TMGNDF4C ;TMG/kst/FDA Import: Move drugs from 50.7 --> 101.43 ;03/25/06 ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;11/21/06 ;" FDA - NATIONAL DRUG FILES COMPILING FUNCTIONS ;" Move drugs from 50.7 --> 101.43 ;"Kevin Toppenberg MD ;"GNU General Public License (GPL) applies ;"11-21-2006 ;"Note: The database itself tries to create entries in 101.43 when a drug ;" is added to file 50.7. But I am not happy with the job it does. ;" There are missing records, and it combines various IR, SR, XR ;" into one entry. So I am going to delete the auto-created records ;" and create my own. ;"======================================================================= ;" API -- Public Functions. ;"======================================================================= ;"Menu ;"======================================================================= ;"AddAllTMG -- Add/Refresh all relevent TMG entries into OI ;"OIFromTMG(IEN,Option) -- Add/Update ONE entry in ORDERABLE ITEM (101.43) file ;"======================================================================= ;" Private Functions. ;"======================================================================= ;"VerifySync -- verify correct links PHARMACY ORDERABLE ITEM --> ORDERABLE ITEM ;"OIFromTMG(IEN22706d9,Option) ;"EnsureOI(IEN50d7,Name,Synonyms,Option) -- make sure that there is a corresponding entry ;" in 101.43. If one doesn't already exist, then it will be added. ;"InactivateOI -- cycle through 101.43 and ensure needed records are inactivated. ;"NewOI(Name) -- add one record to file 101.43--stub in an empty record for later stuffing ;"StuffOI(IEN101d43,Name,Synonyms,IEN50d7) -- fill one record to file 101.43 with data ;"ResetFiles -- For debugging purposes, this will reset two files: 101.44, 101.43 ;"======================================================================= Menu new Menu,UsrSlct set Menu(0)="Pick Option to Sync ORDERABLE ITEMS (4C)" set Menu(1)="Sync imports to ORDERABLE ITEMS."_$char(9)_"Sync2OI" ;"set Menu(2)="Inactivate non-FDA-drug-OI's"_$char(9)_"InactivateOI" set Menu(2)="Ensure Activation Status of Import OI's"_$char(9)_"SyncActivOI" set Menu(3)="Verify Sync of PHARMACY ORDERABLE ITEMS --> OI's"_$char(9)_"VerifySync" ;"set Menu(4)="Check for duplicate ORDABLE ITEMS records"_$char(9)_"Check4Dups" set Menu(4)="Check for dangling ORDERABLE ITEMS records"_$char(9)_"CheckDangle" set Menu("P")="Prev Stage"_$char(9)_"Prev" set Menu("N")="Next Stage"_$char(9)_"Next" M1 write # set UsrSlct=$$Menu^TMGUSRIF(.Menu,"^") if UsrSlct="Sync2OI" do AddAllTMG goto M1 ;"if UsrSlct="Sync2OI" do Sync2OI goto M1 ;"if UsrSlct="InactivateOI" do InactivateOI goto M1 if UsrSlct="SyncActivOI" do SyncActivOI goto M1 if UsrSlct="VerifySync" do VerifySync goto M1 ;"if UsrSlct="Check4Dups" do Check4Dups goto M1 if UsrSlct="CheckDangle" do CheckDangle goto M1 if UsrSlct="Prev" goto Menu^TMGNDF4B ;"quit can occur from there... if UsrSlct="Next" goto Menu^TMGNDF4E ;"quit can occur from there... if UsrSlct="^" goto MenuDone goto M1 MenuDone quit ;"============================================================================= AddAllTMG ;"Purpose: Add/Refresh all relevent TMG entries into OI ;"Input:none ;"results: none new IEN,Itr new abort set abort=0 new result set result=0 write "Scanning all imports to ensure ORDERABLE ITEMS are set up.",! set IEN=$$ItrInit^TMGITR(22706.9,.Itr) do PrepProgress^TMGITR(.Itr,20,0,"IEN") if IEN'="" for do quit:($$ItrNext^TMGITR(.Itr,.IEN)'>0)!