source: cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/CPRS-Chart/fSurgeryView.dfm@ 908

Last change on this file since 908 was 453, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 16 years ago

Initial upload of TMG-CPRS

File size: 4.7 KB
[453]1object frmSurgeryView: TfrmSurgeryView
2 Left = 333
3 Top = 256
4 Width = 366
5 Height = 229
6 BorderIcons = []
7 Caption = 'List Selected Cases'
8 Color = clBtnFace
9 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
10 Font.Color = clWindowText
11 Font.Height = -11
12 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
13 Font.Style = []
14 OldCreateOrder = True
15 Position = poScreenCenter
16 PixelsPerInch = 96
17 TextHeight = 13
18 object pnlBase: TORAutoPanel
19 Left = 0
20 Top = 0
21 Width = 358
22 Height = 195
23 Align = alClient
24 BevelOuter = bvNone
25 TabOrder = 0
26 object lblBeginDate: TLabel
27 Left = 4
28 Top = 10
29 Width = 48
30 Height = 13
31 Caption = 'Start Date'
32 end
33 object lblEndDate: TLabel
34 Left = 4
35 Top = 67
36 Width = 48
37 Height = 13
38 Caption = 'Stop Date'
39 end
40 object lblMaxDocs: TLabel
41 Left = 4
42 Top = 125
43 Width = 107
44 Height = 13
45 Caption = 'Max Number to Return'
46 end
47 object calBeginDate: TORDateBox
48 Left = 4
49 Top = 24
50 Width = 156
51 Height = 21
52 TabOrder = 0
53 DateOnly = False
54 RequireTime = False
55 Caption = 'Start Date'
56 end
57 object calEndDate: TORDateBox
58 Left = 4
59 Top = 81
60 Width = 156
61 Height = 21
62 TabOrder = 1
63 DateOnly = False
64 RequireTime = False
65 Caption = 'Stop Date'
66 end
67 object cmdOK: TButton
68 Left = 97
69 Top = 172
70 Width = 72
71 Height = 21
72 Caption = 'OK'
73 Default = True
74 TabOrder = 5
75 OnClick = cmdOKClick
76 end
77 object cmdCancel: TButton
78 Left = 177
79 Top = 172
80 Width = 72
81 Height = 21
82 Cancel = True
83 Caption = 'Cancel'
84 TabOrder = 6
85 OnClick = cmdCancelClick
86 end
87 object edMaxDocs: TCaptionEdit
88 Left = 4
89 Top = 138
90 Width = 156
91 Height = 21
92 MaxLength = 6
93 TabOrder = 2
94 Caption = 'Max Number to Return'
95 end
96 object grpTreeView: TGroupBox
97 Left = 177
98 Top = 9
99 Width = 175
100 Height = 150
101 Caption = 'Sorting/Grouping of Cases'
102 TabOrder = 3
103 object lblGroupBy: TOROffsetLabel
104 Left = 10
105 Top = 71
106 Width = 49
107 Height = 15
108 Caption = 'Group By:'
109 HorzOffset = 2
110 Transparent = False
111 VertOffset = 2
112 WordWrap = False
113 end
114 object cboGroupBy: TORComboBox
115 Left = 10
116 Top = 85
117 Width = 153
118 Height = 21
119 Style = orcsDropDown
120 AutoSelect = True
121 Caption = 'Group By'
122 Color = clWindow
123 DropDownCount = 8
124 Items.Strings = (
125 'D^Surgery Date'
126 'P^Procedure'
127 'S^Surgeon'
128 'T^Type of Procedure')
129 ItemHeight = 13
130 ItemTipColor = clWindow
131 ItemTipEnable = True
132 ListItemsOnly = True
133 LongList = False
134 LookupPiece = 0
135 MaxLength = 0
136 Pieces = '2'
137 Sorted = False
138 SynonymChars = '<>'
139 TabOrder = 1
140 CharsNeedMatch = 1
141 end
142 object radTreeSort: TRadioGroup
143 Left = 9
144 Top = 20
145 Width = 155
146 Height = 49
147 Caption = 'Sort Order'
148 Items.Strings = (
149 '&Ascending'
150 '&Descending')
151 TabOrder = 0
152 end
153 end
154 object cmdClear: TButton
155 Left = 190
156 Top = 125
157 Width = 146
158 Height = 21
159 Caption = 'Clear Sort/Group'
160 TabOrder = 4
161 OnClick = cmdClearClick
162 end
163 end
164 object DKLanguageController1: TDKLanguageController
165 Left = 168
166 Top = 104
167 LangData = {
168 0E0066726D537572676572795669657701010000000100000007004361707469
169 6F6E010E0000000700706E6C4261736500000C006C626C426567696E44617465
170 010100000002000000070043617074696F6E000A006C626C456E644461746501
171 0100000003000000070043617074696F6E000A006C626C4D6178446F63730101
172 00000004000000070043617074696F6E000C0063616C426567696E4461746501
173 0100000005000000070043617074696F6E000A0063616C456E64446174650101
174 00000006000000070043617074696F6E000500636D644F4B0101000000070000
175 00070043617074696F6E000900636D6443616E63656C01010000000800000007
176 0043617074696F6E00090065644D6178446F6373010100000009000000070043
177 617074696F6E000B00677270547265655669657701010000000A000000070043
178 617074696F6E000A006C626C47726F7570427901010000000B00000007004361
179 7074696F6E000A0063626F47726F7570427901020000000C0000000700436170
180 74696F6E0D00000005004974656D73000B0072616454726565536F7274010200
181 00000E000000070043617074696F6E0F00000005004974656D73000800636D64
182 436C656172010100000010000000070043617074696F6E00}
183 end
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