[796] | 1 | TMGXMLP;TMG/kst/Detail XML Parsing functions ;03/25/06
| 2 | ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;01/01/05
| 3 |
| 5 |
| 6 | ;"=======================================================================
| 7 | ;" API -- Public Functions.
| 8 | ;"=======================================================================
| 9 | ;"DetailParse ;
| 10 | ;"ListChildren(Node,IndentN)
| 11 |
| 12 |
| 13 | ;"=======================================================================
| 15 | ;"=======================================================================
| 16 | ;"StartDoc
| 17 | ;"EndDoc
| 18 | ;"DocType(ROOT,PUBID,SYSID)
| 19 | ;"StartElement(NAME,ATTRLIST)
| 20 | ;"EndElement(NAME)
| 21 | ;"Chars(TEXT)
| 22 | ;"ParseErr(ERR)
| 23 | ;"ShowNode(Node,IndentN)
| 24 | ;"Indent(IndentN)
| 25 | ;"=================================================================
| 26 |
| 27 | DetailParse(pArray)
| 28 | ;"Purpose: To do a detailed deconstruction of parse to detect errors.
| 29 | ;"Input: pArray -- PASS BY NAME. OPTIONAL.
| 30 | ;" Default = $name(^TMP("TMG",$J))
| 31 | ;"Output: Puts info to debug stream
| 32 | ;"results: none
| 33 |
| 34 | ;"if $data(TMGDEBUG)#10=0 goto QuitLabel
| 35 |
| 37 |
| 38 | set pArray=$get(pArray,$name(^TMP("TMG",$J)))
| 39 |
| 40 | new FnArray set FnArray="Array of Callback Functions"
| 41 | set FnArray("ERROR")="ParseErr^TMGXMLP"
| 42 |
| 43 | set FnArray("STARTDOCUMENT")="StartDoc^TMGXMLP"
| 44 | set FnArray("ENDDOCUMENT")="EndDoc^TMGXMLP"
| 45 | set FnArray("DOCTYPE")="DocType^TMGXMLP"
| 46 | set FnArray("STARTELEMENT")="StartElement^TMGXMLP"
| 47 | set FnArray("ENDELEMENT")="EndElement^TMGXMLP"
| 48 | set FnArray("CHARACTERS")="Chars^TMGXMLP"
| 49 |
| 50 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"This part of the program will do a detailed parse analysis...")
| 51 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Hopefully this will reveal the parsing error.")
| 52 |
| 53 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Here is loaded file that is being parsed:")
| 54 | new % set %=1
| 55 | write "View array containing XML data"
| 56 | do YN^DICN write !
| 57 | if %=1 do ArrayDump^TMGDEBUG(pArray)
| 58 | if %=-1 goto QuitLabel
| 59 |
| 60 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Calling EN^MXMLPRSE (a detailed parse assessment.)")
| 61 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"As each element of the XML file is encountered, it will be listed.")
| 62 | do EN^MXMLPRSE(pArray,.FnArray,"V")
| 63 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Done calling EN^MXMLPRSE")
| 64 |
| 65 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"---------------------------")
| 66 |
| 67 | QuitLabel quit
| 68 |
| 69 |
| 70 |
| 71 | StartDoc
| 72 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"---------------------")
| 73 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"##Starting Document Processing##")
| 74 | quit
| 75 |
| 76 | EndDoc
| 77 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"---------------------")
| 78 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"##End of Document Processing##")
| 79 | quit
| 80 |
| 81 |
| 82 | DocType(ROOT,PUBID,SYSID)
| 83 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"--------------------")
| 84 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Doctype encountered.")
