DisAssoText := 'Patient Record Flags'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 1959 | DisAssoText := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Patient_Record_Flags'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 1960 | if (DisAssoText <> '') and (Sender <> Self) then
| 1961 | // if InfoBox('If this title is changed, Any '+DisAssoText+' will be disassociated'+ <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 1962 | if InfoBox(DKLangConstW('fNotes_If_this_title_is_changedx_Any')+' '+DisAssoText+DKLangConstW('fNotes_will_be_disassociated')+ //kt added 7/19/2007
| 1963 | // ' with this note', <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 1964 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_with_this_note'), //kt added 7/19/2007
| 1965 | // 'Disassociate '+DisAssoText+'?',MB_OKCANCEL) = IDCANCEL then <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 1966 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_Disassociate')+DisAssoText+'?',MB_OKCANCEL) = IDCANCEL then //kt added 7/19/2007
| 1967 | exit;
| 1968 | if FEditNote.PkgPtr = PKG_CONSULTS then LastConsult := FEditNote.PkgIEN else LastConsult := 0;;
| 1969 | if Sender <> Self then OKPressed := ExecuteNoteProperties(FEditNote, CT_NOTES, IsIDChild, FNewIDChild, '', 0)
| 1970 | else OKPressed := True;
| 1971 | if not OKPressed then Exit;
| 1972 | // update display fields & uPCEEdit
| 1973 | lblNewTitle.Caption := ' ' + FEditNote.TitleName + ' ';
| 1974 | //if (FEditNote.Addend > 0) and (CompareText(Copy(lblNewTitle.Caption, 2, 8), 'Addendum') <> 0) <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 1975 | if (FEditNote.Addend > 0) and (CompareText(Copy(lblNewTitle.Caption, 2, 8), DKLangConstW('fNotes_Addendum')) <> 0) //kt added 7/19/2007
| 1976 | // then lblNewTitle.Caption := ' Addendum to:' + lblNewTitle.Caption; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 1977 | then lblNewTitle.Caption := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Addendum_tox') + lblNewTitle.Caption; //kt added 7/19/2007
| 1978 | with lblNewTitle do bvlNewTitle.SetBounds(Left - 1, Top - 1, Width + 2, Height + 2);
| 1979 | lblRefDate.Caption := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yyyy@hh:nn', FEditNote.DateTime);
| 1980 | lblAuthor.Caption := FEditNote.AuthorName;
| 1981 | if uPCEEdit.Inpatient then x := 'Adm: ' else x := 'Vst: ';
| 1982 | x := x + FormatFMDateTime('mm/dd/yy', FEditNote.VisitDate) + ' ' + FEditNote.LocationName;
| 1983 | lblVisit.Caption := x;
| 1984 | if Length(FEditNote.CosignerName) > 0
| 1985 | // then lblCosigner.Caption := 'Expected Cosigner: ' + FEditNote.CosignerName <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 1986 | then lblCosigner.Caption := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Expected_Cosignerx') + FEditNote.CosignerName //kt added 7/19/2007
| 1987 | else lblCosigner.Caption := '';
| 1988 | uPCEEdit.NoteTitle := FEditNote.Title;
| 1989 | // modify signature requirements if author or cosigner changed
| 1990 | if (User.DUZ <> FEditNote.Author) and (User.DUZ <> FEditNote.Cosigner)
| 1991 | then Changes.ReplaceSignState(CH_DOC, lstNotes.ItemID, CH_SIGN_NA)
| 1992 | else Changes.ReplaceSignState(CH_DOC, lstNotes.ItemID, CH_SIGN_YES);
| 1993 | x := lstNotes.Items[EditingIndex];
| 1994 | SetPiece(x, U, 2, lblNewTitle.Caption);
| 1995 | SetPiece(x, U, 3, FloatToStr(FEditNote.DateTime));
| 1996 | tvNotes.Selected.Text := MakeNoteDisplayText(x);
| 1997 | TORTreeNode(tvNotes.Selected).StringData := x;
| 1998 | lstNotes.Items[EditingIndex] := x;
| 1999 | Changes.ReplaceText(CH_DOC, lstNotes.ItemID, GetTitleText(EditingIndex));
| 2000 | with FEditNote do
| 2001 | begin
| 2002 | if (PkgPtr = PKG_CONSULTS) and (LastConsult <> PkgIEN) then
| 2003 | begin
| 2004 | // try to lock the new consult, reset to previous if unable
| 2005 | if (PkgIEN > 0) and not LockConsultRequest(PkgIEN) then
| 2006 | begin
| 2007 | Infobox(TX_NO_ORD_CHG, TC_NO_ORD_CHG, MB_OK);
| 2008 | PkgIEN := LastConsult;
| 2009 | end else
| 2010 | begin
| 2011 | // unlock the previous consult
| 2012 | if LastConsult > 0 then UnlockOrderIfAble(GetConsultOrderIEN(LastConsult));
| 2013 | if PkgIEN = 0 then FOrderID := '';
| 2014 | end;
| 2015 | end;
| 2016 | //Link Note to PRF Action
| 2017 | if PRF_IEN <> 0 then
| 2018 | if sCallV('TIU LINK TO FLAG', [lstNotes.ItemIEN,PRF_IEN,ActionIEN,Patient.DFN]) = '0' then
| 2019 | ShowMessage('TIU LINK TO FLAG: FAILED');
| 2020 | end;
| 2021 |
| 2022 | if LastTitle <> FEditNote.Title then mnuActLoadBoilerClick(Self);
| 2023 | end;
| 2024 |
| 2025 | procedure TfrmNotes.memNewNoteChange(Sender: TObject);
| 2026 | begin
| 2027 | inherited;
[541] | 2028 | //kt 8/09 NOTE: the equivalent functionality for HTML is HTMLEditor.Keystruck. Don't have to set here.
[453] | 2029 | FChanged := True;
| 2030 | end;
| 2031 |
| 2032 | procedure TfrmNotes.pnlFieldsResize(Sender: TObject);
| 2033 | { center the reference date on the panel }
| 2034 | begin
| 2035 | inherited;
| 2036 | lblRefDate.Left := (pnlFields.Width - lblRefDate.Width) div 2;
| 2037 | if lblRefDate.Left < (lblNewTitle.Left + lblNewTitle.Width + 6)
| 2038 | then lblRefDate.Left := (lblNewTitle.Left + lblNewTitle.Width);
| 2039 | end;
| 2040 |
| 2041 | procedure TfrmNotes.DoAutoSave(Suppress: integer = 1);
| 2042 | var
| 2043 | ErrMsg: string;
[541] | 2044 | Changed : boolean; //kt 8/09
[453] | 2045 | begin
[541] | 2046 | Changed := false; //kt 8/09
| 2047 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin //kt 8/09
| 2048 | Changed := HTMLEditor.KeyStruck; //kt 8/09
| 2049 | end else begin //kt 8/09
| 2050 | Changed := FChanged; //kt 8/09
| 2051 | end; //kt 8/09
| 2052 | //kt 8/09 if (EditingIndex > -1) and FChanged then
| 2053 | if (EditingIndex > -1) and Changed then //kt 8/09
[453] | 2054 | begin
| 2055 | // StatusText('Autosaving note...'); <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 2056 | StatusText(DKLangConstW('fNotes_Autosaving_notexxx')); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 2057 | //PutTextOnly(ErrMsg, memNewNote.Lines, lstNotes.GetIEN(EditingIndex));
| 2058 | timAutoSave.Enabled := False;
| 2059 | try
[541] | 2060 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin //kt
| 2061 | rHTMLTools.SplitToArray (HTMLEditor.HTMLText, FEditNote.Lines); //kt
| 2062 | SetText(ErrMsg, FEditNote.Lines, lstNotes.GetIEN(EditingIndex),Suppress);//kt
| 2063 | end else begin //kt
[453] | 2064 | SetText(ErrMsg, memNewNote.Lines, lstNotes.GetIEN(EditingIndex), Suppress);
[541] | 2065 | end; //kt
[453] | 2066 | finally
| 2067 | timAutoSave.Enabled := True;
| 2068 | end;
| 2069 | FChanged := False;
[541] | 2070 | HTMLEditor.KeyStruck := false; //kt
[453] | 2071 | StatusText('');
| 2072 | end;
| 2073 | if ErrMsg <> '' then
| 2075 | //Assert(ErrMsg = '', 'AutoSave: ' + ErrMsg);
| 2076 | end;
| 2077 |
| 2078 | procedure TfrmNotes.timAutoSaveTimer(Sender: TObject);
| 2079 | begin
| 2080 | inherited;
| 2081 | DoAutoSave;
| 2082 | end;
| 2083 |
| 2084 | { View menu events ------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
| 2085 |
| 2086 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuViewClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2087 | { changes the list of notes available for viewing }
| 2088 | var
| 2089 | AuthCtxt: TAuthorContext;
| 2090 | SearchCtxt: TSearchContext; // Text Search CQ: HDS00002856
| 2091 | DateRange: TNoteDateRange;
| 2092 | Saved: Boolean;
| 2093 | begin
| 2094 | inherited;
| 2095 | // save note at EditingIndex?
| 2096 | if EditingIndex <> -1 then
| 2097 | begin
| 2098 | SaveCurrentNote(Saved);
| 2099 | if not Saved then Exit;
| 2100 | end;
| 2101 | FLastNoteID := lstNotes.ItemID;
| 2102 | mnuViewDetail.Checked := False;
| 2103 | //StatusText('Retrieving progress note list...'); <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 2104 | StatusText(DKLangConstW('fNotes_Retrieving_progress_note_listxxx')); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 2105 | if Sender is TMenuItem then ViewContext := TMenuItem(Sender).Tag
| 2106 | else if FCurrentContext.Status <> '' then ViewContext := NC_CUSTOM
| 2107 | else ViewContext := NC_RECENT;
| 2108 | case ViewContext of
| 2109 | NC_RECENT: begin
| 2110 | FillChar(FCurrentContext, SizeOf(FCurrentContext), 0);
| 2111 | // lblNotes.Caption := 'Last ' + IntToStr(ReturnMaxNotes) + ' Notes'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 2112 | lblNotes.Caption := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Last') + IntToStr(ReturnMaxNotes) + DKLangConstW('fNotes_Notes'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 2113 | FCurrentContext.Status := IntToStr(ViewContext);
| 2114 | FCurrentContext.MaxDocs := ReturnMaxNotes;
| 2115 | LoadNotes;
| 2116 | end;
| 2117 | NC_ALL: begin
| 2118 | FillChar(FCurrentContext, SizeOf(FCurrentContext), 0);
| 2119 | // lblNotes.Caption := 'All Signed Notes'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 2120 | lblNotes.Caption := DKLangConstW('fNotes_All_Signed_Notes'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 2121 | FCurrentContext.Status := IntToStr(ViewContext);
| 2122 | LoadNotes;
| 2123 | end;
| 2124 | NC_UNSIGNED: begin
| 2125 | FillChar(FCurrentContext, SizeOf(FCurrentContext), 0);
| 2126 | // lblNotes.Caption := 'Unsigned Notes'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 2127 | lblNotes.Caption := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Unsigned_Notes'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 2128 | FCurrentContext.Status := IntToStr(ViewContext);
| 2129 | LoadNotes;
| 2130 | end;
| 2131 | // Text Search CQ: HDS00002856 --------------------
| 2132 | NC_SEARCHTEXT: begin;
| 2133 | SearchTextStopFlag := False;
| 2134 | SelectSearchText(Font.Size, FCurrentContext.SearchString, SearchCtxt );
| 2135 | with SearchCtxt do if Changed then
| 2136 | begin
| 2137 | //FCurrentContext.Status := IntToStr(ViewContext);
| 2138 | frmSearchStop.Show;
| 2139 | // lblNotes.Caption := 'Search: '+ SearchString; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 2140 | lblNotes.Caption := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Searchx')+ SearchString; //kt added 7/19/2007
| 2141 | frmSearchStop.lblSearchStatus.Caption := lblNotes.Caption;
| 2142 | FCurrentContext.SearchString := SearchString;
| 2143 | LoadNotes;
| 2144 | end;
| 2145 | // Only do LoadNotes if something changed
| 2146 | end;
| 2147 | // Text Search CQ: HDS00002856 --------------------
| 2148 | NC_UNCOSIGNED: begin
| 2149 | FillChar(FCurrentContext, SizeOf(FCurrentContext), 0);
| 2150 | // lblNotes.Caption := 'Uncosigned Notes'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 2151 | lblNotes.Caption := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Uncosigned_Notes'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 2152 | FCurrentContext.Status := IntToStr(ViewContext);
| 2153 | LoadNotes;
| 2154 | end;
| 2155 | NC_BY_AUTHOR: begin
| 2156 | SelectAuthor(Font.Size, FCurrentContext, AuthCtxt);
| 2157 | with AuthCtxt do if Changed then
| 2158 | begin
| 2159 | FillChar(FCurrentContext, SizeOf(FCurrentContext), 0);
| 2160 | // lblNotes.Caption := AuthorName + ': Signed Notes'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 2161 | lblNotes.Caption := AuthorName + DKLangConstW('fNotes_x_Signed_Notes'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 2162 | FCurrentContext.Status := IntToStr(NC_BY_AUTHOR);
| 2163 | FCurrentContext.Author := Author;
| 2164 | FCurrentContext.TreeAscending := Ascending;
| 2165 | LoadNotes;
| 2166 | end;
| 2167 | end;
| 2168 | NC_BY_DATE: begin
| 2169 | SelectNoteDateRange(Font.Size, FCurrentContext, DateRange);
| 2170 | with DateRange do if Changed then
| 2171 | begin
| 2172 | FillChar(FCurrentContext, SizeOf(FCurrentContext), 0);
| 2173 | lblNotes.Caption := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', FMBeginDate) + ' to ' +
| 2174 | FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', FMEndDate) + ': Signed Notes';
| 2175 | FCurrentContext.BeginDate := BeginDate;
| 2176 | FCurrentContext.EndDate := EndDate;
| 2177 | FCurrentContext.FMBeginDate := FMBeginDate;
| 2178 | FCurrentContext.FMEndDate := FMEndDate;
| 2179 | FCurrentContext.TreeAscending := Ascending;
| 2180 | FCurrentContext.Status := IntToStr(NC_BY_DATE);
| 2181 | LoadNotes;
| 2182 | end;
| 2183 | end;
| 2184 | NC_CUSTOM: begin
| 2185 | if Sender is TMenuItem then
| 2186 | begin
| 2187 | SelectTIUView(Font.Size, True, FCurrentContext, uTIUContext);
| 2188 | //lblNotes.Caption := 'Custom List';
| 2189 | end;
| 2190 | with uTIUContext do if Changed then
| 2191 | begin
| 2192 | //if not (Sender is TMenuItem) then lblNotes.Caption := 'Default List';
| 2193 | //if MaxDocs = 0 then MaxDocs := ReturnMaxNotes;
| 2194 | FCurrentContext.BeginDate := BeginDate;
| 2195 | FCurrentContext.EndDate := EndDate;
| 2196 | FCurrentContext.FMBeginDate := FMBeginDate;
| 2197 | FCurrentContext.FMEndDate := FMEndDate;
| 2198 | FCurrentContext.Status := Status;
| 2199 | FCurrentContext.Author := Author;
| 2200 | FCurrentContext.MaxDocs := MaxDocs;
| 2201 | FCurrentContext.ShowSubject := ShowSubject;
| 2202 | // NEW PREFERENCES:
| 2203 | FCurrentContext.SortBy := SortBy;
| 2204 | FCurrentContext.ListAscending := ListAscending;
| 2205 | FCurrentContext.GroupBy := GroupBy;
| 2206 | FCurrentContext.TreeAscending := TreeAscending;
| 2207 | FCurrentContext.SearchField := SearchField;
| 2208 | FCurrentContext.Keyword := Keyword;
| 2209 | FCurrentContext.Filtered := Filtered;
| 2210 | LoadNotes;
| 2211 | end;
| 2212 | end;
| 2213 | end; {case}
| 2214 | lblNotes.Caption := SetNoteTreeLabel(FCurrentContext);
| 2215 | // Text Search CQ: HDS00002856 --------------------
| 2216 | If FCurrentContext.SearchString <> '' then
| 2217 | // lblNotes.Caption := lblNotes.Caption+', containing "'+FCurrentContext.SearchString+'"'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 2218 | lblNotes.Caption := lblNotes.Caption+DKLangConstW('fNotes_x_containing_x')+FCurrentContext.SearchString+'"'; //kt added 7/19/2007
| 2219 | If SearchTextStopFlag=True then begin;
| 2220 | // lblNotes.Caption := 'Search for "'+FCurrentContext.SearchString+'" was stopped!'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 2221 | lblNotes.Caption := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Search_for_x')+FCurrentContext.SearchString+DKLangConstW('fNotes_x_was_stoppedx'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 2222 | end;
| 2223 | frmSearchStop.Hide;
| 2224 | // Text Search CQ: HDS00002856 --------------------
| 2225 | lblNotes.hint := lblNotes.Caption;
| 2226 | tvNotes.Caption := lblNotes.Caption;
| 2227 | StatusText('');
| 2228 | end;
| 2229 |
| 2230 | { Action menu events ----------------------------------------------------------------------- }
| 2231 |
| 2232 | function TfrmNotes.StartNewEdit(NewNoteType: integer): Boolean;
| 2233 | { if currently editing a note, returns TRUE if the user wants to start a new one }
| 2234 | var
| 2235 | Saved: Boolean;
| 2236 | Msg, CapMsg: string;
| 2237 | begin
| 2238 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 2239 | FStarting := False;
| 2240 | Result := True;
| 2241 | cmdNewNote.Enabled := False;
| 2242 | if EditingIndex > -1 then
| 2243 | begin
| 2244 | FStarting := True;
| 2245 | case NewNoteType of
