source: cprs/trunk/BDK50/BDK32_P50/Source/RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr2_TLB_SRB.pas@ 1727

Last change on this file since 1727 was 1678, checked in by healthsevak, 9 years ago

Added this new version of Broker component libraries while updating the working copy to CPRS version 28

File size: 19.0 KB
1unit RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr2_TLB;
2{ **************************************************************
3 Package: XWB - Kernel RPCBroker
4 Date Created: Sept 18, 1997 (Version 1.1)
5 Site Name: Oakland, OI Field Office, Dept of Veteran Affairs
6 Developers: Danila Manapsal, Don Craven, Joel Ivey
7 Description: Contains TRPCBroker and related components.
8 Current Release: Version 1.1 Patch 47 (Jun. 17, 2008))
9*************************************************************** }
12// ************************************************************************ //
14// -------
15// The types declared in this file were generated from data read from a
16// Type Library. If this type library is explicitly or indirectly (via
17// another type library referring to this type library) re-imported, or the
18// 'Refresh' command of the Type Library Editor activated while editing the
19// Type Library, the contents of this file will be regenerated and all
20// manual modifications will be lost.
21// ************************************************************************ //
23// PASTLWTR : $Revision: $
24// File generated on 4/26/2004 1:37:49 PM from Type Library described below.
26// ************************************************************************ //
27// Type Lib: D:\Development\BDK32_p40\Source\RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr2.tlb (1)
28// IID\LCID: {73A3AF76-044A-476E-A5A5-31DEC45717C7}\0
29// Helpfile:
30// DepndLst:
31// (1) v2.0 stdole, (C:\WINNT\System32\stdole2.tlb)
32// (2) v4.0 StdVCL, (C:\WINNT\System32\STDVCL40.DLL)
33// ************************************************************************ //
34{$TYPEDADDRESS OFF} // Unit must be compiled without type-checked pointers.
37uses Windows, ActiveX, Classes, Graphics, {OleServer,} OleCtrls, StdVCL;
39// *********************************************************************//
40// GUIDS declared in the TypeLibrary. Following prefixes are used:
41// Type Libraries : LIBID_xxxx
42// CoClasses : CLASS_xxxx
43// DISPInterfaces : DIID_xxxx
44// Non-DISP interfaces: IID_xxxx
45// *********************************************************************//
47 // TypeLibrary Major and minor versions
48 RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr2MajorVersion = 1;
49 RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr2MinorVersion = 0;
51 LIBID_RPCSharedBrokerSessionMgr2: TGUID = '{73A3AF76-044A-476E-A5A5-31DEC45717C7}';
53 IID_ISharedBroker: TGUID = '{64EC6737-8EA5-4D4C-A352-BE6BA4005A2E}';
54 DIID_ISharedBrokerEvents: TGUID = '{4674BFED-16D6-470F-9559-D81A7E08947C}';
55 CLASS_SharedBroker: TGUID = '{49EE6823-DC9E-4FEA-BFCC-40FAE9047EF6}';
57// *********************************************************************//
58// Declaration of Enumerations defined in Type Library
59// *********************************************************************//
60// Constants for enum ISharedBrokerErrorCode
62 ISharedBrokerErrorCode = TOleEnum;
64 GeneralFailure = $00000000;
65 Success = $00000001;
66 UniqueRpcIdDoesNotExist = $00000002;
67 UniqueClientIdDoesNotExist = $00000003;
68 RpcHistoryIndexOutOfRange = $00000004;
69 RpcHistoryNotEnabled = $00000005;
70 CouldNotSetContext = $00000006;
71 CouldNotConnect = $00000007;
72 ClientIndexOutOfRange = $00000008;
73 NilClientPointer = $00000009;
74 ConnectionIndexOutOfRange = $0000000A;
76// Constants for enum IRegistryRootEnum
78 IRegistryRootEnum = TOleEnum;
80 HKCR = $00000000;
81 HKCU = $00000001;
82 HKLM = $00000002;
83 HKU = $00000003;
84 HKCC = $00000004;
85 HKDD = $00000005;
87// Constants for enum ISharedBrokerConnection
89 ISharedBrokerConnection = TOleEnum;
91 Failed = $00000000;
92 New = $00000001;
93 Shared = $00000002;
94 Debug = $00000003;
96// Constants for enum ISharedBrokerClient
98 ISharedBrokerClient = TOleEnum;
100 BrokerClient = $00000000;
101 DebuggerClient = $00000001;
103// Constants for enum ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs
105 ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs = TOleEnum;
107 isemRaise = $00000000;
108 isemQuiet = $00000001;
112// *********************************************************************//
