unit uConsults; interface uses SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Controls, Classes, StdCtrls, ORfn, uTIU, ORCtrls, Contnrs, DateUtils; type TConsultRequest = record {file 123} {Order Dialog} IEN: integer ; {.001} EntryDate: TFMDateTime ; { .01} ORFileNumber: integer ; { .03} PatientLocation: integer ; { .04} OrderingFacility: integer ; { .05} ForeignConsultFileNum: integer ; { .06} ToService: integer ; { 1} { * } From: integer ; { 2} RequestDate: TFMDateTime ; { 3} ConsultProcedure: string ; { 4} Urgency: integer ; { 5} { * } PlaceOfConsult: integer ; { 6} { * } Attention: int64 ; { 7} { * } ORStatus: integer ; { 8} LastAction: integer ; { 9} SendingProvider: int64 ; { 10} SendingProviderName: string ; Result: string ; { 11} ModeOfEntry: string ; { 12} RequestType: integer ; { 13} InOut: string ; { 14} { * } Findings: string ; { 15} TIUResultNarrative: integer ; { 16} TIUDocuments: TStrings ; {from '50' node of file 123} MedResults: TStrings; {from '50' node of file 123} RequestReason: TStringList ; { 20} { * } ProvDiagnosis: string ; { 30} { * } ProvDxCode: string; { 30.1} RequestProcessingActivity: TStringList; { 40} EarliestDate: TFMDateTime; //LatestDate: TFMDateTime; //dropped requirement WAT end ; TEditResubmitRec = record Changed: boolean; IEN: integer; OrderableItem: integer; RequestType: string; ToService: integer; ToServiceName: string; ConsultProc: string; ConsultProcName: string; Urgency: integer; UrgencyName: string; EarliestDate: TFMDateTime; //LatestDate: TFMDateTime; //dropped requirement WAT Place: string; PlaceName: string; Attention: int64; AttnName: string; InpOutp: string; RequestReason: TStringList; ProvDiagnosis: string; ProvDxCode: string; ProvDxCodeInactive: boolean; DenyComments: TStringList; OtherComments: TStringList; NewComments: TStringList; end; TSelectContext = record Changed: Boolean; BeginDate: string; EndDate: string; Ascending: Boolean; Service: string; ServiceName: string; ConsultUser: Boolean ; Status: string; StatusName: string; GroupBy: string; end ; TMenuAccessRec = record UserLevel: integer; AllowMedResulting: Boolean; AllowMedDissociate: Boolean; AllowResubmit: Boolean; ClinProcFlag: integer; IsClinicalProcedure: Boolean; end; TProvisionalDiagnosis = record Code: string; Text: string; CodeInactive: boolean; Reqd: string; PromptMode: string; end; TConsultTitles = class DfltTitle: Integer; DfltTitleName: string; ShortList: TStringList; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; TClinProcTitles = class DfltTitle: Integer; DfltTitleName: string; ShortList: TStringList; constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; end; function MakeConsultListItem(InputString: string):string; function MakeConsultListDisplayText(InputString: string): string; function MakeConsultNoteDisplayText(RawText: string): string; procedure BuildServiceTree(Tree: TORTreeView; SvcList: TStrings; const Parent: string; Node: TORTreeNode); procedure CreateListItemsForConsultTree(Dest, Source: TStrings; Context: integer; GroupBy: string; Ascending: Boolean); procedure BuildConsultsTree(Tree: TORTreeView; tmpList: TStrings; const Parent: string; Node: TORTreeNode; CurrentContext: TSelectContext); procedure SetNodeImage(Node: TORTreeNode; CurrentContext: TSelectContext); const CN_SVC_LIST_DISP = 0 ; CN_SVC_LIST_FWD = 1 ; CN_SVC_LIST_ORD = 1 ; CSLT_PTR = ';99CON'; PROC_PTR = ';99PRC'; {MenuAccessRec.UserLevel} UL_NONE = 0; UL_REVIEW = 1; UL_UPDATE = 2; UL_ADMIN = 3; UL_UPDATE_AND_ADMIN = 4; UL_UNRESTRICTED = 5; {Clinical Procedure statuses} CP_NOT_CLINPROC = 0; CP_NO_INSTRUMENT = 1; CP_INSTR_NO_STUB = 