[453] | 1 | //kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 9/5/2007
| 2 | unit uReminders;
| 3 |
| 4 | interface
| 5 |
| 6 | uses
| 7 | Windows, Messages, Classes, Controls, StdCtrls, SysUtils, ComCtrls, Menus,
| 8 | Graphics, Forms, ORClasses, ORCtrls, ORDtTm, ORFn, ORNet, Dialogs, uPCE, uVitals,
[541] | 9 | TMGHTML2, //kt added 8/09
[453] | 10 | ExtCtrls, fDrawers, fDeviceSelect;
| 11 |
| 12 | type
| 13 | TReminderDialog = class(TObject)
| 14 | private
| 15 | FDlgData: string;
| 16 | FElements: TStringList; // list of TRemDlgElement objects
| 17 | FOnNeedRedraw: TNotifyEvent;
| 18 | FNeedRedrawCount: integer;
| 19 | FOnTextChanged: TNotifyEvent;
| 20 | FTextChangedCount: integer;
| 21 | FPCEDataObj: TPCEData;
| 22 | FNoResolve: boolean;
| 23 | FWHReviewIEN: string; // AGP CHANGE 23.13 Allow for multiple processing of WH Review of Result Reminders
| 24 | FRemWipe: integer;
| 25 | protected
| 26 | function GetIEN: string; virtual;
| 27 | function GetPrintName: string; virtual;
| 28 | procedure BeginNeedRedraw;
| 29 | procedure EndNeedRedraw(Sender: TObject);
| 30 | procedure BeginTextChanged;
| 31 | procedure EndTextChanged(Sender: TObject);
| 32 | function GetDlgSL: TORStringList;
| 33 | procedure ComboBoxResized(Sender: TObject);
| 34 | procedure ComboBoxCheckedText(Sender: TObject; NumChecked: integer; var Text: string);
| 35 | function AddData(Lst: TStrings; Finishing: boolean = FALSE; Historical: boolean = FALSE): integer;
| 36 | function Visible: boolean;
| 37 | public
| 38 | constructor BaseCreate;
| 39 | constructor Create(ADlgData: string);
| 40 | destructor Destroy; override;
| 41 | procedure FinishProblems(List: TStrings; var MissingTemplateFields: boolean);
| 42 | function BuildControls(ParentWidth: integer; AParent, AOwner: TWinControl): TWinControl;
| 43 | function Processing: boolean;
| 44 | procedure AddText(Lst: TStrings);
| 45 | property PrintName: string read GetPrintName;
| 46 | property IEN: string read GetIEN;
| 47 | property Elements: TStringList read FElements;
| 48 | property OnNeedRedraw: TNotifyEvent read FOnNeedRedraw write FOnNeedRedraw;
| 49 | property OnTextChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnTextChanged write FOnTextChanged;
| 50 | property PCEDataObj: TPCEData read FPCEDataObj write FPCEDataObj;
| 51 | property DlgData: string read FDlgData; //AGP Change 24.8
| 52 | property WHReviewIEN: string read FWHReviewIEN write FWHReviewIEN; //AGP CHANGE 23.13
| 53 | property RemWipe: integer read FRemWipe write FRemWipe;
| 54 | end;
| 55 |
| 56 | TReminder = class(TReminderDialog)
| 57 | private
| 58 | FRemData: string;
| 59 | FCurNodeID: string;
| 60 | protected
| 61 | function GetDueDateStr: string;
| 62 | function GetLastDateStr: string;
| 63 | function GetIEN: string; override;
| 64 | function GetPrintName: string; override;
| 65 | function GetPriority: integer;
| 66 | function GetStatus: string;
| 67 | public
| 68 | constructor Create(ARemData: string);
| 69 | property DueDateStr: string read GetDueDateStr;
| 70 | property LastDateStr: string read GetLastDateStr;
| 71 | property Priority: integer read GetPriority;
| 72 | property Status: string read GetStatus;
| 73 | property RemData: string read FRemData;
| 74 | property CurrentNodeID: string read FCurNodeID write FCurNodeID;
| 75 | end;
| 76 |
| 77 | TRDChildReq = (crNone, crOne, crAtLeastOne, crNoneOrOne);
| 78 | TRDElemType = (etCheckBox, etTaxonomy, etDisplayOnly);
| 79 |
| 80 | TRemPrompt = class;
| 81 |
| 82 | TRemDlgElement = class(TObject)
| 83 | private
| 84 | FReminder: TReminderDialog;
| 85 | FParent: TRemDlgElement;
| 86 | FChildren: TList; // Points to other TRemDlgElement objects
| 87 | FData: TList; // List of TRemData objects
| 88 | FPrompts: TList; // list of TRemPrompts objects
| 89 | FText: string;
| 90 | FPNText: string;
| 91 | FRec1: string;
| 92 | FID: string;
| 93 | FDlgID: string;
| 94 | FHaveData: boolean;
| 95 | FTaxID: string;
| 96 | FChecked: boolean;
| 97 | FChildrenShareChecked: boolean;
| 98 | FHasSharedPrompts: boolean;
| 99 | FHasComment: boolean;
| 100 | FHasSubComments: boolean;
| 101 | FCommentPrompt: TRemPrompt;
| 102 | FFieldValues: TORStringList;
| 103 | FMSTPrompt: TRemPrompt;
| 104 | FWHPrintDevice, FWHResultChk, FWHResultNot: String;
| 105 | FVitalDateTime: TFMDateTime; //AGP Changes 26.1
| 106 | protected
| 107 | procedure Check4ChildrenSharedPrompts;
| 108 | function ShowChildren: boolean;
| 109 | function EnableChildren: boolean;
| 110 | function Enabled: boolean;
| 111 | procedure SetChecked(const Value: boolean);
| 112 | procedure UpdateData;
| 113 | procedure GetData;
| 114 | function TrueIndent: integer;
| 115 | procedure cbClicked(Sender: TObject);
| 116 | procedure FieldPanelEntered(Sender: TObject);
| 117 | procedure FieldPanelExited(Sender: TObject);
| 118 | procedure FieldPanelKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
| 119 | procedure FieldPanelOnClick(Sender: TObject);
| 120 | procedure FieldPanelLabelOnClick(Sender: TObject);
| 121 |
| 122 | function BuildControls(var Y: integer; ParentWidth: integer;
| 123 | BaseParent, AOwner: TWinControl): TWinControl;
| 124 | function AddData(Lst: TStrings; Finishing: boolean; AHistorical: boolean = FALSE): integer;
| 125 | procedure FinishProblems(List: TStrings);
| 126 | function IsChecked: boolean;
| 127 | procedure SubCommentChange(Sender: TObject);
| 128 | function EntryID: string;
| 129 | procedure FieldPanelChange(Sender: TObject);
| 130 | procedure GetFieldValues(FldData: TStrings);
| 131 | procedure ParentCBEnter(Sender: TObject);
| 132 | procedure ParentCBExit(Sender: TObject);
| 133 | public
| 134 | constructor Create;
| 135 | destructor Destroy; override;
| 136 | function ElemType: TRDElemType;
| 137 | function Add2PN: boolean;
| 138 | function Indent: integer;
| 139 | function FindingType: string;
| 140 | function Historical: boolean;
| 141 | function ResultDlgID: integer;
| 142 | function IncludeMHTestInPN: boolean;
| 143 | function HideChildren: boolean;
| 144 | function ChildrenIndent: integer;
| 145 | function ChildrenSharePrompts: boolean;
| 146 | function ChildrenRequired: TRDChildReq;
| 147 | function Box: boolean;
| 148 | function BoxCaption: string;
| 149 | function IndentChildrenInPN: boolean;
| 150 | function IndentPNLevel: integer;
| 151 | function GetTemplateFieldValues(const Text: string; FldValues: TORStringList = nil): string;
| 152 | procedure AddText(Lst: TStrings);
| 153 | property Text: string read FText;
| 154 | property ID: string read FID;
| 155 | property DlgID: string read FDlgID;
| 156 | property Checked: boolean read FChecked write SetChecked;
| 157 | property Reminder: TReminderDialog read FReminder;
| 158 | property HasComment: boolean read FHasComment;
| 159 | property WHPrintDevice: String read FWHPrintDevice write FWHPrintDevice;
| 160 | property WHResultChk: String read FWHResultChk write FWHResultChk;
| 161 | property WHResultNot: String read FWHResultNot write FWHResultNot;
| 162 | property VitalDateTime: TFMDateTime read FVitalDateTime write FVitalDateTime;
| 163 | end;
| 164 |
| 165 | TRemDataType = (dtDiagnosis, dtProcedure, dtPatientEducation,
| 166 | dtExam, dtHealthFactor, dtImmunization, dtSkinTest,
| 167 | dtVitals, dtOrder, dtMentalHealthTest, dtWHPapResult,
| 168 | dtWhNotPurp);
| 169 |
| 170 | TRemPCERoot = class;
| 171 |
| 172 | TRemData = class(TObject)
| 173 | private
| 174 | FPCERoot: TRemPCERoot;
| 175 | FParent: TRemDlgElement;
| 176 | FRec3: string;
| 177 | FActiveDates: TStringList; //Active dates for finding items. (rectype 3)
| 178 | // FRoot: string;
| 179 | FChoices: TORStringList;
| 180 | FChoicesActiveDates: TList; //Active date ranges for taxonomies. (rectype 5)
| 181 | //List of TStringList objects that contain active date
| 182 | //ranges for each FChoices object of the same index
| 183 | FChoicePrompt: TRemPrompt; //rectype 4
| 184 | FChoicesMin: integer;
| 185 | FChoicesMax: integer;
| 186 | FChoicesFont: THandle;
| 187 | FSyncCount: integer;
| 188 | protected
| 189 | function AddData(List: TStrings; Finishing: boolean): integer;
| 190 | public
| 191 | destructor Destroy; override;
| 192 | function Add2PN: boolean;
| 193 | function DisplayWHResults: boolean;
| 194 | function InternalValue: string;
| 195 | function ExternalValue: string;
| 196 | function Narrative: string;
| 197 | function Category: string;
| 198 | function DataType: TRemDataType;
| 199 | property Parent: TRemDlgElement read FParent;
| 200 | end;
| 201 |
| 202 | TRemPromptType = (ptComment, ptVisitLocation, ptVisitDate, ptQuantity,
| 203 | ptPrimaryDiag, ptAdd2PL, ptExamResults, ptSkinResults,
| 204 | ptSkinReading, ptLevelSeverity, ptSeries, ptReaction,
| 205 | ptContraindicated, ptLevelUnderstanding, ptWHPapResult,
| 206 | ptWHNotPurp);
| 207 |
| 208 | TRemPrompt = class(TObject)
| 209 | private
| 210 | FFromControl: boolean;
| 211 | FParent: TRemDlgElement;
| 212 | FRec4: string;
| 213 | FCaptionAssigned: boolean;
| 214 | FData: TRemData;
| 215 | FValue: string;
| 216 | FOverrideType: TRemPromptType;
| 217 | FIsShared: boolean;
| 218 | FSharedChildren: TList;
| 219 | FCurrentControl: TControl;
| 220 | FFromParent: boolean;
| 221 | FInitializing: boolean;
| 222 | FMiscText: string;
| 223 | FMonthReq: boolean;
| 224 | FPrintNow: String;
| 225 | FMHTestComplete: integer;
| 226 | protected
| 227 | function RemDataActive(RData: TRemData; EncDt: TFMDateTime):Boolean;
| 228 | function RemDataChoiceActive(RData: TRemData; j: integer; EncDt: TFMDateTime):Boolean;
| 229 | function GetValue: string;
| 230 | procedure SetValueFromParent(Value: string);
| 231 | procedure SetValue(Value: string);
| 232 | procedure PromptChange(Sender: TObject);
| 233 | procedure VitalVerify(Sender: TObject);
| 234 | procedure ComboBoxKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
| 235 | function CanShare(Prompt: TRemPrompt): boolean;
| 236 | procedure InitValue;
| 237 | procedure DoMHTest(Sender: TObject);
| 238 | procedure DoWHReport(Sender: TObject);
| 239 | procedure ViewWHText(Sender: TObject);
| 240 | procedure GAFHelp(Sender: TObject);
| 241 | function EntryID: string;
| 242 | procedure EditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
| 243 | public
| 244 | constructor Create;
| 245 | destructor Destroy; override;
| 246 | function PromptOK: boolean;
| 247 | function PromptType: TRemPromptType;
| 248 | function Add2PN: boolean;
| 249 | function InternalValue: string;
| 250 | function Forced: boolean;
| 251 | function Caption: string;
| 252 | function ForcedCaption: string;
| 253 | function SameLine: boolean;
| 254 | function Required: boolean;
| 255 | function NoteText: string;
| 256 | function VitalType: TVitalType;
| 257 | function VitalValue: string;
| 258 | function VitalUnitValue: string;
| 259 | property Value: string read GetValue write SetValue;
| 260 | end;
| 261 |
| 262 | TRemPCERoot = class(TObject)
| 263 | private
| 264 | FData: TList;
| 265 | FID: string;
| 266 | FForcedPrompts: TStringList;
| 267 | FValue: string;
| 268 | FValueSet: string;
| 269 | protected
| 270 | class function GetRoot(Data: TRemData; Rec3: string; Historical: boolean): TRemPCERoot;
| 271 | procedure Done(Data: TRemData);
| 272 | procedure Sync(Prompt: TRemPrompt);
| 273 | procedure UnSync(Prompt: TRemPrompt);
| 274 | function GetValue(PromptType: TRemPromptType; var NewValue: string): boolean;
| 275 | public
| 276 | destructor Destroy; override;
| 277 | end;
| 278 |
| 279 | TReminderStatus = (rsDue, rsApplicable, rsNotApplicable, rsNone, rsUnknown);
| 280 |
| 281 | TRemCanFinishProc = function: boolean of object;
| 282 | TRemDisplayPCEProc = procedure of object;
| 283 |
| 284 | TRemForm = record
| 285 | Form: TForm;
| 286 | PCEObj: TPCEData;
| 287 | RightPanel: TPanel;
| 288 | CanFinishProc: TRemCanFinishProc;
| 289 | DisplayPCEProc: TRemDisplayPCEProc;
| 290 | Drawers: TFrmDrawers;
| 291 | NewNoteRE: TRichEdit;
[541] | 292 | NewNoteHTMLE : THTMLObj; //kt 8/09
[453] | 293 | NoteList: TORListBox;
| 294 | end;
| 295 |
| 296 | var
| 297 | RemForm: TRemForm;
| 298 | NotPurposeValue: string;
| 299 | WHRemPrint: string;
| 300 | InitialRemindersLoaded: boolean = FALSE;
| 301 |
| 302 | const
| 303 | HAVE_REMINDERS = 0;
| 304 | NO_REMINDERS = 1;
| 305 | RemPriorityText: array[1..3] of string = ('High','','Low');
| 306 | //ClinMaintText = 'Clinical Maintenance'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 307 |
| 308 | function ClinMaintText : string; //kt
| 309 |
| 310 | const
| 311 | dtUnknown = TRemDataType(-1);
| 312 | dtAll = TRemDataType(-2);
| 313 | dtHistorical = TRemDataType(-3);
| 314 |
| 315 | ptUnknown = TRemPromptType(-1);
| 316 | ptSubComment = TRemPromptType(-2);
| 317 | ptDataList = TRemPromptType(-3);
| 318 | ptVitalEntry = TRemPromptType(-4);
| 319 | ptMHTest = TRemPromptType(-5);
| 320 | ptGAF = TRemPromptType(-6);
| 321 | ptMST = TRemPromptType(-7);
| 322 |
| 323 | MSTCode = 'MST';
| 324 | MSTDataTypes = [pdcHF, pdcExam];
| 325 | pnumMST = ord(pnumComment)+4;
| 326 |
| 327 | procedure NotifyWhenRemindersChange(Proc: TNotifyEvent);
| 328 | procedure RemoveNotifyRemindersChange(Proc: TNotifyEvent);
| 329 | procedure StartupReminders;
| 330 | function GetReminderStatus: TReminderStatus;
| 331 | function RemindersEvaluatingInBackground: boolean;
| 332 | procedure ResetReminderLoad;
| 333 | procedure LoadReminderData(ProcessingInBackground: boolean = FALSE);
| 334 | function ReminderEvaluated(Data: string; ForceUpdate: boolean = FALSE): boolean;
| 335 | procedure RemindersEvaluated(List: TStringList);
| 336 | procedure EvalReminder(ien: integer);
| 337 | procedure EvalProcessed;
| 338 | procedure EvaluateCategoryClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject);
| 339 |
| 340 | procedure SetReminderPopupRoutine(Menu: TPopupMenu);
| 341 | procedure SetReminderPopupCoverRoutine(Menu: TPopupMenu);
| 342 | procedure SetReminderMenuSelectRoutine(Menu: TMenuItem);
| 343 | procedure BuildReminderTree(Tree: TORTreeView);
| 344 | function ReminderNode(Node: TTreeNode): TORTreeNode;
| 345 | procedure ClearReminderData;
| 346 | function GetReminder(ARemData: string): TReminder;
| 347 | procedure WordWrap(const AText: string; Output: TStrings; LineLength: integer;
| 348 | AutoIndent: integer = 4);
| 349 | function InteractiveRemindersActive: boolean;
| 350 | function GetReminderData(Rem: TReminderDialog; Lst: TStrings; Finishing: boolean = FALSE;
| 351 | Historical: boolean = FALSE): integer; overload;
| 352 | function GetReminderData(Lst: TStrings; Finishing: boolean = FALSE;
| 353 | Historical: boolean = FALSE): integer; overload;
| 354 | procedure SetReminderFormBounds(Frm: TForm; DefX, DefY, DefW, DefH, ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: integer);
| 355 |
| 356 | procedure UpdateReminderDialogStatus;
| 357 |
| 358 | //const
| 359 | // InteractiveRemindersActive = FALSE;
| 360 | type
| 361 | TWHCheckBox = class(TORCheckBox)
| 362 | private
| 363 | FPrintNow: TORCheckBox;
| 364 | FViewLetter: TORCheckBox;
| 365 | FCheck1: TORCheckBox;
| 366 | FCheck2: TORCheckBox;
| 367 | FCheck3: TORCheckBox;
| 368 | FEdit: TEdit;
| 369 | FButton: TButton;
| 370 | FOnDestroy: TNotifyEvent;
| 371 | Flbl, Flbl2: TLabel;
| 372 | FPrintVis: String;
| 373 | //FPrintDevice: String;
| 374 | FPntNow: String;
| 375 | FPntBatch: String;
| 376 | FButtonText: String;
| 377 | FCheckNum: String;
| 378 | protected
| 379 | public
| 380 | property lbl: TLabel read Flbl write Flbl;
| 381 | property lbl2: TLabel read Flbl2 write Flbl2;
| 382 | property PntNow: String read FPntNow write FPntNow;
| 383 | property PntBatch: String read FPntBatch write FPntBatch;
| 384 | property CheckNum: String read FCheckNum write FCheckNum;
| 385 | property ButtonText: String read FButtonText write FButtonText;
| 386 | property PrintNow: TORCheckBox read FPrintNow write FPrintNow;
| 387 | property Check1: TORCheckBox read FCheck1 write FCheck1;
| 388 | property Check2: TORCheckBox read FCheck2 write FCheck2;
| 389 | property Check3: TORCheckBox read FCheck3 write FCheck3;
| 390 | property ViewLetter: TORCheckBox read FViewLetter write FViewLetter;
| 391 | property Button: TButton read FButton write FButton;
| 392 | property Edit: TEdit read FEdit write FEdit;
| 393 | property OnDestroy: TNotifyEvent read FOnDestroy write FOnDestroy;
| 394 | property PrintVis: String read FPrintVis write FPrintVis;
| 395 | end;
| 396 |
| 397 |
| 398 | var
| 399 | { ActiveReminder string format:
| 401 | where PRIORITY 1=High, 2=Normal, 3=Low
| 402 | DUE 0=Applicable, 1=Due, 2=Not Applicable }
| 403 | ActiveReminders: TORStringList = nil;
| 404 |
| 405 | { OtherReminder string format:
| 407 | where TYPE C=Category, R=Reminder }
| 408 | OtherReminders: TORStringList = nil;
| 409 |
| 410 | RemindersInProcess: TORStringList = nil;
| 411 | CoverSheetRemindersInBackground: boolean = FALSE;
| 412 | KillReminderDialogProc: procedure(frm: TForm) = nil;
| 413 | RemindersStarted: boolean = FALSE;
| 414 | ProcessedReminders: TORStringList = nil;
| 415 | ReminderDialogInfo: TStringList = nil;
| 416 |
| 417 | const
| 418 | CatCode = 'C';
| 419 | RemCode = 'R';
| 420 | EduCode = 'E';
| 421 | pnumVisitLoc = pnumComment + 1;
| 422 | pnumVisitDate = pnumComment + 2;
| 423 | RemTreeDateIdx = 8;
| 424 | IncludeParentID = ';';
| 425 | OtherCatID = CatCode + '-6';
| 426 |
| 427 | RemDataCodes: array[TRemDataType] of string =
| 428 | { dtDiagnosis } ('POV',
| 429 | { dtProcedure } 'CPT',
| 430 | { dtPatientEducation } 'PED',
| 431 | { dtExam } 'XAM',
| 432 | { dtHealthFactor } 'HF',
| 433 | { dtImmunization } 'IMM',
| 434 | { dtSkinTest } 'SK',
| 435 | { dtVitals } 'VIT',
| 436 | { dtOrder } 'Q',
| 437 | { dtMentalHealthTest } 'MH',
| 438 | { dtWHPapResult } 'WHR',
| 439 | { dtWHNotPurp } 'WH');
| 440 |
| 441 | implementation
| 442 |
| 443 | uses rCore, uCore, rReminders, fRptBox, uConst, fReminderDialog, fNotes, rMisc,
| 444 | fMHTest, rPCE, rTemplates, dShared, uTemplateFields, fIconLegend, fReminderTree, uInit
| 445 | ,DKLang //kt
| 446 | ;
| 447 |
| 448 | type
| 449 | TRemFolder = (rfUnknown, rfDue, rfApplicable, rfNotApplicable, rfEvaluated, rfOther);
| 450 | TRemFolders = set of TRemFolder;
| 451 | TValidRemFolders = succ(low(TRemFolder)) .. high(TRemFolder);
| 452 |
| 453 | var
| 454 | LastReminderLocation: integer = -2;
| 455 | EvaluatedReminders: TORStringList = nil;
| 456 | ReminderTreeMenu: TORPopupMenu = nil;
| 457 | ReminderTreeMenuDlg: TORPopupMenu = nil;
| 458 | ReminderCatMenu: TPopupMenu = nil;
| 459 | EducationTopics: TORStringList = nil;
| 460 | WebPages: TORStringList = nil;
| 461 | ReminderCallList: TORStringList = nil;
| 462 | LastProcessingList: string = '';
| 463 | InteractiveRemindersActiveChecked: boolean = FALSE;
| 464 | InteractiveRemindersActiveStatus: boolean = FALSE;
| 465 | PCERootList: TStringList;
| 466 | PrimaryDiagRoot: TRemPCERoot = nil;
| 467 | ElementChecked: TRemDlgElement = nil;
| 468 | HistRootCount: longint = 0;
| 469 | uRemFolders: TRemFolders = [rfUnknown];
| 470 |
| 471 | //const
| 472 | //DueText = 'Due'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 473 | //ApplicableText = 'Applicable'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 474 | //NotApplicableText = 'Not Applicable'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 475 | //EvaluatedText = 'All Evaluated'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 476 | //OtherText = 'Other Categories'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 477 |
| 478 | var
| 479 | DueText : string; //kt
| 480 | ApplicableText : string; //kt
| 481 | NotApplicableText : string; //kt
| 482 | EvaluatedText : string; //kt
| 483 | OtherText : string; //kt
| 484 | DueCatString : string; //kt
| 485 | ApplCatString : string; //kt
| 486 | NotApplCatString : string; //kt
| 487 | EvaluatedCatString : string; //kt
| 488 | OtherCatString : string; //kt
| 489 | LostCatString : string; //kt
| 490 |
| 491 |
| 492 | const
| 493 | DueCatID = CatCode + '-2';
| 494 | // DueCatString = DueCatID + U + DueText; //kt
| 495 |
| 496 | ApplCatID = CatCode + '-3';
| 497 | // ApplCatString = ApplCatID + U + ApplicableText; //kt
| 498 |
| 499 | NotApplCatID = CatCode + '-4';
| 500 | // NotApplCatString = NotApplCatID + U + NotApplicableText; //kt
| 501 |
| 502 | EvaluatedCatID = CatCode + '-5';
| 503 | // EvaluatedCatString = EvaluatedCatID + U + EvaluatedText; //kt
| 504 |
| 505 | // OtherCatID = CatCode + '-6';
| 506 | // OtherCatString = OtherCatID + U + OtherText; //kt
| 507 |
| 508 | LostCatID = CatCode + '-7';
| 509 | //LostCatString = LostCatID + U + 'In Process'; //kt
| 510 |
| 511 | ReminderDateFormat = 'mm/dd/yyyy';
| 512 |
| 513 | RemData2PCECat: array[TRemDataType] of TPCEDataCat =
| 514 | { dtDiagnosis } (pdcDiag,
| 515 | { dtProcedure } pdcProc,
| 516 | { dtPatientEducation } pdcPED,
| 517 | { dtExam } pdcExam,
| 518 | { dtHealthFactor } pdcHF,
| 519 | { dtImmunization } pdcImm,
| 520 | { dtSkinTest } pdcSkin,
| 521 | { dtVitals } pdcVital,
| 522 | { dtOrder } pdcOrder,
| 523 | { dtMentalHealthTest } pdcMH,
| 524 | { dtWHPapResult } pdcWHR,
| 525 | { dtWHNotPurp } pdcWH);
| 526 |
| 527 | RemPromptCodes: array[TRemPromptType] of string =
| 528 | { ptComment } ('COM',
| 529 | { ptVisitLocation } 'VST_LOC',
| 530 | { ptVisitDate } 'VST_DATE',
| 531 | { ptQuantity } 'CPT_QTY',
| 532 | { ptPrimaryDiag } 'POV_PRIM',
| 533 | { ptAdd2PL } 'POV_ADD',
| 534 | { ptExamResults } 'XAM_RES',
| 535 | { ptSkinResults } 'SK_RES',
| 536 | { ptSkinReading } 'SK_READ',
| 537 | { ptLevelSeverity } 'HF_LVL',
| 538 | { ptSeries } 'IMM_SER',
| 539 | { ptReaction } 'IMM_RCTN',
| 540 | { ptContraindicated } 'IMM_CNTR',
| 541 | { ptLevelUnderstanding } 'PED_LVL',
| 542 | { ptWHPapResult } 'WH_PAP_RESULT',
| 543 | { ptWHNotPurp } 'WH_NOT_PURP');
| 544 |
| 545 | RemPromptTypes: array[TRemPromptType] of TRemDataType =
| 546 | { ptComment } (dtAll,
| 547 | { ptVisitLocation } dtHistorical,
| 548 | { ptVisitDate } dtHistorical,
| 549 | { ptQuantity } dtProcedure,
| 550 | { ptPrimaryDiag } dtDiagnosis,
| 551 | { ptAdd2PL } dtDiagnosis,
| 552 | { ptExamResults } dtExam,
| 553 | { ptSkinResults } dtSkinTest,
| 554 | { ptSkinReading } dtSkinTest,
| 555 | { ptLevelSeverity } dtHealthFactor,
| 556 | { ptSeries } dtImmunization,
| 557 | { ptReaction } dtImmunization,
| 558 | { ptContraindicated } dtImmunization,
| 559 | { ptLevelUnderstanding } dtPatientEducation,
| 560 | { ptWHPapResult } dtWHPapResult,
| 561 | { ptWHNotPurp } dtWHNotPurp);
| 562 |
| 563 | FinishPromptPieceNum: array[TRemPromptType] of integer =
| 564 | { ptComment } (pnumComment,
| 565 | { ptVisitLocation } pnumVisitLoc,
| 566 | { ptVisitDate } pnumVisitDate,
| 567 | { ptQuantity } pnumProcQty,
| 568 | { ptPrimaryDiag } pnumDiagPrimary,
| 569 | { ptAdd2PL } pnumDiagAdd2PL,
| 570 | { ptExamResults } pnumExamResults,
| 571 | { ptSkinResults } pnumSkinResults,
| 572 | { ptSkinReading } pnumSkinReading,
| 573 | { ptLevelSeverity } pnumHFLevel,
| 574 | { ptSeries } pnumImmSeries,
| 575 | { ptReaction } pnumImmReaction,
| 576 | { ptContraindicated } pnumImmContra,
| 577 | { ptLevelUnderstanding } pnumPEDLevel,
| 578 | { ptWHPapResult } pnumWHPapResult,
| 579 | { ptWHNotPurp } pnumWHNotPurp);
| 580 |
| 581 | ComboPromptTags: array[TRemPromptType] of integer =
| 582 | { ptComment } (0,
| 583 | { ptVisitLocation } TAG_HISTLOC,
| 584 | { ptVisitDate } 0,
| 585 | { ptQuantity } 0,
| 586 | { ptPrimaryDiag } 0,
| 587 | { ptAdd2PL } 0,
| 588 | { ptExamResults } TAG_XAMRESULTS,
| 589 | { ptSkinResults } TAG_SKRESULTS,
| 590 | { ptSkinReading } 0,
| 591 | { ptLevelSeverity } TAG_HFLEVEL,
| 592 | { ptSeries } TAG_IMMSERIES,
| 593 | { ptReaction } TAG_IMMREACTION,
| 594 | { ptContraindicated } 0,
| 595 | { ptLevelUnderstanding } TAG_PEDLEVEL,
| 596 | { ptWHPapResult } 0,
| 597 | { ptWHNotPurp } 0);
| 598 |
| 599 |
| 600 | function PromptDescriptions(index : TRemPromptType) : string;
| 601 | //kt Added function to replace constant array
| 602 | begin
| 603 | case index of
| 604 | ptComment : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Comment');
| 605 | ptVisitLocation : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Visit_Location');
| 606 | ptVisitDate : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Visit_Date');
| 607 | ptQuantity : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Quantity');
| 608 | ptPrimaryDiag : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Primary_Diagnosis');
| 609 | ptAdd2PL : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Add_to_Problem_List');
| 610 | ptExamResults : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Exam_Results');
| 611 | ptSkinResults : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Skin_Test_Results');
| 612 | ptSkinReading : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Skin_Test_Reading');
| 613 | ptLevelSeverity : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Level_of_Severity');
| 614 | ptSeries : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Series');
| 615 | ptReaction : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reaction');
| 616 | ptContraindicated : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Repeat_Contraindicated');
| 617 | ptLevelUnderstanding : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Level_of_Understanding');
| 618 | ptWHPapResult : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Womenxxs_Health_Procedure');
| 619 | ptWHNotPurp : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Women_Health_Notification_Purpose');
| 620 | end; {case}
| 621 | end;
| 622 |
| 623 | (*
| 624 | PromptDescriptions: array [TRemPromptType] of string =
| 625 | { ptComment } ('Comment',
| 626 | { ptVisitLocation } 'Visit Location',
| 627 | { ptVisitDate } 'Visit Date',
| 628 | { ptQuantity } 'Quantity',
| 629 | { ptPrimaryDiag } 'Primary Diagnosis',
| 630 | { ptAdd2PL } 'Add to Problem List',
| 631 | { ptExamResults } 'Exam Results',
| 632 | { ptSkinResults } 'Skin Test Results',
| 633 | { ptSkinReading } 'Skin Test Reading',
| 634 | { ptLevelSeverity } 'Level of Severity',
| 635 | { ptSeries } 'Series',
| 636 | { ptReaction } 'Reaction',
| 637 | { ptContraindicated } 'Repeat Contraindicated',
| 638 | { ptLevelUnderstanding } 'Level of Understanding',
| 639 | { ptWHPapResult } 'Women''s Health Procedure',
| 640 | { ptWHNotPurp } 'Women Health Notification Purpose');
| 641 | *)
| 642 |
| 643 | const
| 644 | RemFolderCodes: array[TValidRemFolders] of char =
| 645 | { rfDue } ('D',
| 646 | { rfApplicable } 'A',
| 647 | { rfNotApplicable } 'N',
| 648 | { rfEvaluated } 'E',
| 649 | { rfOther } 'O');
| 650 |
| 651 | //MSTDescTxt: array[0..4,0..1] of string = (('Yes','Y'),('No','N'),('Declined','D'), <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 652 | // ('Normal','N'),('Abnormal','A')); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 653 |
| 654 |
| 655 | function MSTDescTxt(index,short : integer) : string;
| 656 | begin
| 657 | case index of
| 658 | 0 : if short=1 then Result := 'Y' else Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Yes');
| 659 | 1 : if short=1 then Result := 'N' else Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_No');
| 660 | 2 : if short=1 then Result := 'D' else Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Declined');
| 661 | 3 : if short=1 then Result := 'N' else Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Normal');
| 662 | 4 : if short=1 then Result := 'A' else Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Abnormal');
| 663 | end; {case}
| 664 | end;
| 665 |
| 666 |
| 667 | const
| 668 | SyncPrompts = [ptComment, ptQuantity, ptAdd2PL, ptExamResults,
| 669 | ptSkinResults, ptSkinReading, ptLevelSeverity, ptSeries,
| 670 | ptReaction, ptContraindicated, ptLevelUnderstanding];
| 671 |
| 672 | Gap = 2;
| 673 | LblGap = 4;
| 674 | IndentGap = 18;
| 675 | PromptGap = 10;
| 676 | NewLinePromptGap = 18;
| 677 | IndentMult = 9;
| 678 | PromptIndent = 30;
| 679 | gbLeftIndent = 2;
| 680 | gbTopIndent = 9;
| 681 | gbTopIndent2 = 16;
| 682 | DisabledFontColor = clBtnShadow;
| 683 | r3Type = 4;
| 684 | r3Code2 = 6;
| 685 | r3Code = 7;
| 686 | r3Cat = 9;
| 687 | r3Nar = 8;
| 688 | r3GAF = 12;
| 689 |
| 690 | RemTreeCode = 999;
| 691 |
| 692 | //CRCode = '<br>'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 693 | function CRCode : string;
| 694 | begin Result :=DKLangConstW('uReminders_xbrx'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 695 | end;
| 696 |
| 697 | // CRCodeLen = length(CRCode);
| 698 | function CRCodeLen : integer;
| 699 | begin Result := length(CRCode);
| 700 | end;
| 701 |
| 702 |
| 703 | const
| 704 | REMEntryCode = 'REM';
| 705 |
| 706 | MonthReqCode = 'M';
| 707 |
| 708 | type
| 709 | TVitalComboBox = class;
| 710 |
| 711 | TVitalEdit = class(TEdit)
| 712 | private
| 713 | FLinkedCombo: TVitalComboBox;
| 714 | end;
| 715 |
| 716 | TVitalComboBox = class(TComboBox)
| 717 | private
| 718 | FLinkedEdit: TVitalEdit;
| 719 | public
| 720 | procedure SelectByID(Value: string);
| 721 | end;
| 722 |
| 723 | procedure SetupVars; //kt
| 724 | begin
| 725 | DueText := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Due'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 726 | ApplicableText := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Applicable'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 727 | NotApplicableText := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Not_Applicable'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 728 | EvaluatedText := DKLangConstW('uReminders_All_Evaluated'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 729 | OtherText := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Other_Categories'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 730 | DueCatString := DueCatID + U + DueText;
| 731 | ApplCatString := ApplCatID + U + ApplicableText;
| 732 | NotApplCatString := NotApplCatID + U + NotApplicableText;
| 733 | EvaluatedCatString := EvaluatedCatID + U + EvaluatedText;
| 734 | OtherCatString := OtherCatID + U + OtherText;
| 735 | LostCatString := LostCatID + U + DKLangConstW('uReminders_In_Process'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 736 | end;
| 737 |
| 738 |
| 739 | function ClinMaintText : string; //kt
| 740 | begin Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Clinical_Maintenance');
| 741 | end;
| 742 |
| 743 | function InitText(const InStr: string): string;
| 744 | var
| 745 | i: integer;
| 746 |
| 747 | begin
| 748 | Result := InStr;
| 749 | if(copy(Result, 1, CRCodeLen) = CRCode) then
| 750 | begin
| 751 | i := pos(CRCode, copy(Result, CRCodeLen+1, MaxInt));
| 752 | if(i > 0) and ((i = (CRCodeLen + 1)) or
| 753 | (Trim(copy(Result, CrCodeLen+1, i - 1)) = '')) then
| 754 | delete(Result,1,CRCodeLen + i - 1);
| 755 | end;
| 756 | end;
| 757 |
| 758 | function CRLFText(const InStr: string): string;
| 759 | var
| 760 | i: integer;
| 761 |
| 762 | begin
| 763 | Result := InitText(InStr);
| 764 | repeat
| 765 | i := pos(CRCode, Result);
| 766 | if(i > 0) then
| 767 | Result := copy(Result,1,i-1) + CRLF + copy(REsult,i + CRCodeLen, MaxInt);
| 768 | until(i = 0);
| 769 | end;
| 770 |
| 771 | function Code2VitalType(Code: string): TVitalType;
| 772 | var
| 773 | v: TVitalType;
| 774 |
| 775 | begin
| 776 | Result := vtUnknown;
| 777 | for v := low(TValidVitalTypes) to high(TValidVitalTypes) do
| 778 | begin
| 779 | if(Code = VitalPCECodes[v]) then
| 780 | begin
| 781 | Result := v;
| 782 | break;
| 783 | end;
| 784 | end;
| 785 | end;
| 786 |
| 787 |
| 788 | procedure TVitalComboBox.SelectByID(Value: string);
| 789 | var
| 790 | i: integer;
| 791 |
| 792 | begin
| 793 | for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do
| 794 | if(Value = Items[i]) then
| 795 | begin
| 796 | ItemIndex := i;
| 797 | break;
| 798 | end;
| 799 | end;
| 800 |
| 801 | type
| 802 | TMultiClassObj = record
| 803 | case integer of
| 804 | 0: (edt: TEdit);
| 805 | 1: (cb: TORCheckBox);
| 806 | 2: (cbo: TORComboBox);
| 807 | 3: (dt: TORDateCombo);
| 808 | 4: (ctrl: TORExposedControl);
| 809 | 5: (vedt: TVitalEdit);
| 810 | 6: (vcbo: TVitalComboBox);
| 811 | 7: (btn: TButton);
| 812 | 8: (pNow: TORCheckBox);
| 813 | 9: (pBat: TORCheckBox);
| 814 | 10: (lbl: TLabel);
| 815 | 11: (WHChk: TWHCheckBox);
| 816 | end;
| 817 |
| 818 | EForcedPromptConflict = class(EAbort);
| 819 |
| 820 | function IsSyncPrompt(pt: TRemPromptType): boolean;
| 821 | begin
| 822 | if(pt in SyncPrompts) then
| 823 | Result := TRUE
| 824 | else
| 825 | Result := (pt = ptVitalEntry);
| 826 | end;
| 827 |
| 828 | procedure NotifyWhenRemindersChange(Proc: TNotifyEvent);
| 829 | begin
| 830 | ActiveReminders.Notifier.NotifyWhenChanged(Proc);
| 831 | OtherReminders.Notifier.NotifyWhenChanged(Proc);
| 832 | RemindersInProcess.Notifier.NotifyWhenChanged(Proc);
| 833 | Proc(nil);
| 834 | end;
| 835 |
| 836 | procedure RemoveNotifyRemindersChange(Proc: TNotifyEvent);
| 837 | begin
| 838 | ActiveReminders.Notifier.RemoveNotify(Proc);
| 839 | OtherReminders.Notifier.RemoveNotify(Proc);
| 840 | RemindersInProcess.Notifier.RemoveNotify(Proc);
| 841 | end;
| 842 |
| 843 | function ProcessingChangeString: string;
| 844 | var
| 845 | i: integer;
| 846 | TmpSL: TStringList;
| 847 |
| 848 | begin
| 849 | Result := U;
| 850 | if(RemindersInProcess.Count > 0) then
| 851 | begin
| 852 | TmpSL := TStringList.Create;
| 853 | try
| 854 | TmpSL.Assign(RemindersInProcess);
| 855 | TmpSL.Sort;
| 856 | for i := 0 to TmpSL.Count-1 do
| 857 | begin
| 858 | if(TReminder(TmpSL.Objects[i]).Processing) then
| 859 | Result := Result + TmpSL[i] + U;
| 860 | end;
| 861 | finally
| 862 | TmpSL.Free;
| 863 | end;
| 864 | end;
| 865 | end;
| 866 |
| 867 | procedure StartupReminders;
| 868 | begin
| 869 | if(not InitialRemindersLoaded) then
| 870 | begin
| 871 | RemindersStarted := TRUE;
| 872 | InitialRemindersLoaded := TRUE;
| 873 | LoadReminderData;
| 874 | end;
| 875 | end;
| 876 |
| 877 | function GetReminderStatus: TReminderStatus;
| 878 | begin
| 879 | if(EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece('1',U,6) >= 0) then Result := rsDue
| 880 | else if(EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece('0',U,6) >= 0) then Result := rsApplicable
| 881 | else if(EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece('2',U,6) >= 0) then Result := rsNotApplicable
| 882 | else Result := rsUnknown;
| 883 | // else if(EvaluatedReminders.Count > 0) or (OtherReminders.Count > 0) or
| 884 | // (not InitialRemindersLoaded) or
| 885 | // (ProcessingChangeString <> U) then Result := rsUnknown
| 886 | // else Result := rsNone;
| 887 | end;
| 888 |
| 889 | function RemindersEvaluatingInBackground: boolean;
| 890 | begin
| 891 | Result := CoverSheetRemindersInBackground;
| 892 | if(not Result) then
| 893 | Result := (ReminderCallList.Count > 0)
| 894 | end;
| 895 |
| 896 | var
| 897 | TmpActive: TStringList = nil;
| 898 | TmpOther: TStringList = nil;
| 899 |
| 900 | procedure BeginReminderUpdate;
| 901 | begin
| 902 | ActiveReminders.Notifier.BeginUpdate;
| 903 | OtherReminders.Notifier.BeginUpdate;
| 904 | TmpActive := TStringList.Create;
| 905 | TmpActive.Assign(ActiveReminders);
| 906 | TmpOther := TStringList.Create;
| 907 | TmpOther.Assign(OtherReminders);
| 908 | end;
| 909 |
| 910 | procedure EndReminderUpdate(Force: boolean = FALSE);
| 911 | var
| 912 | DoNotify: boolean;
| 913 |
| 914 | begin
| 915 | DoNotify := Force;
| 916 | if(not DoNotify) then
| 917 | DoNotify := (not ActiveReminders.Equals(TmpActive));
| 918 | KillObj(@TmpActive);
| 919 | if(not DoNotify) then
| 920 | DoNotify := (not OtherReminders.Equals(TmpOther));
| 921 | KillObj(@TmpOther);
| 922 | OtherReminders.Notifier.EndUpdate;
| 923 | ActiveReminders.Notifier.EndUpdate(DoNotify);
| 924 | end;
| 925 |
| 926 | function GetRemFolders: TRemFolders;
| 927 | var
| 928 | i: TRemFolder;
| 929 | tmp: string;
| 930 |
| 931 | begin
| 932 | if rfUnknown in uRemFolders then
| 933 | begin
| 934 | tmp := GetReminderFolders;
| 935 | uRemFolders := [];
| 936 | for i := low(TValidRemFolders) to high(TValidRemFolders) do
| 937 | if(pos(RemFolderCodes[i], tmp) > 0) then
| 938 | include(uRemFolders, i);
| 939 | end;
| 940 | Result := uRemFolders;
| 941 | end;
| 942 |
| 943 | procedure SetRemFolders(const Value: TRemFolders);
| 944 | var
| 945 | i: TRemFolder;
| 946 | tmp: string;
| 947 |
| 948 | begin
| 949 | if(Value <> uRemFolders) then
| 950 | begin
| 951 | BeginReminderUpdate;
| 952 | try
| 953 | uRemFolders := Value;
| 954 | tmp := '';
| 955 | for i := low(TValidRemFolders) to high(TValidRemFolders) do
| 956 | if(i in Value) then
| 957 | tmp := tmp + RemFolderCodes[i];
| 958 | SetReminderFolders(tmp);
| 959 | finally
| 960 | EndReminderUpdate(TRUE);
| 961 | end;
| 962 | end;
| 963 | end;
| 964 |
| 965 | function ReminderEvaluated(Data: string; ForceUpdate: boolean = FALSE): boolean;
| 966 | var
| 967 | idx: integer;
| 968 | Code, Sts, Before: string;
| 969 |
| 970 | begin
| 971 | Result := ForceUpdate;
| 972 | if(Data <> '') then
| 973 | begin
| 974 | Code := Piece(Data, U, 1);
| 975 | if StrToIntDef(Code,0) > 0 then
| 976 | begin
| 977 | ActiveReminders.Notifier.BeginUpdate;
| 978 | try
| 979 | idx := EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(Code);
| 980 | if(idx < 0) then
| 981 | begin
| 982 | EvaluatedReminders.Add(Data);
| 983 | Result := TRUE;
| 984 | end
| 985 | else
| 986 | begin
| 987 | Before := Piece(EvaluatedReminders[idx], U, 6);
| 988 | EvaluatedReminders[idx] := Data;
| 989 | if(not Result) then
| 990 | Result := (Before <> Piece(Data, U, 6));
| 991 | end;
| 992 | idx := ActiveReminders.IndexOfPiece(Code);
| 993 | if(idx < 0) then
| 994 | begin
| 995 | Sts := Piece(Data, U, 6);
| 996 | //if(Sts = '0') or (Sts = '1') then
| 997 | if(Sts = '0') or (Sts = '1') or (Sts = '3') or (Sts = '4') then //AGP Error change 26.8
| 998 | begin
| 999 | Result := TRUE;
| 1000 | ActiveReminders.Add(Data);
| 1001 | end;
| 1002 | end
| 1003 | else
| 1004 | begin
| 1005 | if(not Result) then
| 1006 | Result := (ActiveReminders[idx] <> Data);
| 1007 | ActiveReminders[idx] := Data;
| 1008 | end;
| 1009 | idx := ProcessedReminders.IndexOfPiece(Code);
| 1010 | if(idx >= 0) then
| 1011 | ProcessedReminders.Delete(idx);
| 1012 | finally
| 1013 | ActiveReminders.Notifier.EndUpdate(Result);
| 1014 | end;
| 1015 | end
| 1016 | else
| 1017 | Result := TRUE; // If Code = 0 then it's 0^No Reminders Due, indicating a status change.
