//kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 9/5/2007 unit uReminders; interface uses Windows, Messages, Classes, Controls, StdCtrls, SysUtils, ComCtrls, Menus, Graphics, Forms, ORClasses, ORCtrls, ORDtTm, ORFn, ORNet, Dialogs, uPCE, uVitals, TMGHTML2, //kt added 8/09 ExtCtrls, fDrawers, fDeviceSelect; type TReminderDialog = class(TObject) private FDlgData: string; FElements: TStringList; // list of TRemDlgElement objects FOnNeedRedraw: TNotifyEvent; FNeedRedrawCount: integer; FOnTextChanged: TNotifyEvent; FTextChangedCount: integer; FPCEDataObj: TPCEData; FNoResolve: boolean; FWHReviewIEN: string; // AGP CHANGE 23.13 Allow for multiple processing of WH Review of Result Reminders FRemWipe: integer; protected function GetIEN: string; virtual; function GetPrintName: string; virtual; procedure BeginNeedRedraw; procedure EndNeedRedraw(Sender: TObject); procedure BeginTextChanged; procedure EndTextChanged(Sender: TObject); function GetDlgSL: TORStringList; procedure ComboBoxResized(Sender: TObject); procedure ComboBoxCheckedText(Sender: TObject; NumChecked: integer; var Text: string); function AddData(Lst: TStrings; Finishing: boolean = FALSE; Historical: boolean = FALSE): integer; function Visible: boolean; public constructor BaseCreate; constructor Create(ADlgData: string); destructor Destroy; override; procedure FinishProblems(List: TStrings; var MissingTemplateFields: boolean); function BuildControls(ParentWidth: integer; AParent, AOwner: TWinControl): TWinControl; function Processing: boolean; procedure AddText(Lst: TStrings); property PrintName: string read GetPrintName; property IEN: string read GetIEN; property Elements: TStringList read FElements; property OnNeedRedraw: TNotifyEvent read FOnNeedRedraw write FOnNeedRedraw; property OnTextChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnTextChanged write FOnTextChanged; property PCEDataObj: TPCEData read FPCEDataObj write FPCEDataObj; property DlgData: string read FDlgData; //AGP Change 24.8 property WHReviewIEN: string read FWHReviewIEN write FWHReviewIEN; //AGP CHANGE 23.13 property RemWipe: integer read FRemWipe write FRemWipe; end; TReminder = class(TReminderDialog) private FRemData: string; FCurNodeID: string; protected function GetDueDateStr: string; function GetLastDateStr: string; function GetIEN: string; override; function GetPrintName: string; override; function GetPriority: integer; function GetStatus: string; public constructor Create(ARemData: string); property DueDateStr: string read GetDueDateStr; property LastDateStr: string read GetLastDateStr; property Priority: integer read GetPriority; property Status: string read GetStatus; property RemData: string read FRemData; property CurrentNodeID: string read FCurNodeID write FCurNodeID; end; TRDChildReq = (crNone, crOne, crAtLeastOne, crNoneOrOne); TRDElemType = (etCheckBox, etTaxonomy, etDisplayOnly); TRemPrompt = class; TRemDlgElement = class(TObject) private FReminder: TReminderDialog; FParent: TRemDlgElement; FChildren: TList; // Points to other TRemDlgElement objects FData: TList; // List of TRemData objects FPrompts: TList; // list of TRemPrompts objects FText: string; FPNText: string; FRec1: string; FID: string; FDlgID: string; FHaveData: boolean; FTaxID: string; FChecked: boolean; FChildrenShareChecked: boolean; FHasSharedPrompts: boolean; FHasComment: boolean; FHasSubComments: boolean; FCommentPrompt: TRemPrompt; FFieldValues: TORStringList; FMSTPrompt: TRemPrompt; FWHPrintDevice, FWHResultChk, FWHResultNot: String; FVitalDateTime: TFMDateTime; //AGP Changes 26.1 protected procedure Check4ChildrenSharedPrompts; function ShowChildren: boolean; function EnableChildren: boolean; function Enabled: boolean; procedure SetChecked(const Value: boolean); procedure UpdateData; procedure GetData; function TrueIndent: integer; procedure cbClicked(Sender: TObject); procedure FieldPanelEntered(Sender: TObject); procedure FieldPanelExited(Sender: TObject); procedure FieldPanelKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); procedure FieldPanelOnClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FieldPanelLabelOnClick(Sender: TObject); function BuildControls(var Y: integer; ParentWidth: integer; BaseParent, AOwner: TWinControl): TWinControl; function AddData(Lst: TStrings; Finishing: boolean; AHistorical: boolean = FALSE): integer; procedure FinishProblems(List: TStrings); function IsChecked: boolean; procedure SubCommentChange(Sender: TObject); function EntryID: string; procedure FieldPanelChange(Sender: TObject); procedure GetFieldValues(FldData: TStrings); procedure ParentCBEnter(Sender: TObject); procedure ParentCBExit(Sender: TObject); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function ElemType: TRDElemType; function Add2PN: boolean; function Indent: integer; function FindingType: string; function Historical: boolean; function ResultDlgID: integer; function IncludeMHTestInPN: boolean; function HideChildren: boolean; function ChildrenIndent: integer; function ChildrenSharePrompts: boolean; function ChildrenRequired: TRDChildReq; function Box: boolean; function BoxCaption: string; function IndentChildrenInPN: boolean; function IndentPNLevel: integer; function GetTemplateFieldValues(const Text: string; FldValues: TORStringList = nil): string; procedure AddText(Lst: TStrings); property Text: string read FText; property ID: string read FID; property DlgID: string read FDlgID; property Checked: boolean read FChecked write SetChecked; property Reminder: TReminderDialog read FReminder; property HasComment: boolean read FHasComment; property WHPrintDevice: String read FWHPrintDevice write FWHPrintDevice; property WHResultChk: String read FWHResultChk write FWHResultChk; property WHResultNot: String read FWHResultNot write FWHResultNot; property VitalDateTime: TFMDateTime read FVitalDateTime write FVitalDateTime; end; TRemDataType = (dtDiagnosis, dtProcedure, dtPatientEducation, dtExam, dtHealthFactor, dtImmunization, dtSkinTest, dtVitals, dtOrder, dtMentalHealthTest, dtWHPapResult, dtWhNotPurp); TRemPCERoot = class; TRemData = class(TObject) private FPCERoot: TRemPCERoot; FParent: TRemDlgElement; FRec3: string; FActiveDates: TStringList; //Active dates for finding items. (rectype 3) // FRoot: string; FChoices: TORStringList; FChoicesActiveDates: TList; //Active date ranges for taxonomies. (rectype 5) //List of TStringList objects that contain active date //ranges for each FChoices object of the same index FChoicePrompt: TRemPrompt; //rectype 4 FChoicesMin: integer; FChoicesMax: integer; FChoicesFont: THandle; FSyncCount: integer; protected function AddData(List: TStrings; Finishing: boolean): integer; public destructor Destroy; override; function Add2PN: boolean; function DisplayWHResults: boolean; function InternalValue: string; function ExternalValue: string; function Narrative: string; function Category: string; function DataType: TRemDataType; property Parent: TRemDlgElement read FParent; end; TRemPromptType = (ptComment, ptVisitLocation, ptVisitDate, ptQuantity, ptPrimaryDiag, ptAdd2PL, ptExamResults, ptSkinResults, ptSkinReading, ptLevelSeverity, ptSeries, ptReaction, ptContraindicated, ptLevelUnderstanding, ptWHPapResult, ptWHNotPurp); TRemPrompt = class(TObject) private FFromControl: boolean; FParent: TRemDlgElement; FRec4: string; FCaptionAssigned: boolean; FData: TRemData; FValue: string; FOverrideType: TRemPromptType; FIsShared: boolean; FSharedChildren: TList; FCurrentControl: TControl; FFromParent: boolean; FInitializing: boolean; FMiscText: string; FMonthReq: boolean; FPrintNow: String; FMHTestComplete: integer; protected function RemDataActive(RData: TRemData; EncDt: TFMDateTime):Boolean; function RemDataChoiceActive(RData: TRemData; j: integer; EncDt: TFMDateTime):Boolean; function GetValue: string; procedure SetValueFromParent(Value: string); procedure SetValue(Value: string); procedure PromptChange(Sender: TObject); procedure VitalVerify(Sender: TObject); procedure ComboBoxKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); function CanShare(Prompt: TRemPrompt): boolean; procedure InitValue; procedure DoMHTest(Sender: TObject); procedure DoWHReport(Sender: TObject); procedure ViewWHText(Sender: TObject); procedure GAFHelp(Sender: TObject); function EntryID: string; procedure EditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); public constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; function PromptOK: boolean; function PromptType: TRemPromptType; function Add2PN: boolean; function InternalValue: string; function Forced: boolean; function Caption: string; function ForcedCaption: string; function SameLine: boolean; function Required: boolean; function NoteText: string; function VitalType: TVitalType; function VitalValue: string; function VitalUnitValue: string; property Value: string read GetValue write SetValue; end; TRemPCERoot = class(TObject) private FData: TList; FID: string; FForcedPrompts: TStringList; FValue: string; FValueSet: string; protected class function GetRoot(Data: TRemData; Rec3: string; Historical: boolean): TRemPCERoot; procedure Done(Data: TRemData); procedure Sync(Prompt: TRemPrompt); procedure UnSync(Prompt: TRemPrompt); function GetValue(PromptType: TRemPromptType; var NewValue: string): boolean; public destructor Destroy; override; end; TReminderStatus = (rsDue, rsApplicable, rsNotApplicable, rsNone, rsUnknown); TRemCanFinishProc = function: boolean of object; TRemDisplayPCEProc = procedure of object; TRemForm = record Form: TForm; PCEObj: TPCEData; RightPanel: TPanel; CanFinishProc: TRemCanFinishProc; DisplayPCEProc: TRemDisplayPCEProc; Drawers: TFrmDrawers; NewNoteRE: TRichEdit; NewNoteHTMLE : THTMLObj; //kt 8/09 NoteList: TORListBox; end; var RemForm: TRemForm; NotPurposeValue: string; WHRemPrint: string; InitialRemindersLoaded: boolean = FALSE; const HAVE_REMINDERS = 0; NO_REMINDERS = 1; RemPriorityText: array[1..3] of string = ('High','','Low'); //ClinMaintText = 'Clinical Maintenance'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 function ClinMaintText : string; //kt const dtUnknown = TRemDataType(-1); dtAll = TRemDataType(-2); dtHistorical = TRemDataType(-3); ptUnknown = TRemPromptType(-1); ptSubComment = TRemPromptType(-2); ptDataList = TRemPromptType(-3); ptVitalEntry = TRemPromptType(-4); ptMHTest = TRemPromptType(-5); ptGAF = TRemPromptType(-6); ptMST = TRemPromptType(-7); MSTCode = 'MST'; MSTDataTypes = [pdcHF, pdcExam]; pnumMST = ord(pnumComment)+4; procedure NotifyWhenRemindersChange(Proc: TNotifyEvent); procedure RemoveNotifyRemindersChange(Proc: TNotifyEvent); procedure StartupReminders; function GetReminderStatus: TReminderStatus; function RemindersEvaluatingInBackground: boolean; procedure ResetReminderLoad; procedure LoadReminderData(ProcessingInBackground: boolean = FALSE); function ReminderEvaluated(Data: string; ForceUpdate: boolean = FALSE): boolean; procedure RemindersEvaluated(List: TStringList); procedure EvalReminder(ien: integer); procedure EvalProcessed; procedure EvaluateCategoryClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject); procedure SetReminderPopupRoutine(Menu: TPopupMenu); procedure SetReminderPopupCoverRoutine(Menu: TPopupMenu); procedure SetReminderMenuSelectRoutine(Menu: TMenuItem); procedure BuildReminderTree(Tree: TORTreeView); function ReminderNode(Node: TTreeNode): TORTreeNode; procedure ClearReminderData; function GetReminder(ARemData: string): TReminder; procedure WordWrap(const AText: string; Output: TStrings; LineLength: integer; AutoIndent: integer = 4); function InteractiveRemindersActive: boolean; function GetReminderData(Rem: TReminderDialog; Lst: TStrings; Finishing: boolean = FALSE; Historical: boolean = FALSE): integer; overload; function GetReminderData(Lst: TStrings; Finishing: boolean = FALSE; Historical: boolean = FALSE): integer; overload; procedure SetReminderFormBounds(Frm: TForm; DefX, DefY, DefW, DefH, ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: integer); procedure UpdateReminderDialogStatus; //const // InteractiveRemindersActive = FALSE; type TWHCheckBox = class(TORCheckBox) private FPrintNow: TORCheckBox; FViewLetter: TORCheckBox; FCheck1: TORCheckBox; FCheck2: TORCheckBox; FCheck3: TORCheckBox; FEdit: TEdit; FButton: TButton; FOnDestroy: TNotifyEvent; Flbl, Flbl2: TLabel; FPrintVis: String; //FPrintDevice: String; FPntNow: String; FPntBatch: String; FButtonText: String; FCheckNum: String; protected public property lbl: TLabel read Flbl write Flbl; property lbl2: TLabel read Flbl2 write Flbl2; property PntNow: String read FPntNow write FPntNow; property PntBatch: String read FPntBatch write FPntBatch; property CheckNum: String read FCheckNum write FCheckNum; property ButtonText: String read FButtonText write FButtonText; property PrintNow: TORCheckBox read FPrintNow write FPrintNow; property Check1: TORCheckBox read FCheck1 write FCheck1; property Check2: TORCheckBox read FCheck2 write FCheck2; property Check3: TORCheckBox read FCheck3 write FCheck3; property ViewLetter: TORCheckBox read FViewLetter write FViewLetter; property Button: TButton read FButton write FButton; property Edit: TEdit read FEdit write FEdit; property OnDestroy: TNotifyEvent read FOnDestroy write FOnDestroy; property PrintVis: String read FPrintVis write FPrintVis; end; var { ActiveReminder string format: IEN^PRINT NAME^DUE DATE/TIME^LAST OCCURENCE DATE/TIME^PRIORITY^DUE^DIALOG where PRIORITY 1=High, 2=Normal, 3=Low DUE 0=Applicable, 1=Due, 2=Not Applicable } ActiveReminders: TORStringList = nil; { OtherReminder string format: IDENTIFIER^TYPE^NAME^PARENT IDENTIFIER^REMINDER IEN^DIALOG where TYPE C=Category, R=Reminder } OtherReminders: TORStringList = nil; RemindersInProcess: TORStringList = nil; CoverSheetRemindersInBackground: boolean = FALSE; KillReminderDialogProc: procedure(frm: TForm) = nil; RemindersStarted: boolean = FALSE; ProcessedReminders: TORStringList = nil; ReminderDialogInfo: TStringList = nil; const CatCode = 'C'; RemCode = 'R'; EduCode = 'E'; pnumVisitLoc = pnumComment + 1; pnumVisitDate = pnumComment + 2; RemTreeDateIdx = 8; IncludeParentID = ';'; OtherCatID = CatCode + '-6'; RemDataCodes: array[TRemDataType] of string = { dtDiagnosis } ('POV', { dtProcedure } 'CPT', { dtPatientEducation } 'PED', { dtExam } 'XAM', { dtHealthFactor } 'HF', { dtImmunization } 'IMM', { dtSkinTest } 'SK', { dtVitals } 'VIT', { dtOrder } 'Q', { dtMentalHealthTest } 'MH', { dtWHPapResult } 'WHR', { dtWHNotPurp } 'WH'); implementation uses rCore, uCore, rReminders, fRptBox, uConst, fReminderDialog, fNotes, rMisc, fMHTest, rPCE, rTemplates, dShared, uTemplateFields, fIconLegend, fReminderTree, uInit ,DKLang //kt ; type TRemFolder = (rfUnknown, rfDue, rfApplicable, rfNotApplicable, rfEvaluated, rfOther); TRemFolders = set of TRemFolder; TValidRemFolders = succ(low(TRemFolder)) .. high(TRemFolder); var LastReminderLocation: integer = -2; EvaluatedReminders: TORStringList = nil; ReminderTreeMenu: TORPopupMenu = nil; ReminderTreeMenuDlg: TORPopupMenu = nil; ReminderCatMenu: TPopupMenu = nil; EducationTopics: TORStringList = nil; WebPages: TORStringList = nil; ReminderCallList: TORStringList = nil; LastProcessingList: string = ''; InteractiveRemindersActiveChecked: boolean = FALSE; InteractiveRemindersActiveStatus: boolean = FALSE; PCERootList: TStringList; PrimaryDiagRoot: TRemPCERoot = nil; ElementChecked: TRemDlgElement = nil; HistRootCount: longint = 0; uRemFolders: TRemFolders = [rfUnknown]; //const //DueText = 'Due'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 //ApplicableText = 'Applicable'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 //NotApplicableText = 'Not Applicable'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 //EvaluatedText = 'All Evaluated'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 //OtherText = 'Other Categories'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 var DueText : string; //kt ApplicableText : string; //kt NotApplicableText : string; //kt EvaluatedText : string; //kt OtherText : string; //kt DueCatString : string; //kt ApplCatString : string; //kt NotApplCatString : string; //kt EvaluatedCatString : string; //kt OtherCatString : string; //kt LostCatString : string; //kt const DueCatID = CatCode + '-2'; // DueCatString = DueCatID + U + DueText; //kt ApplCatID = CatCode + '-3'; // ApplCatString = ApplCatID + U + ApplicableText; //kt NotApplCatID = CatCode + '-4'; // NotApplCatString = NotApplCatID + U + NotApplicableText; //kt EvaluatedCatID = CatCode + '-5'; // EvaluatedCatString = EvaluatedCatID + U + EvaluatedText; //kt // OtherCatID = CatCode + '-6'; // OtherCatString = OtherCatID + U + OtherText; //kt LostCatID = CatCode + '-7'; //LostCatString = LostCatID + U + 'In Process'; //kt ReminderDateFormat = 'mm/dd/yyyy'; RemData2PCECat: array[TRemDataType] of TPCEDataCat = { dtDiagnosis } (pdcDiag, { dtProcedure } pdcProc, { dtPatientEducation } pdcPED, { dtExam } pdcExam, { dtHealthFactor } pdcHF, { dtImmunization } pdcImm, { dtSkinTest } pdcSkin, { dtVitals } pdcVital, { dtOrder } pdcOrder, { dtMentalHealthTest } pdcMH, { dtWHPapResult } pdcWHR, { dtWHNotPurp } pdcWH); RemPromptCodes: array[TRemPromptType] of string = { ptComment } ('COM', { ptVisitLocation } 'VST_LOC', { ptVisitDate } 'VST_DATE', { ptQuantity } 'CPT_QTY', { ptPrimaryDiag } 'POV_PRIM', { ptAdd2PL } 'POV_ADD', { ptExamResults } 'XAM_RES', { ptSkinResults } 'SK_RES', { ptSkinReading } 'SK_READ', { ptLevelSeverity } 'HF_LVL', { ptSeries } 'IMM_SER', { ptReaction } 'IMM_RCTN', { ptContraindicated } 'IMM_CNTR', { ptLevelUnderstanding } 'PED_LVL', { ptWHPapResult } 'WH_PAP_RESULT', { ptWHNotPurp } 'WH_NOT_PURP'); RemPromptTypes: array[TRemPromptType] of TRemDataType = { ptComment } (dtAll, { ptVisitLocation } dtHistorical, { ptVisitDate } dtHistorical, { ptQuantity } dtProcedure, { ptPrimaryDiag } dtDiagnosis, { ptAdd2PL } dtDiagnosis, { ptExamResults } dtExam, { ptSkinResults } dtSkinTest, { ptSkinReading } dtSkinTest, { ptLevelSeverity } dtHealthFactor, { ptSeries } dtImmunization, { ptReaction } dtImmunization, { ptContraindicated } dtImmunization, { ptLevelUnderstanding } dtPatientEducation, { ptWHPapResult } dtWHPapResult, { ptWHNotPurp } dtWHNotPurp); FinishPromptPieceNum: array[TRemPromptType] of integer = { ptComment } (pnumComment, { ptVisitLocation } pnumVisitLoc, { ptVisitDate } pnumVisitDate, { ptQuantity } pnumProcQty, { ptPrimaryDiag } pnumDiagPrimary, { ptAdd2PL } pnumDiagAdd2PL, { ptExamResults } pnumExamResults, { ptSkinResults } pnumSkinResults, { ptSkinReading } pnumSkinReading, { ptLevelSeverity } pnumHFLevel, { ptSeries } pnumImmSeries, { ptReaction } pnumImmReaction, { ptContraindicated } pnumImmContra, { ptLevelUnderstanding } pnumPEDLevel, { ptWHPapResult } pnumWHPapResult, { ptWHNotPurp } pnumWHNotPurp); ComboPromptTags: array[TRemPromptType] of integer = { ptComment } (0, { ptVisitLocation } TAG_HISTLOC, { ptVisitDate } 0, { ptQuantity } 0, { ptPrimaryDiag } 0, { ptAdd2PL } 0, { ptExamResults } TAG_XAMRESULTS, { ptSkinResults } TAG_SKRESULTS, { ptSkinReading } 0, { ptLevelSeverity } TAG_HFLEVEL, { ptSeries } TAG_IMMSERIES, { ptReaction } TAG_IMMREACTION, { ptContraindicated } 0, { ptLevelUnderstanding } TAG_PEDLEVEL, { ptWHPapResult } 0, { ptWHNotPurp } 0); function PromptDescriptions(index : TRemPromptType) : string; //kt Added function to replace constant array begin case index of ptComment : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Comment'); ptVisitLocation : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Visit_Location'); ptVisitDate : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Visit_Date'); ptQuantity : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Quantity'); ptPrimaryDiag : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Primary_Diagnosis'); ptAdd2PL : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Add_to_Problem_List'); ptExamResults : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Exam_Results'); ptSkinResults : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Skin_Test_Results'); ptSkinReading : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Skin_Test_Reading'); ptLevelSeverity : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Level_of_Severity'); ptSeries : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Series'); ptReaction : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reaction'); ptContraindicated : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Repeat_Contraindicated'); ptLevelUnderstanding : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Level_of_Understanding'); ptWHPapResult : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Womenxxs_Health_Procedure'); ptWHNotPurp : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Women_Health_Notification_Purpose'); end; {case} end; (* PromptDescriptions: array [TRemPromptType] of string = { ptComment } ('Comment', { ptVisitLocation } 'Visit Location', { ptVisitDate } 'Visit Date', { ptQuantity } 'Quantity', { ptPrimaryDiag } 'Primary Diagnosis', { ptAdd2PL } 'Add to Problem List', { ptExamResults } 'Exam Results', { ptSkinResults } 'Skin Test Results', { ptSkinReading } 'Skin Test Reading', { ptLevelSeverity } 'Level of Severity', { ptSeries } 'Series', { ptReaction } 'Reaction', { ptContraindicated } 'Repeat Contraindicated', { ptLevelUnderstanding } 'Level of Understanding', { ptWHPapResult } 'Women''s Health Procedure', { ptWHNotPurp } 'Women Health Notification Purpose'); *) const RemFolderCodes: array[TValidRemFolders] of char = { rfDue } ('D', { rfApplicable } 'A', { rfNotApplicable } 'N', { rfEvaluated } 'E', { rfOther } 'O'); //MSTDescTxt: array[0..4,0..1] of string = (('Yes','Y'),('No','N'),('Declined','D'), <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 // ('Normal','N'),('Abnormal','A')); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 function MSTDescTxt(index,short : integer) : string; begin case index of 0 : if short=1 then Result := 'Y' else Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Yes'); 1 : if short=1 then Result := 'N' else Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_No'); 2 : if short=1 then Result := 'D' else Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Declined'); 3 : if short=1 then Result := 'N' else Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Normal'); 4 : if short=1 then Result := 'A' else Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Abnormal'); end; {case} end; const SyncPrompts = [ptComment, ptQuantity, ptAdd2PL, ptExamResults, ptSkinResults, ptSkinReading, ptLevelSeverity, ptSeries, ptReaction, ptContraindicated, ptLevelUnderstanding]; Gap = 2; LblGap = 4; IndentGap = 18; PromptGap = 10; NewLinePromptGap = 18; IndentMult = 9; PromptIndent = 30; gbLeftIndent = 2; gbTopIndent = 9; gbTopIndent2 = 16; DisabledFontColor = clBtnShadow; r3Type = 4; r3Code2 = 6; r3Code = 7; r3Cat = 9; r3Nar = 8; r3GAF = 12; RemTreeCode = 999; //CRCode = '
