[796] | 1 | TMGDEBUG ;TMG/kst/Debug utilities: logging, record dump ;03/25/06
| 2 | ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;07/12/05
| 3 |
| 5 | ;"Kevin Toppenberg MD
| 6 | ;"GNU General Public License (GPL) applies
| 7 | ;"7-12-2005
| 8 |
| 9 | ;"=======================================================================
| 10 | ;" API -- Public Functions.
| 11 | ;"=======================================================================
| 12 | ;"$$GetDebugMode^TMGDEBUG(DefVal)
| 13 | ;"OpenDefLogFile^TMGDEBUG
| 14 | ;"OpenLogFile^TMGDEBUG(DefPath,DefName)
| 15 | ;"DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,Msg,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L)
| 16 | ;"DebugWrite^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,s,AddNewline)
| 17 | ;"DebugIndent^TMGDEBUG(Num)
| 18 | ;"ArrayDump^TMGDEBUG(ArrayP,index,indent)
| 19 | ;"ASKANODES
| 20 | ;"ArrayNodes(pArray)
| 21 | ;"DebugEntry^TMGDEBUG((DBIndent,ProcName)
| 22 | ;"DebugExit^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,ProcName)
| 23 | ;"ShowError^TMGDEBUG(PriorErrorFound,Error)
| 24 | ;"$$GetErrStr^TMGDEBUG(ErrArray)
| 25 | ;"ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(ErrMsg,PriorErrorFound) ;really same as below
| 26 | ;"ShowDIERR^TMGDEBUG(ErrMsg,PriorErrorFound)
| 27 | ;"ExpandLine(Pos)
| 28 | ;"ASKDUMP -- A record dumper -- a little different from Fileman Inquire
| 29 | ;"DumpRec(FileNum,IEN) -- dump (display) a record, using Fileman functionality.
| 30 | ;"DumpRec2(FileNum,IEN,ShowEmpty) -- dump (display) a record, NOT Fileman's Inquire code
| 31 |
| 32 | ;"=======================================================================
| 33 | ;"Private API functions
| 34 |
| 35 | ;"DumpRec2(FileNum,IEN,ShowEmpty)
| 36 | ;"WriteRLabel(IEN,Ender)
| 37 | ;"WriteFLabel(Label,Field,Type,Ender)
| 38 | ;"WriteLine(Line)
| 39 |
| 40 | ;"=======================================================================
| 42 | ;" TMGUSRIF
| 43 |
| 44 | ;"Note: This module accesses custom file 22711, TMG UPLOAD SETTINGS
| 45 | ;" It is OK if this file does not exist (i.e. on other computer systems.) However, the function
| 46 | ;" OpenDefLogFile will fail to find a default specified file, and would not open a log file.
| 47 | ;" Nothing is PUT INTO this file in this module. So new global would NOT be created.
| 48 | ;"=======================================================================
| 49 | ;"=======================================================================
| 50 |
| 51 | GetDebugMode(DefVal)
| 52 | ;"Purpose: to ask if debug output desired
| 53 | ;"Input: DefVal [optional] -- Default choice
| 54 | ;"result: returns values as below
| 55 | ;" 0, cdbNone - no debug
| 56 | ;" 1, cdbToScrn - Debug output to screen
| 57 | ;" 2, cdbToFile - Debug output to file
| 58 | ;" 3, cdbToTail - Debug output to X tail dialog box.
| 59 | ;" Note: 2-2-06 I am adding a mode (-1) which is EXTRA QUIET (used initially in ShowError)
| 60 | ;"Note: This does not set up output streams etc, just gets preference.
| 61 |
| 62 | new cdbNone set cdbNone=0
| 63 | new cdbAbort set cdbAbort=0
| 64 | new cdbToScrn set cdbToScrn=1 ;"was 2
| 65 | new cdbToFile set cdbToFile=2 ;"was 3
| 66 | new cdbToTail set cdbToTail=3 ;"was 4
| 67 |
| 68 | new Input
| 69 | new result set result=cdbNone ;"the default
| 70 | new Default set Default=$get(DefVal,3)
| 71 |
| 72 | write !,"Select debug output option:",!
| 73 | write " '^'. Abort",!
| 74 | write " 0. NO debug output",!
| 75 | write " 1. Show debug output on screen",!
| 76 | write " 2. Send debug output to file",!
| 77 | if $get(DispMode(cDialog)) do
| 78 | . write " 3. Show debug output in X tail dialog box.",!
| 79 |
| 80 | write "Enter option number ("_Default_"): "
| 81 | read Input,!
| 82 |
| 83 | if Input="" do
| 84 | . write "Defaulting to: ",Default,!
