1 | //kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 8/7/2007
2 | unit rCore;
3 |
4 | interface
5 |
6 | uses SysUtils, Classes, Forms, ORNet, ORFn, ORClasses;
7 |
8 | { record types used to return data from the RPC's. Generally, the delimited strings returned
9 | by the RPC are mapped into the records defined below. }
10 |
11 | const
12 | UC_UNKNOWN = 0; // user class unknown
13 | UC_CLERK = 1; // user class clerk
14 | UC_NURSE = 2; // user class nurse
15 | UC_PHYSICIAN = 3; // user class physician
16 |
17 | type
18 | TUserInfo = record // record for ORWU USERINFO
19 | DUZ: Int64;
20 | Name: string;
21 | UserClass: Integer;
22 | CanSignOrders: Boolean;
23 | IsProvider: Boolean;
24 | OrderRole: Integer;
25 | NoOrdering: Boolean;
26 | DTIME: Integer;
27 | CountDown: Integer;
28 | EnableVerify: Boolean;
29 | NotifyAppsWM: Boolean;
30 | PtMsgHang: Integer;
31 | Domain: string;
32 | Service: Integer;
33 | AutoSave: Integer;
34 | InitialTab: Integer;
35 | UseLastTab: Boolean;
36 | WebAccess: Boolean;
37 | IsRPL: string;
38 | RPLList: string;
39 | HasCorTabs: Boolean;
40 | HasRptTab: Boolean;
41 | IsReportsOnly: Boolean;
42 | ToolsRptEdit: Boolean;
43 | DisableHold: Boolean;
44 | GECStatusCheck: Boolean;
45 | StationNumber: string;
46 | IsProductionAccount: boolean;
47 | end;
48 |
49 | TPtIDInfo = record // record for ORWPT IDINFO
50 | Name: string;
51 | SSN: string;
52 | DOB: string;
53 | Age: string;
54 | Sex: string;
55 | SCSts: string;
56 | Vet: string;
57 | Location: string;
58 | RoomBed: string;
60 | HRN : string;
61 | AltHRN :string;
62 | end;
63 |
64 | TPtSelect = record // record for ORWPT SELECT
65 | Name: string;
66 | ICN: string;
67 | SSN: string;
68 | DOB: TFMDateTime;
69 | Age: Integer;
70 | Sex: Char;
71 | LocationIEN: Integer;
72 | Location: string;
73 | WardService: string;
74 | RoomBed: string;
75 | SpecialtyIEN: Integer;
76 | CWAD: string;
77 | Restricted: Boolean;
78 | AdmitTime: TFMDateTime;
79 | ServiceConnected: Boolean;
80 | SCPercent: Integer;
81 | PrimaryTeam: string;
82 | PrimaryProvider: string;
83 | Attending: string;
85 | HRN : string;
86 | AltHRN : string;
87 | end;
88 |
89 | TEncounterText = record // record for ORWPT ENCTITL
90 | LocationName: string;
91 | LocationAbbr: string;
92 | RoomBed: string;
93 | ProviderName: string;
94 | end;
95 |
96 | { Date/Time functions - right now these make server calls to use server time}
97 |
98 | function FMToday: TFMDateTime;
99 | function FMNow: TFMDateTime;
100 | function MakeRelativeDateTime(FMDateTime: TFMDateTime): string;
101 | function StrToFMDateTime(const AString: string): TFMDateTime;
102 | function ValidDateTimeStr(const AString, Flags: string): TFMDateTime;
103 | procedure ListDateRangeClinic(Dest: TStrings);
104 |
105 | { General calls }
106 |
107 | function GetProgramFilesPath: String;
108 | function ExternalName(IEN: Int64; FileNumber: Double): string;
109 | function PersonHasKey(APerson: Int64; const AKey: string): Boolean;
110 | function GlobalRefForFile(const FileID: string): string;
111 | function SubsetOfGeneric(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer; const GlobalRef: string): TStrings;
112 | function SubsetOfDevices(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
113 | function SubSetOfPersons(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
114 | function SubSetOfActiveAndInactivePersons(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
115 | function GetDefaultPrinter(DUZ: Int64; Location: integer): string;
116 |
117 | { User specific calls }
118 |
119 | function GetUserInfo: TUserInfo;
120 | function GetUserParam(const AParamName: string): string;
121 | function HasSecurityKey(const KeyName: string): Boolean;
122 | function HasMenuOptionAccess(const OptionName: string): Boolean;
123 | function ValidESCode(const ACode: string): Boolean;
124 |
125 | { Notifications calls }
126 |
127 | procedure LoadNotifications(Dest: TStrings);
128 | procedure DeleteAlert(XQAID: string);
129 | procedure DeleteAlertForUser(XQAID: string);
130 | function GetXQAData(XQAID: string): string;
131 | function GetTIUAlertInfo(XQAID: string): string;
132 | procedure UpdateUnsignedOrderAlerts(PatientDFN: string);
133 | function UnsignedOrderAlertFollowup(XQAID: string): string;
134 | procedure UpdateExpiringMedAlerts(PatientDFN: string);
135 | procedure UpdateExpiringFlaggedOIAlerts(PatientDFN: string; FollowUp: integer);
136 | procedure AutoUnflagAlertedOrders(PatientDFN, XQAID: string);
137 | procedure UpdateUnverifiedMedAlerts(PatientDFN: string);
138 | procedure UpdateUnverifiedOrderAlerts(PatientDFN: string);
139 | function GetNotificationFollowUpText(PatientDFN: string; Notification: integer; XQADATA: string): TStrings;
140 | procedure ForwardAlert(XQAID: string; Recip: string; FWDtype: string; Comment: string);
141 | procedure RenewAlert(XQAID: string);
142 | function GetSortMethod: string;
143 | procedure SetSortMethod(Sort: string; Direction: string);
144 |
145 | { Patient List calls }
146 |
147 | function DfltPtList: string;
148 | function DfltPtListSrc: Char;
149 | procedure SavePtListDflt(const x: string);
150 | procedure ListSpecialtyAll(Dest: TStrings);
151 | procedure ListTeamAll(Dest: TStrings);
152 | procedure ListWardAll(Dest: TStrings);
153 | procedure ListProviderTop(Dest: TStrings);
154 | function SubSetOfProviders(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
155 | procedure ListClinicTop(Dest: TStrings);
156 | function SubSetOfClinics(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
157 | function GetDfltSort: string;
158 | procedure ResetDfltSort;
159 | procedure ListPtByDflt(Dest: TStrings);
160 | procedure ListPtByProvider(Dest: TStrings; ProviderIEN: Int64);
161 | procedure ListPtByTeam(Dest: TStrings; TeamIEN: Integer);
162 | procedure ListPtBySpecialty(Dest: TStrings; SpecialtyIEN: Integer);
163 | procedure ListPtByClinic(Dest: TStrings; ClinicIEN: Integer; FirstDt, LastDt: string);
164 | procedure ListPtByWard(Dest: TStrings; WardIEN: Integer);
165 | procedure ListPtByLast5(Dest: TStrings; const Last5: string);
166 | procedure ListPtByRPLLast5(Dest: TStrings; const Last5: string);
167 | procedure ListPtByFullSSN(Dest: TStrings; const FullSSN: string);
168 | procedure ListPtByRPLFullSSN(Dest: TStrings; const FullSSN: string);
169 | procedure ListPtTop(Dest: TStrings);
170 | function SubSetOfPatients(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
171 | function DfltDateRangeClinic: string;
