TMGSTUTL ;TMG/kst/String Utilities and Library ;03/25/06,5/10/10 ; 5/19/10 5:01pm ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;09/01/05 ;"TMG STRING UTILITIES ;"======================================================================= ;" API -- Public Functions. ;"======================================================================= ;"CleaveToArray^TMGSTUTL(Text,Divider,Array) ;"CatArray(Words,i1,i2,DivChr) -- return concat array from index1 to index2 ;"CleaveStr^TMGSTUTL(Text,Divider,PartB) ;"SplitStr^TMGSTUTL(Text,Width,PartB) ;"SetStrLen^TMGSTUTL(Text,Width) ;"$$NestSplit^TMGSTUTL(Text,OpenBracket,CloseBracket,SBefore,S,SAfter) ;"$$Substitute^TMGSTUTL(S,Match,NewValue) ;"$$FormatArray^TMGSTUTL(InArray,OutArray,Divider) ;"$$Trim^TMGSTUTL(S,TrimCh) ; --> or use $$TRIM^XLFSTR ;"$$TrimL^TMGSTUTL(S,TrimCh) ;"$$TrimR^TMGSTUTL(S,TrimCh) ;"$$TrimRType^TMGSTUTL(S,type) ;"$$NumLWS^TMGSTUTL(S) ;"$$MakeWS^TMGSTUTL(n) ;"WordWrapArray^TMGSTUTL(.Array,Width,SpecialIndent) ;"SplitLine^TMGSTUTL(s,.LineArray,Width) ;"WriteWP^TMGSTUTL(NodeRef) ;"$$LPad^TMGSTUTL(S,width) ;"NOTE: should use XLFSTR fn below ;"$$RPad^TMGSTUTL(S,width) ;"NOTE: should use XLFSTR fn below ;"$$Center^TMGSTUTL(S,width) ;"NOTE: should use XLFSTR fn below ;"$$Clip^TMGSTUTL(S,width) ;"$$STRB2H^TMGSTUTL(s,F) Convert a string to hex characters ;"$$CapWords^TMGSTUTL(S,Divider) ;"capitalize the first character of each word in a string ;"$$LinuxStr^TMGSTUTL(S) ;"Convert string to a valid linux filename ;"StrToWP^TMGSTUTL(s,pArray,width,DivCh,InitLine) ;"wrap long string into a WP array ;"$$WPToStr^TMGSTUTL(pArray,DivCh,MaxLen,InitLine) ;"Comp2Strs(s1,s2) -- compare two strings and assign an arbritrary score to their similarity ;"$$PosNum(s,[Num],LeadingSpace) -- return position of a number in a string ;"IsNumeric(s) -- deterimine if word s is a numeric ;"ScrubNumeric(s) -- remove numeric words from a sentence ;"Pos(subStr,s,count) -- return the beginning position of subStr in s ;"DiffPos(s1,s2) -- Return the position of the first difference between s1 and s2 ;"DiffWords(Words1,Words2) -- Return index of first different word between Words arrays ;"SimStr(s1,p1,s2,p2) -- return matching string in s1 and s2, starting at position p1,p2 ;"SimWord(Words1,p1,Words2,p2) -- return the matching words in both words array 1 and 2, starting ;" at word positions p1 and p2. ;"SimPos(s1,s2) -- return the first position that two strings are similar. ;"SimWPos(Words1,Words2,DivStr,p1,p2,MatchStr) -- return the first position that two word arrays ;" are similar. This means the first index in Words array 1 that matches to words in Words array 2. ;"DiffStr(s1,s2,DivChr) -- Return how s1 differs from s2. ;"CatArray(Words,i1,i2,DivChr) -- return concat array from index1 to index2 ;"$$QtProtect(s) -- Protects quotes by converting all quotes to double quotes (" --> "") ;"$$QTPROTECT(S) -- Same as $$QtProtect(s) ;"$$InQt(s,Pos) -- return if a character at position P is inside quotes in s ;"$$HNQTSUB(s,SubStr) --Same as $$HasNonQtSub ;"$$HasNonQtSub(s,SubStr) -- return if string s contains SubStr, but not inside quotes. ;"$$GetWord(s,Pos,OpenDiv,CloseDiv) -- extract a word from a sentance, bounded by OpenDiv,CloseDiv ;"$$MATCHXTR(s,DivCh,Group,Map) -- Same as $$MatchXtract ;"$$MatchXtract(s,DivCh,Group,Map) -- extract a string bounded by DivCh, honoring matching encapsulators ;"MapMatch(s,Map) -- map a string with nested braces, parentheses etc (encapsulators) ;"$$CmdChStrip(s) -- Strips all characters < #32 from string. ;"$$StrBounds(s,p) -- return position of end of string ;"NonWhite(s,p) -- return index of first non-whitespace character ;"Pad2Pos(Pos,ch) -- return a padding string from current $X up to Pos, using ch ;"HTML2TXT(Array) -- Take WP array that is HTML formatted, and strip

, and return in a format of 1 line per array node. ;"TrimTags(lineS) -- cut out HTML tags (e.g. <...>) from lineS, however, is protected ;"$$IsHTML(IEN8925) --specify if the text held in the REPORT TEXT field in record IEN8925 is HTML markup ;"======================================================================= ;"Dependancies ;" uses TMGDEBUG for debug messaging. ;"======================================================================= ;"======================================================================= ;"------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;"FYI, String functions in XLFSTR module: ;"------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;"$$CJ^XLFSTR(s,i[,p]) -- Returns a center-justified string ;" s=string, i=field size, p(optional)=pad character ;"$$LJ^XLFSTR(s,i[,p]) -- Returns a left-justified string ;" s=string, i=field size, p(optional)=pad character ;"$$RJ^XLFSTR(s,i[,p]) -- Returns a right-justified string ;" s=string, i=field size, p(optional)=pad character ;"$$INVERT^XLFSTR(s) -- returns an inverted string (i.e. "ABC"-->"CBA") ;"$$LOW^XLFSTR(s) -- returns string with all letters converted to lower-case ;"$$UP^XLFSTR(s) -- returns string with all letters converted to upper-case ;"$$TRIM^XLFSTR(s,[LRFlags],[char]) ;"$$REPEAT^XLFSTR(s,Count) -- returns a string that is a repeat of s Count times ;"$$REPLACE^XLFSTR(s,.spec) -- Uses a multi-character $TRanslate to return a ;" string with the specified string replaced ;" s=input string, spec=array passed by reference ;" spec format: ;" spec("Any_Search_String")="Replacement_String" ;"$$STRIP^XLFSTR(s,Char) -- returns string striped of all instances of Char ;"======================================================================= CleaveToArray(Text,Divider,Array,InitIndex) ;"Purpose: To take a string, delineated by 'divider' and ;" to split it up into all its parts, putting each part ;" into an array. e.g.: ;" This/Is/A/Test, with '/' divider would result in ;" Array(1)="This" ;" Array(2)="Is" ;" Array(3)="A" ;" Array(4)="Test" ;" Array(cMaxNode)=4 ;cMaxNode="MAXNODE" ;"Input: Text - the input string -- should NOT be passed by reference. ;" Divider - the delineating string ;" Array - The array to receive output **SHOULD BE PASSED BY REFERENCE. ;" InitIndex - OPTIONAL -- The index of the array to start with, i.e. 0 or 1. Default=1 ;"Output: Array is changed, as outlined above ;"Result: none ;"Notes: Note -- Text is NOT changed (unless passed by reference, in ;" which case the next to the last piece is put into Text) ;" Array is killed, the filled with data **ONLY** IF DIVISIONS FOUND ;" Limit of 256 nodes ;" if cMaxNode is not defined, "MAXNODE" will be used set DBIndent=$get(DBIndent,0) do DebugEntry^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"CleaveToArray") set InitIndex=$get(InitIndex,1) new PartB new count set count=InitIndex set cMaxNode=$get(cMaxNode,"MAXNODE") kill Array ;"Clear