| 85 | . set Input=Default
| 86 |
| 87 | if Input="^" set result=cdbAbort
| 88 | if Input=0 set result=cdbNone
| 89 | if Input=1 set result=cdbToScrn
| 90 | if Input=2 set result=cdbToFile
| 91 | if Input=3 set result=cdbToTail
| 92 |
| 93 | GDMDone
| 94 | quit result
| 95 |
| 96 | OpenDefLogFile
| 97 | ;"Purpose: To open a default log file for debug output
| 98 | ;"Results: none
| 99 |
| 100 | new DefPath,DefName
| 101 |
| 102 | set DefPath=$piece($get(^TMG(22711,1,2)),"^",1)
| 103 | set DefName=$piece($get(^TMG(22711,1,1)),"^",1)
| 104 |
| 105 | do OpenLogFile(.DefPath,.DefName)
| 106 |
| 107 | quit
| 108 |
| 109 |
| 110 | OpenLogFile(DefPath,DefName)
| 111 | ;"Purpose: To open a log file for debug output
| 112 | ;"Input: DefPath -- the default path, like this: "/tmp/" <-- note trailing '/'
| 113 | ;" DefName -- default file name (without path). e.g. "LogFile.tmp"
| 114 | ;"Results: None
| 115 |
| 116 | new DebugFPath set DebugFPath=$get(DefPath,"/tmp/")
| 117 | new DebugFName set DebugFName=$get(DefName,"M_DebugLog.tmp")
| 118 | if $get(TMGDEBUG)>1 do
| 119 | . write "Note: Sending debug output to file: ",DebugFPath,DebugFName,!
| 120 |
| 121 | ;"new DebugFile -- don't NEW here, needs to be global-scope
| 122 | set DebugFile=DebugFPath_DebugFName
| 123 | new FileSpec set FileSpec(DebugFile)=""
| 124 |
| 125 | if +$piece($get(^TMG(22711,1,1)),"^",2)'=1 do
| 126 | . ;"kill any pre-existing log
| 127 | . new result
| 128 | . set result=$$DEL^%ZISH(DebugFPath,$name(FileSpec)) ;"delete any preexisting one.
| 129 |
| 130 | open DebugFile
| 131 | use $PRINCIPAL
| 132 |
| 133 | quit
| 134 |
| 135 |
| 136 | DebugMsg(DBIndent,Msg,A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L)
| 138 | ;"Purpose: a debugging message output procedure
| 139 | ;"Input:DBIndent -- the value of indentation expected
| 140 | ;" Msg -- a string or value to show as message
| 141 | ;" A..L -- extra values to show.
| 142 | ;"
| 143 | if $get(TMGDEBUG,0)=0 quit
| 144 | set cTrue=$get(cTrue,1)
| 145 | set DBIndent=$get(DBIndent,0)
| 146 |
| 147 | set Msg=$get(Msg)
| 148 | set Msg=Msg_$get(A)
| 149 | set Msg=Msg_$get(B)
| 150 | set Msg=Msg_$get(C)
| 151 | set Msg=Msg_$get(D)
| 152 | set Msg=Msg_$get(E)
| 153 | set Msg=Msg_$get(F)
| 154 | set Msg=Msg_$get(G)
| 155 | set Msg=Msg_$get(H)
| 156 | set Msg=Msg_$get(I)
| 157 | set Msg=Msg_$get(J)
| 158 | set Msg=Msg_$get(K)
| 159 | set Msg=Msg_$get(L)
| 160 | do DebugIndent(DBIndent)
| 161 | do DebugWrite(DBIndent,.Msg,cTrue)
| 162 |
| 163 | quit
| 164 |
| 165 |
| 166 | DebugWrite(DBIndent,s,AddNewline)
| 168 | ;"Purpose: to write debug output. Having the proc separate will allow
| 169 | ;" easier dump to file etc.
| 170 | ;"Input:DBIndent, the amount of indentation expected for output.
| 171 | ;" s -- the text to write
| 172 | ;" AddNewline -- boolean, 1 if ! (i.e. newline) should be written after s
| 173 |
| 174 | ;"Relevant DEBUG values
| 175 | ;" cdbNone - no debug (0)
| 176 | ;" cdbToScrn - Debug output to screen (1)
| 177 | ;" cdbToFile - Debug output to file (2)
| 178 | ;" cdbToTail - Debug output to X tail dialog box. (3)
| 179 | ;"Note: If above values are not defined, then functionality will be ignored.
| 180 |
| 181 |
| 182 | set cdbNone=$get(cdbNone,0)
| 183 | set cdbToScrn=$get(cdbToScrn,1)
| 184 | set cdbToFile=$get(cdbToFile,2)
| 185 | set cdbToTail=$get(cdbToTail,3)
| 186 | set TMGDEBUG=$get(TMGDEBUG,cdbNone)
| 187 | if $get(TMGDEBUG)=cdbNone quit
| 188 |
| 189 | if (TMGDEBUG=$get(cdbToFile))!(TMGDEBUG=$get(cdbToTail)) do
| 190 | . if $data(DebugFile) use DebugFile
| 191 |
| 192 | new ch,chN,l,i
| 193 | set l=$length(s)
| 194 | for i=1:1:l do
| 195 | . set ch=$extract(s,i)
| 196 | . set chN=$ascii(ch)
| 197 | . if (chN<32)&(chN'=13) write "<",chN,">"
| 198 | . else write ch
| 199 | ;"write s
| 200 |
| 201 | set cTrue=$get(cTrue,1)
| 202 | if $get(AddNewline)=cTrue write !
