[453] | 1 | unit rHTMLTools;
[541] | 2 | (*This entire unit was created by K. Toppenberg, starting on 5/27/05
[453] | 3 | It will hold additional functions to support HTML display of notes
[541] | 4 | and printing of HTML notes. *)
[453] | 5 |
| 6 | interface
| 7 |
[541] | 8 | uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Printers, ComCtrls,
| 9 | ShDocVw, {//kt added ShDocVw 5-2-05 for TWebBrowser access}
| 10 | Dialogs,
| 11 | Forms,
| 12 | Registry, {elh 6/19/09}
| 13 | ORFn; {//kt for RedrawActivate}
[453] | 14 |
[541] | 15 | var
| 16 | DesiredHTMLFontSize : byte;
| 17 |
| 18 | procedure PrintHTMLReport(Lines: TStringList; var ErrMsg: string; PtName:string;
| 19 | DOB:string; Location:string; Application : TApplication); //kt added 5-2-05
| 20 | function IsHTML(Lines : TStrings): boolean; overload;
| 21 | function IsHTML(Line : String): boolean; overload;
| 22 | function HasHTMLTags(Text: string) : boolean;
| 23 | procedure FixHTML(Lines : TStrings);
| 24 | function FixHTMLCRLF(Text : String) : string;
| 25 | procedure SplitToArray (HTMLText: string; Lines : TStrings);
| 26 | procedure StripBeforeAfterHTML(Lines,OutBefore,OutAfter : TStrings);
| 27 | function UnwrapHTML(HTMLText : string) : string;
| 28 | function WrapHTML(HTMLText : string) : string;
| 29 | // function WaitForBrowserOK(MaxSecDelay: integer; Application : TApplication) : boolean;
| 30 | function CheckForImageLink(Lines: TStrings; ImageList : TStringList) : boolean;
| 31 | function ProtectHTMLSpaces(Text : String) : string;
| 32 | function Text2HTML(Lines : TStrings) : String; overload;
| 33 | function Text2HTML(text : string) : String; overload;
| 34 | procedure SetRegHTMLFontSize(Size: byte);
| 35 | procedure RestoreRegHTMLFontSize;
| 36 | procedure SetupHTMLPrinting(Name,DOB,Location,Institution : string);
| 37 | procedure RestoreIEPrinting;
| 38 |
[453] | 39 | implementation
| 40 |
[541] | 41 | uses fNotes,
| 42 | fImages,
| 43 | Messages,
| 44 | Graphics, //For color constants
| 45 | fTMGPrintingAnimation,
| 46 | StrUtils;
[453] | 47 |
[541] | 48 | const CRLF = #$0D#$0A;
[453] | 49 |
[541] | 50 |
| 51 | function GetCurrentPrinterName : string;
| 52 | //var ResStr: array[0..255] of Char;
| 53 | begin
| 54 | //GetProfileString('Windows', 'device', '', ResStr, 255);
| 55 | //Result := StrPas(ResStr);
| 56 | if (Printer.PrinterIndex > 0)then begin
| 57 | Result := Printer.Printers[Printer.PrinterIndex];
| 58 | end else begin
| 59 | Result := '';
| 60 | end;
| 61 | end;
[453] | 62 |
[541] | 63 | procedure SetDefaultPrinter(PrinterName: String) ;
| 64 | var
| 65 | j : Integer;
| 66 | Device, Driver, Port : PChar;
| 67 | HdeviceMode : THandle;
| 68 | aPrinter : TPrinter;
| 69 | begin
| 70 | Printer.PrinterIndex := -1;
| 71 | getmem(Device, 255) ;
| 72 | getmem(Driver, 255) ;
| 73 | getmem(Port, 255) ;
| 74 | aPrinter := TPrinter.create;
| 75 | j := Printer.Printers.IndexOf(PrinterName);
| 76 | if j >= 0 then begin
| 77 | aprinter.printerindex := j;
| 78 | aPrinter.getprinter(device, driver, port, HdeviceMode) ;
| 79 | StrCat(Device, ',') ;
| 80 | StrCat(Device, Driver ) ;
| 81 | StrCat(Device, Port ) ;
| 82 | WriteProfileString('windows', 'device', Device) ;
| 83 | StrCopy( Device, 'windows' ) ;
| 84 | //SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_WININICHANGE, 0, Longint(@Device)) ;
| 85 | end;
| 86 | Freemem(Device, 255) ;
| 87 | Freemem(Driver, 255) ;
| 88 | Freemem(Port, 255) ;
| 89 | aPrinter.Free;
| 90 | end;
| 91 |
| 92 |
| 93 | procedure Wait(Sec : byte; Application : TApplication);
| 94 | var StartTime : TDateTime;
| 95 | const OneSec = 0.000012;
| 96 | begin
| 97 | StartTime := GetTime;
| 98 | repeat
| 99 | Application.ProcessMessages;
| 100 | until (GetTime-StartTime) > (OneSec*Sec);
| 101 | end;
| 102 |
| 103 | procedure PrintHTMLReport(Lines: TStringList; var ErrMsg: string;
| 104 | PtName, DOB, Location:string;
| 105 | Application : TApplication);
| 106 | // Web browser printing options:
| 107 | // OLECMDEXECOPT_DODEFAULT Use the default behavior, whether prompting the user for input or not.
