unit rConsults; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, ORNet, ORFn, rCore, uCore, TRPCB, dialogs, uConsults, rTIU, uTIU; type TUnresolvedConsults = record UnresolvedConsultsExist: boolean; ShowNagScreen: boolean; end; {Consult Titles } function DfltConsultTitle: integer; function DfltConsultTitleName: string; function DfltClinProcTitle: integer; function DfltClinProcTitleName: string; function IdentifyConsultsClass: integer; function IdentifyClinProcClass: integer; procedure ListConsultTitlesShort(Dest: TStrings); procedure ListClinProcTitlesShort(Dest: TStrings); function SubSetOfConsultTitles(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer; IDNoteTitlesOnly: boolean): TStrings; function SubSetOfClinProcTitles(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer; IDNoteTitlesOnly: boolean): TStrings; procedure ResetConsultTitles; procedure ResetClinProcTitles; { Data Retrieval } procedure GetConsultsList(Dest: TStrings; Early, Late: double; Service, Status: string; SortAscending: Boolean); procedure LoadConsultDetail(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer) ; function GetCurrentContext: TSelectContext; procedure SaveCurrentContext(AContext: TSelectContext) ; procedure DisplayResults(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer) ; procedure GetConsultRec(IEN: integer) ; function ShowSF513(ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings ; procedure PrintSF513ToDevice(AConsult: Integer; const ADevice: string; ChartCopy: string; var ErrMsg: string); function GetFormattedSF513(AConsult: Integer; ChartCopy: string): TStrings; function UnresolvedConsultsExist: boolean; procedure GetUnresolvedConsultsInfo; {list box fillers} function SubSetOfStatus: TStrings; function SubSetOfUrgencies(ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings; function LoadServiceList(Purpose: integer): TStrings ; function LoadServiceListWithSynonyms(Purpose: integer): TStrings ; overload; function LoadServiceListWithSynonyms(Purpose, ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings ; overload; function SubSetOfServices(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings; function FindConsult(ConsultIEN: integer): string ; {user access level functions} function ConsultServiceUser(ServiceIEN: integer; DUZ: int64): boolean ; function GetActionMenuLevel(ConsultIEN: integer): TMenuAccessRec ; {consult result functions} function GetAssignableMedResults(ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings; function GetRemovableMedResults(ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings; function GetDetailedMedicineResults(ResultID: string): TStrings; procedure AttachMedicineResult(ConsultIEN: integer; ResultID: string; DateTime: TFMDateTime; ResponsiblePerson: int64; AlertTo: string); procedure RemoveMedicineResult(ConsultIEN: integer; ResultID: string; DateTime: TFMDateTime; ResponsiblePerson: int64); {Consult Request Actions} procedure ReceiveConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; ReceivedBy: int64; RcptDate: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStrings); procedure ScheduleConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; ScheduledBy: Int64; SchdDate: TFMDateTime; Alert: integer; AlertTo: string; Comments: TStrings); procedure DiscontinueConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; DiscontinuedBy: int64; DiscontinueDate: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStrings); procedure DenyConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; DeniedBy: int64; DenialDate: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStrings); procedure ForwardConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN, ToService: integer; Forwarder, AttentionOf: int64; Urgency: integer; ActionDate: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStrings); procedure