source: cprs/branches/tmg-cprs/m_files/TMGPAT1.m@ 1229

Last change on this file since 1229 was 796, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 14 years ago

Initial upload

File size: 24.5 KB
1TMGPAT1 ;TMG/kst/Patching tools ;09/17/08
2 ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;09/17/08
3 ;
4 ;"Kevin Toppenberg MD
5 ;"GNU General Public License (GPL) applies
6 ;"9/17/08
8 ;"=======================================================================
9 ;" API -- Public Functions.
10 ;"=======================================================================
11 ;"DONEXT -- Ask for package, and install next appropriate patch
12 ;"DONEXTPJ -- do next patch within the same project
13 ;"FIXMISEQ -- allow fixing a missing patch, based on sequence order
14 ;"FIXMISPT -- allow fixing a missing patch, based on patch number
15 ;"DONEXTPK(PckInit,Ver)-- a common entry point
16 ;"GO(Option,Info,Msg) -- Entry point to allow automatic loading and installation of a patch.
17 ;"LOAD -- Entry point to allow manual loading of a patch (like old way, but using new code)
19 ;"=======================================================================
20 ;"Private Functions
21 ;"=======================================================================
22 ;"Logo
23 ;"FixMissing(Mode) allow fixing a missing patch, even if it is out of sequence order
24 ;"FixMisInit(PckInit,Ver,Mode) -- Based on PckInit, and Version, allow fixing a missing patch, even if it is out of sequence order
25 ;"DoFixMissing(IENS,Mode) -- fix a missing patch, even if it is out of sequence order
26 ;"DoIENS(NextIENS,NextPatch,PckDirFName) -- install patch, given IENS to it's entry in 22709.11
27 ;"GetPckVer(PckInit,Ver) -- query user for package, and desired version
28 ;"GetLastPackage(PckInit,Ver) -- for given package initials, return the last patch applied
29 ;"GetPVIEN(PckInit,Ver,IEN9d4,IEN9d49) -- convert PckInit and Ver into IEN's for file 9.4 ad 9.49
30 ;"GetLastInst(PckInit,Ver,InstIEN) -- for given package initials, return the last patch applied in INSTALL file
31 ;"GetVers(PckInit,VerArray) --for given package initials, return possible versions
32 ;"PickFile(pArray) -- Pick a filename from a list, in a menu
34 ;"=======================================================================
36Logo write !!,"===================",!
37 write "TMG Patcher Helper",!
38 write "===================",!
39 quit
42 ;"Purpose: Ask for package, and install next appropriate patch
43 do Logo
44 new PckInit,Ver
45 do GetPckVer(.PckInit,.Ver)
46 if Ver="^" goto DNDone
47 do DONEXTPK(PckInit,Ver)
48 goto DONEXT
50 quit
53 ;"Purpose: to do next patch within the same project
54 do Logo
55 new PckInit,Ver
56 new s set s=$get(^TMG("KIDS","PROJECT"))
57 if s'="" do
58 . set PckInit=$piece(s,"^",1)
59 . set Ver=$piece(s,"^",2)
60 else do
61 . do GetPckVer(.PckInit,.Ver)
62 . set s=PckInit_"^"_Ver
63 . set ^TMG("KIDS","PROJECT")=s
64 if Ver="^" goto DNDone
65 do DONEXTPK(PckInit,Ver)
67 quit
71 ;"Purpose: to allow fixing a missing patch, based on sequence order
72 do FixMissing(1)
73 quit
77 ;"Purpose: to allow fixing a missing patch, based on patch number
78 do FixMissing(2)
79 quit
83 ;"Purpose: to allow fixing a missing patch, even if it is out of sequence order
84 ;" This will prepare, then call DoFixMissing()
85 ;"Input: Mode -- 1: search by SEQ#, 2: search by Patch#
86 do Logo
87 write "Fix missing patches, regardless of order",!
