unit fConsultAct; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ORFN, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ORCtrls, uCore, ComCtrls, ORDtTm, fBase508Form, VA508AccessibilityManager; type TfrmConsultAction = class(TfrmBase508Form) lblActionBy: TOROffsetLabel; calDateofAction: TORDateBox; lblDateofAction: TOROffsetLabel; cboPerson: TORComboBox; memComments: TCaptionMemo; lblComments: TOROffsetLabel; lblToService: TOROffsetLabel; cboAttentionOf: TORComboBox; lblAttentionOf: TOROffsetLabel; lblUrgency: TOROffsetLabel; cmdOK: TORAlignButton; cmdCancel: TORAlignButton; cboUrgency: TORComboBox; pnlBase: TPanel; pnlForward: TPanel; pnlOther: TPanel; treService: TORTreeView; pnlComments: TPanel; pnlAllActions: TPanel; grpSigFindings: TRadioGroup; pnlSigFind: TPanel; cboService: TORComboBox; pnlAlert: TPanel; ckAlert: TCheckBox; Label1: TMemo; lblAutoAlerts: TStaticText; procedure cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure NewPersonNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); procedure ProviderNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); procedure ckAlertClick(Sender: TObject); procedure treServiceChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); procedure treServiceExit(Sender: TObject); procedure cboServiceSelect(Sender: TObject); {**REV**} private FActionType: integer ; FChanged: boolean ; FActionBy: Int64; FActionDate: TFMDateTime; FToService: integer ; FAttentionOf: int64 ; FUrgency: integer ; FSigFind: string; FComments: TStrings ; FAlert: integer ; FAlertTo: string ; FIsProcedure: boolean; FProcIEN: integer; FUserLevel: integer; FUserIsRequester: boolean; function SetupForward(IsProcedure: boolean; ProcIEN: integer): boolean; procedure SetupAddComment; procedure SetupAdminComplete; procedure SetupSigFindings; procedure SigFindPanelShow; procedure SetupReceive; procedure SetupSchedule; procedure SetupOther; procedure ShowAutoAlertText; end; function SetActionContext(FontSize: Integer; ActionCode: integer; IsProcedure: boolean; ProcID: string; UserLevel: integer): boolean; var frmConsultAction: TfrmConsultAction; SvcList: TStrings ; uChanging: Boolean; const TX_FWD_NO_CSLT_SVCS_TEXT = 'There are no services that you can forward this consult to' ; TX_FWD_NO_PROC_SVCS_TEXT = 'There are no additional services that can perform this procedure.' ; TX_NOTTHISSVC_TEXT = 'Consults cannot be forwarded to this service. Please select a subspecialty' ; TX_NOFORWARD_TEXT = 'Service must be specified.' ; TX_NOFORWARD_SELF = 'A consult cannot be forwarded to the same service already responsible.'; TX_NOFORWARD_CAP = 'Unable to forward' ; TX_NOURGENCY_TEXT = 'Urgency must be specified'; TX_PERSON_TEXT = 'Select a person to perform this action or press Cancel.'; TX_PERSON_CAP = 'Missing person'; TX_DATE_TEXT = 'Enter a valid date for this action.' ; TX_DATE_CAP = 'Invalid date' ; TX_FUTDATE_TEXT = 'Dates or times in the future are not allowed.'; TX_COMMENTS_TEXT = 'Comments are required for this action.' ; TX_COMMENTS_CAP = 'No comments entered' ; TX_SIGFIND_TEXT = 'A significant findings selection is required.' ; TX_SIGFIND_CAP = 'No significant findings status entered' ; implementation {$R *.DFM} uses rCore, rConsults, uConsults, fConsults, fConsultAlertTo, rOrders; var RecipientList: TRecipientList ; function SetActionContext(FontSize: Integer; ActionCode: integer; IsProcedure: boolean; ProcID: string; UserLevel: integer): boolean; { displays action input form for consults and sets up broker calls } begin Result := False; frmConsultAction := TfrmConsultAction.Create(Application); try ResizeAnchoredFormToFont(frmConsultAction); with frmConsultAction do begin //I wish I knew why the resize wasn't working on the buttons cmdCancel.Left := pnlAllActions.ClientWidth - cmdCancel.Width -7; cmdOK.Left := cmdCancel.Left - cmdOK.Width - 10; FChanged := False; FActionType := ActionCode ; FIsProcedure := IsProcedure; FProcIEN := StrToIntDef(Piece(ProcID, ';', 1), 0); FUserLevel := UserLevel; FUserIsRequester := (User.DUZ = ConsultRec.SendingProvider); Caption := ActionType[ActionCode] ; RecipientList.Recipients := '' ; RecipientList.Changed := False ; case FActionType of CN_ACT_FORWARD: if not SetupForward(FIsProcedure, FProcIEN) then exit; CN_ACT_ADD_CMT: SetupAddComment; CN_ACT_ADMIN_COMPLETE: SetupAdminComplete; CN_ACT_SIGFIND: SetupSigFindings; CN_ACT_RECEIVE: SetupReceive; CN_ACT_SCHEDULE: SetupSchedule; else SetupOther; end; ShowModal ; Result := FChanged ; end ; finally frmConsultAction.Release; end; end; //=================== Setup form for different actions =========================== function TfrmConsultAction.SetupForward(IsProcedure: boolean; ProcIEN: integer): boolean; var i: integer; OrdItmIEN: integer; attention: string; //wat cq 15561 AList: TStringList; {WAT cq 19626} begin pnlSigFind.Visible := False; with frmConsultAction do Height := Height - pnlSigFind.Height; pnlComments.Visible := True; memComments.Clear; AList := TStringList.Create; try {WAT cq 19626} if IsProcedure then begin OrdItmIEN := GetOrderableIEN(IntToStr(ConsultRec.ORFileNumber)); FastAssign(GetProcedureServices(OrdItmIEN), SvcList); //FastAssign(GetProcedureServices(ProcIEN), SvcList); RPC expects pointer to 101.43, NOT 123.3 (RV) i := SvcList.IndexOf(IntToStr(ConsultRec.ToService) + U + Trim(ExternalName(ConsultRec.ToService, 123.5))); if i > -1 then SvcList.Delete(i); treService.Visible := False; end else FastAssign(LoadServiceListWithSynonyms(CN_SVC_LIST_FWD, ConsultRec.IEN), SvcList); {RV} if (IsProcedure and (SvcList.Count <= 0)) then begin InfoBox(TX_FWD_NO_PROC_SVCS_TEXT, TX_NOFORWARD_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); Result := False ; Exit ; end else if ((not IsProcedure) and (Piece(SvcList.Strings[0],U,1) = '-1')) then begin InfoBox(TX_FWD_NO_CSLT_SVCS_TEXT, TX_NOFORWARD_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); Result := False ; Exit ; end else begin FastAssign(SvcList, AList); {WAT cq 19626} SortByPiece(AList, U, 2); {WAT cq 19626} //SortByPiece(TStringList(SvcList), U, 2); {RV} for i := 0 to SvcList.Count - 1 do if (cboService.Items.IndexOf(Trim(Piece(SvcList.Strings[i], U, 2))) = -1) and {RV} (Piece(SvcList.Strings[i], U, 5) <> '1') then cboService.Items.Add(SvcList.Strings[i]); if not IsProcedure then begin BuildServiceTree(treService, SvcList, '0', nil) ; with treService do for i:=0 to Items.Count-1 do begin if Items[i].Level > 0 then Items[i].Expanded := False else Items[i].Expanded := True; TopItem := Items[0] ; Selected := Items[0] ; end ; end; pnlForward.Visible := True ; end ; if cboService.Items.Count = 1 then cboService.ItemIndex := 0; FToService := cboService.ItemIEN; //wat cq 15561 //cboAttentionOf.InitLongList('') ; FAttentionOf := ConsultRec.Attention; attention := ExternalName(FAttentionOf,200); cboAttentionOf.InitLongList(attention); cboAttentionOf.SelectByIEN(FAttentionOf); //end cq 15561 with cboUrgency do begin FastAssign(SubsetofUrgencies(ConsultRec.IEN), cboUrgency.Items) ; MixedCaseList(Items) ; SelectByIEN(ConsultRec.Urgency); if ItemIndex = -1 then begin for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do if DisplayText[i] = 'Routine' then break ; ItemIndex := i ; end; end ; FUrgency := cboUrgency.ItemIEN; //lblActionBy.Caption := 'Responsible Clinician'; // v20.1 RV //cboPerson.OnNeedData := ProviderNeedData; // lblActionBy.Caption := 'Responsible Person'; // cboPerson.Caption := lblActionBy.Caption; cboPerson.OnNeedData := NewPersonNeedData; // cboPerson.InitLongList(User.Name) ; cboPerson.SelectByIEN(User.DUZ); ckAlert.Visible := False ; lblAutoAlerts.Visible := False; Result := True; finally AList.Free; {WAT cq 19626} end; end; procedure TfrmConsultAction.SetupAddComment; begin pnlForward.Visible := False ; //with frmConsultAction do Width := Width - pnlForward.Width ; pnlSigFind.Visible := False; with frmConsultAction do Height := Height - pnlSigFind.Height; ckAlert.Visible := True ; lblAutoAlerts.Visible := True; ShowAutoAlertText; (* RecipientList.Recipients := '' ; RecipientList.Changed := False ;*) lblActionBy.Visible := False ; cboPerson.Visible := False ; pnlComments.Visible := True; memComments.Clear; ActiveControl := memComments ; end; procedure TfrmConsultAction.SetupSchedule; begin pnlForward.Visible := False ; //with frmConsultAction do Width := Width - pnlForward.Width ; pnlSigFind.Visible := False; with frmConsultAction do Height := Height - pnlSigFind.Height; ckAlert.Visible := True ; lblAutoAlerts.Visible := True; ShowAutoAlertText; (* RecipientList.Recipients := '' ; RecipientList.Changed := False ;*) lblActionBy.Visible := True ; cboPerson.Visible := True ; lblActionBy.Caption := 'Responsible Person'; cboPerson.Caption := lblActionBy.Caption; cboPerson.OnNeedData := NewPersonNeedData; cboPerson.InitLongList(User.Name) ; cboPerson.SelectByIEN(User.DUZ); pnlComments.Visible := True; memComments.Clear; ActiveControl := memComments ; end; procedure TfrmConsultAction.SetupAdminComplete; begin SigFindPanelShow ; pnlForward.Visible := False ; //with frmConsultAction do Width := Width - pnlForward.Width ; ckAlert.Visible := False ; lblAutoAlerts.Visible := False; //lblActionBy.Caption := 'Responsible Provider'; //cboPerson.OnNeedData := ProviderNeedData; //RIC-0100-21228 - need ALL users here //cboPerson.InitLongList('') ; //cboPerson.ItemIndex := -1; lblActionBy.Caption := 'Responsible Person'; cboPerson.Caption := lblActionBy.Caption; cboPerson.OnNeedData := NewPersonNeedData; cboPerson.InitLongList(User.Name) ; cboPerson.SelectByIEN(User.DUZ); pnlComments.Visible := True; memComments.Clear; (* if not FUserIsRequester then RecipientList.Recipients := IntToStr(ConsultRec.SendingProvider); RecipientList.Changed := not FUserIsRequester;*) ActiveControl := memComments ; end; procedure TfrmConsultAction.SetupSigFindings; begin SigFindPanelShow ; pnlForward.Visible := False ; //with frmConsultAction do Width := Width - pnlForward.Width ; ckAlert.Visible := True ; lblAutoAlerts.Visible := True; ShowAutoAlertText; (* RecipientList.Recipients := '' ; RecipientList.Changed := False ;*) lblActionBy.Visible := False ; cboPerson.Visible := False ; pnlComments.Visible := True; memComments.Clear; ActiveControl := memComments ; end; procedure TfrmConsultAction.SigFindPanelShow; var i: integer; begin pnlSigFind.Visible := True; with grpSigFindings do begin for i := 0 to 2 do if Copy(Items[i],1,1)=ConsultRec.Findings then ItemIndex := i ; if ItemIndex = -1 then begin ItemIndex := 2; Caption := Caption + 'Not yet entered'; end else Caption := Caption + Items[ItemIndex]; end; end ; procedure TfrmConsultAction.SetupReceive; begin pnlForward.Visible := False ; //with frmConsultAction do Width := Width - pnlForward.Width ; pnlComments.Visible := True; // V14? ckAlert.Visible := False ; lblAutoAlerts.Visible := False; pnlSigFind.Visible := False; with frmConsultAction do Height := Height - pnlSigFind.Height;// - pnlComments.Height ; // V14? cboPerson.OnNeedData := NewPersonNeedData; cboPerson.InitLongList(User.Name) ; cboPerson.SelectByIEN(User.DUZ); ActiveControl := calDateOfAction; end; procedure TfrmConsultAction.SetupOther; begin pnlForward.Visible := False ; //with frmConsultAction do Width := Width - pnlForward.Width ; pnlSigFind.Visible := False; with frmConsultAction do Height := Height - pnlSigFind.Height; lblActionBy.Caption := 'Action by'; cboPerson.Caption := lblActionBy.Caption; cboPerson.OnNeedData := NewPersonNeedData; cboPerson.InitLongList(User.Name) ; cboPerson.SelectByIEN(User.DUZ); ckAlert.Visible := False ; lblAutoAlerts.Visible := False; pnlComments.Visible := True; memComments.Clear; ActiveControl := memComments ; end; // ============================= Control events ================================ procedure TfrmConsultAction.NewPersonNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); begin inherited; (Sender as TORComboBox).ForDataUse(SubSetOfPersons(StartFrom, Direction)); end; procedure