TMGNDF0A ;TMG/kst/FDA Import: Load FDA data files ;03/25/06 ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;11/21/06 ;" FDA - NATIONAL DRUG FILES IMPORT FUNCTIONS ;"Kevin Toppenberg MD ;"GNU General Public License (GPL) applies ;"11-21-2006 ;"Purpose: to import the National Drug Files, as distributed by: ;" in format as of 10/17/2005 ;" List of files imported: ;" TMG FDA APPLICATION (22706.1) <--> applicat.TXT ;" TMG FDA DOSAGE FORM (22706.2) <--> dosform.TXT ;" TMG FDA FIRMS (22706.3) <--> FIRMS.TXT ;was firms.txt ;" TMG FDA FORMULATION (22706.4) <--> FORMULAT.TXT ;" TMG FDA LISTING (22706.5) <--> listings.TXT ;was listings.txt ;" TMG FDA PACKAGES (22706.6) <--> packages.txt ;" TMG FDA ROUTES (22706.7) <--> ROUTES.TXT ;was routes.txt ;" TMG FDA UNIT ABBREVIATIONS (22706.8) <--> TBLUNIT.TXT ; was tblunit.txt ;"======================================================================= ;" API -- Public Functions. ;"======================================================================= ;"Menu -- The starting menu for the import process ;"======================================================================= ;" API -- Semi-Public Functions. ;"======================================================================= ;"ImportNDF ;"$$DataImport(Info,ProgressFN) ;"Backup ;"======================================================================= ;" Private Functions. ;"======================================================================= ;"SetLoadDir(LoadDir) ;"$$LoadApplication(LoadDir) ;"$$LoadDosageForm(LoadDir) ;"$$LoadFirms(LoadDir) ;"$$LoadFormulation(LoadDir) ;"$$LoadListing(LoadDir) ;"$$LoadPackages(LoadDir) ;"$$LoadRoutes(LoadDir) ;"$$LoadUnitAbbr(LoadDir) ;"SetSkipFlag ;"======================================================================= ;"======================================================================= Menu ;"Purpose: To give an interactive menu new Menu,UsrSlct set Menu(0)="Pick Option for Parsing FDA Tables (0A)" set Menu(1)="Review instructions"_$char(9)_"Instructions" set Menu(2)="Parse FDA tables into corresponding Fileman Tables"_$char(9)_"ParseAll" ;"set Menu("P")="Prev Stage"_$char(9)_"Prev" set Menu("N")="Next Stage"_$char(9)_"Next" CD1 write # set UsrSlct=$$Menu^TMGUSRIF(.Menu,"^") if UsrSlct="^" goto CDDone if UsrSlct=0 set UsrSlct="" ;"if UsrSlct="Prev" goto Menu^TMGNDF1D ;"quit can occur from there... if UsrSlct="Next" goto Menu^TMGNDF0B ;"quit can occur from there... if UsrSlct="Instructions" do Instructions goto CD1 if UsrSlct="ParseAll" do ImportNDF goto CD1 goto CD1 CDDone quit ;"======================================================================= Instructions ;"Purpose: to show some instructions write !! write "The individual tables from the FDA should be downloaded from: ",! write "",! write ! write "Reloading these files will NOT immediately overwrite changes made",! write "the COMPILED import data. It will simply get the FDA tables",! write "into a format for later compilation.",! write "The choices made later (or perhaps on a previous cycle) will NOT",! write "be lost by reloading these files. There really is no need to",! write "be cautious on this step.",! write ! write "Note: the instructions on the FDA website should be compared to the",! write "parsing code in TMGNDF0A.m to ensure that the FDA table format has",! write "not changed.",!,! do PressToCont^TMGUSRIF quit ;"======================================================================= ;"Note: these files were downloaded from: ;" ImportNDF ;"Purpose: to import the National Drug Files, as distributed by: ;", in format as of 10/17/2005 ;" List of files imported: ;" TMG FDA APPLICATION <--> applicat.TXT ;" TMG FDA DOSAGE FORM <--> dosform.TXT ;" TMG FDA FIRMS <--> FIRMS.TXT ;was firms.txt ;" TMG FDA FORMULATION <--> FORMULAT.TXT ;" TMG FDA LISTING <--> listings.TXT ;was listings.txt ;" TMG FDA PACKAGES <--> packages.txt ;" TMG FDA ROUTES <--> ROUTES.TXT ;was routes.txt ;" TMG FDA UNIT ABBREVIATIONS <--> TBLUNIT.TXT ; was tblunit.txt ;"Prerequisites: Must have Fileman files created to import into new LoadDir new PriorErrorFound new ProgressFn set ProgressFn="if TMGCUR#100=1 do ProgressBar^TMGUSRIF(TMGCUR,""Progress"",0,TMGTOTAL,,StartTime)" write "Custom FDA Drug Files Importer",!! write "This will DELETE all exsting entries in TMG FDA * files,",! write "and then reload them from source text files.",! write "These are