source: cprs/trunk/BDK50/BDK32_P50/Source/RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr1_TLB_SRB.pas@ 1690

Last change on this file since 1690 was 1678, checked in by healthsevak, 10 years ago

Added this new version of Broker component libraries while updating the working copy to CPRS version 28

File size: 17.1 KB
1{ **************************************************************
2 Package: XWB - Kernel RPCBroker
3 Date Created: Sept 18, 1997 (Version 1.1)
4 Site Name: Oakland, OI Field Office, Dept of Veteran Affairs
5 Developers: Joel Ivey
6 Description: Type library for use with uSharedBroker1 in
7 building RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr1.exe.
8 Current Release: Version 1.1 Patch 47 (Jun. 17, 2008))
9*************************************************************** }
11unit RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr1_TLB_SRB;
13// ************************************************************************ //
15// -------
16// The types declared in this file were generated from data read from a
17// Type Library. If this type library is explicitly or indirectly (via
18// another type library referring to this type library) re-imported, or the
19// 'Refresh' command of the Type Library Editor activated while editing the
20// Type Library, the contents of this file will be regenerated and all
21// manual modifications will be lost.
22// ************************************************************************ //
24// PASTLWTR : $Revision: $
25// File generated on 1/24/2002 12:39:11 PM from Type Library described below.
27// ************************************************************************ //
28// Type Lib: D:\Development\RPCSharedBroker\Exe1\RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr1.tlb (1)
29// IID\LCID: {1F7D1EB0-E54F-46F0-B485-2D56743EBB70}\0
30// Helpfile:
31// DepndLst:
32// (1) v2.0 stdole, (C:\WINNT\System32\stdole2.tlb)
33// (2) v4.0 StdVCL, (C:\WINNT\System32\STDVCL40.DLL)
34// ************************************************************************ //
35{$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} // Unit must be compiled without type-checked pointers.
38uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, {OleServer,} OleCtrls, StdVCL;
40// *********************************************************************//
41// GUIDS declared in the TypeLibrary. Following prefixes are used:
42// Type Libraries : LIBID_xxxx
43// CoClasses : CLASS_xxxx
44// DISPInterfaces : DIID_xxxx
45// Non-DISP interfaces: IID_xxxx
46// *********************************************************************//
48 // TypeLibrary Major and minor versions
49 RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr1MajorVersion = 1;
50 RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr1MinorVersion = 0;
52 LIBID_RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr1: TGUID = '{1F7D1EB0-E54F-46F0-B485-2D56743EBB70}';
54 IID_ISharedBroker: TGUID = '{E1D9A5E6-B7C6-40AD-AC34-6A3E12BDC328}';
55 DIID_ISharedBrokerEvents: TGUID = '{CBEA7167-4F9B-465A-B82E-4CEBDF933C35}';
56 CLASS_SharedBroker: TGUID = '{EB44A5CD-1871-429F-A5BC-19C71B722182}';
58// *********************************************************************//
59// Declaration of Enumerations defined in Type Library
60// *********************************************************************//
61// Constants for enum ISharedBrokerErrorCode
63 ISharedBrokerErrorCode = TOleEnum;
65 GeneralFailure = $00000000;
66 Success = $00000001;
67 UniqueRpcIdDoesNotExist = $00000002;
68 UniqueClientIdDoesNotExist = $00000003;
69 RpcHistoryIndexOutOfRange = $00000004;
70 RpcHistoryNotEnabled = $00000005;
71 CouldNotSetContext = $00000006;
72 CouldNotConnect = $00000007;
73 ClientIndexOutOfRange = $00000008;
74 NilClientPointer = $00000009;
75 ConnectionIndexOutOfRange = $0000000A;
77// Constants for enum IRegistryRootEnum
79 IRegistryRootEnum = TOleEnum;
81 HKCR = $00000000;
82 HKCU = $00000001;
83 HKLM = $00000002;
84 HKU = $00000003;
85 HKCC = $00000004;
86 HKDD = $00000005;
88// Constants for enum ISharedBrokerConnection
90 ISharedBrokerConnection = TOleEnum;
92 Failed = $00000000;
93 New = $00000001;
94 Shared = $00000002;
95 Debug = $00000003;
97// Constants for enum ISharedBrokerClient
99 ISharedBrokerClient = TOleEnum;
101 BrokerClient = $00000000;
102 DebuggerClient = $00000001;
104// Constants for enum ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs
106 ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs = TOleEnum;
108 isemRaise = $00000000;
109 isemQuiet = $00000001;
113// *********************************************************************//
114// Forward declaration of types defined in TypeLibrary
115// *********************************************************************//
116 ISharedBroker = interface;
117 ISharedBrokerDisp = dispinterface;
118 ISharedBrokerEvents = dispinterface;
120// *********************************************************************//
121// Declaration of CoClasses defined in Type Library
122// (NOTE: Here we map each CoClass to its Default Interface)
123// *********************************************************************//
124 SharedBroker = ISharedBroker;
127// *********************************************************************//
128// Interface: ISharedBroker
129// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
130// GUID: {E1D9A5E6-B7C6-40AD-AC34-6A3E12BDC328}
131// *********************************************************************//