2; CP_INSTR_INCOMPLETE = 3; CP_INSTR_COMPLETE = 4; CN_NEW_CSLT_NOTE = '-30'; CN_NEW_CP_NOTE = '-20'; var ConsultRec: TConsultRequest ; implementation uses uConst; constructor TConsultTitles.Create; { creates an object to store Consult titles so only obtained from server once } begin inherited Create; ShortList := TStringList.Create; end; destructor TConsultTitles.Destroy; { frees the lists that were used to store the Consult titles } begin ShortList.Free; inherited Destroy; end; constructor TClinProcTitles.Create; { creates an object to store ClinProc titles so only obtained from server once } begin inherited Create; ShortList := TStringList.Create; end; destructor TClinProcTitles.Destroy; { frees the lists that were used to store the ClinProc titles } begin ShortList.Free; inherited Destroy; end; {============================================================================================ 1016^Jun 04,98 ^(dc)^ COLONOSCOPY GASTROENTEROLOGY Proc^Consult #: 1016^15814^^P 1033^Jun 10,98 ^(c)^ GASTROENTEROLOGY Cons^Consult #: 1033^15881^^C ============================================================================================= function call [GetConsultsList] returns the following string '^' pieces: =============================================================== 1 - Consult IEN 2 - Consult Date 3 - (Status) 4 - Consult/Procedure Display Text 5 - Consult #: ### 6 - Order IFN 7 - '' (used for HasChildren in tree) 8 - Parent in tree 9 - 'Consult', 'Procedure', or 'Clinical Procedure' 10 - Service Name 11 - FMDate of piece 2 12 - 'C' or 'P' or 'M' or 'I' or 'R' ===============================================================} function MakeConsultListItem(InputString: string): string; var x: string; begin x := InputString; if Piece(x, U, 6) = '' then SetPiece(x, U, 6, ' '); if Piece(x, U, 9) <> '' then case Piece(x, U, 9)[1] of 'C': SetPiece(x, U, 10, 'Consult'); 'P': SetPiece(x, U, 10, 'Procedure'); 'M': SetPiece(x, U, 10, 'Procedure'); //'Clinical Procedure'); 'I': SetPiece(x, U, 10, 'Consult - Interfacility'); 'R': SetPiece(x, U, 10, 'Procedure - Interfacility'); end else begin if Piece(x, U, 5) = 'Consult' then SetPiece(x, U, 10, 'Consult') else SetPiece(x, U, 10, 'Procedure'); end; x := Piece(x, U, 1) + U + FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 2))) + ' ' + U + '(' + Piece(x, U, 3) + ')' + U + Piece(x, U, 6) + Piece(x, U, 7) + U + 'Consult #: ' + Piece(x, U, 1) + U + Piece(x, U, 8) + U + U + U + Piece(x, U, 10) + U + Piece(x, U, 4)+ U + Piece(x, U, 2) + U + Piece(x, U, 9); Result := x; end; function MakeConsultListDisplayText(InputString: string): string; var x: string; begin x := InputString; x := Piece(x, U, 2) + ' ' + Piece(x, U, 3) + ' ' + Piece(x, U, 4) + ' ' + Piece(x, U, 5); Result := x; end; function MakeConsultNoteDisplayText(RawText: string): string; var x: string; begin x := RawText; if Piece(x, U, 1)[1] in ['A', 'N', 'E'] then x := Piece(x, U, 2) else begin x := FormatFMDateTime('mmm dd,yy', MakeFMDateTime(Piece(x, U, 3))) + ' ' + Piece(x, U, 2) + ' (#' + Piece(Piece(x, U, 1), ';', 1) + ')'; if not (Copy(Piece(Piece(RawText, U, 1), ';', 2), 1, 4) = 'MCAR') then x := x + ', ' + Piece(RawText, U, 6) + ', ' + Piece(Piece(RawText, U, 5), ';', 2); end; Result := x; end; procedure BuildServiceTree(Tree: TORTreeView; SvcList: TStrings; const Parent: string; Node: TORTreeNode); var MyID, MyParent, Name, item: string; i, Idx: Integer; ParentNode, ChildNode: TORTreeNode; // tmpNode: TORTreeNode; HasChildren: Boolean; // AllNodes: TStringList; ParentNodes: TStringList; // List: TList; // Lists: TObjectList; // bad: boolean; // Former code