unit fPCEOther; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, fAutoSz, ORFn, ORCtrls, StdCtrls, VA508AccessibilityManager; type TfrmPCEOther = class(TfrmAutoSz) cmdCancel: TButton; cmdOK: TButton; cboOther: TORComboBox; procedure cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cboOtherDblClick(Sender: TObject); procedure cboOtherChange(Sender: TObject); private fOtherApp: Integer; FCode: string; procedure SetApp(OtherApp: Integer); public { Public declarations } end; procedure OtherLookup(var Code: string; OtherApp: Integer); implementation {$R *.DFM} uses rPCE, fEncounterFrame; procedure OtherLookup(var Code: string; OtherApp: Integer); var frmPCEOther: TfrmPCEOther; begin frmPCEOther := TfrmPCEOther.Create(Application); try ResizeFormToFont(TForm(frmPCEOther)); frmPCEOther.SetApp(OtherApp); frmPCEOther.ShowModal; Code := frmPCEOther.FCode; finally frmPCEOther.Free; end; end; procedure TfrmPCEOther.SetApp(OtherApp: Integer); begin fOtherApp := OtherApp; case OtherApp of PCE_IMM: Caption := 'Other Immunizations'; PCE_SK: Caption := 'Other Skin Tests'; PCE_PED: Caption := 'Other Education Topics'; // PCE_HF: Caption := 'Other Health Factors'; PCE_XAM: Caption := 'Other Examinations'; end; cboOther.Caption := Caption; LoadcboOther(cboOther.Items, uEncPCEData.Location, OtherApp); end; procedure TfrmPCEOther.cmdOKClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; with cboOther do begin if ItemIndex = -1 then Exit; FCode := CboOther.Items[ItemIndex]; // Close; end; end; procedure TfrmPCEOther.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; FCode := ''; end; procedure TfrmPCEOther.cmdCancelClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; fCode := ''; close(); end; procedure TfrmPCEOther.cboOtherDblClick(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; cmdOKClick(Sender); end; procedure TfrmPCEOther.cboOtherChange(Sender: TObject); begin inherited; cmdOK.Enabled := (cboOther.ItemIndex >= 0); end; end.