132 ISharedBroker = interface(IDispatch)
133 ['{E1D9A5E6-B7C6-40AD-AC34-6A3E12BDC328}']
134 function BrokerConnect(const ClientName: WideString; ConnectionType: ISharedBrokerClient;
135 const ServerPort: WideString; WantDebug: WordBool;
136 AllowShared: WordBool; KernelLogin: WordBool;
137 ShowErrMsgs: ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs; RpcTimeLim: SYSINT;
138 var LoginStr: WideString; out UniqueClientIId: SYSINT;
139 out ErrorMsg: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
140 function BrokerDisconnect: ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
141 function BrokerSetContext(const OptionName: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
142 function BrokerCall(const RpcName: WideString; const RpcParams: WideString;
143 RpcTimeLimit: Integer; out RpcResults: WideString;
144 out UniqueRpcCallId: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
145 function ReadRegDataDefault(Root: IRegistryRootEnum; const Key: WideString;
146 const Name: WideString; const Default: WideString;
147 out RegResult: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
148 function Get_RpcVersion: WideString; safecall;
149 procedure Set_RpcVersion(const version: WideString); safecall;
150 function Get_RpcHistoryEnabled: WordBool; safecall;
151 procedure Set_RpcHistoryEnabled(enabled: WordBool); safecall;
152 function Get_PerClientRpcHistoryLimit: Integer; safecall;
153 procedure Set_PerClientRpcHistoryLimit(limit: Integer); safecall;
154 function GetRpcHistoryCountForClient(UniqueClientId: Integer; out rpcHistoryCount: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
155 function GetClientIdAndNameFromIndex(clientIndex: Integer; out UniqueClientId: Integer;
156 out ClientName: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
157 function LogoutConnectedClients(logoutTimeLimit: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
158 function GetClientNameFromUniqueClientId(UniqueClientId: Integer; out ClientName: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
159 function GetActiveBrokerConnectionIndexCount(out connectionIndexCount: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
160 function GetActiveBrokerConnectionInfo(connectionIndex: Integer;
161 out connectedServerIp: WideString;
162 out connectedServerPort: Integer;
163 out lastContext: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
164 function GetActiveBrokerConnectionIndexFromUniqueClientId(UniqueClientId: Integer;
165 out connectionIndex: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
166 function GetRpcCallFromHistory(uniqueRpcId: Integer; out UniqueClientId: Integer;
167 out brokerContext: WideString; out RpcName: WideString;
168 out RpcParams: WideString; out rpcResult: WideString;
169 out rpcStartDateTime: Double; out rpcDuration: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
170 function GetRpcCallFromHistoryIndex(UniqueClientId: Integer; rpcCallIndex: Integer;
171 out uniqueRpcId: Integer; out brokerContext: WideString;
172 out RpcName: WideString; out RpcParams: WideString;
173 out rpcResult: WideString; out rpcStartDateTime: Double;
174 out rpcDuration: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
175 function GetRpcClientIdFromHistory(uniqueRpcId: Integer; out UniqueClientId: Integer;
176 out ClientName: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
177 function GetConnectedClientCount(out connectedClientCount: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
178 function Get_CurrentContext: WideString; safecall;
179 function Get_User: WideString; safecall;
180 function Get_Login: WideString; safecall;
181 procedure Set_Login(const Value: WideString); safecall;
182 function Get_RpcbError: WideString; safecall;
183 function Get_Socket: Integer; safecall;
184 function Get_KernelLogin: WordBool; safecall;
185 procedure Set_KernelLogin(Value: WordBool); safecall;
186 function Get_ShowErrorMsgs: ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs; safecall;
187 procedure Set_ShowErrorMsgs(Value: ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs); safecall;
188 property RpcVersion: WideString read Get_RpcVersion write Set_RpcVersion;
189 property RpcHistoryEnabled: WordBool read Get_RpcHistoryEnabled write Set_RpcHistoryEnabled;
190 property PerClientRpcHistoryLimit: Integer read Get_PerClientRpcHistoryLimit write Set_PerClientRpcHistoryLimit;
191 property CurrentContext: WideString read Get_CurrentContext;
192 property User: WideString read Get_User;
193 property Login: WideString read Get_Login write Set_Login;
194 property RpcbError: WideString read Get_RpcbError;
195 property Socket: Integer read Get_Socket;
196 property KernelLogin: WordBool read Get_KernelLogin write Set_KernelLogin;
197 property ShowErrorMsgs: ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs read Get_ShowErrorMsgs write Set_ShowErrorMsgs;
198 end;
200// *********************************************************************//
201// DispIntf: ISharedBrokerDisp
202// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
203// GUID: {E1D9A5E6-B7C6-40AD-AC34-6A3E12BDC328}
204// *********************************************************************//
205 ISharedBrokerDisp = dispinterface
206 ['{E1D9A5E6-B7C6-40AD-AC34-6A3E12BDC328}']
207 function BrokerConnect(const ClientName: WideString; ConnectionType: ISharedBrokerClient;
208 const ServerPort: WideString; WantDebug: WordBool;
209 AllowShared: WordBool; KernelLogin: WordBool;
