source: cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/CPRS-Chart/fReportsAdhocComponent1.dfm@ 599

Last change on this file since 599 was 453, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 16 years ago

Initial upload of TMG-CPRS

File size: 14.2 KB
1object frmReportsAdhocComponent1: TfrmReportsAdhocComponent1
2 Left = 254
3 Top = 116
4 Width = 641
5 Height = 479
6 BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
7 Caption = 'ADHOC Health Summary'
8 Color = clBtnFace
9 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
10 Font.Color = clWindowText
11 Font.Height = -11
12 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
13 Font.Style = []
14 OldCreateOrder = False
15 Position = poScreenCenter
16 OnClose = FormClose
17 OnCreate = FormCreate
18 OnShow = FormShow
19 PixelsPerInch = 96
20 TextHeight = 13
21 object Splitter1: TSplitter
22 Left = 185
23 Top = 0
24 Width = 5
25 Height = 394
26 Beveled = True
27 OnCanResize = Splitter1CanResize
28 end
29 object ORComboBox1: TORComboBox
30 Left = 0
31 Top = 0
32 Width = 185
33 Height = 394
34 Style = orcsSimple
35 Align = alLeft
36 AutoSelect = True
37 Caption = 'Available Components'
38 Color = clWindow
39 DropDownCount = 8
40 ItemHeight = 13
41 ItemTipColor = clWindow
42 ItemTipEnable = True
43 ListItemsOnly = False
44 LongList = False
45 LookupPiece = 0
46 MaxLength = 0
47 Pieces = '2'
48 Sorted = True
49 SynonymChars = '<>'
50 TabOrder = 0
51 OnDblClick = btnAddComponentClick
52 OnKeyDown = ORComboBox1KeyDown
53 CharsNeedMatch = 1
54 end
55 object Panel2: TPanel
56 Left = 0
57 Top = 394
58 Width = 633
59 Height = 51
60 Align = alBottom
61 TabOrder = 2
62 DesignSize = (
63 633
64 51)
65 object btnCancelMain: TButton
66 Left = 550
67 Top = 18
68 Width = 75
69 Height = 25
70 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
71 Cancel = True
72 Caption = 'Cancel'
73 TabOrder = 2
74 OnClick = btnCancelMainClick
75 end
76 object btnOKMain: TButton
77 Left = 462
78 Top = 18
79 Width = 75
80 Height = 25
81 Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
82 Caption = 'OK'
83 TabOrder = 1
84 OnClick = btnOKMainClick
85 end
86 object GroupBox1: TGroupBox
87 Left = 0
88 Top = 8
89 Width = 329
90 Height = 41
91 Caption = 'Lookup By:'
92 TabOrder = 0
93 object rbtnHeader: TRadioButton
94 Left = 208
95 Top = 16
96 Width = 105
97 Height = 17
98 Caption = '&Display Header'
99 TabOrder = 2
100 OnClick = rbtnHeaderClick
101 end
102 object rbtnAbbrev: TRadioButton
103 Left = 96
104 Top = 16
105 Width = 89
106 Height = 17
107 Caption = '&Abbreviation'
108 TabOrder = 1
109 OnClick = rbtnAbbrevClick
110 end
111 object rbtnName: TRadioButton
112 Left = 8
113 Top = 16
114 Width = 65
115 Height = 17
116 Caption = '&Name'
117 TabOrder = 0
118 OnClick = rbtnNameClick
119 end
120 end
121 end
122 object Panel3: TPanel
123 Left = 190
124 Top = 0
125 Width = 443
126 Height = 394
127 Align = alClient
128 TabOrder = 1
129 object Splitter4: TSplitter
130 Left = 219
131 Top = 25
132 Width = 5
133 Height = 368
134 Beveled = True
135 OnCanResize = Splitter4CanResize
136 end
137 object Panel1: TPanel
138 Left = 1
139 Top = 1
140 Width = 441
141 Height = 24
142 Align = alTop
143 BevelOuter = bvNone