88 new PckInit,Ver
89 do GetPckVer(.PckInit,.Ver) goto:(Ver="^") FMIDone
90 ;"set IENS=$$AskIENS^TMGDBAPI(22709.01) goto:(IENS="") FMIDone
91 do FixMisInit(.PckInit,.Ver,.Mode)
92FMDone quit
96 ;"Purpose: Based on PckInit, and Version, allow fixing a missing patch, even if it is out of sequence order
97 ;" This will prepare, then call DoFixMissing()
98 ;"Input: Mode -- 1: search by SEQ#, 2: search by Patch#
99 set PckInit=$get(PckInit) goto:(PckInit="") FMIDone
100 set Ver=$get(Ver) goto:(Ver="") FMIDone
101 new IENS set IENS=$$GetIENS2^TMGPAT2(PckInit_"*"_Ver) goto:(IENS="") FMIDone
102 do DoFixMissing(IENS,.Mode)
103FMIDone quit
107 ;"Purpose: fix a missing patch, even if it is out of sequence order
108 ;"Input: IENS -- should be IENS from file 27709.01
109 ;" i.e. 'IEN22709d01,IEN22709,'
110 ;" Mode -- 1: search by SEQ#, 2: search by Patch#
112 new PckInit,Ver,Y,PatchName,Msg,PckDirFName
113 new IEN1 set IEN1=+$piece(IENS,",",2) goto:(IEN1'>0) FMSDone
114 new IEN2 set IEN2=+$piece(IENS,",",1) goto:(IEN2'>0) FMSDone
115 new IEN9d4 set IEN9d4=$piece($get(^TMG(22709,IEN1,0)),"^",1) goto:(IEN9d4'>0) FMSDone
116 set PckInit=$piece($get(^DIC(9.4,IEN9d4,0)),"^",2)
117 set Ver=$piece($get(^TMG(22709,IEN1,1,IEN2,0)),"^",1) goto:(Ver="") FMSDone
118 new saveIENS set saveIENS=IENS
119 set Mode=+$get(Mode,1)
121 do MAKFRESH^TMGPAT2(PckInit,.Msg,.PckDirFName)
122FMLoop new SrchNum,DIR
123 set DIR(0)="N^1:9999:0"
124 if Mode=1 set DIR("A")="Enter missing patch SEQUENCE NUMBER"
125 else set DIR("A")="Enter missing PATCH NUMBER"
126 do ^DIR write !
127 if $get(DIRUT) goto FMSDone
128 set SrchNum=+Y
130 ;"Search for specified Patch/Seq #
131 new found set found=0
132 new IEN3 set IEN3=0
133 new PatchNum set PatchNum=0
134 new SeqNum set SeqNum=0
135 for set IEN3=$order(^TMG(22709,IEN1,1,IEN2,1,IEN3)) quit:(IEN3'>0)!found do
136 . set PatchNum=$piece($get(^TMG(22709,IEN1,1,IEN2,1,IEN3,0)),"^",1)
137 . set SeqNum=$piece($get(^TMG(22709,IEN1,1,IEN2,1,IEN3,0)),"^",2)
138 . if (Mode=1),(SeqNum=SrchNum) set found=IEN3
139 . else if (Mode=2),(PatchNum=SrchNum) set found=IEN3
140 . if found do
141 . . set IENS=IEN3_","_IENS
142 . . set PatchName=PckInit_"*"_Ver_"*"_PatchNum_" SEQ #"_SeqNum
144 if found=0 do goto FMSDone
145 . write "Sorry. Can't find that Patch/Seq Number in downloaded info from",!
147 write "Found: ",PatchName," on server.",!
149 ;"Now see if already installed
150 new DIC,X,Y,IEN9d49
151 ;"set IEN9d49=+$order(^DIC(9.4,IEN9d4,22,"B",Ver,""))
152 set DIC="^DIC(9.4,"_IEN9d4_",22,"
153 set DIC(0)="M"
154 set X=Ver
155 do ^DIC
156 set IEN9d49=+Y
157 if IEN9d49'>0 do goto FMSDone
158 . write "?? Can't find that version in the PACKAGE file",!
160 set found=0
161 new i set i=""
162 for set i=$order(^DIC(9.4,IEN9d4,22,IEN9d49,"PAH","B",i)) quit:(i="")!found do
163 . new onePatchNum set onePatchNum=$piece(i," ",1)
164 . ;"write onePatchNum,!
165 . if onePatchNum=PatchNum set found=$order(^DIC(9.4,IEN9d4,22,IEN9d49,"PAH","B",i,""))
167 if found do goto FMSMore
168 . new newIENS set newIENS=found_","_IEN9d49_","_IEN9d4
169 . write "Sorry, that patch is already installed. IENS='",newIENS,"'",!