was only filtering out half the duplicates, depending on // how they appeared in the tree. Commented out code filters out all the duplicates, // and still keeps the fast tree build. However, CPRS Clinical Workgroup determined // that no duplicates should be filtered out. Code kept here in order to keep fast filter // logic, in case duplicates are ever filtered out in the future. { procedure FilterOutDuplicates; var j: integer; begin bad := false; if AllNodes.Find(MyID, Idx) then begin if AllNodes.Objects[Idx] is TORTreeNode then begin tmpNode := TORTreeNode(AllNodes.Objects[Idx]); bad := tmpNode.HasAsParent(ParentNode); if (not bad) and assigned(tmpNode.Parent) then bad := ParentNode.HasAsParent(tmpNode.Parent); end else begin bad := False; List := TList(AllNodes.Objects[Idx]); for j := 0 to List.Count - 1 do begin tmpNode := TORTreeNode(List[j]); bad := TORTreeNode(List[j]).HasAsParent(ParentNode); if (not bad) and assigned(tmpNode.Parent) then bad := ParentNode.HasAsParent(tmpNode.Parent); if bad then break; end; end; end; end; procedure AddNode; begin if AllNodes.Find(MyID, Idx) then begin if AllNodes.Objects[Idx] is TORTreeNode then begin List := TList.Create; Lists.Add(List); List.Add(AllNodes.Objects[Idx]); AllNodes.Objects[Idx] := List; end else List := TList(AllNodes.Objects[Idx]); List.Add(ChildNode); end else AllNodes.AddObject(MyId, ChildNode); end; } begin Tree.Items.BeginUpdate; ParentNodes := TStringList.Create; // AllNodes := TStringList.Create; // Lists := TObjectList.Create; try ParentNodes.Sorted := True; // AllNodes.Sorted := True; for i := 0 to SvcList.Count - 1 do begin item := SvcList[i]; if Piece(item, U, 5) = 'S' then Continue; MyParent := Piece(item, U, 3); MyID := Piece(item, U, 1); if not ParentNodes.Find(MyParent, Idx) then ParentNode := nil else begin ParentNode := TORTreeNode(ParentNodes.Objects[Idx]); // FilterOutDuplicates; // if bad then Continue; end; Name := Piece(item, U, 2); HasChildren := Piece(item, U, 4) = '+'; ChildNode := TORTreeNode(Tree.Items.AddChild(ParentNode, Name)); ChildNode.StringData := item; // AddNode; if HasChildren then ParentNodes.AddObject(MyID, ChildNode); end; finally ParentNodes.Free; // AllNodes.Free; // Lists.Free; end; Tree.Items.EndUpdate; end; procedure CreateListItemsForConsultTree(Dest, Source: TStrings; Context: integer; GroupBy: string; Ascending: Boolean); var i: Integer; x, x3, MyParent, MyService, MyStatus, MyType, StatusText: string; AList, SrcList: TStringList; begin AList := TStringList.Create; SrcList := TStringList.Create; try FastAssign(Source, SrcList); with SrcList do begin if (Count = 1) and (Piece(Strings[0], U, 1) = '-1') then begin Dest.Insert(0, IntToStr(Context) + '^^^' + 'No Matching Consults Found' + '^^^^0^^^^'); Exit; end; for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin x := Strings[i]; MyType := Piece(x, U, 9); if Context = 0 then Context := CC_ALL; SetPiece(x, U, 8, IntToStr(Context)); MyParent := Piece(x, U, 8); MyService := Piece(x, U, 10); MyStatus := Piece(x, U, 3); if Length(Trim(MyService)) = 0 then begin MyService := '** No Service **'; SetPiece(x, U, 10, MyService); end; if Length(Trim(MyStatus)) = 0 then begin MyStatus := '** No Status **'; SetPiece(x, U, 3, MyStatus); end; if GroupBy <> '' then case GroupBy[1] of 'S': begin SetPiece(x, U, 8, MyParent + MyStatus); if MyStatus = '(a)' then StatusText := 'Active' else if MyStatus = '(p)' then StatusText := 'Pending' else if MyStatus = '(pr)' then StatusText := 'Partial Results' else if MyStatus = '(s)' then StatusText := 'Scheduled' else if MyStatus = '(x)' then StatusText := 'Cancelled' else