out any old data C2ArLoop if '(Text[Divider) do goto C2ArDone . set Array(count)=Text ;"put it all into first line. . set Array(cMaxNode)=1 do CleaveStr(.Text,Divider,.PartB) set Array(count)=Text set Array(cMaxNode)=count set count=count+1 if '(PartB[Divider) do goto C2ArDone . set Array(count)=PartB . set Array(cMaxNode)=count else do goto C2ArLoop . set Text=$get(PartB) . set PartB="" C2ArDone do DebugExit^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"CleaveToArray") quit CleaveStr(Text,Divider,PartB) ;"Purpse: To take a string, delineated by 'Divider' ;" and to split it into two parts: Text and PartB ;" e.g. Text="Hello\nThere" ;" Divider="\n" ;" Function will result in: Text="Hello", PartB="There" ;"Input: Text - the input string **SHOULD BE PASSED BY REFERENCE. ;" Divider - the delineating string ;" PartB - the string to get second part **SHOULD BE PASSED BY REFERENCE. ;"Output: Text and PartB will be changed ;" Function will result in: Text="Hello", PartB="There" ;"Result: none set DBIndent=$get(DBIndent,0) do DebugEntry^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"CleaveStr") do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Text=",Text) if '$data(Text) goto CSDone if '$Data(Divider) goto CSDone set PartB="" new PartA if Text[Divider do . set PartA=$piece(Text,Divider,1) . set PartB=$piece(Text,Divider,2,256) . set Text=PartA do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"After Processing, Text='",Text,"', and PartB='",PartB,"'") CSDone do DebugExit^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"CleaveStr") quit SplitStr(Text,Width,PartB) ;"PUBLIC FUNCTION ;"Purpose: To a string into two parts. The first part will fit within 'Width' ;" the second part is what is left over ;" The split will be inteligent, so words are not divided (splits at a space) ;"Input: Text = input text. **Should be passed by reference ;" Width = the constraining width ;" PartB = the left over part. **Should be passed by reference ;"output: Text and PartB are modified ;"result: none. new Len set Width=$get(Width,80) new SpaceFound set SpaceFound=0 new SplitPoint set SplitPoint=Width set Text=$get(Text) set PartB="" set Len=$length(Text) if Len>Width do . new Ch . for SplitPoint=SplitPoint:-1:1 do quit:SpaceFound . . set Ch=$extract(Text,SplitPoint,SplitPoint) . . set SpaceFound=(Ch=" ") . if 'SpaceFound set SplitPoint=Width . set s1=$extract(Text,1,SplitPoint) . set PartB=$extract(Text,SplitPoint+1,1024) ;"max String length=1024 . set Text=s1 else do quit SetStrLen(Text,Width) ;"PUBLIC FUNCTION ;"Purpose: To make string exactly Width in length ;" Shorten as needed, or pad with terminal spaces as needed. ;"Input: Text -- should be passed as reference. This is string to alter. ;" Width -- the desired width ;"Results: none. set Text=$get(Text) set Width=$get(Width,80) new result set result=Text new i,Len set Len=$length(result) if Len>Width do . set result=$extract(result,1,Width) else if Len "ABC$$$DEF" ;" Substitute("ABC###DEF","###","$") --> "ABC$DEF" ;"Result: returns altered string (if any alterations indicated) ;"Output: S is altered, if passed by reference. new spec set spec($get(Match))=$get(NewValue) set S=$$REPLACE^XLFSTR(S,.spec) quit S FormatArray(InArray,OutArray,Divider) ;"PUBLIC FUNCTION ;"Purpose: The XML parser does not recognize whitespace, or end-of-line ;" characters. Thus many lines get lumped together. However, if there ;" is a significant amount of text, then the parser will put the text into ;" several lines (when get attrib text called etc.) ;" SO, this function is to take an array composed of input lines (each ;" with multiple sublines clumped together), and format it such that each ;" line is separated in the array. ;" e.g. Take this input array" ;" InArray(cText,1)="line one\nline two\nline three\n ;" InArray(cText,2)="line four\nline five\nline six\n ;" and convert to: ;" OutArray(1)="line one" ;" OutArray(2)="line two" ;" OutArray(3)="line three" ;" OutArray(4)="line four" ;" OutArray(5)="line five" ;" OutArray(6)="line six" ;"Input: InArray, best if passed by reference (faster) -- see example above ;" Note: expected to be in format: InArray(cText,n) ;" OutArray, must be passed by reference-- see example above ;" Divider: the character(s) that divides lines ("\n" in this example) ;"Note: It is expected that InArray will be index by integers (i.e. 1, 2, 3) ;" And this should be the case, as that is how XML functions pass back. ;" Limit of 256 separate lines on any one InArray line ;"Output: OutArray is set, any prior data is killed ;"result: 1=OK to continue, 0=abort set DEBUG=$get(DEBUG,0) set cOKToCont=$get(cOKToCont,1) set cAbort=$get(cAbort,0) if DEBUG>0 do DebugEntry^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"FormatArray") new result set result=cOKToCont new InIndex new OutIndex set OutIndex=1 new TempArray new Done kill OutArray ;"remove any prior data if DEBUG>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Input array:") if DEBUG do ArrayDump^TMGDEBUG("InArray") if $data(Divider)=0 do goto FADone . set result=cAbort set Done=0 for InIndex=1:1 do quit:Done . if $data(InArray(cText,InIndex))=0 set Done=1 quit . if DEBUG>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Converting line: ",InArray(cText,InIndex)) . do CleaveToArray^TMGSTUTL(InArray(cText,InIndex),Divider,.TempArray,OutIndex) . if DEBUG>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Resulting temp array:") . if DEBUG do ArrayDump^TMGDEBUG("TempArray") . set OutIndex=TempArray(cMaxNode)+1 . kill TempArray(cMaxNode) . merge OutArray=TempArray . if DEBUG>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"OutArray so far:") . if DEBUG do ArrayDump^TMGDEBUG("OutArray") FADone if DEBUG>0 do DebugExit^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"FormatArray") quit result TrimL(S,TrimCh) ;"Purpose: To a trip a string of leading white space ;" i.e. convert " hello" into "hello" ;"Input: S -- the string to convert. Won't be changed if passed by reference ;" TrimCh -- OPTIONAL: Charachter to trim. Default is " " ;"Results: returns modified string ;"Note: processing limitation is string length=1024 set DEBUG=$get(DEBUG,0) set cOKToCont=$get(cOKToCont,1) set cAbort=$get(cAbort,0) set TrimCh=$get(TrimCh," ") new result set result=$get(S) new Ch set Ch="" for do quit:(Ch'=TrimCh) . set Ch=$extract(result,1,1) . if Ch=TrimCh set result=$extract(result,2,1024) quit result TrimR(S,TrimCh) ;"Purpose: To a trip a string of trailing white space ;" i.e. convert "hello " into "hello" ;"Input: S -- the string to convert. Won't be changed if passed by reference ;" TrimCh -- OPTIONAL: Charachter to trim. Default is " " ;"Results: returns modified string ;"Note: processing