170 . do ForceP2^TMGPAT2(PckInit,Ver,PatchNum,SeqNum)
173 new % set %=1
174 write "Do you want to work on this patch now (out of sequence order)" do YN^DICN write !
175 if %'=1 goto FMSDone
177 if $$DoIENS(IENS,PatchName,.PckDirFName) ;"actually process patch
179FMSMore set %=1
180 write "Fix others in this same Package-Version" do YN^DICN write !
181 if %=1 do goto FMLoop
182 . set IENS=saveIENS
185 quit
189 ;"Purpose: a common entry point
190 ;"Input: PckInit -- package initials
191 ;" Ver -- version e.g. '22.0'
192 ;"Result: None
194 new LastPck,NextIENS,NextPatch,LastInst,PckDirFName
195 new Info,Msg,Option,result,restart,InstIEN,abort,chgVer
197 set (abort,restart,chgVer)=0
198 do MAKFRESH^TMGPAT2(PckInit,.Msg,.PckDirFName)
199DNP1 set LastPck=$$GetLastPackage(PckInit,Ver)
200 if LastPck="" do goto AllDone
201 . write "Sorry, can't find any installed packges in that version.",!
202 set LastInst=$$GetLastInst(PckInit,Ver,.InstIEN)
203 write "The last patch installed into PACKAGE file was: ",?50,LastPck,!
204 if LastInst="" goto DNP2
205 write "The last patch loaded into the INSTALL file was: ",?50,LastInst," (FYI)",!
206 if +$piece(LastPck,"SEQ #",2)<+$piece(LastInst,"SEQ #",2) do goto:(restart) AllDone
207 . new % set %=2
208 . write !,"Undelete entry in INSTALL FILE" do YN^DICN write !
209 . if %=1 do quit
210 . . do EN1^TMGXPDIU(InstIEN)
211 . . set restart=1
212 . set %=1
213 . write "Try to continue with existing files" do YN^DICN write !
214 . if %'=1 set restart=1 quit
215 if restart goto AllDone
216DNP2 set NextIENS=$$GetNextIENS^TMGPAT2(LastPck,.NextPatch)
217 new pendingCt set pendingCt=$$Rpt1Avail^TMGPAT3(LastPck)
218 if pendingCt>0 write "Number of pending patches for this package:",?50,pendingCt,!
219 else do goto:(chgVer) DNP1
220 . if $$RptAvail^TMGPAT3(PckInit)=0 set chgVer=0 quit
221 . do AskVer(PckInit,.Ver)
222 . set chgVer=1
224 if $$DoIENS(NextIENS,NextPatch,.PckDirFName)=0 goto AllDone
226More set %=1
227 write "Do more patch installations in this package" do YN^DICN write !!
228 if %=1 goto DNP1
230 quit
233 ;"Purpose: install patch, given IENS to it's entry in 22709.11
234 ;"Input: NextIENS -- IENS for entry in 22709.11
235 ;" NextPatch -- Patch Name of patch to be applied.
236 ;"Results: 1 if OK, 0 if problem.
238 new abort set abort=0
239 if NextPatch'="" do
240 . write "Next patch to install is: ",?50,NextPatch,!
241 else do goto DNPDone
242 . write "No more patches available for this package.",!
243 . set abort=1
244 . quit; ;"//kt fix below later...
245 . write "View list of all patches for this package on ftp server"
246 . set %=2
247 . do YN^DICN write !
248 . if %=1 if $$EditHFSFile^TMGKERNL(PckDirFName)
249 . if %=-1 set restart=1 quit
250 new Option set Option("VERBOSE")=1
251 set result=$$EnsureLocal^TMGPAT2(NextIENS,.Info,.Msg,.Option)
252 if result=0 do goto DNPDone
253 . do AddMsg^TMGPAT2("Unable to find patch on local file system.",1,Msg)
254 . if $$ShowMsg^TMGPAT2(.Msg)
256 new % set %=1
257 if $get(Info("KID FILE"))'="" do PAnalyze^TMGPAT4(.Info,.Option)
258 if $get(Info("TEXT FILE"))'="" do goto:(abort=1) DNPDone
259 . do Analyze^TMGPAT4(.Info,.Option)
260 . new tempMsg
261 . do ShowAnalysis^TMGPAT4(.Info,.tempMsg)
262 . if $$ShowMsg^TMGPAT2(.tempMsg,1)
263 . kill tempMsg
264 . new FilePathName set FilePathName=$get(Info("PATH"))_$get(Info("TEXT FILE"))
265 . set %=1
266 . write "View INFO FILE for patch" do YN^DICN write !
