source: cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Encounter/fHFSearch.dfm@ 652

Last change on this file since 652 was 456, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 16 years ago

Initial Upload of Official WV CPRS

File size: 2.2 KB
[456]1inherited frmHFSearch: TfrmHFSearch
2 Left = 286
3 Top = 248
4 Width = 363
5 Height = 417
6 Caption = 'Other Health Factors'
7 Position = poScreenCenter
8 OnCreate = FormCreate
9 PixelsPerInch = 96
10 TextHeight = 13
11 object splMain: TSplitter
12 Left = 0
13 Top = 131
14 Width = 355
15 Height = 3
16 Cursor = crVSplit
17 Align = alTop
18 end
19 object lblCat: TLabel
20 Left = 0
21 Top = 0
22 Width = 355
23 Height = 13
24 Align = alTop
25 Caption = 'Category:'
26 end
27 object cbxSearch: TORComboBox
28 Left = 0
29 Top = 13
30 Width = 355
31 Height = 118
32 Style = orcsSimple
33 Align = alTop
34 AutoSelect = True
35 Caption = 'Category'
36 Color = clWindow
37 DropDownCount = 7
38 ItemHeight = 13
39 ItemTipColor = clWindow
40 ItemTipEnable = True
41 ListItemsOnly = True
42 LongList = False
43 MaxLength = 0
44 Pieces = '2'
45 Sorted = False
46 SynonymChars = '<>'
47 TabOrder = 0
48 TabStop = True
49 OnChange = cbxSearchChange
50 OnDblClick = tvSearchDblClick
51 end
52 object tvSearch: TORTreeView
53 Left = 0
54 Top = 134
55 Width = 355
56 Height = 229
57 Align = alClient
58 HideSelection = False
59 Indent = 23
60 ReadOnly = True
61 StateImages = dmodShared.imgTemplates
62 TabOrder = 1
63 OnChange = tvSearchChange
64 OnCollapsed = tvSearchGetImageIndex
65 OnDblClick = tvSearchDblClick
66 OnExpanded = tvSearchGetImageIndex
67 OnGetImageIndex = tvSearchGetImageIndex
68 OnGetSelectedIndex = tvSearchGetImageIndex
69 Caption = 'Other Health Factors'
70 NodePiece = 2
71 end
72 object pnlBottom: TPanel
73 Left = 0
74 Top = 363
75 Width = 355
76 Height = 27
77 Align = alBottom
78 BevelOuter = bvNone
79 TabOrder = 2
80 object btnOK: TButton
81 Left = 196
82 Top = 4
83 Width = 75
84 Height = 21
85 Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
86 Caption = '&OK'
87 Default = True
88 Enabled = False
89 TabOrder = 0
90 OnClick = btnOKClick
91 end
92 object btnCancel: TButton
93 Left = 276
94 Top = 4
95 Width = 75
96 Height = 21
97 Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
98 Cancel = True
99 Caption = '&Cancel'
100 ModalResult = 2
101 TabOrder = 1
102 end
103 end
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