113// Forward declaration of types defined in TypeLibrary
114// *********************************************************************//
115 ISharedBroker = interface;
116 ISharedBrokerDisp = dispinterface;
117 ISharedBrokerEvents = dispinterface;
119// *********************************************************************//
120// Declaration of CoClasses defined in Type Library
121// (NOTE: Here we map each CoClass to its Default Interface)
122// *********************************************************************//
123 SharedBroker = ISharedBroker;
126// *********************************************************************//
127// Interface: ISharedBroker
128// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
129// GUID: {64EC6737-8EA5-4D4C-A352-BE6BA4005A2E}
130// *********************************************************************//
131 ISharedBroker = interface(IDispatch)
132 ['{64EC6737-8EA5-4D4C-A352-BE6BA4005A2E}']
133 function BrokerConnect(const ClientName: WideString; ConnectionType: ISharedBrokerClient;
134 const ServerPort: WideString; WantDebug: WordBool;
135 AllowShared: WordBool; KernelLogin: WordBool;
136 ShowErrMsgs: ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs; RpcTimeLim: SYSINT;
137 var LoginStr: WideString; out UniqueClientIId: SYSINT;
138 out ErrorMsg: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
139 function BrokerDisconnect: ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
140 function BrokerSetContext(const OptionName: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
141 function BrokerCall(const RpcName: WideString; const RpcParams: WideString;
142 RpcTimeLimit: Integer; out RpcResults: WideString;
143 out UniqueRpcCallId: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
144 function ReadRegDataDefault(Root: IRegistryRootEnum; const Key: WideString;
145 const Name: WideString; const Default: WideString;
146 out RegResult: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
147 function Get_RpcVersion: WideString; safecall;
148 procedure Set_RpcVersion(const version: WideString); safecall;
149 function Get_RpcHistoryEnabled: WordBool; safecall;
150 procedure Set_RpcHistoryEnabled(enabled: WordBool); safecall;
151 function Get_PerClientRpcHistoryLimit: Integer; safecall;
152 procedure Set_PerClientRpcHistoryLimit(limit: Integer); safecall;
153 function GetRpcHistoryCountForClient(UniqueClientId: Integer; out rpcHistoryCount: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
154 function GetClientIdAndNameFromIndex(clientIndex: Integer; out UniqueClientId: Integer;
155 out ClientName: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
156 function LogoutConnectedClients(logoutTimeLimit: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
157 function GetClientNameFromUniqueClientId(UniqueClientId: Integer; out ClientName: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
158 function GetActiveBrokerConnectionIndexCount(out connectionIndexCount: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
159 function GetActiveBrokerConnectionInfo(connectionIndex: Integer;
160 out connectedServerIp: WideString;
161 out connectedServerPort: Integer;
162 out lastContext: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
163 function GetActiveBrokerConnectionIndexFromUniqueClientId(UniqueClientId: Integer;
164 out connectionIndex: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
165 function GetRpcCallFromHistory(uniqueRpcId: Integer; out UniqueClientId: Integer;
166 out brokerContext: WideString; out RpcName: WideString;
167 out RpcParams: WideString; out rpcResult: WideString;
168 out rpcStartDateTime: Double; out rpcDuration: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
169 function GetRpcCallFromHistoryIndex(UniqueClientId: Integer; rpcCallIndex: Integer;
170 out uniqueRpcId: Integer; out brokerContext: WideString;
171 out RpcName: WideString; out RpcParams: WideString;
172 out rpcResult: WideString; out rpcStartDateTime: Double;
173 out rpcDuration: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
174 function GetRpcClientIdFromHistory(uniqueRpcId: Integer; out UniqueClientId: Integer;
175 out ClientName: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
176 function GetConnectedClientCount(out connectedClientCount: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; safecall;
177 function Get_CurrentContext: WideString; safecall;
178 function Get_User: WideString; safecall;
179 function Get_Login: WideString; safecall;
180 procedure Set_Login(const Value: WideString); safecall;