267 . if %=-1 quit
268 . if %=1 if $$EditHFSFile^TMGKERNL(FilePathName)
269 . if $get(Info("KID FILE"))="" do
270 . . new FName set FName=""
271 . . if $get(Info("MULTI-PATCH","FILENAME"))'="" do
272 . . . set Info("KID FILE")=Info("MULTI-PATCH","FILENAME")
273 . . else if ($$ListCt^TMGMISC($name(Info("PATCH CATEGORY")))=1)&($data(Info("PATCH CATEGORY","Informational"))) quit
274 . . else if $data(Info("MISC KID FILES")) do
275 . . . write !,"No typical KIDS file found for this patch. However, one or more filenames",!
276 . . . write "were scraped from the TEXT file. Having read the TEXT file, see if one of these",!
277 . . . write "names is correct.",!!
278 . . . set Info("KID FILE")=$$PickFile($name(Info("MISC KID FILES")))
279 . . if $get(Info("KID FILE"))'="" set Info("TEXT ONLY")=0
280 . . set FName=$get(Info("KID FILE"))
281 . . if FName="" quit
282 . . set %=2
283 . . write !,"Attempt to download ",FName," from",!
284 . . write "NOTE: if this file doesn't exist on the server, then the process will HANG.",!
285 . . write "If this happens, then use a utility to abort process #",$J," from OS prompt.",!
286 . . write "Download '",FName,"'" do YN^DICN write !
287 . . if %'=1 quit
288 . . if $$DownloadPatch^TMGPAT2(FName,"ftp://",.Option,.tempMsg,.Info)=0
289 . . . write "ERROR: Can't download file: ",Info("KID FILE")," from ftp server.",!
290 . . . do PressToCont^TMGUSRIF
291 . . . ;"handle error here...
292 . . if $$ShowMsg^TMGPAT2(.tempMsg,1)
293 if %=-1 goto DNPDone
295 if $data(Info("STILL NEEDED")) do goto:(abort=1) DNPDone
296 . new pArray set pArray=$name(Info("STILL NEEDED"))
297 . do StoreMissing^TMGPAT3(PckInit,pArray)
298 . write "It seems that the system is not ready for this patch.",!
299 . write "(However, sometimes this can be ignored and one can proceed anyway.)",!
300 . set %=1
301 . write "Quit this patch and try another" do YN^DICN write !
302 . if %'=2 set abort=1
304 if $get(Info("TEXT ONLY"))=1 do goto DNPDone
305 . write "This 'patch' doesn't have a corresponding KID file.",!
306 . write "Perhaps it was informational only. I'm not smart enough to figure that out.",!
307 . write "If you didn't read the INFO FILE, then answer NO, and loop back and read it.",!
308 . set %=2
309 . write "Ready to consider the patch 'installed'" do YN^DICN write !
310 . if %'=1 quit
311 . if $$MakePatchEntry^TMGPAT2(NextPatch,.Msg)
313 if $get(Info("KID FILE"))="" do goto DNPDone
314 . write "?? No name for KID file ??",!
316 set %=1
317 write "Ready to load patch "_Info("KID FILE")_" into system" do YN^DICN write !
318 if %'=1 set %=-1 goto DNPDone
319 new result set result=$$GO(.Option,.Info,.Msg)
321 quit result
325 ;"Purpose: Entry point to allow automatic loading and installation of a patch.
326 ;"Input: Option -- PASS BY REFERENCE. Can be an empty array.
327 ;" Info -- PASS BY REFERENCE.
328 ;" Msg -- PASS BY REFERNCE.
329 ;"Results: 1 if OK, 0 if problem.
