TMGXPDR ;TMG/kst/Altered version of XPDR ;03/25/06 ;;1.0;TMG-LIB;**1**;7/25/05 ;"TMGXPDR -- a custom version of XPDR ;"K. Toppenberg, MD 7-25-05 XPDR ;SFISC/RSD - Routine File Edit ;09/17/96 10:05 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**1,2,44**;Jul 10, 1995 Q UPDT ;update routine file new DIR,DIRUT,XPD,XPDI,XPDJ new XPDN ;"array of included (1 node) and excluded (0 node) namespaces new X,X1,Y,Y1,% new addCount set addCount=0 write !! write "** ROUTINE File Updater **",! write "(Allows addition of selected routines to ROUTINE file)",! write "-----------------------------------------------------------",! write ! write "Enter namespace of routines to add (e.g. TIU), or",! write "routines to exclude from addition (e.g. -TIU)",!! set DIR(0)="FO^1:9^K:X'?.1""-""1U.7UNP X" set DIR("A")="Routine Namespace ([ENTER] if done)" set DIR("?")="Enter 1 to 8 characters, preceed with ""-"" to exclude namespace" ;"XPDN(0=excluded names or 1=include names, namespace)="" for do quit:$data(DIRUT) . do ^DIR . quit:$data(DIRUT) . set X=($extract(Y,$L(Y))="*") . set %=($extract(Y)="-") . set XPDN('%,$extract(Y,%+1,$length(Y)-X))="" if ('$data(XPDN))!($data(DTOUT))!($data(DUOUT)) write ! goto UPDTQ ;"quit:'$data(XPDN)!$data(DTOUT)!$data(DUOUT) write !!,"NAMESPACE INCLUDE",?35,"EXCLUDE",!,?11,"-------",?35,"-------" set (X,Y)="" set (X1,Y1)=1 for do write !?11,X,?35,Y quit:'X1&'Y1 . set:X1 X=$O(XPDN(1,X)),X1=X]"" . set:Y1 Y=$O(XPDN(0,Y)),Y1=Y]"" kill DIR set DIR(0)="Y" set DIR("A")="OK to continue" set DIR("B")="YES" do ^DIR quit:'Y!$data(DIRUT) write ! set DIR(0)="Y" set DIR("A")="Want me to clean up the Routine File before updating" set DIR("?")="YES means you want to go throught the Routine file and delete any routine name that no longer exists on the system." do ^DIR quit:$data(DIRUT) do WAIT^DICD write ! do DELRTN:Y ;"---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;"Replacement code for below... new XPDArray merge XPDArray=XPDN(1) ;"node 1=>included namespaces ;"ensure that all entries end with "*" (e.g. "TMG*" not "TMG") set XPDI=$order(XPDArray("")) if XPDI'="" for do quit:XPDI="" . new node set node=XPDI . set XPDI=$order(XPDArray(node)) . if ($extract(node,$length(node))'="*") do . . kill XPDArray(node) . . set XPDArray(node_"*")="" do NOINT^%RSEL("XPDArray") ;"creates %ZR - an array of existing routines matching input request set XPDJ="" for do quit:XPDJ="" . set XPDJ=$order(%ZR(XPDJ)) . if XPDJ="" quit . if $data(XPDN(0,XPDJ)) quit ;"if name XPDJ is in the exclude list, skip . if $order(^DIC(9.8,"B",XPDJ,0)) quit ;"if name XPDJ is already in Routine file, skip . ;"check if XPDJ is refered in the EXCLUDED namespace by checking the subscript before XPDJ . set %=$order(XPDN(0,XPDJ),-1) . ;"if