1 | TMGTIUOJ ;TMG/kst-Text objects for use in CPRS ;03/25/06
2 | ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;03/12/09
3 |
4 | ;"TMG text objects
5 | ;"
6 | ;"These are bits of code that return text to be included in progress notes etc.
7 | ;"They are called when the user puts text like this in a note:
8 | ;" ... Mrs. Jone's vitals today are |VITALS|, measured in the office...
9 | ;" 'VITALS' would be a TIU TEXT OBJECT, managed through menu option TIUFJ CREATE OBJECTS MGR
10 |
11 | ;"---------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 | ;"---------------------------------------------------------------------------
14 |
15 | ;"$$VITALS(DFN,.TIU)
16 | ;"$$NICENAME(DFN)
17 | ;"$$FNAME(DFN)
18 | ;"$$MNAME(DFN)
19 | ;"$$LNAME(DFN)
20 | ;"$$PHONENUM(DFN)
22 | ;"$$WTTREND(DFN,.TIU) return text showing patient's trend in change of weight.
23 | ;"$$WTDELTA(DFN,.TIU) return text showing patient's change in weight.
24 | ;"$$GETTABL1(DFN,LABEL) -- return a table from prior notes.
25 | ;"$$GETTABLX(DFN,LABEL) -- return a table compiled from prior notes.
26 |
27 | ;"---------------------------------------------------------------------------
29 | ;"---------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 | ;"FormatVitals(result,s,Label,CurDT,NoteDT)
31 | ;"RemoveDT(S,DT)
32 | ;"RemoveTime(DT)
33 | ;"DateDelta(RefDT,DT)
34 | ;"FormatHeight(HtS,PtAge) remove centimeters from patient's height for adults
35 | ;"TMGVISDT(TIU) Return a string for date of visit
36 | ;"GetLast2(Array,NTLast,Last) Returns last 2 values in array (as created by GetPriorVital)
37 | ;"GetPriorVital(DFN,Date,Vital,Array) retrieve a list of prior vital entries for a patient
38 |
39 | ;"GetNotesList(DFN,List,IncDays)
40 | ;"ExtractSpecial(IEN8925,StartMarkerS,EndMarkerS,Array)
41 | ;"MergeInto(partArray,masterArray)
42 | ;"GetSpecial(DFN,StartMarkerS,EndMarkerS,Months,Array,Mode)
43 |
44 | ;"Array2Str(Array) convert Array (as created by GetSpecial) into one long string
45 | ;"AddIfAbsent(Array,Key,Pivot,Value) add one (empty) entry, if a value for this doesn't already exist.
46 | ;"StubRecommendations(DFN,Array,Label) add stubs for recommended studies to Array
47 |
48 | ;"---------------------------------------------------------------------------
49 | ;"---------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 |
52 | ;"Purpose: Return a composite Vitals string like this:
53 | ;" T: 98.6 BP: 112/78 R: 17 P: 68 Wt.: 190 Ht.: 76
54 | ;"Input: DFN -- the patient's unique ID (record#)
55 | ;" TIU -- this is an array created by TIU system that
56 | ;" contains information about the document being
57 | ;" edited/created. I believe it has this structure:
58 | ;" TIU("VSTR") = LOC;VDT;VTYP
59 | ;" TIU("VISIT") = Visit File IFN^date?
60 | ;" TIU("LOC")
61 | ;" TIU("VLOC")
62 | ;" TIU("STOP") = mark to defer workload
63 | ;" TIU("TYPE")=1^title DA^title Name i.e.: 1^128^OFFICE VISIT^OFFICE VISIT
64 | ;" TIU("SVC")=service, e.g. "FAMILY PRACTICE"
65 | ;" TIU("EDT")=TIUEDT^DateStr = event begin time: FMDate^DateStr
66 | ;" TIU("LDT")=TIULDT^DateStr = event end time: FMDate^DateStr
67 | ;" TIU("VSTR")=LOC;VDT;VTYP e.g. "x;x;OFFICE VISIT"
68 | ;" TIU("VISIT")=Visit File IFN
69 | ;" TIU("LOC")=TIULOC
70 | ;" TIU("VLOC")=TIULOC
71 | ;" TIU("STOP")=0 ;"0=FALSE, don't worry about stop codes.
72 | ;"Output: returns result
73 |
74 | new result set result=""
75 | new CurDT set CurDT=""
76 | new NoteDT set NoteDT=""
77 |
78 | new PtAge
79 | do
80 | . new IENS,TMGARRAY
81 | . set IENS=$get(DFN)_","
82 | . do GETS^DIQ(2,IENS,.033,"TMGARRAY") ;".033 is computed patient age
83 | . set PtAge=+$get(TMGARRAY(2,IENS,.033)) ;"will return 0 if not found
84 |
85 | new Wt,Ht
86 | set NoteDT=$$VISDATE^TIULO1(.TIU) ;"Get date of current note (in MM/DD/YY HR:MIN)
87 | set NoteDT=$piece(NoteDT," ",1) ;"Drop time
88 | set CurDT=NoteDT
89 |
90 | ;"set result="Resp="_$$RESP^TIULO(+$get(DFN))_", "
91 | ;"set result="Pulse="_$$PULSE^TIULO(+$get(DFN))_", "
92 |
93 | do FormatVitals(.result,$$TEMP^TIULO(+$get(DFN)),"T",.CurDT,.NoteDT)
94 | do FormatVitals(.result,$$BP^TIULO(+$get(DFN)),"BP",.CurDT,.NoteDT)
95 | do FormatVitals(.result,$$RESP^TIULO(+$get(DFN)),"R",.CurDT,.NoteDT)
96 | do FormatVitals(.result,$$PULSE^TIULO(+$get(DFN)),"P",.CurDT,.NoteDT)
97 | set Wt=$$WEIGHT^TIULO(+$get(DFN))
98 | set Ht=$$HEIGHT^TIULO(+$get(DFN))
99 | set Ht=$$FormatHeight(Ht,.PtAge)
100 | do FormatVitals(.result,Wt,"Wt",.CurDT,.NoteDT,1)
101 | if (Wt'="")&(Ht'="") set result=result_$char(10)_$char(9)
102 | do FormatVitals(.result,Ht,"Ht",.CurDT,.NoteDT,1)
103 | ;"set result=result_";" ;temp!!
