[896] | 1 | TMGSTUTL ;TMG/kst/String Utilities and Library ;03/25/06,5/10/10 ; 5/19/10 5:01pm
| 2 | ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;09/01/05
| 3 |
| 5 |
| 6 | ;"=======================================================================
| 7 | ;" API -- Public Functions.
| 8 | ;"=======================================================================
| 9 | ;"CleaveToArray^TMGSTUTL(Text,Divider,Array)
| 10 | ;"CatArray(Words,i1,i2,DivChr) -- return concat array from index1 to index2
| 11 | ;"CleaveStr^TMGSTUTL(Text,Divider,PartB)
| 12 | ;"SplitStr^TMGSTUTL(Text,Width,PartB)
| 13 | ;"SetStrLen^TMGSTUTL(Text,Width)
| 14 | ;"$$NestSplit^TMGSTUTL(Text,OpenBracket,CloseBracket,SBefore,S,SAfter)
| 15 | ;"$$Substitute^TMGSTUTL(S,Match,NewValue)
| 16 | ;"$$FormatArray^TMGSTUTL(InArray,OutArray,Divider)
| 17 | ;"$$Trim^TMGSTUTL(S,TrimCh) ; --> or use $$TRIM^XLFSTR
| 18 | ;"$$TrimL^TMGSTUTL(S,TrimCh)
| 19 | ;"$$TrimR^TMGSTUTL(S,TrimCh)
| 20 | ;"$$TrimRType^TMGSTUTL(S,type)
| 21 | ;"$$NumLWS^TMGSTUTL(S)
| 22 | ;"$$MakeWS^TMGSTUTL(n)
| 23 | ;"WordWrapArray^TMGSTUTL(.Array,Width,SpecialIndent)
| 24 | ;"SplitLine^TMGSTUTL(s,.LineArray,Width)
| 25 | ;"WriteWP^TMGSTUTL(NodeRef)
| 26 | ;"$$LPad^TMGSTUTL(S,width) ;"NOTE: should use XLFSTR fn below
| 27 | ;"$$RPad^TMGSTUTL(S,width) ;"NOTE: should use XLFSTR fn below
| 28 | ;"$$Center^TMGSTUTL(S,width) ;"NOTE: should use XLFSTR fn below
| 29 | ;"$$Clip^TMGSTUTL(S,width)
| 30 | ;"$$STRB2H^TMGSTUTL(s,F) Convert a string to hex characters
| 31 | ;"$$CapWords^TMGSTUTL(S,Divider) ;"capitalize the first character of each word in a string
| 32 | ;"$$LinuxStr^TMGSTUTL(S) ;"Convert string to a valid linux filename
| 33 | ;"StrToWP^TMGSTUTL(s,pArray,width,DivCh,InitLine) ;"wrap long string into a WP array
| 34 | ;"$$WPToStr^TMGSTUTL(pArray,DivCh,MaxLen,InitLine)
| 35 | ;"Comp2Strs(s1,s2) -- compare two strings and assign an arbritrary score to their similarity
| 36 | ;"$$PosNum(s,[Num],LeadingSpace) -- return position of a number in a string
| 37 | ;"IsNumeric(s) -- deterimine if word s is a numeric
| 38 | ;"ScrubNumeric(s) -- remove numeric words from a sentence
| 39 | ;"Pos(subStr,s,count) -- return the beginning position of subStr in s
| 40 | ;"DiffPos(s1,s2) -- Return the position of the first difference between s1 and s2
| 41 | ;"DiffWords(Words1,Words2) -- Return index of first different word between Words arrays
| 42 | ;"SimStr(s1,p1,s2,p2) -- return matching string in s1 and s2, starting at position p1,p2
| 43 | ;"SimWord(Words1,p1,Words2,p2) -- return the matching words in both words array 1 and 2, starting
| 44 | ;" at word positions p1 and p2.
| 45 | ;"SimPos(s1,s2) -- return the first position that two strings are similar.
| 46 | ;"SimWPos(Words1,Words2,DivStr,p1,p2,MatchStr) -- return the first position that two word arrays
| 47 | ;" are similar. This means the first index in Words array 1 that matches to words in Words array 2.
| 48 | ;"DiffStr(s1,s2,DivChr) -- Return how s1 differs from s2.
| 49 | ;"CatArray(Words,i1,i2,DivChr) -- return concat array from index1 to index2
| 50 | ;"$$QtProtect(s) -- Protects quotes by converting all quotes to double quotes (" --> "")
| 51 | ;"$$QTPROTECT(S) -- Same as $$QtProtect(s)
| 52 | ;"$$InQt(s,Pos) -- return if a character at position P is inside quotes in s
| 53 | ;"$$HNQTSUB(s,SubStr) --Same as $$HasNonQtSub
| 54 | ;"$$HasNonQtSub(s,SubStr) -- return if string s contains SubStr, but not inside quotes.
| 55 | ;"$$GetWord(s,Pos,OpenDiv,CloseDiv) -- extract a word from a sentance, bounded by OpenDiv,CloseDiv
| 56 | ;"$$MATCHXTR(s,DivCh,Group,Map) -- Same as $$MatchXtract
| 57 | ;"$$MatchXtract(s,DivCh,Group,Map) -- extract a string bounded by DivCh, honoring matching encapsulators
| 58 | ;"MapMatch(s,Map) -- map a string with nested braces, parentheses etc (encapsulators)
| 59 | ;"$$CmdChStrip(s) -- Strips all characters < #32 from string.
| 60 | ;"$$StrBounds(s,p) -- return position of end of string
| 61 | ;"NonWhite(s,p) -- return index of first non-whitespace character
| 62 | ;"Pad2Pos(Pos,ch) -- return a padding string from current $X up to Pos, using ch
| 63 | ;"HTML2TXT(Array) -- Take WP array that is HTML formatted, and strip <P>, and return in a format of 1 line per array node.
| 64 | ;"TrimTags(lineS) -- cut out HTML tags (e.g. <...>) from lineS, however, <no data> is protected
| 65 | ;"$$IsHTML(IEN8925) --specify if the text held in the REPORT TEXT field in record IEN8925 is HTML markup
| 66 |
| 67 | ;"=======================================================================
| 68 | ;"Dependancies
| 69 | ;" uses TMGDEBUG for debug messaging.
| 70 | ;"=======================================================================
| 71 | ;"=======================================================================
| 72 |
| 73 | ;"------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 74 | ;"FYI, String functions in XLFSTR module:
| 75 | ;"------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 76 | ;"$$CJ^XLFSTR(s,i[,p]) -- Returns a center-justified string
| 77 | ;" s=string, i=field size, p(optional)=pad character
| 78 | ;"$$LJ^XLFSTR(s,i[,p]) -- Returns a left-justified string
| 79 | ;" s=string, i=field size, p(optional)=pad character
| 80 | ;"$$RJ^XLFSTR(s,i[,p]) -- Returns a right-justified string
| 81 | ;" s=string, i=field size, p(optional)=pad character
| 82 | ;"$$INVERT^XLFSTR(s) -- returns an inverted string (i.e. "ABC"-->"CBA")
| 83 | ;"$$LOW^XLFSTR(s) -- returns string with all letters converted to lower-case
| 84 | ;"$$UP^XLFSTR(s) -- returns string with all letters converted to upper-case
| 85 | ;"$$TRIM^XLFSTR(s,[LRFlags],[char])
| 86 | ;"$$REPEAT^XLFSTR(s,Count) -- returns a string that is a repeat of s Count times
| 87 | ;"$$REPLACE^XLFSTR(s,.spec) -- Uses a multi-character $TRanslate to return a
| 88 | ;" string with the specified string replaced
| 89 | ;" s=input string, spec=array passed by reference
| 90 | ;" spec format:
| 91 | ;" spec("Any_Search_String")="Replacement_String"
| 92 | ;"$$STRIP^XLFSTR(s,Char) -- returns string striped of all instances of Char
| 93 |
| 94 | ;"=======================================================================
| 95 |
| 96 | CleaveToArray(Text,Divider,Array,InitIndex)
| 97 | ;"Purpose: To take a string, delineated by 'divider' and
| 98 | ;" to split it up into all its parts, putting each part
| 99 | ;" into an array. e.g.:
| 100 | ;" This/Is/A/Test, with '/' divider would result in
| 101 | ;" Array(1)="This"
| 102 | ;" Array(2)="Is"
| 103 | ;" Array(3)="A"
| 104 | ;" Array(4)="Test"
| 105 | ;" Array(cMaxNode)=4 ;cMaxNode="MAXNODE"
| 106 | ;"Input: Text - the input string -- should NOT be passed by reference.
| 107 | ;" Divider - the delineating string
| 108 | ;" Array - The array to receive output **SHOULD BE PASSED BY REFERENCE.
| 109 | ;" InitIndex - OPTIONAL -- The index of the array to start with, i.e. 0 or 1. Default=1
| 110 | ;"Output: Array is changed, as outlined above
| 111 | ;"Result: none
| 112 | ;"Notes: Note -- Text is NOT changed (unless passed by reference, in
| 113 | ;" which case the next to the last piece is put into Text)
| 114 | ;" Array is killed, the filled with data **ONLY** IF DIVISIONS FOUND
| 115 | ;" Limit of 256 nodes
| 116 | ;" if cMaxNode is not defined, "MAXNODE" will be used
| 117 |
| 118 | set DBIndent=$get(DBIndent,0)
| 119 | do DebugEntry^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"CleaveToArray")
| 120 |
| 121 | set InitIndex=$get(InitIndex,1)
| 122 | new PartB
| 123 | new count set count=InitIndex
| 124 | set cMaxNode=$get(cMaxNode,"MAXNODE")
| 125 |
| 126 | kill Array ;"Clear out any old data
| 127 |
| 128 | C2ArLoop
| 129 | if '(Text[Divider) do goto C2ArDone
| 130 | . set Array(count)=Text ;"put it all into first line.
| 131 | . set Array(cMaxNode)=1
| 132 | do CleaveStr(.Text,Divider,.PartB)
| 133 | set Array(count)=Text
| 134 | set Array(cMaxNode)=count
| 135 | set count=count+1
| 136 | if '(PartB[Divider) do goto C2ArDone
| 137 | . set Array(count)=PartB
| 138 | . set Array(cMaxNode)=count
| 139 | else do goto C2ArLoop
| 140 | . set Text=$get(PartB)
| 141 | . set PartB=""
| 142 |
| 143 | C2ArDone
| 144 | do DebugExit^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"CleaveToArray")
| 145 | quit
| 146 |
| 147 |
| 148 | CleaveStr(Text,Divider,PartB)
| 149 | ;"Purpse: To take a string, delineated by 'Divider'
| 150 | ;" and to split it into two parts: Text and PartB
| 151 | ;" e.g. Text="Hello\nThere"
| 152 | ;" Divider="\n"
| 153 | ;" Function will result in: Text="Hello", PartB="There"
| 154 | ;"Input: Text - the input string **SHOULD BE PASSED BY REFERENCE.
| 155 | ;" Divider - the delineating string
| 156 | ;" PartB - the string to get second part **SHOULD BE PASSED BY REFERENCE.
| 157 | ;"Output: Text and PartB will be changed
| 158 | ;" Function will result in: Text="Hello", PartB="There"
| 159 | ;"Result: none
| 160 |
| 161 | set DBIndent=$get(DBIndent,0)
| 162 | do DebugEntry^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"CleaveStr")
| 163 |
| 164 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Text=",Text)
| 165 |
| 166 | if '$data(Text) goto CSDone
| 167 | if '$Data(Divider) goto CSDone
| 168 | set PartB=""
| 169 |
| 170 | new PartA
| 171 |
| 172 | if Text[Divider do
| 173 | . set PartA=$piece(Text,Divider,1)
| 174 | . set PartB=$piece(Text,Divider,2,256)
| 175 | . set Text=PartA
| 176 |
| 177 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"After Processing, Text='",Text,"', and PartB='",PartB,"'")
| 178 | CSDone
| 179 | do DebugExit^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"CleaveStr")
| 180 | quit
| 181 |
| 182 |
| 183 | SplitStr(Text,Width,PartB)
| 185 | ;"Purpose: To a string into two parts. The first part will fit within 'Width'
| 186 | ;" the second part is what is left over
| 187 | ;" The split will be inteligent, so words are not divided (splits at a space)
| 188 | ;"Input: Text = input text. **Should be passed by reference
| 189 | ;" Width = the constraining width
| 190 | ;" PartB = the left over part. **Should be passed by reference
| 191 | ;"output: Text and PartB are modified
| 192 | ;"result: none.