sub exist and $piece(XPDJ,sub)="" then it is part of the namespace, quit . if ($length(%)>0)&($piece(XPDJ,%)="") quit . ;"Add routine to ROUTINE file . new XPD . set XPD(9.8,"+1,",.01)=XPDJ . set XPD(9.8,"+1,",1)="R" . do ADD^DICA("","XPD") . write "Added: ",XPDJ,! . set addCount=addCount+1 UPDTQ write " ...Done.",! if addCount=0 write "ROUTINE file already up to date. No additions needed.",! else write addCount," entries added to ROUTINE file.",! write "Leaving ROUTINE File Updater.",! quit ;"---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;"loop thru include list XPDN(1,*), i.e. included nodes-->requested namespaces ;"Goal: to consider each requested namespace... ;"Pseudocode: ;" loop (through all requested namespaces) ;" XPDI = currently considered namespace ;" loop (through all available routines--starting at XPDI) ;" XPDJ is current routine name being considered -- from all available routines ;" if current routine name (XPDJ) is in exclude list, skip ;" if current routine name (XPDJ) is already in the ROUTINE file, then skip ;" ... (to be completed) ;set XPDI="" ;for do quit:XPDI="" ;. set XPDI=$order(XPDN(1,XPDI)) ;. quit:XPDI="" ;. set XPDJ=XPDI ;. if '$data(^$routine(XPDJ)) quit ;. for set XPDJ=$order(^$routine(XPDJ)) quit:(XPDJ="")!($piece(XPDJ,XPDI)]"") do ;. . if $data(XPDN(0,XPDJ)) quit ;"if name XPDJ is in the exclude list, XPDN(0,XPDJ) quit ;. . if $order(^DIC(9.8,"B",XPDJ,0)) quit ;"if name XPDJ is in Routine file, quit ;. . ;"check if XPDJ is refered in the EXCLUDED namespace by checking the subscript before XPDJ ;. . set %=$order(XPDN(0,XPDJ),-1) ;. . ;"if sub exist and $piece(XPDJ,sub)="" then it is part of the namespace, quit ;. . if ($length(%)>0)&($piece(XPDJ,%)="") quit ;"e.g $piece("TMGTEST", ;. . new XPD ;. . set XPD(9.8,"+1,",.01)=XPDJ ;. . set XPD(9.8,"+1,",1)="R" ;. . do ADD^DICA("","XPD") ;write " ...Done.",! ;quit VER ;verify Routine file N DIR,DIRUT,X,Y W !,"I will delete all entries in the ROUTINE file in which",!,"the Routine no longer exist on this system!",! S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="OK to continue",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR Q:'Y!$D(DIRUT) D DELRTN W " ...Done.",! Q DELRTN ;delete routine file entries N DA,DIK,Y,count,max,delNum S DIK="^DIC(9.8,",DA=0,count=0,max=0,delNum=0 ;" F S DA=$O(^DIC(9.8,DA)) Q:'DA S Y=$G(^(DA,0)) I $P(Y,U,2)="R",$T(^@$P(Y,U))="" D ^DIK do INIT^XPDID for set DA=$order(^DIC(9.8,DA)) quit:'DA set max=max+1 if max=0 set max=1 set XPDIDTOT=max do TITLE^XPDID("Scanning for Entries to Remove...") set DA=0 write !,"Starting search...",! for set DA=$order(^DIC(9.8,DA)) quit:'DA do . set count=count+1 . if count#50=0 do UPDATE^XPDID(count) . set Y=$G(^(DA,0)) . if ($piece(Y,U,2)="R")&($text(^@$piece(Y,U))="") do . . write "Removing: ",$piece(Y,U),! . . set delNum=delNum+1 . . do ^DIK write ! if delNum>0 do . new temp . write "Done scanning. ",delNum," Entries removed.",! . read "Please press [ENTER] to continue.",temp:$get(DTIME,3600),! do EXIT^XPDID() quit PURGE ;purge file N DA,DIK,DIR,DIRUT,X,XPD,XPDF,XPDI,XPDJ,XPDL,XPDN,XPDPG,XPDS,XPDUL,Y,Z S DIR("?")