TMGHTML1 ;TMG/kst/HTML Mini-chart creator ;03/25/06 ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;01/10/06 ;"TMG HTML EXPORT FUNCTION ;"Kevin Toppenberg MD ;"GNU General Public License (GPL) applies ;"1-10-2006 ;"======================================================================= ;" API -- Public Functions. ;"======================================================================= ;"======================================================================= ;"PRIVATE API FUNCTIONS ;"======================================================================= ;"DumpNtes(List,FPath,OutArray) ;"MakeFName(IEN) ;"GetTemplateRecs(pRecs,Template) ;"Write1Note(IEN) ;"======================================================================= ;"Dependencies (duplicates shown in parenthesies) ;"======================================================================= ;"^TMGMISC MAKESITE(FPath,Template) ;"Purpose: To create an interlinked site with specified notes. ;"Input: FPath OPTIONAL -- if not provided, user will be asked ;" This is the directory where output is to be sent ;" Input OPTIONAL -- if not provided, user will be asked ;" This is the name of the search/sort template holding ;" a list of IENs to output ;"Output: files are written to file system ;"Result: none. if $get(FPath)="" do . write !!,"This will export TIU DOCUMENT records to an interlinked website.",!! . read "Enter destination directory path: ",FPath,! if FPath="^" goto MSDone ;"Create core index.htm ;"---------------------- if $$OpenIO(FPath,"index.htm")=0 do goto MSDone . write "Error. Aborting.",! new offset for offset=1:1 do quit:(s["{^}") . set s=$piece($TEXT(IndexDat+offset),";;",2) . quit:(s["{^}") . write s,! do ^%ZISC ;" Close the output device ;"Create core intro.htm ;"---------------------- if $$OpenIO(FPath,"intro.htm")=0 do goto MSDone . write "Error. Aborting.",! new offset for offset=1:1 do quit:(s["{^}") . set s=$piece($TEXT(IntroDat+offset),";;",2) . quit:(s["{^}") . write s,! do ^%ZISC ;" Close the output device ;"Create individual files with notes. ;"----------------------------------- new OutArray do WriteTemplate(.FPath,.Template,.OutArray) ;"Create toc.htm-- the table of contents. ;"--------------------------------------- if $$OpenIO(FPath,"toc.htm")=0 do goto MSDone . write "Error. Aborting.",! do MakeTOC(.OutArray) do ^%ZISC ;" Close the output device MSDone write "Good bye.",!! quit WriteTemplate(FPath,Template,OutArray) ;"Purpose: To write out notes listed in Template to directory FPath ;"Input: FPath -- The name of the directory to put the output files to ;" Template -- OPTIONAL -- the name of a search/sort template that contains ;" list of IENS's to output ;" If not supplied, user will be asked for name. ;" OutArray -- An OUT parameter. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" An array to receive results of names written. See WriteList for format ;"Output: files are written to directory ;"Result: none new List,count set count=$$GetTemplateRecs("List",.Template) new PrgsFn set PrgsFn="do ProgressBar^TMGUSRIF(TMGCUR,""Progress"",1,TMGMAX,,TMGSTART)" if count>0 do . do WriteList(.List,FPath,.OutArray,PrgsFn) quit WriteList(List,FPath,OutArray,PrgCallback) ;"Purpose: To write out all notes given in List to separate files in FPath ;"Input: List -- PASS BY REFERENCE. A list of IEN's that must be written. ;" Format as follows: ;" List(IEN1)="" ;" List(IEN2)="" ;" List(IEN3)="" ;" List(IEN4)="" ;" ... ;" FPath -- The name of the directory that files should be written to ;" e.g. "/tmp/output/" ;" OutArray -- An OUT parameter. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" An array to receive results of names written. Format: ;" OutArray(IEN1)=Filename1 ;" OutArray(IEN1,PatientNameAndDOB1)="" ;" OutArray(IEN2)=Filename2 ;" OutArray(IEN2,PatientNameAndDOB2)="" ;" OutArray(IEN3)=Filename3 ;" OutArray(IEN3,PatientNameAndDOB3)="" ;" OutArray(IEN4)=Filename4 ;" OutArray(IEN4,PatientNameAndDOB4)="" ;" OutArray("B",PatientNameAndDOB1,IEN1)="" ;" OutArray("B",PatientNameAndDOB1,IEN1b)="" <-- if more than one IEN per patient. ;" OutArray("B",PatientNameAndDOB2,IEN2)="" ;" OutArray("B",PatientNameAndDOB3,IEN3)="" ;" OutArray("B",PatientNameAndDOB4,IEN4)="" ;" PrgCallback: OPTIONAL -- if supplied, then M code contained in this string ;" will be xecuted periodically, to allow display of a progress bar etc. ;" Note: the following variables with global scope will