source: cprs/trunk/BDK50/BDK32_P50/Source/CCOWRPCBroker.pas@ 1783

Last change on this file since 1783 was 1678, checked in by healthsevak, 10 years ago

Added this new version of Broker component libraries while updating the working copy to CPRS version 28

File size: 22.7 KB
1{ **************************************************************
2 Package: XWB - Kernel RPCBroker
3 Date Created: Sept 18, 1997 (Version 1.1)
4 Site Name: Oakland, OI Field Office, Dept of Veteran Affairs
5 Developers: Danila Manapsal, Don Craven, Joel Ivey
6 Description: Contains TRPCBroker and related components.
7 Current Release: Version 1.1 Patch 47 (Jun. 17, 2008)
8*************************************************************** }
11This is the hierarchy of things:
12 TRPCBroker contains
13 TParams, which contains
14 array of TParamRecord each of which contains
15 TMult
17v1.1*4 Silent Login changes (DCM) 10/22/98
191.1*6 Polling to support terminating arphaned server jobs. (P6)
20 == DPC 4/99
221.1*8 Check for Multi-Division users. (P8) - REM 7/13/99
241.1*13 More silent login code; deleted obsolete lines (DCM) 9/10/99 // p13
25LAST UPDATED: 5/24/2001 // p13 JLI
271.1*31 Added new read only property BrokerVersion to TRPCBroker which
28 should contain the version number for the RPCBroker
29 (or SharedRPCBroker) in use.
31unit CCOWRPCBroker;
38 {Delphi standard}
39 Classes, Controls, Dialogs, {DsgnIntf,} Forms, Graphics, Messages, SysUtils,
40 WinProcs, WinTypes, Windows,
41 extctrls, {P6}
42 {VA}
43 XWBut1, {RpcbEdtr,} MFunStr, Hash,
44 ComObj, ActiveX, OleCtrls, trpcb,
48 NoMore: boolean = False;
49 MIN_RPCTIMELIMIT: integer = 30;
50 CURRENT_RPC_VERSION: String = 'XWB*1.1*36T1';
54TCCOWRPCBroker = class(TRPCBroker)
57 FCCOWLogonIDName: String;
58 FCCOWLogonIDValue: String;
59 FCCOWLogonName: String;
60 FCCOWLogonNameValue: String;
61 FContextor: TContextorControl; //CCOW
62 FCCOWtoken: string; //CCOW
63 FVistaDomain: String;
64 FCCOWLogonVpid: String;
65 FCCOWLogonVpidValue: String;
66 FWasUserDefined: Boolean;
67// procedure SetConnected(Value: Boolean); override;
68 function GetCCOWHandle(ConnectedBroker: TCCOWRPCBroker): string;
69 procedure CCOWsetUser(Uname, token, Domain, Vpid: string; Contextor:
70 TContextorControl);
71 function GetCCOWduz( Contextor: TContextorControl): string;
73 function GetCCOWtoken(Contextor: TContextorControl): string;
74 function IsUserCleared: Boolean;
75 function WasUserDefined: Boolean;
76 function IsUserContextPending(aContextItemCollection: IContextItemCollection):
77 Boolean;
78 property Contextor: TContextorControl
79 read Fcontextor write FContextor; //CCOW
80 property CCOWLogonIDName: String read FCCOWLogonIDName;
81 property CCOWLogonIDValue: String read FCCOWLogonIDValue;
82 property CCOWLogonName: String read FCCOWLogonName;
83 property CCOWLogonNameValue: String read FCCOWLogonNameValue;
84 property CCOWLogonVpid: String read FCCOWLogonVpid;
85 property CCOWLogonVpidValue: String read FCCOWLogonVpidValue;
87 property Connected: boolean read FConnected write SetConnected;
88 end;
90procedure AuthenticateUser(ConnectingBroker: TCCOWRPCBroker);
95 Loginfrm, RpcbErr, WSockc, SelDiv{p8}, RpcSLogin{p13}, fRPCBErrMsg,
96 CCOW_const;
99 CCOWToken: String;
100 Domain: String;
101 PassCode1: String;
102 PassCode2: String;
105{--------------------- TCCOWRPCBroker.SetConnected --------------------
107procedure TCCOWRPCBroker.SetConnected(Value: Boolean);
109 BrokerDir, Str1, Str2, Str3 :string;
110 RPCBContextor: TContextorControl;
111 UseSSH: TSecure;
112 ParamVal: String;
113 ParamNum: Integer;
114 PseudoServer: String;
115 PseudoPortStr: String;
116 PseudoPort: Integer;
118 RPCBError := '';
119 Login.ErrorText := '';
120 if (Connected <> Value) and not(csReading in ComponentState) then begin
121 if Value and (FConnecting <> Value) then begin {connect
122 FSocket := ExistingSocket(Self);
123 FConnecting := True; // FConnected := True;
124 try
125 if FSocket = 0 then
126 begin
127 {Execute Client Agent from directory in Registry.