AddComment(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; Comments: TStrings; ActionDate: TFMDateTime; Alert: integer; AlertTo: string) ; procedure SigFindings(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; SigFindingsFlag: string; Comments: TStrings; ActionDate: TFMDateTime;Alert: integer; AlertTo: string) ; procedure AdminComplete(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; SigFindingsFlag: string; Comments: TStrings; RespProv: Int64; ActionDate: TFMDateTime; Alert: integer; AlertTo: string) ; { Consults Ordering Calls } function ODForConsults: TStrings; function ODForProcedures: TStrings; function ConsultMessage(AnIEN: Integer): string; function LoadConsultsQuickList: TStrings ; function GetProcedureServices(ProcIEN: integer): TStrings; function ConsultCanBeResubmitted(ConsultIEN: integer): string; function LoadConsultForEdit(ConsultIEN: integer): TEditResubmitRec; function ResubmitConsult(EditResubmitRec: TEditResubmitRec): string; function SubSetOfProcedures(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings; function GetDefaultReasonForRequest(Service: string; Resolve: Boolean): TStrings; function ReasonForRequestEditable(Service: string): string; function GetNewDialog(OrderType: string): string; function GetServiceIEN(ORIEN: string): string; function GetProcedureIEN(ORIEN: string): string; function GetConsultOrderIEN(ConsultIEN: integer): string; function GetServicePrerequisites(Service: string): TStrings; procedure GetProvDxMode(var ProvDx: TProvisionalDiagnosis; SvcIEN: string); function IsProstheticsService(SvcIen: int64) : string; { Clinical Procedures Specific} function GetSavedCPFields(NoteIEN: integer): TEditNoteRec; var uConsultsClass: integer; uConsultTitles: TConsultTitles; uClinProcClass: integer; uClinProcTitles: TClinProcTitles; uUnresolvedConsults: TUnresolvedConsults; implementation uses rODBase; var uLastOrderedIEN: Integer; uLastOrderMsg: string; { -------------------------- Consult Titles --------------------------------- } function IdentifyConsultsClass: integer; begin if uConsultsClass = 0 then uConsultsClass := StrToIntDef(sCallV('TIU IDENTIFY CONSULTS CLASS',[nil]), 0) ; Result := uConsultsClass; end; procedure LoadConsultTitles; { private - called one time to set up the uConsultTitles object } var x: string; begin if uConsultTitles <> nil then Exit; CallV('TIU PERSONAL TITLE LIST', [User.DUZ, IdentifyConsultsClass]); RPCBrokerV.Results.Insert(0, '~SHORT LIST'); // insert so can call ExtractItems uConsultTitles := TConsultTitles.Create; ExtractItems(uConsultTitles.ShortList, RPCBrokerV.Results, 'SHORT LIST'); x := ExtractDefault(RPCBrokerV.Results, 'SHORT LIST'); uConsultTitles.DfltTitle := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 1), 0); uConsultTitles.DfltTitleName := Piece(x, U, 2); end; procedure ResetConsultTitles; begin if uConsultTitles <> nil then begin uConsultTitles.Free; uConsultTitles := nil; LoadConsultTitles; end; end; function DfltConsultTitle: integer; { returns the user defined default Consult title (if any) } begin if uConsultTitles = nil then LoadConsultTitles; Result := uConsultTitles.DfltTitle; end; function DfltConsultTitleName: string; { returns the name of the user defined default progress note title (if any) } begin if uConsultTitles = nil then LoadConsultTitles; Result := uConsultTitles.DfltTitleName; end; procedure ListConsultTitlesShort(Dest: TStrings); { returns the user defined list (short list) of Consult titles } begin if uConsultTitles = nil then LoadConsultTitles; Dest.AddStrings(uConsultTitles.ShortList); if uConsultTitles.ShortList.Count > 0 then begin Dest.Add('0^________________________________________________________________________'); Dest.Add('0^ '); end; end; function SubSetOfConsultTitles(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer; IDNoteTitlesOnly: boolean): TStrings; { returns a pointer to a