(abort=1) . if $$UserAborted^TMGUSRIF set abort=1 quit . new Option . set Option("CUR MODE")="TRADE" . set result=$$OIFromTMG(IEN,.Option) ;"screen for skip will occur in function . set Option("CUR MODE")="GENERIC" . set result=$$OIFromTMG(IEN,.Option) ;"screen for skip will occur in function quit OIFromTMG(IEN22706d9,Option,Synonyms) ;"Purpose: to Add/Update ONE entry in ORDERABLE ITEM (101.43) file ;"Input: IEN22706d9 -- IEN in 22706.9 ;" Option -- NON-OPTIONAL part. Format: ;" Option("CUR MODE")="TRADE" ;" Option -- OPTIONAL. Format: ;" Option("IEN50.7","TRADE")=IEN50d7 ;" Option("IEN50.7","GENERIC")=IEN50d7 ;" Option("IEN101.43","TRADE")=IEN101.43 for Trade Name. May be 0 ;" Option("IEN101.43","GENERIC")=IEN101.43 for Generic Name. May be 0 ;" Option("FIX CHAIN")=1 <--- changes will be propigate forward ;" to file POI, OI, OQV etc. ;" OPTION("FIX CHAIN","IEN22706d9")=Source IEN ;" Option("QUIET")=1 <-- supress text output ;" Option("IEN50","TRADE")=IEN50 for Trade Name ;" Option("IEN50","GENERIC")=IEN50 for Generic Name ;" Option("DRUG NAME AND FORM","TRADE")=Trade Name and Form ;" Option("DRUG NAME AND FORM","GENERIC")=Generic Name and Form ;" Option("CUR MODE")="TRADE" or "GENERIC" ;" Option("DELETING")=1 <-- deleting chain (not IEN22706d9) ;" Synonyms --OPTIONAL. PASS BY REFERENCE. Expected format: ;" Synonyms(Name)="" ;" Synonyms(Name)="" ;"NOTE: This function DOES screen for skipped entries, and skips ;" proccessing. BUT, if Deleting, then it is NOT skipped ;"Output: OI records will be added or refreshed, or deleted. ;"Result: 1=Modified, 0=not modified new result set result=0 if $get(Option("DELETING"))'=1,$piece($get(^TMG(22706.9,IEN22706d9,1)),"^",4)=1 goto EOIDone ;"1=SKIP if +$get(IEN22706d9)=0 goto EOIDone new quiet set quiet=+$get(Option("QUIET")) do LoadOption(IEN22706d9,.Option) new mode set mode=$get(Option("CUR MODE")) if mode="" goto EOIDone new IEN50d7 set IEN50d7=+$get(Option("IEN50.7",mode)) if IEN50d7=0 goto EOIDone new DrugNAF set DrugNAF=$get(Option("DRUG NAME AND FORM",mode)) if DrugNAF="" goto EOIDone new IEN101d43 set IEN101d43=+$get(Option("IEN101.43",mode)) if $get(Option("DELETING"))=1 do goto EOIDone . do KillOI^TMGNDFUT(IEN101d43) . set Option("IEN101.43",mode)="" if (IEN101d43>0),$data(^ORD(101.43,IEN101d43))=0 do . set IEN101d43=0 ;"I found a dangling pointer ;"I am taking line below out because there is supposed to be a 1:1 ;" connection between POI<-->OI. Below might cause cross link of chains ;"if IEN101d43=0 set IEN101d43=$$FindOI^TMGNDFUT(DrugNAF) if IEN101d43=0 do . set IEN101d43=$$NewOI(DrugNAF) . set Option("IEN101.43",mode)=IEN101d43 . set result=1 if IEN101d43=0 set result=0 goto EOIDone set result=$$StuffOI(IEN101d43,DrugNAF,.Synonyms,IEN50d7) ;"result 1=modified ;"Ensure pointer to 101.43 stored in TMG IMPORT COMPILED records if mode="TRADE" do . new IEN22706d9 set IEN22706d9="" . for set