source: cprs/trunk/CPRS-Chart/Encounter/fPCEBaseMain.dfm@ 1795

Last change on this file since 1795 was 1679, checked in by healthsevak, 9 years ago

Updating the working copy to CPRS version 28

File size: 4.9 KB
1inherited frmPCEBaseMain: TfrmPCEBaseMain
2 Left = 302
3 Top = 166
4 Caption = 'frmPCEBaseMain'
5 PixelsPerInch = 96
6 TextHeight = 13
7 object lblSection: TLabel [0]
8 Left = 6
9 Top = 6
10 Width = 46
11 Height = 13
12 Caption = 'lblSection'
13 end
14 object lblList: TLabel [1]
15 Left = 213
16 Top = 6
17 Width = 67
18 Height = 13
19 Caption = 'Section Name'
20 end
21 object lblComment: TLabel [2]
22 Left = 6
23 Top = 328
24 Width = 49
25 Height = 13
26 Caption = 'Comments'
27 end
28 object bvlMain: TBevel [3]
29 Left = 0
30 Top = 230
31 Width = 619
32 Height = 140
33 end
34 inherited btnOK: TBitBtn
35 Left = 464
36 TabOrder = 1
37 ExplicitLeft = 464
38 end
39 inherited btnCancel: TBitBtn
40 Left = 544
41 TabOrder = 2
42 ExplicitLeft = 544
43 end
44 inherited pnlGrid: TPanel
45 Width = 475
46 TabOrder = 0
47 ExplicitWidth = 475
48 inherited lbGrid: TORListBox
49 Width = 475
50 MultiSelect = True
51 OnClick = lbGridSelect
52 OnExit = lbGridExit
53 OnChange = lbGridSelect
54 CheckEntireLine = True
55 ExplicitWidth = 475
56 end
57 inherited hcGrid: THeaderControl
58 Width = 475
59 ExplicitWidth = 475
60 end
61 end
62 object edtComment: TCaptionEdit [7]
63 Left = 6
64 Top = 343
65 Width = 523
66 Height = 21
67 TabOrder = 5
68 OnChange = edtCommentChange
69 OnExit = edtCommentExit
70 OnKeyPress = edtCommentKeyPress
71 Caption = 'Comments'
72 end
73 object btnRemove: TButton [8]
74 Left = 536
75 Top = 343
76 Width = 75
77 Height = 21
78 Caption = 'Remove'
79 TabOrder = 4
80 OnClick = btnRemoveClick
81 end
82 object btnSelectAll: TButton [9]
83 Left = 406
84 Top = 326
85 Width = 75
86 Height = 17
87 Caption = 'Select All'
88 TabOrder = 3
89 TabStop = False
90 OnClick = btnSelectAllClick
91 end
92 object pnlMain: TPanel [10]
93 Left = 6
94 Top = 20
95 Width = 612
96 Height = 204
97 Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
98 BevelOuter = bvNone
99 TabOrder = 6
100 object splLeft: TSplitter
101 Left = 204
102 Top = 0
103 Height = 204
104 OnMoved = splLeftMoved
105 end
106 object lbxSection: TORListBox
107 Left = 207
108 Top = 0
109 Width = 405
110 Height = 204
111 Style = lbOwnerDrawFixed
112 Align = alClient
113 ExtendedSelect = False
114 ItemHeight = 16
115 ParentShowHint = False
116 ShowHint = True
117 TabOrder = 1
118 OnClick = clbListClick
119 OnExit = lbxSectionExit
120 OnMouseDown = clbListMouseDown
121 Caption = 'Section Name'
122 ItemTipColor = clWindow
123 LongList = False
124 Pieces = '2'
125 TabPosInPixels = True
126 CheckBoxes = True
127 CheckEntireLine = True
128 OnClickCheck = lbxSectionClickCheck
129 end
130 object pnlLeft: TPanel
131 Left = 0
132 Top = 0
133 Width = 204
134 Height = 204
135 Align = alLeft
136 BevelOuter = bvNone
137 TabOrder = 0
138 DesignSize = (
139 204
140 204)
141 object lbSection: TORListBox
142 Left = 0
143 Top = 0
144 Width = 204
145 Height = 174
146 Align = alTop
147 ItemHeight = 13
148 ParentShowHint = False
149 ShowHint = True
150 TabOrder = 1
151 OnClick = lbSectionClick
152 OnExit = lbSectionExit
153 Caption = 'Section'
154 ItemTipColor = clWindow
155 LongList = False
156 Pieces = '3'
157 CheckEntireLine = True
158 end
159 object btnOther: TButton
160 Left = 65
161 Top = 178
162 Width = 139
163 Height = 21
164 Anchors = [akTop, akRight]
165 Caption = 'Other'
166 TabOrder = 0
167 OnClick = btnOtherClick
168 OnExit = btnOtherExit
169 end
170 end
171 end
172 inherited amgrMain: TVA508AccessibilityManager
173 Left = 24
174 Top = 24
175 Data = (
176 (
177 'Component = edtComment'
178 'Label = lblComment'
179 'Status = stsOK')
180 (
181 'Component = btnRemove'
182 'Status = stsDefault')
183 (
184 'Component = btnSelectAll'
185 'Status = stsDefault')
186 (
187 'Component = pnlMain'
188 'Status = stsDefault')
189 (
190 'Component = lbxSection'
191 'Label = lblList'
192 'Status = stsOK')
193 (
194 'Component = pnlLeft'
195 'Status = stsDefault')
196 (
197 'Component = lbSection'
198 'Label = lblSection'
199 'Status = stsOK')
200 (
201 'Component = btnOther'
202 'Status = stsDefault')
203 (
204 'Component = pnlGrid'
205 'Status = stsDefault')
206 (
207 'Component = lbGrid'
208 'Status = stsDefault')
209 (
210 'Component = hcGrid'
211 'Status = stsDefault')
212 (
213 'Component = btnOK'
214 'Status = stsDefault')
215 (
216 'Component = btnCancel'
217 'Status = stsDefault')
218 (
219 'Component = frmPCEBaseMain'
220 'Status = stsDefault'))
221 end
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