| 108 | // OLECMDEXECOPT_PROMPTUSER Execute the command after obtaining user input.
| 109 | // OLECMDEXECOPT_DONTPROMPTUSER Execute the command without prompting the user.
| 110 |
| 111 | {Notice: When IE is asked to print, it immediately returns from the function,
| 112 | but the printing has not yet occured. If UI is requested, then the
| 113 | printing will not start until after the user selects a printer and
| 114 | presses [OK]. I could not find any reliable way to determine when the
| 115 | print job had been created. I had to know this event because I need to
| 116 | restore some IE settings AFTER the printing has finished. I even tried to
| 117 | get the active windows and see if it was a print dialog. But IE print dlg
| 118 | apparently is owned by another thread than CPRS, because GetActiveWindow would
| 119 | not bring back a handle to the printer dialog window. I therefore told IE
| 120 | to print WITHOUT asking which printer via UI. In that case it prints to the
| 121 | system wide default printer. So I have to set the default printer to the
| 122 | user's choice, and then change it back again. This is bit of a kludge,
| 123 | but I couldn't figure out any other way after hours of trial and error.
| 124 | NOTE: I tried to query IE to see if it was able to print, thinking that it
| 125 | would return NO if in the process of currently printing. It didn't work,
| 126 | and would return OK immediately. }
| 127 |
| 128 | var
| 129 | UseUI : OleVariant;
| 130 | NewPrinterName,DefaultPrinter: string;
| 131 | dlgWinPrinter: TPrintDialog;
| 132 | begin
| 133 | DefaultPrinter := GetCurrentPrinterName;
| 134 | dlgWinPrinter := TPrintDialog.Create(nil);
| 135 | frmTMGPrinting.Show;
| 136 | if dlgWinPrinter.Execute then begin //only sets a local printer
| 137 | NewPrinterName := GetCurrentPrinterName;
| 138 | SetDefaultPrinter(NewPrinterName); //Set global setting that IE will use.
| 139 | try
| 140 | //frmNotes.SetHTMLorTextViewer(True,Lines); //ActivateHtmlViewer(Lines);
| 141 | frmNotes.SetDisplayToHTMLvsText([vmView,vmHTML],Lines); //ActivateHtmlViewer(Lines);
| 142 | if frmNotes.HtmlViewer.WaitForDocComplete = false then begin
| 143 | ErrMsg := 'The web browser timed out trying to set up document.';
| 144 | exit;
| 145 | end;
| 146 | SetupHTMLPrinting(PtName,DOB,Location,' '); {elh 6/19/09} //kt
| 147 | frmNotes.HtmlViewer.PrintFinished := false;
| 148 | UseUI := false; //UseUI := true;
| 149 | frmNotes.HtmlViewer.PrintDocument(UseUI); //Returns immediately, not after printing done.
| 150 | Wait(4,Application); //give IE x sec to complete print document. Is this always enough?
| 151 | //WaitForBrowserOK(10, Application); //wait up to 10 seconds //Note: this doesn't do what I want. Status is immediately OK.
| 152 | RestoreIEPrinting; {elh 6/19/09} //kt
| 153 | finally //any needed final code goes here.
| 154 | SetDefaultPrinter(DefaultPrinter);
| 155 | //beep;
[453] | 156 | end;
| 157 | end;
[541] | 158 | dlgWinPrinter.Free;
| 159 | frmTMGPrinting.Hide;
| 160 | end;
| 161 |
| 162 | (*
| 163 | function WaitForBrowserOK(MaxSecDelay: integer; Application : TApplication) : boolean;
| 164 | //Returns TRUE if can print
| 165 | var
| 166 | StartTime : TDateTime;
| 167 | Status: OLECMDF;
| 168 | MaxDelay,ElapsedTime : Double;
| 169 | CanPrint : boolean;
| 170 | const
| 171 | OneMin = 0.0007; //note: 0.0007 is about 1 minute
| 172 | begin
| 173 | StartTime := GetTime;
| 174 | MaxDelay := OneMin * MaxSecDelay;
| 175 | repeat
| 176 | Status := frmNotes.HtmlViewer.QueryStatusWB(OLECMDID_PRINT); //"can you print?" -- get print command status
| 177 | CanPrint := (Status and OLECMDF_ENABLED) > 0;
| 178 | ElapsedTime := GetTime-StartTime;
| 179 | Application.ProcessMessages;
| 180 | until (ElapsedTime > MaxDelay) or CanPrint or frmNotes.HtmlViewer.PrintFinished;
| 181 | Result := CanPrint;
| 182 | end;
| 183 | *)
| 184 |
| 185 | Procedure ScanForSubs(Lines : TStrings);
| 186 | //Purpose: To scan note for constant $CPRS$ and replace with CPRS's actual directory
| 187 | var i : integer;
| 188 | CPRSDir : string;
| 189 | begin
| 190 | for i := 0 to Lines.Count-1 do begin
| 191 | if Pos('$CPRSDIR$',Lines.Strings[i])>0 then begin
| 192 | CPRSDir := ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)));
| 193 | Lines.Strings[i] := AnsiReplaceStr(Lines.Strings[i],'$CPRSDIR$',CPRSDir);
| 194 | //Ensure images are downloaded before passing page to web browser
| 195 | frmImages.timLoadImagesTimer(nil);
| 196 | end;
[453] | 197 | end;
| 198 | end;
| 199 |
| 200 |
[541] | 201 | function IsHTML(Line : String): boolean;
| 202 | {Purpose: To look at the Text and determine if it is an HTML document.