| 203 |
| 204 | if (TMGDEBUG=$get(cdbToFile))!(TMGDEBUG=$get(cdbToTail)) do
| 205 | . use $PRINCIPAL
| 206 |
| 207 | quit
| 208 |
| 209 |
| 210 | DebugIndent(DBIndentForced)
| 212 | ;"Purpose: to provide a unified indentation for debug messages
| 213 | ;"Input: DBIndent = number of indentations
| 214 | ;" Forced = 1 if to indent regardless of DEBUG mode
| 215 |
| 216 | set Forced=$get(Forced,0)
| 217 |
| 218 | if ($get(TMGDEBUG,0)=0)&(Forced=0) quit
| 219 | new i
| 220 | for i=1:1:DBIndent do
| 221 | . if Forced do DebugWrite(DBIndent," ")
| 222 | . else do DebugWrite(DBIndent,". ")
| 223 | quit
| 224 |
| 225 |
| 226 |
| 227 | ArrayDump(ArrayP,TMGIDX,indent,flags)
| 229 | ;"Purpose: to get a custom version of GTM's "zwr" command
| 230 | ;"Input: Uses global scope var DBIndent (if defined)
| 231 | ;" ArrayP: NAME of global or variable to display, i.e. "^VA(200)", "MyVar"
| 232 | ;" TMGIDX: initial index (i.e. 5 if wanting to start with ^VA(200,5) -- Optional
| 233 | ;" indent: spacing from left margin to begin with. (A number. Each count is 2 spaces)
| 234 | ;" OPTIONAL: indent may be an array, with information about columns
| 235 | ;" to skip. For example:
| 236 | ;" indent=3, indent(2)=0 --> show | for columns 1 & 3, but NOT 2
| 237 | ;" flags: OPTIONAL. "F"-> flat (don't use tre structure)
| 238 | ;"Result: none
| 239 |
| 240 | ;"--Leave out, this calls itself recursively! do DebugEntry("ArrayDump")
| 241 | ;"--Leave out, this calls itself recursively! do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG("ArrayP=",ArrayP,", TMGIDX=",index)
| 242 |
| 243 | if $data(ArrayP)=0 quit
| 244 |
| 245 | if $get(flags)["F" do goto ADDone
| 246 | . new ref set ref=ArrayP
| 247 | . new nNums set nNums=$qlength(ref)
| 248 | . new lValue set lValue=$qsubscript(ref,nNums)
| 249 | . write ref,"=""",$get(@ref),"""",!
| 250 | . for set ref=$query(@ref) quit:(ref="")!($qsubscript(ref,nNums)'=lValue) do
| 251 | . . write ref,"=""",$get(@ref),"""",!
| 252 |
| 253 | ;"Note: I need to do some validation to ensure ArrayP doesn't have any null nodes.
| 254 | new X set X="SET TEMP=$GET("_ArrayP_")"
| 255 | set X=$$UP^XLFSTR(X)
| 256 | do ^DIM ;"a method to ensure ArrayP doesn't have an invalid reference.
| 257 | if $get(X)="" quit
| 258 |
| 259 | set DBIndent=$get(DBIndent,0)
| 260 | set cTrue=$get(cTrue,1)
| 261 | set cFalse=$get(cFalse,0)
| 262 |
| 263 | ;"Force this function to output, even if TMGDEBUG is not defined.