| 193 |
| 194 | new Len
| 195 | set Width=$get(Width,80)
| 196 | new SpaceFound set SpaceFound=0
| 197 | new SplitPoint set SplitPoint=Width
| 198 | set Text=$get(Text)
| 199 | set PartB=""
| 200 |
| 201 | set Len=$length(Text)
| 202 | if Len>Width do
| 203 | . new Ch
| 204 | . for SplitPoint=SplitPoint:-1:1 do quit:SpaceFound
| 205 | . . set Ch=$extract(Text,SplitPoint,SplitPoint)
| 206 | . . set SpaceFound=(Ch=" ")
| 207 | . if 'SpaceFound set SplitPoint=Width
| 208 | . set s1=$extract(Text,1,SplitPoint)
| 209 | . set PartB=$extract(Text,SplitPoint+1,1024) ;"max String length=1024
| 210 | . set Text=s1
| 211 | else do
| 212 |
| 213 | quit
| 214 |
| 215 |
| 216 |
| 217 | SetStrLen(Text,Width)
| 219 | ;"Purpose: To make string exactly Width in length
| 220 | ;" Shorten as needed, or pad with terminal spaces as needed.
| 221 | ;"Input: Text -- should be passed as reference. This is string to alter.
| 222 | ;" Width -- the desired width
| 223 | ;"Results: none.
| 224 |
| 225 | set Text=$get(Text)
| 226 | set Width=$get(Width,80)
| 227 | new result set result=Text
| 228 | new i,Len
| 229 |
| 230 | set Len=$length(result)
| 231 | if Len>Width do
| 232 | . set result=$extract(result,1,Width)
| 233 | else if Len<Width do
| 234 | . for i=1:1:(Width-Len) set result=result_" "
| 235 |
| 236 | set Text=result ;"pass back changes
| 237 |
| 238 | quit
| 239 |
| 240 |
| 241 | NestSplit(Text,OpenBracket,CloseBracket,SBefore,S,SAfter)
| 243 | ;"Purpose: To take a string in this format:
| 244 | ;" Text='a big black {{Data.Section[{{MVar.Num}}]}} chased me'
| 245 | ;" OpenBracket='{{'
| 246 | ;" CloseBracket='}}'
| 247 | ;" and return:
| 248 | ;" SBefore='a big black {{Data.Section['
| 249 | ;" S='MVar.Num
| 250 | ;" SAfter=']}} chased me'
| 251 | ;" Notice that this function will return the INNER-MOST text inside the brackets pair
| 252 | ;" Note: if multiple sets of brackets exist in the string, like this:
| 253 | ;" 'I am a {{MVar.Person}} who loves {{MVar.Food}} every day.
| 254 | ;" Then the LAST set (i.e. MVar.Food) will be returned in S
| 255 | ;"
| 256 | ;"Input:Text -- the string to operate on
| 257 | ;" OpenBracket -- string with opening brackets (i.e. '(','{', '{{' etc.)
| 258 | ;" CloseBracket -- string with close brackets (i.e. ')','}','}}' etc.)
| 259 | ;" SBefore -- SHOULD BE PASSED BY REFERENCE... to receive results.
| 260 | ;" S -- SHOULD BE PASSED BY REFERENCE... to receive results.
| 261 | ;" SAfter -- SHOULD BE PASSED BY REFERENCE... to receive results.
| 262 | ;"Output: SBefore -- returns all text up to innermost opening brackets, or "" if none
| 263 | ;" S -- returns text INSIDE innermost brackets -- with brackets REMOVED, or "" if none
| 264 | ;" SAfter -- returns all text after innermost opening brackets, or "" if none
| 265 | ;" Text is NOT changed
| 266 | ;" NOTE: Above vars must be passed by reference to recieve results.
| 267 | ;"Results: 1=valid results returned in output vars.
| 268 | ;" 0=No text found inside brackets, so output vars empty.
| 269 |
| 270 | set SBefore="",S="",SAfter=""
| 271 | new Result set Result=0
| 272 |
| 273 | ;"do DebugEntry^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"NestSplit")
| 274 |
| 275 | if $data(Text)#10=0 goto QNSp
| 276 | ;"do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Looking at '",Text,"'")
| 277 | if ($data(OpenBracket)#10=0)!($data(CloseBracket)#10=0) goto QNSp
| 278 | if '((Text[OpenBracket)&(Text[CloseBracket)) goto QNSp
| 279 |
| 280 |
| 281 | ;"First we need to get the text after LAST instance of OpenBracket
| 282 | ;"i.e. 'MVar.Num}}]}}' chased m from 'a big black {{Data.Section[{{MVar.Num}}]}} chased me'
| 283 | new i set i=2
| 284 | new part set part=""
| 285 | new temp set temp=""
| 286 | NSL1 set temp=$piece(Text,OpenBracket,i)
| 287 | if temp'="" do goto NSL1
| 288 | . set part=temp
| 289 | . set SBefore=$piece(Text,OpenBracket,1,i-1)
| 290 | . set i=i+1
| 291 |
| 292 | ;"do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"First part is: ",SBefore)
| 293 |
| 294 | ;"Now we find the text before the FIRST instance of CloseBracket
| 295 | ;"i.e. 'MVar.Num' from 'MVar.Num}}]}} chased me'
| 296 | ;"do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"part=",part)
| 297 | set S=$piece(part,CloseBracket,1)
| 298 | set SAfter=$piece(part,CloseBracket,2,128)
| 299 |
| 300 | ;"do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Main result is :",S)
| 301 | ;"do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Part after result is: ",SAfter)
| 302 |
| 303 | ;"If we got here, we are successful
| 304 | set Result=1
| 305 |
| 306 | QNSp
| 307 | ;"do DebugExit^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"NestSplit")
| 308 |
| 309 | quit Result
| 310 |
| 311 |
| 312 | Substitute(S,Match,NewValue)
| 314 | ;"Purpose: to look for all instances of Match in S, and replace with NewValue
| 315 | ;"Input: S - string to alter. Altered if passed by reference
| 316 | ;" Match -- the sequence to look for, i.e. '##'
| 317 | ;" NewValue -- what to replace Match with, i.e. '$$'
| 318 | ;"Note: This is different than $translate, as follows
| 319 | ;" $translate("ABC###DEF","###","$") --> "ABC$$$DEF"
| 320 | ;" Substitute("ABC###DEF","###","$") --> "ABC$DEF"
| 321 | ;"Result: returns altered string (if any alterations indicated)
| 322 | ;"Output: S is altered, if passed by reference.
| 323 |
| 324 | new spec
| 325 | set spec($get(Match))=$get(NewValue)
| 326 | set S=$$REPLACE^XLFSTR(S,.spec)
| 327 |
| 328 | quit S
| 329 |
| 330 |
| 331 | FormatArray(InArray,OutArray,Divider)
| 333 | ;"Purpose: The XML parser does not recognize whitespace, or end-of-line
| 334 | ;" characters. Thus many lines get lumped together. However, if there
| 335 | ;" is a significant amount of text, then the parser will put the text into
| 336 | ;" several lines (when get attrib text called etc.)
| 337 | ;" SO, this function is to take an array composed of input lines (each
| 338 | ;" with multiple sublines clumped together), and format it such that each
| 339 | ;" line is separated in the array.
| 340 | ;" e.g. Take this input array"
| 341 | ;" InArray(cText,1)="line one\nline two\nline three\n
| 342 | ;" InArray(cText,2)="line four\nline five\nline six\n
| 343 | ;" and convert to:
| 344 | ;" OutArray(1)="line one"
| 345 | ;" OutArray(2)="line two"
| 346 | ;" OutArray(3)="line three"
| 347 | ;" OutArray(4)="line four"
| 348 | ;" OutArray(5)="line five"
| 349 | ;" OutArray(6)="line six"
| 350 | ;"Input: InArray, best if passed by reference (faster) -- see example above
| 351 | ;" Note: expected to be in format: InArray(cText,n)
| 352 | ;" OutArray, must be passed by reference-- see example above
| 353 | ;" Divider: the character(s) that divides lines ("\n" in this example)
| 354 | ;"Note: It is expected that InArray will be index by integers (i.e. 1, 2, 3)
| 355 | ;" And this should be the case, as that is how XML functions pass back.
| 356 | ;" Limit of 256 separate lines on any one InArray line
| 357 | ;"Output: OutArray is set, any prior data is killed
| 358 | ;"result: 1=OK to continue, 0=abort
| 359 |
| 360 | set DEBUG=$get(DEBUG,0)
| 361 | set cOKToCont=$get(cOKToCont,1)
| 362 | set cAbort=$get(cAbort,0)
| 363 |
| 364 | if DEBUG>0 do DebugEntry^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"FormatArray")
| 365 |
| 366 | new result set result=cOKToCont
| 367 | new InIndex
| 368 | new OutIndex set OutIndex=1
| 369 | new TempArray
| 370 | new Done
| 371 |
| 372 | kill OutArray ;"remove any prior data
| 373 |
| 374 | if DEBUG>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Input array:")
| 375 | if DEBUG do ArrayDump^TMGDEBUG("InArray")
| 376 |
| 377 | if $data(Divider)=0 do goto FADone
| 378 | . set result=cAbort
| 379 |
| 380 | set Done=0
| 381 | for InIndex=1:1 do quit:Done
| 382 | . if $data(InArray(cText,InIndex))=0 set Done=1 quit
| 383 | . if DEBUG>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Converting line: ",InArray(cText,InIndex))
| 384 | . do CleaveToArray^TMGSTUTL(InArray(cText,InIndex),Divider,.TempArray,OutIndex)
| 385 | . if DEBUG>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Resulting temp array:")
| 386 | . if DEBUG do ArrayDump^TMGDEBUG("TempArray")
| 387 | . set OutIndex=TempArray(cMaxNode)+1
| 388 | . kill TempArray(cMaxNode)
| 389 | . merge OutArray=TempArray
| 390 | . if DEBUG>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"OutArray so far:")
| 391 | . if DEBUG do ArrayDump^TMGDEBUG("OutArray")
| 392 |
| 393 | FADone
| 394 | if DEBUG>0 do DebugExit^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"FormatArray")
| 395 | quit result
| 396 |
| 397 |
| 398 |
| 399 | TrimL(S,TrimCh)
| 400 | ;"Purpose: To a trip a string of leading white space
| 401 | ;" i.e. convert " hello" into "hello"
| 402 | ;"Input: S -- the string to convert. Won't be changed if passed by reference
| 403 | ;" TrimCh -- OPTIONAL: Charachter to trim. Default is " "
| 404 | ;"Results: returns modified string
| 405 | ;"Note: processing limitation is string length=1024
| 406 |
| 407 | set DEBUG=$get(DEBUG,0)
| 408 | set cOKToCont=$get(cOKToCont,1)
| 409 | set cAbort=$get(cAbort,0)
| 410 | set TrimCh=$get(TrimCh," ")
| 411 |
| 412 | new result set result=$get(S)
| 413 | new Ch set Ch=""
| 414 | for do quit:(Ch'=TrimCh)
| 415 | . set Ch=$extract(result,1,1)
| 416 | . if Ch=TrimCh set result=$extract(result,2,1024)
| 417 |
| 418 | quit result
| 419 |
| 420 |
| 421 | TrimR(S,TrimCh)
| 422 | ;"Purpose: To a trip a string of trailing white space
| 423 | ;" i.e. convert "hello " into "hello"
| 424 | ;"Input: S -- the string to convert. Won't be changed if passed by reference
| 425 | ;" TrimCh -- OPTIONAL: Charachter to trim. Default is " "
| 426 | ;"Results: returns modified string
| 427 | ;"Note: processing limitation is string length=1024
| 428 |
| 429 | set DEBUG=$get(DEBUG,0)
| 430 | set cOKToCont=$get(cOKToCont,1)
| 431 | set cAbort=$get(cAbort,0)
| 432 | set TrimCh=$get(TrimCh," ")
| 433 |
| 434 | if DEBUG>0 do DebugEntry^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"TrimR")
| 435 |
| 436 | new result set result=$get(S)
| 437 | new Ch set Ch=""
| 438 | new L
| 439 |
| 440 | for do quit:(Ch'=TrimCh)
| 441 | . set L=$length(result)
| 442 | . set Ch=$extract(result,L,L)
| 443 | . if Ch=TrimCh do
| 444 | . . set result=$extract(result,1,L-1)
| 445 |
| 446 | if DEBUG>0 do DebugExit^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"TrimR")
| 447 | quit result
| 448 |
| 449 | Trim(S,TrimCh)
| 450 | ;"Purpose: To a trip a string of leading and trailing white space
| 451 | ;" i.e. convert " hello " into "hello"
| 452 | ;"Input: S -- the string to convert. Won't be changed if passed by reference
| 453 | ;" TrimCh -- OPTIONAL: Charachter to trim. Default is " "
| 454 | ;"Results: returns modified string
| 455 | ;"Note: processing limitation is string length=1024
| 456 |
| 457 | ;"NOTE: this function could be replaced with $$TRIM^XLFSTR
| 458 |
| 459 | set DEBUG=$get(DEBUG,0)
| 460 | set cOKToCont=$get(cOKToCont,1)
| 461 | set cAbort=$get(cAbort,0)
| 462 | set TrimCh=$get(TrimCh," ")
| 463 |
| 464 | if DEBUG>0 do DebugEntry^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"Trim")
| 465 |
| 466 | new result set result=$get(S)
| 467 | set result=$$TrimL(.result,TrimCh)
| 468 | set result=$$TrimR(.result,TrimCh)
| 469 |
| 470 | if DEBUG>0 do DebugExit^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"Trim")
| 471 | quit result
| 472 |
| 473 | TrimRType(S,type)
| 474 | ;"Scope: PUBLIC FUNCTION
| 475 | ;"Purpose: trim characters on the right of the string of a specified type.