181 function Get_RpcbError: WideString; safecall;
182 function Get_Socket: Integer; safecall;
183 function Get_KernelLogin: WordBool; safecall;
184 procedure Set_KernelLogin(Value: WordBool); safecall;
185 function Get_ShowErrorMsgs: ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs; safecall;
186 procedure Set_ShowErrorMsgs(Value: ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs); safecall;
187 function Get_Contextor: IUnknown; safecall;
188 procedure Set_Contextor(const Value: IUnknown); safecall;
189 function Get_IsBackwardCompatibleConnection: WordBool; safecall;
190 procedure Set_IsBackwardCompatibleConnection(Value: WordBool); safecall;
191 function Get_CCOWLogonIDName: WideString; safecall;
192 function Get_CCOWLogonIDValue: WideString; safecall;
193 function Get_CCOWLogonName: WideString; safecall;
194 function Get_CCOWLogonNameValue: WideString; safecall;
195 function Get_CCOWLogonVpid: WideString; safecall;
196 function Get_CCOWLogonVpidValue: WideString; safecall;
197 function Get_IsUserCleared: WordBool; safecall;
198 property RpcVersion: WideString read Get_RpcVersion write Set_RpcVersion;
199 property RpcHistoryEnabled: WordBool read Get_RpcHistoryEnabled write Set_RpcHistoryEnabled;
200 property PerClientRpcHistoryLimit: Integer read Get_PerClientRpcHistoryLimit write Set_PerClientRpcHistoryLimit;
201 property CurrentContext: WideString read Get_CurrentContext;
202 property User: WideString read Get_User;
203 property Login: WideString read Get_Login write Set_Login;
204 property RpcbError: WideString read Get_RpcbError;
205 property Socket: Integer read Get_Socket;
206 property KernelLogin: WordBool read Get_KernelLogin write Set_KernelLogin;
207 property ShowErrorMsgs: ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs read Get_ShowErrorMsgs write Set_ShowErrorMsgs;
208 property Contextor: IUnknown read Get_Contextor write Set_Contextor;
209 property IsBackwardCompatibleConnection: WordBool read Get_IsBackwardCompatibleConnection write Set_IsBackwardCompatibleConnection;
210 property CCOWLogonIDName: WideString read Get_CCOWLogonIDName;
211 property CCOWLogonIDValue: WideString read Get_CCOWLogonIDValue;
212 property CCOWLogonName: WideString read Get_CCOWLogonName;
213 property CCOWLogonNameValue: WideString read Get_CCOWLogonNameValue;
214 property CCOWLogonVpid: WideString read Get_CCOWLogonVpid;
215 property CCOWLogonVpidValue: WideString read Get_CCOWLogonVpidValue;
216 property IsUserCleared: WordBool read Get_IsUserCleared;
217 end;
219// *********************************************************************//
220// DispIntf: ISharedBrokerDisp
221// Flags: (4416) Dual OleAutomation Dispatchable
222// GUID: {64EC6737-8EA5-4D4C-A352-BE6BA4005A2E}
223// *********************************************************************//
224 ISharedBrokerDisp = dispinterface
225 ['{64EC6737-8EA5-4D4C-A352-BE6BA4005A2E}']
226 function BrokerConnect(const ClientName: WideString; ConnectionType: ISharedBrokerClient;
227 const ServerPort: WideString; WantDebug: WordBool;
228 AllowShared: WordBool; KernelLogin: WordBool;
229 ShowErrMsgs: ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs; RpcTimeLim: SYSINT;
230 var LoginStr: WideString; out UniqueClientIId: SYSINT;
231 out ErrorMsg: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 1;
232 function BrokerDisconnect: ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 2;
233 function BrokerSetContext(const OptionName: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 3;
234 function BrokerCall(const RpcName: WideString; const RpcParams: WideString;
235 RpcTimeLimit: Integer; out RpcResults: WideString;
236 out UniqueRpcCallId: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 4;
237 function ReadRegDataDefault(Root: IRegistryRootEnum; const Key: WideString;
238 const Name: WideString; const Default: WideString;
239 out RegResult: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 5;
240 property RpcVersion: WideString dispid 7;
241 property RpcHistoryEnabled: WordBool dispid 6;
242 property PerClientRpcHistoryLimit: Integer dispid 8;
243 function GetRpcHistoryCountForClient(UniqueClientId: Integer; out rpcHistoryCount: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 10;
244 function GetClientIdAndNameFromIndex(clientIndex: Integer; out UniqueClientId: Integer;
245 out ClientName: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 11;
246 function LogoutConnectedClients(logoutTimeLimit: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 12;