| 2246 | NT_ACT_ADDENDUM: begin
| 2247 | Msg := TX_NEW_SAVE1 + MakeNoteDisplayText(lstNotes.Items[EditingIndex]) + TX_NEW_SAVE3;
| 2248 | CapMsg := TC_NEW_SAVE3;
| 2249 | end;
| 2250 | NT_ACT_EDIT_NOTE: begin
| 2251 | Msg := TX_NEW_SAVE1 + MakeNoteDisplayText(lstNotes.Items[EditingIndex]) + TX_NEW_SAVE4;
| 2252 | CapMsg := TC_NEW_SAVE4;
| 2253 | end;
| 2254 | NT_ACT_ID_ENTRY: begin
| 2255 | Msg := TX_NEW_SAVE1 + MakeNoteDisplayText(lstNotes.Items[EditingIndex]) + TX_NEW_SAVE5;
| 2256 | CapMsg := TC_NEW_SAVE5;
| 2257 | end;
| 2258 | else
| 2259 | begin
| 2260 | Msg := TX_NEW_SAVE1 + MakeNoteDisplayText(lstNotes.Items[EditingIndex]) + TX_NEW_SAVE2;
| 2261 | CapMsg := TC_NEW_SAVE2;
| 2262 | end;
| 2263 | end;
| 2264 | if InfoBox(Msg, CapMsg, MB_YESNO) = IDNO then
| 2265 | begin
| 2266 | Result := False;
| 2267 | FStarting := False;
| 2268 | end
| 2269 | else
| 2270 | begin
| 2271 | SaveCurrentNote(Saved);
| 2272 | if not Saved then Result := False else LoadNotes;
| 2273 | FStarting := False;
| 2274 | end;
| 2275 | end;
| 2276 | cmdNewNote.Enabled := (Result = False) and (FStarting = False);
| 2277 | end;
| 2278 |
| 2279 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuActNewClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2280 | const
| 2281 | IS_ID_CHILD = False;
| 2282 | { switches to current new note or creates a new note if none is being edited already }
| 2283 | begin
| 2284 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 2285 | inherited;
| 2286 | if not StartNewEdit(NT_ACT_NEW_NOTE) then Exit;
| 2287 | //LoadNotes;
| 2288 | // make sure a visit (time & location) is available before creating the note
| 2289 | if Encounter.NeedVisit then
| 2290 | begin
| 2291 | UpdateVisit(Font.Size, DfltTIULocation);
| 2292 | frmFrame.DisplayEncounterText;
| 2293 | end;
| 2294 | if Encounter.NeedVisit then
| 2295 | begin
| 2297 | ShowPCEButtons(False);
| 2298 | Exit;
| 2299 | end;
| 2300 | InsertNewNote(IS_ID_CHILD, 0);
| 2301 | end;
| 2302 |
| 2303 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuActAddIDEntryClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2304 | const
| 2305 | IS_ID_CHILD = True;
| 2306 | var
| 2307 | AnIDParent: integer;
| 2308 | { switches to current new note or creates a new note if none is being edited already }
| 2309 | begin
| 2310 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 2311 | inherited;
| 2312 | AnIDParent := lstNotes.ItemIEN;
| 2313 | if not StartNewEdit(NT_ACT_ID_ENTRY) then Exit;
| 2314 | //LoadNotes;
| 2315 | with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(IntToStr(AnIDParent), U, Items.GetFirstNode);
| 2316 | // make sure a visit (time & location) is available before creating the note
| 2317 | if Encounter.NeedVisit then
| 2318 | begin
| 2319 | UpdateVisit(Font.Size, DfltTIULocation);
| 2320 | frmFrame.DisplayEncounterText;
| 2321 | end;
| 2322 | if Encounter.NeedVisit then
| 2323 | begin
| 2325 | Exit;
| 2326 | end;
| 2327 | InsertNewNote(IS_ID_CHILD, AnIDParent);
| 2328 | end;
| 2329 |
| 2330 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuActAddendClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2331 | { make an addendum to an existing note }
| 2332 | var
| 2333 | ActionSts: TActionRec;
| 2334 | ANoteID: string;
| 2335 | begin
| 2336 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 2337 | inherited;
| 2338 | if lstNotes.ItemIEN <= 0 then Exit;
| 2339 | ANoteID := lstNotes.ItemID;
| 2340 | if not StartNewEdit(NT_ACT_ADDENDUM) then Exit;
| 2341 | //LoadNotes;
| 2342 | with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(ANoteID, 1, U, Items.GetFirstNode);
| 2343 | if lstNotes.ItemIndex = EditingIndex then
| 2344 | begin
| 2345 | InfoBox(TX_ADDEND_NO, TX_ADDEND_MK, MB_OK);
| 2346 | Exit;
| 2347 | end;
| 2348 | ActOnDocument(ActionSts, lstNotes.ItemIEN, 'MAKE ADDENDUM');
| 2349 | if not ActionSts.Success then
| 2350 | begin
| 2351 | InfoBox(ActionSts.Reason, TX_IN_AUTH, MB_OK);
| 2352 | Exit;
| 2353 | end;
| 2354 | with lstNotes do if TitleForNote(lstNotes.ItemIEN) = TYP_ADDENDUM then
| 2355 | begin
| 2356 | InfoBox(TX_ADDEND_AD, TX_ADDEND_MK, MB_OK);
| 2357 | Exit;
| 2358 | end;
| 2359 | InsertAddendum;
| 2360 | end;
| 2361 |
| 2362 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuActDetachFromIDParentClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2363 | var
| 2364 | DocID, WhyNot: string;
| 2365 | Saved: boolean;
| 2366 | SavedDocID: string;
| 2367 | begin
| 2368 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 2369 | if lstNotes.ItemIEN = 0 then exit;
| 2370 | SavedDocID := lstNotes.ItemID;
| 2371 | if EditingIndex <> -1 then
| 2372 | begin
| 2373 | SaveCurrentNote(Saved);
| 2374 | if not Saved then Exit;
| 2375 | LoadNotes;
| 2376 | with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(SavedDocID, U, Items.GetFirstNode);
| 2377 | end;
| 2378 | if not CanBeAttached(PDocTreeObject(tvNotes.Selected.Data)^.DocID, WhyNot) then
| 2379 | begin
| 2380 | WhyNot := StringReplace(WhyNot, 'ATTACH', 'DETACH', [rfIgnoreCase]);
| 2381 | WhyNot := StringReplace(WhyNot, 'to an ID', 'from an ID', [rfIgnoreCase]);
| 2382 | InfoBox(WhyNot, TX_DETACH_FAILURE, MB_OK);
| 2383 | Exit;
| 2384 | end;
| 2385 | if (InfoBox('DETACH: ' + tvNotes.Selected.Text + CRLF + CRLF +
| 2386 | ' FROM: ' + tvNotes.Selected.Parent.Text + CRLF + CRLF +
| 2387 | // 'Are you sure?', TX_DETACH_CNF, MB_YESNO or MB_DEFBUTTON2 or MB_ICONQUESTION) <> IDYES) <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 2388 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_Are_you_surex'), TX_DETACH_CNF, MB_YESNO or MB_DEFBUTTON2 or MB_ICONQUESTION) <> IDYES) //kt added 7/19/2007
| 2389 | then Exit;
| 2390 | DocID := PDocTreeObject(tvNotes.Selected.Data)^.DocID;
| 2391 | SavedDocID := PDocTreeObject(tvNotes.Selected.Parent.Data)^.DocID;
| 2392 | if DetachEntryFromParent(DocID, WhyNot) then
| 2393 | begin
| 2394 | LoadNotes;
| 2395 | with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(SavedDocID, U, Items.GetFirstNode);
| 2396 | if tvNotes.Selected <> nil then tvNotes.Selected.Expand(False);
| 2397 | end
| 2398 | else
| 2399 | begin
| 2400 | WhyNot := StringReplace(WhyNot, 'ATTACH', 'DETACH', [rfIgnoreCase]);
| 2401 | WhyNot := StringReplace(WhyNot, 'to an ID', 'from an ID', [rfIgnoreCase]);
| 2402 | InfoBox(WhyNot, TX_DETACH_FAILURE, MB_OK);
| 2403 | end;
| 2404 | end;
| 2405 |
| 2406 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuActSignListClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2407 | { add the note to the Encounter object, see mnuActSignClick - copied}
| 2408 | const
| 2410 | SIG_SIGN = 'SIGNATURE';
| 2411 | var
| 2412 | ActionType, SignTitle: string;
| 2413 | ActionSts: TActionRec;
| 2414 | begin
| 2415 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 2416 | inherited;
| 2417 | if lstNotes.ItemIEN = 0 then Exit;
| 2418 | if lstNotes.ItemIndex = EditingIndex then Exit; // already in signature list
| 2419 | if not NoteHasText(lstNotes.ItemIEN) then
| 2420 | begin
| 2422 | Exit;
| 2423 | end;
| 2424 | if not LastSaveClean(lstNotes.ItemIEN) and
| 2426 | if CosignDocument(lstNotes.ItemIEN) then
| 2427 | begin
| 2428 | SignTitle := TX_COSIGN;
| 2429 | ActionType := SIG_COSIGN;
| 2430 | end else
| 2431 | begin
| 2432 | SignTitle := TX_SIGN;
| 2433 | ActionType := SIG_SIGN;
| 2434 | end;
| 2435 | ActOnDocument(ActionSts, lstNotes.ItemIEN, ActionType);
| 2436 | if not ActionSts.Success then
| 2437 | begin
| 2438 | InfoBox(ActionSts.Reason, TX_IN_AUTH, MB_OK);
| 2439 | Exit;
| 2440 | end;
| 2441 | LockConsultRequestAndNote(lstNotes.ItemIEN);
| 2442 | with lstNotes do Changes.Add(CH_DOC, ItemID, GetTitleText(ItemIndex), '', CH_SIGN_YES);
| 2443 | end;
| 2444 |
| 2445 | procedure TfrmNotes.RemovePCEFromChanges(IEN: Int64; AVisitStr: string = '');
| 2446 | begin
| 2447 | if IEN = NT_ADDENDUM then Exit; // no PCE information entered for an addendum
| 2448 | // do we need to call DeletePCE(AVisitStr), as was done with NT_NEW_NOTE (ien=-10)???
| 2449 | if AVisitStr = '' then AVisitStr := VisitStrForNote(IEN);
| 2450 | Changes.Remove(CH_PCE, 'V' + AVisitStr);
| 2451 | Changes.Remove(CH_PCE, 'P' + AVisitStr);
| 2452 | Changes.Remove(CH_PCE, 'D' + AVisitStr);
| 2453 | Changes.Remove(CH_PCE, 'I' + AVisitStr);
| 2454 | Changes.Remove(CH_PCE, 'S' + AVisitStr);
| 2455 | Changes.Remove(CH_PCE, 'A' + AVisitStr);
| 2456 | Changes.Remove(CH_PCE, 'H' + AVisitStr);
| 2457 | Changes.Remove(CH_PCE, 'E' + AVisitStr);
| 2458 | Changes.Remove(CH_PCE, 'T' + AVisitStr);
| 2459 | end;
| 2460 |
| 2461 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuActDeleteClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2462 | { delete the selected progress note & remove from the Encounter object if necessary }
| 2463 | var
| 2464 | DeleteSts, ActionSts: TActionRec;
| 2465 | SaveConsult, SavedDocIEN: Integer;
| 2466 | ReasonForDelete, AVisitStr, SavedDocID, x: string;
| 2467 | Saved: boolean;
| 2468 | begin
| 2469 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 2470 | inherited;
| 2471 | if lstNotes.ItemIEN = 0 then Exit;
| 2472 | ActOnDocument(ActionSts, lstNotes.ItemIEN, 'DELETE RECORD');
| 2473 | if ShowMsgOn(not ActionSts.Success, ActionSts.Reason, TX_IN_AUTH) then Exit;
| 2474 | ReasonForDelete := SelectDeleteReason(lstNotes.ItemIEN);
| 2475 | if ReasonForDelete = DR_CANCEL then Exit;
| 2476 | // suppress prompt for deletion when called from SaveEditedNote (Sender = Self)
| 2477 | if (Sender <> Self) and (InfoBox(MakeNoteDisplayText(lstNotes.Items[lstNotes.ItemIndex]) + TX_DEL_OK,
| 2479 | // do the appropriate locking
| 2480 | if not LockConsultRequestAndNote(lstNotes.ItemIEN) then Exit;
| 2481 | // retraction notification message
| 2482 | if JustifyDocumentDelete(lstNotes.ItemIEN) then
| 2484 | SavedDocID := lstNotes.ItemID;
| 2485 | SavedDocIEN := lstNotes.ItemIEN;
| 2486 | if (EditingIndex > -1) and (not FConfirmed) and (lstNotes.ItemIndex <> EditingIndex) and (memNewNote.GetTextLen > 0) then
| 2487 | begin
| 2488 | SaveCurrentNote(Saved);
| 2489 | if not Saved then Exit;
| 2490 | end;
| 2491 | EditingIndex := -1;
| 2492 | FConfirmed := False;
| 2493 | (* if Saved then
| 2494 | begin
| 2495 | EditingIndex := -1;
| 2496 | mnuViewClick(Self);
| 2497 | with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(SavedDocID, U, Items.GetFirstNode);
| 2498 | end;*)
| 2499 | // remove the note
| 2500 | DeleteSts.Success := True;
| 2501 | x := GetPackageRefForNote(SavedDocIEN);
| 2502 | SaveConsult := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, ';', 1), 0);
| 2503 | AVisitStr := VisitStrForNote(SavedDocIEN);
| 2504 | RemovePCEFromChanges(SavedDocIEN, AVisitStr);
| 2505 | if (SavedDocIEN > 0) and (lstNotes.ItemIEN = SavedDocIEN) then DeleteDocument(DeleteSts, SavedDocIEN, ReasonForDelete);
| 2506 | if not Changes.Exist(CH_DOC, SavedDocID) then UnlockDocument(SavedDocIEN);
| 2507 | Changes.Remove(CH_DOC, SavedDocID); // this will unlock the document if in Changes
| 2508 | UnlockConsultRequest(0, SaveConsult); // note has been deleted, so 1st param = 0
| 2509 | // reset the display now that the note is gone
| 2510 | if DeleteSts.Success then
| 2511 | begin
| 2512 | DeletePCE(AVisitStr); // removes PCE data if this was the only note pointing to it
| 2513 | ClearEditControls;
| 2514 | //ClearPtData; WRONG - fixed in v15.10 - RV
| 2515 | LoadNotes;
| 2516 | (* with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(SavedDocID, U, Items.GetFirstNode);
| 2517 | if tvNotes.Selected <> nil then tvNotesChange(Self, tvNotes.Selected) else
| 2518 | begin*)
[541] | 2519 | FHTMLEditMode := emNone; //kt 8/09
[453] | 2520 | pnlWrite.Visible := False;
| 2521 | pnlRead.Visible := True;
| 2522 | UpdateReminderFinish;
| 2523 | ShowPCEControls(False);
| 2524 | frmDrawers.DisplayDrawers(TRUE, [odTemplates], [odTemplates]); //FALSE);
| 2525 | ShowPCEButtons(FALSE);
| 2526 | //end; {if ItemIndex}
| 2527 | end {if DeleteSts}
| 2528 | else InfoBox(DeleteSts.Reason, TX_DEL_ERR, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING);
| 2529 | end;
| 2530 |
| 2531 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuActEditClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2532 | { load the selected progress note for editing }
| 2533 | var
| 2534 | ActionSts: TActionRec;
| 2535 | ANoteID: string;
| 2536 | begin
| 2537 | inherited;
| 2538 | if lstNotes.ItemIndex = EditingIndex then Exit;
| 2539 | ANoteID := lstNotes.ItemID;
| 2540 | if not StartNewEdit(NT_ACT_EDIT_NOTE) then Exit;
| 2541 | //LoadNotes;
| 2542 | with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(ANoteID, 1, U, Items.GetFirstNode);
| 2543 | ActOnDocument(ActionSts, lstNotes.ItemIEN, 'EDIT RECORD');
| 2544 | if not ActionSts.Success then
| 2545 | begin
| 2546 | InfoBox(ActionSts.Reason, TX_IN_AUTH, MB_OK);
| 2547 | Exit;
| 2548 | end;
| 2549 | LoadForEdit;
| 2550 | end;
| 2551 |
| 2552 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuActSaveClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2553 | { saves the note that is currently being edited }
| 2554 | var
| 2555 | Saved: Boolean;
| 2556 | SavedDocID: string;
| 2557 | begin
| 2558 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 2559 | inherited;
| 2560 | if EditingIndex > -1 then
| 2561 | begin
| 2562 | SavedDocID := Piece(lstNotes.Items[EditingIndex], U, 1);
| 2563 | FLastNoteID := SavedDocID;
| 2564 | SaveCurrentNote(Saved);
| 2565 | if Saved and (EditingIndex < 0) and (not FDeleted) then
| 2566 | //if Saved then
| 2567 | begin
| 2568 | LoadNotes;
| 2569 | with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(SavedDocID, U, Items.GetFirstNode);
| 2570 | end;
| 2571 | end
| 2573 | end;
| 2574 |
| 2575 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuActSignClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2576 | { sign the currently selected note, save first if necessary }
| 2577 | const
| 2579 | SIG_SIGN = 'SIGNATURE';
| 2580 | var
| 2581 | Saved, NoteUnlocked: Boolean;
| 2582 | ActionType, ESCode, SignTitle: string;
| 2583 | ActionSts, SignSts: TActionRec;
| 2584 | OK: boolean;
| 2585 | SavedDocID, tmpItem: string;
| 2586 | EditingID: string; //v22.12 - RV
| 2587 | tmpNode: TTreeNode;
| 2588 | begin
| 2589 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 2590 | inherited;
| 2591 | (* if lstNotes.ItemIndex = EditingIndex then //v22.12 - RV
| 2592 | begin //v22.12 - RV
| 2593 | SaveCurrentNote(Saved); //v22.12 - RV
| 2594 | if (not Saved) or FDeleted then Exit; //v22.12 - RV
| 2595 | end //v22.12 - RV
| 2596 | else if EditingIndex > -1 then //v22.12 - RV
| 2597 | tmpItem := lstNotes.Items[EditingIndex]; //v22.12 - RV
| 2598 | SavedDocID := lstNotes.ItemID;*) //v22.12 - RV
| 2599 | SavedDocID := lstNotes.ItemID; //v22.12 - RV
| 2600 | FLastNoteID := SavedDocID; //v22.12 - RV
| 2601 | if lstNotes.ItemIndex = EditingIndex then //v22.12 - RV
| 2602 | begin //v22.12 - RV
| 2603 | SaveCurrentNote(Saved); //v22.12 - RV
| 2604 | if (not Saved) or FDeleted then Exit; //v22.12 - RV
| 2605 | end //v22.12 - RV
| 2606 | else if EditingIndex > -1 then //v22.12 - RV
| 2607 | begin //v22.12 - RV
| 2608 | tmpItem := lstNotes.Items[EditingIndex]; //v22.12 - RV
| 2609 | EditingID := Piece(tmpItem, U, 1); //v22.12 - RV
| 2610 | end; //v22.12 - RV
| 2611 | if not NoteHasText(lstNotes.ItemIEN) then
| 2612 | begin