'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 function CRCode : string; begin Result :=DKLangConstW('uReminders_xbrx'); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; // CRCodeLen = length(CRCode); function CRCodeLen : integer; begin Result := length(CRCode); end; const REMEntryCode = 'REM'; MonthReqCode = 'M'; type TVitalComboBox = class; TVitalEdit = class(TEdit) private FLinkedCombo: TVitalComboBox; end; TVitalComboBox = class(TComboBox) private FLinkedEdit: TVitalEdit; public procedure SelectByID(Value: string); end; procedure SetupVars; //kt begin DueText := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Due'); //kt added 9/5/2007 ApplicableText := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Applicable'); //kt added 9/5/2007 NotApplicableText := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Not_Applicable'); //kt added 9/5/2007 EvaluatedText := DKLangConstW('uReminders_All_Evaluated'); //kt added 9/5/2007 OtherText := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Other_Categories'); //kt added 9/5/2007 DueCatString := DueCatID + U + DueText; ApplCatString := ApplCatID + U + ApplicableText; NotApplCatString := NotApplCatID + U + NotApplicableText; EvaluatedCatString := EvaluatedCatID + U + EvaluatedText; OtherCatString := OtherCatID + U + OtherText; LostCatString := LostCatID + U + DKLangConstW('uReminders_In_Process'); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; function ClinMaintText : string; //kt begin Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Clinical_Maintenance'); end; function InitText(const InStr: string): string; var i: integer; begin Result := InStr; if(copy(Result, 1, CRCodeLen) = CRCode) then begin i := pos(CRCode, copy(Result, CRCodeLen+1, MaxInt)); if(i > 0) and ((i = (CRCodeLen + 1)) or (Trim(copy(Result, CrCodeLen+1, i - 1)) = '')) then delete(Result,1,CRCodeLen + i - 1); end; end; function CRLFText(const InStr: string): string; var i: integer; begin Result := InitText(InStr); repeat i := pos(CRCode, Result); if(i > 0) then Result := copy(Result,1,i-1) + CRLF + copy(REsult,i + CRCodeLen, MaxInt); until(i = 0); end; function Code2VitalType(Code: string): TVitalType; var v: TVitalType; begin Result := vtUnknown; for v := low(TValidVitalTypes) to high(TValidVitalTypes) do begin if(Code = VitalPCECodes[v]) then begin Result := v; break; end; end; end; procedure TVitalComboBox.SelectByID(Value: string); var i: integer; begin for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do if(Value = Items[i]) then begin ItemIndex := i; break; end; end; type TMultiClassObj = record case integer of 0: (edt: TEdit); 1: (cb: TORCheckBox); 2: (cbo: TORComboBox); 3: (dt: TORDateCombo); 4: (ctrl: TORExposedControl); 5: (vedt: TVitalEdit); 6: (vcbo: TVitalComboBox); 7: (btn: TButton); 8: (pNow: TORCheckBox); 9: (pBat: TORCheckBox); 10: (lbl: TLabel); 11: (WHChk: TWHCheckBox); end; EForcedPromptConflict = class(EAbort); function IsSyncPrompt(pt: TRemPromptType): boolean; begin if(pt in SyncPrompts) then Result := TRUE else Result := (pt = ptVitalEntry); end; procedure NotifyWhenRemindersChange(Proc: TNotifyEvent); begin ActiveReminders.Notifier.NotifyWhenChanged(Proc); OtherReminders.Notifier.NotifyWhenChanged(Proc); RemindersInProcess.Notifier.NotifyWhenChanged(Proc); Proc(nil); end; procedure RemoveNotifyRemindersChange(Proc: TNotifyEvent); begin ActiveReminders.Notifier.RemoveNotify(Proc); OtherReminders.Notifier.RemoveNotify(Proc); RemindersInProcess.Notifier.RemoveNotify(Proc); end; function ProcessingChangeString: string; var i: integer; TmpSL: TStringList; begin Result := U; if(RemindersInProcess.Count > 0) then begin TmpSL := TStringList.Create; try TmpSL.Assign(RemindersInProcess); TmpSL.Sort; for i := 0 to TmpSL.Count-1 do begin if(TReminder(TmpSL.Objects[i]).Processing) then Result := Result + TmpSL[i] + U; end; finally TmpSL.Free; end; end; end; procedure StartupReminders; begin if(not InitialRemindersLoaded) then begin RemindersStarted := TRUE; InitialRemindersLoaded := TRUE; LoadReminderData; end; end; function GetReminderStatus: TReminderStatus; begin if(EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece('1',U,6) >= 0) then Result := rsDue else if(EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece('0',U,6) >= 0) then Result := rsApplicable else if(EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece('2',U,6) >= 0) then Result := rsNotApplicable else Result := rsUnknown; // else if(EvaluatedReminders.Count > 0) or (OtherReminders.Count > 0) or // (not InitialRemindersLoaded) or // (ProcessingChangeString <> U) then Result := rsUnknown // else Result := rsNone; end; function RemindersEvaluatingInBackground: boolean; begin Result := CoverSheetRemindersInBackground; if(not Result) then Result := (ReminderCallList.Count > 0) end; var TmpActive: TStringList = nil; TmpOther: TStringList = nil; procedure BeginReminderUpdate; begin ActiveReminders.Notifier.BeginUpdate; OtherReminders.Notifier.BeginUpdate; TmpActive := TStringList.Create; TmpActive.Assign(ActiveReminders); TmpOther := TStringList.Create; TmpOther.Assign(OtherReminders); end; procedure EndReminderUpdate(Force: boolean = FALSE); var DoNotify: boolean; begin DoNotify := Force; if(not DoNotify) then DoNotify := (not ActiveReminders.Equals(TmpActive)); KillObj(@TmpActive); if(not DoNotify) then DoNotify := (not OtherReminders.Equals(TmpOther)); KillObj(@TmpOther); OtherReminders.Notifier.EndUpdate; ActiveReminders.Notifier.EndUpdate(DoNotify); end; function GetRemFolders: TRemFolders; var i: TRemFolder; tmp: string; begin if rfUnknown in uRemFolders then begin tmp := GetReminderFolders; uRemFolders := []; for i := low(TValidRemFolders) to high(TValidRemFolders) do if(pos(RemFolderCodes[i], tmp) > 0) then include(uRemFolders, i); end; Result := uRemFolders; end; procedure SetRemFolders(const Value: TRemFolders); var i: TRemFolder; tmp: string; begin if(Value <> uRemFolders) then begin BeginReminderUpdate; try uRemFolders := Value; tmp := ''; for i := low(TValidRemFolders) to high(TValidRemFolders) do if(i in Value) then tmp := tmp + RemFolderCodes[i]; SetReminderFolders(tmp); finally EndReminderUpdate(TRUE); end; end; end; function ReminderEvaluated(Data: string; ForceUpdate: boolean = FALSE): boolean; var idx: integer; Code, Sts, Before: string; begin Result := ForceUpdate; if(Data <> '') then begin Code := Piece(Data, U, 1); if StrToIntDef(Code,0) > 0 then begin ActiveReminders.Notifier.BeginUpdate; try idx := EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(Code); if(idx < 0) then begin EvaluatedReminders.Add(Data); Result := TRUE; end else begin Before := Piece(EvaluatedReminders[idx], U, 6); EvaluatedReminders[idx] := Data; if(not Result) then Result := (Before <> Piece(Data, U, 6)); end; idx := ActiveReminders.IndexOfPiece(Code); if(idx < 0) then begin Sts := Piece(Data, U, 6); //if(Sts = '0') or (Sts = '1') then if(Sts = '0') or (Sts = '1') or (Sts = '3') or (Sts = '4') then //AGP Error change 26.8 begin Result := TRUE; ActiveReminders.Add(Data); end; end else begin if(not Result) then Result := (ActiveReminders[idx] <> Data); ActiveReminders[idx] := Data; end; idx := ProcessedReminders.IndexOfPiece(Code); if(idx >= 0) then ProcessedReminders.Delete(idx); finally ActiveReminders.Notifier.EndUpdate(Result); end; end else Result := TRUE; // If Code = 0 then it's 0^No Reminders Due, indicating a status change. end; end; procedure RemindersEvaluated(List: TStringList); var i: integer; DoUpdate, RemChanged: boolean; begin DoUpdate := FALSE; ActiveReminders.Notifier.BeginUpdate; try for i := 0 to List.Count-1 do begin RemChanged := ReminderEvaluated(List[i]); if(RemChanged) then DoUpdate := TRUE; end; finally ActiveReminders.Notifier.EndUpdate(DoUpdate); end; end; (* procedure CheckReminders; forward; procedure IdleCallEvaluateReminder(Msg: string); var i:integer; Code: string; begin Code := Piece(Msg,U,1); repeat i := ReminderCallList.IndexOfPiece(Code); if(i >= 0) then ReminderCallList.Delete(i); until(i < 0); ReminderEvaluated(EvaluateReminder(Msg), (ReminderCallList.Count = 0)); CheckReminders; end; procedure CheckReminders; var i:integer; begin for i := ReminderCallList.Count-1 downto 0 do if(EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(Piece(ReminderCallList[i], U, 1)) >= 0) then ReminderCallList.Delete(i); if(ReminderCallList.Count > 0) then CallRPCWhenIdle(IdleCallEvaluateReminder,ReminderCallList[0]) end; *) procedure CheckReminders; var RemList: TStringList; i: integer; Code: string; begin for i := ReminderCallList.Count-1 downto 0 do if(EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(Piece(ReminderCallList[i],U,1)) >= 0) then ReminderCallList.Delete(i); if(ReminderCallList.Count > 0) then begin RemList := TStringList.Create; try while (ReminderCallList.Count > 0) do begin Code := Piece(ReminderCallList[0],U,1); ReminderCallList.Delete(0); repeat i := ReminderCallList.IndexOfPiece(Code); if(i >= 0) then ReminderCallList.Delete(i); until(i < 0); RemList.Add(Code); end; if(RemList.Count > 0) then begin EvaluateReminders(RemList); RemList.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results); for i := 0 to RemList.Count-1 do ReminderEvaluated(RemList[i], (i = (RemList.Count-1))); end; finally RemList.Free; end; end; end; procedure ResetReminderLoad; begin LastReminderLocation := -2; LoadReminderData; end; procedure LoadReminderData(ProcessingInBackground: boolean = FALSE); var i, idx: integer; RemID: string; TempList: TORStringList; begin if(RemindersStarted and (LastReminderLocation <> Encounter.Location)) then begin LastReminderLocation := Encounter.Location; BeginReminderUpdate; try GetCurrentReminders; TempList := TORStringList.Create; try if(RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0) then begin for i := 0 to RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1 do begin RemID := RPCBrokerV.Results[i]; idx := EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(RemID); if(idx < 0) then begin TempList.Add(RemID); if(not ProcessingInBackground) then ReminderCallList.Add(RemID); end else TempList.Add(EvaluatedReminders[idx]); end; end; // ActiveReminders.Assign(TempList); for i := 0 to TempList.Count-1 do begin RemID := Piece(TempList[i],U,1); if(ActiveReminders.indexOfPiece(RemID) < 0) then ActiveReminders.Add(TempList[i]); end; finally TempList.Free; end; CheckReminders; GetOtherReminders(OtherReminders); finally EndReminderUpdate; end; end; end; { Supporting events for Reminder TreeViews } procedure GetImageIndex(AData: Pointer; Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); var iidx, oidx: integer; Data, Tmp: string; begin if(Assigned(Node)) then begin oidx := -1; Data := (Node as TORTreeNode).StringData; if(copy(Piece(Data, U, 1),1,1) = CatCode) then begin if(Node.Expanded) then iidx := 1 else iidx := 0; end else begin Tmp := Piece(Data, U, 6); //if(Tmp = '1') then iidx := 2 if (Tmp = '3') or (Tmp = '4') or (Tmp = '1') then iidx :=2 //AGP ERROR CHANGE 26.8 else if(Tmp = '0') then iidx := 3 else begin if(EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(copy(Piece(Data, U, 1),2,MaxInt),U,1) < 0) then iidx := 5 else iidx := 4; end; if(Piece(Data,U,7) = '1') then begin Tmp := copy(Piece(Data, U, 1),2,99); if(ProcessedReminders.IndexOfPiece(Tmp,U,1) >=0) then oidx := 1 else oidx:= 0; end; end; Node.ImageIndex := iidx; Node.SelectedIndex := iidx; if(Node.OverlayIndex <> oidx) then begin Node.OverlayIndex := oidx; Node.TreeView.Invalidate; end; end; end; type TRemMenuCmd = (rmClinMaint, rmEdu, rmInq, rmWeb, rmDash, rmEval, rmDue, rmApplicable, rmNotApplicable, rmEvaluated, rmOther, rmLegend); TRemViewCmds = rmDue..rmOther; const RemMenuFolder: array[TRemViewCmds] of TRemFolder = { rmDue } (rfDue, { rmApplicable } rfApplicable, { rmNotApplicable } rfNotApplicable, { rmEvaluated } rfEvaluated, { rmOther } rfOther); (* RemMenuNames: array[TRemMenuCmd] of string = ( { rmClinMaint } ClinMaintText, { rmEdu } 'Education Topic Definition', { rmInq } 'Reminder Inquiry', { rmWeb } 'Reference Information', { rmDash } '-', { rmEval } 'Evaluate Reminder', { rmDue } DueText, { rmApplicable } ApplicableText, { rmNotApplicable } NotApplicableText, { rmEvaluated } EvaluatedText, { rmOther } OtherText, { rmLegend } 'Reminder Icon Legend'); *) function RemMenuNames (index : TRemMenuCmd) : string; //kt Added function to replace constant array. begin SetupVars; //kt case index of rmClinMaint : Result := ClinMaintText; rmEdu : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Education_Topic_Definition'); //kt added 9/5/2007 rmInq : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reminder_Inquiry'); //kt added 9/5/2007 rmWeb : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reference_Information'); //kt added 9/5/2007 rmDash : Result := '-'; rmEval : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Evaluate_Reminder'); //kt added ;/5/2007 rmDue : Result := DueText; rmApplicable : Result := ApplicableText; rmNotApplicable : Result := NotApplicableText; rmEvaluated : Result := EvaluatedText; rmOther : Result := OtherText; rmLegend : Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reminder_Icon_Legend'); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; {case} end; //const //EvalCatName = 'Evaluate Category Reminders'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 function EvalCatName : string; begin Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Evaluate_Category_Reminders'); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; function GetEducationTopics(EIEN: string): string; var i, idx: integer; Tmp, Data: string; begin if(not assigned(EducationTopics)) then EducationTopics := TORStringList.Create; idx := EducationTopics.IndexOfPiece(EIEN); if(idx < 0) then begin Tmp := copy(EIEN,1,1); idx := StrToIntDef(copy(EIEN,2,MaxInt),0); if(Tmp = RemCode) then GetEducationTopicsForReminder(idx) else if(Tmp = EduCode) then GetEducationSubtopics(idx) else RPCBrokerV.Results.Clear; Tmp := EIEN; if(RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0) then begin for i := 0 to RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1 do begin Data := RPCBrokerV.Results[i]; Tmp := Tmp + U + Piece(Data, U, 1) + ';'; if(Piece(Data, U, 3) = '') then Tmp := Tmp + Piece(Data, U, 2) else Tmp := Tmp + Piece(Data, U, 3); end; end; idx := EducationTopics.Add(Tmp); end; Result := EducationTopics[idx]; idx := pos(U, Result); if(idx > 0) then Result := copy(Result,Idx+1,MaxInt) else Result := ''; end; function GetWebPageName(idx :integer): string; begin Result := Piece(WebPages[idx],U,2); end; function GetWebPageAddress(idx: integer): string; begin Result := Piece(WebPages[idx],U,3); end; function GetWebPages(EIEN: string): string; overload; var i, idx: integer; Tmp, Data, Title: string; RIEN: string; begin RIEN := RemCode + EIEN; if(not assigned(WebPages)) then WebPages := TORStringList.Create; idx := WebPages.IndexOfPiece(RIEN); if(idx < 0) then begin GetReminderWebPages(EIEN); Tmp := RIEN; if(RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0) then begin for i := 0 to RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1 do begin Data := RPCBrokerV.Results[i]; if(Piece(Data,U,1) = '1') and (Piece(Data,U,3) <> '') then begin Data := U + Piece(Data,U,4) + U + Piece(Data,U,3); if(Piece(Data,U,2) = '') then begin Title := Piece(data,U,3); if(length(Title) > 60) then Title := copy(Title,1,57) + '...'; SetPiece(Data,U,2,Title); end; //if(copy(UpperCase(Piece(Data, U, 3)),1,7) <> 'HTTP://') then // SetPiece(Data, U, 3,'http://'+Piece(Data,U,3)); idx := WebPages.IndexOf(Data); if(idx < 0) then idx := WebPages.Add(Data); Tmp := Tmp + U + IntToStr(idx); end; end; end; idx := WebPages.Add(Tmp); end; Result := WebPages[idx]; idx := pos(U, Result); if(idx > 0) then Result := copy(Result,Idx+1,MaxInt) else Result := ''; end; function ReminderName(IEN: integer): string; var idx: integer; SIEN: string; begin SIEN := IntToStr(IEN); Result := ''; idx := EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(SIEN); if(idx >= 0) then Result := piece(EvaluatedReminders[idx],U,2); if(Result = '') then begin idx := ActiveReminders.IndexOfPiece(SIEN); if(idx >= 0) then Result := piece(ActiveReminders[idx],U,2); end; if(Result = '') then begin idx := OtherReminders.IndexOfPiece(SIEN, U, 5); if(idx >= 0) then Result := piece(OtherReminders[idx],U,3); end; if(Result = '') then begin idx := RemindersInProcess.IndexOfPiece(SIEN); if(idx >= 0) then Result := TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[idx]).PrintName; end; end; procedure ReminderClinMaintClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject); var ien: integer; begin ien := (Sender as TMenuItem).Tag; if(ien > 0) then //kt ReportBox(DetailReminder(ien), RemMenuNames[rmClinMaint] + ': '+ ReminderName(ien), TRUE); ReportBox(DetailReminder(ien), RemMenuNames(rmClinMaint) + ': '+ ReminderName(ien), TRUE); end; procedure ReminderEduClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject); var ien: integer; begin ien := (Sender as TMenuItem).Tag; if(ien > 0) then // ReportBox(EducationTopicDetail(ien), 'Education Topic: ' + (Sender as TMenuItem).Caption, TRUE); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 ReportBox(EducationTopicDetail(ien), DKLangConstW('uReminders_Education_Topicx') + (Sender as TMenuItem).Caption, TRUE); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; procedure ReminderInqClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject); var ien: integer; begin ien := (Sender as TMenuItem).Tag; if(ien > 0) then // ReportBox(ReminderInquiry(ien), 'Reminder Inquiry: '+ ReminderName(ien), TRUE); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 ReportBox(ReminderInquiry(ien), DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reminder_Inquiryx')+ ReminderName(ien), TRUE); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; procedure ReminderWebClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject); var idx: integer; begin idx := (Sender as TMenuItem).Tag-1; if(idx >= 0) then GotoWebPage(GetWebPageAddress(idx)); end; procedure EvalReminder(ien: integer); var Msg, RName: string; NewStatus: string; begin if(ien > 0) then begin NewStatus := EvaluateReminder(IntToStr(ien)); ReminderEvaluated(NewStatus); NewStatus := piece(NewStatus,U,6); RName := ReminderName(ien); // if(RName = '') then RName := 'Reminder'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if(RName = '') then RName := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reminder'); //kt added 9/5/2007 // if(NewStatus = '1') then Msg := 'Due' <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if(NewStatus = '1') then Msg := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Due') //kt added 9/5/2007 // else if(NewStatus = '0') then Msg := 'Applicable' <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 else if(NewStatus = '0') then Msg := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Applicable') //kt added 9/5/2007 // else if(NewStatus = '3') then Msg := 'Error' //AGP Error code change 26.8 <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 else if(NewStatus = '3') then Msg := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Error') //AGP Error code change 26.8 //kt added 9/5/2007 else if (NewStatus = '4') then Msg := 'CNBD' //AGP Error code change 26.8 // else Msg := 'Not Applicable'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 else Msg := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Not_Applicable'); //kt added 9/5/2007 // Msg := RName + ' is ' + Msg + '.'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Msg := RName + DKLangConstW('uReminders_is') + Msg + '.'; //kt added 9/5/2007 // InfoBox(Msg, RName + ' Evaluation', MB_OK); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 InfoBox(Msg, RName + DKLangConstW('uReminders_Evaluation'), MB_OK); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; end; procedure EvalProcessed; var i: integer; begin if(ProcessedReminders.Count > 0) then begin BeginReminderUpdate; try while(ProcessedReminders.Count > 0) do begin if(ReminderCallList.IndexOf(ProcessedReminders[0]) < 0) then ReminderCallList.Add(ProcessedReminders[0]); repeat i := EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(Piece(ProcessedReminders[0],U,1)); if(i >= 0) then EvaluatedReminders.Delete(i); until(i < 0); ProcessedReminders.Delete(0); end; CheckReminders; finally EndReminderUpdate(TRUE); end; end; end; procedure ReminderEvalClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject); begin EvalReminder((Sender as TMenuItem).Tag); end; procedure ReminderViewFolderClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject); var rfldrs: TRemFolders; rfldr: TRemFolder; begin rfldrs := GetRemFolders; rfldr := TRemFolder((Sender as TMenuItem).Tag); if rfldr in rfldrs then exclude(rfldrs, rfldr) else include(rfldrs, rfldr); SetRemFolders(rfldrs); end; procedure EvaluateCategoryClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject); var Node: TORTreeNode; Code: string; i: integer; begin if(Sender is TMenuItem) then begin BeginReminderUpdate; try Node := TORTreeNode(TORTreeNode(TMenuItem(Sender).Tag).GetFirstChild); while assigned(Node) do begin Code := Piece(Node.StringData,U,1); if(copy(Code,1,1) = RemCode) then begin Code := copy(Code,2,MaxInt); if(ReminderCallList.IndexOf(Code) < 0) then ReminderCallList.Add(copy(Node.StringData,2,MaxInt)); repeat i := EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(Code); if(i >= 0) then EvaluatedReminders.Delete(i); until(i < 0); end; Node := TORTreeNode(Node.GetNextSibling); end; CheckReminders; finally EndReminderUpdate(TRUE); end; end; end; procedure ReminderIconLegendClicked(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject); begin ShowIconLegend(ilReminders); end; procedure ReminderMenuBuilder(MI: TMenuItem; RemStr: string; IncludeActions, IncludeEval, ViewFolders: boolean); var M: TMethod; Tmp: string; Cnt: integer; RemID: integer; cmd: TRemMenuCmd; function Add(Text: string; Parent: TMenuItem; Tag: integer; Typ: TRemMenuCmd): TORMenuItem; var InsertMenu: boolean; idx: integer; begin Result := nil; InsertMenu := TRUE; if(Parent = MI) then begin if(MI.Count > Cnt) then begin Result := TORMenuItem(MI.Items[Cnt]); Result.Enabled := TRUE; Result.Visible := TRUE; Result.ImageIndex := -1; while Result.Count > 0 do Result.Delete(Result.Count-1); InsertMenu := FALSE; end; inc(Cnt); end; if(not assigned(Result)) then Result := TORMenuItem.Create(MI); if(Text = '') then //kt Result.Caption := RemMenuNames[Typ] Result.Caption := RemMenuNames(Typ) else Result.Caption := Text; Result.Tag := Tag; Result.Data := RemStr; if(Tag <> 0) then begin case Typ of rmClinMaint: M.Code := @ReminderClinMaintClicked; rmEdu: M.Code := @ReminderEduClicked; rmInq: M.Code := @ReminderInqClicked; rmWeb: M.Code := @ReminderWebClicked; rmEval: M.Code := @ReminderEvalClicked; rmDue..rmOther: begin M.Code := @ReminderViewFolderClicked; case Typ of rmDue: idx := 0; rmApplicable: idx := 2; rmNotApplicable: idx := 4; rmEvaluated: idx := 6; rmOther: idx := 8; else idx := -1; end; if(idx >= 0) and (RemMenuFolder[Typ] in GetRemFolders) then inc(idx); Result.ImageIndex := idx; end; rmLegend: M.Code := @ReminderIconLegendClicked; else M.Code := nil; end; if(assigned(M.Code)) then Result.OnClick := TNotifyEvent(M) else Result.OnClick := nil; end; if(InsertMenu) then