list of consults progress note titles (for use in a long list box) - The return value is a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call! } begin (* if IDNoteTitlesOnly then // This RPC not changed for initial ID Notes release CallV('TIU LONG LIST CONSULT TITLES', [StartFrom, Direction, IDNoteTitlesOnly]) else*) CallV('TIU LONG LIST CONSULT TITLES', [StartFrom, Direction]); //MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; { -------------------------- Clinical Procedures Titles --------------------------------- } function IdentifyClinProcClass: integer; begin if uClinProcClass = 0 then uClinProcClass := StrToIntDef(sCallV('TIU IDENTIFY CLINPROC CLASS',[nil]), 0) ; Result := uClinProcClass; end; procedure LoadClinProcTitles; { private - called one time to set up the uConsultTitles object } var x: string; begin if uClinProcTitles <> nil then Exit; CallV('TIU PERSONAL TITLE LIST', [User.DUZ, IdentifyClinProcClass]); RPCBrokerV.Results.Insert(0, '~SHORT LIST'); // insert so can call ExtractItems uClinProcTitles := TClinProcTitles.Create; ExtractItems(uClinProcTitles.ShortList, RPCBrokerV.Results, 'SHORT LIST'); x := ExtractDefault(RPCBrokerV.Results, 'SHORT LIST'); uClinProcTitles.DfltTitle := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 1), 0); uClinProcTitles.DfltTitleName := Piece(x, U, 2); end; procedure ResetClinProcTitles; begin if uClinProcTitles <> nil then begin uClinProcTitles.Free; uClinProcTitles := nil; LoadClinProcTitles; end; end; function DfltClinProcTitle: integer; { returns the user defined default ClinProc title (if any) } begin if uClinProcTitles = nil then LoadClinProcTitles; Result := uClinProcTitles.DfltTitle; end; function DfltClinProcTitleName: string; { returns the name of the user defined default progress note title (if any) } begin if uClinProcTitles = nil then LoadClinProcTitles; Result := uClinProcTitles.DfltTitleName; end; procedure ListClinProcTitlesShort(Dest: TStrings); { returns the user defined list (short list) of ClinProc titles } begin if uClinProcTitles = nil then LoadClinProcTitles; Dest.AddStrings(uClinProcTitles.ShortList); if uClinProcTitles.ShortList.Count > 0 then begin Dest.Add('0^________________________________________________________________________'); Dest.Add('0^ '); end; end; function SubSetOfClinProcTitles(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer; IDNoteTitlesOnly: boolean): TStrings; { returns a pointer to a list of clinical procedures titles (for use in a long list box) - The return value is a pointer to RPCBrokerV.Results, so the data must be used BEFORE the next broker call! } begin (* if IDNoteTitlesOnly then // This RPC not changed for initial ID Notes release CallV('TIU LONG LIST CLINPROC TITLES', [StartFrom, Direction, IDNoteTitlesOnly]) else*) CallV('TIU LONG LIST CLINPROC TITLES', [StartFrom, Direction]); //MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; {--------------- data retrieval ------------------------------------------} procedure GetConsultsList(Dest: TStrings; Early, Late: double; Service, Status: string; SortAscending: Boolean); { returns a list of consults for a patient, based on selected dates, service, status, or ALL} var i: Integer; x, date1, date2: string; begin if Early <= 0 then date1 := '' else date1 := FloatToStr(Early) ; if Late <= 0 then date2 := '' else date2 := FloatToStr(Late) ; CallV('ORQQCN LIST', [Patient.DFN, date1, date2, Service, Status]); with RPCBrokerV do begin if Copy(Results[0],1,1) <> '<' then begin SortByPiece(TStringList(Results), U, 2); if not SortAscending then InvertStringList(TStringList(Results)); //SetListFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', TStringList(Results), U, 2); for i := 0 to Results.Count - 1 do begin x := MakeConsultListItem(Results[i]); Results[i] := x; end; FastAssign(Results, Dest); end else begin Dest.Clear ; Dest.Add('-1^No