| 2614 | Exit;
| 2615 | end;
| 2616 | if not LastSaveClean(lstNotes.ItemIEN) and
| 2618 | if CosignDocument(lstNotes.ItemIEN) then
| 2619 | begin
| 2620 | SignTitle := TX_COSIGN;
| 2621 | ActionType := SIG_COSIGN;
| 2622 | end else
| 2623 | begin
| 2624 | SignTitle := TX_SIGN;
| 2625 | ActionType := SIG_SIGN;
| 2626 | end;
| 2627 | if not LockConsultRequestAndNote(lstNotes.ItemIEN) then Exit;
| 2628 | // no exits after things are locked
| 2629 | NoteUnlocked := False;
| 2630 | ActOnDocument(ActionSts, lstNotes.ItemIEN, ActionType);
| 2631 | if ActionSts.Success then
| 2632 | begin
| 2633 | OK := IsOK2Sign(uPCEShow, lstNotes.ItemIEN);
| 2634 | if frmFrame.Closing then exit;
| 2635 | if(uPCEShow.Updated) then
| 2636 | begin
| 2637 | uPCEShow.CopyPCEData(uPCEEdit);
| 2638 | uPCEShow.Updated := FALSE;
| 2639 | lstNotesClick(Self);
| 2640 | end;
| 2641 | if not AuthorSignedDocument(lstNotes.ItemIEN) then
| 2642 | begin
| 2643 | if (InfoBox(TX_AUTH_SIGNED +
| 2644 | GetTitleText(lstNotes.ItemIndex),TX_SIGN ,MB_YESNO)= ID_NO) then exit;
| 2645 | end;
| 2646 | if(OK) then
| 2647 | begin
| 2648 | with lstNotes do SignatureForItem(Font.Size, MakeNoteDisplayText(Items[ItemIndex]), SignTitle, ESCode);
| 2649 | if Length(ESCode) > 0 then
| 2650 | begin
| 2651 | SignDocument(SignSts, lstNotes.ItemIEN, ESCode);
| 2652 | RemovePCEFromChanges(lstNotes.ItemIEN);
| 2653 | NoteUnlocked := Changes.Exist(CH_DOC, lstNotes.ItemID);
| 2654 | Changes.Remove(CH_DOC, lstNotes.ItemID); // this will unlock if in Changes
| 2655 | if SignSts.Success then
| 2656 | begin
| 2657 | SendMessage(frmConsults.Handle, UM_NEWORDER, ORDER_SIGN, 0); {*REV*}
| 2658 | lstNotesClick(Self);
| 2659 | end
| 2660 | else InfoBox(SignSts.Reason, TX_SIGN_ERR, MB_OK);
| 2661 | end {if Length(ESCode)}
| 2662 | else
| 2663 | NoteUnlocked := Changes.Exist(CH_DOC, lstNotes.ItemID);
| 2664 | end;
| 2665 | end
| 2666 | else InfoBox(ActionSts.Reason, TX_IN_AUTH, MB_OK);
| 2667 | if not NoteUnlocked then UnlockDocument(lstNotes.ItemIEN);
| 2668 | UnlockConsultRequest(lstNotes.ItemIEN);
| 2669 | //SetViewContext(FCurrentContext); //v22.12 - RV
| 2670 | LoadNotes; //v22.12 - RV
| 2671 | //if EditingIndex > -1 then //v22.12 - RV
| 2672 | if (EditingID <> '') then //v22.12 - RV
| 2673 | begin
| 2674 | lstNotes.Items.Insert(0, tmpItem);
| 2675 | // tmpNode := tvNotes.Items.AddObjectFirst(tvNotes.Items.GetFirstNode, 'Note being edited', <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 2676 | tmpNode := tvNotes.Items.AddObjectFirst(tvNotes.Items.GetFirstNode, DKLangConstW('fNotes_Note_being_edited'), //kt added 7/19/2007
| 2677 | MakeNoteTreeObject('EDIT^Note being edited^^^^^^^^^^^%^0'));
| 2678 | TORTreeNode(tmpNode).StringData := 'EDIT^Note being edited^^^^^^^^^^^%^0';
| 2679 | tmpNode.ImageIndex := IMG_TOP_LEVEL;
| 2680 | tmpNode := tvNotes.Items.AddChildObjectFirst(tmpNode, MakeNoteDisplayText(tmpItem), MakeNoteTreeObject(tmpItem));
| 2681 | TORTreeNode(tmpNode).StringData := tmpItem;
| 2682 | SetTreeNodeImagesAndFormatting(TORTreeNode(tmpNode), FCurrentContext, CT_NOTES);
| 2683 | EditingIndex := lstNotes.SelectByID(EditingID); //v22.12 - RV
| 2684 | end;
| 2685 | //with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(SavedDocID, U, Items.GetFirstNode); //v22.12 - RV
| 2686 | with tvNotes do //v22.12 - RV
| 2687 | begin //v22.12 - RV
| 2688 | Selected := FindPieceNode(FLastNoteID, U, Items.GetFirstNode); //v22.12 - RV
| 2689 | if Selected <> nil then
| 2690 | tvNotesChange(Self, Selected) //v22.12 - RV
| 2691 | else
| 2692 | tvNotes.Selected := tvNotes.Items[0]; //first Node in treeview
| 2693 | end; //v22.12 - RV
| 2694 | end;
| 2695 |
| 2696 | procedure TfrmNotes.SaveSignItem(const ItemID, ESCode: string);
| 2697 | { saves and optionally signs a progress note or addendum }
| 2698 | const
| 2700 | SIG_SIGN = 'SIGNATURE';
| 2701 | var
| 2702 | AnIndex, IEN, i: Integer;
| 2703 | Saved, ContinueSign: Boolean; {*RAB* 8/26/99}
| 2704 | ActionSts, SignSts: TActionRec;
| 2705 | APCEObject: TPCEData;
| 2706 | OK: boolean;
| 2707 | ActionType, SignTitle: string;
| 2708 | begin
| 2709 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 2710 | AnIndex := -1;
| 2711 | IEN := StrToIntDef(ItemID, 0);
| 2712 | if IEN = 0 then Exit;
| 2713 | if frmFrame.TimedOut and (EditingIndex <> -1) then FSilent := True;
| 2714 | with lstNotes do for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do if lstNotes.GetIEN(i) = IEN then
| 2715 | begin
| 2716 | AnIndex := i;
| 2717 | break;
| 2718 | end;
| 2719 | if (AnIndex > -1) and (AnIndex = EditingIndex) then
| 2720 | begin
| 2721 | SaveCurrentNote(Saved);
| 2722 | if not Saved then Exit;
| 2723 | if FDeleted then
| 2724 | begin
| 2725 | FDeleted := False;
| 2726 | Exit;
| 2727 | end;
| 2728 | AnIndex := lstNotes.SelectByIEN(IEN);
| 2729 | //IEN := lstNotes.GetIEN(AnIndex); // saving will change IEN
| 2730 | end;
| 2731 | if Length(ESCode) > 0 then
| 2732 | begin
| 2733 | if CosignDocument(IEN) then
| 2734 | begin
| 2735 | SignTitle := TX_COSIGN;
| 2736 | ActionType := SIG_COSIGN;
| 2737 | end else
| 2738 | begin
| 2739 | SignTitle := TX_SIGN;
| 2740 | ActionType := SIG_SIGN;
| 2741 | end;
| 2742 | ActOnDocument(ActionSts, IEN, ActionType);
| 2743 | if not ActionSts.Success then
| 2744 | begin
| 2745 | InfoBox(ActionSts.Reason, TX_IN_AUTH, MB_OK);
| 2746 | ContinueSign := False;
| 2747 | end
| 2748 | else if not NoteHasText(IEN) then
| 2749 | begin
| 2751 | ContinueSign := False;
| 2752 | end
| 2753 | else if not LastSaveClean(IEN) and
| 2755 | then ContinueSign := False
| 2756 | else ContinueSign := True;
| 2757 | if ContinueSign then
| 2758 | begin
| 2759 | if (AnIndex >= 0) and (AnIndex = lstNotes.ItemIndex) then
| 2760 | APCEObject := uPCEShow
| 2761 | else
| 2762 | APCEObject := nil;
| 2763 | OK := IsOK2Sign(APCEObject, IEN);
| 2764 | if frmFrame.Closing then exit;
| 2765 | if(assigned(APCEObject)) and (uPCEShow.Updated) then
| 2766 | begin
| 2767 | uPCEShow.CopyPCEData(uPCEEdit);
| 2768 | uPCEShow.Updated := FALSE;
| 2769 | lstNotesClick(Self);
| 2770 | end
| 2771 | else
| 2772 | uPCEEdit.Clear;
| 2773 | if(OK) then
| 2774 | begin
| 2775 | //if ((not FSilent) and IsSurgeryTitle(TitleForNote(IEN))) then DisplayOpTop(IEN);
| 2776 | SignDocument(SignSts, IEN, ESCode);
| 2777 | if not SignSts.Success then InfoBox(SignSts.Reason, TX_SIGN_ERR, MB_OK);
| 2778 | end; {if OK}
| 2779 | end; {if ContinueSign}
| 2780 | end; {if Length(ESCode)}
| 2781 |
| 2782 | UnlockConsultRequest(IEN);
| 2783 | if (AnIndex = lstNotes.ItemIndex) and (not frmFrame.ContextChanging) then
| 2784 | begin
| 2785 | LoadNotes;
| 2786 | with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(IntToStr(IEN), U, Items.GetFirstNode);
| 2787 | end;
| 2788 | end;
| 2789 |
| 2790 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteMemoPopup(Sender: TObject);
[541] | 2791 | const FORMAT_MODE : array[false..true] of string = ('fNotes_Formatted_Text','fNotes_Plain_Text'); //kt 8/09
[453] | 2792 | begin
| 2793 | inherited;
| 2794 | if PopupComponent(Sender, popNoteMemo) is TCustomEdit
| 2795 | then FEditCtrl := TCustomEdit(PopupComponent(Sender, popNoteMemo))
| 2796 | else FEditCtrl := nil;
| 2797 | if FEditCtrl <> nil then
| 2798 | begin
| 2799 | popNoteMemoCut.Enabled := FEditCtrl.SelLength > 0;
| 2800 | popNoteMemoCopy.Enabled := popNoteMemoCut.Enabled;
| 2801 | popNoteMemoPaste.Enabled := (not TORExposedCustomEdit(FEditCtrl).ReadOnly) and
| 2802 | Clipboard.HasFormat(CF_TEXT);
| 2803 | popNoteMemoTemplate.Enabled := frmDrawers.CanEditTemplates and popNoteMemoCut.Enabled;
| 2804 | popNoteMemoFind.Enabled := FEditCtrl.GetTextLen > 0;
| 2805 | end else
| 2806 | begin
[541] | 2807 | popNoteMemoHTMLFormat.Enabled := False; //kt 8/09
[453] | 2808 | popNoteMemoCut.Enabled := False;
| 2809 | popNoteMemoCopy.Enabled := False;
| 2810 | popNoteMemoPaste.Enabled := False;
| 2811 | popNoteMemoTemplate.Enabled := False;
| 2812 | end;
[541] | 2813 | popNoteMemoHTMLFormat.Caption := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Change_Edit_Mode_To') + ' ' + //kt 8/09
| 2814 | DKLangConstW(FORMAT_MODE[(vmHTML in FViewMode)]); //kt 8/09
| 2815 | popNoteMemoHTMLFormat.Enabled := pnlWrite.Visible; //kt 8/09
[453] | 2816 | if pnlWrite.Visible then
| 2817 | begin
[541] | 2818 | //kt 8/09 popNoteMemoSpell.Enabled := True;
| 2819 | //kt 8/09 popNoteMemoGrammar.Enabled := True;
| 2820 | //kt 8/09 popNoteMemoReformat.Enabled := True;
| 2821 | popNoteMemoSpell.Enabled := not pnlHTMLWrite.Visible; //kt 8/09
| 2822 | popNoteMemoGrammar.Enabled := not pnlHTMLWrite.Visible; //kt 8/09
| 2823 | popNoteMemoReformat.Enabled := not pnlHTMLWrite.Visible; //kt 8/09
[453] | 2824 | popNoteMemoReplace.Enabled := (FEditCtrl.GetTextLen > 0);
| 2825 | popNoteMemoPreview.Enabled := (frmDrawers.TheOpenDrawer = odTemplates) and Assigned(frmDrawers.tvTemplates.Selected);
| 2826 | popNoteMemoInsTemplate.Enabled := (frmDrawers.TheOpenDrawer = odTemplates) and Assigned(frmDrawers.tvTemplates.Selected);
| 2827 | end else
| 2828 | begin
| 2829 | popNoteMemoSpell.Enabled := False;
| 2830 | popNoteMemoGrammar.Enabled := False;
| 2831 | popNoteMemoReformat.Enabled := False;
| 2832 | popNoteMemoReplace.Enabled := False;
| 2833 | popNoteMemoPreview.Enabled := False;
| 2834 | popNoteMemoInsTemplate.Enabled := False;
| 2835 | end;
| 2836 | end;
| 2837 |
[541] | 2838 | (*//kt 8/09 NOTICE:
| 2839 | On the form, popNoteMenu was edited to add a new item as below
| 2840 | popNoteMemoHTMLFormat : TMenuItem
| 2841 | Captions: ~ Edit as Formatted Text
| 2842 | OnClick -- popNoteMemoHTMLFormatClick
| 2843 | *)
| 2844 |
| 2845 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteMemoHTMLFormatClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2846 | //kt added function 8/09
| 2847 | begin
| 2848 | inherited;
| 2849 | ToggleHTMLEditMode;
| 2850 | end;
| 2851 |
[453] | 2852 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteMemoCutClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2853 | begin
| 2854 | inherited;
| 2855 | FEditCtrl.CutToClipboard;
| 2856 | end;
| 2857 |
| 2858 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteMemoCopyClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2859 | begin
| 2860 | inherited;
| 2861 | FEditCtrl.CopyToClipboard;
| 2862 | end;
| 2863 |
| 2864 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteMemoPasteClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2865 | begin
| 2866 | inherited;
| 2867 | FEditCtrl.SelText := Clipboard.AsText; {*KCM*}
| 2868 | frmNotes.pnlWriteResize(Self);
| 2869 | //FEditCtrl.PasteFromClipboard; // use AsText to prevent formatting
| 2870 | end;
| 2871 |
| 2872 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteMemoReformatClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2873 | begin
| 2874 | inherited;
| 2875 | if Screen.ActiveControl <> memNewNote then Exit;
| 2876 | ReformatMemoParagraph(memNewNote);
| 2877 | end;
| 2878 |
| 2879 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteMemoSaveContinueClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2880 | begin
| 2881 | inherited;
| 2882 | FChanged := True;
| 2883 | DoAutoSave;
| 2884 | end;
| 2885 |
| 2886 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteMemoFindClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2887 | //var
| 2888 | //hData: THandle; //CQ8300
| 2889 | //pData: ^ClipboardData; //CQ8300
| 2890 | begin
| 2891 | inherited;
| 2892 | SendMessage(TRichEdit(popNoteMemo.PopupComponent).Handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_TOP, 0);
| 2893 | with dlgFindText do
| 2894 | begin
| 2895 | Position := Point(Application.MainForm.Left + pnlLeft.Width, Application.MainForm.Top);
| 2896 | FindText := '';
| 2897 | Options := [frDown, frHideUpDown];
| 2898 | {
| 2899 | //CQ8300
| 2900 | OpenClipboard(dlgFindText.Handle);
| 2901 | hData := GetClipboardData(CF_TEXT);
| 2902 | pData := GlobalLock(hData);
| 2903 | FindText := pData^.Text;
| 2904 | GlobalUnlock(hData);
| 2905 | CloseClipboard;
| 2906 | //end CQ8300
| 2907 | }
| 2908 | Execute;
| 2909 | end;
| 2910 | end;
| 2911 |
| 2912 | procedure TfrmNotes.dlgFindTextFind(Sender: TObject);
| 2913 | begin
| 2914 | dmodShared.FindRichEditText(dlgFindText, TRichEdit(popNoteMemo.PopupComponent));
| 2915 | end;
| 2916 |
| 2917 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteMemoReplaceClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2918 | begin
| 2919 | inherited;
| 2920 | SendMessage(TRichEdit(popNoteMemo.PopupComponent).Handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_TOP, 0);
| 2921 | with dlgReplaceText do
| 2922 | begin
| 2923 | Position := Point(Application.MainForm.Left + pnlLeft.Width, Application.MainForm.Top);
| 2924 | FindText := '';
| 2925 | ReplaceText := '';
| 2926 | Options := [frDown, frHideUpDown];
| 2927 | Execute;
| 2928 | end;
| 2929 | end;
| 2930 |
| 2931 | procedure TfrmNotes.dlgReplaceTextFind(Sender: TObject);
| 2932 | begin
| 2933 | inherited;
| 2934 | dmodShared.FindRichEditText(dlgFindText, TRichEdit(popNoteMemo.PopupComponent));
| 2935 | end;
| 2936 |
| 2937 | procedure TfrmNotes.dlgReplaceTextReplace(Sender: TObject);
| 2938 | begin
| 2939 | inherited;
| 2940 | dmodShared.ReplaceRichEditText(dlgReplaceText, TRichEdit(popNoteMemo.PopupComponent));
| 2941 | end;
| 2942 |
| 2943 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteMemoSpellClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2944 | begin
| 2945 | inherited;
| 2946 | DoAutoSave(0);
| 2947 | timAutoSave.Enabled := False;
| 2948 | try
| 2949 | SpellCheckForControl(memNewNote);
| 2950 | finally
| 2951 | FChanged := True;
| 2952 | DoAutoSave(0);
| 2953 | timAutoSave.Enabled := True;
| 2954 | end;
| 2955 | end;
| 2956 |
| 2957 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteMemoGrammarClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2958 | begin
| 2959 | inherited;
| 2960 | DoAutoSave(0);
| 2961 | timAutoSave.Enabled := False;
| 2962 | try
| 2963 | GrammarCheckForControl(memNewNote);
| 2964 | finally
| 2965 | FChanged := True;
| 2966 | DoAutoSave(0);
| 2967 | timAutoSave.Enabled := True;
| 2968 | end;
| 2969 | end;
| 2970 |
| 2971 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuViewDetailClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2972 | begin
| 2973 | inherited;
| 2974 | if lstNotes.ItemIEN <= 0 then Exit;
| 2975 | mnuViewDetail.Checked := not mnuViewDetail.Checked;
| 2976 | if mnuViewDetail.Checked then
| 2977 | begin
| 2978 | // StatusText('Retrieving progress note details...'); <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 2979 | StatusText(DKLangConstW('fNotes_Retrieving_progress_note_detailsxxx')); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 2980 | Screen.Cursor := crAppStart; //kt, was crHourGlass;
[541] | 2981 | //kt LoadDetailText(memNote.Lines, lstNotes.ItemIEN);
| 2982 | LoadDetailText(FViewNote, lstNotes.ItemIEN); //kt 8/09
| 2983 | SetDisplayToHTMLvsText(FViewMode,FViewNote); //kt 8/09
[453] | 2984 | Screen.Cursor := crDefault;
| 2985 | StatusText('');
| 2986 | memNote.SelStart := 0;
[541] | 2987 | if not (vmHTML in FViewMode) then //kt 8/09
| 2988 | memNote.Repaint;
[453] | 2989 | end
| 2990 | else
| 2991 | lstNotesClick(Self);
[541] | 2992 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin //kt 8/09