172 | function MakeRPLPtList(RPLList: string): string;
173 | function ReadRPLPtList(RPLJobNumber: string; const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer) : TStrings;
174 | procedure KillRPLPtList(RPLJobNumber: string);
175 |
177 | procedure ListPtByOther (Dest: Tstrings; const othertext: string ;caption :string);//:string; radbutton:Tobject);
178 | procedure ListPtByTimson (Dest: Tstrings; const othertext: string);
179 | //end VWPT
180 |
181 | { Patient specific calls }
182 |
183 | function CalcAge(BirthDate, DeathDate: TFMDateTime): Integer;
184 | procedure CheckSensitiveRecordAccess(const DFN: string; var AccessStatus: Integer;
185 | var MessageText: string);
186 | procedure CheckRemotePatient(var Dest: string; Patient, ASite: string; var AccessStatus: Integer);
187 | procedure CurrentLocationForPatient(const DFN: string; var ALocation: Integer; var AName: string; var ASvc: string);
188 | function DateOfDeath(const DFN: string): TFMDateTime;
189 | function GetPtIDInfo(const DFN: string): TPtIDInfo;
190 | function HasLegacyData(const DFN: string; var AMsg: string): Boolean;
191 | function LogSensitiveRecordAccess(const DFN: string): Boolean;
192 | function MeansTestRequired(const DFN: string; var AMsg: string): Boolean;
193 | function RestrictedPtRec(const DFN: string): Boolean;
194 | procedure SelectPatient(const DFN: string; var PtSelect: TPtSelect);
195 | function SimilarRecordsFound(const DFN: string; var AMsg: string): Boolean;
196 | function GetDFNFromICN(AnICN: string): string;
197 |
198 | { Encounter specific calls }
199 |
200 | function GetEncounterText(const DFN: string; Location: integer; Provider: Int64): TEncounterText; //*DFN*
201 | procedure ListApptAll(Dest: TStrings; const DFN: string; From: TFMDateTime = 0;
202 | Thru: TFMDateTime = 0);
203 | procedure ListAdmitAll(Dest: TStrings; const DFN: string);
204 | function SubSetOfLocations(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
205 | function SubSetOfNewLocs(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
206 | function SubSetOfInpatientLocations(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
207 | function SubSetOfProvWithClass(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer; DateTime: string): TStrings;
208 | function SubSetOfUsersWithClass(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer; DateTime: string): TStrings;
209 |
210 | { Remote Data Access calls }
211 | function HasRemoteData(const DFN: string; var ALocations: TStringList): Boolean;
212 | function CheckHL7TCPLink: Boolean;
213 | function UseVistaWeb: Boolean;
214 | function GetVistaWebAddress(value: string): string;
215 | procedure ChangeVistaWebParam(value: string);
216 |
217 | implementation
218 |
219 | uses Hash, uCore, ShlObj, Windows;
220 |
221 | var
222 | uFMToday: TFMDateTime; // Today's date in Fileman format.
223 | uPtListDfltSort: string = ''; // Current user's patient selection list default sort order.
224 |
225 | { private calls }
226 |
227 | function FormatSSN(const x: string): string;
228 | {places the dashes in a social security number }
229 |
230 | //vwpt code 4/17/0 see below
231 | var
232 |
233 | i:Integer;
234 | //end vwpt
235 | begin
236 | //vwpt code to prevent extra dashes 4/17/07
237 | Result := x;
238 | ///take out for i := 1 to Length(x) do if (x[i] in ['-'..'-']) then Exit;
239 | //end vwpt
240 | if Length(x) > 8
241 | then Result := Copy(x,1,3) + '-' + Copy(x,4,2) + '-' + Copy(x,6,Length(x))
242 | else Result := x;
243 | end;
244 |
245 | function IsSSN(const x: string): Boolean;
246 | var
247 | i: Integer;
248 | begin
249 | Result := False;
250 | if (Length(x) < 9) or (Length(x) > 10) then Exit;
251 | for i := 1 to 9 do if not (x[i] in ['0'..'9']) then Exit;
252 | Result := True;
253 | end;
254 |
255 | function IsFMDate(const x: string): Boolean;
256 | var
257 | i: Integer;
258 | begin
259 | Result := False;
260 | if Length(x) <> 7 then Exit;
261 | for i := 1 to 7 do if not (x[i] in ['0'..'9']) then Exit;
262 | Result := True;
263 | end;
264 |
265 | { Date/Time functions - not in ORFn because they make server calls to use server time}
266 |
267 | function FMToday: TFMDateTime;
268 | { return the current date in Fileman format }
269 | begin
270 | if uFMToday = 0 then uFMToday := Int(FMNow);
271 | Result := uFMToday;
272 | end;
273 |
274 | function FMNow: TFMDateTime;
275 | { return the current date/time in Fileman format }
276 | var
277 | x: string;
278 | begin
279 | x := sCallV('ORWU DT', ['NOW']);
280 | Result := StrToFloat(x);
281 | end;
282 |
283 | function MakeRelativeDateTime(FMDateTime: TFMDateTime): string;
284 | var
285 | Offset: Integer;
286 | h,n,s,l: Word;
287 | ADateTime: TDateTime;
288 | ATime: string;
289 | begin
290 | Result := '';
291 | if FMDateTime <= 0 then Exit;
292 | ADateTime := FMDateTimeToDateTime(FMDateTime);
293 | Offset := Trunc(Int(ADateTime) - Int(FMDateTimeToDateTime(FMToday)));
294 | if Offset < 0 then Result := 'T' + IntToStr(Offset)
295 | else if Offset = 0 then Result := 'T'
296 | else Result := 'T+' + IntToStr(Offset);
297 | DecodeTime(ADateTime, h, n, s, l);
298 | ATime := Format('@%.2d:%.2d', [h, n]);
299 | if ATime <> '@00:00' then Result := Result + ATime;
300 | end;
301 |
302 | function StrToFMDateTime(const AString: string): TFMDateTime;
303 | { use %DT the validate and convert a string to Fileman format (accepts T, T-1, NOW, etc.) }
304 | var
305 | x: string;
306 | begin
307 | x := sCallV('ORWU DT', [AString]);
308 | Result := StrToFloat(x);
309 | end;
310 |
311 | function ValidDateTimeStr(const AString, Flags: string): TFMDateTime;
312 | { use %DT to validate & convert a string to Fileman format, accepts %DT flags }
313 | begin
314 | Result := StrToFloat(sCallV('ORWU VALDT', [AString, Flags]));
315 | end;
316 |
317 | procedure ListDateRangeClinic(Dest: TStrings);
318 | { returns date ranges for displaying clinic appointments in patient lookup }
319 | begin
320 | CallV('ORWPT CLINRNG', [nil]);
321 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
322 | end;
323 |
324 | function DfltDateRangeClinic;
325 | { returns current default date range settings for displaying clinic appointments in patient lookup }
326 | begin
327 | Result := sCallV('ORQPT DEFAULT CLINIC DATE RANG', [nil]);
328 | end;
329 |
330 | { General calls }
331 |
332 | function GetProgramFilesPath: String;
333 | Const
334 | CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES = $0026;
335 | var
336 | Path: array[0..Max_Path] of Char;
337 | begin