limitation is string length=1024 set DEBUG=$get(DEBUG,0) set cOKToCont=$get(cOKToCont,1) set cAbort=$get(cAbort,0) set TrimCh=$get(TrimCh," ") if DEBUG>0 do DebugEntry^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"TrimR") new result set result=$get(S) new Ch set Ch="" new L for do quit:(Ch'=TrimCh) . set L=$length(result) . set Ch=$extract(result,L,L) . if Ch=TrimCh do . . set result=$extract(result,1,L-1) if DEBUG>0 do DebugExit^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"TrimR") quit result Trim(S,TrimCh) ;"Purpose: To a trip a string of leading and trailing white space ;" i.e. convert " hello " into "hello" ;"Input: S -- the string to convert. Won't be changed if passed by reference ;" TrimCh -- OPTIONAL: Charachter to trim. Default is " " ;"Results: returns modified string ;"Note: processing limitation is string length=1024 ;"NOTE: this function could be replaced with $$TRIM^XLFSTR set DEBUG=$get(DEBUG,0) set cOKToCont=$get(cOKToCont,1) set cAbort=$get(cAbort,0) set TrimCh=$get(TrimCh," ") if DEBUG>0 do DebugEntry^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"Trim") new result set result=$get(S) set result=$$TrimL(.result,TrimCh) set result=$$TrimR(.result,TrimCh) if DEBUG>0 do DebugExit^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"Trim") quit result TrimRType(S,type) ;"Scope: PUBLIC FUNCTION ;"Purpose: trim characters on the right of the string of a specified type. ;" Goal, to be able to distinguish between numbers and strings. ;" i.e. "1234<=" --> "1234" by trimming strings ;"Input: S -- The string to work on ;" type -- the type of characters to TRIM: N for numbers,C for non-numbers (characters) ;"Results : modified string set tempS=$get(S) set type=$$UP^XLFSTR($get(type)) goto:(type="") TRTDone new done set done=0 for quit:(tempS="")!done do . new c set c=$extract(tempS,$length(tempS)) . new cType set cType="C" . if +c=c set cType="N" . if type["N" do . . if cType="N" set tempS=$extract(tempS,1,$length(tempS)-1) quit . . set done=1 . else if type["C" do . . if cType="C" set tempS=$extract(tempS,1,$length(tempS)-1) quit . . set done=1 . else set done=1 TRTDone quit tempS NumLWS(S) ;"Scope: PUBLIC FUNCTION ;":Purpose: To count the number of white space characters on the left ;" side of the string new result set result=0 new i,ch set S=$get(S) for i=1:1:$length(S) do quit:(ch'=" ") . set ch=$extract(S,i,i) . if ch=" " set result=result+1 quit result MakeWS(n) ;"Scope: PUBLIC FUNCTION ;"Purpose: Return a whitespace string that is n characters long new result set result="" set n=$get(n,0) if n'>0 goto MWSDone new i for i=1:1:n set result=result_" " MWSDone quit result WordWrapArray(Array,Width,SpecialIndent) ;"Scope: PUBLIC FUNCTION ;"Purpose: To take an array and perform word wrapping such that ;" no line is longer than Width. ;" This function is really designed for reformatting a Fileman WP field ;"Input: Array MUST BE PASSED BY REFERENCE. This contains the array ;" to be reformatted. Changes will be made to this array. ;" It is expected that Array will be in this format: ;" Array(1)="Some text on the first line." ;" Array(2)="Some text on the second line." ;" Array(3)="Some text on the third line." ;" Array(4)="Some text on the fourth line." ;" or ;" Array(1,0)="Some text on the first line." ;" Array(2,0)="Some text on the second line." ;" Array(3,0)="Some text on the third line." ;" Array(4,0)="Some text on the fourth line." ;" Width -- the limit on the length of any line. Default value=70 ;" SpecialIndent : if 1, then wrapping is done like this: ;" " This is a very long line......" ;" will be wrapped like this: ;" " This is a very ;" " long line ... ;" Notice that the leading space is copied subsequent line. ;" Also, a line like this: ;" " 1. Here is the beginning of a paragraph that is very long..." ;" will be wrapped like this: ;" " 1. Here is the beginning of a paragraph ;" " that is very long..." ;" Notice that a pattern '#. ' causes the wrapping to match the start of ;" of the text on the line above. ;" The exact rules for matching this are as follows: ;" (FirstWord?.N1".")!(FirstWord?1.3E1".") ;" i.e. any number of digits, followed by "." ;" OR 1-4 all upper-case characters followed by a "." ;" This will allow "VIII. " pattern but not "viii. " ;" HOWEVER, might get confused with a word, like "NOTE. " ;" ;" This, below, is not dependant on SpecialIndent setting ;" Also, because some of the lines have already partly wrapped, like this: ;" " 1. Here is the beginning of a paragraph that is very long..." ;" "and this is a line that has already wrapped. ;" So when the first line is wrapped, it would look like this: ;" " 1. Here is the beginning of a paragraph ;" " that is very long..." ;" "and this is a line that has already wrapped. ;" But is should look like this: ;" " 1. Here is the beginning of a paragraph ;" " that is very long...and this is a line ;" " that has already wrapped. ;" But the next line SHOULD NOT be pulled up if it is the start ;" of a new paragraph. I will tell by looking for #. paattern. ;"Result -- none if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugEntry^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"WordWrapArray^TMGSTUTL") new tempArray set tempArray="" ;"holds result during work. new tindex set tindex=0 new index set index=$order(Array("")) new s new residualS set residualS="" new AddZero set AddZero=0 set Width=$get(Width,70) if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"Starting loop") if index'="" for do quit:((index="")&(residualS="")) . set s=$get(Array(index)) . if s="" do . . set s=$get(Array(index,0)) . . set AddZero=1 . if residualS'="" do ;"See if should join to next line. Don't if '#. ' pattern . . new FirstWord set FirstWord=$piece($$Trim(s)," ",1) . . if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"First Word: ",FirstWord) . . if (FirstWord?.N1".")!