source: cprs/trunk/BDK50/BDK32_P50/Samples/RPCBroker/BrokerEx/fBrokerExample.dfm@ 1718

Last change on this file since 1718 was 1678, checked in by healthsevak, 10 years ago

Added this new version of Broker component libraries while updating the working copy to CPRS version 28

File size: 16.3 KB
1object frmBrokerExample: TfrmBrokerExample
2 Left = 248
3 Top = 112
4 BorderStyle = bsSingle
5 Caption = 'RPCBroker Example UCX RPCBroker (p50) SSH and CCOW enabled'
6 ClientHeight = 389
7 ClientWidth = 472
8 Color = clBtnFace
9 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
10 Font.Color = clBtnText
11 Font.Height = -13
12 Font.Name = 'System'
13 Font.Style = []
14 Menu = MainMenu1
15 OldCreateOrder = True
16 Position = poScreenCenter
17 ShowHint = True
18 OnCreate = FormCreate
19 PixelsPerInch = 96
20 TextHeight = 16
21 object GroupBox2: TGroupBox
22 Left = 8
23 Top = 0
24 Width = 457
25 Height = 73
26 Caption = 'VistA Server'
27 TabOrder = 0
28 object Label2: TLabel
29 Left = 6
30 Top = 51
31 Width = 67
32 Height = 16
33 AutoSize = False
34 Caption = 'Status:'
35 end
36 object Label3: TLabel
37 Left = 73
38 Top = 51
39 Width = 88
40 Height = 16
41 Caption = 'Disconnected'
42 Color = clBtnFace
43 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
44 Font.Color = clRed
45 Font.Height = -13
46 Font.Name = 'System'
47 Font.Style = []
48 ParentColor = False
49 ParentFont = False
50 end
51 object btnConnect: TButton
52 Left = 354
53 Top = 12
54 Width = 91
55 Height = 25
56 Caption = '&Connect'
57 Default = True
58 TabOrder = 2
59 OnClick = btnConnectClick
60 end
61 object edtPort: TEdit
62 Left = 192
63 Top = 24
64 Width = 49
65 Height = 24
66 Hint = 'Listener port number'
67 ParentShowHint = False
68 ShowHint = True
69 TabOrder = 1
70 Text = '9200'
71 OnChange = edtServerChange
72 end
73 object edtServer: TEdit
74 Left = 8
75 Top = 24
76 Width = 177
77 Height = 24
78 Hint = 'Name of server or IP address'
79 ParentShowHint = False
80 ShowHint = True
81 TabOrder = 0
83 OnChange = edtServerChange
84 end
85 object BitBtn1: TBitBtn
86 Left = 354
87 Top = 44
88 Width = 91
89 Height = 25
90 TabOrder = 3
91 Kind = bkClose
92 end
93 object btnGetServerInfo: TBitBtn
94 Left = 248
95 Top = 24
96 Width = 73
97 Height = 25
98 Hint = 'GetServerInfo'
99 Caption = 'Server'
100 ParentShowHint = False
101 ShowHint = True
102 TabOrder = 4
103 OnClick = btnGetServerInfoClick
104 Glyph.Data = {
105 76010000424D7601000000000000760000002800000020000000100000000100
106 04000000000000010000120B0000120B00001000000000000000000000000000
107 800000800000008080008000000080008000808000007F7F7F00BFBFBF000000
108 FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00333000000000
109 00333FF777777777773F0000FFFFFFFFFF0377773F3F3F3F3F7308880F0F0F0F
110 0FF07F33737373737337088880FFFFFFFFF07F3337FFFFFFFFF7088880000000
111 00037F3337777777777308888033330F03337F3337F3FF7F7FFF088880300000
112 00007F3337F7777777770FFFF030FFFFFFF07F3FF7F7F3FFFFF708008030F000
113 00F07F7737F7F77777F70FFFF030F0AAE0F07F3FF7F7F7F337F708008030F0DA
114 D0F07F7737F7F7FFF7F70FFFF030F00000F07F33F7F7F77777370FF9F030FFFF
115 FFF07F3737F7FFFFFFF70FFFF030000000007FFFF7F777777777000000333333
