1 | TMGBINF ;TMG/kst/Binary <--> Global Functions ;03/25/06
2 | ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;08/20/05
3 |
5 | ;"Kevin Toppenberg MD
6 | ;"GNU General Public License (GPL) applies
7 | ;"8-20-2005
8 |
9 | ;"=======================================================================
10 | ;" API -- Public Functions.
11 | ;"=======================================================================
12 | ;"$$BFTG(path,filename,globalRef,incSubscr,width) -- BINARY FILE TO GLOBAL
13 | ;"$$GTBF(globalRef,incSubscr,path,filename) -- GLOBAL TO BINARY FILE
14 | ;"CPYBG(srcGRef,srcIncSubscr,dstGRef,dstIncSubscr,width) -- COPY/RESIZE BINARY GLOBAL.
15 |
16 |
17 | ;"=======================================================================
19 | ;"=======================================================================
20 | ;"$$NEXTNODE(curRef,incSubscr)
21 | ;"$$READBG(GRef,incSubscr,pos,count,actualCount) -- STREAM READ FROM BINARY GLOBAL
22 |
23 | ;"=======================================================================
25 | ;"=======================================================================
26 | ;"Uses: (No other units)
27 |
28 | ;"=======================================================================
29 |
30 | BFTG(path,filename,globalRef,incSubscr,width)
32 | ;"Purpose: To load a binary file from the host filesystem into a global, storing
33 | ;" the composit bytes as raw binary data.
34 | ;" You do not need to open the host file before making this call; it is opened
35 | ;" and closed automatically
36 | ;"Input: path -- (required) full path, up to but not including the filename
37 | ;" filename -- (required) name of the file to open
38 | ;" globalRef-- (required) Global reference to WRITE the host binary file to, in fully
39 | ;" resolved (closed root) format. This function does NOT kill the global
40 | ;" before writing to it.
41 | ;" Note:
42 | ;" At least one subscript must be numeric. This will be the incrementing
43 | ;" subscript (i.e. the subscript that $$BIN2WP^TMGBINWP will increment
44 | ;" to store each new global node). This subscript need not be the final
45 | ;" subscript. For example, to load into a WORD PROCESSING field, the
46 | ;" incrementing node is the second-to-last subscript; the final subscript
47 | ;" is always zero.
48 | ;" incSubscr-- (required) Identifies the incrementing subscript level. For example, if you
49 | ;" pass ^TMP(115,1,1,0) as the global_ref parameter and pass 3 as the
50 | ;" inc_subscr parameter, $$BIN2GBL will increment the third subscript, such
51 | ;" as ^TMP(115,1,x), but will WRITE notes at the full global reference, such
52 | ;" as ^TMP(115,1,x,0).
53 | ;" width -- OPTIONAL -- the number of bytes to store per line. Default=512
54 | ;"*** NOTICE: width is not working properly. For now, just don't supply a number.
55 |
56 | ;"Result: 1=success, 0=failure
57 | ;"
58 | ;"Example:
59 | ;" write $$BFTG(path,file,"^TMP(115,1,1,0)",3)
60 | ;" ^TMP(115,1,1,0)="04016785439093479334987689724398732490782..."
61 | ;" ^TMP(115,1,2,0)="09834573467345092647823450982345858792346..."
62 | ;" ^TMP(115,1,3,0)="90783492734987234098243908723459590823494..."
63 | ;" ^TMP(115,1,4,0)="23489723450234097234980732402349955987284..."