Parent.Add(Result); end; procedure AddEducationTopics(Item: TMenuItem; EduStr: string); var i, j: integer; Code: String; NewEduStr: string; itm: TMenuItem; begin if(EduStr <> '') then begin repeat i := pos(';', EduStr); j := pos(U, EduStr); if(j = 0) then j := length(EduStr)+1; Code := copy(EduStr,1,i-1); //AddEducationTopics(Add(copy(EduStr,i+1,j-i-1), Item, StrToIntDef(Code, 0), rmEdu), // GetEducationTopics(EduCode + Code)); NewEduStr := GetEducationTopics(EduCode + Code); if(NewEduStr = '') then Add(copy(EduStr,i+1,j-i-1), Item, StrToIntDef(Code, 0), rmEdu) else begin itm := Add(copy(EduStr,i+1,j-i-1), Item, 0, rmEdu); Add(copy(EduStr,i+1,j-i-1), itm, StrToIntDef(Code, 0), rmEdu); Add('', Itm, 0, rmDash); AddEducationTopics(itm, NewEduStr); end; delete(EduStr,1,j); until(EduStr = ''); end; end; procedure AddWebPages(Item: TMenuItem; WebStr: string); var i, idx: integer; begin if(WebStr <> '') then begin repeat i := pos(U, WebStr); if(i = 0) then i := length(WebStr)+1; idx := StrToIntDef(copy(WebStr,1,i-1),-1); if(idx >= 0) then Add(GetWebPageName(idx), Item, idx+1, rmWeb); delete(WebStr,1,i); until(WebStr = ''); end; end; begin RemID := StrToIntDef(copy(Piece(RemStr,U,1),2,MaxInt),0); Cnt := 0; M.Data := nil; if(RemID > 0) then begin Add('', MI, RemID, rmClinMaint); Tmp := GetEducationTopics(RemCode + IntToStr(RemID)); if(Tmp <> '') then AddEducationTopics(Add('', MI, 0, rmEdu), Tmp) else Add('', MI, 0, rmEdu).Enabled := FALSE; Add('', MI, RemID, rmInq); Tmp := GetWebPages(IntToStr(RemID)); if(Tmp <> '') then AddWebPages(Add('', MI, 0, rmWeb), Tmp) else Add('', MI, 0, rmWeb).Enabled := FALSE; if(IncludeActions or IncludeEval) then begin Add('', MI, 0, rmDash); Add('', MI, RemID, rmEval); end; end; if(ViewFolders) then begin Add('', MI, 0, rmDash); for cmd := low(TRemViewCmds) to high(TRemViewCmds) do Add('', MI, ord(RemMenuFolder[cmd]), cmd); end; Add('', MI, 0, rmDash); Add('', MI, 1, rmLegend); while MI.Count > Cnt do MI.Delete(MI.Count-1); end; procedure ReminderTreePopup(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject); begin ReminderMenuBuilder((Sender as TPopupMenu).Items, (Sender as TORPopupMenu).Data, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE); end; procedure ReminderTreePopupCover(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject); begin ReminderMenuBuilder((Sender as TPopupMenu).Items, (Sender as TORPopupMenu).Data, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE); end; procedure ReminderTreePopupDlg(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject); begin ReminderMenuBuilder((Sender as TPopupMenu).Items, (Sender as TORPopupMenu).Data, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE); end; procedure ReminderMenuItemSelect(AData: pointer; Sender: TObject); begin ReminderMenuBuilder((Sender as TMenuItem), (Sender as TORMenuItem).Data, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE); end; procedure SetReminderPopupRoutine(Menu: TPopupMenu); var M: TMethod; begin M.Code := @ReminderTreePopup; M.Data := nil; Menu.OnPopup := TNotifyEvent(M); end; procedure SetReminderPopupCoverRoutine(Menu: TPopupMenu); var M: TMethod; begin M.Code := @ReminderTreePopupCover; M.Data := nil; Menu.OnPopup := TNotifyEvent(M); end; procedure SetReminderPopupDlgRoutine(Menu: TPopupMenu); var M: TMethod; begin M.Code := @ReminderTreePopupDlg; M.Data := nil; Menu.OnPopup := TNotifyEvent(M); end; procedure SetReminderMenuSelectRoutine(Menu: TMenuItem); var M: TMethod; begin M.Code := @ReminderMenuItemSelect; M.Data := nil; Menu.OnClick := TNotifyEvent(M); end; function ReminderMenu(Sender: TComponent): TORPopupMenu; begin if(Sender.Tag = RemTreeCode) then begin if(not assigned(ReminderTreeMenuDlg)) then begin ReminderTreeMenuDlg := TORPopupMenu.Create(nil); SetReminderPopupDlgRoutine(ReminderTreeMenuDlg) end; Result := ReminderTreeMenuDlg; end else begin if(not assigned(ReminderTreeMenu)) then begin ReminderTreeMenu := TORPopupMenu.Create(nil); SetReminderPopupRoutine(ReminderTreeMenu); end; Result := ReminderTreeMenu; end; end; procedure RemContextPopup(AData: Pointer; Sender: TObject; MousePos: TPoint; var Handled: Boolean); var Menu: TORPopupMenu; MItem: TMenuItem; M: TMethod; p1: string; UpdateMenu: boolean; begin UpdateMenu := TRUE; Menu := nil; with (Sender as TORTreeView) do begin if((htOnItem in GetHitTestInfoAt(MousePos.X, MousePos.Y)) and (assigned(Selected))) then begin p1 := Piece((Selected as TORTreeNode).StringData, U, 1); if(Copy(p1,1,1) = RemCode) then begin Menu := ReminderMenu(TComponent(Sender)); Menu.Data := TORTreeNode(Selected).StringData; end else if(Copy(p1,1,1) = CatCode) and (p1 <> OtherCatID) and (Selected.HasChildren) then begin if(not assigned(ReminderCatMenu)) then begin ReminderCatMenu := TPopupMenu.Create(nil); MItem := TMenuItem.Create(ReminderCatMenu); MItem.Caption := EvalCatName; M.Data := nil; M.Code := @EvaluateCategoryClicked; MItem.OnClick := TNotifyEvent(M); ReminderCatMenu.Items.Add(MItem); end else MItem := ReminderCatMenu.Items[0]; PopupMenu := ReminderCatMenu; MItem.Tag := Integer(TORTreeNode(Selected)); UpdateMenu := FALSE; end; end; if UpdateMenu then PopupMenu := Menu; Selected := Selected; // This strange line Keeps item selected after a right click if(not assigned(PopupMenu)) then Handled := TRUE; end; end; { StringData of the TORTreeNodes will be in the format: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 TYPE + IEN^PRINT NAME^DUE DATE/TIME^LAST OCCURENCE DATE/TIME^PRIORITY^DUE^DIALOG 8 9 10 Formated Due Date^Formated Last Occurence Date^InitialAbsoluteIdx where TYPE C=Category, R=Reminder PRIORITY 1=High, 2=Normal, 3=Low DUE 0=Applicable, 1=Due, 2=Not Applicable DIALOG 1=Active Dialog Exists } procedure BuildReminderTree(Tree: TORTreeView); var ExpandedStr: string; TopID1, TopID2: string; SelID1, SelID2: string; i, j: integer; NeedLost: boolean; Tmp, Data, LostCat, Code: string; Node: TORTreeNode; M: TMethod; Rem: TReminder; OpenDue, Found: boolean; function Add2Tree(Folder: TRemFolder; CatID: string; Node: TORTreeNode = nil): TORTreeNode; begin if (Folder = rfUnknown) or (Folder in GetRemFolders) then begin if(CatID = LostCatID) then begin if(NeedLost) then begin (Tree.Items.AddFirst(nil,'') as TORTreeNode).StringData := LostCatString; NeedLost := FALSE; end; end; if(not assigned(Node)) then Node := Tree.FindPieceNode(CatID, 1); if(assigned(Node)) then begin Result := (Tree.Items.AddChild(Node,'') as TORTreeNode); Result.StringData := Data; end else Result := nil; end else Result := nil; end; begin SetupVars; //kt if(not assigned(Tree)) then exit; Tree.Items.BeginUpdate; try Tree.NodeDelim := U; Tree.NodePiece := 2; M.Code := @GetImageIndex; M.Data := nil; Tree.OnGetImageIndex := TTVExpandedEvent(M); Tree.OnGetSelectedIndex := TTVExpandedEvent(M); M.Code := @RemContextPopup; Tree.OnContextPopup := TContextPopupEvent(M); if(assigned(Tree.TopItem)) then begin TopID1 := Tree.GetNodeID(TORTreeNode(Tree.TopItem), 1, IncludeParentID); TopID2 := Tree.GetNodeID(TORTreeNode(Tree.TopItem), 1); end else TopID1 := U; if(assigned(Tree.Selected)) then begin SelID1 := Tree.GetNodeID(TORTreeNode(Tree.Selected), 1, IncludeParentID); SelID2 := Tree.GetNodeID(TORTreeNode(Tree.Selected), 1); end else SelID1 := U; ExpandedStr := Tree.GetExpandedIDStr(1, IncludeParentID); OpenDue := (ExpandedStr = ''); Tree.Items.Clear; NeedLost := TRUE; if(rfDue in GetRemFolders) then (Tree.Items.Add(nil,'') as TORTreeNode).StringData := DueCatString; if(rfApplicable in GetRemFolders) then (Tree.Items.Add(nil,'') as TORTreeNode).StringData := ApplCatString; if(rfNotApplicable in GetRemFolders) then (Tree.Items.Add(nil,'') as TORTreeNode).StringData := NotApplCatString; if(rfEvaluated in GetRemFolders) then (Tree.Items.Add(nil,'') as TORTreeNode).StringData := EvaluatedCatString; if(rfOther in GetRemFolders) then (Tree.Items.Add(nil,'') as TORTreeNode).StringData := OtherCatString; for i := 0 to EvaluatedReminders.Count-1 do begin Data := RemCode + EvaluatedReminders[i]; Tmp := Piece(Data,U,6); // if(Tmp = '1') then Add2Tree(rfDue, DueCatID) if(Tmp = '1') or (Tmp = '3') or (Tmp = '4') then Add2Tree(rfDue, DueCatID) //AGP Error code change 26.8 else if(Tmp = '0') then Add2Tree(rfApplicable, ApplCatID) else Add2Tree(rfNotApplicable, NotApplCatID); Add2Tree(rfEvaluated, EvaluatedCatID); end; if(rfOther in GetRemFolders) and (OtherReminders.Count > 0) then begin for i := 0 to OtherReminders.Count-1 do begin Tmp := OtherReminders[i]; if(Piece(Tmp, U, 2) = CatCode) then Data := CatCode + Piece(Tmp, U, 1) else begin Code := Piece(Tmp, U, 5); Data := RemCode + Code; Node := Tree.FindPieceNode(Data, 1); if(assigned(Node)) then Data := Node.StringData else begin j := EvaluatedReminders.IndexOfPiece(Code); if(j >= 0) then SetPiece(Data, U, 6, Piece(EvaluatedReminders[j], U, 6)); end; end; SetPiece(Data, U, 2, Piece(Tmp, U ,3)); SetPiece(Data, U, 7, Piece(Tmp, U, 6)); Tmp := CatCode + Piece(Tmp, U, 4); Add2Tree(rfOther, OtherCatID, Tree.FindPieceNode(Tmp, 1)); end; end; { The Lost category is for reminders being processed that are no longer in the reminder tree view. This can happen with reminders that were Due or Applicable, but due to user action are no longer applicable, or due to location changes. The Lost category will not be used if a lost reminder is in the other list. } if(RemindersInProcess.Count > 0) then begin for i := 0 to RemindersInProcess.Count-1 do begin Rem := TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[i]); Tmp := RemCode + Rem.IEN; Found := FALSE; Node := nil; repeat Node := Tree.FindPieceNode(Tmp, 1, #0, Node); // look in the tree first if((not Found) and (not assigned(Node))) then begin Data := Tmp + U + Rem.PrintName + U + Rem.DueDateStr + U + Rem.LastDateStr + U + IntToStr(Rem.Priority) + U + Rem.Status; if(Rem.Status = '1') then LostCat := DueCatID else if(Rem.Status = '0') then LostCat := ApplCatID else LostCat := LostCatID; Node := Add2Tree(rfUnknown, LostCat); end; if(assigned(Node)) then begin Node.Bold := Rem.Processing; Found := TRUE; end; until(Found and (not assigned(Node))); end; end; for i := 0 to Tree.Items.Count-1 do begin Node := TORTreeNode(Tree.Items[i]); for j := 3 to 4 do begin Tmp := Piece(Node.StringData, U, j); if(Tmp = '') then Data := '' else Data := FormatFMDateTimeStr(ReminderDateFormat, Tmp); Node.SetPiece(j + (RemTreeDateIdx - 3), Data); end; Node.SetPiece(RemTreeDateIdx + 2, IntToStr(Node.AbsoluteIndex)); Tmp := Piece(Node.StringData, U, 5); if(Tmp <> '1') and (Tmp <> '3') then Node.SetPiece(5, '2'); end; finally Tree.Items.EndUpdate; end; if(SelID1 = U) then Node := nil else begin Node := Tree.FindPieceNode(SelID1, 1, IncludeParentID); if(not assigned(Node)) then Node := Tree.FindPieceNode(SelID2, 1); if(assigned(Node)) then Node.EnsureVisible; end; Tree.Selected := Node; Tree.SetExpandedIDStr(1, IncludeParentID, ExpandedStr); if(OpenDue) then begin Node := Tree.FindPieceNode(DueCatID, 1); if(assigned(Node)) then Node.Expand(FALSE); end; if(TopID1 = U) then Tree.TopItem := Tree.Items.GetFirstNode else begin Tree.TopItem := Tree.FindPieceNode(TopID1, 1, IncludeParentID); if(not assigned(Tree.TopItem)) then Tree.TopItem := Tree.FindPieceNode(TopID2, 1); end; end; function ReminderNode(Node: TTreeNode): TORTreeNode; var p1: string; begin Result := nil; if(assigned(Node)) then begin p1 := Piece((Node as TORTreeNode).StringData, U, 1); if(Copy(p1,1,1) = RemCode) then Result := (Node as TORTreeNode) end; end; procedure LocationChanged(Sender: TObject); begin LoadReminderData; end; procedure ClearReminderData; var Changed: boolean; begin if(assigned(frmReminderTree)) then frmReminderTree.Free; Changed := ((ActiveReminders.Count > 0) or (OtherReminders.Count > 0) or (ProcessingChangeString <> U)); ActiveReminders.Notifier.BeginUpdate; OtherReminders.Notifier.BeginUpdate; RemindersInProcess.Notifier.BeginUpdate; try ProcessedReminders.Clear; if(assigned(KillReminderDialogProc)) then KillReminderDialogProc(nil); ActiveReminders.Clear; OtherReminders.Clear; EvaluatedReminders.Clear; ReminderCallList.Clear; RemindersInProcess.KillObjects; RemindersInProcess.Clear; LastProcessingList := ''; InitialRemindersLoaded := FALSE; CoverSheetRemindersInBackground := FALSE; finally RemindersInProcess.Notifier.EndUpdate; OtherReminders.Notifier.EndUpdate; ActiveReminders.Notifier.EndUpdate(Changed); RemindersStarted := FALSE; LastReminderLocation := -2; RemForm.Form := nil; end; end; procedure RemindersInProcessChanged(Data: Pointer; Sender: TObject; var CanNotify: boolean); var CurProcessing: string; begin CurProcessing := ProcessingChangeString; CanNotify := (LastProcessingList <> CurProcessing); if(CanNotify) then LastProcessingList := CurProcessing; end; procedure InitReminderObjects; var M: TMethod; procedure InitReminderList(var List: TORStringList); begin if(not assigned(List)) then List := TORStringList.Create; end; begin InitReminderList(ActiveReminders); InitReminderList(OtherReminders); InitReminderList(EvaluatedReminders); InitReminderList(ReminderCallList); InitReminderList(RemindersInProcess); InitReminderList(ProcessedReminders); M.Code := @RemindersInProcessChanged; M.Data := nil; RemindersInProcess.Notifier.OnNotify := TCanNotifyEvent(M); AddToNotifyWhenCreated(LocationChanged, TEncounter); RemForm.Form := nil; end; procedure FreeReminderObjects; begin KillObj(@ActiveReminders); KillObj(@OtherReminders); KillObj(@EvaluatedReminders); KillObj(@ReminderTreeMenuDlg); KillObj(@ReminderTreeMenu); KillObj(@ReminderCatMenu); KillObj(@EducationTopics); KillObj(@WebPages); KillObj(@ReminderCallList); KillObj(@TmpActive); KillObj(@TmpOther); KillObj(@RemindersInProcess, TRUE); KillObj(@ReminderDialogInfo, TRUE); KillObj(@PCERootList, TRUE); KillObj(@ProcessedReminders); end; function GetReminder(ARemData: string): TReminder; var idx: integer; SIEN: string; begin Result := nil; SIEN := Piece(ARemData, U, 1); if(Copy(SIEN,1,1) = RemCode) then begin SIEN := copy(Sien, 2, MaxInt); idx := RemindersInProcess.IndexOf(SIEN); if(idx < 0) then begin RemindersInProcess.Notifier.BeginUpdate; try idx := RemindersInProcess.AddObject(SIEN, TReminder.Create(ARemData)); finally RemindersInProcess.Notifier.EndUpdate; end; end; Result := TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[idx]); end; end; var ScootOver: integer = 0; procedure WordWrap(const AText: string; Output: TStrings; LineLength: integer; AutoIndent: integer = 4); var i, l, max, FCount: integer; First: boolean; OrgText, Text, Prefix: string; begin inc(LineLength, ScootOver); dec(AutoIndent, ScootOver); FCount := Output.Count; First := TRUE; OrgText := InitText(AText); Prefix := StringOfChar(' ',74-LineLength); repeat i := pos(CRCode, OrgText); if(i = 0) then begin Text := OrgText; OrgText := ''; end else begin Text := copy(OrgText, 1, i - 1); delete(OrgText, 1, i + CRCodeLen - 1); end; if(Text = '') and (OrgText <> '') then begin Output.Add(''); inc(FCount); end; while(Text <> '') do begin max := length(Text); if(max > LineLength) then begin l := LineLength + 1; while(l > 0) and (Text[l] <> ' ') do dec(l); if(l < 1) then begin Output.Add(Prefix+copy(Text,1,LineLength)); delete(Text,1,LineLength); end else begin Output.Add(Prefix+copy(Text,1,l-1)); while(l <= max) and (Text[l] = ' ') do inc(l); delete(Text,1,l-1); end; if(First) then begin dec(LineLength, AutoIndent); Prefix := Prefix + StringOfChar(' ', AutoIndent); First := FALSE; end; end else begin Output.Add(Prefix+Text); Text := ''; end; end; if(First) and (FCount <> Output.Count) then begin dec(LineLength, AutoIndent); Prefix := Prefix + StringOfChar(' ', AutoIndent); First := FALSE; end; until(OrgText = ''); end; function InteractiveRemindersActive: boolean; begin if(not InteractiveRemindersActiveChecked) then begin InteractiveRemindersActiveStatus := GetRemindersActive; InteractiveRemindersActiveChecked := TRUE; end; Result := InteractiveRemindersActiveStatus; end; function GetReminderData(Rem: TReminderDialog; Lst: TStrings; Finishing: boolean = FALSE; Historical: boolean = FALSE): integer; begin Result := Rem.AddData(Lst, Finishing, Historical); end; function GetReminderData(Lst: TStrings; Finishing: boolean = FALSE; Historical: boolean = FALSE): integer; var i: integer; begin Result := 0; for i := 0 to RemindersInProcess.Count-1 do inc(Result, TReminder(RemindersInProcess.Objects[i]).AddData(Lst, Finishing, Historical)); end; procedure SetReminderFormBounds(Frm: TForm; DefX, DefY, DefW, DefH, ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: integer); var Rect: TRect; ScreenW, ScreenH: integer; begin SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, @Rect, 0); ScreenW := Rect.Right - Rect.Left + 1; ScreenH := Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top + 1; if(AWidth = 0) then AWidth := DefW else DefW := AWidth; if(AHeight = 0) then AHeight := DefH else DefH := AHeight; if(DefX = 0) and (DefY = 0) then begin DefX := (ScreenW - DefW) div 2; DefY := (ScreenH - DefH) div 2; end else dec(DefY, DefH); if((ALeft <= 0) or (ATop <= 0) or ((ALeft + AWidth) > ScreenW) or ((ATop + AHeight) > ScreenH)) then begin if(DefX < 0) then DefX := 0 else if((DefX + DefW) > ScreenW) then DefX := ScreenW-DefW; if(DefY < 0) then DefY := 0 else if((DefY + DefH) > ScreenH) then DefY := ScreenH-DefH; Frm.SetBounds(Rect.Left + DefX, Rect.Top + DefY, DefW, DefH); end else Frm.SetBounds(Rect.Left + ALeft, Rect.Top + ATop, AWidth, AHeight); end; procedure UpdateReminderDialogStatus; var TmpSL: TStringList; Changed: boolean; procedure Build(AList :TORStringList; PNum: integer); var i: integer; Code: string; begin for i := 0 to AList.Count-1 do begin Code := Piece(AList[i],U,PNum); if((Code <> '') and (TmpSL.IndexOf(Code) < 0)) then TmpSL.Add(Code); end; end; procedure Reset(AList: TORStringList; PNum, DlgPNum: integer); var i, j: integer; Tmp, Code, Dlg: string; begin for i := 0 to TmpSL.Count-1 do begin Code := Piece(TmpSL[i],U,1); j := -1; repeat j := AList.IndexOfPiece(Code, U, PNum, j); if(j >= 0) then begin Dlg := Piece(TmpSL[i],U,2); if(Dlg <> Piece(AList[j], U, DlgPNum)) then begin Tmp := AList[j]; SetPiece(Tmp, U, DlgPNum, Dlg); AList[j] := Tmp; Changed := TRUE; end; end; until (j < 0); end; end; begin Changed := FALSE; BeginReminderUpdate; try TmpSL := TStringList.Create; try Build(ActiveReminders, 1); Build(OtherReminders, 5); Build(EvaluatedReminders, 1); GetDialogStatus(TmpSL); Reset(ActiveReminders, 1, 7); Reset(OtherReminders, 5, 6); Reset(EvaluatedReminders, 1, 7); finally TmpSL.Free; end; finally EndReminderUpdate(Changed); end; end; procedure PrepText4NextLine(var txt: string); var tlen: integer; begin if(txt <> '') then begin tlen := length(txt); if(copy(txt, tlen - CRCodeLen + 1, CRCodeLen) = CRCode) then exit; if(copy(txt, tlen, 1) = '.') then txt := txt + ' '; txt := txt + ' '; end; end; procedure ExpandTIUObjects(var Txt: string; msg: string = ''); var ObjList: TStringList; Err: TStringList; i, j, k, oLen: integer; obj, ObjTxt: string; begin ObjList := TStringList.Create; try Err := nil; if(not dmodShared.BoilerplateOK(Txt, CRCode, ObjList, Err)) and (assigned(Err)) then begin try // Err.Add(CRLF + 'Contact IRM and inform them about this error.' + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Err.Add(CRLF + DKLangConstW('uReminders_Contact_IRM_and_inform_them_about_this_errorx') + CRLF + //kt added 9/5/2007 // 'Make sure you give them the name of the reminder that you are processing,' + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 DKLangConstW('uReminders_Make_sure_you_give_them_the_name_of_the_reminder_that_you_are_processingx') + CRLF + //kt added 9/5/2007 // 'and which dialog elements were selected to produce this error.'); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 DKLangConstW('uReminders_and_which_dialog_elements_were_selected_to_produce_this_errorx')); //kt added 9/5/2007 // InfoBox(Err.Text,'Reminder Boilerplate Object Error', MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 InfoBox(Err.Text,DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reminder_Boilerplate_Object_Error'), MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); //kt added 9/5/2007 finally Err.Free; end; end; if(ObjList.Count > 0) then begin GetTemplateText(ObjList); i := 0; while (i < ObjList.Count) do begin if(pos(ObjMarker, ObjList[i]) = 1) then begin obj := copy(ObjList[i], ObjMarkerLen+1, MaxInt); if(obj = '') then break; j := i + 1; while (j < ObjList.Count) and (pos(ObjMarker, ObjList[j]) = 0) do inc(j); if((j - i) > 2) then begin ObjTxt := ''; for k := i+1 to j-1 do ObjTxt := ObjTxt + CRCode + ObjList[k]; end else ObjTxt := ObjList[i+1]; i := j; obj := '|' + obj + '|'; oLen := length(obj); repeat j := pos(obj, Txt); if(j > 0) then begin delete(Txt, j, OLen); insert(ObjTxt, Txt, j); end; until(j = 0); end else inc(i); end end; finally ObjList.Free; end; end; { TReminderDialog } const RPCCalled = '99'; DlgCalled = RPCCalled + U + 'DLG'; constructor TReminderDialog.BaseCreate; var idx, eidx, i: integer; TempSL: TORStringList; ParentID: string; // Line: string; Element: TRemDlgElement; begin TempSL := GetDlgSL; if Piece(TempSL[0],U,2)='1' then begin Self.RemWipe := 1; end; idx := -1; repeat idx := TempSL.IndexOfPiece('1', U, 1, idx); if(idx >= 0) then begin if(not assigned(FElements)) then FElements := TStringList.Create; eidx := FElements.AddObject('',TRemDlgElement.Create); Element := TRemDlgElement(FElements.Objects[eidx]); with Element do begin FReminder := Self; FRec1 := TempSL[idx]; FID := Piece(FRec1, U, 2); FDlgID := Piece(FRec1, U, 3); FElements[eidx] := FDlgID; if(ElemType = etTaxonomy) then FTaxID := BOOLCHAR[Historical] + FindingType else FTaxID := ''; FText := ''; i := -1; // if Piece(FRec1,U,5) <> '1' then repeat i := TempSL.IndexOfPieces(['2',FID,FDlgID],i); if(i >= 0) then begin PrepText4NextLine(FText); FText := FText + Trim(Piece(TempSL[i], U, 4)); end; until(i < 0); ExpandTIUObjects(FText); AssignFieldIDs(FText); if(pos('.',FDlgID)>0) then begin ParentID := FDlgID; i := length(ParentID); while((i > 0) and (ParentID[i] <> '.')) do dec(i); if(i > 0) then begin ParentID := copy(ParentID,1,i-1); i := FElements.IndexOf(ParentID); if(i >= 0) then begin FParent := TRemDlgElement(FElements.Objects[i]); if(not assigned(FParent.FChildren)) then FParent.FChildren := TList.Create; FParent.FChildren.Add(Element); end; end; end; if(ElemType = etDisplayOnly) then SetChecked(TRUE); UpdateData; end; end; until(idx < 0); end; constructor TReminderDialog.Create(ADlgData: string); begin FDlgData := ADlgData; BaseCreate; end; destructor TReminderDialog.Destroy; begin KillObj(@FElements, TRUE); inherited; end; function TReminderDialog.Processing: boolean; var i,j: integer; Elem: TRemDlgElement; RData: TRemData; function ChildrenChecked(Prnt: TRemDlgElement): boolean; forward; function CheckItem(Item: TRemDlgElement): boolean; begin if(Item.ElemType = etDisplayOnly) then begin Result := ChildrenChecked(Item); if(not Result) then Result := Item.Add2PN; end else Result := Item.FChecked; end; function ChildrenChecked(Prnt: TRemDlgElement): boolean; var i: integer; begin Result := FALSE; if(assigned(Prnt.FChildren)) then begin for i := 0 to Prnt.FChildren.Count-1 do begin Result := CheckItem(TRemDlgElement(Prnt.FChildren[i])); if(Result) then break; end; end; end; begin Result := FALSE; if(assigned(FElements)) then begin for i := 0 to FElements.Count-1 do begin Elem := TRemDlgElement(FElements.Objects[i]); if(not assigned(Elem.FParent)) then begin Result := CheckItem(Elem); if (Result = false) then //(AGP CHANGE 24.9 add check to have the finish problem check for MH test) begin if (assigned(Elem.FData)) then begin for j := 0 to Elem.FData.Count-1 do begin RData := TRemData(Elem.FData[j]); if piece(RData.FRec3,U,4)='MH' then Result := True; if (Result) then break; end; end; end; if(Result) then break; end; end; end; end; function TReminderDialog.GetDlgSL: TORStringList; var idx: integer; begin if(not assigned(ReminderDialogInfo)) then ReminderDialogInfo := TStringList.Create; idx := ReminderDialogInfo.IndexOf(GetIEN); if(idx < 0) then idx := ReminderDialogInfo.AddObject(GetIEN, TORStringList.Create); Result := TORStringList(ReminderDialogInfo.Objects[idx]); if(Result.Count = 0) then begin Result.Assign(GetDialogInfo(GetIEN, (Self is TReminder))); Result.Add(DlgCalled); // Used to prevent repeated calling of RPC if dialog is empty end; end; function TReminderDialog.BuildControls(ParentWidth: integer; AParent, AOwner: TWinControl): TWinControl; var Y, i: integer; Elem: TRemDlgElement; ERes: TWinControl; begin Result := nil; if(assigned(FElements)) then begin Y := 0; for i := 0 to FElements.Count-1 do begin Elem := TRemDlgElement(FElements.Objects[i]); if (not assigned(Elem.FParent)) then begin ERes := Elem.BuildControls(Y, ParentWidth, AParent, AOwner); if(not assigned(Result)) then Result := ERes; end; end; end; if(AParent.ControlCount = 0) then begin with TLabel.Create(AOwner) do begin Parent := AParent; // Caption := 'No Dialog found for ' + Trim(GetPrintName) + ' Reminder.'