temporary files, not VistA files.",! write "Do you want to proceed? " set %=2 ;"2=NO default do YN^DICN write ! if %'=1 goto INDFError if $$SetLoadDir(.LoadDir)=0 goto INDFError new skip set skip=0 write "Loading TMG FDA APPLICATIONS",! if 'skip if $$LoadApplication(LoadDir)=0 goto INDFError write "Loading TMG FDA DOSAGE FORMS",! if 'skip if $$LoadDosageForm(LoadDir)=0 goto INDFError write "Loading TMG FDA firms",! if 'skip if $$LoadFirms(LoadDir)=0 goto INDFError write "Loading TMG FDA FORMULATIONS",! if 'skip if $$LoadFormulation(LoadDir)=0 goto INDFError write "Loading TMG FDA PACKAGES",! if 'skip if $$LoadPackages(LoadDir)=0 goto INDFError write "Loading TMG FDA ROUTES",! if 'skip if $$LoadRoutes(LoadDir)=0 goto INDFError write "Loading TMG FDA UNIT ABBREVIATIONS",! if 'skip if $$LoadUnitAbbr(LoadDir)=0 goto INDFError write "Loading TMG FDA LISTINGS",! if 'skip if $$LoadListing(LoadDir)=0 goto INDFError write "All done. Import Successful.",! goto INDFDone INDFError Write "Import was NOT successful. Quitting.",! INDFDone quit SetLoadDir(LoadDir) ;"Purpose to ensure that LoadDir is set properly ;"LoadDir -- PASS BY REFERENCE, an OUT parameter ;"Result: 1=success, 0=error new Msg new result set result=1 set Msg="Please Pick ANY file in the directory containing NDF files" new defDir set defDir="/home/kdt0p/downloads/FDA-NDC-Files/" if $$GetFName^TMGIOUTL(Msg,defDir,,,.LoadDir)="" do . set result=0 quit result LoadApplication(LoadDir) ;"Purpose: to load from applicat.TXT ;"Input: LoadDir -- the directory in HFS to get files from ;"Output: Kills any prior entries in TMG FDA APPLICATION ;"NOTICE: any pointers to this fill might me made invalid via kills ;"Result: 1=success, 0=error ;" Info("HFS DIR")= ;" Info("HFS FILE")= ;" Info("DEST FILE")= ;" Info(x)=field# (or "IEN" if data should be used to determine record number ;" Info(x,"START")=starting column ;" Info(x,"END")=ending column ;"FDA documentation for 9/12/2007,4/6/09 file: ;"===================================== ;"MAY OCCUR MORE THAN ONCE PER LISTING SEQ NO. ;"LISTING_SEQ_NO NOT NULL NUM(7) COL:1-7 ;" Linking field to LISTINGS. ;"APPL_NO NULL CHAR(6) COL:9-14 ;" Number of New Drug Application if applicable. If none has been ;" provided by the firm then the value ‘Other’ is used. ;"PROD_NO NULL CHAR(3) COL:16-18 ;" Number used to identify the products of a New Drug Application. ;"===================================== ;"Log: ;" 10/20/07 -- modified for 9/12/07 database ;" 4/8/09 -- no changes needed for 4/6/09 version of file new Info new result ;"Note: should Kill all prior records... ;"Note: This will blow away ALL records, cross references etc. ;" This is not considered good programming practice! new temp set temp=$get(^TMG(22706.1,0)) kill ^TMG(22706.1) set $piece(temp,"^",3)="" set $piece(temp,"^",4)=0 set ^TMG(22706.1,0)=temp ;"fix up the 0 node set Info("HFS DIR")=$get(LoadDir) set Info("HFS FILE")="applicat.txt" ;" was applicat.TXT before set Info("DEST FILE")="TMG FDA APPLICATION" new tempFile set tempFile=Info("HFS DIR")_Info("HFS FILE") set result=$$Dos2Unix^TMGIOUTL(tempFile) if result>0 set result=0 goto LADone ;"LISTING_SEQ_NO NOT NULL NUM(7) COL:1-7 ;"Linking field to LISTINGS. set Info(.01)=.01 ;"Listing, pointer to 22706.5 set Info(.01,"START")=1 ;"was 1 set Info(.01,"END")=7 ;"was 8 ;"APPL_NO NULL CHAR(6) COL:10-15 ;"Number of New Drug Application if applicable. ;"If none has been provided by the firm then the value ‘Other’ is used. set Info(1)=1 ;"Application set Info(1,"START")=9 ;"was 10 <-- was 9 set Info(1,"END")=14 ;"was 15 <-- was 15 ;"PROD_NO NULL CHAR(3) COL:17-19 ;"Number used to identify the products of a New Drug Application. . set Info(2)=2 ;"Product Number set Info(2,"START")=16 ;"was 17 <-- was 16 set Info(2,"END")=18 ;"was 19 <-- was 22 new StartTime set StartTime=$H set result=$$DataImport(.Info,ProgressFn) do ProgressBar^TMGUSRIF(100,"Progress",0,100) LADone quit result LoadDosageForm(LoadDir) ;"Purpose: to load TMG FDA DOSAGE FORM <--> doseform.TXT ;"Input: LoadDir -- the directory in HFS to get files from ;"Output: Kills any prior entries in TMG FDA DOSAGE FORM ;"NOTICE: any pointers to this fill might me made invalid via kills ;"Result: 1=success, 0=error ;"FDA documentation for 9/12/2007,4/6/09 file: ;"===================================== ;"MAY OCCUR MULTIPLE TIMES PER LISTING SEQ NO. ;"LISTING_SEQ_NO NOT NULL