128 BrokerDir := ReadRegData(HKLM, REG_BROKER, 'BrokerDr');
129 if BrokerDir <> '' then
130 ProcessExecute(BrokerDir + '\ClAgent.Exe', sw_ShowNoActivate)
131 else
132 ProcessExecute('ClAgent.Exe', sw_ShowNoActivate);
133 if DebugMode and (not OldConnectionOnly) then
134 begin
135 Str1 := 'Control of debugging FOR UCX OR NON-CALLBACK CONNECTIONS has been moved from the client to the server. To start a Debug session, do the following:'+#13#10#13#10;
136 Str2 := '1. On the server, set initial breakpoints where desired.'+#13#10+'2. DO DEBUG^XWBTCPM.'+#13#10+'3. Enter a unique Listener port number (i.e., a port number not in general use).'+#13#10;
137 Str3 := '4. Connect the client application using the port number entered in Step #3.';
138 ShowMessage(Str1 + Str2 + Str3);
139 end;
141 CheckSSH;
142 if not (FUseSecureConnection = secureNone) then
143 begin
144 if not StartSecureConnection(PseudoServer, PseudoPortStr) then
145 exit;
146 //Val(PseudoPortStr,PseudoPort,Code)
147 PseudoPort := StrToInt(PseudoPortStr);
148 end
149 else
150 begin
151 PseudoPort := ListenerPort;
152 PseudoServer := Server;
153 end;
154 // 060920 end of addition
155 TXWBWinsock(XWBWinsock).IsBackwardsCompatible := IsBackwardCompatibleConnection;
156 TXWBWinsock(XWBWinsock).OldConnectionOnly := OldConnectionOnly;
157 FSocket := TXWBWinsock(XWBWinsock).NetworkConnect(DebugMode, PseudoServer, // {FServer,
158 PseudoPort {ListenerPort, FRPCTimeLimit);
159 // 060919 Prefix added to handle multiple brokers including old and new
160{ Prefix := TXWBWinsock(XWBWinsock).Prefix;
161 FIsNewStyleConnection := TXWBWinsock(XWBWinsock).IsNewStyle;
162 AuthenticateUser(Self);
163 StoreConnection(Self); //MUST store connection before CreateContext()
164 //CCOW start
165 if (FContextor <> nil) and (length(CCOWtoken) = 0) then
166 begin
167 //Get new CCOW token
168 CCOWToken := GetCCOWHandle(Self);
169 if Length(CCOWToken) > 0 then
170 begin
171 try
172 RPCBContextor := TContextorControl.Create(Application);
173 RPCBContextor.Run('BrokerLoginModule#', PassCode1+PassCode2, TRUE, '*');
174 CCOWsetUser(, CCOWToken, Domain, user.Vpid, RPCBContextor); //Clear token
176 FCCOWLogonIdValue := Domain;
178 FCCOWLogonNameValue :=;
179 if <> '' then
180 FWasUserDefined := True;
182 FCCOWLogonVpidValue := user.Vpid;
183 RPCBContextor.Free;
184 RPCBContextor := nil;
185 except
186 ShowMessage('Problem with Contextor.Run');
187 FreeAndNil(RPCBContextor);
188 end;
189 end; // if Length(CCOWToken) > 0
190 end; //if
191 //CCOW end
192 FPulse.Enabled := True; //P6 Start heartbeat.
193 CreateContext(''); //Closes XUS SIGNON context.
194 end
195 else
196 begin //p13
197 StoreConnection(Self);
198 FPulse.Enabled := True; //p13
199 end; //p13
200 FConnected := True; // jli mod 12/17/01
201 FConnecting := False;
202 // 080620 If connected via SSH, With no command box
203 // visible, should let users know they have it.