| 264 | ;"if $data(TMGDEBUG)=0 new TMGDEBUG ;"//kt 1-16-06, doesn't seem to be working
| 265 | new TMGDEBUG ;"//kt added 1-16-06
| 266 | set TMGDEBUG=1
| 267 |
| 268 | new ChildP,TMGi
| 269 |
| 270 | set TMGIDX=$get(TMGIDX,"")
| 271 | set indent=$get(indent,0)
| 272 | new SavIndex set SavIndex=TMGIDX
| 273 |
| 274 | do DebugIndent(DBIndent)
| 275 |
| 276 | if indent>0 do
| 277 | . for TMGi=1:1:indent-1 do
| 278 | . . new s set s=""
| 279 | . . if $get(indent(TMGi),-1)=0 set s=" "
| 280 | . . else set s="| "
| 281 | . . do DebugWrite(DBIndent,s)
| 282 | . do DebugWrite(DBIndent,"}~")
| 283 |
| 284 | if TMGIDX'="" do
| 285 | . if $data(@ArrayP@(TMGIDX))#10=1 do
| 286 | . . new s set s=@ArrayP@(TMGIDX)
| 287 | . . if s="" set s=""""""
| 288 | . . new qt set qt=""
| 289 | . . if +TMGIDX'=TMGIDX set qt=""""
| 290 | . . do DebugWrite(DBIndent,qt_TMGIDX_qt_" = "_s,cTrue)
| 291 | . else do
| 292 | . . do DebugWrite(DBIndent,TMGIDX,1)
| 293 | . set ArrayP=$name(@ArrayP@(TMGIDX))
| 294 | else do
| 295 | . ;"do DebugWrite(DBIndent,ArrayP_"(*)",cFalse)
| 296 | . do DebugWrite(DBIndent,ArrayP,cFalse)
| 297 | . if $data(@ArrayP)#10=1 do
| 298 | . . do DebugWrite(0,"="_$get(@ArrayP),cFalse)
| 299 | . do DebugWrite(0,"",cTrue)
| 300 |
| 301 | set TMGIDX=$order(@ArrayP@(""))
| 302 | if TMGIDX="" goto ADDone
| 303 | set indent=indent+1
| 304 |
| 305 | for do quit:TMGIDX=""
| 306 | . new tTMGIDX set tTMGIDX=$order(@ArrayP@(TMGIDX))
| 307 | . if tTMGIDX="" set indent(indent)=0
| 308 | . new tIndent merge tIndent=indent
| 309 | . do ArrayDump(ArrayP,TMGIDX,.tIndent) ;"Call self recursively
| 310 | . set TMGIDX=$order(@ArrayP@(TMGIDX))
| 311 |
| 312 | ;"Put in a blank space at end of subbranch
| 313 | do DebugIndent(DBIndent)
| 314 |
| 315 | if indent>0 do
| 316 | . for TMGi=1:1:indent-1 do
| 317 | . . new s set s=""
| 318 | . . if $get(indent(TMGi),-1)=0 set s=" "
| 319 | . . else set s="| "
| 320 | . . do DebugWrite(DBIndent,s)
| 321 | . do DebugWrite(DBIndent," ",1)
| 322 |
| 323 | ADDone
| 324 | ;"--Leave out, this calls itself recursively! do DebugExit("ArrayDump")
| 325 | quit
| 326 |
| 327 |
| 329 | ;"Purpose: to ask user for the name of an array, then display nodes
| 330 |
| 331 | new name
| 332 | write !
| 333 | read "Enter name of array to display nodes in: ",name,!
| 334 | if name="^" set name=""
| 335 | if name'="" do ArrayNodes(name)
| 336 | quit
| 337 |
| 338 |
| 339 | ArrayNodes(pArray)
| 340 | ;"Purpose: To display all the nodes of the given array
| 341 | ;"Input: pArray -- NAME OF array to display
| 342 |
| 343 | new TMGi
| 344 |
| 345 | write pArray,!
| 346 | set TMGi=$order(@pArray@(""))
| 347 | if TMGi'="" for do quit:(TMGi="")
| 348 | . write " +--(",TMGi,")",!
| 349 | . set TMGi=$order(@pArray@(TMGi))
| 350 |
| 351 | quit
| 352 |
| 353 | DebugEntry(DBIndent,ProcName)
| 355 | ;"Purpose: A way to show when entering a procedure, in debug mode
| 356 | ;"Input: DBIndent, a variable to keep track of indentation amount--PASS BY REFERENCE
| 357 | ;" ProcName: any arbitrary name to show when decreasing indent amount.
| 358 |
| 359 | set ProcName=$get(ProcName,"?")
| 360 | set DBIndent=$get(DBIndent,0)
| 361 | do DebugMsg(DBIndent,ProcName_" {")
| 362 | set DBIndent=DBIndent+1
| 363 | quit
| 364 |
| 365 |
| 366 | DebugExit(DBIndent,ProcName)
| 368 | ;"Purpose: A way to show when leaving a procedure, in debug mode
| 369 | ;"Input: DBIndent, a variable to keep track of indentation amount--PASS BY REFERENCE
| 370 | ;" ProcName: any arbitrary name to show when decreasing indent amount.
| 371 |
| 372 | ;"write "DBIndent=",DBIndent,!
| 373 | ;"write "ProcName=",ProcName,!
| 374 | set ProcName=$get(ProcName,"?")
| 375 | set DBIndent=$get(DBIndent)-1
| 376 | if DBIndent<0 set DBIndent=0
| 377 | do DebugMsg(DBIndent,"} //"_ProcName)
| 378 |
| 379 | quit
| 380 |
| 381 |
| 382 |
| 383 |
| 384 | ShowError(PriorErrorFound,Error)
| 385 | ;"Purpose: to output an error message
| 386 | ;"Input: [OPTIONAL] PriorErrorFound -- var to see if an error already shown.