Matches') ; end ; end; end; procedure LoadConsultDetail(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer) ; { returns the detail of a consult } begin CallV('ORQQCN DETAIL', [IEN]); FastAssign(RPCBrokerV.Results, Dest); end; procedure DisplayResults(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer) ; { returns the results for a consult } begin CallV('ORQQCN MED RESULTS', [IEN]); FastAssign(RPCBrokerV.Results, Dest); end; procedure GetConsultRec(IEN: integer); {returns zero node from file 123, plus a list of all related TIU documents, if any} const SHOW_ADDENDA = True; var alist: TStrings; x: string ; i: integer; { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 { Pieces: EntDt^Pat^OrIFN^PtLoc^ToSvc^From^ReqDt^Typ^Urg^Place^Attn^Sts^LstAct^SndPrv^Rslt^ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ^EntMode^ReqTyp^InOut^SigFnd^TIUPtr^OrdFac^FrgnCslt} begin FillChar(ConsultRec, SizeOf(ConsultRec), 0); CallV('ORQQCN GET CONSULT', [IEN, SHOW_ADDENDA]); ConsultRec.IEN := IEN ; alist := TStringList.Create ; try FastAssign(RPCBrokerV.Results, aList); x := alist[0] ; if Piece(x,u,1) <> '-1' then with ConsultRec do begin EntryDate := MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 1)); ORFileNumber := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 3),0); PatientLocation := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 4),0); OrderingFacility := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 21),0); ForeignConsultFileNum := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 22),0); ToService := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 5),0); From := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 6),0); RequestDate := MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 7)); ConsultProcedure := Piece(x, U, 8) ; Urgency := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 9),0); PlaceOfConsult := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 10),0); Attention := StrToInt64Def(Piece(x, U, 11),0); ORStatus := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 12),0); LastAction := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 13),0); SendingProvider := StrToInt64Def(Piece(Piece(x, U, 14),';',1),0); SendingProviderName := Piece(Piece(x, U, 14),';',2) ; Result := Piece(x, U, 15) ; ModeOfEntry := Piece(x, U, 16) ; RequestType := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 17),0); InOut := Piece(x, U, 18) ; Findings := Piece(x, U, 19) ; TIUResultNarrative := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 20),0); EarliestDate := StrToFloatDef(Piece(x, U, 98), 0); //LatestDate := StrToFloatDef(Piece(x, U, 99), 0); //dropped requirement WAT //ProvDiagnosis := Piece(x, U, 23); NO!!!!! Up to 180 Characters!!!! alist.delete(0) ; TIUDocuments := TStringList.Create ; MedResults := TStringList.Create; if alist.count > 0 then begin SortByPiece(TStringList(alist), U, 3); for i := 0 to alist.Count - 1 do if Copy(Piece(Piece(alist[i], U, 1), ';', 2), 1, 4) = 'MCAR' then MedResults.Add(alist[i]) else TIUDocuments.Add(alist[i]); end; end {ConsultRec} else ConsultRec.EntryDate := -1 ; finally alist.free ; end ; end ; {---------------- list box fillers -----------------------------------} function SubSetOfStatus: TStrings; { returns a pointer to a list of stati (for use in a list box) } begin CallV('ORQQCN STATUS', [nil]); MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; function SubSetOfUrgencies(ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings; { returns a pointer to a list of urgencies } begin CallV('ORQQCN URGENCIES',[ConsultIEN]) ; MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; function FindConsult(ConsultIEN: integer): string ; var x: string; begin x := sCallV('ORQQCN FIND CONSULT',[ConsultIEN]); Result := MakeConsultListItem(x); end; {-----------------consult result functions-----------------------------------} function