204 if not (CommandBoxProcessHandle = 0) then
205 begin
206 thisOwner := self.Owner;
207 if (thisOwner is TForm) then
208 begin
209 thisParent := TForm(self.Owner);
210 if not (Pos('(SSH Secure connection)',thisParent.Caption) > 0) then
211 thisParent.Caption := thisParent.Caption + ' (SSH Secure connection)';
212 end;
213 end;
214 except
215 on E: EBrokerError do begin
216 if E.Code = XWB_BadSignOn then
217 TXWBWinsock(XWBWinsock).NetworkDisconnect(FSocket);
218 FSocket := 0;
219 FConnected := False;
220 FConnecting := False;
221 if not (CommandBoxProcessHandle = 0) then
222 TerminateProcess(CommandBoxProcessHandle,10);
223 FRPCBError := E.Message; // p13 handle errors as specified
224 if Login.ErrorText <> '' then
225 FRPCBError := E.Message + chr(10) + Login.ErrorText;
226 if Assigned(FOnRPCBFailure) then // p13
227 FOnRPCBFailure(Self) // p13
228 else if ShowErrorMsgs = semRaise then
229 Raise; // p13
230// raise; {this is where I would do OnNetError
231 end{on;
232 end{try;
233 end{if
234 else if not Value then
235 begin //p13
236 FConnected := False; //p13
237 FPulse.Enabled := False; //p13
238 if RemoveConnection(Self) = NoMore then begin
239 {FPulse.Enabled := False; ///P6;p13
240 TXWBWinsock(XWBWinsock).NetworkDisconnect(Socket); {actually disconnect from server
241 FSocket := 0; {store internal
242 //FConnected := False; //p13
243 // 080618 following added to close command box if SSH is being used
244 if not (CommandBoxProcessHandle = 0) then
245 begin
246 TerminateProcess(CommandBoxProcessHandle,10);
247 thisOwner := self.Owner;
248 if (thisOwner is TForm) then
249 begin
250 thisParent := TForm(self.Owner);
251 if (Pos('(SSH Secure connection)',thisParent.Caption) > 0) then
252 begin
253 // 080620 remove ' (SSH Secure connection)' on disconnection
254 thisParent.Caption := Copy(thisParent.Caption,1,Length(thisParent.Caption)-24);
255 end;
256 end;
257 end;
258 end{if;
259 end; {else
260 end{if;
263function TCCOWRPCBroker.WasUserDefined: Boolean;
265 Result := FWasUserDefined;
268function TCCOWRPCBroker.IsUserCleared: Boolean;
270 CCOWcontextItem: IContextItemCollection; //CCOW
271 CCOWdataItem1: IContextItem; //CCOW
272 Name: String;
274 Result := False;
275 Name := CCOW_LOGON_ID;
276 if (Contextor <> nil) then
277 try
278 //See if context contains the ID item
279 CCOWcontextItem := Contextor.CurrentContext;
280 CCOWDataItem1 := CCowContextItem.Present(Name);
281 if (CCOWdataItem1 <> nil) then //1
282 begin
283 If CCOWdataItem1.Value = '' then
284 Result := True
285 else
286 FWasUserDefined := True;
287 end
288 else
289 Result := True;
290 finally
291 end; //try
294{------------------------ AuthenticateUser ------------------------
296procedure AuthenticateUser(ConnectingBroker: TCCOWRPCBroker);
298 SaveClearParmeters, SaveClearResults: boolean;
299 SaveParam: TParams;
300 SaveRemoteProcedure, SaveRpcVersion: string;
301 SaveResults: TStrings;
302 blnSignedOn: boolean;
303 SaveKernelLogin: boolean;
