TMGXDLG ;TMG/kst/M <--> Xdialog Interface ;03/25/06 ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;09/21/04 ;"M <--> Xdialog Interface ;"+------------------------------------------------------------+ ;"| O P E N - V I S T A C O D E |.. ;"+------------------------------------------------------------+ : ;"| | : ;"| M <--> Xdialog Interface | : ;"| | : ;"| Kevin Toppenberg,MD | : ;"| Started 9-21-04 | : ;"| GNU License Applies | : ;"| | : ;"| Purpose: Linux command 'Xdialog' (and 'dialog') | : ;"| provide a convenient graphic interface that | : ;"| can be accessed in GT.M via the ZSYSTEM command | : ;"| This library is a wrapper for Xdialog. | : ;"| Note: Xdialog requires the X display system. This is a | : ;"| true GIU interface. 'dialog' provides the same | : ;"| functionality in a character-based environment | : ;"| The command Xdialog should be in /usr/bin. If not, | : ;"| it may simply be copied into place. | : ;"| A good web site that documents Xdialog is: | : ;"| and | : ;"| | : ;"| | : ;"+------------------------------------------------------------+ : ;" :............................................................: ;"Note: Some of the following names are longer than 8 characters. ;" However, the first 8 characters are . You may leave ;" off all characters > 8 -- but I put them in for 'beauty' ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;"Higher-level Interface (API) ;"------------------------------- ;"SetupConsts() ;"KillConsts() ;"ChClrScr() ;"$$YesNo^TMGXDLG(Text,width,height) ;"$$Msg^TMGXDLG(Title,Text,width,height,Modal,x,y) ;"$$Info^TMGXDLG(Text,width,height,timeout,Modal,x,y) ;"$$Edit^TMGXDLG(file,width,height,Results,x,y) ;"$$Log^TMGXDLG(file,width,height,Modal,x,y) ;"$$Text^TMGXDLG(file,width,height,Modal,x,y) ;"$$Tail^TMGXDLG(file,width,height,Modal,x,y) ;"$$Input^TMGXDLG(Title,width,height,InitText,Result,x,y) ;"$$Input2^TMGXDLG(Title,width,height,Label1,Init1Text,Label2,Init2Text,Result2,x,y) ;"$$Input3^TMGXDLG(Title,width,height,Label1,Init1Text,Label2,Init2Text,Label3,Init3Text,Result2,Result3,x,y) ;"$$RadioList^TMGXDLG(Text,List,width,height,x,y) ;"$$FileSel^TMGXDLG(Title,InitFile,width,height,x,y) ;"$$DirSel^TMGXDLG(Title,InitDir,width,height,x,y) ;"$$DateSel^TMGXDLG(Text,width,height,InitDay,InitMonth,InitYear,x,y) ;"$$TimeSel^TMGXDLG(Text,width,height,InitHour,InitMinute,InitSecond,x,y) ;"$$FontSel^TMGXDLG(InitFont,width,height,x,y) ;"$$Combo^TMGXDLG(Text,width,height,List,x,y) ;"$$Range^TMGXDLG(Text,width,height,min,max,init,x,y) ;"$$Range2^TMGXDLG(Text,width,height,label1,min1,max1,init1,label2,min2,max2,init2,Result2,x,y) ;"$$Range3^TMGXDLG(Text,width,height,label1,min1,max1,init1,label2,min2,max2,init2,label3,min3,max3,init3,Result2,Result3,x,y) ;"$$Spin^TMGXDLG(Text,width,height,min,max,label,init,x,y) ;"$$Spin2^TMGXDLG(Text,width,height,label1,min1,max1,init1,label2,min2,max2,init2,Result2,x,y) ;"$$Spin3^TMGXDLG(Text,width,height,label1,min1,max1,init1,label2,min2,max2,init2,label3,min3,max3,init3,Result2,Result3,x,y) ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;"Lower-level Interface (API) ;"------------------------------- ;"xyesno(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xmsg(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xinfo(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xguage(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xprogress(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xinput(Options,Results,Modal) ;"x2inputs(Options,Results,Modal) ;"x3inputs(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xcombo(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xrange(Options,Results,Modal) ;"x2range(Options,Results,Modal) ;"x3range(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xspin(Options,Results,Modal) ;"x2spin(Options,Results,Modal) ;"x3spin(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xlog(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xedit(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xtext(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xtail(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xchecklist(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xradiolist(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xmenu(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xtreeview(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xfilesel(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xdirsel(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xcalendarsel(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xtimesel(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xbuildlist(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xcolorsel(Options,Results,Modal) ;"xfontsel(Options,Results,Modal) ;"Expected format for Options: ;"The documentation for these options may be found at: ;" ;"Options should be an array inthe following format: ;" ;" Options(xcCommon,xcWMClass)= ;" Options(xcCommon,xcRxcFile)= ;" Options(xcCommon,xcBackTitle)= ;" Options(xcCommon,xcTitle"= ;" Options(xcCommon,xcAllowClose)=1 } A. ;" Options(xcCommon,xcNoClose)=1 } B. A & B are opposites ;" Options(xcCommon,xcScreenCenter)=1 } A. ;" Options(xcCommon,xcUnderMouse)=1 } B. ;" Options(xcCommon,xcAutoPlacement)=1 } C. A,B & C are mutually exclusive options ;" Options(xcCommon,xcCenter)=1 } A. ;" Options(xcCommon,xcRight)=1 } B. ;" Options(xcCommon,xcLeft)=1 } C. ;" Options(xcCommon,xcFill)=1 } D. A,B,C & D are mutually exclusive options ;" Options(xcCommon,xcNoWrap)=1 } A ;" Options(xcCommon,xcWrap)=1 } B A & B are opposites ;" Options(xcCommon,xcCRWrap)=1 } A. ;" Options(xcCommon,xcNoCRWrap)=1 } B. A & B are opposites ;" Options(xcCommon,xcStdErr)=1 } A. ;" Options(xcCommon,xcStdOut)=1 } B. A & B are opposites ;" Options(xcCommon,xcSeparator)=<character> } A. ;" Options(xcCommon,xcSeparateOutput)=1 } B. A & B are opposites. ;" Options(xcCommon,xcButtonsStyle)="default" or "icon" or "text" (only one of these three values) ;" Options(xcTransient,xcFixedFont)=1 ;" Options(xcTransient,xcPassword)=1 ;" Options(xcTransient,xcEditable)=1 ;" Options(xcTransient,xcTimeStamp)=1 } A. ;" Options(xcTransient,xcDateStamp)=1 } B. A & B are mutually exclusive ;" Options(xcTransient,xcReverse)=1 ;" Options(xcTransient,xcKeepColors)=1 ;" Options(xcTransient,xcInterval)=<timeout> ;" Options(xcTransient,xcNotags)=1 ;" Options(xcTransient,xxcItemHelp)=1 ;" Options(xcTransient,xxcDefaultItem)=<tag> ;" Options(xcTransient,xcIcon)=<xpm filename> ;" Options(xcTransient,xcNook)=1 ;" Options(xcTransient,xcNoCancel)=1 ;" Options(xcTransient,xcNoButtons)=1 ;" Options(xcTransient,xxcDefaultNo)=1 ;" Options(xcTransient,xcWizard)=1 ;" Options(xcTransient,xcHelp)=<help> ;" Options(xcTransient,xcPrint)=<printer> ;" Options(xcTransient,xcCheck)=<label [<status>]> ;" Options(xcTransient,xcOKLabel)=<label> ;" Options(xcTransient,xcCancelLabel)=<label> ;" Options(xcTransient,xcBeep)=1 ;" Options(xcTransient,xcBeepafter)=1 ;" Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)= <Yorg Xorg> ;" Options(xcTransient,xcIgnoreEOF)=1 ;" Options(xcTransient,xcSmooth)=1 ;" Options(xcBox,xcText)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcTimeOut)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcPercent)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xxcMaxDots)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcMsgLen)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcInit)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcLabel,N)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcInit,N)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcMin,N)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcMax,N)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcDefault,N)=<value ;" Options(xcBox,xcFile)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcDirectory)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcFontName)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcDay)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcMonth)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcYear)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcHours)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcMinutes)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcSeconds)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcTag,N)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcItem,N)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcHelp,N)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcStatus,N)=<value> {"on", "off", or "unavailable"} ;" Options(xcBox,xcListHeight)=<value> ;" Options(xcBox,xcItemdepth,N)=<value> ;"Notes: ;" - Not all options will apply to all dialogs, but if the ;" option is desired, it should be in the above format. ;" - No syntax checking is performed. The options are simply ;" passed to the Xdialog command in the proper order. ;" - Everything below should be considered CASE-SENSITIVE. ;" - Notice that the indexes used are constants (i.e. xcCommon) ;" these are set up by SetupConsts(), and may later be killed ;" via KillConsts(). Their use will avoid spelling errors ;" resulting in a missed parameter. ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SetupConsts() set vDialog="Xdialog" set xcCommon="common" set xcWMClass="wmclass" set xcRxcFile="rxcFile" set xcBackTitle="backtitle" set xcTitle="title" set xcAllowClose="allow-close" set xcNoClose="no-close" set xcScreenCenter="cscreen-center" set xcUnderMouse="under-mouse" set xcAutoPlacement="autoplacement" set xcCenter="center" set xcRight="right" set xcLeft="left" set xcFill="fill" set xcNoWrap="no-wrap" set xcWrap="wrap" set xcCRWrap="cr-wrap" set xcNoCRWrap="no-cr-wrap" set xcStdErr="stderr" set xcStdOut="stdout" set xcSeparator="separator" set xcSeparateOutput="separate-output" set xcButtonsStyle="buttons-style" set xcTransient="transient" set xcFixedFont="fixed-font" set xcPassword="password" set xcEditable="editable" set xcTimeStamp="time-stamp" set xcDateStamp="date-stamp" set xcReverse="reverse" set xcKeepColors="keep-colors" set xcInterval="interval" set xcNotags="no-tags" set xxcItemHelp="item-help" set xxcDefaultItem="default-item" set xcIcon="icon" set xcNook="no-ok" set xcNoCancel="no-cancel" set xcNoButtons="no-buttons" set xxcDefaultNo="default-no" set xcWizard="wizard" set xcHelp="help" set xcPrint="print" set xcCheck="check" set xcOKLabel="ok-label" set xcCancelLabel="cancel-label" set xcBeep="beep" set xcBeepafter="beep-after" set xcBegin="begin" set xcIgnoreEOF="ignore-eof" set xcSmooth="smooth" set xcBox="box" set xcText="text" set xcHeight="height" set xcWidth="width" set xcTimeOut="timeout" set xcPercent="percent" set xxcMaxDots="maxdots" set xcMsgLen="msglen" set xcInit="init" set xcLabel="label" set xcMin="min" set xcMax="max" set xcDefault="default" set xcFile="file" set xcDirectory="directory" set xcFontName="font name" set xcDay="day" set xcMonth="month" set xcYear="year" set xcHours="hours" set xcMinutes="minutes" set xcSeconds="seconds" set xcTag="tag" set xcItem="item" set xcHelp="help" set xcStatus="status" set xcListHeight="list height" set xcItemdepth="item depth" set xcCmdLine="command_line_params" set xcCmdArray="Array" set xcCmdMaxLine="Max_line" set xcDlgResult="Dialog Result" set xcDlgOutput="Dialog Output" set xcModalMode=1 set xcNonModal=0 set xcOptional=1 set xcNotOptional=0 set xcAddQuote=1 set xcNoQuote=0 set mrYes=0 set mrOK=0 set mrNext=0 set mrNo=1 set mrCancel=1 set mrHelp=2 set mrPrev=3 set mrError=255 quit KillConstants() kill vDialog kill xcCommon kill xcWMClass kill xcRxcFile kill xcBackTitle kill xcTitle kill xcAllowClose kill xcNoClose kill xcScreenCenter kill xcUnderMouse kill xcAutoPlacement kill xcCenter kill xcRight kill xcLeft kill xcFill kill xcNoWrap kill xcWrap kill xcCRWrap kill xcNoCRWrap kill xcStdErr kill xcStdOut kill xcSeparator kill xcSeparateOutput kill xcButtonsStyle kill xcTransient kill xcFixedFont kill xcPassword kill xcEditable kill xcTimeStamp kill xcDateStamp kill xcReverse kill xcKeepColors kill xcInterval kill xcNotags kill xxcItemHelp kill xxcDefaultItem kill xcIcon kill xcNook kill xcNoCancel kill xcNoButtons kill xxcDefaultNo kill xcWizard kill xcHelp kill xcPrint kill xcCheck kill xcOKLabel kill xcCancelLabel kill xcBeep kill xcBeepafter kill xcBegin kill xcIgnoreEOF kill xcSmooth kill xcBox kill xcText kill xcHeight kill xcWidth kill xcTimeOut kill xcPercent kill xxcMaxDots kill xcMsgLen kill xcLabel kill xcInit kill xcMin kill xcMax kill xcDefault kill xcFile kill xcDirectory kill xcFontName kill xcDay kill xcMonth kill xcYear kill xcHours kill xcMinutes kill xcSeconds kill xcTag kill xcItem kill xcHelp kill xcStatus kill xcListHeight kill xcItemdepth kill xcCmdLine kill xcCmdMaxLine kill xcCmdArray kill xcDlgResult kill xcModalMode kill xcNonModal kill xcOptional kill xcNotOptional kill xcAddQuote kill xcNoQuote kill xcDlgOutput kill mrYes kill mrOK kill mrNo kill mrAbort kill mrCancel kill mrNext kill mrHelp kill mrPrev kill mrError quit SetGUI(UseGUI) ;"For those who do not have an X system (i.e. a graphic display for unix/linux) ;" then there is a backup plan that can do most of these functions ;" on a text display (cool, eh?) ;"Input: UseGUI -- if 1 (the default), then the graphic method is used ;" if 0, then the character (text drawing) based method is used if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set UseGUI=$get(UseGUI,1) if UseGUI=0 set vDialog="dialog" else set vDialog="Xdialog" quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- YesNo(Text,width,height,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to xyesnot ;"Input: Text to display ;" height & width of dialog -- [optional] ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: (none) ;"Results: returns results of box closure. ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcBox,xcText)=Text set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xyesno(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) ;"Force won't return until dialog closed. set result=Results(xcDlgResult) quit result; xyesno(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --yesno <text> <height> <width> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --yesno ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Msg(Title,Text,width,height,Modal,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;"Input: Text to display ;" height & width of dialog -- [optional] ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;" Modal: if true, function does not return until dialog is closed. ;" if false, function returns immediately, and functions do NOT ;" reflect the user's button press. ;"Output: (none) ;"Results: Returns results of box closure (see Modal note above) ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() if $data(Title) set Options(xcCommon,xcTitle)=Title set Options(xcBox,xcText)=Text set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) set Modal=$get(Modal,xcNonModal) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xmsg(.Options,.Results,Modal) set result=Results(xcDlgResult) quit result; xmsg(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --msgbox <text> <height> <width> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --msgbox ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Info(Text,width,height,timeout,Modal,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;"Input: Text to display ;" height & width of dialog -- [optional] ;" [timeout]: time (in sec) delay until box automatically closes. ;" OPTIONAL--default=1 ;" [Modal]: if true, function does not return until dialog is closed. ;" if false, function returns immediately, and functions do NOT ;" reflect the user's button press. OPTIONAL -- default=xcNonModal ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: (none) ;"Results: Returns results of box closure (see Modal note above) ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcBox,xcText)=Text set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) set Modal=$get(Modal,xcNonModal) if $data(timeout) set Options(xcBox,xcTimeOut)=timeout*1000 if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xinfo(.Options,.Results,Modal) set result=Results(xcDlgResult) quit result; xinfo(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --infobox <text> <height> <width> [<timeout>] new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --infobox ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcTimeOut,1) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;"NOT WORKING -- SEE NOTES ON GuageUpdate below... Guage(Text,width,height,Percent,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;" This is called to first display a guage dialog. ;"Input: Text to display ;" height & width of dialog -- [optional] ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;" Percent -- Percentage of progress bar to show ;"Output: (none) ;"Results: Returns a handle that is used in GuageUpdate ;"Notes: Box is left open unless Percent is > 100% ;"NOTICE: This function is not working. new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcBox,xcText)=$get(Text) set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) set