(FirstWord?1.4U1".") do ;"match for '#.' pattern . . . ;"Here we have the next line is a new paragraph, so don't link to residualS . . . set tindex=tindex+1 . . . if AddZero=0 set tempArray(tindex)=residualS . . . else set tempArray(tindex,0)=residualS . . . set residualS="" . if $length(residualS)+$length(s)'<256 do . . if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"ERROR -- string too long.") . set s=residualS_s . set residualS="" . if $length(s)>Width do . . if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"Long line: ",s) . . new LineArray . . new NumLines . . set NumLines=$$SplitLine(.s,.LineArray,Width,.SpecialIndent) . . if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do ArrayDump^TMGDEBUG("LineArray") . . set s="" . . new LineIndex . . for LineIndex=1:1:NumLines do . . . set tindex=tindex+1 . . . if AddZero=0 set tempArray(tindex)=LineArray(LineIndex) . . . else set tempArray(tindex,0)=LineArray(LineIndex) . . ;"long wrap probably continues into next paragraph, so link together. . . if NumLines>2 do . . . if AddZero=0 set residualS=tempArray(tindex) set tempArray(tindex)="" . . . else set residualS=tempArray(tindex,0) set tempArray(tindex,0)="" . . . set tindex=tindex-1 . else do . . set tindex=tindex+1 . . if AddZero=0 set tempArray(tindex)=s . . else set tempArray(tindex,0)=s . set index=$order(Array(index)) else do . if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"Array appears empty") kill Array merge Array=tempArray if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do ArrayDump^TMGDEBUG("Array") if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugExit^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent," WordWrapArray^TMGSTUTL") quit SplitLine(s,LineArray,Width,SpecialIndent,Indent) ;"Scope: PUBLIC FUNCTION ;"Purpose: To take a long line, and wrap into an array, such that each ;" line is not longer than Width. ;" Line breaks will be made at spaces, unless there are no spaces in ;" the entire line (in which case, the line will be divided at Width). ;"Input: s= string with the long line. **If passed by reference**, then ;" it WILL BE CHANGED to equal the last line of array. ;" LineArray -- MUST BE PASSED BY REFERENCE. This OUT variable will ;" receive the resulting array. ;" Width = the desired wrap width. ;" SpecialIndent [OPTIONAL]: if 1, then wrapping is done like this: ;" " This is a very long line......" ;" will be wrapped like this: ;" " This is a very ;" " long line ... ;" Notice that the leading space is copied subsequent line. ;" Also, a line like this: ;" " 1. Here is the beginning of a paragraph that is very long..." ;" will be wrapped like this: ;" " 1. Here is the beginning of a paragraph ;" " that is very long..." ;" Notice that a pattern '#. ' causes the wrapping to match the start ;" of the text on the line above. ;" Indent [OPTIONAL]: Any absolute amount that all lines should be indented by. ;" This could be used if this long line is continuation of an ;" indentation above it. ;"Result: resulting number of lines (1 if no wrap needed). if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugEntry^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"SplitLine") new result set result=0 kill LineArray if ($get(s)="")!($get(Width)'>0) goto SPDone new index set index=0 new p,tempS,splitPoint new PreSpace set PreSpace=$$NeededWS(s,.SpecialIndent,.Indent) if ($length(s)>Width) for do quit:($length(s)'>Width) . for splitPoint=1:1:Width do quit:($length(tempS)>Width) . . set tempS=$piece(s," ",1,splitPoint) . . ;"write "tempS>",tempS,! . if splitPoint>1 do . . set tempS=$piece(s," ",1,splitPoint-1) . . set s=$piece(s," ",splitPoint,Width) . else do . . ;"We must have a word > Width with no spaces--so just divide . . set tempS=$extract(s,1,Width) . . set s=$extract(s,Width+1,999) . set index=index+1 . set LineArray(index)=tempS . set s=PreSpace_s . ;"write "tempS>",tempS,! . ;"write "s>",s,! set index=index+1 set LineArray(index)=s set result=index SPDone if $get(TMGDEBUG)>0 do DebugExit^TMGDEBUG(.DBIndent,"SplitLine") quit result NeededWS(S,SpecialIndent,Indent) ;"Scope: PRIVATE ;"Purpose: Evaluate the line, and create the white space string ;" need for wrapped lines ;"Input: s -- the string to eval. i.e. ;" " John is very happy today ... .. .. .. .." ;" or " 1. John is very happy today ... .. .. .. .." ;" SpecialIndent -- See SplitLine() discussion ;" Indent -- See SplitLine() discussion new result set result="" if $get(S)="" goto NdWSDone new WSNum set WSNum=+$get(Indent,0) set WSNum=WSNum+$$NumLWS(S) if $get(SpecialIndent)=1 do . new ts,FirstWord . set ts=$$TrimL(.S) . set FirstWord=$piece(ts," ",1) . if (FirstWord?.N1".")!(FirstWord?1.4U1".") do ;"match for '#.' pattern . . set WSNum=WSNum+$length(FirstWord) . . set ts=$piece(ts," ",2,9999) . . set WSNum=WSNum+$$NumLWS(.ts)+1 set result=$$MakeWS(WSNum) NdWSDone quit result WriteWP(NodeRef) ;"Purpose: Given a reference to a WP field, this function will print it out. ;"INput: NodeRef -- the name of the node to print out. ;" For example, "^PS(50.605,1,1)" ;"Modification: 2/10/06 -- I removed need for @NodeRef@(0) to contain data. new i ;"if $get(@NodeRef@(0))="" goto WWPDone set i=$order(@NodeRef@(0)) if i'="" for do quit:(i="") . new OneLine . set OneLine=$get(@NodeRef@(i)) . if OneLine="" set OneLine=$get(@NodeRef@(i,0)) . write OneLine,! . set i=$order(@NodeRef@(i)) WWPDone quit LPad(S,width) ;"Purpose: To add space ("pad") string S such that final width is per specified with. ;" space is added to left side of string ;"Input: S : the string to pad. ;" width : the desired final width ;"result: returns resulting string ;"Example: LPad("$5.23",7)=" $5.23" quit $$RJ^XLFSTR(.S,.width," ") RPad(S,width) ;"Purpose: To add space ("pad") string S such that final width is per specified with. ;" space is added to right side of string ;"Input: S : the string to pad. ;" width : the desired final width ;"result: returns resulting string ;"Example: RPad("$5.23",7)="$5.23 " quit $$LJ^XLFSTR(.S,.width," ") Center(S,width) ;"Purpose: to return a center justified string quit $$CJ^XLFSTR(.S,.width," ") Clip(S,width) ;"Purpose: to ensure that string S is no longer than width new result set result=$get(S) if result'="" set result=$extract(S,1,width) ClipDone quit result STRB2H(s,F,noSpace) ;"Convert a string to hex characters) ;"Input: s -- the input string (need not be ascii characters) ;" F -- (optional) if F>0 then will append an ascii display of string. ;" noSpace -- (Optional) if >0 then characters NOT separated by spaces ;"result -- the converted string new i,ch new result set result="" for i=1:1:$length(s) do . set ch=$extract(s,i) . set result=result_$$HEXCHR^TMGMISC($ascii(ch)) . if +$get(noSpace)=0 set result=result_" " if $get(F)>0 set result=result_" "_$$HIDECTRLS^TMGSTUTL(s) quit result HIDECTRLS(s) ;"hide all unprintable characters from a string new i,ch,byte new result set result="" for i=1:1:$length(s) do . set ch=$e(s,i) . set byte=$ascii(ch) . if (byte<32)!(byte>122) set result=result_"." . else set result=result_ch quit result CapWords(S,Divider) ;"Purpose: convert each word in the string: 'test string' --> 'Test String', 'TEST STRING' --> 'Test String' ;"Input: S -- the string to convert ;" Divider -- [OPTIONAL] the character used to separate string (default is ' ' [space]) ;"Result: returns the converted string new s2,part new result set result="" set Divider=$get(Divider," ") set s2=$$LOW^XLFSTR(S) for i=1:1 do quit:part="" . set part=$piece(s2,Divider,i) . if part="" quit . set $extract(part,1)=$$UP^XLFSTR($extract(part,1)) . if result'="" set result=result_Divider . set result=result_part quit result LinuxStr(S) ;"Purpose: convert string to a valid linux filename ;" e.g. 