| 1018 | end;
| 1019 | end;
| 1020 |
| 1021 | procedure RemindersEvaluated(List: TStringList);
| 1022 | var
| 1023 | i: integer;
| 1024 | DoUpdate, RemChanged: boolean;
| 1025 |
| 1026 | begin
| 1027 | DoUpdate := FALSE;
| 1028 | ActiveReminders.Notifier.BeginUpdate;
| 1029 | try
| 1030 | for i := 0 to List.Count-1 do
| 1031 | begin
| 1032 | RemChanged := ReminderEvaluated(List[i]);
| 1033 | if(RemChanged) then DoUpdate := TRUE;
| 1034 | end;
| 1035 | finally
| 1036 | ActiveReminders.Notifier.EndUpdate(DoUpdate);
| 1037 | end;
| 1038 | end;
| 1039 |
| 1040 | (*
| 1041 | procedure CheckReminders; forward;
| 1042 |
| 1043 | procedure IdleCallEvaluateReminder(Msg: string);
| 1044 | var
| 1045 | i:integer;
| 1046 | Code: string;
| 1047 |
| 1048 | begin
| 1049 | Code := Piece(Msg,U,1);
| 1050 | repeat
| 1051 | i := ReminderCallList.IndexOfPiece(Code);
| 1052 | if(i >= 0) then
| 1053 | ReminderCallList.Delete(i);
| 1054 | until(i < 0);
| 1055 | ReminderEvaluated(EvaluateReminder(Msg), (ReminderCallList.Count = 0));
| 1056 | CheckReminders;
| 1057 | end;
| 1058 |
| 1059 | procedure CheckReminders;
| 1060 | var
| 1061 | i:integer;
| 1062 |
| 1063 | begin
| 1064 | for i := ReminderCallList.Count-1 downto 0 do
| 1065 | if(EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(Piece(ReminderCallList[i], U, 1)) >= 0) then
| 1066 | ReminderCallList.Delete(i);
| 1067 | if(ReminderCallList.Count > 0) then
| 1068 | CallRPCWhenIdle(IdleCallEvaluateReminder,ReminderCallList[0])
| 1069 | end;
| 1070 | *)
| 1071 |
| 1072 | procedure CheckReminders;
| 1073 | var
| 1074 | RemList: TStringList;
| 1075 | i: integer;
| 1076 | Code: string;
| 1077 |
| 1078 | begin
| 1079 | for i := ReminderCallList.Count-1 downto 0 do
| 1080 | if(EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(Piece(ReminderCallList[i],U,1)) >= 0) then
| 1081 | ReminderCallList.Delete(i);
| 1082 | if(ReminderCallList.Count > 0) then
| 1083 | begin
| 1084 | RemList := TStringList.Create;
| 1085 | try
| 1086 | while (ReminderCallList.Count > 0) do
| 1087 | begin
| 1088 | Code := Piece(ReminderCallList[0],U,1);
| 1089 | ReminderCallList.Delete(0);
| 1090 | repeat
| 1091 | i := ReminderCallList.IndexOfPiece(Code);
| 1092 | if(i >= 0) then
| 1093 | ReminderCallList.Delete(i);
| 1094 | until(i < 0);
| 1095 | RemList.Add(Code);
| 1096 | end;
| 1097 | if(RemList.Count > 0) then
| 1098 | begin
| 1099 | EvaluateReminders(RemList);
| 1100 | RemList.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 1101 | for i := 0 to RemList.Count-1 do
| 1102 | ReminderEvaluated(RemList[i], (i = (RemList.Count-1)));
| 1103 | end;
| 1104 | finally
| 1105 | RemList.Free;
| 1106 | end;
| 1107 | end;
| 1108 | end;
| 1109 |
| 1110 | procedure ResetReminderLoad;
| 1111 | begin
| 1112 | LastReminderLocation := -2;
| 1113 | LoadReminderData;
| 1114 | end;
| 1115 |
| 1116 | procedure LoadReminderData(ProcessingInBackground: boolean = FALSE);
| 1117 | var
| 1118 | i, idx: integer;
| 1119 | RemID: string;
| 1120 | TempList: TORStringList;
| 1121 |
| 1122 | begin
| 1123 | if(RemindersStarted and (LastReminderLocation <> Encounter.Location)) then
| 1124 | begin
| 1125 | LastReminderLocation := Encounter.Location;
| 1126 | BeginReminderUpdate;
| 1127 | try
| 1128 | GetCurrentReminders;
| 1129 | TempList := TORStringList.Create;
| 1130 | try
| 1131 | if(RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0) then
| 1132 | begin
| 1133 | for i := 0 to RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1 do
| 1134 | begin
| 1135 | RemID := RPCBrokerV.Results[i];
| 1136 | idx := EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(RemID);
| 1137 | if(idx < 0) then
| 1138 | begin
| 1139 | TempList.Add(RemID);
| 1140 | if(not ProcessingInBackground) then
| 1141 | ReminderCallList.Add(RemID);
| 1142 | end
| 1143 | else
| 1144 | TempList.Add(EvaluatedReminders[idx]);
| 1145 | end;
| 1146 | end;
| 1147 | // ActiveReminders.Assign(TempList);
| 1148 | for i := 0 to TempList.Count-1 do
| 1149 | begin
| 1150 | RemID := Piece(TempList[i],U,1);
| 1151 | if(ActiveReminders.indexOfPiece(RemID) < 0) then
| 1152 | ActiveReminders.Add(TempList[i]);
| 1153 | end;
| 1154 | finally
| 1155 | TempList.Free;
| 1156 | end;
| 1157 | CheckReminders;
| 1158 | GetOtherReminders(OtherReminders);
| 1159 | finally
| 1160 | EndReminderUpdate;
| 1161 | end;
| 1162 | end;
| 1163 | end;
| 1164 |
| 1165 | { Supporting events for Reminder TreeViews }
| 1166 |
| 1167 | procedure GetImageIndex(AData: Pointer; Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
| 1168 | var
| 1169 | iidx, oidx: integer;
| 1170 | Data, Tmp: string;
| 1171 |
| 1172 | begin
| 1173 | if(Assigned(Node)) then
| 1174 | begin
| 1175 | oidx := -1;
| 1176 | Data := (Node as TORTreeNode).StringData;
| 1177 | if(copy(Piece(Data, U, 1),1,1) = CatCode) then
| 1178 | begin
| 1179 | if(Node.Expanded) then
| 1180 | iidx := 1
| 1181 | else
| 1182 | iidx := 0;
| 1183 | end
| 1184 | else
| 1185 | begin
| 1186 | Tmp := Piece(Data, U, 6);
| 1187 | //if(Tmp = '1') then iidx := 2
| 1188 | if (Tmp = '3') or (Tmp = '4') or (Tmp = '1') then iidx :=2 //AGP ERROR CHANGE 26.8
| 1189 | else if(Tmp = '0') then iidx := 3
| 1190 | else
| 1191 | begin
| 1192 | if(EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(copy(Piece(Data, U, 1),2,MaxInt),U,1) < 0) then
| 1193 | iidx := 5
| 1194 | else
| 1195 | iidx := 4;
| 1196 | end;
| 1197 |
| 1198 | if(Piece(Data,U,7) = '1') then
| 1199 | begin
| 1200 | Tmp := copy(Piece(Data, U, 1),2,99);
| 1201 | if(ProcessedReminders.IndexOfPiece(Tmp,U,1) >=0) then
| 1202 | oidx := 1
| 1203 | else
| 1204 | oidx:= 0;
| 1205 | end;
| 1206 | end;
| 1207 | Node.ImageIndex := iidx;
| 1208 | Node.SelectedIndex := iidx;
| 1209 | if(Node.OverlayIndex <> oidx) then
| 1210 | begin
| 1211 | Node.OverlayIndex := oidx;
| 1212 | Node.TreeView.Invalidate;
| 1213 | end;
| 1214 | end;
| 1215 | end;
| 1216 |
| 1217 | type
| 1218 | TRemMenuCmd = (rmClinMaint, rmEdu, rmInq, rmWeb, rmDash, rmEval,
| 1219 | rmDue, rmApplicable, rmNotApplicable, rmEvaluated, rmOther,
| 1220 | rmLegend);
| 1221 | TRemViewCmds = rmDue..rmOther;
| 1222 |
| 1223 | const
| 1224 | RemMenuFolder: array[TRemViewCmds] of TRemFolder =
| 1225 | { rmDue } (rfDue,
| 1226 | { rmApplicable } rfApplicable,
| 1227 | { rmNotApplicable } rfNotApplicable,
| 1228 | { rmEvaluated } rfEvaluated,
| 1229 | { rmOther } rfOther);
| 1230 |
| 1231 | (*
| 1232 | RemMenuNames: array[TRemMenuCmd] of string = (
| 1233 | { rmClinMaint } ClinMaintText,
| 1234 | { rmEdu } 'Education Topic Definition',
| 1235 | { rmInq } 'Reminder Inquiry',
| 1236 | { rmWeb } 'Reference Information',
| 1237 | { rmDash } '-',
| 1238 | { rmEval } 'Evaluate Reminder',
| 1239 | { rmDue } DueText,
| 1240 | { rmApplicable } ApplicableText,
| 1241 | { rmNotApplicable } NotApplicableText,
| 1242 | { rmEvaluated } EvaluatedText,
| 1243 | { rmOther } OtherText,
| 1244 | { rmLegend } 'Reminder Icon Legend');
| 1245 | *)
| 1246 |
| 1247 | function RemMenuNames (index : TRemMenuCmd) : string;
| 1248 | //kt Added function to replace constant array.
| 1249 | begin
| 1250 | SetupVars; //kt
| 1251 | case index of
| 1252 | rmClinMaint : Result := ClinMaintText;
| 1253 | rmEdu : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Education_Topic_Definition'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 1254 | rmInq : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reminder_Inquiry'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 1255 | rmWeb : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reference_Information'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 1256 | rmDash : Result := '-';
| 1257 | rmEval : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Evaluate_Reminder'); //kt added ;/5/2007
| 1258 | rmDue : Result := DueText;
| 1259 | rmApplicable : Result := ApplicableText;
| 1260 | rmNotApplicable : Result := NotApplicableText;
| 1261 | rmEvaluated : Result := EvaluatedText;
| 1262 | rmOther : Result := OtherText;
| 1263 | rmLegend : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reminder_Icon_Legend'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 1264 | end; {case}
| 1265 | end;
| 1266 |
| 1267 | //const
| 1268 | //EvalCatName = 'Evaluate Category Reminders'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 1269 | function EvalCatName : string;
| 1270 | begin Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Evaluate_Category_Reminders'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 1271 | end;
| 1272 |
| 1273 | function GetEducationTopics(EIEN: string): string;
| 1274 | var
| 1275 | i, idx: integer;
| 1276 | Tmp, Data: string;
| 1277 |
| 1278 | begin
| 1279 | if(not assigned(EducationTopics)) then
| 1280 | EducationTopics := TORStringList.Create;
| 1281 | idx := EducationTopics.IndexOfPiece(EIEN);
| 1282 | if(idx < 0) then
| 1283 | begin
| 1284 | Tmp := copy(EIEN,1,1);
| 1285 | idx := StrToIntDef(copy(EIEN,2,MaxInt),0);
| 1286 | if(Tmp = RemCode) then
| 1287 | GetEducationTopicsForReminder(idx)
| 1288 | else
| 1289 | if(Tmp = EduCode) then
| 1290 | GetEducationSubtopics(idx)
| 1291 | else
| 1292 | RPCBrokerV.Results.Clear;
| 1293 | Tmp := EIEN;
| 1294 | if(RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0) then
| 1295 | begin
| 1296 | for i := 0 to RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1 do
| 1297 | begin
| 1298 | Data := RPCBrokerV.Results[i];
| 1299 | Tmp := Tmp + U + Piece(Data, U, 1) + ';';
| 1300 | if(Piece(Data, U, 3) = '') then
| 1301 | Tmp := Tmp + Piece(Data, U, 2)
| 1302 | else
| 1303 | Tmp := Tmp + Piece(Data, U, 3);
| 1304 | end;
| 1305 | end;
| 1306 | idx := EducationTopics.Add(Tmp);
| 1307 | end;
| 1308 | Result := EducationTopics[idx];
| 1309 | idx := pos(U, Result);
| 1310 | if(idx > 0) then
| 1311 | Result := copy(Result,Idx+1,MaxInt)
| 1312 | else
| 1313 | Result := '';
| 1314 | end;
| 1315 |
| 1316 | function GetWebPageName(idx :integer): string;
| 1317 | begin
| 1318 | Result := Piece(WebPages[idx],U,2);
| 1319 | end;
| 1320 |
| 1321 | function GetWebPageAddress(idx: integer): string;
| 1322 | begin
| 1323 | Result := Piece(WebPages[idx],U,3);
| 1324 | end;
| 1325 |
| 1326 | function GetWebPages(EIEN: string): string; overload;
| 1327 | var
| 1328 | i, idx: integer;
| 1329 | Tmp, Data, Title: string;
| 1330 | RIEN: string;
| 1331 |
| 1332 | begin
| 1333 | RIEN := RemCode + EIEN;
| 1334 | if(not assigned(WebPages)) then
| 1335 | WebPages := TORStringList.Create;
| 1336 | idx := WebPages.IndexOfPiece(RIEN);
| 1337 | if(idx < 0) then
| 1338 | begin
| 1339 | GetReminderWebPages(EIEN);
| 1340 | Tmp := RIEN;
| 1341 | if(RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0) then
| 1342 | begin
| 1343 | for i := 0 to RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1 do
| 1344 | begin
| 1345 | Data := RPCBrokerV.Results[i];
| 1346 | if(Piece(Data,U,1) = '1') and (Piece(Data,U,3) <> '') then
| 1347 | begin
| 1348 | Data := U + Piece(Data,U,4) + U + Piece(Data,U,3);
| 1349 | if(Piece(Data,U,2) = '') then
| 1350 | begin
| 1351 | Title := Piece(data,U,3);
| 1352 | if(length(Title) > 60) then
| 1353 | Title := copy(Title,1,57) + '...';
| 1354 | SetPiece(Data,U,2,Title);
| 1355 | end;
| 1356 | //if(copy(UpperCase(Piece(Data, U, 3)),1,7) <> 'HTTP://') then
| 1357 | // SetPiece(Data, U, 3,'http://'+Piece(Data,U,3));
| 1358 | idx := WebPages.IndexOf(Data);
| 1359 | if(idx < 0) then
| 1360 | idx := WebPages.Add(Data);
| 1361 | Tmp := Tmp + U + IntToStr(idx);
| 1362 | end;
| 1363 | end;
| 1364 | end;
| 1365 | idx := WebPages.Add(Tmp);
| 1366 | end;
| 1367 | Result := WebPages[idx];
| 1368 | idx := pos(U, Result);
| 1369 | if(idx > 0) then
| 1370 | Result := copy(Result,Idx+1,MaxInt)
| 1371 | else
| 1372 | Result := '';
| 1373 | end;
| 1374 |
| 1375 | function ReminderName(IEN: integer): string;
| 1376 | var
| 1377 | idx: integer;
| 1378 | SIEN: string;
| 1379 |
| 1380 | begin
| 1381 | SIEN := IntToStr(IEN);
| 1382 | Result := '';
| 1383 | idx := EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(SIEN);
| 1384 | if(idx >= 0) then
| 1385 | Result := piece(EvaluatedReminders[idx],U,2);
| 1386 | if(Result = '') then
| 1387 | begin
| 1388 | idx := ActiveReminders.IndexOfPiece(SIEN);
| 1389 | if(idx >= 0) then
| 1390 | Result := piece(ActiveReminders[idx],U,2);
| 1391 | end;
| 1392 | if(Result = '') then
| 1393 | begin
| 1394 | idx := OtherReminders.IndexOfPiece(SIEN, U, 5);
| 1395 | if(idx >= 0) then
| 1396 | Result := piece(OtherReminders[idx],U,3);
| 1397 | end;
| 1398 | if(Result = '') then
| 1399 | begin
| 1400 | idx := RemindersInProcess.IndexOfPiece(SIEN);
| 1401 | if(idx >= 0) then
| 1402 | Result := TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[idx]).PrintName;
| 1403 | end;
| 1404 | end;
| 1405 |
| 1406 | procedure ReminderClinMaintClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject);
| 1407 | var
| 1408 | ien: integer;
| 1409 |
| 1410 | begin
| 1411 | ien := (Sender as TMenuItem).Tag;
| 1412 | if(ien > 0) then
| 1413 | //kt ReportBox(DetailReminder(ien), RemMenuNames[rmClinMaint] + ': '+ ReminderName(ien), TRUE);
| 1414 | ReportBox(DetailReminder(ien), RemMenuNames(rmClinMaint) + ': '+ ReminderName(ien), TRUE);
| 1415 | end;
| 1416 |
| 1417 | procedure ReminderEduClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject);
| 1418 | var
| 1419 | ien: integer;
| 1420 |
| 1421 | begin
| 1422 | ien := (Sender as TMenuItem).Tag;
| 1423 | if(ien > 0) then
| 1424 | // ReportBox(EducationTopicDetail(ien), 'Education Topic: ' + (Sender as TMenuItem).Caption, TRUE); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 1425 | ReportBox(EducationTopicDetail(ien), DKLangConstW('uReminders_Education_Topicx') + (Sender as TMenuItem).Caption, TRUE); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 1426 | end;
| 1427 |
| 1428 | procedure ReminderInqClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject);
| 1429 | var
| 1430 | ien: integer;
| 1431 |
| 1432 | begin
| 1433 | ien := (Sender as TMenuItem).Tag;
| 1434 | if(ien > 0) then
| 1435 | // ReportBox(ReminderInquiry(ien), 'Reminder Inquiry: '+ ReminderName(ien), TRUE); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 1436 | ReportBox(ReminderInquiry(ien), DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reminder_Inquiryx')+ ReminderName(ien), TRUE); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 1437 | end;
| 1438 |
| 1439 | procedure ReminderWebClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject);
| 1440 | var
| 1441 | idx: integer;
| 1442 |
| 1443 | begin
| 1444 | idx := (Sender as TMenuItem).Tag-1;
| 1445 | if(idx >= 0) then
| 1446 | GotoWebPage(GetWebPageAddress(idx));
| 1447 | end;
| 1448 |
| 1449 | procedure EvalReminder(ien: integer);
| 1450 | var
| 1451 | Msg, RName: string;
| 1452 | NewStatus: string;
| 1453 |
| 1454 | begin
| 1455 | if(ien > 0) then
| 1456 | begin
| 1457 | NewStatus := EvaluateReminder(IntToStr(ien));
| 1458 | ReminderEvaluated(NewStatus);
| 1459 | NewStatus := piece(NewStatus,U,6);
| 1460 | RName := ReminderName(ien);
| 1461 | // if(RName = '') then RName := 'Reminder'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 1462 | if(RName = '') then RName := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reminder'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 1463 | // if(NewStatus = '1') then Msg := 'Due' <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 1464 | if(NewStatus = '1') then Msg := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Due') //kt added 9/5/2007
| 1465 | // else if(NewStatus = '0') then Msg := 'Applicable' <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 1466 | else if(NewStatus = '0') then Msg := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Applicable') //kt added 9/5/2007
| 1467 | // else if(NewStatus = '3') then Msg := 'Error' //AGP Error code change 26.8 <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 1468 | else if(NewStatus = '3') then Msg := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Error') //AGP Error code change 26.8 //kt added 9/5/2007
| 1469 | else if (NewStatus = '4') then Msg := 'CNBD' //AGP Error code change 26.8
| 1470 | // else Msg := 'Not Applicable'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 1471 | else Msg := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Not_Applicable'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 1472 | // Msg := RName + ' is ' + Msg + '.'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 1473 | Msg := RName + DKLangConstW('uReminders_is') + Msg + '.'; //kt added 9/5/2007
| 1474 | // InfoBox(Msg, RName + ' Evaluation', MB_OK); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 1475 | InfoBox(Msg, RName + DKLangConstW('uReminders_Evaluation'), MB_OK); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 1476 | end;
| 1477 | end;
| 1478 |
| 1479 | procedure EvalProcessed;
| 1480 | var
| 1481 | i: integer;
| 1482 |
| 1483 | begin
| 1484 | if(ProcessedReminders.Count > 0) then
| 1485 | begin
| 1486 | BeginReminderUpdate;
| 1487 | try
| 1488 | while(ProcessedReminders.Count > 0) do
| 1489 | begin
| 1490 | if(ReminderCallList.IndexOf(ProcessedReminders[0]) < 0) then
| 1491 | ReminderCallList.Add(ProcessedReminders[0]);
| 1492 | repeat
| 1493 | i := EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(Piece(ProcessedReminders[0],U,1));
| 1494 | if(i >= 0) then
| 1495 | EvaluatedReminders.Delete(i);
| 1496 | until(i < 0);
| 1497 | ProcessedReminders.Delete(0);
| 1498 | end;
| 1499 | CheckReminders;
| 1500 | finally
| 1501 | EndReminderUpdate(TRUE);
| 1502 | end;
| 1503 | end;
| 1504 | end;
| 1505 |
| 1506 | procedure ReminderEvalClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject);
| 1507 | begin
| 1508 | EvalReminder((Sender as TMenuItem).Tag);
| 1509 | end;
| 1510 |
| 1511 | procedure ReminderViewFolderClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject);
| 1512 | var
| 1513 | rfldrs: TRemFolders;
| 1514 | rfldr: TRemFolder;
| 1515 |
| 1516 | begin
| 1517 | rfldrs := GetRemFolders;
| 1518 | rfldr := TRemFolder((Sender as TMenuItem).Tag);
| 1519 | if rfldr in rfldrs then
| 1520 | exclude(rfldrs, rfldr)
| 1521 | else
| 1522 | include(rfldrs, rfldr);
| 1523 | SetRemFolders(rfldrs);
| 1524 | end;
| 1525 |
| 1526 | procedure EvaluateCategoryClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject);
| 1527 | var
| 1528 | Node: TORTreeNode;
| 1529 | Code: string;
| 1530 | i: integer;
| 1531 |
| 1532 | begin
| 1533 | if(Sender is TMenuItem) then
| 1534 | begin
| 1535 | BeginReminderUpdate;
| 1536 | try
| 1537 | Node := TORTreeNode(TORTreeNode(TMenuItem(Sender).Tag).GetFirstChild);
| 1538 | while assigned(Node) do
| 1539 | begin
| 1540 | Code := Piece(Node.StringData,U,1);
| 1541 | if(copy(Code,1,1) = RemCode) then
| 1542 | begin
| 1543 | Code := copy(Code,2,MaxInt);
| 1544 | if(ReminderCallList.IndexOf(Code) < 0) then
| 1545 | ReminderCallList.Add(copy(Node.StringData,2,MaxInt));
| 1546 | repeat
| 1547 | i := EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(Code);
| 1548 | if(i >= 0) then
| 1549 | EvaluatedReminders.Delete(i);
| 1550 | until(i < 0);
| 1551 | end;
| 1552 | Node := TORTreeNode(Node.GetNextSibling);
| 1553 | end;
| 1554 | CheckReminders;
| 1555 | finally
| 1556 | EndReminderUpdate(TRUE);
| 1557 | end;
| 1558 | end;
| 1559 | end;
| 1560 |
| 1561 | procedure ReminderIconLegendClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject);
| 1562 | begin
| 1563 | ShowIconLegend(ilReminders);
| 1564 | end;
| 1565 |
| 1566 | procedure ReminderMenuBuilder(MI: TMenuItem; RemStr: string;
| 1567 | IncludeActions, IncludeEval, ViewFolders: boolean);
| 1568 | var
| 1569 | M: TMethod;
| 1570 | Tmp: string;
| 1571 | Cnt: integer;
| 1572 | RemID: integer;
| 1573 | cmd: TRemMenuCmd;
| 1574 |
| 1575 | function Add(Text: string; Parent: TMenuItem; Tag: integer; Typ: TRemMenuCmd): TORMenuItem;
| 1576 | var
| 1577 | InsertMenu: boolean;
| 1578 | idx: integer;
| 1579 |
| 1580 | begin
| 1581 | Result := nil;
| 1582 | InsertMenu := TRUE;
| 1583 | if(Parent = MI) then
| 1584 | begin
| 1585 | if(MI.Count > Cnt) then
| 1586 | begin
| 1587 | Result := TORMenuItem(MI.Items[Cnt]);
| 1588 | Result.Enabled := TRUE;
| 1589 | Result.Visible := TRUE;
| 1590 | Result.ImageIndex := -1;
| 1591 | while Result.Count > 0 do
| 1592 | Result.Delete(Result.Count-1);
| 1593 | InsertMenu := FALSE;
| 1594 | end;
| 1595 | inc(Cnt);
| 1596 | end;
| 1597 | if(not assigned(Result)) then
| 1598 | Result := TORMenuItem.Create(MI);
| 1599 | if(Text = '') then
| 1600 | //kt Result.Caption := RemMenuNames[Typ]
| 1601 | Result.Caption := RemMenuNames(Typ)
| 1602 | else
| 1603 | Result.Caption := Text;
| 1604 | Result.Tag := Tag;
| 1605 | Result.Data := RemStr;
| 1606 | if(Tag <> 0) then
| 1607 | begin
| 1608 | case Typ of
| 1609 | rmClinMaint: M.Code := @ReminderClinMaintClicked;
| 1610 | rmEdu: M.Code := @ReminderEduClicked;
| 1611 | rmInq: M.Code := @ReminderInqClicked;
| 1612 | rmWeb: M.Code := @ReminderWebClicked;
| 1613 | rmEval: M.Code := @ReminderEvalClicked;
| 1614 | rmDue..rmOther:
| 1615 | begin
| 1616 | M.Code := @ReminderViewFolderClicked;
| 1617 | case Typ of
| 1618 | rmDue: idx := 0;
| 1619 | rmApplicable: idx := 2;
| 1620 | rmNotApplicable: idx := 4;
| 1621 | rmEvaluated: idx := 6;
| 1622 | rmOther: idx := 8;
| 1623 | else idx := -1;
| 1624 | end;
| 1625 | if(idx >= 0) and (RemMenuFolder[Typ] in GetRemFolders) then
| 1626 | inc(idx);
| 1627 | Result.ImageIndex := idx;
| 1628 | end;
| 1629 | rmLegend: M.Code := @ReminderIconLegendClicked;
| 1630 | else
| 1631 | M.Code := nil;
| 1632 | end;
| 1633 | if(assigned(M.Code)) then
| 1634 | Result.OnClick := TNotifyEvent(M)
| 1635 | else
| 1636 | Result.OnClick := nil;
| 1637 | end;
| 1638 | if(InsertMenu) then
| 1639 | Parent.Add(Result);
| 1640 | end;
| 1641 |
| 1642 | procedure AddEducationTopics(Item: TMenuItem; EduStr: string);
| 1643 | var
| 1644 | i, j: integer;
| 1645 | Code: String;
| 1646 | NewEduStr: string;
| 1647 | itm: TMenuItem;
| 1648 |
| 1649 | begin
| 1650 | if(EduStr <> '') then
| 1651 | begin
| 1652 | repeat
| 1653 | i := pos(';', EduStr);
| 1654 | j := pos(U, EduStr);
| 1655 | if(j = 0) then j := length(EduStr)+1;
| 1656 | Code := copy(EduStr,1,i-1);
| 1657 | //AddEducationTopics(Add(copy(EduStr,i+1,j-i-1), Item, StrToIntDef(Code, 0), rmEdu),
| 1658 | // GetEducationTopics(EduCode + Code));
| 1659 |
| 1660 | NewEduStr := GetEducationTopics(EduCode + Code);
| 1661 | if(NewEduStr = '') then
| 1662 | Add(copy(EduStr,i+1,j-i-1), Item, StrToIntDef(Code, 0), rmEdu)
| 1663 | else
| 1664 | begin
| 1665 | itm := Add(copy(EduStr,i+1,j-i-1), Item, 0, rmEdu);
| 1666 | Add(copy(EduStr,i+1,j-i-1), itm, StrToIntDef(Code, 0), rmEdu);
| 1667 | Add('', Itm, 0, rmDash);
| 1668 | AddEducationTopics(itm, NewEduStr);
| 1669 | end;
| 1670 |
| 1671 | delete(EduStr,1,j);
| 1672 | until(EduStr = '');
| 1673 | end;
| 1674 | end;
| 1675 |
| 1676 | procedure AddWebPages(Item: TMenuItem; WebStr: string);
| 1677 | var
| 1678 | i, idx: integer;
| 1679 |
| 1680 | begin
| 1681 | if(WebStr <> '') then
| 1682 | begin
| 1683 | repeat
| 1684 | i := pos(U, WebStr);
| 1685 | if(i = 0) then i := length(WebStr)+1;
| 1686 | idx := StrToIntDef(copy(WebStr,1,i-1),-1);
| 1687 | if(idx >= 0) then
| 1688 | Add(GetWebPageName(idx), Item, idx+1, rmWeb);
| 1689 | delete(WebStr,1,i);
| 1690 | until(WebStr = '');
| 1691 | end;
| 1692 | end;
| 1693 |
| 1694 |
| 1695 | begin
| 1696 | RemID := StrToIntDef(copy(Piece(RemStr,U,1),2,MaxInt),0);
| 1697 | Cnt := 0;
| 1698 | M.Data := nil;
| 1699 |
| 1700 | if(RemID > 0) then
| 1701 | begin
| 1702 | Add('', MI, RemID, rmClinMaint);
| 1703 | Tmp := GetEducationTopics(RemCode + IntToStr(RemID));
| 1704 | if(Tmp <> '') then
| 1705 | AddEducationTopics(Add('', MI, 0, rmEdu), Tmp)
| 1706 | else
| 1707 | Add('', MI, 0, rmEdu).Enabled := FALSE;
| 1708 | Add('', MI, RemID, rmInq);
| 1709 | Tmp := GetWebPages(IntToStr(RemID));
| 1710 | if(Tmp <> '') then
| 1711 | AddWebPages(Add('', MI, 0, rmWeb), Tmp)
| 1712 | else
| 1713 | Add('', MI, 0, rmWeb).Enabled := FALSE;
| 1714 |
| 1715 | if(IncludeActions or IncludeEval) then
| 1716 | begin
| 1717 | Add('', MI, 0, rmDash);
| 1718 | Add('', MI, RemID, rmEval);
| 1719 | end;
| 1720 | end;
| 1721 |
| 1722 | if(ViewFolders) then
| 1723 | begin
| 1724 | Add('', MI, 0, rmDash);
| 1725 | for cmd := low(TRemViewCmds) to high(TRemViewCmds) do
| 1726 | Add('', MI, ord(RemMenuFolder[cmd]), cmd);
| 1727 | end;
| 1728 |
| 1729 | Add('', MI, 0, rmDash);
| 1730 | Add('', MI, 1, rmLegend);
| 1731 |
| 1732 | while MI.Count > Cnt do
| 1733 | MI.Delete(MI.Count-1);
| 1734 | end;
| 1735 |
| 1736 | procedure ReminderTreePopup(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject);
| 1737 | begin
| 1738 | ReminderMenuBuilder((Sender as TPopupMenu).Items, (Sender as TORPopupMenu).Data, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE);
| 1739 | end;
| 1740 |
| 1741 | procedure ReminderTreePopupCover(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject);
| 1742 | begin
| 1743 | ReminderMenuBuilder((Sender as TPopupMenu).Items, (Sender as TORPopupMenu).Data, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
| 1744 | end;
| 1745 |
| 1746 | procedure ReminderTreePopupDlg(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject);
| 1747 | begin
| 1748 | ReminderMenuBuilder((Sender as TPopupMenu).Items, (Sender as TORPopupMenu).Data, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE);
| 1749 | end;
| 1750 |
| 1751 | procedure ReminderMenuItemSelect(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject);
| 1752 | begin
| 1753 | ReminderMenuBuilder((Sender as TMenuItem), (Sender as TORMenuItem).Data, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE);
| 1754 | end;
| 1755 |
| 1756 | procedure SetReminderPopupRoutine(Menu: TPopupMenu);
| 1757 | var
| 1758 | M: TMethod;
| 1759 |
| 1760 | begin
| 1761 | M.Code := @ReminderTreePopup;
| 1762 | M.Data := nil;
| 1763 | Menu.OnPopup := TNotifyEvent(M);
| 1764 | end;
| 1765 |
| 1766 | procedure SetReminderPopupCoverRoutine(Menu: TPopupMenu);
| 1767 | var
| 1768 | M: TMethod;
| 1769 |
| 1770 | begin
| 1771 | M.Code := @ReminderTreePopupCover;
| 1772 | M.Data := nil;
| 1773 | Menu.OnPopup := TNotifyEvent(M);
| 1774 | end;
| 1775 |
| 1776 | procedure SetReminderPopupDlgRoutine(Menu: TPopupMenu);
| 1777 | var
| 1778 | M: TMethod;
| 1779 |
| 1780 | begin
| 1781 | M.Code := @ReminderTreePopupDlg;
| 1782 | M.Data := nil;
| 1783 | Menu.OnPopup := TNotifyEvent(M);
| 1784 | end;
| 1785 |
| 1786 | procedure SetReminderMenuSelectRoutine(Menu: TMenuItem);
| 1787 | var
| 1788 | M: TMethod;
| 1789 |
| 1790 | begin
| 1791 | M.Code := @ReminderMenuItemSelect;
| 1792 | M.Data := nil;
| 1793 | Menu.OnClick := TNotifyEvent(M);
| 1794 | end;
| 1795 |
| 1796 | function ReminderMenu(Sender: TComponent): TORPopupMenu;
| 1797 | begin
| 1798 | if(Sender.Tag = RemTreeCode) then
| 1799 | begin
| 1800 | if(not assigned(ReminderTreeMenuDlg)) then
| 1801 | begin
| 1802 | ReminderTreeMenuDlg := TORPopupMenu.Create(nil);
| 1803 | SetReminderPopupDlgRoutine(ReminderTreeMenuDlg)
| 1804 | end;
| 1805 | Result := ReminderTreeMenuDlg;
| 1806 | end
| 1807 | else
| 1808 | begin
| 1809 | if(not assigned(ReminderTreeMenu)) then
| 1810 | begin
| 1811 | ReminderTreeMenu := TORPopupMenu.Create(nil);
| 1812 | SetReminderPopupRoutine(ReminderTreeMenu);
| 1813 | end;
| 1814 | Result := ReminderTreeMenu;
| 1815 | end;
| 1816 | end;
| 1817 |
| 1818 | procedure RemContextPopup(AData: Pointer; Sender: TObject; MousePos: TPoint;
| 1819 | var Handled: Boolean);
| 1820 | var
| 1821 | Menu: TORPopupMenu;
| 1822 | MItem: TMenuItem;
| 1823 | M: TMethod;
| 1824 | p1: string;
| 1825 | UpdateMenu: boolean;
| 1826 |
| 1827 | begin
| 1828 | UpdateMenu := TRUE;
| 1829 | Menu := nil;
| 1830 | with (Sender as TORTreeView) do
| 1831 | begin
| 1832 | if((htOnItem in GetHitTestInfoAt(MousePos.X, MousePos.Y)) and (assigned(Selected))) then
| 1833 | begin
| 1834 | p1 := Piece((Selected as TORTreeNode).StringData, U, 1);
| 1835 | if(Copy(p1,1,1) = RemCode) then
| 1836 | begin
| 1837 | Menu := ReminderMenu(TComponent(Sender));
| 1838 | Menu.Data := TORTreeNode(Selected).StringData;
| 1839 | end
| 1840 | else
| 1841 | if(Copy(p1,1,1) = CatCode) and (p1 <> OtherCatID) and (Selected.HasChildren) then
| 1842 | begin
| 1843 | if(not assigned(ReminderCatMenu)) then
| 1844 | begin
| 1845 | ReminderCatMenu := TPopupMenu.Create(nil);
| 1846 | MItem := TMenuItem.Create(ReminderCatMenu);
| 1847 | MItem.Caption := EvalCatName;
| 1848 | M.Data := nil;
| 1849 | M.Code := @EvaluateCategoryClicked;
| 1850 | MItem.OnClick := TNotifyEvent(M);
| 1851 | ReminderCatMenu.Items.Add(MItem);
| 1852 | end
| 1853 | else
| 1854 | MItem := ReminderCatMenu.Items[0];
| 1855 | PopupMenu := ReminderCatMenu;
| 1856 | MItem.Tag := Integer(TORTreeNode(Selected));
| 1857 | UpdateMenu := FALSE;
| 1858 | end;
| 1859 | end;
| 1860 | if UpdateMenu then
| 1861 | PopupMenu := Menu;
| 1862 | Selected := Selected; // This strange line Keeps item selected after a right click
| 1863 | if(not assigned(PopupMenu)) then
| 1864 | Handled := TRUE;
| 1865 | end;
| 1866 | end;
| 1867 |
| 1868 | { StringData of the TORTreeNodes will be in the format:
| 1869 | 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
| 1871 | 8 9 10
| 1872 | Formated Due Date^Formated Last Occurence Date^InitialAbsoluteIdx
| 1873 |
| 1874 | where TYPE C=Category, R=Reminder
| 1875 | PRIORITY 1=High, 2=Normal, 3=Low
| 1876 | DUE 0=Applicable, 1=Due, 2=Not Applicable
| 1877 | DIALOG 1=Active Dialog Exists
| 1878 | }
| 1879 | procedure BuildReminderTree(Tree: TORTreeView);
| 1880 | var
| 1881 | ExpandedStr: string;
| 1882 | TopID1, TopID2: string;
| 1883 | SelID1, SelID2: string;
| 1884 | i, j: integer;
| 1885 | NeedLost: boolean;
| 1886 | Tmp, Data, LostCat, Code: string;
| 1887 | Node: TORTreeNode;
| 1888 | M: TMethod;
| 1889 | Rem: TReminder;
| 1890 | OpenDue, Found: boolean;
| 1891 |
| 1892 | function Add2Tree(Folder: TRemFolder; CatID: string; Node: TORTreeNode = nil): TORTreeNode;
| 1893 | begin
| 1894 | if (Folder = rfUnknown) or (Folder in GetRemFolders) then
| 1895 | begin
| 1896 | if(CatID = LostCatID) then
| 1897 | begin
| 1898 | if(NeedLost) then
| 1899 | begin
| 1900 | (Tree.Items.AddFirst(nil,'') as TORTreeNode).StringData := LostCatString;
| 1901 | NeedLost := FALSE;
| 1902 | end;
| 1903 | end;
| 1904 |
| 1905 | if(not assigned(Node)) then
| 1906 | Node := Tree.FindPieceNode(CatID, 1);
| 1907 | if(assigned(Node)) then
| 1908 | begin
| 1909 | Result := (Tree.Items.AddChild(Node,'') as TORTreeNode);
| 1910 | Result.StringData := Data;
| 1911 | end
| 1912 | else
| 1913 | Result := nil;
| 1914 | end
| 1915 | else
| 1916 | Result := nil;
| 1917 | end;
| 1918 |
| 1919 | begin
| 1920 | SetupVars; //kt
| 1921 | if(not assigned(Tree)) then exit;
| 1922 | Tree.Items.BeginUpdate;
| 1923 | try
| 1924 | Tree.NodeDelim := U;
| 1925 | Tree.NodePiece := 2;
| 1926 | M.Code := @GetImageIndex;
| 1927 | M.Data := nil;
| 1928 | Tree.OnGetImageIndex := TTVExpandedEvent(M);
| 1929 | Tree.OnGetSelectedIndex := TTVExpandedEvent(M);