GetAssignableMedResults(ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings; begin CallV('ORQQCN ASSIGNABLE MED RESULTS', [ConsultIEN]); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; function GetRemovableMedResults(ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings; begin CallV('ORQQCN REMOVABLE MED RESULTS', [ConsultIEN]); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; function GetDetailedMedicineResults(ResultID: string): TStrings; begin CallV('ORQQCN GET MED RESULT DETAILS', [ResultID]); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; procedure AttachMedicineResult(ConsultIEN: integer; ResultID: string; DateTime: TFMDateTime; ResponsiblePerson: int64; AlertTo: string); begin CallV('ORQQCN ATTACH MED RESULTS', [ConsultIEN, ResultID, DateTime, ResponsiblePerson, AlertTo]); end; procedure RemoveMedicineResult(ConsultIEN: integer; ResultID: string; DateTime: TFMDateTime; ResponsiblePerson: int64); begin CallV('ORQQCN REMOVE MED RESULTS', [ConsultIEN, ResultID, DateTime, ResponsiblePerson]); end; {-------------- user access level functions ---------------------------------} function ConsultServiceUser(ServiceIEN: integer; DUZ: int64): boolean ; var i: integer ; begin Result := False ; CallV('ORWU GENERIC', ['',1,'^GMR(123.5,'+IntToStr(ServiceIEN)+',123.3,"B")']) ; for i:=0 to RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1 do if StrToInt64(Piece(RPCBrokerV.Results[i],u,2))=DUZ then result := True ; end ; function GetActionMenuLevel(ConsultIEN: integer): TMenuAccessRec ; var x: string; begin x := sCallV('ORQQCN SET ACT MENUS', [ConsultIEN]) ; Result.UserLevel := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 1), 1); Result.AllowMedResulting := (Piece(x, U, 4) = '1'); Result.AllowMedDissociate := (Piece(x, U, 5) = '1'); Result.AllowResubmit := (Piece(x, U, 6) = '1') and (Piece(ConsultCanBeResubmitted(ConsultIEN), U, 1) <> '0'); Result.ClinProcFlag := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 7), CP_NOT_CLINPROC); Result.IsClinicalProcedure := (Result.ClinProcFlag > CP_NOT_CLINPROC); end ; {------------------- Consult request actions -------------------------------} procedure ReceiveConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; ReceivedBy: int64; RcptDate: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStrings); begin CallV('ORQQCN RECEIVE', [IEN, ReceivedBy, RcptDate, Comments]); FastAssign(RPCBrokerV.Results, Dest); {1^Error message' or '0'} end; procedure ScheduleConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; ScheduledBy: Int64; SchdDate: TFMDateTime; Alert: integer; AlertTo: string; Comments: TStrings); begin CallV('ORQQCN2 SCHEDULE CONSULT', [IEN, ScheduledBy, SchdDate, Alert, AlertTo, Comments]); FastAssign(RPCBrokerV.Results, Dest); {1^Error message' or '0'} end; procedure DenyConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; DeniedBy: int64; DenialDate: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStrings); begin CallV('ORQQCN DISCONTINUE', [IEN, DeniedBy, DenialDate,'DY',Comments]); FastAssign(RPCBrokerV.Results, Dest); {1^Error message' or '0'} end; procedure DiscontinueConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; DiscontinuedBy: int64; DiscontinueDate: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStrings); begin CallV('ORQQCN DISCONTINUE', [IEN, DiscontinuedBy, DiscontinueDate,'DC',Comments]); FastAssign(RPCBrokerV.Results, Dest); {1^Error message' or '0'} end; procedure ForwardConsult(Dest: TStrings; IEN, ToService: integer; Forwarder, AttentionOf: int64; Urgency: integer; ActionDate: TFMDateTime; Comments: TStrings); begin CallV('ORQQCN FORWARD', [IEN, ToService, Forwarder, AttentionOf, Urgency, ActionDate, Comments]); FastAssign(RPCBrokerV.Results, Dest); {1^Error message' or '0'} end ; procedure AddComment(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; Comments: TStrings; ActionDate: TFMDateTime; Alert: integer; AlertTo: string) ; begin CallV('ORQQCN ADDCMT', [IEN, Comments, Alert, AlertTo, ActionDate]); FastAssign(RPCBrokerV.Results, Dest); {1^Error message' or '0'} end ; procedure AdminComplete(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; SigFindingsFlag: string; Comments: TStrings; RespProv: Int64; ActionDate: TFMDateTime; Alert: integer; AlertTo: string) ; begin CallV('ORQQCN ADMIN COMPLETE', [IEN, SigFindingsFlag, Comments, RespProv, Alert, AlertTo, ActionDate]); FastAssign(RPCBrokerV.Results, Dest); {1^Error message' or '0'} end ; procedure SigFindings(Dest: TStrings; IEN: integer; SigFindingsFlag: string; Comments: TStrings; ActionDate: TFMDateTime; Alert: integer; AlertTo: string) ; begin CallV('ORQQCN SIGFIND', [IEN, SigFindingsFlag, Comments, Alert, AlertTo, ActionDate]); FastAssign(RPCBrokerV.Results, Dest); {1^Error message' or '0'} end ; //================== Ordering functions =================================== function ODForConsults: TStrings; { Returns init values for consults dialog. The results must be used immediately. } begin CallV('ORWDCN32 DEF', ['C']); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; function ODForProcedures: TStrings; { Returns init values for procedures dialog. The results must be used immediately. } begin CallV('ORWDCN32 DEF', ['P']); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; function SubSetOfProcedures(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings; begin begin CallV('ORWDCN32 PROCEDURES', [StartFrom, Direction]); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; end; function LoadServiceList(Purpose: integer): TStrings ; // Purpose: 0=display all services, 1=forward or order from possible services begin Callv('ORQQCN SVCTREE',[Purpose]) ; MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results) ; Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end ; function LoadServiceListWithSynonyms(Purpose: integer): TStrings ; // Param 1 = Starting service (1=All Services) // Param 2 = Purpose: 0=display all services, 1=forward or order from possible services // Param 3 = Show synonyms begin Callv('ORQQCN SVC W/SYNONYMS',[1, Purpose, True]) ; MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results) ; Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end ; function LoadServiceListWithSynonyms(Purpose, ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings ; // Param 1 = Starting service (1=All Services) // Param 2 = Purpose: 0=display all services, 1=forward or order from possible services // Param 3 = Show synonyms // Param 4 = Consult IEN begin Callv('ORQQCN SVC W/SYNONYMS',[1, Purpose, True, ConsultIEN]) ; MixedCaseList(RPCBrokerV.Results) ; Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end ; function SubSetOfServices(const StartFrom: string; Direction: Integer): TStrings; // used only on consults order dialog for service long combo box, which needs to include quick orders begin CallV('ORQQCN SVCLIST', [StartFrom, Direction]); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; function LoadConsultsQuickList: TStrings ; begin Callv('ORWDXQ GETQLST',['CSLT', 'Q']) ; Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end ; function ShowSF513(ConsultIEN: integer): TStrings ; var x: string; i: integer; begin CallV('ORQQCN SHOW SF513',[ConsultIEN]) ; if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0 then begin x := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; i := Pos('-', x); x := Copy(x, i, 999); RPCBrokerV.Results[0] := x; end; Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end ; procedure PrintSF513ToDevice(AConsult: Integer; const ADevice: string; ChartCopy: string; var ErrMsg: string); { prints a SF 513 on the selected device } begin ErrMsg := sCallV('ORQQCN PRINT SF513', [AConsult, ChartCopy, ADevice]); // if