source: cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/TMG_Extra/tntUniCode/Design/TntStrEdit_Design.dfm@ 1797

Last change on this file since 1797 was 672, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 15 years ago

Adding source to tntControls for compilation

File size: 3.2 KB
[672]1object TntStrEditDlg: TTntStrEditDlg
2 Left = 267
3 Top = 258
4 BorderStyle = bsDialog
5 Caption = 'Wide String List Editor'
6 ClientHeight = 279
7 ClientWidth = 430
8 Color = clBtnFace
9 ParentFont = True
10 OldCreateOrder = True
11 PopupMenu = StringEditorMenu
12 Position = poScreenCenter
13 OnCreate = FormCreate
14 PixelsPerInch = 96
15 TextHeight = 13
16 object TntGroupBox1: TTntGroupBox
17 Left = 8
18 Top = 3
19 Width = 413
20 Height = 234
21 TabOrder = 4
22 object LineCount: TTntLabel
23 Left = 9
24 Top = 9
25 Width = 169
26 Height = 17
27 AutoSize = False
28 Caption = '0 lines'
29 end
30 object UnicodeEnabledLbl: TTntLabel
31 Left = 325
32 Top = 9
33 Width = 79
34 Height = 13
35 Alignment = taRightJustify
36 Caption = 'Unicode Enabled'
37 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
38 Font.Color = clGreen
39 Font.Height = -11
40 Font.Name = 'MS Shell Dlg 2'
41 Font.Style = []
42 ParentFont = False
43 Visible = False
44 end
45 object Memo: TTntMemo
46 Left = 8
47 Top = 28
48 Width = 397
49 Height = 197
50 ScrollBars = ssBoth
51 TabOrder = 0
52 WordWrap = False
53 OnChange = UpdateStatus
54 OnKeyDown = Memo1KeyDown
55 end
56 end
57 object CodeWndBtn: TTntButton
58 Left = 8
59 Top = 248
60 Width = 75
61 Height = 25
62 Caption = '&Code Editor...'
63 Enabled = False
64 TabOrder = 0
65 OnClick = CodeWndBtnClick
66 end
67 object HelpButton: TTntButton
68 Left = 345
69 Top = 248
70 Width = 75
71 Height = 25
72 Caption = '&Help'
73 TabOrder = 3
74 OnClick = HelpButtonClick
75 end
76 object OKButton: TTntButton
77 Left = 185
78 Top = 248
79 Width = 75
80 Height = 25
81 Caption = '&OK'
82 Default = True
83 ModalResult = 1
84 TabOrder = 1
85 end
86 object CancelButton: TTntButton
87 Left = 265
88 Top = 248
89 Width = 75
90 Height = 25
91 Cancel = True
92 Caption = 'Cancel'
93 ModalResult = 2
94 TabOrder = 2
95 end
96 object OpenDialog: TTntOpenDialog
97 HelpContext = 26040
98 DefaultExt = 'TXT'
99 Filter =
100 'Text files (*.TXT)|*.TXT|Config files (*.SYS;*.INI)|*.SYS;*.INI|' +
101 'Batch files (*.BAT)|*.BAT|All files (*.*)|*.*'
102 Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofShowHelp, ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing]
103 Title = 'Load string list'
104 Left = 200
105 Top = 88
106 end
107 object SaveDialog: TTntSaveDialog
108 HelpContext = 26050
109 Filter =
110 'Text files (*.TXT)|*.TXT|Config files (*.SYS;*.INI)|*.SYS;*.INI|' +
111 'Batch files (*.BAT)|*.BAT|All files (*.*)|*.*'
112 Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofShowHelp, ofPathMustExist, ofEnableSizing]
113 Title = 'Save string list'
114 Left = 228
115 Top = 88
116 end
117 object StringEditorMenu: TTntPopupMenu
118 Left = 168
119 Top = 88
120 object LoadItem: TTntMenuItem
121 Caption = '&Load...'
122 OnClick = FileOpenClick
123 end
124 object SaveItem: TTntMenuItem
125 Caption = '&Save...'
126 OnClick = FileSaveClick
127 end
128 object CodeEditorItem: TTntMenuItem
129 Caption = '&Code Editor...'
130 Enabled = False
131 Visible = False
132 OnClick = CodeWndBtnClick
133 end
134 end
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