64 | ;" ^TMP(115,1,5,0)="0983457823450982734572349874234874" <-- not padded with terminal zeros
65 | ;"In this example, only digits 0-9 are shown. In reality each digit can be a byte with a value 0-255
66 |
67 | new result set result=0 ;"default to failure
68 | new handle set handle="TMGHANDLE"
69 | new abort set abort=0
70 | new blockIn
71 | new $ETRAP
72 | if $get(globalRef)="" goto BFTGDone
73 |
74 | new curRef
75 | new tempRef set tempRef="^TMP(""BFTG^TMGBINF"","_$J_",1)"
76 | ;"if user wants a width other than 512, will have to load into a temporary location,
77 | ;"and then copy over to final destination at requested with
78 | if +$get(width)>0 set curRef=tempRef
79 | else set curRef=globalRef
80 |
81 | set filename=$get(filename)
82 | if filename="" goto BFTGDone
83 |
84 | set path=$$DEFDIR^%ZISH($get(path))
85 |
86 | ;"Note: Each line will 512 bytes long (512 is hard coded into OPEN^%ZISH)
87 | do OPEN^%ZISH(handle,path,filename,"RB") ;"B is a 512 block/binary mode
88 | if POP write "Error opening file...",! goto BFTGDone
89 | set $ETRAP="set abort=1,$ECODE="""" quit"
90 | use IO
91 | for do quit:($ZEOF)!(abort=1)!(blockIn="")
92 | . read blockIn
93 | . if (blockIn="") quit
94 | . set @curRef=blockIn
95 | . set curRef=$$NEXTNODE(curRef,incSubscr)
96 |
97 | if abort=1 write "Aborted...",!
98 | if (abort'=1) set result=1 ;"SUCCESS
99 | do CLOSE^%ZISH(handle)
100 |
101 | if +$get(width)>0 do
102 | . do CPYBG(tempRef,3,globalRef,incSubscr,width)
103 | . kill @tempRef
104 |
105 |
106 | BFTGDone
107 | quit result
108 |
109 |
110 | GTBF(globalRef,incSubscr,path,filename)
112 | ;"Purpose: This function will WRITE the values of nodes of a global (at the subscript
113 | ;" level you specify) to a host file, in a binary fashion. If the host file already
114 | ;" exists, it is truncated to length zero (0) before the copy.
115 | ;" Each line of the global is written out, in a serial fashion based on the ordering
116 | ;" of the subscripts, with no line terminators written between lines.
117 | ;" You do not need to open the host file before making this call; it is opened
118 | ;" and closed $$GTBF^TMGBINF
119 | ;"Input:
120 | ;" globalRef-- Global reference to WRITE the host binary file to, in fully resolved
121 | ;" (closed root) format. This function does not kill the global before
122 | ;" writing to it. (required)
123 | ;" Note:
124 | ;" At least one subscript must be numeric. This will be the incrementing
125 | ;" subscript (i.e. the subscript that $$BIN2WP^TMGBINWP will increment
126 | ;" to store each new global node). This subscript need not be the final
127 | ;" subscript. For example, to load into a WORD PROCESSING field, the
128 | ;" incrementing node is the second-to-last subscript; the final subscript
129 | ;" is always zero.
130 | ;" incSubscr-- (required) Identifies the incrementing subscript level. For example, if you
131 | ;" pass ^TMP(115,1,1,0) as the global_ref parameter and pass 3 as the
132 | ;" inc_subscr parameter, $$BIN2GBL will increment the third subscript, such
133 | ;" as ^TMP(115,1,x), but will WRITE notes at the full global reference, such
134 | ;" as ^TMP(115,1,x,0).
135 | ;" path -- full path, up to but not including the filename (required)
136 | ;" filename -- name of the file to open (required)
137 | ;"Result: 1=success, 0=failure
138 | ;"
139 | ;"Example:
140 | ;" write $$GTBF(path,file,"^TMP(115,1,1,0)",3)
141 | ;" ^TMP(115,1,1,0)="04016785439093479334987689724398732490782..."
142 | ;" ^TMP(115,1,2,0)="09834573467345092647823450982345858792346..."
143 | ;" ^TMP(115,1,3,0)="90783492734987234098243908723459590823494..."
144 | ;" ^TMP(115,1,4,0)="23489723450234097234980732402349955987284..."
145 | ;" ^TMP(115,1,5,0)="0983457823450982734572349874234874"
146 | ;"Each line would be sent to the output file in turn as a continuous data sequence.
