1 | TMGIDE5 ;TMG/kst/GT/M debugger Interrupt handler code ;03/18/09
2 | ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;03/23/09
3 | ;
4 | ;" TMG IDE Debugger Interrupt handler code
5 | ;"
6 | ;" K. Toppenberg
7 | ;" 3/18/09
8 | ;" License: GPL Applies
9 | ;"
10 | ;"------------------------------------------------------------
12 | ;"------------------------------------------------------------
13 | ;"PICKINTR -- show currently running jobs, and allow user to start debugging them
14 | ;"INTERUPT -- respond to mupip intrpt, assigning control to a remote process
15 |
16 | ;"------------------------------------------------------------
18 | ;"------------------------------------------------------------
19 | ;"LaunchIntr(JobNum) -- create interrupt message to job, then start listening
20 | ;" for requests for control from interrupted process
21 | ;"------------------------------------------------------------
22 | ;"Dependencies
23 | ;" TMGIDE4
24 | ;" TMGKERNL
25 | ;" %ZISUTL
26 | ;" TMGUSRIF
27 |
29 | ;"Purpose: To show currently running jobs, and allow user to start
30 | ;" debugging them (tapping into process currently running)
31 | ;"Called from TMGIDE
32 | ;
33 | new array
34 | do MJOBS^TMGKERNL(.array)
35 | kill array($J) ;"don't show this process
36 | new Menu,UsrSlct
37 | new i,j set i="",j=1
38 | for set i=$order(array(i)) quit:(i="") do
39 | . set Menu(j)="Job "_$get(array(i))_$char(9)_i
40 | . set j=j+1
41 | if $data(Menu)=0 do goto PIDone
42 | set Menu(0)="Pick Job to Debug"
43 | ;
44 | M1 set UsrSlct=$$Menu^TMGUSRIF(.Menu,"^")
45 | ;
46 | if UsrSlct="^" goto PIDone
47 | if UsrSlct=0 set UsrSlct="" goto M1
48 | if UsrSlct=+UsrSlct do LaunchIntr(UsrSlct)
49 | goto M1
50 | ;
51 | PIDone quit
52 | ;
53 | LaunchIntr(JobNum)
54 | ;"Purpose: To create interrupt message to job, then start listening
55 | ;" for requests for control from interrupted process
56 | if +$get(JobNum)'>0 quit
57 | set tmgDbgRemoteJob=JobNum
59 | zsystem "mupip intrpt "_JobNum
60 | do Controller^TMGIDE3 ;"launch the controller
61 | set ^XUTL("XUSYS","TMG COMMAND")=""
62 | quit
63 | ;
65 | ;"Purpose: To respond to mupip interrupt for a process, turning control
66 | ;" over to a remote control process
67 | ;"NOTE: This will be called by a modified version of JOBEXAM^ZU
68 | if $get(TMGDEBUG) write !,"Sending INQ to connect to remote controller..."
69 | new TMGR set TMGR=$$MessageOut^TMGIDE4("INQ "_$J,30)
70 | if TMGR="" goto Int2
71 | if $get(TMGDEBUG) do
72 | . write !
73 | . write "*****************************************************",!
74 | . write "* INTERRUPT RECEIVED. Transferring control to *",!
75 | . write "* a remote controller. That is process ",$$LJ^XLFSTR($piece(TMGR," ",2),5),?52,"*",!
76 | . write "* *",!
77 | . write "* Please switch to that process window for control. *",!
78 | . write "*****************************************************",!
79 | set TMGR=$$MessageOut^TMGIDE4("WRITE Notice: Controlling interrupted job #"_$J,,0)
80 | set $ZSTEP="N TMGTrap S TMGTrap=$$STEPTRAP^TMGIDE4($ZPOS) zstep:(TMGTrap=1) into zstep:(TMGTrap=2) over zcontinue"
81 | set TMGStepMode="into"
82 | zstep into quit
83 | Int2 quit
84 | ;