| 1930 | M.Code := @RemContextPopup;
| 1931 | Tree.OnContextPopup := TContextPopupEvent(M);
| 1932 |
| 1933 | if(assigned(Tree.TopItem)) then
| 1934 | begin
| 1935 | TopID1 := Tree.GetNodeID(TORTreeNode(Tree.TopItem), 1, IncludeParentID);
| 1936 | TopID2 := Tree.GetNodeID(TORTreeNode(Tree.TopItem), 1);
| 1937 | end
| 1938 | else
| 1939 | TopID1 := U;
| 1940 |
| 1941 | if(assigned(Tree.Selected)) then
| 1942 | begin
| 1943 | SelID1 := Tree.GetNodeID(TORTreeNode(Tree.Selected), 1, IncludeParentID);
| 1944 | SelID2 := Tree.GetNodeID(TORTreeNode(Tree.Selected), 1);
| 1945 | end
| 1946 | else
| 1947 | SelID1 := U;
| 1948 |
| 1949 | ExpandedStr := Tree.GetExpandedIDStr(1, IncludeParentID);
| 1950 | OpenDue := (ExpandedStr = '');
| 1951 |
| 1952 | Tree.Items.Clear;
| 1953 | NeedLost := TRUE;
| 1954 |
| 1955 | if(rfDue in GetRemFolders) then
| 1956 | (Tree.Items.Add(nil,'') as TORTreeNode).StringData := DueCatString;
| 1957 | if(rfApplicable in GetRemFolders) then
| 1958 | (Tree.Items.Add(nil,'') as TORTreeNode).StringData := ApplCatString;
| 1959 | if(rfNotApplicable in GetRemFolders) then
| 1960 | (Tree.Items.Add(nil,'') as TORTreeNode).StringData := NotApplCatString;
| 1961 | if(rfEvaluated in GetRemFolders) then
| 1962 | (Tree.Items.Add(nil,'') as TORTreeNode).StringData := EvaluatedCatString;
| 1963 | if(rfOther in GetRemFolders) then
| 1964 | (Tree.Items.Add(nil,'') as TORTreeNode).StringData := OtherCatString;
| 1965 |
| 1966 | for i := 0 to EvaluatedReminders.Count-1 do
| 1967 | begin
| 1968 | Data := RemCode + EvaluatedReminders[i];
| 1969 | Tmp := Piece(Data,U,6);
| 1970 | // if(Tmp = '1') then Add2Tree(rfDue, DueCatID)
| 1971 | if(Tmp = '1') or (Tmp = '3') or (Tmp = '4') then Add2Tree(rfDue, DueCatID) //AGP Error code change 26.8
| 1972 | else if(Tmp = '0') then Add2Tree(rfApplicable, ApplCatID)
| 1973 | else Add2Tree(rfNotApplicable, NotApplCatID);
| 1974 | Add2Tree(rfEvaluated, EvaluatedCatID);
| 1975 | end;
| 1976 |
| 1977 | if(rfOther in GetRemFolders) and (OtherReminders.Count > 0) then
| 1978 | begin
| 1979 | for i := 0 to OtherReminders.Count-1 do
| 1980 | begin
| 1981 | Tmp := OtherReminders[i];
| 1982 | if(Piece(Tmp, U, 2) = CatCode) then
| 1983 | Data := CatCode + Piece(Tmp, U, 1)
| 1984 | else
| 1985 | begin
| 1986 | Code := Piece(Tmp, U, 5);
| 1987 | Data := RemCode + Code;
| 1988 | Node := Tree.FindPieceNode(Data, 1);
| 1989 | if(assigned(Node)) then
| 1990 | Data := Node.StringData
| 1991 | else
| 1992 | begin
| 1993 | j := EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(Code);
| 1994 | if(j >= 0) then
| 1995 | SetPiece(Data, U, 6, Piece(EvaluatedReminders[j], U, 6));
| 1996 | end;
| 1997 | end;
| 1998 | SetPiece(Data, U, 2, Piece(Tmp, U ,3));
| 1999 | SetPiece(Data, U, 7, Piece(Tmp, U, 6));
| 2000 | Tmp := CatCode + Piece(Tmp, U, 4);
| 2001 | Add2Tree(rfOther, OtherCatID, Tree.FindPieceNode(Tmp, 1));
| 2002 | end;
| 2003 | end;
| 2004 |
| 2005 | { The Lost category is for reminders being processed that are no longer in the
| 2006 | reminder tree view. This can happen with reminders that were Due or Applicable,
| 2007 | but due to user action are no longer applicable, or due to location changes.
| 2008 | The Lost category will not be used if a lost reminder is in the other list. }
| 2009 |
| 2010 | if(RemindersInProcess.Count > 0) then
| 2011 | begin
| 2012 | for i := 0 to RemindersInProcess.Count-1 do
| 2013 | begin
| 2014 | Rem := TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[i]);
| 2015 | Tmp := RemCode + Rem.IEN;
| 2016 | Found := FALSE;
| 2017 | Node := nil;
| 2018 | repeat
| 2019 | Node := Tree.FindPieceNode(Tmp, 1, #0, Node); // look in the tree first
| 2020 | if((not Found) and (not assigned(Node))) then
| 2021 | begin
| 2022 | Data := Tmp + U + Rem.PrintName + U + Rem.DueDateStr + U + Rem.LastDateStr + U +
| 2023 | IntToStr(Rem.Priority) + U + Rem.Status;
| 2024 | if(Rem.Status = '1') then LostCat := DueCatID
| 2025 | else if(Rem.Status = '0') then LostCat := ApplCatID
| 2026 | else LostCat := LostCatID;
| 2027 | Node := Add2Tree(rfUnknown, LostCat);
| 2028 | end;
| 2029 | if(assigned(Node)) then
| 2030 | begin
| 2031 | Node.Bold := Rem.Processing;
| 2032 | Found := TRUE;
| 2033 | end;
| 2034 | until(Found and (not assigned(Node)));
| 2035 | end;
| 2036 | end;
| 2037 |
| 2038 | for i := 0 to Tree.Items.Count-1 do
| 2039 | begin
| 2040 | Node := TORTreeNode(Tree.Items[i]);
| 2041 | for j := 3 to 4 do
| 2042 | begin
| 2043 | Tmp := Piece(Node.StringData, U, j);
| 2044 | if(Tmp = '') then
| 2045 | Data := ''
| 2046 | else
| 2047 | Data := FormatFMDateTimeStr(ReminderDateFormat, Tmp);
| 2048 | Node.SetPiece(j + (RemTreeDateIdx - 3), Data);
| 2049 | end;
| 2050 | Node.SetPiece(RemTreeDateIdx + 2, IntToStr(Node.AbsoluteIndex));
| 2051 | Tmp := Piece(Node.StringData, U, 5);
| 2052 | if(Tmp <> '1') and (Tmp <> '3') then
| 2053 | Node.SetPiece(5, '2');
| 2054 | end;
| 2055 |
| 2056 | finally
| 2057 | Tree.Items.EndUpdate;
| 2058 | end;
| 2059 |
| 2060 | if(SelID1 = U) then
| 2061 | Node := nil
| 2062 | else
| 2063 | begin
| 2064 | Node := Tree.FindPieceNode(SelID1, 1, IncludeParentID);
| 2065 | if(not assigned(Node)) then
| 2066 | Node := Tree.FindPieceNode(SelID2, 1);
| 2067 | if(assigned(Node)) then
| 2068 | Node.EnsureVisible;
| 2069 | end;
| 2070 | Tree.Selected := Node;
| 2071 |
| 2072 | Tree.SetExpandedIDStr(1, IncludeParentID, ExpandedStr);
| 2073 | if(OpenDue) then
| 2074 | begin
| 2075 | Node := Tree.FindPieceNode(DueCatID, 1);
| 2076 | if(assigned(Node)) then
| 2077 | Node.Expand(FALSE);
| 2078 | end;
| 2079 |
| 2080 | if(TopID1 = U) then
| 2081 | Tree.TopItem := Tree.Items.GetFirstNode
| 2082 | else
| 2083 | begin
| 2084 | Tree.TopItem := Tree.FindPieceNode(TopID1, 1, IncludeParentID);
| 2085 | if(not assigned(Tree.TopItem)) then
| 2086 | Tree.TopItem := Tree.FindPieceNode(TopID2, 1);
| 2087 | end;
| 2088 | end;
| 2089 |
| 2090 | function ReminderNode(Node: TTreeNode): TORTreeNode;
| 2091 | var
| 2092 | p1: string;
| 2093 |
| 2094 | begin
| 2095 | Result := nil;
| 2096 | if(assigned(Node)) then
| 2097 | begin
| 2098 | p1 := Piece((Node as TORTreeNode).StringData, U, 1);
| 2099 | if(Copy(p1,1,1) = RemCode) then
| 2100 | Result := (Node as TORTreeNode)
| 2101 | end;
| 2102 | end;
| 2103 |
| 2104 | procedure LocationChanged(Sender: TObject);
| 2105 | begin
| 2106 | LoadReminderData;
| 2107 | end;
| 2108 |
| 2109 | procedure ClearReminderData;
| 2110 | var
| 2111 | Changed: boolean;
| 2112 |
| 2113 | begin
| 2114 | if(assigned(frmReminderTree)) then
| 2115 | frmReminderTree.Free;
| 2116 | Changed := ((ActiveReminders.Count > 0) or (OtherReminders.Count > 0) or
| 2117 | (ProcessingChangeString <> U));
| 2118 | ActiveReminders.Notifier.BeginUpdate;
| 2119 | OtherReminders.Notifier.BeginUpdate;
| 2120 | RemindersInProcess.Notifier.BeginUpdate;
| 2121 | try
| 2122 | ProcessedReminders.Clear;
| 2123 | if(assigned(KillReminderDialogProc)) then
| 2124 | KillReminderDialogProc(nil);
| 2125 | ActiveReminders.Clear;
| 2126 | OtherReminders.Clear;
| 2127 | EvaluatedReminders.Clear;
| 2128 | ReminderCallList.Clear;
| 2129 | RemindersInProcess.KillObjects;
| 2130 | RemindersInProcess.Clear;
| 2131 | LastProcessingList := '';
| 2132 | InitialRemindersLoaded := FALSE;
| 2133 | CoverSheetRemindersInBackground := FALSE;
| 2134 | finally
| 2135 | RemindersInProcess.Notifier.EndUpdate;
| 2136 | OtherReminders.Notifier.EndUpdate;
| 2137 | ActiveReminders.Notifier.EndUpdate(Changed);
| 2138 | RemindersStarted := FALSE;
| 2139 | LastReminderLocation := -2;
| 2140 | RemForm.Form := nil;
| 2141 | end;
| 2142 | end;
| 2143 |
| 2144 | procedure RemindersInProcessChanged(Data: Pointer; Sender: TObject; var CanNotify: boolean);
| 2145 | var
| 2146 | CurProcessing: string;
| 2147 | begin
| 2148 | CurProcessing := ProcessingChangeString;
| 2149 | CanNotify := (LastProcessingList <> CurProcessing);
| 2150 | if(CanNotify) then
| 2151 | LastProcessingList := CurProcessing;
| 2152 | end;
| 2153 |
| 2154 | procedure InitReminderObjects;
| 2155 | var
| 2156 | M: TMethod;
| 2157 |
| 2158 | procedure InitReminderList(var List: TORStringList);
| 2159 | begin
| 2160 | if(not assigned(List)) then
| 2161 | List := TORStringList.Create;
| 2162 | end;
| 2163 |
| 2164 | begin
| 2165 | InitReminderList(ActiveReminders);
| 2166 | InitReminderList(OtherReminders);
| 2167 | InitReminderList(EvaluatedReminders);
| 2168 | InitReminderList(ReminderCallList);
| 2169 | InitReminderList(RemindersInProcess);
| 2170 | InitReminderList(ProcessedReminders);
| 2171 |
| 2172 | M.Code := @RemindersInProcessChanged;
| 2173 | M.Data := nil;
| 2174 | RemindersInProcess.Notifier.OnNotify := TCanNotifyEvent(M);
| 2175 |
| 2176 | AddToNotifyWhenCreated(LocationChanged, TEncounter);
| 2177 |
| 2178 | RemForm.Form := nil;
| 2179 | end;
| 2180 |
| 2181 | procedure FreeReminderObjects;
| 2182 | begin
| 2183 | KillObj(@ActiveReminders);
| 2184 | KillObj(@OtherReminders);
| 2185 | KillObj(@EvaluatedReminders);
| 2186 | KillObj(@ReminderTreeMenuDlg);
| 2187 | KillObj(@ReminderTreeMenu);
| 2188 | KillObj(@ReminderCatMenu);
| 2189 | KillObj(@EducationTopics);
| 2190 | KillObj(@WebPages);
| 2191 | KillObj(@ReminderCallList);
| 2192 | KillObj(@TmpActive);
| 2193 | KillObj(@TmpOther);
| 2194 | KillObj(@RemindersInProcess, TRUE);
| 2195 | KillObj(@ReminderDialogInfo, TRUE);
| 2196 | KillObj(@PCERootList, TRUE);
| 2197 | KillObj(@ProcessedReminders);
| 2198 | end;
| 2199 |
| 2200 | function GetReminder(ARemData: string): TReminder;
| 2201 | var
| 2202 | idx: integer;
| 2203 | SIEN: string;
| 2204 |
| 2205 | begin
| 2206 | Result := nil;
| 2207 | SIEN := Piece(ARemData, U, 1);
| 2208 | if(Copy(SIEN,1,1) = RemCode) then
| 2209 | begin
| 2210 | SIEN := copy(Sien, 2, MaxInt);
| 2211 | idx := RemindersInProcess.IndexOf(SIEN);
| 2212 | if(idx < 0) then
| 2213 | begin
| 2214 | RemindersInProcess.Notifier.BeginUpdate;
| 2215 | try
| 2216 | idx := RemindersInProcess.AddObject(SIEN, TReminder.Create(ARemData));
| 2217 | finally
| 2218 | RemindersInProcess.Notifier.EndUpdate;
| 2219 | end;
| 2220 | end;
| 2221 | Result := TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[idx]);
| 2222 | end;
| 2223 | end;
| 2224 |
| 2225 | var
| 2226 | ScootOver: integer = 0;
| 2227 |
| 2228 | procedure WordWrap(const AText: string; Output: TStrings; LineLength: integer;
| 2229 | AutoIndent: integer = 4);
| 2230 | var
| 2231 | i, l, max, FCount: integer;
| 2232 | First: boolean;
| 2233 | OrgText, Text, Prefix: string;
| 2234 |
| 2235 | begin
| 2236 | inc(LineLength, ScootOver);
| 2237 | dec(AutoIndent, ScootOver);
| 2238 | FCount := Output.Count;
| 2239 | First := TRUE;
| 2240 | OrgText := InitText(AText);
| 2241 | Prefix := StringOfChar(' ',74-LineLength);
| 2242 | repeat
| 2243 | i := pos(CRCode, OrgText);
| 2244 | if(i = 0) then
| 2245 | begin
| 2246 | Text := OrgText;
| 2247 | OrgText := '';
| 2248 | end
| 2249 | else
| 2250 | begin
| 2251 | Text := copy(OrgText, 1, i - 1);
| 2252 | delete(OrgText, 1, i + CRCodeLen - 1);
| 2253 | end;
| 2254 | if(Text = '') and (OrgText <> '') then
| 2255 | begin
| 2256 | Output.Add('');
| 2257 | inc(FCount);
| 2258 | end;
| 2259 | while(Text <> '') do
| 2260 | begin
| 2261 | max := length(Text);
| 2262 | if(max > LineLength) then
| 2263 | begin
| 2264 | l := LineLength + 1;
| 2265 | while(l > 0) and (Text[l] <> ' ') do dec(l);
| 2266 | if(l < 1) then
| 2267 | begin
| 2268 | Output.Add(Prefix+copy(Text,1,LineLength));
| 2269 | delete(Text,1,LineLength);
| 2270 | end
| 2271 | else
| 2272 | begin
| 2273 | Output.Add(Prefix+copy(Text,1,l-1));
| 2274 | while(l <= max) and (Text[l] = ' ') do inc(l);
| 2275 | delete(Text,1,l-1);
| 2276 | end;
| 2277 | if(First) then
| 2278 | begin
| 2279 | dec(LineLength, AutoIndent);
| 2280 | Prefix := Prefix + StringOfChar(' ', AutoIndent);
| 2281 | First := FALSE;
| 2282 | end;
| 2283 | end
| 2284 | else
| 2285 | begin
| 2286 | Output.Add(Prefix+Text);
| 2287 | Text := '';
| 2288 | end;
| 2289 | end;
| 2290 | if(First) and (FCount <> Output.Count) then
| 2291 | begin
| 2292 | dec(LineLength, AutoIndent);
| 2293 | Prefix := Prefix + StringOfChar(' ', AutoIndent);
| 2294 | First := FALSE;
| 2295 | end;
| 2296 | until(OrgText = '');
| 2297 | end;
| 2298 |
| 2299 | function InteractiveRemindersActive: boolean;
| 2300 | begin
| 2301 | if(not InteractiveRemindersActiveChecked) then
| 2302 | begin
| 2303 | InteractiveRemindersActiveStatus := GetRemindersActive;
| 2304 | InteractiveRemindersActiveChecked := TRUE;
| 2305 | end;
| 2306 | Result := InteractiveRemindersActiveStatus;
| 2307 | end;
| 2308 |
| 2309 | function GetReminderData(Rem: TReminderDialog; Lst: TStrings; Finishing: boolean = FALSE;
| 2310 | Historical: boolean = FALSE): integer;
| 2311 | begin
| 2312 | Result := Rem.AddData(Lst, Finishing, Historical);
| 2313 | end;
| 2314 |
| 2315 | function GetReminderData(Lst: TStrings; Finishing: boolean = FALSE;
| 2316 | Historical: boolean = FALSE): integer;
| 2317 | var
| 2318 | i: integer;
| 2319 | begin
| 2320 | Result := 0;
| 2321 | for i := 0 to RemindersInProcess.Count-1 do
| 2322 | inc(Result, TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[i]).AddData(Lst, Finishing, Historical));
| 2323 | end;
| 2324 |
| 2325 | procedure SetReminderFormBounds(Frm: TForm; DefX, DefY, DefW, DefH, ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: integer);
| 2326 | var
| 2327 | Rect: TRect;
| 2328 | ScreenW, ScreenH: integer;
| 2329 |
| 2330 | begin
| 2331 | SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, @Rect, 0);
| 2332 | ScreenW := Rect.Right - Rect.Left + 1;
| 2333 | ScreenH := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top + 1;
| 2334 | if(AWidth = 0) then
| 2335 | AWidth := DefW
| 2336 | else
| 2337 | DefW := AWidth;
| 2338 | if(AHeight = 0) then
| 2339 | AHeight := DefH
| 2340 | else
| 2341 | DefH := AHeight;
| 2342 | if(DefX = 0) and (DefY = 0) then
| 2343 | begin
| 2344 | DefX := (ScreenW - DefW) div 2;
| 2345 | DefY := (ScreenH - DefH) div 2;
| 2346 | end
| 2347 | else
| 2348 | dec(DefY, DefH);
| 2349 | if((ALeft <= 0) or (ATop <= 0) or
| 2350 | ((ALeft + AWidth) > ScreenW) or
| 2351 | ((ATop + AHeight) > ScreenH)) then
| 2352 | begin
| 2353 | if(DefX < 0) then
| 2354 | DefX := 0
| 2355 | else
| 2356 | if((DefX + DefW) > ScreenW) then
| 2357 | DefX := ScreenW-DefW;
| 2358 | if(DefY < 0) then
| 2359 | DefY := 0
| 2360 | else
| 2361 | if((DefY + DefH) > ScreenH) then
| 2362 | DefY := ScreenH-DefH;
| 2363 | Frm.SetBounds(Rect.Left + DefX, Rect.Top + DefY, DefW, DefH);
| 2364 | end
| 2365 | else
| 2366 | Frm.SetBounds(Rect.Left + ALeft, Rect.Top + ATop, AWidth, AHeight);
| 2367 | end;
| 2368 |
| 2369 | procedure UpdateReminderDialogStatus;
| 2370 | var
| 2371 | TmpSL: TStringList;
| 2372 | Changed: boolean;
| 2373 |
| 2374 | procedure Build(AList :TORStringList; PNum: integer);
| 2375 | var
| 2376 | i: integer;
| 2377 | Code: string;
| 2378 |
| 2379 | begin
| 2380 | for i := 0 to AList.Count-1 do
| 2381 | begin
| 2382 | Code := Piece(AList[i],U,PNum);
| 2383 | if((Code <> '') and (TmpSL.IndexOf(Code) < 0)) then
| 2384 | TmpSL.Add(Code);
| 2385 | end;
| 2386 | end;
| 2387 |
| 2388 | procedure Reset(AList: TORStringList; PNum, DlgPNum: integer);
| 2389 | var
| 2390 | i, j: integer;
| 2391 | Tmp, Code, Dlg: string;
| 2392 |
| 2393 | begin
| 2394 | for i := 0 to TmpSL.Count-1 do
| 2395 | begin
| 2396 | Code := Piece(TmpSL[i],U,1);
| 2397 | j := -1;
| 2398 | repeat
| 2399 | j := AList.IndexOfPiece(Code, U, PNum, j);
| 2400 | if(j >= 0) then
| 2401 | begin
| 2402 | Dlg := Piece(TmpSL[i],U,2);
| 2403 | if(Dlg <> Piece(AList[j], U, DlgPNum)) then
| 2404 | begin
| 2405 | Tmp := AList[j];
| 2406 | SetPiece(Tmp, U, DlgPNum, Dlg);
| 2407 | AList[j] := Tmp;
| 2408 | Changed := TRUE;
| 2409 | end;
| 2410 | end;
| 2411 | until (j < 0);
| 2412 | end;
| 2413 | end;
| 2414 |
| 2415 | begin
| 2416 | Changed := FALSE;
| 2417 | BeginReminderUpdate;
| 2418 | try
| 2419 | TmpSL := TStringList.Create;
| 2420 | try
| 2421 | Build(ActiveReminders, 1);
| 2422 | Build(OtherReminders, 5);
| 2423 | Build(EvaluatedReminders, 1);
| 2424 | GetDialogStatus(TmpSL);
| 2425 | Reset(ActiveReminders, 1, 7);
| 2426 | Reset(OtherReminders, 5, 6);
| 2427 | Reset(EvaluatedReminders, 1, 7);
| 2428 | finally
| 2429 | TmpSL.Free;
| 2430 | end;
| 2431 | finally
| 2432 | EndReminderUpdate(Changed);
| 2433 | end;
| 2434 | end;
| 2435 |
| 2436 | procedure PrepText4NextLine(var txt: string);
| 2437 | var
| 2438 | tlen: integer;
| 2439 |
| 2440 | begin
| 2441 | if(txt <> '') then
| 2442 | begin
| 2443 | tlen := length(txt);
| 2444 | if(copy(txt, tlen - CRCodeLen + 1, CRCodeLen) = CRCode) then
| 2445 | exit;
| 2446 | if(copy(txt, tlen, 1) = '.') then
| 2447 | txt := txt + ' ';
| 2448 | txt := txt + ' ';
| 2449 | end;
| 2450 | end;
| 2451 |
| 2452 | procedure ExpandTIUObjects(var Txt: string; msg: string = '');
| 2453 | var
| 2454 | ObjList: TStringList;
| 2455 | Err: TStringList;
| 2456 | i, j, k, oLen: integer;
| 2457 | obj, ObjTxt: string;
| 2458 |
| 2459 | begin
| 2460 | ObjList := TStringList.Create;
| 2461 | try
| 2462 | Err := nil;
| 2463 | if(not dmodShared.BoilerplateOK(Txt, CRCode, ObjList, Err)) and (assigned(Err)) then
| 2464 | begin
| 2465 | try
| 2466 | // Err.Add(CRLF + 'Contact IRM and inform them about this error.' + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 2467 | Err.Add(CRLF + DKLangConstW('uReminders_Contact_IRM_and_inform_them_about_this_errorx') + CRLF + //kt added 9/5/2007
| 2468 | // 'Make sure you give them the name of the reminder that you are processing,' + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 2469 | DKLangConstW('uReminders_Make_sure_you_give_them_the_name_of_the_reminder_that_you_are_processingx') + CRLF + //kt added 9/5/2007
| 2470 | // 'and which dialog elements were selected to produce this error.'); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 2471 | DKLangConstW('uReminders_and_which_dialog_elements_were_selected_to_produce_this_errorx')); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 2472 | // InfoBox(Err.Text,'Reminder Boilerplate Object Error', MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 2473 | InfoBox(Err.Text,DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reminder_Boilerplate_Object_Error'), MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 2474 | finally
| 2475 | Err.Free;
| 2476 | end;
| 2477 | end;
| 2478 | if(ObjList.Count > 0) then
| 2479 | begin
| 2480 | GetTemplateText(ObjList);
| 2481 | i := 0;
| 2482 | while (i < ObjList.Count) do
| 2483 | begin
| 2484 | if(pos(ObjMarker, ObjList[i]) = 1) then
| 2485 | begin
| 2486 | obj := copy(ObjList[i], ObjMarkerLen+1, MaxInt);
| 2487 | if(obj = '') then break;
| 2488 | j := i + 1;
| 2489 | while (j < ObjList.Count) and (pos(ObjMarker, ObjList[j]) = 0) do
| 2490 | inc(j);
| 2491 | if((j - i) > 2) then
| 2492 | begin
| 2493 | ObjTxt := '';
| 2494 | for k := i+1 to j-1 do
| 2495 | ObjTxt := ObjTxt + CRCode + ObjList[k];
| 2496 | end
| 2497 | else
| 2498 | ObjTxt := ObjList[i+1];
| 2499 | i := j;
| 2500 | obj := '|' + obj + '|';
| 2501 | oLen := length(obj);
| 2502 | repeat
| 2503 | j := pos(obj, Txt);
| 2504 | if(j > 0) then
| 2505 | begin
| 2506 | delete(Txt, j, OLen);
| 2507 | insert(ObjTxt, Txt, j);
| 2508 | end;
| 2509 | until(j = 0);
| 2510 | end
| 2511 | else
| 2512 | inc(i);
| 2513 | end
| 2514 | end;
| 2515 | finally
| 2516 | ObjList.Free;
| 2517 | end;
| 2518 | end;
| 2519 |
| 2520 | { TReminderDialog }
| 2521 |
| 2522 | const
| 2523 | RPCCalled = '99';
| 2524 | DlgCalled = RPCCalled + U + 'DLG';
| 2525 |
| 2526 | constructor TReminderDialog.BaseCreate;
| 2527 | var
| 2528 | idx, eidx, i: integer;
| 2529 | TempSL: TORStringList;
| 2530 | ParentID: string;
| 2531 | // Line: string;
| 2532 | Element: TRemDlgElement;
| 2533 |
| 2534 | begin
| 2535 | TempSL := GetDlgSL;
| 2536 | if Piece(TempSL[0],U,2)='1' then
| 2537 | begin
| 2538 | Self.RemWipe := 1;
| 2539 | end;
| 2540 | idx := -1;
| 2541 | repeat
| 2542 | idx := TempSL.IndexOfPiece('1', U, 1, idx);
| 2543 | if(idx >= 0) then
| 2544 | begin
| 2545 | if(not assigned(FElements)) then
| 2546 | FElements := TStringList.Create;
| 2547 | eidx := FElements.AddObject('',TRemDlgElement.Create);
| 2548 | Element := TRemDlgElement(FElements.Objects[eidx]);
| 2549 | with Element do
| 2550 | begin
| 2551 | FReminder := Self;
| 2552 | FRec1 := TempSL[idx];
| 2553 | FID := Piece(FRec1, U, 2);
| 2554 | FDlgID := Piece(FRec1, U, 3);
| 2555 | FElements[eidx] := FDlgID;
| 2556 | if(ElemType = etTaxonomy) then
| 2557 | FTaxID := BOOLCHAR[Historical] + FindingType
| 2558 | else
| 2559 | FTaxID := '';
| 2560 |
| 2561 | FText := '';
| 2562 | i := -1;
| 2563 | // if Piece(FRec1,U,5) <> '1' then
| 2564 | repeat
| 2565 | i := TempSL.IndexOfPieces(['2',FID,FDlgID],i);
| 2566 | if(i >= 0) then
| 2567 | begin
| 2568 | PrepText4NextLine(FText);
| 2569 | FText := FText + Trim(Piece(TempSL[i], U, 4));
| 2570 | end;
| 2571 | until(i < 0);
| 2572 | ExpandTIUObjects(FText);
| 2573 | AssignFieldIDs(FText);
| 2574 |
| 2575 | if(pos('.',FDlgID)>0) then
| 2576 | begin
| 2577 | ParentID := FDlgID;
| 2578 | i := length(ParentID);
| 2579 | while((i > 0) and (ParentID[i] <> '.')) do
| 2580 | dec(i);
| 2581 | if(i > 0) then
| 2582 | begin
| 2583 | ParentID := copy(ParentID,1,i-1);
| 2584 | i := FElements.IndexOf(ParentID);
| 2585 | if(i >= 0) then
| 2586 | begin
| 2587 | FParent := TRemDlgElement(FElements.Objects[i]);
| 2588 | if(not assigned(FParent.FChildren)) then
| 2589 | FParent.FChildren := TList.Create;
| 2590 | FParent.FChildren.Add(Element);
| 2591 | end;
| 2592 | end;
| 2593 | end;
| 2594 | if(ElemType = etDisplayOnly) then
| 2595 | SetChecked(TRUE);
| 2596 | UpdateData;
| 2597 | end;
| 2598 | end;
| 2599 | until(idx < 0);
| 2600 | end;
| 2601 |
| 2602 | constructor TReminderDialog.Create(ADlgData: string);
| 2603 | begin
| 2604 | FDlgData := ADlgData;
| 2605 | BaseCreate;
| 2606 | end;
| 2607 |
| 2608 | destructor TReminderDialog.Destroy;
| 2609 | begin
| 2610 | KillObj(@FElements, TRUE);
| 2611 | inherited;
| 2612 | end;
| 2613 |
| 2614 | function TReminderDialog.Processing: boolean;
| 2615 | var
| 2616 | i,j: integer;
| 2617 | Elem: TRemDlgElement;
| 2618 | RData: TRemData;
| 2619 |
| 2620 | function ChildrenChecked(Prnt: TRemDlgElement): boolean; forward;
| 2621 |
| 2622 | function CheckItem(Item: TRemDlgElement): boolean;
| 2623 | begin
| 2624 | if(Item.ElemType = etDisplayOnly) then
| 2625 | begin
| 2626 | Result := ChildrenChecked(Item);
| 2627 | if(not Result) then
| 2628 | Result := Item.Add2PN;
| 2629 | end
| 2630 | else
| 2631 | Result := Item.FChecked;
| 2632 | end;
| 2633 |
| 2634 | function ChildrenChecked(Prnt: TRemDlgElement): boolean;
| 2635 | var
| 2636 | i: integer;
| 2637 |
| 2638 | begin
| 2639 | Result := FALSE;
| 2640 | if(assigned(Prnt.FChildren)) then
| 2641 | begin
| 2642 | for i := 0 to Prnt.FChildren.Count-1 do
| 2643 | begin
| 2644 | Result := CheckItem(TRemDlgElement(Prnt.FChildren[i]));
| 2645 | if(Result) then break;
| 2646 | end;
| 2647 | end;
| 2648 | end;
| 2649 |
| 2650 | begin
| 2651 | Result := FALSE;
| 2652 | if(assigned(FElements)) then
| 2653 | begin
| 2654 | for i := 0 to FElements.Count-1 do
| 2655 | begin
| 2656 | Elem := TRemDlgElement(FElements.Objects[i]);
| 2657 | if(not assigned(Elem.FParent)) then
| 2658 | begin
| 2659 | Result := CheckItem(Elem);
| 2660 | if (Result = false) then //(AGP CHANGE 24.9 add check to have the finish problem check for MH test)
| 2661 | begin
| 2662 | if (assigned(Elem.FData)) then
| 2663 | begin
| 2664 | for j := 0 to Elem.FData.Count-1 do
| 2665 | begin
| 2666 | RData := TRemData(Elem.FData[j]);
| 2667 | if piece(RData.FRec3,U,4)='MH' then
| 2668 | Result := True;
| 2669 | if (Result) then break;
| 2670 | end;
| 2671 | end;
| 2672 | end;
| 2673 | if(Result) then break;
| 2674 | end;
| 2675 | end;
| 2676 | end;
| 2677 | end;
| 2678 |
| 2679 | function TReminderDialog.GetDlgSL: TORStringList;
| 2680 | var
| 2681 | idx: integer;
| 2682 |
| 2683 | begin
| 2684 | if(not assigned(ReminderDialogInfo)) then
| 2685 | ReminderDialogInfo := TStringList.Create;
| 2686 | idx := ReminderDialogInfo.IndexOf(GetIEN);
| 2687 | if(idx < 0) then
| 2688 | idx := ReminderDialogInfo.AddObject(GetIEN, TORStringList.Create);
| 2689 | Result := TORStringList(ReminderDialogInfo.Objects[idx]);
| 2690 | if(Result.Count = 0) then
| 2691 | begin
| 2692 | Result.Assign(GetDialogInfo(GetIEN, (Self is TReminder)));
| 2693 | Result.Add(DlgCalled); // Used to prevent repeated calling of RPC if dialog is empty
| 2694 | end;
| 2695 | end;
| 2696 |
| 2697 | function TReminderDialog.BuildControls(ParentWidth: integer; AParent, AOwner: TWinControl): TWinControl;
| 2698 | var
| 2699 | Y, i: integer;
| 2700 | Elem: TRemDlgElement;
| 2701 | ERes: TWinControl;
| 2702 |
| 2703 | begin
| 2704 | Result := nil;
| 2705 | if(assigned(FElements)) then
| 2706 | begin
| 2707 | Y := 0;
| 2708 | for i := 0 to FElements.Count-1 do
| 2709 | begin
| 2710 | Elem := TRemDlgElement(FElements.Objects[i]);
| 2711 | if (not assigned(Elem.FParent)) then
| 2712 | begin
| 2713 | ERes := Elem.BuildControls(Y, ParentWidth, AParent, AOwner);
| 2714 | if(not assigned(Result)) then
| 2715 | Result := ERes;
| 2716 | end;
| 2717 | end;
| 2718 | end;
| 2719 | if(AParent.ControlCount = 0) then
| 2720 | begin
| 2721 | with TLabel.Create(AOwner) do
| 2722 | begin
| 2723 | Parent := AParent;
| 2724 | // Caption := 'No Dialog found for ' + Trim(GetPrintName) + ' Reminder.'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 2725 | Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_No_Dialog_found_for') + Trim(GetPrintName) + DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reminderx'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 2726 | Left := Gap;
| 2727 | Top := Gap;
| 2728 | end;
| 2729 | end;
| 2730 | ElementChecked := nil;
| 2731 | end;
| 2732 |
| 2733 | procedure TReminderDialog.AddText(Lst: TStrings);
| 2734 | var
| 2735 | i, idx: integer;
| 2736 | Elem: TRemDlgElement;
| 2737 |
| 2738 | begin
| 2739 | if(assigned(FElements)) then
| 2740 | begin
| 2741 | idx := Lst.Count;
| 2742 | for i := 0 to FElements.Count-1 do
| 2743 | begin
| 2744 | Elem := TRemDlgElement(FElements.Objects[i]);
| 2745 | if (not assigned(Elem.FParent)) then
| 2746 | Elem.AddText(Lst);
| 2747 | end;
| 2748 | if (Self is TReminder) and (PrintName <> '') and (idx <> Lst.Count) then
| 2749 | Lst.Insert(idx, ' ' + PrintName + ':')
| 2750 | end;
| 2751 | end;
| 2752 |
| 2753 | function TReminderDialog.AddData(Lst: TStrings; Finishing: boolean = FALSE;
| 2754 | Historical: boolean = FALSE): integer;
| 2755 | var
| 2756 | i: integer;
| 2757 | Elem: TRemDlgElement;
| 2758 |
| 2759 | begin
| 2760 | Result := 0;
| 2761 | if(assigned(FElements)) then
| 2762 | begin
| 2763 | for i := 0 to FElements.Count-1 do
| 2764 | begin
| 2765 | Elem := TRemDlgElement(FElements.Objects[i]);
| 2766 | if (not assigned(Elem.FParent)) then
| 2767 | inc(Result, Elem.AddData(Lst, Finishing, Historical));
| 2768 | end;
| 2769 | end;
| 2770 | end;
| 2771 |
| 2772 | procedure TReminderDialog.ComboBoxCheckedText(Sender: TObject; NumChecked: integer; var Text: string);
| 2773 | var
| 2774 | i, Done: integer;
| 2775 | DotLen, ComLen, TxtW, TotalW, NewLen: integer;
| 2776 | tmp: string;
| 2777 | Fnt: THandle;
| 2778 | lb: TORListBox;
| 2779 |
| 2780 | begin
| 2781 | if(NumChecked = 0) then
| 2782 | // Text := '(None Selected)' <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 2783 | Text := DKLangConstW('uReminders_xNone_Selectedx') //kt added 9/5/2007
| 2784 | else
| 2785 | if(NumChecked > 1) then
| 2786 | begin
| 2787 | Text := '';
| 2788 | lb := (Sender as TORListBox);
| 2789 | Fnt := lb.Font.Handle;
| 2790 | DotLen := TextWidthByFont(Fnt, '...');
| 2791 | TotalW := (lb.Owner as TControl).ClientWidth - 15;
| 2792 | ComLen := TextWidthByFont(fnt, ', ');
| 2793 | dec(TotalW,(NumChecked-1) * ComLen);
| 2794 | Done := 0;
| 2795 | for i := 0 to lb.Items.Count-1 do
| 2796 | begin
| 2797 | if(lb.Checked[i]) then
| 2798 | begin
| 2799 | inc(Done);
| 2800 | if(Text <> '') then
| 2801 | begin
| 2802 | Text := Text + ', ';
| 2803 | dec(TotalW, ComLen);
| 2804 | end;
| 2805 | Tmp := lb.DisplayText[i];
| 2806 | if(Done = NumChecked) then
| 2807 | TxtW := TotalW
| 2808 | else
| 2809 | TxtW := TotalW div (NumChecked - Done + 1);
| 2810 | NewLen := NumCharsFitInWidth(fnt, Tmp, TxtW);
| 2811 | if(NewLen < length(Tmp)) then
| 2812 | Tmp := copy(Tmp,1,NumCharsFitInWidth(fnt, Tmp, (TxtW - DotLen))) + '...';
| 2813 | dec(TotalW, TextWidthByFont(fnt, Tmp));
| 2814 | Text := Text + Tmp;
| 2815 | end;
| 2816 | end;
| 2817 | end;
| 2818 | end;
| 2819 |
| 2820 | procedure TReminderDialog.BeginTextChanged;
| 2821 | begin
| 2822 | inc(FTextChangedCount);
| 2823 | end;
| 2824 |
| 2825 | procedure TReminderDialog.EndTextChanged(Sender: TObject);
| 2826 | begin
| 2827 | if(FTextChangedCount > 0) then
| 2828 | begin
| 2829 | dec(FTextChangedCount);
| 2830 | if(FTextChangedCount = 0) and assigned(FOnTextChanged) then
| 2831 | FOnTextChanged(Sender);
| 2832 | end;
| 2833 | end;
| 2834 |
| 2835 | function TReminderDialog.GetIEN: string;
| 2836 | begin
| 2837 | Result := Piece(FDlgData, U, 1);
| 2838 | end;
| 2839 |
| 2840 | function TReminderDialog.GetPrintName: string;
| 2841 | begin
| 2842 | Result := Piece(FDlgData, U, 2);
| 2843 | end;
| 2844 |
| 2845 | procedure TReminderDialog.BeginNeedRedraw;
| 2846 | begin
| 2847 | inc(FNeedRedrawCount);
| 2848 | end;
| 2849 |
| 2850 | procedure TReminderDialog.EndNeedRedraw(Sender: TObject);
| 2851 | begin
| 2852 | if(FNeedRedrawCount > 0) then
| 2853 | begin
| 2854 | dec(FNeedRedrawCount);
| 2855 | if(FNeedRedrawCount = 0) and (assigned(FOnNeedRedraw)) then
| 2856 | FOnNeedRedraw(Sender);
| 2857 | end;
| 2858 | end;
| 2859 |
| 2860 | procedure TReminderDialog.FinishProblems(List: TStrings; var MissingTemplateFields: boolean);
| 2861 | var
| 2862 | i: integer;
| 2863 | Elem: TRemDlgElement;
| 2864 | TmpSL: TStringList;
| 2865 | FldData: TORStringList;
| 2866 |
| 2867 | begin
| 2868 | if(Processing and assigned(FElements)) then
| 2869 | begin
| 2870 | TmpSL := TStringList.Create;
| 2871 | try
| 2872 | FldData := TORStringList.Create;
| 2873 | try
| 2874 | for i := 0 to FElements.Count-1 do
| 2875 | begin
| 2876 | Elem := TRemDlgElement(FElements.Objects[i]);
| 2877 | if (not assigned(Elem.FParent)) then
| 2878 | begin
| 2879 | Elem.FinishProblems(List);
| 2880 | Elem.GetFieldValues(FldData);
| 2881 | end;
| 2882 | end;
| 2883 | FNoResolve := TRUE;
| 2884 | try
| 2885 | AddText(TmpSL);
| 2886 | finally
| 2887 | FNoResolve := FALSE;
| 2888 | end;
| 2889 | MissingTemplateFields := AreTemplateFieldsRequired(TmpSL.Text, FldData);
| 2890 | finally
| 2891 | FldData.Free;
| 2892 | end;
| 2893 | finally
| 2894 | TmpSL.Free;
| 2895 | end;
| 2896 | end;
| 2897 | end;
| 2898 |
| 2899 | procedure TReminderDialog.ComboBoxResized(Sender: TObject);
| 2900 | begin
| 2901 | // This causes the ONCheckedText event to re-fire and re-update the text,
| 2902 | // based on the new size of the combo box.