| 2993 | SendMessage(HTMLViewer.Handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_TOP, 0); //kt 8/09
| 2994 | end else begin //kt 8/09
| 2995 | SendMessage(memNote.Handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_TOP, 0);
| 2996 | end; //kt 8/09
[453] | 2997 | end;
| 2998 |
| 2999 | procedure TfrmNotes.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
| 3000 | var
| 3001 | Saved: Boolean;
| 3002 | IEN: Int64;
| 3003 | ErrMsg: string;
| 3004 | DeleteSts: TActionRec;
| 3005 | begin
| 3006 | inherited;
| 3007 | if frmFrame.TimedOut and (EditingIndex <> -1) then
| 3008 | begin
| 3009 | FSilent := True;
[541] | 3010 | //kt 8/09 if memNewNote.GetTextLen > 0 then SaveCurrentNote(Saved)
| 3011 | if EditorHasText then SaveCurrentNote(Saved) //kt 8/09
[453] | 3012 | else
| 3013 | begin
| 3014 | IEN := lstNotes.GetIEN(EditingIndex);
| 3015 | if not LastSaveClean(IEN) then // means note hasn't been committed yet
| 3016 | begin
| 3017 | LockDocument(IEN, ErrMsg);
| 3018 | if ErrMsg = '' then
| 3019 | begin
| 3020 | DeleteDocument(DeleteSts, IEN, '');
| 3021 | UnlockDocument(IEN);
| 3022 | end; {if ErrMsg}
| 3023 | end; {if not LastSaveClean}
| 3024 | end; {else}
| 3025 | end; {if frmFrame}
| 3026 | end;
| 3027 |
| 3028 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuActIdentifyAddlSignersClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3029 | var
| 3030 | Exclusions: TStrings;
| 3031 | Saved, x, y: boolean;
| 3032 | SignerList: TSignerList;
| 3033 | ActionSts: TActionRec;
| 3034 | SigAction: integer;
| 3035 | SavedDocID: string;
| 3036 | ARefDate: TFMDateTime;
| 3037 | begin
| 3038 | inherited;
| 3039 | if lstNotes.ItemIEN = 0 then exit;
| 3040 | SavedDocID := lstNotes.ItemID;
| 3041 | if lstNotes.ItemIndex = EditingIndex then
| 3042 | begin
| 3043 | SaveCurrentNote(Saved);
| 3044 | if not Saved then Exit;
| 3045 | LoadNotes;
| 3046 | with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(SavedDocID, U, Items.GetFirstNode);
| 3047 | end;
| 3048 | x := CanChangeCosigner(lstNotes.ItemIEN);
| 3049 | ActOnDocument(ActionSts, lstNotes.ItemIEN, 'IDENTIFY SIGNERS');
| 3050 | y := ActionSts.Success;
| 3051 | if x and not y then
| 3052 | begin
| 3053 | if InfoBox(ActionSts.Reason + CRLF + CRLF +
| 3054 | // 'Would you like to change the cosigner?', <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 3055 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_Would_you_like_to_change_the_cosignerx'), //kt added 7/19/2007
| 3057 | SigAction := SG_COSIGNER
| 3058 | else
| 3059 | Exit;
| 3060 | end
| 3061 | else if y and not x then SigAction := SG_ADDITIONAL
| 3062 | else if x and y then SigAction := SG_BOTH
| 3063 | else
| 3064 | begin
| 3065 | InfoBox(ActionSts.Reason, TX_IN_AUTH, MB_OK);
| 3066 | Exit;
| 3067 | end;
| 3068 |
| 3069 | if not LockConsultRequestAndNote(lstNotes.ItemIEN) then Exit;
| 3070 | Exclusions := GetCurrentSigners(lstNotes.ItemIEN);
| 3071 | ARefDate := StrToFloat(Piece(lstNotes.Items[lstNotes.ItemIndex], U, 3));
| 3072 | SelectAdditionalSigners(Font.Size, lstNotes.ItemIEN, SigAction, Exclusions, SignerList, CT_NOTES, ARefDate);
| 3073 | with SignerList do
| 3074 | begin
| 3075 | case SigAction of
| 3076 | SG_ADDITIONAL: if Changed and (Signers <> nil) and (Signers.Count > 0) then
| 3077 | UpdateAdditionalSigners(lstNotes.ItemIEN, Signers);
| 3078 | SG_COSIGNER: if Changed then ChangeCosigner(lstNotes.ItemIEN, Cosigner);
| 3079 | SG_BOTH: if Changed then
| 3080 | begin
| 3081 | if (Signers <> nil) and (Signers.Count > 0) then
| 3082 | UpdateAdditionalSigners(lstNotes.ItemIEN, Signers);
| 3083 | ChangeCosigner(lstNotes.ItemIEN, Cosigner);
| 3084 | end;
| 3085 | end;
| 3086 | lstNotesClick(Self);
| 3087 | end;
| 3088 | UnlockDocument(lstNotes.ItemIEN);
| 3089 | UnlockConsultRequest(lstNotes.ItemIEN);
| 3090 | end;
| 3091 |
| 3092 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteMemoAddlSignClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3093 | begin
| 3094 | inherited;
| 3095 | mnuActIdentifyAddlSignersClick(Self);
| 3096 | end;
| 3097 |
| 3098 | procedure TfrmNotes.ProcessNotifications;
| 3099 | var
| 3100 | x: string;
| 3101 | Saved: boolean;
| 3102 | tmpNode: TTreeNode;
| 3103 | AnObject: PDocTreeObject;
| 3104 | begin
| 3105 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 3106 | if EditingIndex <> -1 then
| 3107 | begin
| 3108 | SaveCurrentNote(Saved);
| 3109 | if not Saved then Exit;
| 3110 | end;
| 3111 | lblNotes.Caption := Notifications.Text;
| 3112 | tvNotes.Caption := Notifications.Text;
| 3113 | EditingIndex := -1;
| 3114 | lstNotes.Enabled := True ;
| 3115 | pnlRead.BringToFront ;
| 3116 | // show ALL unsigned/uncosigned for a patient, not just the alerted one
| 3117 | // what about cosignature? How to get correct list? ORB FOLLOWUP TYPE = OR alerts only
| 3118 | x := Notifications.AlertData;
| 3119 | if StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 1), 0) = 0 then
| 3120 | begin
| 3121 | InfoBox(TX_NO_ALERT, TX_CAP_NO_ALERT, MB_OK);
| 3122 | Exit;
| 3123 | end;
| 3124 | uChanging := True;
| 3125 | tvNotes.Items.BeginUpdate;
| 3126 | lstNotes.Clear;
| 3127 | KillDocTreeObjects(tvNotes);
| 3128 | tvNotes.Items.Clear;
| 3129 | lstNotes.Items.Add(x);
| 3130 | AnObject := MakeNoteTreeObject('ALERT^Alerted Note^^^^^^^^^^^%^0');
| 3131 | tmpNode := tvNotes.Items.AddObjectFirst(tvNotes.Items.GetFirstNode, AnObject.NodeText, AnObject);
| 3132 | TORTreeNode(tmpNode).StringData := 'ALERT^Alerted Note^^^^^^^^^^^%^0';
| 3133 | tmpNode.ImageIndex := IMG_TOP_LEVEL;
| 3134 | AnObject := MakeNoteTreeObject(x);
| 3135 | tmpNode := tvNotes.Items.AddChildObjectFirst(tmpNode, AnObject.NodeText, AnObject);
| 3136 | TORTreeNode(tmpNode).StringData := x;
| 3137 | SetTreeNodeImagesAndFormatting(TORTreeNode(tmpNode), FCurrentContext, CT_NOTES);
| 3138 | tvNotes.Selected := tmpNode;
| 3139 | tvNotes.Items.EndUpdate;
| 3140 | uChanging := False;
| 3141 | tvNotesChange(Self, tvNotes.Selected);
| 3142 | case Notifications.Followup of
| 3143 | NF_NOTES_UNSIGNED_NOTE: ; //Automatically deleted by sig action!!!
| 3144 | end;
| 3145 | if Copy(Piece(Notifications.RecordID, U, 2), 1, 6) = 'TIUADD' then Notifications.Delete;
| 3146 | if Copy(Piece(Notifications.RecordID, U, 2), 1, 5) = 'TIUID' then Notifications.Delete;
| 3147 | end;
| 3148 |
| 3149 | procedure TfrmNotes.SetViewContext(AContext: TTIUContext);
| 3150 | var
| 3151 | Saved: boolean;
| 3152 | begin
| 3153 | if EditingIndex <> -1 then
| 3154 | begin
| 3155 | SaveCurrentNote(Saved);
| 3156 | if not Saved then Exit;
| 3157 | end;
| 3158 | FCurrentContext := AContext;
| 3159 | EditingIndex := -1;
| 3160 | tvNotes.Enabled := True ;
| 3161 | pnlRead.BringToFront ;
| 3162 | if FCurrentContext.Status <> '' then with uTIUContext do
| 3163 | begin
| 3164 | BeginDate := FCurrentContext.BeginDate;
| 3165 | EndDate := FCurrentContext.EndDate;
| 3166 | FMBeginDate := FCurrentContext.FMBeginDate;
| 3167 | FMEndDate := FCurrentContext.FMEndDate;
| 3168 | Status := FCurrentContext.Status;
| 3169 | Author := FCurrentContext.Author;
| 3170 | MaxDocs := FCurrentContext.MaxDocs;
| 3171 | ShowSubject := FCurrentContext.ShowSubject;
| 3172 | GroupBy := FCurrentContext.GroupBy;
| 3173 | SortBy := FCurrentContext.SortBy;
| 3174 | ListAscending := FCurrentContext.ListAscending;
| 3175 | TreeAscending := FCurrentContext.TreeAscending;
| 3176 | Keyword := FCurrentContext.Keyword;
| 3177 | SearchField := FCurrentContext.SearchField;
| 3178 | Filtered := FCurrentContext.Filtered;
| 3179 | Changed := True;
| 3180 | mnuViewClick(Self);
| 3181 | end
| 3182 | else
| 3183 | begin
| 3184 | ViewContext := NC_RECENT ;
| 3185 | mnuViewClick(Self);
| 3186 | end;
| 3187 | end;
| 3188 |
| 3189 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuViewSaveAsDefaultClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3190 | //const
| 3191 | //TX_NO_MAX = 'You have not specified a maximum number of notes to be returned.' + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 3192 | // 'If you save this preference, the result will be that ALL notes for every' + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 3193 | // 'patient will be saved as your default view.' + CRLF + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 3194 | // 'For patients with large numbers of notes, this could result in some lengthy' + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 3195 | // 'delays in loading the list of notes.' + CRLF + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 3196 | // 'Are you sure you mean to do this?'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 3197 | //TX_REPLACE = 'Replace current defaults?'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 3198 | var
| 3199 | TX_NO_MAX : string; //kt
| 3200 | TX_REPLACE : string; //kt
| 3201 |
| 3202 | begin
| 3203 | inherited;
| 3204 | TX_NO_MAX := DKLangConstW('fNotes_You_have_not_specified_a_maximum_number_of_notes_to_be_returnedx') + CRLF + //kt added 7/19/2007
| 3205 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_If_you_save_this_preferencex_the_result_will_be_that_ALL_notes_for_every') + CRLF + //kt added 7/19/2007
| 3206 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_patient_will_be_saved_as_your_default_viewx') + CRLF + CRLF + //kt added 7/19/2007
| 3207 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_For_patients_with_large_numbers_of_notesx_this_could_result_in_some_lengthy') + CRLF + //kt added 7/19/2007
| 3208 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_delays_in_loading_the_list_of_notesx') + CRLF + CRLF + //kt added 7/19/2007
| 3209 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_Are_you_sure_you_mean_to_do_thisx'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 3210 | TX_REPLACE := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Replace_current_defaultsx'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 3211 | if FCurrentContext.MaxDocs = 0 then
| 3212 | if InfoBox(TX_NO_MAX,'Warning', MB_YESNO or MB_ICONWARNING) = IDNO then
| 3213 | begin
| 3214 | mnuViewClick(mnuViewCustom);
| 3215 | Exit;
| 3216 | end;
| 3217 | if InfoBox(TX_REPLACE,'Confirmation', MB_YESNO or MB_ICONQUESTION) = IDYES then
| 3218 | begin
| 3219 | SaveCurrentTIUContext(FCurrentContext);
| 3220 | FDefaultContext := FCurrentContext;
| 3221 | //lblNotes.Caption := 'Default List';
| 3222 | end;
| 3223 | end;
| 3224 |
| 3225 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuViewReturntoDefaultClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3226 | begin
| 3227 | inherited;
| 3228 | SetViewContext(FDefaultContext);
| 3229 | end;
| 3230 |
| 3231 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteMemoTemplateClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3232 | begin
| 3233 | inherited;
| 3234 | EditTemplates(Self, TRUE, FEditCtrl.SelText);
| 3235 | end;
| 3236 |
| 3237 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteListPopup(Sender: TObject);
| 3238 | begin
| 3239 | inherited;
| 3240 | N4.Visible := (popNoteList.PopupComponent is TORTreeView);
| 3241 | popNoteListExpandAll.Visible := N4.Visible;
| 3242 | popNoteListExpandSelected.Visible := N4.Visible;
| 3243 | popNoteListCollapseAll.Visible := N4.Visible;
| 3244 | popNoteListCollapseSelected.Visible := N4.Visible;
| 3245 | end;
| 3246 |
| 3247 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteListExpandAllClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3248 | begin
| 3249 | inherited;
| 3250 | tvNotes.FullExpand;
| 3251 | end;
| 3252 |
| 3253 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteListCollapseAllClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3254 | begin
| 3255 | inherited;
| 3256 | tvNotes.Selected := nil;
| 3257 | lvNotes.Items.Clear;
| 3258 | memNote.Clear;
[541] | 3259 | HTMLViewer.Clear; //kt 8/09
[453] | 3260 | tvNotes.FullCollapse;
| 3261 | tvNotes.Selected := tvNotes.TopItem;
| 3262 | end;
| 3263 |
| 3264 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteListExpandSelectedClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3265 | begin
| 3266 | inherited;
| 3267 | if tvNotes.Selected = nil then exit;
| 3268 | with tvNotes.Selected do if HasChildren then Expand(True);
| 3269 | end;
| 3270 |
| 3271 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteListCollapseSelectedClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3272 | begin
| 3273 | inherited;
| 3274 | if tvNotes.Selected = nil then exit;
| 3275 | with tvNotes.Selected do if HasChildren then Collapse(True);
| 3276 | end;
| 3277 |
| 3278 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuEditTemplatesClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3279 | begin
| 3280 | inherited;
| 3281 | EditTemplates(Self);
| 3282 | end;
| 3283 |
| 3284 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuNewTemplateClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3285 | begin
| 3286 | inherited;
| 3287 | EditTemplates(Self, TRUE);
| 3288 | end;
| 3289 |
| 3290 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuEditSharedTemplatesClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3291 | begin
| 3292 | inherited;
| 3293 | EditTemplates(Self, FALSE, '', TRUE);
| 3294 | end;
| 3295 |
| 3296 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuNewSharedTemplateClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3297 | begin
| 3298 | inherited;
| 3299 | EditTemplates(Self, TRUE, '', TRUE);
| 3300 | end;
| 3301 |
| 3302 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuOptionsClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3303 | begin
| 3304 | inherited;
| 3305 | mnuEditTemplates.Enabled := frmDrawers.CanEditTemplates;
| 3306 | mnuNewTemplate.Enabled := frmDrawers.CanEditTemplates;
| 3307 | mnuEditSharedTemplates.Enabled := frmDrawers.CanEditShared;
| 3308 | mnuNewSharedTemplate.Enabled := frmDrawers.CanEditShared;
| 3309 | mnuEditDialgFields.Enabled := CanEditTemplateFields;
| 3310 | end;
| 3311 |
| 3312 | procedure TfrmNotes.SetEditingIndex(const Value: Integer);
| 3313 | begin
| 3314 | FEditingIndex := Value;
| 3315 | if(FEditingIndex < 0) then
| 3316 | KillReminderDialog(Self);
| 3317 | if(assigned(frmReminderTree)) then
| 3318 | frmReminderTree.EnableActions;
| 3319 | end;
| 3320 |
| 3321 | function TfrmNotes.CanFinishReminder: boolean;
| 3322 | begin
| 3323 | if(EditingIndex < 0) then
| 3324 | Result := FALSE
| 3325 | else
| 3326 | Result := (lstNotes.ItemIndex = EditingIndex);
| 3327 | end;
| 3328 |
| 3329 | procedure TfrmNotes.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
| 3330 | begin
| 3331 | //kt note: The Images tab will delete all files in .\Cache, which
| 3332 | // might include HTMLfilename. No harm if already deleted.
[541] | 3333 | //kt 8/09 DeleteFile(HTMLfilename); //kt added 5-2-05
[453] | 3334 | TAccessibleTreeView.UnwrapControl(tvNotes);
| 3335 | FDocList.Free;
| 3336 | FImageFlag.Free;
| 3337 | KillDocTreeObjects(tvNotes);
[541] | 3338 | HtmlEditor.Free; //kt 6/7/09
| 3339 | HtmlViewer.Free; //kt 6/7/09
[453] | 3340 | inherited;
| 3341 | end;
| 3342 |
| 3343 | function TfrmNotes.GetDrawers: TFrmDrawers;
| 3344 | begin
| 3345 | Result := frmDrawers;
| 3346 | end;
| 3347 |
| 3348 | procedure TfrmNotes.AssignRemForm;
| 3349 | begin
[541] | 3350 | //kt 8/09 ReminderDialog interaction has not yet been debugged with HTML formatted text.