'File Name' --> 'File\ Name' quit $$Substitute(.S," ","\ ") NiceSplit(S,Len,s1,s2,s2Min,DivCh) ;"Purpose: to split S into two strings, s1 & s2 ;" Furthermore, s1's length must be <= length. ;" and the split will be made at spaces ;"Input: S -- the string to split ;" Len -- the length limit of s1 ;" s1 -- PASS BY REFERENCE, an OUT parameter ;" receives first part of split ;" s2 -- PASS BY REFERENCE, an OUT parameter ;" receives the rest of string ;" s2Min -- OPTIONAL -- the minimum that ;" length of s2 can be. Note, if s2 ;" is "", then this is not applied ;" DivCH -- OPTIONAL, default is " ". ;" This is the character to split words by ;"Output: s1 and s2 is filled with data ;"Result: none set (s1,s2)="" if $get(DivCh)="" set DivCh=" " if $length(S)'>Len do goto NSpDone . set s1=S new i new done for i=200:-1:1 do quit:(done) . set s1=$piece(S,DivCh,1,i)_DivCh . set s2=$piece(S,DivCh,i+1,999) . set done=($length(s1)'>Len) . if done,+$get(s2Min)>0 do . . if s2="" quit . . set done=($length(s2)'0) . set OneLine=$get(@pArray@(i)) . if OneLine="" set OneLine=$get(@pArray@(i,0)) . if OneLine="" quit . set Len=$length(result)+$length(DivCh) . if Len+$length(OneLine)>MaxLen do . . set OneLine=$extract(OneLine,1,(MaxLen-Len)) . set result=result_OneLine_DivCh . set Len=Len+$length(OneLine) . set i=$order(@pArray@(i)) quit result; Comp2Strs(s1,s2) ;"Purpose: To compare two strings and assign an arbritrary score to their similarity ;"Input: s1,s2 -- The two strings to compare ;"Result: a score comparing the two strings ;" 0.5 point for every word in s1 that is also in s2 (case specific) ;" 0.25 point for every word in s1 that is also in s2 (not case specific) ;" 0.5 point for every word in s2 that is also in s1 (case specific) ;" 0.25 point for every word in s2 that is also in s1 (not case specific) ;" 1 points if same number of words in string (compared each way) ;" 2 points for each word that is in the same position in each string (case specific) ;" 1.5 points for each word that is in the same position in each string (not case specific) new score set score=0 new Us1 set Us1=$$UP^XLFSTR(s1) new Us2 set Us2=$$UP^XLFSTR(s2) new i for i=1:1:$length(s1," ") do . if s2[$piece(s1," ",i) set score=score+0.5 . else if Us2[$piece(Us1," ",i) set score=score+0.25 . if $piece(s1," ",i)=$piece(s2," ",i) set score=score+1 . else if $piece(Us1," ",i)=$piece(Us2," ",i) set score=score+1.5 for i=1:1:$length(s2," ") do . if s1[$piece(s2," ",i) set score=score+0.5 . else if Us1[$piece(Us2," ",i) set score=score+0.25 . if $piece(s1," ",i)=$piece(s2," ",i) set score=score+1 . else if $piece(Us1," ",i)=$piece(Us2," ",i) set score=score+1.5 if $length(s1," ")=$length(s2," ") set score=score+2 quit score PosNum(s,Num,LeadingSpace) ;"Purpose: To return the position of the first Number in a string ;"Input: S -- string to check ;" Num -- OPTIONAL, default is 0-9 numbers. number to look for. ;" LeadingSpace -- OPTIONAL. If 1 then looks for " #" or " .#", not just "#" ;"Results: -1 if not found, otherwise position of found digit. new result set result=-1 new Leader set Leader="" if $get(LeadingSpace)=1 set Leader=" " if $get(Num) do goto PNDone . set result=$find(s,Leader_Num)-1 new temp,i,decimalFound for i=0:1:9 do . set decimalFound=0 . set temp=$find(s,Leader_i) . if (temp=0)&(Leader'="") do . . set temp=$find(s,Leader_"."_i) . . if temp>-1 set decimalFound=1 . if temp>-1 set temp=temp-$length(Leader_i) . if decimalFound set temp=temp-1 . if (temp>0)&((temp0)&(Leader=" ") set result=result+1 quit result IsNumeric(s) ;"Purpose: To deterimine if word s is a numeric ;" Examples of numeric words: ;" 10, N-100, 0.5%, 50000UNT/ML ;" the test will be if the word contains any digit 0-9 ;"Results: 1 if is a numeric word, 0 if not. quit ($$PosNum(.s)>0) ScrubNumeric(s) ;"Purpose: This is a specialty function designed to remove numeric words ;" from a sentence. E.g. ;" BELLADONNA ALK 0.3/PHENOBARB 16MG CHW TB --> BELLADONNA ALK /PHENOBARB CHW TB ;" ESTROGENS,CONJUGATED 2MG/ML INJ (IN OIL) --> ESTROGENS,CONJUGATED INJ (IN OIL) new Array,i,result set s=$$Substitute(s,"/MG","") set s=$$Substitute(s,"/ML","") set s=$$Substitute(s,"/"," / ") set s=$$Substitute(s,"-"," - ") do CleaveToArray(s," ",.Array) new ToKill set i=0 for set i=$order(Array(i)) quit:+i'>0 do . if (Array(i)="MG")&($get(ToKill(i-1))=1) set ToKill(i)=1 quit . if (Array(i)="MCG")&($get(ToKill(i-1))=1) set ToKill(i)=1 quit . if (Array(i)="MEQ")&($get(ToKill(i-1))=1) set ToKill(i)=1 quit . if (Array(i)="%")&($get(ToKill(i-1))=1) set ToKill(i)=1 quit . if (Array(i)="MM")&($get(ToKill(i-1))=1) set ToKill(i)=1 quit . if $$IsNumeric(Array(i))=0 quit . set ToKill(i)=1 . new tempS set tempS=$get(Array(i-1)) . if (tempS="/")!(tempS="-") set ToKill(i-1)=1 . if (tempS="NO")!(tempS="#") set ToKill(i-1)=1 set i=0 for set i=$order(Array(i)) quit:+i'>0 do . if $get(ToKill(i))=1 kill Array(i) set i="",result="" for set i=$order(Array(i)) quit:+i'>0 do . set result=result_Array(i)_" " set result=$$Trim(result) set result=$$Substitute(result," / ","/") set result=$$Substitute(result," - ","-") quit result Pos(subStr,s,count) ;"Purpose: return the beginning position of subStr in s ;"Input: subStr -- the string to be searched for in s ;" s -- the string to search ;" count -- OPTIONAL, the instance to return pos of (1=1st, 2=2nd, etc.) ;" if count=2 and only 1 instance exists, then 0 returned ;"Result: the beginning position, or 0 if not found ;"Note: This function differs from $find in that $find returns the pos of the ;" first character AFTER the subStr set count=$get(count,1) new result set result=0 new instance set instance=1 PS1 set result=$find(s,subStr,result+1) if result>0 set result=result-$length(subStr) if count>instance set instance=instance+1 goto PS1 quit result ArrayPos(array,s) ;"Purpose: return the index position of s in array ;"... quit DiffPos(s1,s2) ;"Purpose: Return the position of the first difference between s1 and s2 ;"Input -- s1, s2 : The strings to compare. ;"result: the position (in s1) of the first difference, or 0 if no difference new l set l=$length(s1) if $length(s2)>l set l=$length(s2) new done set done=0 new i for i=1:1:l do quit:(done=1) . set done=($extract(s1,1,i)'=$extract(s2,1,i)) new result set result=0 if done=1 set result=i quit result DiffWPos(Words1,Words2) ;"Purpose: Return the index of the first different word between Words arrays ;"Input: Words1,Words2 -- the array of words, such as would be made ;" by CleaveToArray^TMGSTUTL ;"Returns: Index of first different word in Words1, or 0 if no