304 SaveVistaLogin: TVistaLogin;
305 OldExceptionHandler: TExceptionEvent;
306 OldHandle: THandle;
308 With ConnectingBroker do
309 begin
310 SaveParam := TParams.Create(nil);
311 SaveParam.Assign(Param); //save off settings
312 SaveRemoteProcedure := RemoteProcedure;
313 SaveRpcVersion := RpcVersion;
314 SaveResults := Results;
315 SaveClearParmeters := ClearParameters;
316 SaveClearResults := ClearResults;
317 ClearParameters := True; //set'em as I need'em
318 ClearResults := True;
319 SaveKernelLogin := KernelLogin; // p13
320 SaveVistaLogin := Login; // p13
321 end;
323 blnSignedOn := False; //initialize to bad sign-on
325 if ConnectingBroker.AccessVerifyCodes <> '' then // p13 handle as AVCode single signon
326 begin
327 ConnectingBroker.Login.AccessCode := Piece(ConnectingBroker.AccessVerifyCodes, ';', 1);
328 ConnectingBroker.Login.VerifyCode := Piece(ConnectingBroker.AccessVerifyCodes, ';', 2);
329 ConnectingBroker.Login.Mode := lmAVCodes;
330 ConnectingBroker.KernelLogIn := False;
331 end;
333 //CCOW start
334 if ConnectingBroker.KernelLogIn and (not (ConnectingBroker.Contextor = nil)) then
335 begin
336 CCOWtoken := ConnectingBroker.GetCCOWtoken(ConnectingBroker.Contextor);
337 if length(CCOWtoken)>0 then
338 begin
339 ConnectingBroker.FKernelLogIn := false;
340 ConnectingBroker.Login.Mode := lmAppHandle;
341 ConnectingBroker.Login.LogInHandle := CCOWtoken;
342 end;
343 end;
344 //CCOW end
345 //CCOW Start // p13 following section for silent signon
346 if not ConnectingBroker.FKernelLogIn then
347 if ConnectingBroker.FLogin <> nil then //the user. vistalogin contains login info
348 begin
349 blnsignedon := SilentLogin(ConnectingBroker); // RpcSLogin unit
350 if not blnSignedOn then
351 begin //Switch back to Kernel Login
352 ConnectingBroker.FKernelLogIn := true;
353 ConnectingBroker.Login.Mode := lmAVCodes;
354 end;
355 end;
356 //CCOW end
358 if ConnectingBroker.FKernelLogIn then
359 begin //p13
360 CCOWToken := ''; // 061201 JLI if can't sign on with Token clear it so can get new one
361 if Assigned(Application.OnException) then
362 OldExceptionHandler := Application.OnException
363 else
364 OldExceptionHandler := nil;
365 Application.OnException := TfrmErrMsg.RPCBShowException;
366 frmSignon := TfrmSignon.Create(Application);
367 try
369 // ShowApplicationAndFocusOK(Application);
370 OldHandle := GetForegroundWindow;
371 SetForegroundWindow(frmSignon.Handle);
372 PrepareSignonForm(ConnectingBroker);
373 if SetUpSignOn then //SetUpSignOn in loginfrm unit.
374 begin //True if signon needed
376 if frmSignOn.lblServer.Caption <> '' then
377 begin
378 frmSignOn.ShowModal; //do interactive logon // p13
379 if frmSignOn.Tag = 1 then //Tag=1 for good logon
380 blnSignedOn := True; //Successfull logon
381 end
382 end
383 else //False when no logon needed
384 blnSignedOn := NoSignOnNeeded; //Returns True always (for now!)
385 if blnSignedOn then //P6 If logged on, retrieve user info.