144 Caption = 'Component Selection(s)'
145 TabOrder = 0
146 end
147 object ORListBox2: TORListBox
148 Left = 26
149 Top = 25
150 Width = 193
151 Height = 368
152 Align = alLeft
153 DragMode = dmAutomatic
154 ItemHeight = 13
155 ParentShowHint = False
156 ShowHint = True
157 TabOrder = 2
158 OnClick = ORListBox2Click
159 OnDblClick = btnRemoveComponentClick
160 OnDragDrop = ORListBox2DragDrop
161 OnDragOver = ORListBox2DragOver
162 OnEndDrag = ORListBox2EndDrag
163 Caption = 'Selected Components'
164 ItemTipColor = clWindow
165 LongList = False
166 Pieces = '2'
167 end
168 object Panel6: TPanel
169 Left = 1
170 Top = 25
171 Width = 25
172 Height = 368
173 Align = alLeft
174 BevelOuter = bvNone
175 TabOrder = 1
176 object btnRemoveComponent: TButton
177 Left = 4
178 Top = 30
179 Width = 17
180 Height = 22
181 Caption = '<'
182 TabOrder = 1
183 OnClick = btnRemoveComponentClick
184 end
185 object btnRemoveAllComponents: TButton
186 Left = 4
187 Top = 55
188 Width = 17
189 Height = 22
190 Caption = '<<'
191 TabOrder = 2
192 OnClick = btnRemoveAllComponentsClick
193 end
194 object btnAddComponent: TButton
195 Left = 4
196 Top = 5
197 Width = 17
198 Height = 22
199 Caption = '>'
200 TabOrder = 0
201 OnClick = btnAddComponentClick
202 end
203 end
204 object Panel7: TPanel
205 Left = 224
206 Top = 25
207 Width = 218
208 Height = 368
209 Align = alClient
210 BevelOuter = bvNone
211 TabOrder = 3
212 object lblHeaderName: TLabel
213 Left = 30
214 Top = 8
215 Width = 69
216 Height = 13
217 Caption = 'Header Name:'
218 Enabled = False
219 end
220 object lblOccuranceLimit: TLabel
221 Left = 30
222 Top = 48
223 Width = 83
224 Height = 13
225 Caption = 'Occurrence Limit:'
226 Enabled = False
227 end
228 object lblTimeLimit: TLabel
229 Left = 153
230 Top = 48
231 Width = 50
232 Height = 13
233 Caption = 'Time Limit:'
234 Enabled = False
235 end
236 object lblItems: TLabel
237 Left = 30
238 Top = 184
239 Width = 49
240 Height = 13
241 Caption = 'Sub-items:'
242 Enabled = False
243 end
244 object pnl5Button: TKeyClickPanel
245 Left = 0
246 Top = 90
247 Width = 17
248 Height = 24
249 Caption = 'Display selected component earlier'
250 TabOrder = 0
251 TabStop = True
252 OnClick = SpeedButton5Click
253 OnEnter = pnl5ButtonEnter
254 OnExit = pnl5ButtonExit
255 object SpeedButton5: TSpeedButton
256 Left = 0
257 Top = 1
258 Width = 17
259 Height = 22
260 Enabled = False
261 Glyph.Data = {
262 76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100
263 0400000000000001000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000
264 800000800000008080008000000080008000808000007F7F7F00BFBFBF000000
265 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00333333000333
266 3333333333777F3333333333330F033333333333337F7F3333333333330F0333
267 33333333337F7F3333333333330F033333333333337F7F3333333333330F0333
268 33333333337F7F3333333333330F033333333333FF7F7FFFF3333330000F0000
269 3333333777737777F3333330FFFFFFF0333333373F333337333333330FFFFF03
270 333333337F33337F333333330FFFFF033333333373F333733333333330FFF033
271 3333333337F337F33333333330FFF03333333333373F373333333333330F0333
272 33333333337F7F3333333333330F033333333333337373333333333333303333
273 333333333337F333333333333330333333333333333733333333}