IEN22706d9=$order(^TMG(22706.9,"POIT",IEN50d7,IEN22706d9)) quit:(IEN22706d9="") do . . if +$piece($get(^TMG(22706.9,IEN22706d9,8)),"^",5)=IEN101d43 quit . . new TMGFDA,TMGMSG . . set TMGFDA(22706.9,IEN22706d9_",",5.611)=IEN101d43 . . do FILE^DIE("","TMGFDA","TMGMSG") . . do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG) if mode="GENERIC" do . new IEN22706d9 set IEN22706d9="" . for set IEN22706d9=$order(^TMG(22706.9,"POIG",IEN50d7,IEN22706d9)) quit:(IEN22706d9="") do . . if +$piece($get(^TMG(22706.9,IEN22706d9,8)),"^",6)=IEN101d43 quit . . new TMGFDA,TMGMSG . . set TMGFDA(22706.9,IEN22706d9_",",5.711)=IEN101d43 . . do FILE^DIE("","TMGFDA","TMGMSG") . . do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG) ;"Ensure just 1 link 50.7 --> 101.43 (actually pointer is the other way: 101.43-->50.7) new all,temp set temp=$$GetOI^TMGNDFUT(IEN50d7,.all) OI1 if $$ListCt^TMGMISC("all")>0 do . new IEN set IEN="" . for set IEN=$order(all(IEN)) quit:(IEN="") do . . if IEN=IEN101d43 quit . . if 'quiet write "?? Mult pointers 101.43 --> 50.7 ??. Deleting 101.43 #",IEN,! . . do KillOI^TMGNDFUT(IEN) if $get(Option("FIX CHAIN"))=1 do . ;"pass message forward for fix . if result=1 do . . new temp set temp=$$Fix1OQV^TMGNDF4E(IEN101d43,.Option) . ;"Delete AFTER above so chain is deleted 101.44-->101.43-->50.7-->50 . ;"if $get(Option("DELETING"))=1 do . ;". do KillOI^TMGNDFUT(IEN101d43) EOIDone quit result LoadOption(IEN22706d9,Option) ;"Purpose: To load up Option array with info ;"Input: IEN22706d9 -- IEN in 22706.9 ;" Option -- PASS BY REFERENCE. An OUT PARAMETER. Format: ;" Option("IEN50.7","TRADE")=IEN50.7 for Trade Name ;" Option("IEN50.7","GENERIC")=IEN50.7 for Generic Name ;" Option("DRUG NAME AND FORM","TRADE")=Trade Name and Form ;" Option("DRUG NAME AND FORM","GENERIC")=Generic Name and Form ;" Option("IEN50","TRADE")=IEN50 for Trade Name ;" Option("IEN50","GENERIC")=IEN50 for Generic Name ;" Option("IEN101.43","TRADE")=IEN50 for Trade Name ;" Option("IEN101.43","GENERIC")=IEN50 for Generic Name ;"Note: May sync pointers in various records ;"Results: none new node7 set node7=$get(^TMG(22706.9,IEN22706d9,7)) set Option("DRUG NAME AND FORM","TRADE")=$piece(node7,"^",3) set Option("DRUG NAME AND FORM","GENERIC")=$piece(node7,"^",4) new tIEN50 set tIEN50=+$get(Option("IEN50","TRADE")) if tIEN50=0 do . new tIEN50 set tIEN50=+$piece(node7,"^",1) . set Option("IEN50","TRADE")=tIEN50 if tIEN50>0 set Option("IEN50","TRADE","NAME")=$piece($get(^PSDRUG(tIEN50,0)),"^",1) new gIEN50 set gIEN50=+$get(Option("IEN50","GENERIC")) if gIEN50=0 do . set gIEN50=+$piece(node7,"^",2) . set Option("IEN50","GENERIC")=gIEN50 if gIEN50>0 set Option("IEN50","GENERIC","NAME")=$piece($get(^PSDRUG(gIEN50,0)),"^",1) new tIEN50d7 set tIEN50d7=+$piece($get(^TMG(22706.9,IEN22706d9,8)),"^",3) if tIEN50'=0 do . if tIEN50d7=0 do . . set tIEN50d7=+$piece($get(^PSDRUG(tIEN50,2)),"^",1) . . new TMGFDA,TMGIEN,TMGMSG . . set TMGFDA(22706.9,IEN22706d9_",",5.61)=tIEN50d7 . . do FILE^DIE("S","TMGFDA","TMGMSG") . . do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG) . else do ;"sync 50 to match TMG COMPILED . . if tIEN50d7=+$piece($get(^PSDRUG(tIEN50,2)),"^",1) quit . . new