[453] | 3351 | with RemForm do
| 3352 | begin
| 3353 | Form := Self;
| 3354 | PCEObj := uPCEEdit;
| 3355 | RightPanel := pnlRight;
| 3356 | CanFinishProc := CanFinishReminder;
| 3357 | DisplayPCEProc := DisplayPCE;
| 3358 | Drawers := frmDrawers;
| 3359 | NewNoteRE := memNewNote;
[541] | 3360 | NewNoteHTMLE := HTMLEditor; //kt
[453] | 3361 | NoteList := lstNotes;
| 3362 | end;
| 3363 | end;
| 3364 |
| 3365 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuEditDialgFieldsClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3366 | begin
| 3367 | inherited;
| 3368 | EditDialogFields;
| 3369 | end;
| 3370 |
| 3371 | //=================== Added for sort/search enhancements ======================
| 3372 | procedure TfrmNotes.LoadNotes;
| 3373 | const
| 3374 | INVALID_ID = -1;
| 3375 | INFO_ID = 1;
| 3376 | var
| 3377 | tmpList: TStringList;
| 3378 | ANode: TORTreeNode;
| 3379 | x,xx,noteId: integer; // Text Search CQ: HDS00002856
| 3380 | Dest: TStrings; // Text Search CQ: HDS00002856
| 3381 | KeepFlag: Boolean; // Text Search CQ: HDS00002856
| 3382 | NoteCount, NoteMatches: integer; // Text Search CQ: HDS00002856
| 3383 | begin
| 3384 | tmpList := TStringList.Create;
| 3385 | try
| 3386 | FDocList.Clear;
| 3387 | uChanging := True;
| 3388 | RedrawSuspend(memNote.Handle);
[541] | 3389 | RedrawSuspend(HTMLViewer.Handle); //kt 8/09
[453] | 3390 | RedrawSuspend(lvNotes.Handle);
| 3391 | tvNotes.Items.BeginUpdate;
| 3392 | lstNotes.Items.Clear;
| 3393 | KillDocTreeObjects(tvNotes);
| 3394 | tvNotes.Items.Clear;
| 3395 | tvNotes.Items.EndUpdate;
| 3396 | lvNotes.Items.Clear;
| 3397 | memNote.Clear;
[541] | 3398 | HTMLViewer.Clear; //kt 8/09
[453] | 3399 | memNote.Invalidate;
| 3400 | lblTitle.Caption := '';
| 3401 | lvNotes.Caption := '';
| 3402 | with FCurrentContext do
| 3403 | begin
| 3404 | if Status <> IntToStr(NC_UNSIGNED) then
| 3405 | begin
| 3406 | ListNotesForTree(tmpList, NC_UNSIGNED, 0, 0, 0, 0, TreeAscending);
| 3407 | if tmpList.Count > 0 then
| 3408 | begin
| 3409 | CreateListItemsforDocumentTree(FDocList, tmpList, NC_UNSIGNED, GroupBy, TreeAscending, CT_NOTES);
| 3410 | UpdateTreeView(FDocList, tvNotes);
| 3411 | end;
| 3412 | tmpList.Clear;
| 3413 | FDocList.Clear;
| 3414 | end;
| 3415 | if Status <> IntToStr(NC_UNCOSIGNED) then
| 3416 | begin
| 3417 | ListNotesForTree(tmpList, NC_UNCOSIGNED, 0, 0, 0, 0, TreeAscending);
| 3418 | if tmpList.Count > 0 then
| 3419 | begin
| 3420 | CreateListItemsforDocumentTree(FDocList, tmpList, NC_UNCOSIGNED, GroupBy, TreeAscending, CT_NOTES);
| 3421 | UpdateTreeView(FDocList, tvNotes);
| 3422 | end;
| 3423 | tmpList.Clear;
| 3424 | FDocList.Clear;
| 3425 | end;
| 3426 | ListNotesForTree(tmpList, StrToIntDef(Status, 0), FMBeginDate, FMEndDate, Author, MaxDocs, TreeAscending);
| 3427 | CreateListItemsforDocumentTree(FDocList, tmpList, StrToIntDef(Status, 0), GroupBy, TreeAscending, CT_NOTES);
| 3428 |
| 3429 | // Text Search CQ: HDS00002856 ---------------------------------------
| 3430 | if FCurrentContext.SearchString<>'' then // Text Search CQ: HDS00002856
| 3431 | begin
| 3432 | NoteMatches := 0;
| 3433 | Dest:=TStringList.Create;
| 3434 | NoteCount:=FDocList.Count-1;
| 3435 | if FDocList.Count>0 then
| 3436 | for x := FDocList.Count-1 downto 1 do begin; // Don't do 0, because it's informational
| 3437 | KeepFlag:=False;
| 3438 | // lblNotes.Caption:='Scanning '+IntToStr(NoteCount-x+1)+' of '+IntToStr(NoteCount)+', '+IntToStr(NoteMatches); <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 3439 | lblNotes.Caption:=DKLangConstW('fNotes_Scanning')+' '+IntToStr(NoteCount-x+1)+DKLangConstW('fNotes_of')+IntToStr(NoteCount)+', '+IntToStr(NoteMatches); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 3440 | If NoteMatches=1 then lblNotes.Caption:=lblNotes.Caption+' match' else
| 3441 | lblNotes.Caption:=lblNotes.Caption+' matches';
| 3442 | frmSearchStop.lblSearchStatus.Caption := lblNotes.Caption;
| 3443 | frmSearchStop.lblSearchStatus.Repaint;
| 3444 | lblNotes.Repaint;
| 3445 | // Free up some ticks so they can click the "Stop" button
| 3446 | application.processmessages;
| 3447 | application.processmessages;
| 3448 | application.processmessages;
| 3449 | If SearchTextStopFlag = False then begin
| 3450 | noteId := StrToIntDef(Piece(FDocList.Strings[x],'^',1),-1);
| 3451 | if (noteId = INVALID_ID) or (noteId = INFO_ID) then
| 3452 | Continue;
| 3453 | CallV('TIU GET RECORD TEXT', [Piece(FDocList.Strings[x],'^',1)]);
| 3454 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 3455 | If Dest.Count > 0 then
| 3456 | for xx := 0 to Dest.Count-1 do
| 3457 | begin
| 3458 | //Dest.Strings[xx] := StringReplace(Dest.Strings[xx],'#13',' ',[rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]);
| 3459 | if Pos(Uppercase(FCurrentContext.SearchString),Uppercase(Dest.Strings[xx]))>0 then
| 3460 | keepflag:=true;
| 3461 | end;
| 3462 | If KeepFlag=False then begin;
| 3463 | if FDocList.Count >= x then
| 3464 | FDocList.Delete(x);
| 3465 | if (tmpList.Count >= x) and (x > 0) then
| 3466 | tmpList.Delete(x-1);
| 3467 | end else
| 3468 | Inc(NoteMatches);
| 3469 | end;
| 3470 | end;
| 3471 | Dest.Free;
| 3472 | end;
| 3473 | // Text Search CQ: HDS00002856 ---------------------------------------
| 3474 |
| 3475 | UpdateTreeView(FDocList, tvNotes);
| 3476 | end;
| 3477 | with tvNotes do
| 3478 | begin
| 3479 | uChanging := True;
| 3480 | tvNotes.Items.BeginUpdate;
| 3481 | RemoveParentsWithNoChildren(tvNotes, FCurrentContext); // moved here in v15.9 (RV)
| 3482 | if FLastNoteID <> '' then
| 3483 | Selected := FindPieceNode(FLastNoteID, 1, U, nil);
| 3484 | if Selected = nil then
| 3485 | begin
| 3486 | if (FCurrentContext.GroupBy <> '') or (FCurrentContext.Filtered) then
| 3487 | begin
| 3488 | ANode := TORTreeNode(Items.GetFirstNode);
| 3489 | while ANode <> nil do
| 3490 | begin
| 3491 | ANode.Expand(False);
| 3492 | Selected := ANode;
| 3493 | ANode := TORTreeNode(ANode.GetNextSibling);
| 3494 | end;
| 3495 | end
| 3496 | else
| 3497 | begin
| 3498 | ANode := tvNotes.FindPieceNode(FCurrentContext.Status, 1, U, nil);
| 3499 | if ANode <> nil then ANode.Expand(False);
| 3500 | ANode := tvNotes.FindPieceNode(IntToStr(NC_UNSIGNED), 1, U, nil);
| 3501 | if ANode = nil then
| 3502 | ANode := tvNotes.FindPieceNode(IntToStr(NC_UNCOSIGNED), 1, U, nil);
| 3503 | if ANode = nil then
| 3504 | ANode := tvNotes.FindPieceNode(FCurrentContext.Status, 1, U, nil);
| 3505 | if ANode <> nil then
| 3506 | begin
| 3507 | if ANode.getFirstChild <> nil then
| 3508 | Selected := ANode.getFirstChild
| 3509 | else
| 3510 | Selected := ANode;
| 3511 | end;
| 3512 | end;
| 3513 | end;
| 3514 | memNote.Clear;
[541] | 3515 | HTMLViewer.Clear; //kt 8/09
[453] | 3516 | with lvNotes do
| 3517 | begin
| 3518 | Selected := nil;
| 3519 | if FCurrentContext.SortBy <> '' then
| 3520 | ColumnToSort := Pos(FCurrentContext.SortBy, 'RDSAL') - 1;
| 3521 | if not FCurrentContext.ShowSubject then
| 3522 | begin
| 3523 | Columns[1].Width := 2 * (Width div 5);
| 3524 | Columns[2].Width := 0;
| 3525 | end
| 3526 | else
| 3527 | begin
| 3528 | Columns[1].Width := Width div 5;
| 3529 | Columns[2].Width := Columns[1].Width;
| 3530 | end;
| 3531 | end;
| 3532 | //RemoveParentsWithNoChildren(tvNotes, FCurrentContext); // moved FROM here in v15.9 (RV)
| 3533 | tvNotes.Items.EndUpdate;
| 3534 | uChanging := False;
| 3535 | SendMessage(tvNotes.Handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_TOP, 0);
| 3536 | if Selected <> nil then tvNotesChange(Self, Selected);
| 3537 | end;
| 3538 | finally
[541] | 3539 | //kt NOTE: Is this enough??
| 3540 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin //kt 8/09
| 3541 | RedrawActivate(HtmlViewer.Handle); //kt 8/09
| 3542 | end else begin //kt 8/09
| 3543 | RedrawActivate(memNote.Handle);
| 3544 | end; //kt 8/09
[453] | 3545 | RedrawActivate(lvNotes.Handle);
| 3546 | tmpList.Free;
| 3547 | end;
| 3548 | end;
| 3549 |
| 3550 | procedure TfrmNotes.UpdateTreeView(DocList: TStringList; Tree: TORTreeView);
| 3551 | begin
| 3552 | with Tree do
| 3553 | begin
| 3554 | uChanging := True;
| 3555 | Items.BeginUpdate;
| 3556 | lstNotes.Items.AddStrings(DocList);
| 3557 | BuildDocumentTree(DocList, '0', Tree, nil, FCurrentContext, CT_NOTES);
| 3558 | Items.EndUpdate;
| 3559 | uChanging := False;
| 3560 | end;
| 3561 | end;
| 3562 |
| 3563 | procedure TfrmNotes.tvNotesChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
| 3564 | var
| 3565 | x, MySearch, MyNodeID: string;
| 3566 | i: integer;
| 3567 | WhyNot: string;
[541] | 3568 | Mode : TViewModeSet; //kt 8/09
[453] | 3569 | begin
| 3570 | if uChanging then Exit;
| 3571 | //This gives the change a chance to occur when keyboarding, so that WindowEyes
| 3572 | //doesn't use the old value.
| 3573 | Application.ProcessMessages;
| 3574 | with tvNotes do
| 3575 | begin
| 3576 | memNote.Clear;
[541] | 3577 | HTMLViewer.Clear; //kt 8/09
[453] | 3578 | if Selected = nil then Exit;
| 3579 | if uIDNotesActive then
| 3580 | begin
| 3581 | mnuActDetachFromIDParent.Enabled := (Selected.ImageIndex in [IMG_ID_CHILD, IMG_ID_CHILD_ADD]);
| 3582 | popNoteListDetachFromIDParent.Enabled := mnuActDetachFromIDParent.Enabled;
| 3583 | if (Selected.ImageIndex in [IMG_SINGLE, IMG_PARENT, IMG_ID_CHILD, IMG_ID_CHILD_ADD]) then
| 3584 | mnuActAttachtoIDParent.Enabled := CanBeAttached(PDocTreeObject(Selected.Data)^.DocID, WhyNot)
| 3585 | else
| 3586 | mnuActAttachtoIDParent.Enabled := False;
| 3587 | popNoteListAttachtoIDParent.Enabled := mnuActAttachtoIDParent.Enabled;
| 3588 | if (Selected.ImageIndex in [IMG_SINGLE, IMG_PARENT,
| 3591 | mnuActAddIDEntry.Enabled := CanReceiveAttachment(PDocTreeObject(Selected.Data)^.DocID, WhyNot)
| 3592 | else
| 3593 | mnuActAddIDEntry.Enabled := False;
| 3594 | popNoteListAddIDEntry.Enabled := mnuActAddIDEntry.Enabled
| 3595 | end;
| 3596 | RedrawSuspend(lvNotes.Handle);
| 3597 | RedrawSuspend(memNote.Handle);
[541] | 3598 | RedrawSuspend(HTMLViewer.Handle); //kt 8/09
[453] | 3599 | popNoteListExpandSelected.Enabled := Selected.HasChildren;
| 3600 | popNoteListCollapseSelected.Enabled := Selected.HasChildren;
| 3601 | x := TORTreeNode(Selected).StringData;
| 3602 | if (Selected.ImageIndex in [IMG_TOP_LEVEL, IMG_GROUP_OPEN, IMG_GROUP_SHUT]) then
| 3603 | begin
| 3604 | lvNotes.Visible := True;
| 3605 | lvNotes.Items.Clear;
| 3606 | lvNotes.Height := (2 * lvNotes.Parent.Height) div 5;
| 3607 | with lblTitle do
| 3608 | begin
| 3609 | Caption := Trim(Selected.Text);
| 3610 | if (FCurrentContext.SearchField <> '') and (FCurrentContext.Filtered) then
| 3611 | begin
| 3612 | case FCurrentContext.SearchField[1] of
| 3613 | 'T': MySearch := 'TITLE';
| 3614 | 'S': MySearch := 'SUBJECT';
| 3615 | 'B': MySearch := 'TITLE or SUBJECT';
| 3616 | end;
| 3617 | // Caption := Caption + ' where ' + MySearch + ' contains "' + UpperCase(FCurrentContext.Keyword) + '"'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 3618 | Caption := Caption + DKLangConstW('fNotes_where') + MySearch + DKLangConstW('fNotes_contains_x') + UpperCase(FCurrentContext.Keyword) + '"'; //kt added 7/19/2007
| 3619 | end;
| 3620 | lvNotes.Caption := Caption;
| 3621 | end;
| 3622 |
| 3623 | if Selected.ImageIndex = IMG_TOP_LEVEL then
| 3624 | MyNodeID := Piece(TORTreeNode(Selected).StringData, U, 1)
| 3625 | else if Selected.Parent.ImageIndex = IMG_TOP_LEVEL then
| 3626 | MyNodeID := Piece(TORTreeNode(Selected.Parent).StringData, U, 1)
| 3627 | else if Selected.Parent.Parent.ImageIndex = IMG_TOP_LEVEL then
| 3628 | MyNodeID := Piece(TORTreeNode(Selected.Parent.Parent).StringData, U, 1);
| 3629 |
| 3630 | uChanging := True;
| 3631 | TraverseTree(tvNotes, lvNotes, Selected.GetFirstChild, MyNodeID, FCurrentContext);
| 3632 | with lvNotes do
| 3633 | begin
| 3634 | for i := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do
| 3635 | Columns[i].ImageIndex := IMG_NONE;
| 3636 | ColumnSortForward := FCurrentContext.ListAscending;
| 3637 | if ColumnToSort = 5 then ColumnToSort := 0;
| 3638 | if ColumnSortForward then
| 3639 | Columns[ColumnToSort].ImageIndex := IMG_ASCENDING
| 3640 | else
| 3641 | Columns[ColumnToSort].ImageIndex := IMG_DESCENDING;
| 3642 | if ColumnToSort = 0 then ColumnToSort := 5;
| 3643 | AlphaSort;
| 3644 | Columns[5].Width := 0;
| 3645 | Columns[6].Width := 0;
| 3646 | end;
| 3647 | uChanging := False;
| 3648 | with lvNotes do
| 3649 | if Items.Count > 0 then
| 3650 | begin
| 3651 | Selected := Items[0];
| 3652 | lvNotesSelectItem(Self, Selected, True);
| 3653 | end
| 3654 | else
| 3655 | begin
| 3656 | Selected := nil;
| 3657 | lstNotes.ItemIndex := -1;
| 3658 | memPCEShow.Clear;
| 3659 | ShowPCEControls(False);
| 3660 | end;
[541] | 3661 | //kt 8/09
| 3662 | //kt NOTE: At this point the list has changed. But what is the new note-to-view's format?
| 3663 | // We can't just use FViewMode. Because that just states what mode was used on the last note.