| 387 | ;" if not passed, then default value used ('no prior error')
| 388 | ;" Error -- a string to display
| 389 | ;"results: none
| 390 |
| 391 | if $get(TMGDEBUG)=-1 quit ;"EXTRA QUIET mode --> skip entirely
| 392 |
| 393 | if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugEntry(.DBIndent,"ShowError")
| 394 | if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugMsg(.DBIndent,"Error msg=",Error)
| 395 |
| 396 | if $get(PriorErrorFound,0) do goto ShErrQuit ;"Remove to show cascading errors
| 397 | . if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugMsg(.DBIndent,"Prior error found, so won't show this error.")
| 398 |
| 399 | if $data(DBIndent)=0 new DBIndent ;"If it wasn't global before, keep it that way.
| 400 | new SaveIndent set SaveIndent=$get(DBIndent)
| 401 | set DBIndent=1
| 402 | do PopupBox^TMGUSRIF("<!> ERROR . . .",Error)
| 403 | set PriorErrorFound=1
| 404 | set DBIndent=SaveIndent
| 405 |
| 406 | ShErrQuit
| 407 | if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugExit(.DBIndent,"ShowError")
| 408 |
| 409 | quit
| 410 |
| 411 |
| 412 | GetErrStr(ErrArray)
| 413 | ;"Purpose: convert a standard DIERR array into a string for output
| 414 | ;"Input: ErrArray -- PASS BY REFERENCE. example:
| 415 | ;" array("DIERR")="1^1"
| 416 | ;" array("DIERR",1)=311
| 417 | ;" array("DIERR",1,"PARAM",0)=3
| 418 | ;" array("DIERR",1,"PARAM","FIELD")=.02
| 419 | ;" array("DIERR",1,"PARAM","FILE")=2
| 420 | ;" array("DIERR",1,"PARAM","IENS")="+1,"
| 421 | ;" array("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1)="The new record '+1,' lacks some required identifiers."
| 422 | ;" array("DIERR","E",311,1)=""
| 423 | ;"Results: returns one long equivalent string from above array.
| 424 |
| 425 | new ErrStr
| 426 | new TMGIDX
| 427 | new ErrNum
| 428 |
| 429 | set ErrStr=""
| 430 | for ErrNum=1:1:+$get(ErrArray("DIERR")) do
| 431 | . set ErrStr=ErrStr_"Fileman says: '"
| 432 | . if ErrNum'=1 set ErrStr=ErrStr_"(Error# "_ErrNum_") "
| 433 | . set TMGIDX=$order(ErrArray("DIERR",ErrNum,"TEXT",""))
| 434 | . if TMGIDX'="" for do quit:(TMGIDX="")
| 435 | . . set ErrStr=ErrStr_$get(ErrArray("DIERR",ErrNum,"TEXT",TMGIDX))_" "
| 436 | . . set TMGIDX=$order(ErrArray("DIERR",ErrNum,"TEXT",TMGIDX))
| 437 | . if $get(ErrArray("DIERR",ErrNum,"PARAM",0))>0 do
| 438 | . . set TMGIDX=$order(ErrArray("DIERR",ErrNum,"PARAM",0))
| 439 | . . set ErrStr=ErrStr_"Details: "
| 440 | . . for do quit:(TMGIDX="")
| 441 | . . . if TMGIDX="" quit
| 442 | . . . set ErrStr=ErrStr_"["_TMGIDX_"]="_$get(ErrArray("DIERR",1,"PARAM",TMGIDX))_" "
| 443 | . . . set TMGIDX=$order(ErrArray("DIERR",ErrNum,"PARAM",TMGIDX))
| 444 |
| 445 | quit ErrStr
| 446 |
| 447 |
| 448 |
| 449 | ShowIfDIERR(ErrMsg,PriorErrorFound) ;"really same as below
| 450 | goto SEL1
| 451 |
| 452 | ShowDIERR(ErrMsg,PriorErrorFound)
| 453 | ;"Purpose: To provide a standard output mechanism for the fileman DIERR message
| 454 | ;"Input: ErrMsg -- PASS BY REFERENCE. a standard error message array, as
| 455 | ;" put out by fileman calls
| 456 | ;" PriorErrorFound -- OPTIONAL variable to keep track if prior error found.
