1 | object dDKL_ConstEditor: TdDKL_ConstEditor
2 | Left = 357
3 | Top = 191
4 | ActiveControl = gMain
5 | AutoScroll = False
6 | BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMaximize]
7 | Caption = 'DKLang Constant Editor'
8 | ClientHeight = 435
9 | ClientWidth = 592
10 | Color = clBtnFace
11 | Constraints.MinHeight = 300
12 | Constraints.MinWidth = 600
13 | Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
14 | Font.Color = clWindowText
15 | Font.Height = -11
16 | Font.Name = 'MS Shell Dlg 2'
17 | Font.Style = []
18 | OldCreateOrder = False
19 | Position = poScreenCenter
20 | DesignSize = (
21 | 592
22 | 435)
23 | PixelsPerInch = 96
24 | TextHeight = 13
25 | object lCount: TLabel
26 | Left = 8
27 | Top = 408
28 | Width = 43
29 | Height = 13
30 | Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
31 | Caption = '<count>'
32 | end
33 | object lDeleteHint: TLabel
34 | Left = 8
35 | Top = 368
36 | Width = 213
37 | Height = 13
38 | Anchors = [akLeft, akBottom]
39 | Caption = 'Use Ctrl+Delete to delete the current entry.'
40 | end
41 | object gMain: TTntStringGrid
42 | Left = 8
43 | Top = 8
44 | Width = 577
45 | Height = 357
46 | Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
47 | ColCount = 2
48 | DefaultRowHeight = 18
49 | FixedCols = 0
50 | RowCount = 2
51 | Options = [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine, goVertLine, goHorzLine, goColSizing, goEditing, goAlwaysShowEditor, goThumbTracking]
52 | ScrollBars = ssVertical
53 | TabOrder = 0
54 | OnKeyDown = gMainKeyDown
55 | OnMouseUp = gMainMouseUp
56 | OnSelectCell = gMainSelectCell
57 | ColWidths = (
58 | 286
59 | 284)
60 | end
61 | object bOK: TButton
62 | Left = 188
63 | Top = 404
64 | Width = 75
65 | Height = 23
66 | Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
67 | Caption = '&OK'
68 | Default = True
69 | TabOrder = 2
70 | OnClick = bOKClick
71 | end
72 | object bCancel: TButton
73 | Left = 268
74 | Top = 404
75 | Width = 75
76 | Height = 23
77 | Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
78 | Cancel = True
79 | Caption = '&Cancel'
80 | ModalResult = 2
81 | TabOrder = 3
82 | end
83 | object bLoad: TButton
84 | Left = 428
85 | Top = 404
86 | Width = 75
87 | Height = 23
88 | Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
89 | Caption = '&Load...'
90 | TabOrder = 5
91 | OnClick = bLoadClick
92 | end
93 | object bSave: TButton
94 | Left = 508
95 | Top = 404
96 | Width = 75
97 | Height = 23
98 | Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
99 | Caption = '&Save...'
100 | TabOrder = 6
101 | OnClick = bSaveClick
102 | end
103 | object cbSaveToLangSource: TCheckBox
104 | Left = 8
105 | Top = 384
106 | Width = 573
107 | Height = 17
108 | Anchors = [akLeft, akRight, akBottom]
109 | Caption =
110 | '&Also save the constants into the project language source file (' +
111 | '*.dklang)'
112 | TabOrder = 1
113 | end
114 | object bErase: TButton
115 | Left = 348
116 | Top = 404
117 | Width = 75
118 | Height = 23
119 | Anchors = [akRight, akBottom]
120 | Caption = '&Erase'
121 | TabOrder = 4
122 | OnClick = bEraseClick
123 | end
124 | end