="Enter the file you want to purge the data from.",DIR(0)="SM^B:Build;I:Install;ALL:Build & Install",DIR("A")="Purge from what file(s)" D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) S XPDF=$S(Y="I":9.7,1:9.6) S:Y="ALL" XPDF(1)=9.7 K DIR S DIR("?")="Enter the number of Versions to keep in the file, for each package",DIR(0)="N^0:100:0",DIR("A")="Versions to Retain",DIR("B")=1 D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) S XPDN=Y K DIR S DIR(0)="FO^3:30",DIR("?")="^D PURGEH^XPDR",DIR("A")="Package Name",DIR("B")="ALL" F D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) S XPD(X)="" Q:X="ALL" K DIR("B") S DIR("A")="Another Package Name" Q:'$D(XPD) ;if they want all, make sure all is the only one I $D(XPD("ALL")) K XPD S XPD("ALL")="" ;XPDF(1) is defined if doing both files, do purge twice K ^TMP($J) D PURGE1(XPDF),PURGE1($G(XPDF(1))):$D(XPDF(1)) I '$D(^TMP($J)) W !!,"No match found" Q K XPD,DIR S DIR(0)="E",$P(XPDUL,"-",IOM)="" ;if ALL, reset XPDF to next file and Do, then reset back to 9.6 D I $D(XPDF(1)) D ^DIR I Y S XPDF=XPDF(1) D S XPDF=9.6 .S XPD="^TMP("_$J_","_XPDF,XPDS=XPD_",",XPD=XPD_")",XPDL=$L(XPDS),XPDPG=1,Y=1 .W @IOF D HDR .;loop thru ^TMP($J,file,package) & show list, quit if user "^" .F S XPD=$Q(@XPD) Q:XPD=""!($E(XPD,1,XPDL)'=XPDS) D Q:'Y ..S Z=@XPD W $P(Z,"^"),$S($P(Z,"^",3):" (duplicates)",1:""),! Q:$Y<(IOSL-4) ..D ^DIR Q:'Y ..S XPDPG=XPDPG+1 W @IOF D HDR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="OK to DELETE these entries",DIR("B")="NO" W !! D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT)!'Y W !!,"Nothing Purged" Q ;loop thru and delete D I $D(XPDF(1)) S XPDF=XPDF(1) D .S DIK="^XPD("_XPDF_",",XPD="^TMP("_$J_","_XPDF,XPDS=XPD_",",XPD=XPD_")",XPDL=$L(XPDS) .F S XPD=$Q(@XPD) Q:XPD=""!($E(XPD,1,XPDL)'=XPDS) D ..S XPDI=@XPD F XPDJ=2:1 S DA=$P(XPDI,"^",XPDJ) Q:'DA D ^DIK Q ; PURGE1(XPDF) ;XPDF=file # N XPDFL,XPDI,XPDJ,XPDP,XPDV,Y,Z W "." ;if All, loop thru B x-ref I $D(XPD("ALL")) D .S XPDI="" .F S XPDI=$O(^XPD(XPDF,"B",XPDI)) Q:XPDI="" D ..S X=$$PKG^XPDUTL(XPDI) D PURGE2(X) ..W "." E S XPDI="" F S XPDI=$O(XPD(XPDI)) Q:XPDI="" D .D PURGE2(XPDI) .W "." ;loop thru each package, XPDP=package name S XPDP="" F S XPDP=$O(^TMP($J,XPDF,XPDP)) Q:XPDP="" D .S XPDV="",XPDL=XPDN .;the last is the most recent, XPDN = number to retain, XPDV=version .;XPDS=type (T/V/Z) .F S