104 |
105 | ;"Now calculate BMI if Wt & Ht available
106 | ;" BMI=kg/meters^2
107 | if (Wt'="")&(Ht'="") do
108 | . new sWt,sHt
109 | . new nWt,nHt,s1,BMI
110 | . set sWt=$$RemoveDT(Wt)
111 | . set sHt=$$RemoveDT(Ht)
112 | . set s1=$piece(sWt,"[",2) ;"convert '200 lb [91.2 kg]' --> '91.2 kg]'
113 | . set nWt=+$piece(s1," ",1) ;"convert '91.2 kg]' --> 91.2
114 | . set s1=$piece(sHt,"[",2) ;"convert '56 in [130 cm]' --> '130 cm]'
115 | . set nHt=+$piece(s1," ",1) ;"convert '130 cm]' --> 130
116 | . set nHt=nHt/100 ;"convert centimeters to meters
117 | . if nHt>0 do
118 | . . new tempBMI,iBMI,Digit
119 | . . new MSqr set MSqr=(nHt*nHt)
120 | . . set tempBMI=(nWt/MSqr)
121 | . . set Digit=(((tempBMI-(tempBMI\1))*10)\1)/10
122 | . . set BMI=(tempBMI\1)+Digit
123 | . . do FormatVitals(.result,BMI,"BMI",.CurDT)
124 | . . if BMI<18.5 do
125 | . . . set result=result_" (<18.5 = ""UNDER-WT"")"
126 | . . else if BMI<25.01 do
127 | . . . set result=result_" (18.5-25 = ""HEALTHY"")"
128 | . . else if BMI<30.01 do
129 | . . . set result=result_" (25-30 = ""OVER-WT"")"
130 | . . else if BMI<40.01 do
131 | . . . set result=result_" (30-40 = ""OBESE"")"
132 | . . else do
133 | . . . set result=result_" (>40 = ""VERY OBESE"")"
134 | . . new idealLb1,idealLb2
135 | . . set idealLb1=((18.5*MSqr)*2.2)\1
136 | . . set idealLb2=((25*MSqr)*2.2)\1
137 | . . set result=result_$char(10)_$char(9)_"(Ideal Wt="_idealLb1_"-"_idealLb2_" lbs"
138 | . . if Wt>idealLb2 set result=result_"; "_(Wt-idealLb2)_" lbs over weight)"
139 | . . else if Wt<idealLb1 set result=result_"; "_(idealLb1-Wt)_" lbs under weight)"
140 | . . else set result=result_")"
141 | . . new WtDelta set WtDelta=$$WTDELTA(DFN,.TIU)
142 | . . set result=result_$char(10)_$char(9)_WtDelta
143 |
144 | if result="" do
145 | . set result="[See vital-signs documented in paper chart]"
146 |
147 | quit result
148 |
149 |
150 | FormatVitals(result,s,Label,CurDT,NoteDT,ForceShow)
151 | ;"Purpose: To remove redundant text in formating Vitals
152 | ;"Input: result -- PASS BY REFERENCE .. the cumulative string
153 | ;" s -- the string value result to add
154 | ;" Label -- the text label
155 | ;" CurDT -- the last DT string shown
156 | ;" NoteDT -- [optional] DT string of date of note
157 | ;" If provided, then the date of the vital sign must equal NoteDT, or
158 | ;" "" is returned (Unless ForceShow=1)
159 | ;" ForceShow -- [optional] 1: Will force a return result, if otherwise wouldn't be shown
160 | ;"Results: none (changes are passed back in result)
161 |
162 | set result=$get(result)
163 | ;"if $data(NoteDT)&($get(NoteDT)'=$get(CurDT))&($get(ForceShow)'=1) goto FVDone
164 | if $get(s)'="" do
165 | . ;"set result=result_"s="_s_",CurDT="_$get(CurDT)_",NoteDT="_$get(NoteDT)_" "
166 | . new DT set DT=""
167 | . new Delta
168 | . set s=$$RemoveDT(s,.DT)
169 | . set DT=$$RemoveTime(DT)
170 | . set Delta=$$DateDelta(.NoteDT,.DT)
171 | . ;"set result=result_"Delta="_Delta_" "
172 | . if (Delta'<0) do
173 | . . if (Delta>0)&($get(NoteDT)'="")&($get(ForceShow)'=1) quit ;"If NoteDT specified, don't allow delta>0
174 | . . if (result'="")&($extract(result,$length(result))'=$char(9)) set result=result_", "
175 | . . set CurDT=DT
176 | . . if (Delta>0)&(DT'="") set result=result_"("_DT_") "
177 | . . set result=result_Label_" "_s
178 | FVDone
179 | quit
180 |
181 |
182 | RemoveDT(S,DT)
183 | ;"Purpose: to remove a date-Time string, and return in DT
184 | ;" i.e. turn this:
185 | ;" 127/56 (12/25/04 16:50)
186 | ;" into these:
187 | ;" '127/56' and '12/25/04 16:50'
188 | ;"Input: S -- a string as above
189 | ;" DT -- [Optional] an OUT parameter... must PASS BY REFERENCE
190 | ;"result: returns input string with (date-time) removed
191 | ;" Date-Time is returned in DT if passed by reference.