| 3664 | Mode := [vmView] + [vmHTML_MODE[vmHTML in FViewMode]]; //kt 8/09
| 3665 | SetDisplayToHTMLvsText(Mode,nil,VIEW_ACTIVATE_ONLY); //kt 8/09
| 3666 | //kt 8/09 pnlWrite.Visible := False;
| 3667 | //kt 8/09 pnlRead.Visible := True;
[453] | 3668 | // uncommented next 4 lines in v17.5 (RV)
| 3669 | //-----------------------------
| 3670 | UpdateReminderFinish;
| 3671 | ShowPCEControls(False);
| 3672 | frmDrawers.DisplayDrawers(TRUE, [odTemplates], [odTemplates]); //FALSE);
| 3673 | ShowPCEButtons(FALSE);
| 3674 | //-----------------------------
| 3675 | //memNote.Clear;
| 3676 | end
| 3677 | else if StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 1), 0) > 0 then
| 3678 | begin
| 3679 | memNote.Clear;
[541] | 3680 | HTMLViewer.Clear; //kt 8/09
[453] | 3681 | lvNotes.Visible := False;
| 3682 | lstNotes.SelectByID(Piece(x, U, 1));
| 3683 | lstNotesClick(Self);
[541] | 3684 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin //kt 8/09
| 3685 | SendMessage(HTMLViewer.Handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_TOP, 0); //kt 8/09
| 3686 | end else begin //kt 8/09
| 3687 | SendMessage(memNote.Handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_TOP, 0);
| 3688 | end; //kt 8/09
[453] | 3689 | end;
| 3690 | SendMessage(tvNotes.Handle, WM_HSCROLL, SB_THUMBTRACK, 0);
| 3691 | RedrawActivate(lvNotes.Handle);
[541] | 3692 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin //kt 8/09
| 3693 | RedrawActivate(HtmlViewer.Handle); //kt 8/09
| 3694 | end else begin //kt 8/09
| 3695 | RedrawActivate(memNote.Handle);
| 3696 | end; //kt 8/09
[453] | 3697 | end;
| 3698 | end;
| 3699 |
| 3700 | procedure TfrmNotes.tvNotesCollapsed(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
| 3701 | begin
| 3702 | with Node do
| 3703 | begin
| 3705 | ImageIndex := ImageIndex - 1;
| 3706 | if (SelectedIndex in [IMG_GROUP_OPEN, IMG_IDNOTE_OPEN, IMG_IDPAR_ADDENDA_OPEN]) then
| 3707 | SelectedIndex := SelectedIndex - 1;
| 3708 | end;
| 3709 | end;
| 3710 |
| 3711 | procedure TfrmNotes.tvNotesExpanded(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
| 3712 |
| 3713 | function SortByTitle(Node1, Node2: TTreeNode; Data: Longint): Integer; stdcall;
| 3714 | begin
| 3715 | { Within an ID parent node, sorts in ascending order by title
| 3716 | BUT - addenda to parent document are always at the top of the sort, in date order}
| 3717 | if (Copy(PDocTreeObject(Node1.Data)^.DocTitle, 1, 8) = 'Addendum') and
| 3718 | (Copy(PDocTreeObject(Node2.Data)^.DocTitle, 1, 8) = 'Addendum') then
| 3719 | begin
| 3720 | Result := AnsiStrIComp(PChar(PDocTreeObject(Node1.Data)^.DocFMDate),
| 3721 | PChar(PDocTreeObject(Node2.Data)^.DocFMDate));
| 3722 | end
| 3723 | else if Copy(PDocTreeObject(Node1.Data)^.DocTitle, 1, 8) = 'Addendum' then Result := -1
| 3724 | else if Copy(PDocTreeObject(Node2.Data)^.DocTitle, 1, 8) = 'Addendum' then Result := 1
| 3725 | else
| 3726 | begin
| 3727 | if Data = 0 then
| 3728 | Result := AnsiStrIComp(PChar(PDocTreeObject(Node1.Data)^.DocTitle),
| 3729 | PChar(PDocTreeObject(Node2.Data)^.DocTitle))
| 3730 | else
| 3731 | Result := -AnsiStrIComp(PChar(PDocTreeObject(Node1.Data)^.DocTitle),
| 3732 | PChar(PDocTreeObject(Node2.Data)^.DocTitle));
| 3733 | end
| 3734 | end;
| 3735 |
| 3736 | function SortByDate(Node1, Node2: TTreeNode; Data: Longint): Integer; stdcall;
| 3737 | begin
| 3738 | { Within an ID parent node, sorts in ascending order by document date
| 3739 | BUT - addenda to parent document are always at the top of the sort, in date order}
| 3740 | if (Copy(PDocTreeObject(Node1.Data)^.DocTitle, 1, 8) = 'Addendum') and
| 3741 | (Copy(PDocTreeObject(Node2.Data)^.DocTitle, 1, 8) = 'Addendum') then
| 3742 | begin
| 3743 | Result := AnsiStrIComp(PChar(PDocTreeObject(Node1.Data)^.DocFMDate),
| 3744 | PChar(PDocTreeObject(Node2.Data)^.DocFMDate));
| 3745 | end
| 3746 | else if Copy(PDocTreeObject(Node1.Data)^.DocTitle, 1, 8) = 'Addendum' then Result := -1
| 3747 | else if Copy(PDocTreeObject(Node2.Data)^.DocTitle, 1, 8) = 'Addendum' then Result := 1
| 3748 | else
| 3749 | begin
| 3750 | if Data = 0 then
| 3751 | Result := AnsiStrIComp(PChar(PDocTreeObject(Node1.Data)^.DocFMDate),
| 3752 | PChar(PDocTreeObject(Node2.Data)^.DocFMDate))
| 3753 | else
| 3754 | Result := -AnsiStrIComp(PChar(PDocTreeObject(Node1.Data)^.DocFMDate),
| 3755 | PChar(PDocTreeObject(Node2.Data)^.DocFMDate));
| 3756 | end;
| 3757 | end;
| 3758 |
| 3759 | begin
| 3760 | with Node do
| 3761 | begin
| 3762 | if Assigned(Data) then
| 3763 | if (Pos('<', PDocTreeObject(Data)^.DocHasChildren) > 0) then
| 3764 | begin
| 3765 | if (PDocTreeObject(Node.Data)^.OrderByTitle) then
| 3766 | CustomSort(@SortByTitle, 0)
| 3767 | else
| 3768 | CustomSort(@SortByDate, 0);
| 3769 | end;
| 3771 | ImageIndex := ImageIndex + 1;
| 3772 | if (SelectedIndex in [IMG_GROUP_SHUT, IMG_IDNOTE_SHUT, IMG_IDPAR_ADDENDA_SHUT]) then
| 3773 | SelectedIndex := SelectedIndex + 1;
| 3774 | end;
| 3775 | end;
| 3776 |
| 3777 | procedure TfrmNotes.tvNotesClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3778 | begin
| 3779 | (* if tvNotes.Selected = nil then exit;
| 3780 | if (tvNotes.Selected.ImageIndex in [IMG_TOP_LEVEL, IMG_GROUP_OPEN, IMG_GROUP_SHUT]) then
| 3781 | begin
| 3782 | uChanging := True;
| 3783 | lvNotes.Selected := nil;
| 3784 | uChanging := False;
| 3785 | memNote.Clear;
| 3786 | end;*)
| 3787 | end;
| 3788 |
| 3789 | procedure TfrmNotes.tvNotesDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean);
| 3790 | var
| 3791 | AnItem: TORTreeNode;
| 3792 | begin
| 3793 | Accept := False;
| 3794 | if not uIDNotesActive then exit;
| 3795 | AnItem := TORTreeNode(tvNotes.GetNodeAt(X, Y));
| 3796 | if (AnItem = nil) or (AnItem.ImageIndex in [IMG_GROUP_OPEN, IMG_GROUP_SHUT, IMG_TOP_LEVEL]) then Exit;
| 3797 | with tvNotes.Selected do
| 3798 | if (ImageIndex in [IMG_SINGLE, IMG_PARENT, IMG_ID_CHILD, IMG_ID_CHILD_ADD]) then
| 3799 | Accept := (AnItem.ImageIndex in [IMG_SINGLE, IMG_PARENT,
| 3803 | Accept := (AnItem.ImageIndex in [IMG_GROUP_OPEN, IMG_GROUP_SHUT, IMG_TOP_LEVEL])
| 3804 | else if (ImageIndex in [IMG_ADDENDUM, IMG_GROUP_OPEN, IMG_GROUP_SHUT, IMG_TOP_LEVEL]) then
| 3805 | Accept := False;
| 3806 | end;
| 3807 |
| 3808 | procedure TfrmNotes.tvNotesDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer);
| 3809 | var
| 3810 | HT: THitTests;
| 3811 | Saved: boolean;
| 3812 | ADestNode: TORTreeNode;
| 3813 | begin
| 3814 | if not uIDNotesActive then
| 3815 | begin
| 3816 | CancelDrag;
| 3817 | exit;
| 3818 | end;
| 3819 | if tvNotes.Selected = nil then exit;
| 3820 | if EditingIndex <> -1 then
| 3821 | begin
| 3822 | SaveCurrentNote(Saved);
| 3823 | if not Saved then Exit;
| 3824 | end;
| 3825 | HT := tvNotes.GetHitTestInfoAt(X, Y);
| 3826 | ADestNode := TORTreeNode(tvNotes.GetNodeAt(X, Y));
| 3827 | DoAttachIDChild(TORTreeNode(tvNotes.Selected), ADestNode);
| 3828 | end;
| 3829 |
| 3830 | procedure TfrmNotes.tvNotesStartDrag(Sender: TObject; var DragObject: TDragObject);
| 3831 | //const
| 3832 | //TX_CAP_NO_DRAG = 'Item cannot be moved'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 3833 | //TX_NO_EDIT_DRAG = 'Items can not be dragged while a note is being edited.'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 3834 | var
| 3835 | WhyNot: string;
| 3836 | //Saved: boolean;
| 3837 | TX_CAP_NO_DRAG : string; //kt
| 3838 | TX_NO_EDIT_DRAG : string; //kt
| 3839 | begin
| 3840 | TX_CAP_NO_DRAG := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Item_cannot_be_moved'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 3841 | TX_NO_EDIT_DRAG := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Items_can_not_be_dragged_while_a_note_is_being_editedx'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 3842 | if EditingIndex <> -1 then
| 3843 | begin
| 3845 | CancelDrag;
| 3846 | Exit;
| 3847 | end;
| 3848 | if (tvNotes.Selected.ImageIndex in [IMG_ADDENDUM, IMG_GROUP_OPEN, IMG_GROUP_SHUT, IMG_TOP_LEVEL]) or
| 3849 | (not uIDNotesActive) or
| 3850 | (lstNotes.ItemIEN = 0) then
| 3851 | begin
| 3852 | CancelDrag;
| 3853 | Exit;
| 3854 | end;
| 3855 | (* if EditingIndex <> -1 then
| 3856 | begin
| 3857 | SaveCurrentNote(Saved);
| 3858 | if not Saved then Exit;
| 3859 | end;*)
| 3860 | if not CanBeAttached(PDocTreeObject(tvNotes.Selected.Data)^.DocID, WhyNot) then
| 3861 | begin
| 3862 | InfoBox(WhyNot, TX_CAP_NO_DRAG, MB_OK);
| 3863 | CancelDrag;
| 3864 | end;
| 3865 | end;
| 3866 |
| 3867 | //===================== Listview events =================================
| 3868 |
| 3869 | procedure TfrmNotes.lvNotesColumnClick(Sender: TObject; Column: TListColumn);
| 3870 | var
| 3871 | i, ClickedColumn: Integer;
| 3872 | begin
| 3873 | if Column.Index = 0 then ClickedColumn := 5 else ClickedColumn := Column.Index;
| 3874 | if ClickedColumn = ColumnToSort then
| 3875 | ColumnSortForward := not ColumnSortForward
| 3876 | else
| 3877 | ColumnSortForward := True;
| 3878 | for i := 0 to lvNotes.Columns.Count - 1 do
| 3879 | lvNotes.Columns[i].ImageIndex := IMG_NONE;
| 3880 | if ColumnSortForward then lvNotes.Columns[Column.Index].ImageIndex := IMG_ASCENDING
| 3881 | else lvNotes.Columns[Column.Index].ImageIndex := IMG_DESCENDING;
| 3882 | ColumnToSort := ClickedColumn;
| 3883 | case ColumnToSort of
| 3884 | 5: FCurrentContext.SortBy := 'R';
| 3885 | 1: FCurrentContext.SortBy := 'D';
| 3886 | 2: FCurrentContext.SortBy := 'S';
| 3887 | 3: FCurrentContext.SortBy := 'A';
| 3888 | 4: FCurrentContext.SortBy := 'L';
| 3889 | else
| 3890 | FCurrentContext.SortBy := 'R';
| 3891 | end;
| 3892 | FCurrentContext.ListAscending := ColumnSortForward;
| 3893 | (Sender as TCustomListView).AlphaSort;
| 3894 | //with lvNotes do if Selected <> nil then Scroll(0, Selected.Top - TopItem.Top);
| 3895 | end;
| 3896 |
| 3897 | procedure TfrmNotes.lvNotesCompare(Sender: TObject; Item1, Item2: TListItem; Data: Integer; var Compare: Integer);
| 3898 | var
| 3899 | ix: Integer;
| 3900 | begin
| 3901 | if ColumnToSort = 0 then
| 3902 | Compare := CompareText(Item1.Caption,Item2.Caption)
| 3903 | else begin
| 3904 | ix := ColumnToSort - 1;
| 3905 | Compare := CompareText(Item1.SubItems[ix],Item2.SubItems[ix]);
| 3906 | end;
| 3907 | if not ColumnSortForward then Compare := -Compare;
| 3908 | end;
| 3909 |
| 3910 | procedure TfrmNotes.lvNotesSelectItem(Sender: TObject; Item: TListItem;
| 3911 | Selected: Boolean);
| 3912 | begin
| 3913 | if uChanging or (not Selected) then Exit;
| 3914 | with lvNotes do
| 3915 | begin
| 3916 | // StatusText('Retrieving selected progress note...'); <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 3917 | StatusText(DKLangConstW('fNotes_Retrieving_selected_progress_notexxx')); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 3918 | lstNotes.SelectByID(Item.SubItems[5]);
| 3919 | lstNotesClick(Self);
[541] | 3920 | if (vmHTML in FViewMode) then begin //kt 8/09
| 3921 | SendMessage(HTMLViewer.Handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_TOP, 0); //kt 8/09
| 3922 | end else begin //kt 8/09
| 3923 | SendMessage(memNote.Handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_TOP, 0);
| 3924 | end; //kt 8/09
[453] | 3925 | end;
| 3926 | end;
| 3927 |
| 3928 | procedure TfrmNotes.lvNotesResize(Sender: TObject);
| 3929 | begin
| 3930 | inherited;
| 3931 | with lvNotes do
| 3932 | begin
| 3933 | if not FCurrentContext.ShowSubject then
| 3934 | begin
| 3935 | Columns[1].Width := 2 * (Width div 5);
| 3936 | Columns[2].Width := 0;
| 3937 | end
| 3938 | else
| 3939 | begin
| 3940 | Columns[1].Width := Width div 5;
| 3941 | Columns[2].Width := Columns[1].Width;
| 3942 | end;
| 3943 | end;
| 3944 | end;
| 3945 |
| 3946 | procedure TfrmNotes.EnableDisableIDNotes;
| 3947 | begin
| 3948 | uIDNotesActive := IDNotesInstalled;
| 3949 | mnuActDetachFromIDParent.Visible := uIDNotesActive;
| 3950 | popNoteListDetachFromIDParent.Visible := uIDNotesActive;
| 3951 | mnuActAddIDEntry.Visible := uIDNotesActive;
| 3952 | popNoteListAddIDEntry.Visible := uIDNotesActive;
| 3953 | mnuActAttachtoIDParent.Visible := uIDNotesActive;
| 3954 | popNoteListAttachtoIDParent.Visible := uIDNotesActive;
| 3955 | if uIDNotesActive then
| 3956 | tvNotes.DragMode := dmAutomatic
| 3957 | else
| 3958 | tvNotes.DragMode := dmManual;
| 3959 | end;
| 3960 |
| 3961 | procedure TfrmNotes.ShowPCEButtons(Editing: boolean);
| 3962 | begin
| 3963 | if frmFrame.Timedout then Exit;
| 3964 |
| 3965 | FEditingNotePCEObj := Editing;
| 3966 | if Editing or AnytimeEncounters then
| 3967 | begin
| 3968 | cmdPCE.Visible := TRUE;
| 3969 | if Editing then
| 3970 | begin
| 3971 | cmdPCE.Enabled := CanEditPCE(uPCEEdit);
| 3972 | cmdNewNote.Visible := AnytimeEncounters;
| 3973 | cmdNewNote.Enabled := FALSE;
| 3974 | end
| 3975 | else
| 3976 | begin
| 3977 | cmdPCE.Enabled := (GetAskPCE(0) <> apDisable);
| 3978 | cmdNewNote.Visible := TRUE;
| 3979 | cmdNewNote.Enabled := (FStarting = False); //TRUE;
| 3980 | end;
| 3981 | if cmdNewNote.Visible then
| 3982 | cmdPCE.Top := cmdNewNote.Top-cmdPCE.Height;
| 3983 | end
| 3984 | else
| 3985 | begin
| 3986 | cmdPCE.Enabled := FALSE;
| 3987 | cmdPCE.Visible := FALSE;
| 3988 | cmdNewNote.Visible := TRUE;
| 3989 | cmdNewNote.Enabled := (FStarting = False); //TRUE;
| 3990 | end;
| 3991 | if cmdPCE.Visible then
| 3992 | lblSpace1.Top := cmdPCE.Top - lblSpace1.Height
| 3993 | else
| 3994 | lblSpace1.Top := cmdNewNote.Top - lblSpace1.Height;
| 3995 | popNoteMemoEncounter.Enabled := cmdPCE.Enabled;
| 3996 | popNoteMemoEncounter.Visible := cmdPCE.Visible;
| 3997 | end;
| 3998 |
| 3999 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuIconLegendClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4000 | begin
| 4001 | inherited;
| 4002 | ShowIconLegend(ilNotes);
| 4003 | end;
| 4004 |
| 4005 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuActAttachtoIDParentClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4006 | var
| 4007 | AChildNode: TORTreeNode;
| 4008 | AParentID: string;
| 4009 | SavedDocID: string;
| 4010 | Saved: boolean;
| 4011 | begin
| 4012 | inherited;
| 4013 | if not uIDNotesActive then exit;
| 4014 | if lstNotes.ItemIEN = 0 then exit;
| 4015 | SavedDocID := lstNotes.ItemID;
| 4016 | if EditingIndex <> -1 then
| 4017 | begin
| 4018 | SaveCurrentNote(Saved);
| 4019 | if not Saved then Exit;
| 4020 | LoadNotes;
| 4021 | with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(SavedDocID, U, Items.GetFirstNode);
| 4022 | end;
| 4023 | if tvNotes.Selected = nil then exit;
| 4024 | AChildNode := TORTreeNode(tvNotes.Selected);
| 4025 | AParentID := SelectParentNodeFromList(tvNotes);
| 4026 | if AParentID = '' then exit;
| 4027 | with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(AParentID, 1, U, Items.GetFirstNode);
| 4028 | DoAttachIDChild(AChildNode, TORTreeNode(tvNotes.Selected));
| 4029 | end;
| 4030 |
| 4031 | procedure TfrmNotes.DoAttachIDChild(AChild, AParent: TORTreeNode);
| 4032 | //const
| 4033 | //TX_ATTACH_CNF = 'Confirm Attachment'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4034 | //TX_ATTACH_FAILURE = 'Attachment failed'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4035 | var
| 4036 | ErrMsg, WhyNot: string;
| 4037 | SavedDocID: string;
| 4038 | TX_ATTACH_CNF : string; //kt
| 4039 | TX_ATTACH_FAILURE : string; //kt
| 4040 | begin
| 4041 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 4042 | TX_ATTACH_CNF := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Confirm_Attachment'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4043 | TX_ATTACH_FAILURE := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Attachment_failed'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4044 | if (AChild = nil) or (AParent = nil) then exit;
| 4045 | ErrMsg := '';
| 4046 | if not CanBeAttached(PDocTreeObject(AChild.Data)^.DocID, WhyNot) then
| 4047 | ErrMsg := ErrMsg + WhyNot + CRLF + CRLF;
| 4048 | if not CanReceiveAttachment(PDocTreeObject(AParent.Data)^.DocID, WhyNot) then
| 4049 | ErrMsg := ErrMsg + WhyNot;
| 4050 | if ErrMsg <> '' then
| 4051 | begin
| 4052 | InfoBox(ErrMsg, TX_ATTACH_FAILURE, MB_OK);
| 4053 | Exit;
| 4054 | end
| 4055 | else
| 4056 | begin
| 4057 | WhyNot := '';
| 4058 | if (InfoBox('ATTACH: ' + AChild.Text + CRLF + CRLF +
| 4059 | ' TO: ' + AParent.Text + CRLF + CRLF +
| 4060 | // 'Are you sure?', TX_ATTACH_CNF, MB_YESNO or MB_DEFBUTTON2 or MB_ICONQUESTION) <> IDYES) <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4061 | DKLangConstW('fNotes_Are_you_surex'), TX_ATTACH_CNF, MB_YESNO or MB_DEFBUTTON2 or MB_ICONQUESTION) <> IDYES) //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4062 | then Exit;
| 4063 | SavedDocID := PDocTreeObject(AParent.Data)^.DocID;
| 4064 | end;
| 4065 | if AChild.ImageIndex in [IMG_ID_CHILD, IMG_ID_CHILD_ADD] then
| 4066 | begin
| 4067 | if DetachEntryFromParent(PDocTreeObject(AChild.Data)^.DocID, WhyNot) then
| 4068 | begin
| 4069 | if AttachEntryToParent(PDocTreeObject(AChild.Data)^.DocID, PDocTreeObject(AParent.Data)^.DocID, WhyNot) then
| 4070 | begin
| 4071 | LoadNotes;
| 4072 | with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(SavedDocID, U, Items.GetFirstNode);
| 4073 | if tvNotes.Selected <> nil then tvNotes.Selected.Expand(False);
| 4074 | end
| 4075 | else
| 4076 | InfoBox(WhyNot, TX_ATTACH_FAILURE, MB_OK);
| 4077 | end
| 4078 | else
| 4079 | begin
| 4080 | WhyNot := StringReplace(WhyNot, 'ATTACH', 'DETACH', [rfIgnoreCase]);
| 4081 | WhyNot := StringReplace(WhyNot, 'to an ID', 'from an ID', [rfIgnoreCase]);
| 4082 | InfoBox(WhyNot, TX_DETACH_FAILURE, MB_OK);
| 4083 | Exit;
| 4084 | end;
| 4085 | end
| 4086 | else
| 4087 | begin
| 4088 | if AttachEntryToParent(PDocTreeObject(AChild.Data)^.DocID, PDocTreeObject(AParent.Data)^.DocID, WhyNot) then
| 4089 | begin
| 4090 | LoadNotes;
| 4091 | with tvNotes do Selected := FindPieceNode(SavedDocID, U, Items.GetFirstNode);
| 4092 | if tvNotes.Selected <> nil then tvNotes.Selected.Expand(False);
| 4093 | end
| 4094 | else
| 4095 | InfoBox(WhyNot, TX_ATTACH_FAILURE, MB_OK);
| 4096 | end;
| 4097 | end;
| 4098 |
| 4099 | function TfrmNotes.SetNoteTreeLabel(AContext: TTIUContext): string;
| 4100 | var
| 4101 | x: string;
| 4102 |
| 4103 | function SetDateRangeText(AContext: TTIUContext): string;
| 4104 | var
| 4105 | x1: string;
| 4106 | begin
| 4107 | with AContext do
| 4108 | if BeginDate <> '' then
| 4109 | begin
| 4110 | x1 := ' from ' + UpperCase(BeginDate);
| 4111 | // if EndDate <> '' then x1 := x1 + ' to ' + UpperCase(EndDate) <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4112 | if EndDate <> '' then x1 := x1 + DKLangConstW('fNotes_to') + UpperCase(EndDate) //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4113 | else x1 := x1 + ' to TODAY';
| 4114 | end;
| 4115 | Result := x1;
| 4116 | end;
| 4117 |
| 4118 | begin
| 4119 | with AContext do
| 4120 | begin
| 4121 | // if MaxDocs > 0 then x := 'Last ' + IntToStr(MaxDocs) + ' ' else x := 'All '; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4122 | if MaxDocs > 0 then x := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Last') + IntToStr(MaxDocs) + ' ' else x := DKLangConstW('fNotes_All'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4123 | case StrToIntDef(Status, 0) of
| 4124 | // NC_ALL : x := x + 'Signed Notes'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4125 | NC_ALL : x := x + DKLangConstW('fNotes_Signed_Notes'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4126 | NC_UNSIGNED : begin
| 4127 | // x := x + 'Unsigned Notes for '; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4128 | x := x + DKLangConstW('fNotes_Unsigned_Notes_for'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4129 | if Author > 0 then x := x + ExternalName(Author, 200)
| 4130 | else x := x + User.Name;
| 4131 | x := x + SetDateRangeText(AContext);
| 4132 | end;
| 4133 | NC_UNCOSIGNED : begin
| 4134 | // x := x + 'Uncosigned Notes for '; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4135 | x := x + DKLangConstW('fNotes_Uncosigned_Notes_for'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4136 | if Author > 0 then x := x + ExternalName(Author, 200)
| 4137 | else x := x + User.Name;
| 4138 | x := x + SetDateRangeText(AContext);
| 4139 | end;
| 4140 | // NC_BY_AUTHOR : x := x + 'Signed Notes for ' + ExternalName(Author, 200) + SetDateRangeText(AContext); <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4141 | NC_BY_AUTHOR : x := x + DKLangConstW('fNotes_Signed_Notes_for') + ExternalName(Author, 200) + SetDateRangeText(AContext); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4142 | // NC_BY_DATE : x := x + 'Signed Notes ' + SetDateRangeText(AContext); <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4143 | NC_BY_DATE : x := x + DKLangConstW('fNotes_Signed_Notes') + SetDateRangeText(AContext); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4144 | else
| 4145 | // x := 'Custom List'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4146 | x := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Custom_List'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4147 | end;
| 4148 | end;
| 4149 | Result := x;
| 4150 | end;
| 4151 |
| 4152 | procedure TfrmNotes.memNewNoteKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
| 4153 | Shift: TShiftState);
| 4154 | begin
| 4155 | inherited;
| 4156 | FNavigatingTab := (Key = VK_TAB) and ([ssShift,ssCtrl] * Shift <> []);
| 4157 | if FNavigatingTab then
| 4158 | Key := 0;
| 4159 | end;
| 4160 |
| 4161 | procedure TfrmNotes.UpdateNoteAuthor(DocInfo: string);
| 4162 | //const
| 4163 | //TX_INVALID_AUTHOR1 = 'The author returned by the template ('; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4164 | //TX_INVALID_AUTHOR2 = ') is not valid.' + #13#10 + 'The note''s author will remain as '; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4165 | //TC_INVALID_AUTHOR = 'Invalid Author'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4166 | //TX_COSIGNER_REQD = ' requires a cosigner for this note.'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4167 | //TC_COSIGNER_REQD = 'Cosigner Required'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4168 | var
| 4169 | NewAuth, NewAuthName, AuthNameCheck, x: string;
| 4170 | ADummySender: TObject;
| 4171 | TX_INVALID_AUTHOR1 : string; //kt
| 4172 | TX_INVALID_AUTHOR2 : string; //kt
| 4173 | TC_INVALID_AUTHOR : string; //kt
| 4174 | TX_COSIGNER_REQD : string; //kt
| 4175 | TC_COSIGNER_REQD : string; //kt
| 4176 | begin
| 4177 | TX_INVALID_AUTHOR1 := DKLangConstW('fNotes_The_author_returned_by_the_template_x'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4178 | TX_INVALID_AUTHOR2 := DKLangConstW('fNotes_x_is_not_validx') + #13#10 + DKLangConstW('fNotes_The_notexxs_author_will_remain_as'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4179 | TC_INVALID_AUTHOR := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Invalid_Author'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4180 | TX_COSIGNER_REQD := DKLangConstW('fNotes_requires_a_cosigner_for_this_notex'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4181 | TC_COSIGNER_REQD := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Cosigner_Required'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4182 | SetupVars; //kt added 7/19/2007 to replace constants with vars.