be declared and ;" available for use: TMGCUR (current count), TMGMAX (max count), ;" TMGSTART (the start time ;" ;"Output: A series of files will be written (or overwritten) to directory ;" Each file will be a TIU DOCUMENT in .htm format. ;" Filename format: lastname_firstname_title_datetime.htm ;"Result: none new ien kill OutArray new TMGMAX set TMGMAX=0 new TMGSTART set TMGSTART=$H new TMGCUR set TMGCUR=0 set ien=$order(List("")) if ien'="" for do quit:(ien="") . set TMGMAX=TMGMAX+1 . set ien=$order(List(ien)) new delay set delay=0 set ien=$order(List("")) if ien'="" for do quit:(ien="") . set TMGCUR=TMGCUR+1 . new FName . set FName=$$MakeFName(ien) . if $$OpenIO(FPath,FName)'=0 do . . do Write1Note(ien) . . do ^%ZISC ;" Close the output device . . set OutArray(ien)=FName . . new PtName,DOB,DFN . . set DFN=$$GET1^DIQ(8925,ien_",",.02,"I") . . set PtName=$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.01) . . set DOB=$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.03) . . set PtName=PtName_" "_DOB . . set OutArray(ien,PtName)="" . . set OutArray("B",PtName,ien)="" . if (delay>30),$get(PrgCallback)'="" do ;"update progress bar every 30 cycles . . new $etrap set $etrap="write ""(Invalid M Code!. Error Trapped.)"" set $etrap="""",$ecode=""""" . . xecute PrgCallback ;"call the specified progress code. . . set delay=0 . else set delay=delay+1 . set ien=$order(List(ien)) quit OpenIO(FPath,FName,NodeDiv) ;"Purpose: to open the IO channel such that all writes ;" will go to the file specified. ;"Input: FPath -- the path to open file in ;" FName -- the name of the file to open ;" NodeDiv -- OPTIONAL (default is "/") -- the path delimiter for OS ;"result: 1=OK To continue, 0=error new result set result=1 new PFName set PFName=FPath set NodeDiv=$get(NodeDiv,"/") new ch set ch=$extract(PFName,$length(PFName)) if ch'=NodeDiv set PFName=PFName_NodeDiv set PFName=PFName_FName ;"Select IO channel set %ZIS("HFSNAME")=PFName set %ZIS="Q" ;"queing allowed set %ZIS("HFSMODE")="W" ;"write mode set IOP="HFS" do ^%ZIS ;"standard device call if POP do goto OIODone . set result=0 use IO OIODone quit result MakeFName(IEN) ;"Purpose: To create a filename from TIU DOCUMENT IEN ;"Input -- IEN. and IEN from file 8925 ;"Result -- the filename new result set result="" new name,type,datetime set name=$$GET1^DIQ(8925,IEN_",",.02) set name=$translate(name,",","_") set name=$translate(name," ","-") set type=$$GET1^DIQ(8925,IEN_",",.01) set type=$translate(type," ","-") set date=$$GET1^DIQ(8925,IEN_",",.07,"I") set date=$$DTFormat^TMGMISC(date,"mm-dd-yyyy") set result=name_"_"_type_"_"_date_".htm" quit result GetTemplateRecs(pRecs,Template) ;"Purpose: to ask user for a search/sort template to inport records from. ;"Input -- pRecs -- pointer to (i.e. name of) array to fill ;" will probably be passed with "Array(12345)" ;" Template -- OPTIONAL. Name of template to import. ;" If not supplied, user will be asked for name ;"Output: Data is put into pRecs like this: ;" @pRecs@(IEN1)="" ;" @pRecs@(IEN2)="" ;" @pRecs@(IEN3)="" ;"Result: Count of records imported ;"Note: uses global variable pHeader new File set File=8925 new count set count=0 new Y if $get(pRecs)="" goto GTRDone for do quit:((+Y>0)!(+Y=-1)) . new DIC . set DIC=.401 . if $get(Template)'="" do . . set X=Template . else do . . set DIC(0)="AEQ" . . write "Select a Template containing records for import. ",! . . write "(? for list, ^ to quit) " . . set DIC("A")="Enter Template: " . do ^DIC . if $get(Template)="" write ! . if +Y'>0 quit . new node set node=$get(^DIBT(+Y,0)) . if $piece(node,"^",4)'=File do quit . . set Y=0 ;"signal to try again . . new PriorErrorFound . . write "Error: That template doesn't contain a list of progress notes. Please select another.",! if (+Y>0)&($data(^DIBT(+Y,1))>1) do . new index set index=$order(^DIBT(+Y,1,0)) . if index'="" for do quit:(index="") . . set @pRecs@(index)="" . . set count=count+1 . . set index=$order(^DIBT(+Y,1,index)) if $get(Template)="" write count," Records selected.",! GTRDone quit count Write1Note(IEN) ;"Purpose: To write out a progress note in HTML format ;"Input: IEN -- the IEN in file 8925 (TIU DOCUMENT) ;"Output: The note (in complete HTML format) is written to current ;" output device. ;"Result: none: new offset,s new IENS set IENS=IEN_"," for offset=1:1 do quit:(s["{^}") . set s=$piece($TEXT(NoteHdr+offset),";;",2) . quit:(s["{^}") . write s,! write "