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_No_Dialog_found_for') + Trim(GetPrintName) + DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reminderx'); //kt added 9/5/2007 Left := Gap; Top := Gap; end; end; ElementChecked := nil; end; procedure TReminderDialog.AddText(Lst: TStrings); var i, idx: integer; Elem: TRemDlgElement; begin if(assigned(FElements)) then begin idx := Lst.Count; for i := 0 to FElements.Count-1 do begin Elem := TRemDlgElement(FElements.Objects[i]); if (not assigned(Elem.FParent)) then Elem.AddText(Lst); end; if (Self is TReminder) and (PrintName <> '') and (idx <> Lst.Count) then Lst.Insert(idx, ' ' + PrintName + ':') end; end; function TReminderDialog.AddData(Lst: TStrings; Finishing: boolean = FALSE; Historical: boolean = FALSE): integer; var i: integer; Elem: TRemDlgElement; begin Result := 0; if(assigned(FElements)) then begin for i := 0 to FElements.Count-1 do begin Elem := TRemDlgElement(FElements.Objects[i]); if (not assigned(Elem.FParent)) then inc(Result, Elem.AddData(Lst, Finishing, Historical)); end; end; end; procedure TReminderDialog.ComboBoxCheckedText(Sender: TObject; NumChecked: integer; var Text: string); var i, Done: integer; DotLen, ComLen, TxtW, TotalW, NewLen: integer; tmp: string; Fnt: THandle; lb: TORListBox; begin if(NumChecked = 0) then // Text := '(None Selected)' <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Text := DKLangConstW('uReminders_xNone_Selectedx') //kt added 9/5/2007 else if(NumChecked > 1) then begin Text := ''; lb := (Sender as TORListBox); Fnt := lb.Font.Handle; DotLen := TextWidthByFont(Fnt, '...'); TotalW := (lb.Owner as TControl).ClientWidth - 15; ComLen := TextWidthByFont(fnt, ', '); dec(TotalW,(NumChecked-1) * ComLen); Done := 0; for i := 0 to lb.Items.Count-1 do begin if(lb.Checked[i]) then begin inc(Done); if(Text <> '') then begin Text := Text + ', '; dec(TotalW, ComLen); end; Tmp := lb.DisplayText[i]; if(Done = NumChecked) then TxtW := TotalW else TxtW := TotalW div (NumChecked - Done + 1); NewLen := NumCharsFitInWidth(fnt, Tmp, TxtW); if(NewLen < length(Tmp)) then Tmp := copy(Tmp,1,NumCharsFitInWidth(fnt, Tmp, (TxtW - DotLen))) + '...'; dec(TotalW, TextWidthByFont(fnt, Tmp)); Text := Text + Tmp; end; end; end; end; procedure TReminderDialog.BeginTextChanged; begin inc(FTextChangedCount); end; procedure TReminderDialog.EndTextChanged(Sender: TObject); begin if(FTextChangedCount > 0) then begin dec(FTextChangedCount); if(FTextChangedCount = 0) and assigned(FOnTextChanged) then FOnTextChanged(Sender); end; end; function TReminderDialog.GetIEN: string; begin Result := Piece(FDlgData, U, 1); end; function TReminderDialog.GetPrintName: string; begin Result := Piece(FDlgData, U, 2); end; procedure TReminderDialog.BeginNeedRedraw; begin inc(FNeedRedrawCount); end; procedure TReminderDialog.EndNeedRedraw(Sender: TObject); begin if(FNeedRedrawCount > 0) then begin dec(FNeedRedrawCount); if(FNeedRedrawCount = 0) and (assigned(FOnNeedRedraw)) then FOnNeedRedraw(Sender); end; end; procedure TReminderDialog.FinishProblems(List: TStrings; var MissingTemplateFields: boolean); var i: integer; Elem: TRemDlgElement; TmpSL: TStringList; FldData: TORStringList; begin if(Processing and assigned(FElements)) then begin TmpSL := TStringList.Create; try FldData := TORStringList.Create; try for i := 0 to FElements.Count-1 do begin Elem := TRemDlgElement(FElements.Objects[i]); if (not assigned(Elem.FParent)) then begin Elem.FinishProblems(List); Elem.GetFieldValues(FldData); end; end; FNoResolve := TRUE; try AddText(TmpSL); finally FNoResolve := FALSE; end; MissingTemplateFields := AreTemplateFieldsRequired(TmpSL.Text, FldData); finally FldData.Free; end; finally TmpSL.Free; end; end; end; procedure TReminderDialog.ComboBoxResized(Sender: TObject); begin // This causes the ONCheckedText event to re-fire and re-update the text, // based on the new size of the combo box. if(Sender is TORComboBox) then with (Sender as TORComboBox) do OnCheckedText := OnCheckedText; end; function TReminderDialog.Visible: boolean; begin Result := (CurrentReminderInDialog = Self); end; { TReminder } constructor TReminder.Create(ARemData: string); begin FRemData := ARemData; BaseCreate; end; function TReminder.GetDueDateStr: string; begin Result := Piece(FRemData, U ,3); end; function TReminder.GetIEN: string; begin Result := copy(Piece(FRemData, U, 1), 2, MaxInt); end; function TReminder.GetLastDateStr: string; begin Result := Piece(FRemData, U ,4); end; function TReminder.GetPrintName: string; begin Result := Piece(FRemData, U ,2); end; function TReminder.GetPriority: integer; begin Result := StrToIntDef(Piece(FRemData, U ,5), 2); end; function TReminder.GetStatus: string; begin Result := Piece(FRemData, U ,6); end; { TRemDlgElement } function Code2DataType(Code: string): TRemDataType; var idx: TRemDataType; begin Result := dtUnknown; for idx := low(TRemDataType) to high(TRemDataType) do begin if(Code = RemDataCodes[idx]) then begin Result := idx; break; end; end; end; function Code2PromptType(Code: string): TRemPromptType; var idx: TRemPromptType; begin if(Code = '') then Result := ptSubComment else if(Code = MSTCode) then Result := ptMST else begin Result := ptUnknown; for idx := low(TRemPromptType) to high(TRemPromptType) do begin if(Code = RemPromptCodes[idx]) then begin Result := idx; break; end; end; end; end; function TRemDlgElement.Add2PN: boolean; var Lst: TStringList; begin if (FChecked) then begin Result := (Piece(FRec1, U, 5) <> '1'); //Suppress := (Piece(FRec1,U,1)='1'); if(Result and (ElemType = etDisplayOnly)) then begin //Result := FALSE; if(assigned(FPrompts) and (FPrompts.Count > 0)) or (assigned(FData) and (FData.Count > 0)) or Result then begin Lst := TStringList.Create; try AddData(Lst, FALSE); Result := (Lst.Count > 0); if not assigned(FData) then Result := True; finally Lst.Free; end; end; end; end else Result := FALSE; end; function TRemDlgElement.Box: boolean; begin Result := (Piece(FRec1, U, 19) = '1'); end; function TRemDlgElement.BoxCaption: string; begin if(Box) then Result := Piece(FRec1, U, 20) else Result := ''; end; function TRemDlgElement.ChildrenIndent: integer; begin Result := StrToIntDef(Piece(FRec1, U, 16), 0); end; function TRemDlgElement.ChildrenRequired: TRDChildReq; var Tmp: string; begin Tmp := Piece(FRec1, U, 18); if Tmp = '1' then Result := crOne else if Tmp = '2' then Result := crAtLeastOne else if Tmp = '3' then Result := crNoneOrOne else Result := crNone; end; function TRemDlgElement.ChildrenSharePrompts: boolean; begin Result := (Piece(FRec1, U, 17) = '1'); end; destructor TRemDlgElement.Destroy; begin KillObj(@FFieldValues); KillObj(@FData, TRUE); KillObj(@FPrompts, TRUE); KillObj(@FChildren); inherited; end; function TRemDlgElement.ElemType: TRDElemType; var Tmp: string; begin Tmp := Piece(FRec1, U, 4); if(Tmp = 'D') then Result := etDisplayOnly else if(Tmp = 'T') then Result := etTaxonomy else Result := etCheckBox; end; function TRemDlgElement.FindingType: string; begin if(ElemType = etTaxonomy) then Result := Piece(FRec1, U, 7) else Result := ''; end; function TRemDlgElement.HideChildren: boolean; begin Result := (Piece(FRec1, U, 15) <> '0'); end; function TRemDlgElement.Historical: boolean; begin Result := (Piece(FRec1, U, 8) = '1'); end; function TRemDlgElement.Indent: integer; begin Result := StrToIntDef(Piece(FRec1, U, 6), 0); end; procedure TRemDlgElement.GetData; var TempSL: TStrings; i: integer; Tmp: string; begin if FHaveData then exit; if(FReminder.GetDlgSL.IndexOfPieces([RPCCalled, FID, FTaxID]) < 0) then begin TempSL := GetDialogPrompts(FID, Historical, FindingType); TempSL.Add(RPCCalled); for i := 0 to TempSL.Count-1 do begin Tmp := TempSL[i]; SetPiece(Tmp,U,2,FID); SetPiece(Tmp,U,3,FTaxID); TempSL[i] := Tmp; end; FReminder.GetDlgSL.AddStrings(TempSL); end; UpdateData; end; procedure TRemDlgElement.UpdateData; var Ary: array of integer; idx, i,cnt: integer; TempSL: TORStringList; RData: TRemData; RPrompt: TRemPrompt; Tmp, Tmp2: string; NewLine: boolean; dt: TRemDataType; pt: TRemPromptType; DateRange: string; ChoicesActiveDates: TStringList; ChoiceIdx: integer; Piece7: string; begin if FHaveData then exit; TempSL := FReminder.GetDlgSL; if(TempSL.IndexOfPieces([RPCCalled, FID, FTaxID]) >= 0) then begin FHaveData := TRUE; RData := nil; idx := -1; repeat idx := TempSL.IndexOfPieces(['3', FID, FTaxID], idx); if (idx >= 0) and (Pieces(TempSL[idx-1],U,1,6) = Pieces(TempSL[idx],u,1,6)) then if pos(':', Piece(TempSL[idx],U,7)) > 0 then //if has date ranges begin if RData <> nil then begin if (not assigned(RData.FActiveDates)) then RData.FActiveDates := TStringList.Create; DateRange := Pieces(Piece(TempSL[idx],U,7),':',2,3); RData.FActiveDates.Add(DateRange); end; end; if(idx >= 0) and (Pieces(TempSL[idx-1],U,1,6) <> Pieces(TempSL[idx],u,1,6)) then begin dt := Code2DataType(piece(TempSL[idx], U, r3Type)); if(dt <> dtUnknown) and ((dt <> dtOrder) or (CharAt(piece(TempSL[idx], U, 11),1) in ['D', 'Q', 'M', 'O', 'A'])) and //AGP change 26.10 for allergy orders ((dt <> dtMentalHealthTest) or MHTestsOK) then begin if(not assigned(FData)) then FData := TList.Create; RData := TRemData(FData[FData.Add(TRemData.Create)]); if pos(':',Piece(TempSL[idx],U,7)) > 0 then begin RData.FActiveDates := TStringList.Create; RData.FActiveDates.Add(Pieces(Piece(TempSL[idx],U,7),':',2,3)); end; with RData do begin FParent := Self; Piece7 := Piece(Piece(TempSL[idx],U,7),':',1); FRec3 := TempSL[idx]; SetPiece(FRec3,U,7,Piece7); // FRoot := FRec3; i := idx + 1; ChoiceIdx := 0; while((i < TempSL.Count) and (TempSL.PiecesEqual(i, ['5', FID, FTaxID]))) do begin if (Pieces(TempSL[i-1],U,1,6) = Pieces(TempSL[i],U,1,6)) then begin if pos(':', Piece(TempSL[i],U,7)) > 0 then begin if (not assigned(FChoicesActiveDates)) then begin FChoicesActiveDates := TList.Create; ChoicesActiveDates := TStringList.Create; FChoicesActiveDates.Insert(ChoiceIdx, ChoicesActiveDates); end; TStringList(FChoicesActiveDates[ChoiceIdx]).Add(Pieces(Piece(TempSL[i],U,7),':',2,3)); end; inc(i); end else begin if(not assigned(FChoices)) then begin FChoices := TORStringList.Create; if(not assigned(FPrompts)) then FPrompts := TList.Create; FChoicePrompt := TRemPrompt(FPrompts[FPrompts.Add(TRemPrompt.Create)]); with FChoicePrompt do begin FParent := Self; Tmp := Piece(FRec3,U,10); NewLine := (Tmp <> ''); FRec4 := '4' + U + FID + U + FTaxID + U + U + BOOLCHAR[not RData.Add2PN] + U + U + 'P' + U + Tmp + U + BOOLCHAR[NewLine] + U + '1'; FData := RData; FOverrideType := ptDataList; InitValue; end; end; Tmp := TempSL[i]; Piece7 := Piece(Piece(TempSL[i],U,7),':',1); SetPiece(Tmp,U,7,Piece7); Tmp2 := Piece(Piece(Tmp,U,r3Code),':',1); if(Tmp2 <> '') then Tmp2 := ' (' + Tmp2 + ')'; Tmp2 := MixedCase(Piece(Tmp,U,r3Nar)) + Tmp2; SetPiece(Tmp,U,12,Tmp2); ChoiceIdx := FChoices.Add(Tmp); if pos(':',Piece(TempSL[i],U,7)) > 0 then begin if (not assigned(FChoicesActiveDates)) then FChoicesActiveDates := TList.Create; ChoicesActiveDates := TStringList.Create; ChoicesActiveDates.Add(Pieces(Piece(TempSL[i],U,7),':',2,3)); FChoicesActiveDates.Insert(ChoiceIdx, ChoicesActiveDates); end else if assigned(FChoicesActiveDates) then FChoicesActiveDates.Insert(ChoiceIdx, TStringList.Create); inc(i); end; end; if(assigned(FChoices)) and (FChoices.Count = 1) then // If only one choice just pick it begin FPrompts.Remove(FChoicePrompt); KillObj(@FChoicePrompt); Tmp := FChoices[0]; KillObj(@FChoices); cnt := 5; if(Piece(FRec3,U,9) = '') then inc(cnt); SetLength(Ary,cnt); for i := 0 to cnt-1 do Ary[i] := i+4; SetPieces(FRec3, U, Ary, Tmp); end; if(assigned(FChoices)) then begin for i := 0 to FChoices.Count-1 do FChoices.Objects[i] := TRemPCERoot.GetRoot(RData, FChoices[i], Historical); end else FPCERoot := TRemPCERoot.GetRoot(RData, RData.FRec3, Historical); if(dt = dtVitals) then begin if(Code2VitalType(Piece(FRec3,U,6)) <> vtUnknown) then begin if(not assigned(FPrompts)) then FPrompts := TList.Create; FChoicePrompt := TRemPrompt(FPrompts[FPrompts.Add(TRemPrompt.Create)]); with FChoicePrompt do begin FParent := Self; Tmp := Piece(FRec3,U,10); NewLine := FALSE; // FRec4 := '4' + U + FID + U + FTaxID + U + U + BOOLCHAR[not RData.Add2PN] + U + // RData.InternalValue + U + 'P' + U + Tmp + U + BOOLCHAR[SameL] + U + '1'; FRec4 := '4' + U + FID + U + FTaxID + U + U + BOOLCHAR[not RData.Add2PN] + U + U + 'P' + U + Tmp + U + BOOLCHAR[NewLine] + U + '0'; FData := RData; FOverrideType := ptVitalEntry; InitValue; end; end; end; if(dt = dtMentalHealthTest) then begin if(not assigned(FPrompts)) then FPrompts := TList.Create; FChoicePrompt := TRemPrompt(FPrompts[FPrompts.Add(TRemPrompt.Create)]); with FChoicePrompt do begin FParent := Self; Tmp := Piece(FRec3,U,10); NewLine := FALSE; // FRec4 := '4' + U + FID + U + FTaxID + U + U + BOOLCHAR[not RData.Add2PN] + U + // RData.InternalValue + U + 'P' + U + Tmp + U + BOOLCHAR[SameL] + U + '1'; FRec4 := '4' + U + FID + U + FTaxID + U + U + BOOLCHAR[not RData.Add2PN] + U + U + 'P' + U + Tmp + U + BOOLCHAR[NewLine] + U + '0'; FData := RData; if(Piece(FRec3, U, r3GAF) = '1') then begin FOverrideType := ptGAF; SetPiece(FRec4, U, 8, ForcedCaption + ':'); end else FOverrideType := ptMHTest; end; end; end; end; end; until(idx < 0); idx := -1; repeat idx := TempSL.IndexOfPieces(['4', FID, FTaxID], idx); if(idx >= 0) then begin pt := Code2PromptType(piece(TempSL[idx], U, 4)); if(pt <> ptUnknown) and ((pt <> ptComment) or (not FHasComment)) then begin if(not assigned(FPrompts)) then FPrompts := TList.Create; RPrompt := TRemPrompt(FPrompts[FPrompts.Add(TRemPrompt.Create)]); with RPrompt do begin FParent := Self; FRec4 := TempSL[idx]; InitValue; end; if(pt = ptComment) then begin FHasComment := TRUE; FCommentPrompt := RPrompt; end; if(pt = ptSubComment) then FHasSubComments := TRUE; if(pt = ptMST) then FMSTPrompt := RPrompt; end; end; until(idx < 0); idx := -1; repeat idx := TempSL.IndexOfPieces(['6', FID, FTaxID], idx); if(idx >= 0) then begin PrepText4NextLine(FPNText); FPNText := FPNText + Trim(Piece(TempSL[idx], U, 4)); end; until(idx < 0); ExpandTIUObjects(FPNText); end; end; procedure TRemDlgElement.SetChecked(const Value: boolean); var i, j, k: integer; Kid: TRemDlgElement; Prompt: TRemPrompt; RData: TRemData; procedure UpdateForcedValues(Elem: TRemDlgElement); var i: integer; begin if(Elem.IsChecked) then begin if(assigned(Elem.FPrompts)) then begin for i := 0 to Elem.FPrompts.Count-1 do begin Prompt := TRemPrompt(Elem.FPrompts[i]); if Prompt.Forced then begin try Prompt.SetValueFromParent(Prompt.FValue); except on E: EForcedPromptConflict do begin Elem.FChecked := FALSE; // InfoBox(E.Message, 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 InfoBox(E.Message, DKLangConstW('uReminders_Error'), MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); //kt added 9/5/2007 break; end else raise; end; end; end; end; if(Elem.FChecked) and (assigned(Elem.FChildren)) then for i := 0 to Elem.FChildren.Count-1 do UpdateForcedValues(TRemDlgElement(Elem.FChildren[i])); end; end; begin if(FChecked <> Value) then begin FChecked := Value; if(Value) then begin GetData; if(FChecked and assigned(FParent)) then begin FParent.Check4ChildrenSharedPrompts; if(FParent.ChildrenRequired in [crOne, crNoneOrOne]) then begin for i := 0 to FParent.FChildren.Count-1 do begin Kid := TRemDlgElement(FParent.FChildren[i]); if(Kid <> Self) and (Kid.FChecked) then Kid.SetChecked(FALSE); end; end; end; UpdateForcedValues(Self); end else if(assigned(FPrompts) and assigned(FData)) then begin for i := 0 to FPrompts.Count-1 do begin Prompt := TRemPrompt(FPrompts[i]); if Prompt.Forced and (IsSyncPrompt(Prompt.PromptType)) then begin for j := 0 to FData.Count-1 do begin RData := TRemData(FData[j]); if(assigned(RData.FPCERoot)) then RData.FPCERoot.UnSync(Prompt); if(assigned(RData.FChoices)) then begin for k := 0 to RData.FChoices.Count-1 do begin if(assigned(RData.FChoices.Objects[k])) then TRemPCERoot(RData.FChoices.Objects[k]).UnSync(Prompt); end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; function TRemDlgElement.TrueIndent: integer; var Prnt: TRemDlgElement; Nudge: integer; begin Result := Indent; Nudge := Gap; Prnt := FParent; while assigned(Prnt) do begin if(Prnt.Box) then begin Prnt := nil; inc(Nudge, Gap); end else begin Result := Result + Prnt.ChildrenIndent; Prnt := Prnt.FParent; end; end; Result := (Result * IndentMult) + Nudge; end; procedure TRemDlgElement.cbClicked(Sender: TObject); begin FReminder.BeginTextChanged; try FReminder.BeginNeedRedraw; try if(assigned(Sender)) then begin SetChecked((Sender as TORCheckBox).Checked); ElementChecked := Self; end; finally FReminder.EndNeedRedraw(Sender); end; finally FReminder.EndTextChanged(Sender); end; RemindersInProcess.Notifier.Notify; TFieldPanel(TORCheckBox(Sender).Associate).SetFocus; end; function TRemDlgElement.EnableChildren: boolean; var Chk: boolean; begin if(assigned(FParent)) then Chk := FParent.EnableChildren else Chk := TRUE; if(Chk) then begin if(ElemType = etDisplayOnly) then Result := TRUE else Result := FChecked; end else Result := FALSE; end; function TRemDlgElement.Enabled: boolean; begin if(assigned(FParent)) then Result := FParent.EnableChildren else Result := TRUE; end; function TRemDlgElement.ShowChildren: boolean; begin if(assigned(FChildren) and (FChildren.Count > 0)) then begin if((ElemType = etDisplayOnly) or FChecked) then Result := TRUE else Result := (not HideChildren); end else Result := FALSE; end; procedure TRemDlgElement.ParentCBEnter(Sender: TObject); begin (Sender as TORCheckbox).FocusOnBox := true; end; procedure TRemDlgElement.ParentCBExit(Sender: TObject); begin (Sender as TORCheckbox).FocusOnBox := false; end; function TRemDlgElement.BuildControls(var Y: integer; ParentWidth: integer; BaseParent, AOwner: TWinControl): TWinControl; var lbl: TLabel; pnl: TPanel; AutoFocusControl: TWinControl; cb: TORCheckBox; gb: TGroupBox; ERes, prnt: TWinControl; PrntWidth: integer; i, X, Y1: integer; LastX, MinX, MaxX: integer; Prompt: TRemPrompt; Ctrl: TMultiClassObj; OK, DoLbl, HasVCombo, cbSingleLine: boolean; ud: TUpDown; HelpBtn: TButton; vCombo: TComboBox; pt: TRemPromptType; SameLineCtrl: TList; Kid: TRemDlgElement; vt: TVitalType; DefaultDate: TFMDateTime; function GetPanel(const EID, AText: string; const PnlWidth: integer): TPanel; var idx, p: integer; Entry: TTemplateDialogEntry; begin // This call creates a new TTemplateDialogEntry if necessary and creates the // necessary template field controls with their default values stored in the // TTemplateField object. Entry := GetDialogEntry(BaseParent, EID + IntToStr(Integer(BaseParent)), AText); Entry.InternalID := EID; // This call looks for the Entry's values in TRemDlgElement.FFieldValues idx := FFieldValues.IndexOfPiece(EID); // If the Entry's values were found in the previous step then they will be // restored to the TTemplateDialogEntry.FieldValues in the next step. if(idx >= 0) then begin p := pos(U, FFieldValues[idx]); // Can't use Piece because 2nd piece may contain ^ characters if(p > 0) then Entry.FieldValues := copy(FFieldValues[idx],p+1,MaxInt); end; Entry.AutoDestroyOnPanelFree := TRUE; // The FieldPanelChange event handler is where the Entry.FieldValues are saved to the // Element.FFieldValues. Entry.OnChange := FieldPanelChange; // Calls TTemplateDialogEntry.SetFieldValues which calls // TTemplateDialogEntry.SetControlText to reset the template field default // values to the values that were restored to the Entry from the Element if // they exist, otherwise the default values will remain. Result := Entry.GetPanel(PnlWidth, BaseParent); end; procedure NextLine(var Y: integer); var i: integer; MaxY: integer; C: TControl; begin MaxY := 0; for i := 0 to SameLineCtrl.Count-1 do begin C := TControl(SameLineCtrl[i]); if(MaxY < C.Height) then MaxY := C.Height; end; for i := 0 to SameLineCtrl.Count-1 do begin C := TControl(SameLineCtrl[i]); if(MaxY > C.Height) then C.Top := Y + ((MaxY - C.Height) div 2); end; inc(Y, MaxY); if assigned(cb) and assigned(pnl) then cb.Top := pnl.Top; SameLineCtrl.Clear; end; procedure AddPrompts(Shared: boolean; AParent: TWinControl; PWidth: integer; var Y: integer); var i, j, k, idx: integer; DefLoc: TStrings; LocText: string; LocFound: boolean; m, n: integer; ActDt, InActDt: Double; EncDt: TFMDateTime; ActChoicesSL: TORStringList; Piece12, WHReportStr: String; WrapLeft, LineWidth: integer; begin SameLineCtrl := TList.Create; try if(assigned(cb)) then begin if(not Shared) then begin SameLineCtrl.Add(cb); SameLineCtrl.Add(pnl); end; if(cbSingleLine and (not Shared)) then LastX := cb.Left + pnl.Width + PromptGap + IndentGap else LastX := PWidth; end else begin if(not Shared) then SameLineCtrl.Add(pnl); LastX := PWidth; end; for i := 0 to FPrompts.Count-1 do begin Prompt := TRemPrompt(FPrompts[i]); OK := ((Prompt.FIsShared = Shared) and Prompt.PromptOK and (not Prompt.Forced)); if(OK and Shared) then begin OK := FALSE; for j := 0 to Prompt.FSharedChildren.Count-1 do begin Kid := TRemDlgElement(Prompt.FSharedChildren[j]); // if(Kid.ElemType <> etDisplayOnly) and (Kid.FChecked) then if(Kid.FChecked) then begin OK := TRUE; break; end; end; end; Ctrl.Ctrl := nil; ud := nil; HelpBtn := nil; vCombo := nil; HasVCombo := FALSE; if(OK) then begin pt := Prompt.PromptType; MinX := 0; MaxX := 0; lbl := nil; DoLbl := Prompt.Required; case pt of ptComment, ptQuantity: begin Ctrl.edt := TEdit.