source: cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/CPRS-Chart/uEvaluate.pas@ 996

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1unit uEvaluate;
2//kt and Eddie added entire unit 3/28/10
4 This unit was created by Josh Code
5 and uploaded to Planet Source
6 All changed are noted.
7 Reformatting for code appearance applied.
9 -----------------------------------------------------------------
10 The expression must follow the following rules:
11 There can''t be any spaces.
12 The only operators supported are: ^,*,/,+,-
13 There must be the same number of begin and end brackets.
14 Only the round brackets can be used.
15 All values must be valid constants.
16 A "valid constant," for this program, is defined as a string with:
17 - no characters besides "0".."9," up to one ".",
18 up to one "-" at the beginning
19 - the string must be at least one character in length
20 - Exponential sections are not supported, however, the "E" character
21 is supported by "StrToFloat." ie. "3.14E-10" is not supported by this
22 program, but it is for Delphi's "StrToFloat" function.
23 -----------------------------------------------------------------
25 The purpose of the program is to show how to evaluate a string
26 The program evaluates an expression contained in a string to a single real number
27 using order of operation.
28 The program supports powers, multiplication, division, adding, and subtraction.
30 You are free to copy and paste this code for educational use.
31 If you want it for commercial use, contact me.
32 If you find some bugs, contact me.
33 If you make any good improvements, contact me. I'd like to know if the code can be reduced.
34 My email address is
36 A string is evaluated by finding the first simple expression to evaluate using order of operation
37 (B.E.D.M.A.S.)
38 Each operation is evaluated by looking at the operator character and getting
39 the values on the left and right side of it. These values are found by scanning
40 the characters to the left and right of the operator. After an operation is evaluated,
41 the new value is substituted into the string and the next operation will then be evaluated.
42 After evaluating all of the operations in the string, a single real number should remain.
51 Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs,
52 StdCtrls,Math, StrUtils;
55function StringEval(str1: string;var problem: boolean): real;
59function LastIndexOf(ch: char;str1: string): integer;
60var c: integer;
62 result:=-1; // if the loop doesn't get a match then this is the result
63 for c:=Length(str1) downto 1 do begin
64 if str1[c]=ch then begin // if the character matches the character in the string
65 result:=c;
66 break; // don't continue the loop
67 end;
68 end;
71function GetClosingBracket(start1: integer; str1: string;var done: boolean): integer;
73 x: integer;
74 ch: char;
75 BCount: integer;
77 done:=true;
78 result:=0;
79 BCount:=1;
80 for x:=start1+1 to length(str1) do begin
81 ch:=str1[x];
82 if (ch=')') or (ch='(') then begin
83 case ch of
84 '(': inc(BCount);
85 ')': dec(BCount);
86 end;
87 if BCount=0 then begin
88 done:=false;
89 result:=x;
90 break;
91 end;
92 end;
93 end;
96function GetHigherBracket(const str1: string;var done,problem: boolean;var start1,end1: integer): string;
98 pos1,pos2: integer;
99begin // problem getting the higherbracket information when str1='(-1)*(-2)'
100 result:=''; // initial value
101 pos1:=pos('(',str1);
102 start1:=pos1-1;
103 pos2:=GetClosingBracket(pos1,str1,done);
104 inc(pos2);
105 end1:=pos2;
106 if done then
107 result:=str1
108 else if (pos1>0) xor (pos2>0) then begin
109 ShowMessage('problem with getting brackets out of this string: "'+str1+'"');
110 problem:=true;
111 end