difference new l set l=+$get(Words1("MAXNODE")) if +$get(Words2("MAXNODE"))>l set l=+$get(Words2("MAXNODE")) new done set done=0 new i for i=1:1:l do quit:(done=1) . set done=($get(Words1(i))'=$get(Words2(i))) new result if done=1 set result=i else set result=0 quit result SimStr(s1,p1,s2,p2) ;"Purpose: return the matching string in both s1 and s2, starting ;" at positions p1 and p2. ;" Example: s1='Tom is 12 years old', p1=7 ;" s2='Bill will be 12 years young tomorrow' p2=13 ;" would return ' 12 years ' new ch1,ch2,offset,result,done set result="",done=0 for offset=0:1:9999 do quit:(done=1) . set ch1=$extract(s1,p1+offset) . set ch2=$extract(s2,p2+offset) . if (ch1=ch2) set result=result_ch1 . else set done=1 quit result SimWord(Words1,p1,Words2,p2) ;"Purpose: return the matching words in both words array 1 and 2, starting ;" at word positions p1 and p2. This function is different from ;" SimStr in that it works with whole words ;" Example: ;" Words1(1)=Tom Words2(1)=Bill ;" Words1(2)=is Words2(2)=will ;" Words1(3)=12 Words2(3)=be ;" Words1(4)=years Words2(4)=12 ;" Words1(5)=old Words2(5)=years ;" Words1("MAXNODE")=5 Words2(6)=young ;" Words2(7)=tomorrow ;" Words1("MAXNODE")=7 ;" This will return 3, (where '12 years' starts) ;" if p1=3 and p2=4 would return '12 years' ;"Note: A '|' will be used as word separator when constructing result ;"Input: Words1,Words2 -- the array of words, such as would be made ;" by CleaveToArray^TMGSTUTL. e.g. ;" p1,p2 -- the index of the word in Words array to start with ;"result: (see example) new w1,w2,offset,result,done set result="",done=0 for offset=0:1:$get(Words1("MAXNODE")) do quit:(done=1) . set w1=$get(Words1(offset+p1)) . set w2=$get(Words2(offset+p2)) . if (w1=w2)&(w1'="") do . . if (result'="") set result=result_"|" . . set result=result_w1 . else set done=1 quit result SimPos(s1,s2,DivStr,pos1,pos2,MatchStr) ;"Purpose: return the first position that two strings are similar. This means ;" the first position in string s1 that characters match in s2. A ;" match will be set to mean 3 or more characters being the same. ;" Example: s1='Tom is 12 years old' ;" s2='Bill will be 12 years young tomorrow' ;" This will return 7, (where '12 years' starts) ;"Input: s1,s2 -- the two strings to compare ;" DivStr -- OPTIONAL, the character to use to separate the answers ;" in the return string. Default is '^' ;" pos1 -- OPTIONAL, an OUT PARAMETER. Returns Pos1 from result ;" pos2 -- OPTIONAL, an OUT PARAMETER. Returns Pos2 from result ;" MatchStr -- OPTIONAL, an OUT PARAMETER. Returns MatchStr from result ;"Results: Pos1^Pos2^MatchStr Pos1=position in s1, Pos2=position in s2, ;" MatchStr=the matching Str set DivStr=$get(DivStr,"^") new startPos,subStr,found,s2Pos set found=0,s2Pos=0 for startPos=1:1:$length(s1) do quit:(found=1) . set subStr=$extract(s1,startPos,startPos+3) . set s2Pos=$$Pos(subStr,s2) . set found=(s2Pos>0) new result if found=1 do . set pos1=startPos,pos2=s2Pos . set MatchStr=$$SimStr(s1,startPos,s2,s2Pos) else do . set pos1=0,pos2=0,MatchStr="" set result=pos1_DivStr_pos2_DivStr_MatchStr quit result SimWPos(Words1,Words2,DivStr,p1,p2,MatchStr) ;"Purpose: return the first position that two word arrays are similar. This means ;" the first index in Words array 1 that matches to words in Words array 2. ;" A match will be set to mean the two words are equal ;" Example: ;" Words1(1)=Tom Words2(1)=Bill ;" Words1(2)=is Words2(2)=will ;" Words1(3)=12 Words2(3)=be ;" Words1(4)=years Words2(4)=12 ;" Words1(5)=old Words2(5)=years ;" Words1("MAXNODE")=5 Words2(6)=young ;" Words2(7)=tomorrow ;" Words2("MAXNODE")=7 ;" This will return 3, (where '12 years' starts) ;"Input: Words1,Words2 -- the two arrays to compare ;" DivStr -- OPTIONAL, the character to use to separate the answers ;" in the return string. Default is '^' ;" pos1 -- OPTIONAL, an OUT PARAMETER. Returns Pos1 from result ;" pos2 -- OPTIONAL, an OUT PARAMETER. Returns Pos2 from result ;" MatchStr -- OPTIONAL, an OUT PARAMETER. Returns MatchStr from result ;"Results: Pos1^Pos2^MatchStr Pos1=position in Words1, Pos2=position in Words2, ;" MatchStr=the first matching Word or phrase ;" Note: | will be used as a word separator for phrases. set DivStr=$get(DivStr,"^") new startPos,word1,found,w2Pos set found=0,s2Pos=0 for startPos=1:1:+$get(Words1("MAXNODE")) do quit:(found=1) . set word1=$get(Words1(startPos)) . set w2Pos=$$IndexOf^TMGMISC($name(Words2),word1) . set found=(w2Pos>0) if found=1 do . set p1=startPos,p2=w2Pos . set MatchStr=$$SimWord(.Words1,p1,.Words2,p2) else do . set p1=0,p2=0,MatchStr="" new result set result=p1_DivStr_p2_DivStr_MatchStr quit result DiffStr(s1,s2,DivChr) ;"Purpose: Return how s1 differs from s2. E.g. ;" s1='Today was the birthday of Bill and John' ;" s2='Yesterday was the birthday of Tom and Sue' ;" results='Today^1^Bill^26^John^35' ;" This means that 'Today', starting at pos 1 in s1 differs ;" from s2. And 'Bill' starting at pos 26 differs from s2 etc.. ;"Input: s1,s2 -- the two strings to compare ;" DivStr -- OPTIONAL, the character to use to separate the answers ;" in the return string. Default is '^' ;"Results: DiffStr1^pos1^DiffStr2^pos2^... set DivChr=$get(DivChr,"^") new result set result="" new offset set offset=0 new p1,p2,matchStr,matchLen new diffStr,temp DSLoop set temp=$$SimPos(s1,s2,DivChr,.p1,.p2,.matchStr) ;"Returns: Pos1^Pos2^MatchStr Pos1=pos in s1, Pos2=pos in s2, MatchStr=the matching Str if p1=0 set:(s1'="") result=result_s1_DivChr_(+offset) goto DSDone set matchLen=$length(matchStr) if p1>1 do . set diffStr=$extract(s1,1,p1-1) . set result=result_diffStr_DivChr_(1+offset)_DivChr set offset=offset+(p1+matchLen-1) set s1=$extract(s1,p1+matchLen,9999) ;"trim s1 set s2=$extract(s2,p2+matchLen,9999) ;"trim s2 goto DSLoop DSDone quit result DiffWords(Words1,Words2,DivChr) ;"Purpose: Return how Word arrays Words1 differs from Words2. E.g. ;" Example: ;" Words1(1)=Tom Words2(1)=Bill ;" Words1(2)=is Words2(2)=will ;" Words1(3)=12 Words2(3)=be ;" Words1(4)=years Words2(4)=12 ;" Words1(5)=old Words2(5)=years ;" Words1("MAXNODE")=5 Words2(6)=young ;" Words2(7)=tomorrow ;" Words1("MAXNODE")=7 ;" ;" s1='Today was the birthday of Bill and John' ;" s2='Yesterday was the birthday of Tom and Sue' ;" results='Tom is^1^old^5' ;" This means that 'Tom is', starting at pos 1 in Words1 differs ;" from Words2. And 'old' starting at pos 5 differs from Words2 etc.. ;"Input: Words1,Words2 -- PASS BY REFERENCE. The two word arrays to compare ;" DivStr -- OPTIONAL, the character to use to separate the answers ;" in the return string. Default is '^' ;"Note: The words in DiffStr are divided by "|" ;"Results: DiffStr1A>DiffStr1B^pos1>pos2^DiffStr2A>DiffStr2B^pos1>pos2^... ;" The A DiffStr would be what the value is in Words1, and ;" the B DiffStr would be what the value is in Words2, or @ if deleted. set DivChr=$get(DivChr,"^") new result set result="" new trimmed1,trimmed2 set trimmed1=0,trimmed2=0 new p1,p2,matchStr,matchLen new diffStr1,diffStr2,temp new tWords1,tWords2 merge tWords1=Words1 merge tWords2=Words2 new i,len1,len2,trimLen1,trimLen2 new diffPos1,diffPos2 set len1=+$get(tWords1("MAXNODE")) set len2=+$get(tWords2("MAXNODE")) DWLoop set temp=$$SimWPos(.tWords1,.tWords2,DivChr,.p1,.p2,.matchStr) ;"Returns: Pos1^Pos2^MatchStr Pos1=pos in s1, Pos2=pos in s2, MatchStr=the matching Str ;"Possible return options: ;" p1=p2=0 -- two strings have nothing in common ;" p1=p2=1 -- first word of each string is the same ;" p1=p2=X -- words 1..