Last change
on this file was 1678, checked in by healthsevak, 10 years ago |
Added this new version of Broker component libraries while updating the working copy to CPRS version 28
File size:
967 bytes
Rev | Line | |
[1678] | 1 | object SSHUsername: TSSHUsername
| 2 | Left = 234
| 3 | Top = 119
| 4 | Width = 300
| 5 | Height = 151
| 6 | Caption = 'Enter SSH username'
| 7 | Color = clBtnFace
| 8 | Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
| 9 | Font.Color = clWindowText
| 10 | Font.Height = -11
| 11 | Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
| 12 | Font.Style = []
| 13 | OldCreateOrder = False
| 14 | PixelsPerInch = 96
| 15 | TextHeight = 13
| 16 | object Label1: TLabel
| 17 | Left = 41
| 18 | Top = 8
| 19 | Width = 209
| 20 | Height = 13
| 21 | Caption = 'Enter the username for the SSH connection:'
| 22 | end
| 23 | object Label2: TLabel
| 24 | Left = 13
| 25 | Top = 24
| 26 | Width = 267
| 27 | Height = 13
| 28 | Caption = 'Or Enter it on the command line as SSHUser=username'
| 29 | end
| 30 | object Edit1: TEdit
| 31 | Left = 49
| 32 | Top = 48
| 33 | Width = 193
| 34 | Height = 21
| 35 | TabOrder = 0
| 36 | end
| 37 | object Button1: TButton
| 38 | Left = 108
| 39 | Top = 88
| 40 | Width = 75
| 41 | Height = 25
| 42 | Caption = 'OK'
| 43 | Default = True
| 44 | TabOrder = 1
| 45 | OnClick = Button1Click
| 46 | end
| 47 | end
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