192 |
193 | new result set result=$get(S)
194 | if result="" goto RDTDone
195 |
196 | set result=$piece(S,"(",1)
197 | set result=$$Trim^TMGSTUTL(.result)
198 | set DT=$piece(S,"(",2)
199 | set DT=$piece(DT,")",1)
200 | set DT=$$Trim^TMGSTUTL(.DT)
201 |
202 | quit result
203 |
204 |
205 | RDTDone
206 | quit result
207 |
208 | RemoveTime(DT)
209 | ;"Purpose: to remove the time from a date/time string
210 | ;"Input: DT -- the date/time string, i.e. '2/24/05 16:50'
211 | ;"result: returns just the date, i.e. '2/25/05'
212 |
213 | new result
214 |
215 | set result=$piece(DT," ",1)
216 |
217 | quit result
218 |
219 |
220 | FormatHeight(HtS,PtAge)
221 | ;"Purpose: to remove centimeters from patient's height for adults
222 | ;"Input: Ht, a height string, e.g. '74 in [154 cm]'
223 | ;" PtAge, patient's age in years
224 | ;"Result: returns patient height, with [154 cm] removed, if age > 16
225 |
226 | new result set result=$get(HtS)
227 |
228 | if $get(PtAge)'<16 do
229 | . set result=$piece(HtS,"[",1)
230 |
231 | quit result
232 |
233 |
234 | DateDelta(RefDT,DT)
235 | ;"Purpose: To determine the number of days between DT and now
236 | ;" i.e. How many days DT was before RefDT.
237 | ;"Input:RefDT -- a reference/baseline date/time string
238 | ;" if not supplied, Current date/time used as default.
239 | ;" DT -- a date/time string (i.e. '12/25/04 16:50')
240 | ;"Result: Return number of days between DT and RefDT
241 | ;" Positive numbers used when DT occured before current date
242 | ;" i.e. result=RefDT-DT
243 |
244 | new iNowDT,iRefDT,iDT ;internal format of dates
245 | new result set result=0
246 |
247 | ;"write "DT='",DT,"'",!
248 | ;"set iDT=$$IDATE^TIULC(.DT) ;"Convert date into internal
249 | ;"write "iDT=",iDT,!
250 | set X=DT do ^%DT set iDT=Y ;"Convert date into internal
251 | if $get(RefDT)="" set iRefDT=$$DT^XLFDT
252 | else set X=RefDT do ^%DT set iRefDT=Y ;"Convert date into internal
253 | ;"write "iDT=",iDT,!
254 | ;"set iNowDT=$$DT^XLFDT
255 | ;"write "iNowDT=",iNowDT,!
256 | ;"set result=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(iNowDT,iDT)
257 | set result=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(iRefDT,iDT)
258 |
259 | quit result
260 |
261 |
262 |
263 | TMGVISDT(TIU) ; Visit date
264 | ;"Purpose: Return a string for date of visit
265 | ;"Note: This is based on the function VISDATE^TIULO1(TIU)
266 | ;" However, that function seemed to return the appointment date associated
267 | ;" with a note, rather than the specified date of the note
268 | ;" Also, this will return date only--not time.
269 | ;"Input: TIU -- this is an array created by TIU system that
270 | ;" contains information about the document being
271 | ;" edited/created. I believe it has this this structure:
272 | ;" TIU("VSTR") = LOC;VDT;VTYP
273 | ;" TIU("VISIT") = Visit File IFN^date?
274 | ;" TIU("LOC")
275 | ;" TIU("VLOC")
276 | ;" TIU("STOP") = mark to defer workload
277 | ;" TIU("TYPE")=1^title DA^title Name i.e.: 1^128^OFFICE VISIT^OFFICE VISIT
278 | ;" TIU("SVC")=service, e.g. "FAMILY PRACTICE"
279 | ;" TIU("EDT")=TIUEDT^DateStr = event begin time: FMDate^DateStr
280 | ;" TIU("LDT")=TIULDT^DateStr = event end time: FMDate^DateStr
281 | ;" TIU("VSTR")=LOC;VDT;VTYP e.g. "x;x;OFFICE VISIT"
282 | ;" TIU("VISIT")=Visit File IFN
283 | ;" TIU("LOC")=TIULOC
284 | ;" TIU("VLOC")=TIULOC
285 | ;" TIU("STOP")=0 ;"0=FALSE, don't worry about stop codes.
286 | ;"Output: returns result
287 |
289 | new result
290 |
291 | ;set result="VISIT="_$get(TIU("VISIT"))_" "
292 | ;set result=result_"VSTR="_$get(TIU("VSTR"))_" "
293 | ;set result=result_"EDT="_$get(TIU("EDT"))_" "
294 | ;set result=result_"LDT="_$get(TIU("LDT"))_" "
295 |
296 | if $get(TIU("VISIT"))'="" do
297 | . set result=$piece(TIU("VISIT"),U,2)
298 | else if $get(TIU("VSTR"))'="" do
299 | . set result=$piece(TIU("VSTR"),";",2)
300 | else do
301 | . set result="(Visit Date Unknown)"
302 |
303 | if +result>0 do
304 | . set result=$$DATE^TIULS(result,"MM/DD/YY HR:MIN")
305 | . set result=$piece(result," ",1) ;"cut off time.
