source: cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/CPRS-Chart/fPatientFlagMulti.dfm@ 1168

Last change on this file since 1168 was 453, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 16 years ago

Initial upload of TMG-CPRS

File size: 4.5 KB
1object frmFlags: TfrmFlags
2 Left = 210
3 Top = 169
4 Width = 505
5 Height = 498
6 VertScrollBar.Range = 116
7 AutoScroll = False
8 Caption = 'Patient Record Flags'
9 Color = clBtnFace
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24 object Splitter1: TSplitter
25 Left = 0
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28 Height = 5
29 Align = alNone
30 end
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32 Left = 0
33 Top = 308
34 Width = 497
35 Height = 4
36 Cursor = crVSplit
37 Align = alBottom
38 MinSize = 45
39 end
40 object pnlTop: TORAutoPanel
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42 Top = 0
43 Width = 497
44 Height = 80
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47 Constraints.MinWidth = 300
48 TabOrder = 0
49 object lblFlags: TLabel
50 Left = 1
51 Top = 1
52 Width = 495
53 Height = 13
54 Align = alTop
55 Caption = 'Active Flag'
56 Layout = tlCenter
57 end
58 object lstFlags: TORListBox
59 Left = 1
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61 Width = 495
62 Height = 65
63 Align = alClient
64 ItemHeight = 13
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66 ShowHint = True
67 TabOrder = 0
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70 LongList = False
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73 end
74 end
75 object memFlags: TRichEdit
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78 Width = 497
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88 '')
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95 end
96 object pnlNotes: TPanel
97 Left = 0
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99 Width = 497
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102 TabOrder = 2
103 object lblNoteTitle: TLabel
104 Left = 1
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107 Height = 13
108 Align = alTop
109 Caption = 'lblNoteTitle'
110 end
111 object lvPRF: TCaptionListView
112 Left = 1
113 Top = 14
114 Width = 495
115 Height = 106
116 Align = alClient
117 Columns = <
118 item
119 Caption = 'Used For Screen Readers'
120 Width = 1
121 end
122 item
123 AutoSize = True
124 Caption = 'Date'
125 end
126 item
127 AutoSize = True
128 Caption = 'Action'
129 end
130 item
131 AutoSize = True
132 Caption = 'Author'
133 end>
134 Constraints.MinHeight = 50
135 HideSelection = False
136 Items.Data = {
137 6C0000000100000000000000FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF03000000000000000857414E
138 44455245521C4F63746F6265722032302C20323030334031303A31353A32333A
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147 end
148 object pnlBottom: TORAutoPanel
149 Left = 1
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151 Width = 495
152 Height = 31
153 Align = alBottom
154 TabOrder = 1
155 DesignSize = (
156 495
157 31)
158 object btnClose: TButton
159 Left = 410
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166 ModalResult = 2
167 TabOrder = 0
168 end
169 end
170 end
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184 00080062746E436C6F7365010100000008000000070043617074696F6E00}
185 end
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