Options(xcBox,xcPercent)=$get(Percent,0) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xguage(.Options,.Results,xcNonModal) ;"note: Xdialog will show box as non-modal regardless (I think) set result=$get(Text)_"^"_$get(height)_"^"_$get(width) ;"This will be used as a handle. quit result; GuageUpdate(Handle,Percent) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;" This is called to update the percentage on an existing form. ;"Input: Handle -- the handle returned from original call to Guage ;" Percent -- Percentage of progress bar to show ;"Output: (none) ;"Results: 'StillActive' i.e. 1: box still open. 0:box closed ;"Notes: Box is left open unless Percent is > 100% ;"NOTICE: This function is not working. To update a guage, the dialog is setup to accept new values ;" on stdin. I'm not sure how to do this from inside M.... ;" Perhaps I could redirect stdin to a file, then write values out to that file... ;" However, when EOF is reached, then box is closed.... new Text new height new width set Handle=$get(Handle) set Percent=$get(Percent) set Text=$piece(Handle,"^",1) set height=$piece(Handle,"^",2) set width=$piece(Handle,"^",3) new dump set dump=$$Guage(Text,width,height,Percent) quit '(Percent>100) xguage(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --gauge <text> <height> <width> [<percent>] new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --gauge ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcPercent) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;"TO BE COMPLETED ;"Note: I will have the same problems with this function as I did with Guage... ;" So for now, I WON'T IMPLEMENT THIS... xprogress(Options,Results,Modal) ;"Purpose: ;"Input: ;"Output: ;"Results: ;"Notes: ;" --progress <text> <height> <width> [<maxdots> [[-]<msglen>]] ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Input(Title,width,height,InitText,Result,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;"Input: Title -- text of input prompt to display ;" height & width of dialog -- [optional] ;" InitText -- default value [optional] ;" Result -- a variable to put input into for return. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: The user input value is return in Result ;"Results: returns results of box closure. ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcBox,xcText)=$get(Title) set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) if $data(InitText) set Options(xcBox,xcInit)=InitText if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xinput(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) set result=Results(xcDlgResult) ;"zwr Results(*) set Result=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,"")) quit result; xinput(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --inputbox <text> <height> <width> [<init>] new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --inputbox ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcInit) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Input2(Title,width,height,Label1,Init1Text,Label2,Init2Text,Result1,Result2,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;"Input: Title -- text of input prompt to display ;" height & width of dialog -- [optional] ;" Label1 -- text of label for input 1 [optional] ;" Init1Text -- default value [optional] ;" Label2 -- text of label for input 2 [optional] ;" Init2Text -- default value [optional] ;" Result1 -- a variable to put first input into for return. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" Result2 -- a variable to put second input into for return. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: The user input value is return in Result1 ;" result of 2nd user-input put into Result2 ;"Results: returns results of box closure. ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcCommon,xcSeparator)="^" set Options(xcBox,xcText)=$get(Title) set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) set Options(xcBox,xcLabel,1)=$get(Label1," ") set Options(xcBox,xcInit,1)=$get(Init1Text," ") set Options(xcBox,xcLabel,2)=$get(Label2," ") set Options(xcBox,xcInit,2)=$get(Init2Text," ") if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do x2inputs(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) set result=Results(xcDlgResult) set Result1=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,"")) set Result2=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,1)) quit result; x2inputs(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --2inputsbox <text> <height> <width> <label1> <init1> <label2> <init2> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --2inputsbox ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcLabel,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcInit,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcLabel,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcInit,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Input3(Title,width,height,Label1,Init1Text,Label2,Init2Text,Label3,Init3Text,Result1,Result2,Result3,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;"Input: Title -- text of input prompt to display ;" height & width of dialog -- [optional] ;" Label1 -- text of label for input 1 ;" Init1Text -- default value ;" Label2 -- text of label for input 2 ;" Init2Text -- default value ;" Label3 -- text of label for input 3 ;" Init3Text -- default value ;" Result1 -- a variable to put first input into for return. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" Result2 -- a variable to put second input into for return. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" Result3 -- a variable to put third input into for return. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: The user input value is return in Result1 ;" result of 2nd user-input put into Result2 ;" result of 3rd user-input put into Result3 ;"Results: returns results of box closure. ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcCommon,xcSeparator)="^" set Options(xcBox,xcText)=$get(Title) set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) set Options(xcBox,xcLabel,1)=$get(Label1," ") set Options(xcBox,xcInit,1)=$get(Init1Text," ") set Options(xcBox,xcLabel,2)=$get(Label2," ") set Options(xcBox,xcInit,2)=$get(Init2Text," ") set Options(xcBox,xcLabel,3)=$get(Label3," ") set Options(xcBox,xcInit,3)=$get(Init3Text," ") if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do x3inputs(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) set result=Results(xcDlgResult) set result=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,"")) set Result2=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,1)) set Result3=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,2)) quit result; x3inputs(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --3inputsbox <text> <height> <width> <label1> <init1> <label2> <init2> <label3> <init3> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --3inputsbox ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcLabel,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcInit,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcLabel,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcInit,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,3,xcLabel,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,3,xcInit,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Combo(Text,width,height,List,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;"Input: Text -- text of input prompt to display ;" width,height of dialog -- [optional] ;" List -- Best if passed by reference. Holds list of options to be displayed as follows: ;" List(1)=<Selection Option> ;" List(2)=<Selection Option> ;" List(3)=<Selection Option> ;" ... etc up to any number N ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: (none) ;"Results: Returns text of selected option. ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results set result="" new i,Done new status,help if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcBox,xcText)=$get(Text) set Done=0 for i=1:1 do quit:Done . if $data(List(i))=0 set Done=1 quit . set Options(xcBox,xcItem,i)=$get(List(i)) set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xcombo(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) set result=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,"")) quit result; xcombo(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --combobox <text> <height> <width> <item1> ... <itemN> new Added,GroupAdded new N do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --combobox ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) set N=1 xcl1 if $data(Options(xcBox,xcItem,N))=0 goto xcl2 set GroupAdded=$$AddParam(.Options,N,xcItem,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) if GroupAdded=0 goto xcl2 set N=N+1 goto xcl1 xcl2 do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Range(Text,width,height,min,max,init,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;" A range dialog presents a horizontal slider bar to user ;"Input: Text -- text of input prompt to display ;" width,height of dialog -- [optional] ;" min -- the minimum possible range of input value (default = 0) ;" max -- the minimum possible range of input value (default = 100) ;" init -- the initial input value -- (default = 50) ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: (none) ;"Results: Returns input value ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcBox,xcText)=$get(Text) set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) set Options(xcBox,xcMin,1)=$get(min,0) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,1)=$get(max,100) set Options(xcBox,xcDefault,1)=$get(init,50) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xrange(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) set result=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,"")) quit result; xrange(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --rangebox <text> <height> <width> <min value> <max value> [<default value>] new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --rangebox ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcMin,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcMax,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcDefault,xcOptional) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Range2(Text,width,height,label1,min1,max1,init1,label2,min2,max2,init2,Result2,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;"Input: Text -- text of input prompt to display ;" width,height of dialog -- [optional] ;" label1 -- the label to show for range ;" min1 -- the minimum possible range of input value (default = 0) ;" max1 -- the minimum possible range of input value (default = 100) ;" init1 -- the initial input value -- (default = 50) ;" label2 -- the label to show for range ;" min2 -- the minimum possible range of input value (default = 0) ;" max2 -- the minimum possible range of input value (default = 100) ;" init2 -- the initial input value -- (default = 50) ;" Result2 -- a variable to put second input into for return. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: (none) ;"Results: returns result of 1st user-input. result of 2nd user-input put into Result2 ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcCommon,xcSeparator)="^" set Options(xcBox,xcText)=$get(Text) set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) set Options(xcBox,xcLabel,1)=$get(label1,"") set Options(xcBox,xcMin,1)=$get(min1,0) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,1)=$get(max1,100) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,1)=$get(max1,100) set Options(xcBox,xcDefault,1)=$get(init1,50) set Options(xcBox,xcLabel,2)=$get(label2,"") set Options(xcBox,xcMin,2)=$get(min2,0) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,2)=$get(max2,100) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,2)=$get(max2,100) set Options(xcBox,xcDefault,2)=$get(init2,50) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do x2range(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) set result=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,"")) set Result2=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,1)) quit result; x2range(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --2rangesbox <text> <height> <width> <label1> <min1> <max1> <def1> <label2> <min2> <max2> <def2> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --2rangesbox ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcLabel,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcMin,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcMax,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcDefault,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcLabel,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcMin,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcMax,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcDefault,xcNotOptional) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Range3(Text,width,height,label1,min1,max1,init1,label2,min2,max2,init2,label3,min3,max3,init3,Result2,Result3,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;"Input: Text -- text of input prompt to display ;" width,height of dialog -- [optional] ;" labelN -- the title to show for the range. ;" minN -- the minimum possible range of input value (default = 0) ;" maxN -- the minimum possible range of input value (default = 100) ;" initN -- the initial input value -- (default = 50) ;" Result2 -- a variable to put second input into for return. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" Result3 -- a variable to put third input into for return. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: (none) ;"Results: returns result of 1st user-input. ;" result of 2nd user-input put into Result2 ;" result of 3rd user-input put into Result3 ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcCommon,xcSeparator)="^" set Options(xcBox,xcText)=$get(Text) set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) set Options(xcBox,xcLabel,1)=$get(label1,"") set Options(xcBox,xcMin,1)=$get(min1,0) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,1)=$get(max1,100) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,1)=$get(max1,100) set Options(xcBox,xcDefault,1)=$get(init1,50) set Options(xcBox,xcLabel,2)=$get(label2,"") set Options(xcBox,xcMin,2)=$get(min2,0) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,2)=$get(max2,100) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,2)=$get(max2,100) set Options(xcBox,xcDefault,2)=$get(init2,50) set Options(xcBox,xcLabel,3)=$get(label3,"") set Options(xcBox,xcMin,3)=$get(min3,0) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,3)=$get(max3,100) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,3)=$get(max3,100) set Options(xcBox,xcDefault,3)=$get(init3,50) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do x3range(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) set result=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,"")) set Result2=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,1)) set Result3=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,2)) quit result; x3range(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --3rangesbox <text> <height> <width> <label1> <min1> <max1> <def1> <label2> <min2> <max2> <def2> <label3> <min3> <max3> <def3> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --3rangesbox ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcLabel,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcMin,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcMax,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcDefault,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcLabel,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcMin,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcMax,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcDefault,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,3,xcLabel,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,3,xcMin,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,3,xcMax,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,3,xcDefault,xcNotOptional) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Spin(Text,width,height,label,min,max,init,Result,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;" A spinner is a dialable number input dialog. ;"Input: Text -- text of input prompt to display ;" width,height of dialog -- [optional] ;" min -- the minimum possible range of input value (default = 0) ;" max -- the minimum possible range of input value (default = 100) ;" init -- the initial input value -- (default = 50) ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: The user input value is return in Result ;"Results: returns results of box closure. ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcBox,xcText)=$get(Text) set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) set Options(xcBox,xcMin,1)=$get(min,0) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,1)=$get(max,100) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,1)=$get(max,100) set Options(xcBox,xcLabel,1)=$get(label,"") set Options(xcBox,xcDefault,1)=$get(init,50) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xspin(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) set result=Results(xcDlgResult) set Result=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,"")) quit result; xspin(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --spinbox <text> <height> <width> <min> <max> <def> <label> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --spinbox ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcMin,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcMax,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcDefault,xcOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcLabel,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Spin2(Text,width,height,label1,min1,max1,init1,label2,min2,max2,init2,Result1,Result2,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;"Input: Text -- text of input prompt to display ;" width,height of dialog -- [optional] ;" label1 -- the label to show for range ;" min1 -- the minimum possible range of input value (default = 0) ;" max1 -- the minimum possible range of input value (default = 100) ;" init1 -- the initial input value -- (default = 50) ;" label2 -- the label to show for range ;" min2 -- the minimum possible range of input value (default = 0) ;" max2 -- the minimum possible range of input value (default = 100) ;" init2 -- the initial input value -- (default = 50) ;" Result1 -- a variable to put first input into for return. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" Result2 -- a variable to put second input into for return. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: The user input value is return in Result1 ;" result of 2nd user-input put into Result2 ;"Results: returns results of box closure. ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcCommon,xcSeparator)="^" set Options(xcBox,xcText)=$get(Text) set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) set Options(xcBox,xcLabel,1)=$get(label1,"") set Options(xcBox,xcMin,1)=$get(min1,0) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,1)=$get(max1,100) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,1)=$get(max1,100) set Options(xcBox,xcDefault,1)=$get(init1,50) set Options(xcBox,xcLabel,2)=$get(label2,"") set Options(xcBox,xcMin,2)=$get(min2,0) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,2)=$get(max2,100) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,2)=$get(max2,100) set Options(xcBox,xcDefault,2)=$get(init2,50) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do x2spin(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) set result=Results(xcDlgResult) set Result1=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,"")) set Result2=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,1)) quit result; x2spin(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --2spinsbox <text> <height> <width> <min1> <max1> <def1> <label1> <min2> <max2> <def2> <label2> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcMin,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcMax,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcDefault,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcLabel,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcMin,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcMax,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcDefault,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcLabel,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Spin3(Text,width,height,label1,min1,max1,init1,label2,min2,max2,init2,label3,min3,max3,init3,Result1,Result2,Result3,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;"Input: Text -- text of input prompt to display ;" width,height of dialog -- [optional] ;" labelN -- the title to show for the range. ;" minN -- the minimum possible range of input value (default = 0) ;" maxN -- the minimum possible range of input value (default = 100) ;" initN -- the initial input value -- (default = 50) ;" Result1 -- a variable to put first input into for return. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" Result2 -- a variable to put second input into for return. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" Result3 -- a variable to put third input into for return. PASS BY REFERENCE ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: The user input value is return in Result1 ;" result of 2nd user-input put into Result2 ;" result of 3rd user-input put into Result3 ;"Results: returns results of box closure. ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcCommon,xcSeparator)="^" set Options(xcBox,xcText)=$get(Text) set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) set Options(xcBox,xcLabel,1)=$get(label1,"") set Options(xcBox,xcMin,1)=$get(min1,0) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,1)=$get(max1,100) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,1)=$get(max1,100) set Options(xcBox,xcDefault,1)=$get(init1,50) set Options(xcBox,xcLabel,2)=$get(label2,"") set Options(xcBox,xcMin,2)=$get(min2,0) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,2)=$get(max2,100) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,2)=$get(max2,100) set Options(xcBox,xcDefault,2)=$get(init2,50) set Options(xcBox,xcLabel,3)=$get(label3,"") set Options(xcBox,xcMin,3)=$get(min3,0) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,3)=$get(max3,100) set Options(xcBox,xcMax,3)=$get(max3,100) set Options(xcBox,xcDefault,3)=$get(init3,50) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do x3spin(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) set result=Results(xcDlgResult) set Result1=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,"")) set Result2=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,1)) set Result3=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,2)) quit result; x3spin(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --3spinsbox <text> <height> <width> <text> <height> <width> <min1> <max1> <def1> <label1> <min2> <max2> <def2> <label2> <min3> <max3> <def3> <label3> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --2spinsbox ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcMin,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcMax,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcDefault,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,1,xcLabel,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcMin,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcMax,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcDefault,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,2,xcLabel,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,3,xcMin,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,3,xcMax,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,3,xcDefault,xcNotOptional) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,3,xcLabel,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Log(file,width,height,Modal,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;"Input: file to display ;" height & width of dialog -- [optional] ;" [Modal]: if true, function does not return until dialog is closed. ;" if false, function returns immediately, and functions do NOT ;" reflect the user's button press. OPTIONAL -- default=xcNonModal ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: (none) ;"Results: Returns results of box closure (see Modal note above) ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcBox,xcFile)=$get(file) set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) set Modal=$get(Modal,xcNonModal) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xlog(.Options,.Results,Modal) set result=Results(xcDlgResult) quit result; xlog(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --logbox <file> <height> <width> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --logbox ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcFile,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Edit(file,width,height,Results,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;"Input: file to display for editing, ;" height & width of dialog -- [optional] ;" Results -- the array to put results into. MUST BE PASSED BY REFERENCE. ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: The modified text is put into Results ;" Example of returned results after editing a script file.: ;" Results("Dialog Output",1)="<!DOCTYPE INSTALL_SCRIPT>" ;" Results("Dialog Output",2)="<INSTALL_SCRIPT>" ;" Results("Dialog Output",3)="<Script>" ;" Results("Dialog Output",4)=" <Show>This is a test script system.