306 |
307 | VDDone quit result
308 |
309 |
310 | FNAME(DFN)
311 | ;"Purpose: Return Patient's first name
312 | ;"Input: DFN -- the patient's unique ID (record#)
313 | ;"Output: returns result
314 | new name
315 |
316 | set name=$piece($get(^DPT(DFN,0)),"^",1)
317 | set name=$piece(name,",",2)
318 | set name=$piece(name," ",1)
319 | set name=$$CapWords^TMGSTUTL(name)
320 |
321 | quit name
322 |
323 |
324 | MNAME(DFN)
325 | ;"Purpose: Return Patient's middle name(s)
326 | ;"Input: DFN -- the patient's unique ID (record#)
327 | ;"Output: returns result
328 | new name
329 |
330 | set name=$piece($get(^DPT(DFN,0)),"^",1)
331 | set name=$piece(name,",",2)
332 | set name=$piece(name," ",2,100)
333 | set name=$$CapWords^TMGSTUTL(name)
334 |
335 | quit name
336 |
337 |
338 | LNAME(DFN)
339 | ;"Purpose: Return Patient's last name
340 | ;"Input: DFN -- the patient's unique ID (record#)
341 | ;"Output: returns result
342 |
343 | new name
344 |
345 | set name=$piece($get(^DPT(DFN,0)),"^",1)
346 | set name=$piece(name,",",1)
347 | set name=$$CapWords^TMGSTUTL(name)
348 |
349 | quit name
350 |
351 |
353 | ;"Purpose: Return Patient's name format: Firstname Middlename Lastname
354 | ;" only the first letter of each name capitalized.
355 | ;"Input: DFN -- the patient's unique ID (record#)
356 | ;"Output: returns result
357 |
358 | new name
359 |
360 | set name=$piece($get(^DPT(DFN,0)),"^",1)
361 | set name=$piece(name,",",2)_" "_$piece(name,",",1) ;"put first name first
362 | set name=$$CapWords^TMGSTUTL(name)
363 |
364 | quit name
365 |
366 |
368 | ;"Purpose: to return the patient's phone number
369 | ;"Input: DFN -- the patient's unique ID (record#)
370 | ;"Output: returns result
371 |
372 | new result set result=""
373 | if +$get(DFN)=0 goto PNDone
374 |
375 | set result=$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.131)
376 |
377 | set result=$translate(result," ","")
378 | if $length(result)=10 do
379 | . new temp set temp=result
380 | . set result="("_$extract(result,1,3)_") "_$extract(result,4,6)_"-"_$extract(result,7,10)
381 |
382 | if $length(result)=7 do
383 | . new temp set temp=result
384 | . set result=$extract(result,1,3)_"-"_$extract(result,4,7)
385 |
386 | PNDone
387 | quit result
388 |
389 |
390 | ;"-------------------------------------------------------------
391 | ;"-------------------------------------------------------------
393 | ;"Purpose: return text showing patient's trend in change of weight.
394 | ;" e.g. 215 <== 212 <== 256 <== 278
395 | ;"Input: DFN=the Patient's IEN in file #2
396 | ;" TIU=PASS BY REFERENCE. Should be an Array of TIU note info
397 | ;" See documentation in VITALS(DFN,TIU)
398 | ;"Results: Returns string describing changes in weight.
399 |
400 | new result set result=""
401 | new Date set Date=$get(TIU("EDT"))
402 | if +Date'>0 do
403 | . set result="(No wts available)"
404 | . goto WTTRDone
405 |
406 | new Array
407 | do GetPriorVital(.DFN,Date,"WEIGHT",.Array)
408 |
409 | new Date set Date=""
410 | for set Date=$order(Array(Date),-1) quit:(+Date'>0) do
411 | . if result'="" set result=result_" <== "
412 | . set result=result_$order(Array(Date,""))
413 |
414 | set result="Wt trend: "_result
415 |
416 | WTTRDone quit result
417 |
418 |
420 | ;"Purpose: return text showing patient's change in weight.
421 | ;"Input: DFN=the Patient's IEN in file #2
422 | ;" TIU=PASS BY REFERENCE. Should be an Array of TIU note info
423 | ;" See documentation in VITALS(DFN,TIU)
424 | ;"Results: Returns string describing change in weight.
425 |
426 | new result set result="Weight "
427 | new delta
428 | new Date set Date=$get(TIU("EDT")) ;"Episode date
429 | if +Date'>0 do goto WTDDone
430 | . set result=result_"change: ?"
431 |
432 | new Array
433 | do GetPriorVital(.DFN,Date,"WEIGHT",.Array)
434 |
435 | new NTLast,Last
436 | do GetLast2(.Array,.NTLast,.Last)
437 | set Last=+Last
438 | set NTLast=+NTLast
439 | set delta=Last-NTLast
440 | if delta>0 set result=result_"up "_delta_" lbs. "
441 | else if delta<0 set result=result_"down "_-delta_" lbs. "
442 | else do
443 | . if Last=0 set result=result_"change: ?" quit
444 | . set result=result_"unchanged. "
445 |
446 | if (Last>0)&(NTLast>0) do
447 | . set result=result_"("_Last_" <== "_NTLast_" prior wt)"
448 |
449 | WTDDone quit result
450 |
451 |
452 | GetLast2(Array,NTLast,Last)
453 | ;"Purpose: Returns last 2 values in array (as created by GetPriorVital)
454 | ;"Input: Array -- PASS BY REFERENCE. Array as created by GetPriorVital
455 | ;" Array(FMDate,Value)=""
456 | ;" Array(FMDate,Value)=""
458 | ;" Next-To-Last value in array list (sorted by ascending date)
460 | ;" Last value in array list (sorted by ascending date)
461 | ;"Results: None
462 |
463 | new NTLastDate,LastDate
464 | set LastDate=""
465 | set LastDate=$order(Array(""),-1)
466 | set Last=$order(Array(LastDate,""))
467 |
468 | set NTLastDate=$order(Array(LastDate),-1)
469 | set NTLast=$order(Array(NTLastDate,""))
470 |
471 | quit
472 |
473 |
474 | GetPriorVital(DFN,Date,Vital,Array)
475 | ;"Purpose: To retrieve a list of prior vital entries for a patient
476 | ;" Note: entries up to *AND INCLUDING* the current day will be retrieved
477 | ;"Input: DFN: the IEN of the patient, in file #2 (PATIENT)
478 | ;" Date: Date (in FM format) of the current event. Entries up to
479 | ;" AND INCLUDING this date will be retrieved.