338 | Path := '';
339 | SHGetSpecialFolderPath(0,Path,CSIDL_PROGRAM_FILES,false);
340 | Result := Path;
341 | end;
342 |
343 | function ExternalName(IEN: Int64; FileNumber: Double): string;
344 | { returns the external name of the IEN within a file }
345 | begin
346 | Result := sCallV('ORWU EXTNAME', [IEN, FileNumber]);
347 | end;
348 |
349 | function PersonHasKey(APerson: Int64; const AKey: string): Boolean;
350 | begin
351 | Result := sCallV('ORWU NPHASKEY', [APerson, AKey]) = '1';
352 | end;
353 |
354 | function GlobalRefForFile(const FileID: string): string;
355 | begin
356 | Result := sCallV('ORWU GBLREF', [FileID]);
357 | end;
358 |
359 | function SubsetOfGeneric(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer; const GlobalRef: string): TStrings;
360 | begin
361 | CallV('ORWU GENERIC', [StartFrom, Direction, GlobalRef]);
362 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
363 | end;
364 |
365 | function SubsetOfDevices(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
366 | { returns a pointer to a list of devices (for use in a long list box) - The return value is
367 | a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call! }
368 | begin
369 | CallV('ORWU DEVICE', [StartFrom, Direction]);
370 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
371 | end;
372 |
373 | function SubSetOfPersons(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
374 | { returns a pointer to a list of persons (for use in a long list box) - The return value is
375 | a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call! }
376 | begin
377 | CallV('ORWU NEWPERS', [StartFrom, Direction]);
378 | // MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
379 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
380 | end;
381 |
382 | { User specific calls }
383 |
384 | function GetUserInfo: TUserInfo;
385 | { returns a record of user information,
388 | CORTABS^RPTTAB^STATION#^GECStatus^Production account?}
389 | var
390 | x: string;
391 | begin
392 | x := sCallV('ORWU USERINFO', [nil]);
393 | with Result do
394 | begin
395 | DUZ := StrToInt64Def(Piece(x, U, 1), 0);
396 | Name := Piece(x, U, 2);
397 | UserClass := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 3), 0);
398 | CanSignOrders := Piece(x, U, 4) = '1';
399 | IsProvider := Piece(x, U, 5) = '1';
400 | OrderRole := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 6), 0);
401 | NoOrdering := Piece(x, U, 7) = '1';
402 | DTIME := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 8), 300);
403 | CountDown := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 9), 10);
404 | EnableVerify := Piece(x, U, 10) = '1';
405 | NotifyAppsWM := Piece(x, U, 11) = '1';
406 | PtMsgHang := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 12), 5);
407 | Domain := Piece(x, U, 13);
408 | Service := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 14), 0);
409 | AutoSave := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 15), 180);
410 | InitialTab := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 16), 1);
411 | UseLastTab := Piece(x, U, 17) = '1';
412 | WebAccess := Piece(x, U, 18) <> '1';
413 | DisableHold := Piece(x, U, 19) = '1';
414 | IsRPL := Piece(x, U, 20);
415 | RPLList := Piece(x, U, 21);
416 | HasCorTabs := Piece(x, U, 22) = '1';
417 | HasRptTab := Piece(x, U, 23) = '1';
418 | StationNumber := Piece(x, U, 24);
419 | GECStatusCheck := Piece(x, U, 25) = '1';
420 | IsProductionAccount := Piece(x, U, 26) = '1';
421 | IsReportsOnly := false;
422 | if ((HasRptTab) and (not HasCorTabs)) then
423 | IsReportsOnly := true;
424 | // Remove next if and nested if should an "override" later be provided for RPL users,etc.:
425 | if HasCorTabs then
426 | if (IsRPL = '1') then
427 | begin
428 | IsRPL := '0'; // Hard set for now.
429 | IsReportsOnly := false;
430 | end;
431 | // Following hard set to TRUE per VHA mgt decision:
432 | ToolsRptEdit := true;
433 | // x := GetUserParam('ORWT TOOLS RPT SETTINGS OFF');
434 | // if x = '1' then
435 | // ToolsRptEdit := false;
436 | end;
437 | end;
438 |
439 | function GetUserParam(const AParamName: string): string;
440 | begin
441 | Result := sCallV('ORWU PARAM', [AParamName]);
442 | end;
443 |
444 | function HasSecurityKey(const KeyName: string): Boolean;
445 | { returns true if the currently logged in user has a given security key }
446 | var
447 | x: string;
448 | begin
449 | Result := False;
450 | x := sCallV('ORWU HASKEY', [KeyName]);
451 | if x = '1' then Result := True;
452 | end;
453 |
454 | function HasMenuOptionAccess(const OptionName: string): Boolean;
455 | begin
456 | Result := (sCallV('ORWU HAS OPTION ACCESS', [OptionName]) = '1');
457 | end;
458 |
459 | function ValidESCode(const ACode: string): Boolean;
460 | { returns true if the electronic signature code in ACode is valid }
461 | begin
462 | Result := sCallV('ORWU VALIDSIG', [Encrypt(ACode)]) = '1';
463 | end;
464 |
465 | { Notifications Calls }
466 |
467 | procedure LoadNotifications(Dest: TStrings);
468 | var
469 | tmplst: TStringList;
470 | begin
471 | tmplst := TStringList.Create;
472 | try
473 | //UpdateUnsignedOrderAlerts(Patient.DFN); //moved to AFTER signature and DC actions
474 | tCallV(tmplst, 'ORWORB FASTUSER', [nil]);
475 | Dest.Assign(tmplst);
476 | finally
477 | tmplst.Free;
478 | end;
479 | end;
480 |
481 | procedure UpdateUnsignedOrderAlerts(PatientDFN: string);
482 | begin
484 | end;
485 |
486 | function UnsignedOrderAlertFollowup(XQAID: string): string;
487 | begin
489 | end;
490 |
491 | procedure UpdateExpiringMedAlerts(PatientDFN: string);
492 | begin
494 | end;
495 |
496 | procedure UpdateExpiringFlaggedOIAlerts(PatientDFN: string; FollowUp: integer);
497 | begin
498 | CallV('ORWORB KILL EXPIR OI ALERT',[PatientDFN, FollowUp]);
499 | end;
500 |
501 | procedure UpdateUnverifiedMedAlerts(PatientDFN: string);
502 | begin
504 | end;
505 |
506 | procedure UpdateUnverifiedOrderAlerts(PatientDFN: string);
507 | begin
509 | end;
510 |
511 | procedure AutoUnflagAlertedOrders(PatientDFN, XQAID: string);
512 | begin
514 | end;
515 |
516 | procedure DeleteAlert(XQAID: string);
517 | //deletes an alert
518 | begin
520 | end;
521 |
522 | procedure DeleteAlertForUser(XQAID: string);
523 | //deletes an alert
524 | begin
525 | CallV('ORB DELETE ALERT',[XQAID, True]);
526 | end;
527 |
528 | procedure ForwardAlert(XQAID: string; Recip: string; FWDtype: string; Comment: string);
529 | // Forwards an alert with comment to Recip[ient]
530 | begin