| 203 | Test used: if document contains <!DOCTYPE HTML" or <HTML> or </BODY>
| 204 | This is not a fool-proof test...
| 205 | NOTE: **This does NOT call ScanForSubs as the other IsHTML(TStrings) function does. }
| 206 |
| 207 | begin
| 208 | Result := false; //default of false
| 209 | Line := UpperCase(Line);
| 210 | if (Pos('<!DOCTYPE HTML',Line) > 0)
| 211 | or (Pos('<HTML>',Line) > 0)
| 212 | or (Pos('</BODY>',Line) > 0)then begin
| 213 | Result := true;
| 214 | end;
| 215 | end;
[453] | 216 |
[541] | 217 |
| 218 | function IsHTML(Lines : TStrings): boolean;
| 219 | //Purpose: To look at the note loaded into Lines and determine if it is
| 220 | // an HTML document. See other IsHTML(String) function for test used.
| 221 | begin
| 222 | Result := false;
| 223 | if Lines = nil then exit;
| 224 | Result := IsHTML(Lines.Text);
| 225 | if Result = true then ScanForSubs(Lines);
[453] | 226 | end;
| 227 |
[541] | 228 |
| 229 | function HasHTMLTags(Text: string) : boolean;
| 230 | function GetTag(p1,p2 : integer; var Text : string) : string;
| 231 | var i : integer;
| 232 | begin
| 233 | Result := MidStr(Text,p1, p2-p1);
| 234 | if Result[1] = '/' then Result := MidStr(Result,2,999);
| 235 | i := Pos(' ',Result);
| 236 | if i >0 then Result := MidStr(Result,1,i-1);
| 237 | end;
| 238 |
| 239 | var p1,p2: integer;
| 240 | Tag : string;
| 241 | begin
| 242 | Result := False; //default to ignore
| 243 | Text := UpperCase(Text);
| 244 | if (Pos('&NBSP;',Text)>0) then Result := true
| 245 | else if (Pos('<P>',Text)>0) then Result := true
| 246 | else if (Pos('<BR>',Text)>0) then Result := true
| 247 | else if (Pos('<HTML>',Text)>0) then Result := true
| 248 | else begin
| 249 | p1 := Pos('<',Text); if p1 = 0 then exit;
| 250 | p2 := Pos('>',Text); if p2 = 0 then exit;
| 251 | Tag := GetTag(p1,p2,Text);
| 252 | if Tag='' then exit;
| 253 | if Pos('/'+Tag+'>',Text)>0 then result := true;
| 254 | end;
| 255 | {
| 256 | if (Pos('<BR>',Text)>0) or
| 257 | (Pos('</P>',Text)>0) or
| 258 | (Pos('<UL>',Text)>0) or
| 259 | (Pos('</UL>',Text)>0) or
| 260 | (Pos('<LI>',Text)>0) or
| 261 | (Pos('</LI>',Text)>0) or
| 262 | (Pos('<OL>',Text)>0) or
| 263 | (Pos('</OL>',Text)>0) or
| 264 | (Pos('&NBSP;',Text)>0) or
| 265 | (Pos('<P>',Text)>0) then begin
| 266 | Result := true;
| 267 | end;
| 268 | }
| 269 | end;
| 270 |
| 271 |
| 272 | function LineAfterTag(Lines : TStrings; Tag : string) : integer;
| 273 | //returns index of line directly after tag (-1 if not found)
| 274 | //Note: only 1st tag is found (stops looking after that)
| 275 | var p,i : integer;
| 276 | s,s1,s2 : string;
| 277 | begin
| 278 | result := -1;
| 279 | Tag := UpperCase(Tag);
| 280 | for i := 0 to Lines.Count-1 do begin
| 281 | s := UpperCase(Lines.Strings[i]);
| 282 | p := Pos(Tag,s);
| 283 | if p=0 then continue;
| 284 | if (p+length(Tag)-1) < length(s) then begin //extra stuff after tag on line --> split line
| 285 | s1 := MidStr(Lines.Strings[i],1,p+length(Tag)-1);
| 286 | s2 := MidStr(Lines.Strings[i],p+length(Tag),9999);
| 287 | Lines.Strings[i] := s1;
| 288 | Lines.Insert(i+1,s2);
| 289 | end;
| 290 | //Lines.Insert(i+1,'');
| 291 | result := i+1;
| 292 | break;
| 293 | end;
| 294 | end;
[453] | 295 |
[541] | 296 | function LineBeforeTag(Lines : TStrings; Tag : string) : integer;
| 297 | //returns index of newly added blank line, directly before tag (-1 if not found)
| 298 | //Note: only 1st tag is found (stops looking after that)
| 299 | var p,i,idx : integer;
| 300 | s,s1,s2 : string;
| 301 | begin
| 302 | result := -1;
| 303 | idx := -1;
| 304 | Tag := UpperCase(Tag);
| 305 | for i := 0 to Lines.Count-1 do begin
| 306 | s := UpperCase(Lines.Strings[i]);
| 307 | p := Pos(Tag,s);
| 308 | if p>0 then begin