(X-1) differ from each other. ;" p1>p2 -- e.g. EXT REL TAB --> XR TAB ;" p1 EXT REL TAB if (p1=0)&(p2=0) do . set diffStr1=$$CatArray(.tWords1,1,len1,"|") . set diffStr2=$$CatArray(.tWords2,1,len2,"|") . set trimLen1=len1,trimLen2=len2 . set diffPos1=1+trimmed1 . set diffPos2=1+trimmed2 else if (p1=1)&(p2=1) do . set diffStr1="@",diffStr2="@" . set trimLen1=1,trimLen2=1 . set diffPos1=0,diffPos2=0 else do . set diffStr1=$$CatArray(.tWords1,1,p1-1,"|") . set diffStr2=$$CatArray(.tWords2,1,p2-1,"|") . set trimLen1=p1-1,trimLen2=p2-1 . set diffPos1=1+trimmed1,diffPos2=1+trimmed2 if diffStr1="" set diffStr1="@" if diffStr2="" set diffStr2="@" if '((diffStr1="@")&(diffStr1="@")) do . set:(result'="")&($extract(result,$length(result))'=DivChr) result=result_DivChr . set result=result_diffStr1_">"_diffStr2_DivChr . set result=result_diffPos1_">"_diffPos2 do ListTrim^TMGMISC("tWords1",1,trimLen1,"MAXNODE") do ListTrim^TMGMISC("tWords2",1,trimLen2,"MAXNODE") set trimmed1=trimmed1+trimLen1 set trimmed2=trimmed2+trimLen2 if ($get(tWords1("MAXNODE"))=0)&($get(tWords2("MAXNODE"))=0) goto DWDone goto DWLoop DWDone quit result CatArray(Words,i1,i2,DivChr) ;"Purpose: For given word array, return contatenated results from index1 to index2 ;"Input: Words -- PASS BY REFERENCE. Array of Words, as might be created by CleaveToArray ;" i1 -- the index to start concat at ;" i2 -- the last index to include in concat ;" DivChr -- OPTIONAL. The character to used to separate words. Default=" " new result set result="" set DivChr=$get(DivChr," ") new i for i=i1:1:i2 do . new word set word=$get(Words(i)) . if word="" quit . set:(result'="")&($extract(result,$length(result))'=DivChr) result=result_DivChr . set result=result_word quit result QTPROTECT(S) ;"SAAC compliant entry point quit $$QtProtect(.S) QtProtect(s) ;"Purpose: Protects quotes by converting all quotes do double quotes (" --> "") ;"Input : s -- The string to be modified. Original string is unchanged. ;"Result: returns a string with all instances of single instances of quotes ;" being replaced with two quotes. new tempS set tempS=$$Substitute($get(s),"""""","<^@^>") ;"protect original double quotes set tempS=$$Substitute(tempS,"""","""""") set tempS=$$Substitute(tempS,"<^@^>","""""") ;"reverse protection quit tempS GetStrPos(s,StartPos,P1,P2) ;"INCOMPLETE!! ;"Purpose: return position of start and end of a string (marked by starting ;" and ending quote. Search is started at StartPos. ;" Example: if s='She said "Hello" to Bill', and StartPos=1 ;" then P1 should be returned as 10, and P2 as 16 ;"Input: s -- the text to be ;" StartPos -- the position to start the search at. Optional: default=1 ;" P1 -- PASS BY REFERENCE, an Out Parameter ;" P2 -- PASS BY REFERENCE, an Out Parameter ;"Results: None ;"Output: P1 and P2 are returned as per example above, or 0 if not quotes in text set P1=0,P2=0 if s'["""" goto GSPDone set StartPos=+$get(StartPos,1) new tempS set tempS=$extract(s,StartPos,$length(s)) set tempS=$$Substitute(tempS,"""""",$char(1)_$char(1)) ;"FINISH... NOT COMPLETED... GSPDone quit InQt(s,Pos) ;"Purpose: to return if a given character, in string(s), is insided quotes ;" e.g. s='His name is "Bill," OK?' and if p=14, then returns 1 ;" (note the above string is usually stored as: ;" "His name is ""Bill,"" OK?" in the text editor, BUT in the ;" strings that will be passed here I will get only 1 quote character ;"Input: s -- the string to scan ;" Pos -- the position of the character in question ;"Results: 0 if not inside quotes, 1 if it is. ;"NOTE: if Pos points to the bounding quotes, the result is 0 new inQt set inQt=0 if (Pos>$length(s))!(Pos<1) goto IQtDone new p set p=$find(s,"""")-1 if p returns "hungry" ;"Example: s="Find('Purple')", Pos=8, OpenDiv="(", CloseDiv=")" --> returns "'Purple'" ;"Input: s -- the string containing the source sentence ;" Pos -- the index of a character anywhere inside desired word. ;" OpenDiv -- OPTIONAL, default is " " this is what marks the start of the word. ;" NOTE: if $length(OpenDiv)>1, then OpenDiv is considered ;" to be a SET of characters, any of which can be used ;" as a opening character. ;" CloseDiv -- OPTIONAL, default is " " this is what marks the end of the word. ;" NOTE: if $length(CloseDiv)>1, then CloseDiv is considered ;" to be a SET of characters, any of which can be used ;" as a closing character. ;"Results: returns desired word, or "" if problem. ; new result set result="" set OpenDiv=$get(OpenDiv," ") set CloseDiv=$get(CloseDiv," ") set Pos=+$get(Pos) if Pos'>0 goto GWdDone new p1,p2,len,i set len=$length(s) for p2=Pos:1:len if CloseDiv[$extract(s,p2) set p2=p2-1 quit for p1=Pos:-1:1 if OpenDiv[$extract(s,p1) set p1=p1+1 quit set result=$extract(s,p1,p2) GWdDone quit result MATCHXTR(s,DivCh,Group,Map,Restrict) ;"Purpose: Provide a SAAC compliant (all upper case) entry point) for MatchXtract quit $$MatchXtract(.s,.DivCh,.Group,.Map,.Restrict) ; MatchXtract(s,DivCh,Group,Map,Restrict) ;"Purpose to extract a string bounded by DivCh, honoring matching encapsulators ;"Note: the following markers are honored as paired encapsulators: ;" ( ), { }, | |, < >, # #, [ ], ;" To specify which set to use, DivCh should specify only OPENING character ;"E.g. DivCh="{" ;" s="Hello {There}" --> return "There" ;" s="Hello {There {nested braces} friend}" --> return "There {nested braces} friend" ;" DivCh="|" ;" s="Hello |There|" --> "There" ;" s="Hello |There{|friend|}|" --> "There{|friend|}" ;" Notice that the second "|" was not paired to the first, because an opening brace was first. ;"Input: s -- The string to evaluate ;" DivCh -- The opening character of the encapsulator to use ;" Group -- OPTIONAL. Default is 1. If line has more than one set of encapsulated entries, which group to get from ;" Map -- OPTIONAL. PASS BY REFERENCE. If function is to be called multiple times, ;" then a prior Map variable can be passed to speed processing. ;" Restrict -- OPTIONAL. A string of allowed opening encapsulators (allows others to be ignored) ;" e.g. "{(|" <-- will cause "<>#[]" to be ignored ;"Results: Returns extracted string. if $data(Map)=0 do MapMatch(s,.Map,.Restrict) set Group=$get(Group,1) set DivCh=$get(DivCh) new Result set Result="" new i set i=0 for set i=$order(Map(Group,i)) quit:(i="")!