unit pngextra; interface uses Windows, Graphics, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, pngimage, Buttons, ExtCtrls; type TPNGButtonStyle = (pbsDefault, pbsFlat); TPNGButtonLayout = (pbsImageAbove, pbsImageBellow); TPNGButtonState = (pbsNormal, pbsDown, pbsDisabled); TPNGButton = class(TGraphicControl) private {Holds the property values} fButtonStyle: TPNGButtonStyle; fMouseOverControl: Boolean; FCaption: String; FButtonLayout: TPNGButtonLayout; FButtonState: TPNGButtonState; FImageDown: TPNGObject; fImageNormal: TPNGObject; fImageDisabled: TPNGObject; fImageOver: TPNGObject; {Procedures for setting the property values} procedure SetButtonStyle(const Value: TPNGButtonStyle); procedure SetCaption(const Value: String); procedure SetButtonLayout(const Value: TPNGButtonLayout); procedure SetButtonState(const Value: TPNGButtonState); procedure SetImageNormal(const Value: TPNGObject); procedure SetImageDown(const Value: TPNGObject); procedure SetImageOver(const Value: TPNGObject); published {Published properties} property Font; property Visible; property ButtonLayout: TPNGButtonLayout read FButtonLayout write SetButtonLayout; property Caption: String read FCaption write SetCaption; property ImageNormal: TPNGObject read fImageNormal write SetImageNormal; property ImageDown: TPNGObject read FImageDown write SetImageDown; property ImageOver: TPNGObject read FImageOver write SetImageOver; property ButtonStyle: TPNGButtonStyle read fButtonStyle write SetButtonStyle; property Enabled; {Default events} property OnMouseDown; property OnClick; property OnMouseUp; property OnMouseMove; property OnDblClick; public {Public properties} property ButtonState: TPNGButtonState read FButtonState write SetButtonState; protected {Being painted} procedure Paint; override; {Clicked} procedure Click; override; {Mouse pressed} procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; {Mouse entering or leaving} procedure CMMouseEnter(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSEENTER; procedure CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE; {Being enabled or disabled} procedure CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_ENABLEDCHANGED; public {Returns if the mouse is over the control} property IsMouseOver: Boolean read fMouseOverControl; {Constructor and destructor} constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; end; procedure Register; procedure MakeImageHalfTransparent(Source, Dest: TPNGObject); implementation procedure Register; begin RegisterComponents('Samples', [TPNGButton]); end; procedure MakeImageHalfTransparent(Source, Dest: TPNGObject); var i, j: Integer; begin Dest.Assign(Source); Dest.CreateAlpha; if (Dest.Header.ColorType <> COLOR_PALETTE) then for j := 0 to Source.Height - 1 do for i := 0 to Source.Width - 1 do Dest.AlphaScanline[j]^[i] := Dest.AlphaScanline[j]^[i] div 3; end; {TPNGButton implementation} {Being created} constructor TPNGButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin {Calls ancestor} inherited Create(AOwner); {Creates the TPNGObjects} fImageNormal := TPNGObject.Create; fImageDown := TPNGObject.Create; fImageDisabled := TPNGObject.Create; fImageOver := TPNGObject.Create; {Initial properties} ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csCaptureMouse]; SetBounds(Left, Top, 23, 23); fMouseOverControl := False; fButtonLayout := pbsImageAbove; fButtonState := pbsNormal end; destructor TPNGButton.Destroy; begin {Frees the TPNGObject} fImageNormal.Free; fImageDown.Free; fImageDisabled.Free; fImageOver.Free; {Calls ancestor} inherited Destroy; end; {Being enabled or disabled} procedure TPNGButton.CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage); begin if not Enabled then MakeImageHalfTransparent(fImageNormal, fImageDisabled); if Enabled then ButtonState := pbsNormal else ButtonState := pbsDisabled end; {Button being painted} procedure TPNGButton.Paint; const Slide: Array[false..true] of Integer = (0, 2); var Area: TRect; TextSize, ImageSize: TSize; TextPos, ImagePos: TPoint; Image: TPNGObject; Pushed: Boolean; begin {Prepares the canvas} Canvas.Font.Assign(Font); {Determines if the button is pushed} Pushed := (ButtonState = pbsDown) and IsMouseOver; {Determines the image to use} if (Pushed) and not fImageDown.Empty then Image := fImageDown else if IsMouseOver and not fImageOver.Empty and Enabled then Image := fImageOver else if (ButtonState = pbsDisabled) and not fImageDisabled.Empty then Image := fImageDisabled else Image := fImageNormal; {Get the elements size} ImageSize.cx := Image.Width; ImageSize.cy := Image.Height; Area := ClientRect; if Caption <> '' then begin TextSize := Canvas.TextExtent(Caption); ImageSize.cy := ImageSize.Cy + 4; end; {Set the elements position} ImagePos.X := (Width - ImageSize.cx) div 2 + Slide[Pushed]; TextPos.X := (Width - TextSize.cx) div 2 + Slide[Pushed]; case ButtonLayout of pbsImageAbove: begin ImagePos.Y := (Height - ImageSize.cy - TextSize.cy) div 2; TextPos.Y := ImagePos.Y + ImageSize.cy; end; pbsImageBellow: begin TextPos.Y := (Height - ImageSize.cy - TextSize.cy) div 2; ImagePos.Y := TextPos.Y + TextSize.cy; end end; ImagePos.Y := ImagePos.Y + Slide[Pushed]; TextPos.Y := TextPos.Y + Slide[Pushed]; {Draws the border} if ButtonStyle = pbsFlat then begin if ButtonState <> pbsDisabled then if (Pushed) then Frame3D(Canvas, Area, clBtnShadow, clBtnHighlight, 1) else if IsMouseOver or (ButtonState = pbsDown) then Frame3D(Canvas, Area, clBtnHighlight, clBtnShadow, 1) end else DrawButtonFace(Canvas, Area, 1, bsNew, TRUE, Pushed, FALSE); {Draws the elements} Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; Canvas.Draw(ImagePos.X, ImagePos.Y, Image); if ButtonState = pbsDisabled then Canvas.Font.Color := clGrayText; Canvas.TextRect(Area, TextPos.X, TextPos.Y, Caption) end; {Changing the button Layout property} procedure TPNGButton.SetButtonLayout(const Value: TPNGButtonLayout); begin FButtonLayout := Value; Repaint end; {Changing the button state property} procedure TPNGButton.SetButtonState(const Value: TPNGButtonState); begin FButtonState := Value; Repaint end; {Changing the button style property} procedure TPNGButton.SetButtonStyle(const Value: TPNGButtonStyle); begin fButtonStyle := Value; Repaint end; {Changing the caption property} procedure TPNGButton.SetCaption(const Value: String); begin FCaption := Value; Repaint end; {Changing the image property} procedure TPNGButton.SetImageNormal(const Value: TPNGObject); begin fImageNormal.Assign(Value); MakeImageHalfTransparent(fImageNormal, fImageDisabled); Repaint end; {Setting the down image} procedure TPNGButton.SetImageDown(const Value: TPNGObject); begin FImageDown.Assign(Value); Repaint end; {Setting the over image} procedure TPNGButton.SetImageOver(const Value: TPNGObject); begin fImageOver.Assign(Value); Repaint end; {Mouse pressed} procedure TPNGButton.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin {Changes the state and repaints} if (ButtonState = pbsNormal) and (Button = mbLeft) then ButtonState := pbsDown; {Calls ancestor} inherited end; {Being clicked} procedure TPNGButton.Click; begin if ButtonState = pbsDown then ButtonState := pbsNormal; inherited Click; end; {Mouse released} procedure TPNGButton.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin {Changes the state and repaints} if ButtonState = pbsDown then ButtonState := pbsNormal; {Calls ancestor} inherited end; {Mouse moving over the control} procedure TPNGButton.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin {In case cursor is over the button} if (X >= 0) and (X < ClientWidth) and (Y >= 0) and (Y <= ClientHeight) and (fMouseOverControl = False) and (ButtonState <> pbsDown) then begin fMouseOverControl := True; Repaint; end; {Calls ancestor} inherited; end; {Mouse is now over the control} procedure TPNGButton.CMMouseEnter(var Message: TMessage); begin fMouseOverControl := True; Repaint end; {Mouse has left the control} procedure TPNGButton.CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); begin fMouseOverControl := False; Repaint end; end.