331 new abort set abort=0
332 set Option("HFSNAME")=$get(Info("PATH"))_Info("KID FILE")
333 set Option("FORCE CONT LOAD")=1
334 set Option("DO ENV CHECK")=1
335 do EN1^TMGXPDIL(.Option,.Msg)
336 new errorFound set errorFound=$$ShowMsg^TMGPAT2(.Msg,1)
337 if errorFound goto DNP3
338 new InstallName set InstallName=$get(Option("INSTALL NAME"))
339 if InstallName="" do goto DNPDone
340 . write "No installation name found. Aborting.",!
341 . set abort=1
342 new % set %=1
343 write "Proceed with installation" do YN^DICN write !
344 kill Msg
345 new Option ;"... FINISH..., add presets to avoid user interactivity later...
346 set Option("Want to DISABLE Scheduled Options, Menu Options, and Protocols","DEFAULT")="NO"
347 set Option("Want KIDS to INHIBIT LOGONs during the install","DEFAULT")="NO"
348 set Option("Want KIDS to Rebuild Menu Trees Upon Completion of Install","DEFAULT")="NO"
349 if %=1 do EN^TMGXPDI(InstallName,.Option,.Msg)
350 if $$ShowMsg^TMGPAT2(.Msg,1)
352 new tempNull
353 if $data(PckInit) do
354 . do StoreMissing^TMGPAT3(PckInit,"tempNull") ;"clear out pending patches...
355 else goto DNPDone
357 set %=1
358 write "Clean up local files for this patch" do YN^DICN write !
359 if %=-1 goto DNPDone
360 if %=1 do
361 . new path set path=$get(Info("PATH"))
362 . new fileName set fileName=$get(Info("KID FILE"))
363 . if fileName'="" if $$DelFile^TMGIOUTL(path_fileName)
364 . set fileName=$get(Info("TEXT FILE"))
365 . if fileName'="" if $$DelFile^TMGIOUTL(path_fileName)
367DNPDone quit (abort=0)
371 ;"Purpose: Entry point to allow manual loading of a patch (like old way, but using new code)
372 do Logo^TMGPAT1 write !
373 new FPName,FPath,FName,Msg,Option,Info
374 set FPName=$$GetFName^TMGIOUTL("Select Patch to Load",,,,.FPath,.FName)
375 if (FPName'="")&(FPName'="^") do
376 . set Info("PATH")=FPath,Info("KID FILE")=FName
377 . new result set result=$$GO(.Option,.Info,.Msg)
378 quit
382 ;"Purpose: query user for package, and desired version
383 ;"Input: PckInit - PASS BY REFERENCE. An OUT PARAMETER. The package initials, e.g. 'DI' in the case of filemant
384 ;" Ver -- PASS BY REFERENCE. An OUT PARAMETER. The version of the package to match.
385 ;"results: none; (if user aborted, Ver="^")
387 set Ver="^"
388 new DIC,X,Y
389 set DIC=9.4,DIC(0)="MAEQ" ;"ask for package name
390 do ^DIC write !
391 if +Y'>0 goto GPVDone
392 new Package set Package=$piece(Y,"^",2)
393 set PckInit=$piece($get(^DIC(9.4,+Y,0)),"^",2)
394 if PckInit="" do goto GPVDone
395 . write "Error. Unable to obtain package prefix.",!
396 do AskVer(PckInit,.Ver)
398GPVDone quit
401 ;"Purpose: query user for desired version from specified package
402 ;"Input: PckInit - The package initials, e.g. 'DI' in the case of filemant
403 ;" Ver -- PASS BY REFERENCE. An OUT PARAMETER. The version of the package to match.
404 ;" Package -- OPTIONAL. Name of Package. Default is same as PckInit
405 ;"results: none; (if user aborted, Ver="^")
407 new VerArray
408 do GetVers(PckInit,.VerArray)
409 if $data(VerArray)=0 do goto AVrDone
410 . write "Error. No version number available.",!
411 if $get(Package)="" set Package=PckInit
412 ;
413 new Menu,i,Usr
414 set Menu(0)="Select Version of "_Package
415 set Ver="",i=0
416 for set Ver=$order(VerArray(Ver)) quit:(Ver="") do
417 . set i=i+1
418 . new tempPatch set tempPatch=PckInit_"*"_Ver_"*1"
419 . new count set count=+$$Rpt1Avail^TMGPAT3(tempPatch)
420 . set Menu(i)="Version "_Ver_" ("_count_" patches pending)"_$C(9)_Ver
421 if i=1 set Ver=$order(VerArray("")) ;"must be only one option, so skip menu
422 else do
423 . set Ver=$$Menu^TMGUSRIF(.Menu,"^")
424 ;
425AVrDone quit
429 ;"Purpose: to convert PckInit and Ver into IEN's for file 9.4 ad 9.49
430 ;"Input: PckInit - . The package initials, e.g. 'DI' in the case of filemant
431 ;" Ver -- The version of the package to match.