| 4183 | if DocInfo = '' then Exit;
| 4184 | NewAuth := GetXMLParamReturnValueTIU(DocInfo, 'AUTHOR_IEN');
| 4185 | if NewAuth = '' then Exit;
| 4186 | AuthNameCheck := ExternalName(StrToInt64Def(NewAuth, 0), 200);
| 4187 | if AuthNameCheck = '' then
| 4188 | begin
| 4189 | NewAuthName := GetXMLParamReturnValueTIU(DocInfo, 'AUTHOR_NAME');
| 4190 | InfoBox(TX_INVALID_AUTHOR1 + UpperCase(NewAuthName) + TX_INVALID_AUTHOR2 + UpperCase(FEditNote.AuthorName),
| 4192 | Exit;
| 4193 | end;
| 4194 | with FEditNote do if StrToInt64Def(NewAuth, 0) <> Author then
| 4195 | begin
| 4196 | Author := StrToInt64Def(NewAuth, 0);
| 4197 | AuthorName := AuthNameCheck;
| 4198 | x := lstNotes.Items[EditingIndex];
| 4199 | SetPiece(x, U, 5, NewAuth + ';' + AuthNameCheck);
| 4200 | lstNotes.Items[EditingIndex] := x;
| 4201 | if AskCosignerForTitle(Title, Author, DateTime) then
| 4202 | begin
| 4203 | InfoBox(UpperCase(AuthNameCheck) + TX_COSIGNER_REQD, TC_COSIGNER_REQD, MB_OK);
| 4204 | //Cosigner := 0; CosignerName := ''; // not sure about this yet
| 4205 | ADummySender := TObject.Create;
| 4206 | try
| 4207 | cmdChangeClick(ADummySender);
| 4208 | finally
| 4209 | FreeAndNil(ADummySender);
| 4210 | end;
| 4211 | end
| 4212 | else cmdChangeClick(Self);
| 4213 | end;
| 4214 | end;
| 4215 |
| 4216 | procedure TfrmNotes.sptHorzCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewSize: Integer;
| 4217 | var Accept: Boolean);
| 4218 | begin
| 4219 | inherited;
| 4220 | if pnlWrite.Visible then
| 4221 | if NewSize > frmNotes.ClientWidth - memNewNote.Constraints.MinWidth - sptHorz.Width then
| 4222 | NewSize := frmNotes.ClientWidth - memNewNote.Constraints.MinWidth - sptHorz.Width;
| 4223 | end;
| 4224 |
[541] | 4225 | (*
[453] | 4226 | //kt 5-2-05 added following function (initially copied from fReports.pas)
| 4227 | procedure TfrmNotes.WebBrowser1DocumentComplete(Sender: TObject;
| 4228 | const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL: OleVariant);
| 4229 | var
| 4230 | WebDoc: IHtmlDocument2;
| 4231 | v: variant;
| 4232 | begin
| 4233 | {
| 4234 | inherited;
| 4235 | if uHTMLDoc = '' then Exit;
| 4236 | if not(uReportType = 'H') then Exit; //this can be removed if & when browser replaces memtext control
| 4237 | if not Assigned(WebBrowser1.Document) then Exit;
| 4238 | WebDoc := WebBrowser1.Document as IHtmlDocument2;
| 4239 | v := VarArrayCreate([0, 0], varVariant);
| 4240 | v[0] := uHTMLDoc;
| 4241 | WebDoc.write(PSafeArray(TVarData(v).VArray));
| 4242 | WebDoc.close;
| 4243 | //uHTMLDoc := '';
| 4244 | }
| 4245 | end;
[541] | 4246 | *)
[453] | 4247 |
| 4248 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteMemoInsTemplateClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4249 | begin
| 4250 | frmDrawers.mnuInsertTemplateClick(Sender);
| 4251 | end;
| 4252 |
| 4253 | procedure TfrmNotes.popNoteMemoPreviewClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4254 | begin
| 4255 | frmDrawers.mnuPreviewTemplateClick(Sender);
| 4256 | end;
| 4257 |
| 4258 | procedure TfrmNotes.tvNotesAddition(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
| 4259 | begin
| 4260 | inherited;
| 4261 | TAccessibleTreeNode.WrapControl(Node as TORTreeNode);
| 4262 | end;
| 4263 |
| 4264 | procedure TfrmNotes.tvNotesDeletion(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
| 4265 | begin
| 4266 | TAccessibleTreeNode.UnwrapControl(Node as TORTreeNode);
| 4267 | inherited;
| 4268 | end;
| 4269 |
| 4270 | {Tab Order tricks. Need to change
| 4271 | tvNotes
| 4272 |
| 4273 | frmDrawers.pnlTemplateButton
| 4274 | frmDrawers.pnlEncounterButton
| 4275 | cmdNewNote
| 4276 | cmdPCE
| 4277 |
| 4278 | lvNotes
| 4279 | memNote
| 4280 |
| 4281 | to
| 4282 | tvNotes
| 4283 |
| 4284 | lvNotes
| 4285 | memNote
| 4286 |
| 4287 | frmDrawers.pnlTemplateButton
| 4288 | frmDrawers.pnlEncounterButton
| 4289 | cmdNewNote
| 4290 | cmdPCE
| 4291 | }
| 4292 |
| 4293 | procedure TfrmNotes.tvNotesExit(Sender: TObject);
| 4294 | begin
| 4295 | if IncSecond(FMousing,1) < Now then
| 4296 | begin
| 4297 | if (Screen.ActiveControl = frmDrawers.pnlTemplatesButton) or
| 4298 | (Screen.ActiveControl = frmDrawers.pnlEncounterButton) or
| 4299 | (Screen.ActiveControl = cmdNewNote) or
| 4300 | (Screen.ActiveControl = cmdPCE) then
| 4301 | FindNextControl( cmdPCE, True, True, False).SetFocus;
| 4302 | end;
| 4303 | FMousing := 0;
| 4304 | end;
| 4305 |
| 4306 | procedure TfrmNotes.pnlReadExit(Sender: TObject);
| 4307 | begin
| 4308 | inherited;
| 4309 | if IncSecond(FMousing,1) < Now then
| 4310 | begin
| 4311 | if (Screen.ActiveControl = frmFrame.pnlPatient) then
| 4312 | FindNextControl( tvNotes, True, True, False).SetFocus
| 4313 | else
| 4314 | if (Screen.ActiveControl = frmDrawers.pnlTemplatesButton) or
| 4315 | (Screen.ActiveControl = frmDrawers.pnlEncounterButton) or
| 4316 | (Screen.ActiveControl = cmdNewNote) or
| 4317 | (Screen.ActiveControl = cmdPCE) then
| 4318 | FindNextControl( frmDrawers.pnlTemplatesButton, False, True, False).SetFocus;
| 4319 | end;
| 4320 | FMousing := 0;
| 4321 | end;
| 4322 |
| 4323 | procedure TfrmNotes.cmdNewNoteExit(Sender: TObject);
| 4324 | begin
| 4325 | inherited;
| 4326 | if IncSecond(FMousing,1) < Now then
| 4327 | begin
| 4328 | if (Screen.ActiveControl = lvNotes) or
| 4329 | (Screen.ActiveControl = memNote) then
| 4330 | frmFrame.pnlPatient.SetFocus
| 4331 | else
| 4332 | if (Screen.ActiveControl = tvNotes) then
| 4333 | FindNextControl( frmFrame.pnlPatient, False, True, False).SetFocus;
| 4334 | end;
| 4335 | FMousing := 0;
| 4336 | end;
| 4337 |
| 4338 | procedure TfrmNotes.frmFramePnlPatientExit(Sender: TObject);
| 4339 | begin
| 4340 | FOldFramePnlPatientExit(Sender);
| 4341 | if IncSecond(FMousing,1) < Now then
| 4342 | begin
| 4343 | if (Screen.ActiveControl = lvNotes) or
| 4344 | (Screen.ActiveControl = memNote) then
| 4345 | FindNextControl( lvNotes, False, True, False).SetFocus;
| 4346 | end;
| 4347 | FMousing := 0;
| 4348 | end;
| 4349 |
| 4350 | procedure TfrmNotes.FormHide(Sender: TObject);
| 4351 | begin
| 4352 | inherited;
| 4353 | frmFrame.pnlPatient.OnExit := FOldFramePnlPatientExit;
| 4354 | frmDrawers.pnlTemplatesButton.OnExit := FOldDrawerPnlTemplatesButtonExit;
| 4355 | frmDrawers.pnlEncounterButton.OnExit := FOldDrawerPnlEncounterButtonExit;
| 4356 | frmDrawers.edtSearch.OnExit := FOldDrawerEdtSearchExit;
| 4357 | end;
| 4358 |
| 4359 | procedure TfrmNotes.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
| 4360 | begin
| 4361 | inherited;
| 4362 | FOldFramePnlPatientExit := frmFrame.pnlPatient.OnExit;
| 4363 | frmFrame.pnlPatient.OnExit := frmFramePnlPatientExit;
| 4364 | FOldDrawerPnlTemplatesButtonExit := frmDrawers.pnlTemplatesButton.OnExit;
| 4365 | frmDrawers.pnlTemplatesButton.OnExit := frmDrawerPnlTemplatesButtonExit;
| 4366 | FOldDrawerPnlEncounterButtonExit := frmDrawers.pnlEncounterButton.OnExit;
| 4367 | frmDrawers.pnlEncounterButton.OnExit := frmDrawerPnlEncounterButtonExit;
| 4368 | FOldDrawerEdtSearchExit := frmDrawers.edtSearch.OnExit;
| 4369 | frmDrawers.edtSearch.OnExit := frmDrawerEdtSearchExit;
| 4370 | end;
| 4371 |
| 4372 | procedure TfrmNotes.frmDrawerEdtSearchExit(Sender: TObject);
| 4373 | begin
| 4374 | FOldDrawerEdtSearchExit(Sender);
| 4375 | cmdNewNoteExit(Sender);
| 4376 | end;
| 4377 |
| 4378 | procedure TfrmNotes.frmDrawerPnlTemplatesButtonExit(Sender: TObject);
| 4379 | begin
| 4380 | FOldDrawerPnlTemplatesButtonExit(Sender);
| 4381 | if Boolean(Hi(GetKeyState(VK_TAB))) and (memNewNote.CanFocus) and
| 4382 | Boolean(Hi(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT))) then
| 4383 | memNewNote.SetFocus
| 4384 | else
| 4385 | cmdNewNoteExit(Sender);
| 4386 | end;
| 4387 |
| 4388 | procedure TfrmNotes.frmDrawerPnlEncounterButtonExit(Sender: TObject);
| 4389 | begin
| 4390 | FOldDrawerPnlEncounterButtonExit(Sender);
| 4391 | cmdNewNoteExit(Sender);
| 4392 | end;
| 4393 |
| 4394 | procedure TfrmNotes.FormMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X,
| 4395 | Y: Integer);
| 4396 | begin
| 4397 | inherited;
| 4398 | FMousing := Now;
| 4399 | end;
| 4400 |
[541] | 4401 | procedure TfrmNotes.SetHTMLEditMode(HTMLEditMode : boolean; Quiet : boolean);
| 4402 | //kt added function 7/09
| 4403 | var Mode : TViewModeSet; //kt
| 4404 | const HTML_MODE_S : Array[false..true] of string[16] = ('PLAIN','FORMATTED');
| 4405 | begin
| 4406 | if FEditNote.Lines = nil then FEditNote.Lines := TStringList.Create; //kt
| 4407 | if HTMLEditMode then begin
| 4408 | if (FViewMode = [vmHTML,vmEdit]) then exit; //no change needed.
| 4409 | FEditNote.Lines.Assign(memNewNote.Lines);
| 4410 | end else begin
| 4411 | if (FViewMode = [vmText,vmEdit]) then exit; //no change needed.
| 4412 | if HtmlEditor.GetTextLen > 0 then begin
| 4413 | if MessageDlg('Do you want to convert this note to PLAIN TEXT?'+#10#13+
| 4414 | '(May cause loss of formatting information.)',mtWarning, mbOKCancel,0) <> mrOK then begin
| 4415 | exit;
| 4416 | end;
| 4417 | end;
| 4418 | FEditNote.Lines.Text := HTMLEditor.Text;
| 4419 | end;
| 4420 | Mode := [vmEdit] + [vmHTML_MODE[HTMLEditMode]]; //kt
| 4421 | SetDisplayToHTMLvsText(Mode,FEditNote.Lines);
| 4422 | if not Quiet then begin
| 4423 | if MessageDlg('Start new notes in '+HTML_MODE_S[HTMLEditMode]+' TEXT by default?',mtConfirmation,[mbYES,mbNO],0) = mrYES then begin
| 4424 | fOptionsNotes.SetDefaultEditHTMLMode(HTMLEditMode);
| 4425 | end;
| 4426 | end;
| 4427 | end;
| 4428 |
| 4429 | procedure TfrmNotes.ToggleHTMLEditMode;
| 4430 | //kt added function 6/09
| 4431 | var NewHTMLMode: boolean;
| 4432 | begin
| 4433 | if not (vmEdit in FViewMode) then exit; //quit if not in edit mode
| 4434 | NewHTMLMode := not (vmHTML in FViewMode);
| 4435 | SetHTMLEditMode(NewHTMLMode);
| 4436 | end;
| 4437 |
| 4438 |
| 4439 | procedure TfrmNotes.SetDisplayToHTMLvsText(Mode : TViewModeSet;
| 4440 | Lines : TStrings;
| 4441 | ActivateOnly : boolean {default=False});
| 4442 | //kt added function 7/09
| 4443 | //If ActivateOnly=True, then the visibility is set, but the control is not filled with text.