116 3333777777333333333333333333333333333333333333333333}
117 NumGlyphs = 2
118 end
119 object cbxBackwardCompatible: TCheckBox
120 Left = 186
121 Top = 54
122 Width = 161
123 Height = 17
124 Action = actBackwardCompatible
125 State = cbChecked
126 TabOrder = 5
127 end
128 end
129 object PageControl1: TPageControl
130 Left = 8
131 Top = 76
132 Width = 457
133 Height = 305
134 ActivePage = TabSheet2
135 TabOrder = 1
136 object TabSheet1: TTabSheet
137 Caption = 'Echo string'
138 object lblSend: TLabel
139 Left = 8
140 Top = 24
141 Width = 96
142 Height = 16
143 Caption = 'Original string:'
144 end
145 object lblReturn: TLabel
146 Left = 8
147 Top = 144
148 Width = 93
149 Height = 16
150 Caption = 'Echoed string:'
151 end
152 object edtStrOrig: TEdit
153 Left = 8
154 Top = 40
155 Width = 225
156 Height = 24
157 TabOrder = 0
158 Text = 'Hello World!'
159 end
160 object edtStrRtrn: TEdit
161 Left = 8
162 Top = 160
163 Width = 225
164 Height = 24
165 ReadOnly = True
166 TabOrder = 1
167 end
168 object btnEchoString: TButton
169 Left = 8
170 Top = 88
171 Width = 225
172 Height = 25
174 Caption = 'Execute RPC'
175 Default = True
176 ParentShowHint = False
177 ShowHint = True
178 TabOrder = 2
179 OnClick = btnEchoStringClick
180 end
181 object Memo1: TMemo
182 Left = 240
183 Top = 8
184 Width = 201
185 Height = 257
186 TabStop = False
187 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
188 Font.Color = clWindowText
189 Font.Height = -13
190 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
191 Font.Style = []
192 Lines.Strings = (
193 'Uses TRPCBroker.Call method '
194 'to return a single string.'
195 ''
196 'Original string passed in as '
197 'PType literal.'
198 ''
200 'STRING.'
201 ''
202 'Return Value Type: SINGLE '
203 'VALUE.')
204 ParentColor = True
205 ParentFont = False
206 ReadOnly = True
207 TabOrder = 3
208 end
209 end
210 object TabSheet2: TTabSheet
211 Caption = 'Pass by reference'
212 object Label1: TLabel
213 Left = 8
214 Top = 24
215 Width = 70
216 Height = 16
217 Caption = 'Reference:'
218 end
219 object Label4: TLabel
220 Left = 8
221 Top = 144
222 Width = 40
223 Height = 16
224 Caption = 'Value:'
225 end
226 object edtReference: TEdit
227 Left = 8
228 Top = 40
229 Width = 225
230 Height = 24
231 TabOrder = 0
232 Text = '$HOROLOG'
233 end
234 object edtValue: TEdit
235 Left = 8
236 Top = 160
237 Width = 225
238 Height = 24
239 ReadOnly = True
240 TabOrder = 1
241 end
242 object btnPassByRef: TButton
243 Left = 8
244 Top = 88
245 Width = 225
246 Height = 25
248 Caption = 'Execute RPC'
249 Default = True
250 ParentShowHint = False
251 ShowHint = True
252 TabOrder = 2
253 OnClick = btnPassByRefClick
254 end
255 object Memo2: TMemo
256 Left = 240
257 Top = 8
258 Width = 201
259 Height = 257
260 TabStop = False
261 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
262 Font.Color = clWindowText
263 Font.Height = -13
264 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
265 Font.Style = []
266 Lines.Strings = (
267 'Uses TRPCBroker.strCall '
268 'method to return a single string.'
269 ''
270 'Parameter passed in as PType '
271 'reference.'
272 ''
274 'VALUE.'
275 ''
276 'Return Value Type: SINGLE '
277 'VALUE.')