| 2903 | if(Sender is TORComboBox) then
| 2904 | with (Sender as TORComboBox) do
| 2905 | OnCheckedText := OnCheckedText;
| 2906 | end;
| 2907 |
| 2908 | function TReminderDialog.Visible: boolean;
| 2909 | begin
| 2910 | Result := (CurrentReminderInDialog = Self);
| 2911 | end;
| 2912 |
| 2913 | { TReminder }
| 2914 |
| 2915 | constructor TReminder.Create(ARemData: string);
| 2916 | begin
| 2917 | FRemData := ARemData;
| 2918 | BaseCreate;
| 2919 | end;
| 2920 |
| 2921 | function TReminder.GetDueDateStr: string;
| 2922 | begin
| 2923 | Result := Piece(FRemData, U ,3);
| 2924 | end;
| 2925 |
| 2926 | function TReminder.GetIEN: string;
| 2927 | begin
| 2928 | Result := copy(Piece(FRemData, U, 1), 2, MaxInt);
| 2929 | end;
| 2930 |
| 2931 | function TReminder.GetLastDateStr: string;
| 2932 | begin
| 2933 | Result := Piece(FRemData, U ,4);
| 2934 | end;
| 2935 |
| 2936 | function TReminder.GetPrintName: string;
| 2937 | begin
| 2938 | Result := Piece(FRemData, U ,2);
| 2939 | end;
| 2940 |
| 2941 | function TReminder.GetPriority: integer;
| 2942 | begin
| 2943 | Result := StrToIntDef(Piece(FRemData, U ,5), 2);
| 2944 | end;
| 2945 |
| 2946 | function TReminder.GetStatus: string;
| 2947 | begin
| 2948 | Result := Piece(FRemData, U ,6);
| 2949 | end;
| 2950 |
| 2951 | { TRemDlgElement }
| 2952 |
| 2953 | function Code2DataType(Code: string): TRemDataType;
| 2954 | var
| 2955 | idx: TRemDataType;
| 2956 |
| 2957 | begin
| 2958 | Result := dtUnknown;
| 2959 | for idx := low(TRemDataType) to high(TRemDataType) do
| 2960 | begin
| 2961 | if(Code = RemDataCodes[idx]) then
| 2962 | begin
| 2963 | Result := idx;
| 2964 | break;
| 2965 | end;
| 2966 | end;
| 2967 | end;
| 2968 |
| 2969 | function Code2PromptType(Code: string): TRemPromptType;
| 2970 | var
| 2971 | idx: TRemPromptType;
| 2972 |
| 2973 | begin
| 2974 | if(Code = '') then
| 2975 | Result := ptSubComment
| 2976 | else
| 2977 | if(Code = MSTCode) then
| 2978 | Result := ptMST
| 2979 | else
| 2980 | begin
| 2981 | Result := ptUnknown;
| 2982 | for idx := low(TRemPromptType) to high(TRemPromptType) do
| 2983 | begin
| 2984 | if(Code = RemPromptCodes[idx]) then
| 2985 | begin
| 2986 | Result := idx;
| 2987 | break;
| 2988 | end;
| 2989 | end;
| 2990 | end;
| 2991 | end;
| 2992 |
| 2993 | function TRemDlgElement.Add2PN: boolean;
| 2994 | var
| 2995 | Lst: TStringList;
| 2996 |
| 2997 | begin
| 2998 | if (FChecked) then
| 2999 | begin
| 3000 | Result := (Piece(FRec1, U, 5) <> '1');
| 3001 | //Suppress := (Piece(FRec1,U,1)='1');
| 3002 | if(Result and (ElemType = etDisplayOnly)) then
| 3003 | begin
| 3004 | //Result := FALSE;
| 3005 | if(assigned(FPrompts) and (FPrompts.Count > 0)) or
| 3006 | (assigned(FData) and (FData.Count > 0)) or Result then
| 3007 | begin
| 3008 | Lst := TStringList.Create;
| 3009 | try
| 3010 | AddData(Lst, FALSE);
| 3011 | Result := (Lst.Count > 0);
| 3012 | if not assigned(FData) then Result := True;
| 3013 | finally
| 3014 | Lst.Free;
| 3015 | end;
| 3016 | end;
| 3017 | end;
| 3018 | end
| 3019 | else
| 3020 | Result := FALSE;
| 3021 | end;
| 3022 |
| 3023 | function TRemDlgElement.Box: boolean;
| 3024 | begin
| 3025 | Result := (Piece(FRec1, U, 19) = '1');
| 3026 | end;
| 3027 |
| 3028 | function TRemDlgElement.BoxCaption: string;
| 3029 | begin
| 3030 | if(Box) then
| 3031 | Result := Piece(FRec1, U, 20)
| 3032 | else
| 3033 | Result := '';
| 3034 | end;
| 3035 |
| 3036 | function TRemDlgElement.ChildrenIndent: integer;
| 3037 | begin
| 3038 | Result := StrToIntDef(Piece(FRec1, U, 16), 0);
| 3039 | end;
| 3040 |
| 3041 | function TRemDlgElement.ChildrenRequired: TRDChildReq;
| 3042 | var
| 3043 | Tmp: string;
| 3044 | begin
| 3045 | Tmp := Piece(FRec1, U, 18);
| 3046 | if Tmp = '1' then Result := crOne
| 3047 | else if Tmp = '2' then Result := crAtLeastOne
| 3048 | else if Tmp = '3' then Result := crNoneOrOne
| 3049 | else Result := crNone;
| 3050 | end;
| 3051 |
| 3052 | function TRemDlgElement.ChildrenSharePrompts: boolean;
| 3053 | begin
| 3054 | Result := (Piece(FRec1, U, 17) = '1');
| 3055 | end;
| 3056 |
| 3057 | destructor TRemDlgElement.Destroy;
| 3058 | begin
| 3059 | KillObj(@FFieldValues);
| 3060 | KillObj(@FData, TRUE);
| 3061 | KillObj(@FPrompts, TRUE);
| 3062 | KillObj(@FChildren);
| 3063 | inherited;
| 3064 | end;
| 3065 |
| 3066 | function TRemDlgElement.ElemType: TRDElemType;
| 3067 | var
| 3068 | Tmp: string;
| 3069 |
| 3070 | begin
| 3071 | Tmp := Piece(FRec1, U, 4);
| 3072 | if(Tmp = 'D') then Result := etDisplayOnly
| 3073 | else if(Tmp = 'T') then Result := etTaxonomy
| 3074 | else Result := etCheckBox;
| 3075 | end;
| 3076 |
| 3077 | function TRemDlgElement.FindingType: string;
| 3078 | begin
| 3079 | if(ElemType = etTaxonomy) then
| 3080 | Result := Piece(FRec1, U, 7)
| 3081 | else
| 3082 | Result := '';
| 3083 | end;
| 3084 |
| 3085 | function TRemDlgElement.HideChildren: boolean;
| 3086 | begin
| 3087 | Result := (Piece(FRec1, U, 15) <> '0');
| 3088 | end;
| 3089 |
| 3090 | function TRemDlgElement.Historical: boolean;
| 3091 | begin
| 3092 | Result := (Piece(FRec1, U, 8) = '1');
| 3093 | end;
| 3094 |
| 3095 | function TRemDlgElement.Indent: integer;
| 3096 | begin
| 3097 | Result := StrToIntDef(Piece(FRec1, U, 6), 0);
| 3098 | end;
| 3099 |
| 3100 | procedure TRemDlgElement.GetData;
| 3101 | var
| 3102 | TempSL: TStrings;
| 3103 | i: integer;
| 3104 | Tmp: string;
| 3105 |
| 3106 | begin
| 3107 | if FHaveData then exit;
| 3108 | if(FReminder.GetDlgSL.IndexOfPieces([RPCCalled, FID, FTaxID]) < 0) then
| 3109 | begin
| 3110 | TempSL := GetDialogPrompts(FID, Historical, FindingType);
| 3111 | TempSL.Add(RPCCalled);
| 3112 | for i := 0 to TempSL.Count-1 do
| 3113 | begin
| 3114 | Tmp := TempSL[i];
| 3115 | SetPiece(Tmp,U,2,FID);
| 3116 | SetPiece(Tmp,U,3,FTaxID);
| 3117 | TempSL[i] := Tmp;
| 3118 | end;
| 3119 | FReminder.GetDlgSL.AddStrings(TempSL);
| 3120 | end;
| 3121 | UpdateData;
| 3122 | end;
| 3123 |
| 3124 | procedure TRemDlgElement.UpdateData;
| 3125 | var
| 3126 | Ary: array of integer;
| 3127 | idx, i,cnt: integer;
| 3128 | TempSL: TORStringList;
| 3129 | RData: TRemData;
| 3130 | RPrompt: TRemPrompt;
| 3131 | Tmp, Tmp2: string;
| 3132 | NewLine: boolean;
| 3133 | dt: TRemDataType;
| 3134 | pt: TRemPromptType;
| 3135 | DateRange: string;
| 3136 | ChoicesActiveDates: TStringList;
| 3137 | ChoiceIdx: integer;
| 3138 | Piece7: string;
| 3139 |
| 3140 | begin
| 3141 | if FHaveData then exit;
| 3142 | TempSL := FReminder.GetDlgSL;
| 3143 | if(TempSL.IndexOfPieces([RPCCalled, FID, FTaxID]) >= 0) then
| 3144 | begin
| 3145 | FHaveData := TRUE;
| 3146 | RData := nil;
| 3147 | idx := -1;
| 3148 | repeat
| 3149 | idx := TempSL.IndexOfPieces(['3', FID, FTaxID], idx);
| 3150 | if (idx >= 0) and (Pieces(TempSL[idx-1],U,1,6) = Pieces(TempSL[idx],u,1,6)) then
| 3151 | if pos(':', Piece(TempSL[idx],U,7)) > 0 then //if has date ranges
| 3152 | begin
| 3153 | if RData <> nil then
| 3154 | begin
| 3155 | if (not assigned(RData.FActiveDates)) then
| 3156 | RData.FActiveDates := TStringList.Create;
| 3157 | DateRange := Pieces(Piece(TempSL[idx],U,7),':',2,3);
| 3158 | RData.FActiveDates.Add(DateRange);
| 3159 | end;
| 3160 | end;
| 3161 | if(idx >= 0) and (Pieces(TempSL[idx-1],U,1,6) <> Pieces(TempSL[idx],u,1,6)) then
| 3162 | begin
| 3163 | dt := Code2DataType(piece(TempSL[idx], U, r3Type));
| 3164 | if(dt <> dtUnknown) and ((dt <> dtOrder) or
| 3165 | (CharAt(piece(TempSL[idx], U, 11),1) in ['D', 'Q', 'M', 'O', 'A'])) and //AGP change 26.10 for allergy orders
| 3166 | ((dt <> dtMentalHealthTest) or MHTestsOK) then
| 3167 | begin
| 3168 | if(not assigned(FData)) then
| 3169 | FData := TList.Create;
| 3170 | RData := TRemData(FData[FData.Add(TRemData.Create)]);
| 3171 | if pos(':',Piece(TempSL[idx],U,7)) > 0 then
| 3172 | begin
| 3173 | RData.FActiveDates := TStringList.Create;
| 3174 | RData.FActiveDates.Add(Pieces(Piece(TempSL[idx],U,7),':',2,3));
| 3175 | end;
| 3176 | with RData do
| 3177 | begin
| 3178 | FParent := Self;
| 3179 | Piece7 := Piece(Piece(TempSL[idx],U,7),':',1);
| 3180 | FRec3 := TempSL[idx];
| 3181 | SetPiece(FRec3,U,7,Piece7);
| 3182 | // FRoot := FRec3;
| 3183 | i := idx + 1;
| 3184 | ChoiceIdx := 0;
| 3185 | while((i < TempSL.Count) and (TempSL.PiecesEqual(i, ['5', FID, FTaxID]))) do
| 3186 | begin
| 3187 | if (Pieces(TempSL[i-1],U,1,6) = Pieces(TempSL[i],U,1,6)) then
| 3188 | begin
| 3189 | if pos(':', Piece(TempSL[i],U,7)) > 0 then
| 3190 | begin
| 3191 | if (not assigned(FChoicesActiveDates)) then
| 3192 | begin
| 3193 | FChoicesActiveDates := TList.Create;
| 3194 | ChoicesActiveDates := TStringList.Create;
| 3195 | FChoicesActiveDates.Insert(ChoiceIdx, ChoicesActiveDates);
| 3196 | end;
| 3197 | TStringList(FChoicesActiveDates[ChoiceIdx]).Add(Pieces(Piece(TempSL[i],U,7),':',2,3));
| 3198 | end;
| 3199 | inc(i);
| 3200 | end
| 3201 | else
| 3202 | begin
| 3203 | if(not assigned(FChoices)) then
| 3204 | begin
| 3205 | FChoices := TORStringList.Create;
| 3206 | if(not assigned(FPrompts)) then
| 3207 | FPrompts := TList.Create;
| 3208 | FChoicePrompt := TRemPrompt(FPrompts[FPrompts.Add(TRemPrompt.Create)]);
| 3209 | with FChoicePrompt do
| 3210 | begin
| 3211 | FParent := Self;
| 3212 | Tmp := Piece(FRec3,U,10);
| 3213 | NewLine := (Tmp <> '');
| 3214 | FRec4 := '4' + U + FID + U + FTaxID + U + U + BOOLCHAR[not RData.Add2PN] + U + U +
| 3215 | 'P' + U + Tmp + U + BOOLCHAR[NewLine] + U + '1';
| 3216 | FData := RData;
| 3217 | FOverrideType := ptDataList;
| 3218 | InitValue;
| 3219 | end;
| 3220 | end;
| 3221 | Tmp := TempSL[i];
| 3222 | Piece7 := Piece(Piece(TempSL[i],U,7),':',1);
| 3223 | SetPiece(Tmp,U,7,Piece7);
| 3224 | Tmp2 := Piece(Piece(Tmp,U,r3Code),':',1);
| 3225 | if(Tmp2 <> '') then Tmp2 := ' (' + Tmp2 + ')';
| 3226 | Tmp2 := MixedCase(Piece(Tmp,U,r3Nar)) + Tmp2;
| 3227 | SetPiece(Tmp,U,12,Tmp2);
| 3228 | ChoiceIdx := FChoices.Add(Tmp);
| 3229 | if pos(':',Piece(TempSL[i],U,7)) > 0 then
| 3230 | begin
| 3231 | if (not assigned(FChoicesActiveDates)) then
| 3232 | FChoicesActiveDates := TList.Create;
| 3233 | ChoicesActiveDates := TStringList.Create;
| 3234 | ChoicesActiveDates.Add(Pieces(Piece(TempSL[i],U,7),':',2,3));
| 3235 | FChoicesActiveDates.Insert(ChoiceIdx, ChoicesActiveDates);
| 3236 | end
| 3237 | else
| 3238 | if assigned(FChoicesActiveDates) then
| 3239 | FChoicesActiveDates.Insert(ChoiceIdx, TStringList.Create);
| 3240 | inc(i);
| 3241 | end;
| 3242 | end;
| 3243 | if(assigned(FChoices)) and (FChoices.Count = 1) then // If only one choice just pick it
| 3244 | begin
| 3245 | FPrompts.Remove(FChoicePrompt);
| 3246 | KillObj(@FChoicePrompt);
| 3247 | Tmp := FChoices[0];
| 3248 | KillObj(@FChoices);
| 3249 | cnt := 5;
| 3250 | if(Piece(FRec3,U,9) = '') then inc(cnt);
| 3251 | SetLength(Ary,cnt);
| 3252 | for i := 0 to cnt-1 do
| 3253 | Ary[i] := i+4;
| 3254 | SetPieces(FRec3, U, Ary, Tmp);
| 3255 | end;
| 3256 | if(assigned(FChoices)) then
| 3257 | begin
| 3258 | for i := 0 to FChoices.Count-1 do
| 3259 | FChoices.Objects[i] := TRemPCERoot.GetRoot(RData, FChoices[i], Historical);
| 3260 | end
| 3261 | else
| 3262 | FPCERoot := TRemPCERoot.GetRoot(RData, RData.FRec3, Historical);
| 3263 | if(dt = dtVitals) then
| 3264 | begin
| 3265 | if(Code2VitalType(Piece(FRec3,U,6)) <> vtUnknown) then
| 3266 | begin
| 3267 | if(not assigned(FPrompts)) then
| 3268 | FPrompts := TList.Create;
| 3269 | FChoicePrompt := TRemPrompt(FPrompts[FPrompts.Add(TRemPrompt.Create)]);
| 3270 | with FChoicePrompt do
| 3271 | begin
| 3272 | FParent := Self;
| 3273 | Tmp := Piece(FRec3,U,10);
| 3274 | NewLine := FALSE;
| 3275 | // FRec4 := '4' + U + FID + U + FTaxID + U + U + BOOLCHAR[not RData.Add2PN] + U +
| 3276 | // RData.InternalValue + U + 'P' + U + Tmp + U + BOOLCHAR[SameL] + U + '1';
| 3277 | FRec4 := '4' + U + FID + U + FTaxID + U + U + BOOLCHAR[not RData.Add2PN] + U +
| 3278 | U + 'P' + U + Tmp + U + BOOLCHAR[NewLine] + U + '0';
| 3279 | FData := RData;
| 3280 | FOverrideType := ptVitalEntry;
| 3281 | InitValue;
| 3282 | end;
| 3283 | end;
| 3284 | end;
| 3285 | if(dt = dtMentalHealthTest) then
| 3286 | begin
| 3287 | if(not assigned(FPrompts)) then
| 3288 | FPrompts := TList.Create;
| 3289 | FChoicePrompt := TRemPrompt(FPrompts[FPrompts.Add(TRemPrompt.Create)]);
| 3290 | with FChoicePrompt do
| 3291 | begin
| 3292 | FParent := Self;
| 3293 | Tmp := Piece(FRec3,U,10);
| 3294 | NewLine := FALSE;
| 3295 | // FRec4 := '4' + U + FID + U + FTaxID + U + U + BOOLCHAR[not RData.Add2PN] + U +
| 3296 | // RData.InternalValue + U + 'P' + U + Tmp + U + BOOLCHAR[SameL] + U + '1';
| 3297 | FRec4 := '4' + U + FID + U + FTaxID + U + U + BOOLCHAR[not RData.Add2PN] + U +
| 3298 | U + 'P' + U + Tmp + U + BOOLCHAR[NewLine] + U + '0';
| 3299 | FData := RData;
| 3300 | if(Piece(FRec3, U, r3GAF) = '1') then
| 3301 | begin
| 3302 | FOverrideType := ptGAF;
| 3303 | SetPiece(FRec4, U, 8, ForcedCaption + ':');
| 3304 | end
| 3305 | else
| 3306 | FOverrideType := ptMHTest;
| 3307 | end;
| 3308 | end;
| 3309 | end;
| 3310 | end;
| 3311 | end;
| 3312 | until(idx < 0);
| 3313 |
| 3314 | idx := -1;
| 3315 | repeat
| 3316 | idx := TempSL.IndexOfPieces(['4', FID, FTaxID], idx);
| 3317 | if(idx >= 0) then
| 3318 | begin
| 3319 | pt := Code2PromptType(piece(TempSL[idx], U, 4));
| 3320 | if(pt <> ptUnknown) and ((pt <> ptComment) or (not FHasComment)) then
| 3321 | begin
| 3322 | if(not assigned(FPrompts)) then
| 3323 | FPrompts := TList.Create;
| 3324 | RPrompt := TRemPrompt(FPrompts[FPrompts.Add(TRemPrompt.Create)]);
| 3325 | with RPrompt do
| 3326 | begin
| 3327 | FParent := Self;
| 3328 | FRec4 := TempSL[idx];
| 3329 | InitValue;
| 3330 | end;
| 3331 | if(pt = ptComment) then
| 3332 | begin
| 3333 | FHasComment := TRUE;
| 3334 | FCommentPrompt := RPrompt;
| 3335 | end;
| 3336 | if(pt = ptSubComment) then
| 3337 | FHasSubComments := TRUE;
| 3338 | if(pt = ptMST) then
| 3339 | FMSTPrompt := RPrompt;
| 3340 | end;
| 3341 | end;
| 3342 | until(idx < 0);
| 3343 |
| 3344 | idx := -1;
| 3345 | repeat
| 3346 | idx := TempSL.IndexOfPieces(['6', FID, FTaxID], idx);
| 3347 | if(idx >= 0) then
| 3348 | begin
| 3349 | PrepText4NextLine(FPNText);
| 3350 | FPNText := FPNText + Trim(Piece(TempSL[idx], U, 4));
| 3351 | end;
| 3352 | until(idx < 0);
| 3353 | ExpandTIUObjects(FPNText);
| 3354 | end;
| 3355 | end;
| 3356 |
| 3357 | procedure TRemDlgElement.SetChecked(const Value: boolean);
| 3358 | var
| 3359 | i, j, k: integer;
| 3360 | Kid: TRemDlgElement;
| 3361 | Prompt: TRemPrompt;
| 3362 | RData: TRemData;
| 3363 |
| 3364 | procedure UpdateForcedValues(Elem: TRemDlgElement);
| 3365 | var
| 3366 | i: integer;
| 3367 |
| 3368 | begin
| 3369 | if(Elem.IsChecked) then
| 3370 | begin
| 3371 | if(assigned(Elem.FPrompts)) then
| 3372 | begin
| 3373 | for i := 0 to Elem.FPrompts.Count-1 do
| 3374 | begin
| 3375 | Prompt := TRemPrompt(Elem.FPrompts[i]);
| 3376 | if Prompt.Forced then
| 3377 | begin
| 3378 | try
| 3379 | Prompt.SetValueFromParent(Prompt.FValue);
| 3380 | except
| 3381 | on E: EForcedPromptConflict do
| 3382 | begin
| 3383 | Elem.FChecked := FALSE;
| 3384 | // InfoBox(E.Message, 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 3385 | InfoBox(E.Message, DKLangConstW('uReminders_Error'), MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 3386 | break;
| 3387 | end
| 3388 | else
| 3389 | raise;
| 3390 | end;
| 3391 | end;
| 3392 | end;
| 3393 | end;
| 3394 | if(Elem.FChecked) and (assigned(Elem.FChildren)) then
| 3395 | for i := 0 to Elem.FChildren.Count-1 do
| 3396 | UpdateForcedValues(TRemDlgElement(Elem.FChildren[i]));
| 3397 | end;
| 3398 | end;
| 3399 |
| 3400 | begin
| 3401 | if(FChecked <> Value) then
| 3402 | begin
| 3403 | FChecked := Value;
| 3404 | if(Value) then
| 3405 | begin
| 3406 | GetData;
| 3407 | if(FChecked and assigned(FParent)) then
| 3408 | begin
| 3409 | FParent.Check4ChildrenSharedPrompts;
| 3410 | if(FParent.ChildrenRequired in [crOne, crNoneOrOne]) then
| 3411 | begin
| 3412 | for i := 0 to FParent.FChildren.Count-1 do
| 3413 | begin
| 3414 | Kid := TRemDlgElement(FParent.FChildren[i]);
| 3415 | if(Kid <> Self) and (Kid.FChecked) then
| 3416 | Kid.SetChecked(FALSE);
| 3417 | end;
| 3418 | end;
| 3419 | end;
| 3420 | UpdateForcedValues(Self);
| 3421 | end
| 3422 | else
| 3423 | if(assigned(FPrompts) and assigned(FData)) then
| 3424 | begin
| 3425 | for i := 0 to FPrompts.Count-1 do
| 3426 | begin
| 3427 | Prompt := TRemPrompt(FPrompts[i]);
| 3428 | if Prompt.Forced and (IsSyncPrompt(Prompt.PromptType)) then
| 3429 | begin
| 3430 | for j := 0 to FData.Count-1 do
| 3431 | begin
| 3432 | RData := TRemData(FData[j]);
| 3433 | if(assigned(RData.FPCERoot)) then
| 3434 | RData.FPCERoot.UnSync(Prompt);
| 3435 | if(assigned(RData.FChoices)) then
| 3436 | begin
| 3437 | for k := 0 to RData.FChoices.Count-1 do
| 3438 | begin
| 3439 | if(assigned(RData.FChoices.Objects[k])) then
| 3440 | TRemPCERoot(RData.FChoices.Objects[k]).UnSync(Prompt);
| 3441 | end;
| 3442 | end;
| 3443 | end;
| 3444 | end;
| 3445 | end;
| 3446 | end;
| 3447 | end;
| 3448 | end;
| 3449 |
| 3450 | function TRemDlgElement.TrueIndent: integer;
| 3451 | var
| 3452 | Prnt: TRemDlgElement;
| 3453 | Nudge: integer;
| 3454 |
| 3455 | begin
| 3456 | Result := Indent;
| 3457 | Nudge := Gap;
| 3458 | Prnt := FParent;
| 3459 | while assigned(Prnt) do
| 3460 | begin
| 3461 | if(Prnt.Box) then
| 3462 | begin
| 3463 | Prnt := nil;
| 3464 | inc(Nudge, Gap);
| 3465 | end
| 3466 | else
| 3467 | begin
| 3468 | Result := Result + Prnt.ChildrenIndent;
| 3469 | Prnt := Prnt.FParent;
| 3470 | end;
| 3471 | end;
| 3472 | Result := (Result * IndentMult) + Nudge;
| 3473 | end;
| 3474 |
| 3475 | procedure TRemDlgElement.cbClicked(Sender: TObject);
| 3476 | begin
| 3477 | FReminder.BeginTextChanged;
| 3478 | try
| 3479 | FReminder.BeginNeedRedraw;
| 3480 | try
| 3481 | if(assigned(Sender)) then
| 3482 | begin
| 3483 | SetChecked((Sender as TORCheckBox).Checked);
| 3484 | ElementChecked := Self;
| 3485 | end;
| 3486 | finally
| 3487 | FReminder.EndNeedRedraw(Sender);
| 3488 | end;
| 3489 | finally
| 3490 | FReminder.EndTextChanged(Sender);
| 3491 | end;
| 3492 | RemindersInProcess.Notifier.Notify;
| 3493 | TFieldPanel(TORCheckBox(Sender).Associate).SetFocus;
| 3494 | end;
| 3495 |
| 3496 | function TRemDlgElement.EnableChildren: boolean;
| 3497 | var
| 3498 | Chk: boolean;
| 3499 |
| 3500 | begin
| 3501 | if(assigned(FParent)) then
| 3502 | Chk := FParent.EnableChildren
| 3503 | else
| 3504 | Chk := TRUE;
| 3505 | if(Chk) then
| 3506 | begin
| 3507 | if(ElemType = etDisplayOnly) then
| 3508 | Result := TRUE
| 3509 | else
| 3510 | Result := FChecked;
| 3511 | end
| 3512 | else
| 3513 | Result := FALSE;
| 3514 | end;
| 3515 |
| 3516 | function TRemDlgElement.Enabled: boolean;
| 3517 | begin
| 3518 | if(assigned(FParent)) then
| 3519 | Result := FParent.EnableChildren
| 3520 | else
| 3521 | Result := TRUE;
| 3522 | end;
| 3523 |
| 3524 | function TRemDlgElement.ShowChildren: boolean;
| 3525 | begin
| 3526 | if(assigned(FChildren) and (FChildren.Count > 0)) then
| 3527 | begin
| 3528 | if((ElemType = etDisplayOnly) or FChecked) then
| 3529 | Result := TRUE
| 3530 | else
| 3531 | Result := (not HideChildren);
| 3532 | end
| 3533 | else
| 3534 | Result := FALSE;
| 3535 | end;
| 3536 |
| 3537 | procedure TRemDlgElement.ParentCBEnter(Sender: TObject);
| 3538 | begin
| 3539 | (Sender as TORCheckbox).FocusOnBox := true;
| 3540 | end;
| 3541 |
| 3542 | procedure TRemDlgElement.ParentCBExit(Sender: TObject);
| 3543 | begin
| 3544 | (Sender as TORCheckbox).FocusOnBox := false;
| 3545 | end;
| 3546 |
| 3547 |
| 3548 | function TRemDlgElement.BuildControls(var Y: integer; ParentWidth: integer;
| 3549 | BaseParent, AOwner: TWinControl): TWinControl;
| 3550 | var
| 3551 | lbl: TLabel;
| 3552 | pnl: TPanel;
| 3553 | AutoFocusControl: TWinControl;
| 3554 | cb: TORCheckBox;
| 3555 | gb: TGroupBox;
| 3556 | ERes, prnt: TWinControl;
| 3557 | PrntWidth: integer;
| 3558 | i, X, Y1: integer;
| 3559 | LastX, MinX, MaxX: integer;
| 3560 | Prompt: TRemPrompt;
| 3561 | Ctrl: TMultiClassObj;
| 3562 | OK, DoLbl, HasVCombo, cbSingleLine: boolean;
| 3563 | ud: TUpDown;
| 3564 | HelpBtn: TButton;
| 3565 | vCombo: TComboBox;
| 3566 | pt: TRemPromptType;
| 3567 | SameLineCtrl: TList;
| 3568 | Kid: TRemDlgElement;
| 3569 | vt: TVitalType;
| 3570 | DefaultDate: TFMDateTime;
| 3571 |
| 3572 | function GetPanel(const EID, AText: string; const PnlWidth: integer): TPanel;
| 3573 | var
| 3574 | idx, p: integer;
| 3575 | Entry: TTemplateDialogEntry;
| 3576 |
| 3577 | begin
| 3578 | // This call creates a new TTemplateDialogEntry if necessary and creates the
| 3579 | // necessary template field controls with their default values stored in the
| 3580 | // TTemplateField object.