TMGFDA,TMGIEN,TMGMSG . . set TMGFDA(50,tIEN50_",",2.1)=tIEN50d7 . . do FILE^DIE("S","TMGFDA","TMGMSG") . . if $data(TMGMSG("DIERR")) do . . . if $data(TMGMSG("DIERR","E",120))>0 quit ;"ignore error if #120 (hook) present. . . . do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG) set Option("IEN50.7","TRADE")=tIEN50d7 ;"may be 0 at this point if tIEN50d7>0 set Option("IEN50.7","TRADE","NAME")=$piece($get(^PS(50.7,tIEN50d7,0)),"^",1) new gIEN50d7 set gIEN50d7=+$piece($get(^TMG(22706.9,IEN22706d9,8)),"^",4) if gIEN50'=0 do . if gIEN50d7=0 do . . set gIEN50d7=+$piece($get(^PSDRUG(gIEN50,2)),"^",1) . . new TMGFDA,TMGIEN,TMGMSG . . set TMGFDA(22706.9,IEN22706d9_",",5.71)=gIEN50d7 . . do FILE^DIE("S","TMGFDA","TMGMSG") . . do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG) . else do ;"sync 50 to match TMG COMPILED . . if gIEN50d7=+$piece($get(^PSDRUG(gIEN50,2)),"^",1) quit . . new TMGFDA,TMGIEN,TMGMSG . . set TMGFDA(50,gIEN50_",",2.1)=gIEN50d7 . . do FILE^DIE("S","TMGFDA","TMGMSG") . . if $data(TMGMSG("DIERR")) do . . . if $data(TMGMSG("DIERR","E",120))>0 quit ;"ignore error if #120 (hook) present. . . . do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG) set Option("IEN50.7","GENERIC")=gIEN50d7 ;"may be 0 at this point if gIEN50d7>0 set Option("IEN50.7","GENERIC","NAME")=$piece($get(^PS(50.7,gIEN50d7,0)),"^",1) new tradeNameAF set tradeNameAF=$get(Option("DRUG NAME AND FORM","TRADE")) if tradeNameAF="" do . set tradeNameAF=$piece($get(^TMG(22706.9,IEN22706d9,7)),"^",3) . set Option("DRUG NAME AND FORM","TRADE")=tradeNameAF new genericNameAF set genericNameAF=$get(Option("DRUG NAME AND FORM","GENERIC")) if genericNameAF="" do . set genericNameAF=$piece($get(^TMG(22706.9,IEN22706d9,7)),"^",4) . set Option("DRUG NAME AND FORM","GENERIC")=genericNameAF new tIEN101d43 set tIEN101d43=+$piece($get(^TMG(22706.9,IEN22706d9,8)),"^",5) if (tIEN101d43=0)&(tIEN50d7'=0) do . set tIEN101d43=$$GetOI^TMGNDFUT(tIEN50d7) . if tIEN101d43'>0 quit . new TMGFDA,TMGMSG . set TMGFDA(22706.9,IEN22706d9_",",5.611)=tIEN101d43 . do FILE^DIE("S","TMGFDA","TMGMSG") . do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG) set Option("IEN101.43","TRADE")=tIEN101d43 ;"could be 0 at this point if tIEN101d43>0 set Option("IEN101.43","TRADE","NAME")=$piece($get(^ORD(101.43,tIEN101d43,0)),"^",1) new gIEN101d43 set gIEN101d43=+$piece($get(^TMG(22706.9,IEN22706d9,8)),"^",6) if (gIEN101d43=0)&(gIEN50d7'=0) do . set gIEN101d43=$$GetOI^TMGNDFUT(gIEN50d7) . if gIEN101d43=0 quit . new TMGFDA,TMGMSG . set TMGFDA(22706.9,IEN22706d9_",",5.711)=gIEN101d43 . do FILE^DIE("S","TMGFDA","TMGMSG") . do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG) set Option("IEN101.43","GENERIC")=gIEN101d43 ;"could be 0 at this point if gIEN101d43>0 set Option("IEN101.43","GENERIC","NAME")=$piece($get(^ORD(101.43,gIEN101d43,0)),"^",1) quit NewOI(Name) ;"Purpose: to add one record to file 101.43--stub in an empty record for later stuffing ;"Input: Name -- the text of the ORDERABLE ITEM (i.e. drug name) to add ;"Results: returns new IEN of added record new newIEN set newIEN=0 new TMGFDA,TMGMSG,TMGIEN set TMGFDA(101.43,"+1,",.01)=Name do UPDATE^DIE("K","TMGFDA","TMGIEN","TMGMSG") ;"ADD