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent; Ctrl.edt.Text := Prompt.Value; if(pt = ptComment) then begin Ctrl.edt.MaxLength := 245; // MinX := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.edt.Font.Handle, 'AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz 1234'); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 MinX := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.edt.Font.Handle, DKLangConstW('uReminders_AbCdEfGhIjKlMnOpQrStUvWxYz_1234')); //kt added 9/5/2007 MaxX := PWidth; end else begin ud := TUpDown.Create(AOwner); ud.Parent := AParent; ud.Associate := Ctrl.edt; if(pt = ptQuantity) then begin ud.Min := 1; ud.Max := 100; end else begin ud.Min := 0; ud.Max := 40; end; MinX := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.edt.Font.Handle, IntToStr(ud.Max)) + 24; ud.Position := StrToIntDef(Prompt.Value, ud.Min); end; Ctrl.edt.OnKeyPress := Prompt.EditKeyPress; Ctrl.edt.OnChange := Prompt.PromptChange; DoLbl := TRUE; end; ptVisitLocation, ptLevelUnderstanding, ptSeries, ptReaction, ptExamResults, ptLevelSeverity, ptSkinResults, ptSkinReading: begin Ctrl.cbo := TORComboBox.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent; Ctrl.cbo.OnKeyDown := Prompt.ComboBoxKeyDown; Ctrl.cbo.Style := orcsDropDown; Ctrl.cbo.Pieces := '2'; if pt = ptSkinReading then begin Ctrl.cbo.Pieces := '1'; Ctrl.cbo.Items.Add(''); for j := 0 to 50 do Ctrl.cbo.Items.Add(inttostr(j)); GetComboBoxMinMax(Ctrl.cbo,MinX, MaxX); end; if pt <> ptSkinReading then begin Ctrl.cbo.Tag := ComboPromptTags[pt]; PCELoadORCombo(Ctrl.cbo, MinX, MaxX); end; if pt = ptVisitLocation then begin DefLoc := GetDefLocations; if DefLoc.Count > 0 then begin idx := 1; for j := 0 to DefLoc.Count-1 do begin LocText := piece(DefLoc[j],U,2); if LocText <> '' then begin if (LocText <> '0') and (IntToStr(StrToIntDef(LocText,0)) = LocText) then begin LocFound := FALSE; for k := 0 to Ctrl.cbo.Items.Count-1 do begin if(piece(Ctrl.cbo.Items[k],U,1) = LocText) then begin LocText := Ctrl.cbo.Items[k]; LocFound := TRUE; break; end; end; if not LocFound then LocText := ''; end else LocText := '0^'+LocText; if LocText <> '' then begin Ctrl.cbo.Items.Insert(idx, LocText); inc(idx); end; end; end; if idx > 1 then begin Ctrl.cbo.Items.Insert(idx, '-1' + LLS_LINE); Ctrl.cbo.Items.Insert(idx+1, '-1' + LLS_SPACE); end; end; end; MinX := MaxX; Ctrl.cbo.SelectByID(Prompt.Value); if(Ctrl.cbo.ItemIndex < 0) then begin Ctrl.cbo.Text := Prompt.Value; if(pt = ptVisitLocation) then Ctrl.cbo.Items[0] := '0' + U + Prompt.Value; end; if(Ctrl.cbo.ItemIndex < 0) then Ctrl.cbo.ItemIndex := 0; Ctrl.cbo.OnChange := Prompt.PromptChange; DoLbl := TRUE; Ctrl.cbo.ListItemsOnly := (pt <> ptVisitLocation); end; ptWHPapResult: begin if FData<>nil then begin if (TRemData(FData[i]).DisplayWHResults)=true then begin NextLine(Y); Ctrl.btn := TButton.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent; Ctrl.btn.Left := NewLInePromptGap+15; Ctrl.btn.Top := Y+7; Ctrl.btn.OnClick := Prompt.DoWHReport; // Ctrl.btn.Caption := 'Review complete report'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Ctrl.btn.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Review_complete_report'); //kt added 9/5/2007 Ctrl.btn.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.btn.Font.Handle, Ctrl.btn.Caption) + 13; Ctrl.btn.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.btn.Font.Handle, Ctrl.btn.Caption) + 13; Ctrl.btn.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.btn.Handle, Ctrl.btn.Caption) + 8; Y := ctrl.btn.Top + Ctrl.btn.Height; NextLine(Y); Ctrl.WHChk := TWHCheckBox.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent; Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl := TLabel.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Parent := Ctrl.WHChk.Parent; Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption := Prompt.Caption; Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Top := Y + 5; Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Left := NewLInePromptGap+15; WrapLeft := Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Left; Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption)+25; Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption); //LineWidth := WrapLeft + Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Width+10; if Prompt.Required then Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption := '* '+Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption; Y := Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Height; NextLine(Y); Ctrl.WHChk.RadioStyle:=true; Ctrl.WHChk.GroupIndex:=1; Ctrl.WHChk.Check2 := TWHCheckBox.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Parent := Ctrl.WHChk.Parent; Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.RadioStyle:=true; Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.GroupIndex:=1; Ctrl.WHChk.Check3 := TWHCheckBox.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Parent := Ctrl.WHChk.Parent; Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.RadioStyle:=true; Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.GroupIndex:=1; // Ctrl.WHChk.Caption := 'NEM (No Evidence of Malignancy)'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_NEM_xNo_Evidence_of_Malignancyx'); //kt added 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.ShowHint := true; // Ctrl.WHChk.Hint := 'No Evidence of Malignancy'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.Hint := DKLangConstW('uReminders_No_Evidence_of_Malignancy'); //kt added 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Caption)+20; Ctrl.WHChk.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Caption)+4; Ctrl.WHChk.Top := Y + 5; Ctrl.WHChk.Left := WrapLeft; Ctrl.WHChk.OnClick := Prompt.PromptChange; Ctrl.WHChk.Checked := (WHResultChk = 'N'); LineWidth := WrapLeft + Ctrl.WHChk.Width+5; // Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Caption := 'Abnormal'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Abnormal'); //kt added 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Caption) + 20; Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.check2.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.check2.Caption)+4; if (LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Width) > PWidth - 10 then begin LineWidth := WrapLeft; Y := Ctrl.WHChk.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.Height; Nextline(Y); end; Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Top := Y + 5; Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Left := LineWidth; Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.OnClick := Prompt.PromptChange; Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Checked := (WHResultChk = 'A'); LineWidth := LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Width+5; // Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Caption := 'Unsatisfactory for Diagnosis'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Unsatisfactory_for_Diagnosis'); //kt added 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Caption)+20; Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.check3.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.check3.Caption)+4; if (LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Width) > PWidth - 10 then begin LineWidth := WrapLeft; Y := Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Height; Nextline(Y); end; Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Top := Y + 5; Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.OnClick := Prompt.PromptChange; Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Checked := (WHResultChk = 'U'); Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Left := LineWidth; Y := Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Height; Nextline(Y); end else DoLbl := FALSE; end else DoLbl :=FALSE; end; ptWHNotPurp: begin NextLine(Y); Ctrl.WHChk := TWHCheckBox.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent; Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl := TLabel.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Parent := Ctrl.WHChk.Parent; Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption := Prompt.Caption; Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Top := Y + 7; Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Left := NewLInePromptGap+30; WrapLeft := Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Left; Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption)+25; Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption)+4; LineWidth := WrapLeft + Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Width+10; if Prompt.Required then Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption := '* '+Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Caption; Ctrl.WHChk.Check2 := TWHCheckBox.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Parent := Ctrl.WHChk.Parent; Ctrl.WHChk.Check3 := TWHCheckBox.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Parent := Ctrl.WHChk.Parent; Ctrl.WHChk.ShowHint := true; // Ctrl.WHChk.Hint := 'Letter will print with next WH batch run'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.Hint := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter_will_print_with_next_WH_batch_run'); //kt added 9/5/2007 // Ctrl.WHChk.Caption := 'Letter'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter'); //kt added 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Caption)+25; Ctrl.WHChk.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Caption)+4; if (LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.Width) > PWidth - 10 then begin LineWidth := WrapLeft; Y := Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Height; Nextline(Y); end; Ctrl.WHChk.Top := Y + 7; Ctrl.WHChk.Left := LineWidth; Ctrl.WHChk.OnClick := Prompt.PromptChange; Ctrl.WHChk.Checked := (Pos('L',WHResultNot)>0); LineWidth := LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.Width+10; // Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Caption := 'In-Person'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_InxPerson'); //kt added 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Caption) + 25; Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.check2.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.check2.Caption)+4; if (LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Width) > PWidth - 10 then begin LineWidth := WrapLeft; Y := Ctrl.WHChk.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.Height; Nextline(Y); end; Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Top := Y + 7; Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Left := LineWidth; Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.OnClick := Prompt.PromptChange; Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Checked := (Pos('I',WHResultNot)>0); LineWidth := LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Width+10; // Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Caption := 'Phone Call'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Phone_Call'); //kt added 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Caption)+20; Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.check3.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.check3.Caption)+4; if (LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Width) > PWidth - 10 then begin LineWidth := WrapLeft; Y := Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.Check2.Height; Nextline(Y); end; Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Top := Y + 7; Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.OnClick := Prompt.PromptChange; Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Checked := (Pos('P',WHResultNot)>0); Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Left := LineWidth; Y := Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.Check3.Height; Nextline(Y); Ctrl.WHChk.Fbutton := TButton.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Parent := Ctrl.WHChk.Parent; Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Enabled:=(Pos('L',WHResultNot)>0); Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Left := Ctrl.WHChk.Flbl.Left; Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Top := Y+7; Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.OnClick := Prompt.ViewWHText; // Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Caption := 'View WH Notification Letter'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_View_WH_Notification_Letter'); //kt added 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Caption) + 13; Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Caption) + 13; LineWidth := Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Left + Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Width; if piece(Prompt.FRec4,u,12)='1' then begin Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow :=TORCheckBox.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Parent := Ctrl.WHChk.Parent; Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.ShowHint := true; // Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Hint := 'Letter will print after "Finish" button is clicked'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Hint := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter_will_print_after_xFinishx_button_is_clicked'); //kt added 9/5/2007 // Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Caption:='Print Now'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Caption:=DKLangConstW('uReminders_Print_Now'); //kt added 9/5/2007 Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Caption)+20; Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Font.Handle, Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Caption)+4; if (LineWidth + Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Width) > PWidth - 10 then begin LineWidth := WrapLeft; Y := Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Height; Nextline(Y); end; Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Left := LineWidth + 15; Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Top := Y + 7; Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Enabled := (Pos('L',WHResultNot)>0); Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Checked :=(WHPrintDevice<>''); Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.OnClick := Prompt.PromptChange; MinX :=PWidth; if (Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Height) > (Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Height) then Y := Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Height + 7 else Y := Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.FPrintNow.Height + 7; end else Y := Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Top + Ctrl.WHChk.FButton.Height + 7; NextLine(Y); end; ptVisitDate: begin Ctrl.dt := TORDateCombo.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent; Ctrl.dt.LongMonths := TRUE; try DefaultDate := Ctrl.dt.FMDate; Ctrl.dt.FMDate := StrToFloat(Prompt.Value); except on EConvertError do Ctrl.dt.FMDate := DefaultDate; else raise; end; Ctrl.dt.OnChange := Prompt.PromptChange; DoLbl := TRUE; MinX := Ctrl.dt.Width; //TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.dt.Font.Handle, 'May 22, 2000') + 26; end; ptPrimaryDiag, ptAdd2PL, ptContraindicated: begin Ctrl.cb := TORCheckBox.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent; Ctrl.cb.Checked := (Prompt.Value = '1'); Ctrl.cb.Caption := Prompt.Caption; if prompt.Required=false then DoLbl := true; Ctrl.cb.AutoSize := False; Ctrl.cb.OnEnter := ParentCBEnter; Ctrl.cb.OnExit := ParentCBExit; Ctrl.cb.Height := TORCheckBox(Ctrl.cb).Height + 5; Ctrl.cb.Width := 17; Ctrl.cb.OnClick := Prompt.PromptChange; MinX := Ctrl.cb.Width; end; else begin if(pt = ptSubComment) then begin Ctrl.cb := TORCheckBox.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent; Ctrl.cb.Checked := (Prompt.Value = '1'); Ctrl.cb.Caption := Prompt.Caption; Ctrl.cb.AutoSize := TRUE; Ctrl.cb.OnClick := SubCommentChange; Ctrl.cb.Tag := Integer(Prompt); MinX := Ctrl.cb.Width; end else if pt = ptVitalEntry then begin vt := Prompt.VitalType; if(vt = vtPain) then begin Ctrl.cbo := TORComboBox.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent; Ctrl.cbo.Style := orcsDropDown; Ctrl.cbo.Pieces := '1,2'; Ctrl.cbo.OnKeyDown := Prompt.ComboBoxKeyDown; InitPainCombo(Ctrl.cbo); Ctrl.cbo.ListItemsOnly := TRUE; Ctrl.cbo.SelectByID(Prompt.VitalValue); Ctrl.cbo.OnChange := Prompt.PromptChange; Ctrl.cbo.SelLength := 0; MinX := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.cbo.Font.Handle, Ctrl.cbo.DisplayText[0]) + 24; MaxX := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.cbo.Font.Handle, Ctrl.cbo.DisplayText[1]) + 24; if(ElementChecked = Self) then begin AutoFocusControl := Ctrl.cbo; ElementChecked := nil; end; end else begin Ctrl.vedt := TVitalEdit.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent; MinX := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.vedt.Font.Handle, '12345.67'); Ctrl.edt.OnKeyPress := Prompt.EditKeyPress; Ctrl.edt.OnChange := Prompt.PromptChange; Ctrl.edt.OnExit := Prompt.VitalVerify; if(vt in [vtTemp, vtHeight, vtWeight]) then begin HasVCombo := TRUE; Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo := TVitalComboBox.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Parent := AParent; Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.OnChange := Prompt.PromptChange; Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Tag := VitalControlTag(vt, TRUE); Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.OnExit := Prompt.VitalVerify; Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.FLinkedEdit := Ctrl.vedt; case vt of vtTemp: begin Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Items.Add('F'); Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Items.Add('C'); end; vtHeight: begin Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Items.Add('IN'); Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Items.Add('CM'); end; vtWeight: begin Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Items.Add('LB'); Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Items.Add('KG'); end; end; Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.SelectByID(Prompt.VitalUnitValue); if(Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.ItemIndex < 0) then Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.ItemIndex := 0; Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Width := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.vedt.Font.Handle, Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Items[1]) + 30; Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.SelLength := 0; inc(MinX, Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Width); end; if(ElementChecked = Self) then begin AutoFocusControl := Ctrl.edt; ElementChecked := nil; end; end; Ctrl.ctrl.Text := Prompt.VitalValue; Ctrl.ctrl.Tag := VitalControlTag(vt); DoLbl := TRUE; end else if pt = ptDataList then begin Ctrl.cbo := TORComboBox.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent; Ctrl.cbo.Style := orcsDropDown; Ctrl.cbo.Pieces := '12'; if ActChoicesSL = nil then ActChoicesSL := TORStringList.Create; if Self.Historical then EncDt := DateTimeToFMDateTime(Date) else EncDt := RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime; if assigned(Prompt.FData.FChoicesActiveDates) then {csv active/inactive dates} for m := 0 to (Prompt.FData.FChoices.Count - 1) do begin for n := 0 to (TStringList(Prompt.FData.FChoicesActiveDates[m]).Count - 1) do begin ActDt := StrToIntDef((Piece(TStringList(Prompt.FData.FChoicesActiveDates[m]).Strings[n], ':', 1)),0); InActDt := StrToIntDef((Piece(TStringList(Prompt.FData.FChoicesActiveDates[m]).Strings[n], ':', 2)),9999999); Piece12 := Piece(Piece(Prompt.FData.FChoices.Strings[m],U,12),':',1); Prompt.FData.FChoices.SetStrPiece(m,12,Piece12); if (EncDt >= ActDt) and (EncDt <= InActDt) then ActChoicesSL.AddObject(Prompt.FData.FChoices[m], Prompt.FData.FChoices.Objects[m]); end; {loop through the TStringList object in FChoicesActiveDates[m] object property} end {loop through FChoices/FChoicesActiveDates} else ActChoicesSL.Assign(Prompt.FData.FChoices); Ctrl.cbo.Items.Assign(ActChoicesSL); Ctrl.cbo.CheckBoxes := TRUE; Ctrl.cbo.SelectByID(Prompt.Value); Ctrl.cbo.OnCheckedText := FReminder.ComboBoxCheckedText; Ctrl.cbo.OnResize := FReminder.ComboBoxResized; Ctrl.cbo.CheckedString := Prompt.Value; Ctrl.cbo.OnChange := Prompt.PromptChange; Ctrl.cbo.ListItemsOnly := TRUE; if(ElementChecked = Self) then begin AutoFocusControl := Ctrl.cbo; ElementChecked := nil; end; DoLbl := TRUE; if(Prompt.FData.FChoicesFont = Ctrl.cbo.Font.Handle) then begin MinX := Prompt.FData.FChoicesMin; MaxX := Prompt.FData.FChoicesMax; end else begin GetComboBoxMinMax(Ctrl.cbo, MinX, MaxX); inc(MaxX,18); // Adjust for checkboxes MinX := MaxX; Prompt.FData.FChoicesFont := Ctrl.cbo.Font.Handle; Prompt.FData.FChoicesMin := MinX; Prompt.FData.FChoicesMax := MaxX; end; end else if(pt = ptMHTest) then begin Ctrl.btn := TButton.