XPDV=$O(^TMP($J,XPDF,XPDP,XPDV),-1),XPDS="" Q:'XPDV!'XPDL F S XPDS=$O(^TMP($J,XPDF,XPDP,XPDV,XPDS),-1) Q:XPDS=""!'XPDL D ..S Y="" F S Y=$O(^TMP($J,XPDF,XPDP,XPDV,XPDS,Y),-1) Q:Y=""!'XPDL D ...I $D(^TMP($J,XPDF,XPDP,XPDV,XPDS,Y))#2 K ^(Y) S XPDL=XPDL-1 Q ...S Z="" F S Z=$O(^TMP($J,XPDF,XPDP,XPDV,XPDS,Y,Z),-1) Q:Z=""!'XPDL K ^(Z) S XPDL=XPDL-1 Q ; PURGE2(XPDX) ;XPDX=package name ;XPDFL=1 this is not a patch, quit when we find a patch during loop S XPDS=XPDX,XPDL=$L(XPDX),XPDFL=XPDX'["*" ;loop and find matches D F S XPDS=$O(^XPD(XPDF,"B",XPDS)) Q:XPDS=""!($E(XPDS,1,XPDL)'=XPDX)!($S(XPDFL:XPDS["*",1:0)) D .S Y=$O(^XPD(XPDF,"B",XPDS,0)) Q:'Y .Q:'$D(^XPD(XPDF,Y,0)) S Z=^(0),Y=XPDS_"^"_Y .;can't delete Installs that status isn't 'Install Completed' .I XPDF=9.7 Q:$P(Z,U,9)<3 .S XPDV=$$VER^XPDUTL(XPDS) .;TMP($J,file,package name,version,"*","T/V/Z",num,patch)=NAME^DA^duplicat DAs .I XPDS["*" D Q ..I XPDV?1.2N1"."1.2N S ^TMP($J,XPDF,$$PKG^XPDUTL(XPDS),+XPDV,"*Z",0,+$P(XPDS,"*",3))=Y_$$DUP(XPDS,$P(Y,"^",2)) Q ..I XPDV["T" S ^TMP($J,XPDF,$$PKG^XPDUTL(XPDS),+XPDV,"*T",+$P(XPDV,"T",2),+$P(XPDS,"*",3))=Y_$$DUP(XPDS,$P(Y,"^",2)) Q ..I XPDV["V" S ^TMP($J,XPDF,$$PKG^XPDUTL(XPDS),+XPDV,"*V",+$P(XPDV,"V",2),+$P(XPDS,"*",3))=Y_$$DUP(XPDS,$P(Y,"^",2)) Q ..S ^TMP($J,XPDF,$$PKG^XPDUTL(XPDS),+XPDV,"*",+$P(XPDS,"*",3))=Y_$$DUP(XPDS,$P(Y,"^",2)) .;TMP($J,file,package name,version,"Z",0)=NAME^DA^duplicate DAs .I XPDV?1.2N1"."1.2N S ^TMP($J,XPDF,$$PKG^XPDUTL(XPDS),+XPDV,"Z",0)=Y_$$DUP(XPDS,$P(Y,"^",2)) Q .;TMP($J,file,package name,version,"T/V",num)=NAME^DA^dup DAs .I XPDV["T" S ^TMP($J,XPDF,$$PKG^XPDUTL(XPDS),+XPDV,"T",+$P(XPDV,"T",2))=Y_$$DUP(XPDS,$P(Y,"^",2)) Q .I XPDV["V" S ^TMP($J,XPDF,$$PKG^XPDUTL(XPDS),+XPDV,"V",+$P(XPDV,"V",2))=Y_$$DUP(XPDS,$P(Y,"^",2)) Q Q PURGEH ;executable help from DIR call at PURGE+8 W:$E(DIR("A"),1)="P" !,"Enter 'ALL' to purge all packages, or" W !,"Enter the name of the Package you want to Purge.",!," i.e. KERNEL 8.0 will purge version 8.0Tx and 8.0Vx",!," XU*8.0 will purge all patches for 8.0",! N DIR,X,Y S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Want to see the "_$S(XPDF=9.7:"Install File",$D(XPDF(1)):"Build & Install Files",1:"Build File")_" List",DIR("B")="Y" D ^DIR Q:'Y!$D(DIRUT) D PURGEH1("^XPD(9.6,"):XPDF=9.6,PURGEH1("^XPD(9.7,"):XPDF=9.7!$D(XPDF(1)) Q ; DUP(Z,Z1) ;find duplicate, Z=NAME, Z1=last ien ;returns Y=DA^dup DA^dup DA... N Y S Y="" F S Z1=$O(^XPD(XPDF,"B",Z,Z1)) Q:'Z1 S Y=Y_"^"_Z1 Q Y ; PURGEH1(DIC) ; W !!,$S(DIC[9.6:"BUILD ",1:"INSTALL ")_"File" S DIC(0)="QE",X="??" D ^DIC Q ; HDR W !,"Package(s) in ",$S(XPDF=9.7:"INSTALL",1:"BUILD")," File, " I XPDN W "Retain last ",$S(XPDN=1:"version",1:XPDN_" versions") E W "Don't retain any versions" W ?70,"PAGE ",XPDPG,!,XPDUL,! Q