TMGKIDS ;TMG/kst/Code used for pre and post routines for KIDS build ;04/16/08 ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;04/16/08 POSTINST ;"Purpose: To provide a function that KIDS can call after installing patch. ;"This particular function will add custom RPC entries to the RPC field in ;"the OPTION field in OR CPRS GUI CHART. D1 ;"Below is a data list, not simple comments ;;TMG ADD PATIENT ;;TMG AUTOSIGN TIU DOCUMENT ;;TMG BARCODE DECODE ;;TMG BARCODE ENCODE ;;TMG DOWNLOAD FILE ;;TMG DOWNLOAD FILE DROPBOX ;;TMG GET BLANK TIU DOCUMENT ;;TMG GET DFN ;;TMG GET IMAGE LONG DESCRIPTION ;;TMG GET PATIENT DEMOGRAPHICS ;;TMG SET PATIENT DEMOGRAPHICS ;;TMG UPLOAD FILE ;;TMG UPLOAD FILE DROPBOX ;;TMG CPRS GET URL LIST ;;--END OF LIST-- new ienORCPRS,DIC,X,Y ;"set ienORCPRS= ... find in OPTION file. set DIC=19 ;"OPTION file set X="OR CPRS GUI CHART" do ^DIC set ienORCPRS=+$piece(Y,"^",1) if ienORCPRS'>0 do goto PostDone . write !,!,"Sorry, unable to locate OR CPRS GUI CHART in OPTION file.",! . write "Unable to add TMG's RPC's to allowed list of RPC's for CPRS.",! new i,rpcName for i=1:1 do quit:(rpcName="") . set rpcName=$text(D1+i^TMGKIDS) . set rpcName=$piece(rpcName,";;",2) . if rpcName="--END OF LIST--" set rpcName="" . if rpcName="" quit . do AddRPC(ienORCPRS,rpcName) PostDone quit AddRPC(IENOption,RPCName) ;"Purpose: To add the RPC Name to the RPC subfile in the Option record, ;" given by IENOption ;"Note: If IENRPC is already present, then it won't be added again. ;"See if RPC is already present, to avoid duplication new DIC,TMGD0,X,Y set TMGD0=IENOption set X=RPCName set DIC="^DIC(19,"_IENOption_",""RPC""," set DIC(0)="MZ" do ^DIC write RPCName if +Y'>0 do . ;"code to add RPC here. . new TMGFDA,TMGIEN,TMGMSG . set TMGFDA(19.05,"+1,"_IENOption_",",.01)=RPCName . do UPDATE^DIE("E","TMGFDA","TMGIEN","TMGMSG") . do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG) . write ?30,"... Added as allowed RPC from CPRS",! else do . write ?30,"... already present",! quit