386 begin
387 GetBrokerInfo(ConnectingBroker);
388 if not SelDiv.ChooseDiv('',ConnectingBroker) then
389 begin
390 blnSignedOn := False;//P8
391 {Select division if multi-division user. First parameter is 'userid'
392 (DUZ or username) for future use. (P8)}
393 ConnectingBroker.Login.ErrorText := 'Failed to select Division'; // p13 set some text indicating problem
394 end;
395 end;
396 SetForegroundWindow(OldHandle);
397 finally
398 frmSignon.Free;
399// frmSignon.Release; //get rid of signon form
401// if ConnectingBroker.Owner is TForm then
402// SetForegroundWindow(TForm(ConnectingBroker.Owner).Handle)
403// else
404// SetForegroundWindow(ActiveWindow);
405 ShowApplicationAndFocusOK(Application);
406 end ; //try
407 if Assigned(OldExceptionHandler) then
408 Application.OnException := OldExceptionHandler;
409 end; //if kernellogin
410 // p13 following section for silent signon
411 if (not ConnectingBroker.KernelLogIn) and (not blnsignedon) then // was doing the signon twice if already true
412 if ConnectingBroker.Login <> nil then //the user. vistalogin contains login info
413 blnsignedon := SilentLogin(ConnectingBroker); // RpcSLogin unit
414 if not blnsignedon then
415 begin
416// ConnectingBroker.Login.FailedLogin(ConnectingBroker.Login);
417 TXWBWinsock(ConnectingBroker.XWBWinsock).NetworkDisconnect(ConnectingBroker.Socket);
418 end
419 else
420 GetBrokerInfo(ConnectingBroker);
422 //reset the Broker
423 with ConnectingBroker do
424 begin
425 ClearParameters := SaveClearParmeters;
426 ClearResults := SaveClearResults;
427 Param.Assign(SaveParam); //restore settings
428 SaveParam.Free;
429 RemoteProcedure := SaveRemoteProcedure;
430 RpcVersion := SaveRpcVersion;
431 Results := SaveResults;
432 FKernelLogin := SaveKernelLogin; // p13
433 FLogin := SaveVistaLogin; // p13
434 end;
436 if not blnSignedOn then //Flag for unsuccessful signon.
437 TXWBWinsock(ConnectingBroker.XWBWinsock).NetError('',XWB_BadSignOn); //Will raise error.
441{----------------------- GetCCOWHandle --------------------------
442Private function to return a special CCOW Handle from the server
443which is set into the CCOW context.
444The Broker of a new application can get the CCOWHandle from the context
445and use it to do a ImAPPHandle Sign-on.
447function TCCOWRPCBroker.GetCCOWHandle(ConnectedBroker : TCCOWRPCBroker): String; // p13
449 Result := '';
450 with ConnectedBroker do
451 try // to permit it to work correctly if CCOW is not installed on the server.
452 begin
453 RemoteProcedure := 'XUS GET CCOW TOKEN';
454 Call;
455 Result := Results[0];
456 Domain := Results[1];
457 RemoteProcedure := 'XUS CCOW VAULT PARAM';
458 Call;
459 PassCode1 := Results[0];
460 PassCode2 := Results[1];
461 end;
462 except
463 Result := '';
464 end;
467//CCOW start
468procedure TCCOWRPCBroker.CCOWsetUser(Uname, token, Domain, Vpid: string; Contextor:
469 TContextorControl);
471 CCOWdata: IContextItemCollection; //CCOW
472 CCOWdataItem1,CCOWdataItem2,CCOWdataItem3: IContextItem;
473 CCOWdataItem4,CCOWdataItem5: IContextItem; //CCOW
474 Cname: string;
476 if Contextor <> nil then
477 begin
478 try
479 //Part 1
480 Contextor.StartContextChange;
481 //Part 2 Set the new proposed context data
482 CCOWdata := CoContextItemCollection.Create;
483 CCOWdataItem1 := CoContextItem.Create;
484 Cname := CCOW_LOGON_ID;
485 CCOWdataItem1.Name := Cname;
486 CCOWdataItem1.Value := domain;
487 CCOWData.Add(CCOWdataItem1);
488 CCOWdataItem2 := CoContextItem.Create;
489 Cname := CCOW_LOGON_TOKEN;
490 CCOWdataItem2.Name := Cname;
491 CCOWdataItem2.Value := token;
492 CCOWdata.Add(CCOWdataItem2);
493 CCOWdataItem3 := CoContextItem.Create;
494 Cname := CCOW_LOGON_NAME;