| 457 | ;" Note -- can also be used as ErrorFound (i.e. set to 1 if error found)
| 458 | ;"Output -- none
| 459 | ;"Result -- none
| 460 |
| 461 | SEL1
| 462 | if $get(TMGDEBUG)=-1 quit ;"EXTRA QUIET mode --> skip entirely
| 463 |
| 464 | if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugEntry(.DBIndent,"ShowDIERR")
| 465 |
| 466 | if $data(ErrMsg("DIERR")) do
| 467 | . if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugMsg(.DBIndent,"Error message found. Here is array:")
| 468 | . if $get(TMGDEBUG) do ArrayDump("ErrMsg")
| 469 | . new ErrStr
| 470 | . set ErrStr=$$GetErrStr(.ErrMsg)
| 471 | . do ShowError(.PriorErrorFound,.ErrStr)
| 472 |
| 473 | if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugExit(.DBIndent,"ShowDIERR")
| 474 | quit
| 475 |
| 476 | ExpandLine(Pos)
| 477 | ;"Purpose: to expand a line of code, found at position "Pos", using ^XINDX8 functionality
| 478 | ;"Input: Pos: a position as returned by $ZPOS (e.g. G+5^DIS, or +23^DIS)
| 479 | ;"Output: Writes to the currently selecte IO device and expansion of one line of code
| 480 | ;"Note: This is used for taking the very long lines of code, as found in Fileman, and
| 481 | ;" convert them to a format with one command on each line.
| 482 | ;" Note: it appears to do syntax checking and shows ERROR if syntax is not per VA
| 483 | ;" conventions--such as commands must be UPPERCASE etc.
| 484 |
| 485 | ;"--- copied and modified from XINDX8.m ---
| 486 |
| 487 | kill ^UTILITY($J)
| 488 |
| 489 | new label,offset,RTN,dmod
| 490 | do ParsePos^TMGMISC(Pos,.label,.offset,.RTN,.dmod)
| 491 | if label'="" do ;"change position from one relative to label into one relative to top of file
| 492 | . new CodeArray
| 493 | . set Pos=$$ConvertPos^TMGMISC(Pos,"CodeArray")
| 494 | . do ParsePos^TMGMISC(Pos,.label,.offset,.RTN,.dmod)
| 495 |
| 496 | if RTN="" goto ELDone
| 497 |
| 498 | do BUILD^XINDX7
| 499 | set ^UTILITY($J,RTN)=""
| 500 | do LOAD^XINDEX
| 501 | set CCN=0
| 502 | for I=1:1:+^UTILITY($J,1,RTN,0,0) S CCN=CCN+$L(^UTILITY($J,1,RTN,0,I,0))+2
| 503 | set ^UTILITY($J,1,RTN,0)=CCN
| 504 | ;"do ^XINDX8 -- included below
| 505 |
| 506 | new Q,DDOT,LO,PG,LIN,ML,IDT
| 507 | new tIOSL set tIOSL=IOSL
| 508 | set IOSL=999999 ;"really long 'page length' prevents header printout (and error)
| 509 |
| 510 | set Q=""""
| 511 | set DDOT=0
| 512 | set LO=0
| 513 | set PG=+$G(PG)
| 514 |
| 515 | set LC=offset
| 516 | if $D(^UTILITY($J,1,RTN,0,LC)) do
| 517 | . S LIN=^(LC,0),ML=0,IDT=10
| 518 | . set LO=LC-1
| 519 | . D CD^XINDX8
| 520 |
| 522 |
| 523 | set IOSL=tIOSL ;"restore saved IOSL
| 524 | ELDone
| 525 | quit
| 526 |
| 527 |
| 528 | DumpRec(FileNum,IEN)
| 529 | ;"Purpose: to dump (display) a record, using Fileman functionality.
| 530 | ;"Input: FileNum -- the number of the file to dump from
| 531 | ;" IEN -- the record number to display
| 532 | ;"Note: this code is modified from INQ^DII
| 533 |
| 534 | new DIC,X,Y,DI,DPP,DK,DICSS
| 535 |
| 536 | set X=FileNum,Y=X
| 537 |
| 538 | set DI=$get(^DIC(FileNum,0,"GL")) if DI="" quit
| 539 | set DPP(1)=FileNum_"^^^@"
| 540 | set DK=FileNum
| 541 |
| 543 |
| 544 | set DIK=1
| 545 | set ^UTILITY(U,$J,DIK,IEN)="" ;"<-- note, to have multiple IEN's shown, iterate via DIK
| 546 |
| 547 | do S^DII ;"Jump into Fileman code.
| 548 |
| 549 | quit
| 550 |
| 551 |
| 552 | xASKDUMP
| 553 | ;"Purpose: A record dumper -- a little different from Fileman Inquire
| 554 |
| 555 | new DIC,X,Y
| 556 | new FileNum,IEN
| 557 | new UseDefault set UseDefault=1
| 558 |
| 559 | ;"Pick file to dump from
| 560 | xASK1 set DIC=1
| 561 | set DIC(0)="AEQM"
| 562 | if UseDefault do ;"leave the redundant do loop, it protects $T, so second do ^DIC isn't called
| 563 | . do ^DICRW ;" has default value of user's last response
| 564 | else do ^DIC ;doesn't have default value...