531 | CallV('ORB FORWARD ALERT', [XQAID, Recip, FWDtype, Comment]);
532 | end;
533 |
534 | procedure RenewAlert(XQAID: string);
535 | // Restores/renews an alert
536 | begin
537 | CallV('ORB RENEW ALERT', [XQAID]);
538 | end;
539 |
540 | function GetSortMethod: string;
541 | // Returns alert sort method
542 | begin
543 | Result := sCallV('ORWORB GETSORT',[nil]);
544 | end;
545 |
546 | procedure SetSortMethod(Sort: string; Direction: string);
547 | // Sets alert sort method for user
548 | begin
549 | CallV('ORWORB SETSORT', [Sort, Direction]);
550 | end;
551 |
552 | function GetXQAData(XQAID: string): string;
553 | // Returns data associated with an alert
554 | begin
555 | Result := sCallV('ORWORB GETDATA',[XQAID]);
556 | end;
557 |
558 | function GetTIUAlertInfo(XQAID: string): string;
559 | // Returns DFN and document type associated with a TIU alert
560 | begin
561 | Result := sCallV('TIU GET ALERT INFO',[XQAID]);
562 | end;
563 |
564 | function GetNotificationFollowUpText(PatientDFN: string; Notification: integer; XQADATA: string): TStrings;
565 | // Returns follow-up text for an alert
566 | begin
567 | CallV('ORWORB TEXT FOLLOWUP', [PatientDFN, Notification, XQADATA]);
568 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
569 | end;
570 |
571 | { Patient List Calls }
572 |
573 | function DfltPtList: string;
574 | { returns the name of the current user's default patient list, null if none is defined
575 | Pieces: Ptr to Source File^Source Name^Source Type }
576 | begin
577 | Result := sCallV('ORQPT DEFAULT LIST SOURCE', [nil]);
578 | if Length(Result) > 0 then Result := Pieces(Result, U, 2, 3);
579 | end;
580 |
581 | function DfltPtListSrc: Char;
582 | begin
583 | Result := CharAt(sCallV('ORWPT DFLTSRC', [nil]), 1);
584 | end;
585 |
586 | procedure SavePtListDflt(const x: string);
587 | begin
588 | CallV('ORWPT SAVDFLT', [x]);
589 | end;
590 |
591 | procedure ListSpecialtyAll(Dest: TStrings);
592 | { lists all treating specialties: IEN^Treating Specialty Name }
593 | begin
594 | CallV('ORQPT SPECIALTIES', [nil]);
595 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
596 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
597 | end;
598 |
599 | procedure ListTeamAll(Dest: TStrings);
600 | { lists all patient care teams: IEN^Team Name }
601 | begin
602 | CallV('ORQPT TEAMS', [nil]);
603 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
604 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
605 | end;
606 |
607 | procedure ListWardAll(Dest: TStrings);
608 | { lists all active inpatient wards: IEN^Ward Name }
609 | begin
610 | CallV('ORQPT WARDS', [nil]);
611 | //MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
612 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
613 | end;
614 |
615 | procedure ListProviderTop(Dest: TStrings);
616 | { checks parameters for list of commonly selected providers }
617 | begin
618 | end;
619 |
620 | function SubSetOfProviders(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
621 | { returns a pointer to a list of providers (for use in a long list box) - The return value is
622 | a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call! }
623 | begin
624 | CallV('ORWU NEWPERS', [StartFrom, Direction, 'PROVIDER']);
625 | // MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
626 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
627 | end;
628 |
629 | function SubSetOfProvWithClass(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer; DateTime: string): TStrings;
630 | { returns a pointer to a list of providers (for use in a long list box) - The return value is
631 | a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call! }
632 | begin
633 | CallV('ORWU NEWPERS', [StartFrom, Direction, 'PROVIDER', DateTime]);
634 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
635 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
636 | end;
637 |
638 | function SubSetOfUsersWithClass(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer; DateTime: string): TStrings;
639 | { returns a pointer to a list of users (for use in a long list box) - The return value is
640 | a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call! }
641 | begin
642 | CallV('ORWU NEWPERS', [StartFrom, Direction, '', DateTime]);
643 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
644 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
645 | end;
646 |
647 | function SubSetOfActiveAndInactivePersons(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
648 | { returns a pointer to a list of users (for use in a long list box) - The return value is
649 | a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call!}
650 | begin
651 | CallV('ORWU NEWPERS', [StartFrom, Direction, '', '', '', True]); //TRUE = return all active and inactive users
652 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
653 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
654 | end;
655 |
656 |
657 | procedure ListClinicTop(Dest: TStrings);
658 | { checks parameters for list of commonly selected clinics }
659 | begin
660 | end;
661 |
662 | function SubSetOfClinics(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
663 | { returns a pointer to a list of clinics (for use in a long list box) - The return value is
664 | a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call! }
665 | begin
666 | CallV('ORWU CLINLOC', [StartFrom, Direction]);
667 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
668 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
669 | end;
670 |
671 | function GetDfltSort: string;
672 | { Assigns uPtLstDfltSort to user's default patient list sort order (string character).}
673 | begin
674 | uPtListDfltSort := sCallV('ORQPT DEFAULT LIST SORT', [nil]);
675 | if uPtListDfltSort = '' then uPtListDfltSort := 'A'; // Default is always "A" for alpha.
676 | result := uPtListDfltSort;
677 | end;
678 |
679 | procedure ResetDfltSort;
680 | begin
681 | uPtListDfltSort := '';
682 | end;
683 |
684 | procedure ListPtByDflt(Dest: TStrings);
685 | { loads the default patient list into Dest, Pieces: DFN^PATIENT NAME, ETC. }
686 | var
687 | i, SourceType: Integer;
688 | ATime, APlace, Sort, Source, x: string;
689 | tmplst: TORStringList;
690 | begin
691 | Sort := GetDfltSort();
692 | tmplst := TORStringList.Create;
693 | try
694 | tCallV(tmplst, 'ORQPT DEFAULT PATIENT LIST', [nil]);
695 | Source := sCallV('ORWPT DFLTSRC', [nil]);
696 | if Source = 'C' then // Clinics.
697 | begin
698 | if Sort = 'P' then // "Appointments" sort.