RECORD if $$ShowIfError^TMGDBAPI(.TMGMSG) goto NOIDone set newIEN=+$get(TMGIEN(1)) ;"GET BACK ADDED RECORD NUMBER NOIDone quit newIEN StuffOI(IEN101d43,Name,Synonyms,IEN50d7) ;"Purpose: to fill one record to file 101.43 with data ;"Input: IEN110d43 -- IEN in 101.43 to stuff ;" Name -- the text of the drug name to add ;" Synonyms -- PASS BY REFERENCE. Expected format: ;" Synonyms(Name)="" ;" Synonyms(Name)="" ;" IEN50d7 -- IEN in 50.7 -- the record in PHARMACY ORDERABLE ITEM (50.7) to link to ;"Results: 1 if modified, 0 if not modified ;"Here is an example of a drug that was stuff ;" .01-NAME : BUPROPION TAB ;" 1-SYNONYMS : ;" Multiple Entry #1 .01-SYNONYM : BUDEPRION SR EXT REL TABS ;" Multiple Entry #2 .01-SYNONYM : BUDEPRION SR TABS ;" Multiple Entry #3 .01-SYNONYM : BUPROPION HCL EXT REL TABS ;" Multiple Entry #4 .01-SYNONYM : BUPROPION HCL SR TABS ;" 1.1-PACKAGE NAME : BUPROPION TAB ;" 2-ID : 3267;99PSP <--- 3267 is IEN in 50.7 to link to ;" 5-DISPLAY GROUP : PHARMACY ;" 9-SET MEMBERSHIP : ;" Multiple Entry #1 .01-SET : RX ;" 50.1-INPATIENT MED : NO ;" 50.2-OUTPATIENT MED : NO ;" 50.3-IV BASE : NO ;" 50.4-IV ADDITIVE : NO ;" 50.5-SUPPLY : NO ;" 50.6-NON-FORMULARY : NO ;" 50.7-NON-VA MEDS : NO new result set result=0 new TMGFDA,TMGMSG,TMGIEN new IENS set IENS=IEN101d43_"," set TMGFDA(101.43,IEN101d43_",",.01)=Name if $piece($get(^ORD(101.43,IEN101d43,.1)),"^",1)'="" do . set TMGFDA(101.43,IENS,.1)="@" ;"delete any inactivation date. set TMGFDA(101.43,IENS,1.1)=Name set TMGFDA(101.43,IENS,2)=IEN50d7_";99PSP" set TMGFDA(101.43,IENS,5)="PHARMACY" set TMGFDA(101.43,IENS,50.1)="NO" set TMGFDA(101.43,IENS,50.2)="YES" set TMGFDA(101.43,IENS,50.3)="NO" set TMGFDA(101.43,IENS,50.4)="NO" set TMGFDA(101.43,IENS,50.5)="NO" set TMGFDA(101.43,IENS,50.6)="NO" set TMGFDA(101.43,IENS,50.7)="NO" new temp set temp=$$TrimFDA^TMGDBAPI(.TMGFDA) if $data(TMGFDA)=0 goto SOI2 ;"UPDATE RECORD do FILE^DIE("EK","TMGFDA","TMGMSG") new PriorErrorFound,newIEN if $$ShowIfError^TMGDBAPI(.TMGMSG,.PriorErrorFound) goto SOIDone set result=1 ;"ADD SET MEMBERSHIP ENTRIES ;"NOTE: It seems that the database adds these automatically ;"kill TMGFDA,TMGMSG,TMGIEN ;"set TMGFDA(101.439,"+1,"_newIEN_",",.01)="RX" ;"set TMGFDA(101.439,"+2,"_newIEN_",",.01)="O RX" ;"do UPDATE^DIE("ES","TMGFDA","TMGIEN","TMGMSG") ;"if $$ShowIfError^TMGDBAPI(.TMGMSG,.PriorErrorFound) quit SOI2 new subIEN set subIEN=0 for set subIEN=$order(^ORD(101.43,IEN101d43,2,subIEN)) quit:(+subIEN'>0) do . new syn set syn=$piece($get(^ORD(101.43,IEN101d43,2,subIEN,0)),"^",1) . if $data(Synonyms(syn))'=0 kill Synonyms(syn) quit ;"no need to add, already present . new TMGFDA,TMGMSG . set TMGFDA(101.432,subIEN_","_IEN101d43_",",.01)="@" ;"kill unwanted synonyms . do FILE^DIE("KE","TMGFDA","TMGMSG") . do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG) ;"ADD ANY MISSING SYONYMS new SynName set SynName="" for set SynName=$order(Synonyms(SynName)) quit:(SynName="") do . kill TMGIEN,TMGFDA,TMGMSG . set TMGFDA(101.432,"+1,"_IEN101d43_",",.01)=SynName ;"was newIEN, change --> IEN101d43 . do UPDATE^DIE("EKS","TMGFDA","TMGIEN","TMGMSG") . do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG) . set result=1 