[796] | 1 | TMGEDIT ;TMG/kst/Interface to allow use of linux editor in Fileman ;03/25/06
| 2 | ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;7/19/08
| 3 |
| 5 |
| 6 | ;"=======================================================================
| 7 | ;" API -- Public Functions.
| 8 | ;"=======================================================================
| 9 | ;"$$EDIT(Editor)
| 10 |
| 11 | ;"=======================================================================
| 13 | ;"=======================================================================
| 14 |
| 15 |
| 16 | ;"=======================================================================
| 17 | ;"=======================================================================
| 18 |
| 19 | EDIT(Editor)
| 20 | ;"Purpose: This will be a shell for a linux editor
| 21 | ;"Input: Editor -- the name of the linux editor to use (i.e. vim, joe, pico etc)
| 22 | ;" Allowed values: joe,vim,pico
| 23 | ;"Note: When this function gets called, VistA sets up some variables
| 24 | ;" first to tell what should be edited etc.
| 25 | ;" DIC=The global root of the WP field where the text to be edited is
| 26 | ;" stored (or where new text should be stored)
| 27 | ;" e.g. "^TMG(22702,27,DV,"
| 28 | ;" (DV is also predefined, so reference to DV in DIC is covered.)
| 29 | ;" There are other variables set up re margins etc. I will be ignoring these.
| 30 | ;"Results: none
| 31 |
| 32 | new result set result=0
| 33 | new GlobalP
| 34 |
| 35 | ;"By limiting value to certain values, it prevents a rouge user from putting a wedged
| 36 | ;"linux command into "Editor" and executing a system command through zsystem.
| 37 | set Editor=$get(Editor,"rvim")
| 38 | if (Editor'="rvim")&(Editor'="joe")&(Editor'="pico")&(Editor'="nano") goto EditAbort
| 39 |
| 40 | ;"Only allow users with programmer access to use joe
| 41 | if (Editor="joe") do if result=1 goto EditAbort
| 42 | . new AccessCode set AccessCode=$get(DUZ(0))
| 43 | . if AccessCode'["@" do
| 44 | . . write !!,"*** Sorry. Insufficient security clearance to use insecure 'joe' editor. ***",!
| 45 | . . write "Fileman access code of @ required, because JOE can shell out to linux prompt.",!!
| 46 | . . write "Please enter 'User's Toolbox', then 'Edit User Characteristics' at a menu",!
| 47 | . . write " option to change PREFERRED EDITOR to something other than JOE.",!!
| 48 | . . set result=1
| 49 |
| 50 | new EditErrFile set EditErrFile="/tmp/trashjoeoutput.txt"
| 51 |
| 52 | set GlobalP=$extract(DIC,1,$length(DIC)-1)_")" ;"convert to closed form
| 53 | new Filename set Filename=$$UNIQUE^%ZISUTL("/tmp/vistaedit.tmp")
| 54 | set result=$$WP2HFSfp^TMGIOUTL(GlobalP,Filename)
| 55 | if result=0 goto EditDone
| 56 |
| 57 |
| 58 | new HookCmd
| 59 | set HookCmd=Editor_" "_Filename_" 2>"_EditErrFile ;"use NULL instead??
| 60 | zsystem HookCmd
| 61 | set result=$ZSYSTEM&255 ;"get result of execution. (low byte only). 0=success
| 62 | if result>0 goto EditDone
| 63 |
| 64 | ;"read file back into global WP
| 65 | set result=$$HFS2WPfp^TMGIOUTL(Filename,GlobalP)
| 66 | ;"if result=1 do
| 67 |
| 68 | EditDone
| 69 | new temp set temp=$$DelFile^TMGIOUTL(Filename)
| 70 | set temp=$$DelFile^TMGIOUTL(Filename_"~") ;"joe editor copies output to filename~ as a backup
| 71 | set temp=$$DelFile^TMGIOUTL(EditErrFile)
| 72 | EditAbort
| 73 | quit
| 74 |
| 75 |
| 76 |
| 77 | LinuxEdit(Editor,FullPathName)
| 78 | ;"Purpose: This will be a shell for a linux editor
| 79 | ;"Input: Editor -- the name of the linux editor to use (i.e. vim, joe, pico etc)
| 80 | ;" Allowed values: joe,vim,pico
| 81 | ;" FullPathName -- the path name on the Linux HFS to edit.
| 82 | ;"Results: none
| 83 |
| 84 | new result set result=0
| 85 | new GlobalP
| 86 |
| 87 | ;"By limiting value to certain values, it prevents a rouge user from putting a wedged
| 88 | ;"linux command into "Editor" and executing a system command through zsystem.
| 89 | set Editor=$get(Editor,"rvim")
| 90 | if (Editor'="rvim")&(Editor'="joe")&(Editor'="pico") goto LEditAbort
| 91 |
| 92 | ;"Only allow users with programmer access to use joe
| 93 | if (Editor="joe") do if result=1 goto EditAbort
| 94 | . new AccessCode
| 95 | . set AccessCode=$piece(^VA(200,DUZ,0),"^",4)
| 96 | . if AccessCode'="@" do
| 97 | . . write !!,"*** Sorry. Insufficient security clearance to use insecure 'joe' editor. ***",!
| 98 | . . write "Please enter 'User's Toolbox', then 'Edit User Characteristics' at a menu",!
| 99 | . . write " option to change PREFERRED EDITOR to something other than JOE.",!!
| 100 | . . set result=1
| 101 |
| 102 | ;"new EditErrFile set EditErrFile="/tmp/trashjoeoutput.txt"
| 103 |
| 104 | new Filename set Filename=FullPathName
| 105 |
| 106 | new HookCmd
| 107 | ;"set HookCmd=Editor_" "_Filename_" 2>"_EditErrFile ;"use NULL instead??
| 108 | set HookCmd=Editor_" "_Filename
| 109 | zsystem HookCmd
| 110 | set result=$ZSYSTEM&255 ;"get result of execution. (low byte only). 0=success
| 111 | if result>0 goto LEditDone
| 112 |
| 113 |
| 114 | LEditDone
| 115 | ;"set temp=$$DelFile^TMGIOUTL(Filename_"~") ;"joe editor copies output to filename~ as a backup
| 116 | ;"set temp=$$DelFile^TMGIOUTL(EditErrFile)
| 117 | LEditAbort
| 118 | quit
| 119 |
| 120 |