",! ;"Note type write "

Name: ",$$GET1^DIQ(8925,IENS,".02"),"
",! ;"patient name new Date set Date=$$GET1^DIQ(8925,IENS,".07","I") set Date=$$DTFormat^TMGMISC(Date,"mmmm d,yyyy") write "Date: ",Date,"

",! ;"note date write "


",! new TMGWP,x set x=$$GET1^DIQ(8925,IENS,2,"","TMGWP")="WP" do . new i . write "

" . set i=$order(TMGWP("")) . for do quit:(i="") . . new line set line=$get(TMGWP(i)) . . set line=$$SYMENC^MXMLUTL(line) . . write line,"
",! . . set i=$order(TMGWP(i)) . write "

",! write "

Note Detail:
",! write "Author: ",$$GET1^DIQ(8925,IENS,"1202"),"
",! write "Signature Date/Time: ",$$GET1^DIQ(8925,IENS,"1501"),"
",! write "Status: ",$$GET1^DIQ(8925,IENS,".05"),"
",! write "Location: ",$$GET1^DIQ(8925,IENS,"1211"),"
",! write "Transcriptionist: ",$$GET1^DIQ(8925,IENS,"1302"),"
",! write "Transcription Date/Time: ",$$GET1^DIQ(8925,IENS,"1201"),"
",! ;"write "Line count: ",$$GET1^DIQ(8925,IENS,".1"),"
",! ;"write "Character count: ",$$GET1^DIQ(8925,IENS,"22711"),"
",! write "

",! write "",! quit MakeTOC(OutArray) ;"Purpose: To write toc.htm (the table of contents side panel) ;"Input: IEN -- the IEN in file 8925 (TIU DOCUMENT) ;"Output: OutArray -- PASS BY REFERENCE ;" An array with file names written. Format: ;" OutArray(IEN1)=Filename1 ;" OutArray(IEN1,PatientNameAndDOB1)="" ;" OutArray(IEN2)=Filename2 ;" OutArray(IEN2,PatientNameAndDOB2)="" ;" OutArray(IEN3)=Filename3 ;" OutArray(IEN3,PatientNameAndDOB3)="" ;" OutArray(IEN4)=Filename4 ;" OutArray(IEN4,PatientNameAndDOB4)="" ;" OutArray("B",PatientNameAndDOB1,IEN1)="" ;" OutArray("B",PatientNameAndDOB1,IEN1b)="" <-- if more than one IEN per patient. ;" OutArray("B",PatientNameAndDOB2,IEN2)="" ;" OutArray("B",PatientNameAndDOB3,IEN3)="" ;" OutArray("B",PatientNameAndDOB4,IEN4)="" ;" ;"Result: none: new offset,s for offset=1:1 do quit:(s["{^}") . set s=$piece($TEXT(TOCHdr+offset),";;",2) . quit:(s["{^}") . write s,! ;"Write Patient name and DOB, then list of their notes , then repeat. new Patient set Patient=$order(OutArray("B","")) if Patient'="" for do quit:(Patient="") . write "


",! . write "",! write "",! quit ;"======================================================================= IndexDat ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; Open VistA Exported Notes ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; <body> ;; </body> ;; ;; ;; ;; ;;{^} ;"Kevin's custom end-of-data symbol IntroDat ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; OpenVistA Exported Notes ;; ;; ;;

Please Select A Patient from List at Left

;; ;; ;; ;;{^} ;"Kevin's custom end-of-data symbol TOCHdr ;; ;; ;; ;;OpenVista List of Patients ;; ;; ;;




;; ;;{^} ;"Kevin's custom end-of-data symbol NoteHdr ;; ;; ;; ;; ;; OpenVistA Introduction ;; ;; ; ;;{^} ;"Kevin's custom end-of-data symbol