278 ParentColor = True
279 ParentFont = False
280 ReadOnly = True
281 TabOrder = 3
282 end
283 end
284 object TabSheet3: TTabSheet
285 Caption = 'Get list'
286 object Label5: TLabel
287 Left = 8
288 Top = 120
289 Width = 87
290 Height = 16
291 Caption = 'Returned list:'
292 end
293 object lstData: TListBox
294 Left = 8
295 Top = 136
296 Width = 225
297 Height = 129
298 ItemHeight = 16
299 TabOrder = 0
300 end
301 object btnGetList: TButton
302 Left = 8
303 Top = 88
304 Width = 225
305 Height = 25
307 Caption = 'Execute RPC'
308 Default = True
309 ParentShowHint = False
310 ShowHint = True
311 TabOrder = 1
312 OnClick = btnGetListClick
313 end
314 object RadioButton1: TRadioButton
315 Left = 16
316 Top = 16
317 Width = 137
318 Height = 17
319 Caption = 'Number of lines'
320 Checked = True
321 TabOrder = 2
322 TabStop = True
323 end
324 object RadioButton2: TRadioButton
325 Left = 16
326 Top = 48
327 Width = 137
328 Height = 17
329 Caption = 'Kilobytes of data'
330 TabOrder = 3
331 end
332 object spnLines: TSpinEdit
333 Left = 160
334 Top = 16
335 Width = 65
336 Height = 26
337 MaxValue = 0
338 MinValue = 0
339 TabOrder = 4
340 Value = 50
341 end
342 object spnKbytes: TSpinEdit
343 Left = 160
344 Top = 48
345 Width = 65
346 Height = 26
347 MaxValue = 0
348 MinValue = 0
349 TabOrder = 5
350 Value = 32
351 end
352 object Memo3: TMemo
353 Left = 240
354 Top = 8
355 Width = 201
356 Height = 257
357 TabStop = False
358 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
359 Font.Color = clWindowText
360 Font.Height = -13
361 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
362 Font.Style = []
363 Lines.Strings = (
364 'Uses TRPCBroker.Call method '
365 'to return several strings.'
366 ''
367 'Two parameters passed in as '
368 'PType literal.'
369 ''
371 ''
372 'Return Value Type: GLOBAL '
373 'ARRAY.'
374 ''
375 'WORD WRAP ON field is True '
376 'to break appart call result into '
377 'separate Results strings instead '
378 'of one long Results[0] string.')
379 ParentColor = True
380 ParentFont = False
381 ReadOnly = True
382 TabOrder = 6
383 end
384 end
385 object TabSheet4: TTabSheet
386 Caption = 'WP Text'
387 object lblList: TLabel
388 Left = 8
389 Top = 56
390 Width = 177
391 Height = 17
392 AutoSize = False
393 Caption = 'REMOTE PROCEDURE file description:'
394 end
395 object btnWPText: TButton
396 Left = 8
397 Top = 16
398 Width = 225
399 Height = 25
401 Caption = 'Execute RPC'
402 Default = True
403 ParentShowHint = False
404 ShowHint = True
405 TabOrder = 0
406 OnClick = btnWPTextClick
407 end
408 object mmoText: TMemo
409 Left = 8
410 Top = 80
411 Width = 225
412 Height = 185
413 ReadOnly = True
414 ScrollBars = ssVertical
415 TabOrder = 1
416 end
417 object Memo4: TMemo
418 Left = 240
419 Top = 8
420 Width = 201
421 Height = 257
422 TabStop = False
423 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
424 Font.Color = clWindowText
425 Font.Height = -13
426 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
427 Font.Style = []
428 Lines.Strings = (
429 'Uses TRPCBroker.lstCall '
430 'method to return several strings.'
431 ''
432 'No parameters are used in this '
433 'call.'
434 ''
436 ''
437 'Return Value Type: WORD '
439 ''
440 'WORD WRAP ON field is False '
441 'to allow memo box to control '
442 'word wrapping as necessary.')
443 ParentColor = True
444 ParentFont = False
445 ReadOnly = True
446 TabOrder = 2
447 end
448 end
449 object TabSheet5: TTabSheet
450 Caption = 'Sort numbers'
451 object Label6: TLabel
452 Left = 8
453 Top = 120
454 Width = 87
455 Height = 16
456 Caption = 'Returned list:'
457 end
458 object Label7: TLabel
459 Left = 8
460 Top = 8
461 Width = 72
462 Height = 16
463 Caption = 'How many:'
464 end
465 object lblStatus: TLabel
466 Left = 8
467 Top = 56
468 Width = 57
469 Height = 16
470 Caption = 'lblStatus'
471 Visible = False
472 end
473 object lstSorted: TListBox
474 Left = 8
475 Top = 136
476 Width = 225
477 Height = 129
478 ItemHeight = 16
479 TabOrder = 0
480 end
481 object btnSortNum: TButton
482 Left = 8
483 Top = 88