| 309 | idx := i;
| 310 | break;
| 311 | end;
| 312 | end;
| 313 | if idx <> -1 then begin
| 314 | p := Pos(Tag,UpperCase(Lines.Strings[idx]));
| 315 | if p>1 then begin //extra stuff after tag on line --> split line
| 316 | s1 := MidStr(Lines.Strings[idx],1,p-1);
| 317 | s2 := MidStr(Lines.Strings[idx],p,9999);
| 318 | Lines.Strings[idx] := s1;
| 319 | Lines.Insert(idx+1,s2);
| 320 | inc(idx);
| 321 | end;
| 322 | //Lines.Insert(idx-1,'');
| 323 | result := idx;
[453] | 324 | end;
| 325 | end;
| 326 |
[541] | 327 | procedure SplitLineAfterTag(Lines : TStrings; Tag : string);
| 328 | //Purpose: To ensure that text that occurs after Tag is split and wrapped
| 329 | // to the next line.
| 330 | //Note: It is assumed that tag is in form of <TAGName> or <SomeReallyLongText...
| 331 | // if a closing '>' is not provided in the tag name, then the part provided
| 332 | // is used for matching, and then a search for the closing '>' is made, and
| 333 | // the split will occur after that.
| 334 | //Note: Only the first instance of Tag will be found, stops searching after that.
| 335 | //Note: Tag beginning and ending MUST occur on same line (wrapping of a long tag NOT supported)
| 336 | var i,p1,p2 : integer;
| 337 | s,s1,s2 : string;
| 338 | begin
| 339 | Tag := UpperCase(Tag);
| 340 | for i := 0 to Lines.Count-1 do begin
| 341 | s := UpperCase(Lines.Strings[i]);
| 342 | p1 := Pos(Tag,s);
| 343 | if p1=0 then continue;
| 344 | p2 := PosEx('>',s,p1);
| 345 | if p2=0 then continue; //this is a problem, no closing '>' found... ignore for now.
| 346 | if p2 = length(s) then break;
| 347 | s1 := MidStr(Lines.Strings[i],1,p2);
| 348 | S2 := MidStr(Lines.Strings[i],p2+1,999);
| 349 | Lines.Strings[i] := s1;
| 350 | Lines.Insert(i+1,s2);
| 351 | break;
| 352 | end;
| 353 | end;
[453] | 354 |
[541] | 355 | procedure SplitLineBeforeTag(Lines : TStrings; Tag : string);
| 356 | //Purpose: To ensure that text that occurs before Tag is split and Tag
| 357 | // is wrapped to the next line.
| 358 | //Note: It is assumed that tag is in form of <TAGName> or <SomeReallyLongText...
| 359 | //Note: Only the first instance of Tag will be found, stops searching after that.
| 360 | var i,p1 : integer;
| 361 | s1,s2 : string;
| 362 | begin
| 363 | Tag := UpperCase(Tag);
| 364 | for i := 0 to Lines.Count-1 do begin
| 365 | p1 := Pos(Tag,UpperCase(Lines.Strings[i]));
| 366 | if p1=0 then continue;
| 367 | s1 := MidStr(Lines.Strings[i],1,p1-1);
| 368 | S2 := MidStr(Lines.Strings[i],p1,999);
| 369 | Lines.Strings[i] := s1;
| 370 | Lines.Insert(i+1,s2);
| 371 | break;
| 372 | end;
| 373 | end;
| 374 |
| 375 | function IndexOfHoldingLine(Lines : TStrings; Tag : string) : integer;
| 376 | var i : integer;
| 377 | s : string;
| 378 | begin
| 379 | result := -1;
| 380 | Tag := UpperCase(Tag);
| 381 | for i := 0 to Lines.Count-1 do begin
| 382 | s := UpperCase(Lines.Strings[i]);
| 383 | if Pos (Tag,s)=0 then continue;
| 384 | result := i;
[453] | 385 | break;
| 386 | end;
[541] | 387 | end;
| 388 |
| 389 | procedure EnsureTrailingBR(Lines : TStrings);
| 390 | var p,i : integer;
| 391 | begin
| 392 | for i := 0 to Lines.Count-1 do begin //Ensure each line ends with <BR>
| 393 | p := Pos('<BR>',Lines.Strings[i]);
| 394 | if p+3=length(Lines.Strings[i]) then continue;
| 395 | Lines.Strings[i] := Lines.Strings[i] + '<BR>';
| 396 | end;
[453] | 397 | end;
| 398 |
[541] | 399 | procedure MergeLines(Lines,BeforeLines,AfterLines : TStrings);
| 400 | var i : integer;
| 401 | Result : TStringList;
| 402 | begin
| 403 | Result := TStringList.Create;
| 404 | SplitLineAfterTag(Lines,'<!DOCTYPE HTML');
| 405 | SplitLineBeforeTag(Lines,'</BODY>');
| 406 | Result.Add(Lines.Strings[0]); //Should be line with <!DOCTYPE HTML...