699 | SortByPiece(tmplst, U, 4)
700 | else
701 | SortByPiece(tmplst, U, 2);
702 | for i := 0 to tmplst.Count - 1 do
703 | begin
704 | x := tmplst[i];
705 | ATime := Piece(x, U, 4);
706 | APlace := Piece(x, U, 3);
707 | ATime := FormatFMDateTime('hh:nn mmm dd, yyyy', MakeFMDateTime(ATime));
708 | SetPiece(x, U, 3, ATime);
709 | x := x + U + APlace;
710 | tmplst[i] := x;
711 | end;
712 | end
713 | else
714 | begin
715 | SourceType := 0; // Default.
716 | if Source = 'M' then SourceType := 1; // Combinations.
717 | if Source = 'W' then SourceType := 2; // Wards.
718 | case SourceType of
719 | 1 : if Sort = 'S' then tmplst.SortByPieces([3, 8, 2]) // "Source" sort.
720 | else if Sort = 'P' then tmplst.SortByPieces([8, 2]) // "Appointment" sort.
721 | else if Sort = 'T' then SortByPiece(tmplst, U, 5) // "Terminal Digit" sort.
722 | else SortByPiece(tmplst, U, 2); // "Alphabetical" (also the default) sort.
723 | 2 : if Sort = 'R' then tmplst.SortByPieces([3, 2])
724 | else SortByPiece(tmplst, U, 2);
725 | else SortByPiece(tmplst, U, 2);
726 | end;
727 | end;
728 | MixedCaseList(tmplst);
729 | Dest.Assign(tmplst);
730 | finally
731 | tmplst.Free;
732 | end;
733 | end;
734 |
735 | procedure ListPtByProvider(Dest: TStrings; ProviderIEN: Int64);
736 | { lists all patients associated with a given provider: DFN^Patient Name }
737 | begin
738 | CallV('ORQPT PROVIDER PATIENTS', [ProviderIEN]);
739 | SortByPiece(TStringList(RPCBrokerV.Results), U, 2);
740 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
741 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
742 | end;
743 |
744 | procedure ListPtByTeam(Dest: TStrings; TeamIEN: Integer);
745 | { lists all patients associated with a given team: DFN^Patient Name }
746 | begin
747 | CallV('ORQPT TEAM PATIENTS', [TeamIEN]);
748 | SortByPiece(TStringList(RPCBrokerV.Results), U, 2);
749 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
750 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
751 | end;
752 |
753 | procedure ListPtBySpecialty(Dest: TStrings; SpecialtyIEN: Integer);
754 | { lists all patients associated with a given specialty: DFN^Patient Name }
755 | begin
756 | CallV('ORQPT SPECIALTY PATIENTS', [SpecialtyIEN]);
757 | SortByPiece(TStringList(RPCBrokerV.Results), U, 2);
758 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
759 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
760 | end;
761 |
762 | procedure ListPtByClinic(Dest: TStrings; ClinicIEN: Integer; FirstDt, LastDt: string); //TFMDateTime);
763 | { lists all patients associated with a given clinic: DFN^Patient Name^App't }
764 | var
765 | i: Integer;
766 | x, ATime, APlace, Sort: string;
767 | begin
768 | Sort := GetDfltSort();
769 | CallV('ORQPT CLINIC PATIENTS', [ClinicIEN, FirstDt, LastDt]);
770 | with RPCBrokerV do
771 | begin
772 | if Sort = 'P' then
773 | SortByPiece(TStringList(Results), U, 4)
774 | else
775 | SortByPiece(TStringList(Results), U, 2);
776 | for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do
777 | begin
778 | x := Results[i];
779 | ATime := Piece(x, U, 4);
780 | APlace := Piece(x, U, 3);
781 | ATime := FormatFMDateTime('hh:nn mmm dd, yyyy', MakeFMDateTime(ATime));
782 | SetPiece(x, U, 3, ATime);
783 | x := x + U + APlace;
784 | Results[i] := x;
785 | end;
786 | MixedCaseList(Results);
787 | Dest.Assign(Results);
788 | end;
789 | end;
790 |
791 | procedure ListPtByWard(Dest: TStrings; WardIEN: Integer);
792 | { lists all patients associated with a given ward: DFN^Patient Name^Room/Bed }
793 | var
794 | Sort: string;
795 | begin
796 | Sort := GetDfltSort();
797 | CallV('ORWPT BYWARD', [WardIEN]);
798 | if Sort = 'R' then
799 | SortByPiece(TStringList(RPCBrokerV.Results), U, 3)
800 | else
801 | SortByPiece(TStringList(RPCBrokerV.Results), U, 2);
802 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
803 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
804 | end;
805 |
807 | procedure ListPtByOther (Dest: Tstrings; const othertext: string;caption:string );//:string; radbutton:Tobject);
808 | var
809 | i: Integer;
810 | x,Afieldname: string;
811 | begin
812 |
813 | CallV('ORWPT OTHER-RADIOBUTTONS',[othertext, caption]);
814 | //SortByPiece(TStringList(RPCBrokerV.Results), U, 2);
815 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
816 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
817 | end;
818 |
819 | procedure ListPtByTimson (Dest: Tstrings; const othertext: string);//
820 |
821 | var
822 | i: Integer;
823 | x,Afieldname: string;
824 | begin
825 |
826 | CallV('ORWPT ENHANCED PATLOOKUP',[othertext]);
827 | //SortByPiece(TStringList(RPCBrokerV.Results), U, 2);
828 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
829 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
830 | end;
831 |
832 |
833 |
835 | procedure ListPtByLast5(Dest: TStrings; const Last5: string);
836 | var
837 | i: Integer;
838 | x, ADate, AnSSN: string;
839 | begin
840 | { Lists all patients found in the BS and BS5 xrefs that match Last5: DFN^Patient Name }
841 | CallV('ORWPT LAST5', [UpperCase(Last5)]);
842 | SortByPiece(TStringList(RPCBrokerV.Results), U, 2);
843 | with RPCBrokerV do for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do
844 | begin
845 | x := Results[i];
846 | ADate := Piece(x, U, 3);
847 | AnSSN := Piece(x, U, 4);
848 | if IsFMDate(ADate) then ADate := FormatFMDateTimeStr('mmm d, yyyy', ADate);
849 | if IsSSN(AnSSN) then AnSSN := FormatSSN(AnSSN);
850 | SetPiece(x, U, 3, AnSSN + ' ' + ADate);
851 | Results[i] := x;
852 | end;
853 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
854 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
855 | end;
856 |
857 | procedure ListPtByRPLLast5(Dest: TStrings; const Last5: string);
858 | var
859 | i: Integer;
860 | x, ADate, AnSSN: string;
861 | begin
862 | { Lists patients from RPL list that match Last5: DFN^Patient Name }
863 | CallV('ORWPT LAST5 RPL', [UpperCase(Last5)]);
864 | SortByPiece(TStringList(RPCBrokerV.Results), U, 2);
865 | with RPCBrokerV do for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do
866 | begin
867 | x := Results[i];
868 | ADate := Piece(x, U, 3);
869 | AnSSN := Piece(x, U, 4);
870 | if IsFMDate(ADate) then ADate := FormatFMDateTimeStr('mmm d, yyyy', ADate);
871 | if IsSSN(AnSSN) then AnSSN := FormatSSN(AnSSN);
872 | SetPiece(x, U, 3, AnSSN + ' ' + ADate);
873 | Results[i] := x;
874 | end;
875 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
876 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
877 | end;
878 |
879 | procedure ListPtByFullSSN(Dest: TStrings; const FullSSN: string);
880 | { lists all patients found in the SSN xref that match FullSSN: DFN^Patient Name }
881 | var
882 | i: integer;
883 | x, ADate, AnSSN: string;
884 | begin
885 | x := FullSSN;
886 | i := Pos('-', x);
887 | while i > 0 do