484 Width = 225
485 Height = 25
487 Caption = 'Execute RPC'
488 Default = True
489 ParentShowHint = False
490 ShowHint = True
491 TabOrder = 1
492 OnClick = btnSortNumClick
493 end
494 object spnNumbers: TSpinEdit
495 Left = 8
496 Top = 24
497 Width = 81
498 Height = 26
499 MaxValue = 10000
500 MinValue = 0
501 TabOrder = 2
502 Value = 500
503 end
504 object rgrDirection: TRadioGroup
505 Left = 104
506 Top = 8
507 Width = 121
508 Height = 65
509 Caption = 'Sort direction'
510 ItemIndex = 0
511 Items.Strings = (
512 'low -> high'
513 'high -> low')
514 TabOrder = 3
515 end
516 object Memo5: TMemo
517 Left = 240
518 Top = 88
519 Width = 201
520 Height = 177
521 TabStop = False
522 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
523 Font.Color = clWindowText
524 Font.Height = -13
525 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
526 Font.Style = []
527 ParentColor = True
528 ParentFont = False
529 ReadOnly = True
530 ScrollBars = ssVertical
531 TabOrder = 4
532 end
533 object rgArrayType: TRadioGroup
534 Left = 240
535 Top = 8
536 Width = 185
537 Height = 65
538 Caption = 'Array Type'
539 ItemIndex = 0
540 Items.Strings = (
541 'Local'
542 'Global')
543 TabOrder = 5
544 OnClick = rgArrayTypeClick
545 end
546 end
547 end
548 object MainMenu1: TMainMenu
549 Left = 160
550 Top = 320
551 object mnuOptions: TMenuItem
552 Caption = '&Options'
553 object mnuOptOldConnectionOnly: TMenuItem
554 Action = actOldConnectionOnly
555 Caption = 'Old Connection Type Only'
556 Hint = 'Broker works only with old style listeners on the server.'
557 end
558 object mnuOptBackwardCompatible: TMenuItem
559 Action = actBackwardCompatible
560 end
561 object mnuOptDebugMode: TMenuItem
562 Action = actDebugMode
563 Hint =
564 'Sets up to enter with Debug Mode (There is a difference between ' +
565 'old and new style listeners for debugging)'
566 end
567 object mnuOptUserContext: TMenuItem
568 Action = actUserContext
569 Hint = 'Provides CCOW User Context'
570 end
571 object mnuOptUseSSHAttachmate: TMenuItem
572 Action = actUseSSHAttachmate
573 Hint =
574 'Provides Secure Connectivity using Attachmate Reflection, if ava' +
575 'ilable'
576 end
577 object mnuOptUseSSHPlink: TMenuItem
578 Action = actUseSSHPlink
579 end
580 end
581 object Help1: TMenuItem
582 Caption = '&Help'
583 object AboutExample: TMenuItem
584 Caption = '&About RPC Broker Example...'
585 OnClick = AboutExampleClick
586 end
587 end
588 end
589 object Timer1: TTimer
590 OnTimer = Timer1Timer
591 Left = 16
592 Top = 320
593 end
594 object ActionList1: TActionList
595 Left = 52
596 Top = 295
597 object actBackwardCompatible: TAction
598 Caption = '&Backward Compatible'
599 Checked = True
600 Hint =
601 'Broker is able to connect to new style and old style listeners o' +
602 'n the server | Broker long hint'
603 OnExecute = actBackwardCompatibleExecute
604 end
605 object actOldConnectionOnly: TAction
606 Caption = '&Old Connection Only'
607 OnExecute = actOldConnectionOnlyExecute
608 end
609 object actDebugMode: TAction
610 Caption = '&Debug Mode'
611 OnExecute = actDebugModeExecute
612 end
613 object actUserContext: TAction
614 Caption = '&CCOW User Context'
615 OnExecute = actUserContextExecute
616 end
617 object actUseSSHAttachmate: TAction
618 Caption = 'Use SSH (Attachmate)'
619 OnExecute = actUseSSHAttachmateExecute
620 end
621 object actUseSSHPlink: TAction
622 Caption = 'Use SSH (Plink)'
623 OnExecute = actUseSSHPlinkExecute
624 end
625 end
626 object RPCBroker1: TRPCBroker
627 ClearParameters = True
628 ClearResults = True
629 Connected = False
630 ListenerPort = 9500
631 RpcVersion = '0'
632 Server = 'DHCPSERVER'
633 KernelLogIn = True
634 LogIn.Mode = lmAVCodes
635 LogIn.PromptDivision = False
636 OldConnectionOnly = False
637 UseSecureConnection = secureNone
638 SSHHide = False
639 Left = 116
640 Top = 327
641 end
642 object timerHalt: TTimer
643 Enabled = False
644 Interval = 500
645 OnTimer = timerHaltTimer
646 Left = 68
647 Top = 335
648 end
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