1 | TMGNDF2B ;TMG/kst/FDA Import: Ensure DRUG INGREDIENTS ;03/25/06
2 | ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;11/21/06
3 |
6 | ;"Kevin Toppenberg MD
7 | ;"GNU General Public License (GPL) applies
8 | ;"11-21-2006
9 |
10 | ;"=======================================================================
11 | ;" API -- Public Functions.
12 | ;"=======================================================================
13 | ;"Menu -- Provide menu to entry points of main routines
14 | ;"=======================================================================
15 | ;"CheckIngredients -- To cycle through ingredients and ensure that there is an extry in the
16 | ;" DRUG INGREDIENTS file. This has to be an interactive process.
17 |
18 | ;"=======================================================================
19 | ;" Private Functions.
20 | ;"=======================================================================
21 | ;"ShowInstructions
22 | ;"LookupRx(ingredient)
23 | ;"ShowMatches(Array,max,Label)
24 | ;"AddRangeMatch(ScanArray,Label,StartN,EndN)
25 | ;"AddMatch(ScanArray,Label,number)
26 | ;"ULRangeMatch(ScanArray,StartN,EndN)
27 | ;"ULMatch(ScanArray,number)
28 | ;"AddOneIngredient(Name)
29 | ;"FindIgdMatch(Name,Interactive)
30 | ;"DoAddIgd(Name,ParentIEN)
31 |
32 | ;"=======================================================================
33 | ;"=======================================================================
34 | Menu
35 | ;"Purpose: Provide menu to entry points of main routines
36 |
37 | new Menu,UsrSlct
38 | set Menu(0)="Pick Option for Checking Import Ingredients (0C)"
39 | set Menu(1)="Check for NEW ingredients to ADD."_$char(9)_"CheckIngredients"
40 | set Menu("P")="Prev Stage"_$char(9)_"Prev"
41 | set Menu("N")="Next Stage"_$char(9)_"Next"
42 |
43 | MC1 write #
44 | set UsrSlct=$$Menu^TMGUSRIF(.Menu,"^")
45 | if UsrSlct="^" goto MCDone
46 | if UsrSlct=0 set UsrSlct=""
47 |
48 | if UsrSlct="CheckIngredients" do CheckIngredients goto MC1
49 | if UsrSlct="Prev" goto Menu^TMGNDF0B ;"quit can occur from there...
50 | if UsrSlct="Next" goto Menu^TMGNDF1A ;"quit can occur from there...
51 | goto MC1
52 |
53 | MCDone
54 | quit
55 |
56 |
57 | CheckIngredients
58 | ;"Purpose: To cycle through ingredients and ensure that there is an extry in the
59 | ;" DRUG INGREDIENTS file. This has to be an interactive process.
60 | ;"Input: none
61 | ;"Results: none
62 | ;"Note: if record in 22706.9 (TMG FDA IMPORT COMPILED) for a given listing
63 | ;" has been marked for SKIPPING, or DONE ADDING, then listing will be skipped.
64 |
65 | new Answers,index,ingredient
66 | write "Collecting list of INGREDIENTS that need to be added to database...",!
67 | new count set count=1
68 | new MissingArray
69 |
70 | new Itr,IEN
71 | new abort set abort=0
72 | set index=$$ItrInit^TMGITR(22706.4,.Itr)
73 | do PrepProgress^TMGITR(.Itr,20,0,"index")
74 | if index'="" for do quit:(+$$ItrNext^TMGITR(.Itr,.index)'>0)!abort
75 | . if $$UserAborted^TMGUSRIF set abort=1 quit
76 | . new listingIEN set listingIEN=+$piece($get(^TMG(22706.4,index,0)),"^",1) ;"Not required...
77 | . if (listingIEN>0),$piece($get(^TMG(22706.9,listingIEN,1)),"^",4)=1 quit ;"1=SKIP
78 | . set ingredient=$piece($get(^TMG(22706.4,index,0)),"^",4)
79 | . set ingredient=$extract(ingredient,1,64)
80 | . if $get(Answers(ingredient))="" do
81 | . . set Y=$$LookupRx(ingredient)
82 | . . if +Y'>0 set MissingArray(ingredient)=""
83 | . . if +Y>0 set Answers(ingredient)=+Y
84 | do ProgressDone^TMGITR(.Itr)
85 |
86 | do HandleMissing(.MissingArray)
87 | quit
88 |
89 |
90 | Check1(IEN) ;"finish later
91 | ;"Purpose: to scan the ingredients for 1 entry in 22706.9
92 | ;"Input: IEN -- IEN in 22706.9
93 |
94 | new ingredient
95 | new MissingArray
96 |
97 | new fdaIEN,Y
98 | set fdaIEN=+$piece($get(^TMG(22706.9,IEN,0)),"^",1)
99 | set ingredient=$piece($get(^TMG(22706.4,fdaIEN,0)),"^",4)
100 | set ingredient=$extract(ingredient,1,64)
101 | set Y=$$LookupRx(ingredient)
102 | if +Y'>0 do
103 | . set MissingArray(ingredient)=""
104 | . do HandleMissing(.MissingArray)
105 | quit
106 |
107 |
108 | HandleMissing(MissingArray)
109 | ;"Purpose: To handle and process the array of missing ingredients
110 | ;"Input: MissingArray(ingredient)=""
111 | ;" MissingArray(ingredient)=""
112 | ;"Result: none
113 |
114 | new max set max=$$ListCt^TMGMISC("MissingArray")
115 | write !,"Found ",max," missing INGREDIENTS.",!