480 | ;" Vital: Vital to retrieve, GMRV VITAL TYPE file (#120.51)
481 | ;" Must be .01 value of a valid record
483 | ;" Array: PASS BY REFERENCE, an OUT PARAMETER. Prior values killed. Format as below.
484 | ;"Output: Array is filled as follows:
485 | ;" Array(FMDate,Value)=""
486 | ;" Array(FMDate,Value)=""
487 | ;" Or array will be empty if no values found.
488 | ;"Result: None
489 |
490 | if +$get(DFN)=0 goto GPVDone
491 | if +$get(Date)=0 goto GPVDone
492 | if $get(Vital)="" goto GPVDone
493 | new VitalTIEN
494 | set VitalTIEN=+$order(^GMRD(120.51,"B",Vital,""))
495 | if VitalTIEN'>0 goto GPVDone
496 | kill Array
497 |
498 | new IEN set IEN=""
499 | new X,X1,X2,%Y
500 | for set IEN=$order(^GMR(120.5,"C",DFN,IEN)) quit:(+IEN'>0) do
501 | . new s set s=$get(^GMR(120.5,IEN,0))
502 | . if +$piece(s,"^",3)'=VitalTIEN quit
503 | . set X1=Date
504 | . set X2=+$piece(s,"^",1)
505 | . do ^%DTC ;"date delta
506 | . if %Y'=1 quit ;"data unworkable
507 | . if X>-1 set Array(+$piece(s,"^",1),+$piece(s,"^",8))=""
508 |
509 | GPVDone quit
510 |
511 | ;"-------------------------------------------------------------
512 | ;"-------------------------------------------------------------
513 |
514 | GetNotesList(DFN,List,IncDays)
515 | ;"Purpose: Return a list of notes for patient in given time span
516 | ;"Input: DFN -- IEN in PATIENT file (the patient record number)
517 | ;" List -- PASS BY REFERENCE, an OUT PARAMETER. (Format below)
518 | ;" IncDays -- Number of DAYS to search in.
519 | ;" E.g. 4 --> get notes from last 4 days
520 | ;"Output: List format:
521 | ;" List(FMTimeOfNote,IEN8925)=""
522 | ;" List(FMTimeOfNote,IEN8925)=""
523 | ;" List(FMTimeOfNote,IEN8925)=""
524 | ;" If no notes found, then array is left blank. Prior entries KILLED
525 | ;"Results: none
526 |
527 | kill List
528 | set DFN=+$get(DFN)
529 | if DFN'>0 goto GNLDone
530 | set IncDays=+$get(IncDays)
531 | new temp,i
532 | merge temp=^TIU(8925,"C",DFN)
533 | set IEN=""
534 | for set IEN=$order(temp(IEN)) quit:(IEN="") do
535 | . new X,X1,X2,%Y,StartDate
536 | . do NOW^%DTC set X1=X
537 | . set StartDate=$piece($get(^TIU(8925,IEN,0)),"^",7)
538 | . set X2=StartDate
539 | . do ^%DTC ;"calculate X=X1-X2. Returns #days between
540 | . if X>IncDays quit
541 | . set List(StartDate,IEN)=""
542 |
543 | GNLDone quit
544 |
545 | IsHTML(IEN8925)
546 | ;"Purpose: to specify if the text held in the REPORT TEXT field is HTML markup
547 | ;"Input: IEN8925 -- record number in file 8925
548 | ;"Results: 1 if HTML markup, 0 otherwise.
549 | ;"Note: This is not a perfect test. Also, will fail if tag is not uppercase
550 | ;
551 | new result set result=0
552 | new Done set Done=0
553 | new line set line=0
554 | for set line=$order(^TIU(8925,IEN8925,"TEXT",line)) quit:(line="")!Done do
555 | . new lineS set lineS=$get(^TIU(8925,IEN8925,"TEXT",line,0))
556 | . if (lineS["<!DOCTYPE HTML")!(lineS["<HTML>") set Done=1,result=1 quit
557 | quit result
558 |
559 | HTML2TXT(Array)
560 | ;"Purpose: text a WP array that is HTML formatted, and strip <P>, and
561 | ;" return in a format of 1 line per array node.
562 | ;"Input: Array -- PASS BY REFERENCE. This array will be altered.
563 | ;"Results: none
564 | ;"NOTE: This conversion causes some loss of HTML tags, so a round trip
565 | ;" conversion back to HTML would fail.
566 |
567 | new outArray,outI
568 | set outI=1
569 |
570 | ;"Clear out confusing non-breaking spaces.
571 | new spec
572 | set spec(" ")=" "
573 | set spec("<")="<"
574 | set spec(">")=">"
575 | set spec("&")="&"
576 | set spec(""")=""""
577 | new line set line=0
578 | for set line=$order(Array(line)) quit:(line="") do
579 | . new lineS set lineS=$get(Array(line,0))
580 | . set Array(line,0)=$$REPLACE^XLFSTR(lineS,.spec)
581 |
582 | new s2 set s2=""
583 | new line set line=0
584 | for set line=$order(Array(line)) quit:(line="") do
585 | . new lineS set lineS=s2_$get(Array(line,0))
586 | . set s2=""
587 | . for do quit:(lineS'["<")
588 | . . if (lineS["<P>")&($piece(lineS,"<P>",1)'["<BR>") do quit
589 | . . . set outArray(outI,0)=$piece(lineS,"<P>",1)
590 | . . . set outI=outI+1
591 | . . . set outArray(outI,0)="" ;"Add blank line to create paragraph break.
592 | . . . set outI=outI+1
593 | . . . set lineS=$piece(lineS,"<P>",2,999)
594 | . . if (lineS["</P>")&($piece(lineS,"</P>",1)'["<BR>") do quit
595 | . . . set outArray(outI,0)=$piece(lineS,"</P>",1)
596 | . . . set outI=outI+1
597 | . . . set outArray(outI,0)="" ;"Add blank line to create paragraph break.