147 | ;"In this example, only digits 0-9 are shown. In reality each digit can be a byte with a value 0-255
148 | ;"
149 |
150 | new result set result=0 ;"default to failure
151 | new handle set handle="TMGHANDLE"
152 | new abort set abort=0
153 | new blockOut
154 | new mustExist set mustExist=1
155 | new $ETRAP
156 | new curRef set curRef=globalRef
157 |
158 | set path=$$DEFDIR^%ZISH($get(path))
159 | do OPEN^%ZISH(handle,path,filename,"W")
160 | if POP goto GTBFDone
161 | set $ETRAP="set abort=1,$ECODE="""" quit"
162 | use IO
163 | for do quit:(curRef="")!(abort=1)
164 | . set blockOut=$get(@curRef)
165 | . if (blockOut'="") write blockOut
166 | . set $X=0 ;"prevent IO system from 'wrapping' (adding a linefeed)
167 | . set curRef=$$NEXTNODE(curRef,incSubscr,mustExist)
168 |
169 | if (abort'=1) set result=1 ;"SUCCESS
170 | do CLOSE^%ZISH(handle)
171 |
172 | GTBFDone
173 | quit result
174 |
175 |
176 | NEXTNODE(curRef,incSubscr,mustExist,incAmount)
178 | ;"Purpose: to take a global reference, and increment the node specified by incSubscr
179 | ;"Input: curRef -- The reference to alter, e.g. '^TMP(115,1,4,0)'
180 | ;" incSubscr--The node to alter, e.g.
181 | ;" 1-->^TMG(x,1,4,0) x would be incremented
182 | ;" 2-->^TMG(115,x,4,0) x would be incremented
183 | ;" 3-->^TMG(115,1,x,0) x would be incremented
184 | ;" 4-->^TMG(115,1,4,x) x would be incremented
185 | ;" mustExist-- (Option) if >0, then after incrementing, If resulting
186 | ;" reference doesn't exist then "" is returned.
187 | ;" incAmount -- (Optional) the amount to increment by (default=1)
188 | ;"Note: The node that incSubscr references should be numeric (i.e. not a name)
189 | ;" otherwise the alpha node will be treated as a 0
190 | ;"result: returns the new reference (or "" if doesn't exist and mustExist>0)
191 |
192 | new i,result
193 | set incAmount=$get(incAmount,1)
194 | set result=$qsubscript(curRef,0)_"("
195 | for i=1:1:$qlength(curRef) do
196 | . new node
197 | . if i'=1 set result=result_","
198 | . set node=$qsubscript(curRef,i)
199 | . if i=incSubscr set node=node+incAmount
200 | . if (node'=+node) set node=""""_node_""""
201 | . set result=result_node
202 | set result=result_")"
203 |
204 | if $get(mustExist,0)>0 do
205 | . if $data(@result)#10=0 set result=""
206 |
207 | quit result
208 |
209 |
210 | CPYBG(srcGRef,srcIncSubscr,dstGRef,dstIncSubscr,width)
211 |
213 |
214 | ;"Purpose: COPY/RESIZE BINARY GLOBAL. This can be used to change the number of bytes
215 | ;" stored on each line of a binary global array
216 | ;"Input:
217 | ;" srcGRef-- Global reference of the SOURCE binary global array, in fully resolved
218 | ;" (closed root) format.
219 | ;" Note:
220 | ;" At least one subscript must be numeric. This will be the incrementing
221 | ;" subscript (i.e. the subscript that $$BIN2WP^TMGBINWP will increment
222 | ;" to store each new global node). This subscript need not be the final
223 | ;" subscript. For example, to load into a WORD PROCESSING field, the
224 | ;" incrementing node is the second-to-last subscript; the final subscript
225 | ;" is always zero.
226 | ;" REQUIRED
227 | ;" srcIncSubscr-- (required) Identifies the incrementing subscript level, for the source global
228 | ;" For example, if you pass ^TMP(115,1,1,0) as the global_ref parameter and
229 | ;" pass 3 as the inc_subscr parameter, $$BIN2GBL will increment the third
230 | ;" subscript, such as ^TMP(115,1,x), but will WRITE notes at the full global
231 | ;" reference, such as ^TMP(115,1,x,0).
232 | ;" REQUIRED
233 | ;" dstGRef-- Global reference of the DESTINATION binary global array, in fully resolved
234 | ;" (closed root) format. The destination IS NOT KILLED prior to filling with
235 | ;" new data
236 | ;" Note:
237 | ;" At least one subscript must be numeric. (same as note above)
238 | ;" REQUIRED
239 | ;" dstIncSubscr-- (required) Identifies the incrementing subscript level, for the source global
240 | ;" For example, if you pass ^TMP(115,1,1,0) as the global_ref parameter and
241 | ;" pass 3 as the inc_subscr parameter, $$BIN2GBL will increment the third
242 | ;" subscript, such as ^TMP(115,1,x), but will WRITE notes at the full global
243 | ;" reference, such as ^TMP(115,1,x,0).