274 NumGlyphs = 2
275 OnClick = SpeedButton5Click
276 end
277 end
278 object pnl6Button: TKeyClickPanel
279 Left = 0
280 Top = 115
281 Width = 17
282 Height = 24
283 BevelOuter = bvNone
284 Caption = 'Display selected component later'
285 TabOrder = 1
286 TabStop = True
287 OnClick = SpeedButton6Click
288 OnEnter = pnl5ButtonEnter
289 OnExit = pnl5ButtonExit
290 object SpeedButton6: TSpeedButton
291 Left = 0
292 Top = 1
293 Width = 17
294 Height = 22
295 Enabled = False
296 Glyph.Data = {
297 76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100
298 0400000000000001000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000
299 800000800000008080008000000080008000808000007F7F7F00BFBFBF000000
300 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00333333303333
301 333333333337F33333333333333033333333333333373F3333333333330F0333
302 33333333337F7F3333333333330F033333333333337373F33333333330FFF033
303 3333333337F337F33333333330FFF033333333333733373F333333330FFFFF03
304 333333337F33337F333333330FFFFF033333333373333373F3333330FFFFFFF0
305 33333337FFFF3FF7F3333330000F000033333337777F777733333333330F0333
306 33333333337F7F3333333333330F033333333333337F7F3333333333330F0333
307 33333333337F7F3333333333330F033333333333337F7F3333333333330F0333
308 33333333337F7F33333333333300033333333333337773333333}
309 NumGlyphs = 2
310 OnClick = SpeedButton6Click
311 end
312 end
313 object edtHeaderName: TCaptionEdit
314 Left = 24
315 Top = 24
316 Width = 189
317 Height = 21
318 Enabled = False
319 TabOrder = 2
320 OnExit = edtHeaderNameExit
321 Caption = 'Header Name'
322 end
323 object edtOccuranceLimit: TCaptionEdit
324 Left = 24
325 Top = 64
326 Width = 79
327 Height = 21
328 Enabled = False
329 TabOrder = 3
330 OnExit = edtOccuranceLimitExit
331 Caption = 'Occurance Limit'
332 end
333 object cboTimeLimit: TCaptionComboBox
334 Left = 150
335 Top = 64
336 Width = 63
337 Height = 21
338 ItemHeight = 13
339 TabOrder = 4
340 OnExit = cboTimeLimitExit
341 Items.Strings = (
342 '1D'
343 '2D'
344 '3D'
345 '4D'
346 '5D'
347 '6D'
348 '1W'
349 '2W'
350 '3W'
351 '4W'
352 '1M'
353 '2M'
354 '3M'
355 '4M'
356 '5M'
357 '6M'
358 '7M'
359 '8M'
360 '9M'
361 '10M'
362 '11M'
363 '12M'
364 '1Y'
365 '2Y'
366 '3Y'
367 '4Y'
368 '5Y'
369 '6Y'
370 '7Y'
371 '8Y'
372 '9Y'
373 '10Y'
374 'No Limit')
375 Caption = 'Time Limit'
376 end
377 object gpbDisplay: TGroupBox
378 Left = 24
379 Top = 88
380 Width = 189
381 Height = 89
382 Enabled = False
383 TabOrder = 5
384 object lblICD: TLabel
385 Left = 24
386 Top = 48
387 Width = 82
388 Height = 13
389 Caption = 'ICD Text Display:'
390 Enabled = False
391 end
392 object ckbHospitalLocation: TCheckBox
393 Left = 24
394 Top = 16
395 Width = 153
396 Height = 17
397 Caption = 'Display Hospital Location'
398 Enabled = False
399 TabOrder = 0
400 OnExit = ckbHospitalLocationExit
401 end
402 object ckbProviderNarrative: TCheckBox
403 Left = 24
404 Top = 32
405 Width = 153
406 Height = 17
407 Caption = 'Display Provider Narrative'
408 Enabled = False
409 TabOrder = 1
410 OnExit = ckbProviderNarrativeExit
411 end
412 object cboICD: TCaptionComboBox
413 Left = 24
414 Top = 64
415 Width = 121
416 Height = 21
417 Enabled = False
418 ItemHeight = 13
419 TabOrder = 2