SOIDone quit result InactivateOI ;"Purpose: To cycle through records in 101.43 and ensure needed records are ;" inactivated. write "Scanning entries to ensure inactivation status is synchronized...",! new Itr,IEN50d7 new count set count=0 new abort set abort=0 set IEN101d43=$$ItrInit^TMGITR(101.43,.Itr) do PrepProgress^TMGITR(.Itr,20,0,"IEN101d43") if IEN101d43'="" for do quit:($$ItrNext^TMGITR(.Itr,.IEN101d43)'>0)!abort . if $$UserAborted^TMGUSRIF set abort=1 quit . new IEN50d7 set IEN50d7=$$GetPOI^TMGNDFUT(IEN101d43) ;"(will fix bad records) . if IEN50d7'>0 quit ;"was bad record, non pharmacy item . new date set date=$piece($get(^ORD(101.43,IEN101d43,.1)),"^",1) quit:(date'="") ;"already inactivated . if $$IsImport^TMGNDFUT(IEN50d7)=1 quit ;"is active import --> don't inactivate . new TMGFDA,TMGMSG,X,Y . set X="NOW" do ^%DT ;"results return in Y . set TMGFDA(101.43,IEN101d43_",",.1)=Y . do FILE^DIE("K","TMGFDA","TMGMSG") . do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG) . set count=count+1 do ProgressDone^TMGITR(.Itr) write count," entries modified.",! do PressToCont^TMGUSRIF quit SyncActivOI ;"Purpose: To cycle through records in 101.43 and ensure needed records are ;" Activated or Inactivation. write "Scanning entries to ensure activation/inactivation status is synchronized...",! new Itr,IEN50d7 new count set count=0 new abort set abort=0 set IEN101d43=$$ItrInit^TMGITR(101.43,.Itr) do PrepProgress^TMGITR(.Itr,20,0,"IEN101d43") if IEN101d43'="" for do quit:($$ItrNext^TMGITR(.Itr,.IEN101d43)'>0)!abort . if $$UserAborted^TMGUSRIF set abort=1 quit . new IEN50d7 set IEN50d7=$$GetPOI^TMGNDFUT(IEN101d43) ;"(will fix bad records) . if IEN50d7'>0 quit ;"was bad record, non pharmacy item . new date set date=$piece($get(^ORD(101.43,IEN101d43,.1)),"^",1) . new pastInactiveDate set pastInactiveDate=0 . if date'="" do . . new X,Y set X="NOW" do ^%DT ;"results in Y . . new X1,X2 . . set X1=Y,X2=date . . do ^%DTC ;"result is X=X1-X2 (X=NOW-InactiveDate) X>-1 means past inactive date . . set pastInactiveDate=(X>-1) . if $$IsImport^TMGNDFUT(IEN50d7)=1 do . . if date="" quit . . if 'pastInactiveDate quit . . new TMGFDA,TMGMSG,X,Y . . set TMGFDA(101.43,IEN101d43_",",.1)="@" . . do FILE^DIE("K","TMGFDA","TMGMSG") . . do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG) . . set count=count+1 . else do ;"is NOT an active import, so ensure inactivated . . if pastInactiveDate quit . . new TMGFDA,TMGMSG,X,Y . . set X="NOW" do ^%DT ;"results return in Y . . set TMGFDA(101.43,IEN101d43_",",.1)=Y . . do FILE^DIE("K","TMGFDA","TMGMSG") . . do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG) . . set count=count+1 do ProgressDone^TMGITR(.Itr) write count," entries modified.",! do PressToCont^TMGUSRIF quit ResetFiles ;"Purpose: For debugging purposes, this will reset two files: ;" 101.44, 101.43 ;"CAUTION: make sure you have saved data in the locations below FIRST... ;"ALSO: There are many pointers IN to file 101.43. So if this function is run ;" in a production system (containing valid patient data), then corruption ;" will be introduced. kill ^TMG("TMP","TEMP BACKUP","^ORD(101.43, 10-16-06") merge ^TMG("TMP","TEMP BACKUP","^ORD(101.43, 