| 407 | for i := 0 to BeforeLines.Count-1 do begin //Add Before-Lines text
| 408 | Result.Add(BeforeLines.Strings[i]);
| 409 | end;
| 410 | for i := 1 to Lines.Count-2 do begin //Add back regular lines text
| 411 | Result.Add(Lines.Strings[i]);
| 412 | end;
| 413 | for i := 1 to AfterLines.Count-1 do begin //Add After-Lines text
| 414 | Result.Add(AfterLines.Strings[i]);
| 415 | end;
| 416 | Result.Add(Lines.Strings[Lines.count-1]); //Should be '</BODY></HTML>' line
[453] | 417 |
[541] | 418 | Lines.Assign(Result);
[453] | 419 | end;
| 420 |
[541] | 421 | procedure StripBeforeAfterHTML(Lines,OutBefore,OutAfter : TStrings);
| 422 | //Purpose: Strip all text that comes before <!DOCTYPE ... line and store in OutBefore;
| 423 | // Strip all text that comes after </HTML> ... line and store in OutAfter;
| 424 | var i : integer;
| 425 | DocTypeLine,EndHTMLLine: integer;
| 426 | begin
| 427 | OutBefore.Clear;
| 428 | OutAfter.Clear;
| 429 | DocTypeLine := IndexOfHoldingLine(Lines,'<!DOCTYPE HTML');
| 430 | if DocTypeLine>1 then begin
| 431 | for i := 0 to DocTypeLine-1 do OutBefore.Add(Lines.Strings[i]);
| 432 | for i := 0 to DocTypeLine-1 do Lines.Delete(0);
| 433 | end;
| 434 | EndHTMLLine := IndexOfHoldingLine(Lines,'</HTML>');
| 435 | if (EndHTMLLine>0) and (EndHTMLLine < (Lines.Count-1)) then begin
| 436 | for i := EndHTMLLine+1 to Lines.Count-1 do OutAfter.Add(Lines.Strings[i]);
| 437 | for i := EndHTMLLine+1 to Lines.Count-1 do Lines.Delete(EndHTMLLine+1);
| 438 | end;
| 439 | end;
| 440 |
| 441 | Function FixHTMLCRLF(Text : String) : string;
| 442 | begin
| 443 | Result := AnsiReplaceText(Text,'<NO DATA>',#$1E); //protect sequences we want
| 444 | Result := AnsiReplaceText(Result,'>'+CRLF,'>'#$1F); //protect sequences we want
| 445 | Result := AnsiReplaceText(Result,CRLF,'<BR>'+CRLF); //Add <BR>'s to CrLf's
| 446 | Result := AnsiReplaceText(Result,'>'#$1F,'>'+CRLF); //Restore sequences we wanted
| 447 | Result := AnsiReplaceText(Result,#$1E,'<NO DATA>'); //Restore sequences we wanted
[453] | 448 | end;
[541] | 449 |
[453] | 450 |
[541] | 451 | procedure FixHTML(Lines : TStrings); //kt 6/20/09
| 452 | //Purpose: to put header info that VistA adds to note into proper formatting.