| 476 | ;" Goal, to be able to distinguish between numbers and strings.
| 477 | ;" i.e. "1234<=" --> "1234" by trimming strings
| 478 | ;"Input: S -- The string to work on
| 479 | ;" type -- the type of characters to TRIM: N for numbers,C for non-numbers (characters)
| 480 | ;"Results : modified string
| 481 |
| 482 | set tempS=$get(S)
| 483 | set type=$$UP^XLFSTR($get(type)) goto:(type="") TRTDone
| 484 | new done set done=0
| 485 | for quit:(tempS="")!done do
| 486 | . new c set c=$extract(tempS,$length(tempS))
| 487 | . new cType set cType="C"
| 488 | . if +c=c set cType="N"
| 489 | . if type["N" do
| 490 | . . if cType="N" set tempS=$extract(tempS,1,$length(tempS)-1) quit
| 491 | . . set done=1
| 492 | . else if type["C" do
| 493 | . . if cType="C" set tempS=$extract(tempS,1,$length(tempS)-1) quit
| 494 | . . set done=1
| 495 | . else set done=1
| 496 |
| 497 | TRTDone quit tempS
| 498 |
| 499 | NumLWS(S)
| 500 | ;"Scope: PUBLIC FUNCTION
| 501 | ;":Purpose: To count the number of white space characters on the left
| 502 | ;" side of the string
| 503 |
| 504 | new result set result=0
| 505 | new i,ch
| 506 | set S=$get(S)
| 507 |
| 508 | for i=1:1:$length(S) do quit:(ch'=" ")
| 509 | . set ch=$extract(S,i,i)
| 510 | . if ch=" " set result=result+1
| 511 |
| 512 | quit result
| 513 |
| 514 |
| 515 | MakeWS(n)
| 516 | ;"Scope: PUBLIC FUNCTION
| 517 | ;"Purpose: Return a whitespace string that is n characters long
| 518 |
| 519 | new result set result=""
| 520 | set n=$get(n,0)
| 521 | if n'>0 goto MWSDone
| 522 |
| 523 | new i
| 524 | for i=1:1:n set result=result_" "
| 525 |
| 526 | MWSDone
| 527 | quit result
| 528 |
| 529 |
| 530 | WordWrapArray(Array,Width,SpecialIndent)
| 531 | ;"Scope: PUBLIC FUNCTION
| 532 | ;"Purpose: To take an array and perform word wrapping such that
| 533 | ;" no line is longer than Width.
| 534 | ;" This function is really designed for reformatting a Fileman WP field
| 535 | ;"Input: Array MUST BE PASSED BY REFERENCE. This contains the array
| 536 | ;" to be reformatted. Changes will be made to this array.
| 537 | ;" It is expected that Array will be in this format:
| 538 | ;" Array(1)="Some text on the first line."
| 539 | ;" Array(2)="Some text on the second line."
| 540 | ;" Array(3)="Some text on the third line."
| 541 | ;" Array(4)="Some text on the fourth line."
| 542 | ;" or
| 543 | ;" Array(1,0)="Some text on the first line."
| 544 | ;" Array(2,0)="Some text on the second line."
| 545 | ;" Array(3,0)="Some text on the third line."
| 546 | ;" Array(4,0)="Some text on the fourth line."
| 547 | ;" Width -- the limit on the length of any line. Default value=70
| 548 | ;" SpecialIndent : if 1, then wrapping is done like this:
| 549 | ;" " This is a very long line......"
| 550 | ;" will be wrapped like this:
| 551 | ;" " This is a very
| 552 | ;" " long line ...
| 553 | ;" Notice that the leading space is copied subsequent line.
| 554 | ;" Also, a line like this:
| 555 | ;" " 1. Here is the beginning of a paragraph that is very long..."
| 556 | ;" will be wrapped like this:
| 557 | ;" " 1. Here is the beginning of a paragraph
| 558 | ;" " that is very long..."
| 559 | ;" Notice that a pattern '#. ' causes the wrapping to match the start of
| 560 | ;" of the text on the line above.
| 561 | ;" The exact rules for matching this are as follows:
| 562 | ;" (FirstWord?.N1".")!(FirstWord?1.3E1".")
| 563 | ;" i.e. any number of digits, followed by "."
| 564 | ;" OR 1-4 all upper-case characters followed by a "."
| 565 | ;" This will allow "VIII. " pattern but not "viii. "
| 566 | ;" HOWEVER, might get confused with a word, like "NOTE. "
| 567 | ;"
| 568 | ;" This, below, is not dependant on SpecialIndent setting
| 569 | ;" Also, because some of the lines have already partly wrapped, like this:
| 570 | ;" " 1. Here is the beginning of a paragraph that is very long..."
| 571 | ;" "and this is a line that has already wrapped.
| 572 | ;" So when the first line is wrapped, it would look like this:
| 573 | ;" " 1. Here is the beginning of a paragraph
| 574 | ;" " that is very long..."
| 575 | ;" "and this is a line that has already wrapped.
| 576 | ;" But is should look like this:
| 577 | ;" " 1. Here is the beginning of a paragraph
| 578 | ;" " that is very long...and this is a line
| 579 | ;" " that has already wrapped.
| 580 | ;" But the next line SHOULD NOT be pulled up if it is the start
| 581 | ;" of a new paragraph. I will tell by looking for #. paattern.
| 582 |
| 583 |
| 584 | ;"Result -- none
| 585 |
| 586 | if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugEntry^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"WordWrapArray^TMGSTUTL")
| 587 | new tempArray set tempArray="" ;"holds result during work.
| 588 | new tindex set tindex=0
| 589 | new index
| 590 | set index=$order(Array(""))
| 591 | new s
| 592 | new residualS set residualS=""
| 593 | new AddZero set AddZero=0
| 594 | set Width=$get(Width,70)
| 595 |
| 596 | if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"Starting loop")
| 597 |
| 598 | if index'="" for do quit:((index="")&(residualS=""))
| 599 | . set s=$get(Array(index))
| 600 | . if s="" do
| 601 | . . set s=$get(Array(index,0))
| 602 | . . set AddZero=1
| 603 | . if residualS'="" do ;"See if should join to next line. Don't if '#. ' pattern
| 604 | . . new FirstWord set FirstWord=$piece($$Trim(s)," ",1)
| 605 | . . if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"First Word: ",FirstWord)
| 606 | . . if (FirstWord?.N1".")!(FirstWord?1.4U1".") do ;"match for '#.' pattern
| 607 | . . . ;"Here we have the next line is a new paragraph, so don't link to residualS
| 608 | . . . set tindex=tindex+1
| 609 | . . . if AddZero=0 set tempArray(tindex)=residualS
| 610 | . . . else set tempArray(tindex,0)=residualS
| 611 | . . . set residualS=""
| 612 | . if $length(residualS)+$length(s)'<256 do
| 613 | . . if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"ERROR -- string too long.")
| 614 | . set s=residualS_s
| 615 | . set residualS=""
| 616 | . if $length(s)>Width do
| 617 | . . if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"Long line: ",s)
| 618 | . . new LineArray
| 619 | . . new NumLines
| 620 | . . set NumLines=$$SplitLine(.s,.LineArray,Width,.SpecialIndent)
| 621 | . . if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do ArrayDump^TMGDEBUG("LineArray")
| 622 | . . set s=""
| 623 | . . new LineIndex
| 624 | . . for LineIndex=1:1:NumLines do
| 625 | . . . set tindex=tindex+1
| 626 | . . . if AddZero=0 set tempArray(tindex)=LineArray(LineIndex)
| 627 | . . . else set tempArray(tindex,0)=LineArray(LineIndex)
| 628 | . . ;"long wrap probably continues into next paragraph, so link together.
| 629 | . . if NumLines>2 do
| 630 | . . . if AddZero=0 set residualS=tempArray(tindex) set tempArray(tindex)=""
| 631 | . . . else set residualS=tempArray(tindex,0) set tempArray(tindex,0)=""
| 632 | . . . set tindex=tindex-1
| 633 | . else do
| 634 | . . set tindex=tindex+1
| 635 | . . if AddZero=0 set tempArray(tindex)=s
| 636 | . . else set tempArray(tindex,0)=s
| 637 | . set index=$order(Array(index))
| 638 | else do
| 639 | . if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"Array appears empty")
| 640 |
| 641 |
| 642 | kill Array
| 643 | merge Array=tempArray
| 644 |
| 645 | if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do ArrayDump^TMGDEBUG("Array")
| 646 |
| 647 | if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugExit^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent," WordWrapArray^TMGSTUTL")
| 648 | quit
| 649 |
| 650 |
| 651 | SplitLine(s,LineArray,Width,SpecialIndent,Indent)
| 652 | ;"Scope: PUBLIC FUNCTION
| 653 | ;"Purpose: To take a long line, and wrap into an array, such that each
| 654 | ;" line is not longer than Width.
| 655 | ;" Line breaks will be made at spaces, unless there are no spaces in
| 656 | ;" the entire line (in which case, the line will be divided at Width).
| 657 | ;"Input: s= string with the long line. **If passed by reference**, then
| 658 | ;" it WILL BE CHANGED to equal the last line of array.