598 | . . . set outI=outI+1
599 | . . . set lineS=$piece(lineS,"</P>",2,999)
600 | . . if (lineS["</LI>")&($piece(lineS,"</LI>",1)'["<BR>") do quit
601 | . . . set outArray(outI,0)=$piece(lineS,"</LI>",1) ;" _"</LI>"
602 | . . . set outI=outI+1
603 | . . . set outArray(outI,0)="" ;"Add blank line to create paragraph break.
604 | . . . set outI=outI+1
605 | . . . set lineS=$piece(lineS,"</LI>",2,999)
606 | . . if lineS["<BR>" do quit
607 | . . . set outArray(outI,0)=$piece(lineS,"<BR>",1)
608 | . . . set outI=outI+1
609 | . . . set lineS=$piece(lineS,"<BR>",2,999)
610 | . . set s2=lineS,lineS=""
611 | . set s2=s2_lineS
612 | if s2'="" do
613 | . set outArray(outI,0)=s2
614 | . set outI=outI+1
615 |
616 | kill Array
617 | merge Array=outArray
618 | quit
619 |
620 |
621 | ExtractSpecial(IEN8925,StartMarkerS,EndMarkerS,Array)
622 | ;"Purpose: To scan the REPORT TEXT field in given document and return
623 | ;" paragraph of text that is started by StartMarkerS, and ended by EndMarkerS.
624 | ;" I.E. Search for a line that contains MarkerS. Return that line and
625 | ;" all following lines until line found with EndMarkerS, or
626 | ;" end of text.
627 | ;"Input: IEN8925 -- IEN in file 8925 (TIU DOCUMENT)
628 | ;" StartMarkerS -- the string to search for that indicates start of block
629 | ;" EndMarkerS -- the string to search for that indicates the end of block.
630 | ;" NOTE: if EndMarkerS="BLANK_LINE", then search is
631 | ;" ended when a blank line is encountered.
632 | ;" Array -- PASS BY REFERENCE, an OUT PARAMETER. Prior values killed.
633 | ;" Format: Array(0)=MaxLineCount
634 | ;" Array(1)="Text line 1"
635 | ;" Array(2)="Text line 2" ...
636 | ;"Result: 1 if data found, otherwise 0
637 |
638 | new result set result=0
639 | kill Array
640 | set IEN8925=+$get(IEN8925)
641 | if IEN8925'>0 goto ESDone
642 | if $data(^TIU(8925,IEN8925,"TEXT"))'>0 goto ESDone
643 | if $get(StartMarkerS)="" goto ESDone
644 | if $get(EndMarkerS)="" goto ESDone
645 | new ref set ref=$name(^TIU(8925,IEN8925,"TEXT"))
646 | new tempArray
647 | if $$IsHTML(IEN8925) do
648 | . merge tempArray=^TIU(8925,IEN8925,"TEXT")
649 | . do HTML2TXT(.tempArray)
650 | . set ref="tempArray"
651 | new line,i,BlockFound,Done
652 | set line=0,i=0,BlockFound=0,Done=0
653 | for set line=$order(@ref@(line)) quit:(line="")!Done do
654 | . new lineS set lineS=$get(@ref@(line,0))
655 | . if (BlockFound=0) do quit ;"don't include header line with output
656 | . . if lineS[StartMarkerS set BlockFound=1
657 | . if (BlockFound=1) do
658 | . . set i=i+1,Array(0)=i
659 | . . new s2 set s2=$$Trim^TMGSTUTL(lineS," ")
660 | . . set s2=$$Trim^TMGSTUTL(s2,$char(9))
661 | . . set Array(i)=lineS
662 | . . if s2="" set Array(i)=s2
663 | . . set result=1
664 | . . if (EndMarkerS="BLANK_LINE")&(s2="") set BlockFound=0,Done=1 quit
665 | . . if lineS[EndMarkerS set BlockFound=0,Done=1 quit ;"include line with END marker
666 |
667 | ESDone quit result
668 |
669 |
670 | MergeInto(partArray,masterArray)
671 | ;"Purpose: to combine partArray into MasterArray.
672 | ;"Input: partArray -- PASS BY REFERENCE
673 | ;" masterArray -- PASS BY REFERENCE
674 | ;"Note: Arrays are combine in a 'transparent' manner such that newer entries
675 | ;" will overwrite older entries only for identical values. For example:
676 | ;" -- BLOCK -- <--- MasterArray
677 | ;" TSH = 1.56
678 | ;" LDL = 140
679 | ;" -- END BLOCK --
680 | ;"
681 | ;" -- BLOCK -- <--- partArray
682 | ;" LDL = 150
683 | ;" -- END BLOCK --
684 | ;"
685 | ;" The above two blocks will result in this final array
686 | ;" -- BLOCK --
687 | ;" TSH = 1.56
688 | ;" LDL = 150 <--- this value overwrote older entry
689 | ;" -- END BLOCK --
690 | ;"
691 | ;" In this mode, only data that is in a LABEL <--> VALUE format
692 | ;" will be checked for newer vs older entries. All other
693 | ;" lines will simply be included in one large summation block.