495 CCOWdataItem3.Name := Cname;
496 CCOWdataItem3.Value := Uname;
497 CCOWdata.Add(CCOWdataItem3);
498 //
499 CCOWdataItem4 := CoContextItem.Create;
500 Cname := CCOW_LOGON_VPID;
501 CCOWdataItem4.Name := Cname;
502 CCOWdataItem4.Value := Vpid;
503 CCOWdata.Add(CCOWdataItem4);
504 //
505 CCOWdataItem5 := CoContextItem.Create;
506 Cname := CCOW_USER_NAME;
507 CCOWdataItem5.Name := Cname;
508 CCOWdataItem5.Value := Uname;
509 CCOWdata.Add(CCOWdataItem5);
510 //Part 3 Make change
511 Contextor.EndContextChange(true, CCOWdata);
512 //We don't need to check CCOWresponce
513 finally
514 end; //try
515 end; //if
518//Get Token from CCOW context
519function TCCOWRPCBroker.GetCCOWtoken(Contextor: TContextorControl): string;
521 CCOWdataItem1: IContextItem; //CCOW
522 CCOWcontextItem: IContextItemCollection; //CCOW
523 name: string;
525 result := '';
526 name := CCOW_LOGON_TOKEN;
527 if (Contextor <> nil) then
528 try
529 CCOWcontextItem := Contextor.CurrentContext;
530 //See if context contains the ID item
531 CCOWdataItem1 := CCOWcontextItem.Present(name);
532 if (CCOWdataItem1 <> nil) then //1
533 begin
534 result := CCOWdataItem1.Value;
535 if not (result = '') then
536 FWasUserDefined := True;
537 end;
541 CCOWdataItem1 := CCOWcontextItem.Present(CCOW_LOGON_ID);
542 if CCOWdataItem1 <> nil then
543 FCCOWLogonIdValue := CCOWdataItem1.Value;
544 CCOWdataItem1 := CCOWcontextItem.Present(CCOW_LOGON_NAME);
545 if CCOWdataItem1 <> nil then
546 FCCOWLogonNameValue := CCOWdataItem1.Value;
547 CCOWdataItem1 := CCOWcontextItem.Present(CCOW_LOGON_VPID);
548 if CCOWdataItem1 <> nil then
549 FCCOWLogonVpidValue := CCOWdataItem1.Value;
550 finally
551 end; //try
554//Get Name from CCOW context
555function TCCOWRPCBroker.GetCCOWduz(Contextor: TContextorControl): string;
557 CCOWdataItem1: IContextItem; //CCOW
558 CCOWcontextItem: IContextItemCollection; //CCOW
559 name: string;
561 result := '';
562 name := CCOW_LOGON_ID;
563 if (Contextor <> nil) then
564 try
565 CCOWcontextItem := Contextor.CurrentContext;
566 //See if context contains the ID item
567 CCOWdataItem1 := CCOWcontextItem.Present(name);
568 if (CCOWdataItem1 <> nil) then //1
569 begin
570 result := CCOWdataItem1.Value;
571 if result <> '' then
572 FWasUserDefined := True;
573 end;
574 finally
575 end; //try
578function TCCOWRPCBroker.IsUserContextPending(aContextItemCollection:
579 IContextItemCollection): Boolean;
581 CCOWdataItem1: IContextItem; //CCOW
582 Val1: String;
584 result := false;
585 if WasUserDefined() then // indicates data was defined
586 begin
587 Val1 := ''; // look for any USER Context items defined
588 result := True;
589 //
590 CCOWdataItem1 := aContextItemCollection.Present(CCOW_LOGON_ID);
591 if CCOWdataItem1 <> nil then
592 if not (CCOWdataItem1.Value = FCCOWLogonIDValue) then
593 Val1 := '^' + CCOWdataItem1.Value;
594 //
595 CCOWdataItem1 := aContextItemCollection.Present(CCOW_LOGON_NAME);
596 if CCOWdataItem1 <> nil then
597 if not (CCOWdataItem1.Value = FCCOWLogonNameValue) then
598 Val1 := Val1 + '^' + CCOWdataItem1.Value;
599 //
600 CCOWdataItem1 := aContextItemCollection.Present(CCOW_LOGON_VPID);
601 if CCOWdataItem1 <> nil then
602 if not (CCOWdataItem1.Value = FCCOWLogonVpidValue) then
603 Val1 := Val1 + '^' + CCOWdataItem1.Value;
604 //
605 CCOWdataItem1 := aContextItemCollection.Present(CCOW_USER_NAME);
606 if CCOWdataItem1 <> nil then
607 if not (CCOWdataItem1.Value = user.Name) then
608 Val1 := Val1 + '^' + CCOWdataItem1.Value;
609 //
610 if Val1 = '' then // nothing defined or all matches, so not user context change
611 result := False;
612 end;
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