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent; Ctrl.btn.OnClick := Prompt.DoMHTest; Ctrl.btn.Caption := Prompt.ForcedCaption; if Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,13)='1' then Ctrl.btn.Caption := Ctrl.btn.Caption + ' *'; MinX := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.btn.Font.Handle, Ctrl.btn.Caption) + 13; Ctrl.btn.Height := TextHeightByFont(Ctrl.btn.Font.Handle, Ctrl.btn.Caption) + 8; DoLbl := TRUE; end else if(pt = ptGAF) then begin Ctrl.edt := TEdit.Create(AOwner); Ctrl.ctrl.Parent := AParent; Ctrl.edt.Text := Prompt.Value; ud := TUpDown.Create(AOwner); ud.Parent := AParent; ud.Associate := Ctrl.edt; ud.Min := 0; ud.Max := 100; MinX := TextWidthByFont(Ctrl.edt.Font.Handle, IntToStr(ud.Max)) + 24 + Gap; ud.Position := StrToIntDef(Prompt.Value, ud.Min); Ctrl.edt.OnKeyPress := Prompt.EditKeyPress; Ctrl.edt.OnChange := Prompt.PromptChange; if(User.WebAccess and (GAFURL <> '')) then begin HelpBtn := TButton.Create(AOwner); HelpBtn.Parent := AParent; // HelpBtn.Caption := 'Reference Info'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 HelpBtn.Caption := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Reference_Info'); //kt added 9/5/2007 HelpBtn.OnClick := Prompt.GAFHelp; HelpBtn.Width := TextWidthByFont(HelpBtn.Font.Handle, HelpBtn.Caption) + 13; HelpBtn.Height := Ctrl.edt.Height; inc(MinX, HelpBtn.Width); end; DoLbl := TRUE; end else Ctrl.ctrl := nil; end; end; if(DoLbl) and ((pt <> ptWHNotPurp) and (pt <> ptWHPapResult)) then //if(DoLbl) then begin if(Prompt.Caption = '') and (not Prompt.Required) then DoLbl := FALSE else begin lbl := TLabel.Create(AOwner); lbl.Parent := AParent; lbl.Caption := Prompt.Caption; if Prompt.Required then lbl.Caption := lbl.Caption+' *'; if pt = ptGaf then begin if Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,13)='1' then lbl.Caption := lbl.Caption + ' *'; end; lbl.Enabled := Prompt.FParent.Enabled; inc(MinX, lbl.Width + LblGap); inc(MaxX, lbl.Width + LblGap); end; end; if(MaxX < MinX) then MaxX := MinX; if((Prompt.SameLine) and ((LastX + MinX + Gap) < PWidth)) and ((pt <> ptWHNotPurp) and (pt <> ptWHPapResult)) then //if((Prompt.SameLine) and ((LastX + MinX + Gap) < PWidth)) then begin X := LastX; end else begin if(Shared) and (assigned(FChildren)) and (FChildren.Count > 0) then X := TRemDlgElement(FChildren[0]).TrueIndent else begin if(assigned(cb)) then X := cb.Left + NewLinePromptGap else X := pnl.Left + NewLinePromptGap; end; NextLine(Y); end; if(MaxX > (PWidth - X - Gap)) then MaxX := PWidth - X - Gap; if((DoLbl) or (assigned(Ctrl.Ctrl))) and ((pt <> ptWHNotPurp) and (pt <> ptWHPapResult)) then //if((DoLbl) or (assigned(Ctrl.Ctrl))) then begin if DoLbl then begin lbl.Left := X; lbl.Top := Y; inc(X, lbl.Width + LblGap); dec(MinX, lbl.Width + LblGap); dec(MaxX, lbl.Width + LblGap); SameLineCtrl.Add(lbl); end; if(assigned(Ctrl.Ctrl)) then begin Ctrl.Ctrl.Enabled := Prompt.FParent.Enabled; if not Ctrl.Ctrl.Enabled then Ctrl.Ctrl.Font.Color := DisabledFontColor; Ctrl.Ctrl.Left := X; Ctrl.Ctrl.Top := Y; SameLineCtrl.Add(Ctrl.Ctrl); if(assigned(ud)) then begin SameLineCtrl.Add(ud); if(assigned(HelpBtn)) then begin SameLineCtrl.Add(HelpBtn); Ctrl.Ctrl.Width := MinX - HelpBtn.Width - ud.Width; HelpBtn.Left := X + Ctrl.Ctrl.Width + ud.Width + Gap; HelpBtn.Top := Y; HelpBtn.Enabled := Prompt.FParent.Enabled; end else Ctrl.Ctrl.Width := MinX - ud.Width; ud.Left := X + Ctrl.Ctrl.Width; ud.Top := Y; LastX := X + MinX + PromptGap; ud.Enabled := Prompt.FParent.Enabled; end else if(HasVCombo) then begin SameLineCtrl.Add(Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo); Ctrl.Ctrl.Width := MinX - Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Width; Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Left := X + Ctrl.Ctrl.Width; Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Top := Y; LastX := X + MinX + PromptGap; Ctrl.vedt.FLinkedCombo.Enabled := Prompt.FParent.Enabled; end else begin Ctrl.Ctrl.Width := MaxX; LastX := X + MaxX + PromptGap; end; end; end; end; if(assigned(ud)) then Prompt.FCurrentControl := ud else Prompt.FCurrentControl := Ctrl.Ctrl; end; NextLine(Y); finally SameLineCtrl.Free; end; end; begin Result := nil; AutoFocusControl := nil; X := TrueIndent; if(assigned(FPrompts)) then begin for i := 0 to FPrompts.Count-1 do TRemPrompt(FPrompts[i]).FCurrentControl := nil; end; if(ElemType = etDisplayOnly) then begin if(FText <> '') then begin inc(Y,Gap); pnl := GetPanel(EntryID, CRLFText(FText), ParentWidth - X - (Gap * 2)); pnl.Left := X; pnl.Top := Y; if (FChecked and assigned(FPrompts) and (FPrompts.Count > 0)) then begin cb := nil; AddPrompts(FALSE, BaseParent, ParentWidth, Y); end else inc(Y,pnl.Height); end; end else begin inc(Y,Gap); cb := TORCheckBox.Create(AOwner); cb.Parent := BaseParent; cb.Left := X; cb.Top := Y; cb.Tag := Integer(Self); cb.WordWrap := TRUE; cb.AutoSize := TRUE; cb.Checked := FChecked; cb.Width := ParentWidth - X - Gap; cb.Caption := CRLFText(FText); cb.AutoAdjustSize; cbSingleLine := cb.SingleLine; cb.AutoSize := FALSE; cb.WordWrap := FALSE; cb.Caption := ''; cb.Width := 13; cb.Height := 17; cb.TabStop := False; {take checkboxes out of the tab order} pnl := GetPanel(EntryID, CRLFText(FText), ParentWidth - X - (Gap * 2) - IndentGap); pnl.Left := X + IndentGap; pnl.Top := Y; cb.Associate := pnl; pnl.Tag := Integer(cb); {So the panel can check the checkbox} pnl.TabStop := TRUE; {tab through the panels instead of the checkboxes} cb.OnClick := cbClicked; pnl.OnEnter := FieldPanelEntered; pnl.OnExit := FieldPanelExited; TFieldPanel(pnl).OnKeyPress := FieldPanelKeyPress; pnl.OnClick := FieldPanelOnClick; for i := 0 to pnl.ControlCount - 1 do if (pnl.Controls[i] is TLabel) and not (fsUnderline in TLabel(pnl.Controls[i]).Font.Style) then //If this isn't a hyperlink change then event handler TLabel(pnl.Controls[i]).OnClick := FieldPanelLabelOnClick; //cb.Enabled := Enabled; if(assigned(FParent) and (FParent.ChildrenRequired in [crOne, crNoneOrOne])) then cb.RadioStyle := TRUE; if (FChecked and assigned(FPrompts) and (FPrompts.Count > 0)) then AddPrompts(FALSE, BaseParent, ParentWidth, Y) else inc(Y, pnl.Height); end; if(ShowChildren) then begin gb := nil; if(Box) then begin gb := TGroupBox.Create(AOwner); gb.Parent := BaseParent; gb.Left := TrueIndent + (ChildrenIndent * IndentMult); gb.Top := Y; gb.Width := ParentWidth - gb.Left - Gap; PrntWidth := gb.Width - (Gap * 2); gb.Caption := BoxCaption; gb.Enabled := EnableChildren; if(not EnableChildren) then gb.Font.Color := DisabledFontColor; prnt := gb; if(gb.Caption = '') then Y1 := gbTopIndent else Y1 := gbTopIndent2; end else begin prnt := BaseParent; Y1 := Y; PrntWidth := ParentWidth; end; for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do begin ERes := TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]).BuildControls(Y1, PrntWidth, prnt, AOwner); if(not assigned(Result)) then Result := ERes; end; if(FHasSharedPrompts) then AddPrompts(TRUE, prnt, PrntWidth, Y1); if(Box) then begin gb.Height := Y1 + (Gap * 3); inc(Y, Y1 + (Gap * 4)); end else Y := Y1; end; SubCommentChange(nil); if(assigned(AutoFocusControl)) then begin if(AutoFocusControl is TORComboBox) and (TORComboBox(AutoFocusControl).CheckBoxes) and (pos('1',TORComboBox(AutoFocusControl).CheckedString) = 0) then Result := AutoFocusControl else if(TORExposedControl(AutoFocusControl).Text = '') then Result := AutoFocusControl end; end; //This is used to get the template field values if this reminder is not the //current reminder in dialog, in which case no uEntries will exist so we have //to get the template field values that were saved in the element. function TRemDlgElement.GetTemplateFieldValues(const Text: string; FldValues: TORStringList = nil): string; var flen, CtrlID, i, j: integer; Fld: TTemplateField; Temp, FldName, NewTxt: string; const TemplateFieldBeginSignature = '{FLD:'; TemplateFieldEndSignature = '}'; TemplateFieldSignatureLen = length(TemplateFieldBeginSignature); TemplateFieldSignatureEndLen = length(TemplateFieldEndSignature); FieldIDDelim = '`'; FieldIDLen = 6; procedure AddNewTxt; begin if(NewTxt <> '') then begin insert(StringOfChar('x',length(NewTxt)), Temp, i); insert(NewTxt, Result, i); inc(i, length(NewTxt)); end; end; begin Result := Text; Temp := Text; repeat i := pos(TemplateFieldBeginSignature, Temp); if(i > 0) then begin CtrlID := 0; if(copy(Temp, i + TemplateFieldSignatureLen, 1) = FieldIDDelim) then begin CtrlID := StrToIntDef(copy(Temp, i + TemplateFieldSignatureLen + 1, FieldIDLen-1), 0); delete(Temp,i + TemplateFieldSignatureLen, FieldIDLen); delete(Result,i + TemplateFieldSignatureLen, FieldIDLen); end; j := pos(TemplateFieldEndSignature, copy(Temp, i + TemplateFieldSignatureLen, MaxInt)); if(j > 0) then begin inc(j, i + TemplateFieldSignatureLen - 1); flen := j - i - TemplateFieldSignatureLen; FldName := copy(Temp, i + TemplateFieldSignatureLen, flen); Fld := GetTemplateField(FldName, FALSE); delete(Temp,i,flen + TemplateFieldSignatureLen + 1); delete(Result,i,flen + TemplateFieldSignatureLen + 1); end else begin delete(Temp,i,TemplateFieldSignatureLen); delete(Result,i,TemplateFieldSignatureLen); Fld := nil; end; // Get the value that was entered if there is one if assigned(FldValues) and (CtrlID > 0) then begin j := FldValues.IndexOfPiece(IntToStr(CtrlID)); if not(j<0) then if Fld.DateType in DateComboTypes then NewTxt := Piece(Piece(FldValues[j],U,2),':',1) else NewTxt := Piece(FldValues[j],U,2); end; // If nothing has been entered, use the default if (NewTxt = '') and assigned(Fld) and //If this template field is a dftHyperlink or dftText that is //excluded (FSepLines = True) then don't get the default text not ((Fld.FldType in [dftHyperlink, dftText]) and Fld.SepLines) then NewTxt := Fld.TemplateFieldDefault; AddNewTxt; end; until not (i > 0); end; procedure TRemDlgElement.AddText(Lst: TStrings); var i, ilvl: integer; Prompt: TRemPrompt; txt: string; FldData: TORStringList; begin if (not (FReminder is TReminder)) then ScootOver := 4; try if Add2PN then begin ilvl := IndentPNLevel; if(FPNText <> '') then txt := FPNText else begin txt := FText; if not FReminder.FNoResolve then //If this is the CurrentReminderInDialog then we get the template field //values from the visual control in the dialog window. if FReminder = CurrentReminderInDialog then txt := ResolveTemplateFields(txt, TRUE) else //If this is not the CurrentReminderInDialog (i.e.: Next or Back button //has been pressed), then we have to get the template field values //that were saved in the element. begin FldData := TORStringList.Create; GetFieldValues(FldData); txt := GetTemplateFieldValues(txt, FldData); end; end; if FReminder.FNoResolve then Lst.Add(txt) else WordWrap(txt, Lst, ilvl); dec(ilvl,2); if(assigned(FPrompts)) then begin for i := 0 to FPrompts.Count-1 do begin Prompt := TRemPrompt(FPrompts[i]); if(not Prompt.FIsShared) then WordWrap(Prompt.NoteText, Lst, ilvl); end; end; if(assigned(FParent) and FParent.FHasSharedPrompts) then begin for i := 0 to FParent.FPrompts.Count-1 do begin Prompt := TRemPrompt(FParent.FPrompts[i]); if(Prompt.FIsShared) and (Prompt.FSharedChildren.IndexOf(Self) >= 0) then WordWrap(Prompt.NoteText, Lst, ilvl); end; end; end; if (assigned(FChildren)) and (FChecked or (ElemType = etDisplayOnly)) then begin for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]).AddText(Lst); end; finally if (not (FReminder is TReminder)) then ScootOver := 0; end; end; function TRemDlgElement.AddData(Lst: TStrings; Finishing: boolean; AHistorical: boolean = FALSE): integer; var i, j: integer; OK: boolean; ActDt, InActDt, EncDt: double; RData: TRemData; begin Result := 0; // OK := ((ElemType <> etDisplayOnly) and FChecked); OK := FChecked; if(OK and Finishing) then OK := (Historical = AHistorical); if OK then begin if(assigned(FData)) then begin if Self.Historical then EncDt := DateTimeToFMDateTime(Date) else EncDt := RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime; for i := 0 to FData.Count-1 do begin RData := TRemData(FData[i]); if assigned(RData.FActiveDates) then for j := 0 to (TRemData(FData[i]).FActiveDates.Count - 1) do begin ActDt := StrToIntDef(Piece(TRemData(FData[i]).FActiveDates[j],':',1), 0); InActDt := StrToIntDef(Piece(TRemData(FData[i]).FActiveDates[j], ':', 2), 9999999); if (EncDt >= ActDt) and (EncDt <= InActDt) then begin inc(Result, TRemData(FData[i]).AddData(Lst, Finishing)); Break; end; end else inc(Result, TRemData(FData[i]).AddData(Lst, Finishing)); end; end; end; if (assigned(FChildren)) and (FChecked or (ElemType = etDisplayOnly)) then begin for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do inc(Result, TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]).AddData(Lst, Finishing, AHistorical)); end; end; procedure TRemDlgElement.Check4ChildrenSharedPrompts; var i, j: integer; Kid: TRemDlgElement; PList, EList: TList; FirstMatch: boolean; Prompt: TRemPrompt; begin if(not FChildrenShareChecked) then begin FChildrenShareChecked := TRUE; if(ChildrenSharePrompts and assigned(FChildren)) then begin for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]).GetData; PList := TList.Create; try EList := TList.Create; try for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do begin Kid := TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]); // if(Kid.ElemType <> etDisplayOnly) and (assigned(Kid.FPrompts)) then if(assigned(Kid.FPrompts)) then begin for j:= 0 to Kid.FPrompts.Count-1 do begin PList.Add(Kid.FPrompts[j]); EList.Add(Kid); end; end; end; if(PList.Count > 1) then begin for i := 0 to PList.Count-2 do begin if(assigned(EList[i])) then begin FirstMatch := TRUE; Prompt := TRemPrompt(PList[i]); for j := i+1 to PList.Count-1 do begin if(assigned(EList[j]) and (Prompt.CanShare(TRemPrompt(PList[j])))) then begin if(FirstMatch) then begin FirstMatch := FALSE; if(not assigned(FPrompts)) then FPrompts := TList.Create; FHasSharedPrompts := TRUE; Prompt.FIsShared := TRUE; if(not assigned(Prompt.FSharedChildren)) then Prompt.FSharedChildren := TList.Create; Prompt.FSharedChildren.Add(EList[i]); FPrompts.Add(PList[i]); TRemDlgElement(EList[i]).FPrompts.Remove(PList[i]); EList[i] := nil; end; Prompt.FSharedChildren.Add(EList[j]); Kid := TRemDlgElement(EList[j]); Kid.FPrompts.Remove(PList[j]); if(Kid.FHasComment) and (Kid.FCommentPrompt = PList[j]) then begin Kid.FHasComment := FALSE; Kid.FCommentPrompt := nil; end; TRemPrompt(PList[j]).Free; EList[j] := nil; end; end; end; end; end; finally EList.Free; end; finally PList.Free; end; for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do begin Kid := TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]); if(assigned(Kid.FPrompts) and (Kid.FPrompts.Count = 0)) then begin Kid.FPrompts.Free; Kid.FPrompts := nil; end; end; end; end; end; procedure TRemDlgElement.FinishProblems(List: TStrings); var i,cnt: integer; cReq: TRDChildReq; Kid: TRemDlgElement; Prompt: TRemPrompt; txt, msg, Value: string; pt: TRemPromptType; begin // if(ElemType <> etDisplayOnly) and (FChecked) and (assigned(FPrompts)) then if(FChecked and (assigned(FPrompts))) then begin for i := 0 to FPrompts.Count-1 do begin Prompt := TRemPrompt(FPrompts[i]); Value := Prompt.GetValue; pt := Prompt.PromptType; if(Prompt.PromptOK and (not Prompt.Forced) and Prompt.Required and (((pt<>ptWHNotPurp)and(pt<>ptWHPapResult))and ((Value = '') or (Value = '@')) or ((pt = ptVisitDate) and Prompt.FMonthReq and (StrToIntDef(copy(Value,4,2),0) = 0)) or ((pt in [ptVisitDate, ptVisitLocation]) and (Value = '0')))) then begin // WordWrap('Element: ' + FText, List, 68, 6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Elementx') + FText, List, 68, 6); //kt added 9/5/2007 txt := Prompt.ForcedCaption; if(pt = ptVisitDate) and Prompt.FMonthReq then // txt := txt + ' (Month Required)'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 txt := txt + DKLangConstW('uReminders_xMonth_Requiredx'); //kt added 9/5/2007 // WordWrap('Item: ' + txt, List, 65, 6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Itemx') + txt, List, 65, 6); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; if (Prompt.PromptOK and (not Prompt.Forced) and Prompt.Required and ((WHResultChk='') and (Value='')) and ((pt=ptWHPapResult) and (FData<>nil))) then begin // WordWrap('Prompt: ' + Prompt.ForcedCaption, List, 65,6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Promptx') + Prompt.ForcedCaption, List, 65,6); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; if (Prompt.PromptOK and (not Prompt.Forced) and Prompt.Required and (pt=ptWHNotPurp)) and ((WHResultNot = '') and (Value = '')) then begin // WordWrap('Element: ' + FText, List, 68, 6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Elementx') + FText, List, 68, 6); //kt added 9/5/2007 // WordWrap('Prompt: ' + Prompt.ForcedCaption, List, 65,6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Promptx') + Prompt.ForcedCaption, List, 65,6); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; //(AGP Change 24.9 add check to see if MH tests are required) if ((Pt = ptMHTest) or (Pt = ptGAF)) and (Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,13) = '1') and (not Prompt.Forced) then begin if (Pt = ptMHTest) and (Prompt.FMHTestComplete = 2) then begin if ((Prompt.FValue = '') or (pos('X',Prompt.FValue)>0)) then begin if Prompt.FValue = '' then // WordWrap('MH test '+ Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,8) + ' not done',List,65,6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_MH_test')+' '+ Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,8) + DKLangConstW('uReminders_not_done'),List,65,6); //kt added 9/5/2007 if pos('X',Prompt.FValue)>0 then // WordWrap('You are missing one or more responses in the MH test '+ <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_You_are_missing_one_or_more_responses_in_the_MH_test')+ //kt added 9/5/2007 Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,8),List,65,6); WordWrap(' ',List,65,6); end; end; if (Pt = ptMHTest) and (Prompt.FMHTestComplete = 0) or (Prompt.FValue = '') then begin if Prompt.FValue = '' then // WordWrap('MH test '+ Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,8) + ' not done',List,65,6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_MH_test')+ Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,8) + DKLangConstW('uReminders_not_done'),List,65,6); //kt added 9/5/2007 if pos('X',Prompt.FValue)>0 then // WordWrap('You are missing one or more responses in the MH test '+ <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_You_are_missing_one_or_more_responses_in_the_MH_test')+ //kt added 9/5/2007 Piece(Prompt.FData.FRec3,U,8),List,65,6); WordWrap(' ',List,65,6); end; if (Pt = ptGAF) and ((Prompt.FValue = '0') or (Prompt.FValue = '')) then begin // WordWrap('GAF test must have a score greater then zero',List,65,6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_GAF_test_must_have_a_score_greater_then_zero'),List,65,6); //kt added 9/5/2007 WordWrap(' ',List,65,6); end; end; end; end; if (assigned(FChildren)) and (FChecked or (ElemType = etDisplayOnly)) then begin cReq := ChildrenRequired; if(cReq in [crOne, crAtLeastOne]) then begin cnt := 0; for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do begin Kid := TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]); // if(Kid.FChecked and (Kid.ElemType <> etDisplayOnly)) then if(Kid.FChecked) then inc(cnt); end; if(cReq = crOne) and (cnt <> 1) then // msg := 'One selection required' <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 msg := DKLangConstW('uReminders_One_selection_required') //kt added 9/5/2007 else if(cReq = crAtLeastOne) and (cnt < 1) then // msg := 'One or more selections required' <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 msg := DKLangConstW('uReminders_One_or_more_selections_required') //kt added 9/5/2007 else msg := ''; if(msg <> '') then begin txt := BoxCaption; if(txt = '') then txt := FText; // WordWrap('Group: ' + txt, List, 68, 6); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 WordWrap(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Groupx') + txt, List, 68, 6); //kt added 9/5/2007 WordWrap(Msg, List, 65, 0); WordWrap(' ',List,68,6); // (AGP change 24.9 added blank line for display spacing) end; end; for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]).FinishProblems(List); end; end; function TRemDlgElement.IsChecked: boolean; var Prnt: TRemDlgElement; begin Result := TRUE; Prnt := Self; while Result and assigned(Prnt) do begin Result := ((Prnt.ElemType = etDisplayOnly) or Prnt.FChecked); Prnt := Prnt.FParent; end; end; function TRemDlgElement.IndentChildrenInPN: boolean; begin //if(Box) then Result := (Piece(FRec1, U, 21) = '1'); //else // Result := FALSE; end; function TRemDlgElement.IndentPNLevel: integer; begin if(assigned(FParent)) then begin Result := FParent.IndentPNLevel; if(FParent.IndentChildrenInPN) then dec(Result,2); end else Result := 70; end; function TRemDlgElement.IncludeMHTestInPN: boolean; begin Result := (Piece(FRec1, U, 9) = '0'); end; function TRemDlgElement.ResultDlgID: integer; begin Result := StrToIntDef(Piece(FRec1, U, 10), 0); end; procedure TRemDlgElement.SubCommentChange(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; txt: string; ok: boolean; begin if(FHasSubComments and FHasComment and assigned(FCommentPrompt)) then begin ok := FALSE; if(assigned(Sender)) then begin with (Sender as TORCheckBox) do TRemPrompt(Tag).FValue := BOOLCHAR[Checked]; ok := TRUE; end; if(not ok) then ok := (FCommentPrompt.GetValue = ''); if(ok) then begin txt := ''; for i := 0 to FPrompts.Count-1 do begin with TRemPrompt(FPrompts[i]) do begin if(PromptType = ptSubComment) and (FValue = BOOLCHAR[TRUE]) then begin if(txt <> '') then txt := txt + ', '; txt := txt + Caption; end; end; end; if(txt <> '') then txt[1] := UpCase(txt[1]); FCommentPrompt.SetValue(txt); end; end; end; constructor TRemDlgElement.Create; begin FFieldValues := TORStringList.Create; end; function TRemDlgElement.EntryID: string; begin Result := REMEntryCode + FReminder.GetIEN + '/' + IntToStr(integer(Self)); end; procedure TRemDlgElement.FieldPanelChange(Sender: TObject); var idx: integer; Entry: TTemplateDialogEntry; fval: string; begin FReminder.BeginTextChanged; try Entry := TTemplateDialogEntry(Sender); idx := FFieldValues.IndexOfPiece(Entry.InternalID); fval := Entry.InternalID + U + Entry.FieldValues; if(idx < 0) then FFieldValues.Add(fval) else FFieldValues[idx] := fval; finally FReminder.EndTextChanged(Sender); end; end; procedure TRemDlgElement.GetFieldValues(FldData: TStrings); var i, p: integer; TmpSL: TStringList; begin TmpSL := TStringList.Create; try for i := 0 to FFieldValues.Count-1 do begin p := pos(U, FFieldValues[i]); // Can't use Piece because 2nd piece may contain ^ characters if(p > 0) then begin TmpSL.CommaText := copy(FFieldValues[i],p+1,MaxInt); FldData.AddStrings(TmpSL); TmpSL.Clear; end; end; finally TmpSL.Free; end; if (assigned(FChildren)) and (FChecked or (ElemType = etDisplayOnly)) then for i := 0 to FChildren.Count-1 do TRemDlgElement(FChildren[i]).GetFieldValues(FldData); end; {cause the paint event to be called and draw a focus rectangle on the TFieldPanel} procedure TRemDlgElement.FieldPanelEntered(Sender: TObject); begin with TFieldPanel(Sender) do begin Focus := TRUE; Invalidate; if Parent is TFieldPanel then begin TFieldPanel(Parent).Focus := FALSE; TFieldPanel(Parent).Invalidate; end; end; end; {cause the paint event to be called and draw the TFieldPanel without the focus rect.