</Show>" ;" Results("Dialog Output",5)="</Script>" ;"Results: Returns results of box closure (see Modal note above) ;"Notes: If dialog is not closed with an OK, then changes are NOT returned in Results new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcBox,xcFile)=$get(file) set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xedit(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) set result=Results(xcDlgResult) quit result; xedit(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --editbox <file> <height> <width> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --editbox ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcFile,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Text(file,width,height,Modal,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;"Input: file to display ;" height & width of dialog -- [optional] ;" [Modal]: if true, function does not return until dialog is closed. ;" if false, function returns immediately, and functions do NOT ;" reflect the user's button press. OPTIONAL -- default=xcNonModal ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: (none) ;"Results: Returns results of box closure (see Modal note above) ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcBox,xcFile)=$get(file) set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) set Modal=$get(Modal,xcNonModal) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xtext(.Options,.Results,Modal) set result=Results(xcDlgResult) quit result; xtext(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --textbox <file> <height> <width> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --textbox ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcFile,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Tail(file,width,height,Modal,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;" A tailbox is one that keeps at the bottom, updating as the file is updated. ;"Input: file to display ;" height & width of dialog -- [optional] ;" [Modal]: if true, function does not return until dialog is closed. ;" if false, function returns immediately, and functions do NOT ;" reflect the user's button press. OPTIONAL -- default=xcNonModal ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: (none) ;"Results: Returns results of box closure (see Modal note above) ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results,result if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcBox,xcFile)=$get(file) set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) set Modal=$get(Modal,xcNonModal) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xtail(.Options,.Results,Modal) set result=Results(xcDlgResult) quit result; xtail(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --tailbox <file> <height> <width> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --tailbox ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcFile,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;"TO BE COMPLETED xchecklist(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --checklist <text> <height> <width> <list height> <tag1> <item1> <status1> {<help1>}... ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- RadioList(Text,List,width,height,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;" A tailbox is one that keeps at the bottom, updating as the file is updated. ;"Input: Text -- title text. ;" List -- Best if passed by reference. Holds radio list as follows: ;" List(1,xcTag)=<return value> -- the output the be returned if selected. ;" List(1,xcItem)=<text of radio item> ;" List(1,xcStatus)=<status> must be: {"on", "off", or "unavailable"} ;" List(1,xcHelp)=<hover tip> -- [optional] ;" List(2,xcTag)=<return value> -- the output the be returned if selected. ;" List(2,xcItem)=<text of radio item> ;" List(2,xcStatus)=<status> must be: {"on", "off", or "unavailable"} ;" List(2,xcHelp)=<hover tip> -- [optional] ;" ... etc up to any number N ;" height & width of dialog -- [optional] ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output: (none) ;"Results: Returns selected 'tag'. If cancel pressed, then returns "" ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results set result="" new i,Done new status,help if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcBox,xcText)=$get(Text) set Done=0 for i=1:1 do quit:Done . if $data(List(i,xcTag))=0 set Done=1 quit . set Options(xcBox,xcTag,i)=$get(List(i,xcTag)) . set Options(xcBox,xcItem,i)=$get(List(i,xcItem)) . set status=$get(List(i,xcStatus)) . if (status'="on")&(status'="unavailable") set status="off" . set Options(xcBox,xcStatus,i)=status . set help=$get(List(i,xcHelp,i)) . if help'="" set Options(xcTransient,xxcItemHelp)=1 . set help=($get(Options(xcTransient,xxcItemHelp))=1) . if help set Options(xcBox,xcHelp,i)=$get(List(i,xcHelp)) set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xradiolist(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) set result=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,"")) quit result; xradiolist(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --radiolist <text> <height> <width> <list height> <tag1> <item1> <status1> {<help1>}... new Added,GroupAdded new N do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --radiolist ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcListHeight) set N=1 xrl1 set GroupAdded=$$AddParam(.Options,N,xcTag,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) if GroupAdded=0 goto xrl2 set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,N,xcItem,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,N,xcStatus,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) if (Added=1)&($get(Option(xcTransient,xxcItemHelp))=1) do . set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,N,xcHelp,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set N=N+1 goto xrl1 xrl2 do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;"TO BE COMPLETED xmenu(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --menubox <text> <height> <width> <menu height> <tag1> <item1> {<help1>}... ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;"TO BE COMPLETED xtreeview(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --treeview <text> <height> <width> <list height> <tag1> <item1> <status1> <item_depth1> {<help1>}... ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- FileSel(Title,InitFile,width,height,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;" A tailbox is one that keeps at the bottom, updating as the file is updated. ;"Input: InitFile. The initial file to select, and the default file. [optional] ;" width,height -- the initial size of box. [Optional] ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output:(none) ;"Results: returns the selected filename ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results new result set result="" if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() if $data(Title) set Options(xcCommon,xcTitle)=Title set Options(xcBox,xcFile)=$get(InitFile,"") set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xfilesel(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) if Results(xcDlgResult)=0 set result=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,"")) quit result; xfilesel(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --fselect <file> <height> <width> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --fselect ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcFile,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DirSel(Title,InitDir,width,height,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;" A tailbox is one that keeps at the bottom, updating as the file is updated. ;"Input: InitDir: The initial file to select, and the default file. [optional] ;" width,height -- the initial size of box. [Optional] ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output:(none) ;"Results: returns the selected directory ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results new result set result="" if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() if $data(Title) set Options(xcCommon,xcTitle)=Title set Options(xcBox,xcDirectory)=$get(InitDir,"") set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xdirsel(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) if Results(xcDlgResult)=0 set result=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,"")) quit result; xdirsel(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --dselect <directory> <height> <width> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --dselect ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcDirectory,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- DateSel(Text,width,height,InitDay,InitMonth,InitYear,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;" Shows a calendar and allows user to select date. ;"Input: Text -- a title / msg to show. ;" width,height -- the initial size of box. [Optional] ;" InitDay/Month/Year -- Initial date to show. ;" NOTE: These three variables are optional BUT if InitDay given all 3 should be present. ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output:(none) ;"Results: returns the selected date ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results new result set result="" if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcBox,xcText)=$get(Text,"") set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) if $data(InitDay) do . set Options(xcBox,xcDay)=InitDay . set Options(xcBox,xcMonth)=$get(InitMonth,0) . set Options(xcBox,xcYear)=$get(InitYear,0) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xcalendarsel(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) if Results(xcDlgResult)=0 set result=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,"")) quit result; xcalendarsel(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --calendar <text> <height> <width> [<day> <month> <year>] do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --calendar ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) if $data(Options(xcDay)) do . set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcDay,xcNotOptional) . set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcMonth,xcNotOptional) . set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcYear,xcNotOptional) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- TimeSel(Text,width,height,InitHour,InitMinute,InitSecond,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;" Shows a calendar and allows user to select date. ;"Input: Text -- a title / msg to show. ;" width,height -- the initial size of box. [Optional] ;" InitHour/Minute/Second -- Initial time to show. ;" NOTE: These three variables are optional BUT if InitDay given all 3 should be present. ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output:(none) ;"Results: returns the selected date ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results new result set result="" if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcBox,xcText)=$get(Text,"") set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) if $data(InitHour) do . set Options(xcBox,xcHours)=InitDay . set Options(xcBox,xcMinutes)=$get(InitMinute,0) . set Options(xcBox,xcSeconds)=$get(InitSecond,0) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xtimesel(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) if Results(xcDlgResult)=0 set result=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,"")) quit result; xtimesel(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --timebox <text> <height> <width> [<hours> <minutes> <seconds>] do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --timebox ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) if $data(Options(xcHours)) do . set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHours,xcNotOptional) . set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcMinutes,xcNotOptional) . set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcSeconds,xcNotOptional) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;"TO BE COMPLETED xbuildlist(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --buildlist <text> <height> <width> <list height> <tag1> <item1> <status1> {<help1>}... ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;"TO BE COMPLETED xcolorsel(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --colorsel <text> <height> <width> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --colorsel ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcText,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- FontSel(InitFont,width,height,x,y) ;"Purpose: To provide an easier access to Xdialog function ;" Shows a font-pick ;"Input: InitFont -- name of initial font to show [Optional] ;" width,height -- the initial size of box. [Optional] ;" x,y -- the display location of the dialog [optional] ;"Output:(none) ;"Results: returns the selected date ;"Notes: (none) new Options new Results new result set result="" if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() set Options(xcBox,xcFontName)=$get(InitFont,"") set Options(xcBox,xcHeight)=$get(height,0) set Options(xcBox,xcWidth)=$get(width,0) if $data(x) set Options(xcTransient,xcBegin)=x_" "_$get(y,0) do xfontsel(.Options,.Results,xcModalMode) if Results(xcDlgResult)=0 set result=$get(Results(xcDlgOutput,"")) quit result; xfontsel(Options,Results,Modal) ;" --fontsel <font name> <height> <width> new Added do ParamTextAdd(.Options,vDialog) do SetCommons(.Options) do SetTrans(.Options) do ParamTextAdd(.Options," --fontsel ") set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcFontName,xcNotOptional,xcAddQuote) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcHeight) set Added=$$AddParam(.Options,,xcWidth) do LaunchCmd(.Options,.Results,.Modal) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ChClrScr() ;"Purpose: When working with text menus, after the dialog exits, ;" it leaves the drawing of the menu on the text screen. ;" So I'll have a function that clears the screen. ;"Note: I can't depend on the VistA system to have set up ;" variables that will clear the screen. So I'll do it quick and dirty ;" by many newline characters. new count for count=1:1:50 write ! quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- SetCommons(Options) ;"Purpose: to put common options into a parameter string that will be sent to Xdialog ;"Input: Options -- MUST BE PASSED BY REFERENCE ;" See docs re. Options above. ;"Output: The Options array will contain an entry containing output string: ;" Options(xcCmdLine)=<composite options> new i new s set s=" " new AddQuote set AddQuote=0 if $data(xcCommon)=0 do SetupConsts() ;"Ensure constants created. set i=$order(Options(xcCommon,"")) for do q:i="" . if i=xcCmdLine quit . if (i'=xcCmdLine)&($data(Options(xcCommon,i))'=0) do . . set s=s_"--"_i_" " . . if $get(Options(xcCommon,i))'=1 do . . . set s=s_""""_Options(xcCommon,i)_""" " . set i=$order(Options(xcCommon,i)) ;"set Options(xcCmdLine)=s do ParamTextAdd(.Options,s) quit SetTrans(Options) ;"Purpose: to put transient options into a parameter string that will be sent to Xdialog ;"Input: Options -- MUST BE PASSED BY REFERENCE ;" See docs re. Options above. ;"Output: The Options array will contain an entry containing output string: ;" Options(xcCmdLine)=<composite options> ;"Note: This function should be called AFTER SetCommons() new i ;"new s set s=$get(Options(xcCmdLine)) new s set s=" " set i=$order(Options(xcTransient,"")) for do q:i="" . if i=xcCmdLine quit . if (i'=xcCmdLine)&($data(Options(xcTransient,i))'=0) do . . set s=s_"--"_i_" " . . if $get(Options(xcTransient,i))'=1 set s=s_Options(xcTransient,i)_" " . set i=$order(Options(xcTransient,i)) ;"set Options(xcCmdLine)=$get(Options(xcCmdLine))_s do ParamTextAdd(.Options,s) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- AddParam(Options,N,index,optional,AddQuote) ;"Purpose: to add index'd box parameter to the composite parameters ;"Input: Options -- see above. MUST BE PASSED BY REFERENCE ;" N -- should NOT be passed, unless index item has a 'subscript', i.e.: ;" Options(xcBox,xcItem,1)="Bill" ;" Options(xcBox,xcItem,2)="Bill" ;" Options(xcBox,xcItem,3)="Bill" ;" index -- specifies which parameter to add (if found) ;" optional -- specifies if parameter is optional ;" default=not optional (0). Value of 1=is optional ;" AddQuote -- if parameter should be in quotes -- default is 0 / no ;"results: returns if data was added. (1=added, 0=not added) new result set result=0 new s,sCurrent new CurLine new Param set optional=$get(optional,xcNotOptional) if optional'=xcNotOptional set optional=xcOptional set AddQuote=$get(AddQuote,xcNoQuote) ;"write "Starting AddParam",! set s="" if $data(N) do ;"i.e. user is looking for a subscripted element... . set Param=$get(Options(xcBox,index,N)) else do ;"i.e. user is NOT looking for a subscripted element... . set Param=$get(Options(xcBox,index)) if Param'="" do ;"Parameter found. . if AddQuote set s=s_"""" . set s=s_Param . set result=1 else do ;"There has not been any parameter found. . if $data(N) quit ;"If user was looking for (absent) subscripted param, then ignore NotOptional . if (optional=xcNotOptional) do . . if AddQuote set s=s_"""" . . set s=s_"0" ;"put in a 0 for non-optional values. . . set result=1 if result=1 do . if (AddQuote=xcAddQuote) set s=s_""" " . else set