[796] | 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 | ;"=====================================================================
| 5 | ;"================================================================
| 6 |
| 7 | ENV ;Establish Routine Environment
| 10 | ;
| 11 | new DIC,X,Y
| 12 | set DIC=.401
| 13 | set DIC(0)="MAEQ"
| 14 | do ^DIC write !
| 15 | if +Y'>0 quit
| 16 | new templIEN set tempLIEN=+Y
| 17 | new IEN set IEN=""
| 18 | for set IEN=$order(^DIBT(tempLIEN,1,IEN)) quit:IEN="" do
| 19 | . do KILLTSK(IEN)
| 20 |
| 21 | quit
| 22 |
| 23 |
| 25 | ;"W !
| 26 | ;"S XUTMT(0)="AL"
| 27 | ;"D ^XUTMT
| 28 | I 'ZTSK K ^TMP($J,"XUTMT") Q
| 29 | ;"I ZTSK["-"!(ZTSK[",") D ^XUTMD1 Q:$D(DTOUT) G SELECT
| 30 | S XUTMT=ZTSK,XUTMT(0)="R3"
| 31 | D ^XUTMT
| 32 | ;
| 33 | STATUS ;Report On Status Of Task And Whether User May Delete It
| 34 | I $D(ZTSK(.11))#2,ZTSK(.11)="UNDEFINED",$O(ZTSK(.3))="" W !!?5,"That task is not defined.",$C(7) G SELECT
| 35 | I $D(ZTSK(.11))#2,ZTSK(.11)="UNDEFINED",$O(ZTSK(.3))="TASK",$O(ZTSK("TASK"))="" W !!?5,"That task is running and has no record." G SELECT
| 36 | I $D(ZTSK(.11))#2,ZTSK(.11)="UNDEFINED" W !!?5,"That task is scheduled but has no record." G CONFIRM:ZTKEY G SELECT
| 37 | ;
| 38 | S5 I $D(ZTSK(.11))#2,$O(ZTSK(.3))="" W !!?5,"That task's record is incomplete." G CONFIRM:ZTKEY G SELECT
| 39 | I $D(ZTSK(.11))#2,$O(ZTSK(.3))="TASK",$O(ZTSK("TASK"))="" W !!?5,"That task is running and has an incomplete record." G SELECT
| 40 | I $D(ZTSK(.11))#2 W !!?5,"That task is scheduled, but has an incomplete record." G CONFIRM:ZTKEY G SELECT
| 41 | ;
| 42 | S9 I $O(ZTSK(.3))="TASK",$O(ZTSK("TASK"))="" W !!?5,"That task is running." G SELECT
| 43 | I 'ZTKEY,$S($P(ZTSK(0),U,11)_","_$P(ZTSK(0),U,12)=XUTMUCI:DUZ'=$P(ZTSK(0),U,3),1:ZTNAME'=$P(ZTSK(0),U,10)) W !!?5,"You may only delete your own tasks." G SELECT
| 44 | ;
| 45 | CONFIRM ;Prompt User To Confirm Unscheduling
| 46 | I $S($D(ZTSK(.11))[0:1,1:ZTSK(.11)'="UNDEFINED") W ! D EN^XUTMTP(ZTSK)
| 47 | ;"W !
| 48 | ;"K DIR
| 49 | ;"S DIR(0)="Y"
| 50 | ;"S DIR("A")="Are you sure you want to delete this task"
| 51 | ;"S DIR("B")="NO"
| 52 | ;"S DIR("?")=" Answer YES to delete the task."
| 53 | ;"D ^DIR
| 54 | ;"I 'Y W !!?5,"Tasks NOT deleted!"
| 55 | ;"I $D(DTOUT) W $C(7) Q
| 57 | ;"I 'Y G SELECT
| 58 | ;
| 59 | DELETE ;Delete Task
| 60 | I $D(ZTSK(0))#2,ZTSK(0)["ZTSK^XQ1",$P(ZTSK(0),U,11)_","_$P(ZTSK(0),U,12)=XUTMUCI,$P(ZTSK(0),U,8)]"" D
| 61 | . F DA=0:0 S DA=$O(^DIC(19.2,DA)) Q:DA'>0 I $G(^DIC(19.2,DA,1))=ZTSK D
| 62 | . . N DIE S DIE="^DIC(19.2,",DR="2///@;12///@" D ^DIE Q
| 63 | . Q
| 64 | S XUTMT=ZTSK,XUTMT(0)="D"
| 65 | D ^XUTMT
| 66 | W !!?5,"Deleted!"
| 67 | G SELECT
| 68 | ;
| 69 |
| 70 | SELECT
| 71 | quit
| 72 |
| 73 |
| 74 | loop1
| 75 | new count set count=0
| 76 | new DA set DA=0
| 77 | for set DA=$order(^PSDRUG(DA)) quit:(+DA'>0) do
| 78 | . set count=count+1
| 79 | . if count#100=0 write "."