| 659 | ;" LineArray -- MUST BE PASSED BY REFERENCE. This OUT variable will
| 660 | ;" receive the resulting array.
| 661 | ;" Width = the desired wrap width.
| 662 | ;" SpecialIndent [OPTIONAL]: if 1, then wrapping is done like this:
| 663 | ;" " This is a very long line......"
| 664 | ;" will be wrapped like this:
| 665 | ;" " This is a very
| 666 | ;" " long line ...
| 667 | ;" Notice that the leading space is copied subsequent line.
| 668 | ;" Also, a line like this:
| 669 | ;" " 1. Here is the beginning of a paragraph that is very long..."
| 670 | ;" will be wrapped like this:
| 671 | ;" " 1. Here is the beginning of a paragraph
| 672 | ;" " that is very long..."
| 673 | ;" Notice that a pattern '#. ' causes the wrapping to match the start
| 674 | ;" of the text on the line above.
| 675 | ;" Indent [OPTIONAL]: Any absolute amount that all lines should be indented by.
| 676 | ;" This could be used if this long line is continuation of an
| 677 | ;" indentation above it.
| 678 | ;"Result: resulting number of lines (1 if no wrap needed).
| 679 |
| 680 | if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugEntry^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"SplitLine")
| 681 |
| 682 | new result set result=0
| 683 | kill LineArray
| 684 | if ($get(s)="")!($get(Width)'>0) goto SPDone
| 685 | new index set index=0
| 686 | new p,tempS,splitPoint
| 687 |
| 688 | new PreSpace set PreSpace=$$NeededWS(s,.SpecialIndent,.Indent)
| 689 |
| 690 | if ($length(s)>Width) for do quit:($length(s)'>Width)
| 691 | . for splitPoint=1:1:Width do quit:($length(tempS)>Width)
| 692 | . . set tempS=$piece(s," ",1,splitPoint)
| 693 | . . ;"write "tempS>",tempS,!
| 694 | . if splitPoint>1 do
| 695 | . . set tempS=$piece(s," ",1,splitPoint-1)
| 696 | . . set s=$piece(s," ",splitPoint,Width)
| 697 | . else do
| 698 | . . ;"We must have a word > Width with no spaces--so just divide
| 699 | . . set tempS=$extract(s,1,Width)
| 700 | . . set s=$extract(s,Width+1,999)
| 701 | . set index=index+1
| 702 | . set LineArray(index)=tempS
| 703 | . set s=PreSpace_s
| 704 | . ;"write "tempS>",tempS,!
| 705 | . ;"write "s>",s,!
| 706 |
| 707 | set index=index+1
| 708 | set LineArray(index)=s
| 709 |
| 710 | set result=index
| 711 |
| 712 | SPDone
| 713 | if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugExit^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"SplitLine")
| 714 | quit result
| 715 |
| 716 |
| 717 |
| 718 | NeededWS(S,SpecialIndent,Indent)
| 719 | ;"Scope: PRIVATE
| 720 | ;"Purpose: Evaluate the line, and create the white space string
| 721 | ;" need for wrapped lines
| 722 | ;"Input: s -- the string to eval. i.e.
| 723 | ;" " John is very happy today ... .. .. .. .."
| 724 | ;" or " 1. John is very happy today ... .. .. .. .."
| 725 | ;" SpecialIndent -- See SplitLine() discussion
| 726 | ;" Indent -- See SplitLine() discussion
| 727 |
| 728 | new result set result=""
| 729 | if $get(S)="" goto NdWSDone
| 730 |
| 731 | new WSNum
| 732 | set WSNum=+$get(Indent,0)
| 733 | set WSNum=WSNum+$$NumLWS(S)
| 734 |
| 735 | if $get(SpecialIndent)=1 do
| 736 | . new ts,FirstWord
| 737 | . set ts=$$TrimL(.S)
| 738 | . set FirstWord=$piece(ts," ",1)
| 739 | . if (FirstWord?.N1".")!(FirstWord?1.4U1".") do ;"match for '#.' pattern
| 740 | . . set WSNum=WSNum+$length(FirstWord)
| 741 | . . set ts=$piece(ts," ",2,9999)
| 742 | . . set WSNum=WSNum+$$NumLWS(.ts)+1
| 743 |
| 744 | set result=$$MakeWS(WSNum)
| 745 |
| 746 | NdWSDone
| 747 | quit result
| 748 |
| 749 |
| 750 | WriteWP(NodeRef)
| 751 | ;"Purpose: Given a reference to a WP field, this function will print it out.
| 752 | ;"INput: NodeRef -- the name of the node to print out.
| 753 | ;" For example, "^PS(50.605,1,1)"
| 754 | ;"Modification: 2/10/06 -- I removed need for @NodeRef@(0) to contain data.
| 755 |
| 756 | new i
| 757 | ;"if $get(@NodeRef@(0))="" goto WWPDone
| 758 | set i=$order(@NodeRef@(0))
| 759 | if i'="" for do quit:(i="")
| 760 | . new OneLine
| 761 | . set OneLine=$get(@NodeRef@(i))
| 762 | . if OneLine="" set OneLine=$get(@NodeRef@(i,0))
| 763 | . write OneLine,!
| 764 | . set i=$order(@NodeRef@(i))
| 765 |
| 766 | WWPDone quit
| 767 |
| 768 |
| 769 | LPad(S,width)
| 770 | ;"Purpose: To add space ("pad") string S such that final width is per specified with.
| 771 | ;" space is added to left side of string
| 772 | ;"Input: S : the string to pad.
| 773 | ;" width : the desired final width
| 774 | ;"result: returns resulting string
| 775 | ;"Example: LPad("$5.23",7)=" $5.23"
| 776 |
| 777 | quit $$RJ^XLFSTR(.S,.width," ")
| 778 |
| 779 | RPad(S,width)
| 780 | ;"Purpose: To add space ("pad") string S such that final width is per specified with.
| 781 | ;" space is added to right side of string
| 782 | ;"Input: S : the string to pad.
| 783 | ;" width : the desired final width
| 784 | ;"result: returns resulting string
| 785 | ;"Example: RPad("$5.23",7)="$5.23 "
| 786 |
| 787 | quit $$LJ^XLFSTR(.S,.width," ")
| 788 |
| 789 | Center(S,width)
| 790 | ;"Purpose: to return a center justified string
| 791 |
| 792 | quit $$CJ^XLFSTR(.S,.width," ")
| 793 |
| 794 | Clip(S,width)
| 795 | ;"Purpose: to ensure that string S is no longer than width
| 796 |
| 797 | new result set result=$get(S)
| 798 | if result'="" set result=$extract(S,1,width)
| 799 | ClipDone
| 800 | quit result
| 801 |
| 802 |
| 803 | STRB2H(s,F,noSpace)
| 804 | ;"Convert a string to hex characters)
| 805 | ;"Input: s -- the input string (need not be ascii characters)
| 806 | ;" F -- (optional) if F>0 then will append an ascii display of string.
| 807 | ;" noSpace -- (Optional) if >0 then characters NOT separated by spaces
| 808 | ;"result -- the converted string
| 809 |
| 810 | new i,ch
| 811 | new result set result=""
| 812 |
| 813 | for i=1:1:$length(s) do
| 814 | . set ch=$extract(s,i)
| 815 | . set result=result_$$HEXCHR^TMGMISC($ascii(ch))
| 816 | . if +$get(noSpace)=0 set result=result_" "
| 817 |
| 818 | if $get(F)>0 set result=result_" "_$$HIDECTRLS^TMGSTUTL(s)
| 819 | quit result
| 820 |
| 821 |
| 822 | HIDECTRLS(s)
| 823 | ;"hide all unprintable characters from a string
| 824 | new i,ch,byte
| 825 | new result set result=""
| 826 | for i=1:1:$length(s) do
| 827 | . set ch=$e(s,i)
| 828 | . set byte=$ascii(ch)
| 829 | . if (byte<32)!(byte>122) set result=result_"."
| 830 | . else set result=result_ch
| 831 |
| 832 | quit result
| 833 |
| 834 |
| 835 |
| 836 | CapWords(S,Divider)
| 837 | ;"Purpose: convert each word in the string: 'test string' --> 'Test String', 'TEST STRING' --> 'Test String'
| 838 |
| 839 | ;"Input: S -- the string to convert
| 840 | ;" Divider -- [OPTIONAL] the character used to separate string (default is ' ' [space])
| 841 | ;"Result: returns the converted string
| 842 |
| 843 | new s2,part
| 844 | new result set result=""
| 845 | set Divider=$get(Divider," ")
| 846 |
| 847 | set s2=$$LOW^XLFSTR(S)
| 848 |
| 849 | for i=1:1 do quit:part=""
| 850 | . set part=$piece(s2,Divider,i)
| 851 | . if part="" quit
| 852 | . set $extract(part,1)=$$UP^XLFSTR($extract(part,1))
| 853 | . if result'="" set result=result_Divider
| 854 | . set result=result_part
| 855 |
| 856 | quit result
| 857 |
| 858 |
| 859 | LinuxStr(S)
| 860 | ;"Purpose: convert string to a valid linux filename
| 861 | ;" e.g. 'File Name' --> 'File\ Name'
| 862 |
| 863 | quit $$Substitute(.S," ","\ ")
| 864 |
| 865 |
| 866 |
| 867 | NiceSplit(S,Len,s1,s2,s2Min,DivCh)
| 868 | ;"Purpose: to split S into two strings, s1 & s2
| 869 | ;" Furthermore, s1's length must be <= length.
| 870 | ;" and the split will be made at spaces
| 871 | ;"Input: S -- the string to split
| 872 | ;" Len -- the length limit of s1
| 873 | ;" s1 -- PASS BY REFERENCE, an OUT parameter
| 874 | ;" receives first part of split
| 875 | ;" s2 -- PASS BY REFERENCE, an OUT parameter
| 876 | ;" receives the rest of string
| 877 | ;" s2Min -- OPTIONAL -- the minimum that
| 878 | ;" length of s2 can be. Note, if s2
| 879 | ;" is "", then this is not applied
| 880 | ;" DivCH -- OPTIONAL, default is " ".
| 881 | ;" This is the character to split words by
| 882 | ;"Output: s1 and s2 is filled with data
| 883 | ;"Result: none
| 884 |
| 885 | set (s1,s2)=""
| 886 | if $get(DivCh)="" set DivCh=" "
| 887 |
| 888 | if $length(S)'>Len do goto NSpDone
| 889 | . set s1=S
| 890 |
| 891 | new i
| 892 | new done
| 893 | for i=200:-1:1 do quit:(done)
| 894 | . set s1=$piece(S,DivCh,1,i)_DivCh
| 895 | . set s2=$piece(S,DivCh,i+1,999)
| 896 | . set done=($length(s1)'>Len)
| 897 | . if done,+$get(s2Min)>0 do
| 898 | . . if s2="" quit
| 899 | . . set done=($length(s2)'<s2Min)
| 900 |
| 901 | NSpDone quit
| 902 |
| 903 |
| 904 | StrToWP(s,pArray,width,DivCh,InitLine)
| 905 | ;"Purpose: to take a long string and wrap it into formal WP format
| 906 | ;"Input: s: the long string to wrap into the WP field
| 907 | ;" pArray: the NAME of the array to put output into.