| 3581 | Entry := GetDialogEntry(BaseParent, EID + IntToStr(Integer(BaseParent)), AText);
| 3582 | Entry.InternalID := EID;
| 3583 | // This call looks for the Entry's values in TRemDlgElement.FFieldValues
| 3584 | idx := FFieldValues.IndexOfPiece(EID);
| 3585 | // If the Entry's values were found in the previous step then they will be
| 3586 | // restored to the TTemplateDialogEntry.FieldValues in the next step.
| 3587 | if(idx >= 0) then
| 3588 | begin
| 3589 | p := pos(U, FFieldValues[idx]); // Can't use Piece because 2nd piece may contain ^ characters
| 3590 | if(p > 0) then
| 3591 | Entry.FieldValues := copy(FFieldValues[idx],p+1,MaxInt);
| 3592 | end;
| 3593 | Entry.AutoDestroyOnPanelFree := TRUE;
| 3594 | // The FieldPanelChange event handler is where the Entry.FieldValues are saved to the
| 3595 | // Element.FFieldValues.
| 3596 | Entry.OnChange := FieldPanelChange;
| 3597 | // Calls TTemplateDialogEntry.SetFieldValues which calls
| 3598 | // TTemplateDialogEntry.SetControlText to reset the template field default
| 3599 | // values to the values that were restored to the Entry from the Element if
| 3600 | // they exist, otherwise the default values will remain.
| 3601 | Result := Entry.GetPanel(PnlWidth, BaseParent);
| 3602 | end;
| 3603 |
| 3604 | procedure NextLine(var Y: integer);
| 3605 | var
| 3606 | i: integer;
| 3607 | MaxY: integer;
| 3608 | C: TControl;
| 3609 |
| 3610 |
| 3611 | begin
| 3612 | MaxY := 0;
| 3613 | for i := 0 to SameLineCtrl.Count-1 do
| 3614 | begin
| 3615 | C := TControl(SameLineCtrl[i]);
| 3616 | if(MaxY < C.Height) then
| 3617 | MaxY := C.Height;
| 3618 | end;
| 3619 | for i := 0 to SameLineCtrl.Count-1 do
| 3620 | begin
| 3621 | C := TControl(SameLineCtrl[i]);
| 3622 | if(MaxY > C.Height) then
| 3623 | C.Top := Y + ((MaxY - C.Height) div 2);
| 3624 | end;
| 3625 | inc(Y, MaxY);
| 3626 | if assigned(cb) and assigned(pnl) then
| 3627 | cb.Top := pnl.Top;
| 3628 | SameLineCtrl.Clear;
| 3629 | end;
| 3630 |
| 3631 | procedure AddPrompts(Shared: boolean; AParent: TWinControl; PWidth: integer; var Y: integer);
| 3632 | var
| 3633 | i, j, k, idx: integer;
| 3634 | DefLoc: TStrings;
| 3635 | LocText: string;
| 3636 | LocFound: boolean;
| 3637 | m, n: integer;
| 3638 | ActDt, InActDt: Double;
| 3639 | EncDt: TFMDateTime;
| 3640 | ActChoicesSL: TORStringList;
| 3641 | Piece12, WHReportStr: String;
| 3642 | WrapLeft, LineWidth: integer;
| 3643 |
| 3644 | begin
| 3645 | SameLineCtrl := TList.Create;
| 3646 | try
| 3647 | if(assigned(cb)) then
| 3648 | begin
| 3649 | if(not Shared) then
| 3650 | begin
| 3651 | SameLineCtrl.Add(cb);
| 3652 | SameLineCtrl.Add(pnl);
| 3653 | end;
| 3654 | if(cbSingleLine and (not Shared)) then
| 3655 | LastX := cb.Left + pnl.Width + PromptGap + IndentGap
| 3656 | else
| 3657 | LastX := PWidth;
| 3658 | end
| 3659 | else
| 3660 | begin
| 3661 | if(not Shared) then SameLineCtrl.Add(pnl);
| 3662 | LastX := PWidth;
| 3663 | end;
| 3664 | for i := 0 to FPrompts.Count-1 do
| 3665 | begin
| 3666 | Prompt := TRemPrompt(FPrompts[i]);
| 3667 | OK := ((Prompt.FIsShared = Shared) and Prompt.PromptOK and (not Prompt.Forced));
| 3668 | if(OK and Shared) then
| 3669 | begin
| 3670 | OK := FALSE;
| 3671 | for j := 0 to Prompt.FSharedChildren.Count-1 do
| 3672 | begin
| 3673 | Kid := TRemDlgElement(Prompt.FSharedChildren[j]);
| 3674 | // if(Kid.ElemType <> etDisplayOnly) and (Kid.FChecked) then
| 3675 | if(Kid.FChecked) then
| 3676 | begin
| 3677 | OK := TRUE;
| 3678 | break;
| 3679 | end;
| 3680 | end;
| 3681 | end;
| 3682 | Ctrl.Ctrl := nil;
| 3683 | ud := nil;
| 3684 | HelpBtn := nil;
| 3685 | vCombo := nil;
| 3686 | HasVCombo := FALSE;
| 3687 | if(OK) then
| 3688 | begin
| 3689 | pt := Prompt.PromptType;
| 3690 | MinX := 0;
| 3691 | MaxX := 0;
| 3692 | lbl := nil;
| 3693 | DoLbl := Prompt.Required;
| 3694 | case pt of
| 3695 | ptComment, ptQuantity:
| 3696 | begin
| 3697 | Ctrl.edt := TEdit.Create(AOwner);
| 3698 | Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent;
| 3699 | Ctrl.edt.Text := Prompt.Value;
| 3700 | if(pt = ptComment) then
| 3701 | begin
| 3702 | Ctrl.edt.MaxLength := 245;
| 3703 | // MinX := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.edt.Font.Handle, 'AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz 1234'); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 3704 | MinX := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.edt.Font.Handle, DKLangConstW('uReminders_AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz_1234')); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 3705 | MaxX := PWidth;
| 3706 | end
| 3707 | else
| 3708 | begin
| 3709 | ud := TUpDown.Create(AOwner);
| 3710 | ud.Parent := AParent;
| 3711 | ud.Associate := Ctrl.edt;
| 3712 | if(pt = ptQuantity) then
| 3713 | begin
| 3714 | ud.Min := 1;
| 3715 | ud.Max := 100;
| 3716 | end
| 3717 | else
| 3718 | begin
| 3719 | ud.Min := 0;
| 3720 | ud.Max := 40;
| 3721 | end;
| 3722 | MinX := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.edt.Font.Handle, IntToStr(ud.Max)) + 24;
| 3723 | ud.Position := StrToIntDef(Prompt.Value, ud.Min);
| 3724 | end;
| 3725 | Ctrl.edt.OnKeyPress := Prompt.EditKeyPress;
| 3726 | Ctrl.edt.OnChange := Prompt.PromptChange;
| 3727 | DoLbl := TRUE;
| 3728 | end;
| 3729 |
| 3730 | ptVisitLocation, ptLevelUnderstanding,
| 3731 | ptSeries, ptReaction, ptExamResults,
| 3732 | ptLevelSeverity, ptSkinResults, ptSkinReading:
| 3733 | begin
| 3734 | Ctrl.cbo := TORComboBox.Create(AOwner);
| 3735 | Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent;
| 3736 | Ctrl.cbo.OnKeyDown := Prompt.ComboBoxKeyDown;
| 3737 | Ctrl.cbo.Style := orcsDropDown;
| 3738 | Ctrl.cbo.Pieces := '2';
| 3739 | if pt = ptSkinReading then
| 3740 | begin
| 3741 | Ctrl.cbo.Pieces := '1';
| 3742 | Ctrl.cbo.Items.Add('');
| 3743 | for j := 0 to 50 do Ctrl.cbo.Items.Add(inttostr(j));
| 3744 | GetComboBoxMinMax(Ctrl.cbo,MinX, MaxX);
| 3745 | end;
| 3746 | if pt <> ptSkinReading then
| 3747 | begin
| 3748 | Ctrl.cbo.Tag := ComboPromptTags[pt];
| 3749 | PCELoadORCombo(Ctrl.cbo, MinX, MaxX);
| 3750 | end;
| 3751 | if pt = ptVisitLocation then
| 3752 | begin
| 3753 | DefLoc := GetDefLocations;
| 3754 | if DefLoc.Count > 0 then
| 3755 | begin
| 3756 | idx := 1;
| 3757 | for j := 0 to DefLoc.Count-1 do
| 3758 | begin
| 3759 | LocText := piece(DefLoc[j],U,2);
| 3760 | if LocText <> '' then
| 3761 | begin
| 3762 | if (LocText <> '0') and (IntToStr(StrToIntDef(LocText,0)) = LocText) then
| 3763 | begin
| 3764 | LocFound := FALSE;
| 3765 | for k := 0 to Ctrl.cbo.Items.Count-1 do
| 3766 | begin
| 3767 | if(piece(Ctrl.cbo.Items[k],U,1) = LocText) then
| 3768 | begin
| 3769 | LocText := Ctrl.cbo.Items[k];
| 3770 | LocFound := TRUE;
| 3771 | break;
| 3772 | end;
| 3773 | end;
| 3774 | if not LocFound then
| 3775 | LocText := '';
| 3776 | end
| 3777 | else
| 3778 | LocText := '0^'+LocText;
| 3779 | if LocText <> '' then
| 3780 | begin
| 3781 | Ctrl.cbo.Items.Insert(idx, LocText);
| 3782 | inc(idx);
| 3783 | end;
| 3784 | end;
| 3785 | end;
| 3786 |
| 3787 | if idx > 1 then
| 3788 | begin
| 3789 | Ctrl.cbo.Items.Insert(idx, '-1' + LLS_LINE);
| 3790 | Ctrl.cbo.Items.Insert(idx+1, '-1' + LLS_SPACE);
| 3791 | end;
| 3792 | end;
| 3793 | end;
| 3794 |
| 3795 | MinX := MaxX;
| 3796 | Ctrl.cbo.SelectByID(Prompt.Value);
| 3797 | if(Ctrl.cbo.ItemIndex < 0) then
| 3798 | begin
| 3799 | Ctrl.cbo.Text := Prompt.Value;
| 3800 | if(pt = ptVisitLocation) then
| 3801 | Ctrl.cbo.Items[0] := '0' + U + Prompt.Value;
| 3802 | end;
| 3803 | if(Ctrl.cbo.ItemIndex < 0) then
| 3804 | Ctrl.cbo.ItemIndex := 0;
| 3805 | Ctrl.cbo.OnChange := Prompt.PromptChange;
| 3806 | DoLbl := TRUE;
| 3807 | Ctrl.cbo.ListItemsOnly := (pt <> ptVisitLocation);
| 3808 | end;
| 3809 |
| 3810 | ptWHPapResult:
| 3811 | begin
| 3812 | if FData<>nil then
| 3813 | begin
| 3814 | if (TRemData(FData[i]).DisplayWHResults)=true then
| 3815 | begin
| 3816 | NextLine(Y);
| 3817 | Ctrl.btn := TButton.Create(AOwner);
| 3818 | Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent;
| 3819 | Ctrl.btn.Left := NewLInePromptGap+15;
| 3820 | Ctrl.btn.Top := Y+7;
| 3821 | Ctrl.btn.OnClick := Prompt.DoWHReport;
| 3822 | // Ctrl.btn.Caption := 'Review complete report'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 3823 | Ctrl.btn.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Review_complete_report'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 3824 | Ctrl.btn.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.btn.Font.Handle, Ctrl.btn.Caption) + 13;
| 3825 | Ctrl.btn.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.btn.Font.Handle, Ctrl.btn.Caption) + 13;
| 3826 | Ctrl.btn.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.btn.Handle, Ctrl.btn.Caption) + 8;
| 3827 | Y := ctrl.btn.Top + Ctrl.btn.Height;
| 3828 | NextLine(Y);
| 3829 | Ctrl.WHChk := TWHCheckBox.Create(AOwner);
| 3830 | Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent;
| 3831 | Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl := TLabel.Create(AOwner);
| 3832 | Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Parent := Ctrl.WHChk.Parent;
| 3833 | Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption := Prompt.Caption;
| 3834 | Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Top := Y + 5;
| 3835 | Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Left := NewLInePromptGap+15;
| 3836 | WrapLeft := Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Left;
| 3837 | Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption)+25;
| 3838 | Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption);
| 3839 | //LineWidth := WrapLeft + Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Width+10;
| 3840 | if Prompt.Required then
| 3841 | Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption := '* '+Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption;
| 3842 | Y := Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Height;
| 3843 | NextLine(Y);
| 3844 | Ctrl.WHChk.RadioStyle:=true;
| 3845 | Ctrl.WHChk.GroupIndex:=1;
| 3846 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2 := TWHCheckBox.Create(AOwner);
| 3847 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Parent := Ctrl.WHChk.Parent;
| 3848 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.RadioStyle:=true;
| 3849 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.GroupIndex:=1;
| 3850 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3 := TWHCheckBox.Create(AOwner);
| 3851 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Parent := Ctrl.WHChk.Parent;
| 3852 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.RadioStyle:=true;
| 3853 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.GroupIndex:=1;
| 3854 | // Ctrl.WHChk.Caption := 'NEM (No Evidence of Malignancy)'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 3855 | Ctrl.WHChk.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_NEM_xNo_Evidence_of_Malignancyx'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 3856 | Ctrl.WHChk.ShowHint := true;
| 3857 | // Ctrl.WHChk.Hint := 'No Evidence of Malignancy'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 3858 | Ctrl.WHChk.Hint := DKLangConstW('uReminders_No_Evidence_of_Malignancy'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 3859 | Ctrl.WHChk.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Caption)+20;
| 3860 | Ctrl.WHChk.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Caption)+4;
| 3861 | Ctrl.WHChk.Top := Y + 5;
| 3862 | Ctrl.WHChk.Left := WrapLeft;
| 3863 | Ctrl.WHChk.OnClick := Prompt.PromptChange;
| 3864 | Ctrl.WHChk.Checked := (WHResultChk = 'N');
| 3865 | LineWidth := WrapLeft + Ctrl.WHChk.Width+5;
| 3866 | // Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Caption := 'Abnormal'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 3867 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Abnormal'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 3868 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Caption) + 20;
| 3869 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.check2.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.check2.Caption)+4;
| 3870 | if (LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Width) > PWidth - 10 then
| 3871 | begin
| 3872 | LineWidth := WrapLeft;
| 3873 | Y := Ctrl.WHChk.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.Height;
| 3874 | Nextline(Y);
| 3875 | end;
| 3876 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Top := Y + 5;
| 3877 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Left := LineWidth;
| 3878 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.OnClick := Prompt.PromptChange;
| 3879 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Checked := (WHResultChk = 'A');
| 3880 | LineWidth := LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Width+5;
| 3881 | // Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Caption := 'Unsatisfactory for Diagnosis'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 3882 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Unsatisfactory_for_Diagnosis'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 3883 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Caption)+20;
| 3884 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.check3.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.check3.Caption)+4;
| 3885 | if (LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Width) > PWidth - 10 then
| 3886 | begin
| 3887 | LineWidth := WrapLeft;
| 3888 | Y := Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Height;
| 3889 | Nextline(Y);
| 3890 | end;
| 3891 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Top := Y + 5;
| 3892 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.OnClick := Prompt.PromptChange;
| 3893 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Checked := (WHResultChk = 'U');
| 3894 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Left := LineWidth;
| 3895 | Y := Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Height;
| 3896 | Nextline(Y);
| 3897 | end
| 3898 | else DoLbl := FALSE;
| 3899 | end
| 3900 | else DoLbl :=FALSE;
| 3901 | end;
| 3902 |
| 3903 | ptWHNotPurp:
| 3904 | begin
| 3905 | NextLine(Y);
| 3906 | Ctrl.WHChk := TWHCheckBox.Create(AOwner);
| 3907 | Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent;
| 3908 | Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl := TLabel.Create(AOwner);
| 3909 | Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Parent := Ctrl.WHChk.Parent;
| 3910 | Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption := Prompt.Caption;
| 3911 | Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Top := Y + 7;
| 3912 | Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Left := NewLInePromptGap+30;
| 3913 | WrapLeft := Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Left;
| 3914 | Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption)+25;
| 3915 | Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption)+4;
| 3916 | LineWidth := WrapLeft + Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Width+10;
| 3917 | if Prompt.Required then
| 3918 | Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption := '* '+Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption;
| 3919 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2 := TWHCheckBox.Create(AOwner);
| 3920 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Parent := Ctrl.WHChk.Parent;
| 3921 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3 := TWHCheckBox.Create(AOwner);
| 3922 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Parent := Ctrl.WHChk.Parent;
| 3923 | Ctrl.WHChk.ShowHint := true;
| 3924 | // Ctrl.WHChk.Hint := 'Letter will print with next WH batch run'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 3925 | Ctrl.WHChk.Hint := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter_will_print_with_next_WH_batch_run'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 3926 | // Ctrl.WHChk.Caption := 'Letter'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 3927 | Ctrl.WHChk.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 3928 | Ctrl.WHChk.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Caption)+25;
| 3929 | Ctrl.WHChk.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Caption)+4;
| 3930 | if (LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.Width) > PWidth - 10 then
| 3931 | begin
| 3932 | LineWidth := WrapLeft;
| 3933 | Y := Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Height;
| 3934 | Nextline(Y);
| 3935 | end;
| 3936 | Ctrl.WHChk.Top := Y + 7;
| 3937 | Ctrl.WHChk.Left := LineWidth;
| 3938 | Ctrl.WHChk.OnClick := Prompt.PromptChange;
| 3939 | Ctrl.WHChk.Checked := (Pos('L',WHResultNot)>0);
| 3940 | LineWidth := LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.Width+10;
| 3941 | // Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Caption := 'In-Person'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 3942 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_InxPerson'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 3943 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Caption) + 25;
| 3944 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.check2.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.check2.Caption)+4;
| 3945 | if (LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Width) > PWidth - 10 then
| 3946 | begin
| 3947 | LineWidth := WrapLeft;
| 3948 | Y := Ctrl.WHChk.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.Height;
| 3949 | Nextline(Y);
| 3950 | end;
| 3951 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Top := Y + 7;
| 3952 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Left := LineWidth;
| 3953 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.OnClick := Prompt.PromptChange;
| 3954 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Checked := (Pos('I',WHResultNot)>0);
| 3955 | LineWidth := LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Width+10;
| 3956 | // Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Caption := 'Phone Call'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 3957 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Phone_Call'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 3958 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Caption)+20;
| 3959 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.check3.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.check3.Caption)+4;
| 3960 | if (LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Width) > PWidth - 10 then
| 3961 | begin
| 3962 | LineWidth := WrapLeft;
| 3963 | Y := Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Height;
| 3964 | Nextline(Y);
| 3965 | end;
| 3966 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Top := Y + 7;
| 3967 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.OnClick := Prompt.PromptChange;
| 3968 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Checked := (Pos('P',WHResultNot)>0);
| 3969 | Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Left := LineWidth;
| 3970 | Y := Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Height;
| 3971 | Nextline(Y);
| 3972 | Ctrl.WHChk.Fbutton := TButton.Create(AOwner);
| 3973 | Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Parent := Ctrl.WHChk.Parent;
| 3974 | Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Enabled:=(Pos('L',WHResultNot)>0);
| 3975 | Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Left := Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Left;
| 3976 | Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Top := Y+7;
| 3977 | Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.OnClick := Prompt.ViewWHText;
| 3978 | // Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Caption := 'View WH Notification Letter'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 3979 | Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_View_WH_Notification_Letter'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 3980 | Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Caption) + 13;
| 3981 | Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Caption) + 13;
| 3982 | LineWidth := Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Left + Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Width;
| 3983 | if piece(Prompt.FRec4,u,12)='1' then
| 3984 | begin
| 3985 | Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow :=TORCheckBox.Create(AOwner);
| 3986 | Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Parent := Ctrl.WHChk.Parent;
| 3987 | Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.ShowHint := true;
| 3988 | // Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Hint := 'Letter will print after "Finish" button is clicked'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 3989 | Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Hint := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter_will_print_after_xFinishx_button_is_clicked'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 3990 | // Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Caption:='Print Now'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 3991 | Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Caption:=DKLangConstW('uReminders_Print_Now'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 3992 | Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Caption)+20;
| 3993 | Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Caption)+4;
| 3994 | if (LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Width) > PWidth - 10 then
| 3995 | begin
| 3996 | LineWidth := WrapLeft;
| 3997 | Y := Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Height;
| 3998 | Nextline(Y);
| 3999 | end;
| 4000 | Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Left := LineWidth + 15;
| 4001 | Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Top := Y + 7;
| 4002 | Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Enabled := (Pos('L',WHResultNot)>0);
| 4003 | Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Checked :=(WHPrintDevice<>'');
| 4004 | Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.OnClick := Prompt.PromptChange;
| 4005 | MinX :=PWidth;
| 4006 | if (Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Height) > (Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Height) then
| 4007 | Y := Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Height + 7
| 4008 | else
| 4009 | Y := Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Height + 7;
| 4010 | end
| 4011 | else
| 4012 | Y := Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Height + 7;
| 4013 | NextLine(Y);
| 4014 | end;
| 4015 |
| 4016 | ptVisitDate:
| 4017 | begin
| 4018 | Ctrl.dt := TORDateCombo.Create(AOwner);
| 4019 | Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent;
| 4020 | Ctrl.dt.LongMonths := TRUE;
| 4021 | try
| 4022 | DefaultDate := Ctrl.dt.FMDate;
| 4023 | Ctrl.dt.FMDate := StrToFloat(Prompt.Value);
| 4024 | except
| 4025 | on EConvertError do
| 4026 | Ctrl.dt.FMDate := DefaultDate;
| 4027 | else
| 4028 | raise;
| 4029 | end;
| 4030 | Ctrl.dt.OnChange := Prompt.PromptChange;
| 4031 | DoLbl := TRUE;
| 4032 | MinX := Ctrl.dt.Width;
| 4033 | //TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.dt.Font.Handle, 'May 22, 2000') + 26;
| 4034 | end;
| 4035 |
| 4036 | ptPrimaryDiag, ptAdd2PL, ptContraindicated:
| 4037 | begin
| 4038 | Ctrl.cb := TORCheckBox.Create(AOwner);
| 4039 | Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent;
| 4040 | Ctrl.cb.Checked := (Prompt.Value = '1');
| 4041 | Ctrl.cb.Caption := Prompt.Caption;
| 4042 | if prompt.Required=false then DoLbl := true;
| 4043 | Ctrl.cb.AutoSize := False;
| 4044 | Ctrl.cb.OnEnter := ParentCBEnter;
| 4045 | Ctrl.cb.OnExit := ParentCBExit;
| 4046 | Ctrl.cb.Height := TORCheckBox(Ctrl.cb).Height + 5;
| 4047 | Ctrl.cb.Width := 17;
| 4048 | Ctrl.cb.OnClick := Prompt.PromptChange;
| 4049 | MinX := Ctrl.cb.Width;
| 4050 | end;
| 4051 |
| 4052 | else
| 4053 | begin
| 4054 | if(pt = ptSubComment) then
| 4055 | begin
| 4056 | Ctrl.cb := TORCheckBox.Create(AOwner);
| 4057 | Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent;
| 4058 | Ctrl.cb.Checked := (Prompt.Value = '1');
| 4059 | Ctrl.cb.Caption := Prompt.Caption;
| 4060 | Ctrl.cb.AutoSize := TRUE;
| 4061 | Ctrl.cb.OnClick := SubCommentChange;
| 4062 | Ctrl.cb.Tag := Integer(Prompt);
| 4063 | MinX := Ctrl.cb.Width;
| 4064 | end
| 4065 | else
| 4066 | if pt = ptVitalEntry then
| 4067 | begin
| 4068 | vt := Prompt.VitalType;
| 4069 | if(vt = vtPain) then
| 4070 | begin
| 4071 | Ctrl.cbo := TORComboBox.Create(AOwner);
| 4072 | Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent;
| 4073 | Ctrl.cbo.Style := orcsDropDown;
| 4074 | Ctrl.cbo.Pieces := '1,2';
| 4075 | Ctrl.cbo.OnKeyDown := Prompt.ComboBoxKeyDown;
| 4076 | InitPainCombo(Ctrl.cbo);
| 4077 | Ctrl.cbo.ListItemsOnly := TRUE;
| 4078 | Ctrl.cbo.SelectByID(Prompt.VitalValue);
| 4079 | Ctrl.cbo.OnChange := Prompt.PromptChange;
| 4080 | Ctrl.cbo.SelLength := 0;
| 4081 | MinX := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.cbo.Font.Handle, Ctrl.cbo.DisplayText[0]) + 24;
| 4082 | MaxX := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.cbo.Font.Handle, Ctrl.cbo.DisplayText[1]) + 24;
| 4083 | if(ElementChecked = Self) then
| 4084 | begin
| 4085 | AutoFocusControl := Ctrl.cbo;
| 4086 | ElementChecked := nil;
| 4087 | end;
| 4088 | end
| 4089 | else
| 4090 | begin
| 4091 | Ctrl.vedt := TVitalEdit.Create(AOwner);
| 4092 | Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent;
| 4093 | MinX := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.vedt.Font.Handle, '12345.67');
| 4094 | Ctrl.edt.OnKeyPress := Prompt.EditKeyPress;
| 4095 | Ctrl.edt.OnChange := Prompt.PromptChange;
| 4096 | Ctrl.edt.OnExit := Prompt.VitalVerify;
| 4097 | if(vt in [vtTemp, vtHeight, vtWeight]) then
| 4098 | begin
| 4099 | HasVCombo := TRUE;
| 4100 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo := TVitalComboBox.Create(AOwner);
| 4101 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Parent := AParent;
| 4102 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.OnChange := Prompt.PromptChange;
| 4103 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Tag := VitalControlTag(vt, TRUE);
| 4104 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.OnExit := Prompt.VitalVerify;
| 4105 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.FLinkedEdit := Ctrl.vedt;
| 4106 | case vt of
| 4107 | vtTemp:
| 4108 | begin
| 4109 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Items.Add('F');
| 4110 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Items.Add('C');
| 4111 | end;
| 4112 |
| 4113 | vtHeight:
| 4114 | begin
| 4115 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Items.Add('IN');
| 4116 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Items.Add('CM');
| 4117 | end;
| 4118 |
| 4119 | vtWeight:
| 4120 | begin
| 4121 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Items.Add('LB');
| 4122 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Items.Add('KG');
| 4123 | end;
| 4124 |
| 4125 | end;
| 4126 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.SelectByID(Prompt.VitalUnitValue);
| 4127 | if(Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.ItemIndex < 0) then
| 4128 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.ItemIndex := 0;
| 4129 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.vedt.Font.Handle,
| 4130 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Items[1]) + 30;
| 4131 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.SelLength := 0;
| 4132 | inc(MinX, Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Width);
| 4133 | end;
| 4134 | if(ElementChecked = Self) then
| 4135 | begin
| 4136 | AutoFocusControl := Ctrl.edt;
| 4137 | ElementChecked := nil;
| 4138 | end;
| 4139 | end;
| 4140 | Ctrl.ctrl.Text := Prompt.VitalValue;
| 4141 | Ctrl.ctrl.Tag := VitalControlTag(vt);
| 4142 | DoLbl := TRUE;
| 4143 | end
| 4144 | else
| 4145 | if pt = ptDataList then
| 4146 | begin
| 4147 | Ctrl.cbo := TORComboBox.Create(AOwner);
| 4148 | Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent;
| 4149 | Ctrl.cbo.Style := orcsDropDown;
| 4150 | Ctrl.cbo.Pieces := '12';
| 4151 | if ActChoicesSL = nil then
| 4152 | ActChoicesSL := TORStringList.Create;
| 4153 | if Self.Historical then
| 4154 | EncDt := DateTimeToFMDateTime(Date)
| 4155 | else
| 4156 | EncDt := RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime;
| 4157 | if assigned(Prompt.FData.FChoicesActiveDates) then {csv active/inactive dates}
| 4158 | for m := 0 to (Prompt.FData.FChoices.Count - 1) do
| 4159 | begin
| 4160 | for n := 0 to (TStringList(Prompt.FData.FChoicesActiveDates[m]).Count - 1) do
| 4161 | begin
| 4162 | ActDt := StrToIntDef((Piece(TStringList(Prompt.FData.FChoicesActiveDates[m]).Strings[n], ':', 1)),0);
| 4163 | InActDt := StrToIntDef((Piece(TStringList(Prompt.FData.FChoicesActiveDates[m]).Strings[n], ':', 2)),9999999);
| 4164 | Piece12 := Piece(Piece(Prompt.FData.FChoices.Strings[m],U,12),':',1);
| 4165 | Prompt.FData.FChoices.SetStrPiece(m,12,Piece12);
| 4166 | if (EncDt >= ActDt) and (EncDt <= InActDt) then
| 4167 | ActChoicesSL.AddObject(Prompt.FData.FChoices[m], Prompt.FData.FChoices.Objects[m]);
| 4168 | end; {loop through the TStringList object in FChoicesActiveDates[m] object property}
| 4169 | end {loop through FChoices/FChoicesActiveDates}
| 4170 | else
| 4171 | ActChoicesSL.Assign(Prompt.FData.FChoices);
| 4172 | Ctrl.cbo.Items.Assign(ActChoicesSL);
| 4173 | Ctrl.cbo.CheckBoxes := TRUE;
| 4174 | Ctrl.cbo.SelectByID(Prompt.Value);
| 4175 | Ctrl.cbo.OnCheckedText := FReminder.ComboBoxCheckedText;
| 4176 | Ctrl.cbo.OnResize := FReminder.ComboBoxResized;
| 4177 | Ctrl.cbo.CheckedString := Prompt.Value;
| 4178 | Ctrl.cbo.OnChange := Prompt.PromptChange;
| 4179 | Ctrl.cbo.ListItemsOnly := TRUE;
| 4180 | if(ElementChecked = Self) then
| 4181 | begin
| 4182 | AutoFocusControl := Ctrl.cbo;
| 4183 | ElementChecked := nil;
| 4184 | end;
| 4185 | DoLbl := TRUE;
| 4186 | if(Prompt.FData.FChoicesFont = Ctrl.cbo.Font.Handle) then
| 4187 | begin
| 4188 | MinX := Prompt.FData.FChoicesMin;
| 4189 | MaxX := Prompt.FData.FChoicesMax;
| 4190 | end
| 4191 | else
| 4192 | begin
| 4193 | GetComboBoxMinMax(Ctrl.cbo, MinX, MaxX);
| 4194 | inc(MaxX,18); // Adjust for checkboxes
| 4195 | MinX := MaxX;
| 4196 | Prompt.FData.FChoicesFont := Ctrl.cbo.Font.Handle;
| 4197 | Prompt.FData.FChoicesMin := MinX;
| 4198 | Prompt.FData.FChoicesMax := MaxX;
| 4199 | end;
| 4200 | end
| 4201 | else
| 4202 | if(pt = ptMHTest) then
| 4203 | begin
| 4204 | Ctrl.btn := TButton.Create(AOwner);
| 4205 | Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent;
| 4206 | Ctrl.btn.OnClick := Prompt.DoMHTest;
| 4207 | Ctrl.btn.Caption := Prompt.ForcedCaption;
| 4208 | if Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,13)='1' then
| 4209 | Ctrl.btn.Caption := Ctrl.btn.Caption + ' *';
| 4210 | MinX := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.btn.Font.Handle, Ctrl.btn.Caption) + 13;
| 4211 | Ctrl.btn.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.btn.Font.Handle, Ctrl.btn.Caption) + 8;
| 4212 | DoLbl := TRUE;
| 4213 | end
| 4214 | else
| 4215 | if(pt = ptGAF) then
| 4216 | begin
| 4217 | Ctrl.edt := TEdit.Create(AOwner);
| 4218 | Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent;
| 4219 | Ctrl.edt.Text := Prompt.Value;
| 4220 | ud := TUpDown.Create(AOwner);
| 4221 | ud.Parent := AParent;
| 4222 | ud.Associate := Ctrl.edt;
| 4223 | ud.Min := 0;
| 4224 | ud.Max := 100;
| 4225 | MinX := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.edt.Font.Handle, IntToStr(ud.Max)) + 24 + Gap;
| 4226 | ud.Position := StrToIntDef(Prompt.Value, ud.Min);
| 4227 | Ctrl.edt.OnKeyPress := Prompt.EditKeyPress;
| 4228 | Ctrl.edt.OnChange := Prompt.PromptChange;
| 4229 | if(User.WebAccess and (GAFURL <> '')) then
| 4230 | begin
| 4231 | HelpBtn := TButton.Create(AOwner);
| 4232 | HelpBtn.Parent := AParent;
| 4233 | // HelpBtn.Caption := 'Reference Info'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 4234 | HelpBtn.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reference_Info'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 4235 | HelpBtn.OnClick := Prompt.GAFHelp;
| 4236 | HelpBtn.Width := TextWidthByFont(HelpBtn.Font.Handle, HelpBtn.Caption) + 13;
| 4237 | HelpBtn.Height := Ctrl.edt.Height;
| 4238 | inc(MinX, HelpBtn.Width);
| 4239 | end;
| 4240 | DoLbl := TRUE;
| 4241 | end
| 4242 | else
| 4243 | Ctrl.ctrl := nil;
| 4244 | end;
| 4245 | end;
| 4246 |
| 4247 | if(DoLbl) and ((pt <> ptWHNotPurp) and (pt <> ptWHPapResult)) then
| 4248 | //if(DoLbl) then
| 4249 | begin
| 4250 | if(Prompt.Caption = '') and (not Prompt.Required) then
| 4251 | DoLbl := FALSE
| 4252 | else
| 4253 | begin
| 4254 | lbl := TLabel.Create(AOwner);
| 4255 | lbl.Parent := AParent;
| 4256 | lbl.Caption := Prompt.Caption;
| 4257 | if Prompt.Required then
| 4258 | lbl.Caption := lbl.Caption+' *';
| 4259 | if pt = ptGaf then
| 4260 | begin
| 4261 | if Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,13)='1' then
| 4262 | lbl.Caption := lbl.Caption + ' *';
| 4263 | end;
| 4264 | lbl.Enabled := Prompt.FParent.Enabled;
| 4265 | inc(MinX, lbl.Width + LblGap);
| 4266 | inc(MaxX, lbl.Width + LblGap);
| 4267 | end;
| 4268 | end;
| 4269 |
| 4270 | if(MaxX < MinX) then
| 4271 | MaxX := MinX;
| 4272 |
| 4273 | if((Prompt.SameLine) and ((LastX + MinX + Gap) < PWidth)) and
| 4274 | ((pt <> ptWHNotPurp) and (pt <> ptWHPapResult)) then
| 4275 | //if((Prompt.SameLine) and ((LastX + MinX + Gap) < PWidth)) then
| 4276 | begin
| 4277 | X := LastX;
| 4278 | end
| 4279 | else
| 4280 | begin
| 4281 | if(Shared) and (assigned(FChildren)) and (FChildren.Count > 0) then
| 4282 | X := TRemDlgElement(FChildren[0]).TrueIndent
| 4283 | else
| 4284 | begin
| 4285 | if(assigned(cb)) then
| 4286 | X := cb.Left + NewLinePromptGap
| 4287 | else
| 4288 | X := pnl.Left + NewLinePromptGap;
| 4289 | end;
| 4290 | NextLine(Y);
| 4291 | end;
| 4292 | if(MaxX > (PWidth - X - Gap)) then
| 4293 | MaxX := PWidth - X - Gap;
| 4294 | if((DoLbl) or (assigned(Ctrl.Ctrl))) and
| 4295 | ((pt <> ptWHNotPurp) and (pt <> ptWHPapResult)) then
| 4296 | //if((DoLbl) or (assigned(Ctrl.Ctrl))) then
| 4297 | begin
| 4298 | if DoLbl then
| 4299 | begin
| 4300 | lbl.Left := X;
| 4301 | lbl.Top := Y;
| 4302 | inc(X, lbl.Width + LblGap);
| 4303 | dec(MinX, lbl.Width + LblGap);
| 4304 | dec(MaxX, lbl.Width + LblGap);
| 4305 | SameLineCtrl.Add(lbl);
| 4306 | end;
| 4307 | if(assigned(Ctrl.Ctrl)) then
| 4308 | begin
| 4309 | Ctrl.Ctrl.Enabled := Prompt.FParent.Enabled;
| 4310 | if not Ctrl.Ctrl.Enabled then
| 4311 | Ctrl.Ctrl.Font.Color := DisabledFontColor;
| 4312 | Ctrl.Ctrl.Left := X;
| 4313 | Ctrl.Ctrl.Top := Y;
| 4314 | SameLineCtrl.Add(Ctrl.Ctrl);
| 4315 | if(assigned(ud)) then
| 4316 | begin
| 4317 | SameLineCtrl.Add(ud);
| 4318 | if(assigned(HelpBtn)) then
| 4319 | begin
| 4320 | SameLineCtrl.Add(HelpBtn);
| 4321 | Ctrl.Ctrl.Width := MinX - HelpBtn.Width - ud.Width;
| 4322 | HelpBtn.Left := X + Ctrl.Ctrl.Width + ud.Width + Gap;
| 4323 | HelpBtn.Top := Y;
| 4324 | HelpBtn.Enabled := Prompt.FParent.Enabled;
| 4325 | end
| 4326 | else
| 4327 | Ctrl.Ctrl.Width := MinX - ud.Width;
| 4328 | ud.Left := X + Ctrl.Ctrl.Width;
| 4329 | ud.Top := Y;
| 4330 | LastX := X + MinX + PromptGap;
| 4331 | ud.Enabled := Prompt.FParent.Enabled;
| 4332 | end
| 4333 | else
| 4334 | if(HasVCombo) then
| 4335 | begin
| 4336 | SameLineCtrl.Add(Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo);
| 4337 | Ctrl.Ctrl.Width := MinX - Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Width;
| 4338 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Left := X + Ctrl.Ctrl.Width;
| 4339 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Top := Y;
| 4340 | LastX := X + MinX + PromptGap;
| 4341 | Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Enabled := Prompt.FParent.Enabled;
| 4342 | end
| 4343 | else
| 4344 | begin
| 4345 | Ctrl.Ctrl.Width := MaxX;
| 4346 | LastX := X + MaxX + PromptGap;
| 4347 | end;
| 4348 | end;
| 4349 | end;
| 4350 | end;
| 4351 | if(assigned(ud)) then
| 4352 | Prompt.FCurrentControl := ud
| 4353 | else
| 4354 | Prompt.FCurrentControl := Ctrl.Ctrl;
| 4355 | end;
| 4356 | NextLine(Y);
| 4357 | finally
| 4358 | SameLineCtrl.Free;
| 4359 | end;
| 4360 | end;
| 4361 |
| 4362 | begin
| 4363 | Result := nil;
| 4364 | AutoFocusControl := nil;
| 4365 | X := TrueIndent;
| 4366 | if(assigned(FPrompts)) then
| 4367 | begin
| 4368 | for i := 0 to FPrompts.Count-1 do
| 4369 | TRemPrompt(FPrompts[i]).FCurrentControl := nil;
| 4370 | end;
| 4371 | if(ElemType = etDisplayOnly) then
| 4372 | begin
| 4373 | if(FText <> '') then
| 4374 | begin
| 4375 | inc(Y,Gap);
| 4376 | pnl := GetPanel(EntryID, CRLFText(FText), ParentWidth - X - (Gap * 2));
| 4377 | pnl.Left := X;
| 4378 | pnl.Top := Y;
| 4379 | if (FChecked and assigned(FPrompts) and (FPrompts.Count > 0)) then
| 4380 | begin
| 4381 | cb := nil;
| 4382 | AddPrompts(FALSE, BaseParent, ParentWidth, Y);
| 4383 | end
| 4384 | else
| 4385 | inc(Y,pnl.Height);
| 4386 | end;
| 4387 | end
| 4388 | else
| 4389 | begin
| 4390 | inc(Y,Gap);
| 4391 | cb := TORCheckBox.Create(AOwner);
| 4392 | cb.Parent := BaseParent;
| 4393 | cb.Left := X;
| 4394 | cb.Top := Y;
| 4395 | cb.Tag := Integer(Self);
| 4396 | cb.WordWrap := TRUE;
| 4397 | cb.AutoSize := TRUE;
| 4398 | cb.Checked := FChecked;
| 4399 | cb.Width := ParentWidth - X - Gap;
| 4400 | cb.Caption := CRLFText(FText);
| 4401 | cb.AutoAdjustSize;
| 4402 | cbSingleLine := cb.SingleLine;
| 4403 | cb.AutoSize := FALSE;
| 4404 | cb.WordWrap := FALSE;
| 4405 | cb.Caption := '';
| 4406 | cb.Width := 13;
| 4407 | cb.Height := 17;
| 4408 | cb.TabStop := False; {take checkboxes out of the tab order}
| 4409 | pnl := GetPanel(EntryID, CRLFText(FText), ParentWidth - X - (Gap * 2) - IndentGap);
| 4410 | pnl.Left := X + IndentGap;
| 4411 | pnl.Top := Y;
| 4412 | cb.Associate := pnl;
| 4413 | pnl.Tag := Integer(cb); {So the panel can check the checkbox}
| 4414 | pnl.TabStop := TRUE; {tab through the panels instead of the checkboxes}
| 4415 |
| 4416 | cb.OnClick := cbClicked;
| 4417 | pnl.OnEnter := FieldPanelEntered;
| 4418 | pnl.OnExit := FieldPanelExited;
| 4419 | TFieldPanel(pnl).OnKeyPress := FieldPanelKeyPress;
| 4420 | pnl.OnClick := FieldPanelOnClick;
| 4421 | for i := 0 to pnl.ControlCount - 1 do
| 4422 | if (pnl.Controls[i] is TLabel) and
| 4423 | not (fsUnderline in TLabel(pnl.Controls[i]).Font.Style) then //If this isn't a hyperlink change then event handler
| 4424 | TLabel(pnl.Controls[i]).OnClick := FieldPanelLabelOnClick;
| 4425 |
| 4426 | //cb.Enabled := Enabled;
| 4427 | if(assigned(FParent) and (FParent.ChildrenRequired in [crOne, crNoneOrOne])) then
| 4428 | cb.RadioStyle := TRUE;
| 4429 |
| 4430 | if (FChecked and assigned(FPrompts) and (FPrompts.Count > 0)) then
| 4431 | AddPrompts(FALSE, BaseParent, ParentWidth, Y)
| 4432 | else
| 4433 | inc(Y, pnl.Height);
| 4434 | end;
| 4435 |
| 4436 | if(ShowChildren) then
| 4437 | begin
| 4438 | gb := nil;
| 4439 | if(Box) then
| 4440 | begin
| 4441 | gb := TGroupBox.Create(AOwner);
| 4442 | gb.Parent := BaseParent;
| 4443 | gb.Left := TrueIndent + (ChildrenIndent * IndentMult);
| 4444 | gb.Top := Y;
| 4445 | gb.Width := ParentWidth - gb.Left - Gap;
| 4446 | PrntWidth := gb.Width - (Gap * 2);
| 4447 | gb.Caption := BoxCaption;
| 4448 | gb.Enabled := EnableChildren;
| 4449 | if(not EnableChildren) then
| 4450 | gb.Font.Color := DisabledFontColor;
| 4451 | prnt := gb;
| 4452 | if(gb.Caption = '') then
| 4453 | Y1 := gbTopIndent
| 4454 | else
| 4455 | Y1 := gbTopIndent2;
| 4456 | end
| 4457 | else
| 4458 | begin
| 4459 | prnt := BaseParent;
| 4460 | Y1 := Y;
| 4461 | PrntWidth := ParentWidth;
| 4462 | end;
| 4463 |
| 4464 | for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do
| 4465 | begin
| 4466 | ERes := TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]).BuildControls(Y1, PrntWidth, prnt, AOwner);
| 4467 | if(not assigned(Result)) then
| 4468 | Result := ERes;
| 4469 | end;
| 4470 |
| 4471 | if(FHasSharedPrompts) then
| 4472 | AddPrompts(TRUE, prnt, PrntWidth, Y1);
| 4473 |
| 4474 | if(Box) then
| 4475 | begin
| 4476 | gb.Height := Y1 + (Gap * 3);
| 4477 | inc(Y, Y1 + (Gap * 4));
| 4478 | end
| 4479 | else
| 4480 | Y := Y1;
| 4481 | end;
| 4482 |
| 4483 | SubCommentChange(nil);
| 4484 |
| 4485 | if(assigned(AutoFocusControl)) then
| 4486 | begin
| 4487 | if(AutoFocusControl is TORComboBox) and
| 4488 | (TORComboBox(AutoFocusControl).CheckBoxes) and
| 4489 | (pos('1',TORComboBox(AutoFocusControl).CheckedString) = 0) then
| 4490 | Result := AutoFocusControl
| 4491 | else
| 4492 | if(TORExposedControl(AutoFocusControl).Text = '') then
| 4493 | Result := AutoFocusControl
| 4494 | end;
| 4495 | end;
| 4496 |
| 4497 | //This is used to get the template field values if this reminder is not the
| 4498 | //current reminder in dialog, in which case no uEntries will exist so we have
| 4499 | //to get the template field values that were saved in the element.