694 | ;" And the allowed format for LABEL <--> VALUE will be:
695 | ;" Label = value or
696 | ;" Label : value
697 | ;"
698 | ;"Output: MasterArray will be filled as follows:
699 | ;" Array("text line")=""
700 | ;" Array("text line")=""
701 | ;" Array("KEY-VALUE",KeyName)=Value
702 | ;" Array("KEY-VALUE",KeyName,"LINE")=original line
703 |
704 | new lineNum set lineNum=0
705 | for set lineNum=$order(tempArray(lineNum)) quit:(+lineNum'>0) do
706 | . new line set line=$get(tempArray(lineNum))
707 | . if (line["=")!(line[":") do
708 | . . new key,shortKey,value,pivot
709 | . . if line["=" set pivot="="
710 | . . else set pivot=":"
711 | . . set key=$piece(line,pivot,1)
712 | . . set shortKey=$$UP^XLFSTR($$Trim^TMGSTUTL(key))
713 | . . set value=$piece(line,pivot,2,999)
714 | . . set Array("KEY-VALUE",shortKey)=value
715 | . . set Array("KEY-VALUE",shortKey,"LINE")=line
716 | . else do
717 | . . if line="" quit
718 | . . set Array(line)=""
719 |
720 | quit
721 |
722 |
723 | GetSpecial(DFN,StartMarkerS,EndMarkerS,Months,Array,Mode)
724 | ;"Purpose: to return a block of text from notes for patient, starting with
725 | ;" StartMarkerS, and ending with EndMarkerS, searching backwards
726 | ;" within time period of 'Months'.
727 | ;"Input: DFN -- IEN of patient in PATIENT file.
728 | ;" StartMarkerS -- the string to search for that indicates start of block
729 | ;" EndMarkerS -- the string to search for that indicates the end of block.
730 | ;" NOTE: if EndMarkerS="BLANK_LINE", then search is
731 | ;" ended when a blank line is encountered.
732 | ;" Months -- Number of Months to search in.
733 | ;" E.g. 4 --> search in notes from last 4 months
734 | ;" Array -- PASS BY REFERENCE. an OUT PARAMETER. Old values killed. Format below
735 | ;" Mode: operation mode. As follows:
736 | ;" 1 = return only block from most recent match
737 | ;" 2 = compile all.
738 | ;" In this mode, the search is carried out from oldest to most
739 | ;" recent, and newer blocks overlay older ones in a 'transparent'
740 | ;" manner such that newer entries will overwrite older entries
741 | ;" only for identical values. For example:
742 | ;" -- BLOCK -- <--- from date 1/1/1980
743 | ;" TSH = 1.56
744 | ;" LDL = 140
745 | ;" -- END BLOCK --
746 | ;"
747 | ;" -- BLOCK -- <--- from date 2/1/1980
748 | ;" LDL = 150
749 | ;" -- END BLOCK --
750 | ;"
751 | ;" The above two blocks will result in this final block
752 | ;" -- BLOCK --
753 | ;" TSH = 1.56
754 | ;" LDL = 150 <--- this value overwrote older entry
755 | ;" -- END BLOCK --
756 | ;"
757 | ;" In this mode, only data that is in a LABEL <--> VALUE format
758 | ;" will be checked for newer vs older entries. All other
759 | ;" lines will simply be included in one large summation block.
760 | ;" And the allowed format for LABEL <--> VALUE will be:
761 | ;" Label = value or
762 | ;" Label : value
763 | ;"
764 | ;"Output: Array will be filled as follows:
765 | ;" Array("text line")=""
766 | ;" Array("text line")=""
767 | ;" Array("KEY-VALUE",KeyName)=Value
768 | ;" Array("KEY-VALUE",KeyName,"LINE")=original line
769 |
770 | ;"Results: none
771 |
772 | new NotesList
773 | kill Array
774 | set DFN=+$get(DFN)
775 | if DFN'>0 goto GSDone
776 |
777 | new IncDays set IncDays=+$get(Months)*30
778 | do GetNotesList(DFN,.NotesList,IncDays)
779 |
780 | new direction set direction=1
781 | if Mode=1 set direction=-1
782 | new Done set Done=0
783 | new StartTime set StartTime=""
784 | for set StartTime=$order(NotesList(StartTime),direction) quit:(StartTime="")!Done do
785 | . new IEN8925 set IEN8925=""
786 | . for set IEN8925=$order(NotesList(StartTime,IEN8925),direction) quit:(+IEN8925'>0)!Done do
787 | . . new tempArray
788 | . . if $$ExtractSpecial(IEN8925,.StartMarkerS,.EndMarkerS,.tempArray)=1 do
789 | . . . do MergeInto(.tempArray,.Array)
790 | . . . if Mode=1 set Done=1
791 |
792 | GSDone
793 | quit
794 |
795 |
796 | Array2Str(Array)
797 | ;"Purpose: to convert Array (as created by GetSpecial) into one long string
798 | ;"Input: Array. Format as follows:
799 | ;" Array("text line")=""
800 | ;" Array("text line")=""
801 | ;" Array("KEY-VALUE",KeyName)=Value
802 | ;" Array("KEY-VALUE",KeyName,"LINE")=original line
803 |
804 | new result set result=""
805 | new keyName set keyName=""
806 |
807 | ;"First, put in key-value lines
808 | for set keyName=$order(Array("KEY-VALUE",keyName)) quit:(keyName="") do
809 | . new line
810 | . set line=$get(Array("KEY-VALUE",keyName,"LINE"))
811 | . if result'="" set result=result_$char(13)_$char(10)
812 | . set result=result_line
813 | kill Array("KEY-VALUE")
814 |
815 | ;"Next, put standard lines
816 | new line set line=""
817 | for set line=$order(Array(line)) quit:(line="") do
818 | . if result'="" set result=result_$char(13)_$char(10)
819 | . set result=result_line
820 |
821 | quit result
822 |
823 |
824 | AddIfAbsent(Array,Key,Pivot,Value)
825 | ;"Purpose: to add one (empty) entry, if a value for this doesn't already exist.
826 | ;"Input: Array. Format as follows:
827 | ;" Array("text line")=""
828 | ;" Array("text line")=""
829 | ;" Array("KEY-VALUE",KeyName)=Value
830 | ;" Array("KEY-VALUE",KeyName,"LINE")=original line
831 | ;" Key -- the name of the study
832 | ;" Pivot -- ":", or "=" OPTIONAL. Default = ":"
833 | ;" Value -- the description of the needed value. OPTIONAL.