| 85 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"ROOT=",$get(ROOT))
| 86 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"PUBID=",$get(PUBID))
| 87 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"SYSID=",$get(SYSID))
| 88 | quit
| 89 |
| 90 |
| 91 | StartElement(NAME,ATTRLIST)
| 92 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"---------------------")
| 93 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Start Element:")
| 94 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Name=",$get(NAME))
| 95 | if $data(ATTRLIST) do
| 96 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"AttrList:")
| 97 | . zwr ATTRLIST
| 98 | quit
| 99 |
| 100 | EndElement(NAME)
| 101 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"---------------------")
| 102 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"End Element:")
| 103 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"Name=",$get(NAME))
| 104 | quit
| 105 |
| 106 | Chars(TEXT)
| 107 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"---------------------")
| 108 | do DebugMsg^TMGDEBUG(DBIndent,"TEXT=",$get(TEXT))
| 109 | quit
| 110 |
| 111 | ParseErr(ERR)
| 112 | if ($data(ERR)=0)!($data(ERR)=1) goto PrsErrQ
| 113 | if ERR("SEV")<2 goto PrsErrQ ;"Bypass all but error>=2
| 114 |
| 115 | new Header,Text,PtrLine
| 116 | new i
| 117 |
| 118 | set Header="<!> XML "
| 119 | if ERR("SEV")=0 set Header=Header_"Processing Warning"
| 120 | if ERR("SEV")=1 set Header=Header_"Validation Error"
| 121 | if ERR("SEV")=2 set Header=Header_"Conformance Error"
| 122 |
| 123 | set Text="Document Line #"_ERR("LIN")_" Position #"_ERR("POS")_"\n"
| 124 | set Text=Text_"'"_ERR("XML")_"'\n\n"
| 125 |
| 126 | set PtrLine=""
| 127 | for i=1:1:ERR("POS")-1 set PtrLine=PtrLine_"."
| 128 | set Text=Text_PtrLine_"^"_"\n"
| 129 |
| 130 | set PtrLine=""
| 131 | for i=1:1:ERR("POS")-1 set PtrLine=PtrLine_" "
| 132 | set Text=Text_PtrLine_"|"_"\n"
| 133 |
| 134 | if ERR("MSG")'="" do
| 135 | . set Text=Text_ERR("MSG")_"\n"
| 136 | set Text=Text_"\nErroneous token: '"_ERR("ARG")_"'\n"
| 137 |
| 138 | do PopupBox^TMGUSRIF(Header,Text,75)
| 139 |
| 140 | if $data(pArray) do
| 141 | . do ArrayDump^TMGDEBUG(pArray,$get(ERR("LIN")))
| 142 |
| 143 | PrsErrQ
| 144 | quit
| 145 |
| 146 |
| 147 | ;"-------------------------------------------------------------
| 148 |
| 149 | ListChildren(Node,IndentN)
| 150 | new ChildNode
| 151 | set ChildNode=$$CHILD^MXMLDOM(ParseHandle,Node,0)
| 152 | if ChildNode=0 quit
| 153 |
| 154 | new loop
| 155 | for loop=1:1 do if ChildNode=0 quit
| 156 | . do ShowNode(ChildNode,IndentN)
| 157 | . do ListChildren(ChildNode,IndentN+1)
| 158 | . set ChildNode=$$CHILD^MXMLDOM(ParseHandle,Node,ChildNode)
| 159 |
| 160 | quit
| 161 |
| 162 | ShowNode(Node,IndentN)
| 163 | new NodeText
| 164 | new AttribText
| 165 |
| 166 | do Indent(IndentN)
| 167 | write $$NAME^MXMLDOM(ParseHandle,Node),!
| 168 | if $$CMNT^MXMLDOM(ParseHandle,Node,$NAME(NodeText)) do
| 169 | . do Indent(IndentN)
| 170 | . write " Comment: ",NodeText(1),!
| 171 | if $$TEXT^MXMLDOM(ParseHandle,Node,$NAME(NodeText)) do
| 172 | . do Indent(IndentN)
| 173 | . write " '",NodeText(1),"'",!
| 174 | set AttribText=$$ATTRIB^MXMLDOM(ParseHandle,Node)
| 175 | if $data(AttribText),AttribText'="" do
| 176 | . do Indent(IndentN)
| 177 | . write " Attrib: ",AttribText,"="
| 178 | . write $$VALUE^MXMLDOM(ParseHandle,Node,AttribText),!
| 179 |
| 180 | quit
| 181 |
| 182 |
| 183 |
| 184 | Indent(IndentN)
| 185 | for i=1:1:IndentN write " "
| 186 | quit
| 187 |
| 188 |