| 80 | . I '$G(^PSDRUG(DA,"ND")) quit
| 81 | . new ien set ien=$P(^("ND"),"^",3)
| 82 | . if ien="" write "problem with ien. DA=",DA,! quit
| 83 | . S NEWC1=$P(^PSNDF(50.68,ien,3),"^")
| 84 | . if NEWC1="" do quit
| 85 | . . write !,"File 50, IEN #",DA," points to 50.68 (VA PRODUCT) entry IEN #",ien,",",!
| 86 | . . write "However, in File 50.68, IEN #",ien,", field 15 (primary drug class) is NULL",!
| 87 | . set NEWC=$P(^PS(50.605,NEWC1,0),"^",1)
| 88 | . set DIE="^PSDRUG(",DR="2////"_NEWC_";25////"_NEWC1_";"
| 89 |
| 90 | write !,"done.",!
| 91 | quit
| 92 |
| 93 | loop2
| 94 | new max set max=$piece($get(^PSDRUG(0)),"^",4)
| 95 | new startTime set startTime=$H
| 96 | new DA
| 97 | S DA=0 F S DA=$O(^PSDRUG(DA)) Q:'DA I $D(^(DA,0)) D
| 98 | . ;"if DA#10=0 do ProgressBar^TMGUSRIF(DA,"",0,max,60,startTime)
| 99 | . new skip set skip=0
| 100 | . I $G(^PSDRUG(DA,"ND")) do quit:(skip)
| 101 | . . new ien50d68 set ien50d68=+$P(^("ND"),"^",3)
| 102 | . . if ien50d68=0 do quit
| 103 | . . . set skip=1
| 104 | . . . write "DRUG (50) file IEN #",DA," does not have a pointer>0 in field 22",!
| 105 | . . S NEWC1=$P($get(^PSNDF(50.68,ien50d68,3)),"^")
| 106 | . . if +NEWC1=0 do quit
| 107 | . . . set skip=1
| 108 | . . . ;"write "VA PRODUCT (50.68) file IEN #",ien50d68," does not have pointer in field 15",!
| 109 | . . . ;"write "Here is $get(^PSNDF(50.68,ien50d68,3)): ",$get(^PSNDF(50.68,ien50d68,3)),!
| 110 | . . . write ien50d68,!
| 111 | . . set NEWC=$P($get(^PS(50.605,NEWC1,0)),"^",1)
| 112 | . . if NEWC="" do quit
| 113 | . . . set skip=1
| 114 | . . . write "VA DRUG CLASS (50.605) file IEN #",NEWC1," does not have a drug code (.01 field)!",!
| 115 | . . . write !,"Problem (A): ^PSDRUG, DA=",DA,!
| 116 | . . set DIE="^PSDRUG(",DR="2////"_NEWC_";25////"_NEWC1_";"
| 117 | . . ;"D ^DIE Q
| 118 |
| 119 | quit
| 120 |
| 121 |
| 122 |
| 123 | loop3
| 124 | ;"Purpose: Allow user to browse classes with selector
| 125 | ;"Input: none
| 126 | ;"Results: none
| 127 |
| 128 | new Options,IEN
| 129 | set Options("FIELDS",1)=".01^NAME^60"
| 130 | set Options("FIELDS",1,"NO EDIT")=1 ;"i.e. show for browsing, but don't allow edit
| 131 | set Options("FIELDS",2)="15^VA DRUG CLASS^20"
| 132 | set Options("FIELDS",2,"LOOKUP FN")="$$SECLookup^TMGNDF3A()"
| 133 | set Options("FIELDS","MAX NUM")=2
| 134 | set Options("FILE")="50.68^VA PRODUCT"
| 135 | ;"Get all records with SKIP THIS RECORD = 0 (KEEP)
| 136 |
| 137 | set Options("IEN LIST",29446)=""
| 138 | set Options("IEN LIST",29555)=""
| 139 | set Options("IEN LIST",29956)=""
| 140 | set Options("IEN LIST",33448)=""
| 141 | set Options("IEN LIST",69944)=""
| 142 | set Options("IEN LIST",69993)=""
| 143 | set Options("IEN LIST",70005)=""
| 144 | set Options("IEN LIST",70070)=""
| 145 | set Options("IEN LIST",70447)=""
| 146 | set Options("IEN LIST",70501)=""
| 147 | set Options("IEN LIST",70519)=""
| 148 | set Options("IEN LIST",70553)=""
| 149 | set Options("IEN LIST",70841)=""
| 150 | set Options("IEN LIST",70935)=""
| 151 | set Options("IEN LIST",70937)=""
| 152 | set Options("IEN LIST",71060)=""
| 153 | set Options("IEN LIST",71063)=""
| 154 | set Options("IEN LIST",71094)=""
| 155 | set Options("IEN LIST",71134)=""
| 156 | set Options("IEN LIST",71317)=""
| 157 | set Options("IEN LIST",71492)=""
| 158 | set Options("IEN LIST",71593)=""
| 159 | set Options("IEN LIST",72010)=""
| 160 |
| 161 | E1
| 162 | if $$SELED^TMGSELED(.Options)'=2
| 163 |
| 164 | write "done",!
| 165 | quit