| 453 | var BeforeLines,AfterLines : TStringList;
| 454 | begin
| 455 | BeforeLines := TStringList.Create;
| 456 | AfterLines := TStringList.Create;
| 457 | StripBeforeAfterHTML(Lines,BeforeLines,AfterLines);
| 458 | EnsureTrailingBR(BeforeLines);
| 459 | if BeforeLines.Count>0 then begin //Wrap Before-Lines with formatting
| 460 | BeforeLines.Insert(0,'<CODE>');
| 461 | //<---Existing text remains in between --->
| 462 | BeforeLines.Add('</CODE>');
| 463 | BeforeLines.Add('<HR><P>'); //horizontal line
| 464 | end;
| 465 | EnsureTrailingBR(AfterLines);
| 466 | if AfterLines.Count > 0 then begin //Wrap After-Lines with formatting
| 467 | AfterLines.Insert(0,'<P><CODE>');
| 468 | //<---Existing text remains in between --->
| 469 | AfterLines.Add('</CODE>');
| 470 | end;
| 471 | MergeLines(Lines,BeforeLines,AfterLines);
| 472 | BeforeLines.Free;
| 473 | AfterLines.Free;
| 474 | end;
| 475 |
| 476 | procedure SplitToArray (HTMLText: string; Lines : TStrings);
| 477 | var tempS : string;
| 478 | InEscapeCode, InTagCode : boolean;
| 479 | i, LastGoodBreakI : integer;
| 480 | TagStart,TagEnd : integer;
| 481 | TagText : string;
| 482 | TextLen : integer;
| 483 | MaxLineLen : integer;
| 484 | begin
| 485 | Lines.Clear;
| 486 | MaxLineLen := 80;
| 487 | Repeat
| 488 | InEscapeCode := False;
| 489 | InTagCode := False;
| 490 | LastGoodBreakI := 0;
| 491 | TextLen := length(HTMLText);
| 492 | TagText := '';
| 493 | TagStart := 0; TagEnd := 0;
| 494 | if TextLen > 80 then TextLen := MaxLineLen;
| 495 | for i := 1 to TextLen do begin
| 496 | if (HTMLText[i] = '<') then begin
| 497 | InTagCode := True;
| 498 | TagStart := i;
| 499 | TagText := '';
| 500 | LastGoodBreakI := i-1;
| 501 | end;
| 502 | if (HTMLText[i] = '&') then begin
| 503 | InEscapeCode := True;
| 504 | LastGoodBreakI := i-1;
| 505 | end;
| 506 | if InEscapeCode and (HTMLText[i] = ';') then begin
| 507 | InEscapeCode := False;
| 508 | LastGoodBreakI := i;
| 509 | end;
| 510 | if InTagCode and (HTMLText[i] = '>') then begin
| 511 | InTagCode := False;
| 512 | TagEnd := i;
| 513 | TagText := UpperCase(MidStr(HTMLText,TagStart+1,(TagEnd-TagStart-1)));
| 514 | LastGoodBreakI := i;
| 515 | end;
| 516 | if (HTMLText[i] = ',') and (MaxLineLen > 80) then begin
| 517 | LastGoodBreakI := i;
| 518 | break;
| 519 | end;
| 520 | if (TagText='BR') or (TagText='/P') then begin
| 521 | LastGoodBreakI := TagEnd;
| 522 | break;
| 523 | end else TagText := '';;
| 524 | if (not InTagCode) and (not InEscapeCode)
| 525 | and (HTMLText[i] = ' ') then LastGoodBreakI := i;
| 526 | end;
| 527 | if LastGoodBreakI > 0 then begin
| 528 | tempS := MidStr(HTMLText,1,LastGoodBreakI); //get next 80 chars, or less if at the end.
| 529 | HTMLText := Rightstr(HTMLText, length(HTMLText)- LastGoodBreakI); //characters 81 ... the end
| 530 | Lines.Add(tempS);
| 531 | end else begin
| 532 | if MaxLineLen < 250 then begin
| 533 | MaxLineLen := 250; //emergency mode
| 534 | end else begin //i.e. couldn't find any break within 250 chars. So just chop off.
| 535 | tempS := MidStr(HTMLText,1,80);
| 536 | HTMLText := Rightstr(HTMLText, length(HTMLText)- 80); //characters 81 ... the end
| 537 | Lines.Add(tempS);
| 538 | end;
| 539 | end;
| 540 | until length(HTMLText)=0;
| 541 | end;
| 542 |
[453] | 543 |
[541] | 544 | function WrapHTML(HTMLText : string) : string; //kt 6/3/09
| 545 | //Purpose: take HTML formatted text and sure it has proper headers and footers etc.
| 546 | // i.e. 'wrap' partial HTML into formal format.
| 547 | begin
| 548 | if Pos('<BODY>',HTMLText)=0 then HTMLText := '<BODY>' + HTMLText;
| 549 | if Pos('</BODY>',HTMLText)=0 then HTMLText := HTMLText + '</BODY>';
| 550 | if Pos('<HTML>',HTMLText)=0 then HTMLText := '<HTML>' + HTMLText;
| 551 | if Pos('</HTML>',HTMLText)=0 then HTMLText := HTMLText + '</HTML>';
| 552 | if Pos('<!DOCTYPE HTML',HTMLText)=0 then begin
| 553 | HTMLText := '<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//WC3//DTD HTML 3.2//EN">'+ #10#13 + HTMLText;
| 554 | end;
| 555 | result := HTMLText;
| 556 | end;
[453] | 557 |
[541] | 558 | function UnwrapHTML(HTMLText : string) : string;
| 559 | //Purpose: take HTML formatted text and remove proper headers and footers etc.
| 560 | // i.e. 'unwrap' formal HTML into partial HTML format.
| 561 | begin
| 562 | HTMLText := piece(HTMLText,'<HTML>',2);
| 563 | HTMLText := piece(HTMLText,'</HTML>',1);
| 564 | HTMLText := piece(HTMLText,'<BODY>',2);
| 565 | HTMLText := piece(HTMLText,'</BODY>',1);
| 566 | result := HTMLText;
| 567 | end;
[453] | 568 |
[541] | 569 | function CheckForImageLink(Lines: TStrings; ImageList : TStringList) : boolean;
| 570 | {Purpose: To scan memNote memo for a link to an image. If found, return link(s)
| 571 | input: none:
| 572 | output: Will return a string list holding 1 or more links
| 573 | Notes: Here will be the <img .. > format scanned for:
[453] | 574 |
[541] | 575 | Here is some opening text...