| 4500 | function TRemDlgElement.GetTemplateFieldValues(const Text: string; FldValues: TORStringList = nil): string;
| 4501 | var
| 4502 | flen, CtrlID, i, j: integer;
| 4503 | Fld: TTemplateField;
| 4504 | Temp, FldName, NewTxt: string;
| 4505 |
| 4506 | const
| 4507 | TemplateFieldBeginSignature = '{FLD:';
| 4508 | TemplateFieldEndSignature = '}';
| 4509 | TemplateFieldSignatureLen = length(TemplateFieldBeginSignature);
| 4510 | TemplateFieldSignatureEndLen = length(TemplateFieldEndSignature);
| 4511 | FieldIDDelim = '`';
| 4512 | FieldIDLen = 6;
| 4513 |
| 4514 | procedure AddNewTxt;
| 4515 | begin
| 4516 | if(NewTxt <> '') then
| 4517 | begin
| 4518 | insert(StringOfChar('x',length(NewTxt)), Temp, i);
| 4519 | insert(NewTxt, Result, i);
| 4520 | inc(i, length(NewTxt));
| 4521 | end;
| 4522 | end;
| 4523 |
| 4524 | begin
| 4525 | Result := Text;
| 4526 | Temp := Text;
| 4527 | repeat
| 4528 | i := pos(TemplateFieldBeginSignature, Temp);
| 4529 | if(i > 0) then
| 4530 | begin
| 4531 | CtrlID := 0;
| 4532 | if(copy(Temp, i + TemplateFieldSignatureLen, 1) = FieldIDDelim) then
| 4533 | begin
| 4534 | CtrlID := StrToIntDef(copy(Temp, i + TemplateFieldSignatureLen + 1, FieldIDLen-1), 0);
| 4535 | delete(Temp,i + TemplateFieldSignatureLen, FieldIDLen);
| 4536 | delete(Result,i + TemplateFieldSignatureLen, FieldIDLen);
| 4537 | end;
| 4538 | j := pos(TemplateFieldEndSignature, copy(Temp, i + TemplateFieldSignatureLen, MaxInt));
| 4539 | if(j > 0) then
| 4540 | begin
| 4541 | inc(j, i + TemplateFieldSignatureLen - 1);
| 4542 | flen := j - i - TemplateFieldSignatureLen;
| 4543 | FldName := copy(Temp, i + TemplateFieldSignatureLen, flen);
| 4544 | Fld := GetTemplateField(FldName, FALSE);
| 4545 | delete(Temp,i,flen + TemplateFieldSignatureLen + 1);
| 4546 | delete(Result,i,flen + TemplateFieldSignatureLen + 1);
| 4547 | end
| 4548 | else
| 4549 | begin
| 4550 | delete(Temp,i,TemplateFieldSignatureLen);
| 4551 | delete(Result,i,TemplateFieldSignatureLen);
| 4552 | Fld := nil;
| 4553 | end;
| 4554 | // Get the value that was entered if there is one
| 4555 | if assigned(FldValues) and (CtrlID > 0) then
| 4556 | begin
| 4557 | j := FldValues.IndexOfPiece(IntToStr(CtrlID));
| 4558 | if not(j<0) then
| 4559 | if Fld.DateType in DateComboTypes then
| 4560 | NewTxt := Piece(Piece(FldValues[j],U,2),':',1)
| 4561 | else
| 4562 | NewTxt := Piece(FldValues[j],U,2);
| 4563 | end;
| 4564 | // If nothing has been entered, use the default
| 4565 | if (NewTxt = '') and assigned(Fld) and
| 4566 | //If this template field is a dftHyperlink or dftText that is
| 4567 | //excluded (FSepLines = True) then don't get the default text
| 4568 | not ((Fld.FldType in [dftHyperlink, dftText]) and Fld.SepLines) then
| 4569 | NewTxt := Fld.TemplateFieldDefault;
| 4570 | AddNewTxt;
| 4571 | end;
| 4572 | until not (i > 0);
| 4573 | end;
| 4574 |
| 4575 | procedure TRemDlgElement.AddText(Lst: TStrings);
| 4576 | var
| 4577 | i, ilvl: integer;
| 4578 | Prompt: TRemPrompt;
| 4579 | txt: string;
| 4580 | FldData: TORStringList;
| 4581 |
| 4582 | begin
| 4583 | if (not (FReminder is TReminder)) then
| 4584 | ScootOver := 4;
| 4585 | try
| 4586 | if Add2PN then
| 4587 | begin
| 4588 | ilvl := IndentPNLevel;
| 4589 | if(FPNText <> '') then
| 4590 | txt := FPNText
| 4591 | else
| 4592 | begin
| 4593 | txt := FText;
| 4594 | if not FReminder.FNoResolve then
| 4595 | //If this is the CurrentReminderInDialog then we get the template field
| 4596 | //values from the visual control in the dialog window.
| 4597 | if FReminder = CurrentReminderInDialog then
| 4598 | txt := ResolveTemplateFields(txt, TRUE)
| 4599 | else
| 4600 | //If this is not the CurrentReminderInDialog (i.e.: Next or Back button
| 4601 | //has been pressed), then we have to get the template field values
| 4602 | //that were saved in the element.
| 4603 | begin
| 4604 | FldData := TORStringList.Create;
| 4605 | GetFieldValues(FldData);
| 4606 | txt := GetTemplateFieldValues(txt, FldData);
| 4607 | end;
| 4608 | end;
| 4609 | if FReminder.FNoResolve then
| 4610 | Lst.Add(txt)
| 4611 | else
| 4612 | WordWrap(txt, Lst, ilvl);
| 4613 | dec(ilvl,2);
| 4614 | if(assigned(FPrompts)) then
| 4615 | begin
| 4616 | for i := 0 to FPrompts.Count-1 do
| 4617 | begin
| 4618 | Prompt := TRemPrompt(FPrompts[i]);
| 4619 | if(not Prompt.FIsShared) then
| 4620 | WordWrap(Prompt.NoteText, Lst, ilvl);
| 4621 | end;
| 4622 | end;
| 4623 | if(assigned(FParent) and FParent.FHasSharedPrompts) then
| 4624 | begin
| 4625 | for i := 0 to FParent.FPrompts.Count-1 do
| 4626 | begin
| 4627 | Prompt := TRemPrompt(FParent.FPrompts[i]);
| 4628 | if(Prompt.FIsShared) and (Prompt.FSharedChildren.IndexOf(Self) >= 0) then
| 4629 | WordWrap(Prompt.NoteText, Lst, ilvl);
| 4630 | end;
| 4631 | end;
| 4632 | end;
| 4633 | if (assigned(FChildren)) and (FChecked or (ElemType = etDisplayOnly)) then
| 4634 | begin
| 4635 | for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do
| 4636 | TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]).AddText(Lst);
| 4637 | end;
| 4638 | finally
| 4639 | if (not (FReminder is TReminder)) then
| 4640 | ScootOver := 0;
| 4641 | end;
| 4642 | end;
| 4643 |
| 4644 | function TRemDlgElement.AddData(Lst: TStrings; Finishing: boolean;
| 4645 | AHistorical: boolean = FALSE): integer;
| 4646 | var
| 4647 | i, j: integer;
| 4648 | OK: boolean;
| 4649 | ActDt, InActDt, EncDt: double;
| 4650 | RData: TRemData;
| 4651 |
| 4652 | begin
| 4653 | Result := 0;
| 4654 | // OK := ((ElemType <> etDisplayOnly) and FChecked);
| 4655 | OK := FChecked;
| 4656 | if(OK and Finishing) then
| 4657 | OK := (Historical = AHistorical);
| 4658 | if OK then
| 4659 | begin
| 4660 | if(assigned(FData)) then
| 4661 | begin
| 4662 | if Self.Historical then
| 4663 | EncDt := DateTimeToFMDateTime(Date)
| 4664 | else
| 4665 | EncDt := RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime;
| 4666 | for i := 0 to FData.Count-1 do
| 4667 | begin
| 4668 | RData := TRemData(FData[i]);
| 4669 | if assigned(RData.FActiveDates) then
| 4670 | for j := 0 to (TRemData(FData[i]).FActiveDates.Count - 1) do
| 4671 | begin
| 4672 | ActDt := StrToIntDef(Piece(TRemData(FData[i]).FActiveDates[j],':',1), 0);
| 4673 | InActDt := StrToIntDef(Piece(TRemData(FData[i]).FActiveDates[j], ':', 2), 9999999);
| 4674 | if (EncDt >= ActDt) and (EncDt <= InActDt) then
| 4675 | begin
| 4676 | inc(Result, TRemData(FData[i]).AddData(Lst, Finishing));
| 4677 | Break;
| 4678 | end;
| 4679 | end
| 4680 | else
| 4681 | inc(Result, TRemData(FData[i]).AddData(Lst, Finishing));
| 4682 | end;
| 4683 | end;
| 4684 | end;
| 4685 | if (assigned(FChildren)) and (FChecked or (ElemType = etDisplayOnly)) then
| 4686 | begin
| 4687 | for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do
| 4688 | inc(Result, TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]).AddData(Lst, Finishing, AHistorical));
| 4689 | end;
| 4690 | end;
| 4691 |
| 4692 | procedure TRemDlgElement.Check4ChildrenSharedPrompts;
| 4693 | var
| 4694 | i, j: integer;
| 4695 | Kid: TRemDlgElement;
| 4696 | PList, EList: TList;
| 4697 | FirstMatch: boolean;
| 4698 | Prompt: TRemPrompt;
| 4699 |
| 4700 | begin
| 4701 | if(not FChildrenShareChecked) then
| 4702 | begin
| 4703 | FChildrenShareChecked := TRUE;
| 4704 | if(ChildrenSharePrompts and assigned(FChildren)) then
| 4705 | begin
| 4706 | for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do
| 4707 | TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]).GetData;
| 4708 | PList := TList.Create;
| 4709 | try
| 4710 | EList := TList.Create;
| 4711 | try
| 4712 | for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do
| 4713 | begin
| 4714 | Kid := TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]);
| 4715 | // if(Kid.ElemType <> etDisplayOnly) and (assigned(Kid.FPrompts)) then
| 4716 | if(assigned(Kid.FPrompts)) then
| 4717 | begin
| 4718 | for j:= 0 to Kid.FPrompts.Count-1 do
| 4719 | begin
| 4720 | PList.Add(Kid.FPrompts[j]);
| 4721 | EList.Add(Kid);
| 4722 | end;
| 4723 | end;
| 4724 | end;
| 4725 | if(PList.Count > 1) then
| 4726 | begin
| 4727 | for i := 0 to PList.Count-2 do
| 4728 | begin
| 4729 | if(assigned(EList[i])) then
| 4730 | begin
| 4731 | FirstMatch := TRUE;
| 4732 | Prompt := TRemPrompt(PList[i]);
| 4733 | for j := i+1 to PList.Count-1 do
| 4734 | begin
| 4735 | if(assigned(EList[j]) and
| 4736 | (Prompt.CanShare(TRemPrompt(PList[j])))) then
| 4737 | begin
| 4738 | if(FirstMatch) then
| 4739 | begin
| 4740 | FirstMatch := FALSE;
| 4741 | if(not assigned(FPrompts)) then
| 4742 | FPrompts := TList.Create;
| 4743 | FHasSharedPrompts := TRUE;
| 4744 | Prompt.FIsShared := TRUE;
| 4745 | if(not assigned(Prompt.FSharedChildren)) then
| 4746 | Prompt.FSharedChildren := TList.Create;
| 4747 | Prompt.FSharedChildren.Add(EList[i]);
| 4748 | FPrompts.Add(PList[i]);
| 4749 | TRemDlgElement(EList[i]).FPrompts.Remove(PList[i]);
| 4750 | EList[i] := nil;
| 4751 | end;
| 4752 | Prompt.FSharedChildren.Add(EList[j]);
| 4753 | Kid := TRemDlgElement(EList[j]);
| 4754 | Kid.FPrompts.Remove(PList[j]);
| 4755 | if(Kid.FHasComment) and (Kid.FCommentPrompt = PList[j]) then
| 4756 | begin
| 4757 | Kid.FHasComment := FALSE;
| 4758 | Kid.FCommentPrompt := nil;
| 4759 | end;
| 4760 | TRemPrompt(PList[j]).Free;
| 4761 | EList[j] := nil;
| 4762 | end;
| 4763 | end;
| 4764 | end;
| 4765 | end;
| 4766 | end;
| 4767 | finally
| 4768 | EList.Free;
| 4769 | end;
| 4770 | finally
| 4771 | PList.Free;
| 4772 | end;
| 4773 | for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do
| 4774 | begin
| 4775 | Kid := TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]);
| 4776 | if(assigned(Kid.FPrompts) and (Kid.FPrompts.Count = 0)) then
| 4777 | begin
| 4778 | Kid.FPrompts.Free;
| 4779 | Kid.FPrompts := nil;
| 4780 | end;
| 4781 | end;
| 4782 | end;
| 4783 | end;
| 4784 | end;
| 4785 |
| 4786 | procedure TRemDlgElement.FinishProblems(List: TStrings);
| 4787 | var
| 4788 | i,cnt: integer;
| 4789 | cReq: TRDChildReq;
| 4790 | Kid: TRemDlgElement;
| 4791 | Prompt: TRemPrompt;
| 4792 | txt, msg, Value: string;
| 4793 | pt: TRemPromptType;
| 4794 |
| 4795 | begin
| 4796 | // if(ElemType <> etDisplayOnly) and (FChecked) and (assigned(FPrompts)) then
| 4797 | if(FChecked and (assigned(FPrompts))) then
| 4798 | begin
| 4799 | for i := 0 to FPrompts.Count-1 do
| 4800 | begin
| 4801 | Prompt := TRemPrompt(FPrompts[i]);
| 4802 | Value := Prompt.GetValue;
| 4803 | pt := Prompt.PromptType;
| 4804 | if(Prompt.PromptOK and (not Prompt.Forced) and Prompt.Required and
| 4805 | (((pt<>ptWHNotPurp)and(pt<>ptWHPapResult))and
| 4806 | ((Value = '') or (Value = '@')) or
| 4807 | ((pt = ptVisitDate) and Prompt.FMonthReq and (StrToIntDef(copy(Value,4,2),0) = 0)) or
| 4808 | ((pt in [ptVisitDate, ptVisitLocation]) and (Value = '0')))) then
| 4809 | begin
| 4810 | // WordWrap('Element: ' + FText, List, 68, 6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 4811 | WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Elementx') + FText, List, 68, 6); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 4812 | txt := Prompt.ForcedCaption;
| 4813 | if(pt = ptVisitDate) and Prompt.FMonthReq then
| 4814 | // txt := txt + ' (Month Required)'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 4815 | txt := txt + DKLangConstW('uReminders_xMonth_Requiredx'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 4816 | // WordWrap('Item: ' + txt, List, 65, 6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 4817 | WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Itemx') + txt, List, 65, 6); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 4818 | end;
| 4819 | if (Prompt.PromptOK and (not Prompt.Forced) and Prompt.Required and
| 4820 | ((WHResultChk='') and (Value='')) and ((pt=ptWHPapResult) and (FData<>nil))) then
| 4821 | begin
| 4822 | // WordWrap('Prompt: ' + Prompt.ForcedCaption, List, 65,6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 4823 | WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Promptx') + Prompt.ForcedCaption, List, 65,6); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 4824 | end;
| 4825 | if (Prompt.PromptOK and (not Prompt.Forced) and Prompt.Required
| 4826 | and (pt=ptWHNotPurp)) and ((WHResultNot = '') and (Value = '')) then
| 4827 | begin
| 4828 | // WordWrap('Element: ' + FText, List, 68, 6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 4829 | WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Elementx') + FText, List, 68, 6); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 4830 | // WordWrap('Prompt: ' + Prompt.ForcedCaption, List, 65,6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 4831 | WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Promptx') + Prompt.ForcedCaption, List, 65,6); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 4832 | end;
| 4833 | //(AGP Change 24.9 add check to see if MH tests are required)
| 4834 | if ((Pt = ptMHTest) or (Pt = ptGAF)) and (Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,13) = '1') and
| 4835 | (not Prompt.Forced) then
| 4836 | begin
| 4837 | if (Pt = ptMHTest) and (Prompt.FMHTestComplete = 2) then
| 4838 | begin
| 4839 | if ((Prompt.FValue = '') or (pos('X',Prompt.FValue)>0)) then
| 4840 | begin
| 4841 | if Prompt.FValue = '' then
| 4842 | // WordWrap('MH test '+ Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,8) + ' not done',List,65,6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 4843 | WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_MH_test')+' '+ Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,8) + DKLangConstW('uReminders_not_done'),List,65,6); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 4844 | if pos('X',Prompt.FValue)>0 then
| 4845 | // WordWrap('You are missing one or more responses in the MH test '+ <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 4846 | WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_You_are_missing_one_or_more_responses_in_the_MH_test')+ //kt added 9/5/2007
| 4847 | Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,8),List,65,6);
| 4848 | WordWrap(' ',List,65,6);
| 4849 | end;
| 4850 | end;
| 4851 | if (Pt = ptMHTest) and (Prompt.FMHTestComplete = 0) or (Prompt.FValue = '') then
| 4852 | begin
| 4853 | if Prompt.FValue = '' then
| 4854 | // WordWrap('MH test '+ Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,8) + ' not done',List,65,6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 4855 | WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_MH_test')+ Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,8) + DKLangConstW('uReminders_not_done'),List,65,6); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 4856 | if pos('X',Prompt.FValue)>0 then
| 4857 | // WordWrap('You are missing one or more responses in the MH test '+ <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 4858 | WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_You_are_missing_one_or_more_responses_in_the_MH_test')+ //kt added 9/5/2007
| 4859 | Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,8),List,65,6);
| 4860 | WordWrap(' ',List,65,6);
| 4861 | end;
| 4862 | if (Pt = ptGAF) and ((Prompt.FValue = '0') or (Prompt.FValue = '')) then
| 4863 | begin
| 4864 | // WordWrap('GAF test must have a score greater then zero',List,65,6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 4865 | WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_GAF_test_must_have_a_score_greater_then_zero'),List,65,6); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 4866 | WordWrap(' ',List,65,6);
| 4867 | end;
| 4868 | end;
| 4869 | end;
| 4870 | end;
| 4871 | if (assigned(FChildren)) and (FChecked or (ElemType = etDisplayOnly)) then
| 4872 | begin
| 4873 | cReq := ChildrenRequired;
| 4874 | if(cReq in [crOne, crAtLeastOne]) then
| 4875 | begin
| 4876 | cnt := 0;
| 4877 | for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do
| 4878 | begin
| 4879 | Kid := TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]);
| 4880 | // if(Kid.FChecked and (Kid.ElemType <> etDisplayOnly)) then
| 4881 | if(Kid.FChecked) then
| 4882 | inc(cnt);
| 4883 | end;
| 4884 | if(cReq = crOne) and (cnt <> 1) then
| 4885 | // msg := 'One selection required' <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 4886 | msg := DKLangConstW('uReminders_One_selection_required') //kt added 9/5/2007
| 4887 | else
| 4888 | if(cReq = crAtLeastOne) and (cnt < 1) then
| 4889 | // msg := 'One or more selections required' <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 4890 | msg := DKLangConstW('uReminders_One_or_more_selections_required') //kt added 9/5/2007
| 4891 | else
| 4892 | msg := '';
| 4893 | if(msg <> '') then
| 4894 | begin
| 4895 | txt := BoxCaption;
| 4896 | if(txt = '') then
| 4897 | txt := FText;
| 4898 | // WordWrap('Group: ' + txt, List, 68, 6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 4899 | WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Groupx') + txt, List, 68, 6); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 4900 | WordWrap(Msg, List, 65, 0);
| 4901 | WordWrap(' ',List,68,6); // (AGP change 24.9 added blank line for display spacing)
| 4902 | end;
| 4903 | end;
| 4904 | for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do
| 4905 | TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]).FinishProblems(List);
| 4906 | end;
| 4907 | end;
| 4908 |
| 4909 | function TRemDlgElement.IsChecked: boolean;
| 4910 | var
| 4911 | Prnt: TRemDlgElement;
| 4912 |
| 4913 | begin
| 4914 | Result := TRUE;
| 4915 | Prnt := Self;
| 4916 | while Result and assigned(Prnt) do
| 4917 | begin
| 4918 | Result := ((Prnt.ElemType = etDisplayOnly) or Prnt.FChecked);
| 4919 | Prnt := Prnt.FParent;
| 4920 | end;
| 4921 | end;
| 4922 |
| 4923 | function TRemDlgElement.IndentChildrenInPN: boolean;
| 4924 | begin
| 4925 | //if(Box) then
| 4926 | Result := (Piece(FRec1, U, 21) = '1');
| 4927 | //else
| 4928 | // Result := FALSE;
| 4929 | end;
| 4930 |
| 4931 | function TRemDlgElement.IndentPNLevel: integer;
| 4932 | begin
| 4933 | if(assigned(FParent)) then
| 4934 | begin
| 4935 | Result := FParent.IndentPNLevel;
| 4936 | if(FParent.IndentChildrenInPN) then
| 4937 | dec(Result,2);
| 4938 | end
| 4939 | else
| 4940 | Result := 70;
| 4941 | end;
| 4942 |
| 4943 | function TRemDlgElement.IncludeMHTestInPN: boolean;
| 4944 | begin
| 4945 | Result := (Piece(FRec1, U, 9) = '0');
| 4946 | end;
| 4947 |
| 4948 | function TRemDlgElement.ResultDlgID: integer;
| 4949 | begin
| 4950 | Result := StrToIntDef(Piece(FRec1, U, 10), 0);
| 4951 | end;
| 4952 |
| 4953 | procedure TRemDlgElement.SubCommentChange(Sender: TObject);
| 4954 | var
| 4955 | i: integer;
| 4956 | txt: string;
| 4957 | ok: boolean;
| 4958 |
| 4959 | begin
| 4960 | if(FHasSubComments and FHasComment and assigned(FCommentPrompt)) then
| 4961 | begin
| 4962 | ok := FALSE;
| 4963 | if(assigned(Sender)) then
| 4964 | begin
| 4965 | with (Sender as TORCheckBox) do
| 4966 | TRemPrompt(Tag).FValue := BOOLCHAR[Checked];
| 4967 | ok := TRUE;
| 4968 | end;
| 4969 | if(not ok) then
| 4970 | ok := (FCommentPrompt.GetValue = '');
| 4971 | if(ok) then
| 4972 | begin
| 4973 | txt := '';
| 4974 | for i := 0 to FPrompts.Count-1 do
| 4975 | begin
| 4976 | with TRemPrompt(FPrompts[i]) do
| 4977 | begin
| 4978 | if(PromptType = ptSubComment) and (FValue = BOOLCHAR[TRUE]) then
| 4979 | begin
| 4980 | if(txt <> '') then
| 4981 | txt := txt + ', ';
| 4982 | txt := txt + Caption;
| 4983 | end;
| 4984 | end;
| 4985 | end;
| 4986 | if(txt <> '') then
| 4987 | txt[1] := UpCase(txt[1]);
| 4988 | FCommentPrompt.SetValue(txt);
| 4989 | end;
| 4990 | end;
| 4991 | end;
| 4992 |
| 4993 | constructor TRemDlgElement.Create;
| 4994 | begin
| 4995 | FFieldValues := TORStringList.Create;
| 4996 | end;
| 4997 |
| 4998 | function TRemDlgElement.EntryID: string;
| 4999 | begin
| 5000 | Result := REMEntryCode + FReminder.GetIEN + '/' + IntToStr(integer(Self));
| 5001 | end;
| 5002 |
| 5003 | procedure TRemDlgElement.FieldPanelChange(Sender: TObject);
| 5004 | var
| 5005 | idx: integer;
| 5006 | Entry: TTemplateDialogEntry;
| 5007 | fval: string;
| 5008 |
| 5009 | begin
| 5010 | FReminder.BeginTextChanged;
| 5011 | try
| 5012 | Entry := TTemplateDialogEntry(Sender);
| 5013 | idx := FFieldValues.IndexOfPiece(Entry.InternalID);
| 5014 | fval := Entry.InternalID + U + Entry.FieldValues;
| 5015 | if(idx < 0) then
| 5016 | FFieldValues.Add(fval)
| 5017 | else
| 5018 | FFieldValues[idx] := fval;
| 5019 | finally
| 5020 | FReminder.EndTextChanged(Sender);
| 5021 | end;
| 5022 | end;
| 5023 |
| 5024 | procedure TRemDlgElement.GetFieldValues(FldData: TStrings);
| 5025 | var
| 5026 | i, p: integer;
| 5027 | TmpSL: TStringList;
| 5028 |
| 5029 | begin
| 5030 | TmpSL := TStringList.Create;
| 5031 | try
| 5032 | for i := 0 to FFieldValues.Count-1 do
| 5033 | begin
| 5034 | p := pos(U, FFieldValues[i]); // Can't use Piece because 2nd piece may contain ^ characters
| 5035 | if(p > 0) then
| 5036 | begin
| 5037 | TmpSL.CommaText := copy(FFieldValues[i],p+1,MaxInt);
| 5038 | FldData.AddStrings(TmpSL);
| 5039 | TmpSL.Clear;
| 5040 | end;
| 5041 | end;
| 5042 | finally
| 5043 | TmpSL.Free;
| 5044 | end;
| 5045 | if (assigned(FChildren)) and (FChecked or (ElemType = etDisplayOnly)) then
| 5046 | for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do
| 5047 | TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]).GetFieldValues(FldData);
| 5048 | end;
| 5049 |
| 5050 | {cause the paint event to be called and draw a focus rectangle on the TFieldPanel}
| 5051 | procedure TRemDlgElement.FieldPanelEntered(Sender: TObject);
| 5052 | begin
| 5053 | with TFieldPanel(Sender) do
| 5054 | begin
| 5055 | Focus := TRUE;
| 5056 | Invalidate;
| 5057 | if Parent is TFieldPanel then
| 5058 | begin
| 5059 | TFieldPanel(Parent).Focus := FALSE;
| 5060 | TFieldPanel(Parent).Invalidate;
| 5061 | end;
| 5062 | end;
| 5063 | end;
| 5064 | {cause the paint event to be called and draw the TFieldPanel without the focus rect.}
| 5065 | procedure TRemDlgElement.FieldPanelExited(Sender: TObject);
| 5066 | begin
| 5067 | with TFieldPanel(Sender) do
| 5068 | begin
| 5069 | Focus := FALSE;
| 5070 | Invalidate;
| 5071 | if Parent is TFieldPanel then
| 5072 | begin
| 5073 | TFieldPanel(Parent).Focus := TRUE;
| 5074 | TFieldPanel(Parent).Invalidate;
| 5075 | end;
| 5076 | end;
| 5077 | end;
| 5078 |
| 5079 | {Check the associated checkbox when spacebar is pressed}
| 5080 | procedure TRemDlgElement.FieldPanelKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
| 5081 | begin
| 5082 | if Key = ' ' then
| 5083 | begin
| 5084 | FieldPanelOnClick(Sender);
| 5085 | Key := #0;
| 5086 | end;
| 5087 | end;
| 5088 |
| 5089 | {So the FieldPanel will check the associated checkbox}
| 5090 | procedure TRemDlgElement.FieldPanelOnClick(Sender: TObject);
| 5091 | begin
| 5092 | // if TFieldPanel(Sender).Focus then
| 5093 | TORCheckBox(TFieldPanel(Sender).Tag).Checked := not FChecked;
| 5094 | end;
| 5095 |
| 5096 | {call the FieldPanelOnClick so labels on the panels will also click the checkbox}
| 5097 | procedure TRemDlgElement.FieldPanelLabelOnClick(Sender: TObject);
| 5098 | begin
| 5099 | FieldPanelOnClick(TLabel(Sender).Parent); {use the parent/fieldpanel as the Sender}
| 5100 | end;
| 5101 |
| 5102 | { TRemData }
| 5103 |
| 5104 | function TRemData.Add2PN: boolean;
| 5105 | begin
| 5106 | Result := (Piece(FRec3, U, 5) <> '1');
| 5107 | end;
| 5108 |
| 5109 | function TRemData.AddData(List: TStrings; Finishing: boolean): integer;
| 5110 | var
| 5111 | i, j, k: integer;
| 5112 | PCECat: TPCEDataCat;
| 5113 | Primary: boolean;
| 5114 | ActDt, InActDt: Double;
| 5115 | EncDt: TFMDateTime;
| 5116 |
| 5117 | procedure AddPrompt(Prompt: TRemPrompt; dt: TRemDataType; var x: string);
| 5118 | var
| 5119 | pt: TRemPromptType;
| 5120 | pnum: integer;
| 5121 | Pdt: TRemDataType;
| 5122 | v: TVitalType;
| 5123 | rte, unt, txt: string;
| 5124 | UIEN: Int64;
| 5125 |
| 5126 | begin
| 5127 | pnum := -1;
| 5128 | pt := Prompt.PromptType;
| 5129 | if(pt = ptSubComment) or (pt = ptUnknown) then exit;
| 5130 | if(pt = ptMST) then
| 5131 | begin
| 5132 | if (PCECat in MSTDataTypes) then
| 5133 | begin
| 5134 | UIEN := FParent.FReminder.PCEDataObj.Providers.PCEProvider;
| 5135 | if UIEN <= 0 then
| 5136 | UIEN := User.DUZ;
| 5137 | SetPiece(x, U, pnumMST, Prompt.GetValue + ';' + // MST Code
| 5138 | FloatToStr(RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime) + ';' +
| 5139 | IntToStr(UIEN) + ';' + //
| 5140 | Prompt.FMiscText); // IEN of Exam, if any
| 5141 | end;
| 5142 | end
| 5143 | else
| 5144 | if(PCECat = pdcVital) then
| 5145 | begin
| 5146 | if(pt = ptVitalEntry) then
| 5147 | begin
| 5148 | rte := Prompt.VitalValue;
| 5149 | if(rte <> '') then
| 5150 | begin
| 5151 | v := Prompt.VitalType;
| 5152 | unt := Prompt.VitalUnitValue;
| 5153 | ConvertVital(v, rte, unt);
| 5154 | //txt := U + VitalCodes[v] + U + rte + U + FloatToStr(RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime); AGP Change 26.1 commented out
| 5155 | txt := U + VitalCodes[v] + U + rte + U + '0'; //AGP Change 26.1 Use for Vital date/time
| 5156 | if(not Finishing) then
| 5157 | txt := Char(ord('A')+ord(v)) + FormatVitalForNote(txt); // Add vital sort char
| 5158 | List.AddObject(Char(ord('A')+ord(PCECat)) + txt, Self);
| 5159 | end;
| 5160 | end
| 5161 | else
| 5162 | exit;
| 5163 | end
| 5164 | else
| 5165 | if(PCECat = pdcMH) then
| 5166 | begin
| 5167 | if(pt = ptMHTest) or (pt = ptGAF) then
| 5168 | x := x + U + Prompt.GetValue
| 5169 | else
| 5170 | exit;
| 5171 | end
| 5172 | else
| 5173 | if(pt <> ptDataList) and (ord(pt) >= ord(low(TRemPromptType))) then
| 5174 | begin
| 5175 | Pdt := RemPromptTypes[pt];
| 5176 | if (Pdt = dt) or (Pdt = dtAll) or
| 5177 | ((Pdt = dtHistorical) and assigned(Prompt.FParent) and
| 5178 | Prompt.FParent.Historical) then
| 5179 | pnum := FinishPromptPieceNum[pt];
| 5180 | if(pnum > 0) then
| 5181 | begin
| 5182 | if(pt = ptPrimaryDiag) then
| 5183 | SetPiece(x, U, pnum, BoolChar[Primary])
| 5184 | else
| 5185 | SetPiece(x, U, pnum, Prompt.GetValue);
| 5186 | end;
| 5187 | end;
| 5188 | end;
| 5189 |
| 5190 | procedure Add(Str: string; Root: TRemPCERoot);
| 5191 | var
| 5192 | i, Qty: integer;
| 5193 | Value, IsGAF, txt, x, Code, Nar, Cat: string;
| 5194 | Skip: boolean;
| 5195 | Prompt: TRemPrompt;
| 5196 | dt: TRemDataType;
| 5197 | TestDate: TFMDateTime;
| 5198 | i1,i2: integer;
| 5199 |
| 5200 | begin
| 5201 | x := '';
| 5202 | dt := Code2DataType(Piece(Str, U, r3Type));
| 5203 | PCECat := RemData2PCECat[dt];
| 5204 | Code := Piece(Str, U, r3Code);
| 5205 | if(Code = '') then
| 5206 | Code := Piece(Str, U, r3Code2);
| 5207 | Nar := Piece(Str, U, r3Nar);
| 5208 | Cat := Piece(Str, U, r3Cat);
| 5209 |
| 5210 | Primary := FALSE;
| 5211 | if(assigned(FParent) and assigned(FParent.FPrompts) and (PCECat = pdcDiag)) then
| 5212 | begin
| 5213 | if(FParent.Historical) then
| 5214 | begin
| 5215 | for i := 0 to FParent.FPrompts.Count-1 do
| 5216 | begin
| 5217 | Prompt := TRemPrompt(FParent.FPrompts[i]);
| 5218 | if(Prompt.PromptType = ptPrimaryDiag) then
| 5219 | begin
| 5220 | Primary := (Prompt.GetValue = BOOLCHAR[TRUE]);
| 5221 | break;
| 5222 | end;
| 5223 | end;
| 5224 | end
| 5225 | else
| 5226 | Primary := (Root = PrimaryDiagRoot);
| 5227 | end;
| 5228 |
| 5229 | Skip := FALSE;
| 5230 | if (PCECat = pdcMH) then
| 5231 | begin
| 5232 | IsGAF := Piece(FRec3, U, r3GAF);
| 5233 | Value := FChoicePrompt.GetValue;
| 5234 | if(Value = '') or ((IsGAF = '1') and (Value = '0')) then
| 5235 | Skip := TRUE;
| 5236 | end;
| 5237 |
| 5238 | if Finishing or (PCECat = pdcVital) then
| 5239 | begin
| 5240 | if(dt = dtOrder) then
| 5241 | x := U + Piece(Str,U,6) + U + Piece(Str,U,11) + U + Nar
| 5242 | else
| 5243 | begin
| 5244 | if (PCECat = pdcMH) then
| 5245 | begin
| 5246 | if(Skip) then
| 5247 | x := ''
| 5248 | else
| 5249 | begin
| 5250 | TestDate := Trunc(FParent.FReminder.PCEDataObj.VisitDateTime);
| 5251 | if(IsGAF = '1') then
| 5252 | ValidateGAFDate(TestDate);
| 5253 | x := U + Nar + U + IsGAF + U + FloatToStr(TestDate) + U +
| 5254 | IntToSTr(FParent.FReminder.PCEDataObj.Providers.PCEProvider);
| 5255 | end;
| 5256 | end
| 5257 | else
| 5258 | if (PCECat <> pdcVital) then
| 5259 | begin
| 5260 | x := Piece(Str, U, 6);
| 5261 | SetPiece(x, U, pnumCode, Code);
| 5262 | SetPiece(x, U, pnumCategory, Cat);
| 5263 | SetPiece(x, U, pnumNarrative, Nar);
| 5264 | end;
| 5265 | if(assigned(FParent)) then
| 5266 | begin
| 5267 | if(assigned(FParent.FPrompts)) then
| 5268 | begin
| 5269 | for i := 0 to FParent.FPrompts.Count-1 do
| 5270 | begin
| 5271 | Prompt := TRemPrompt(FParent.FPrompts[i]);
| 5272 | if(not Prompt.FIsShared) then
| 5273 | AddPrompt(Prompt, dt, x);
| 5274 | end;
| 5275 | end;
| 5276 | if(assigned(FParent.FParent) and FParent.FParent.FHasSharedPrompts) then
| 5277 | begin
| 5278 | for i := 0 to FParent.FParent.FPrompts.Count-1 do
| 5279 | begin
| 5280 | Prompt := TRemPrompt(FParent.FParent.FPrompts[i]);
| 5281 | if(Prompt.FIsShared) and (Prompt.FSharedChildren.IndexOf(FParent) >= 0) then
| 5282 | AddPrompt(Prompt, dt, x);
| 5283 | end;
| 5284 | end;
| 5285 | end;
| 5286 | end;
| 5287 | if(x <> '') then
| 5288 | List.AddObject(Char(ord('A')+ord(PCECat)) + x, Self);
| 5289 | end
| 5290 | else
| 5291 | begin
| 5292 | Qty := 1;
| 5293 | if(assigned(FParent) and assigned(FParent.FPrompts)) then
| 5294 | begin
| 5295 | if(PCECat = pdcProc) then
| 5296 | begin
| 5297 | for i := 0 to FParent.FPrompts.Count-1 do
| 5298 | begin
| 5299 | Prompt := TRemPrompt(FParent.FPrompts[i]);
| 5300 | if(Prompt.PromptType = ptQuantity) then
| 5301 | begin
| 5302 | Qty := StrToIntDef(Prompt.GetValue, 1);
| 5303 | if(Qty < 1) then Qty := 1;