| 908 | ;" Any pre-existing data in this array will NOT be killed
| 909 | ;" width: OPTIONAL -- the width to target for word wrapping. Default is 60
| 910 | ;" DivCh: OPTIONAL -- the character to use separate words (to allow nice wrapping). Default is " "
| 911 | ;" InitLine: OPTIONAL -- the line to start putting data into. Default is 1
| 912 | ;"Output: pArray will be filled as follows:
| 913 | ;" @pArray@(InitLine+0)=line 1
| 914 | ;" @pArray@(InitLine+1)=line 2
| 915 | ;" @pArray@(InitLine+2)=line 3
| 916 |
| 917 | if +$get(width)=0 set width=60
| 918 | if $get(DivCh)="" set DivCh=" "
| 919 | new tempS set tempS=$get(s)
| 920 | if $get(InitLine)="" set InitLine=1
| 921 | new curLine set curLine=+InitLine
| 922 | ;"kill @pArray
| 923 |
| 924 | for do quit:(tempS="")
| 925 | . new s1,s2
| 926 | . do NiceSplit(tempS,width,.s1,.s2,,DivCh)
| 927 | . set @pArray@(curLine)=s1
| 928 | . set curLine=curLine+1
| 929 | . set tempS=s2
| 930 |
| 931 | quit
| 932 |
| 933 |
| 934 | WPToStr(pArray,DivCh,MaxLen,InitLine)
| 935 | ;"Purpose: This is the opposite of StrToWP. It takes a WP field, and concatenates
| 936 | ;" each line to make one long string.
| 937 | ;"Input: pArray: the NAME of the array to get WP lines from. Expected format as follows
| 938 | ;" @pArray@(InitLine+0)=line 1
| 939 | ;" @pArray@(InitLine+1)=line 2
| 940 | ;" @pArray@(InitLine+2)=line 3
| 941 | ;" -or-
| 942 | ;" @pArray@(InitLine+0,0)=line 1
| 943 | ;" @pArray@(InitLine+1,0)=line 2
| 944 | ;" @pArray@(InitLine+2,0)=line 3
| 945 | ;" DivCh: OPTIONAL, default is " ". This character is appended to the end of each line, e.g
| 946 | ;" output=output_line1_DivCh_line2
| 947 | ;" MaxLen: OPTIONAL, default=255. The maximum allowable length of the resulting string.
| 948 | ;" InitLine: OPTIONAL -- the line in pArray to start reading data from. Default is 1
| 949 | ;"result: Returns one long string representing the WP array
| 950 |
| 951 | new i,OneLine,result,Len
| 952 | set i=$get(InitLine,1)
| 953 | set result=""
| 954 | set DivCh=$get(DivCh," ")
| 955 | set MaxLen=$get(MaxLen,255)
| 956 | set Len=0
| 957 |
| 958 | for do quit:(OneLine="")!(Len'<MaxLen)!(+i'>0)
| 959 | . set OneLine=$get(@pArray@(i))
| 960 | . if OneLine="" set OneLine=$get(@pArray@(i,0))
| 961 | . if OneLine="" quit
| 962 | . set Len=$length(result)+$length(DivCh)
| 963 | . if Len+$length(OneLine)>MaxLen do
| 964 | . . set OneLine=$extract(OneLine,1,(MaxLen-Len))
| 965 | . set result=result_OneLine_DivCh
| 966 | . set Len=Len+$length(OneLine)
| 967 | . set i=$order(@pArray@(i))
| 968 |
| 969 | quit result;
| 970 |
| 971 |
| 972 | Comp2Strs(s1,s2)
| 973 | ;"Purpose: To compare two strings and assign an arbritrary score to their similarity
| 974 | ;"Input: s1,s2 -- The two strings to compare
| 975 | ;"Result: a score comparing the two strings
| 976 | ;" 0.5 point for every word in s1 that is also in s2 (case specific)
| 977 | ;" 0.25 point for every word in s1 that is also in s2 (not case specific)
| 978 | ;" 0.5 point for every word in s2 that is also in s1 (case specific)
| 979 | ;" 0.25 point for every word in s2 that is also in s1 (not case specific)
| 980 | ;" 1 points if same number of words in string (compared each way)
| 981 | ;" 2 points for each word that is in the same position in each string (case specific)
| 982 | ;" 1.5 points for each word that is in the same position in each string (not case specific)
| 983 |
| 984 | new score set score=0
| 985 | new Us1 set Us1=$$UP^XLFSTR(s1)
| 986 | new Us2 set Us2=$$UP^XLFSTR(s2)
| 987 |
| 988 | new i
| 989 | for i=1:1:$length(s1," ") do
| 990 | . if s2[$piece(s1," ",i) set score=score+0.5
| 991 | . else if Us2[$piece(Us1," ",i) set score=score+0.25
| 992 | . if $piece(s1," ",i)=$piece(s2," ",i) set score=score+1
| 993 | . else if $piece(Us1," ",i)=$piece(Us2," ",i) set score=score+1.5
| 994 |
| 995 | for i=1:1:$length(s2," ") do
| 996 | . if s1[$piece(s2," ",i) set score=score+0.5
| 997 | . else if Us1[$piece(Us2," ",i) set score=score+0.25
| 998 | . if $piece(s1," ",i)=$piece(s2," ",i) set score=score+1
| 999 | . else if $piece(Us1," ",i)=$piece(Us2," ",i) set score=score+1.5
| 1000 |
| 1001 | if $length(s1," ")=$length(s2," ") set score=score+2
| 1002 |
| 1003 | quit score
| 1004 |
| 1005 |
| 1006 | PosNum(s,Num,LeadingSpace)
| 1007 | ;"Purpose: To return the position of the first Number in a string
| 1008 | ;"Input: S -- string to check
| 1009 | ;" Num -- OPTIONAL, default is 0-9 numbers. number to look for.
| 1010 | ;" LeadingSpace -- OPTIONAL. If 1 then looks for " #" or " .#", not just "#"
| 1011 | ;"Results: -1 if not found, otherwise position of found digit.
| 1012 |
| 1013 | new result set result=-1
| 1014 | new Leader set Leader=""
| 1015 | if $get(LeadingSpace)=1 set Leader=" "
| 1016 |
| 1017 | if $get(Num) do goto PNDone
| 1018 | . set result=$find(s,Leader_Num)-1
| 1019 |
| 1020 | new temp,i,decimalFound
| 1021 | for i=0:1:9 do
| 1022 | . set decimalFound=0
| 1023 | . set temp=$find(s,Leader_i)
| 1024 | . if (temp=0)&(Leader'="") do
| 1025 | . . set temp=$find(s,Leader_"."_i)
| 1026 | . . if temp>-1 set decimalFound=1
| 1027 | . if temp>-1 set temp=temp-$length(Leader_i)
| 1028 | . if decimalFound set temp=temp-1
| 1029 | . if (temp>0)&((temp<result)!(result=-1)) set result=temp
| 1030 |
| 1031 | PNDone
| 1032 | if (result>0)&(Leader=" ") set result=result+1
| 1033 | quit result
| 1034 |
| 1035 |
| 1036 | IsNumeric(s)
| 1037 | ;"Purpose: To deterimine if word s is a numeric
| 1038 | ;" Examples of numeric words:
| 1039 | ;" 10, N-100, 0.5%, 50000UNT/ML
| 1040 | ;" the test will be if the word contains any digit 0-9
| 1041 | ;"Results: 1 if is a numeric word, 0 if not.
| 1042 |
| 1043 | quit ($$PosNum(.s)>0)
| 1044 |
| 1045 |
| 1046 | ScrubNumeric(s)
| 1047 | ;"Purpose: This is a specialty function designed to remove numeric words
| 1048 | ;" from a sentence. E.g.
| 1051 |
| 1052 | new Array,i,result
| 1053 | set s=$$Substitute(s,"/MG","")
| 1054 | set s=$$Substitute(s,"/ML","")
| 1055 | set s=$$Substitute(s,"/"," / ")
| 1056 | set s=$$Substitute(s,"-"," - ")
| 1057 | do CleaveToArray(s," ",.Array)
| 1058 | new ToKill
| 1059 | set i=0 for set i=$order(Array(i)) quit:+i'>0 do
| 1060 | . if (Array(i)="MG")&($get(ToKill(i-1))=1) set ToKill(i)=1 quit
| 1061 | . if (Array(i)="MCG")&($get(ToKill(i-1))=1) set ToKill(i)=1 quit
| 1062 | . if (Array(i)="MEQ")&($get(ToKill(i-1))=1) set ToKill(i)=1 quit
| 1063 | . if (Array(i)="%")&($get(ToKill(i-1))=1) set ToKill(i)=1 quit
| 1064 | . if (Array(i)="MM")&($get(ToKill(i-1))=1) set ToKill(i)=1 quit
| 1065 | . if $$IsNumeric(Array(i))=0 quit
| 1066 | . set ToKill(i)=1
| 1067 | . new tempS set tempS=$get(Array(i-1))
| 1068 | . if (tempS="/")!(tempS="-") set ToKill(i-1)=1
| 1069 | . if (tempS="NO")!(tempS="#") set ToKill(i-1)=1
| 1070 |
| 1071 | set i=0 for set i=$order(Array(i)) quit:+i'>0 do
| 1072 | . if $get(ToKill(i))=1 kill Array(i)
| 1073 |
| 1074 | set i="",result=""
| 1075 | for set i=$order(Array(i)) quit:+i'>0 do
| 1076 | . set result=result_Array(i)_" "
| 1077 |
| 1078 | set result=$$Trim(result)
| 1079 | set result=$$Substitute(result," / ","/")
| 1080 | set result=$$Substitute(result," - ","-")
| 1081 |
| 1082 | quit result
| 1083 |
| 1084 |
| 1085 | Pos(subStr,s,count)
| 1086 | ;"Purpose: return the beginning position of subStr in s
| 1087 | ;"Input: subStr -- the string to be searched for in s
| 1088 | ;" s -- the string to search
| 1089 | ;" count -- OPTIONAL, the instance to return pos of (1=1st, 2=2nd, etc.)
| 1090 | ;" if count=2 and only 1 instance exists, then 0 returned
| 1091 | ;"Result: the beginning position, or 0 if not found
| 1092 | ;"Note: This function differs from $find in that $find returns the pos of the
| 1093 | ;" first character AFTER the subStr
| 1094 |
| 1095 | set count=$get(count,1)
| 1096 | new result set result=0
| 1097 | new instance set instance=1
| 1098 | PS1
| 1099 | set result=$find(s,subStr,result+1)
| 1100 | if result>0 set result=result-$length(subStr)
| 1101 | if count>instance set instance=instance+1 goto PS1
| 1102 |
| 1103 | quit result
| 1104 |
| 1105 |
| 1106 | ArrayPos(array,s)
| 1107 | ;"Purpose: return the index position of s in array
| 1108 |
| 1109 | ;"...
| 1110 |
| 1111 | quit
| 1112 |
| 1113 | DiffPos(s1,s2)
| 1114 | ;"Purpose: Return the position of the first difference between s1 and s2
| 1115 | ;"Input -- s1, s2 : The strings to compare.
| 1116 | ;"result: the position (in s1) of the first difference, or 0 if no difference
| 1117 |
| 1118 | new l set l=$length(s1)
| 1119 | if $length(s2)>l set l=$length(s2)
| 1120 | new done set done=0
| 1121 | new i for i=1:1:l do quit:(done=1)
| 1122 | . set done=($extract(s1,1,i)'=$extract(s2,1,i))
| 1123 | new result set result=0
| 1124 | if done=1 set result=i
| 1125 | quit result
| 1126 |
| 1127 |
| 1128 | DiffWPos(Words1,Words2)
| 1129 | ;"Purpose: Return the index of the first different word between Words arrays
| 1130 | ;"Input: Words1,Words2 -- the array of words, such as would be made
| 1131 | ;" by CleaveToArray^TMGSTUTL
| 1132 | ;"Returns: Index of first different word in Words1, or 0 if no difference
| 1133 |
| 1134 | new l set l=+$get(Words1("MAXNODE"))
| 1135 | if +$get(Words2("MAXNODE"))>l set l=+$get(Words2("MAXNODE"))
| 1136 | new done set done=0
| 1137 | new i for i=1:1:l do quit:(done=1)
| 1138 | . set done=($get(Words1(i))'=$get(Words2(i)))
| 1139 | new result
| 1140 | if done=1 set result=i
| 1141 | else set result=0
| 1142 | quit result
| 1143 |
| 1144 |
| 1145 | SimStr(s1,p1,s2,p2)
| 1146 | ;"Purpose: return the matching string in both s1 and s2, starting
| 1147 | ;" at positions p1 and p2.