| 576 | <img src="http://www.geocities.com/kdtop3/OpenVistA.jpg" alt="Image Title 1">
| 577 | And here is some more text
| 578 | <img src="http://www.geocities.com/kdtop3/OpenVistA_small.jpg" alt="Image Title 2">
| 579 | And the saga continues...
| 580 | <img src="http://www.geocities.com/kdtop3/pics/Image100.gif" alt="Image Title 3">
| 581 | As with html, end-of-lines and white space is not preserved or significant
[453] | 582 | }
| 583 |
[541] | 584 | function GetBetween (var Text : AnsiString; OpenTag,CloseTag : string;
| 585 | KeepTags : Boolean) : string;
| 586 | {Purpose: Gets text between Open and Close tags. Removes any CR's or LF's
| 587 | Input: Text - the text to work on. It IS changed as code is removed
| 588 | KeepTags - true if want tag return in result
| 589 | false if tag not in result (still is removed from Text)
| 590 | Output: Text is changed.
| 591 | Result=the code between the opening and closing tags
| 592 | Note: Both OpenTag and CloseTag MUST be present for anything to happen.
| 593 | }
[453] | 594 |
[541] | 595 | procedure CutInThree(var Text : AnsiString; p1, p2 : Integer; var s1,s2,s3 : AnsiString);
| 596 | {Purpose: Cut input string Text into 3 parts, with cut points given by p1 & p2.
| 597 | p1 points to first character to be in s2
| 598 | p2 points to last character to be in s2 }
| 599 | begin
| 600 | s1 := ''; s2 := ''; s3 := '';
| 601 | if p1 > 1 then s1 := MidStr(Text, 1, p1-1);
| 602 | s2 := MidStr(Text, p1, p2-p1+1);
| 603 | s3 := MidStr(Text, p2+1, Length(Text)-p2);
| 604 | end;
[453] | 605 |
[541] | 606 | var
| 607 | p1,p2 : integer;
| 608 | s1,s2,s3 : AnsiString;
[453] | 609 |
[541] | 610 | begin
| 611 | Result := ''; //default of no result.
| 612 |
| 613 | p1 := Pos(UpperCase(OpenTag), UpperCase(Text));
| 614 | if (p1 > 0) then begin
| 615 | p2 := Pos(UpperCase(CloseTag),UpperCase(Text)) + Length(CloseTag) -1;
| 616 | if ((p2 > 0) and (p2 > p1)) then begin
| 617 | CutInThree (Text, p1,p2, s1,Result,s3);
| 618 | Text := s1+s3;
| 619 | //Now, remove any CR's or LF's
| 620 | repeat
| 621 | p1 := Pos (Chr(13),Result);
| 622 | if p1= 0 then p1 := Pos (Chr(10),Result);
| 623 | if (p1 > 0) then begin
| 624 | CutInThree (Result, p1,p1, s1,s2,s3);
| 625 | Result := s1+s3;
| 626 | // Text := MidStr(Text,1,p1-1) + MidStr(Text,p1+1,Length(Text)-p1);
| 627 | end;
| 628 | until (p1=0);
| 629 | //Now cut off boundry tags if requested.
| 630 | if not KeepTags then begin
| 631 | p1 := Length(OpenTag) + 1;
| 632 | p2 := Length (Result) - Length (CloseTag);
| 633 | CutInThree (Result, p1,p2, s1,s2,s3);
| 634 | Result := s2;
[453] | 635 | end;
| 636 | end;
| 637 | end;
| 638 | end;
| 639 |
[541] | 640 | var
| 641 | Text : AnsiString;
| 642 | LineStr : string;
[453] | 643 |
[541] | 644 | begin
| 645 | Result := false; //set default
| 646 | if (ImageList = nil) or (Lines = nil) then exit;
[453] | 647 | ImageList.Clear; //set default
| 648 | Text := Lines.Text; //Get entire note into one long string
| 649 | repeat
[541] | 650 | LineStr := GetBetween (Text, '<img', '>', true);
| 651 | if LineStr <> '' then begin
| 652 | ImageList.Add(LineStr);
[453] | 653 | Result := true;
| 654 | end;
[541] | 655 | until LineStr = '';
[453] | 656 | //Note: The following works, but need to replace removed links
| 657 | // with "[Title]" Work on later...
| 658 | //memNote.Lines.Text := Text;
| 659 | end;
| 660 |
[541] | 661 | function ProtectHTMLSpaces(Text : String) : string;
| 662 | begin
| 663 | Result := AnsiReplaceStr(Text, #9, ' ');
| 664 | while Pos(' ',Result)>0 do begin //preserve whitespace
| 665 | Result := AnsiReplaceStr(Result, ' ', ' ');
| 666 | end;
| 667 | end;
[453] | 668 |
[541] | 669 | function Text2HTML(Lines : TStrings) : String;
| 670 | //Purpose: Take plain text, and prep for viewing in HTML viewer.
| 671 | //i.e. convert TABs into  's and add <br> at end of line etc.
