1 | TMGIDE3 ;TMG/kst/A debugger/tracer for GT.M (Controller code) ;04/14/08
2 | ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;03/23/09
3 |
4 | ;" TMG IDE Debugger Controller
5 | ;"
6 | ;" K. Toppenberg
7 | ;" 4-14-2008
8 | ;" License: GPL Applies
9 | ;"
10 | ;"------------------------------------------------------------
11 | ;"------------------------------------------------------------
12 | ;"Notes: HOW DOES IT ALL WORK?
13 | ;"
14 | ;"Here is how the system fits together:
15 | ;"
16 | ;"Below is what happens in the CONTROLLING job
17 | ;"=================================================
18 | ;" -- LaunchIntr^TMGIDE5(JobNum) sets up a signaling global and then
19 | ;" creates a 'mupip intrpt JobNum', then starts listening
20 | ;" in Controller^TMGIDE3 for communication from the interrupted job.
21 | ;" (See below about how this communication gets started)
22 | ;" -- Controller^TMGIDE3 polls a communicating global location and can talk back
23 | ;" and forth with the other job. When it gets a message to
24 | ;" DO TRAP %ZPOS, it then calls STEPTRAP^TMGIDE2, and returns
25 | ;" the result of that function back to the other job.
26 | ;" -- STEPTRAP^TMGIDE2 is the same interface as the prior debugger. It shows
27 | ;" the code, allows the user to move around, and interact
28 | ;" with the code. If the user wants to query variables
29 | ;" in the other process, then a message is sent out, and
30 | ;" a copy of that variable is passed back here for display.
31 | ;" If the user wants to modify the other environment, then
32 | ;" arbitrary M code can be entered by the user, and it is passed
33 | ;" to the other job for execution in that job process space.
34 | ;" When ready to execute the next line of code, then STEPTRAP
35 | ;" quits with a result signalling a zstep INTO or OVER.
36 | ;"
37 | ;"Below is what happens in the OTHER job
38 | ;"=================================================
39 | ;" -- mupip intrpt JobNum --> causes the specified job to execute the code
40 | ;" stored in $ZINTERRUPT. For VistA (or if setup in
41 | ;" in an environmental script during GT.M launch), this
42 | ;" code is to run JOBEXAM^ZU (slightly customized)
43 | ;" -- JOBEXAM^ZU --> looks for signaling global, and if found runs INTERUPT^TMGIDE5
44 | ;" -- INTERUPT^TMGIDE5 --> sets up $ZSTEP and then calls ZSTEP INTO and
45 | ;" quits out of the $ZINTERRUPT code.
46 | ;" -- ZSTEP --> causes GT.M to execute the code in $ZSTEP before performing
47 | ;" the next line of mumps code for the program that was
48 | ;" running at the time the interrupt request was received.
49 | ;" -- $ZSTEP holds instruction to run $$STEPTRAP^TMGIDE4($ZPOS)
50 | ;" -- STEPTRAP^TMGIDE4 --> sends message to CONTROLLING JOB and waits for reply.
51 | ;" Reply will either be a request from the user for more
52 | ;" information from this job, or a final reply that allows
53 | ;" execution to continue, either by a step INTO, OVER, or
54 | ;" a plain ZCONTINUE (which will stop further code-stepping)
55 |
56 |
57 | Controller
58 | ;"Purpose: This code will wait for messages from the executing process, and
59 | ;" will display the code as it changes, and send messages back to
60 | ;" all the user to control the process remotely.
61 |
62 | ;"Notice: There are
63 |
64 | ;"A globally-scoped var that will be checked in STEPTRAP^TMGIDE2
65 | if +$get(tmgDbgRemoteJob)'>0 set tmgDbgRemoteJob=1
66 |
67 | ;"write #
68 | new i for i=1:1:12 write !
69 | write "=== TMG IDE Controller (Job# "_$JOB_") ===",!,!
70 | write "Waiting for action from SENDING (Remote) process (ESC to abort)",!