| 1148 | ;" Example: s1='Tom is 12 years old', p1=7
| 1149 | ;" s2='Bill will be 12 years young tomorrow' p2=13
| 1150 | ;" would return ' 12 years '
| 1151 |
| 1152 | new ch1,ch2,offset,result,done
| 1153 | set result="",done=0
| 1154 | for offset=0:1:9999 do quit:(done=1)
| 1155 | . set ch1=$extract(s1,p1+offset)
| 1156 | . set ch2=$extract(s2,p2+offset)
| 1157 | . if (ch1=ch2) set result=result_ch1
| 1158 | . else set done=1
| 1159 | quit result
| 1160 |
| 1161 |
| 1162 | SimWord(Words1,p1,Words2,p2)
| 1163 | ;"Purpose: return the matching words in both words array 1 and 2, starting
| 1164 | ;" at word positions p1 and p2. This function is different from
| 1165 | ;" SimStr in that it works with whole words
| 1166 | ;" Example:
| 1167 | ;" Words1(1)=Tom Words2(1)=Bill
| 1168 | ;" Words1(2)=is Words2(2)=will
| 1169 | ;" Words1(3)=12 Words2(3)=be
| 1170 | ;" Words1(4)=years Words2(4)=12
| 1171 | ;" Words1(5)=old Words2(5)=years
| 1172 | ;" Words1("MAXNODE")=5 Words2(6)=young
| 1173 | ;" Words2(7)=tomorrow
| 1174 | ;" Words1("MAXNODE")=7
| 1175 | ;" This will return 3, (where '12 years' starts)
| 1176 | ;" if p1=3 and p2=4 would return '12 years'
| 1177 | ;"Note: A '|' will be used as word separator when constructing result
| 1178 | ;"Input: Words1,Words2 -- the array of words, such as would be made
| 1179 | ;" by CleaveToArray^TMGSTUTL. e.g.
| 1180 | ;" p1,p2 -- the index of the word in Words array to start with
| 1181 | ;"result: (see example)
| 1182 |
| 1183 | new w1,w2,offset,result,done
| 1184 | set result="",done=0
| 1185 | for offset=0:1:$get(Words1("MAXNODE")) do quit:(done=1)
| 1186 | . set w1=$get(Words1(offset+p1))
| 1187 | . set w2=$get(Words2(offset+p2))
| 1188 | . if (w1=w2)&(w1'="") do
| 1189 | . . if (result'="") set result=result_"|"
| 1190 | . . set result=result_w1
| 1191 | . else set done=1
| 1192 | quit result
| 1193 |
| 1194 |
| 1195 | SimPos(s1,s2,DivStr,pos1,pos2,MatchStr)
| 1196 | ;"Purpose: return the first position that two strings are similar. This means
| 1197 | ;" the first position in string s1 that characters match in s2. A
| 1198 | ;" match will be set to mean 3 or more characters being the same.
| 1199 | ;" Example: s1='Tom is 12 years old'
| 1200 | ;" s2='Bill will be 12 years young tomorrow'
| 1201 | ;" This will return 7, (where '12 years' starts)
| 1202 | ;"Input: s1,s2 -- the two strings to compare
| 1203 | ;" DivStr -- OPTIONAL, the character to use to separate the answers
| 1204 | ;" in the return string. Default is '^'
| 1205 | ;" pos1 -- OPTIONAL, an OUT PARAMETER. Returns Pos1 from result
| 1206 | ;" pos2 -- OPTIONAL, an OUT PARAMETER. Returns Pos2 from result
| 1207 | ;" MatchStr -- OPTIONAL, an OUT PARAMETER. Returns MatchStr from result
| 1208 | ;"Results: Pos1^Pos2^MatchStr Pos1=position in s1, Pos2=position in s2,
| 1209 | ;" MatchStr=the matching Str
| 1210 |
| 1211 | set DivStr=$get(DivStr,"^")
| 1212 | new startPos,subStr,found,s2Pos
| 1213 | set found=0,s2Pos=0
| 1214 | for startPos=1:1:$length(s1) do quit:(found=1)
| 1215 | . set subStr=$extract(s1,startPos,startPos+3)
| 1216 | . set s2Pos=$$Pos(subStr,s2)
| 1217 | . set found=(s2Pos>0)
| 1218 |
| 1219 | new result
| 1220 | if found=1 do
| 1221 | . set pos1=startPos,pos2=s2Pos
| 1222 | . set MatchStr=$$SimStr(s1,startPos,s2,s2Pos)
| 1223 | else do
| 1224 | . set pos1=0,pos2=0,MatchStr=""
| 1225 |
| 1226 | set result=pos1_DivStr_pos2_DivStr_MatchStr
| 1227 |
| 1228 | quit result
| 1229 |
| 1230 |
| 1231 | SimWPos(Words1,Words2,DivStr,p1,p2,MatchStr)
| 1232 | ;"Purpose: return the first position that two word arrays are similar. This means
| 1233 | ;" the first index in Words array 1 that matches to words in Words array 2.
| 1234 | ;" A match will be set to mean the two words are equal
| 1235 | ;" Example:
| 1236 | ;" Words1(1)=Tom Words2(1)=Bill
| 1237 | ;" Words1(2)=is Words2(2)=will
| 1238 | ;" Words1(3)=12 Words2(3)=be
| 1239 | ;" Words1(4)=years Words2(4)=12
| 1240 | ;" Words1(5)=old Words2(5)=years
| 1241 | ;" Words1("MAXNODE")=5 Words2(6)=young
| 1242 | ;" Words2(7)=tomorrow
| 1243 | ;" Words2("MAXNODE")=7
| 1244 | ;" This will return 3, (where '12 years' starts)
| 1245 | ;"Input: Words1,Words2 -- the two arrays to compare
| 1246 | ;" DivStr -- OPTIONAL, the character to use to separate the answers
| 1247 | ;" in the return string. Default is '^'
| 1248 | ;" pos1 -- OPTIONAL, an OUT PARAMETER. Returns Pos1 from result
| 1249 | ;" pos2 -- OPTIONAL, an OUT PARAMETER. Returns Pos2 from result
| 1250 | ;" MatchStr -- OPTIONAL, an OUT PARAMETER. Returns MatchStr from result
| 1251 | ;"Results: Pos1^Pos2^MatchStr Pos1=position in Words1, Pos2=position in Words2,
| 1252 | ;" MatchStr=the first matching Word or phrase
| 1253 | ;" Note: | will be used as a word separator for phrases.
| 1254 |
| 1255 | set DivStr=$get(DivStr,"^")
| 1256 | new startPos,word1,found,w2Pos
| 1257 | set found=0,s2Pos=0
| 1258 | for startPos=1:1:+$get(Words1("MAXNODE")) do quit:(found=1)
| 1259 | . set word1=$get(Words1(startPos))
| 1260 | . set w2Pos=$$IndexOf^TMGMISC($name(Words2),word1)
| 1261 | . set found=(w2Pos>0)
| 1262 |
| 1263 | if found=1 do
| 1264 | . set p1=startPos,p2=w2Pos
| 1265 | . set MatchStr=$$SimWord(.Words1,p1,.Words2,p2)
| 1266 | else do
| 1267 | . set p1=0,p2=0,MatchStr=""
| 1268 |
| 1269 | new result set result=p1_DivStr_p2_DivStr_MatchStr
| 1270 |
| 1271 | quit result
| 1272 |
| 1273 |
| 1274 | DiffStr(s1,s2,DivChr)
| 1275 | ;"Purpose: Return how s1 differs from s2. E.g.
| 1276 | ;" s1='Today was the birthday of Bill and John'
| 1277 | ;" s2='Yesterday was the birthday of Tom and Sue'
| 1278 | ;" results='Today^1^Bill^26^John^35'
| 1279 | ;" This means that 'Today', starting at pos 1 in s1 differs
| 1280 | ;" from s2. And 'Bill' starting at pos 26 differs from s2 etc..
| 1281 | ;"Input: s1,s2 -- the two strings to compare
| 1282 | ;" DivStr -- OPTIONAL, the character to use to separate the answers
| 1283 | ;" in the return string. Default is '^'
| 1284 | ;"Results: DiffStr1^pos1^DiffStr2^pos2^...
| 1285 |
| 1286 | set DivChr=$get(DivChr,"^")
| 1287 | new result set result=""
| 1288 | new offset set offset=0
| 1289 | new p1,p2,matchStr,matchLen
| 1290 | new diffStr,temp
| 1291 | DSLoop
| 1292 | set temp=$$SimPos(s1,s2,DivChr,.p1,.p2,.matchStr)
| 1293 | ;"Returns: Pos1^Pos2^MatchStr Pos1=pos in s1, Pos2=pos in s2, MatchStr=the matching Str
| 1294 | if p1=0 set:(s1'="") result=result_s1_DivChr_(+offset) goto DSDone
| 1295 |
| 1296 | set matchLen=$length(matchStr)
| 1297 |
| 1298 | if p1>1 do
| 1299 | . set diffStr=$extract(s1,1,p1-1)
| 1300 | . set result=result_diffStr_DivChr_(1+offset)_DivChr
| 1301 | set offset=offset+(p1+matchLen-1)
| 1302 | set s1=$extract(s1,p1+matchLen,9999) ;"trim s1
| 1303 | set s2=$extract(s2,p2+matchLen,9999) ;"trim s2
| 1304 | goto DSLoop
| 1305 | DSDone
| 1306 | quit result
| 1307 |
| 1308 |
| 1309 | DiffWords(Words1,Words2,DivChr)
| 1310 | ;"Purpose: Return how Word arrays Words1 differs from Words2. E.g.
| 1311 | ;" Example:
| 1312 | ;" Words1(1)=Tom Words2(1)=Bill
| 1313 | ;" Words1(2)=is Words2(2)=will
| 1314 | ;" Words1(3)=12 Words2(3)=be
| 1315 | ;" Words1(4)=years Words2(4)=12
| 1316 | ;" Words1(5)=old Words2(5)=years
| 1317 | ;" Words1("MAXNODE")=5 Words2(6)=young
| 1318 | ;" Words2(7)=tomorrow
| 1319 | ;" Words1("MAXNODE")=7
| 1320 | ;"
| 1321 | ;" s1='Today was the birthday of Bill and John'
| 1322 | ;" s2='Yesterday was the birthday of Tom and Sue'
| 1323 | ;" results='Tom is^1^old^5'
| 1324 | ;" This means that 'Tom is', starting at pos 1 in Words1 differs
| 1325 | ;" from Words2. And 'old' starting at pos 5 differs from Words2 etc..
| 1326 | ;"Input: Words1,Words2 -- PASS BY REFERENCE. The two word arrays to compare
| 1327 | ;" DivStr -- OPTIONAL, the character to use to separate the answers
| 1328 | ;" in the return string. Default is '^'
| 1329 | ;"Note: The words in DiffStr are divided by "|"
| 1330 | ;"Results: DiffStr1A>DiffStr1B^pos1>pos2^DiffStr2A>DiffStr2B^pos1>pos2^...
| 1331 | ;" The A DiffStr would be what the value is in Words1, and
| 1332 | ;" the B DiffStr would be what the value is in Words2, or @ if deleted.