} procedure TRemDlgElement.FieldPanelExited(Sender: TObject); begin with TFieldPanel(Sender) do begin Focus := FALSE; Invalidate; if Parent is TFieldPanel then begin TFieldPanel(Parent).Focus := TRUE; TFieldPanel(Parent).Invalidate; end; end; end; {Check the associated checkbox when spacebar is pressed} procedure TRemDlgElement.FieldPanelKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if Key = ' ' then begin FieldPanelOnClick(Sender); Key := #0; end; end; {So the FieldPanel will check the associated checkbox} procedure TRemDlgElement.FieldPanelOnClick(Sender: TObject); begin // if TFieldPanel(Sender).Focus then TORCheckBox(TFieldPanel(Sender).Tag).Checked := not FChecked; end; {call the FieldPanelOnClick so labels on the panels will also click the checkbox} procedure TRemDlgElement.FieldPanelLabelOnClick(Sender: TObject); begin FieldPanelOnClick(TLabel(Sender).Parent); {use the parent/fieldpanel as the Sender} end; { TRemData } function TRemData.Add2PN: boolean; begin Result := (Piece(FRec3, U, 5) <> '1'); end; function TRemData.AddData(List: TStrings; Finishing: boolean): integer; var i, j, k: integer; PCECat: TPCEDataCat; Primary: boolean; ActDt, InActDt: Double; EncDt: TFMDateTime; procedure AddPrompt(Prompt: TRemPrompt; dt: TRemDataType; var x: string); var pt: TRemPromptType; pnum: integer; Pdt: TRemDataType; v: TVitalType; rte, unt, txt: string; UIEN: Int64; begin pnum := -1; pt := Prompt.PromptType; if(pt = ptSubComment) or (pt = ptUnknown) then exit; if(pt = ptMST) then begin if (PCECat in MSTDataTypes) then begin UIEN := FParent.FReminder.PCEDataObj.Providers.PCEProvider; if UIEN <= 0 then UIEN := User.DUZ; SetPiece(x, U, pnumMST, Prompt.GetValue + ';' + // MST Code FloatToStr(RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime) + ';' + IntToStr(UIEN) + ';' + // Prompt.FMiscText); // IEN of Exam, if any end; end else if(PCECat = pdcVital) then begin if(pt = ptVitalEntry) then begin rte := Prompt.VitalValue; if(rte <> '') then begin v := Prompt.VitalType; unt := Prompt.VitalUnitValue; ConvertVital(v, rte, unt); //txt := U + VitalCodes[v] + U + rte + U + FloatToStr(RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime); AGP Change 26.1 commented out txt := U + VitalCodes[v] + U + rte + U + '0'; //AGP Change 26.1 Use for Vital date/time if(not Finishing) then txt := Char(ord('A')+ord(v)) + FormatVitalForNote(txt); // Add vital sort char List.AddObject(Char(ord('A')+ord(PCECat)) + txt, Self); end; end else exit; end else if(PCECat = pdcMH) then begin if(pt = ptMHTest) or (pt = ptGAF) then x := x + U + Prompt.GetValue else exit; end else if(pt <> ptDataList) and (ord(pt) >= ord(low(TRemPromptType))) then begin Pdt := RemPromptTypes[pt]; if (Pdt = dt) or (Pdt = dtAll) or ((Pdt = dtHistorical) and assigned(Prompt.FParent) and Prompt.FParent.Historical) then pnum := FinishPromptPieceNum[pt]; if(pnum > 0) then begin if(pt = ptPrimaryDiag) then SetPiece(x, U, pnum, BoolChar[Primary]) else SetPiece(x, U, pnum, Prompt.GetValue); end; end; end; procedure Add(Str: string; Root: TRemPCERoot); var i, Qty: integer; Value, IsGAF, txt, x, Code, Nar, Cat: string; Skip: boolean; Prompt: TRemPrompt; dt: TRemDataType; TestDate: TFMDateTime; i1,i2: integer; begin x := ''; dt := Code2DataType(Piece(Str, U, r3Type)); PCECat := RemData2PCECat[dt]; Code := Piece(Str, U, r3Code); if(Code = '') then Code := Piece(Str, U, r3Code2); Nar := Piece(Str, U, r3Nar); Cat := Piece(Str, U, r3Cat); Primary := FALSE; if(assigned(FParent) and assigned(FParent.FPrompts) and (PCECat = pdcDiag)) then begin if(FParent.Historical) then begin for i := 0 to FParent.FPrompts.Count-1 do begin Prompt := TRemPrompt(FParent.FPrompts[i]); if(Prompt.PromptType = ptPrimaryDiag) then begin Primary := (Prompt.GetValue = BOOLCHAR[TRUE]); break; end; end; end else Primary := (Root = PrimaryDiagRoot); end; Skip := FALSE; if (PCECat = pdcMH) then begin IsGAF := Piece(FRec3, U, r3GAF); Value := FChoicePrompt.GetValue; if(Value = '') or ((IsGAF = '1') and (Value = '0')) then Skip := TRUE; end; if Finishing or (PCECat = pdcVital) then begin if(dt = dtOrder) then x := U + Piece(Str,U,6) + U + Piece(Str,U,11) + U + Nar else begin if (PCECat = pdcMH) then begin if(Skip) then x := '' else begin TestDate := Trunc(FParent.FReminder.PCEDataObj.VisitDateTime); if(IsGAF = '1') then ValidateGAFDate(TestDate); x := U + Nar + U + IsGAF + U + FloatToStr(TestDate) + U + IntToSTr(FParent.FReminder.PCEDataObj.Providers.PCEProvider); end; end else if (PCECat <> pdcVital) then begin x := Piece(Str, U, 6); SetPiece(x, U, pnumCode, Code); SetPiece(x, U, pnumCategory, Cat); SetPiece(x, U, pnumNarrative, Nar); end; if(assigned(FParent)) then begin if(assigned(FParent.FPrompts)) then begin for i := 0 to FParent.FPrompts.Count-1 do begin Prompt := TRemPrompt(FParent.FPrompts[i]); if(not Prompt.FIsShared) then AddPrompt(Prompt, dt, x); end; end; if(assigned(FParent.FParent) and FParent.FParent.FHasSharedPrompts) then begin for i := 0 to FParent.FParent.FPrompts.Count-1 do begin Prompt := TRemPrompt(FParent.FParent.FPrompts[i]); if(Prompt.FIsShared) and (Prompt.FSharedChildren.IndexOf(FParent) >= 0) then AddPrompt(Prompt, dt, x); end; end; end; end; if(x <> '') then List.AddObject(Char(ord('A')+ord(PCECat)) + x, Self); end else begin Qty := 1; if(assigned(FParent) and assigned(FParent.FPrompts)) then begin if(PCECat = pdcProc) then begin for i := 0 to FParent.FPrompts.Count-1 do begin Prompt := TRemPrompt(FParent.FPrompts[i]); if(Prompt.PromptType = ptQuantity) then begin Qty := StrToIntDef(Prompt.GetValue, 1); if(Qty < 1) then Qty := 1; break; end; end; end; end; if (not Skip) then begin txt := Char(ord('A')+ord(PCECat)) + GetPCEDataText(PCECat, Code, Cat, Nar, Primary, Qty); if(assigned(FParent) and FParent.Historical) then // txt := txt + ' (Historical)'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 txt := txt + DKLangConstW('uReminders_xHistoricalx'); //kt added 9/5/2007 List.AddObject(txt, Self); inc(Result); end; if assigned(FParent) and assigned(FParent.FMSTPrompt) then begin txt := FParent.FMSTPrompt.Value; if txt <> '' then begin if FParent.FMSTPrompt.FMiscText = '' then begin i1 := 0; i2 := 2; end else begin i1 := 3; i2 := 4; end; for i := i1 to i2 do //kt if txt = MSTDescTxt[i,1] then if txt = MSTDescTxt(i,1) then begin //kt List.AddObject(Char( ord('A') + ord(pdcMST)) + MSTDescTxt[i,0], Self); List.AddObject(Char( ord('A') + ord(pdcMST)) + MSTDescTxt(i,0), Self); break; end; end; end; end; end; begin Result := 0; if(assigned(FChoicePrompt)) and (assigned(FChoices)) then begin If not assigned(FChoicesActiveDates) then begin for i := 0 to FChoices.Count - 1 do begin if (copy(FChoicePrompt.GetValue, i+1, 1) = '1') then Add(FChoices[i], TRemPCERoot(FChoices.Objects[i])) end end else {if there are active dates for each choice then check them} begin If Self.FParent.Historical then EncDt := DateTimeToFMDateTime(Date) else EncDt := RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime; k := 0; for i := 0 to FChoices.Count - 1 do begin for j := 0 to (TStringList(Self.FChoicesActiveDates[i]).Count - 1) do begin ActDt := StrToIntDef((Piece(TStringList(Self.FChoicesActiveDates[i]).Strings[j], ':', 1)),0); InActDt := StrToIntDef((Piece(TStringList(Self.FChoicesActiveDates[i]).Strings[j], ':', 2)),9999999); if (EncDt >= ActDt) and (EncDt <= InActDt) then begin if(copy(FChoicePrompt.GetValue, k+1,1) = '1') then Add(FChoices[i], TRemPCERoot(FChoices.Objects[i])); inc(k); end; {Active date check} end; {FChoicesActiveDates.Items[i] loop} end; {FChoices loop} end {FChoicesActiveDates check} end {FChoicePrompt and FChoices check} else Add(FRec3, FPCERoot); {Active dates for this are checked in TRemDlgElement.AddData} end; function TRemData.Category: string; begin Result := Piece(FRec3, U, r3Cat); end; function TRemData.DataType: TRemDataType; begin Result := Code2DataType(Piece(FRec3, U, r3Type)); end; destructor TRemData.Destroy; var i: integer; begin if(assigned(FPCERoot)) then FPCERoot.Done(Self); if(assigned(FChoices)) then begin for i := 0 to FChoices.Count-1 do begin if(assigned(FChoices.Objects[i])) then TRemPCERoot(FChoices.Objects[i]).Done(Self); end; end; KillObj(@FChoices); inherited; end; function TRemData.DisplayWHResults: boolean; begin Result :=False; if FRec3<>'' then Result := (Piece(FRec3, U, 6) <> '0'); end; function TRemData.ExternalValue: string; begin Result := Piece(FRec3, U, r3Code); end; function TRemData.InternalValue: string; begin Result := Piece(FRec3, U, 6); end; function TRemData.Narrative: string; begin Result := Piece(FRec3, U, r3Nar); end; { TRemPrompt } function TRemPrompt.Add2PN: boolean; begin Result := FALSE; if (not Forced) and (PromptOK) then //if PromptOK then Result := (Piece(FRec4, U, 5) <> '1'); if (Result=false) and (Piece(FRec4,U,4)='WH_NOT_PURP') then Result := True; end; function TRemPrompt.Caption: string; begin Result := Piece(FRec4, U, 8); if(not FCaptionAssigned) then begin AssignFieldIDs(Result); SetPiece(FRec4, U, 8, Result); FCaptionAssigned := TRUE; end; end; constructor TRemPrompt.Create; begin FOverrideType := ptUnknown; end; function TRemPrompt.Forced: boolean; begin Result := (Piece(FRec4, U, 7) = 'F'); end; function TRemPrompt.InternalValue: string; var m, d, y: word; Code: string; begin Result := Piece(FRec4, U, 6); Code := Piece(FRec4, U, 4); if(Code = RemPromptCodes[ptVisitDate]) then begin if(copy(Result,1,1) = MonthReqCode) then begin FMonthReq := TRUE; delete(Result,1,1); end; if(Result = '') then begin DecodeDate(Now, y, m, d); Result := inttostr(y-1700)+'0000'; SetPiece(FRec4, U, 6, Result); end; end; end; procedure TRemPrompt.PromptChange(Sender: TObject); var cbo: TORComboBox; pt: TRemPromptType; TmpValue, OrgValue: string; idx, i: integer; NeedRedraw: boolean; dte: TFMDateTime; whCKB: TWHCheckBox; //printoption: TORCheckBox; WHValue, WHValue1: String; begin FParent.FReminder.BeginTextChanged; try FFromControl := TRUE; try TmpValue := GetValue; OrgValue := TmpValue; pt := PromptType; NeedRedraw := FALSE; case pt of ptComment, ptQuantity: TmpValue := (Sender as TEdit).Text; ptVisitDate: begin dte := (Sender as TORDateCombo).FMDate; while (dte > 2000000) and (dte > FMToday) do begin dte := dte - 10000; NeedRedraw := TRUE; end; TmpValue := FloatToStr(dte); if(TmpValue = '1000000') then TmpValue := '0'; end; ptPrimaryDiag, ptAdd2PL, ptContraindicated: begin TmpValue := BOOLCHAR[(Sender as TORCheckBox).Checked]; NeedRedraw := (pt = ptPrimaryDiag); end; ptVisitLocation: begin cbo := (Sender as TORComboBox); if(cbo.ItemIEN < 0) then NeedRedraw := (not cbo.DroppedDown) else begin if(cbo.ItemIndex <= 0) then cbo.Items[0] := '0' + U + cbo.text; TmpValue := cbo.ItemID; if(StrToIntDef(TmpValue,0) = 0) then TmpValue := cbo.Text; end; end; ptWHPapResult: begin if (Sender is TWHCheckBox) then begin whCKB := (Sender as TWHCheckBox); if whCKB.Checked = true then begin // if whCKB.Caption ='NEM (No Evidence of Malignancy)' then FParent.WHResultChk := 'N'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_NEM_xNo_Evidence_of_Malignancyx') then FParent.WHResultChk := 'N'; //kt added 9/5/2007 // if whCKB.Caption ='Abnormal' then FParent.WHResultChk := 'A'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_Abnormal') then FParent.WHResultChk := 'A'; //kt added 9/5/2007 // if whCKB.Caption ='Unsatisfactory for Diagnosis' then FParent.WHResultChk := 'U'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_Unsatisfactory_for_Diagnosis') then FParent.WHResultChk := 'U'; //kt added 9/5/2007 //AGP Change 23.13 WH multiple processing for i := 0 to FParent.FData.Count-1 do begin if Piece(TRemData(FParent.FData[i]).FRec3,U,4)='WHR' then begin FParent.FReminder.WHReviewIEN := Piece(TRemData(FParent.FData[i]).FRec3,U,6) end; end; end else begin FParent.WHResultChk := ''; FParent.FReminder.WHReviewIEN := ''; //AGP CHANGE 23.13 end; end; end; ptWHNotPurp: begin if (Sender is TWHCheckBox) then begin whCKB := (Sender as TWHCheckBox); if whCKB.Checked = true then begin // if whCKB.Caption ='Letter' then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter') then //kt added 9/5/2007 begin if FParent.WHResultNot='' then FParent.WHResultNot := 'L' else if Pos('L',FParent.WHResultNot)=0 then FParent.WHResultNot := FParent.WHResultNot +':L'; if whCKB.FButton <> nil then whCKB.FButton.Enabled := true; if whCKB.FPrintNow <> nil then begin whCKB.FPrintVis :='1'; whCKB.FPrintNow.Enabled := true; end; end; // if whCKB.Caption ='In-Person' then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_InxPerson') then //kt added 9/5/2007 begin if FParent.WHResultNot='' then FParent.WHResultNot := 'I' else if Pos('I',FParent.WHResultNot)=0 then FParent.WHResultNot := FParent.WHResultNot+':I'; end; // if whCKB.Caption ='Phone Call' then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_Phone_Call') then //kt added 9/5/2007 begin if FParent.WHResultNot='' then FParent.WHResultNot := 'P' else if Pos('P',FParent.WHResultNot)=0 then FParent.WHResultNot := FParent.WHResultNot+':P'; end; end else begin // this section is to handle unchecking of boxes and disabling print now and view button WHValue := FParent.WHResultNot; // if whCKB.Caption ='Letter' then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter') then //kt added 9/5/2007 begin for i:=1 to Length(WHValue) do begin if WHValue1='' then begin if (WHValue[i]<>'L') and (WHValue[i]<>':') then WHValue1 := WHValue[i]; end else if (WHValue[i]<>'L') and (WHValue[i]<>':') then WHValue1 := WHValue1+':'+WHValue[i]; end; if (whCKB.FButton <> nil) and (whCKB.FButton.Enabled = true) then whCKB.FButton.Enabled := false; if (whCKB.FPrintNow <> nil) and (whCKB.FPrintNow.Enabled = true) then begin whCKB.FPrintVis := '0'; if whCKB.FPrintNow.Checked = true then whCKB.FPrintNow.Checked := false; whCKB.FPrintNow.Enabled := false; FParent.WHPrintDevice := ''; end; end; // if whCKB.Caption ='In-Person' then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_InxPerson') then //kt added 9/5/2007 begin for i:=1 to Length(WHValue) do begin if WHValue1='' then begin if (WHValue[i]<>'I') and (WHValue[i]<>':') then WHValue1 := WHValue[i]; end else if (WHValue[i]<>'I') and (WHValue[i]<>':') then WHValue1 := WHValue1+':'+WHValue[i]; end; end; // if whCKB.Caption ='Phone Call' then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if whCKB.Caption =DKLangConstW('uReminders_Phone_Call') then //kt added 9/5/2007 begin for i:=1 to Length(WHValue) do begin if WHValue1='' then begin if (WHValue[i]<>'P') and (WHValue[i]<>':') then WHValue1 := WHValue[i]; end else if (WHValue[i]<>'P') and (WHValue[i]<>':') then WHValue1 := WHValue1+':'+WHValue[i]; end; end; FParent.WHResultNot := WHValue1; end; end else if ((Sender as TORCheckBox)<>nil) and (Piece(FRec4,U,12)='1') then begin // if (((Sender as TORCheckBox).Caption = 'Print Now') and <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if (((Sender as TORCheckBox).Caption = DKLangConstW('uReminders_Print_Now')) and //kt added 9/5/2007 ((Sender as TORCheckBox).Enabled =true)) and ((Sender as TORCheckBox).Checked = true) and (FParent.WHPrintDevice ='') then begin // FParent.WHPrintDevice := SelectDevice(Self, Encounter.Location, false, 'Women Health Print Device Selection'); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 FParent.WHPrintDevice := SelectDevice(Self, Encounter.Location, false, DKLangConstW('uReminders_Women_Health_Print_Device_Selection')); //kt added 9/5/2007 FPrintNow :='1'; if FParent.WHPrintDevice ='' then begin FPrintNow :='0'; (Sender as TORCheckBox).Checked := false; end; end; // if (((Sender as TORCheckBox).Caption = 'Print Now') and <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if (((Sender as TORCheckBox).Caption = DKLangConstW('uReminders_Print_Now')) and //kt added 9/5/2007 ((Sender as TORCheckBox).Enabled =true)) and ((Sender as TORCheckBox).Checked = false) then begin FParent.WHPrintDevice := ''; FPrintNow :='0'; end; end; end; ptExamResults, ptSkinResults, ptLevelSeverity, ptSeries, ptReaction, ptLevelUnderstanding, ptSkinReading: //(AGP Change 26.1) TmpValue := (Sender as TORComboBox).ItemID; else if pt = ptVitalEntry then begin case (Sender as TControl).Tag of TAG_VITTEMPUNIT, TAG_VITHTUNIT, TAG_VITWTUNIT: idx := 2; TAG_VITPAIN: begin idx := -1; TmpValue := (Sender as TORComboBox).ItemID; if FParent.VitalDateTime = 0 then FParent.VitalDateTime := FMNow; end; else idx := 1; end; if(idx > 0) then begin //AGP Change 26.1 change Vital time/date to Now instead of encounter date/time SetPiece(TmpValue, ';', idx, TORExposedControl(Sender).Text); if (FParent.VitalDateTime > 0) and (TORExposedControl(Sender).Text = '') then FParent.VitalDateTime := 0; if (FParent.VitalDateTime = 0) and (TORExposedControl(Sender).Text <> '') then FParent.VitalDateTime := FMNow; end; end else if pt = ptDataList then begin TmpValue := (Sender as TORComboBox).CheckedString; NeedRedraw := TRUE; end else if pt = ptGAF then TmpValue := (Sender as TEdit).Text; end; if(TmpValue <> OrgValue) then begin if NeedRedraw then FParent.FReminder.BeginNeedRedraw; try SetValue(TmpValue); finally if NeedRedraw then FParent.FReminder.EndNeedRedraw(Self); end; end else if NeedRedraw then begin FParent.FReminder.BeginNeedRedraw; FParent.FReminder.EndNeedRedraw(Self); end; finally FFromControl := FALSE; end; finally FParent.FReminder.EndTextChanged(Sender); end; if(FParent.ElemType = etDisplayOnly) and (not assigned(FParent.FParent)) then RemindersInProcess.Notifier.Notify; end; procedure TRemPrompt.ComboBoxKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if(Key = VK_RETURN) and (Sender is TORComboBox) and ((Sender as TORComboBox).DroppedDown) then (Sender as TORComboBox).DroppedDown := FALSE; end; function TRemPrompt.PromptOK: boolean; var pt: TRemPromptType; dt: TRemDataType; i: integer; begin pt := PromptType; if(pt = ptUnknown) or (pt = ptMST) then Result := FALSE else if(pt = ptDataList) or (pt = ptVitalEntry) or (pt = ptMHTest) or (pt = ptGAF) or (pt = ptWHPapResult) then Result := TRUE else if(pt = ptSubComment) then Result := FParent.FHasComment else begin dt := RemPromptTypes[PromptType]; if(dt = dtAll) then Result := TRUE else if(dt = dtUnknown) then Result := FALSE else if(dt = dtHistorical) then Result := FParent.Historical else begin Result := FALSE; if(assigned(FParent.FData)) then begin for i := 0 to FParent.FData.Count-1 do begin if(TRemData(FParent.FData[i]).DataType = dt) then begin Result := TRUE; break; end; end; end; end; end; end; function TRemPrompt.PromptType: TRemPromptType; begin if(assigned(FData)) then Result := FOverrideType else Result := Code2PromptType(Piece(FRec4, U, 4)); end; function TRemPrompt.Required: boolean; var pt: TRemPromptType; begin pt := PromptType; if(pt = ptVisitDate) then Result := TRUE else if(pt = ptSubComment) then Result := FALSE else Result := (Piece(FRec4, U, 10) = '1'); end; function TRemPrompt.SameLine: boolean; begin Result := (Piece(FRec4, U, 9) <> '1'); end; function TRemPrompt.NoteText: string; var pt: TRemPromptType; fmt, tmp, WHValue: string; cnt, i, j, k: integer; ActDt, InActDt: Double; EncDt: TFMDateTime; begin Result := ''; if Add2PN then begin pt := PromptType; tmp := GetValue; case pt of ptComment: Result := tmp; ptQuantity: if(StrToIntDef(tmp,1) <> 1) then Result := tmp; (* ptSkinReading: if(StrToIntDef(tmp,0) <> 0) then Result := tmp; *) ptSkinReading: // (AGP Change 26.1) begin Result := tmp; end; ptVisitDate: begin try if(tmp <> '') and (tmp <> '0') and (length(Tmp) = 7) then begin if FMonthReq and (copy(tmp,4,2) = '00') then Result := '' else begin if(copy(tmp,4,4) = '0000') then fmt := 'YYYY' else if(copy(tmp,6,2) = '00') then fmt := 'MMMM, YYYY' else fmt := 'MMMM D, YYYY'; Result := FormatFMDateTimeStr(fmt, tmp); end; end; except on EConvertError do Result := tmp else raise; end; end; ptPrimaryDiag, ptAdd2PL, ptContraindicated: if(tmp = '1') then Result := ' '; ptVisitLocation: if(StrToIntDef(tmp, 0) = 0) then begin if(tmp <> '0') then Result := tmp; end else begin Result := GetPCEDisplayText(tmp, ComboPromptTags[pt]); end; ptWHPapResult: begin // if Fparent.WHResultChk='N' then Result := 'NEM (No Evidence of Malignancy)'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if Fparent.WHResultChk='N' then Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_NEM_xNo_Evidence_of_Malignancyx'); //kt added 9/5/2007 // if Fparent.WHResultChk='A' then Result := 'Abnormal'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if Fparent.WHResultChk='A' then Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Abnormal'); //kt added 9/5/2007 // if Fparent.WHResultChk='U' then Result := 'Unsatisfactory for Diagnosis'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if Fparent.WHResultChk='U' then Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Unsatisfactory_for_Diagnosis'); //kt added 9/5/2007 if FParent.WHResultChk='' then Result := ''; end; ptWHNotPurp: begin if FParent.WHResultNot <> '' then begin WHValue := FParent.WHResultNot; //IF Forced = false then //begin if WHValue <> 'CPRS' then begin for cnt := 1 to Length(WHValue) do begin if Result ='' then begin // if WHValue[cnt]='L' then Result := 'Letter'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if WHValue[cnt]='L' then Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter'); //kt added 9/5/2007 // if WHValue[cnt]='I' then Result := 'In-Person'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if WHValue[cnt]='I' then Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_InxPerson'); //kt added 9/5/2007 // if WHValue[cnt]='P' then Result := 'Phone Call'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if WHValue[cnt]='P' then Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Phone_Call'); //kt added 9/5/2007 end else begin // if (WHValue[cnt]='L')and(Pos('Letter',Result)=0) then Result := Result+'; Letter'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if (WHValue[cnt]='L')and(Pos(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter'),Result)=0) then Result := Result+DKLangConstW('uReminders_x_Letter'); //kt added 9/5/2007 // if (WHValue[cnt]='I')and(Pos('In-Person',Result)=0) then Result := Result+'; In-Person'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if (WHValue[cnt]='I')and(Pos(DKLangConstW('uReminders_InxPerson'),Result)=0) then Result := Result+DKLangConstW('uReminders_x_InxPerson'); //kt added 9/5/2007 // if (WHValue[cnt]='P')and(Pos('Phone Call',Result)=0) then Result := Result+'; Phone Call'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if (WHValue[cnt]='P')and(Pos(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Phone_Call'),Result)=0) then Result := Result+DKLangConstW('uReminders_x_Phone_Call'); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; end; end; end else if Forced = true then begin if pos(':',Piece(FRec4,U,6))=0 then begin if Piece(FRec4,U,6)='L' then begin // Result := 'Letter'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter'); //kt added 9/5/2007 FParent.WHResultNot :='L'; end; if Piece(FRec4,U,6)='I' then begin // Result := 'In-Person'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_InxPerson'); //kt added 9/5/2007 FParent.WHResultNot := 'I'; end; if Piece(FRec4,U,6)='P' then begin // Result := 'Phone Call'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Phone_Call'); //kt added 9/5/2007 FParent.WHResultNot := 'P'; end; if Piece(FRec4,U,6)='CPRS' then begin Result := ''; FParent.WHResultNot := 'CPRS'; end; end else begin WHValue := Piece(FRec4,U,6); for cnt := 0 to Length(WHValue) do begin if Result ='' then begin if WHValue[cnt]='L' then begin // Result := 'Letter'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter'); //kt added 9/5/2007 FParent.WHResultNot := WHValue[cnt]; end; if WHValue[cnt]='I' then begin // Result := 'In-Person'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_InxPerson'); //kt added 9/5/2007 FParent.WHResultNot := WHValue[cnt]; end; if WHValue[cnt]='P' then begin // Result := 'Phone Call'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Phone_Call'); //kt added 9/5/2007 FParent.WHResultNot := WHValue[cnt]; end; end else begin // if (WHValue[cnt]='L')and(Pos('Letter',Result)=0) then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if (WHValue[cnt]='L')and(Pos(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Letter'),Result)=0) then //kt added 9/5/2007 begin // Result := Result +'; Letter'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Result := Result +DKLangConstW('uReminders_x_Letter'); //kt added 9/5/2007 FParent.WHResultNot := FParent.WHResultNot + ':' + WHValue[cnt]; end; // if (WHValue[cnt]='I')and(Pos('In-Person',Result)=0) then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if (WHValue[cnt]='I')and(Pos(DKLangConstW('uReminders_InxPerson'),Result)=0) then //kt added 9/5/2007 begin // Result := Result +'; In-Person'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Result := Result +DKLangConstW('uReminders_x_InxPerson'); //kt added 9/5/2007 FParent.WHResultNot := FParent.WHResultNot + ':' + WHValue[cnt]; end; // if (WHValue[cnt]='P')and(Pos('Phone Call',Result)=0) then <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if (WHValue[cnt]='P')and(Pos(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Phone_Call'),Result)=0) then //kt added 9/5/2007 begin // Result := Result +'; Phone Call'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Result := Result +DKLangConstW('uReminders_x_Phone_Call'); //kt added 9/5/2007 FParent.WHResultNot := FParent.WHResultNot + ':' + WHValue[cnt]; end; end; end; end; end else Result := ''; end; ptExamResults, ptSkinResults, ptLevelSeverity, ptSeries, ptReaction, ptLevelUnderstanding: begin Result := tmp; if(Piece(Result,U,1) = '@') then Result := '' else Result := GetPCEDisplayText(tmp, ComboPromptTags[pt]); end; else begin if pt = ptDataList then begin if(assigned(FData) and assigned(FData.FChoices)) then begin if not(assigned(FData.FChoicesActiveDates)) then for i := 0 to FData.FChoices.Count - 1 do begin if(copy(tmp,i+1,1) = '1') then begin if (Result <> '') then Result := Result + ', '; Result := Result + Piece(FData.FChoices[i],U,12); end; end else {if there are active dates for each choice then check them} begin if Self.FParent.Historical then EncDt := DateTimeToFMDateTime(Date) else EncDt := RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime; k := 0; for i := 0 to FData.FChoices.Count - 1 do begin for j := 0 to (TStringList(FData.FChoicesActiveDates[i]).Count - 1) do begin ActDt := StrToIntDef((Piece(TStringList(FData.FChoicesActiveDates[i]).Strings[j], ':', 1)),0); InActDt := StrToIntDef((Piece(TStringList(FData.FChoicesActiveDates[i]).Strings[j], ':', 2)),9999999); if (EncDt >= ActDt) and (EncDt <= InActDt) then begin if(copy(tmp,k+1,1) = '1') then begin if(Result <> '') then Result := Result + ', '; Result := Result + Piece(FData.FChoices[i],U,12); end; inc(k); end; {ActiveDate check} end; {FChoicesActiveDates.Items[i] loop} end; {FChoices loop} end; end; end else if pt = ptVitalEntry then begin Result := VitalValue; if(Result <> '') then Result := ConvertVitalData(Result, VitalType, VitalUnitValue); end else if pt = ptMHTest then Result := FMiscText else if pt = ptGAF then begin if(StrToIntDef(Piece(tmp, U, 1),0) <> 0) then begin Result := tmp; (* GafDate := Trunc(FParent.FReminder.PCEDataObj.VisitDateTime); ValidateGAFDate(GafDate); Result := tmp + CRCode + 'Date Determined: ' + FormatFMDateTime('mm/dd/yyyy', GafDate) + CRCode + 'Determined By: ' + FParent.FReminder.PCEDataObj.Providers.PCEProviderName; *) end; end; end; end; if(Result <> '') and (Caption <> '') then Result := Trim(Caption + ' ' + Trim(Result)); end; end; function TRemPrompt.CanShare(Prompt: TRemPrompt): boolean; var pt: TRemPromptType; begin if(Forced or Prompt.Forced or Prompt.FIsShared or Required or Prompt.Required) then Result := FALSE else begin pt := PromptType; Result := (pt = Prompt.PromptType); if(Result) then begin if(pt in [ptAdd2PL, ptLevelUnderstanding]) or ((pt = ptComment) and (not FParent.FHasSubComments)) then Result := ((Add2PN = Prompt.Add2PN) and (Caption = Prompt.Caption)) else Result := FALSE; end; end; end; destructor TRemPrompt.Destroy; begin KillObj(@FSharedChildren); inherited; end; function TRemPrompt.RemDataActive(RData: TRemData; EncDt: TFMDateTime):Boolean; var ActDt, InActDt: Double; j: integer; begin Result := FALSE; if assigned(RData.FActiveDates) then for j := 0 to (RData.FActiveDates.Count - 1) do begin ActDt := StrToIntDef(Piece(RData.FActiveDates[j],':',1), 0); InActDt := StrToIntDef(Piece(RData.FActiveDates[j], ':', 2), 9999999); if (EncDt >= ActDt) and (EncDt <= InActDt) then begin Result := TRUE; Break; end; end else Result := TRUE; end; function TRemPrompt.RemDataChoiceActive(RData: TRemData; j: integer; EncDt: TFMDateTime):Boolean; var ActDt, InActDt: Double; i: integer; begin Result := FALSE; If not assigned(RData.FChoicesActiveDates) then //if no active dates were sent Result := TRUE //from the server then don't check dates else {if there are active dates for each choice then check them} begin for i := 0 to (TStringList(RData.FChoicesActiveDates[j]).Count - 1) do begin ActDt := StrToIntDef((Piece(TStringList(RData.FChoicesActiveDates[j]).Strings[i], ':', 1)),0); InActDt := StrToIntDef((Piece(TStringList(RData.FChoicesActiveDates[j]).Strings[i], ':', 2)),9999999); if (EncDt >= ActDt) and (EncDt <= InActDt) then begin Result := True; end; {Active date check} end; {FChoicesActiveDates.Items[i] loop} end {FChoicesActiveDates check} end; function TRemPrompt.GetValue: string; //Returns TRemPrompt.FValue if this TRemPrompt is not a ptPrimaryDiag //Returns 0-False or 1-True if this TRemPrompt is a ptPrimaryDiag var i, j, k: integer; RData: TRemData; Ok: boolean; EncDt: TFMDateTime; begin OK := (Piece(FRec4, U, 4) = RemPromptCodes[ptPrimaryDiag]); if(OK) and (assigned(FParent)) then OK := (not FParent.Historical); if OK then begin Ok := FALSE; if(assigned(FParent) and assigned(FParent.FData)) then {If there's FData, see if} begin {there's a primary diagnosis} for i := 0 to FParent.FData.Count-1 do {if there is return True} begin EncDt := RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime; RData := TRemData(FParent.FData[i]); if(RData.DataType = dtDiagnosis) then begin if(assigned(RData.FPCERoot)) and (RemDataActive(RData, EncDt)) then Ok := (RData.FPCERoot = PrimaryDiagRoot) else if(assigned(RData.FChoices)) and (assigned(RData.FChoicePrompt)) then begin k := 0; for j := 0 to RData.FChoices.Count-1 do begin if RemDataChoiceActive(RData, j, EncDt) then begin if(assigned(RData.FChoices.Objects[j])) and (copy(RData.FChoicePrompt.FValue,k+1,1)='1') then begin if(TRemPCERoot(RData.FChoices.Objects[j]) = PrimaryDiagRoot) then begin Ok := TRUE; break; end; end; //if FChoices.Objects (which is the RemPCERoot object) is assigned inc(k); end; //if FChoices[j] is active end; //loop through FChoices end; //If there are FChoices and an FChoicePrompt (i.e.: is this a ptDataList} end; if Ok then break; end; end; Result := BOOLCHAR[Ok]; end else Result := FValue; end; procedure TRemPrompt.SetValue(Value: string); var pt: TRemPromptType; i, j, k : integer; RData: TRemData; Primary, Done: boolean; Tmp: string; OK, NeedRefresh: boolean; EncDt: TFMDateTime; begin NeedRefresh := (not FFromControl); if(Forced and (not FFromParent)) then exit; pt := PromptType; if(pt = ptVisitDate) then begin if(Value = '') then Value := '0' else begin try if(StrToFloat(Value) > FMToday) then begin Value := '0'; // InfoBox('Can not enter a future date for a historical event.', <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 InfoBox(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Can_not_enter_a_future_date_for_a_historical_eventx'), //kt added 9/5/2007 // 'Invalid Future Date', MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 DKLangConstW('uReminders_Invalid_Future_Date'), MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; except on EConvertError do Value := '0' else raise; end; if(Value = '0') then NeedRefresh := TRUE; end; end; if(GetValue <> Value) or (FFromParent) then begin FValue := Value; EncDt := RemForm.PCEObj.VisitDateTime; if((pt = ptExamResults) and assigned(FParent) and assigned(FParent.FData) and (FParent.FData.Count > 0) and assigned(FParent.FMSTPrompt)) then begin FParent.FMSTPrompt.SetValueFromParent(Value); if (FParent.FMSTPrompt.FMiscText = '') then // Assumes first finding item is MST finding FParent.FMSTPrompt.FMiscText := TRemData(FParent.FData[0]).InternalValue; end; OK := (assigned(FParent) and assigned(FParent.FData) and (Piece(FRec4, U, 4) = RemPromptCodes[ptPrimaryDiag])); if OK then OK := (not FParent.Historical); if OK then begin Done := FALSE; Primary := (Value = BOOLCHAR[TRUE]); for i := 0 to FParent.FData.Count-1 do begin RData := TRemData(FParent.FData[i]); if(RData.DataType = dtDiagnosis) then begin if(assigned(RData.FPCERoot)) and (RemDataActive(RData, EncDt)) then begin if(Primary) then begin PrimaryDiagRoot := RData.FPCERoot; Done := TRUE; end else begin if(PrimaryDiagRoot = RData.FPCERoot) then begin PrimaryDiagRoot := nil; Done := TRUE; end; end; end else if(assigned(RData.FChoices)) and (assigned(RData.FChoicePrompt)) then begin k := 0; for j := 0 to RData.FChoices.Count-1 do begin if RemDataChoiceActive(RData, j, EncDt) then begin if(Primary) then begin if(assigned(RData.FChoices.Objects[j])) and (copy(RData.FChoicePrompt.FValue,k+1,1)='1') then begin PrimaryDiagRoot := TRemPCERoot(RData.FChoices.Objects[j]); Done := TRUE; break; end; end else begin if(assigned(RData.FChoices.Objects[j])) and (PrimaryDiagRoot = TRemPCERoot(RData.FChoices.Objects[j])) then begin PrimaryDiagRoot := nil; Done := TRUE; break; end; end; inc(k); end; end; end; end; if Done then break; end; end; if(assigned(FParent) and assigned(FParent.FData) and IsSyncPrompt(pt)) then begin for i := 0 to FParent.FData.Count-1 do begin RData := TRemData(FParent.FData[i]); if(assigned(RData.FPCERoot)) and (RemDataActive(RData, EncDt)) then RData.FPCERoot.Sync(Self); if(assigned(RData.FChoices)) then begin for j := 0 to RData.FChoices.Count-1 do begin if(assigned(RData.FChoices.Objects[j])) and RemDataChoiceActive(RData, j, EncDt) then TRemPCERoot(RData.FChoices.Objects[j]).Sync(Self); end; end; end; end; end; if(not NeedRefresh) then NeedRefresh := (GetValue <> Value); if(NeedRefresh and assigned(FCurrentControl) and FParent.FReminder.Visible) then begin case pt of ptComment: (FCurrentControl as TEdit).Text := GetValue; ptQuantity: (FCurrentControl as TUpDown).Position := StrToIntDef(GetValue,1); (* ptSkinReading: (FCurrentControl as TUpDown).Position := StrToIntDef(GetValue,0); *) ptVisitDate: begin try (FCurrentControl as TORDateCombo).FMDate := StrToFloat(GetValue); except on EConvertError do (FCurrentControl as TORDateCombo).FMDate := 0; else raise; end; end; ptPrimaryDiag, ptAdd2PL, ptContraindicated: (FCurrentControl as TORCheckBox).Checked := (GetValue = BOOLCHAR[TRUE]); ptVisitLocation: begin Tmp := GetValue; with (FCurrentControl as TORComboBox) do begin if(piece(Tmp,U,1)= '0') then begin Items[0] := Tmp; SelectByID('0'); end else SelectByID(Tmp); end; end; ptWHPapResult: (FCurrentControl as TORCheckBox).Checked := (GetValue = BOOLCHAR[TRUE]); ptWHNotPurp: (FCurrentControl as TORCheckBox).Checked := (GetValue = BOOLCHAR[TRUE]); ptExamResults, ptSkinResults, ptLevelSeverity, ptSeries, ptReaction, ptLevelUnderstanding, ptSkinReading: //(AGP Change 26.1) (FCurrentControl as TORComboBox).SelectByID(GetValue); else if(pt = ptVitalEntry) then begin if(FCurrentControl is TORComboBox) then (FCurrentControl as TORComboBox).SelectByID(VitalValue) else if(FCurrentControl is TVitalEdit) then begin with (FCurrentControl as TVitalEdit) do begin Text := VitalValue; if(assigned(FLinkedCombo)) then begin Tmp := VitalUnitValue; if(Tmp <> '') then FLinkedCombo.Text := VitalUnitValue else FLinkedCombo.ItemIndex := 0; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; procedure TRemPrompt.SetValueFromParent(Value: string); begin FFromParent := TRUE; try SetValue(Value); finally FFromParent := FALSE; end; end; procedure TRemPrompt.InitValue; var Value: string; pt: TRemPromptType; idx, i, j: integer; TempSL: TORStringList; Found: boolean; RData: TRemData; begin Value := InternalValue; pt := PromptType; if(ord(pt) >= ord(low(TRemPromptType))) and (ComboPromptTags[pt] <> 0) then begin TempSL := TORStringList.Create; try GetPCECodes(TempSL, ComboPromptTags[pt]); idx := TempSL.CaseInsensitiveIndexOfPiece(Value, U, 1); if(idx < 0) then idx := TempSL.CaseInsensitiveIndexOfPiece(Value, U, 2); if(idx >= 0) then Value := Piece(TempSL[idx],U,1); finally TempSL.Free; end; end; if((not Forced) and assigned(FParent) and assigned(FParent.FData) and IsSyncPrompt(pt)) then begin Found := FALSE; for i := 0 to FParent.FData.Count-1 do begin RData := TRemData(FParent.FData[i]); if(assigned(RData.FPCERoot)) then Found := RData.FPCERoot.GetValue(pt, Value); if(not Found) and (assigned(RData.FChoices)) then begin for j := 0 to RData.FChoices.Count-1 do begin if(assigned(RData.FChoices.Objects[j])) then begin Found := TRemPCERoot(RData.FChoices.Objects[j]).GetValue(pt, Value); if(Found) then break; end; end; end; if(Found) then break; end; end; FInitializing := TRUE; try SetValueFromParent(Value); finally FInitializing := FALSE; end; end; function TRemPrompt.ForcedCaption: string; var pt: TRemPromptType; begin Result := Caption; if(Result = '') then begin pt := PromptType; if(pt = ptDataList) then begin if(assigned(FData)) then begin if(FData.DataType = dtDiagnosis) then // Result := 'Diagnosis' <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Diagnosis') //kt added 9/5/2007 else if(FData.DataType = dtProcedure) then // Result := 'Procedure'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Procedure'); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; end else if(pt = ptVitalEntry) then //kt Result := VitalDesc[VitalType] + ':' Result := VitalDesc(VitalType) + ':' else if(pt = ptMHTest) then // Result := 'Perform ' + FData.Narrative <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Perform') + FData.Narrative //kt added 9/5/2007 else if(pt = ptGAF) then // Result := 'GAF Score' <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_GAF_Score') //kt added 9/5/2007 else Result := PromptDescriptions(pt); //kt Result := PromptDescriptions[pt]; // if(Result = '') then Result := 'Prompt'; <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 if(Result = '') then Result := DKLangConstW('uReminders_Prompt'); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; if(copy(Result,length(Result),1) = ':') then delete(Result,length(Result),1); end; function TRemPrompt.VitalType: TVitalType; begin Result := vtUnknown; if(assigned(FData)) then Result := Code2VitalType(FData.InternalValue); end; procedure TRemPrompt.VitalVerify(Sender: TObject); var vEdt: TVitalEdit; vCbo: TVitalComboBox; AObj: TWinControl; begin if(Sender is TVitalEdit) then begin vEdt := TVitalEdit(Sender); vCbo := vEdt.FLinkedCombo; end else if(Sender is TVitalComboBox) then begin vCbo := TVitalComboBox(Sender); vEdt := vCbo.FLinkedEdit; end else begin vCbo := nil; vEdt := nil; end; AObj := Screen.ActiveControl; if((not assigned(AObj)) or ((AObj <> vEdt) and (AObj <> vCbo))) then begin if(vEdt.Tag = TAG_VITHEIGHT) then vEdt.Text := ConvertHeight2Inches(vEdt.Text); if VitalInvalid(vEdt, vCbo) then vEdt.SetFocus; end; end; function TRemPrompt.VitalUnitValue: string; var vt: TVitalType; begin vt := VitalType; if (vt in [vtTemp, vtHeight, vtWeight]) then begin Result := Piece(GetValue,';',2); if(Result = '') then begin case vt of vtTemp: Result := 'F'; vtHeight: Result := 'IN'; vtWeight: Result := 'LB'; end; SetPiece(FValue, ';', 2, Result); end; end else Result := ''; end; function TRemPrompt.VitalValue: string; begin Result := Piece(GetValue,';',1); end; procedure TRemPrompt.DoWHReport(Sender: TObject); Var comp, ien: string; i: integer; begin for i := 0 to FParent.FData.Count-1 do begin comp:= Piece(TRemData(FParent.FData[i]).FRec3,U,4); ien:= Piece(TRemData(FParent.FData[i]).FRec3,U,6); end; CallV('ORQQPXRM GET WH REPORT TEXT', [ien]); // ReportBox(RPCBrokerV.Results,'Procedure Report Results',True); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 ReportBox(RPCBrokerV.Results,DKLangConstW('uReminders_Procedure_Report_Results'),True); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; procedure TRemPrompt.ViewWHText(Sender: TObject); var WHRecNum, WHTitle: string; i: integer; begin for i := 0 to FParent.FData.Count-1 do begin if Piece(TRemData(FParent.FData[i]).FRec3,U,4)='WH' then begin WHRecNum:=(Piece(TRemData(FParent.FData[i]).FRec3,U,6)); WHTitle :=(Piece(TRemData(FParent.FData[i]).FRec3,U,8)); end; end; CallV('ORQQPXRM GET WH LETTER TEXT', [WHRecNum]); //ReportBox(RPCBrokerV.Results,'Women Health Notification Purpose: '+WHTitle,false); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 ReportBox(RPCBrokerV.Results,DKLangConstW('uReminders_Women_Health_Notification_Purposex')+WHTitle,false); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; procedure TRemPrompt.DoMHTest(Sender: TObject); var TmpSL: TStringList; i, TestComp: integer; Before, After: string; begin TestComp := 0; if(MHTestAuthorized(FData.Narrative)) then begin FParent.FReminder.BeginTextChanged; try if(FParent.IncludeMHTestInPN) then TmpSL := TStringList.Create else TmpSL := nil; Before := GetValue; After := PerformMHTest(Before, FData.Narrative, TmpSL); if uinit.TimedOut then After := ''; if pos(U,After)>0 then begin TestComp := StrtoInt(Piece(After,U,2)); self.FMHTestComplete := TestComp; After := Piece(After,U,1); end; if(Before <> After) and (not uInit.TimedOut) then begin if(After = '') or (FParent.ResultDlgID = 0) then FMiscText := '' else if TestComp > 0 then begin MentalHealthTestResults(FMiscText, FParent.ResultDlgID, FData.Narrative, FParent.FReminder.FPCEDataObj.Providers.PCEProvider, After); if(assigned(TmpSL) and (TmpSL.Count > 0)) then begin if(FMiscText <> '') then FMiscText := FMiscText + CRCode + CRCode; for i := 0 to TmpSL.Count-1 do begin if(i > 0) then FMiscText := FMiscText + CRCode + CRCode; FMiscText := FMiscText + TmpSL[i]; end; end; ExpandTIUObjects(FMiscText); end; SetValue(After); end; finally if not uInit.TimedOut then FParent.FReminder.EndTextChanged(Sender); end; if not uInit.TimedOut then if(FParent.ElemType = etDisplayOnly) and (not assigned(FParent.FParent)) then RemindersInProcess.Notifier.Notify; end else // InfoBox('Not Authorized to score the ' + FData.Narrative + ' test.', <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 InfoBox(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Not_Authorized_to_score_the')+' ' + FData.Narrative + DKLangConstW('uReminders_testx'), //kt added 9/5/2007 // 'Insufficient Authorization', MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 DKLangConstW('uReminders_Insufficient_Authorization'), MB_OK + MB_ICONERROR); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; procedure TRemPrompt.GAFHelp(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; GotoWebPage(GAFURL); end; function TRemPrompt.EntryID: string; begin Result := FParent.EntryID + '/' + IntToStr(integer(Self)); end; procedure TRemPrompt.EditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); begin if (Key = '?') and (Sender is TCustomEdit) and ((TCustomEdit(Sender).Text = '') or (TCustomEdit(Sender).SelStart = 0)) then Key := #0; end; { TRemPCERoot } destructor TRemPCERoot.Destroy; begin KillObj(@FData); KillObj(@FForcedPrompts); inherited; end; procedure TRemPCERoot.Done(Data: TRemData); var i, idx: integer; begin if(assigned(FForcedPrompts) and assigned(Data.FParent) and assigned(Data.FParent.FPrompts)) then begin for i := 0 to Data.FParent.FPrompts.Count-1 do UnSync(TRemPrompt(Data.FParent.FPrompts[i])); end; FData.Remove(Data); if(FData.Count <= 0) then begin idx := PCERootList.IndexOfObject(Self); // if(idx < 0) then // idx := PCERootList.IndexOf(FID); if(idx >= 0) then PCERootList.Delete(idx); if PrimaryDiagRoot = Self then PrimaryDiagRoot := nil; Free; end; end; class function TRemPCERoot.GetRoot(Data: TRemData; Rec3: string; Historical: boolean): TRemPCERoot; var DID: string; Idx: integer; obj: TRemPCERoot; begin if(Data.DataType = dtVitals) then DID := 'V' + Piece(Rec3, U, 6) else begin if(Historical) then begin inc(HistRootCount); DID := IntToStr(HistRootCount); end else DID := '0'; DID := DID + U + Piece(Rec3, U, r3Type) + U + Piece(Rec3, U, r3Code) + U + Piece(Rec3, U, r3Cat) + U + Piece(Rec3, U, r3Nar); end; idx := -1; if(not assigned(PCERootList)) then PCERootList := TStringList.Create else if(PCERootList.Count > 0) then idx := PCERootList.IndexOf(DID); if(idx < 0) then begin obj := TRemPCERoot.Create; try obj.FData := TList.Create; obj.FID := DID; idx := PCERootList.AddObject(DID, obj); except obj.Free; raise; end; end; Result := TRemPCERoot(PCERootList.Objects[idx]); Result.FData.Add(Data); end; function TRemPCERoot.GetValue(PromptType: TRemPromptType; var NewValue: string): boolean; var ptS: string; i: integer; begin ptS := char(ord('D') + ord(PromptType)); i := pos(ptS, FValueSet); if(i = 0) then Result := FALSE else begin NewValue := Piece(FValue, U, i); Result := TRUE; end; end; procedure TRemPCERoot.Sync(Prompt: TRemPrompt); var i, j: integer; RData: TRemData; Prm: TRemPrompt; pt: TRemPromptType; ptS, Value: string; begin // if(assigned(Prompt.FParent) and ((not Prompt.FParent.FChecked) or // (Prompt.FParent.ElemType = etDisplayOnly))) then exit; if(assigned(Prompt.FParent) and (not Prompt.FParent.FChecked)) then exit; pt := Prompt.PromptType; Value := Prompt.GetValue; if(Prompt.Forced) then begin if(not Prompt.FInitializing) then begin if(not assigned(FForcedPrompts)) then FForcedPrompts := TStringList.Create; if(FForcedPrompts.IndexOfObject(Prompt) < 0) then begin for i := 0 to FForcedPrompts.Count-1 do begin Prm := TRemPrompt(FForcedPrompts.Objects[i]); if(pt = Prm.PromptType) and (FForcedPrompts[i] <> Value) and (Prm.FParent.IsChecked) then // raise EForcedPromptConflict.Create('Forced Value Error:' + CRLF + CRLF + <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 raise EForcedPromptConflict.Create(DKLangConstW('uReminders_Forced_Value_Errorx') + CRLF + CRLF + //kt added 9/5/2007 // Prompt.ForcedCaption + ' is already being forced to another value.'); <-- original line. //kt 9/5/2007 Prompt.ForcedCaption + DKLangConstW('uReminders_is_already_being_forced_to_another_valuex')); //kt added 9/5/2007 end; FForcedPrompts.AddObject(Value, Prompt); end; end; end else begin if(assigned(FForcedPrompts)) then begin for i := 0 to FForcedPrompts.Count-1 do begin Prm := TRemPrompt(FForcedPrompts.Objects[i]); if(pt = Prm.PromptType) and (FForcedPrompts[i] <> Value) and (Prm.FParent.IsChecked) then begin Prompt.SetValue(FForcedPrompts[i]); if(assigned(Prompt.FParent)) then Prompt.FParent.cbClicked(nil); // Forces redraw exit; end; end; end; end; if(Prompt.FInitializing) then exit; for i := 0 to FData.Count-1 do inc(TRemData(FData[i]).FSyncCount); ptS := char(ord('D') + ord(pt)); i := pos(ptS, FValueSet); if(i = 0) then begin FValueSet := FValueSet + ptS; i := length(FValueSet); end; SetPiece(FValue, U, i, Value); for i := 0 to FData.Count-1 do begin RData := TRemData(FData[i]); if(RData.FSyncCount = 1) and (assigned(RData.FParent)) and (assigned(RData.FParent.FPrompts)) then begin for j := 0 to RData.FParent.FPrompts.Count-1 do begin Prm := TRemPrompt(RData.FParent.FPrompts[j]); if(Prm <> Prompt) and (pt = Prm.PromptType) and (not Prm.Forced) then Prm.SetValue(Prompt.GetValue); end; end; end; for i := 0 to FData.Count-1 do begin RData := TRemData(FData[i]); if(RData.FSyncCount > 0) then dec(RData.FSyncCount); end; end; procedure TRemPCERoot.UnSync(Prompt: TRemPrompt); var idx: integer; begin if(assigned(FForcedPrompts) and Prompt.Forced) then begin idx := FForcedPrompts.IndexOfObject(Prompt); if(idx >= 0) then FForcedPrompts.Delete(Idx); end; end; initialization InitReminderObjects; finalization FreeReminderObjects; end.