1 | TMGDELPT ;TMG/kst/Low-level Patient Deletion Utilities ;08/13/08
2 | ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;08/12/08
3 |
4 |
5 | DelPt
6 | ;"Purpose: to try to safely delete a patient
7 | ;"NOTICE: Deleting could be a violation of laws regulating the maintanance
8 | ;" of patient records. I.e. if you delete who a patient is, then
9 | ;" you destroy all records associated with that patient.
10 | ;" SO, only delete a patient if you are sure that you what you are
11 | ;" doing, and are sure that you are not causing perminant injury!
12 |
13 | new DFN,DIC,X,Y,PtIEN
14 | Loop1
15 | set DIC=2,DIC(0)="MAEQ"
16 | do ^DIC write !
17 | if +Y=-1 do goto DPDone
18 | . write "Goodbye.",!
19 | set PtIEN=+Y
20 |
21 | do DelOne(PtIEN,0)
22 |
23 | write "Delete another patient (caution!)" do YN^DICN write !
24 | if %=1 goto Loop1
25 | quit
26 |
27 |
28 | DelOne(PtIEN,Quiet)
29 | ;"Purpose: to try to safely delete a patient
30 | ;"NOTICE: Deleting could be a violation of laws regulating the maintanance
31 | ;" of patient records. I.e. if you delete who a patient is, then
32 | ;" you destroy all records associated with that patient.
33 | ;" SO, only delete a patient if you are sure that you what you are
34 | ;" doing, and are sure that you are not causing perminant injury!
35 | ;"Input: PtIEN -- the IEN in file 2
36 | ;" Quiet -- OPTIONAL. If 1, then user is not prompted.
37 | ;
38 | set Quiet=+$get(Quiet,0)
39 | new PtrsIn
40 | new File,Field,A,GL,Q,ERR
41 | set Qt="""",ERR=0,File=0
42 | for SET File=$O(^DD(2,0,"PT",File)) quit:'File do
43 | . SET Field=0
44 | . for S Field=$O(^DD(2,0,"PT",File,Field)) quit:'Field do
45 | . . SET K=0
46 | . . for S K=$O(^DD(File,+Field,1,K)) quit:'K DO
47 | . . . SET A=$G(^DD(File,+Field,1,K,0))
48 | . . . if '$L($P(A,U,2)) quit
49 | . . . if $L($P(A,U,3)) quit
50 | . . . set GL=$G(^DIC(+File,0,"GL"))
51 | . . . quit:'$L(GL)
52 | . . . set GL=GL_Qt_$P(A,U,2)_Qt_","_PtIEN_")"
53 | . . . if $D(@GL) D
54 | . . . . new IEN set IEN=$O(@GL@(""))
55 | . . . . set PtrsIn(File,IEN)=""
56 |
57 | set File="",Field=""
58 | for set File=$order(PtrsIn(File)) quit:(File="") do
59 | . set IEN=""
60 | . for set IEN=$order(PtrsIn(File,IEN)) quit:(IEN="") do
61 | . . if Quiet'=1 do
62 | . . . write "Entry #",IEN," in file ",$piece($get(^DIC(File,0)),"^",1)," (",File,") "
63 | . . . write "points to this patient.",!
64 | . . new % set %=2
65 | . . if Quiet=1 set %=1
66 | . . else write "Delete this entry" do YN^DICN write !
67 | . . if %'=1 quit
68 | . . new TMGFDA,TMGMSG
69 | . . set TMGFDA(File,IEN_",",.01)="@"
70 | . . do FILE^DIE("","TMGFDA","TMGMSG")
72 |
73 | new % set %=2
74 | if Quiet=1 set %=1
75 | else write "Delete ",$piece(Y,"^",2) do YN^DICN write !
76 | if %'=1 goto DPDone
77 |
79 | set TMGFDA(2,PtIEN_",",.01)="@"
80 | do FILE^DIE("","TMGFDA","TMGMSG")
82 |
83 | DPDone
84 | quit
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 | TempDel
89 | ;"Purpose: to delete all TMG-* named patients (testing only...)
90 |
91 | new IEN,name
92 | set name=""
93 | for set name=$order(^DPT("B",name)) quit:(name="") do
94 | . if 'name["TMG-" quit
95 | . set IEN=$order(^DPT("B",name,""))
96 | . write "Deleting: ",name,"..."
97 | . do DelOne(IEN,1)
98 | . write !
99 |
100 | quit |