| 565 | if +Y'>0 write ! goto xASKDone
| 566 | set FileNum=+Y
| 567 |
| 568 | ;"Pick record to dump
| 569 | xASKLOOP kill DIC,X
| 570 | set DIC=+FileNum
| 571 | set DIC(0)="AEQM"
| 572 | do ^DIC write !
| 573 | if +Y'>0 set UseDefault=0 goto xASK1
| 574 | set IEN=+Y
| 575 |
| 576 | new % set %=2
| 577 | write "Display empty fields"
| 578 | do YN^DICN
| 579 | if %=-1 write ! goto xASKDone
| 580 |
| 581 | new %ZIS
| 582 | set %ZIS("A")="Enter Output Device: "
| 583 | set %ZIS("B")="HOME"
| 584 | do ^%ZIS ;"standard device call
| 585 | if POP do goto xASKDone
| 586 | . do ShowError^TMGDEBUG(.PriorErrorFound,"Error opening output. Aborting.")
| 587 | use IO
| 588 |
| 589 | ;"Do the output
| 590 | write !
| 591 | do DumpRec2(FileNum,IEN,(%=1))
| 592 |
| 593 | ;" Close the output device
| 594 | do ^%ZISC
| 595 |
| 596 | new temp
| 597 | read "Press [ENTER] to continue...",temp:$get(DTIME,3600),!
| 598 |
| 599 | goto xASKLOOP
| 600 |
| 601 | xASKDone
| 602 | quit
| 603 |
| 604 | ASKDUMP
| 605 | ;"Purpose: A record dumper -- a little different from Fileman Inquire
| 606 |
| 607 | write !!," -= RECORD DUMPER =-",!
| 608 | new FIENS,IENS
| 609 | AL1
| 610 | set FIENS=$$AskFIENS^TMGDBAPI()
| 611 | if (FIENS["?")!(FIENS="^") goto ASKDone
| 612 |
| 613 | set FileNum=$piece(FIENS,"^",1)
| 614 | set IENS=$piece(FIENS,"^",2)
| 615 |
| 616 | AL2
| 617 | set IENS=$$AskIENS^TMGDBAPI(FileNum,IENS)
| 618 | if (IENS["?")!(IENS="") goto AL1
| 619 |
| 620 | new % set %=2
| 621 | write "Display empty fields"
| 622 | do YN^DICN
| 623 | if %=-1 write ! goto ASKDone
| 624 |
| 625 | new %ZIS
| 626 | set %ZIS("A")="Enter Output Device: "
| 627 | set %ZIS("B")="HOME"
| 628 | do ^%ZIS ;"standard device call
| 629 | if POP do goto ASKDone
| 630 | . do ShowError^TMGDEBUG(.PriorErrorFound,"Error opening output. Aborting.")
| 631 | use IO
| 632 |
| 633 | ;"Do the output
| 634 | write ! do DumpRec2(FileNum,IENS,(%=1))
| 635 |
| 636 | ;" Close the output device
| 637 | do ^%ZISC
| 638 |
| 639 | do PressToCont^TMGUSRIF
| 640 | ;"new temp
| 641 | ;"read "Press [ENTER] to continue...",temp:$get(DTIME,3600),!
| 642 |
| 643 | set IENS=$piece(IENS,",",2,99) ;"force Pick of new record to dump
| 644 | if +IENS>0 goto AL2
| 645 | goto AL1
| 646 |
| 647 | ASKDone
| 648 | quit
| 649 |
| 650 |
| 651 | DumpRec2(FileNum,IENS,ShowEmpty,FieldsArray)
| 652 | ;"Purpose: to dump (display) a record, NOT using ^DII (Fileman's Inquire code)
| 653 | ;"Input: FileNum -- the number of the file to dump from
| 654 | ;" IENS -- the record number to display (or IENS: #,#,#,)
| 655 | ;" ShowEmpty -- OPTIONAL; if 1 then empty fields will be displayed
| 656 | ;" FieldsArray -- OPTIONAL. PASS BY REFERENCE.
| 657 | ;" Allows user to specify which fields to show. Format:
| 658 | ;" FieldsArray(FieldtoShow)="" <-- FieldtoShow is name or number
| 659 | ;" FieldsArray(FieldtoShow)="" <-- FieldtoShow is name or number
| 660 | ;" Default is an empty array, in which all fields are considered
| 661 |
| 662 | new Fields
| 663 | set Fields("*")=""
| 664 | new flags set flags="i"
| 665 | if $get(ShowEmpty)=1 set flags=flags_"b"
| 666 |
| 667 | write "Record# ",IENS," in FILE: ",FileNum,!