| 5304 | break;
| 5305 | end;
| 5306 | end;
| 5307 | end;
| 5308 | end;
| 5309 | if (not Skip) then
| 5310 | begin
| 5311 | txt := Char(ord('A')+ord(PCECat)) +
| 5312 | GetPCEDataText(PCECat, Code, Cat, Nar, Primary, Qty);
| 5313 | if(assigned(FParent) and FParent.Historical) then
| 5314 | // txt := txt + ' (Historical)'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5315 | txt := txt + DKLangConstW('uReminders_xHistoricalx'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5316 | List.AddObject(txt, Self);
| 5317 | inc(Result);
| 5318 | end;
| 5319 | if assigned(FParent) and assigned(FParent.FMSTPrompt) then
| 5320 | begin
| 5321 | txt := FParent.FMSTPrompt.Value;
| 5322 | if txt <> '' then
| 5323 | begin
| 5324 | if FParent.FMSTPrompt.FMiscText = '' then
| 5325 | begin
| 5326 | i1 := 0;
| 5327 | i2 := 2;
| 5328 | end
| 5329 | else
| 5330 | begin
| 5331 | i1 := 3;
| 5332 | i2 := 4;
| 5333 | end;
| 5334 | for i := i1 to i2 do
| 5335 | //kt if txt = MSTDescTxt[i,1] then
| 5336 | if txt = MSTDescTxt(i,1) then
| 5337 | begin
| 5338 | //kt List.AddObject(Char( ord('A') + ord(pdcMST)) + MSTDescTxt[i,0], Self);
| 5339 | List.AddObject(Char( ord('A') + ord(pdcMST)) + MSTDescTxt(i,0), Self);
| 5340 | break;
| 5341 | end;
| 5342 | end;
| 5343 | end;
| 5344 | end;
| 5345 | end;
| 5346 |
| 5347 | begin
| 5348 | Result := 0;
| 5349 | if(assigned(FChoicePrompt)) and (assigned(FChoices)) then
| 5350 | begin
| 5351 | If not assigned(FChoicesActiveDates) then
| 5352 | begin
| 5353 | for i := 0 to FChoices.Count - 1 do
| 5354 | begin
| 5355 | if (copy(FChoicePrompt.GetValue, i+1, 1) = '1') then
| 5356 | Add(FChoices[i], TRemPCERoot(FChoices.Objects[i]))
| 5357 | end
| 5358 | end
| 5359 | else {if there are active dates for each choice then check them}
| 5360 | begin
| 5361 | If Self.FParent.Historical then
| 5362 | EncDt := DateTimeToFMDateTime(Date)
| 5363 | else
| 5364 | EncDt := RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime;
| 5365 | k := 0;
| 5366 | for i := 0 to FChoices.Count - 1 do
| 5367 | begin
| 5368 | for j := 0 to (TStringList(Self.FChoicesActiveDates[i]).Count - 1) do
| 5369 | begin
| 5370 | ActDt := StrToIntDef((Piece(TStringList(Self.FChoicesActiveDates[i]).Strings[j], ':', 1)),0);
| 5371 | InActDt := StrToIntDef((Piece(TStringList(Self.FChoicesActiveDates[i]).Strings[j], ':', 2)),9999999);
| 5372 | if (EncDt >= ActDt) and (EncDt <= InActDt) then
| 5373 | begin
| 5374 | if(copy(FChoicePrompt.GetValue, k+1,1) = '1') then
| 5375 | Add(FChoices[i], TRemPCERoot(FChoices.Objects[i]));
| 5376 | inc(k);
| 5377 | end; {Active date check}
| 5378 | end; {FChoicesActiveDates.Items[i] loop}
| 5379 | end; {FChoices loop}
| 5380 | end {FChoicesActiveDates check}
| 5381 | end {FChoicePrompt and FChoices check}
| 5382 | else
| 5383 | Add(FRec3, FPCERoot); {Active dates for this are checked in TRemDlgElement.AddData}
| 5384 | end;
| 5385 |
| 5386 | function TRemData.Category: string;
| 5387 | begin
| 5388 | Result := Piece(FRec3, U, r3Cat);
| 5389 | end;
| 5390 |
| 5391 | function TRemData.DataType: TRemDataType;
| 5392 | begin
| 5393 | Result := Code2DataType(Piece(FRec3, U, r3Type));
| 5394 | end;
| 5395 |
| 5396 | destructor TRemData.Destroy;
| 5397 | var
| 5398 | i: integer;
| 5399 |
| 5400 | begin
| 5401 | if(assigned(FPCERoot)) then
| 5402 | FPCERoot.Done(Self);
| 5403 | if(assigned(FChoices)) then
| 5404 | begin
| 5405 | for i := 0 to FChoices.Count-1 do
| 5406 | begin
| 5407 | if(assigned(FChoices.Objects[i])) then
| 5408 | TRemPCERoot(FChoices.Objects[i]).Done(Self);
| 5409 | end;
| 5410 | end;
| 5411 | KillObj(@FChoices);
| 5412 | inherited;
| 5413 | end;
| 5414 |
| 5415 | function TRemData.DisplayWHResults: boolean;
| 5416 | begin
| 5417 | Result :=False;
| 5418 | if FRec3<>'' then
| 5419 | Result := (Piece(FRec3, U, 6) <> '0');
| 5420 | end;
| 5421 |
| 5422 | function TRemData.ExternalValue: string;
| 5423 | begin
| 5424 | Result := Piece(FRec3, U, r3Code);
| 5425 | end;
| 5426 |
| 5427 | function TRemData.InternalValue: string;
| 5428 | begin
| 5429 | Result := Piece(FRec3, U, 6);
| 5430 | end;
| 5431 |
| 5432 | function TRemData.Narrative: string;
| 5433 | begin
| 5434 | Result := Piece(FRec3, U, r3Nar);
| 5435 | end;
| 5436 |
| 5437 | { TRemPrompt }
| 5438 |
| 5439 | function TRemPrompt.Add2PN: boolean;
| 5440 | begin
| 5441 | Result := FALSE;
| 5442 | if (not Forced) and (PromptOK) then
| 5443 | //if PromptOK then
| 5444 | Result := (Piece(FRec4, U, 5) <> '1');
| 5445 | if (Result=false) and (Piece(FRec4,U,4)='WH_NOT_PURP') then
| 5446 | Result := True;
| 5447 | end;
| 5448 |
| 5449 | function TRemPrompt.Caption: string;
| 5450 | begin
| 5451 | Result := Piece(FRec4, U, 8);
| 5452 | if(not FCaptionAssigned) then
| 5453 | begin
| 5454 | AssignFieldIDs(Result);
| 5455 | SetPiece(FRec4, U, 8, Result);
| 5456 | FCaptionAssigned := TRUE;
| 5457 | end;
| 5458 | end;
| 5459 |
| 5460 | constructor TRemPrompt.Create;
| 5461 | begin
| 5462 | FOverrideType := ptUnknown;
| 5463 | end;
| 5464 |
| 5465 | function TRemPrompt.Forced: boolean;
| 5466 | begin
| 5467 | Result := (Piece(FRec4, U, 7) = 'F');
| 5468 | end;
| 5469 |
| 5470 | function TRemPrompt.InternalValue: string;
| 5471 | var
| 5472 | m, d, y: word;
| 5473 | Code: string;
| 5474 |
| 5475 | begin
| 5476 | Result := Piece(FRec4, U, 6);
| 5477 | Code := Piece(FRec4, U, 4);
| 5478 | if(Code = RemPromptCodes[ptVisitDate]) then
| 5479 | begin
| 5480 | if(copy(Result,1,1) = MonthReqCode) then
| 5481 | begin
| 5482 | FMonthReq := TRUE;
| 5483 | delete(Result,1,1);
| 5484 | end;
| 5485 | if(Result = '') then
| 5486 | begin
| 5487 | DecodeDate(Now, y, m, d);
| 5488 | Result := inttostr(y-1700)+'0000';
| 5489 | SetPiece(FRec4, U, 6, Result);
| 5490 | end;
| 5491 | end;
| 5492 | end;
| 5493 |
| 5494 | procedure TRemPrompt.PromptChange(Sender: TObject);
| 5495 | var
| 5496 | cbo: TORComboBox;
| 5497 | pt: TRemPromptType;
| 5498 | TmpValue, OrgValue: string;
| 5499 | idx, i: integer;
| 5500 | NeedRedraw: boolean;
| 5501 | dte: TFMDateTime;
| 5502 | whCKB: TWHCheckBox;
| 5503 | //printoption: TORCheckBox;
| 5504 | WHValue, WHValue1: String;
| 5505 | begin
| 5506 | FParent.FReminder.BeginTextChanged;
| 5507 | try
| 5508 | FFromControl := TRUE;
| 5509 | try
| 5510 | TmpValue := GetValue;
| 5511 | OrgValue := TmpValue;
| 5512 | pt := PromptType;
| 5513 | NeedRedraw := FALSE;
| 5514 | case pt of
| 5515 | ptComment, ptQuantity:
| 5516 | TmpValue := (Sender as TEdit).Text;
| 5517 |
| 5518 | ptVisitDate:
| 5519 | begin
| 5520 | dte := (Sender as TORDateCombo).FMDate;
| 5521 | while (dte > 2000000) and (dte > FMToday) do
| 5522 | begin
| 5523 | dte := dte - 10000;
| 5524 | NeedRedraw := TRUE;
| 5525 | end;
| 5526 | TmpValue := FloatToStr(dte);
| 5527 | if(TmpValue = '1000000') then
| 5528 | TmpValue := '0';
| 5529 | end;
| 5530 |
| 5531 | ptPrimaryDiag, ptAdd2PL, ptContraindicated:
| 5532 | begin
| 5533 | TmpValue := BOOLCHAR[(Sender as TORCheckBox).Checked];
| 5534 | NeedRedraw := (pt = ptPrimaryDiag);
| 5535 | end;
| 5536 |
| 5537 | ptVisitLocation:
| 5538 | begin
| 5539 | cbo := (Sender as TORComboBox);
| 5540 | if(cbo.ItemIEN < 0) then
| 5541 | NeedRedraw := (not cbo.DroppedDown)
| 5542 | else
| 5543 | begin
| 5544 | if(cbo.ItemIndex <= 0) then
| 5545 | cbo.Items[0] := '0' + U + cbo.text;
| 5546 | TmpValue := cbo.ItemID;
| 5547 | if(StrToIntDef(TmpValue,0) = 0) then
| 5548 | TmpValue := cbo.Text;
| 5549 | end;
| 5550 | end;
| 5551 |
| 5552 | ptWHPapResult:
| 5553 | begin
| 5554 | if (Sender is TWHCheckBox) then
| 5555 | begin
| 5556 | whCKB := (Sender as TWHCheckBox);
| 5557 | if whCKB.Checked = true then
| 5558 | begin
| 5559 | // if whCKB.Caption ='NEM (No Evidence of Malignancy)' then FParent.WHResultChk := 'N'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5560 | if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_NEM_xNo_Evidence_of_Malignancyx') then FParent.WHResultChk := 'N'; //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5561 | // if whCKB.Caption ='Abnormal' then FParent.WHResultChk := 'A'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5562 | if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_Abnormal') then FParent.WHResultChk := 'A'; //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5563 | // if whCKB.Caption ='Unsatisfactory for Diagnosis' then FParent.WHResultChk := 'U'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5564 | if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_Unsatisfactory_for_Diagnosis') then FParent.WHResultChk := 'U'; //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5565 | //AGP Change 23.13 WH multiple processing
| 5566 | for i := 0 to FParent.FData.Count-1 do
| 5567 | begin
| 5568 | if Piece(TRemData(FParent.FData[i]).FRec3,U,4)='WHR' then
| 5569 | begin
| 5570 | FParent.FReminder.WHReviewIEN := Piece(TRemData(FParent.FData[i]).FRec3,U,6)
| 5571 | end;
| 5572 | end;
| 5573 | end
| 5574 | else
| 5575 | begin
| 5576 | FParent.WHResultChk := '';
| 5577 | FParent.FReminder.WHReviewIEN := ''; //AGP CHANGE 23.13
| 5578 | end;
| 5579 | end;
| 5580 | end;
| 5581 |
| 5582 |
| 5583 | ptWHNotPurp:
| 5584 | begin
| 5585 | if (Sender is TWHCheckBox) then
| 5586 | begin
| 5587 | whCKB := (Sender as TWHCheckBox);
| 5588 | if whCKB.Checked = true then
| 5589 | begin
| 5590 | // if whCKB.Caption ='Letter' then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5591 | if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter') then //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5592 | begin
| 5593 | if FParent.WHResultNot='' then FParent.WHResultNot := 'L'
| 5594 | else
| 5595 | if Pos('L',FParent.WHResultNot)=0 then FParent.WHResultNot := FParent.WHResultNot +':L';
| 5596 | if whCKB.FButton <> nil then whCKB.FButton.Enabled := true;
| 5597 | if whCKB.FPrintNow <> nil then
| 5598 | begin
| 5599 | whCKB.FPrintVis :='1';
| 5600 | whCKB.FPrintNow.Enabled := true;
| 5601 | end;
| 5602 | end;
| 5603 | // if whCKB.Caption ='In-Person' then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5604 | if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_InxPerson') then //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5605 | begin
| 5606 | if FParent.WHResultNot='' then FParent.WHResultNot := 'I'
| 5607 | else
| 5608 | if Pos('I',FParent.WHResultNot)=0 then FParent.WHResultNot := FParent.WHResultNot+':I';
| 5609 | end;
| 5610 | // if whCKB.Caption ='Phone Call' then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5611 | if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_Phone_Call') then //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5612 | begin
| 5613 | if FParent.WHResultNot='' then FParent.WHResultNot := 'P'
| 5614 | else
| 5615 | if Pos('P',FParent.WHResultNot)=0 then FParent.WHResultNot := FParent.WHResultNot+':P';
| 5616 | end;
| 5617 | end
| 5618 | else
| 5619 | begin
| 5620 | // this section is to handle unchecking of boxes and disabling print now and view button
| 5621 | WHValue := FParent.WHResultNot;
| 5622 | // if whCKB.Caption ='Letter' then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5623 | if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter') then //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5624 | begin
| 5625 | for i:=1 to Length(WHValue) do
| 5626 | begin
| 5627 | if WHValue1='' then
| 5628 | begin
| 5629 | if (WHValue[i]<>'L') and (WHValue[i]<>':') then WHValue1 := WHValue[i];
| 5630 | end
| 5631 | else
| 5632 | if (WHValue[i]<>'L') and (WHValue[i]<>':') then WHValue1 := WHValue1+':'+WHValue[i];
| 5633 | end;
| 5634 | if (whCKB.FButton <> nil) and (whCKB.FButton.Enabled = true) then whCKB.FButton.Enabled := false;
| 5635 | if (whCKB.FPrintNow <> nil) and (whCKB.FPrintNow.Enabled = true) then
| 5636 | begin
| 5637 | whCKB.FPrintVis := '0';
| 5638 | if whCKB.FPrintNow.Checked = true then whCKB.FPrintNow.Checked := false;
| 5639 | whCKB.FPrintNow.Enabled := false;
| 5640 | FParent.WHPrintDevice := '';
| 5641 | end;
| 5642 | end;
| 5643 | // if whCKB.Caption ='In-Person' then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5644 | if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_InxPerson') then //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5645 | begin
| 5646 | for i:=1 to Length(WHValue) do
| 5647 | begin
| 5648 | if WHValue1='' then
| 5649 | begin
| 5650 | if (WHValue[i]<>'I') and (WHValue[i]<>':') then WHValue1 := WHValue[i];
| 5651 | end
| 5652 | else
| 5653 | if (WHValue[i]<>'I') and (WHValue[i]<>':') then WHValue1 := WHValue1+':'+WHValue[i];
| 5654 | end;
| 5655 | end;
| 5656 | // if whCKB.Caption ='Phone Call' then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5657 | if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_Phone_Call') then //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5658 | begin
| 5659 | for i:=1 to Length(WHValue) do
| 5660 | begin
| 5661 | if WHValue1='' then
| 5662 | begin
| 5663 | if (WHValue[i]<>'P') and (WHValue[i]<>':') then WHValue1 := WHValue[i];
| 5664 | end
| 5665 | else
| 5666 | if (WHValue[i]<>'P') and (WHValue[i]<>':') then WHValue1 := WHValue1+':'+WHValue[i];
| 5667 | end;
| 5668 | end;
| 5669 | FParent.WHResultNot := WHValue1;
| 5670 | end;
| 5671 | end
| 5672 | else
| 5673 | if ((Sender as TORCheckBox)<>nil) and (Piece(FRec4,U,12)='1') then
| 5674 | begin
| 5675 | // if (((Sender as TORCheckBox).Caption = 'Print Now') and <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5676 | if (((Sender as TORCheckBox).Caption = DKLangConstW('uReminders_Print_Now')) and //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5677 | ((Sender as TORCheckBox).Enabled =true)) and ((Sender as TORCheckBox).Checked = true) and
| 5678 | (FParent.WHPrintDevice ='') then
| 5679 | begin
| 5680 | // FParent.WHPrintDevice := SelectDevice(Self, Encounter.Location, false, 'Women Health Print Device Selection'); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5681 | FParent.WHPrintDevice := SelectDevice(Self, Encounter.Location, false, DKLangConstW('uReminders_Women_Health_Print_Device_Selection')); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5682 | FPrintNow :='1';
| 5683 | if FParent.WHPrintDevice ='' then
| 5684 | begin
| 5685 | FPrintNow :='0';
| 5686 | (Sender as TORCheckBox).Checked := false;
| 5687 | end;
| 5688 | end;
| 5689 | // if (((Sender as TORCheckBox).Caption = 'Print Now') and <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5690 | if (((Sender as TORCheckBox).Caption = DKLangConstW('uReminders_Print_Now')) and //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5691 | ((Sender as TORCheckBox).Enabled =true)) and ((Sender as TORCheckBox).Checked = false) then
| 5692 | begin
| 5693 | FParent.WHPrintDevice := '';
| 5694 | FPrintNow :='0';
| 5695 | end;
| 5696 | end;
| 5697 | end;
| 5698 |
| 5699 | ptExamResults, ptSkinResults, ptLevelSeverity,
| 5700 | ptSeries, ptReaction, ptLevelUnderstanding, ptSkinReading: //(AGP Change 26.1)
| 5701 | TmpValue := (Sender as TORComboBox).ItemID;
| 5702 | else
| 5703 | if pt = ptVitalEntry then
| 5704 | begin
| 5705 | case (Sender as TControl).Tag of
| 5707 | TAG_VITPAIN: begin
| 5708 | idx := -1;
| 5709 | TmpValue := (Sender as TORComboBox).ItemID;
| 5710 | if FParent.VitalDateTime = 0 then
| 5711 | FParent.VitalDateTime := FMNow;
| 5712 | end;
| 5713 | else
| 5714 | idx := 1;
| 5715 | end;
| 5716 | if(idx > 0) then
| 5717 | begin
| 5718 | //AGP Change 26.1 change Vital time/date to Now instead of encounter date/time
| 5719 | SetPiece(TmpValue, ';', idx, TORExposedControl(Sender).Text);
| 5720 | if (FParent.VitalDateTime > 0) and (TORExposedControl(Sender).Text = '') then
| 5721 | FParent.VitalDateTime := 0;
| 5722 | if (FParent.VitalDateTime = 0) and (TORExposedControl(Sender).Text <> '') then
| 5723 | FParent.VitalDateTime := FMNow;
| 5724 | end;
| 5725 | end
| 5726 | else
| 5727 | if pt = ptDataList then
| 5728 | begin
| 5729 | TmpValue := (Sender as TORComboBox).CheckedString;
| 5730 | NeedRedraw := TRUE;
| 5731 | end
| 5732 | else
| 5733 | if pt = ptGAF then
| 5734 | TmpValue := (Sender as TEdit).Text;
| 5735 | end;
| 5736 | if(TmpValue <> OrgValue) then
| 5737 | begin
| 5738 | if NeedRedraw then
| 5739 | FParent.FReminder.BeginNeedRedraw;
| 5740 | try
| 5741 | SetValue(TmpValue);
| 5742 | finally
| 5743 | if NeedRedraw then
| 5744 | FParent.FReminder.EndNeedRedraw(Self);
| 5745 | end;
| 5746 | end
| 5747 | else
| 5748 | if NeedRedraw then
| 5749 | begin
| 5750 | FParent.FReminder.BeginNeedRedraw;
| 5751 | FParent.FReminder.EndNeedRedraw(Self);
| 5752 | end;
| 5753 | finally
| 5754 | FFromControl := FALSE;
| 5755 | end;
| 5756 | finally
| 5757 | FParent.FReminder.EndTextChanged(Sender);
| 5758 | end;
| 5759 | if(FParent.ElemType = etDisplayOnly) and (not assigned(FParent.FParent)) then
| 5760 | RemindersInProcess.Notifier.Notify;
| 5761 | end;
| 5762 |
| 5763 |
| 5764 | procedure TRemPrompt.ComboBoxKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
| 5765 | begin
| 5766 | if(Key = VK_RETURN) and (Sender is TORComboBox) and
| 5767 | ((Sender as TORComboBox).DroppedDown) then
| 5768 | (Sender as TORComboBox).DroppedDown := FALSE;
| 5769 | end;
| 5770 |
| 5771 | function TRemPrompt.PromptOK: boolean;
| 5772 | var
| 5773 | pt: TRemPromptType;
| 5774 | dt: TRemDataType;
| 5775 | i: integer;
| 5776 |
| 5777 | begin
| 5778 | pt := PromptType;
| 5779 | if(pt = ptUnknown) or (pt = ptMST) then
| 5780 | Result := FALSE
| 5781 | else
| 5782 | if(pt = ptDataList) or (pt = ptVitalEntry) or (pt = ptMHTest) or (pt = ptGAF) or
| 5783 | (pt = ptWHPapResult) then
| 5784 | Result := TRUE
| 5785 | else
| 5786 | if(pt = ptSubComment) then
| 5787 | Result := FParent.FHasComment
| 5788 | else
| 5789 | begin
| 5790 | dt := RemPromptTypes[PromptType];
| 5791 | if(dt = dtAll) then Result := TRUE
| 5792 | else if(dt = dtUnknown) then Result := FALSE
| 5793 | else if(dt = dtHistorical) then Result := FParent.Historical
| 5794 | else
| 5795 | begin
| 5796 | Result := FALSE;
| 5797 | if(assigned(FParent.FData)) then
| 5798 | begin
| 5799 | for i := 0 to FParent.FData.Count-1 do
| 5800 | begin
| 5801 | if(TRemData(FParent.FData[i]).DataType = dt) then
| 5802 | begin
| 5803 | Result := TRUE;
| 5804 | break;
| 5805 | end;
| 5806 | end;
| 5807 | end;
| 5808 | end;
| 5809 | end;
| 5810 | end;
| 5811 |
| 5812 | function TRemPrompt.PromptType: TRemPromptType;
| 5813 | begin
| 5814 | if(assigned(FData)) then
| 5815 | Result := FOverrideType
| 5816 | else
| 5817 | Result := Code2PromptType(Piece(FRec4, U, 4));
| 5818 | end;
| 5819 |
| 5820 |
| 5821 | function TRemPrompt.Required: boolean;
| 5822 | var
| 5823 | pt: TRemPromptType;
| 5824 |
| 5825 | begin
| 5826 | pt := PromptType;
| 5827 | if(pt = ptVisitDate) then
| 5828 | Result := TRUE
| 5829 | else
| 5830 | if(pt = ptSubComment) then
| 5831 | Result := FALSE
| 5832 | else
| 5833 | Result := (Piece(FRec4, U, 10) = '1');
| 5834 | end;
| 5835 |
| 5836 | function TRemPrompt.SameLine: boolean;
| 5837 | begin
| 5838 | Result := (Piece(FRec4, U, 9) <> '1');
| 5839 | end;
| 5840 |
| 5841 | function TRemPrompt.NoteText: string;
| 5842 | var
| 5843 | pt: TRemPromptType;
| 5844 | fmt, tmp, WHValue: string;
| 5845 | cnt, i, j, k: integer;
| 5846 | ActDt, InActDt: Double;
| 5847 | EncDt: TFMDateTime;
| 5848 |
| 5849 | begin
| 5850 | Result := '';
| 5851 | if Add2PN then
| 5852 | begin
| 5853 | pt := PromptType;
| 5854 | tmp := GetValue;
| 5855 | case pt of
| 5856 | ptComment: Result := tmp;
| 5857 |
| 5858 | ptQuantity: if(StrToIntDef(tmp,1) <> 1) then
| 5859 | Result := tmp;
| 5860 |
| 5861 | (* ptSkinReading: if(StrToIntDef(tmp,0) <> 0) then
| 5862 | Result := tmp; *)
| 5863 |
| 5864 | ptSkinReading: // (AGP Change 26.1)
| 5865 | begin
| 5866 | Result := tmp;
| 5867 | end;
| 5868 |
| 5869 | ptVisitDate:
| 5870 | begin
| 5871 | try
| 5872 | if(tmp <> '') and (tmp <> '0') and (length(Tmp) = 7) then
| 5873 | begin
| 5874 | if FMonthReq and (copy(tmp,4,2) = '00') then
| 5875 | Result := ''
| 5876 | else
| 5877 | begin
| 5878 | if(copy(tmp,4,4) = '0000') then
| 5879 | fmt := 'YYYY'
| 5880 | else
| 5881 | if(copy(tmp,6,2) = '00') then
| 5882 | fmt := 'MMMM, YYYY'
| 5883 | else
| 5884 | fmt := 'MMMM D, YYYY';
| 5885 | Result := FormatFMDateTimeStr(fmt, tmp);
| 5886 | end;
| 5887 | end;
| 5888 | except
| 5889 | on EConvertError do
| 5890 | Result := tmp
| 5891 | else
| 5892 | raise;
| 5893 | end;
| 5894 | end;
| 5895 |
| 5896 | ptPrimaryDiag, ptAdd2PL, ptContraindicated:
| 5897 | if(tmp = '1') then
| 5898 | Result := ' ';
| 5899 |
| 5900 | ptVisitLocation:
| 5901 | if(StrToIntDef(tmp, 0) = 0) then
| 5902 | begin
| 5903 | if(tmp <> '0') then
| 5904 | Result := tmp;
| 5905 | end
| 5906 | else
| 5907 | begin
| 5908 | Result := GetPCEDisplayText(tmp, ComboPromptTags[pt]);
| 5909 | end;
| 5910 |
| 5911 | ptWHPapResult:
| 5912 | begin
| 5913 | // if Fparent.WHResultChk='N' then Result := 'NEM (No Evidence of Malignancy)'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5914 | if Fparent.WHResultChk='N' then Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_NEM_xNo_Evidence_of_Malignancyx'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5915 | // if Fparent.WHResultChk='A' then Result := 'Abnormal'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5916 | if Fparent.WHResultChk='A' then Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Abnormal'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5917 | // if Fparent.WHResultChk='U' then Result := 'Unsatisfactory for Diagnosis'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5918 | if Fparent.WHResultChk='U' then Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Unsatisfactory_for_Diagnosis'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5919 | if FParent.WHResultChk='' then Result := '';
| 5920 | end;
| 5921 |
| 5922 | ptWHNotPurp:
| 5923 | begin
| 5924 | if FParent.WHResultNot <> '' then
| 5925 | begin
| 5926 | WHValue := FParent.WHResultNot;
| 5927 | //IF Forced = false then
| 5928 | //begin
| 5929 | if WHValue <> 'CPRS' then
| 5930 | begin
| 5931 | for cnt := 1 to Length(WHValue) do
| 5932 | begin
| 5933 | if Result ='' then
| 5934 | begin
| 5935 | // if WHValue[cnt]='L' then Result := 'Letter'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5936 | if WHValue[cnt]='L' then Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5937 | // if WHValue[cnt]='I' then Result := 'In-Person'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5938 | if WHValue[cnt]='I' then Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_InxPerson'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5939 | // if WHValue[cnt]='P' then Result := 'Phone Call'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5940 | if WHValue[cnt]='P' then Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Phone_Call'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5941 | end
| 5942 | else
| 5943 | begin
| 5944 | // if (WHValue[cnt]='L')and(Pos('Letter',Result)=0) then Result := Result+'; Letter'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5945 | if (WHValue[cnt]='L')and(Pos(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter'),Result)=0) then Result := Result+DKLangConstW('uReminders_x_Letter'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5946 | // if (WHValue[cnt]='I')and(Pos('In-Person',Result)=0) then Result := Result+'; In-Person'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5947 | if (WHValue[cnt]='I')and(Pos(DKLangConstW('uReminders_InxPerson'),Result)=0) then Result := Result+DKLangConstW('uReminders_x_InxPerson'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5948 | // if (WHValue[cnt]='P')and(Pos('Phone Call',Result)=0) then Result := Result+'; Phone Call'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5949 | if (WHValue[cnt]='P')and(Pos(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Phone_Call'),Result)=0) then Result := Result+DKLangConstW('uReminders_x_Phone_Call'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5950 | end;
| 5951 | end;
| 5952 | end;
| 5953 | end
| 5954 | else
| 5955 | if Forced = true then
| 5956 | begin
| 5957 | if pos(':',Piece(FRec4,U,6))=0 then
| 5958 | begin
| 5959 | if Piece(FRec4,U,6)='L' then
| 5960 | begin
| 5961 | // Result := 'Letter'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5962 | Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5963 | FParent.WHResultNot :='L';
| 5964 | end;
| 5965 | if Piece(FRec4,U,6)='I' then
| 5966 | begin
| 5967 | // Result := 'In-Person'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5968 | Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_InxPerson'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5969 | FParent.WHResultNot := 'I';
| 5970 | end;
| 5971 | if Piece(FRec4,U,6)='P' then
| 5972 | begin
| 5973 | // Result := 'Phone Call'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5974 | Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Phone_Call'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5975 | FParent.WHResultNot := 'P';
| 5976 | end;
| 5977 | if Piece(FRec4,U,6)='CPRS' then
| 5978 | begin
| 5979 | Result := '';
| 5980 | FParent.WHResultNot := 'CPRS';
| 5981 | end;
| 5982 | end
| 5983 | else
| 5984 | begin
| 5985 | WHValue := Piece(FRec4,U,6);
| 5986 | for cnt := 0 to Length(WHValue) do
| 5987 | begin
| 5988 | if Result ='' then
| 5989 | begin
| 5990 | if WHValue[cnt]='L' then
| 5991 | begin
| 5992 | // Result := 'Letter'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5993 | Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 5994 | FParent.WHResultNot := WHValue[cnt];
| 5995 | end;
| 5996 | if WHValue[cnt]='I' then
| 5997 | begin
| 5998 | // Result := 'In-Person'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 5999 | Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_InxPerson'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6000 | FParent.WHResultNot := WHValue[cnt];
| 6001 | end;
| 6002 | if WHValue[cnt]='P' then
| 6003 | begin
| 6004 | // Result := 'Phone Call'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6005 | Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Phone_Call'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6006 | FParent.WHResultNot := WHValue[cnt];
| 6007 | end;
| 6008 | end
| 6009 | else
| 6010 | begin
| 6011 | // if (WHValue[cnt]='L')and(Pos('Letter',Result)=0) then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6012 | if (WHValue[cnt]='L')and(Pos(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter'),Result)=0) then //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6013 | begin
| 6014 | // Result := Result +'; Letter'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6015 | Result := Result +DKLangConstW('uReminders_x_Letter'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6016 | FParent.WHResultNot := FParent.WHResultNot + ':' + WHValue[cnt];
| 6017 | end;
| 6018 | // if (WHValue[cnt]='I')and(Pos('In-Person',Result)=0) then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6019 | if (WHValue[cnt]='I')and(Pos(DKLangConstW('uReminders_InxPerson'),Result)=0) then //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6020 | begin
| 6021 | // Result := Result +'; In-Person'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6022 | Result := Result +DKLangConstW('uReminders_x_InxPerson'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6023 | FParent.WHResultNot := FParent.WHResultNot + ':' + WHValue[cnt];
| 6024 | end;
| 6025 | // if (WHValue[cnt]='P')and(Pos('Phone Call',Result)=0) then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6026 | if (WHValue[cnt]='P')and(Pos(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Phone_Call'),Result)=0) then //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6027 | begin
| 6028 | // Result := Result +'; Phone Call'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6029 | Result := Result +DKLangConstW('uReminders_x_Phone_Call'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6030 | FParent.WHResultNot := FParent.WHResultNot + ':' + WHValue[cnt];
| 6031 | end;
| 6032 | end;
| 6033 | end;
| 6034 |
| 6035 | end;
| 6036 | end
| 6037 | else
| 6038 | Result := '';
| 6039 | end;
| 6040 |
| 6041 | ptExamResults, ptSkinResults, ptLevelSeverity,
| 6042 | ptSeries, ptReaction, ptLevelUnderstanding:
| 6043 | begin
| 6044 | Result := tmp;
| 6045 | if(Piece(Result,U,1) = '@') then
| 6046 | Result := ''
| 6047 | else
| 6048 | Result := GetPCEDisplayText(tmp, ComboPromptTags[pt]);
| 6049 | end;
| 6050 |
| 6051 | else
| 6052 | begin
| 6053 | if pt = ptDataList then
| 6054 | begin
| 6055 | if(assigned(FData) and assigned(FData.FChoices)) then
| 6056 | begin
| 6057 | if not(assigned(FData.FChoicesActiveDates)) then
| 6058 | for i := 0 to FData.FChoices.Count - 1 do
| 6059 | begin
| 6060 | if(copy(tmp,i+1,1) = '1') then
| 6061 | begin
| 6062 | if (Result <> '') then
| 6063 | Result := Result + ', ';
| 6064 | Result := Result + Piece(FData.FChoices[i],U,12);
| 6065 | end;
| 6066 | end
| 6067 | else {if there are active dates for each choice then check them}
| 6068 | begin
| 6069 | if Self.FParent.Historical then
| 6070 | EncDt := DateTimeToFMDateTime(Date)
| 6071 | else
| 6072 | EncDt := RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime;
| 6073 | k := 0;
| 6074 | for i := 0 to FData.FChoices.Count - 1 do
| 6075 | begin
| 6076 | for j := 0 to (TStringList(FData.FChoicesActiveDates[i]).Count - 1) do
| 6077 | begin
| 6078 | ActDt := StrToIntDef((Piece(TStringList(FData.FChoicesActiveDates[i]).Strings[j], ':', 1)),0);
| 6079 | InActDt := StrToIntDef((Piece(TStringList(FData.FChoicesActiveDates[i]).Strings[j], ':', 2)),9999999);
| 6080 | if (EncDt >= ActDt) and (EncDt <= InActDt) then
| 6081 | begin
| 6082 | if(copy(tmp,k+1,1) = '1') then
| 6083 | begin