| 1333 |
| 1334 | set DivChr=$get(DivChr,"^")
| 1335 | new result set result=""
| 1336 | new trimmed1,trimmed2 set trimmed1=0,trimmed2=0
| 1337 | new p1,p2,matchStr,matchLen
| 1338 | new diffStr1,diffStr2,temp
| 1339 | new tWords1,tWords2
| 1340 | merge tWords1=Words1
| 1341 | merge tWords2=Words2
| 1342 | new i,len1,len2,trimLen1,trimLen2
| 1343 | new diffPos1,diffPos2
| 1344 | set len1=+$get(tWords1("MAXNODE"))
| 1345 | set len2=+$get(tWords2("MAXNODE"))
| 1346 | DWLoop
| 1347 | set temp=$$SimWPos(.tWords1,.tWords2,DivChr,.p1,.p2,.matchStr)
| 1348 | ;"Returns: Pos1^Pos2^MatchStr Pos1=pos in s1, Pos2=pos in s2, MatchStr=the matching Str
| 1349 |
| 1350 | ;"Possible return options:
| 1351 | ;" p1=p2=0 -- two strings have nothing in common
| 1352 | ;" p1=p2=1 -- first word of each string is the same
| 1353 | ;" p1=p2=X -- words 1..(X-1) differ from each other.
| 1354 | ;" p1>p2 -- e.g. EXT REL TAB --> XR TAB
| 1355 | ;" p1<p2 -- XR TAB --> EXT REL TAB
| 1356 |
| 1357 | if (p1=0)&(p2=0) do
| 1358 | . set diffStr1=$$CatArray(.tWords1,1,len1,"|")
| 1359 | . set diffStr2=$$CatArray(.tWords2,1,len2,"|")
| 1360 | . set trimLen1=len1,trimLen2=len2
| 1361 | . set diffPos1=1+trimmed1
| 1362 | . set diffPos2=1+trimmed2
| 1363 | else if (p1=1)&(p2=1) do
| 1364 | . set diffStr1="@",diffStr2="@"
| 1365 | . set trimLen1=1,trimLen2=1
| 1366 | . set diffPos1=0,diffPos2=0
| 1367 | else do
| 1368 | . set diffStr1=$$CatArray(.tWords1,1,p1-1,"|")
| 1369 | . set diffStr2=$$CatArray(.tWords2,1,p2-1,"|")
| 1370 | . set trimLen1=p1-1,trimLen2=p2-1
| 1371 | . set diffPos1=1+trimmed1,diffPos2=1+trimmed2
| 1372 |
| 1373 | if diffStr1="" set diffStr1="@"
| 1374 | if diffStr2="" set diffStr2="@"
| 1375 |
| 1376 | if '((diffStr1="@")&(diffStr1="@")) do
| 1377 | . set:(result'="")&($extract(result,$length(result))'=DivChr) result=result_DivChr
| 1378 | . set result=result_diffStr1_">"_diffStr2_DivChr
| 1379 | . set result=result_diffPos1_">"_diffPos2
| 1380 |
| 1381 | do ListTrim^TMGMISC("tWords1",1,trimLen1,"MAXNODE")
| 1382 | do ListTrim^TMGMISC("tWords2",1,trimLen2,"MAXNODE")
| 1383 | set trimmed1=trimmed1+trimLen1
| 1384 | set trimmed2=trimmed2+trimLen2
| 1385 |
| 1386 | if ($get(tWords1("MAXNODE"))=0)&($get(tWords2("MAXNODE"))=0) goto DWDone
| 1387 | goto DWLoop
| 1388 |
| 1389 | DWDone
| 1390 | quit result
| 1391 |
| 1392 | CatArray(Words,i1,i2,DivChr)
| 1393 | ;"Purpose: For given word array, return contatenated results from index1 to index2
| 1394 | ;"Input: Words -- PASS BY REFERENCE. Array of Words, as might be created by CleaveToArray
| 1395 | ;" i1 -- the index to start concat at
| 1396 | ;" i2 -- the last index to include in concat
| 1397 | ;" DivChr -- OPTIONAL. The character to used to separate words. Default=" "
| 1398 |
| 1399 | new result set result=""
| 1400 | set DivChr=$get(DivChr," ")
| 1401 | new i for i=i1:1:i2 do
| 1402 | . new word set word=$get(Words(i))
| 1403 | . if word="" quit
| 1404 | . set:(result'="")&($extract(result,$length(result))'=DivChr) result=result_DivChr
| 1405 | . set result=result_word
| 1406 | quit result
| 1407 |
| 1408 | QTPROTECT(S) ;"SAAC compliant entry point
| 1409 | quit $$QtProtect(.S)
| 1410 | QtProtect(s)
| 1411 | ;"Purpose: Protects quotes by converting all quotes do double quotes (" --> "")
| 1412 | ;"Input : s -- The string to be modified. Original string is unchanged.
| 1413 | ;"Result: returns a string with all instances of single instances of quotes
| 1414 | ;" being replaced with two quotes.
| 1415 |
| 1416 | new tempS
| 1417 | set tempS=$$Substitute($get(s),"""""","<^@^>") ;"protect original double quotes
| 1418 | set tempS=$$Substitute(tempS,"""","""""")
| 1419 | set tempS=$$Substitute(tempS,"<^@^>","""""") ;"reverse protection
| 1420 | quit tempS
| 1421 |
| 1422 |
| 1423 | GetStrPos(s,StartPos,P1,P2) ;"INCOMPLETE!!
| 1424 | ;"Purpose: return position of start and end of a string (marked by starting
| 1425 | ;" and ending quote. Search is started at StartPos.
| 1426 | ;" Example: if s='She said "Hello" to Bill', and StartPos=1
| 1427 | ;" then P1 should be returned as 10, and P2 as 16
| 1428 | ;"Input: s -- the text to be
| 1429 | ;" StartPos -- the position to start the search at. Optional: default=1
| 1430 | ;" P1 -- PASS BY REFERENCE, an Out Parameter
| 1431 | ;" P2 -- PASS BY REFERENCE, an Out Parameter
| 1432 | ;"Results: None
| 1433 | ;"Output: P1 and P2 are returned as per example above, or 0 if not quotes in text
| 1434 |
| 1435 | set P1=0,P2=0
| 1436 | if s'["""" goto GSPDone
| 1437 | set StartPos=+$get(StartPos,1)
| 1438 | new tempS set tempS=$extract(s,StartPos,$length(s))
| 1439 | set tempS=$$Substitute(tempS,"""""",$char(1)_$char(1))
| 1440 |
| 1441 | ;"FINISH... NOT COMPLETED...
| 1442 | GSPDone
| 1443 | quit
| 1444 |
| 1445 | InQt(s,Pos)
| 1446 | ;"Purpose: to return if a given character, in string(s), is insided quotes
| 1447 | ;" e.g. s='His name is "Bill," OK?' and if p=14, then returns 1
| 1448 | ;" (note the above string is usually stored as:
| 1449 | ;" "His name is ""Bill,"" OK?" in the text editor, BUT in the
| 1450 | ;" strings that will be passed here I will get only 1 quote character
| 1451 | ;"Input: s -- the string to scan
| 1452 | ;" Pos -- the position of the character in question
| 1453 | ;"Results: 0 if not inside quotes, 1 if it is.
| 1454 | ;"NOTE: if Pos points to the bounding quotes, the result is 0
| 1455 | new inQt set inQt=0
| 1456 | if (Pos>$length(s))!(Pos<1) goto IQtDone
| 1457 | new p set p=$find(s,"""")-1
| 1458 | if p<Pos for p=p-1:1:Pos set:($extract(s,p)="""") inQt='inQt
| 1459 | IQtDone quit inQt
| 1460 |
| 1462 | quit $$HasNonQtSub(.s,.SubStr)
| 1463 | HasNonQtSub(s,SubStr)
| 1464 | ;"Purpose: Return if string S contains SubStr, not inside quotes.
| 1465 | new Result set Result=0
| 1466 | if s'[SubStr goto HNQCDn
| 1467 | new p set p=1
| 1468 | new done set done=0
| 1469 | new instance set instance=0
| 1470 | for do quit:(done=1)
| 1471 | . set instance=instance+1
| 1472 | . set p=$$Pos(SubStr,s,instance)
| 1473 | . if p=0 set done=1 quit
| 1474 | . if $$InQt(.s,p)=0 set Result=1,done=1 quit
| 1475 | HNQCDn quit Result
| 1476 |
| 1477 | GetWord(s,Pos,OpenDiv,CloseDiv)
| 1478 | ;"Purpose: Extract a word from a sentance, bounded by OpenDiv,CloseDiv
| 1479 | ;"Example: s="The cat is hungry", Pos=14 --> returns "hungry"
| 1480 | ;"Example: s="Find('Purple')", Pos=8, OpenDiv="(", CloseDiv=")" --> returns "'Purple'"
| 1481 | ;"Input: s -- the string containing the source sentence
| 1482 | ;" Pos -- the index of a character anywhere inside desired word.
| 1483 | ;" OpenDiv -- OPTIONAL, default is " " this is what marks the start of the word.
| 1484 | ;" NOTE: if $length(OpenDiv)>1, then OpenDiv is considered
| 1485 | ;" to be a SET of characters, any of which can be used
| 1486 | ;" as a opening character.
| 1487 | ;" CloseDiv -- OPTIONAL, default is " " this is what marks the end of the word.
| 1488 | ;" NOTE: if $length(CloseDiv)>1, then CloseDiv is considered
| 1489 | ;" to be a SET of characters, any of which can be used
| 1490 | ;" as a closing character.
| 1491 | ;"Results: returns desired word, or "" if problem.
| 1492 | ;
| 1493 | new result set result=""
| 1494 | set OpenDiv=$get(OpenDiv," ")
| 1495 | set CloseDiv=$get(CloseDiv," ")
| 1496 | set Pos=+$get(Pos) if Pos'>0 goto GWdDone
| 1497 | new p1,p2,len,i
| 1498 | set len=$length(s)
| 1499 | for p2=Pos:1:len if CloseDiv[$extract(s,p2) set p2=p2-1 quit
| 1500 | for p1=Pos:-1:1 if OpenDiv[$extract(s,p1) set p1=p1+1 quit
| 1501 | set result=$extract(s,p1,p2)
| 1502 | GWdDone quit result
| 1503 |
| 1504 | MATCHXTR(s,DivCh,Group,Map,Restrict)
| 1505 | ;"Purpose: Provide a SAAC compliant (all upper case) entry point) for MatchXtract
| 1506 | quit $$MatchXtract(.s,.DivCh,.Group,.Map,.Restrict)
| 1507 | ;
| 1508 | MatchXtract(s,DivCh,Group,Map,Restrict)
| 1509 | ;"Purpose to extract a string bounded by DivCh, honoring matching encapsulators
| 1510 | ;"Note: the following markers are honored as paired encapsulators:
| 1511 | ;" ( ), { }, | |, < >, # #, [ ],
| 1512 | ;" To specify which set to use, DivCh should specify only OPENING character
| 1513 | ;"E.g. DivCh="{"
| 1514 | ;" s="Hello {There}" --> return "There"
| 1515 | ;" s="Hello {There {nested braces} friend}" --> return "There {nested braces} friend"
| 1516 | ;" DivCh="|"
| 1517 | ;" s="Hello |There|" --> "There"
| 1518 | ;" s="Hello |There{|friend|}|" --> "There{|friend|}"
| 1519 | ;" Notice that the second "|" was not paired to the first, because an opening brace was first.
| 1520 | ;"Input: s -- The string to evaluate
| 1521 | ;" DivCh -- The opening character of the encapsulator to use
| 1522 | ;" Group -- OPTIONAL. Default is 1. If line has more than one set of encapsulated entries, which group to get from
| 1523 | ;" Map -- OPTIONAL. PASS BY REFERENCE. If function is to be called multiple times,
| 1524 | ;" then a prior Map variable can be passed to speed processing.
| 1525 | ;" Restrict -- OPTIONAL. A string of allowed opening encapsulators (allows others to be ignored)
| 1526 | ;" e.g. "{(|" <-- will cause "<>#[]" to be ignored
| 1527 | ;"Results: Returns extracted string.