NUM(7) COL:1-7 ;" Linking field to LISTINGS. ;"DOSEFORM NULL CHAR(3) COL:9-11 ;" The code for the route of administration. File will allow all assigned values for this element. ;"DOSAGE_NAME NULL CHAR(240) COL:13-252 ;" The translation for the route of administration code. ;"===================================== ;"Log: ;" 10/20/07 -- no modification needed for 9/12/07 database ;" 4/8/09 -- no changes needed for 4/6/09 version of file new Info new result ;"Note: should Kill all prior records... ;"Note: This will blow away ALL records, cross references etc. ;" This is not considered good programming practice! new temp set temp=$get(^TMG(22706.2,0)) kill ^TMG(22706.2) set $piece(temp,"^",3)="" set $piece(temp,"^",4)=0 set ^TMG(22706.2,0)=temp ;"fix up the 0 node set Info("HFS DIR")=$get(LoadDir) set Info("HFS FILE")="doseform.TXT" set Info("DEST FILE")="TMG FDA DOSAGE FORM" new tempFile set tempFile=Info("HFS DIR")_Info("HFS FILE") set result=$$Dos2Unix^TMGKERNL(tempFile) if result>0 set result=0 goto LDsDone ;"LISTING_SEQ_NO NOT NULL NUM(7) COL:1-7 ;"Linking field to LISTINGS. set Info(.01)=.01 ;"Listing, pointer to 22706.5 set Info(.01,"START")=1 ;"was 1 set Info(.01,"END")=7 ;"was 8 ;"DOSEFORM NULL CHAR(3) COL:9-11 ;"The code for the route of administration. File will allow all assigned values for this element. set Info(1)=1 ;"Dosage form set Info(1,"START")=9 ;"was 9 set Info(1,"END")=11 ;"was 12 ;"DOSAGE_NAME NULL CHAR(240) COL:13-252 ;"The translation for the route of administration code. set Info(2)=2 ;"Dosage Name set Info(2,"START")=13 ;"was 13 set Info(2,"END")=252 ;"was 128 LDL2 new StartTime set StartTime=$H set result=$$DataImport(.Info,ProgressFn) do ProgressBar^TMGUSRIF(100,"Progress",0,100) LDsDone quit result LoadFirms(LoadDir) ;"Purpose: to load TMG FDA FIRMS <--> FIRMS.TXT ;was firms.txt ;"Input: LoadDir -- the directory in HFS to get files from ;"Output: Kills any prior entries in TMG FDA FIRMS ;"NOTICE: any pointers to this fill might me made invalid via kills ;"Result: 1=success, 0=error ;"FDA documentation for 9/12/2007,4/6/09 file: ;"===================================== ;"EACH FIRM HAS A UNIQUE FIRM SEQ NO WHICH CAN OCCUR MULTIPLE TIMES IN THE LISTINGS FILE. ;"Contains the firm's full name, and compliance address. The compliance address is the mailing address where the FDA sends listing information to the firm. ;"LBLCODE NOT NULL NUM(6) COL:1-6 ;" FDA generated identification number for each firm. The number is padded to the left with zeroes to fill out to length 6. ;"FIRM_NAME NOT NULL CHAR(65) COL:8-72 ;" Firm name as reported by the firm. ;"ADDR_HEADER NULL CHAR(40) COL:74-113 ;" Address Heading as reported by the firm. ;"STREET NULL CHAR(40) COL:115-154 ;" Street Address as reported by firm. ;"PO_BOX NULL CHAR(9) COL:156-164 ;" Post office box number as reported by firm. ;"FOREIGN_ADDR NULL CHAR(40) COL:166-205 ;" Address information report by firm for foreign countries that does not fit the U.S. Postal service configuration. ;"CITY NULL CHAR(30) COL:207-236 ;"STATE NULL CHAR(2) COL:238-239 ;"ZIP NULL CHAR(9) COL:241-249 ;"USPS Zip code. ;"PROVINCE NULL CHAR(30) COL:251-280 ;" Province of Foreign country if appropriate. ;"COUNTRY_NAME NOT NULL CHAR(40) COL:282-321 ;"===================================== ;"Log: ;" 10/20/07 -- no modification needed for 9/12/07 database ;" 4/8/09 -- no changes needed for 4/6/09 version of file new Info new result ;"Note: should Kill all prior records... ;"Note: This will blow away ALL records, cross references etc. ;" This is not considered good programming practice! new temp set temp=$get(^TMG(22706.3,0)) kill ^TMG(22706.3) set $piece(temp,"^",3)="" set $piece(temp,"^",4)=0 set ^TMG(22706.3,0)=temp ;"fix up the 0 node set Info("HFS DIR")=$get(LoadDir) set Info("HFS FILE")="FIRMS.TXT" ;"was firms.txt set Info("DEST FILE")="TMG FDA FIRMS" new tempFile set tempFile=Info("HFS DIR")_Info("HFS FILE") set result=$$Dos2Unix^TMGIOUTL(tempFile) if result>0 set result=0 goto LFrDone ;"LBLCODE NOT NULL NUM(6) COL:1-6 ;"FDA generated identification number for each firm. ;"The number is padded to the left with zeroes to fill out to length 6. set Info(1)=1 ;"Label Code set Info(1,"START")=1 set Info(1,"END")=6 ;"FIRM_NAME NOT NULL CHAR(65) COL:8-72 ;"Firm name as reported by the firm. set Info(.01)=.01 ;"Name set Info(.01,"START")=8 set Info(.01,"END")=72 ;"ADDR_HEADER NULL