//kt -- Modified with SourceScanner on 8/21/2007 unit uSpell; {$O-} interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, ComObj, StdCtrls, ComCtrls, ORSystem, Word2000, ORFn, Variants, rCore, clipbrd; type TSpellCheckAvailable = record Evaluated: boolean; Available: boolean; end; function SpellCheckAvailable: Boolean; function SpellCheckInProgress: Boolean; procedure KillSpellCheck; procedure SpellCheckForControl(AnEditControl: TCustomMemo); procedure GrammarCheckForControl(AnEditControl: TCustomMemo); implementation uses DKLang; const //TX_WINDOW_TITLE = 'CPRS-Chart Spell Checking #'; <-- original line. //kt 8/21/2007 //TX_NO_SPELL_CHECK = 'Spell checking is unavailable.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/21/2007 //TX_NO_GRAMMAR_CHECK = 'Grammar checking is unavailable.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/21/2007 //TX_SPELL_COMPLETE = 'The spelling check is complete.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/21/2007 //TX_GRAMMAR_COMPLETE = 'The grammar check is complete.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/21/2007 //TX_SPELL_ABORT = 'The spelling check terminated abnormally.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/21/2007 //TX_GRAMMAR_ABORT = 'The grammar check terminated abnormally.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/21/2007 //TX_SPELL_CANCELLED = 'Spelling check was cancelled before completion.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/21/2007 //TX_GRAMMAR_CANCELLED = 'Grammar check was cancelled before completion.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/21/2007 //TX_NO_DETAILS = 'No further details are available.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/21/2007 //TX_NO_CORRECTIONS = 'Corrections have NOT been applied.'; <-- original line. //kt 8/21/2007 CR_LF = #13#10; SPELL_CHECK = 'S'; GRAMMAR_CHECK = 'G'; var //kt added TX_WINDOW_TITLE : string; TX_NO_SPELL_CHECK : string; TX_NO_GRAMMAR_CHECK : string; TX_SPELL_COMPLETE : string; TX_GRAMMAR_COMPLETE : string; TX_SPELL_ABORT : string; TX_GRAMMAR_ABORT : string; TX_SPELL_CANCELLED : string; TX_GRAMMAR_CANCELLED : string; TX_NO_DETAILS : string; TX_NO_CORRECTIONS : string; var WindowList: TList; OldList, NewList: TList; MSWord: OleVariant; uSpellCheckAvailable: TSpellCheckAvailable; procedure SetupVars; //kt begin TX_WINDOW_TITLE := DKLangConstW('uSpell_CPRSxChart_Spell_Checking_x'); //kt added 8/21/2007 TX_NO_SPELL_CHECK := DKLangConstW('uSpell_Spell_checking_is_unavailablex'); //kt added 8/21/2007 TX_NO_GRAMMAR_CHECK := DKLangConstW('uSpell_Grammar_checking_is_unavailablex'); //kt added 8/21/2007 TX_SPELL_COMPLETE := DKLangConstW('uSpell_The_spelling_check_is_completex'); //kt added 8/21/2007 TX_GRAMMAR_COMPLETE := DKLangConstW('uSpell_The_grammar_check_is_completex'); //kt added 8/21/2007 TX_SPELL_ABORT := DKLangConstW('uSpell_The_spelling_check_terminated_abnormallyx'); //kt added 8/21/2007 TX_GRAMMAR_ABORT := DKLangConstW('uSpell_The_grammar_check_terminated_abnormallyx'); //kt added 8/21/2007 TX_SPELL_CANCELLED := DKLangConstW('uSpell_Spelling_check_was_cancelled_before_completionx'); //kt added 8/21/2007 TX_GRAMMAR_CANCELLED := DKLangConstW('uSpell_Grammar_check_was_cancelled_before_completionx'); //kt added 8/21/2007 TX_NO_DETAILS := DKLangConstW('uSpell_No_further_details_are_availablex'); //kt added 8/21/2007 TX_NO_CORRECTIONS := DKLangConstW('uSpell_Corrections_have_NOT_been_appliedx'); //kt added 8/21/2007 end; function SpellCheckInProgress: boolean; begin Result := not VarIsEmpty(MSWord); end; procedure KillSpellCheck; begin if SpellCheckInProgress then begin MSWord.Quit(wdDoNotSaveChanges); VarClear(MSWord); end; end; function SpellCheckTitle: string; begin SetupVars; //kt Result := TX_WINDOW_TITLE + IntToStr(Application.Handle); end; function GetWindows(Handle: HWND; Info: Pointer): BOOL; stdcall; begin Result := True; WindowList.Add(Pointer(Handle)); end; procedure GetWindowList(List: TList); begin WindowList := List; EnumWindows(@GetWindows, 0); end; procedure BringWordToFront(OldList, NewList: TList); var i, NameLen: integer; WinName: array[0..160] of char; NewWinName: PChar; NewName: string; begin NewName := SpellCheckTitle; NameLen := length(NewName); for i := 0 to NewList.Count-1 do begin if(OldList.IndexOf(NewList[i]) < 0) then begin GetWindowText(HWND(NewList[i]), WinName, sizeof(WinName) - 1); if Pos('CPRS', WinName) > 0 then NewWinName := PChar(Copy(WinName, Pos('CPRS', WinName), sizeof(WinName) - 1)) else NewWinName := WinName; if StrLComp(NewWinName, pchar(NewName), NameLen)=0 then begin Application.ProcessMessages; SetForegroundWindow(HWND(NewList[i])); break; end; end; end; end; { Spell Checking using Visual Basic for Applications script } function SpellCheckAvailable: Boolean; //const // WORD_VBA_CLSID = 'CLSID\{000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}'; begin // CHANGED FOR PT. SAFETY ISSUE RELEASE 19.16, PATCH OR*3*155 - ADDED NEXT 2 LINES: //result := false; //exit; // Reenabled in version 21.1, via parameter setting (RV) // Result := (GetUserParam('ORWOR SPELL CHECK ENABLED?') = '1'); with uSpellCheckAvailable do // only want to call this once per session!!! v23.10+ begin if not Evaluated then begin Available := (GetUserParam('ORWOR SPELL CHECK ENABLED?') = '1'); Evaluated := True; end; Result := Available; end; end; procedure SpellAndGrammarCheckForControl(var AnotherEditControl: TCustomMemo; ACheck: Char); var NoLFText, LFText: string; OneChar: char; ErrMsg: string; FinishedChecking: boolean; OldSaveInterval, i: integer; MsgText: string; FirstLineBlank: boolean; OldLine0: string; begin SetupVars; //kt if AnotherEditControl = nil then Exit; OldList := TList.Create; NewList := TList.Create; FinishedChecking := False; FirstLineBlank := False; NoLFText := ''; OldLine0 := ''; ClipBoard.Clear; try try GetWindowList(OldList); try Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; MSWord := CreateOLEObject('Word.Application'); except // MSWord not available, so exit now Screen.Cursor := crDefault; case ACheck of SPELL_CHECK : MsgText := TX_NO_SPELL_CHECK; GRAMMAR_CHECK: MsgText := TX_NO_GRAMMAR_CHECK; else MsgText := '' end; Application.MessageBox(PChar(MsgText), PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONWARNING); Exit; end; GetWindowList(NewList); try MSWord.Application.Caption := SpellCheckTitle; // Position Word off screen to avoid having document visible... MSWord.WindowState := 0; MSWord.Top := -3000; OldSaveInterval := MSWord.Application.Options.SaveInterval; MSWord.Application.Options.SaveInterval := 0; MSWord.Application.Options.AutoFormatReplaceQuotes := False; MSWord.Application.Options.AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceQuotes := False; MSWord.ResetIgnoreAll; MSWord.Documents.Add; // FileNew