112 // there has to be a match between the number of end and beginning brackets
113 else if Pos1>0 then
114 result:=copy(str1,pos1+1,pos2-pos1-2)
115 else begin // if there was no brackets in the string
116 done:=true;
117 result:=str1;
118 end;
121//kt original --> function GetLeftNum(index1: integer;str1: string;var start1: integer; problem: boolean): real;
122function GetLeftNum(index1: integer;str1: string;var start1: integer; var problem: boolean): real;
124 c: integer;
125 ch1: char;
126 decimaled: boolean; // true after a decimal was added to NumStr
127 NumStr: string;
128// a string to contain the number in string form until it is comletely copied
129begin // get the number left of a certain character by looping down the string
130 result:=0;
131 if index1=1 then begin
132 result:=0;
133 exit;
134 end;
135 NumStr:=''; // initialize string
136 Decimaled:=false;
137 for c:=index1-1 downto 1 do begin // loop down the string
138 ch1:=str1[c];
139 if (ch1>='0')and(ch1<='9') then
140 NumStr:=ch1+NumStr
141 else if ch1='.' then begin
142 if Decimaled then begin
143 Problem:=true;
144 Break;
145 end else begin
146 NumStr:=ch1+NumStr;
147 end;
148 Decimaled:=true;
149 end else if ch1='-' then begin
150 if c>1 then begin // avoid error when referring to a character that doesn't exist
151 if (str1[c-1]<'0')or(str1[c-1]>'9') then begin
152 // make sure the '-' is not supposed to be a subtraction operator
153 NumStr:=NumStr+ch1;
154 end;
155 end else begin// first character of the string is added
156 NumStr:=ch1+NumStr;
157 end;
158 Break;
159 end else Break;
160 end;
161 start1:=c;
162 { //kt
163 if NumStr='' then
164 problem:=true
165 else
166 result:=strtofloat(NumStr);
167 }
168 if NumStr='' then problem:=true;
169 if not problem then begin
170 result:=strtofloat(NumStr);
171 end;
174//kt original --> function GetRightNum(index1: integer;str1: string;var end1: integer;problem: boolean): real;
175function GetRightNum(index1: integer;str1: string;var end1: integer; var problem: boolean): real;
177 c: integer;
178 ch1: char;
179 decimaled: boolean; // true after a decimal was added to NumStr
180 NumStr: string;
181// a string to contain the number in string form until it is comletely copied
182begin // get the number left of a certain character by looping down the string
183 NumStr:=''; // initialize string
184 Decimaled:=false;
185 for c:=index1+1 to Length(str1) do begin // loop down the string
186 ch1:=str1[c];
187 if (ch1>='0')and(ch1<='9')or((c=index1+1)and(ch1='-')) then begin
188 NumStr:=NumStr+ch1
189 end else if ch1='.' then begin
190 if Decimaled then begin
191 Problem:=true;
192 Break;
193 end else begin
194 NumStr:=NumStr+ch1;
195 end;
196 Decimaled:=true;
197 end else Break;
198 end;
199 if NumStr='' then problem:=true;
200 if not problem then begin
201 result:=strtofloat(NumStr);
202 end else begin
203 result := 0;
204 end;
205 end1:=c;
206 { //kt
207 if NumStr='' then
208 problem:=true
209 else
210 result:=strtofloat(NumStr);
211 end1:=c;
212 }
215procedure SubstituteStr(StartIndex,EndIndex: integer;var str1: string;const SubStr: string);
216// substitute a substring into another string, replacing a certain index range
217var s1: string;
219 s1:='';
220 if startindex<>1 then begin
221 s1:=copy(str1,1,StartIndex);
222 end;
223 s1:=s1+SubStr;
224 if EndIndex<Length(str1) then begin
225 s1:=s1+copy(str1,EndIndex,999);
226 end;
227 str1:=s1;
230procedure StoreOpVals(ChIndex: integer;str1: string; var problem: boolean;var val1,val2: real;var start1,end1: integer);
231// store the values left and right of the operation character
233 Val1:=GetLeftNum(ChIndex,str1,start1,problem);
234 Val2:=GetRightNum(ChIndex,str1,end1,problem);
237function StringEval(str1: string;var problem: boolean): real;
239 pos1,pos2: integer;
240 parEval: string;