CHAR(40) COL:74-113 ;"Address Heading as reported by the firm. set Info(2)=2 ;"Address Header set Info(2,"START")=74 set Info(2,"END")=113 ;"STREET NULL CHAR(40) COL:115-154 ;"Street Address as reported by firm. set Info(3)=3 ;"Street set Info(3,"START")=115 set Info(3,"END")=154 ;"PO_BOX NULL CHAR(9) COL:156-164 ;"Post office box number as reported by firm. set Info(4)=4 ;"PO Box set Info(4,"START")=156 set Info(4,"END")=164 ;"FOREIGN_ADDR NULL CHAR(40) COL:166-205 ;"Address information report by firm for foreign ;"countries that does not fit the U.S. Postal service configuration. set Info(5)=5 ;"Foreign Address set Info(5,"START")=166 set Info(5,"END")=205 ;"CITY NULL CHAR(30) COL:207-236 set Info(6)=6 ;"City set Info(6,"START")=207 set Info(6,"END")=236 ;"STATE NULL CHAR(2) COL:238-239 set Info(7)=7 ;"State set Info(7,"START")=238 set Info(7,"END")=239 ;"ZIP NULL CHAR(9) COL:241-249 ;"USPS Zip code. set Info(8)=8 ;"ZIP set Info(8,"START")=241 set Info(8,"END")=249 ;"PROVINCE NULL CHAR(30) COL:251-280 ;"Province of Foreign country if appropriate. set Info(9)=9 ;"Province set Info(9,"START")=251 set Info(9,"END")=280 ;"COUNTRY_NAME NOT NULL CHAR(40) COL:282-321 set Info(10)=10 ;"Country set Info(10,"START")=282 set Info(10,"END")=321 new StartTime set StartTime=$H set result=$$DataImport(.Info,ProgressFn) do ProgressBar^TMGUSRIF(100,"Progress",0,100) LFrDone quit result LoadFormulation(LoadDir) ;"Purpose: to load TMG FDA FORMULATION <--> FORMULAT.TXT ;"Input: LoadDir -- the directory in HFS to get files from ;"Output: Kills any prior entries in TMG FDA FIRMS ;"NOTICE: any pointers to this fill might me made invalid via kills ;"Result: 1=success, 0=error ;"FDA documentation for 9/12/2007,4/6/09 file: ;"===================================== ;"MAY OCCUR MULTIPLE TIMES PER LISTING SEQ NO. ;"Lists active ingredients contained in product's formulation. ;"LISTING_SEQ_NO NOT NULL NUM(7) COL: 1-7 ;" Linking field to LISTINGS. ;"STRENGTH NULL CHAR(10) COL: 9-18 ;" This is the potency of the active ingredient. ;"UNIT NULL CHAR(5) COL: 20-24 ;" Unit of measure corresponding to strength. ;"INGREDIENT_NAME NOT NULL CHAR(100) COL: 26-125 ;" Truncated preferred term for the active ingredient. ;"===================================== ;"Log: ;" 10/20/07 -- no modification needed for 9/12/07 database ;" 4/8/09 -- no changes needed for 4/6/09 version of file new Info new result ;"Note: should Kill all prior records... ;"Note: This will blow away ALL records, cross references etc. ;" This is not considered good programming practice! new temp set temp=$get(^TMG(22706.4,0)) kill ^TMG(22706.4) set $piece(temp,"^",3)="" set $piece(temp,"^",4)=0 set ^TMG(22706.4,0)=temp ;"fix up the 0 node set Info("HFS DIR")=$get(LoadDir) set Info("HFS FILE")="FORMULAT.TXT" set Info("DEST FILE")="TMG FDA FORMULATION" new tempFile set tempFile=Info("HFS DIR")_Info("HFS FILE") set result=$$Dos2Unix^TMGIOUTL(tempFile) if result>0 set result=0 goto LFmDone ;"LISTING_SEQ_NO NOT NULL NUM(7) COL: 1-7 ;"Linking field to LISTINGS. set Info(.01)=.01 ;"Listing set Info(.01,"START")=1 set Info(.01,"END")=7 ;"STRENGTH NULL CHAR(10) COL: 9-18 ;"This is the potency of the active ingredient. set Info(1)=1 ;"Strength set Info(1,"START")=9 set Info(1,"END")=18 ;"UNIT NULL CHAR(5) COL: 20-24 ;"Unit of measure corresponding to strength. set Info(2)=2 ;"Unit set Info(2,"START")=20 set Info(2,"END")=24 ;"INGREDIENT_NAME NOT NULL CHAR(100) COL: 26-125 ;"Truncated preferred term for the active ingredient. set Info(3)=3 ;"Ingredient Name set Info(3,"START")=26 set Info(3,"END")=125 new StartTime set StartTime=$H set result=$$DataImport(.Info,ProgressFn) do ProgressBar^TMGUSRIF(100,"Progress",0,100) LFmDone quit result LoadPackages(LoadDir) ;"Purpose: to load TMG FDA PACKAGES <--> packages.txt ;"Input: LoadDir -- the directory in HFS to get files from ;"Output: Kills any prior entries in TMG FDA FIRMS ;"NOTICE: any pointers to this fill might me made invalid via kills ;"Result: 1=success, 0=error ;"FDA documentation for 9/12/2007,4/6/09 file: ;"===================================== ;"MAY OCCUR MULTIPLE TIMES PER LISTING SEQ NO ;"Stores packages for an individual listing. The packages table includes all packages for a corresponding listing. The PKGCODE field contains the last one or two digit segment of the NDC. ;"LISTING_SEQ_NO NOT NULL NUM(7) COL: 1-7 ;" Linking field to