source: cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/dklang-package-3.01/Converter_v2/Main.dfm@ 1381

Last change on this file since 1381 was 468, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 16 years ago

CPRS v1.0.26.76

File size: 3.9 KB
1object fMain: TfMain
2 Left = 495
3 Top = 318
4 Width = 620
5 Height = 464
6 ActiveControl = eProjectFile
7 Caption = 'DKLang Project Resource Converter'
8 Color = clBtnFace
9 Constraints.MinHeight = 300
10 Constraints.MinWidth = 480
11 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
12 Font.Color = clWindowText
13 Font.Height = -11
14 Font.Name = 'MS Shell Dlg 2'
15 Font.Style = []
16 OldCreateOrder = False
17 Position = poScreenCenter
18 DesignSize = (
19 612
20 435)
21 PixelsPerInch = 96
22 TextHeight = 13
23 object lConversionLog: TLabel
24 Left = 8
25 Top = 196
26 Width = 75
27 Height = 13
28 Caption = 'Conversion &log:'
29 FocusControl = mConversionLog
30 end
31 object pMain: TPanel
32 Left = 8
33 Top = 8
34 Width = 595
35 Height = 185
36 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
37 BevelInner = bvRaised
38 BevelOuter = bvLowered
39 TabOrder = 0
40 DesignSize = (
41 595
42 185)
43 object lInfo: TLabel
44 Left = 12
45 Top = 12
46 Width = 439
47 Height = 39
48 Caption =
49 'This program converts DKLang constant resources from library ver' +
50 'sion 2.x:'#13#10' - Version 2.x constants were stored inside project'#39 +
51 's resource file <project_name>.res'#13#10' - Version 3.0+ stores cons' +
52 'tants in a separate resource file <project_name>.dkl_const.res'
53 end
54 object lProjectFile: TLabel
55 Left = 12
56 Top = 64
57 Width = 100
58 Height = 13
59 Caption = '&Project resource file:'
60 FocusControl = eProjectFile
61 end
62 object lOutputFile: TLabel
63 Left = 12
64 Top = 104
65 Width = 100
66 Height = 13
67 Caption = 'O&utput resource file:'
68 FocusControl = eOutputFile
69 end
70 object eProjectFile: TEdit
71 Left = 12
72 Top = 80
73 Width = 491
74 Height = 21
75 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
76 TabOrder = 0
77 OnChange = eProjectFileChange
78 end
79 object bProjectFileBrowse: TButton
80 Left = 506
81 Top = 80
82 Width = 75
83 Height = 23
84 Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
85 Caption = '&Browse...'
86 TabOrder = 1
87 OnClick = bProjectFileBrowseClick
88 end
89 object eOutputFile: TEdit
90 Left = 12
91 Top = 120
92 Width = 491
93 Height = 21
94 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight]
95 TabOrder = 2
96 OnChange = eOutputFileChange
97 end
98 object bBrowseOutputFile: TButton
99 Left = 506
100 Top = 120
101 Width = 75
102 Height = 23
103 Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
104 Caption = 'Bro&wse...'
105 TabOrder = 3
106 OnClick = bBrowseOutputFileClick
107 end
108 object bGo: TButton
109 Left = 508
110 Top = 152
111 Width = 72
112 Height = 23
113 Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
114 Caption = '&Go'
115 TabOrder = 5
116 OnClick = bGoClick
117 end
118 object cbRemoveFromProject: TCheckBox
119 Left = 12
120 Top = 152
121 Width = 253
122 Height = 17
123 Caption = '&Remove constant resource from the project file'
124 Checked = True
125 State = cbChecked
126 TabOrder = 4
127 end
128 end
129 object mConversionLog: TMemo
130 Left = 8
131 Top = 212
132 Width = 595
133 Height = 213
134 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
135 ReadOnly = True
136 ScrollBars = ssVertical
137 TabOrder = 1
138 end
139 object odProjectFile: TOpenDialog
140 DefaultExt = 'res'
141 Filter = 'Resource files (*.res)|*.res'
142 Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist, ofEnableSizing]
143 Title = 'Select project resource file'
144 Left = 472
145 Top = 28
146 end
147 object sdOutputFile: TSaveDialog
148 DefaultExt = 'dkl_const.res'
149 Filter = 'DKLang constant resource files (*.dkl_const.res)|*.dkl_const.res'
150 Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofEnableSizing]
151 Title = 'Select target resource file'
152 Left = 540
153 Top = 28
154 end
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