834 | ;" default value = '<no data>'
835 |
836 | set Pivot=$get(Pivot,":")
837 | set Value=$get(Value,"<no data>")
838 | if $get(Key)="" goto AIADone
839 | new UpKey set UpKey=$$UP^XLFSTR(Key)
840 | if $data(Array("KEY-VALUE",UpKey))>0 goto AIADone
841 |
842 | set Array("KEY-VALUE",UpKey)=$get(Value)
843 | new line set line=" "_$get(Key)_" "_$get(Pivot)_" "_$get(Value)
844 | set Array("KEY-VALUE",UpKey,"LINE")=line
845 |
846 | AIADone
847 | quit
848 |
849 |
850 | StubRecommendations(DFN,Array,Label)
851 | ;"Purpose: to add stubs for recommended studies to Array
852 |
853 | ;"Get age from DFN
854 | if +$get(DFN)=0 goto SRDone
855 | new Age set Age=+$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN,.033)
856 | new Sex set Sex=$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN,.02)
857 |
858 | if Label="[STUDIES]" do
859 | . if (Sex="FEMALE") do
860 | . . if (Age>39) do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Mammogram")
861 | . . if (Age>59) do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Bone Density")
862 | . . if (Age>18) do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Pap")
863 | . . if (Age>8)&(Age<27) do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Gardasil",":","#1 <no data>; #2 <no data>; #3 <no data> ")
864 | . if (Sex="MALE")&(Age>49) do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"PSA")
865 | . if Age>64 do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Pneumovax")
866 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Flu Vaccine")
867 | . if (Age>18) do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Advance Directives")
868 | . ;"if (Age>49) do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Td")
869 | . if (Age>59) do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Zostavax")
870 | . if (Age>1)&(Age<19) do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"MMR",":","#1 <no data>; #2 <no data>")
871 | . if (Age>0)&(Age<21) do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Hep B",":","#1 <no data>; #2 <no data>; #3 <no data> ")
872 | . if (Age>1)&(Age<19) do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Hep A",":","#1 <no data>; #2 <no data>")
873 | . if (Age>1)&(Age<21) do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Varivax",":","#1 <no data>; #2 <no data>")
874 | . if (Age>10)&(Age<65) do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"TdaP / Td")
875 | . if (Age>10)&(Age<23) do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"MCV4 (Menactra)")
876 | . if (Age>50) do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Colonoscopy")
877 | else if Label="[DIABETIC STUDIES]" do
878 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"HgbA1c","=")
879 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Diabetic Eye Exam")
880 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Urine Microalbumin")
881 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Diabetic Foot Exam")
882 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"EKG")
883 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Regimen")
884 | else if Label="[LIPIDS]" do
885 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Total Cholesterol","=")
886 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"LDL Cholesterol","=")
887 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"HDL Cholesterol","=")
888 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Triglycerides","=")
889 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Date of last lipid panel")
890 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"LDL Goal")
891 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Liver Enzymes")
892 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Regimen")
893 | else if Label="[SOCIAL]" do
894 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Tobacco")
895 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"EtOH")
896 | else if Label="[THYROID]" do
897 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Date of last study")
898 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"TSH","=")
899 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Regimen")
900 | else if Label="[HYPERTENSION]" do
901 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Date of last electrolytes")
902 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"EKG")
903 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Med-1")
904 | else if Label="[ANEMIA]" do
905 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Hgb")
906 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Serum Fe")
907 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"TIBC")
908 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"B12")
909 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Folate")
910 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Workup")
911 | else if Label="[ASTHMA]" do
912 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Peak Flow Personal Best")
913 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Meds")
914 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Rescue Inhaler Freq")
915 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Pneumovax")
916 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Triggers")
917 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Smoker")
918 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Nocturnal Symptoms")
919 | else if Label="[COPD]" do
920 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Meds")
921 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Rescue Inhaler Freq")
922 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Pneumovax")
923 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Pulmonologist")
924 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Home O2")
925 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"PFT Testing")
926 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Tobacco Cessation Counselling")
927 | else if Label="[OSTEOPENIA/OSTEOPOROSIS]" do
928 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Bone Density")
929 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"T-Score Spine/Hips")
930 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Regimen")
931 | . do AddIfAbsent(.Array,"Advised Calcium ~1500 mg & Vit-D 1000-2000 IU")
932 |
933 | SRDone
934 | quit
935 |
937 | ;"Purpose: A call point for TIU objects, to return a table comprised from 1 prior table.
938 | ;"NOTE: This type of table just gets the *LAST* table found (not a compilation)
939 | GT1 new Array,result set result=""
940 | if $get(LABEL)="" goto GT1Done
941 | set result=" -- "_LABEL_" ---------"_$CHAR(13)_$CHAR(10)
942 | do GetSpecial(DFN,LABEL,"BLANK_LINE",48,.Array,1) ;"mode 1 = only last table; 2=compile
943 | do StubRecommendations(.DFN,.Array,LABEL)
944 | set result=result_$$Array2Str(.Array)
945 | GT1Done
946 | quit result
947 |
948 |
950 | ;"Purpose: A call point for TIU objects, to return a table comprised from prior notes.
951 | ;"NOTE: This compiles a table from all prior matching tables in date range.
952 |
953 | goto GT1 ;"<-- Hack to force TableX to really be a Table1 type table.
954 |
955 | new Array,result set result=""
956 | if $get(LABEL)="" goto GTXDone
957 | set result=" -- "_LABEL_" ---------"_$CHAR(13)_$CHAR(10)
958 | do GetSpecial(DFN,LABEL,"BLANK_LINE",13,.Array,2) ;"mode 1 = only last table; 2=compile
959 | do StubRecommendations(.DFN,.Array,LABEL)
960 | set result=result_$$Array2Str(.Array)
961 | GTXDone
962 | quit result
963 |