LISTINGS. ;"PKGCODE NULL CHAR(2) COL: 9-10 ;" The package code portion of NDC code. The package code is the last segment of the NDC. ;"PACKSIZE NOT NULL CHAR(25) COL: 12-36 ;" The unit or number of units which make up a package. ;"PACKTYPE NOT NULL CHAR(25) COL: 38-62 ;" Package type, i.e., box, bottle, vial, plastic, or glass. ;"===================================== ;"Log: ;" 10/20/07 -- no modification needed for 9/12/07 database ;" 4/8/09 -- no changes needed for 4/6/09 version of file new Info new result ;"Note: should Kill all prior records... ;"Note: This will blow away ALL records, cross references etc. ;" This is not considered good programming practice! new temp set temp=$get(^TMG(22706.6,0)) kill ^TMG(22706.6) set $piece(temp,"^",3)="" set $piece(temp,"^",4)=0 set ^TMG(22706.6,0)=temp ;"fix up the 0 node set Info("HFS DIR")=$get(LoadDir) set Info("HFS FILE")="packages.txt" set Info("DEST FILE")="TMG FDA PACKAGES" new tempFile set tempFile=Info("HFS DIR")_Info("HFS FILE") set result=$$Dos2Unix^TMGIOUTL(tempFile) if result>0 set result=0 goto LPkDone ;"LISTING_SEQ_NO NOT NULL NUM(7) COL: 1-7 ;"Linking field to LISTINGS. set Info(.01)=.01 ;"Listing set Info(.01,"START")=1 set Info(.01,"END")=7 ;"PKGCODE NULL CHAR(2) COL: 9-10 ;"The package code portion of NDC code. The package ;"code is the last segment of the NDC. set Info(1)=1 ;"Code set Info(1,"START")=9 set Info(1,"END")=10 ;"PACKSIZE NOT NULL CHAR(25) COL: 12-36 ;"The unit or number of units which make up a package. set Info(2)=2 ;"Size set Info(2,"START")=12 set Info(2,"END")=36 ;"PACKTYPE NOT NULL CHAR(25) COL: 38-62 ;"Package type, i.e., box, bottle, vial, plastic, or glass. set Info(3)=3 ;"Type set Info(3,"START")=38 set Info(3,"END")=62 new StartTime set StartTime=$H set result=$$DataImport(.Info,ProgressFn) do ProgressBar^TMGUSRIF(100,"Progress",0,100) LPkDone quit result LoadRoutes(LoadDir) ;"Purpose: to load TMG FDA ROUTES <--> ROUTES.TXT ;was routes.txt ;"Input: LoadDir -- the directory in HFS to get files from ;"Output: Kills any prior entries in TMG FDA FIRMS ;"NOTICE: any pointers to this fill might me made invalid via kills ;"Result: 1=success, 0=error ;"FDA documentation for 9/12/2007,4/6/09 file: ;"===================================== ;"LISTING_SEQ_NO NOT NULL NUM(7) COL:1-7 ;" Linking field to LISTINGS. ;"ROUTE_CODE NULL CHAR(3) COL:9-11 ;" The code for the route of administration. File will allow all assigned values for this element. ;"ROUTE_NAME NULL CHAR(240) COL:13-252 ;" The translation for the route of administration code. ;"===================================== ;"Log: ;" 10/20/07 -- no modification needed for 9/12/07 database ;" 4/8/09 -- no changes needed for 4/6/09 version of file new Info new result ;"Note: should Kill all prior records... ;"Note: This will blow away ALL records, cross references etc. ;" This is not considered good programming practice! new temp set temp=$get(^TMG(22706.7,0)) kill ^TMG(22706.7) set $piece(temp,"^",3)="" set $piece(temp,"^",4)=0 set ^TMG(22706.7,0)=temp ;"fix up the 0 node set Info("HFS DIR")=$get(LoadDir) set Info("HFS FILE")="ROUTES.TXT" ;"was routes.txt set Info("DEST FILE")="TMG FDA ROUTES" new tempFile set tempFile=Info("HFS DIR")_Info("HFS FILE") set result=$$Dos2Unix^TMGIOUTL(tempFile) if result>0 set result=0 goto LRtDone ;"LISTING_SEQ_NO NOT NULL NUM(7) COL:1-7 ;"Linking field to LISTINGS. set Info(.01)=.01 ;"Listing set Info(.01,"START")=1 set Info(.01,"END")=7 ;"ROUTE_CODE NULL CHAR(3) COL:9-11 ;"The code for the route of administration. ;"File will allow all assigned values for this element. set Info(1)=1 ;"Code set Info(1,"START")=9 set Info(1,"END")=11 ;"ROUTE_NAME NULL CHAR(240) COL:13-252 ;"The translation for the route of administration code. set Info(2)=2 ;"Name set Info(2,"START")=13 set Info(2,"END")=252 new StartTime set StartTime=$H set result=$$DataImport(.Info,ProgressFn) do ProgressBar^TMGUSRIF(100,"Progress",0,100) LRtDone quit result LoadUnitAbbr(LoadDir) ;"Purpose: to load FDA UNIT ABBREVIATIONS <--> TBLUNIT.TXT ; was tblunit.txt ;"Input: LoadDir -- the directory in HFS to get files from ;"Output: Kills any prior entries in TMG FDA FIRMS ;"NOTICE: any pointers to this fill might me made invalid via kills ;"Result: 1=success, 0=error ;"FDA documentation for 9/12/2007,4/6/09 file: ;"===================================== ;"THIS FILE CONTAINS A COMPLETE LIST OF THE POTENCY