10-16-06")=^ORD(101.43) kill ^ORD(101.43) merge ^ORD(101.43)=^TMG("TMP","^ORD(101.43, 10-16-06") kill ^TMG("TMP","TEMP BACKUP","^ORD(101.44, 10-16-06") merge ^TMG("TMP","TEMP BACKUP","^ORD(101.44, 10-16-06")=^ORD(101.44) kill ^ORD(101.44) merge ^ORD(101.44)=^TMG("TMP","^ORD(101.44, 10-16-06") quit ;"----------------------------------- VerifySync ;"Purpose: to verify that links PHARMACY ORDERABLE ITEM --> ORDERABLE ITEM ;" are correct. Link is based on a text pointer (and I think less likely ;" to have been fixed with multiple runs...) new fixArray write "Scanning entries to ensure link is correctly synchronized...",! new Itr,IEN50d7 new abort set abort=0 set IEN101d43=$$ItrInit^TMGITR(101.43,.Itr) do PrepProgress^TMGITR(.Itr,20,0,"IEN101d43") if IEN101d43'="" for do quit:($$ItrNext^TMGITR(.Itr,.IEN101d43)'>0)!abort . if $$UserAborted^TMGUSRIF set abort=1 quit . new date set date=$piece($get(^ORD(101.43,IEN101d43,.1)),"^",1) . if $$OIInactive^TMGNDFUT(IEN101d43) quit ;"ignore inactivate entries . set IEN50d7=$$GetPOI^TMGNDFUT(IEN101d43) ;"(will fix bad records) . if IEN50d7'>0 quit ;"was bad record, non pharmacy item . new OIName set OIName=$piece($get(^ORD(101.43,IEN101d43,0)),"^",1) . new POIName set POIName=$piece($get(^PS(50.7,IEN50d7,0)),"^",1) . if (OIName'=POIName) do . . write !,OIName," (OI #",IEN101d43,") <-- ",POIName," (POI #",IEN50d7,") ??",! . . set fixArray(IEN50d7,IEN101d43)="" . if (OIName="") do . . write !,"NULL NAME. (OI #",IEN101d43,") <-- ",POIName," (POI #",IEN50d7,") ??",! . . set fixArray(IEN50d7,IEN101d43)="" . if $$IsImport^TMGNDFUT(IEN50d7)=0 do . . write " 50.7 #",IEN50d7," ",POIName," is not an active import!",! . . set fixArray(IEN50d7,IEN101d43)="@" do ProgressDone^TMGITR(.Itr) new IEN50d7 set IEN50d7="" for set IEN50d7=$order(fixArray(IEN50d7)) quit:(IEN50d7="") do . new POIName set POIName=$piece($get(^PS(50.7,IEN50d7,0)),"^",1) . new IEN50Array . do GetDRUGs^TMGNDFUT(IEN50d7,.IEN50Array,1) . new Name50 set Name50="" . for set Name50=$order(IEN50Array(Name50)) quit:(Name50="") do . . new IEN50 set IEN50="" . . for set IEN50=$order(IEN50Array(Name50,IEN50)) quit:(IEN50="") do . . . write "File 50, #",IEN50,": ",Name50," ",$piece($get(^PSDRUG(IEN50,0)),"^",1)," -->",! . write " POI Name=",POIName," --> ",! . new IEN101d43 set IEN101d43="" . for set IEN101d43=$order(fixArray(IEN50d7,IEN101d43)) quit:(IEN101d43="") do . . if $get(fixArray(IEN50d7,IEN101d43))="@" do quit . . . new TMGFDA,TMGMSG,PSEDITNM . . . set PSEDITNM=1 . . . set TMGFDA(50.7,IEN50d7_",",.01)="@" . . . do FILE^DIE("","TMGFDA","TMGMSG") . . . do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG) . . . kill TMGFDA,TMGMSG . . . set TMGFDA(101.43,IEN101d43_",",.01)="@" . . . do FILE^DIE("","TMGFDA","TMGMSG") . . . do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG) . . new OIName set OIName=$piece($get(^ORD(101.43,IEN101d43,0)),"^",1) . . write " OI Name=",OIName,! . . new result . . set result=$$StuffOI(IEN101d43,POIName,,IEN50d7) ;"result 1=modified ;"Now verify ID cross reference do PressToCont^TMGUSRIF quit Check4Dups ;"DON'T USE. There are times when the "TRADE" name will actually be a generic ;"name, and then