432 ;" IEN9d4 - PASS BY REFERENCE. The IEN in 9.4 to return
433 ;" IEN9d49 -- PASS BY REFERENCE. The IEN in 9.49 to return
434 ;"result: 1 if OK, 0 if not found.
436 new result set result=0
437 ;
438 set IEN9d4=+$order(^DIC(9.4,"C",PckInit,""))
439 if IEN9d4'>0 goto GPVIDne
440 new DIC,X,Y
441 set DIC="^DIC(9.4,"_IEN9d4_",22,"
442 set DIC(0)="M"
443 set X=Ver
444 do ^DIC
445 set IEN9d49=+Y
446 if IEN9d49'>0 goto GPVIDne
447 set result=1
448 ;
449GPVIDne quit result
453 ;"Purpose: for given package initials, return the last patch applied
454 ;" This searches the PACKAGE file
455 ;"Input: PckInit - the package initials, e.g. 'DI' in the case of filemant
456 ;" Ver -- the version of the package to match.
457 ;"Results: returns e.g. 'DI*22.0*140 SEQ# 123'
458 ;" or "" if problem or not found.
460 new result set result=""
461 set Ver=$get(Ver)
462 set PckInit=$get(PckInit)
463 if (PckInit="")!(Ver="") goto GLPDone
464 new IEN9d4,IEN9d49
465 set IEN9d4=+$order(^DIC(9.4,"C",PckInit,""))
466 if IEN9d4'>0 goto GLPDone
467 set IEN9d49=+$order(^DIC(9.4,IEN9d4,22,"B",Ver,""))
468 if IEN9d49'>0 goto GLPDone
470 new i,array
471 set i=""
472 for set i=$order(^DIC(9.4,IEN9d4,22,IEN9d49,"PAH","B",i)) quit:(i="") do
473 . new patchNum set patchNum=$piece(i," ",1)
474 . new seqNum set seqNum=$piece(i,"SEQ #",2)
475 . new tempName set tempName=i
476 . if seqNum="" do
477 . . set tempName=PckInit_"*"_Ver_"*"_patchNum
478 . . set tempName=$$GetSeq^TMGPAT4(tempName)
479 . . set seqNum=$piece(tempName,"SEQ #",2)
480 . . if seqNum="" quit
481 . . new IEN9d4901 set IEN9d4901=$order(^DIC(9.4,IEN9d4,22,IEN9d49,"PAH","B",i,""))
482 . . ;"write "The PACKAGE file entry for patch "_PckInit_"*"_Ver_"*"_patchNum_" doesn't have a SEQ #",!
483 . . ;"write "By comparing this to patch files available on network site, it",!
484 . . ;"write "appears that this patch should be SEQ #",tempName,!
485 . . ;"new % set %=1
486 . . ;"write "Shall I correct this in the PACKAGE file" do YN^DICN write !
487 . . ;"if %'=1 quit
488 . . new TMGFDA,TMGMSG
489 . . set TMGFDA(9.4901,IEN9d4901_","_IEN9d49_","_IEN9d4_",",.01)=patchNum_" SEQ #"_seqNum
490 . . do FILE^DIE("K","TMGFDA","TMGMSG")
491 . . ;"do ShowIfDIERR^TMGDEBUG(.TMGMSG)
492 . ;"if seqNum is still "" at this point, it won't find the patch, could be bug...
493 . set seqNum=$$RJ^XLFSTR(seqNum,6,"0")
494 . if tempName["*" set tempName=$piece(tempName,"*",3)
495 . set array(seqNum)=tempName
497 set i=$order(array(""),-1)
498 if i'="" set result=PckInit_"*"_Ver_"*"_$get(array(i))
499 else set result=PckInit_"*"_Ver_"*0 SEQ #0"
500 ;"else set result=$piece($get(^DIC(9.4,IEN9d4,0)),"^",1)_" SEQ #0"
503 quit result
506 ;"Purpose: for given package initials, return the last patch applied
507 ;" This searches the INSTALL file
508 ;"Input: PckInit - the package initials, e.g. 'DI' in the case of filemant
509 ;" Ver -- the version of the package to match.