| 6084 | if(Result <> '') then
| 6085 | Result := Result + ', ';
| 6086 | Result := Result + Piece(FData.FChoices[i],U,12);
| 6087 | end;
| 6088 | inc(k);
| 6089 | end; {ActiveDate check}
| 6090 | end; {FChoicesActiveDates.Items[i] loop}
| 6091 | end; {FChoices loop}
| 6092 | end;
| 6093 | end;
| 6094 | end
| 6095 | else
| 6096 | if pt = ptVitalEntry then
| 6097 | begin
| 6098 | Result := VitalValue;
| 6099 | if(Result <> '') then
| 6100 | Result := ConvertVitalData(Result, VitalType, VitalUnitValue);
| 6101 | end
| 6102 | else
| 6103 | if pt = ptMHTest then
| 6104 | Result := FMiscText
| 6105 | else
| 6106 | if pt = ptGAF then
| 6107 | begin
| 6108 | if(StrToIntDef(Piece(tmp, U, 1),0) <> 0) then
| 6109 | begin
| 6110 | Result := tmp;
| 6111 | (*
| 6112 | GafDate := Trunc(FParent.FReminder.PCEDataObj.VisitDateTime);
| 6113 | ValidateGAFDate(GafDate);
| 6114 | Result := tmp + CRCode + 'Date Determined: ' + FormatFMDateTime('mm/dd/yyyy', GafDate) +
| 6115 | CRCode + 'Determined By: ' + FParent.FReminder.PCEDataObj.Providers.PCEProviderName;
| 6116 | *)
| 6117 | end;
| 6118 | end;
| 6119 | end;
| 6120 |
| 6121 | end;
| 6122 | if(Result <> '') and (Caption <> '') then
| 6123 | Result := Trim(Caption + ' ' + Trim(Result));
| 6124 | end;
| 6125 | end;
| 6126 |
| 6127 | function TRemPrompt.CanShare(Prompt: TRemPrompt): boolean;
| 6128 | var
| 6129 | pt: TRemPromptType;
| 6130 |
| 6131 | begin
| 6132 | if(Forced or Prompt.Forced or Prompt.FIsShared or Required or Prompt.Required) then
| 6133 | Result := FALSE
| 6134 | else
| 6135 | begin
| 6136 | pt := PromptType;
| 6137 | Result := (pt = Prompt.PromptType);
| 6138 | if(Result) then
| 6139 | begin
| 6140 | if(pt in [ptAdd2PL, ptLevelUnderstanding]) or
| 6141 | ((pt = ptComment) and (not FParent.FHasSubComments)) then
| 6142 | Result := ((Add2PN = Prompt.Add2PN) and
| 6143 | (Caption = Prompt.Caption))
| 6144 | else
| 6145 | Result := FALSE;
| 6146 | end;
| 6147 | end;
| 6148 | end;
| 6149 |
| 6150 | destructor TRemPrompt.Destroy;
| 6151 | begin
| 6152 | KillObj(@FSharedChildren);
| 6153 | inherited;
| 6154 | end;
| 6155 |
| 6156 | function TRemPrompt.RemDataActive(RData: TRemData; EncDt: TFMDateTime):Boolean;
| 6157 | var
| 6158 | ActDt, InActDt: Double;
| 6159 | j: integer;
| 6160 |
| 6161 | begin
| 6162 | Result := FALSE;
| 6163 | if assigned(RData.FActiveDates) then
| 6164 | for j := 0 to (RData.FActiveDates.Count - 1) do
| 6165 | begin
| 6166 | ActDt := StrToIntDef(Piece(RData.FActiveDates[j],':',1), 0);
| 6167 | InActDt := StrToIntDef(Piece(RData.FActiveDates[j], ':', 2), 9999999);
| 6168 | if (EncDt >= ActDt) and (EncDt <= InActDt) then
| 6169 | begin
| 6170 | Result := TRUE;
| 6171 | Break;
| 6172 | end;
| 6173 | end
| 6174 | else
| 6175 | Result := TRUE;
| 6176 | end;
| 6177 |
| 6178 | function TRemPrompt.RemDataChoiceActive(RData: TRemData; j: integer; EncDt: TFMDateTime):Boolean;
| 6179 | var
| 6180 | ActDt, InActDt: Double;
| 6181 | i: integer;
| 6182 | begin
| 6183 | Result := FALSE;
| 6184 | If not assigned(RData.FChoicesActiveDates) then //if no active dates were sent
| 6185 | Result := TRUE //from the server then don't check dates
| 6186 | else {if there are active dates for each choice then check them}
| 6187 | begin
| 6188 | for i := 0 to (TStringList(RData.FChoicesActiveDates[j]).Count - 1) do
| 6189 | begin
| 6190 | ActDt := StrToIntDef((Piece(TStringList(RData.FChoicesActiveDates[j]).Strings[i], ':', 1)),0);
| 6191 | InActDt := StrToIntDef((Piece(TStringList(RData.FChoicesActiveDates[j]).Strings[i], ':', 2)),9999999);
| 6192 | if (EncDt >= ActDt) and (EncDt <= InActDt) then
| 6193 | begin
| 6194 | Result := True;
| 6195 | end; {Active date check}
| 6196 | end; {FChoicesActiveDates.Items[i] loop}
| 6197 | end {FChoicesActiveDates check}
| 6198 | end;
| 6199 |
| 6200 | function TRemPrompt.GetValue: string;
| 6201 | //Returns TRemPrompt.FValue if this TRemPrompt is not a ptPrimaryDiag
| 6202 | //Returns 0-False or 1-True if this TRemPrompt is a ptPrimaryDiag
| 6203 | var
| 6204 | i, j, k: integer;
| 6205 | RData: TRemData;
| 6206 | Ok: boolean;
| 6207 | EncDt: TFMDateTime;
| 6208 |
| 6209 | begin
| 6210 | OK := (Piece(FRec4, U, 4) = RemPromptCodes[ptPrimaryDiag]);
| 6211 | if(OK) and (assigned(FParent)) then
| 6212 | OK := (not FParent.Historical);
| 6213 | if OK then
| 6214 | begin
| 6215 | Ok := FALSE;
| 6216 | if(assigned(FParent) and assigned(FParent.FData)) then {If there's FData, see if}
| 6217 | begin {there's a primary diagnosis}
| 6218 | for i := 0 to FParent.FData.Count-1 do {if there is return True}
| 6219 | begin
| 6220 | EncDt := RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime;
| 6221 | RData := TRemData(FParent.FData[i]);
| 6222 | if(RData.DataType = dtDiagnosis) then
| 6223 | begin
| 6224 | if(assigned(RData.FPCERoot)) and (RemDataActive(RData, EncDt)) then
| 6225 | Ok := (RData.FPCERoot = PrimaryDiagRoot)
| 6226 | else
| 6227 | if(assigned(RData.FChoices)) and (assigned(RData.FChoicePrompt)) then
| 6228 | begin
| 6229 | k := 0;
| 6230 | for j := 0 to RData.FChoices.Count-1 do
| 6231 | begin
| 6232 | if RemDataChoiceActive(RData, j, EncDt) then
| 6233 | begin
| 6234 | if(assigned(RData.FChoices.Objects[j])) and
| 6235 | (copy(RData.FChoicePrompt.FValue,k+1,1)='1') then
| 6236 | begin
| 6237 | if(TRemPCERoot(RData.FChoices.Objects[j]) = PrimaryDiagRoot) then
| 6238 | begin
| 6239 | Ok := TRUE;
| 6240 | break;
| 6241 | end;
| 6242 | end; //if FChoices.Objects (which is the RemPCERoot object) is assigned
| 6243 | inc(k);
| 6244 | end; //if FChoices[j] is active
| 6245 | end; //loop through FChoices
| 6246 | end; //If there are FChoices and an FChoicePrompt (i.e.: is this a ptDataList}
| 6247 | end;
| 6248 | if Ok then break;
| 6249 | end;
| 6250 | end;
| 6251 | Result := BOOLCHAR[Ok];
| 6252 | end
| 6253 | else
| 6254 | Result := FValue;
| 6255 | end;
| 6256 |
| 6257 |
| 6258 |
| 6259 | procedure TRemPrompt.SetValue(Value: string);
| 6260 | var
| 6261 | pt: TRemPromptType;
| 6262 | i, j, k : integer;
| 6263 | RData: TRemData;
| 6264 | Primary, Done: boolean;
| 6265 | Tmp: string;
| 6266 | OK, NeedRefresh: boolean;
| 6267 | EncDt: TFMDateTime;
| 6268 |
| 6269 | begin
| 6270 | NeedRefresh := (not FFromControl);
| 6271 | if(Forced and (not FFromParent)) then exit;
| 6272 | pt := PromptType;
| 6273 | if(pt = ptVisitDate) then
| 6274 | begin
| 6275 | if(Value = '') then
| 6276 | Value := '0'
| 6277 | else
| 6278 | begin
| 6279 | try
| 6280 | if(StrToFloat(Value) > FMToday) then
| 6281 | begin
| 6282 | Value := '0';
| 6283 | // InfoBox('Can not enter a future date for a historical event.', <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6284 | InfoBox(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Can_not_enter_a_future_date_for_a_historical_eventx'), //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6285 | // 'Invalid Future Date', MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6286 | DKLangConstW('uReminders_Invalid_Future_Date'), MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6287 | end;
| 6288 | except
| 6289 | on EConvertError do
| 6290 | Value := '0'
| 6291 | else
| 6292 | raise;
| 6293 | end;
| 6294 | if(Value = '0') then
| 6295 | NeedRefresh := TRUE;
| 6296 | end;
| 6297 | end;
| 6298 | if(GetValue <> Value) or (FFromParent) then
| 6299 | begin
| 6300 | FValue := Value;
| 6301 | EncDt := RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime;
| 6302 | if((pt = ptExamResults) and assigned(FParent) and assigned(FParent.FData) and
| 6303 | (FParent.FData.Count > 0) and assigned(FParent.FMSTPrompt)) then
| 6304 | begin
| 6305 | FParent.FMSTPrompt.SetValueFromParent(Value);
| 6306 | if (FParent.FMSTPrompt.FMiscText = '') then
| 6307 | // Assumes first finding item is MST finding
| 6308 | FParent.FMSTPrompt.FMiscText := TRemData(FParent.FData[0]).InternalValue;
| 6309 | end;
| 6310 |
| 6311 | OK := (assigned(FParent) and assigned(FParent.FData) and
| 6312 | (Piece(FRec4, U, 4) = RemPromptCodes[ptPrimaryDiag]));
| 6313 | if OK then
| 6314 | OK := (not FParent.Historical);
| 6315 | if OK then
| 6316 | begin
| 6317 | Done := FALSE;
| 6318 | Primary := (Value = BOOLCHAR[TRUE]);
| 6319 | for i := 0 to FParent.FData.Count-1 do
| 6320 | begin
| 6321 | RData := TRemData(FParent.FData[i]);
| 6322 | if(RData.DataType = dtDiagnosis) then
| 6323 | begin
| 6324 | if(assigned(RData.FPCERoot)) and (RemDataActive(RData, EncDt)) then
| 6325 | begin
| 6326 | if(Primary) then
| 6327 | begin
| 6328 | PrimaryDiagRoot := RData.FPCERoot;
| 6329 | Done := TRUE;
| 6330 | end
| 6331 | else
| 6332 | begin
| 6333 | if(PrimaryDiagRoot = RData.FPCERoot) then
| 6334 | begin
| 6335 | PrimaryDiagRoot := nil;
| 6336 | Done := TRUE;
| 6337 | end;
| 6338 | end;
| 6339 | end
| 6340 | else
| 6341 | if(assigned(RData.FChoices)) and (assigned(RData.FChoicePrompt)) then
| 6342 | begin
| 6343 | k := 0;
| 6344 | for j := 0 to RData.FChoices.Count-1 do
| 6345 | begin
| 6346 | if RemDataChoiceActive(RData, j, EncDt) then
| 6347 | begin
| 6348 | if(Primary) then
| 6349 | begin
| 6350 | if(assigned(RData.FChoices.Objects[j])) and
| 6351 | (copy(RData.FChoicePrompt.FValue,k+1,1)='1') then
| 6352 | begin
| 6353 | PrimaryDiagRoot := TRemPCERoot(RData.FChoices.Objects[j]);
| 6354 | Done := TRUE;
| 6355 | break;
| 6356 | end;
| 6357 | end
| 6358 | else
| 6359 | begin
| 6360 | if(assigned(RData.FChoices.Objects[j])) and
| 6361 | (PrimaryDiagRoot = TRemPCERoot(RData.FChoices.Objects[j])) then
| 6362 | begin
| 6363 | PrimaryDiagRoot := nil;
| 6364 | Done := TRUE;
| 6365 | break;
| 6366 | end;
| 6367 | end;
| 6368 | inc(k);
| 6369 | end;
| 6370 | end;
| 6371 | end;
| 6372 | end;
| 6373 | if Done then break;
| 6374 | end;
| 6375 | end;
| 6376 | if(assigned(FParent) and assigned(FParent.FData) and IsSyncPrompt(pt)) then
| 6377 | begin
| 6378 | for i := 0 to FParent.FData.Count-1 do
| 6379 | begin
| 6380 | RData := TRemData(FParent.FData[i]);
| 6381 | if(assigned(RData.FPCERoot)) and (RemDataActive(RData, EncDt)) then
| 6382 | RData.FPCERoot.Sync(Self);
| 6383 | if(assigned(RData.FChoices)) then
| 6384 | begin
| 6385 | for j := 0 to RData.FChoices.Count-1 do
| 6386 | begin
| 6387 | if(assigned(RData.FChoices.Objects[j])) and
| 6388 | RemDataChoiceActive(RData, j, EncDt) then
| 6389 | TRemPCERoot(RData.FChoices.Objects[j]).Sync(Self);
| 6390 | end;
| 6391 | end;
| 6392 | end;
| 6393 | end;
| 6394 | end;
| 6395 | if(not NeedRefresh) then
| 6396 | NeedRefresh := (GetValue <> Value);
| 6397 | if(NeedRefresh and assigned(FCurrentControl) and FParent.FReminder.Visible) then
| 6398 | begin
| 6399 | case pt of
| 6400 | ptComment:
| 6401 | (FCurrentControl as TEdit).Text := GetValue;
| 6402 |
| 6403 | ptQuantity:
| 6404 | (FCurrentControl as TUpDown).Position := StrToIntDef(GetValue,1);
| 6405 |
| 6406 | (* ptSkinReading:
| 6407 | (FCurrentControl as TUpDown).Position := StrToIntDef(GetValue,0); *)
| 6408 |
| 6409 | ptVisitDate:
| 6410 | begin
| 6411 | try
| 6412 | (FCurrentControl as TORDateCombo).FMDate := StrToFloat(GetValue);
| 6413 | except
| 6414 | on EConvertError do
| 6415 | (FCurrentControl as TORDateCombo).FMDate := 0;
| 6416 | else
| 6417 | raise;
| 6418 | end;
| 6419 | end;
| 6420 |
| 6421 | ptPrimaryDiag, ptAdd2PL, ptContraindicated:
| 6422 | (FCurrentControl as TORCheckBox).Checked := (GetValue = BOOLCHAR[TRUE]);
| 6423 |
| 6424 | ptVisitLocation:
| 6425 | begin
| 6426 | Tmp := GetValue;
| 6427 | with (FCurrentControl as TORComboBox) do
| 6428 | begin
| 6429 | if(piece(Tmp,U,1)= '0') then
| 6430 | begin
| 6431 | Items[0] := Tmp;
| 6432 | SelectByID('0');
| 6433 | end
| 6434 | else
| 6435 | SelectByID(Tmp);
| 6436 | end;
| 6437 | end;
| 6438 |
| 6439 | ptWHPapResult:
| 6440 | (FCurrentControl as TORCheckBox).Checked := (GetValue = BOOLCHAR[TRUE]);
| 6441 |
| 6442 | ptWHNotPurp:
| 6443 | (FCurrentControl as TORCheckBox).Checked := (GetValue = BOOLCHAR[TRUE]);
| 6444 |
| 6445 | ptExamResults, ptSkinResults, ptLevelSeverity,
| 6446 | ptSeries, ptReaction, ptLevelUnderstanding, ptSkinReading: //(AGP Change 26.1)
| 6447 | (FCurrentControl as TORComboBox).SelectByID(GetValue);
| 6448 |
| 6449 | else
| 6450 | if(pt = ptVitalEntry) then
| 6451 | begin
| 6452 | if(FCurrentControl is TORComboBox) then
| 6453 | (FCurrentControl as TORComboBox).SelectByID(VitalValue)
| 6454 | else
| 6455 | if(FCurrentControl is TVitalEdit) then
| 6456 | begin
| 6457 | with (FCurrentControl as TVitalEdit) do
| 6458 | begin
| 6459 | Text := VitalValue;
| 6460 | if(assigned(FLinkedCombo)) then
| 6461 | begin
| 6462 | Tmp := VitalUnitValue;
| 6463 | if(Tmp <> '') then
| 6464 | FLinkedCombo.Text := VitalUnitValue
| 6465 | else
| 6466 | FLinkedCombo.ItemIndex := 0;
| 6467 | end;
| 6468 | end;
| 6469 | end;
| 6470 | end;
| 6471 | end;
| 6472 | end;
| 6473 | end;
| 6474 |
| 6475 |
| 6476 | procedure TRemPrompt.SetValueFromParent(Value: string);
| 6477 | begin
| 6478 | FFromParent := TRUE;
| 6479 | try
| 6480 | SetValue(Value);
| 6481 | finally
| 6482 | FFromParent := FALSE;
| 6483 | end;
| 6484 | end;
| 6485 |
| 6486 | procedure TRemPrompt.InitValue;
| 6487 | var
| 6488 | Value: string;
| 6489 | pt: TRemPromptType;
| 6490 | idx, i, j: integer;
| 6491 | TempSL: TORStringList;
| 6492 | Found: boolean;
| 6493 | RData: TRemData;
| 6494 |
| 6495 | begin
| 6496 | Value := InternalValue;
| 6497 | pt := PromptType;
| 6498 | if(ord(pt) >= ord(low(TRemPromptType))) and (ComboPromptTags[pt] <> 0) then
| 6499 | begin
| 6500 | TempSL := TORStringList.Create;
| 6501 | try
| 6502 | GetPCECodes(TempSL, ComboPromptTags[pt]);
| 6503 | idx := TempSL.CaseInsensitiveIndexOfPiece(Value, U, 1);
| 6504 | if(idx < 0) then
| 6505 | idx := TempSL.CaseInsensitiveIndexOfPiece(Value, U, 2);
| 6506 | if(idx >= 0) then
| 6507 | Value := Piece(TempSL[idx],U,1);
| 6508 | finally
| 6509 | TempSL.Free;
| 6510 | end;
| 6511 | end;
| 6512 | if((not Forced) and assigned(FParent) and assigned(FParent.FData) and IsSyncPrompt(pt)) then
| 6513 | begin
| 6514 | Found := FALSE;
| 6515 | for i := 0 to FParent.FData.Count-1 do
| 6516 | begin
| 6517 | RData := TRemData(FParent.FData[i]);
| 6518 | if(assigned(RData.FPCERoot)) then
| 6519 | Found := RData.FPCERoot.GetValue(pt, Value);
| 6520 | if(not Found) and (assigned(RData.FChoices)) then
| 6521 | begin
| 6522 | for j := 0 to RData.FChoices.Count-1 do
| 6523 | begin
| 6524 | if(assigned(RData.FChoices.Objects[j])) then
| 6525 | begin
| 6526 | Found := TRemPCERoot(RData.FChoices.Objects[j]).GetValue(pt, Value);
| 6527 | if(Found) then break;
| 6528 | end;
| 6529 | end;
| 6530 | end;
| 6531 | if(Found) then break;
| 6532 | end;
| 6533 | end;
| 6534 | FInitializing := TRUE;
| 6535 | try
| 6536 | SetValueFromParent(Value);
| 6537 | finally
| 6538 | FInitializing := FALSE;
| 6539 | end;
| 6540 | end;
| 6541 |
| 6542 | function TRemPrompt.ForcedCaption: string;
| 6543 | var
| 6544 | pt: TRemPromptType;
| 6545 |
| 6546 | begin
| 6547 | Result := Caption;
| 6548 | if(Result = '') then
| 6549 | begin
| 6550 | pt := PromptType;
| 6551 | if(pt = ptDataList) then
| 6552 | begin
| 6553 | if(assigned(FData)) then
| 6554 | begin
| 6555 | if(FData.DataType = dtDiagnosis) then
| 6556 | // Result := 'Diagnosis' <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6557 | Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Diagnosis') //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6558 | else
| 6559 | if(FData.DataType = dtProcedure) then
| 6560 | // Result := 'Procedure'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6561 | Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Procedure'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6562 | end;
| 6563 | end
| 6564 | else
| 6565 | if(pt = ptVitalEntry) then
| 6566 | //kt Result := VitalDesc[VitalType] + ':'
| 6567 | Result := VitalDesc(VitalType) + ':'
| 6568 | else
| 6569 | if(pt = ptMHTest) then
| 6570 | // Result := 'Perform ' + FData.Narrative <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6571 | Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Perform') + FData.Narrative //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6572 | else
| 6573 | if(pt = ptGAF) then
| 6574 | // Result := 'GAF Score' <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6575 | Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_GAF_Score') //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6576 | else
| 6577 | Result := PromptDescriptions(pt);
| 6578 | //kt Result := PromptDescriptions[pt];
| 6579 | // if(Result = '') then Result := 'Prompt'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6580 | if(Result = '') then Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Prompt'); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6581 | end;
| 6582 | if(copy(Result,length(Result),1) = ':') then
| 6583 | delete(Result,length(Result),1);
| 6584 | end;
| 6585 |
| 6586 | function TRemPrompt.VitalType: TVitalType;
| 6587 | begin
| 6588 | Result := vtUnknown;
| 6589 | if(assigned(FData)) then
| 6590 | Result := Code2VitalType(FData.InternalValue);
| 6591 | end;
| 6592 |
| 6593 | procedure TRemPrompt.VitalVerify(Sender: TObject);
| 6594 | var
| 6595 | vEdt: TVitalEdit;
| 6596 | vCbo: TVitalComboBox;
| 6597 | AObj: TWinControl;
| 6598 |
| 6599 | begin
| 6600 | if(Sender is TVitalEdit) then
| 6601 | begin
| 6602 | vEdt := TVitalEdit(Sender);
| 6603 | vCbo := vEdt.FLinkedCombo;
| 6604 | end
| 6605 | else
| 6606 | if(Sender is TVitalComboBox) then
| 6607 | begin
| 6608 | vCbo := TVitalComboBox(Sender);
| 6609 | vEdt := vCbo.FLinkedEdit;
| 6610 | end
| 6611 | else
| 6612 | begin
| 6613 | vCbo := nil;
| 6614 | vEdt := nil;
| 6615 | end;
| 6616 | AObj := Screen.ActiveControl;
| 6617 | if((not assigned(AObj)) or ((AObj <> vEdt) and (AObj <> vCbo))) then
| 6618 | begin
| 6619 | if(vEdt.Tag = TAG_VITHEIGHT) then
| 6620 | vEdt.Text := ConvertHeight2Inches(vEdt.Text);
| 6621 | if VitalInvalid(vEdt, vCbo) then
| 6622 | vEdt.SetFocus;
| 6623 | end;
| 6624 | end;
| 6625 |
| 6626 | function TRemPrompt.VitalUnitValue: string;
| 6627 | var
| 6628 | vt: TVitalType;
| 6629 |
| 6630 | begin
| 6631 | vt := VitalType;
| 6632 | if (vt in [vtTemp, vtHeight, vtWeight]) then
| 6633 | begin
| 6634 | Result := Piece(GetValue,';',2);
| 6635 | if(Result = '') then
| 6636 | begin
| 6637 | case vt of
| 6638 | vtTemp: Result := 'F';
| 6639 | vtHeight: Result := 'IN';
| 6640 | vtWeight: Result := 'LB';
| 6641 | end;
| 6642 | SetPiece(FValue, ';', 2, Result);
| 6643 | end;
| 6644 | end
| 6645 | else
| 6646 | Result := '';
| 6647 | end;
| 6648 |
| 6649 | function TRemPrompt.VitalValue: string;
| 6650 | begin
| 6651 | Result := Piece(GetValue,';',1);
| 6652 | end;
| 6653 |
| 6654 | procedure TRemPrompt.DoWHReport(Sender: TObject);
| 6655 | Var
| 6656 | comp, ien: string;
| 6657 | i: integer;
| 6658 | begin
| 6659 | for i := 0 to FParent.FData.Count-1 do
| 6660 | begin
| 6661 | comp:= Piece(TRemData(FParent.FData[i]).FRec3,U,4);
| 6662 | ien:= Piece(TRemData(FParent.FData[i]).FRec3,U,6);
| 6663 | end;
| 6664 | CallV('ORQQPXRM GET WH REPORT TEXT', [ien]);
| 6665 | // ReportBox(RPCBrokerV.Results,'Procedure Report Results',True); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6666 | ReportBox(RPCBrokerV.Results,DKLangConstW('uReminders_Procedure_Report_Results'),True); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6667 | end;
| 6668 |
| 6669 | procedure TRemPrompt.ViewWHText(Sender: TObject);
| 6670 | var
| 6671 | WHRecNum, WHTitle: string;
| 6672 | i: integer;
| 6673 | begin
| 6674 | for i := 0 to FParent.FData.Count-1 do
| 6675 | begin
| 6676 | if Piece(TRemData(FParent.FData[i]).FRec3,U,4)='WH' then
| 6677 | begin
| 6678 | WHRecNum:=(Piece(TRemData(FParent.FData[i]).FRec3,U,6));
| 6679 | WHTitle :=(Piece(TRemData(FParent.FData[i]).FRec3,U,8));
| 6680 | end;
| 6681 | end;
| 6682 | CallV('ORQQPXRM GET WH LETTER TEXT', [WHRecNum]);
| 6683 | //ReportBox(RPCBrokerV.Results,'Women Health Notification Purpose: '+WHTitle,false); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6684 | ReportBox(RPCBrokerV.Results,DKLangConstW('uReminders_Women_Health_Notification_Purposex')+WHTitle,false); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6685 | end;
| 6686 |
| 6687 | procedure TRemPrompt.DoMHTest(Sender: TObject);
| 6688 | var
| 6689 | TmpSL: TStringList;
| 6690 | i, TestComp: integer;
| 6691 | Before, After: string;
| 6692 |
| 6693 | begin
| 6694 | TestComp := 0;
| 6695 | if(MHTestAuthorized(FData.Narrative)) then
| 6696 | begin
| 6697 | FParent.FReminder.BeginTextChanged;
| 6698 | try
| 6699 | if(FParent.IncludeMHTestInPN) then
| 6700 | TmpSL := TStringList.Create
| 6701 | else
| 6702 | TmpSL := nil;
| 6703 | Before := GetValue;
| 6704 | After := PerformMHTest(Before, FData.Narrative, TmpSL);
| 6705 | if uinit.TimedOut then After := '';
| 6706 | if pos(U,After)>0 then
| 6707 | begin
| 6708 | TestComp := StrtoInt(Piece(After,U,2));
| 6709 | self.FMHTestComplete := TestComp;
| 6710 | After := Piece(After,U,1);
| 6711 | end;
| 6712 | if(Before <> After) and (not uInit.TimedOut) then
| 6713 | begin
| 6714 | if(After = '') or (FParent.ResultDlgID = 0) then
| 6715 | FMiscText := ''
| 6716 | else
| 6717 | if TestComp > 0 then
| 6718 | begin
| 6719 | MentalHealthTestResults(FMiscText, FParent.ResultDlgID, FData.Narrative,
| 6720 | FParent.FReminder.FPCEDataObj.Providers.PCEProvider, After);
| 6721 | if(assigned(TmpSL) and (TmpSL.Count > 0)) then
| 6722 | begin
| 6723 | if(FMiscText <> '') then
| 6724 | FMiscText := FMiscText + CRCode + CRCode;
| 6725 | for i := 0 to TmpSL.Count-1 do
| 6726 | begin
| 6727 | if(i > 0) then
| 6728 | FMiscText := FMiscText + CRCode + CRCode;
| 6729 | FMiscText := FMiscText + TmpSL[i];
| 6730 | end;
| 6731 | end;
| 6732 | ExpandTIUObjects(FMiscText);
| 6733 | end;
| 6734 | SetValue(After);
| 6735 | end;
| 6736 | finally
| 6737 | if not uInit.TimedOut then
| 6738 | FParent.FReminder.EndTextChanged(Sender);
| 6739 | end;
| 6740 | if not uInit.TimedOut then
| 6741 | if(FParent.ElemType = etDisplayOnly) and (not assigned(FParent.FParent)) then
| 6742 | RemindersInProcess.Notifier.Notify;
| 6743 | end
| 6744 | else
| 6745 | // InfoBox('Not Authorized to score the ' + FData.Narrative + ' test.', <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6746 | InfoBox(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Not_Authorized_to_score_the')+' ' + FData.Narrative + DKLangConstW('uReminders_testx'), //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6747 | // 'Insufficient Authorization', MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6748 | DKLangConstW('uReminders_Insufficient_Authorization'), MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6749 | end;
| 6750 |
| 6751 | procedure TRemPrompt.GAFHelp(Sender: TObject);
| 6752 | begin
| 6753 | inherited;
| 6754 | GotoWebPage(GAFURL);
| 6755 | end;
| 6756 |
| 6757 | function TRemPrompt.EntryID: string;
| 6758 | begin
| 6759 | Result := FParent.EntryID + '/' + IntToStr(integer(Self));
| 6760 | end;
| 6761 |
| 6762 | procedure TRemPrompt.EditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
| 6763 | begin
| 6764 | if (Key = '?') and (Sender is TCustomEdit) and
| 6765 | ((TCustomEdit(Sender).Text = '') or (TCustomEdit(Sender).SelStart = 0)) then
| 6766 | Key := #0;
| 6767 | end;
| 6768 |
| 6769 | { TRemPCERoot }
| 6770 |
| 6771 | destructor TRemPCERoot.Destroy;
| 6772 | begin
| 6773 | KillObj(@FData);
| 6774 | KillObj(@FForcedPrompts);
| 6775 | inherited;
| 6776 | end;
| 6777 |
| 6778 | procedure TRemPCERoot.Done(Data: TRemData);
| 6779 | var
| 6780 | i, idx: integer;
| 6781 |
| 6782 | begin
| 6783 | if(assigned(FForcedPrompts) and assigned(Data.FParent) and
| 6784 | assigned(Data.FParent.FPrompts)) then
| 6785 | begin
| 6786 | for i := 0 to Data.FParent.FPrompts.Count-1 do
| 6787 | UnSync(TRemPrompt(Data.FParent.FPrompts[i]));
| 6788 | end;
| 6789 | FData.Remove(Data);
| 6790 | if(FData.Count <= 0) then
| 6791 | begin
| 6792 | idx := PCERootList.IndexOfObject(Self);
| 6793 | // if(idx < 0) then
| 6794 | // idx := PCERootList.IndexOf(FID);
| 6795 | if(idx >= 0) then
| 6796 | PCERootList.Delete(idx);
| 6797 | if PrimaryDiagRoot = Self then
| 6798 | PrimaryDiagRoot := nil;
| 6799 | Free;
| 6800 | end;
| 6801 | end;
| 6802 |
| 6803 | class function TRemPCERoot.GetRoot(Data: TRemData; Rec3: string;
| 6804 | Historical: boolean): TRemPCERoot;
| 6805 | var
| 6806 | DID: string;
| 6807 | Idx: integer;
| 6808 | obj: TRemPCERoot;
| 6809 |
| 6810 | begin
| 6811 | if(Data.DataType = dtVitals) then
| 6812 | DID := 'V' + Piece(Rec3, U, 6)
| 6813 | else
| 6814 | begin
| 6815 | if(Historical) then
| 6816 | begin
| 6817 | inc(HistRootCount);
| 6818 | DID := IntToStr(HistRootCount);
| 6819 | end
| 6820 | else
| 6821 | DID := '0';
| 6822 | DID := DID + U +
| 6823 | Piece(Rec3, U, r3Type) + U +
| 6824 | Piece(Rec3, U, r3Code) + U +
| 6825 | Piece(Rec3, U, r3Cat) + U +
| 6826 | Piece(Rec3, U, r3Nar);
| 6827 | end;
| 6828 | idx := -1;
| 6829 | if(not assigned(PCERootList)) then
| 6830 | PCERootList := TStringList.Create
| 6831 | else
| 6832 | if(PCERootList.Count > 0) then
| 6833 | idx := PCERootList.IndexOf(DID);
| 6834 | if(idx < 0) then
| 6835 | begin
| 6836 | obj := TRemPCERoot.Create;
| 6837 | try
| 6838 | obj.FData := TList.Create;
| 6839 | obj.FID := DID;
| 6840 | idx := PCERootList.AddObject(DID, obj);
| 6841 | except
| 6842 | obj.Free;
| 6843 | raise;
| 6844 | end;
| 6845 | end;
| 6846 | Result := TRemPCERoot(PCERootList.Objects[idx]);
| 6847 | Result.FData.Add(Data);
| 6848 | end;
| 6849 |
| 6850 | function TRemPCERoot.GetValue(PromptType: TRemPromptType; var NewValue: string): boolean;
| 6851 | var
| 6852 | ptS: string;
| 6853 | i: integer;
| 6854 |
| 6855 | begin
| 6856 | ptS := char(ord('D') + ord(PromptType));
| 6857 | i := pos(ptS, FValueSet);
| 6858 | if(i = 0) then
| 6859 | Result := FALSE
| 6860 | else
| 6861 | begin
| 6862 | NewValue := Piece(FValue, U, i);
| 6863 | Result := TRUE;
| 6864 | end;
| 6865 | end;
| 6866 |
| 6867 | procedure TRemPCERoot.Sync(Prompt: TRemPrompt);
| 6868 | var
| 6869 | i, j: integer;
| 6870 | RData: TRemData;
| 6871 | Prm: TRemPrompt;
| 6872 | pt: TRemPromptType;
| 6873 | ptS, Value: string;
| 6874 |
| 6875 | begin
| 6876 | // if(assigned(Prompt.FParent) and ((not Prompt.FParent.FChecked) or
| 6877 | // (Prompt.FParent.ElemType = etDisplayOnly))) then exit;
| 6878 | if(assigned(Prompt.FParent) and (not Prompt.FParent.FChecked)) then exit;
| 6879 | pt := Prompt.PromptType;
| 6880 | Value := Prompt.GetValue;
| 6881 | if(Prompt.Forced) then
| 6882 | begin
| 6883 | if(not Prompt.FInitializing) then
| 6884 | begin
| 6885 | if(not assigned(FForcedPrompts)) then
| 6886 | FForcedPrompts := TStringList.Create;
| 6887 | if(FForcedPrompts.IndexOfObject(Prompt) < 0) then
| 6888 | begin
| 6889 | for i := 0 to FForcedPrompts.Count-1 do
| 6890 | begin
| 6891 | Prm := TRemPrompt(FForcedPrompts.Objects[i]);
| 6892 | if(pt = Prm.PromptType) and (FForcedPrompts[i] <> Value) and (Prm.FParent.IsChecked) then
| 6893 | // raise EForcedPromptConflict.Create('Forced Value Error:' + CRLF + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6894 | raise EForcedPromptConflict.Create(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Forced_Value_Errorx') + CRLF + CRLF + //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6895 | // Prompt.ForcedCaption + ' is already being forced to another value.'); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007
| 6896 | Prompt.ForcedCaption + DKLangConstW('uReminders_is_already_being_forced_to_another_valuex')); //kt added 9/5/2007
| 6897 | end;
| 6898 | FForcedPrompts.AddObject(Value, Prompt);
| 6899 | end;
| 6900 | end;
| 6901 | end
| 6902 | else
| 6903 | begin
| 6904 | if(assigned(FForcedPrompts)) then
| 6905 | begin
| 6906 | for i := 0 to FForcedPrompts.Count-1 do
| 6907 | begin
| 6908 | Prm := TRemPrompt(FForcedPrompts.Objects[i]);
| 6909 | if(pt = Prm.PromptType) and (FForcedPrompts[i] <> Value) and (Prm.FParent.IsChecked) then
| 6910 | begin
| 6911 | Prompt.SetValue(FForcedPrompts[i]);
| 6912 | if(assigned(Prompt.FParent)) then
| 6913 | Prompt.FParent.cbClicked(nil); // Forces redraw
| 6914 | exit;
| 6915 | end;
| 6916 | end;
| 6917 | end;
| 6918 | end;
| 6919 | if(Prompt.FInitializing) then exit;
| 6920 | for i := 0 to FData.Count-1 do
| 6921 | inc(TRemData(FData[i]).FSyncCount);
| 6922 | ptS := char(ord('D') + ord(pt));
| 6923 | i := pos(ptS, FValueSet);
| 6924 | if(i = 0) then
| 6925 | begin
| 6926 | FValueSet := FValueSet + ptS;
| 6927 | i := length(FValueSet);
| 6928 | end;
| 6929 | SetPiece(FValue, U, i, Value);
| 6930 | for i := 0 to FData.Count-1 do
| 6931 | begin
| 6932 | RData := TRemData(FData[i]);
| 6933 | if(RData.FSyncCount = 1) and (assigned(RData.FParent)) and
| 6934 | (assigned(RData.FParent.FPrompts)) then
| 6935 | begin
| 6936 | for j := 0 to RData.FParent.FPrompts.Count-1 do
| 6937 | begin
| 6938 | Prm := TRemPrompt(RData.FParent.FPrompts[j]);
| 6939 | if(Prm <> Prompt) and (pt = Prm.PromptType) and (not Prm.Forced) then
| 6940 | Prm.SetValue(Prompt.GetValue);
| 6941 | end;
| 6942 | end;
| 6943 | end;
| 6944 | for i := 0 to FData.Count-1 do
| 6945 | begin
| 6946 | RData := TRemData(FData[i]);
| 6947 | if(RData.FSyncCount > 0) then
| 6948 | dec(RData.FSyncCount);
| 6949 | end;
| 6950 | end;
| 6951 |
| 6952 | procedure TRemPCERoot.UnSync(Prompt: TRemPrompt);
| 6953 | var
| 6954 | idx: integer;
| 6955 |
| 6956 | begin
| 6957 | if(assigned(FForcedPrompts) and Prompt.Forced) then
| 6958 | begin
| 6959 | idx := FForcedPrompts.IndexOfObject(Prompt);
| 6960 | if(idx >= 0) then
| 6961 | FForcedPrompts.Delete(Idx);
| 6962 | end;
| 6963 | end;
| 6964 |
| 6965 | initialization
| 6966 | InitReminderObjects;
| 6967 |
| 6968 | finalization
| 6969 | FreeReminderObjects;
| 6970 |
| 6971 | end.