Piece(ErrMsg, U, 1) = '0' then ErrMsg := '' else ErrMsg := Piece(ErrMsg, U, 2); end; function GetFormattedSF513(AConsult: Integer; ChartCopy: string): TStrings; begin CallV('ORQQCN SF513 WINDOWS PRINT',[AConsult, ChartCopy]); Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; function UnresolvedConsultsExist: boolean; begin Result := (sCallV('ORQQCN UNRESOLVED', [Patient.DFN]) = '1'); end; procedure GetUnresolvedConsultsInfo; var x: string; begin x := sCallV('ORQQCN UNRESOLVED', [Patient.DFN]); with uUnresolvedConsults do begin UnresolvedConsultsExist := (Piece(x, U, 1) = '1'); ShowNagScreen := (Piece(x, U, 2) = '1'); end; end; function ConsultMessage(AnIEN: Integer): string; begin if AnIEN = uLastOrderedIEN then Result := uLastOrderMsg else begin Result := sCallV('ORWDCN32 ORDRMSG', [AnIEN]); uLastOrderedIEN := AnIEN; uLastOrderMsg := Result; end; end; function GetProcedureIEN(ORIEN: string): string; begin Result := sCallV('ORQQCN GET PROC IEN', [ORIEN]); end; function GetProcedureServices(ProcIEN: integer): TStrings; begin CallV('ORQQCN GET PROC SVCS',[ProcIEN]) ; Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; function ConsultCanBeResubmitted(ConsultIEN: integer): string; begin Result := sCallV('ORQQCN CANEDIT', [ConsultIEN]); end; function LoadConsultForEdit(ConsultIEN: integer): TEditResubmitRec; var Dest: TStringList; EditRec: TEditResubmitRec; begin Dest := TStringList.Create; try tCallV(Dest, 'ORQQCN LOAD FOR EDIT',[ConsultIEN]) ; with EditRec do begin Changed := False; IEN := ConsultIEN; ToService := StrToIntDef(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'SERVICE'), U, 2), 0); RequestType := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'TYPE'), U, 3); OrderableItem := StrToIntDef(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'PROCEDURE'), U, 1), 0); ConsultProc := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'PROCEDURE'), U, 3); ConsultProcName := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'PROCEDURE'), U, 2); Urgency := StrToIntDef(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'URGENCY'), U, 3), 0); UrgencyName := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'URGENCY'), U, 2); EarliestDate := StrToFloatDef(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'EARLIEST'), U, 2), 0); //LatestDate := StrToFloatDef(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'LATEST'), U, 2), 0); //dropped requirement WAT Place := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'PLACE'), U, 1); PlaceName := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'PLACE'), U, 2); Attention := StrToInt64Def(Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'ATTENTION'), U, 1), 0); AttnName := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'ATTENTION'), U, 2); InpOutp := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'CATEGORY'), U, 1); ProvDiagnosis := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'DIAGNOSIS'), U, 1); ProvDxCode := Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'DIAGNOSIS'), U, 2); ProvDxCodeInactive := (Piece(ExtractDefault(Dest, 'DIAGNOSIS'), U, 3) = '1'); RequestReason := TStringList.Create; ExtractText(RequestReason, Dest, 'REASON'); LimitStringLength(RequestReason, 74); DenyComments := TStringList.Create; ExtractText(DenyComments, Dest, 'DENY COMMENT'); OtherComments := TStringList.Create; ExtractText(OtherComments, Dest, 'ADDED COMMENT'); NewComments := TStringList.Create; end; Result := EditRec; finally Dest.Free; end; end; function ResubmitConsult(EditResubmitRec: TEditResubmitRec): string; var i: integer; begin with RPCBrokerV, EditResubmitRec do begin ClearParameters := True; RemoteProcedure := 'ORQQCN RESUBMIT'; Param[0].PType := literal; Param[0].Value := IntToStr(IEN); Param[1].PType := list; with Param[1] do begin if ToService > 0 then Mult['1'] := 'GMRCSS^' + IntToStr(ToService); if ConsultProc <> '' then Mult['2'] := 'GMRCPROC^' + ConsultProc ; if Urgency > 0 then Mult['3'] := 'GMRCURG^' + IntToStr(Urgency); if Length(Place) > 0 then Mult['4'] := 'GMRCPL^' + Place; if Attention > 0 then Mult['5'] := 'GMRCATN^' + IntToStr(Attention) else if Attention = -1 then Mult['5'] := 'GMRCATN^' + '@'; if RequestType <> '' then Mult['6'] := 'GMRCRQT^' + RequestType; if Length(InpOutP) > 0 then Mult['7'] := 'GMRCION^' + InpOutp; if Length(ProvDiagnosis) > 0 then Mult['8'] := 'GMRCDIAG^' + ProvDiagnosis + U + ProvDxCode; if RequestReason.Count > 0 then begin Mult['9'] := 'GMRCRFQ^20'; for i := 0 to RequestReason.Count - 1 do Mult['9,' + IntToStr(i+1)] := RequestReason.Strings[i]; end; if NewComments.Count > 0 then begin Mult['10'] := 'COMMENT^'; for i := 0 to NewComments.Count - 1 do Mult['10,' + IntToStr(i+1)] := NewComments.Strings[i]; end; if EarliestDate > 0 then Mult['11'] := 'GMRCERDT^' + FloatToStr(EarliestDate); //wat renamed v28 {if LatestDate > 0 then Mult['12'] := 'GMRCLATE^' + FloatToStr(LatestDate);} //dropped requirement WAT end; CallBroker; Result := '0'; //Result := Results[0]; end; end; function GetCurrentContext: TSelectContext; var x: string; AContext: TSelectContext; begin x := sCallV('ORQQCN2 GET CONTEXT', [User.DUZ]) ; with AContext do begin Changed := True; BeginDate := Piece(x, ';', 1); EndDate := Piece(x, ';', 2); Status := Piece(x, ';', 3); Service := Piece(x, ';', 4); GroupBy := Piece(x, ';', 5); Ascending := (Piece(x, ';', 6) = '1'); end; Result := AContext; end; procedure SaveCurrentContext(AContext: TSelectContext) ; var x: string; begin with AContext do begin SetPiece(x, ';', 1, BeginDate); SetPiece(x, ';', 2, EndDate); SetPiece(x, ';', 3, Status); SetPiece(x, ';', 4, Service); SetPiece(x, ';', 5, GroupBy); SetPiece(x, ';', 6, BOOLCHAR[Ascending]); end; CallV('ORQQCN2 SAVE CONTEXT', [x]); end; function GetDefaultReasonForRequest(Service: string; Resolve: Boolean): TStrings; begin CallV('ORQQCN DEFAULT REQUEST REASON',[Service, Patient.DFN, Resolve]) ; Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; function ReasonForRequestEditable(Service: string): string; begin Result := sCallV('ORQQCN EDIT DEFAULT REASON', [Service]); end; function GetServicePrerequisites(Service: string): TStrings; begin CallV('ORQQCN2 GET PREREQUISITE',[Service, Patient.DFN]) ; Result := RPCBrokerV.Results; end; function GetNewDialog(OrderType: string): string; { get dialog for new consults} begin Result := sCallV('ORWDCN32 NEWDLG', [OrderType, Encounter.Location]); end; function GetServiceIEN(ORIEN: string): string; begin Result := sCallV('ORQQCN GET SERVICE IEN', [ORIEN]); end; procedure GetProvDxMode(var ProvDx: TProvisionalDiagnosis; SvcIEN: string); var x: string; begin x := sCallV('ORQQCN PROVDX', [SvcIEN]); ProvDx.Reqd := Piece(x, U, 1); ProvDx.PromptMode := Piece(x, U, 2); end; function GetConsultOrderIEN(ConsultIEN: integer): string; begin Result := sCallV('ORQQCN GET ORDER NUMBER', [ConsultIEN]); end; function GetSavedCPFields(NoteIEN: integer): TEditNoteRec; var x: string; AnEditRec: TEditNoteRec; begin x := sCallV('ORWTIU GET SAVED CP FIELDS', [NoteIEN]); with AnEditRec do begin Author := StrToInt64Def(Piece(x, U, 1), 0); Cosigner := StrToInt64Def(Piece(x, U, 2), 0); ClinProcSummCode := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 3), 0); ClinProcDateTime := StrToFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 4)); Title := StrToIntDef(Piece(x, U, 5), 0); DateTime := StrToFloatDef(Piece(x, U, 6), 0); end; Result := AnEditRec; end; function IsProstheticsService(SvcIen : int64) : string; //wat v28 begin Result := sCallV('ORQQCN ISPROSVC', [SvcIen]); end; initialization uLastOrderedIEN := 0; uLastOrderMsg := ''; uConsultsClass := 0; uClinProcClass := 0; finalization if uConsultTitles <> nil then uConsultTitles.Free; if uClinProcTitles <> nil then uClinProcTitles.Free; end.