420 OnExit = cboICDExit
421 Items.Strings = (
422 'Long text'
423 'Short text'
424 'Code only'
425 'Text only'
426 'None')
427 Caption = 'ICD Text Display'
428 end
429 end
430 object ORListBox1: TORListBox
431 Left = 24
432 Top = 200
433 Width = 185
434 Height = 149
435 Enabled = False
436 ItemHeight = 13
437 ParentShowHint = False
438 ShowHint = True
439 TabOrder = 6
440 Caption = 'Sub-items'
441 ItemTipColor = clWindow
442 LongList = False
443 Pieces = '2'
444 end
445 object btnEditSubitems: TButton
446 Left = 120
447 Top = 352
448 Width = 89
449 Height = 21
450 Caption = 'Edit Sub-items'
451 Enabled = False
452 TabOrder = 7
453 OnClick = btnEditSubitemsClick
454 end
455 end
456 end
457 object Timer1: TTimer
458 Enabled = False
459 Interval = 100
460 OnTimer = Timer1Timer
461 Left = 591
462 Top = 6
463 end
464 object DKLanguageController1: TDKLanguageController
465 Left = 535
466 Top = 17
467 LangData = {
468 190066726D5265706F7274734164686F63436F6D706F6E656E74310101000000
469 01000000070043617074696F6E0125000000090053706C69747465723100000B
470 004F52436F6D626F426F7831010100000002000000070043617074696F6E0006
471 0050616E656C3200000D0062746E43616E63656C4D61696E0101000000030000
472 00070043617074696F6E00090062746E4F4B4D61696E01010000000400000007
473 0043617074696F6E00090047726F7570426F7831010100000005000000070043
474 617074696F6E000A007262746E48656164657201010000000600000007004361
475 7074696F6E000A007262746E4162627265760101000000070000000700436170
476 74696F6E0008007262746E4E616D65010100000008000000070043617074696F
477 6E00060050616E656C330000090053706C6974746572340000060050616E656C
478 31010100000009000000070043617074696F6E000A004F524C697374426F7832
479 01010000000A000000070043617074696F6E00060050616E656C360000120062
480 746E52656D6F7665436F6D706F6E656E740000160062746E52656D6F7665416C
481 6C436F6D706F6E656E747300000F0062746E416464436F6D706F6E656E740000
482 060050616E656C3700000D006C626C4865616465724E616D6501010000000B00
483 0000070043617074696F6E0011006C626C4F63637572616E63654C696D697401
484 010000000C000000070043617074696F6E000C006C626C54696D654C696D6974
485 01010000000D000000070043617074696F6E0008006C626C4974656D73010100
486 00000E000000070043617074696F6E000A00706E6C35427574746F6E01010000
487 000F000000070043617074696F6E000C005370656564427574746F6E3500000A
488 00706E6C36427574746F6E010100000010000000070043617074696F6E000C00
489 5370656564427574746F6E3600000D006564744865616465724E616D65010100
490 000011000000070043617074696F6E0011006564744F63637572616E63654C69
491 6D6974010100000012000000070043617074696F6E000C0063626F54696D654C
492 696D6974010200000014000000070043617074696F6E1300000005004974656D
493 73000A00677062446973706C6179000006006C626C4943440101000000150000
494 00070043617074696F6E001300636B62486F73706974616C4C6F636174696F6E
495 010100000016000000070043617074696F6E001400636B6250726F7669646572
496 4E6172726174697665010100000017000000070043617074696F6E0006006362
497 6F494344010200000019000000070043617074696F6E1800000005004974656D
498 73000A004F524C697374426F783101010000001A000000070043617074696F6E
499 000F0062746E456469745375626974656D7301010000001B0000000700436170
500 74696F6E00060054696D6572310000}
501 end
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