s=s_" " do ParamTextAdd(.Options,s) quit result ParamTextAdd(Options,Text) ;"Purpose: to actually add the text of the new parameter etc ;" into the Options variable ;"Input: Options .. same as variable used everywhere else ;" MUST BE PASSED BY REFERENCE ;" Text -- the text to add new sCurrent new CurLine ;"First the simple way -- with max of ~230 characters set Options(xcCmdLine)=$get(Options(xcCmdLine))_Text ;"Next, array method, with unlimited length. set CurLine=$get(Options(xcCmdLine,xcCmdArray,xcCmdMaxLine),0) set sCurrent=$get(Options(xcCmdLine,xcCmdArray,CurLine)) if $length(sCurrent)>80 do . set CurLine=CurLine+1 . set sCurrent="" set sCurrent=sCurrent_Text ;"write "After additions, sCurrent=",sCurrent,! set Options(xcCmdLine,xcCmdArray,CurLine)=sCurrent set Options(xcCmdLine,xcCmdArray,xcCmdMaxLine)=CurLine quit LaunchCmd(Options,Results,Modal) ;"Purpose: To actually launch the dialog, and to retrieve results ;"Input: Options -- see Docs above. The only part of the Options array ;" that is used here is Options(xcCmdLine) ;" Results -- an array to pass results back in. ;" Modal -- if =xcModalMode, then execution does not continue until dialog is closed ;" if xcNonModal, then execution immediately continues. Note in this ;" case the result of the execution will be 0 (unless an error ;" occurs creating the dialog.) It will NOT be the result of ;" the user's button press. new Cmd,HookCmd new FileHandle new CommFPath set CommFPath="/tmp/" new CommFName set CommFName="M_xdialog_comm_"_$J_".tmp" new CommFile set CommFile=CommFPath_CommFName ;"set Cmd=vDialog_" "_$get(Options(xcCmdLine)) ;"set Cmd=Cmd_" 2>"_CommFile do ParamTextAdd(.Options," 2>"_CommFile) set Modal=$get(Modal,xcNonModal) if (Modal=xcNonModal) do . do ParamTextAdd(.Options," & ") new result,killme new FRef ;"write "--------------------------------------------------",! ;"zwr Options(xcCmdLine,xcCmdArray,*) set FRef=$name(Options(xcCmdLine,xcCmdArray,0)) set result=$$GTF^%ZISH(FRef,3,CommFPath,CommFName) ;"set HookCmd="cat "_CommFile ;"write "Here is hook command",!,!,HookCmd,!,! ;"zsystem HookCmd ;"Explaination of following line: ;"I can't always pass the command in one string, because of limitation of string length ;"So I am writing out the command as a text file (to CommFile)--which will have the long ;"string divided up into multiple lines. However, the bash command shell ;"can't deal with the command split up like this. ;"I have researched to find this method of stripping newlines from the end of ;"a line--there are probably 8 other ways to do this too. :-) ;" echo `<file` >file ;"I then execute the file by typing: ;" sh file ;"And the two commands are separated on the line by a ";" ;"So the composite is: ;" echo `<file` >file ; sh file ;"Note that the instructions contained in 'file' include an instruction to put ;" the output from the dialog back into 'file'. This is ok, because it won't ;" be overwriten until after the command has started to execute. ;"set HookCmd="echo `<"_CommFile_"` >"_CommFile_" ; sh "_CommFile ;"write "Here is hook command",!,!,HookCmd,!,! ;"zsystem HookCmd set HookCmd="echo `<"_CommFile_"` >"_CommFile ;"write "Here is hook command",!,!,HookCmd,!,! zsystem HookCmd ;"set HookCmd="cat "_CommFile ;"write "Here is hook command",!,!,HookCmd,!,! ;"zsystem HookCmd set HookCmd="sh "_CommFile ;"write "Here is hook command",!,!,HookCmd,!,! zsystem HookCmd set Results(xcDlgResult)=$ZSYSTEM&255 ;"get result of execution. (low byte only) ;"Read output info Results ;"set HookCmd="cat "_CommFile ;"write "Here is hook command",!,!,HookCmd,!,! ;"zsystem HookCmd set FileHandle=$$FTG^%ZISH(CommFPath,CommFName,$name(Results(xcDlgOutput)),3) ;"zwr Results(*) ;"Now kill the communication file... no longer needed. new FileSpec set FileSpec(CommFile)="" set result=$$DEL^%ZISH(CommFPath,$name(FileSpec)) quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Demo ;"Purpose: To show the functionality of the library, and ;" to give a programming demo. new result new Feedback new s new UserPick,filename new UseGUI set UseGUI=0 do SetupConsts() do SetGUI(UseGUI) new List set List(1,xcTag)="Graphic" set List(1,xcItem)="Select this for full X-system GUI" set List(1,xcStatus)="on" set List(2,xcTag)="Text" set List(2,xcItem)="Select this for character interface" set List(2,xcStatus)="off" set UserPick=$$RadioList("Which type of boxes would you like to use?",.List) do ChClrScr^TMGXDLG() if UserPick="Graphic" do . set UseGUI=1 . do SetGUI(UseGUI) if UseGUI=0 goto l1 set s="Welcome to the Xdialog Demo \nThis box is 'non-modal' " set s=s_"so its program can continue without" set s=s_"waiting for a user response." set result=$$Msg("Welcome",s,0,0,xcNonModal,1,2) ;"height&width of 0,0 means "auto size" l1 set result=$$YesNo^TMGXDLG("Do you want to see a demo \n of this Xdialog wrapper library?") if result'=mrYes goto DemoDone ;"Note: This don't seem to work in character mode... set s="OK, Check out this 'Info' box. It will auto close in 6 seconds" set result=$$Info(s,0,0,6,xcModalMode) new List set List(1,xcTag)="Edit box" set List(1,xcItem)="Select this for an Edit Box" set List(1,xcStatus)="on" set List(2,xcTag)="Log box" set List(2,xcItem)="Select this for a Log Box" set List(2,xcStatus)="off" set List(3,xcTag)="Text box" set List(3,xcItem)="Select this for a Text Box" set List(3,xcStatus)="off" set List(4,xcTag)="Tail box" set List(4,xcItem)="Select this for a Tail Box" set List(4,xcStatus)="off" set UserPick=$$RadioList("Select Tool to See",.List) write "You selected: ",UserPick,! ;"Note: This don't seem to work in character mode... if UserPick'="" do . set filename=$$FileSel("Select a file to load") . if UserPick="Edit box" do quit . . set result=$$Edit(filename,0,0,.Feedback) . if UserPick="Log box" do quit . . set result=$$Log(filename,0,0,xcModalMode) . if UserPick="Text box" do quit . . set result=$$Text(filename,0,0,xcModalMode) . if UserPick="Tail box" do quit . . set result=$$Tail(filename,0,0,xcModalMode) new FName,LName,Zip new DumpVar set result=$$Input("Enter Name",0,0,"John",.FName) if result=mrCancel goto GBye write "Here is name:",FName,! ;"read "Press any key to coninue",*DumpVar,! ;"Note: This not supported in character mode... set result=$$Input2("Enter Name",0,0,"First","John","Last","Smith",.FName,.LName) if result=mrCancel goto GBye write "Here is name:",FName," ",LName,! ;"read "Press any key to coninue",*DumpVar,! ;"Note: This not supported in character mode... set result=$$Input3("Enter Name",0,0,"First","John","Last","Smith","Zip","12345",.FName,.LName,.Zip) if result=mrCancel goto GBye write "Here is name:",FName," ",LName,! write "zip: ",Zip,! ;"Note: This not supported in character mode... kill List set List(1)="Cookies" set List(2)="Ice Cream" set List(3)="Cake" set result=$$Combo("Pick your favorite dessert:",0,0,.List) write "You picked: ",result,! new Result1,Result2,Result3 ;"Note: This not supported in character mode... set result=$$Range("Enter some numbers",0,0,25,250,100,.Result1) if result=mrCancel goto GBye write "$=",Result1,! ;"Note: This not supported in character mode... set result=$$Range2("Enter some numbers",0,0,"$",25,250,100,"%",33,66,44,.Result1,.Result2) if result=mrCancel goto GBye write "$=",Result1," and %=",Result2,! ;"Note: This not supported in character mode... set result=$$Range3("Enter some numbers",0,0,"$",25,250,100,"%",33,66,44,"#",1000,2000,1500,.Result1,.Result2,.Result3) if result=mrCancel goto GBye write "$=",Result1," and %=",Result2," and #=",Result3,! ;"Note: This not supported in character mode... set result=$$Spin("Enter a number",0,0,"$",25,250,100,.Result1) if result=mrCancel goto GBye write "$=",Result1,! ;"Note: This not supported in character mode... set result=$$Spin2("Enter some numbers",0,0,"$",25,250,100,"%",33,66,44,.Result1,.Result2) if result=mrCancel goto GBye write "$=",Result1," and %=",Result2,! ;"Note: This not supported in character mode... set result=$$Spin3("Enter some numbers",0,0,"$",25,250,100,"%",33,66,44,"#",1000,2000,1500,.Result1,.Result2,.Result3) if result=mrCancel goto GBye write "$=",Result1," and %=",Result2," and #=",Result3,! GBye set result=$$Msg("Goodbye","That''s all for now folks!",0,0,xcModalMode) if UseGUI=0 do ChClrScr^TMGXDLG() DemoDone quit ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ;"Progress Notes: ;"9-26-04 On my server, Xdialog was missing. I had to simply copy the ;" Xdialog file into /usr/bin ... I ought to have some way to ;" check for existance of file and give message if it is absent. ;"=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-