71 | new msgRef set msgRef=$name(^TMG("TMGIDE","CONTROLLER"))
72 | kill @msgRef
73 | set @msgRef@("JOB")=$JOB
74 |
75 | new Msg,UsrInput,Cmd
76 | new hangDelay set hangDelay=0.2
77 |
78 | new ideBlankLine set $piece(ideBlankLine," ",78)=" "
79 | ;"new HxSize set HxSize=8 ;"hard codes in history length of 8
80 | new TMGdbgLine
81 | new TMGlastline set TMGlastLine=""
82 | new HxShowNum set HxShowNum=0
83 | new HxLine,HxLineMax,HxLineCur
84 | do INITKB^XGF() ;"set up keyboard input escape code processing
85 | ;
86 | Init set @msgRef@("STATUS")="AVAIL"
87 | set @msgRef@("MSG-OUT")=""
88 | new TMGstartH set TMGstartH=$piece($H,",",2)
89 | new tempCh,%
90 | ;
91 | Loop set Msg=$get(@msgRef@("MSG-IN"))
92 | set Cmd=$piece(Msg," ",1)
93 | ;
94 | if Cmd="INQ" do HndlINQ(Msg) goto Loop
95 | if Cmd="LISTEN" do HndlListen(Msg) goto Loop
96 | if Cmd="DONE" do HndlDone(Msg) goto LstnDone ;"This is when SENDER signals a quit.
97 | if Cmd="WRITE" do HndlWrite(Msg) goto Loop
98 | if Cmd="DO" goto:($$HndlDo(Msg)'=0) Loop goto LstnDone ;"Leave if CONTROLLER signals a quit
99 | if Cmd="READ" do HndlRead(Msg) goto Loop
100 | if Cmd="NEED" do HndlNeed(Msg) goto Loop
101 | ;
102 | ;"Checking UserAborted grabs keystrokes, and prevents user from getting out of RUN mode
103 | ;"in ^TMGIDE2, so only check here after an X second delay.
104 | if $piece($H,",",2)-TMGstartH<2 goto Loop
105 | read *tempCh:0
106 | if tempCh'=27 goto Loop
107 | write !,"Abort From Remote Debugging Controller"
108 | set TMGstartH=$piece($H,",",2)
109 | set %=2 do YN^DICN write !
110 | if %'=1 goto Loop
111 | ;
112 | LstnDone ;
113 | write !,"Quitting.",!
114 | kill @msgRef
115 | kill tmgDbgRemoteJob
116 | quit
117 | ;
118 | ;"-------------------------------
119 | ;"-------------------------------
120 | ;
121 | ACK SET @msgRef@("MSG-OUT")="ACK "_$J
122 | SET @msgRef@("MSG-IN")=""
123 | QUIT
124 |
125 | HndlINQ(Msg) ;"Expects 'INQ <Job#>'
126 | ;"write "Msg=",Msg,! ;"temp!!
127 | set tmgDbgRemoteJob=+$piece(Msg," ",2)
128 | do ACK
129 | quit
130 |
131 | HndlListen(Msg)
132 | new JobToControl
133 | set JobToControl=+$piece(Msg," ",3)
134 | set @msgRef@("STATUS")="LISTENING TO "_JobToControl
135 | set @msgRef@("MSG-OUT")=@msgRef@("STATUS")
136 | DO ACK
137 | quit
138 |
139 | HndlWrite(Msg)
140 | write $piece(Msg," ",2,99),!
141 | DO ACK
142 | quit
143 |
144 | HndlDo(Msg)
145 | ;"Purpose: Handle message from interrupted application to DO something.
146 | ;"Result: 1 = OK to continue
147 | ;" 0 = should quit controller.
148 | new result set result=1 ;"default to continue
149 | new msgResult set msgResult=""
150 | if $piece(Msg," ",2)="PROMPT" do
151 | . set msgResult=$$Prompt()
152 | else if $piece(Msg," ",2)="TRAP" do
153 | . new idePos set idePos=$piece(Msg," ",3)
154 | . new TMGMsg set TMGMsg=$piece(Msg," ",4)
155 | . set msgResult=$$STEPTRAP^TMGIDE2(idePos,TMGMsg)
156 | . if msgResult=0 set result=0 ;"STEPTRAP result of 0 means to stop controller.
157 | set @msgRef@("MSG-OUT")=msgResult
158 | set @msgRef@("MSG-IN")=""
159 | set TMGstartH=$piece($H,",",2) ;"restart timer countdown before allowing user input.
