1 | TMGMISC ;TMG/kst/Misc Reports;05/01/09
2 | ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;05/01/09
3 |
5 | ;"Kevin Toppenberg MD
6 | ;"GNU General Public License (GPL) applies
7 | ;"5/1/09
8 |
9 |
10 | ;"=======================================================================
11 | ;" API -- Public Functions.
12 | ;"=======================================================================
13 | ;"DEVMAMRPT -- Provide an interactive entry point for report, asking device.
14 | ;"MAMMORPT --Show report of outstanding consults and extract schedule date from them
15 |
16 |
17 | ;"=======================================================================
19 | ;"=======================================================================
20 |
22 | ;"Purpose: Provide an interactive entry point for report, asking device.
23 | new %ZIS
24 | set %ZIS("A")="Enter Output Device: "
25 | set %ZIS("B")="HOME"
26 | do ^%ZIS ;"standard device call
27 | if POP do goto DMRDn
28 | . do ShowError^TMGDEBUG(.PriorErrorFound,"Error opening output. Aborting.")
29 | use IO
30 | do MAMMORPT
31 | do ^%ZISC ;" Close the output device
32 | do PressToCont^TMGUSRIF
33 | DMRDn quit
34 |
36 | ;"Purpose: Provide an interactive entry point for report, asking device.
37 | new %ZIS,IOP
38 | set IOP="S121-LAUGHLIN-LASER"
39 | do ^%ZIS ;"standard device call
40 | if POP do goto AMRDn
41 | . do ShowError^TMGDEBUG(.PriorErrorFound,"Error opening output. Aborting.")
42 | use IO
43 | do MAMMORPT
44 | do ^%ZISC ;" Close the output device
45 | AMRDn quit
46 |
48 | ;"Purpose: Show report of outstanding consults and extract schedule date from them.
49 | ;"Results: None, but report created.
50 | new MammoIEN set MammoIEN=+$order(^GMR(123.5,"B","MAMMOGRAM",""))
51 | if MammoIEN'>0 do goto MRPTDn
52 | . write "Can't locate record for MAMMOGRAM report. Aborting.",!
53 | new ComplIEN set ComplIEN=+$order(^ORD(100.01,"B","COMPLETE",""))
54 | if ComplIEN'>0 do goto MRPTDn
55 | . write "Can't find record for COMPLETE status. Aborting.",!
56 | new X,Y do NOW^%DTC new NowDate set NowDate=X
57 | ;
58 | write !
59 | write "************************************************************",!
60 | write " Outstanding mammograms report",!
61 | write " " set Y=X do DD^%DT write Y,!
62 | write " Please deliver this report to the nurse",!
63 | write "************************************************************",!
64 | write " (From TMGRPT1.m)",!!
65 | new idx set idx=""
66 | new matches
67 | for set idx=+$order(^GMR(123,"C",MammoIEN,idx)) quit:(idx'>0) do
68 | . new s
69 | . new znode set znode=$get(^GMR(123,idx,0))
70 | . new status set status=$piece(znode,"^",12)
71 | . if status=ComplIEN quit
72 | . new Y set Y=$piece(znode,"^",7) ;"date of request
73 | . do DD^%DT set s=Y
74 | . new PtIEN set PtIEN=+$piece(znode,"^",2)
75 | . if PtIEN'=0 do
76 | . . set s=s_"^"_$piece($get(^DPT(PtIEN,0)),"^",1)
77 | . else do
78 | . . set s=s_"^"_"?? Patient Name not found. Record # "_idx_" in file #123"
79 | . ;"Now scan for appt scheduled date
80 | . new idxWP set idxWP=0
81 | . new found set found=0
82 | . for set idxWP=+$order(^GMR(123,idx,20,idxWP)) quit:(idxWP'>0)!found do
83 | . . new line set line=$get(^GMR(123,idx,20,idxWP,0)) quit:line=""
84 | . . if line'["Scheduled Appointment:" quit
85 | . . set found=1
86 | . . new apptDate set apptDate=$piece(line,"Scheduled Appointment:",2)
87 | . . set Y=$$FMDate^TMGFMUT(apptDate)
88 | . . new FMDate set FMDate=Y
89 | . . if Y>0 do
90 | . . . do DD^%DT ;"standardize date
91 | . . else do
92 | . . . set Y=apptDate
93 | . . set s=s_"^"_Y
94 | . . set matches(FMDate)=s
95 | ;
96 | new future set future=0
97 | new dueDate set dueDate=""
98 | for set dueDate=$order(matches(dueDate),1) quit:(dueDate="") do
99 | . if (dueDate>NowDate)&(future=0) do
100 | . . set future=1
101 | . . write "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------",!
102 | . new s set s=matches(dueDate)
103 | . write "Due: ",$p(s,"^",3),?25,$p(s,"^",2),?50,"Made on visit: ",$p($p(s,"^",1),"@",1),!
104 |
105 | MRPTDn quit