| 672 | var i : integer;
| 673 | tempS : string;
| 674 | begin
| 675 | for i := 0 to Lines.Count-1 do begin
| 676 | tempS := TrimRight(Lines.Strings[i]);
| 677 | if i = Lines.Count-1 then tempS := tempS + '<P>'
| 678 | else tempS := tempS + '<BR>';
| 679 | Lines.Strings[i] := tempS;
| 680 | end;
| 681 | Result := ProtectHTMLSpaces(Lines.Text)
| 682 | end;
[453] | 683 |
[541] | 684 | function Text2HTML(text : string) : String; overload;
| 685 | var Lines : TStringList;
| 686 | begin
| 687 | Lines := TStringList.create;
| 688 | Lines.Text := text;
| 689 | Result := Text2HTML(Lines);
| 690 | Lines.Free;
| 691 | end;
| 692 |
| 693 | type
| 694 | TFontSizeData = record
| 695 | case byte of 1: (Data : array[0..3] of byte);
| 696 | 2: (Size : byte; Filler : array[1..3] of byte);
| 697 | end;
| 698 |
| 699 | var
| 700 | StoredFontSize : TFontSizeData;
| 701 | FontSizeReg: TRegistry;
| 702 |
| 703 | procedure SetRegHTMLFontSize(Size: byte);
| 704 | //Purpose: To set the internet explorer Font Size value via the registry.
| 706 | // Value should be 0 (smallest) - 4 (largest)
| 707 | const HTML_BLANK : TFontSizeData =(Data: (0,0,0,0));
| 708 | var Value : TFontSizeData;
| 709 |
| 710 | begin
| 711 | if Size > 4 then Size := 4;
| 712 | Value := HTML_BLANK; Value.Size := Size;
| 713 | FontSizeReg := TRegistry.Create; //To be freed in RestoreRegHTMLFontSize
| 714 | try
| 715 | FontSizeReg.Rootkey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
| 716 | if FontSizeReg.OpenKey('\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\International\Scripts\3', False) then begin
| 717 | FontSizeReg.ReadBinaryData('IEFontSize',StoredFontSize,Sizeof(StoredFontSize));
| 718 | FontSizeReg.WriteBinaryData('IEFontSize',Value,SizeOf(Value));
| 719 | end;
| 720 | finally
| 721 | end;
| 722 | end;
| 723 |
| 724 | procedure RestoreRegHTMLFontSize;
| 725 | //Purpose: To restore the Internet Explorer zoom value to a stored value..
| 726 | //elh 6/19/09
| 727 | begin
| 728 | if not assigned(FontSizeReg) then FontSizeReg := TRegistry.Create;
| 729 | try
| 730 | FontSizeReg.WriteBinaryData('IEFontSize',StoredFontSize,SizeOf(StoredFontSize));
| 731 | finally
| 732 | FontSizeReg.Free;
| 733 | end;
| 734 | end;
| 735 |
| 736 | var
| 737 | StoredIEHeader, StoredIEFooters : string;
| 738 | Reg : TRegistry;
| 739 |
| 740 | procedure SetupHTMLPrinting(Name,DOB,Location,Institution : string);
| 741 | //Purpose: To open the IE header and footer registry keys, save the
| 742 | //current value and then replace with passed patient data. elh 6/19/09
| 743 | //NOTE: There does not seem to be any other way to do this programatically.
| 744 | var NewHeader,NewFooter : string;
| 745 | begin
| 746 | if DesiredHTMLFontSize > 0 then begin
| 747 | SetRegHTMLFontSize(DesiredHTMLFontSize-1); //Downsize by 1 step
| 748 | end;
| 749 | NewHeader := Location + ' &b ' + Institution + ' &b Printed: &d &t';
| 750 | NewFooter := Name + ' &b DOB: ' + DOB + ' &b &p of &P';
| 751 | Reg := TRegistry.Create; //to be freed in RestoreIEPrinting
| 752 | try
| 753 | Reg.Rootkey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER;
| 754 | if Reg.OpenKey('\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\PageSetup', False) then begin
| 755 | StoredIEFooters := Reg.ReadString('footer');
| 756 | StoredIEHeader := Reg.ReadString('header');
| 757 | Reg.WriteString('header',NewHeader);
| 758 | Reg.WriteString('footer',NewFooter);
| 759 | end;
| 760 | finally
| 761 | end;
| 762 | end;
| 763 |
| 764 | procedure RestoreIEPrinting;
| 765 | //Purpose: To restore the IE header and footer registry with the initial value
| 766 | //elh 6/19/09
| 767 | begin
| 768 | if not assigned(Reg) then Reg := TRegistry.Create;
| 769 | try
| 770 | Reg.WriteString('footer',StoredIEFooters);
| 771 | Reg.WriteString('header',StoredIEHeader);
| 772 | RestoreRegHTMLFontSize;
| 773 | finally
| 774 | Reg.Free;
| 775 | end;
| 776 | end;
| 777 |
| 778 | begin
| 779 | DesiredHTMLFontSize := 2; //probably overwritten in fNotes initialization
[453] | 780 | end.