UNIT ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THE DIRECTORY. ;"UNIT CHAR(15) COL:1-15 ;" The potency unit abbreviations used in the directory. ;"TRANSLATION CHAR(100) COL:17-115 ;" The translation for the UNIT abbreviations. ;"===================================== ;"Log: ;" 10/20/07 -- no modification needed for 9/12/07 database new Info new result ;"Note: should Kill all prior records... ;"Note: This will blow away ALL records, cross references etc. ;" This is not considered good programming practice! new temp set temp=$get(^TMG(22706.8,0)) kill ^TMG(22706.8) set $piece(temp,"^",3)="" set $piece(temp,"^",4)=0 set ^TMG(22706.8,0)=temp ;"fix up the 0 node set Info("HFS DIR")=$get(LoadDir) set Info("HFS FILE")="TBLUNIT.TXT" ;"was tblunit.txt set Info("DEST FILE")="FDA UNIT ABBREVIATIONS" new tempFile set tempFile=Info("HFS DIR")_Info("HFS FILE") set result=$$Dos2Unix^TMGIOUTL(tempFile) if result>0 set result=0 goto LUADone ;"UNIT CHAR(15) COL:1-15 ;"The potency unit abbreviations used in the directory. set Info(.01)=.01 ;"Abbreviation set Info(.01,"START")=1 set Info(.01,"END")=15 ;"TRANSLATION CHAR(100) COL:17-115 ;"The translation for the UNIT abbreviations. set Info(1)=1 ;"Description set Info(1,"START")=17 set Info(1,"END")=115 ;"was 250 before new StartTime set StartTime=$H set result=$$DataImport(.Info,ProgressFn) do ProgressBar^TMGUSRIF(100,"Progress",0,100) LUADone quit result LoadListing(LoadDir) ;"Purpose: to load TMG FDA LISTING <--> listings.TXT ;was listings.txt ;"Input: LoadDir -- the directory in HFS to get files from ;"Output: Kills any prior entries in TMG FDA FIRMS ;"NOTICE: any pointers to this fill might me made invalid via kills ;"Result: 1=success, 0=error ;"FDA documentation for 9/12/2007,4/6/09 file: ;"===================================== ;"EACH PRODUCT HAS A UNIQUE LISTING SEQ NO; ;" EACH FIRM SEQ NO CAN HAVE MULTIPLE LISTING SEQ NO'S. ;" Each line in this file represents a product for an individual firm. ;" The listing includes such information as the product's name, firm's ;" seq number, dose form(s), and Rx/OTC. ;"LISTING_SEQ_NO NOT NULL NUM(7) COL: 1-7 ;" FDA generated unique identification number for each product. ;"LBLCODE NOT NULL CHAR(6) COL: 9-14 ;" Labeler code portion of NDC; assigned by FDA to firm. ;" The labeler code is the first segment of the National Drug Code. ;" While always displayed as 6 digits in this file; for labeler codes 2 through 9999, ;" some systems display it as 4 digits; for labeler codes 10,000 through 99,999 it is 5 digits. ;" Can be used to link to the FIRMS.TXT file to obtain firm name. ;"PRODCODE NOT NULL CHAR(4) COL: 16-19 ;" Product code assigned by firm. The prodcode is the second segment of the National ;" Drug Code. It may be a 3-digit or 4-digit code depending upon the NDC configuration ;" selected by the firm. ;"STRENGTH NULL CHAR(10) COL: 21-30 ;" For single entity products, this is the potency of the active ingredient. For combination ;" products, it may be null or a number or combination of numbers, e.g., Inderide 40/25. ;"UNIT NULL CHAR(10) COL: 32-41 ;" Unit of measure corresponding to strength. This non-mandatory field contains the unit ;" code for a single entity product, e.g., MG, %VV. ;"RX_OTC NOT NULL CHAR(1) COL: 43 ;" Indicates whether product is labeled for Rx or OTC use (R/O). ;"TRADENAME NOT NULL CHAR(100) COL: 45-144 ;" Product's name as it appears on the labeling. ;"===================================== ;"Log: ;" 10/20/07 -- no modification needed for 9/12/07 database ;" 4/8/09 -- no changes needed for 4/6/09 version of file new Info new result ;"Note: should Kill all prior records... ;"Note: This will blow away ALL records, cross references etc. ;" This is not considered good programming practice! new temp set temp=$get(^TMG(22706.5,0)) kill ^TMG(22706.5) set $piece(temp,"^",3)="" set $piece(temp,"^",4)=0 set ^TMG(22706.5,0)=temp ;"fix up the 0 node set Info("HFS DIR")=$get(LoadDir) set Info("HFS FILE")="listings.TXT" ;"was listings.txt set Info("DEST FILE")="TMG FDA LISTING" new tempFile set tempFile=Info("HFS DIR")_Info("HFS FILE") set result=$$Dos2Unix^TMGIOUTL(tempFile) if result>0 set result=0 goto LLsDone ;"LISTING_SEQ_NO NOT NULL NUM(7) COL: 1-7 ;"FDA generated unique identification number for each product. set Info(.001)="IEN" ;"Sequence number set Info(.001,"START")=1 set Info(.001,"END")=7 set Info(.01)=.01 ;"Sequence number set Info(.01,"START")=1 set Info(.01,"END")=7 ;"LBLCODE NOT NULL CHAR(6) COL: 9-14 ;"Labeler code portion of NDC; assigned by FDA to firm. ;"The labeler code is the first segment of the National ;"Drug Code. While always displayed as 6 digits in this file; ;"for labeler codes 2 through 9999, some systems display it as ;"4 digits; for labeler codes 10,000 through 99,999 it is 5 digits. ;"Can be used to link to the FIRMS.TXT file to obtain firm name. set Info(1)=1 ;"Label Code set Info(1,"START")=9 set Info(1,"END")=14 ;"PRODCODE NOT NULL CHAR(4) COL: 16-19 ;"Product code assigned by firm. The prodcode is the second segment ;"of the National Drug Code (NDC). It may be a 3-digit or 4-digit ;"code depending upon the NDC configuration selected by the firm. set Info(2)=2 ;"Product Code set Info(2,"START")=16 set Info(2,"END")=19 ;"STRENGTH NULL CHAR(10) COL: 21-30 ;"For single entity products, this is the potency of the active ingredient. ;"For combination products, it may be null or a number or combination of ;"numbers, e.g., Inderide 40/25. set Info(3)=3 ;"Strength set Info(3,"START")=21 set Info(3,"END")=30 ;"UNIT NULL CHAR(10) COL: 32-41 ;"Unit of measure corresponding to strength. This non-mandatory field ;"contains the unit code for a single entity product, e.g., MG, %VV. set Info(4)=4 ;"Unit set Info(4,"START")=32 set Info(4,"END")=41 ;"RX_OTC NOT NULL CHAR(1) COL: 43 ;"Indicates whether product is labeled for Rx or OTC use (R/O). set Info(5)=5 ;"Rx or OTC set Info(5,"START")=43 set Info(5,"END")=43 ;"TRADENAME NOT NULL CHAR(100) COL: 45-144 ;"Product's name as it appears on the labeling. set Info(7)=7 ;"Trade name set Info(7,"START")=45 set Info(7,"END")=144 ;"NOTE: This field will be left blank, as it is not included in FDA ;" file here. It is really the same info as LBLCODE, i.e. the ;" Firm that makes drug can be determined from LBL code. ;"set Info(6)=6 ;"Firm ;"set Info(6,"START")=45 ;"set Info(6,"END")=51 new StartTime set StartTime=$H set result=$$DataImport(.Info,ProgressFn) do ProgressBar^TMGUSRIF(100,"Progress",0,100) LLL3 ;"Fix Firms Pointer ;"Note: the latest FDA export does not explicitly specify the Firm, ;" and only gives the label code. Thus the label code must be ;" used to look up the IEN for the firm, and this put into the ;" FIRM fiels (#6) new Itr,IEN set IEN=$$ItrInit^TMGITR(22706.5,.Itr) do PrepProgress^TMGITR(.Itr,20,0,"IEN") if IEN'="" for do quit:($$ItrNext^TMGITR(.Itr,.IEN)'>0) . new lblCode . set lblCode=$piece($get(^TMG(22706.5,IEN,0)),"^",2) . if lblCode="" quit . set lblCode=$$RJ^XLFSTR(lblCode,6,"0") . new IEN2 set IEN2=+$order(^TMG(22706.3,"C",lblCode,"")) . if IEN2'>0 quit . set $piece(^TMG(22706.5,IEN,0),"^",7)=IEN2 LLsDone quit result DataImport(Info,ProgressFN) ;"Purpose: to provide a generic loading utility, for importing data from a text file. ;" Note: this is more specific than code found in DDMP.m ;"Assumptions: that all data for one record is found on one line, with a given ;" number of columns for each field (i.e. not Comma-Separated-Values). ;"Input: Info, an array with relevent info. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" Format as follows: ;" Info("HFS DIR")= ;" Info("HFS FILE")= ;" Info("DEST FILE")= ;" Info(x)=field# (or "IEN" if data should be used to determine record number ;" Info(x,"START")=starting column ;" Info(x,"END")=ending column ;" ProgressFN: optional. If not "", then this will be XECUTED after each line ;" The following variables will be defined: ;" TMGTOTAL -- total number of records ;" TMGCUR -- current index of record being processed ;"Result: 1 if OK to continue, 0 if error ;"Note: input Data array will be formated like this: ;" Data(0,cFile)="1234.1" <-- "NEW PERSON" Note conversion ;" Data(0,cFile,cGlobal)="^DIC(200)" <-- note, NOT "^DIC(200," ;" Data(0,cRecNum)=2 <-- only if user-specified. ;" Data(0,cEntries)=1 ;" Data(1,".01")="MyData1" ;" Data(1,".01",cMatchValue)="MyData1" ;" Data(1,".02")="Bill" ;" Data(1,".02",cMatchValue)="John" ;" Data(1,".03")="MyData3" ;" Data(1,".04")="MyData4" ;" Data(1,".06")="MyData5" <-- note "NAME" was converted to ".06" ;" Data(1,".07",0,cEntries)=2 <-- "ITEM" converted to ".07" ;" Data(1,".07",1,".01")="SubEntry1" ;" Data(1,".07",1,".02")="SE1" ;" Data(1,".07",1,".03")="'Some Info'" ;" Data(1,".07",2,".01")="SubEntry2" ;" Data(1,".07",2,".02")="SE2" ;" Data(1,".07",2,".04",0,cEntries)=1 ;"TEXT converted to .04 ;" Data(1,".07",2,".04",1,".01")="JD" ;" Data(1,".07",2,".04",1,".02")="DOE,JOHN" ;" ADDENDUM ;" Data(1,".01",cFlags)=any flags specified for given field. ;" only present if user specified. new cFile set cFile="FILE" new cRecNum set cRecNum="RECNUM" new result set result=1 new TMGTOTAL,TMGCUR new GRef set GRef=$name(^TMP("TMG","DATAIMPORT",$J)) new GRef1 set GRef1=$name(@GRef@(1)) ;"I have to use this to load file kill @GRef new result new dir set dir=$get(Info("HFS DIR")) new HFSfile set HFSfile=$get(Info("HFS FILE")) set result=$$FTG^%ZISH(dir,HFSfile,GRef1,4) if result=0 goto DIDone set TMGTOTAL=$order(@GRef@(""),-1) new file set file=$get(Info("DEST FILE")) if +file=0 set file=$$GetFileNum^TMGDBAPI(file) new index set index=$order(@GRef@("")) for do quit:(+index=0)!(result=0) . new RecData,TMGFDA . set RecData(0,cFile)=file . new line set line=$get(@GRef@(index)) . if $data(@GRef@(index,"OVF")) do . . new i set i=$order(@GRef@(index,"OVF","")) . . for do quit:(+i=0) . . . set line=line_$get(@GRef@(index,"OVF",i)) ;"note strings can be longer than 255 now . . . set i=$order(@GRef@(index,"OVF",i)) . new fields set fields=$order(Info("")) . new IEN set IEN="" . for do quit:(+fields=0)!(result=0) . . new fieldNum set fieldNum=$get(Info(fields)) ;"could be number or 'IEN' . . new oneField . . set oneField=$extract(line,$get(Info(fields,"START")),$get(Info(fields,"END"))) . . set oneField=$$Trim^TMGSTUTL(oneField) . . if fieldNum="IEN" do . . . set RecData(0,cRecNum)=oneField . . . set IEN=oneField . . else do . . . set RecData(1,fieldNum)=oneField . . set fields=$order(Info(fields)) . new MarkNum set MarkNum=0 . new MsgArray . set result=$$SetupFDA^TMGDBAPI(.RecData,.TMGFDA,,"+",.MarkNum,.MsgArray) . if result=0 quit . new TMGIEN . if IEN'=0 do . . if +IEN>0 set TMGIEN(1)=IEN . . set result=$$dbWrite^TMGDBAPI(.TMGFDA,0,.TMGIEN," ") . if result=0 quit . if $get(ProgressFN)'="" do . . set TMGCUR=index . . new $etrap set $etrap="w ""??Progress function -- error trapped??"",!" . . xecute ProgressFN . set index=$order(@GRef@(index)) DIDone kill @GRef quit result SetSkipFlag ;"Purpose: To review entries in TMG FDA IMPORT COMPILED and determine which ;" of those need to have the SKIP THIS RECORD flag set. ;" The following records will be SKIPPED: ;" -- If there is an entry in the VA PRODUCT MATCHES field. This would ;" mean that there is ALREADY an entry in the database for this ;" drug, and it will not need to be added. ;" -- If there are no entries in the INGREDIENTS field. This is because if ;" the FDA database does not list ingredients for a drug, I believe it ;" is because it is not an active drug (otherwise the FDA would require ;" full information), and there is very likely another drug entry for ;" this same drug that DOES have the ingredients. ;"Note: This function is planned to be run after CompileAll^TMGNDF2AA new IEN new NumSkipped,NumNotSkipped,NoIngreds set NumSkipped=0,NumNotSkipped=0,NoIngreds=0 set IEN=$order(^TMG(22706.9,0)) if +IEN>0 for do quit:(+IEN'>0) . new name set name=$piece($get(^TMG(22706.9,IEN,0)),"^",4) . new NumIngreds set NumIngreds=0 . new SkipThisOne set SkipThisOne=0 . ;"See if there are entries in the VA PRODUCT MATCHES field (node 2) . new ProdMatches set ProdMatches=+$piece($get(^TMG(22706.9,IEN,2,0)),"^",4) ;"piece 4 of 0 node is number of entries. . if ProdMatches>0 set SkipThisOne=1 . ;"See if there are NO entries in the INGREDIENTS field (node 4) . set NumIngreds=+$piece($get(^TMG(22706.9,IEN,4,0)),"^",4) ;"piece 4 of 0 node is number of entries. . if NumIngreds=0 set SkipThisOne=1,NoIngreds=NoIngreds+1 . if SkipThisOne set NumSkipped=NumSkipped+1 . else set NumNotSkipped=NumNotSkipped+1 . set $piece(^TMG(22706.9,IEN,1),"^",4)=SkipThisOne . ;"write " matches=",ProdMatches," ingredients=",NumIngreds," ",name,! . set IEN=$order(^TMG(22706.9,IEN)) write !,"There are ",NumSkipped," entries that are will be skipped.",! write " (",NoIngreds," with no ingredients)",! write " (",NumSkipped-NoIngreds," already in the database)",! write "There are ",NumNotSkipped," new entries to be added.",! quit Backup ;"Purpose: To backup files to a temporary global new dateCode set dateCode="1/15/07" new src,dest,i for i=1:1:8 do . set src="^TMG(22706."_i_")" . set dest=$name(^TMG("TMP",src_" "_dateCode)) . write "merging ",src," into ",dest,! . merge @dest=@src quit