888 | begin
889 | x := Copy(x, 1, i-1) + Copy(x, i+1, 12);
890 | i := Pos('-', x);
891 | end;
892 | CallV('ORWPT FULLSSN', [UpperCase(x)]);
893 | SortByPiece(TStringList(RPCBrokerV.Results), U, 2);
894 | with RPCBrokerV do for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do
895 | begin
896 | x := Results[i];
897 | ADate := Piece(x, U, 3);
898 | AnSSN := Piece(x, U, 4);
899 | if IsFMDate(ADate) then ADate := FormatFMDateTimeStr('mmm d, yyyy', ADate);
900 | if IsSSN(AnSSN) then AnSSN := FormatSSN(AnSSN);
901 | SetPiece(x, U, 3, AnSSN + ' ' + ADate);
902 | Results[i] := x;
903 | end;
904 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
905 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
906 | end;
907 |
908 | procedure ListPtByRPLFullSSN(Dest: TStrings; const FullSSN: string);
909 | { lists all patients found in the SSN xref that match FullSSN: DFN^Patient Name }
910 | var
911 | i: integer;
912 | x, ADate, AnSSN: string;
913 | begin
914 | x := FullSSN;
915 | i := Pos('-', x);
916 | while i > 0 do
917 | begin
918 | x := Copy(x, 1, i-1) + Copy(x, i+1, 12);
919 | i := Pos('-', x);
920 | end;
921 | CallV('ORWPT FULLSSN RPL', [UpperCase(x)]);
922 | SortByPiece(TStringList(RPCBrokerV.Results), U, 2);
923 | with RPCBrokerV do for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do
924 | begin
925 | x := Results[i];
926 | ADate := Piece(x, U, 3);
927 | AnSSN := Piece(x, U, 4);
928 | if IsFMDate(ADate) then ADate := FormatFMDateTimeStr('mmm d, yyyy', ADate);
929 | if IsSSN(AnSSN) then AnSSN := FormatSSN(AnSSN);
930 | SetPiece(x, U, 3, AnSSN + ' ' + ADate);
931 | Results[i] := x;
932 | end;
933 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
934 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
935 | end;
936 |
937 | procedure ListPtTop(Dest: TStrings);
938 | { currently returns the last patient selected }
939 | begin
940 | CallV('ORWPT TOP', [nil]);
941 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
942 | Dest.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
943 | end;
944 |
945 | function SubSetOfPatients(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
946 | { returns a pointer to a list of patients (for use in a long list box) - The return value is
947 | a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call! }
948 | begin
949 | CallV('ORWPT LIST ALL', [StartFrom, Direction]);
950 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
951 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
952 | end;
953 |
954 | function MakeRPLPtList(RPLList: string): string;
955 | { Creates "RPL" Restricted Patient List based on Team List info in user's record. }
956 | begin
957 | result := sCallV('ORQPT MAKE RPL', [RPLList]);
958 | end;
959 |
960 | function ReadRPLPtList(RPLJobNumber: string; const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer) : TStrings;
961 | { returns a pointer to a list of patients (for use in a long list box) - The return value is
962 | a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call! }
963 | begin
964 | CallV('ORQPT READ RPL', [RPLJobNumber, StartFrom, Direction]);
965 | MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results);
966 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
967 | end;
968 |
969 | procedure KillRPLPtList(RPLJobNumber: string);
970 | begin
971 | CallV('ORQPT KILL RPL', [RPLJobNumber]);
972 | end;
973 |
974 | { Patient Specific Calls }
975 |
976 | function CalcAge(BirthDate, DeathDate: TFMDateTime): Integer;
977 | { calculates age based on today's date and a birthdate (in Fileman format) }
978 | begin
979 | if (DeathDate > BirthDate) then
980 | Result := Trunc(DeathDate - BirthDate) div 10000
981 | else
982 | Result := Trunc(FMToday - BirthDate) div 10000
983 | end;
984 |
985 | procedure CheckSensitiveRecordAccess(const DFN: string; var AccessStatus: Integer;
986 | var MessageText: string);
987 | begin
989 | AccessStatus := -1;
990 | MessageText := '';
991 | with RPCBrokerV do
992 | begin
993 | if Results.Count > 0 then
994 | begin
995 | AccessStatus := StrToIntDef(Results[0], -1);
996 | Results.Delete(0);
997 | if Results.Count > 0 then MessageText := Results.Text;
998 | end;
999 | end;
1000 | end;
1001 |
1002 | procedure CheckRemotePatient(var Dest: string; Patient, ASite: string; var AccessStatus: Integer);
1003 |
1004 | begin
1005 | CallV('XWB DIRECT RPC', [ASite, 'ORWCIRN RESTRICT', 0, Patient]);
1006 | AccessStatus := -1;
1007 | Dest := '';
1008 | with RPCBrokerV do
1009 | begin
1010 | if Results.Count > 0 then
1011 | begin
1012 | if Results[0] = '' then Results.Delete(0);
1013 | end;
1014 | if Results.Count > 0 then
1015 | begin
1016 | if (length(piece(Results[0],'^',2)) > 0) and ((StrToIntDef(piece(Results[0],'^',1),0) = -1)) then
1017 | begin
1018 | AccessStatus := -1;
1019 | Dest := piece(Results[0],'^',2);
1020 | end
1021 | else
1022 | begin
1023 | AccessStatus := StrToIntDef(Results[0], -1);
1024 | Results.Delete(0);
1025 | if Results.Count > 0 then Dest := Results.Text;
1026 | end;
1027 | end;
1028 | end;
1029 | end;
1030 |
1031 | procedure CurrentLocationForPatient(const DFN: string; var ALocation: Integer; var AName: string; var ASvc: string);
1032 | var
1033 | x: string;
1034 | begin
1035 | x := sCallV('ORWPT INPLOC', [DFN]);
1036 | ALocation := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 1), 0);
1037 | AName := Piece(x, U, 2);
1038 | ASvc := Piece(x, U, 3);
1039 | end;
1040 |
1041 | function DateOfDeath(const DFN: string): TFMDateTime;
1042 | { returns 0 or the date a patient died }
1043 | begin
1044 | Result := MakeFMDateTime(sCallV('ORWPT DIEDON', [DFN]));
1045 | end;
1046 |
1047 | function GetPtIDInfo(const DFN: string): TPtIDInfo; //*DFN*
1048 | { returns the identifiers displayed upon patient selection
1050 | Pieces: SSN[1]^DOB[2]^SEX[3]^VET[4]^SC%[5]^WARD[6]^RM-BED[7]^NAME[8]^HRN[9]^ALTHRN[10] }
1051 | // Pieces: SSN[1]^DOB[2]^SEX[3]^VET[4]^SC%[5]^WARD[6]^RM-BED[7]^NAME[8] }
1052 | var
1053 | x: string;
1054 | begin
1055 | x := sCallV('ORWPT ID INFO', [DFN]);
1056 | with Result do // map string into TPtIDInfo record
1057 | begin
1058 | Name := MixedCase(Piece(x, U, 8)); // Name
1059 | SSN := Piece(x, U, 1);
1060 | DOB := Piece(x, U, 2);
1061 | Age := '';
1062 | if IsSSN(SSN) then SSN := FormatSSN(Piece(x, U, 1)); // SSN (PID)
1063 | if IsFMDate(DOB) then DOB := FormatFMDateTimeStr('mmm dd,yyyy', DOB); // Date of Birth
1064 | //Age := IntToStr(CalcAge(MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 2)))); // Age
1065 | Sex := Piece(x, U, 3); // Sex
1066 | if Length(Sex) = 0 then Sex := 'U';
1067 | case Sex[1] of
1068 | 'F','f': Sex := 'Female';
1069 | 'M','m': Sex := 'Male';
1070 | else Sex := 'Unknown';
1071 | end;
1072 | if Piece(x, U, 4) = 'Y' then Vet := 'Veteran' else Vet := ''; // Veteran?