TfrmConsultAction.ProviderNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string; Direction, InsertAt: Integer); begin inherited; (Sender as TORComboBox).ForDataUse(SubSetOfProviders(StartFrom, Direction)); end; procedure TfrmConsultAction.cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject); begin FChanged := False ; Close ; end; procedure TfrmConsultAction.cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject); var Alist: TStringList; begin Alist := TStringList.Create ; try if (cboPerson.ItemIEN = 0) and (FActionType <> CN_ACT_ADD_CMT) and (FActionType <> CN_ACT_SIGFIND) then begin InfoBox(TX_PERSON_TEXT, TX_PERSON_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); Exit; end; if ((FActionType = CN_ACT_SIGFIND) or (FActionType = CN_ACT_ADMIN_COMPLETE)) and (grpSigFindings.ItemIndex < 0) then begin InfoBox(TX_SIGFIND_TEXT, TX_SIGFIND_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); Exit; end; if ((FActionType = CN_ACT_DENY) or (FActionType = CN_ACT_DISCONTINUE) or (FActionType = CN_ACT_ADD_CMT) or (FActionType = CN_ACT_ADMIN_COMPLETE)) and (memComments.Lines.Count = 0) then begin InfoBox(TX_COMMENTS_TEXT, TX_COMMENTS_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); Exit; end; if (FActionType = CN_ACT_FORWARD) then begin if (FIsProcedure and (cboService.ItemIndex = -1) and (FToService = 0 )) or ((not FIsProcedure) and (treService.Selected = nil) and (FToService = 0 )) then begin InfoBox(TX_NOFORWARD_TEXT, TX_NOFORWARD_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); Exit; end; if (not FIsProcedure) and (cboService.ItemIEN = ConsultRec.ToService) then begin InfoBox(TX_NOFORWARD_SELF, TX_NOFORWARD_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); Exit; end; if cboUrgency.ItemIEN = 0 then begin InfoBox(TX_NOURGENCY_TEXT, TX_NOFORWARD_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); Exit; end; if (FIsProcedure and (Piece(cboService.Items[cboService.ItemIndex], U, 5) = '1')) or ((not FIsProcedure) and (Piece(TORTreeNode(treService.Selected).StringData, U, 5) = '1')) then begin InfoBox(TX_NOTTHISSVC_TEXT, TX_NOFORWARD_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); Exit; end; end ; if calDateofAction.Text <> '' then begin FActionDate := StrToFMDateTime(calDateofAction.Text) ; if FActionDate = -1 then begin InfoBox(TX_DATE_TEXT, TX_DATE_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); calDateofAction.SetFocus ; exit ; end else if FActionDate > FMNow then begin InfoBox(TX_FUTDATE_TEXT, TX_DATE_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); calDateofAction.SetFocus ; exit ; end; end else FActionDate := FMNow ; FActionBy := cboPerson.ItemIEN; FAttentionOf := cboAttentionOf.ItemIEN ; FUrgency := cboUrgency.ItemIEN ; if (FActionType = CN_ACT_SIGFIND) or (FActionType = CN_ACT_ADMIN_COMPLETE) then FSigFind := Copy(grpSigFindings.Items[grpSigFindings.ItemIndex],2,1); LimitEditWidth(memComments, 74); FComments := memComments.Lines ; if ((ckAlert.Checked) (*or (FActionType = CN_ACT_ADMIN_COMPLETE)*)) and RecipientList.Changed then begin FAlert := 1 ; FAlertTo := RecipientList.Recipients ; end else begin FAlert := 0; FAlertTo := ''; end ; case FActionType of CN_ACT_RECEIVE : ReceiveConsult(Alist, ConsultRec.IEN, FActionBy, FActionDate, FComments) ; CN_ACT_SCHEDULE : ScheduleConsult(Alist, ConsultRec.IEN, FActionBy, FActionDate, FAlert, FAlertTo, FComments) ; CN_ACT_DENY : DenyConsult(Alist, ConsultRec.IEN, FActionBy, FActionDate, FComments) ; CN_ACT_DISCONTINUE: DiscontinueConsult(Alist, ConsultRec.IEN, FActionBy, FActionDate, FComments) ; CN_ACT_FORWARD : ForwardConsult(Alist, ConsultRec.IEN, FToService, FActionBy, FAttentionOf, FUrgency, FActionDate, FComments); CN_ACT_ADD_CMT : AddComment(Alist, ConsultRec.IEN, FComments, FActionDate, FAlert, FAlertTo) ; CN_ACT_SIGFIND : SigFindings(Alist, ConsultRec.IEN, FSigFind, FComments, FActionDate, FAlert, FAlertTo) ; CN_ACT_ADMIN_COMPLETE : AdminComplete(Alist,ConsultRec.IEN, FSigFind, FComments, FActionBy, FActionDate, FAlert, FAlertTo); end ; if AList.Count > 0 then begin if StrToInt(Piece(Alist[0],u,1)) > 0 then begin InfoBox(Piece(Alist[0],u,2), 'Unable to '+ActionType[FActionType], MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING); FChanged := False ; end else FChanged := True; end else FChanged := True ; finally Alist.Free ; end ; Close ; end ; procedure TfrmConsultAction.ckAlertClick(Sender: TObject); begin if ckAlert.Checked then SelectRecipients(Font.Size, FActionType, RecipientList) ; end; procedure TfrmConsultAction.treServiceChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); begin if uChanging or FIsProcedure then Exit; FToService := StrToIntDef(Piece(TORTreeNode(treService.Selected).StringData, U, 1), 0); (* if (treService.Selected.Data <> nil) and (Piece(string(treService.Selected.Data), U, 5) <> '1') then cboService.SelectByID(Piece(string(treService.Selected.Data), U, 1))*) //cboService.SelectByID(Piece(string(treService.Selected.Data), U, 1)); cboService.ItemIndex := cboService.Items.IndexOf(Trim(treService.Selected.Text)); {RV} ActiveControl := cboService; {RV} end; procedure TfrmConsultAction.treServiceExit(Sender: TObject); begin (* if (Piece(TORTreeNode(treService.Selected).StringData, U, 5) = '1') then WHY IS THIS IN HERE? (rv - v15.5) InfoBox(TX_NOTTHISSVC_TEXT, TX_NOFORWARD_CAP, MB_OK or MB_ICONWARNING);*) end; procedure TfrmConsultAction.cboServiceSelect(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin if not FIsProcedure then begin uChanging := True; with treService do for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do begin if Piece(TORTreeNode(Items[i]).StringData, U, 1) = cboService.ItemID then begin Selected := Items[i]; //treServiceChange(Self, Items[i]); break; end; end; uChanging := False; FToService := StrToIntDef(Piece(TORTreeNode(treService.Selected).StringData, U, 1), 0); end else FToService := cboService.ItemIEN; end; (*procedure TfrmConsultAction.ShowAutoAlertText; **** SEE BELOW FOR REPLACEMENT - v27.9 Phelps/Vertigan const TX_ALERT1 = 'An alert will automatically be sent to '; TX_ALERT_PROVIDER = 'the ordering provider'; TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS = 'notification recipients for this service.'; TX_ALERT_NOBODY = 'No automatic alerts will be sent.'; // this should be rare to never var x: string; begin case FUserLevel of UL_NONE, UL_REVIEW: begin if FUserIsRequester then x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS else x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_PROVIDER + ' and to ' + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS; end; UL_UPDATE, UL_ADMIN, UL_UPDATE_AND_ADMIN: begin if FUserIsRequester then x := TX_ALERT_NOBODY else x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_PROVIDER + '.'; end; end; lblAutoAlerts.Caption := x; end;*) procedure TfrmConsultAction.ShowAutoAlertText; const TX_ALERT1 = 'An alert will automatically be sent to '; TX_ALERT_PROVIDER = 'the ordering provider'; TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS = 'notification recipients for this service.'; TX_ALERT_NOBODY = 'No automatic alerts will be sent.'; // this should be rare to never var x: string; begin case FUserLevel of UL_NONE, UL_REVIEW: begin if FUserIsRequester then x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS else x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_PROVIDER + ' and to ' + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS; end; UL_UPDATE, UL_ADMIN, UL_UPDATE_AND_ADMIN: begin if FUserIsRequester then //x := TX_ALERT_NOBODY Replace with following line x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS else x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_PROVIDER + '.'; end; UL_UNRESTRICTED: begin if FUserIsRequester then x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS else x := TX_ALERT1 + TX_ALERT_PROVIDER + ' and to ' + TX_ALERT_SVC_USERS; end; end; lblAutoAlerts.Caption := x; end; initialization SvcList := TStringList.Create ; finalization SvcList.Free ; end.