210 ShowErrMsgs: ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs; RpcTimeLim: SYSINT;
211 var LoginStr: WideString; out UniqueClientIId: SYSINT;
212 out ErrorMsg: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 1;
213 function BrokerDisconnect: ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 2;
214 function BrokerSetContext(const OptionName: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 3;
215 function BrokerCall(const RpcName: WideString; const RpcParams: WideString;
216 RpcTimeLimit: Integer; out RpcResults: WideString;
217 out UniqueRpcCallId: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 4;
218 function ReadRegDataDefault(Root: IRegistryRootEnum; const Key: WideString;
219 const Name: WideString; const Default: WideString;
220 out RegResult: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 5;
221 property RpcVersion: WideString dispid 7;
222 property RpcHistoryEnabled: WordBool dispid 6;
223 property PerClientRpcHistoryLimit: Integer dispid 8;
224 function GetRpcHistoryCountForClient(UniqueClientId: Integer; out rpcHistoryCount: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 10;
225 function GetClientIdAndNameFromIndex(clientIndex: Integer; out UniqueClientId: Integer;
226 out ClientName: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 11;
227 function LogoutConnectedClients(logoutTimeLimit: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 12;
228 function GetClientNameFromUniqueClientId(UniqueClientId: Integer; out ClientName: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 13;
229 function GetActiveBrokerConnectionIndexCount(out connectionIndexCount: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 14;
230 function GetActiveBrokerConnectionInfo(connectionIndex: Integer;
231 out connectedServerIp: WideString;
232 out connectedServerPort: Integer;
233 out lastContext: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 15;
234 function GetActiveBrokerConnectionIndexFromUniqueClientId(UniqueClientId: Integer;
235 out connectionIndex: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 16;
236 function GetRpcCallFromHistory(uniqueRpcId: Integer; out UniqueClientId: Integer;
237 out brokerContext: WideString; out RpcName: WideString;
238 out RpcParams: WideString; out rpcResult: WideString;
239 out rpcStartDateTime: Double; out rpcDuration: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 17;
240 function GetRpcCallFromHistoryIndex(UniqueClientId: Integer; rpcCallIndex: Integer;
241 out uniqueRpcId: Integer; out brokerContext: WideString;
242 out RpcName: WideString; out RpcParams: WideString;
243 out rpcResult: WideString; out rpcStartDateTime: Double;
244 out rpcDuration: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 18;
245 function GetRpcClientIdFromHistory(uniqueRpcId: Integer; out UniqueClientId: Integer;
246 out ClientName: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 19;
247 function GetConnectedClientCount(out connectedClientCount: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 20;
248 property CurrentContext: WideString readonly dispid 9;
249 property User: WideString readonly dispid 22;
250 property Login: WideString dispid 23;
251 property RpcbError: WideString readonly dispid 24;
252 property Socket: Integer readonly dispid 25;
253 property KernelLogin: WordBool dispid 26;
254 property ShowErrorMsgs: ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs dispid 27;
255 end;
257// *********************************************************************//
258// DispIntf: ISharedBrokerEvents
259// Flags: (4096) Dispatchable
260// GUID: {CBEA7167-4F9B-465A-B82E-4CEBDF933C35}
261// *********************************************************************//
262 ISharedBrokerEvents = dispinterface
263 ['{CBEA7167-4F9B-465A-B82E-4CEBDF933C35}']
264 procedure OnLogout; dispid 1;
265 procedure OnRpcCallRecorded(uniqueRpcId: SYSINT); dispid 2;
266 procedure OnClientConnect(UniqueClientId: SYSINT; Connection: ISharedBrokerConnection); dispid 3;
267 procedure OnClientDisconnect(UniqueClientId: SYSINT); dispid 4;
268 procedure OnContextChanged(connectionIndex: SYSINT; const NewContext: WideString); dispid 5;
269 procedure OnRPCBFailure(const ErrorText: WideString); dispid 6;
270 procedure OnLoginError(const ErrorText: WideString); dispid 7;
271 procedure OnConnectionDropped(ConnectionIndex: SYSINT; const ErrorText: WideString); dispid 8;
272 end;
274// *********************************************************************//
275// The Class CoSharedBroker provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
276// create instances of the default interface ISharedBroker exposed by
277// the CoClass SharedBroker. The functions are intended to be used by
278// clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
279// server of this typelibrary.
280// *********************************************************************//
281 CoSharedBroker = class
282 class function Create: ISharedBroker;
283 class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): ISharedBroker;
284 end;
288uses ComObj;
290class function CoSharedBroker.Create: ISharedBroker;
292 Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_SharedBroker) as ISharedBroker;
295class function CoSharedBroker.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): ISharedBroker;
297 Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_SharedBroker) as ISharedBroker;
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