241 parPos1,parPos2: integer;
242 stopping: boolean;
243 st1,en1: integer; // used for substituing strings
244 val1,val2: real; // constant values used to evaluate an operation
245 s: string;
247 function StorePos(ch: char): integer;
248 begin // store the position of the character into pos1 and return it too
249 pos1:=pos(ch,str1);
250 result:=pos1;
251 end;
254 stopping:=false;
255 while not stopping do begin// loop through the brackets using recursion
256 s:=GetHigherBracket(str1,stopping,problem,st1,en1);
257 if not (stopping or problem) then // there are still smaller brackets to evaluate
258 SubstituteStr(st1,en1,str1,floattostr(StringEval(s,problem)))
259 else
260 stopping:=true;
261 end;
262 if problem then begin
263 result:=0;
264 Exit;
265 end;
266 // now to actually evaluate something
267 //kt added "and (not problem)" below
268 while (StorePos('^')>0) and (not problem) do begin// there is an adding operation to evaluate
269 StoreOpVals(pos1,str1,problem,val1,val2,st1,en1);
270 SubstituteStr(st1,en1,str1,floattostr(power(val1,val2)));
271 end;
272 while (Pos('*',str1)>0)or(Pos('/',str1)>0) and (not problem) do begin
273 pos2:=Pos('*',str1);
274 pos1:=Pos('/',str1);
275 if (pos1<pos2)and(pos1>1)or(pos2<1) then begin
276 StoreOpVals(pos1,str1,problem,val1,val2,st1,en1);
277 SubstituteStr(st1,en1,str1,floattostr(val1/val2));
278 end else begin
279 StoreOpVals(pos2,str1,problem,val1,val2,st1,en1);
280 SubstituteStr(st1,en1,str1,floattostr(val1*val2));
281 end;
282 end;
283 while (Pos('+',str1)>0)or(Pos('-',str1)>0) and (not problem) do begin
284 pos2:=pos('-',str1);
285 if pos2=1 then // ie. str1 = '-4-4'
286 pos2:=pos('-',copy(str1,2,999))+1;
287 pos1:=Pos('+',str1);
288 if pos2=1 then // ie. str1 = '+4-4'
289 pos1:=pos('+',copy(str1,2,999))+1;
290 if ((pos1<pos2) and (pos1>1) or (pos2<1)) then begin
291 StoreOpVals(pos1,str1,problem,val1,val2,st1,en1);
292 SubstituteStr(st1,en1,str1,floattostr(val1+val2));
293 end else if pos2>1 then begin// don't evaluate something like '-3423'
294 StoreOpVals(pos2,str1,problem,val1,val2,st1,en1);
295 SubstituteStr(st1,en1,str1,floattostr(val1-val2));
296 end else break;
297 end;
298 if (str1<>'') and not problem then begin //kt added problem check
299 try
300 result:=StrToFloat(str1);
301 except
302 on EConvertError do begin
303 result := 0;
304 problem := true;
305 end;
306 end;
307 end else begin
308 result := 0;
309 problem := true;
310 end;
314procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
315var // Evaluate Expression
316 s: string;
317 problem: boolean; // used to hold information on a problem
319 Problem:=false;
320 s:=edit1.text;
321 s:=floattostr(StringEval(s,problem));
322 if problem then
323 edit1.text:='error'
324 else
325 edit1.text:=s;
328procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject);
329begin // Expression Guidelines
330 // the character, #13, creates a new line.
331 ShowMessage('The expression must follow the following rules:'+#13+
332 ' There can''t be any spaces.'+#13+
333 ' The only operators supported are: ^,*,/,+,-'+#13+
334 ' There must be the same number of begin and end brackets.'+#13+
335 ' Only the round brackets can be used.'+#13+
336 ' All values must be valid constants.'+#13+
337 ' A "valid constant," for this program, is defined as a string with:'+#13+
338 ' - no characters besides "0".."9," up to one ".", '+#13+
339 ' up to one "-" at the beginning'+#13+
340 ' - the string must be atleast one character in length'+#13+
341 ' - Exponential sections are not supported, however, the "E" character'+#13+
342 ' is supported by "StrToFloat." ie. "3.14E-10" is not supported by this program,'+#13+
343 ' but it is for Delphi''s "StrToFloat" function.'
344 );
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