244 | ;" REQUIRED
245 | ;" width-- The number of bytes to store per line in the DESTINATION array.
246 | ;" REQUIRED
247 | ;"
248 | ;"Output: @dstGRef is filled with data
249 | ;"Result: None
250 |
251 |
253 |
254 | new readPos set readPos=1
255 | new bytesRead
256 | if $get(srcGRef)="" goto CPYBGDone
257 | if $get(dstGRef)="" goto CPYBGDone
258 | if $get(srcIncSubscr)="" goto CPYBGDone
259 | if $get(dstIncSubscr)="" goto CPYBGDone
260 | if $get(width)="" goto CPYBGDone
261 |
262 | for do quit:(bytesRead=0)
263 | . set @dstGRef=$$READBG(srcGRef,srcIncSubscr,readPos,width,.bytesRead)
264 | . if (bytesRead=0) kill @dstGRef
265 | . set readPos=readPos+bytesRead
266 | . set dstGRef=$$NEXTNODE(dstGRef,dstIncSubscr,0,1)
267 |
268 | CPYBGDone
269 | quit
270 |
271 |
272 |
273 | READBG(GRef,incSubscr,pos,count,actualCount)
275 | ;"Purpose: To read 'count' bytes from binary global '@srcGRef', starting at 'pos'
276 | ;"Input:
277 | ;" GRef-- Global reference of the binary global array, in fully resolved
278 | ;" (closed root) format.
279 | ;" Note:
280 | ;" At least one subscript must be numeric. This will be the incrementing
281 | ;" subscript (i.e. the subscript that $$BIN2WP^TMGBINWP will increment
282 | ;" to store each new global node). This subscript need not be the final
283 | ;" subscript. For example, to load into a WORD PROCESSING field, the
284 | ;" incrementing node is the second-to-last subscript; the final subscript
285 | ;" is always zero.
286 | ;" REQUIRED
287 | ;" incSubscr-- (required) Identifies the incrementing subscript level, for the source global
288 | ;" For example, if you pass ^TMP(115,1,1,0) as the global_ref parameter and
289 | ;" pass 3 as the inc_subscr parameter, $$BIN2GBL will increment the third
290 | ;" subscript, such as ^TMP(115,1,x), but will WRITE notes at the full global
291 | ;" reference, such as ^TMP(115,1,x,0).
292 | ;" REQUIRED
293 | ;" Pos-- The position in the binary global to start reading from (0 is first byte), as if
294 | ;" entire global array is one long binary stream. E.g. the 913th byte might be
295 | ;" actually the 17th byte on the 14th line (if 64 bytes are stored per line). But
296 | ;" this is handled transparently and the user need only specify byte #913 etc.
297 | ;" . The reading will start at the appropriate point.
298 | ;" count-- The number of bytes/characters to read.
300 | ;" This is filled with the actual number of bytes/characters successfully read.
301 | ;"Result: a string filled with requested number of bytes/characters
302 |
303 | new result set result=""
304 | new countPerLine
305 | new goalLen set goalLen=count
306 | new Line,p1
307 | new done
308 | if $get(GRef)="" goto ReadBGDone
309 | set countPerLine=$length(@GRef)
310 | if (countPerLine=0) goto ReadBGDone
311 |
312 | set Line=pos\countPerLine
313 | set p1=pos#countPerLine
314 |
315 | for do quit:(done=1)!(count<1)
316 | . new curRef
317 | . set done=0
318 | . set curRef=$$NEXTNODE(GRef,incSubscr,1,Line)
319 | . if curRef="" set done=1 quit
320 | . set result=result_$extract(@GRef,p1,p1+count-1)
321 | . set count=goalLen-$length(result)
322 | . if count<1 set done=1 quit
323 | . set Line=Line+1
324 | . set p1=1
325 |
326 | ReadBGDone
327 | set actualCount=$length(result)
328 | quit result
329 |
330 |