| 4444 |
| 4445 | type
| 4446 | TPanelVisibilityMode = (pvmReadMode, pvmWriteMode); //kt
| 4447 |
| 4448 | procedure SetPanelVisibility(Mode: TPanelVisibilityMode; HTMLMode : boolean);
| 4449 |
| 4450 | procedure SetpnlReadVisibility(Visible : boolean; HTMLMode : boolean);
| 4451 | begin
| 4452 | pnlRead.Visible := Visible;
| 4453 | if Visible then begin
| 4454 | memNote.Visible := not HTMLMode;
| 4455 | memNote.TabStop := not HTMLMode;
| 4456 | pnlHTMLViewer.Visible := HTMLMode;
| 4457 | HTMLViewer.Visible := HTMLMode;
| 4458 | if HTMLMode then begin
| 4459 | HtmlViewer.BringToFront;
| 4460 | end else begin
| 4461 | MemNote.BringToFront;
| 4462 | end;
| 4463 | end else begin
| 4464 | memNote.Visible := false;
| 4465 | memNote.TabStop := false;
| 4466 | pnlHTMLViewer.Visible := false;
| 4467 | HTMLViewer.Visible := false;
| 4468 | end;
| 4469 | end; {SetDisplayToHTMLvsText.SetPanelVisibility.SetpnlReadVisibility}
| 4470 |
| 4471 | procedure SetpnlWriteVisibility(Visible : boolean; HTMLMode : boolean);
| 4472 | begin
| 4473 | pnlWrite.Visible := Visible;
| 4474 | if Visible then begin
| 4475 | pnlHTMLWrite.Visible := HTMLMode;
| 4476 | pnlHTMLEdit.Visible := HTMLMode;
| 4477 | HTMLEditor.Visible := HTMLMode;
| 4478 | pnlTextWrite.Visible := not HTMLMode;
| 4479 | MemNewNote.Visible := not HTMLMode;
| 4480 | if HTMLMode then begin
| 4481 | HTMLEditor.BringToFront;
| 4482 | end else begin
| 4483 | MemNewNote.BringToFront;
| 4484 | end;
| 4485 | end else begin
| 4486 | pnlHTMLWrite.Visible := false;
| 4487 | pnlHTMLEdit.Visible := false;
| 4488 | HTMLEditor.Visible := false;
| 4489 | pnlTextWrite.Visible := false;
| 4490 | memNewNote.Visible := false;
| 4491 | end;
| 4492 | end; {SetDisplayToHTMLvsText.SetPanelVisibility.SetpnlWriteVisibility}
| 4493 |
| 4494 | begin {SetDisplayToHTMLvsText.SetPanelVisibility}
| 4495 | SetpnlReadVisibility ((Mode=pvmReadMode), HTMLMode);
| 4496 | SetpnlWriteVisibility((Mode=pvmWriteMode),HTMLMode);
| 4497 | Application.ProcessMessages;
| 4498 | end; {SetDisplayToHTMLvsText.SetPanelVisibility}
| 4499 |
| 4500 | procedure SetHTMLorTextEditor(HTMLEditMode : boolean;
| 4501 | Lines : TStrings;
| 4502 | ActivateOnly : boolean {default=False});
| 4503 | procedure ActivateHtmlEditor(Lines : TStrings);
| 4504 | var HTMLText : string;
| 4505 | begin
| 4506 | HtmlEditor.Editable := true;
| 4507 | if ActivateOnly=false then begin
| 4508 | if Lines <> nil then begin
| 4509 | if rHTMLTools.IsHTML(Lines) then begin
| 4510 | HTMLText := Lines.Text;
| 4511 | end else begin
| 4512 | HTMLText := Text2HTML(Lines);
| 4513 | if HTMLText='' then HTMLText := ' ';
| 4514 | end;
| 4515 | end else HTMLText := ' ';
| 4516 | HtmlEditor.HTMLText := HTMLText;
| 4517 | HTMLEditor.KeyStruck := false;
| 4518 | end;
| 4519 | end; {SetDisplayToHTMLvsText.SetHTMLorTextEditor.ActivateHtmlEditor}
| 4520 |
| 4521 | procedure ActiveMemoEditor(Lines : TStrings);
| 4522 | begin
| 4523 | if ActivateOnly=false then begin
| 4524 | memNewNote.Lines.Assign(Lines); //kt new
| 4525 | end;
| 4526 | //kt HtmlEditor.Active := false; //stop intercepting OnMessages
| 4527 | HtmlEditor.Clear;
| 4528 | end; {SetDisplayToHTMLvsText.SetHTMLorTextEditor.ActiveMemoEditor}
| 4529 |
| 4530 | begin {SetDisplayToHTMLvsText.SetHTMLorTextEditor}
| 4531 | FHTMLEditMode := emHTML_MODE[HTMLEditMode];
| 4532 | FViewMode := [vmEdit] + [vmHTML_MODE[HTMLEditMode]];
| 4533 | SetPanelVisibility(pvmWriteMode,HTMLEditMode);
| 4534 | pnlRight.Repaint; //kt TEMP
| 4535 | if HTMLEditMode then begin
| 4536 | ActivateHtmlEditor(Lines);
| 4537 | end else begin
| 4538 | ActiveMemoEditor(Lines);
| 4539 | end;
| 4540 | pnlRight.Repaint; //kt TEMP
| 4541 | end; {SetDisplayToHTMLvsText.SetHTMLorTextEditor}
| 4542 |
| 4543 | procedure SetHTMLorTextViewer(HTMLViewMode : boolean;
| 4544 | Lines : TStrings;
| 4545 | ActivateOnly : boolean); //kt
| 4546 | //Set forms such that either HTML Viewer is visible, or standard edit window.
| 4547 | procedure ActivateHtmlViewer(Lines : TStrings);
| 4548 | begin
| 4549 | with frmNotes do begin
[729] | 4550 |
[541] | 4551 | pnlHtmlViewer.Visible := true;
| 4552 | //memNote.Visible := false;
| 4553 | //memNote.TabStop := false;
| 4554 | HtmlViewer.BringToFront;
| 4555 | if ActivateOnly=False then begin
| 4556 | FixHTML(Lines);
| 4557 | HtmlViewer.HTMLText := Lines.Text;
| 4558 | end;
| 4559 | HtmlViewer.Editable := false;
| 4560 | HtmlViewer.BackgroundColor := clCream;
| 4561 | HtmlViewer.TabStop := true;
| 4562 | RedrawActivate(HtmlViewer.Handle);
| 4563 | end;
| 4564 | end; {SetDisplayToHTMLvsText.SetHTMLorTextViewer.ActivateHtmlViewer}
| 4565 |
| 4566 | procedure ActivateMemoViewer(Lines : TStrings);
| 4567 | begin
| 4568 | with frmNotes do begin
| 4569 | pnlHtmlViewer.Visible := false;
| 4570 | HtmlViewer.Clear;
| 4571 | //HtmlEditor.Clear; //don't this here. Only clear in ClearEditControls...
| 4572 | HtmlViewer.TabStop := false;
| 4573 | if ActivateOnly=False then memNote.Lines.Assign(Lines); //new
| 4574 | memNote.Visible := true;
| 4575 | memNote.TabStop := true;
| 4576 | memNote.BringToFront;
| 4577 | RedrawActivate(memNote.Handle);
| 4578 | end;
| 4579 | end; {SetDisplayToHTMLvsText.SetHTMLorTextViewer.ActivateMemoViewer}
| 4580 |
| 4581 | begin {SetHTMLorTextViewer}
| 4582 | FViewMode := [vmView] + [vmHTML_MODE[HTMLViewMode]];
| 4583 | SetPanelVisibility(pvmReadMode,HTMLviewMode);
| 4584 | //pnlRight.Repaint; //kt TEMP
| 4585 | if HTMLViewMode then begin
| 4586 | ActivateHtmlViewer(Lines);
| 4587 | end else begin
| 4588 | ActivateMemoViewer(Lines);
| 4589 | HtmlViewer.Clear;
| 4590 | end;
| 4591 | pnlRight.Repaint; //kt TEMP
| 4592 | end; {SetDisplayToHTMLvsText.SetHTMLorTextViewer}
| 4593 |
| 4594 | begin {SetDisplayToHTMLvsText}
| 4595 | if vmEdit in Mode then begin
| 4596 | SetHTMLorTextEditor((vmHTML in Mode),Lines,ActivateOnly);
| 4597 | end else begin
| 4598 | SetHTMLorTextViewer((vmHTML in Mode),Lines,ActivateOnly);
| 4599 | end;
| 4600 | end; {SetDisplayToHTMLvsText}
| 4601 |
| 4602 | procedure TfrmNotes.btnBoldClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4603 | //kt added function
| 4604 | begin
| 4605 | inherited;
| 4606 | HtmlEditor.ToggleBold;
| 4607 | end;
| 4608 |
| 4609 | procedure TfrmNotes.btnItalicClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4610 | //kt added function
| 4611 | begin
| 4612 | inherited;
| 4613 | HtmlEditor.ToggleItalic;
| 4614 | end;
| 4615 |
| 4616 | procedure TfrmNotes.btnLessIndentClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4617 | //kt added function
| 4618 | begin
| 4619 | inherited;
| 4620 | HtmlEditor.Outdent;
| 4621 | end;
| 4622 |
| 4623 | procedure TfrmNotes.btnMoreIndentClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4624 | //kt added function
| 4625 | begin
| 4626 | inherited;
| 4627 | HtmlEditor.Indent;
| 4628 | end;
| 4629 |
| 4630 | procedure TfrmNotes.btnRightAlignClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4631 | //kt added function
| 4632 | begin
| 4633 | inherited;
| 4634 | HtmlEditor.AlignRight;
| 4635 | end;
| 4636 |
| 4637 | procedure TfrmNotes.btnCenterAlignClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4638 | //kt added function
| 4639 | begin
| 4640 | inherited;
| 4641 | HtmlEditor.AlignCenter;
| 4642 | end;
| 4643 |
| 4644 | procedure TfrmNotes.btnLeftAlignClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4645 | //kt added function
| 4646 | begin
| 4647 | inherited;
| 4648 | HtmlEditor.AlignLeft;
| 4649 | end;
| 4650 |
| 4651 | procedure TfrmNotes.btnNumbersClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4652 | //kt added function
| 4653 | begin
| 4654 | inherited;
| 4655 | HtmlEditor.ToggleNumbering;
| 4656 | end;
| 4657 |
| 4658 | procedure TfrmNotes.btnBulletsClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4659 | //kt added function
| 4660 | begin
| 4661 | inherited;
| 4662 | HtmlEditor.ToggleBullet;
| 4663 | end;
| 4664 |
| 4665 | procedure TfrmNotes.btnUnderlineClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4666 | //kt added function
| 4667 | begin
| 4668 | inherited;
| 4669 | HtmlEditor.ToggleUnderline;
| 4670 | end;
| 4671 |
| 4672 | procedure TfrmNotes.btnTextColorClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4673 | //kt added function
| 4674 | begin
| 4675 | inherited;
| 4676 | HtmlEditor.TextForeColorDialog;
| 4677 | end;
| 4678 |
| 4679 | procedure TfrmNotes.btnBackColorClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4680 | //kt added function
| 4681 | begin
| 4682 | inherited;
| 4683 | HtmlEditor.TextBackColorDialog;
| 4684 | end;
| 4685 |
| 4686 | procedure TfrmNotes.btnFontsClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4687 | //kt added function
| 4688 | begin
| 4689 | inherited;
| 4690 | HtmlEditor.FontDialog;
| 4691 | end;
| 4692 |
| 4693 | procedure TfrmNotes.cbFontSizeChange(Sender: TObject);
| 4694 | //kt added function
| 4695 | const
| 4696 | FontSizes : array [0..6] of byte = (8,10,12,14,18,24,36);
| 4697 | begin
| 4698 | inherited;
| 4699 | //HtmlEditor.FontSize := StrToInt(cbFontSize.Text);
| 4700 | HtmlEditor.FontSize := FontSizes[cbFontSize.ItemIndex];
| 4701 | end;
| 4702 |
| 4703 | procedure TfrmNotes.cbFontNamesChange(Sender: TObject);
| 4704 | //kt added function
| 4705 | var i : integer;
| 4706 | FontName : string;
| 4707 | const
| 4708 | TEXT_BAR = '---------------';
| 4709 | begin
| 4710 | inherited;
| 4711 | if cbFontNames.Text[1]='<' then exit;
| 4712 | FontName := cbFontNames.Text;
| 4713 | HtmlEditor.FontName := FontName;
| 4714 | i := cbFontNames.Items.IndexOf(TEXT_BAR);
| 4715 | if i < 1 then cbFontNames.Items.Insert(0,TEXT_BAR);
| 4716 | if i > 5 then cbFontNames.Items.Delete(5);
| 4717 | if cbFontNames.Items.IndexOf(FontName)> i then begin
| 4718 | cbFontNames.Items.Insert(0,FontName);
| 4719 | end;
| 4720 | end;
| 4721 |
| 4722 | (*
[453] | 4723 | //kt made this entire temp function
| 4724 | procedure TfrmNotes.WebBrowser1CommandStateChange(Sender: TObject;
| 4725 | Command: Integer; Enable: WordBool);
| 4726 |
| 4727 | var
| 4728 | s,ts: String;
| 4729 | Buff : array[0..255] of char;
| 4730 | pBuff : pChar;
| 4731 |
| 4732 | begin
| 4733 | inherited;
| 4734 | pBuff := @Buff;
| 4735 | case Command of
| 4736 | // CSC_UPDATECOMMANDS: ts := '<Some property>'; <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4737 | // CSC_UPDATECOMMANDS: ts := DKLangConstW('fNotes_xSome_propertyx'); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4738 | -1: ts := DKLangConstW('fNotes_xSome_propertyx'); //kt changed 9/7/07
| 4739 | CSC_NAVIGATEFORWARD: ts := ''; //'<Navigate Forward>';
| 4740 | CSC_NAVIGATEBACK: ts := ''; //'<Nagivate Backwards>';
| 4741 | else ts := '??';
| 4742 | end; {case}
| 4743 | if ts<>'' then begin
| 4744 | // s := 'Browser Status change: ' + ts + '; Enabled= ' + BoolToStr(Enable); <-- original line. //kt 7/19/2007
| 4745 | s := DKLangConstW('fNotes_Browser_Status_changex')+' ' + ts + DKLangConstW('fNotes_x_Enabledx') + BoolToStr(Enable); //kt added 7/19/2007
| 4746 | //Application.MessageBox(StrPCopy(pBuff,s),'Note');
| 4747 | end;
| 4748 | end;
[541] | 4749 | *)
[453] | 4750 |
| 4751 | procedure TfrmNotes.memNewNoteKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
| 4752 | begin
| 4753 | inherited;
| 4754 | if FNavigatingTab then
| 4755 | Key := #0; //Disable shift-tab processinend;
| 4756 | end;
| 4757 |
| 4758 | procedure TfrmNotes.memNewNoteKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
| 4759 | Shift: TShiftState);
| 4760 | begin
| 4761 | inherited;
| 4762 | if FNavigatingTab then
| 4763 | begin
| 4764 | if ssShift in Shift then
| 4765 | FindNextControl(Sender as TWinControl, False, True, False).SetFocus //previous control
| 4766 | else if ssCtrl in Shift then
| 4767 | if frmDrawers.pnlTemplatesButton.CanFocus then
| 4768 | frmDrawers.pnlTemplatesButton.SetFocus
| 4769 | else
| 4770 | FindNextControl(Sender as TWinControl, True, True, False).SetFocus; //next control
| 4771 | FNavigatingTab := False;
| 4772 | end;
| 4773 | if (key = VK_ESCAPE) then begin
| 4774 | FindNextControl(Sender as TWinControl, False, True, False).SetFocus; //previous control
| 4775 | key := 0;
| 4776 | end;
| 4777 | end;
| 4778 |
| 4779 | procedure TfrmNotes.memPCEShowExit(Sender: TObject);
| 4780 | begin
| 4781 | inherited;
| 4782 | //Fix the Tab Order Make Drawers Buttons Accessible
| 4783 | if Boolean(Hi(GetKeyState(VK_TAB))) then
| 4784 | if Boolean(Hi(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT))) then
| 4785 | cmdPCE.SetFocus
| 4786 | else
| 4787 | frmFrame.pnlPatient.SetFocus;
| 4788 | end;
| 4789 |
| 4790 | procedure TfrmNotes.cmdChangeExit(Sender: TObject);
| 4791 | begin
| 4792 | inherited;
| 4793 | //Fix the Tab Order Make Drawers Buttons Accessible
| 4794 | if Boolean(Hi(GetKeyState(VK_TAB))) and
| 4795 | Boolean(Hi(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT))) then
| 4796 | tvNotes.SetFocus;
| 4797 | end;
| 4798 |
| 4799 | procedure TfrmNotes.cmdPCEExit(Sender: TObject);
| 4800 | begin
| 4801 | inherited;
| 4802 | //Fix the Tab Order Make Drawers Buttons Accessible
| 4803 | if Boolean(Hi(GetKeyState(VK_TAB))) and
| 4804 | Not Boolean(Hi(GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT))) then
| 4805 | if memPCEShow.Visible then //CQ7120
| 4806 | memPCEShow.SetFocus; //CQ7120
| 4807 | end;
| 4808 |
| 4809 | procedure TfrmNotes.ViewInfo(Sender: TObject);
| 4810 | begin
| 4811 | inherited;
| 4812 | frmFrame.ViewInfo(Sender);
| 4813 | end;
| 4814 |
| 4815 | procedure TfrmNotes.mnuViewInformationClick(Sender: TObject);
| 4816 | begin
| 4817 | inherited;
| 4818 | mnuViewDemo.Enabled := frmFrame.pnlPatient.Enabled;
| 4819 | mnuViewVisits.Enabled := frmFrame.pnlVisit.Enabled;
| 4820 | mnuViewPrimaryCare.Enabled := frmFrame.pnlPrimaryCare.Enabled;
| 4821 | mnuViewMyHealtheVet.Enabled := not (Copy(frmFrame.laMHV.Hint, 1, 2) = 'No');
| 4822 | mnuInsurance.Enabled := not (Copy(frmFrame.laVAA2.Hint, 1, 2) = 'No');
| 4823 | mnuViewFlags.Enabled := frmFrame.lblFlag.Enabled;
| 4824 | mnuViewRemoteData.Enabled := frmFrame.lblCirn.Enabled;
| 4825 | mnuViewReminders.Enabled := frmFrame.pnlReminders.Enabled;
| 4826 | mnuViewPostings.Enabled := frmFrame.pnlPostings.Enabled;
| 4827 | end;
| 4828 |
| 4829 | initialization
| 4830 | uPCEEdit := TPCEData.Create;
| 4831 | uPCEShow := TPCEData.Create;
| 4832 |
| 4833 | finalization
| 4834 | if (uPCEEdit <> nil) then uPCEEdit.Free; //CQ7012 Added test for nil
| 4835 | if (uPCEShow <> nil) then uPCEShow.Free; //CQ7012 Added test for nil
| 4836 |
| 4837 | end.
| 4838 |