if MyStatus = '(dc)' then StatusText := 'Discontinued' else if MyStatus = '(c)' then StatusText := 'Completed' else StatusText := 'Other'; x3 := MyStatus + U + StatusText + U + IntToStr(Context); if (AList.IndexOf(x3) = -1) then AList.Add(x3); end; 'V': begin SetPiece(x, U, 8, MyParent + MyService); x3 := MyService + U + MixedCase(MyService) + U + IntToStr(Context); if (AList.IndexOf(x3) = -1) then AList.Add(x3); end; 'T': begin SetPiece(x, U, 8, MyParent + MyType); x3 := MyType + U + MixedCase(MyType) + U + IntToStr(Context); if (AList.IndexOf(x3) = -1) then AList.Add(x3); end; end; Dest.Add(x); end; {for} SortByPiece(TStringList(Dest), U, 11); if not Ascending then InvertStringList(TStringList(Dest)); Dest.Insert(0, IntToStr(Context) + '^^^' + CC_TV_TEXT[Context] + '^^^+^0^^^^'); Alist.Sort; InvertStringList(AList); for i := 0 to AList.Count-1 do Dest.Insert(0, IntToStr(Context) + Piece(AList[i], U, 1) + '^^^' + Piece(AList[i], U, 2) + '^^^+^' + Piece(AList[i], U, 3) + '^^^^'); end; finally AList.Free; SrcList.Free; end; end; procedure BuildConsultsTree(Tree: TORTreeView; tmpList: TStrings; const Parent: string; Node: TORTreeNode; CurrentContext: TSelectContext); var MyID, MyParent, Name, temp: string; i: Integer; ChildNode, tmpNode: TORTreeNode; HasChildren: Boolean; begin Tree.Items.BeginUpdate; with tmpList do for i := 0 to Count - 1 do begin MyParent := Piece(Strings[i], U, 8); if (MyParent = Parent) then begin MyID := Piece(Strings[i], U, 1); Name := MakeConsultListDisplayText(Strings[i]); temp := Strings[i]; tmpNode := nil; HasChildren := Piece(Strings[i], U, 7) = '+'; if Node <> nil then if Node.HasChildren then tmpNode := Tree.FindPieceNode(MyID, 1, U, Node); if (tmpNode <> nil) and tmpNode.HasAsParent(Node) then Continue else begin ChildNode := TORTreeNode(Tree.Items.AddChild(Node, Name)); ChildNode.StringData := temp; SetNodeImage(ChildNode, CurrentContext); if HasChildren then BuildConsultsTree(Tree, tmpList, MyID, ChildNode, CurrentContext); end; end; end; Tree.Items.EndUpdate; end; procedure SetNodeImage(Node: TORTreeNode; CurrentContext: TSelectContext); begin with Node do begin if Piece(Stringdata, U, 8) = '0' then begin ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_TOP_LEVEL; SelectedIndex := IMG_GMRC_TOP_LEVEL; if (Piece(StringData, U, 4) = 'No Matching Consults Found') then exit; if Piece(Stringdata, U, 1) <> '-1' then with CurrentContext, Node do if GroupBy <> '' then case GroupBy[1] of 'V': Text := CC_TV_TEXT[StrToInt(Piece(Stringdata, U, 1))] + ' by Service'; 'S': Text := CC_TV_TEXT[StrToInt(Piece(Stringdata, U, 1))] + ' by Status'; 'T': Text := CC_TV_TEXT[StrToInt(Piece(Stringdata, U, 1))] + ' by Type'; end; end else begin if Piece(Stringdata, U, 7) <> '' then case Piece(Stringdata, U, 7)[1] of '+': begin ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_GROUP_SHUT; SelectedIndex := IMG_GMRC_GROUP_OPEN; end; end else begin if Piece(StringData, U, 12) <> '' then case Piece(StringData, U, 12)[1] of 'C': ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_CONSULT; 'P': ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_ALL_PROC; //IMG_GMRC_PROC; 'M': ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_ALL_PROC; //IMG_GMRC_CLINPROC; 'I': ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_IFC_CONSULT; 'R': ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_IFC_PROC; end else begin if Piece(StringData, U, 9) = 'Procedure' then ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_ALL_PROC else ImageIndex := IMG_GMRC_CONSULT; end; SelectedIndex := ImageIndex; end; end; StateIndex := IMG_NONE; end; end; end.