160 | quit result
161 |
162 | HndlDone(Msg)
163 | DO ACK
164 | quit
165 |
166 | HndlRead(Msg)
167 | new result
168 | write $piece(Msg," ",2,99)
169 | read result:$get(DTIME,3600),!
170 | if result="" set result="<null>"
171 | set @msgRef@("MSG-OUT")=result
172 | set @msgRef@("MSG-IN")=""
173 | quit
174 |
175 | HndlNeed(Msg)
176 | set SndJob=+$piece(Msg," ",3)
177 | set @MsgRef@("STATUS")="CONTROLLING "_SndJob
178 | set @MsgRef@("MSG-OUT")=@MsgCtrlRef@("STATUS")
179 | quit
180 |
181 | ;"-------------------------------------------------------------------
182 |
183 | Prompt()
184 | ;"Purpose: to interact with user and run through code.
185 |
186 | ;"new i write # for i=1:1:12 write !
187 | write "=== TMG IDE Controller ===",!,!
188 |
189 | Ppt2
190 | set HxShowNum=+$get(HxShowNum)
191 | set TMGStepMode="into" ;"kt added 5/3/06
192 | set HxLine=$get(^TMG("TMGIDE","CMD HISTORY",$J,HxShowNum))
193 | set HxLineMax=$get(^TMG("TMGIDE","CMD HISTORY",$J,"MAX"),0)
194 |
195 | write "Remote command (^ to quit): "
196 | if HxShowNum=0 write "^// "
197 | else write "// ",HxLine
198 |
199 | set TMGdbgLine=$$READ^TMGIDE() ;"$$READ^XGF ;"returns line terminator in tmgXGRT
200 | set tmgXGRT=$get(tmgXGRT) ;"ensure existence
201 | if TMGdbgLine="?" do goto Ppt2
202 | . write !,"Here you should enter any valid M command, as would normally",!
203 | . write "entered at a GTM> prompt.",!
204 | . write " examples: WRITE ""HELLO"",! or DO ^TMGTEST",!
205 |
206 | if (TMGdbgLine="")&(HxShowNum>0) set TMGdbgLine=HxLine
207 |
208 | if (tmgXGRT="DOWN")!(tmgXGRT="RIGHT")!(TMGdbgLine="]") do goto Ppt2
209 | . set HxShowNum=HxShowNum-1
210 | . if HxShowNum<0 set HxShowNum=HxLineMax
211 | . ;"write "setting HxShowNum=",HxShowNum,!
212 | . do CHA^TMGTERM(1) write ideBlankLine do CHA^TMGTERM(1)
213 |
214 | if (tmgXGRT="UP")!(tmgXGRT="LEFT")!(TMGdbgLine="[") do goto Ppt2
215 | . set HxShowNum=HxShowNum+1
216 | . if HxShowNum>HxLineMax set HxShowNum=0
217 | . ;"write "setting HxShowNum=",HxShowNum,!
218 | . do CHA^TMGTERM(1) write ideBlankLine do CHA^TMGTERM(1)
219 |
220 | if TMGdbgLine="" set TMGdbgLine="^"
221 | write !
222 |
223 | ;"Save Cmd history
224 | set HxLineCur=$get(^TMG("TMGIDE","CMD HISTORY",$J,"CUR"),0) ;"<-- points to last used, not next avail
225 | set HxLineMax=$get(^TMG("TMGIDE","CMD HISTORY",$J,"MAX"),0) ;"equals buffer size AFTER it fills
226 | set HxLineCur=HxLineCur+1
227 | ;"if HxLineCur>HxSize set HxLineCur=1
228 | set ^TMG("TMGIDE","CMD HISTORY",$J,HxLineCur)=TMGdbgLine
229 | set ^TMG("TMGIDE","CMD HISTORY",$J,"CUR")=HxLineCur
230 | if HxLineCur>HxLineMax do
231 | . set HxLineMax=HxLineCur
232 | . set ^TMG("TMGIDE","CMD HISTORY",$J,"MAX")=HxLineMax
233 | ;"write "Saving line in #",HxLineCur," Max=",HxLineMax,!
234 |
235 | quit TMGdbgLine