(Result'="") do . if DivCh'=$get(Map(Group,i)) quit . new p,j . for j=1,2 set p(j)=+$get(Map(Group,i,"Pos",j)) . set Result=$extract(s,p(1)+1,p(2)-1) quit Result MapMatch(s,Map,Restrict) ;"Purpose to map a string with nested braces, parentheses etc (encapsulators) ;"Note: the following markers are honored as paired encapsulators: ;" ( ), { }, | |, < >, # #, " " ;"Input: s -- string to evaluate ;" Map -- PASS BY REFERENCE. An OUT PARAMETER. Prior values are killed. Format: ;" Map(Group,Depth)=OpeningSymbol ;" Map(Group,Depth,"Pos",1)=index of opening symbol ;" Map(Group,Depth,"Pos",2)=index of paired closing symbol ;" Restrict -- OPTIONAL. A string of allowed opening encapsulators (allows others to be ignored) ;" e.g. "{(|" <-- will cause "<>#[]" to be ignored ;"E.g. s="Hello |There{|friend|}|" ;" Map(1,1)="|" ;" Map(1,1,"Pos",1)=7 ;" Map(1,1,"Pos",2)=23 ;" Map(1,2)="{" ;" Map(1,2,"Pos",1)=13 ;" Map(1,2,"Pos",2)=22 ;" Map(1,3)="|" ;" Map(1,3,"Pos",1)=14 ;" Map(1,3,"Pos",2)=21 ;"Eg. s="Hello |There{|friend|}| This is more (and I (want { to say} !) OK?)" ;" map(1,1)="|" ;" map(1,1,"Pos",1)=7 ;" map(1,1,"Pos",2)=23 ;" map(1,2)="{" ;" map(1,2,"Pos",1)=13 ;" map(1,2,"Pos",2)=22 ;" map(1,3)="|" ;" map(1,3,"Pos",1)=14 ;" map(1,3,"Pos",2)=21 ;" map(2,1)="(" ;" map(2,1,"Pos",1)=39 ;" map(2,1,"Pos",2)=68 ;" map(2,2)="(" ;" map(2,2,"Pos",1)=46 ;" map(2,2,"Pos",2)=63 ;" map(2,3)="{" ;" map(2,3,"Pos",1)=52 ;" map(2,3,"Pos",2)=60 ;"Results: none set Restrict=$get(Restrict,"({|<#""") new Match,Depth,i,Group if Restrict["(" set Match("(")=")" if Restrict["{" set Match("{")="}" if Restrict["|" set Match("|")="|" if Restrict["<" set Match("<")=">" if Restrict["#" set Match("#")="#" if Restrict["""" set Match("""")="""" kill Map set Depth=0,Group=1 for i=1:1:$length(s) do . new ch set ch=$extract(s,i) . if ch=$get(Map(Group,Depth,"Closer")) do quit . . set Map(Group,Depth,"Pos",2)=i . . kill Map(Group,Depth,"Closer") . . set Depth=Depth-1 . . if Depth=0 set Group=Group+1 . if $data(Match(ch))=0 quit . set Depth=Depth+1 . set Map(Group,Depth)=ch . set Map(Group,Depth,"Closer")=Match(ch) . set Map(Group,Depth,"Pos",1)=i quit CmdChStrip(s) ;"Purpose: Strip all characters < #32 from string. new Codes,i,result set Codes="" for i=1:1:31 set Codes=Codes_$char(i) set result=$translate(s,Codes,"") quit result StrBounds(s,p) ;"Purpose: given position of start of string, returns index of end of string ;"Input: s -- the string to eval ;" p -- the index of the start of the string ;"Results : returns the index of the end of the string, or 0 if not found. new result set result=0 for p=p+1:1 quit:(p>$length(s))!(result>0) do . if $extract(s,p)'="""" quit . set p=p+1 . if $extract(s,p)="""" quit . set result=p-1 quit result NonWhite(s,p) ;"Purpose: given starting position, return index of first non-whitespace character ;" Note: either a " " or a TAB [$char(9)] will be considered a whitespace char ;"result: returns index if non-whitespace, or index past end of string if none found. new result,ch,done for result=p:1 quit:(result>$length(s)) do quit:done . set ch=$extract(s,result) . set done=(ch'=" ")&(ch'=$char(9)) quit result Pad2Pos(Pos,ch) ;"Purpose: return a string that can be used to pad from the current $X ;" screen cursor position, up to Pos, using char Ch (optional) ;"Input: Pos -- a screen X cursor position, i.e. from 1-80 etc (depending on screen width) ;" ch -- Optional, default is " " ;"Result: returns string of padded characters. new width set width=+$get(Pos)-$X if width'>0 set width=0 quit $$LJ^XLFSTR("",width,.ch) HTML2TXT(Array) ;"Purpose: text a WP array that is HTML formatted, and strip

, and ;" return in a format of 1 line per array node. ;"Input: Array -- PASS BY REFERENCE. This array will be altered. ;"Results: none ;"NOTE: This conversion causes some loss of HTML tags, so a round trip ;" conversion back to HTML would fail. ;"Called from: TMGTIUOJ.m new outArray,outI set outI=1 ;"Clear out confusing non-breaking spaces. new spec set spec(" ")=" " set spec("<")="<" set spec(">")=">" set spec("&")="&" set spec(""")="""" new line set line=0 for set line=$order(Array(line)) quit:(line="") do . new lineS set lineS=$get(Array(line,0)) . set Array(line,0)=$$REPLACE^XLFSTR(lineS,.spec) new s2 set s2="" new line set line=0 for set line=$order(Array(line)) quit:(line="") do . new lineS set lineS=s2_$get(Array(line,0)) . set s2="" . for do quit:(lineS'["<") . . if (lineS["


") do quit . . . set outArray(outI,0)=$piece(lineS,"

",1) . . . set outI=outI+1 . . . set outArray(outI,0)="" ;"Add blank line to create paragraph break. . . . set outI=outI+1 . . . set lineS=$piece(lineS,"

",2,999) . . if (lineS["


") do quit . . . set outArray(outI,0)=$piece(lineS,"

",1) . . . set outI=outI+1 . . . set outArray(outI,0)="" ;"Add blank line to create paragraph break. . . . set outI=outI+1 . . . set lineS=$piece(lineS,"

",2,999) . . if (lineS["")&($piece(lineS,"",1)'["
") do quit . . . set outArray(outI,0)=$piece(lineS,"",1) ;" _"" . . . set outI=outI+1 . . . set outArray(outI,0)="" ;"Add blank line to create paragraph break. . . . set outI=outI+1 . . . set lineS=$piece(lineS,"",2,999) . . if lineS["
" do quit . . . set outArray(outI,0)=$piece(lineS,"
",1) . . . set outI=outI+1 . . . set lineS=$piece(lineS,"
",2,999) . . set s2=lineS,lineS="" . set s2=s2_lineS if s2'="" do . set outArray(outI,0)=s2 . set outI=outI+1 kill Array merge Array=outArray quit TrimTags(lineS) ;"Purpose: To cut out HTML tags (e.g. <...>) from lineS, however, is protected ;"Input: lineS : the string to work on. ;"Results: the modified string ;"Called from: TMGTIUOJ.m new result,key,spec set spec("")="[no data]" set result=$$REPLACE^XLFSTR(lineS,.spec) for quit:((result'["<")!(result'[">")) do . new partA,partB . set partA=$piece(result,"<",1) . new temp set temp=$extract(result,$length(partA)+1,999) . set partB=$piece(temp,">",2,99) . set result=partA_partB quit result IsHTML(IEN8925) ;"Purpose: to specify if the text held in the REPORT TEXT field is HTML markup ;"Input: IEN8925 -- record number in file 8925 ;"Results: 1 if HTML markup, 0 otherwise. ;"Note: This is not a perfect test. ; new result set result=0 new Done set Done=0 new line set line=0 for set line=$order(^TIU(8925,IEN8925,"TEXT",line)) quit:(line="")!Done do . new lineS set lineS=$$UP^XLFSTR($get(^TIU(8925,IEN8925,"TEXT",line,0))) . if (lineS["") set Done=1,result=1 quit quit result