247 function GetClientNameFromUniqueClientId(UniqueClientId: Integer; out ClientName: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 13;
248 function GetActiveBrokerConnectionIndexCount(out connectionIndexCount: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 14;
249 function GetActiveBrokerConnectionInfo(connectionIndex: Integer;
250 out connectedServerIp: WideString;
251 out connectedServerPort: Integer;
252 out lastContext: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 15;
253 function GetActiveBrokerConnectionIndexFromUniqueClientId(UniqueClientId: Integer;
254 out connectionIndex: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 16;
255 function GetRpcCallFromHistory(uniqueRpcId: Integer; out UniqueClientId: Integer;
256 out brokerContext: WideString; out RpcName: WideString;
257 out RpcParams: WideString; out rpcResult: WideString;
258 out rpcStartDateTime: Double; out rpcDuration: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 17;
259 function GetRpcCallFromHistoryIndex(UniqueClientId: Integer; rpcCallIndex: Integer;
260 out uniqueRpcId: Integer; out brokerContext: WideString;
261 out RpcName: WideString; out RpcParams: WideString;
262 out rpcResult: WideString; out rpcStartDateTime: Double;
263 out rpcDuration: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 18;
264 function GetRpcClientIdFromHistory(uniqueRpcId: Integer; out UniqueClientId: Integer;
265 out ClientName: WideString): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 19;
266 function GetConnectedClientCount(out connectedClientCount: Integer): ISharedBrokerErrorCode; dispid 20;
267 property CurrentContext: WideString readonly dispid 9;
268 property User: WideString readonly dispid 22;
269 property Login: WideString dispid 23;
270 property RpcbError: WideString readonly dispid 24;
271 property Socket: Integer readonly dispid 25;
272 property KernelLogin: WordBool dispid 26;
273 property ShowErrorMsgs: ISharedBrokerShowErrorMsgs dispid 27;
274 property Contextor: IUnknown dispid 28;
275 property IsBackwardCompatibleConnection: WordBool dispid 29;
276 property CCOWLogonIDName: WideString readonly dispid 30;
277 property CCOWLogonIDValue: WideString readonly dispid 31;
278 property CCOWLogonName: WideString readonly dispid 32;
279 property CCOWLogonNameValue: WideString readonly dispid 33;
280 property CCOWLogonVpid: WideString readonly dispid 34;
281 property CCOWLogonVpidValue: WideString readonly dispid 35;
282 property IsUserCleared: WordBool readonly dispid 21;
283 end;
285// *********************************************************************//
286// DispIntf: ISharedBrokerEvents
287// Flags: (4096) Dispatchable
288// GUID: {4674BFED-16D6-470F-9559-D81A7E08947C}
289// *********************************************************************//
290 ISharedBrokerEvents = dispinterface
291 ['{4674BFED-16D6-470F-9559-D81A7E08947C}']
292 procedure OnLogout; dispid 1;
293 procedure OnRpcCallRecorded(uniqueRpcId: SYSINT); dispid 2;
294 procedure OnClientConnect(UniqueClientId: SYSINT; Connection: ISharedBrokerConnection); dispid 3;
295 procedure OnClientDisconnect(UniqueClientId: SYSINT); dispid 4;
296 procedure OnContextChanged(connectionIndex: SYSINT; const NewContext: WideString); dispid 5;
297 procedure OnRPCBFailure(const ErrorText: WideString); dispid 6;
298 procedure OnLoginError(const ErrorText: WideString); dispid 7;
299 procedure OnConnectionDropped(connectionIndex: SYSINT; const ErrorText: WideString); dispid 8;
300 end;
302// *********************************************************************//
303// The Class CoSharedBroker provides a Create and CreateRemote method to
304// create instances of the default interface ISharedBroker exposed by
305// the CoClass SharedBroker. The functions are intended to be used by
306// clients wishing to automate the CoClass objects exposed by the
307// server of this typelibrary.
308// *********************************************************************//
309 CoSharedBroker = class
310 class function Create: ISharedBroker;
311 class function CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): ISharedBroker;
312 end;
316uses ComObj;
318class function CoSharedBroker.Create: ISharedBroker;
320 Result := CreateComObject(CLASS_SharedBroker) as ISharedBroker;
323class function CoSharedBroker.CreateRemote(const MachineName: string): ISharedBroker;
325 Result := CreateRemoteComObject(MachineName, CLASS_SharedBroker) as ISharedBroker;
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.