510 ;" InstIEN -- Optional. Pass by Reference, an OUT PARAMETER.
511 ;"Results: returns last patch + 'SEQ# 123' (123 is example)
512 ;" or "" if problem or not found.
514 new result set result=""
515 new array
516 set Ver=$get(Ver)
517 new i set i=$get(PckInit)
518 if (i="")!(Ver="") goto GLIDone
519 new done set done=0
520 for set i=$order(^XPD(9.7,"B",i)) quit:(i="")!done do
521 . if $piece(i,"*",1)'=PckInit set done=1 quit
522 . if $piece(i,"*",2)'=Ver quit
523 . new patch set patch=$piece(i,"*",3)
524 . set patch=$$RJ^XLFSTR(patch,6,"0")
525 . new IEN set IEN=$order(^XPD(9.7,"B",i,""))
526 . if IEN=0 quit
527 . new seq set seq=$$GET1^DIQ(9.7,IEN_",",42001)
528 . if seq="" quit
529 . ;"write "SEQ #"_seq_" "_i,!
530 . set array(seq)=i_" SEQ #"_seq_"^"_IEN
532 set i=$order(array(""),-1)
533 set result=$get(array(i))
534 set InstIEN=$piece(result,"^",2)
535 set result=$piece(result,"^",1)
537 if result'="" do
538 . new PatIEN set PatIEN=+$order(^XPD(9.7,"B",result,""))
539 . if PatIEN=0 quit
540 . new Seq set Seq=$$GET1^DIQ(9.7,PatIEN_",",42001)
541 . if Seq="" quit
542 . set result=result_" SEQ #"_Seq
545 quit result
550 ;"Purpose: for given package initials, return possible versions
551 ;"Input: PckInit - the package initials, e.g. 'DI' in the case of filemant
552 ;" VerArray -- PASS BY REFERENCE -- an OUT PARAMETER. Format
553 ;" VerArray("22")=""
554 ;" VerArray("23")=""
555 ;"Results: none
557 new ver
558 kill VerArray
559 if $get(PckInit)="" goto GVDone
560 new done set done=0
561 new ien9d4 set ien9d4=+$order(^DIC(9.4,"C",PckInit,"")) goto:(ien9d4'>0) GVDone
562 set ver=""
563 for set ver=$order(^DIC(9.4,ien9d4,22,"B",ver)) quit:(ver="")!done do
564 . if ver'="" set VerArray(ver)=""
566GVDone quit
568 ;"Discard below later ============================================
569 for set i=$order(^XPD(9.7,"B",i)) quit:(i="")!done do
570 . if i["*" do
571 . . if $piece(i,"*",1)'=PckInit set done=1 quit
572 . . set ver=$piece(i,"*",2)
573 . else do
574 . . new ien set ien=+$order(^XPD(9.7,"B",i,""))
575 . . write i,!
576 . . write "From the above name, please enter version number"
577 . . new DIR set DIR(0)="N^0:999:2" do ^DIR write !
578 . . if $data(DIRUT) set ver="" quit
579 . . set ver=X ;"why doesn't Y return decimals???
580 . . set done=1
581 . if ver'="" set VerArray(ver)=""
582 ;"Discard above later ============================================
586 ;"Purpose: Pick a filename from a list, in a menu
587 ;"Input: pArray -- PASS BY NAME. format:
588 ;" @pArray@(name)=""
589 ;" @pArray@(name)=""
590 ;"Result: the chosen name, or "" if problem.
592 new menu set menu(0)="Select IF one of the following files is the patch file."
593 new count set count=1
594 new name set name=""
595 for set name=$order(@pArray@(name)) quit:(name="") do
596 . set menu(count)=name_$C(9)_name
597 . set count=count+1
598 set menu(count)="(None of these / Cancel)"_$C(9)_"@"
599 set count=count+1
601 set result=$$Menu^TMGUSRIF(.menu)
602 if "@^"[result set result=""
603 quit result
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