116 |
117 | new ScanArray,count
118 | write "Summarizing list...",!
119 | set count=1
120 | set ingredient=""
121 | new startTime set startTime=$H
122 | new abort set abort=0
123 | for set ingredient=$order(MissingArray(ingredient)) quit:(ingredient="")!abort do
124 | . if count#10=1 do ProgressBar^TMGUSRIF(count,ingredient,1,max,80,startTime)
125 | . if ingredient["ALLERGENIC EXTRACT" do
126 | . . set Y=$$DoAddIgd(ingredient,0)
127 | . else do
128 | . . set Y=$$FindIgdMatch(ingredient,0)
129 | . . if +Y>0 set ScanArray("MATCHED",count,ingredient)=Y
130 | . . else set ScanArray("UNMATCHED",count,ingredient)=""
131 | . set count=count+1
132 | . set abort=$$UserAborted^TMGUSRIF
133 | write !
134 |
135 | new done set done=0
136 | new input set input="R"
137 | new displaySet set displaySet="MATCHED"
138 | for do quit:(done=1)
139 | . if input="R" do
140 | . . write !!,"Now pick which potential matches are ",displaySet,!
141 | . . do ShowMatches(.ScanArray,max,displaySet)
142 | . write " (R to refresh, C custom handle, UL to UnLink)",!
143 | . write " (# or #-#, ^ to continue, ? for instructions, "
144 | . if displaySet="MATCHED" write "U show Unmatched)",!
145 | . else write "M show Matched)",!
146 | . write "Enter number(s) to ACCEPT (or codes listed above): ?//"
147 | . read input,!
148 | . if input="" set input="?"
149 | . set input=$$UP^XLFSTR(input)
150 | . if input="^" set done=1
151 | . if (input="U") do
152 | . . set displaySet="UNMATCHED"
153 | . . set input="R"
154 | . if (input="M") do
155 | . . set displaySet="MATCHED"
156 | . . set input="R"
157 | . if (input="A") do
158 | . . set displaySet="MATCHED"
159 | . . set input="R"
160 | . if (input="?") do
161 | . . do ShowInstructions
162 | . . set input="R"
163 | . if +input=input do
164 | . . do AddMatch(.ScanArray,displaySet,+input)
165 | . . set input="R"
166 | . if input["-" do
167 | . . new N1,N2
168 | . . set N1=$piece(input,"-",1)
169 | . . set N2=$piece(input,"-",2)
170 | . . do AddRangeMatch(.ScanArray,displaySet,N1,N2)
171 | . . set input="R"
172 | . if input="C" do
173 | . . read "Enter number for Custom Handling: ",input,!
174 | . . if +input'=input quit
175 | . . set ingredient=$order(ScanArray(displaySet,+input,""))
176 | . . set Y=$$AddOneIngredient(ingredient)
177 | . . if +Y>0 kill ScanArray(displaySet,+input,ingredient)
178 | . . set input="R"
179 | . if input="UL" do
180 | . . read "Enter number to Unlink (# or #-#): ",input,!
181 | . . if +input=input do
182 | . . . do ULMatch(.ScanArray,input)
183 | . . else if input["-" do
184 | . . . new N1,N2
185 | . . . set N1=$piece(input,"-",1)
186 | . . . set N2=$piece(input,"-",2)
187 | . . . do ULRangeMatch(.ScanArray,N1,N2)
188 | . . set input="R"
189 |
190 | quit
191 |
192 |
193 | ShowInstructions
194 | write !!,"INSTRUCTIONS:",!
195 | write "----------------------------------------------------------------------------",!
196 | write "Before adding any medicines or drugs into the database, the underlying",!
197 | write "INGREDIENTS must be entered. Each drug will have one or more ingredients",!