the chains between generic and trade name drugs get crossed. ;"An OI can only point to 1 POI, so one could cause a situation whereby ;"Trade POI --> OI, but OI --> Generic POI (and Trade POI gets lost) ;"Purpose: to ensure that there are not two entries in the ORDERABLE ITEM ;" file with the same name. new array,dupArray new Itr,IEN new abort set abort=0 new count set count=0 set IEN=$$ItrInit^TMGITR(101.43,.Itr) do PrepProgress^TMGITR(.Itr,20,0,"IEN") if IEN'="" for do quit:(+$$ItrNext^TMGITR(.Itr,.IEN)'>0)!abort . if $$UserAborted^TMGUSRIF set abort=1 quit . new name set name=$piece($get(^ORD(101.43,IEN,0)),"^",1) . new priorIEN set priorIEN=+$order(array(name,"")) . if priorIEN'=0 do . . write !,name," previously found...",! . . set dupArray(name,priorIEN)="" . . set dupArray(name,IEN)="" . set array(name,IEN)="" do ProgressDone^TMGITR(.Itr) if abort=1 goto C4DDone new Itr,fixName set fixName=$$ItrAInit^TMGITR("dupArray",.Itr) do PrepProgress^TMGITR(.Itr,1,1,"fixName") if fixName'="" for do quit:($$ItrANext^TMGITR(.Itr,.fixName)="")!abort . new IEN101d43 set IEN101d43="" . new keepIEN set keepIEN="" . for set IEN101d43=$order(dupArray(fixName,IEN101d43)) quit:(IEN101d43="") do . . if keepIEN="" set keepIEN=IEN101d43 quit ;"use first record as one to keep. . . do RedirOI^TMGNDFUT(IEN101d43,keepIEN) . . do KillOI^TMGNDFUT(IEN101d43) . . set count=count+1 do ProgressDone^TMGITR(.Itr) C4DDone write !,count," Modifications Made.",! do PressToCont^TMGUSRIF quit CheckDangle ;"Purpose: to verify that ORDERABLE ITEM records are not dangling records new delArray write "Scanning entries checking for dangling records...",! new Itr,IEN50d7,TMGArray,ID,Info new abort set abort=0 set IEN101d43=$$ItrInit^TMGITR(101.43,.Itr) do PrepProgress^TMGITR(.Itr,20,0,"IEN101d43") if IEN101d43'="" for do quit:($$ItrNext^TMGITR(.Itr,.IEN101d43)'>0)!abort . if $$UserAborted^TMGUSRIF set abort=1 quit . new OIArray . do GetOIInfo^TMGNDFUT(IEN101d43,.OIArray) . if $get(OIArray("IEN 101.43","INACTIVE"))=1 quit ;"ignore inactivated records . new pkg set pkg=$get(OIArray("IEN 101.43","PACKAGE")) . if (pkg'="")&(pkg'["PSP") quit ;" -- not a pharmacy item, so ignore . set IEN50d7=+$get(OIArray("IEN 50.7 from 101.43")) . new OIName set OIName=$get(OIArray("IEN 101.43","NAME")) . ;"if OIName'="" quit ;"temporary.... . new POIName set POIName=$get(OIArray("IEN 50.7 from 101.43","NAME")) . if IEN50d7=0 do . . write !,"Record 101.43 #",IEN101d43," (",OIName,") doesn't point to any PHARMACY ORDERABLE ITEM",! . . set delArray(IEN101d43)="" . else if $$IsImport^TMGNDFUT(IEN50d7)=0 do . . write !,"Record 101.43 #",IEN101d43," (",OIName,") points to PHARMACY ORDERABLE ITEM (50.7)#",IEN50d7,! . . write " But 50.7 #",IEN50d7," (",POIName,") is not an active import!",! do ProgressDone^TMGITR(.Itr) new count set count=$$ListCt^TMGMISC("delArray") write count," records to be deleted.",! if count>0 do . new % set %=1 . write "Delete records now" do YN^DICN write ! . if %'=1 quit . set IEN101d43="" . for set IEN101d43=$order(delArray(IEN101d43)) quit:(IEN101d43="") do . . do KillOI^TMGNDFUT(IEN101d43) . write "Done.",! . do PressToCont^TMGUSRIF else do PressToCont^TMGUSRIF quit