| 668 |
| 669 | new field,fieldName
| 670 | if $data(FieldsArray)=0 do
| 671 | . set field=$order(^DD(FileNum,0))
| 672 | . if +field>0 for do quit:(+field'>0)
| 673 | . . set fieldName=$piece(^DD(FileNum,field,0),"^",1)
| 674 | . . set Fields("TAG NAME",field)=fieldName_"("_field_")"
| 675 | . . set field=$order(^DD(FileNum,field))
| 676 | else do ;"Handle case of showing ONLY requested fields
| 677 | . new temp set temp=""
| 678 | . for set temp=$order(FieldsArray(temp)) quit:(temp="") do
| 679 | . . if +temp=temp do
| 680 | . . . set field=+temp
| 681 | . . . set fieldName=$piece(^DD(FileNum,field,0),"^",1)
| 682 | . . else do
| 683 | . . . set fieldName=temp
| 684 | . . . if $$SetFileFldNums^TMGDBAPI(FileNum,fieldName,,.field)=0 quit
| 685 | . . set Fields("TAG NAME",field)=fieldName_"("_field_")"
| 686 | . ;"Now exclude those fields not specifically included
| 687 | . set field=0
| 688 | . for set field=$order(^DD(FileNum,field)) quit:(+field'>0) do
| 689 | . . if $data(Fields("TAG NAME",field))'=0 quit
| 690 | . . set fieldName=$piece(^DD(FileNum,field,0),"^",1)
| 691 | . . set Fields("Field Exclude",field)=""
| 692 |
| 693 | new RFn,FFn,LFn,WPLFn
| 694 | set RFn="WriteRLabel^TMGDEBUG"
| 695 | set FFn="WriteFLabel^TMGDEBUG"
| 696 | set LFn="WriteLine^TMGDEBUG"
| 697 | set WPLFn="WriteWPLine^TMGDEBUG"
| 698 |
| 699 | ;"write "Using flags (options): ",flags,!
| 700 |
| 701 | if +IENS=IENS do
| 702 | . do Write1Rec^TMGXMLE2(FileNum,IENS,.Fields,flags,,,"",RFn,FFn,LFn,WPLFn)
| 703 | else do ;"dump a subfile record
| 704 | . do Write1Rec^TMGXMLE2(FileNum,+IENS,.Fields,flags,,IENS,"",RFn,FFn,LFn,WPLFn)
| 705 |
| 706 | quit
| 707 |
| 708 |
| 709 | WriteRLabel(IEN,Ender)
| 710 | ;"Purpose: To actually write out labels for record starting and ending.
| 711 | ;" IEN -- the IEN (record number) of the record
| 712 | ;" Ender -- OPTIONAL if 1, then ends field.
| 713 | ;"Results: none.
| 714 | ;"Note: Used by DumpRec2 above, with callback from TMGXMLE2
| 715 |
| 716 | if +$get(Ender)>0 write !
| 717 | else write " Multiple Entry #",IEN,"",!
| 718 |
| 719 | quit
| 720 |
| 721 |
| 722 | WriteFLabel(Label,Field,Type,Ender)
| 723 | ;"Purpose: This is the code that actually does writing of labels etc for output
| 724 | ;" This is a CUSTOM CALL BACK function called by Write1Fld^TMGXMLE2
| 725 | ;"Input: Label -- OPTIONAL -- Name of label, to write after 'label='
| 726 | ;" Field -- OPTIONAL -- Name of field, to write after 'id='
| 727 | ;" Type -- OPTIONAL -- Typeof field, to write after 'type='
| 728 | ;" Ender -- OPTIONAL if 1, then ends field.
| 729 | ;"Results: none.
| 730 | ;"Note: Used by DumpRec2 above, with callback from TMGXMLE2
| 731 |
| 732 | ;"To write out <Field label="NAME" id=".01" type="FREE TEXT"> or </Field>
| 733 |
| 734 | if +$get(Ender)>0 do
| 735 | . write !
| 736 | else do
| 737 | . new s set s=Field
| 738 | . if $get(Field)'="" write $$RJ^XLFSTR(.s,6," "),"-"
| 739 | . if $get(Label)'="" write Label," "
| 740 | . ;"if $get(Type)'="" write "type=""",Type,""" "
| 741 | . write ": "
| 742 |
| 743 | quit
| 744 |
| 745 |
| 746 | WriteLine(Line)
| 747 | ;"Purpose: To actually write out labels for record starting and ending.
| 748 | ;"Input: Line -- The line of text to be written out.
| 749 | ;"Results: none.
| 750 | ;"Note: Used by DumpRec2 above, with callback from TMGXMLE2
| 751 |
| 752 | write line
| 753 | quit
| 754 |
| 755 |
| 756 | WriteWPLine(Line)
| 757 | ;"Purpose: To actually write out line from WP field
| 758 | ;"Input: Line -- The line of text to be written out.
| 759 | ;"Results: none.
| 760 | ;"Note: Used by DumpRec2 above, with callback from TMGXMLE2
| 761 |
| 762 | write line,!
| 763 | quit
| 764 |