198 | write "that will be linked to these new entries. DRUG INTERACTIONS are based on",!
199 | write "ingredients rather than on the name of the drug itself.",!!
200 | write "Often, the name supplied is more specific than an entry already in the",!
201 | write "database. For example:",!
202 | write " CAFFEINE <-- already in database",!
203 | write " CAFFEINE CITRATE <-- new import",!
204 | write "Clearly, these two compounds are related, and it could be said that:",!
205 | write "CAFFEINE is the PRIMARY INGREDIENT in CAFFEINE CITRATE, or as will be",!
206 | write "seen shortly, summarized like this:",!
207 | write "CAFFEINE <-- CAFFEINE CITRATE",!!
208 | do PressToCont^TMGUSRIF
209 | write "What follows next will be a listing of all the ingredients to be added into",!
210 | write "the database. The computer will have made a best guess at linking the new",!
211 | write "entries to parent compounds (i.e. PRIMARY INGREDIENTS). But not all of these",!
212 | write "guesses will be correct. IT IS YOUR JOB TO SCREEN THESE.",!!
213 | write "If a linkage or matching is correct, just type in its number to ACCEPT it.",!
214 | write "If a linkage or matching is NOT correct, it shoud be UNLINKED.",!
215 | write "If you feel you can search for a better match, attempt a CUSTOM handling.",!!
216 | write "When you are done with accepting or rejecting the computers matches, you should",!
217 | write "then process all the UNMATCHED entries, by selecting 'U' to show UNMATCHED.",!
218 | write "These very likely may all be accepted at once by entering a range number (e.g.",!
219 | write "1-1000).",!!
220 | write "When you have completed processing all the matched and unmatched entries, enter",!
221 | write "^ to continue.",!
222 |
223 | new temp
224 | read "Press <ENTER> to continue.",temp:$get(DTIME,3600),!
225 | quit
226 |
227 |
228 | LookupRx(ingredient)
229 | ;"Purpose: To look up ingredient in the DRUG INGREDIENTS file
230 | ;"Input: ingredient -- the name of the ingredient to lookup
231 | ;"Result: -1 if not fount, or 1234^ingredientname format
232 |
233 | new DIC,X,Y
234 | set DIC=50.416
235 | set DIC(0)="M"
237 |
238 | set Y=-1
239 | do FIND^DIC(50.416,,".01E","M",ingredient,"*",,,,"TMGROOT","TMGMSG")
240 | if +$get(TMGROOT("DILIST",0))>0 do
241 | . set Y=$get(TMGROOT("DILIST",2,1),-1)_"^"_$get(TMGROOT("DILIST",1,1))
242 | . if +Y'>0 do
243 | . . set X=ingredient
244 | . . do ^DIC
245 |
246 | quit Y
247 |
248 |
249 | ShowMatches(Array,max,Label)
250 | new count,ingredient,value
251 | new someShown set someShown=0
252 | for count=1:1:max do
253 | . set ingredient=$order(ScanArray(Label,count,""))
254 | . if ingredient="" quit
255 | . set someShown=1
256 | . set value=$get(ScanArray(Label,count,ingredient))
257 | . write " ",count,". "
258 | . if +value>0 write $piece(value,"^",2)
259 | . else write "(no parent ingredient)"
260 | . write " <--child of-- ",ingredient,!
261 | if someShown=0 do
262 | . write " --- (List is Empty) ---",!
263 |
264 | quit
265 |
266 | AddRangeMatch(ScanArray,Label,StartN,EndN)
267 | new num
268 | for num=StartN:1:EndN do
269 | . do AddMatch(.ScanArray,Label,num)
270 | quit
271 |
272 | AddMatch(ScanArray,Label,number)
273 | new ingredient,Y
274 | set ingredient=$order(ScanArray(Label,number,""))
275 | set Y=$get(ScanArray(Label,number,ingredient))
276 | if (ingredient'="") do
277 | . set Y=$$DoAddIgd(ingredient,Y)
278 | . kill ScanArray(Label,number,ingredient)
279 | quit
280 |
281 | ULRangeMatch(ScanArray,StartN,EndN)
282 | new num
283 | for num=StartN:1:EndN do
284 | . do ULMatch(.ScanArray,num)
285 | quit
286 |
287 | ULMatch(ScanArray,number)
288 | new ingredient,Y
289 | set ingredient=$order(ScanArray("MATCHED",number,""))
290 | if (ingredient'="") set ScanArray("UNMATCHED",number,ingredient)=""
291 | kill ScanArray("MATCHED",number)
292 | quit
293 |
294 |
295 | AddOneIngredient(Name)
296 | ;"Purpose: To add ingredient name to the DRUG INGREDIENTS -- will try to find a parent
297 | ;" ingredient interactively
298 | ;"Input: Name -- the name of the ingredient to be added.