| 1528 | if $data(Map)=0 do MapMatch(s,.Map,.Restrict)
| 1529 | set Group=$get(Group,1)
| 1530 | set DivCh=$get(DivCh)
| 1531 | new Result set Result=""
| 1532 | new i set i=0
| 1533 | for set i=$order(Map(Group,i)) quit:(i="")!(Result'="") do
| 1534 | . if DivCh'=$get(Map(Group,i)) quit
| 1535 | . new p,j
| 1536 | . for j=1,2 set p(j)=+$get(Map(Group,i,"Pos",j))
| 1537 | . set Result=$extract(s,p(1)+1,p(2)-1)
| 1538 | quit Result
| 1539 |
| 1540 | MapMatch(s,Map,Restrict)
| 1541 | ;"Purpose to map a string with nested braces, parentheses etc (encapsulators)
| 1542 | ;"Note: the following markers are honored as paired encapsulators:
| 1543 | ;" ( ), { }, | |, < >, # #, " "
| 1544 | ;"Input: s -- string to evaluate
| 1545 | ;" Map -- PASS BY REFERENCE. An OUT PARAMETER. Prior values are killed. Format:
| 1546 | ;" Map(Group,Depth)=OpeningSymbol
| 1547 | ;" Map(Group,Depth,"Pos",1)=index of opening symbol
| 1548 | ;" Map(Group,Depth,"Pos",2)=index of paired closing symbol
| 1549 | ;" Restrict -- OPTIONAL. A string of allowed opening encapsulators (allows others to be ignored)
| 1550 | ;" e.g. "{(|" <-- will cause "<>#[]" to be ignored
| 1551 | ;"E.g. s="Hello |There{|friend|}|"
| 1552 | ;" Map(1,1)="|"
| 1553 | ;" Map(1,1,"Pos",1)=7
| 1554 | ;" Map(1,1,"Pos",2)=23
| 1555 | ;" Map(1,2)="{"
| 1556 | ;" Map(1,2,"Pos",1)=13
| 1557 | ;" Map(1,2,"Pos",2)=22
| 1558 | ;" Map(1,3)="|"
| 1559 | ;" Map(1,3,"Pos",1)=14
| 1560 | ;" Map(1,3,"Pos",2)=21
| 1561 | ;"Eg. s="Hello |There{|friend|}| This is more (and I (want { to say} !) OK?)"
| 1562 | ;" map(1,1)="|"
| 1563 | ;" map(1,1,"Pos",1)=7
| 1564 | ;" map(1,1,"Pos",2)=23
| 1565 | ;" map(1,2)="{"
| 1566 | ;" map(1,2,"Pos",1)=13
| 1567 | ;" map(1,2,"Pos",2)=22
| 1568 | ;" map(1,3)="|"
| 1569 | ;" map(1,3,"Pos",1)=14
| 1570 | ;" map(1,3,"Pos",2)=21
| 1571 | ;" map(2,1)="("
| 1572 | ;" map(2,1,"Pos",1)=39
| 1573 | ;" map(2,1,"Pos",2)=68
| 1574 | ;" map(2,2)="("
| 1575 | ;" map(2,2,"Pos",1)=46
| 1576 | ;" map(2,2,"Pos",2)=63
| 1577 | ;" map(2,3)="{"
| 1578 | ;" map(2,3,"Pos",1)=52
| 1579 | ;" map(2,3,"Pos",2)=60
| 1580 | ;"Results: none
| 1581 | set Restrict=$get(Restrict,"({|<#""")
| 1582 | new Match,Depth,i,Group
| 1583 | if Restrict["(" set Match("(")=")"
| 1584 | if Restrict["{" set Match("{")="}"
| 1585 | if Restrict["|" set Match("|")="|"
| 1586 | if Restrict["<" set Match("<")=">"
| 1587 | if Restrict["#" set Match("#")="#"
| 1588 | if Restrict["""" set Match("""")=""""
| 1589 | kill Map
| 1590 | set Depth=0,Group=1
| 1591 | for i=1:1:$length(s) do
| 1592 | . new ch set ch=$extract(s,i)
| 1593 | . if ch=$get(Map(Group,Depth,"Closer")) do quit
| 1594 | . . set Map(Group,Depth,"Pos",2)=i
| 1595 | . . kill Map(Group,Depth,"Closer")
| 1596 | . . set Depth=Depth-1
| 1597 | . . if Depth=0 set Group=Group+1
| 1598 | . if $data(Match(ch))=0 quit
| 1599 | . set Depth=Depth+1
| 1600 | . set Map(Group,Depth)=ch
| 1601 | . set Map(Group,Depth,"Closer")=Match(ch)
| 1602 | . set Map(Group,Depth,"Pos",1)=i
| 1603 | quit
| 1604 |
| 1605 | CmdChStrip(s)
| 1606 | ;"Purpose: Strip all characters < #32 from string.
| 1607 | new Codes,i,result
| 1608 | set Codes=""
| 1609 | for i=1:1:31 set Codes=Codes_$char(i)
| 1610 | set result=$translate(s,Codes,"")
| 1611 | quit result
| 1612 |
| 1613 | StrBounds(s,p)
| 1614 | ;"Purpose: given position of start of string, returns index of end of string
| 1615 | ;"Input: s -- the string to eval
| 1616 | ;" p -- the index of the start of the string
| 1617 | ;"Results : returns the index of the end of the string, or 0 if not found.
| 1618 | new result set result=0
| 1619 | for p=p+1:1 quit:(p>$length(s))!(result>0) do
| 1620 | . if $extract(s,p)'="""" quit
| 1621 | . set p=p+1
| 1622 | . if $extract(s,p)="""" quit
| 1623 | . set result=p-1
| 1624 | quit result
| 1625 |
| 1626 | NonWhite(s,p)
| 1627 | ;"Purpose: given starting position, return index of first non-whitespace character
| 1628 | ;" Note: either a " " or a TAB [$char(9)] will be considered a whitespace char
| 1629 | ;"result: returns index if non-whitespace, or index past end of string if none found.
| 1630 | new result,ch,done
| 1631 | for result=p:1 quit:(result>$length(s)) do quit:done
| 1632 | . set ch=$extract(s,result)
| 1633 | . set done=(ch'=" ")&(ch'=$char(9))
| 1634 | quit result
| 1635 |
| 1636 | Pad2Pos(Pos,ch)
| 1637 | ;"Purpose: return a string that can be used to pad from the current $X
| 1638 | ;" screen cursor position, up to Pos, using char Ch (optional)
| 1639 | ;"Input: Pos -- a screen X cursor position, i.e. from 1-80 etc (depending on screen width)
| 1640 | ;" ch -- Optional, default is " "
| 1641 | ;"Result: returns string of padded characters.
| 1642 | new width set width=+$get(Pos)-$X if width'>0 set width=0
| 1643 | quit $$LJ^XLFSTR("",width,.ch)
| 1644 |
| 1645 | HTML2TXT(Array)
| 1646 | ;"Purpose: text a WP array that is HTML formatted, and strip <P>, and
| 1647 | ;" return in a format of 1 line per array node.
| 1648 | ;"Input: Array -- PASS BY REFERENCE. This array will be altered.
| 1649 | ;"Results: none
| 1650 | ;"NOTE: This conversion causes some loss of HTML tags, so a round trip
| 1651 | ;" conversion back to HTML would fail.
| 1652 | ;"Called from: TMGTIUOJ.m
| 1653 |
| 1654 | new outArray,outI
| 1655 | set outI=1
| 1656 |
| 1657 | ;"Clear out confusing non-breaking spaces.
| 1658 | new spec
| 1659 | set spec(" ")=" "
| 1660 | set spec("<")="<"
| 1661 | set spec(">")=">"
| 1662 | set spec("&")="&"
| 1663 | set spec(""")=""""
| 1664 | new line set line=0
| 1665 | for set line=$order(Array(line)) quit:(line="") do
| 1666 | . new lineS set lineS=$get(Array(line,0))
| 1667 | . set Array(line,0)=$$REPLACE^XLFSTR(lineS,.spec)
| 1668 |
| 1669 | new s2 set s2=""
| 1670 | new line set line=0
| 1671 | for set line=$order(Array(line)) quit:(line="") do
| 1672 | . new lineS set lineS=s2_$get(Array(line,0))
| 1673 | . set s2=""
| 1674 | . for do quit:(lineS'["<")
| 1675 | . . if (lineS["<P>")&($piece(lineS,"<P>",1)'["<BR>") do quit
| 1676 | . . . set outArray(outI,0)=$piece(lineS,"<P>",1)
| 1677 | . . . set outI=outI+1
| 1678 | . . . set outArray(outI,0)="" ;"Add blank line to create paragraph break.
| 1679 | . . . set outI=outI+1
| 1680 | . . . set lineS=$piece(lineS,"<P>",2,999)
| 1681 | . . if (lineS["</P>")&($piece(lineS,"</P>",1)'["<BR>") do quit
| 1682 | . . . set outArray(outI,0)=$piece(lineS,"</P>",1)
| 1683 | . . . set outI=outI+1
| 1684 | . . . set outArray(outI,0)="" ;"Add blank line to create paragraph break.
| 1685 | . . . set outI=outI+1
| 1686 | . . . set lineS=$piece(lineS,"</P>",2,999)
| 1687 | . . if (lineS["</LI>")&($piece(lineS,"</LI>",1)'["<BR>") do quit
| 1688 | . . . set outArray(outI,0)=$piece(lineS,"</LI>",1) ;" _"</LI>"
| 1689 | . . . set outI=outI+1
| 1690 | . . . set outArray(outI,0)="" ;"Add blank line to create paragraph break.
| 1691 | . . . set outI=outI+1
| 1692 | . . . set lineS=$piece(lineS,"</LI>",2,999)
| 1693 | . . if lineS["<BR>" do quit
| 1694 | . . . set outArray(outI,0)=$piece(lineS,"<BR>",1)
| 1695 | . . . set outI=outI+1
| 1696 | . . . set lineS=$piece(lineS,"<BR>",2,999)
| 1697 | . . set s2=lineS,lineS=""
| 1698 | . set s2=s2_lineS
| 1699 | if s2'="" do
| 1700 | . set outArray(outI,0)=s2
| 1701 | . set outI=outI+1
| 1702 |
| 1703 | kill Array
| 1704 | merge Array=outArray
| 1705 | quit
| 1706 |
| 1707 |
| 1708 | TrimTags(lineS)
| 1709 | ;"Purpose: To cut out HTML tags (e.g. <...>) from lineS, however, <no data> is protected
| 1710 | ;"Input: lineS : the string to work on.
| 1711 | ;"Results: the modified string
| 1712 | ;"Called from: TMGTIUOJ.m
| 1713 | new result,key,spec
| 1714 | set spec("<no data>")="[no data]"
| 1715 | set result=$$REPLACE^XLFSTR(lineS,.spec)
| 1716 | for quit:((result'["<")!(result'[">")) do
| 1717 | . new partA,partB
| 1718 | . set partA=$piece(result,"<",1)
| 1719 | . new temp set temp=$extract(result,$length(partA)+1,999)
| 1720 | . set partB=$piece(temp,">",2,99)
| 1721 | . set result=partA_partB
| 1722 | quit result
| 1723 |
| 1724 | IsHTML(IEN8925)
| 1725 | ;"Purpose: to specify if the text held in the REPORT TEXT field is HTML markup
| 1726 | ;"Input: IEN8925 -- record number in file 8925
| 1727 | ;"Results: 1 if HTML markup, 0 otherwise.
| 1728 | ;"Note: This is not a perfect test.
| 1729 | ;
| 1730 | new result set result=0
| 1731 | new Done set Done=0
| 1732 | new line set line=0
| 1733 | for set line=$order(^TIU(8925,IEN8925,"TEXT",line)) quit:(line="")!Done do
| 1734 | . new lineS set lineS=$$UP^XLFSTR($get(^TIU(8925,IEN8925,"TEXT",line,0)))
| 1735 | . if (lineS["<!DOCTYPE HTML")!(lineS["<HTML>") set Done=1,result=1 quit
| 1736 | quit result
| 1737 |