1073 | if Length(Piece(x, U, 5)) > 0 // % Service Connected
1074 | then SCSts := Piece(x, U, 5) + '% Service Connected'
1075 | else SCSts := '';
1076 | Location := Piece(x, U, 6); // Inpatient Location
1077 | RoomBed := Piece(x, U, 7); // Inpatient Room-Bed
1078 | // VWPT ADD HRN
1079 | HRN := Piece(x, U, 9);
1080 | AltHRN := Piece(x, U, 10);
1081 | end;
1082 | end;
1083 |
1084 | function HasLegacyData(const DFN: string; var AMsg: string): Boolean;
1085 | var
1086 | i: Integer;
1087 | begin
1088 | Result := False;
1089 | AMsg := '';
1090 | CallV('ORWPT LEGACY', [DFN]);
1091 | with RPCBrokerV do if Results.Count > 0 then
1092 | begin
1093 | Result := Results[0] = '1';
1094 | for i := 1 to Results.Count - 1 do AMsg := AMsg + Results[i] + CRLF;
1095 | end;
1096 | end;
1097 |
1098 | function LogSensitiveRecordAccess(const DFN: string): Boolean;
1099 | begin
1100 | Result := sCallV('DG SENSITIVE RECORD BULLETIN', [DFN]) = '1';
1101 | end;
1102 |
1103 | function MeansTestRequired(const DFN: string; var AMsg: string): Boolean;
1104 | var
1105 | i: Integer;
1106 | begin
1107 | Result := False;
1108 | AMsg := '';
1110 | with RPCBrokerV do if Results.Count > 0 then
1111 | begin
1112 | Result := Results[0] = '1';
1113 | for i := 1 to Results.Count - 1 do AMsg := AMsg + Results[i] + CRLF;
1114 | end;
1115 | end;
1116 |
1117 | function RestrictedPtRec(const DFN: string): Boolean; //*DFN*
1118 | { returns true if the record for a patient identified by DFN is restricted }
1119 | begin
1120 | Result := Piece(sCallV('ORWPT SELCHK', [DFN]), U, 1) = '1';
1121 | end;
1122 |
1123 | procedure SelectPatient(const DFN: string; var PtSelect: TPtSelect); //*DFN*
1124 | { selects the patient (updates DISV, calls Pt Select actions) & returns key fields
1125 | Pieces: NAME[1]^SEX[2]^DOB[3]^SSN[4]^LOCIEN[5]^LOCNAME[6]^ROOMBED[7]^CWAD[8]^SENSITIVE[9]^
1126 | //VWPT add HRN and ALTERNATE HRN used with PID hl7 segments
1127 | ADMITTIME[10]^CONVERTED[11]^SVCONN[12]^SC%[13]^ICN[14]^Age[15]^TreatSpec[16]^HRN[17]^AltHRN[18] }
1128 | // BEFORE THIS VWPT WAS ADMITTIME[10]^CONVERTED[11]^SVCONN[12]^SC%[13]^ICN[14]^Age[15]^TreatSpec[16] }
1129 | var
1130 | x: string;
1131 | begin
1132 | x := sCallV('ORWPT SELECT', [DFN]);
1133 | with PtSelect do
1134 | begin
1135 | Name := Piece(x, U, 1);
1136 | ICN := Piece(x, U, 14);
1137 | SSN := FormatSSN(Piece(x, U, 4));
1138 | DOB := MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 3));
1139 | Age := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 15), 0);
1140 | //Age := CalcAge(DOB, DateOfDeath(DFN));
1141 | if Length(Piece(x, U, 2)) > 0 then Sex := Piece(x, U, 2)[1] else Sex := 'U';
1142 | LocationIEN := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 5), 0);
1143 | Location := Piece(x, U, 6);
1144 | RoomBed := Piece(x, U, 7);
1145 | SpecialtyIEN := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, u, 16), 0);
1146 | CWAD := Piece(x, U, 8);
1147 | Restricted := Piece(x, U, 9) = '1';
1148 | AdmitTime := MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 10));
1149 | ServiceConnected := Piece(x, U, 12) = '1';
1150 | SCPercent := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 13), 0);
1151 |
1152 | //VWPT ADD HRN AltHRN (future)
1153 | HRN := Piece(x, U, 17);
1154 | AltHRN := Piece(x, U, 18);
1155 | end;
1156 | x := sCallV('ORWPT1 PRCARE', [DFN]);
1157 | with PtSelect do
1158 | begin
1159 | PrimaryTeam := Piece(x, U, 1);
1160 | PrimaryProvider := Piece(x, U, 2);
1161 | if Length(Location) > 0 then
1162 | begin
1163 | Attending := Piece(x, U, 3);
1164 | x := sCallV('ORWPT INPLOC', [DFN]);
1165 | WardService := Piece(x, U, 3);
1166 | end;
1167 | end;
1168 | end;
1169 |
1170 | function SimilarRecordsFound(const DFN: string; var AMsg: string): Boolean;
1171 | begin
1172 | Result := False;
1173 | AMsg := '';
1174 | CallV('DG CHK BS5 XREF Y/N', [DFN]);
1175 | with RPCBrokerV do if Results.Count > 0 then
1176 | begin
1177 | Result := Results[0] = '1';
1178 | Results.Delete(0);
1179 | AMsg := Results.Text;
1180 | end;
1181 | (*
1182 | CallV('DG CHK BS5 XREF ARRAY', [DFN]);
1183 | with RPCBrokerV do if Results.Count > 0 then
1184 | begin
1185 | Result := Results[0] = '1';
1186 | for i := 1 to Results.Count - 1 do
1187 | begin
1188 | if Piece(Results[i], U, 1) = '0' then AMsg := AMsg + Copy(Results[i], 3, Length(Results[i])) + CRLF;
1189 | if Piece(Results[i], U, 1) = '1' then AMsg := AMsg + Piece(Results[i], U, 3) + #9 +
1190 | FormatFMDateTimeStr('mmm dd,yyyy', Piece(Results[i], U, 4)) + #9 + Piece(Results[i], U, 5) + CRLF;
1191 | end;
1192 | end;
1193 | *)
1194 | end;
1195 |
1196 | function GetDFNFromICN(AnICN: string): string;
1197 | begin
1198 | Result := Piece(sCallV('VAFCTFU CONVERT ICN TO DFN', [AnICN]), U, 1);
1199 | end;
1200 |
1201 | { Encounter specific calls }
1202 |
1203 | function GetEncounterText(const DFN: string; Location: integer; Provider: Int64): TEncounterText; //*DFN*
1204 | { returns resolved external values Pieces: LOCNAME[1]^PROVNAME[2]^ROOMBED[3] }
1205 | var