299 | ;"Output: DRUG INGREDIENTS file will have records added.
300 | ;"Results: Will return record number (IEN) of newly added record, or 0 if error
301 | ;"Note: This function assumes that the ingredient does not already exist in the file.
302 |
303 | new result set result=0
304 | if $get(Name)="" goto AOIDone
305 |
306 | new Y
307 | set Y=$$FindIgdMatch(Name,1)
308 |
309 | new % set %=1 ;"1=YES
310 | if +Y'>0 do
311 | . write "A parent primary ingredient was not found for ",!
312 | . write " ",Name," <-- UNMATCHED COMPOUND (Add Now)",!
313 | . write "Add Now? "
314 | . do YN^DICN ;"returns result in %
315 | . write !
316 |
317 | if %=1 do
318 | . set result=$$DoAddIgd(Name,Y)
319 |
320 | AOIDone
321 | quit result
322 |
323 |
324 | FindIgdMatch(Name,Interactive)
325 | ;"Purpose: To find a match for Name from DRUG INGREDIENTS
326 | ;"Input: Name -- the name of the ingredient to be added.
327 | ;" Interactive -- OPTIONAL, default=1
328 | ;" if 1 then user is asked question,
329 | ;" if 0 then best guess is returned.
330 | ;"Results: -1 if not found
331 | ;" or 1234^Name
332 |
333 | if $get(Name)="" goto FMDone
334 |
335 | set Interactive=$get(Interactive,1)
336 |
337 | if Interactive do
338 | . write "------------------------------------------",!
339 | . write "Looking for a parent, PRIMARY INGREDIENT for: ",!
340 | . write " ",Name," <-- UNMATCHED COMPOUND",!
341 |
342 | new DIC,X,Y,%
343 | set DIC=50.416
344 | set DIC(0)="M"
345 |
346 | new parent set parent=$$Substitute^TMGSTUTL(Name,", "," ")
347 | set parent=$translate(parent,","," ")
348 | for do quit:(+Y>0)!(parent="")
349 | . new temp
350 | . set temp=$$ParseLast^TMGMISC(parent,.parent," ") ;"cut last word off from drug name
351 | . set X=$$Trim^TMGSTUTL(parent)
352 | . do ^DIC
353 | . if Interactive'=1 quit
354 | . if +Y>0 do
355 | . . ;"At this point, we either have possible match (+Y>0), or no match (parent="")
356 | . . write " '"_$piece(Y,"^",2)_"' <-- ?? MATCH ??",!
357 | . . write "Use this as the PRIMARY INGREDIENT? "
358 | . . set %=1 ;"1=YES
359 | . . do YN^DICN ;"returns result in %
360 | . . write !
361 | . . if %'=1 set Y=0
362 | . else do
363 | . . if X'="" write " ",X," <-- (not found).",!
364 |
365 | if (+Y'>0)&(Interactive) do
366 | . write " No match found. Let's try a generic lookup..."
367 | . set DIC(0)="AEQM"
368 | . set DIC("A")=" LOOKUP: Enter PRIMARY INGREDIENT (or ^ to continue) ^// "
369 | . do ^DIC
370 | . write !
371 |
372 | FMDone
373 | quit Y
374 |
375 |
376 | DoAddIgd(Name,ParentIEN)
377 | ;"Purpose: to do the actual addition to the DRUG INGREDIENTS file
378 | ;"Input: Name -- the string of the drug name
379 | ;" ParentIEN -- a value as returned from DIC (i.e. 1234^Name)
380 | ;"Results: IEN of added value, or 0 if not added.
381 |
382 | new result set result=0
384 | new PrimIngred set PrimIngred=$get(ParentIEN)
385 | set TMGFDA(50.416,"+1,",.01)=$extract(Name,1,64)
386 | if +PrimIngred>0 set TMGFDA(50.416,"+1,",2)=$piece(PrimIngred,"^",1)
387 | new temp set temp=$get(DUZ(0))
388 | set DUZ(0)="^" ;"needed for file permission
389 | new tempLaygo merge tempLaygo=^DD(50.416,.01,"LAYGO")
390 | kill ^DD(50.416,.01,"LAYGO") ;"temporarily remove lock-down
392 | set DUZ(0)=temp
393 | merge ^DD(50.416,.01,"LAYGO")=tempLaygo
394 | if $data(TMGMSG)&(+$get(Quiet)=0) do
395 | . new PriorErrorFound
396 | . do ShowDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG,.PriorErrorFound)
397 | set result=$get(TMGIEN(1))
398 |
399 | quit result
400 |