MSWord.ActiveDocument.TrackRevisions := False; with AnotherEditControl do if (Lines.Count > 0) and (not ContainsVisibleChar(Lines[0])) then begin FirstLineBlank := True; //MS bug when spell-checking document with blank first line (RV - v22.6) OldLine0 := Lines[0]; Lines.Delete(0); end; MSWord.ActiveDocument.Content.Text := (AnotherEditControl.Text); // The Text property returns the plain, unformatted text of the selection or range. // When you set this property, the text of the range or selection is replaced. BringWordToFront(OldList, NewList); MSWord.ActiveDocument.Content.SpellingChecked := False; MSWord.ActiveDocument.Content.GrammarChecked := False; case ACheck of SPELL_CHECK : begin MSWord.ActiveDocument.Content.CheckSpelling; // ToolsSpelling FinishedChecking := MSWord.ActiveDocument.Content.SpellingChecked; end; GRAMMAR_CHECK: begin MSWord.ActiveDocument.Content.CheckGrammar; // ToolsGrammar FinishedChecking := MSWord.ActiveDocument.Content.GrammarChecked; end; end; if FinishedChecking then // not cancelled? NoLFText := MSWord.ActiveDocument.Content.Text // EditSelectAll else NoLFText := ''; finally Screen.Cursor := crDefault; MSWord.Application.Options.SaveInterval := OldSaveInterval; case ACheck of SPELL_CHECK : FinishedChecking := MSWord.ActiveDocument.Content.SpellingChecked; GRAMMAR_CHECK: FinishedChecking := MSWord.ActiveDocument.Content.GrammarChecked; end; MSWord.Quit(wdDoNotSaveChanges); VarClear(MSWord); end; finally OldList.Free; NewList.Free; end; except on E: Exception do begin ErrMsg := E.Message; FinishedChecking := False; end; end; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; Application.BringToFront; if FinishedChecking then begin if (Length(NoLFText) > 0) then begin LFText := ''; for i := 1 to Length(NoLFText) do begin OneChar := NoLFText[i]; LFText := LFText + OneChar; if OneChar = #13 then LFText := LFText + #10; end; with AnotherEditControl do if Lines.Count > 0 then begin Text := LFText; if FirstLineBlank then Text := OldLine0 + Text; end; case ACheck of SPELL_CHECK : MsgText := TX_SPELL_COMPLETE; GRAMMAR_CHECK: MsgText := TX_GRAMMAR_COMPLETE; else MsgText := '' end; Application.MessageBox(PChar(MsgText), PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONINFORMATION); end else begin case ACheck of SPELL_CHECK : MsgText := TX_SPELL_CANCELLED; GRAMMAR_CHECK: MsgText := TX_GRAMMAR_CANCELLED; else MsgText := '' end; Application.MessageBox(PChar(MsgText + CR_LF + CR_LF + TX_NO_CORRECTIONS), PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONINFORMATION); end; end else // error during spell or grammar check begin case ACheck of SPELL_CHECK : MsgText := TX_SPELL_ABORT; GRAMMAR_CHECK: MsgText := TX_GRAMMAR_ABORT; else MsgText := '' end; if ErrMsg = '' then ErrMsg := TX_NO_DETAILS; Application.MessageBox(PChar(MsgText + CR_LF + ErrMsg + CR_LF + CR_LF + TX_NO_CORRECTIONS), PChar(Application.Title), MB_ICONWARNING); end; SendMessage(TRichEdit(AnotherEditControl).Handle, WM_VSCROLL, SB_TOP, 0); AnotherEditControl.SetFocus; end; procedure SpellCheckForControl(AnEditControl: TCustomMemo); begin if AnEditControl = nil then Exit; SpellAndGrammarCheckForControl(AnEditControl, SPELL_CHECK); end; procedure GrammarCheckForControl(AnEditControl: TCustomMemo); begin if AnEditControl = nil then Exit; SpellAndGrammarCheckForControl(AnEditControl, GRAMMAR_CHECK); end; end.