1206 | x: string;
1207 | begin
1208 | x := sCallV('ORWPT ENCTITL', [DFN, Location, Provider]);
1209 | with Result do
1210 | begin
1211 | LocationName := Piece(x, U, 1);
1212 | LocationAbbr := Piece(x, U, 2);
1213 | RoomBed := Piece(x, U, 3);
1214 | ProviderName := Piece(x, U, 4);
1215 | // ProviderName := sCallV('ORWU1 NAMECVT', [Provider]);
1216 | end;
1217 | end;
1218 |
1219 | procedure ListApptAll(Dest: TStrings; const DFN: string; From: TFMDateTime = 0;
1220 | Thru: TFMDateTime = 0);
1221 | { lists appts/visits for a patient (uses same call as cover sheet)
1222 | V|A;DateTime;LocIEN^DateTime^LocName^Status }
1223 | const
1224 | SKIP_ADMITS = 1;
1225 | begin
1226 | CallV('ORWCV VST', [Patient.DFN, From, Thru, SKIP_ADMITS]);
1227 | with RPCBrokerV do
1228 | begin
1229 | InvertStringList(TStringList(Results));
1230 | MixedCaseList(Results);
1231 | SetListFMDateTime('mmm dd,yyyy hh:nn', TStringList(Results), U, 2);
1232 | Dest.Assign(Results);
1233 | end;
1234 | (*
1235 | CallV('ORWPT APPTLST', [DFN]);
1236 | with RPCBrokerV do
1237 | begin
1238 | SortByPiece(TStringList(Results), U, 1);
1239 | InvertStringList(TStringList(Results));
1240 | for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do
1241 | begin
1242 | x := Results[i];
1243 | ATime := Piece(x, U, 1);
1244 | ATime := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd, yyyy hh:nn', MakeFMDateTime(ATime));
1245 | SetPiece(x, U, 5, ATime);
1246 | Results[i] := x;
1247 | end;
1248 | Dest.Assign(Results);
1249 | end;
1250 | *)
1251 | end;
1252 |
1253 | procedure ListAdmitAll(Dest: TStrings; const DFN: string); //*DFN*
1254 | { lists all admissions for a patient: MovementTime^LocIEN^LocName^Type }
1255 | var
1256 | i: Integer;
1257 | ATime, x: string;
1258 | begin
1259 | CallV('ORWPT ADMITLST', [DFN]);
1260 | with RPCBrokerV do
1261 | begin
1262 | for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do
1263 | begin
1264 | x := Results[i];
1265 | ATime := Piece(x, U, 1);
1266 | ATime := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd, yyyy hh:nn', MakeFMDateTime(ATime));
1267 | SetPiece(x, U, 5, ATime);
1268 | Results[i] := x;
1269 | end;
1270 | Dest.Assign(Results);
1271 | end;
1272 | end;
1273 |
1274 | function SubSetOfLocations(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
1275 | { returns a pointer to a list of locations (for use in a long list box) - The return value is
1276 | a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call! }
1277 | begin
1278 | CallV('ORWU HOSPLOC', [StartFrom, Direction]);
1279 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
1280 | end;
1281 |
1282 | function SubSetOfNewLocs(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
1283 | { Returns a pointer to a list of locations (for use in a long list box) - the return value is
1284 | a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call!
1285 | Filtered by C, W, and Z types - i.e., Clinics, Wards, and "Other" type locations.}
1286 | begin
1287 | CallV('ORWU1 NEWLOC', [StartFrom, Direction]);
1288 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
1289 | end;
1290 |
1291 | function SubSetOfInpatientLocations(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings;
1292 | { returns a pointer to a list of locations (for use in a long list box) - The return value is
1293 | a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call! }
1294 | begin
1295 | CallV('ORWU INPLOC', [StartFrom, Direction]);
1296 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results;
1297 | end;
1298 |
1299 | { Remote Data Access calls }
1300 |
1301 | function HasRemoteData(const DFN: string; var ALocations: TStringList): Boolean;
1302 | begin
1303 | CallV('ORWCIRN FACLIST', [DFN]);
1304 | ALocations.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
1305 | Result := not (Piece(RPCBrokerV.Results[0], U, 1) = '-1');
1306 |
1307 | // '-1^NO DFN'
1309 | // '-1^NO MPI Node'
1310 | // '-1^NO ICN'
1311 | // '-1^Parameter missing.'
1312 | // '-1^No patient DFN.'
1313 | // '-1^Could not find Treating Facilities'
1314 | // '-1^Remote access not allowed' <===parameter ORWCIRN REMOTE DATA ALLOW
1315 | end;
1316 |
1317 | function CheckHL7TCPLink: Boolean;
1318 | begin
1319 | CallV('ORWCIRN CHECKLINK',[nil]);
1320 | Result := RPCBrokerV.Results[0] = '1';
1321 | end;
1322 |
1323 | function UseVistaWeb: Boolean;
1324 | begin;
1325 | CallV('ORWCIRN VISTAWEB',[nil]);
1326 | result := RPCBrokerV.Results[0] = '1';
1327 | end;
1328 |
1329 | function GetVistaWebAddress(value: string): string;
1330 | begin
1331 | CallV('ORWCIRN WEBADDR', [value]);
1332 | result := RPCBrokerV.Results[0];
1333 | end;
1334 |
1335 | procedure ChangeVistaWebParam(value: string);
1336 | begin
1337 | CallV('ORWCIRN WEBCH',[value]);
1338 | end;
1339 |
1340 | function GetDefaultPrinter(DUZ: Int64; Location: integer): string;
1341 | begin
1342 | Result := sCallV('ORWRP GET DEFAULT PRINTER', [DUZ, Location]) ;
1343 | end;
1344 |
1345 | initialization
1346 | uFMToday := 0;
1347 |
1348 | end.