source: cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/CPRS-Chart/fReminderDialog.dfm@ 1502

Last change on this file since 1502 was 496, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 16 years ago

Fixed missing TDKLang. Class, Added email demographic, Fixed field error in demographis

File size: 6.4 KB
1object frmRemDlg: TfrmRemDlg
2 Left = 357
3 Top = 260
4 Width = 545
5 Height = 407
6 HelpContext = 11100
7 VertScrollBar.Range = 162
8 AutoScroll = False
9 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
10 Caption = 'Reminder Dialog'
11 Color = clBtnFace
12 Constraints.MinHeight = 250
13 Constraints.MinWidth = 250
14 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
15 Font.Color = clWindowText
16 Font.Height = -11
17 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
18 Font.Style = []
19 FormStyle = fsStayOnTop
20 OldCreateOrder = False
21 OnClose = FormClose
22 OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
23 OnCreate = FormCreate
24 OnDestroy = FormDestroy
25 OnShow = FormShow
26 PixelsPerInch = 96
27 TextHeight = 13
28 object splTxtData: TSplitter
29 Left = 0
30 Top = 211
31 Width = 537
32 Height = 3
33 Cursor = crVSplit
34 Align = alBottom
35 end
36 object Label1: TLabel
37 Left = 176
38 Top = 368
39 Width = 32
40 Height = 13
41 Caption = 'Label1'
42 end
43 object sb1: TScrollBox
44 Left = 0
45 Top = 0
46 Width = 537
47 Height = 211
48 HorzScrollBar.Tracking = True
49 VertScrollBar.Tracking = True
50 Align = alClient
51 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
52 Font.Color = clWindowText
53 Font.Height = -11
54 Font.Name = 'Courier New'
55 Font.Style = []
56 ParentFont = False
57 TabOrder = 0
58 Visible = False
59 OnResize = sbResize
60 end
61 object sb2: TScrollBox
62 Left = 0
63 Top = 0
64 Width = 537
65 Height = 211
66 HorzScrollBar.Tracking = True
67 VertScrollBar.Tracking = True
68 Align = alClient
69 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
70 Font.Color = clWindowText
71 Font.Height = -11
72 Font.Name = 'Courier New'
73 Font.Style = []
74 ParentFont = False
75 TabOrder = 1
76 OnResize = sbResize
77 end
78 object pnlFrmBottom: TPanel
79 Left = 0
80 Top = 214
81 Width = 537
82 Height = 159
83 Align = alBottom
84 BevelOuter = bvNone
85 TabOrder = 2
86 object pnlBottom: TPanel
87 Left = 0
88 Top = 0
89 Width = 537
90 Height = 144
91 Align = alClient
92 TabOrder = 0
93 object splText: TSplitter
94 Left = 1
95 Top = 94
96 Width = 535
97 Height = 3
98 Cursor = crVSplit
99 Align = alBottom
100 end
101 object reData: TRichEdit
102 Left = 1
103 Top = 97
104 Width = 535
105 Height = 46
106 Align = alBottom
107 Color = clCream
108 ReadOnly = True
109 ScrollBars = ssVertical
110 TabOrder = 2
111 WantReturns = False
112 end
113 object reText: TRichEdit
114 Left = 1
115 Top = 25
116 Width = 535
117 Height = 69
118 Align = alClient
119 Color = clCream
120 Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
121 Font.Color = clWindowText
122 Font.Height = -11
123 Font.Name = 'Courier New'
124 Font.Style = []
125 ParentFont = False
126 ReadOnly = True
127 ScrollBars = ssBoth
128 TabOrder = 1
129 WantReturns = False
130 WordWrap = False
131 end
132 object pnlButtons: TORAutoPanel
133 Left = 1
134 Top = 1
135 Width = 535
136 Height = 24
137 Align = alTop
138 BevelOuter = bvNone
139 ParentShowHint = False
140 ShowHint = True
141 TabOrder = 0
142 object btnClear: TButton
143 Left = 2
144 Top = 2
145 Width = 66
146 Height = 21
147 Hint = 'Clear Reminder Resolutions for this Reminder'
148 Caption = 'Clear'
149 TabOrder = 0
150 OnClick = btnClearClick
151 end
152 object btnBack: TButton
153 Left = 263
154 Top = 2
155 Width = 66
156 Height = 21
157 Hint = 'Go back to the Previous Reminder Dialog'
158 Caption = '< Back'
159 TabOrder = 3
160 OnClick = btnBackClick
161 end
162 object btnCancel: TButton
163 Left = 467
164 Top = 2
165 Width = 66
166 Height = 21
167 Hint = 'Cancel All Reminder Dialog Processing'
168 Cancel = True
169 Caption = 'Cancel'
170 TabOrder = 6
171 OnClick = btnCancelClick
172 end
173 object btnNext: TButton
174 Left = 331
175 Top = 2
176 Width = 66
177 Height = 21
178 Hint = 'Go on to the Next Reminder Dialog'
179 Caption = 'Next >'
180 TabOrder = 4
181 OnClick = btnNextClick
182 end
183 object btnFinish: TButton
184 Left = 399
185 Top = 2
186 Width = 66
187 Height = 21
188 Hint = 'Finish Processing'
189 Caption = 'Finish'
190 TabOrder = 5
191 OnClick = btnFinishClick
192 end
193 object btnClinMaint: TButton
194 Left = 70
195 Top = 2
196 Width = 105
197 Height = 21
198 Hint = 'View the Clinical Maintenance Component'
199 Caption = 'Clinical &Maint'
200 TabOrder = 1
201 OnClick = btnClinMaintClick
202 end
203 object btnVisit: TButton
204 Left = 177
205 Top = 2
206 Width = 84
207 Height = 21
208 Caption = '&Visit Info'
209 TabOrder = 2
210 OnClick = btnVisitClick
211 end
212 end
213 end
214 object lblFootnotes: TStaticText
215 Left = 0
216 Top = 144
217 Width = 537
218 Height = 15
219 Align = alBottom
220 AutoSize = False
221 Caption = ' * Indicates a Required Field'
222 TabOrder = 1
223 end
224 end
225 object DKLanguageController1: TDKLanguageController
226 Left = 280
227 Top = 88
228 LangData = {
229 090066726D52656D446C67010100000001000000070043617074696F6E011200
230 00000A0073706C54787444617461000006004C6162656C310101000000020000
231 00070043617074696F6E0003007362310000030073623200000C00706E6C4672
232 6D426F74746F6D00000900706E6C426F74746F6D0000070073706C5465787400
233 0006007265446174610000060072655465787400000A00706E6C427574746F6E
234 730000080062746E436C656172010200000004000000070043617074696F6E03
235 000000040048696E7400070062746E4261636B01020000000600000007004361
236 7074696F6E05000000040048696E7400090062746E43616E63656C0102000000
237 08000000070043617074696F6E07000000040048696E7400070062746E4E6578
238 7401020000000A000000070043617074696F6E09000000040048696E74000900
239 62746E46696E69736801020000000C000000070043617074696F6E0B00000004
240 0048696E74000C0062746E436C696E4D61696E7401020000000E000000070043
241 617074696F6E0D000000040048696E7400080062746E56697369740101000000
242 0F000000070043617074696F6E000C006C626C466F6F746E6F74657301010000
243 0010000000070043617074696F6E00}
244 end
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